desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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“The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: ‘If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?” ind capt america. penned by k80. promo template credit
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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DO YOU LIKE BRAVE SPACE LADIES??? HOW ABOUT SPACE DUDES WITH GOOD HAIR?? Then boy, do I have a place for you! @toofcndly is a star wars multi-muse that inclues LEIA ORGANA, OBI-WAN KENOBI, PADME AMIDALA, SHARA BEY, CASSIAN ANDOR, THANE KYRELL, and MORE! we’ve even thrown in a couple ocs! So if you like star wars, or space in general, come on down to toofcndly!
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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DO YOU LIKE BRAVE SPACE LADIES??? HOW ABOUT SPACE DUDES WITH GOOD HAIR?? Then boy, do I have a place for you! @toofcndly is a star wars multi-muse that inclues LEIA ORGANA, OBI-WAN KENOBI, PADME AMIDALA, SHARA BEY, CASSIAN ANDOR, THANE KYRELL, and MORE! we’ve even thrown in a couple ocs! So if you like star wars, or space in general, come on down to toofcndly!
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
Well. Time to go into the ocean again. I really don't want to go.
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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DO YOU LIKE BRAVE SPACE LADIES??? HOW ABOUT SPACE DUDES WITH GOOD HAIR?? Then boy, do I have a place for you! @toofcndly is a star wars multi-muse that inclues LEIA ORGANA, OBI-WAN KENOBI, PADME AMIDALA, SHARA BEY, CASSIAN ANDOR, THANE KYRELL, and MORE! we’ve even thrown in a couple ocs! So if you like star wars, or space in general, come on down to toofcndly!
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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DO YOU LIKE BRAVE SPACE LADIES??? HOW ABOUT SPACE DUDES WITH GOOD HAIR?? Then boy, do I have a place for you! @toofcndly is a star wars multi-muse that inclues LEIA ORGANA, OBI-WAN KENOBI, PADME AMIDALA, SHARA BEY, CASSIAN ANDOR, THANE KYRELL, and MORE! we’ve even thrown in a couple ocs! So if you like star wars, or space in general, come on down to toofcndly!
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
Guys I'm home
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
I will be home tomorrow!!!! And then I get all weekend (minus like three hours for a work thing) to do replies and make icons and work on a new blog (not getting rid of Rey, just also gonna consolidate my other sw muses).
I can’t wait to be home guys.
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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       She cringed at the idea that she would fight him. Yes, she had a tendancy to fight anything that got in her way, but they were on the same side. Actions mirroring his, her fingers dragged thought her hair. How was she supposed to explain this? Did it matter? Would they only care that she had the information and not how she got it? The intention was to help the Resistance, and, even if Ben did his best to hide information from her, the Force bond had certainly given her enough to work with. Could she really deny them that knowledge because she was afraid? No. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t.
       “I know where the First Order is going next.”
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        She wished she could explain, give some sort of credibility to the information she could provide. And yet, with her sense of belonging still fresh and fragile, she was afraid to give it up. It would shatter, fade away to dust that she would never be able to reclaim. “You can ask, but I can’t answer.” Throw rank? Her eyes narrowed, trying to piece together what he meant. Would he try to use his position in the Resistance to force her? She thought back to what Kylo Ren had done, and she shuddered. “You can try to make me, but it won’t work.”
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    she was defensive over what information she had, so poe had to reconsider his approach. he never enjoyed having to be formal, to have to discuss rank and walk like he had a stick up his ass. a sigh, he ran his hand through his hair. ❛ oh i believe you can beat me in a fight, that’s not a question i need answered. ❜ to nuance his words, he held his hands up in a surrender pose. ❛ i’m not going to make you do anything, rey. you’re your own person here. ❜ he looked around, making sure it was just the two of them. once he confirmed it was only them, and nobody (including a certain beebee unit) was around, he moved a little closer. ❛ i won’t push it, but my ears are open if you change your mind. ❜
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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In this moment, he could truly tell how HOPELESS Ben Solo had become. After all the years of torment and anguish he had found what he thought was himself — what he thought he was meant to be, yet standing here he felt the familiar lack of identity. The two people who tormented his mind and heart the most over the years had now been turned to dust, he was free. Wasn’t he?
Rey knew his mother for what? A few months? A year at most? Yet she could elegantly stand before all of them as if she knew her her entire life, and he couldn’t even truly be there. Leia wouldn’t have wanted him here, not like this, not being who he is now. Had he returned with Rey he was sure he’d be accepted with open arms to see his mother off, but now it was just the three of them.
His hands were cold and his stare frozen on his mother. It took a moment before his feet moved for him, getting closer and closer before stopping a foot away, and falling to his knees. Physically exhausted his arms sink to his side and his head remains upright. Nothing he could say now would make a difference. 
“I’m sorry,” He whispers, barely audible. 
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        She was at a disadvantage here. Years of isolation, of staying away from others, had lefter with not even the slightest clue of how to react. If she disregard her own parents, the shades of people she had never truly known, and her brief acquaintance with Han Solo and Master Skywalker, well, Leia had been the only person to take care of her, to care for her, that had joined the Force. The general had been kindness incarnate, making sure that Rey had what she needed in the wide galaxy. Han had been a punch to the gut. Luke had been a quiet farewell. Leia was a hole in her, in the whole Resistance, that there was no hope of filling.
        Poe was already starting to take up some of her duties, naturally stepping into the role of organizing the Resistance in case the First Order tried to use Leia’s death as a sign that they were weak. Yes, they were weaker without Leia Organa, and yet that weakness made them strong. Even in death she was a beacon of light, bringing hope to those souls that wandered in darkness. Rey couldn’t help but wonder if it was her light that had called Ben here.
        “There was no pain.” Would that be a relief? Certainly, if he had been paying attention to the Force, he would know that. “She was at peace with it. I think.”
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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“Any time any of you have wanted to go back to Jakku, it’s gone badly.” There’s a smile in his voice, though. After a moment, it reaches his face. He can’t stand the idea of them being separated again. In the end, it hadn’t been that long. He’d been asleep for half of it. 
But it felt like a lifetime. 
“I understand.” He can’t empathize, not really. There’s nothing from Finn’s old life that he wants back, because there was nothing he owned. Nothing material. No friendships - the closest thing he’d had to a friend was dead, now, gone the same day that Finn defected. 
“If you want me to go with you, I’d be honored.” 
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        “Well, Jakku tends to have that sort of effect on things.” Whatever was good went bad, and bad just became worse until it was nearly unbearable. She would know, she’d lived there long enough. It was just sand and sun and bad. But it had been home, and she had learned to live in the scorching desert with some measure of her own fabricated happiness. Now that she had the real thing, though, a real family through bond, she wasn’t ever going to let go of that. 
         “Pack your bags then. Leia needed Chewie for another mission, so he’s letting us use the Falcon. Think you can handle copilot?” Part of her was sure the Wookie was only letting her use the Falcon because it acted as a tether, a light to bring her home. And because he knew she would bring it back in one piece. 
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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BB-8: astromech droid
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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Are you offering me a job?
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
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    his gaze is concerning as she asks him the question. he decided to not answer, not willing to be so open when he’s around a stranger. looking at bb8, the droid looked back up at him and beeped concerned as well. ❛ he’ll fit. he has to. ❜ the droid beeped something about it being unsafe, but poe didn’t care. picking up his best friend, he makes his way to the speeder. ❛ i’m poe, by the way. poe dameron. thanks for helping us, it means more than i could ever begin to express. ❜ his blaster was tucked away, hidden out of sight just in case he needed to protect himself or even the scavenger as well.
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          Her gaze shifted back to the droid, trying to figure out a way to get him attached to the speeder. She doubted the net was sturdy enough, meant only for scraps to trade. “No, really, he won’t fit. If he has to come, we’ll have to walk.” And it would take so much longer, much longer than they had before suns set. “I’m Rey.” One simple word, missing the family name similar to what he had provided. It still stung, still felt like there was a hole there. And the gratitude didn’t sit well, either. It implied something bigger, the inability to express. “If we walk, I hope you have something to defend yourself with.”
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desertjedii-blog · 7 years
desertjedii continued bc i’m damerey trash.
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       ❛ i know, i’m sorry. ❜ he was quick to change, zipping up his flight suit before walking back to her side of the bed. he leaned over, giving her a good morning kiss. it was only the first of many he would give her before he officially left. he had some time to kill, so why not spend it with her? he enjoyed her hair while it was down, as he often found his fingers running through some of the strands that rested on top of her shoulder. he could do five minutes, and another kiss. his new position was hard to get used to, which made him appreciative of having rey by his side. ❛ this fuel is needed, and i need to be there. imagine how good this could be for us. ❜
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            She could admit, at least, that she did love the sight of him in that uniform. Which was surprising since, growing up on Jakku, she never really imagined loving anything like this. Watching him move, hearing his voice, feeling his touch. She loved it all. His dedication to the Resistance, to doing what was right. She couldn’t fault him for that, even if she did wish he could just stay in bed with her. It would’ve been a nice distraction, at least, from training and reading the old Jedi texts. She leaned toward him as he kissed her, wanting to soak up as much of him as she could “You could at least let me come with you.”
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