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hanajime replied to your post: "I'm not sure if you're more intimidating with the...
“Okay but for real, how does anyone take you seriously?”
     “Because they know if they cross me they will get my lightsaber in their gut, or they learn that.”
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@llgeneralhuxll from [ X ]
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     “Now now,” He purred, running his hand across the length of Hux’s jaw. It brought him such joy to see the once proud general in such a fitting state, “Say it all, I want to hear it from your lips.”
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    It happened so quick, Ren hardly had a chance to react. He was already on edge, feeling the pressure of his new title–the many times he could feel the want to betray him from the Order’s ranks, the pressure of needing to find and destroy the Resistance–and it all stacked up.   When he felt the touch on his shoulder, the reflex kicked in and he snapped–literally. He didn’t have a chance to think before biting her hand, pulling back when he finally got a moment to think, “R-rey!” Kylo shot up to stand, clearing his throat and avoiding eye contact, “What are you-why,” he worked to calm down, “why are you here?”
    ( x ) – [ @lcstjedii ]
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    It was his decision to seek her out, to find the girl--or perhaps she should be called a force to be reckoned with. A woman who countered the darkness within him with a burning light. How could she be so strong willed, so focused on the light when she was drawn to the dark?    She was the one to fail, not him. It had to be shown that the light was not the right path but rather the dark.The light offered nothing but pain and suffering, the dark gave power and control.     Kylo Ren’s lips curled into something akin to a smirk, slowly approaching from behind. There was no intention to keep his presence unknown, reaching out with the force.      His voice was low, focused and showing no hint of emotions but a hint of bitterness--close to a growl, “Why do you turn away from the dark? You’ve felt it, and it draws you in, so why fight it?” How could she turn away from it, when the dark felt so right?
         @ourreyofhope starter
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     The dark brown eyes glinted with a hint of mischievous intent beneath the black cloak. It was dangerous to be in the middle of where the Resistance was set up--something that would make the dear general lose his mind, but what was life without a bit of excitement?     Ren slipped between pilots and workers, looking for one particular worker--avoiding any contact with the ones who could easily recognize who he was. This wasn’t about infuriating their base and killing them from the inside. It was all about finding her.    And when he finally caught sight of Rose, the force wielder quickly moved, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close, “I hope you don’t mind if I take you away from your post.” His voice was kept low, perhaps a few of the people giving him strange looks for slinking in and “attacking” one of their maintenance workers, “I want to show you something.”
     @whatwelcve starter
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    The dark enforcer couldn’t help but let the grin slip across his lips, leaning forward a bit to go eye to eye with Hux. Oh, Ren wasn’t much taller than Hux, but he would make every moment he could devote to reminding the general of the height he had over him.     “Are you sure of that, General?” Kylo hummed with amusement, tilting his head a bit, “You have troubles reaching your caf cup on the shelf, I think this may be too high up for you.” He gave a wider grin, “Do you need me to call a Stormtrooper in to give you a boost?”
     ( x ) – [ @derbefehl ]
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     @toastedaussie from [ x ]
“Solo….Solo, where have I heard that before…” The scavenger still shrugged and hummed as he put his arm around the other’s shoulders, pulling him to his side. He leaned down to whisper in his ear. “I like both o’ them. Fit ya both.” He went straight again. “I could call ya Kylo Ben - how’bout that hm?”
     “Oh I have no doubt you’ve heard the name,” there was bitterness in Kylo’s tone, “Everyone’s heard of the infamous smuggler Han Solo--or the brave and influential General Organa.” He hated them, infamous or not, they were terrible parents.       He grimaced at the name, side-glancing to Jamison, “I’d rather just Kylo Ren. Ben Solo, any part of it, is a past long gone, dead and should stay that way.”
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     His footsteps echoed heavily against the metallic floors, his cold gaze focused in front of him. The news traveled fast and the Supreme Leader was eager to get all the information he could out of the Resistance’s precious flyboy.     The door was opened, revealing the person he was looking for held firmly in the all too familiar chair from their first meeting, “Comfortable?” Ren mockingly questioned as he circled to face the pilot, “How many times will we meet like this? Every time I see you, you’re in shackles with your mind screaming your thoughts.”    Ren slowly raised his hand, letting it hover close to the pilot’s head, “Shall I dig around in your mind or will you give me the location of your pathetic resistance scum?”
       @rebelflown starter
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     Rey, he could feel it. The shift in the force around him. The light pestering him, trying to slither through the suffocating darkness. What was she doing here, away from the Resistance and even the First Order. Was it a will to try to save him again, to bring back Ben Solo?      Slowly his attention turned up, opening his eyes. For a moment he took in the feeling, the swelling of darkness fighting against the rising light.      “Why are you here?” The words of Kylo Ren were flat, a scowl forming on his lips.Turning, the dark eyes focused on hers. So many times seeing her, seeing the light radiating off her, “Have you came to stop me, or to try to turn me away from the darkness?” To turn away from the darkside, the only thing that ever made him feel like something, was something he didn’t want. He couldn’t do it.
         @forceconvergence starter
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    Secrets were plentiful with Snoke. Secrets held to one apprentice that the others didn’t know, and secrets none of them knew. With his death those secrets were washed away, forgotten save for the few that knew them. To start with a new slate would be difficult for the new Supreme Leader with all the unknown. Already there were struggles to overcome--specifically the disorder his rule had began with. Rebels escaping, his unstable temperament, it was all showing a horrible start.     His footsteps heavily echoed against the metallic walls as he marched towards the throne room, now empty and waiting to be taken by the new Leader. There was a secret Kylo Ren had to figure out, a meeting that was due in mere moments. What would come from this reveal? Part of him trembled with anticipation of the discovery.     Slowly, at a sauntering pace, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren entered into the vacant throne room. Listening, he approached the empty throne. The sounds of approach bring a rush of energy through his system, institutionally a hand rests against his lightsaber. He could feel it, the lingering sense of a battle.
      @dvrksiider starter
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     The force never ceased to confuse and surprise him. After such a harsh exchange of words and going their separate ways, Ren had never expected to see the scavenger again, but here they were: face to face with their hands hovering near their weapon.     “Tell me,” his voice had a small edge of ice to it, “Do you still think you are nothing to the galaxy?”
       @jakkutie short starter
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    He approached her quietly, eyes glimmering. It wasn’t the same look he had when he would approach Rose before–everything had changed within him when the darkness took over. Kylo’s hand gently grabbed her shoulder before turning her around, his other hand resting on her hip.    Then, a kiss was planted on her lips, a quick one before he gave a bite to her lower lip–hard enough to pierce through skin and cause a small trickle of blood. Softly humming Kylo pulled her close, swaying a bit side to side before another kiss was delivered. 
    ( x ) – [ @whatwelcve ]
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     There was no hesitation, no doubting thoughts about his actions–Ren know exactly what he wanted to do. The target was the dear general, and he knew his game plan. His cape gently waved as his steps carried him to the usual location of the general when not lingering over the officers on the bridge.       Kylo smiled, quickly finding the redheaded general before approaching him. He could see the grimace on the man’s face even before the expression was even in his sights.  He pulled the general in by the hips, slightly dipping him so his torso was slightly bent backward, then gave a hard bite to his neck–not enough to break the skin, and he left a kiss against the afflicted area. Then, just like that he lifted the general back to his position and walked out of the room, all the while grinning to himself. 
    ( x ) – [ @derbefehl ]
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"I will hurt you. That's just a fact."
     Ren eyed Hux, giving no facial cue to how he was feeling about what the general had told him. Only a small flicker of amusement reflected in his dark-hued eyes. Wasn’t that exactly what their relationship was built on? Pain, inflicting as much hurt on each other as they could. Always at each other’s throats like the rabid cur Hux was.      He hummed, gently lifting Hux’s chin with a light grip, his thumb resting just on his chin, “That’s why I keep you around, General,” a smile slipped onto his lips, “You give me a challenge, some pain to keep me going.”
    ( x ) – [ @derbefehl ]
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     The black cape swayed against the rushing air as each TIE Fighter landed. Every pilot bowed their heads passing by their Supreme Leader, paying their respects quickly before going to report in. The one Ren was specifically looking for came into view, a sliver of a curl to his lips, “Dameron, may I have a word with you?”
     @sithpoedameron  short starter
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     Ben grinned as he entered their room inside their grandfather’s home, jumping onto Matt’s bed, “Matt! You gotta see this.” He didn’t wait before showing the ouija board to his twin, “I found this in grandpa’s attic, probably after grandma made him get rid of it he threw up it there. You know what this means?” A devious grin spread across his lips, not giving his twin time to respond, before grabbing his hand, “Come on, let’s go try to summon a demon or something!”
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