stillsalvaging · 7 years
@rebelflown​  ♡’ed for a starter with [modern rey]
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Although she’d showered since the last class she’d led it was just recent enough that her skin was still damp -- but at least it was from the shower and not from sweat, and she felt mildly less guilty about collapsing on Poe’s couch. Eyes falling shut as she released a deep sigh, she tilted her face in his direction. “Give me five minutes,” she muttered, one eye opening to peek at him with a little grin.
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viresvoluntatis · 7 years
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                          We are the spark----
                                                                                                                                 promo c. 
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lovedthcstars · 7 years
starter for @rebelflown
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It had been a downright awful day. How many brunettes could be crammed into a room, on the low part of town, with a script in hand when it was the second call in for the movie? When Rey had gotten the call, she’d practically flown over the cafe’s counter, thrown her stained apron into the air and waltzed her way to meet the directors. What she didn’t expect was that it would mean another audition with about fifthy other girls that would end up going... Nowhere.
She’d picked her best, flowing light grey dress for this and pinned her hair into gracious curls, catching the perfect aura a movie set in the war times would need. But before she’d even began to say her lines she had already been thanked for coming in.
The city was buzzing, as it always was at a typical friday night, but there was something else in the air that had the girl through the bar’s door. It was so strange and unique, the way the notes intertwined and formed an entire song — inviting her in. When the bartender asked what she would like, Rey replied ‘martini’ automatically, but her eyes could not come out of that piano, as if a spotlight was right above it. The way the keys played those notes right into her soul. She could practically feel them, how they flowed from melodic sadness into a frenzy of different scales going higher and higher. It was hypnotizing... She had to tell him something.
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amidalaheir · 7 years
@rebelflown wanted THE THING
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The queen was running on Rage Mode, something her grandfather had originally done many years ago. She’d disobeyed her advisers, went against all the advice of her handmaidens, and ultimately listened to her Padawans. They knew their queen was hurting, and so they told her to go to him. Now? Now Padmé Skywalker was storming down the halls of the First Order’s starship. How did she get there? No one knows, but the queen of Naboo was tossing stormtroopers left and right with a twitch of her fingers, lightsaber cutting anyone who dared to go against her in half as she used one of the dead Troopers’ key to get into the room she felt him.
She tossed the Stormtrooper guarding the room into a nearby wall, adding to the carnage she’d already piled up when her dark eyes focused on the First Order’s prisoner. She closed the distance between them, returning her saber to her belt before she reached out and touched his cheek, taking in the sight of her poor Flyboy as her thumb gently stroked the stubble. “Hey, Flyboy.... You gotta wake up, I’m getting you out of here, okay?”
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wolfqueennamedstark · 7 years
{ continued from HERE || @rebelflown​ }
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               “You could say that I’m part of the resistance.” For she definitely was not part of the First Order. They’d taken her family, friends, and now her home. It wasn’t hard to identify the rebel ships from the Order’s. “I’m kind of running, sir. The less you know about me, the better if we are caught. At least they won’t kill you for that.” She was still dressed in the black garb that’s she’d stolen from the laundry room. A boom in the distance made her jump before cowering for shelter. “Please? Can you please just FLY? I would have done it myself if I didn’t need a pilot.”
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xlightsided-blog · 7 years
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       SILENCE had settled over the Falcon. It seemed that everyone had retired for the night; Rey was exhausted, but she knew she could not sleep. She’d spent an hour trying before she’d given up. There was too much on her mind; the fate of the Resistance, Luke, the almost-ally she’d had in Ben. No, in Kylo. He’d chosen his side.           After a while, she’d found herself sitting at a little table on the Falcon, gently flipping through the old Jedi texts she’d lifted from Ahch-To. Beside those texts sat a little cup of warm tea. One thing she’d never known growing up on Jakku was true, spacial cold. It seemed especially colder tonight.         Eventually, she put the books back in a drawer, finding that they did not answer any questions. She was much too tired to continue her pouring and puzzling, but still, she could not sleep.         She heard the sound of footsteps, and her brow furrowed. Was there someone else on this ship who couldn’t sleep? Rey found herself hoping that if so, they’d want to talk. She needed the conversation to pull her from her headache-inducing thoughts.        “Hello?”
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     His footsteps echoed heavily against the metallic floors, his cold gaze focused in front of him. The news traveled fast and the Supreme Leader was eager to get all the information he could out of the Resistance’s precious flyboy.     The door was opened, revealing the person he was looking for held firmly in the all too familiar chair from their first meeting, “Comfortable?” Ren mockingly questioned as he circled to face the pilot, “How many times will we meet like this? Every time I see you, you’re in shackles with your mind screaming your thoughts.”    Ren slowly raised his hand, letting it hover close to the pilot’s head, “Shall I dig around in your mind or will you give me the location of your pathetic resistance scum?”
       @rebelflown starter
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rbeljedi · 7 years
STARTER || @rebelflown
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“How did your little droid end up with a piece of my map?” 
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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       Staring is unavailable. It isn’t the pilot she’s staring at, though, but the craft he is able to fly. She’s seen one before, obviously, but only as a ruin on Jakku. It seems silly now, her helmet and little doll, imagine the life of an X-Wing pilot when there is an X-Wing standing before her in such magnificence. “I’ve never seen one that was in one piece before.”
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landspeeding · 7 years
@rebelflown asked for a DARK SIDE starter.
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          “----your resistance will FAIL, pilot. luke skywalker            isn’t coming to rescue you.”
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lightsiided · 7 years
@rebelflown liked for a long starter !
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     she’s so frustrated that it’s a wonder she hasn’t already just ripped this ship to PIECES, but she can’t figure out what exactly is wrong with it and it’s been HOURS that she’s been working, trying to fix the shrill alarm sound that goes off every time she tries to fire the falcon up.
with a loud, irritated groan, she drops her wrench and scrubs her hands down her face, trying to take a deep breath. a loose switch is rattling precariously just off to her left and she knows that if she doesn’t RELAX, the whole thing is going to wind up accidentally force-blown-up, which is something she’d really like to not have to explain.
making her way slowly down off the ship, she casts her eyes around for someone who can help her. unfortunately, chewy is --- somewhere --- but her eyes light up when they land on bb-8 and, beyond him, poe. she walks over with a smile that she hopes doesn’t look as tense and exhausted as she feels. “hey,” she greets brightly, nodding down at bb-8 as well, “d’you think you could HELP me with something? if you’ve got the time. i’m having a problem on the falcon with the combustible --- i think --- and i’ve been staring at it for hours and it’s driving me completely INSANE.” 
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multimagic · 7 years
random shoutout to @rebelflown for just all around being amazing in every way humanly possible and then some??? miranda, i love you lots <3
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rbeljedi · 7 years
STARTER || @rebelflown
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“Is this your BB-8? It seems... particularly interested in my R2 unit.  Artoo doesn’t make friends easily, I’m afraid.  It’s probably all his cursing, if I’m honest.” 
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queensconquest · 7 years
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   “Welcome back to the hands of the First Order.” The calm, cool, metallic voice is unmistakable as Phasma enters the room where they caught the pilot. She doesn’t have to be involved, her troops and the interrogation droids can get anything. But no, this is to send a message. That she is still alive, a message she wants sent back to the Resistance, to FN-2187. 
   Besides, she’s counting on him escaping. Sure, some of her men will perish, but it’s worth it if her plan goes as it should. If he escapes, he’ll unwittingly doom the Resistance, or at least provide some information via the tracker she had an expert slicer sneak in. Now she circles around to stand in front of him, helmet tilted downwards.
   “I must say, I’m rather surprised they let you out so far. Both a bold and foolish move. Or did you defy orders?” A question, but there’s no accusation to it. Out of the First Order trio, she has little to no interest or hostilities beyond him being a Resistance member. But Hux or Kylo would no doubtedly like to see him. A shame for them they won’t if her plan is to succeed.
[ @rebelflown ]
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stcrkllr · 7 years
The first time Armitage sees  Poe it’s through video footage, a disruption on the bridge was called to his attention and he watches the rebel as he’s captured. A small smile lights his face as the fire in the man is worked down to a smolder by Phasma’s troops. He could tell nearly immediately this man was going to cause trouble, nearly immediately he is calling for an execution order. There would be no rebels left, no this is the year the rebellion is snuffed out permanently. Something the Empire before them had struggled so with. Hux was a different brand, ruthless and willing to  do whatever it takes, he would not underestimate the enemy of his father before him. 
He watches as the man goes kicking. 
The second encounter is more personal, over an intercom, the fiery personality he had seen in the pilot was not something he was incorrect about. His sense of humor was draining, irritating the already aggravated General as he’s spoken to as if he is unheard, as if nothing he’d said had made affect. Any other day he would have noticed the ploy, had seen that this was a distraction. But Snoke and Ren had been particularly taxing that morning, had  drained his sensibilities. If he were to look back on  it, perhaps he would  laugh rather than sneer at the Pilot’s antics, it was a daringness none of his subordinates had beneath him, none would  dare challenge him below Ren. Something Hux never ceased to love was a challenge. 
( @rebelflown  Meme: Description Meme, Status: Accepting) 
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