#really shows how bmc has affected me
toontownportraits · 1 year
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fanaticastrid · 19 days
I'm ALREADY thinking of a damn sequel for Don't Freak Out, Don't Resist when the first chapter isn't even written yet. BRAIN. STOP.
Anyway, I'm going to take the opportunity to yap about DFODR because BMC brainrot still going strong. Why? Because I'm bored.
So- first yapfest? What else but Observer?! They're Esther's SQUIP- she's one of the two main POVs, the other being, you guessed it, Observer (no spoilers on the third, it's only once or twice anyways!) and the antagonist. I'm aiming for something like this for their portrayal: the crack child of Vox and Bill Cypher that was raised by Pilot Alastor before being promptly dumped in the woods and later found by Mr. Puzzles. In short, completely unhinged, manipulative, and dangerous, yet still somehow fun (in a chaotic way), mentorly, charismatic, and of course they love to help and keep you-well, Esther- safe! They care!
Heck, this is an early version of their introduction currently in mind:
"ESTHER STEPHENSON!" The gray man bellowed excitedly. He reached for my hand and shook it vigoriously, and I noticed that he didn't feel solid, exactly. More like... I don't know, a vibrating glass? It was hard to describe it, but I felt a small buzz where he grabbed me. "Quite a pleasure, darling! Quite the pleasure indeed. I am your Super Quatum Unit Intel Processor- your SQUIP."
He flexed his hand, and a cane manifested from what look liked pixels appeared in his hand. The cane, which was long enough to also be considered a staff, had a blue orb on the top. An eye winked open on it, staring curiously at me. "Although, you may call me Observer," the man said, shooting me such a wide, bright smile that hurt to look at.
Observer has their own plans, and Esther is the unfortunate innocent soul caught in it. I'm honestly excited to REALLY show Observer's evil side here with how irredeemably CRUEL they are. This is a character I WANT people to hate and also love them for it.
Things follow the same formula as the musical, more or less: outcast wants to improve life, takes a thing that seemingly helps at first only for things to go south and eventually be a matter of stopping a world domination plot. With Observer, that means total control of humanity and the rest of SQUIPkind, all in the name of keeping Esther happy and safe! To them, Esther's happiness and health are a priority as it can affect them too! They do care about Esther- they're just going to VERY extreme lengths to do that and also make sure other humans and SQUIPs will be safe, too. It's all about self preservation!
Next yapfest, Esther herself! Struggling with college and a terrible job with a SQUIP crazy boss that keeps pushing her to get one, she gets tricked into taking a strange SQUIP pill- one that turns out to be Observer. At first she hates the new addition, but comes to appreciate her SQUIP's usefulness, listening to their words: don't freak out, don't resist!...theeeen things get fishy, and almost too late does Esther realize Observer's true intentions with her massive friend group.
Much like DLAU Lester, I had no idea what to do for her personality, so I just used myself as a template. I'm sure you can tell where Esther gets her stubbornness lol... I kinda think her and Obsy might have a sort of sibling dynamic once we get to the midway point, but who knows. It's still early.
And the third yappening... a certain purple themed SQUIP, Observer's nemesis will be in the story. I want more time for them, but so far I only know 2 times- the "You Know That Guy, Obsy?" scene and the finale. Scribe is important, and he deserves time in the spotlight.
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heeres-suffering · 4 years
Be More Alluring: a Personality Swap AU
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[pic description and source will be at the bottom of this post, under the read more]
Start of summary:
“You need to be more alluring.”
"... don’t you mean attractive?”
“I do not. Your attractiveness is adequate, Brooke; if you want to mask your apparently latent queerness, you have to make them want you straight. Isn’t that why your step-father defended you?” 
Brooke Lohst is a loser.
But you know what? That was okay.
She always knew she was a weird one. The intensity of her affection for puppies, picture books, and near-constant daydreaming has lasted well-past a normalcy she can’t seem to grasp; when coupled with her inability to befriend anyone (besides the similarly self-identified loser Michael Mell), it’s not a surprise the rest of her peers have left her behind.
However, there were... ah, worse things in her life to worry about then some mild bullying. She liked her passion well enough, and all of her true insecurities went largely unnoticed, so any insults or weird looks rarely lingered in her mind. It’s not like she was a constant target either, which helped a lot. All in all, she just planned to hunker down, wait out the awkwardness of High School like everyone else, and move on to the rest of her life... 
When Brooke develops a crush on a girl she’s never talked to, after years of avoiding fairy tale romance and trying not to think about the inevitability of marriage (or how finicky her attraction to boys is in the first place), it feels like her whole world is about to cave in. She’d do anything to make sure her parents, especially daddy, never find out... including buying an edible super computer from the loudest, tiniest guy in school.
End of summary.
Hi, hello, it’s Mod Seb, and here’s an AU I’ve been rolling around for a few days! You are free to do with this concept whatever you want, but I wanted to introduce it with a good chunk of the info I’ve already worked out in my head.
So. As the CWs are... too numerous, I’m going to go with a blanket “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat” label and encourage you not to read the rest of this if you have any big darkfic triggers that could be upset by mere mention; this isn’t a fic tho, so descriptions of anything awful won’t last long. 
Although, I will mention upfront that Brooke isn’t a binary lesbian. I know the description might read like I’m setting her up to be 100% homosexual; she’s bi with a strong preference for girls, and anyone who presents soft enough in gender or appearance. If it wasn’t for the end-game pairings, her unfamiliarity with smaller details/history of the LGBTQ+ community, and general “gay newb” status, she’d likely ID as a bi lesbian!
(ships and everything else under the Read More)
Okay. That out of the way, there’s quite a number of pairings; I’m pretty sure it’s a super polyamorous and sexual AU, though you’re free to change this list as much as you’d like:
[bolded are end-game ships. italics physically hook up at least once. strike-through means they were in a relationship but break-up in some way before the ending. (H) stands for healthy, while (T) is toxic and/or noncon. underlined characters are pining for the other and may never confess their true feelings]
Brooke/Christine (H), Brooke/Rich (H), Brooke/Jenna (H), Brooke/Michael (H), Brooke/Chloe (T), Brooke/her Daddy (T), Brooke/Squip (H), Brooke/Jeremy (soft T at first bc of mirrored canon-compliant manipulation, H later on), Brooke/Squip/Jeremy (H), Brooke/Squip/Jeremy/Rich (H), Rich/Moses (H), [insert every form of Rich/Mo/Squip/Jeremy here] (H), Jeremy/Chloe (T), Jeremy/Michael (H), Michael/Christine (H), Michael/Christine/Mr. Heere (H; no, seriously), Madeline/Brooke (H)
This is, of course, a role swap AU where Brooke and Jeremy trade places based on my personal lore for their home lives. I always have some pretty fucked ideas as I don’t imagine MB is a great place with great adults, and I pick and choose which parts of canons I use and which I don’t. 
There is no definite ending planned in mind as this isn’t an outline; it’s meta (or an imagine or w/e) for an AU that you’re free to do whatever with. 
The big difference is that Brooke was picked by Michael, while Jeremy was picked by Chloe. Jeremy is trans and hadn’t come out yet; if Chloe had known he was a boy, she wouldn’t have grabbed him. In contrast, Michael’s never gave a shit about potential friends genders.
Jer and B’s personalities... are altered some. Not ALL the way, but kiiinda fusing into their roles, kinda tweaked (I'll get back to that).
The main point of this for me was Brooke/Squip/Jeremy, with B/Jer having a MUCH stronger focus than in canon, and a really bad Chloe acting as one of the major villains.
Michael gets roped into Chloe’s shit, even tho he's still generally a good guy here, bc he's worried about B and thinks she can't properly take care of herself.
While B DOES have a strong crush on Christine, she’s the opposite of the Squip’s “goal”; that’s (obvs) masking, or making passably digestible, her queerness.
Her Mom and step-’Daddy’ have reacted to her friendship w/ ‘openly gay moms, also very flamboyant and GNC’ Michael... poorly.
Michael thinks the solution has to be “act as aggressively yourself as you can, and if they reject you, you know me and the mom’s have a space for you”. This works for him bc he’s permanently hyper-visible, what with all of his own marginalized identities. But, not only has she flied under the radar in comparison to him for years, he doesn’t know everything about her life.
In fact, he doesn’t know most of it. She’s very good at hiding things.
Meanwhile, Jeremy, one of the more popular ‘boy... ish’ (we’ll get to this, too) people in school, is mid-psychosis and self-destruction. He actually has schizo-affective disorder--as is the case with all of my versions of Jeremy--which he needs medication for. Combined that with so many bad influences and trauma, he can no longer fully control himself or his life.
The way he handles this (badly) is to ‘whore around’--which, besides being Chloe’s pet, is kinda why he’s so popular. Nobody respects him, but he’s viewed some form of favorably.
Jeremy is in a relationship with Rich, but he won't let him get as close/protective as Rich wants; Mo and Rich were doing their own man-whoring (but healthy, just droppin’ panties and making dudes and chicks swoon--yeah, Rich is out as bisexual, this is a very ‘the Squips are a good thing’ AU) to gain their standard reputation, but in the course of that, they got together with Jeremy and it became... complicated. Both of them are very "nnn" about how bad his life is for Jer.
The way that their personalities are altered is... okay. To explain this, I have to talk about my characterization of canon-Brooke and Jeremy in relation to this, starting with Brooke:
I imagine B as just a liiittle below the line of "all the way there" for sorta-similar reasons to Jeremy here: trauma, and Chloe (which is why that’s what Jeremy gets in this, it’s just WAY worse when compounded by everything else). She’s also--like me, and like almost every character I write as a result--autistic, in a near-permanent state of “not enough accommodations” and over-stimulation. This leads to a lot of dissociation and a very wandering mind, as well as being perceived as a bimbo or dumb blonde or w/e misogynistic bullshit is projected onto her by the boys she dates (she’s also much more down the middle bi outside this AU).
So, going back to how she is for this AU: she's actually not super nerdy, despite the close connection she and Michael have. Honestly, it’s their general neurodivergent weirdness that bring them together, and so she’s mostly adopted her nerdy interests through him, whether directly a thing he likes, or finding a whimsical variant that fits her tastes.
Obviously, unlike Jeremy, she doesn’t mind being called a loser. She does any insinuation she might be queer. This including anyone who calls her gay or a dyke.
She has too much Cis Male Trauma (unlike canon, where it comes from both cis angles) to really entertain the idea of a Traditionally Male Partner. This means she skews HEAVILY towards hard GNC guys at the very least, and generally finds herself most interested in the idea of enbies and women. she's also not super into butches tho, bc her trauma mixing with her sexuality has latched on to Strong Masc People Are A Threat. 
An expansion on her interests, in canon and otherwise: animals, ASMR/sensual service work (including massages and stuff), spending hours just sorta sitting by herself and letting her imagination wander, fairy tales, and YA-and-under fantasy books.
(Here, she tries to avoid het or f/f romance... except that, this past year or two, she’s started really like m/m stuff--esp after getting REALLY into drag shows, which she could enjoy safely since girls like Chloe have gotten into them too; in canon, she’s a romance fanatic)
Now... this is one of the really darkfic element; she's fucking her step-dad. 
She does this so that he doesn't walk out on her, her mom, and her little sister*. Her mom has a good-enough job as a standard office woman, but he makes enough to pay the rent on their nice townhouse and all the bills she can’t. So, after he expressed interest in Brooke and then casually mentioned he could always just leave if she wasn’t comfortable, she reluctantly entered a relationship with him
(* = her sister is currently know as her brother; he’s like 12 or 13, and started showing signs of trans/queerness which have been Heavily Discouraged. Brooke worries about him a lot)
((I didn’t use she/her pronouns bc I’m not entirely sure he would change them? This is an OC Oli created at the beginning of our interest in BMC, and we haven’t worked on him at all since, so how his characterization will be is up in the air))
Canonically, Brooke's "in love" with her daddy, which is a self-imposed delusion; if she actually addressed it, she’d says she’s well aware that’s not true, but it's so much easier to pretend when you’re cornered like that. Brooke’s life blows.
She’s a lot more honest to herself about hating him here; still, she tries to be as polite and generally-friendly as she can, doing what he says whenever he wants.
OKAY, THAT’S BROOKE. If any of that is badly described or potentially-offensive, it’s just bc I glossed over SO MUCH DETAIL, even in that amount of it!
So. Jeremy.
I don’t have to go over him much and we’re all mostly aware of how I feel about him and also I don’t have the energy to do this again--
(just... read my fics The Devil at your Door or hello yesterday or something... eyyy actually do that, my ao3 username is Sedusa, blah blah blah ANYWAY)
--but basically: He's still very nerdy, like, he’s super into film as well as video games (which is another constant for me), but after being largely ignored in elementary, he's been trailing behind Chloe at her orders since they were in 6th grade. As a result he isn't very open about... any of his interests.
In 7th grade, he came out as trans to everyone. Chloe was furious, but at the same time, intrigued; this was around the time Chloe gets her own... ah shit I gotta go into that too--
--yet another hc of mine is that Chloe gets a Squip on accident around this time at a party (there was one in a “”candy bowl””), and from there, she claws her way up the ladder. I... will not go into that much, but her Squip was crippled by the drugs and alcohol in her system, and therefore largely at her mercy. She’s used his power to manipulate certain things about herself and to sharpen her focus on popularity to the point she’s full-blown Alpha Bitch.
Man, I’ve had to go on so many tangents, I apologize.
Anyway, she drags Jeremy around as a punching bag. She constantly mocks Jeremy's transness, even though she usually calls him by his correct name and pronouns.
This has made the rest of the school follow her lead, hence why I said “boy-ish”; he’s popular, he’s technically ‘well liked’, but nobody really takes him seriously. This is compounded by Chloe’s refusal to let him dress in 'dorky' casual clothes, and, as he’s both too poor to afford designer clothes and also generally hates popular guy fashion, he has to wear the hyper femme clothing Chloe specifically tells him too/
As such, people call him a boy but largely see him as either an idiot, a slut, an attention seeker, or all of the above.
So of course, in Brooke's place, his neurodivergence is more prominent than ever; every day he slips further into this psychosis and self-infantilization haze, as his his mom leaving, his dad severely depressed, Chloe's sexual violence, and other repressed trauma (see: my fic hello yesterday on ao3) all weighing on him. This makes him INCREDIBLY regressed, like, all the time by Junior year.
And then Brooke's Squip (IE: canon Squip) falls in love with Jeremy extremely fucking hard. He pushes her to date him as a way to compromise on her queer desires, since Jeremy is technically a boy, and certainly a few other straight-ish girls have hooked up with him in the past.
WHEW. That is a fucking lot. To wrap this up, lemme go over the interpersonal relationships not already mentioned, and what directions I think it takes.
First off, Madeline has a more prominent role, as I quite like her tbh; she’s a sex worker, she has her own Squip, she’s one of Chloe’s most hated enemies, and she gravitates towards both Brooke and Jeremy. She’s also Actually French, Chloe’s just weird.
(Anyway she prolly sees through Brooke’s straight act and asks her why she’s pretending to be a good little cishet. It rattles Brooke.)
Chloe is scum. This bears repeating. She DEFINITELY rapes Brooke at the Halloween party, and becomes obsessed with her, along with already being obsessed with Jeremy and Jake. 
Jake, by the way, has a lot of regressive behavior and impulsiveness bc he’s been in an abusive relationship off and on with Chloe for years now.
Speaking of Jake, moving on to his best bro: Rich doesn’t set himself on fire. He’s having a good time with his Squip.
He IS set on fire at the Halloween party.
Instead of the Smartphone Hour being about Rich's instability, it's actually about the mystery of Someone Did It To Him But No One Saw Who It Was, They Were Disguised.
The answer relates to the fact that Rich and Brooke are ALSO hooking up, after she’s already with Jeremy, bc he Properly introduces her to him and the three of them hit it off really well.
(She initially wasn’t interested, but while Rich is loud and still kinda abrasive, his Squip doesn’t drive him to act like a bully--and in private, his nerdiness is really obvious and he’s extremely gentle with her and Jeremy. Add to that that he’s bi and trans*, when Brooke connects best w/ queer men over cishet one, and it off-sets his masc-ness enough to make him an Exception.
* = I always imagine him as trans. See: all of Vanceypants fics.)
Sooo... the culprit is actually Brooke's daddy, who sees her with this obvious heartthrob and Cannot let that be.
Chloe convinces Michael that the Squips are Very Very Bad and has him team up with her to force Brooke into drinking Red, with the intention to convince him to kill himself after to get him out of the way, bc she’s really going nuts at this point.
Eventually, he snaps out of it when he and Christine get together (he’s thought he was Full Homo all of his life, but Christine’s prolly genderqueer-ness makes him realize “oh shit, I’m bisexual”) and she starts to question why he’s acting the way he is towards Christine.
He also definitely has a crush on Jeremy and during his time with Chloe he kinda tried to flirt a little but couldn’t really... he’s not up for dating someone as sexually active and a push-over as Jeremy is in this.
However, when he snaps out of Chloe’s manipulation, he and Christine approach Mr. Heere to convince him to straighten up and help Jeremy and also bc they really need an adult to successfully fight Chloe.
This requires a month+ of Christine getting him to see her psychiatrist (the one who prescribes her ADHD meds). Jeremy spends the majority of his time staying with Chloe, and very rarely comes home to gather things or to make sure his dad is eating/still alive, as much as he can remember to in his own haze of mental illness. Anyway, point is, he doesn’t know Christine and Michael are there often... not that, in the course of growing close to Mr. H, they both fall for him hard and it becomes one of my stranger OT3s.
(God, Jeremy goes through a lot of shit in this, tho.)
Pre-Squip, Jenna was kinda-sorta Brooke’s friend--or, well, friendly. However, she’s actually full blown “oh my God she’s wonderful” in love with Brooke.
Brooke isn't aware of that, esp since Jenna tries her not to be around her a lot. She's also trying to hide her own queerness, bc she’s a trans woman and she knows Chloe finding that out would be extremely dangerous.
Eventually, Chloe succeeds in making Brooke take the Red months after canon usually ends, w/o Michael’s help. If you’re curious, Red doesn’t affect her normal Squip bc she’s had him too long and a lot of his receptors and stuff are damaged, so it’s the second one she gets in canon that turns off.
This plan backfires, however, as Brooke’s Squip comes back with a physical body w/ help from Rich and also-bodied-now Moses.
With a body, and shenanigans, Mo and Squip take out Brooke’s daddy too. His life insurance more than makes up for the loss of his income, as it’s a sizable amount. Now that Brooke feels more empowered and strong, she overrides her mother’s neglectfulness and takes control of the household w/ her boyfriends*, comes out as queer, helps her sister transition, and begin to heal from all of this trauma.
(* = Rich and Mo move in, as does Jeremy eventually, after graduation; Jeremy gets a psychiatrist and a therapist and prolly has to go through some intense outpatient care and possibly a stay in the hospital, before finally making major breakthroughs and looking like himself again. The five of them are now happy and in love.)
Chloe, after her arm gets twisted by the Squip’s protective presence so thoroughly, gives up on Jeremy and Brooke to focus on Jake. This too gets abandoned when Rich and Mo help him cut her off, and so she stays in her own popularity bubble, bitter, until graduating and going to a community college in a different state.
All in all, things work out well in the end, but getting there is a long, difficult process. This AU fascinates me immensely and feels like a great way to examine some of my really dark headcanons about MB, as I think it’s a town similar to Derry in Stephen King’s IT--as in, just chronically The Worst Place Ever, with this, like, miasma of low-key despair around it. People adjust and don’t question it, which is why so much of BMC is this flippant dark humor in the face of some highly questionable shit.
I’m so sorry this post is so long (I’ll be uploading it to AU under my usual Sedusa account, as metas like this are more than allowed), but I really adore these characters and the way they can be twisted around, so I had a lot to say!
Thank you for reading <3
-mod Seb
image description: virtual-like stairs pointed forward and bathed in neon yellow and blue to represent Brook and Jeremy, which I’ve modified from the original blue-only design.
source: x (link description: a free Wallpaper Flare image that I found off Google Image’s “filtered by ‘labeled and reuse with modification” feature) 
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flightysquip · 5 years
OH SPEAKING OF, when you’re feeling up to it, do you writing little bios of the Idol family and a really loose explanation about the AU (and how it ties to BMC), which I could follow up with some thoughts? I want to have a quick ref to give to people who wanna know more about the family.
I took some creative liberties here, which of course means some details are absolutely up for interpretation and okay to be changed.  
The Idolodulia family as a whole is a broad network of interconnected biological, adopted, and politically tethered clusters of individuals with overlapping goals of power, unity, strength, and efficient domination.  While going into the lore, history, customs, and minutiae of the entirety of this family would frankly take more time than we have here, I’m going to specifically focus on the main branch, the Godhead line itself, the absolute, bordering on monarch head of the branches as a whole.
This is a very loose BMC au, in which the Squip is the human heir to the dynasty.  While much of the dark elements are left up to interpretation and implication within this document, this family has a sordid history at best.  Warning moving forward for elements of: rape, grooming, incest, patricide, abuse (physical, neglect, psychological, sexual), fetishization, forced marriages, and the brutal cycles of continued trauma.  
Some glossaries of terms and abbreviations:
Idol: casual abbreviation of the chosen surname of the family.  Idolodulia sounds like an artificial name, and that’s absolutely because it is.  It was chosen many generations back.  It’s also a serious mouthful and can get tedious to talk.  I use the full last name and the abbreviated Idol interchangeably, there’s no distinct difference between when I choose one over the other.
Godhead: The anglified term used to denote the head of the family.  Some branches use the term for their own house patriarch or matriarch, but it will be used only within that house’s walls, and only in the lowercase.  The capital G Godhead is the actual ruler of the Idols, and is in charge of maintaining order, creating new family laws, keeping track of rituals and customs, and is, of course, expected to produce at least one heir.  It’s not unusual for the Godhead of the family to simply go by this title once they take control of the family and forgo use of their actual given name.  
GH: diminutive abbreviation of Godhead.  Can be used as an affectionate nickname, but generally is considered a sign of disrespect for a subordinate to shorten the title in this way.  Rules have grown more lax about this over generations, however.  In this document, I will use Godhead when speaking about the position in a general sense, and GH when I am referring to The Squip specifically
Bride: the most commonly used vernacular to refer to the Godhead’s primary/heir-producing wife.  Bride is a recognized gender neutral term within family lore.
Heir: the child chosen to carry on the family line and take over the position of power.  Usually the first born, most often male, typically heavily trained up until the time they usurp the outgoing Godhead’s position of power.
Aunts and Uncles: general term for any non-direct adult relative to the main family.  An Uncle is not necessarily a sibling of the patriarchal head
Cousin: general term for any non-direct minor relative to the main family.  
FH: unofficial term referring to the outgoing Godhead of the family.  Stands for Fatherhead.  It’s not his actual name or title, it’s just funny and sort of stuck as unofficial shorthand to refer to GH’s (the Squip’s) father.
MH: unofficial term referring to the outgoing Bride of the family.  Stands for Motherhead.  It’s not her official name or title, it’s just funny and sort of stuck as unofficial shorthand to refer to GH’s mother.
gFH: unofficial term, used to mean “grandfatherhead”.  Basically a fancy way of me saying “this is the grandpa of the current generation of kids”.
gMH: unofficial term, used to mean “grandmotherhead”.  Basically a fancy way of me saying “this is the grandma of the current generation of kids”.
Traditions/Customs within the family:
The traditional path of an heir taking over as Godhead is through patricide (or, in the rare cases of a female Godhead, matricide).  This is known and expected by the current ruler, and it’s a high honor to have trained a child adept enough to best you through homicidal means.  This position requires a cold, calculating, detached sensibilities.  Proving this through bringing death upon one of your lifebringers is a sign of the type of amoral, practical, goal-oriented thinking that is highly valued within this society.  
Ritual incest is not only commonplace, but lauded as a necessary custom within the family as a whole, and the main ruling class in particular.  Entire parties and holidays are centered around the use and defilement of the Idol young.  These holidays often serve as a vehicle to show off the youth of the family who can be married off or bartered for special favor or political intrigue
Speaking of incest, marriage is often kept within the family lines as well.  It is a custom that’s neither highly encouraged nor discouraged, it’s simply one of many options.  It’s not unusual for a Godhead to have many sibling or cousin wives, in addition to a Bride who may or may not be biologically related
The death and physical dismemberment of children is commonplace, especially as a tool to harden an heir through example
Adoption is a common tactic to diversify the family line and add a “flavor of the exotic” for parties, holidays, and intrigue.  The more unique the adoptee, the more impressive the family looks as a result.  Adopted children cannot become heirs or godheads, though they can reach other high levels of prestige and power within the family once they’ve come of age, and of course can become Brides.
It’s not that showing affection is disallowed or even really frowned upon.  It’s just that the concept of family devotion extends beyond the typical moral lines of protection and affection, but rather involves maintaining traditions, showing strength and discipline, and seeing a much broader picture than simply caring for an individual.  You can love your children, you can love your Bride, you can love your siblings.  But to put that love above your devotion to your duty and the rituals of your title is unacceptable and must swiftly be snuffed out.
The main family line of the current ruling class:
gFH: Abram Idolodulia (likely deceased), a cruel and stupid man.  While he had the sadism of a traditional Godhead, he lacked the discipline to truly be considered Great.  Abram sired many children (16 confirmed pregnancies carried to term with his first Bride, Kana, and an additional 7 unrecognized offspring by various lower wives.  He also had two adopted children), though the vast majority would not survive to adulthood due to his careless homicidal inclinations.  He cycled through 8 potential heirs before Archelaus was ultimately selected.   He was usurped as acting Godhead by his son, Archelaus, upon Archelaus’ 17th birthday.
gMH: Kana Idolodulia (deceased), Abram’s first and only officially recognized Bride.  A soft spoken former teacher, she was not born into the Idol bloodline, but was considered desirable and forcibly married by Abram.  She had an extremely close relationship with her child Archelaus (who she cycled through a variety of petnames to refer to, and often called Archie) until her death by Abram’s hands, a death calculated with the intention of removing any softness from this heir.
The Father: Archelaus T. Idolodulia (FH), current acting Godhead, the patriarch of the ruling Idol family.  An extremely intelligent, calculating, and sadistic man, his lack of empathy and eye for detail has lauded him as one of the most well regarded of all Godheads in modern Idol history.  His bounds for cruelty are composed but thorough, a tactic used to control, to train, and to entertain.  His favorite of his children is his youngest, Christopher, and his cruelties towards him are escalated due to his sense of love and genuine affection.  FH’s relationship with his Bride is playful and mutually beneficial, though devoid of any sort of traditional sense of romantic love.
The Mother: Lilith Idolodulia (MH), current acting Bride and the mother of the current Godhead’s offspring.  Cold, bitter, and hateful, her distaste at lack of an acceptable daughter only fuels her annoyance at her lot in life.  Lilith is the first cousin of her husband.  The majority of her direct relatives (including a prior fiance) were slaughtered to prevent a coup and to successfully take her as a Bride.
The Original Spare: Kristophe Idolodulia is Archelaus’ twin brother and one of his few remaining living siblings.  He was kept in isolation for the majority of their shared childhood together.  Archelaus’ affection for his brother manifested in graphic acts of torture in their few moments together.  Upon taking power, Archelaus married Kristophe to a lower level Uncle.  They do not correspond or keep in touch.  Kristophe is likely extremely psychologically warped due to his upbringing and continued torture at the hands of his husband.
The Heir: Christian “GH” Idolodulia, the eldest son and current heir to the Idolodulia family.  Upon announcement of his heir status, he was quick to stop answering to any uses of his given name and already insists (at least upon his siblings and any cousins) on being referred to as Godhead exclusively.  As far as ties to canon, GH is the humanized version of the Squip.  Raised to be cold, his life is a constant battle of suppressing his compassion for his siblings in order to fulfill the duties of his family and title.  A sickly child, medicine and unhealthy levels of personal discipline help him maintain a facade of strength that he knows all too well is easy to fracture.  His main goals in life?  Kill his father, take the throne, and find a suitable Bride to carry on his legacy.  
The Spare: Lucifer “Luci” Idolodulia, the twin (triplet*) brother of GH, who has spent the vast majority of his life in a lonely cage in a dark basement.  A gentle, gender-confused, faith-driven sweetheart, his kindness proved too detrimental to ultimately consider for the heir role, despite his stronger physical health, and thus was banished to try to prevent any continued emotional ties between himself and GH.  
The Disposable: Isaac “Isa” Idolodulia*, the triplet sister of GH and Luci, and an unacceptable female child by Lilith’s standards. Much like Luci, she was kept in solitude for the majority of her childhood, though under less rigid guard, and in an attic rather than a basement.  Nurturing by nature, but ultimately a complete death fetishist and kinkster, she and GH have a strong, albeit dangerous, chemistry, due to his desire for power, and her extreme masochism.  
*Isa is sometimes depicted as deceased at birth or earlier in development, depending on the nature of the narrative being crafted
The Novelty: Moses Idolodulia, the adopted younger sibling of the household, chosen because of his looks, physical strength and health, and gender to appease Lilith’s urge for a daughter.  A trans boy, Moses, likely due to his outsider upbringing in addition to his inherent personality, is a voice of rationale and reason, as well as a source of surprising warmth and compassion despite the cruelties this life brings them.  Often tasked with caretaking for Christopher and, to a lesser extent, GH himself.  Strong contender for a potential Bride, which also played a role in his adoption.  In terms of canonical connection to BMC, Moses is the humanized characterization of Rich’s squip.
The Pet: Christopher Idolodulia, the youngest of the household, and FH’s favorite.  Being the favorite certainly doesn’t give him any sort of leniency in terms of treatment, of course, because the Idol standard of showing love is not a gentle one.  Due to a variety of chronic health conditions, Christopher primarily uses a wheelchair.  Quiet, autistic, and externally stoic in his mannerisms, Christopher idolizes (no pun intended) GH, and is devoted to Moses.  A sweet chronic biter hiding behind a frown and a pile of stuffed animals.
This is just a basic overview.  If anyone actually read this and has any questions or comments, my ask box is always open!  I tried to keep this as toned down as I could, because some of the details are pretty, well, sad and gross and tragic, but if this triggered anyone or caused any distress, I do apologize for that as well!
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winstonthequant · 5 years
Gonna be controversial(?) here for a bit and weigh in on some conversations I’m seeing on my dash:
I think some people (including some of Will’s fans) are consciously or unconsciously pigeonholing Will wrt the characters he can play which I ultimately think is a bad thing and is a disservice to the talent the guy actually has.
The typical casting director will almost always see Will and think “the best friend” or “geek or nerd” or “comic relief” and yes, that happens and yes, it’s fine especially for a person with a lighter resume than most. Such perception is reflected on Will’s recognizable roles (prior to Jeremy) which were Jared, Winston, to an extent Nato, and to even a lesser extent Collin - all of which are classic second banana characters. Again, nothing wrong with that BUT it does affect the way a person perceives what an actor can or cannot do in the future (hell, even Will said he’s limited himself to just playing the best friend character before). Which leads us to what I think is one of the main reasons why some might think Will is not a good Jeremy. Because in their heads Will is Jared and Jared is Will therefore Will is only good at Jared-esque roles (it doesn’t help that the character was written as an exaggerated version of an AU!Will either).
Now, some actors are fine with type-casting but it generally is such a limiting concept and can actually be hurtful for an actor’s career especially if it comes from fans. That’s why I sometimes cringe at those “Will will always be Jared to me” comments despite knowing that most of it come from a good place. Because if I were a casting director/someone who has influence in making casting decisions and see these things, from fans no less, I’d be more than likely to categorize Will only as a nerdy best friend (also taking into account that Will isn’t conventionally attractive…neither Wills are imo but Will Roland definitely is more of the nerdy/geeky type). Hundreds if not thousands of talented actors get turned down for a role from such type of perception alone (it’s definitely not an ideal practice but it’s an efficient one for an industry where time is money).
I have a feeling that Will wants to break out of that based on his recent interviews. Him listing Steve Buscemi and Steve Carrell as some of the actors he admires is telling. Those actors were type cast as comedic relief for most of their careers but eventually were able to branch out to serious and, at times, leading roles.
That is why I’m glad that Will got the opportunity to do a lead role like Jeremy on Broadway. That is a huge step for him and he does it brilliantly. Some of y'all don’t know how much a single significant role can open so many doors for someone (think Jared -> Winston…so many would kill for an opportunity to be on a tv show and you bet Will is thanking his lucky stars that the Billions writers, who were in no way obligated to watch DEH, saw him and went “yeah, we need him on the show”; this, by the way, is how type-casting can actually be a good thing for someone that’s relatively new).
Look, it might not be Connolly’s version of Jeremy but it needn’t be. It’s his interpretation (and the Joes’ intention too, if you think about it) and you are allowed to have your favorites but d'you know what? I bet if Will was Jeremy from the get-go or if he wasn’t Jared before Jeremy, this Connolly vs Roland thing wouldn’t be as prevalent and polarizing. And I also have a feeling that if Connolly had stayed on as Jeremy, his TwoRiver!Jeremy will still end up like the Broadway!Jeremy or something close to it and the Two River vs Broadway thing will definitely be a non-issue because people will just end up calling it character development. Like Joe said, he had every intention of making changes during and even after the Regional run despite knowing at the time that there was no chance for Broadway or NYC. So, it stands to reason that character changes were always part of the plan. Now, whether a change made was for the better or not is a whole ‘nother story.
I really don’t know how to end this mini-essay but I will say this: Perception and personal bias play a huge role as to how an audience consumes a product be it a show or a performance. Unfortunately, a large percentage of such audience may not be as passionate as some of us and don’t actually care for the people that make the product (seriously, us theater kids are a different breed hah!). But if everyone can step back and look at a show/performance/actor objectively and also acknowledge that a show/character/actor can be different from what was first shown (such as at out of town try outs (which what I think Two River ultimately ended up being)/off-broadway/off-off-broadway…but, again, that’s a whole 'nother topic), then we would be all the better for it. Just think, with BMC, we have Two River, Off-Broadway, and Broadway (not to mention the other Regional or Community productions AND countless videos from the cast/crew themselves along with the fans’) in addition to 2 Cast Recordings! That’s more mediums than other shows actually end up getting which in turn means more content for us!
Seriously, it’s a boon y'all…enjoy it.
By the way, if you’ve made it this far, thank you for taking a considerable chunk of your time for reading my ramble-y ramble which might have gone off tangent one or two…okay, maybe a lot of times. Seriously. Thanks for reading. Cheers.
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Hi, it's aphandgflove's girlfriend, can I get a ship for DEH and BMC too (or Hamilton or Heather if you can? I know these better)? I a sex-negative asexual who enjoys telling dirty jokes to confuse people, I'm a total sadist, especially with people I love (my girlfriend, friends, and OCs) but I actually care a lot about their happiness (spits hearts(and blood)), I'm a gamer and a cheater (in video games) and I love reading, writing and talking about stories in as many details as possible. Thanks
This took me forever to respond to, and for that I apologize 😓
Also, I stuck with DEH and BMC because I don't know much about Hamilton and I'm only just now becoming a fan of Heathers so I wasn't confident in my knowledge of the two. Hope that's ok!
I ship you with Jared!
He would be a little confused when you first tell him you're asexual. And in his very Jared Kleinman way, he'd probably make a couple lewd comments about it
Of course he'd back off if it ever hurt your feelings or made you uncomfortable. And eventually he'd grow accustomed to it (after doing extensive research on Google) and be less of a dick
If anyone can relate to picking on/teasing loved ones but actually very much caring about them, it's Jared. He doesn't show affection too often but you know he cares
It's in the little things he does, like remembering your food order when going out, knowing all the words to your favorite song, or always having your favorite candy on hand
He always has his guard up so he never likes to outright show that he's interested in something. He'll want to hear all about your stories but doesn't wanna look like a nerd. You've heard this more than once: "So... what happens next? Not that I care! But does it have a happy ending? Or whatever..."
You guys never give each other affectionate pet names, oh no. Everytime you see each other you come up with the best/worst nicknames you can think of:
"What's up, Assface?"
"Hey, Trashbag!"
"Later, Trolldoll."
"See ya, random comic relief/throw away character!"
*gasp!* "Too far!"
He would totally team up with you to make over the top sexual comments and jokes to each other in public. He already does that with whoever's in the room, but it's 10x funnier to him when he does them with you and everyone looks so baffled and confused
You guys spend countless hours playing videogames. You'll sneakily try to cheat your way to the finish line while he's less subtle. He'll straight up just sit in your lap, blocking your line of sight, or push you out of your seat. He gets very competitive
I ship you with Michael!
Michael's always super chill about everything. You're asexual? Cool, dude! You do you. He thinks he might be asexual himself so there's no weirdness there
But you would totally catch him off guard by telling dirty jokes. He'd get all flustered and blushy, the cute boy. But after he gets used to it he'd just laugh, especially if you're in public. The more confused you make others, the funnier it is to him
He's a very creative person so if you want any advice on how your story should go, he's always willing to help. Hell, he doesn't even need an excuse to read your work, he enjoys himself either way
He would play video games with you all the time and it would kill him, not knowing how you beat him every time. When he finally finds out it's because you cheat, he is baffled. He goes into drama mode, claiming he could never trust you again
Then the next time you play (which is probably like the next day lbr) he dramatically glares at you like every 10 seconds to make sure you're not cheating. And you still end up beating him
He tries to get into reading because you love it, and he really tries his best. He picks out a nice book with a lot of action and adventures, and he sits down next to you so you can both read together...
And 5 minutes later the book is on the ground, he's for some reason sitting upside down in his chair, and now you're completely distracted from your book. But it's not his fault, the poor ADHD boy
He's such an emotional, loving guy who always wears his heart on his sleeve. So there's never a doubt in your mind that he cares about you. It can get a little much and sometimes you feel pressured into reciprocating the affection. But he assures you that he knows how you feel, no matter what. (You could probably punch him in the face and he'd say thank you)
Again, sorry this took forever and half to get to. Thanks for being patient with me! ❤
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mavrustheunskooled · 6 years
Why is Bare: A Pop Opera not as super popular as Dear Evan Hansen or Be More Chill? The fandom loves LGBT rep (which Bare has) and the songs are amazing and I think B:APO is actually superior to both of those. Thoughts? I mean the musical fandom tends to try to find LGBT characters even when they aren't stated, so why do you think Bare is not as popular?
this is a very interesting question and I am hopefully going to do it justice by analyzing Fandom, Musical Writing, and Many Other Things I’m Super Passionate About
the short: many factors and a lot of luck
the unnecessarily long: 
(opening disclaimer: I love dear evan hansen and be more chill, and I’m not upset that they’re popular musicals because I feel that they’re popular for a reason. anything that sounds like an insult in the following response isn’t such because I truly enjoy both of those musicals a lot) 
(another disclaimer: spoilers for bare, DEH, and BMC, also mentions of homophobia) 
on paper, bare seems like the exact sort of musical that would be popular. bare the musical (cursed as it is) has a cast of super popular actors like Barrett Wilbert Weed, Gerard Canonico, Taylor Trensch, Alice Lee, Alex Wyse, a high quality bootleg exists of the 2013 LA cast, it’s got LGBT+ rep, complex women characters… and yet it’s got a tiny fan base. Why? 
first let’s look at why dear evan hansen and be more chill are popular. I’m more well versed in bmc, so let’s look at its history (disclaimer: I’m estimating dates but this is roughly the timeline) 
the original bmc run was in 2015 I believe. they recorded a soundtrack, everything was fine, and they closed. in 2017, people began discovering the soundtrack in hoards. specifically, they were discovering one song: Michael in the bathroom. that’s even how I learned about the show- I heard that song and had to look up the rest of the soundtrack. and in February of 2019, they’ll start previews on broadway because the fandom was revived 
why this song? I think a ton of fame comes from talent, yes, but also from luck. I think bmc was lucky that Michael in the bathroom, a great song, was discovered as the great song that it is. I also think the fame came because that song is super relatable. as someone with pretty bad anxiety, that song really touched me because I’ve definitely spent parties hiding in the bathroom and avoiding everyone and wishing I was dead because I’m so overwhelmed with anxiety. it’s relatable, so people flocked to it. 
this made me pause to think “what is bare’s hook song” my first thought was a quiet night at home if we want a song in the same vein as MITB, but that song isn’t as hype as MITB (and fandoms don’t care about fem characters as much as it cares about masc characters). my next thought was are you there because I think it’s a bop and a relatable “pls someone help” kind of song, but I don’t know which song everyone could relate to as much as everyone could relate to MITB 
and speaking of relatable content- that’s where the DEH connection comes in. dear evan hansen is similarly relatable, although it takes that to an extreme given what Evan does as a result of his anxiety. Michael and Evan are relatable characters, even if you don’t condone everything they do (and if you condone everything Evan does, we have much to talk about)
but doesn’t bare have relatable characters?? absolutely !! there’s Peter, a closeted gay kid who wants to come out, and Jason, someone who acts tough but is secretly very insecure, and Nadia, with her body image issues, and Ivy, who people won’t take seriously because they’ve decided they already know her, and so many other complex characters. so why are they left behind? 
let’s look at bare’s history: 
bare was originally written in the 90s (I want to say 1999, but I could be wrong) the performance most people consider the quintessential bare performance was in 2004 with Michael Arden, John Hill, Jenna Leigh Green, etc. 
if you compare this to DEH and BMC, the first issue is clear. DEH was hugely popular around 2016. BMC began to grow in popularity in 2017. these are very, very new shows. 20 years doesn’t sound like a lot, but in our current age where time seems to pass so quickly which each new fad, bare seems like an older musical, and a lot of people aren’t the biggest fan of older musicals. and they don’t have to be !! but it’s a personal preference of some people that could affect how they view bare as a potential musical to be a fan of 
in terms of the music of bare, it’s definitely catchy, but it’s not like a pop song. (again, no shade at DEH and BMC because those aren’t jukebox musicals or anything). bare is simply not as easy to listen to as DEH and BMC are in my opinion (and it’s not the most complicated thing ever either, but holy cow its lyrics are smart and I have to throw that in here) 
now let’s look at reasons why people may not want to watch bare. while it is great that it has canon gay characters, compelling women characters, and is very cleverly written it also has issues that can be turn-offs to people. this includes: 
-bury your gays
-gay-guy-cheats-on-boyfriend-with-girl trope 
-gay-guy-gets-outed trope 
-and potentially other homophobic tropes
I’m not shaming bare for perpetuating these tropes because it was written 20 years ago, and lgbt+ people are allowed to enjoy media in spite of its perpetuation of negative tropes, but for some people these things are enough to turn them away. and I don’t blame them! I watched bare the musical before I watched bare a pop opera, and when Jason I died I closed out of YouTube without finishing the show because I was so Sick of bury your gays. 
I am aware that there are reasons Jason died at the end of bare (they’re making a statement about how homophobia kills, particularly how homophobic religious people can have an awful affect on young religious gay people), but there comes a time when “reasons for a gay character to die” is just too much. sometimes, you just want the gay character to live, and I completely respect that notion because I felt the exact same way when I watched bare the musical. I remember when I first watched bare the musical I wrote a thread about how as a Romeo and Juliet adaptation, bare follows some things closely (like death at the end) while avoiding other extremes (Romeo running off to another country) and I thus felt the death was unnecessary. if someone else feels similarly about being sick of gay characters dying, they have every right to not want to watch bare 
that’s enough on why someone might not want to watch bare. let’s get back to bare vs DEH and BMC 
I also think a big aspect of fandoms is shipping. the fetishization of MLM (and consequently ignoring fem characters completely, along with focusing solely on white men for their shipping and ignoring men of color) is a huge problem in fandoms that I could talk about forever, but for the sake of this response, I’ll keep it a bit shorter 
DEH and BMC profit heavily off of shipping in terms of gaining popularity. people love Evan x Connor (and other ships but that’s the main one I see), and people love Jeremy x Michael (and others). so why then do people not care about bare, a show with a canon relationship between 2 basic white men, which is their ultimate goal? 
I think people like the idea of these mlm ships more than canon content. if there’s canon, it’s harder for them to make a variety of ships because it feels like everything else has to rotate around the canon without touching it (which is where the bare fandom gets Matt x Lucas because they’re the closest they have to 2 basic men- I can write my criticism of them another time though) 
I’ve also seen posts saying that things with canon lgbt+ characters sometimes have smaller fandoms because there is no need for lgbt+ theorizing- it’s right there, and if you want lgbt+ content, watch the thing. I don’t necessarily agree with this for myself (I’ll reblog every pilgrim’s hands gifset I see) but I can definitely see how other people might think this way 
failing to hype up stuff with lgbt+ characters can have a negative impact. BMC is the prime example of how a show can be revived by its passionate fan base. if people aren’t talking about bare, it’s not going to spread like other shows do 
this is kind of all over the place but anyway- I want to talk about characters more. one thing DEH and BMC have are great, complex characters that are very easy to boil down to a fandom’s favorite stereotypes. I am absolutely not saying DEH and BMC have simple characters because I think all of them have layers; however, fandoms do love to go “this is precious cinnamon roll who can do no wrong and this is evil awful terrible irredeemable person” and it’s a bit difficult to do that with bare. 
you can say Peter is your perfect son, but he does try to force Jason out before he’s ready. you can say Ivy is the evil seductress trying to tear apart your gay babies, but I will physically fight you. there aren’t any black-and-white good or bad bare characters (except Father Flynn- hate him), which doesn’t fit in line with the way fandoms function. sweeping generalizations about the current state of society based on the internet are exhausting and bad, but we do live in an age where everything must either be perfect or evil, and you can’t do that with bare. no one “did nothing wrong uwu” and that’s what fandoms Want 
(note: they will excuse wrong actions, such as everything wrong Connor Murphy has ever done, if the character is played by a mildly attractive guy they want to ship with another mildly attractive guy) 
another point that I don’t have fully fleshed out thoughts on enough to devote too much time to is the integration of parents into the shows. in both DEH and BMC, the parents get redemption arcs. in bare, Claire does say she love Peter at the end, but she’s much less of a sympathetic character than Mr. Heere or Heidi (that’s her name right- Evan’s mom) or the Murphys. when I was younger, I wasn’t allowed to watch anything that painted parents, or adults in general, in a negative light, but maybe that’s not a universal experience 
this is getting way too long and it probably has more thought put into it than what was necessary, so I’ll try to close this quickly 
I think, first off, that DEH and BMC completely deserve the hype that they have received. they’ve got compelling stories, interesting characters, and fantastic soundtracks. I also think that luck factors heavily into them getting what they deserve. there are plenty of great shows, like bare and the boy who danced on air and spies are forever and probably more that I’m not thinking of, that have great music and characters and story that, out of sheer chance, don’t get the chance they should have been given. there is no bulleted list someone can follow and at the end they’ll be on broadway with an armful of tonys; is the luck of the draw, and bare has not been afforded that chance 
I’ll end with some reasons why anyone who happened to read this but might not be a bare fan should listen to or watch bare: 
- it is an amazingly clever show; every time I watch it or listen to it, I realize another moment of foreshadowing or a line I originally brushed off was actually very significant or there’s another recurring motif/theme in the music 
- it’s full of bops (go listen to you and I or are you there or portrait of a girl) 
- canon gay characters in a canon gay relationship 
- 3 dimensional fem characters that actively criticize stereotypes 
- it’s about a religious gay boy who grapples with his religion and his sexuality and how those two things can coexist 
- it is Very Very Good
in conclusion: bare is very good and deserves attention xx
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theasexualfangirl · 6 years
bmc kids hug headcanons
((someone in my discord chat wanted me to post these so here just take it))
jeremy: he actually isn’t much of a hugger? he’s more of a leaner. like, he’ll sit next to you and rest his head on your shoulder. if he’s hella comfortable with you and you hug him enough, he’ll give in. like with michael, he reflects off of how much michael would hug him and then jeremy would start getting more and more touchy. since he’s like, super thin and bony, it actually hurts a little to hug him? like his shoulder or his chin will jab you while you’re hugging him, but it almost doesn’t matter. getting a hug from jeremy means he’s close to you and feels good being around you.
christine: this girl is bouncy!! she’ll jump up and down while hugging you. she’ll shift her weight side to side and take in all of you while she hugs you. of course, if you don’t know her that well, she’ll ask if she can hug you. if you say yes (and why would you not), she’ll smile real wide and hug you for a bit. just a little squeeze and she’ll look back at you with an even bigger smile. since she’s super short there’s a big chance you’ll be taller than her. yet, she’s definitely in control of the hug. she’s little and soft and you’ll absolutely melt into her joyful touch.
michael: he’s... a big soft boy. he isn’t much of a hugger until you really get to know him. but when he’s close to you, he’ll start walking with his arm over your shoulders and do those little bro hugs. of course jeremy is the person he’s closest to, so he lets jeremy snuggle up to him. especially after the events of bmc, jeremy gets more clingy with michael. michael will let anybody hug him if they ask, but jeremy is definitely who he gives the majority of his affection to. and he gives... the actual best hugs. he’s tall and chubby so he’s actually the most comfortable person to hug.
rich: he isn’t a real affectionate guy, but he’s confident and doesn’t care about showing love to his friends. he gives bro hugs and is frequently hanging off his friends’ shoulders. he’s a muscular guy so he’ll no doubt give you the most aggressive hugs ever. he’s short, too, so he sort of pulls you down into a hug.
brooke: she’s like... one of the best huggers ever. she knows exactly how to hug you in particular. she’s gentle and a little chubby and she’s trained all her life to be the give the most incredible hugs. sometimes she’ll wrap her sweater around you and she’ll rest her head on your shoulder. she makes you feel so much better if you’ve had a bad day. she’s very snuggly. she’s also flirtatious by nature so she probably wants to be attached at the hip to anyone she has her eyes on.
chloe: she isn’t one for hugs or affection, but if she warms up to you she’ll give nice side-hugs. she’s thin and has lots of toned muscle but she’s very delicate with her hugs. she almost barely hugs you and it’s like a gift just to touch her.
jake: this dude is all about bro hugs and confident bear hugs okay!! he’s a super social guy and taller than just about everyone, so his hugs are super generous and honestly get you pumped. it’s usually accompanied by a, “hey!! what’s good, man!” being shouted from across the hallway. tall and strong dude. very enthusiastic.
jenna: like chloe, she isn’t much for hugs. she doesn’t think there’s anyone that close to her that she’d feel comfortable giving hugs to. most of the time, she lets brooke lean against her side whenever she’s going through something, and jenna will try to make her feel better. jenna’s more of a side-hug or quick physical interaction kind of girl and usually sticks to hand holding, high fives, or leaning against shoulders.
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meggtheegg · 6 years
Thought on Jared and the people who potray him?
I have so many feelings about Jared. I used to kinda brush him off as the comic relief but he’s so much more than that. On a theatrical level, he’s the voice of the audience, calling Evan out when we start to feel not okay with what he’s doing. He reassures the audience that it is, indeed, not a good thing, but adds the levity we need to acknowledge it and move on instead of ruminating on it.
And as a character, he is so often overlooked. He’s lonely and awkward and dorky and desperate for people to notice him. Honestly, it’s so fitting that Will Roland went on to play Jeremy in BMC because they are essentially the same character. Really, Jared is what Jeremy would’ve been if Michael had been the one to take the Squip. And Evan is his Michael. His best and only friend who is even lower on the school food chain than he is, who has no plans of trying to climb up the social ladder. And Jared isn’t content with that. He wants to be cool. He wants people to notice him. 
Problem is, in pursuing that, he acts like a total asshole. He thinks he’s funny when he’s actually just hurtful, he latches onto trends (ie. selling the buttons) without caring about the morality of them, and he pushes his only friend away so much that once Evan no longer needs him, he ditches him without a thought because of course Jared won’t care. He lies about pretty much everything, saying whatever it’ll take to make people notice him. Whatever it’ll take to get a reaction out of people. He probably thrives off of making people laugh.
But then Evan is gone. And suddenly, he can’t hide behind a friend who’s less cool than him, because Evan’s popular now, and he’s even more invisible than before. In a way, Jared is the reason the Connor Project happened, and yet he’s not even allowed to be part of the conversation. He fades into the background, and suddenly he’s forced to face not only his own loneliness and isolation, but his affection for Evan. Whether you read it as romantic or platonic, it’s undeniable that he cares a lot about their relationship but doesn’t even realize that until it’s too late to mend things. He tries to push himself back into Evan’s life and Evan keeps refusing him. And that leaves him with nothing.
Will Roland captures that so well, and he’s the one who made me fall in love with Jared. He has somehow found a way to make him function as a theatrical device and a powerful character in a way that feels effortless. He took what could have been a very shallow role and made it extremely layered and three-dimensional. His complete, sobbing breakdown during Good For You the third time I saw DEH pushed Jared up to possibly my second favorite character in the show.
Sky Lakota-Lynch is still getting comfortable in the role and I know that a lot of people adore his Jared. I tend to think he seems a little too confident, but he gives an interesting and different take on the character and I can appreciate that. He seems to put more emphasis on the comedy than the emotion, and I love that he laughs at his own jokes. 
From the one tour audio I’ve heard, Jared Goldsmith makes him too much of a genuine bully for my tastes, but I also only listened to like, the first performance on the tour, and vocally, he gives a stellar Good For You, so I’d be really interested to hear a more recent boot to see how he’s evolved.
Colton Ryan played Jared as a little more parallel to Evan, which makes sense, since he was the original standby for Evan. He didn’t emphasize the comedy as much, and from the audio I’ve heard, he seems a lot more sympathetic. He feels less try-hard and more like a goofy kid who doesn’t take much seriously and tries to talk like the “cool” people he sees in the media without realizing that it makes him sound like an asshole. His loneliness seems more obvious more quickly.
Michael Lee Brown mostly copies Will Roland in the one boot I have of him as Jared. I would really love to hear how he would do it now, because he is a god and probably would give a very interesting interpretation if given the chance.
Ben Levi Ross’ Jared is gay. That is all.
Without a doubt, though, the only bad, truly invalid Jared? Novel Jared.
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Shrunken Down
An RP thing me and @pika-ace did relating to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU, where an akuma shrinks them down to bug size and end up in Joe’s place, while avoiding getting killed by the bug serial killer, Jane.
(The shrinked Main Seven fall out of a vent and land in someone’s home, Joe’s home)
Leo: Uh, where are we now?
Owl: *looks around and recognizes the place* This...This is my home...!
Swan: Oh! That’s not so bad
Owl: I would be...but if Jane was home...I would beg to differ...
Cyber: Why?
Owl: Because, since we’re small, almost bug sized, if she can’t see us clearly, then she’ll assume we’re bugs. *dramatic* And she won’t show now mercy to any insect that wonders into my home, she would crush them, swat them, drag their crushed bodies across the surface, and if a Fly is weak to fly away, she would tear apart the wings. Jane is a bug serial killer and if she doesn’t see that we’re not bugs, we’re gonna get killed by HER hands!
Everyone: O_O
Dasher: Jesus fucking Christ! O_O
Hound: Okay, don’t let Jane see us, got it O_O
Owl: Hopefully she’s not ho- (Suddenly, they hear Jane’s door open and she walks out) Owl: ...She’s home.
Timber: Shit...
(She walks around and then she spots the shirnked Main Seven and assumed they were bugs) Jane: O_O
Leo: Fuck... O_O Cyber: Run.
(They run away as soon as she used her hand to smack them, but missed)
(Jane looks at them, still willing to kill what she assumed were bugs, so she kept using her hand to smack them)
Swan: We gotta hide!!
Leo: Yeah!!
(They all run under a cabinet)
(Jane looks around, looking for the "bugs") Jane: Where did they go? >:(
Hound: Thank god we’re so small she can’t hear us talk
Leo: Yeah, but let's hope to god she doesn't find us...
Dasher: But What do we do now? The akuma’s nowhere in sight!
Owl: We'll just have to wait for Jane to leave us alone...hopefully. Then we'll search for the akuma, if he's around in here...
(They camp out under the cabinet for a while)
(Jane looked around for the "bugs" for a while, she even grabbed a fly swatter. But she was ready to give up, until she spotted a spider crawling under the carpet) Jane: Oh no you don't! >:( *grabs the carpet*
(Everyone watches as she lifts the carpet and swats the crap out of the spider)
Leo: Holy Shit! O_O Owl: Like I said, she won’t show ANY insect ANY mercy. (After she killed the spider, the spots the shrunken Main Seven) Jane: Ah HA! Found you! >:(
(Everyone runs for their lives)
(She swats the fly swatter on the ground, hoping to crush the "bugs" if she hits them)
(At some point, Cyber was wide open for Jane to swat him down, Timber spots this)
Timber: WILL!! (He runs and shoves Cyber out of the way)
(The fly swatter hits him, but only on his legs, crushing them as she applies pressure onto it)
(Timber screams in pain) Cyber: JORDAN!!
(She drags the fly swatter across the floor, dragging Timber and making the pain worse)
Leo: Oh my GOD!!! Dasher: JESUS FUCK!! Hound: DAD!!!!
(She lets the fly swatter off him for one second, and then she was ready to beat the crap out of Timber)
Cyber: NO!!!! *runs towards him*
(She swings down the fly swatter as soon as Cyber ran towards Timber)
Leo and Hound: DAD!!!
(Jane starts beating the crap out of Timber and Cyber, completely unaware that they WERE Cyber and Timber and not bugs)
(Eventually, Jane sees that they're not moving anymore and stops)
(She lifts the fly swatter off of them and wickedly grins at the "squashed bugs") Jane: That'll show em! >:3
(Jane walks away and the other holders run towards Cyber and Timber) Leo: Oh my god....oh my god, Dad!! Hound: Dad?! Dad!
(They didn't respond)
(Owl checks them) Owl: They're still alive...we need to get them out of the open...
Swan: Y-Yeah...!
(They drag Cyber and Timber under another cabinet, as far back as they can and Cyber stirs)
Leo: Dad...?
Cyber: Ugh...ow... Leo: Oh my god, dad!!
Cyber: Wha- *looks and sees Timber, all beaten up and his legs were bleeding*
Cyber: Oh dear god, JORDAN!!! *he crawls over to him*
(He crawls over to Timber's side, tears starting to form on his eyes)
Cyber: Jordan...! Dammit, you idiot...! *he strokes his hair that's a bit matted with blood*
(Tears fall on Cyber's face as he slightly held Timber close)
(Everyone gathers around Timber, trying not to look at his legs) Hound: Dad...
Dasher: Oh god...Tank...
(Cyber hugs him close as a few of his tears fall on Timber's face)
(As soon as one of Cyber's tears falls on Timber's eye, Timber starts to stir)
Cyber: ...!! Timber: Mmh....
Timber: Fuck...ow...
Cyber: Jordan...?! Hound: Dad?!
Timber: Ow...God it hurts... *looks at Cyber* ...Will...?
Cyber: Oh my god...! *hugs him close*
(Tear pour out of Cyber's face as he held him close)
Cyber: Oh my god...oh my god, Jordan...! *he cradles Timber's head*
Timber: Will...
Cyber: Jesus, Jordan, you...you scared me to death, I...I thought you... *sobs*
Timber: Oh Will...
Cyber: Thank god...thank god you're awake... *kisses him*
(Timber kisses back and they hold the kiss for a few seconds)
(Everyone looks at Dasher who's not protesting) Dasher: *tearing up in relief* Just this once...
(They held the kiss for a few seconds, and then they break the kiss, tears still flowing down Cyber's eyes)
Cyber: Jordan... Timber: Hey c'mon, how bad do I look?
(Cyber gestures Timber's legs)
Timber: Oh...oooooh...okay, now I understand the tears... O_O
Hound: Yeah...your legs are...pretty much fucked up.
Timber: Yeah...but hey, look on the bright side. Dasher: What bright side?! Timber: I can still feel 'em, means I'm not gonna lose 'em.
Leo: Yeah...i guess? Dasher: But they're still messed up and bloody!
Cyber: Jordan both your legs are BROKEN!! This isn't something that has silver lining!!
Dasher: Yeah Tank, there's no bright side to *gestures his legs* THIS!
Timber: Sheesh, I was trying to lighten the mood. Cause you guys need to be raring to go to take out this akuma
Owl: But we don’t know where he is! (Suddenly they heard Jane shout) Jane: FLY!
(Swan dares to peek out and sees Jane swatting the air)
(The akuma zips around Jane, quickly dodging Jane's attempts to swat him down)
Swan: *goes back to the hiding place* The akuma's out there!
Leo: Really?!
Swan: Yeah, Jane's swatting at him. Hound: Well in that case, maybe we should sit back and let her do our job for us >:P
Leo: Yeah! >:P (Suddenly, they feel someone sniffing them)
Owl: Oh no...
(They look from their hiding place and see Mittie sniffing around)
Hound: Oh shit.... (Cyber tightens his grip on Timber)
(Mittie sniffs them for a bit and then she starts barking, recognizing the smell from strangers)
Owl: Yes...yes that's right Mittie, it's Joe...
(Mittie sniff again and recognizes the smell of Joe, and then her tail starts wagging but she keeps barking)
Owl: No no no no shh shh Mittie! Quiet!
(Jane looks and sees Mittie barking) Jane: What's wrong Mittie?
(She walks towards Mittie)
Owl: Mittie please, be quiet!!
(Mittie keeps barking, smelling the scent of Joe alongside the scents of strangers) (Jane approaches Mittie)
Hound: *thinking fast* Red Howl! (He howls but because he's so small it only affects Mittie)
(Mittie's ears perk up and she uses her muzzle to slightly lift up the carpet so she could find Hound) Jane: *notices this* Mittie? What are you doing?
Hound: Mittie stop, I need you to lead Jane AWAY from us!!
(Jane bends down next to Mittie and lifts up the carpet for her, spotting the tiny Main Seven) Jane: What the...?
(She leans in closer to them)
(The main seven all cower, Cyber covering Jordan)
(She looks at them closely, she observes them for a couple of seconds and then she finally sees the tiny Main Seven) Jane: ...Guys? O_O
Leo: Don't squish us!!! Hound: Please have mercy!!!!
Jane: *leans in a little closer* What? You said something? I can barely hear you guys!
Dasher: Oh my god she's not killing us... (Cyber barely peeks up from covering Timber)
Owl: Perhaps she finally saw that we're not bugs! But she can barely hear us!
(Owl flies up close to her)
Owl: We're right here Jane! An Akuma shrunk us down to bug size!
Jane: Really?
Owl: Yes, and you mistaken us for bugs when you first found us! Jane: So those bugs i was trying to kill...were you guys?!
Owl: Yes!
Jane: Then...who did i crush when i finally caught one of them? O_O
Owl: Timber! (Glances down at Cyber still holding him close)
Jane: *eyes widened* Oh god...! *looks at Cyber holding Timber* Cyber, Timber, i-i'm so sorry! I didn't knew it was you guys!
Leo: We know!
(Jane scoops up the tiny Main Seven in her hand and carries them as she got up)
(She carefully places them on the table)
Jane: Wait right there, i'm gonna get a tissue for you to lay Timber on! *runs off*
(Timber hisses in pain from the movement from earlier and Cyber strokes his hair)
(Jane comes back with a tissue and lays it down on a table. Then she carefully moves Cyber and Timber on it)
Timber: *softly as he settles* ow ow ow ow ow...
(Cyber still holds Timber close)
Dasher: How you feeling Sparky? I know you still got pummeled but you definitely don't look as bad as Tank. Think you can still fight?
Cyber: Y-Yeah... *looks at Timber* A-Are you gonna be okay without me...?
Timber: Yeah; you just worry about that akuma, worry about me when we're normal size again.
Cyber: A-Alright... *he gives a quick peck on the lips* Love you...
Timber: Love you too...
(They share one quick kiss and then Cyber slowly gets up and slowly walks away from Timber)
Dasher: Okay, let's find that akuma!
(Jane puts her hand down on the table and lets them climb up all the way to her shoulder so they can start looking)
Leo: You were swatting at him earlier so look for a fly thing
Jane: Got it!
(They wander for a while looking for the akuma)
(Eventually, Jane spots a fly thing flying by)
(Jane grabs her flyswatter)
Jane: Time to kill that akuma! >:(
(She starts swinging at it)
(The Akuma dodges her attempts to swat him) Akuma: Hee hee hee hee >:3c
(Cyber tries shooting lightning at him)
(The akuma dodges it and flies over Jane's head)
Dasher: Get back here! >:(
(Dasher climbs up Jane's head to get to the akuma)
Jane: Careful!
(Dasher eventually gets on top of Jane's head, where the akuma was hovering above it)
Dasher: Get down here!!
Akuma: Nope! >:3c
(Jane keeps swatting at him)
(The Akuma dodges them while Dasher hangs onto Jane's hair so he won't accidentally fall off the top of her head)
Jane: C'mon!! >:(
Dasher: *hanging on* Woah! Hey Janey! Would ya stop jerking your head when you swing that thing?! I don't wanna fall off because of one great swing!
Jane: Sorry!
(The akuma keeps flying around until he smirked and tackled Owl off of Jane's shoulder)
Swan: Dad!
(The Akuma holds Owl for a bit, flying bit a distance away from Jane, and then lets him go for one second, and then kicks him in the stomach HARD)
(Owl chokes and barely manages to keep from falling and Swan appears next to him to help)
Swan: *holds Owl* I gotcha!
Leo: Nice save!
Swan: Thanks!
Akuma: Aw how sweet; which reminds me, weren't there seven of you? *looks at Cyber* Where's the other half of the lovely couple? >:3
Cyber: *glares* Why do you need to know? >:(
Akuma: Just curious >:3c
Cyber: He's...recovering...
(Cyber briefly glances towards the kitchen where Timber is)
Cyber: That's all you need to know... >:/
Akuma: Oh...so you won't mind if I pay him a visit? >:) *he starts flying towards the kitchen*
Cyber: NO!!
(Jane hurries after him, along with Owl and Swan)
(The Akuma fly towards Timber, with a wicked grin on his face)
Timber: Oh shit...
(The Akuma hovers above Timber)
Akuma: How are those legs feeling?
Timber: I can still feel them...but why do YOU need to know about it? >:(
Akuma: So I can fix that. *stands on his legs*
(Timber screams in pain)
(Two seconds later, Owl and Swan tackle him off Timber)
(Jane puts her hand down on the table so Cyber could run down her arm and towards Timber)
Cyber: Jordan!! Timber: Owwwww owww..
(Cyber kneels right next to Timber)
Cyber: Oh my god are you alright?! Timber: Ow...legs just flaring up a bit...
Cyber: Oh god...!
Timber: Hey, at least he didn't kick or stab 'em...just stood on them for a sec...
Cyber: But he still made the pain worse!
Timber: Yeah but I don't think he could possibly damage 'em anymore...
(Cyber hugs Jordan close to him)
Timber: Hey c'mon, I'm still alive, ain't I?
Cyber: Y-Yes...but...you got hurt...
Timber: I'll live...I've been through worse...
(Cyber keeps hugging Timber for a bit and then eventually breaks the hug)
Cyber: I won't let him hurt you again. Timber: Well you better hurry so you can get a hit in. *gestures to a few feet away where the other holders are beating the shit out of the akuma*
Cyber: R-Right!
(They kiss for a few seconds and Cyber goes to join the fight)
(Cyber send out a thunder bolt towards the akuma)
(It hits and everyone keeps beating on him)
(They keep beating him up for a while, until eventually, Jane makes the final blow by smacking him with the fly swatter and slamming him against the wall)
Jane: That's what you get BITCH!! >:(
(She releases the fly swatter off of him and the akuma falls off the wall)
(Owl catches him and brings him back to the table where the takes the akuma and breaks it)
(A black bird flies out and Owl purifies it)
(Cyber restores the damage and they all  return to normal size)
Dasher: Ah, FINALLY!
(However, Timber isn't so lucky as he was lying on the table and he topples off when he's normal size) Timber: OW!!!
Cyber: JORDAN!!
Leo: Oh shit!! (Everyone gathers around him) Timber: Owwwww...I can still feel my legs...!
(Jane shutters a bit when she saw Timber's broken legs)
Cyber: We need to get you to a hospital! Dasher: Or call Adri!!
Jane: I'm sure Adri is busy with her own thing guys. -_-
Leo: Yeah, or else we'd take her to literally ALL the akuma battles. (Cyber and Dasher help support Timber and he changes back) Owl: Get him to the window; I'll fly him the rest of the way.
Dasher: Alright!
(They get him to the window and Owl flies off with Jordan) Hound: C'mon let's get over there!
Leo: Yeah! Jane: I'm coming too!
(Everyone hurries down to the hospital and changes back, meeting Joe there as Jordan has just been taken back by the doctors)
Joe: He just took him in, it might take a while for him to recover...
Eric: Good... *wrings his hands*
(They sit in the waiting area as they wait for the doctor to come. Jane looks a little grim, feeling guilty) Jane: God...i can't believe i did this to him...
Joe: You didn't know
Jane: Yeah but...god, i-i could've killed him by just smacking him repeatedly! I-It wouldn't have happened if i knew the whole time...
Joe: The important thing is that it wasn't worse
Jane: Y-Yeah... *looks at Eric*
(Eric is watching the door anxiously, still wringing his hands)
Jane: ...Eric...?
Eric: Yes?
Jane: I-I'm sorry...i hurt your husband...i-i didn't mean to...i-i'm very sorry... *looks guilty*
Eric: I-I know you didn't...you didn't recognize us...besides he did it to save me...I should've been more careful...
Jane: ...He really loves you...he would sacrifice himself just to keep you safe, huh...?
Eric: *smiles slightly* He would...
(Jane smiles)
(A while later, they're finally allowed to see Jordan)
(They enter his room)
(Jordan's propped up in his bed, two casts on both his legs)
Jordan: Hey guys...!
Jeremy: Hey... *they gather around his bed*
Michael: How are you feeling?
Jordan: Pretty good, surprising. Legs don't hurt anymore
Eric: Good...
(Eric takes his hand) Michael: How long you in for? Jordan: Just a day or two; after that it's either wheelchair or crutches for a while.
Jeremy: We oughta call Jake later, he's broken both his legs before, maybe he has some advice
Michael: Yeah! He definitely knows what it feels like to have that. Shame that happened on his Halloween party :/
Jeremy: Yeah, that wasn't pretty... Eric: As long as you'll eventually be able to walk again...maybe later we can call Adri and- Jordan: Will, I appreciate it but...I think maybe I'll ride this one out the natural way.
Eric: But Jordan...!
Jordan: We can't keep relying on Adri's healing magic when this stuff happens. Once this Miraculous stuff is over, we're not gonna have magic to help with this stuff anymore. And besides, this isn't like the last few times where I was constantly in pain or needed my hands or arms, I'll live if I sit out of the action for a few weeks. But if it makes you feel better, I'll let Adri do her thing if you guys need me and I absolutely need to stand.
Eric: ...A-Alright...
Jordan: *squeezes Eric's hand* I'll be alright, promise
(Eric nods)
Lin: It's gonna be weird not having you around during battles, Tank
Jordan: I know, Speedy. All seven of us have been through a lot together, and we all supported each other with every Akuma we faced. But i know the six of ya can do it without me...unless you really need me to be there.
Michael: Don't worry Dad, don't forget we have 23 other people in our army if we need some extra help. We'll be fine
(Jordan smiles)
Eric: At least now I don't need to worry about you throwing yourself in more danger while you're down for the count. ;) Jordan: Hey! XD
Jeremy: True XD
Jordan: With that said... *to Eric* You get yourself killed out there, I'm coming for ya.
Eric: I'll be waiting ;)
Jordan: I mean it, I'll bring you back to life just so I can chew you out. Same goes with you kids. *points to Jeremy and Michael* XD
Michael: Yep! XD
Jeremy: We'll be good! X3
Lin: Eeeey, what about me Tank?! What if I almost die?! >:/
Jordan: I'll go to your funeral and heckle the crap out of you >:3
Lin: HEY! >:(
Jordan: Aw you all will be fine. I'm holding you to that.
Joe: Trust us Jordan, we'll be fine. :)
Post: Yeah. :)
Jordan: Good. :)
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green--esmeraude · 6 years
Hanahaki AU || Drabble
About: By this century, Hanahaki Disease was something only read in books. Only two medical records existed from the 20th century, but even then, some doctors had believed it to be false. Coughing up flowers due to a love so intense yet unrequited? It sounded like folklore. No one could really love someone to the extent of growing flowers in their lungs, but somehow Esmeraude had.
Esmeraude did everything in extremes. It wasn't her fault. Being born so beautiful and able to pull off such voluminous green hair required her to make statements in all of her actions. When she had joined the Black Moon Clan (BMC), she had whole-heartedly believed in their cause: Neo-Queen Serenity was brainwashing her citizens into obedience to make herself ruler of the entire planet Earth but was masking it as a 'cleanse.'  Esmeraude would not allow that to happen, and she joined the BMC.
Some people who joined at the same time as her underestimated her. With her cute outfits, tall boots, and makeup on point, they doubted her ability to contribute. They were wrong. She was loyal and ruthless. Nothing would stand between her and her goal, and her efforts did not go unnoticed.  She moved her way up through the ranks. Eventually, she was made a general in the BMC.
Before and after becoming a general, she had always been a professional. Now, even more so, to ensure she would be treated as an equal alongside Rubeus, to make certain her strategies and contributions would warrant the same respect as even Saphir. But she was doomed the moment she saw him.
Of course she knew of their leader. Everyone knew of him. He was the one who had started this revolution, which she still so passionately supported. But she had never seen him before. Now, her cause had a face. An overwhelmingly handsome face at that. The way he walked, the way he spoke, all of it was graceful. He was a prince in every way possible. At that moment, she knew. Her chest had suddenly felt itchy, and she knew.
When her chest had felt itchy at that first meeting with Demando, she honestly thought it was because of a crush. She had crushes on people when she was younger. She recalled how her heart would squeeze a little tighter when she saw them. She remembered how much she would smile around them and feel so flustered. She thought that the itch was just an adult version of a crush. She didn't think she was sick.
A week passed before she realized this was something different. She was applying eyeliner when she suddenly felt the need to cough. Something was lodged in her throat. She tried clearing her throat, but it only irritated whatever it was more. Then the coughing had started. It was so painful that tears brimmed at her eyes. She coughed into her hand until she felt something soft land in her hand. Jasmine petals.
She blinked slowly in a state of confusion and shock. It didn't make sense. She didn't make a habit of eating jasmine flowers. Deciding to ask Saphir about it later, she washed the small droplets of blood on the petals before finishing her makeup.
A month later, she finally had the chance to ask Saphir about it. Esmeraude had bought a fan to hide behind whenever she felt the urge to cough. No one had questioned her latest accessory, especially since it had no effect on the amazing success rate of her last few missions. The last month had been spent recruiting soldiers and gathering all sorts of weapons, tools, and other resources in order to take on Crystal Tokyo. They needed as many people as possible before Serenity had a chance to brainwash everyone. Saphir had even created some amazing technology to reverse the cleansing process.  They were making real progress.
So today the higher-ups were relaxing and celebrating for a few hours. Since she got along with Saphir more, she had ventured into his lab to talk with him.
"Saphir?" she tried to ask nonchantly as she walked in.
"Hmm?" he mused loud enough for her to find him as he fiddled with some new device he was working on.
She leaned against a table nearby but was quiet for several moments as she tried to find the right words to ask her question. It needed to be asked in a way that would require no proof. More of a hypothetical situation. Not something to be analyzed and tested.
Saphir looked up in her direction. "Did you need something?" There was a hint of concern in his voice. Esmeraude rarely walked into his lab so demure. Usually she would brag about her latest success or ask him to make cuter weapons to match her style. Her silence worried him.
"Is it possible to cough up flowers?" she asked casually before clearing her throat.
"Is this your way of asking me to create a bioweapon that would cause people to cough up flowers?" he rolled his eyes before tinkering on the metal thing on his table.
"I was just wondering if it was even possible. Has there been a bioweapon like that before?"
He stopped and raised an eyebrow at Esmeraude. She didn't ask about hypotheticals. She only cared about getting satisfying results.
"Doubtful. You can't grow flowers inside of your body. Science doesn't work like that."
"I see," she spoke a bit disappointed with her findings, but she didn't want to push the subject and risk being found out.
Fine. He would humor her. "There used to be legends that if someone loved someone else so much, but it was unrequited, they would grow that person's favorite flower in their lungs."
Her eyes widened with interest, so he continued. "The only way of getting rid of those flowers would be to make that person fall in love with them or to have surgery. With surgery, the feelings would completely disappear. Some stories said, so would the memories."
"What if you didn't get the surgery?" she asked, but something in her voice hinted that she already knew the answer.
"You die," he said simply.
"I see," she mused as if it was the most interesting thing on the planet. "Could you really make a bioweapon like that?"
He smirked. "You know I can."
The bioweapon never happened. Somehow Neo-Queen Serenity had found out about the BMC's intentions of attacking Crystal Tokyo, and she had banished them to Nemesis, a planet with no light and no warmth.
That may have been a major setback, but their cause was still strong. Demando had gained power due to Wiseman and the Black Crystal. He officially named himself Prince Demando. Everyone still supported him and his cause. This unfair banishment to a planet with literally nothing had proved how cruel Neo-Queen Serenity was and how she would do anything to make sure the whole planet was 'cleansed.'
From Nemesis, they attacked Crystal Tokyo. And it fell. With the powers of the Black Crystal, taking Crystal Tokyo was nothing. Neo-Queen Serenity's daughter, Chibiusa, had taken the Silver Crystal, so it seemed like a certain win. Nothing was ever that easy for them. Using her own power, the queen surrounded the Sailor Senshi, King Endymion, and herself in crystal. Nothing could touch them. And Chibiusa had escaped into the past with the Silver Crystal.
Esmeraude would have been fine with leaving things as they were. The BMC had lost many brave soldiers as well during their attack, but she had witnessed Demando's change of heart. She had witnessed the moment he had fallen in love with Neo-Queen Serenity, when their eyes had met. And in that moment, she felt the jasmine roots wrap tighter around her lungs.
Wiseman warned them that with Chibiusa in the past, she would try to save her parents, so they needed to get the Silver Crystal to ensure that didn't happen.  Prince Demando had agreed with Wiseman, but he wanted Serenity for himself. He announced it. Esmeraude couldn't let that happen.
Soon they discovered that Sailor Moon and Neo-Queen Serenity were one and the same. Prince Demando focused all of their missions into the retrieval of both the Silver Crystal and Sailor Moon. Esmeraude heavily monitored all missions that might lead to Sailor Moon's capture. She would manipulate strategies just enough to show that missions had failed because of incompetence. But they started sending higher ranked officers. She couldn't manipulate them, so she watched and silently celebrated each loss the Ayakashi Sisters and Rubeus suffered. But they were getting closer to a success each time, so she took matters into her own hands. She volunteered herself.
Achiral and Chiral both had begged her not to. They were well aware of her disease. She was deathly pale but hid it well behind her makeup. It was harder to hide the coughing fits and petals soaked in blood, though. That's how they found out. Her fan could only cover her so much.
She dismissed their concerns, waving them off despite how weak she felt. This did not stop her from coming up with a brilliant plan, though. She knew that Sailor Moon was in Crystal Tokyo, searching for a way to save Chibiusa's parents. The trap would be too easy. Chiral and Achiral would lure them to an area, and with her Beast Hands, she would strangle the life out of Sailor Moon. It would be beautiful.
Her plan had been flawless. She could feel Sailor Moon struggling to breathe within her hands. So close. But she was so weak that she hadn't noticed King Endymion's 'La Smoking Bomber' attack. Such a lame attack, but it was enough. The smoke caused to her to cough so much, she let go of Sailor Moon and fell on the ground hardly able to breathe.
She watched as they escaped, heading towards the castle. More petals were coughed up, but she couldn’t bring herself to try and hide them, so she closed her eyes instead. If she couldn’t see them, then they didn’t exist. That didn’t stop her coughing though. 
I really did love you, Demando-sama.
The history books will say that Sailor Moon always wins because of her love for everyone and everything. They'll dismiss Esmeraude's affection for Prince Demando as an obsession. They omit how hard she fought for what she believed in. They'll mistaken her coughing fits for obnoxious laughter.  They'll ignore all of the obvious attempts of of sabotage on any intentions of capturing Sailor Moon.  They'll say Esmeraude died because King Endymion bravely attacked her with 'La Smoking Bomber.' They won't mention the jasmine flowers found all around her dead body. They'll rewrite everything to glorify the winners. And they'll forget all about Esmeraude's true character, her passion in everything, and her ability to love so intensely.
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prompt-master · 7 years
I Miss Everything You
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crusty-the-snowman · 7 years
- This takes place in 1983, like the show. However, it takes place in New Jersey.
- Michael doesn’t have a sibling, but he does have a cousin staying with his family for a while.
- Michael gave Jeremy his blue cardigan, and Jeremy wears it 24/7.
- Mister Heere is Hopper.
- Jeremy Does Not Like Cats. He heard one hiss at him and, while he didn’t have to [spoilers] try and kill it like Eleven in the show, he did have to try and make it bend to his will (kinda like telepathy between Jeremy and the cat.) However, this was extremely painful to the cat, and the sounds it made when he was trying to control it stuck with him.
Even worse, Michael has a kitten. Its clear that Michael loves this kitty, but Jeremy always watched from a distance and never let the cat touch him.
Until Michael put the kitten in his lap. Jeremy froze but refused to look at the cat, flashing back to the cat that he tried to control. By the way, that cat died the day after.
Michael didn’t see how scared Jeremy was until he started crying when the kitten mewled, still not looking at the cat. Jeremy didn’t want to hurt the cat.
Michael took the kitten out of his lap and Jeremy scooted away from him, tucking himself in a corner by Michael’s bed.
Michael asked if Jeremy didn’t want to hold the cat, and Jeremy nodded frantically. Michael now tried to keep the cat out of Jeremy’s sights.
- Jeremy tries so so so hard to find Dustin (Kropp) but he can’t do it normally and he just breaks down in tears and whispering “I can’t find him, I can’t find him, I’m so sorry, I can’t, I can’t-” and Dustin’s mom just hugs him and doesn’t say anything.
Until he goes into the bathroom to clean his bloody nose and sees the bathtub and, despite his traumatic experiences with the bath, he says he can find him in the bath. Jeremy was determined to help, despite visibly shaking when he walked into the pool.
- When Jeremy goes to the dark space, I think that my au is gonna have it kinda like sleep paralysis, so they need to shake Jeremy awake or take his goggles off if he gets too scared.
And he always would scream ‘done’ in the experiment room when he got too scared or he started to panic but the SQUIP would never ‘wake’ him up, leaving him to scream and be nearly frozen until the experiment was done (They usually lasted about an hour long.)
So when he gets too scared and yells “I’m done I’m done done done DONE” he is super surprised when he gets woken up by someone, that someone being Mrs. Kropp.
And when Dustin (Kropp)’s mom comforts him when he wakes up, he starts crying because he finally felt safe. He wasn’t in the dark space anymore, there weren’t any monsters, he was safe.
- The SQUIP’s name isn’t SQUIP but he has everyone call him that, but he makes Jeremy call him Papa.
The SQUIP is very manipulative, and while he acts affectionate towards Jeremy (or, as the SQUIP calls him, Fifteen) he could really care less about Jeremy’s health. Unless it affected his performance in the tests, then the SQUIP would care for Jeremy himself until he got better.
If Jeremy had done something good in the tests that day, like crushing a pop can or an apple with his mind, he would give him fruit snacks or let him curl up in his chair in the next test.
But, if Jeremy failed his test, like with the cat, (he took his head thing off like in the show and told him ‘no’) he wouldn’t let Jeremy eat or have him sit straight up in the chair the next day.
Like Eleven, Jeremy started to think that everyone he had to find with his mind, he had to hurt. The SQUIP had taught him to think that.
Also, if Jeremy refused to do a test, the SQUIP would send shocks through a bracelet on both of his wrists until Jeremy agreed to doing the test. - “Bad.”
“'Bad?’ What kind of bad? Bad what?”
Instead of replying, Jeremy only curled his hand into a fist, then raised his pointer finger and his thumb up, making a gun. He held it towards his temple, then aimed it towards Michael’s forehead. He then spoke one word that sent chills down Michael’s spine.
Thats all I have! Add more if you wish!
@bemorechills you like Stranger Things, right?
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popurikat · 6 years
For the ask meme: Ven or roxas from kh, and Jeremy from bee em sea
Ventus:Sexulity Headcanon- pan (he makes connections with everyone he meets, literally this boy just craves love and affection in any way)Gender Headcanon- male (he/him)OTP- ventus x Lea Brotp- Wayward trio Notp- literally with anybody elserandom headcanon- Probably likes to drink warm milk with honey before bed, begs his parents…I mean friends, aqua and terra, to give him more but they refuse knowing he’ll only stay up late at night and that could lead to nightmares.General opinion- A good boy, didn’t deserve that ending T_T
Roxas:Sexulity Headcanon- demisexual (he’s very selective on who he considers a friend, to gain his trust it is very difficult. When the boy finds someone he connects with he falls hard)Gender Headcanon- male (he/him)OTP- ((kinda nervous about the reaction I’m gonna get about this buuuut….)) Roxas x AxelBrotp- Naminee x Roxas & Xion x Roxas ((aka, the forget me knot team))Notp- ??? ummm I guess anyone else from organization XIII with himrandom headcanon- Favorite color is blue, probably has a tiger plushie in his room.General opinion- I really do like Roxas, he’s compasionate and does his best to stay his own person. He’s the second best boy (I like riku just slightly more)
Jeremy:Sexulity Headcanon- BisexualGender Headcanon- Trans Girl (she/her or they/them)otp- Michael x Jeremy (boyf riends) Brotp- actually this is tough….I guess my top three would be Jeremy x Rich, Jeremy x Brooke, and Jeremy x ChristineNotp- squip x jeremy (please no….)random headcanon- (I actually have a few) Jeremy paints their nails blue, likes to wear blouses and long cardigans, speaking of clothing they like wearing michael’s hoodie as a sort of security blanket/comfort item (helps Jeremy to stay grounded), can’t stand to stay at the mall for more than an hour at a time because they get sensory overload, and probably has generalized anxiety.General opinion- Musical wise, Jeremy isn’t all that impressive, I never found Jeremy to be the star of the show; all that limelight went to Michael who actually grew as a character and didn’t get what he wanted at the end. Jeremy’s biggest flaw as a character was that there wasn’t ever a time I generally sympathized with their emotions, like there were moments I thought “YES! we are going to address the real reason Jeremy wears women’s clothing!” or “Jeremy struggles in school because their mind is cluttered with worry and expectations and the idea of trying to see how they fit in/ finding themselves.” But none of that is ever addressed! We see Jeremy go from wanting to be popular to wanting the pretty girl (mind you just because shes beautiful and unique, never once do we get a “because she is passionate and optimistic and a great person!”) to having a momentary struggle with a squip and finalizing with having said squip control the minds of the students as a hivemind to make them forgive Jeremy for nearly killing them all and suddenly BOOM popular with no payoff. Like we sympathize with Michael more because not only is Michael a sympathetic underdog, he is a GREAT person! Sticking up for your friend when you were ditched? Researching about squips? Making sure your best friend is okay? This boy is sincere and laid back and just wants the best for his “favwit pewson”, his player 2, like dang man thats rough that even still at the end he kinda gets thrown to the side…So anyways everyone go check out Skquills story about bmc, it has boyf riends, more background of your favorite bmc characters, diverse character sexualities, and much more: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11420529/chapters/25585578
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Before I proceed with the article, let me tell you a story associated with the image below. The conversation went something like this:
Me: I need your picture for the story He: Take this one, I am wearing a t-shirt made of recycled plastic Me: But your face isn’t seen He: So what?
Well, people, that is Shishir Joshi for you! A commander who prefers to remain in the shadows while working with his army of Good Samaritans.
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When it comes to the grassroot problems of Mumbai’s citizens, there is one man who always carries the torch, Shishir Joshi. We have seen him create impact through railway station beautification, plastic recycling, adoption of BMC schools and many other initiatives which have changed the social & infrastructural fabric of Mumbai. Shishir has managed to mobilize many projects that will make Mumbai a better city for every citizen.
The national lockdown in the face of the Corona Virus pandemic has left many citizens confused, anxious, overwhelmed, sad and depressed. It is a situation that no one was really prepared for.
It has never happened, has it? An entire country shut down for 3 weeks. The future hanging in limbo – no one knowing how long the lockdown will effectively last. The lasting emotional and financial repercussions of the country’s lockdown are going to be long-lasting and possibly devastating.
There are so many people who are affected by the Lockdown – senior citizens, persons with disabilities, daily wage earners, homeless people and many more. Project Mumbai is working hard towards making life easier for them
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Though Shishir leads the initiatives at Project Mumbai, it is an ARMY of volunteers, corporates and NGOs who are the real unsung heroes and Good Samaritans in serving the city relentlessly. 
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You can learn more about him, his dynamic army of selfless soldiers and their projects by visiting www.projectmumbai.org. 
Here is a brief dekho into what Shishir Joshi and the Project Mumbai Army are doing for Mumbai during COVID-19 Lockdown
FREE Counselor on Call
Staying at home can trigger many emotional reactions within an individual. Prior to the lockdown, we were already living in an era where texting and social media were giving rise to loneliness and isolation. Self-deprecation was masked by an overt show of happiness on social media – but when everything is shrouded in darkness, there is a limit to which one can fabricate happiness online.
It is at such a juncture when individuals need someone to speak to. Someone who wouldn’t judge, someone who would care, a trained professional who would provide solutions. 
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When Shishir realised that the lockdown in Mumbai would apply brakes to the citizens of a fast-moving city, he knew that the cry for help would be heard soon. 
Along with his team, he immediately set up an army of 50 trained counsellors who will offer FREE counselling on call.
Project Mumbai in association with Prafulta launched a Free Counsellors on Call facility for people of Mumbai with a team of close to 50 trained Counsellors being at their service from 8 am to 8 pm across multiple languages including Marathi, Hindi, English, Gujarati, Malayalam, Punjabi and Kannada.
Counsellors details are as follows:
Morning Slot: 8am-2pm
Simran  – English / Hindi / Punjabi – 9967708252 Shilpa – English / Hindi / Gujarati / Marathi – 9833886723 Nidhi – English / Hindi – 9870200278 Sonali – English / Hindi / Marathi / Gujrati – 9820739500 Anu – English / Hindi / Malayalam – 9821110534 Geeta – English / Hindi / Gujarati / Malayalam – 9619138746 Bindu – English / Hindi / Tamil / Malayalam / Telugu – 9769232427 Shraddha – English / Hindi / Marathi / Gujrati – 9820083358 Neepa – English / Gujrati / Hindi – 9820228174 Malvika – English – 9773589016 Devika – English / Hindi / Punjabi – 9619456692 Anagha – English / Hindi / Marathi – 9011058787 Kumkum – English / Hindi – 9930967451 Pratishtha –  English / Hindi / Marathi / Gujarati – 9833722831 Juhi –  English / Hindi – 7977997842 Shaista – English / Hindi / Konkani – 7020069140 Tanvi S – English / Hindi – 8355917587 Kalyani – English / Hindi / Marathi – 9029030054 Sangeeta – Hindi – 9930632928 Tanvi T – English / Hindi / Gujrati – 9819549088 Shraddha G – English / Hindi / Marathi – 90827 57134 Anuya – English / Hindi / Marathi – 9326678583
Afternoon Slot 2pm-8pm
Kuntal – English / Hindi / Gujarati 8657422409 Ratandeep – English / Hindi / Punjabi 8356947150 Sheena – English / Hindi 8450938338 Shachi – English /Marathi /Hindi /Konkani 9004805577 Soha – English 00447442837114 (Whatsapp call only) Vicky – English, Hindi, Marathi 9920109316 Preeti – English, Marathi 9372734717 Dippal – English, Hindi, Gujrati, Marathi, Kutchi 9820088457 Deepal J – English, Hindi, Gujrati, Marwari 9920712315 Afrin – English, Hindi 9769978863 Shachi – English, Hindi, Marathi, Konkani 9004805577 Yogita – English, Hindi, Marathi 9930180508 Preethi – English/Hindi/Marathi 9820955943 Priyanka – English, Hindi, Gujrati 9987216112 Usha – English Hindi and Marathi. 9920039186 Saba – English, Hindi, Gujrati 9930178990 Arlene K – English/ Hindi 8652250939 Geeta – English / Hindi / Gujarati / Malayalam – 9619138746 Sanjeev – English / Hindi 9833761600 Hitakshi – English, Hindi, Gujarati, Sindhi 8779375552 Nilom – English/Hindi/Gujrati 9819289211 Ujala – English, Hindi 9619196160 Dr Sukhmeet – English/Hindi/Marathi/Punjabi/Gujarati 9372266275 Analisa – English, Hindi 9819864016 Ms Armeet – English, Hindi and Punjabi. 9769438149 Rachna J – English, Hindi, Punjabi 9892286922
What else is Project Mumbai doing to support Mumbai during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The army of Good Samaritans at Project Mumbai in association with MCGM are working hard to provide FREE delivery of groceries and packed food and medicines for persons with Disabilities or Senior Citizens living alone.
While many pseudo-intellectuals were busy updating their social media on how “worried” they were about the daily wage earners and the homeless, the Project Mumbai Army was silently putting up a backend to combat the issue. 
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The army of Good Samaritans is joining hands with several NGOs, corporates and citizens to provide warm home-cooked, nutritious meals to the homeless and daily wage earners through the initiative #KhaanaChahiye. 
There are so many initiatives that Project Mumbai regularly takes up for the betterment of the city. The projects are of relevance across the social strata and most have a long term impact on the well-being of the citizens of this wonderful city we call, Mumbai.
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Shishir Joshi – The Good Samaritan whose heart beats for every Mumbaikar
DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter is indeed honoured to feature Shishir Joshi and the Project Mumbai Army. India is PROUD of you all.
Keep walking! God Bless!
How can you help?
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Leave a note of appreciation for the Project Mumbai army in the comment section below. Your words of encouragement will mean a lot to these selfless Corona Warriors. 
Penned by
Mayura Amarkant 
Mumbai Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega|#ShishirJoshi and Project #Mumbai Army during #COVID19 #Lockdown #Sunday #ProjectMumbai Before I proceed with the article, let me tell you a story associated with the image below.
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Heya! Could I get a ship from DEH and BMC please? I’m a Pakistani Muslim and wear a hijab, but under my hair is dip dyed copper and super straight! (Not like me I’m bi 👌🏼) I’m medium height and a little chubby, love to write poetry and read, paint jean pockets and denim jackets for others and have a love for alternative and 90’s music. I currently wanna go into sociology in uni but may go down creative writing who knows? Thank you so much!!
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I took way too long to respond to this, I apologize 😓
I ship you with Connor!
He is a huge closet poetry geek. So when you tell him you write poetry he's ecstatic. He wants to read whatever you're willing to share. And he always showers you with praise
It gets to the point where he's comfortable sharing his "softer" side with you. He'll come up behind you, wrap his arms around you, and quote Maya Angelou:
"We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free."
He might ask you to paint something for him, anything, he trusts your judgement. And no matter what it is, he'll wear it everywhere, even if it doesn't match his "bad boy" aesthetic. And if anyone says anything, he'll just deck 'em. (Jared started laughing and there were rumors he had a black eye for the next few days shh)
Speaking of his iconic aesthetic, he may seem like a very specific type of "IDGAF" rebel kind of guy, but you'd be pleased to find out he has a range of different tastes. So he will listen to your music and even sing along! Can you believe? He loves seeing you so happy when you sing your favorite songs, so he does everything he can to keep that smile on your face
If it's particularly nice outside, you two could be found reading under a tree during lunch. Everyone thinks it's so bizarre, like you tamed him or something. Little do they know, he's always been like this. You just being out the best in him
He'd love how you look in your hijab and would wanna know more about other customs you follow. He's always up for learning more. (And he'll beat up ANYONE who tries to tease or bully you, don't test him)
Since you're bi and easy to talk to, he would eventually open up about his sexuality. He's not quite sure where he stands just yet, but he knows you would be understanding and it makes him feel so safe and relieved
He's the best person to have deep conversations with that start like, "If you could hook up with any historical figure, who would it be?" progress into, "How morally grey is the death penalty?" and end with, "What do you think happens after we die? Like really?" Granted, he's probably high half the time, but it's always interesting 😊
I ship you with Chloe!
She is very confident so she'll show you off wherever you guys go. She loves that you always seem happy and energetic and it affects her mood as well. You both just look very happy together
She would buy you a bunch of different hijabs to match your outfits if you're cool with it (she just loves fashion ok) and constantly give you compliments, "Look at this beautiful bitch! Who is she??"
Like Connor, she would always be ready to throw down if anyone was ever mean to you. Teacher raises their voice? She's there to defend you, all the while calling out the teacher for being unprofessional (and also a bad dresser). She will straight up put her arm around you and walk out of the class
She's not much of a reader, but she really enjoys having you read to her while she does your hair or paints your nails. She likes the sound of your voice
She would want you to paint her entire wardrobe so she can show off the unique style and brag about the beautiful artist that painted them for her
Chloe can be pretty bitchy at times, but she always tries to tone it down around you. She knows you're not fragile by any means, but she doesn't want to take a chance and risk upsetting you. It's so out of character for her to care about someone that much, people will sometimes gawk at the two of you when she's being kinder
Everytime you're in her car, she'll hand you the aux cord because she loves your taste in music. Immediately the top is down, she's going well over the speed limit, and you're both scream-singing along
You both have vastly different college/career goals, but that's what makes her love you even more. You're so different than what she's used to, she learns new things everytime she's with you, and she loves that
Thanks!! 💕
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