#really put this one off until the last second.
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grey november

leila ouahabi x reader r moves to manchester to be with her girlfriend, leila. manchester, however, is very different from barcelona where r grew up. it's an adjustment, and one that's taking it's toll on r. leila notices, and tries to make it better any way she can think of.
basically r has seasonal depression. very light angst, mostly fluff and leila being the sweetest girl in the world 🥰🥰
Manchester was very grey. Of course you’d known that, but the reality of living it was something else entirely than hearing about it. Rainy and overcast could be cozy. Spending the occasional rainy day inside wasn’t something you minded living in Barcelona, but your move to Manchester had increased those rainy, overcast days.
It was your first winter there, the first time you’d be spending an extended period of time in Manchester. The first two years Leila had spent in England, you’d remained behind in Spain. Mostly because your career, your family, your whole life was in Barcelona. Except… it wasn’t. Two years passed of flying to Leila, and her flying to you, and you never got used to it. Never got used to waking up most days alone in the bed you used to share, cooking breakfast in the kitchen alone where she’d used to sing off key every morning. And after two years, and no indication that Leila was coming back anytime soon, you’d realized life was too short. There would be plenty of years in the future, after football, that you could spend with Leila in Spain. For now, though, you ached for her every day. For her infectious laugh, the lines by her eyes when she’d smile, the way she slept with her head shoved under her pillow instead of laying on top of it.
Leila had wanted you to come in the first place, yet understood it didn’t really make any sense for you. But as much as you missed Leila, every second of every day, she missed you more. She’d never ask you to move for her, but she needed you.
She’d cried when you told her you’d be moving to Manchester.
It was the end of May, one of the biggest months for your girlfriend and her team, and you’d taken time off work to go see her. The idea of moving to her had been swirling around in your head for a few weeks, and it slipped out one morning as she tried to extract herself from your embrace and leave for training.
“I just want to be with you. All the time,” she’d murmured.
And with very little grace and absolutely no planning, you’d replied.
“What if I moved here?”
First, it was disbelief you saw on her face. And then, when she was sure you were serious, large tears welled in her eyes as she tackled you back down onto the bed, shoving her face into the crook of your neck and repeating over and over that there wasn’t anything she wanted more than that.
Leila had been late to training that day, and you’d made the move in July.
The first month was perfect. August and September, as well. October brought colder weather, more rain, more clouds. November was where it really started to go downhill. Leila was away with City and with the national team for what felt like half the month, and you were just… there.
There, in Manchester, with only your job to keep you busy. Very few friends outside of Leila’s football ones. It seemed lonely, more than anything. You didn’t realize what it really was until it was already happening, until you’d slipped back into a place you hadn’t been in since you were an overly angsty teenager.
Every day was harder than the last, the ones without Leila being the absolute worst. But you couldn’t let her see, couldn’t let her know. Your sweet, sweet Leila would be crushed with guilt. She’d try to move teams or scientifically alter the climate in England. You didn’t want her to feel bad; it wasn’t her fault the weather had an alarming impact on your mental health.
So, when Leila was home, you were fine. You were good, because you had to be. You laughed at her jokes and let her put on a film in the evenings after dinner knowing full well she would start kissing your neck within 10 minutes, and the movie would be forgotten.
When she was gone, you let yourself crumble. Staying in bed longer than was socially acceptable, wallowing in the oppressive weight that had settled on your chest. And when she’d get back, you’d make yourself pull it together. It was a cycle, one that began in November, and by December, one that you weren’t sure how to get yourself out of.
The thing was, you were so busy acting fine that you forgot to make sure Leila actually believed that you were.
Leila had been gone all weekend. An away game in London and an issue with their return trip kept her gone an extra day, but finally she was due home. The weekend for you had been… well, what had become averagely terrible. Most of it had been spent doing absolutely nothing, all the while your mind raced with all the things you should have been doing. You simply didn’t have enough energy for any of those tasks, though, the exhaustion you felt bone deep and paralyzing.
A few hours before Leila was due home, though, you dragged yourself off the couch. If there was one motivator, one thing that could get you out of your head, it was that Leila couldn’t find out. She just couldn’t.
You weren’t sure she’d get it, to start with. Leila was… Leila. Sunshine and smiles and laughter, all the time. Even when you weren’t dealing with depression, Leila’s social battery could long outlast yours. She’d go out and do something social with friends every day if she could. You’d never been that way, needing time to recharge between work and… work the next day.
Before Leila, you didn’t do things on weeknights. But Leila brought you out of your shell, and you found yourself craving more time with others, as long as she was there too.
So as much as you were beyond sure that your girlfriend would work tirelessly to understand where your head was at, you didn’t think she could. You didn’t think she’d be able to listen to you explain what was going on and not try to fix it. It wasn’t that you didn’t want Leila’s help; it was that you knew she’d give you a million suggestions that you wouldn’t physically be able to bring yourself to do. And she wouldn’t get that, you were sure.
Leila couldn’t fix this, so there was no reason to burden her with it at all. As much as you wanted her comfort, you couldn’t push your problems on her when she wouldn’t have the answer.
So, you cleaned the whole house in two hours flat. Changed the sheets, vacuumed behind the couch, and made dinner. By the time Leila arrived home, the house was perfect. Nothing out of order, nothing to suggest you’d spent the whole weekend on the sofa crying or sleeping or just staring at the wall.
Of course, Leila could see it on your face the moment she saw you. The bags under your eyes, the way you seemed to drown in her clothes.
She swept you into a hug, tucking her face into your neck and felt you sag against her.
Your hair was damp and smelled like her coconut shampoo, and you were mumbling something about dinner and watching a movie, but all Leila could think about was the way you melted into her hug, and the look in your eyes as she’d come through the door. Relief, and exhaustion. Deep, all encompassing exhaustion.
Gently, she nudged you back a little, her eyes locking on yours as she studied you.
“Are you okay, my love?” Leila asked softly, her expression warm and inviting.
For a second, Leila thought you might tell her what was going on. Your expression wavered a bit, but you blinked hard and forced a smile, leaning in to peck her lips.
“I’m fine! Excited to have you back.”
It was a lie Leila could see right through, but if she knew anything about you, it was that you were too stubborn for your own good. Leila could push and push, ask and ask, but you wouldn’t tell her what was going on until you felt ready. There wasn’t anything she could do about that, so she just nodded, pulling you back in by your wrist and kissing you much more fervently.
By the time you broke apart, there was a dazed look in your eyes, but a different kind from before. Satisfied, your girlfriend tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Did you say something about dinner?”
It took a minute for the question to process, your mind suddenly overcome with the softness of Leila’s lips, the little sliver of abdomen peeking out from her crop top, her slightly tousled hair. She was so pretty. You never got used to it.
“Uh… yes. Yes, dinner. I made dinner.”
With a grin, Leila grabbed your hand in hers and pulled you towards the kitchen.
“It smells so good, amor. Like the best thing I have ever smelled!”
You rolled your eyes at her enthusiasm, heading towards the stove to take the pot off the burner. As you rounded the kitchen island, though, you stumbled, foot catching on the trash bag sitting on the floor. Leila was across the room like she had super speed, steadying you before you could really come close to falling.
The trash. You hadn’t taken it out earlier like you’d meant to. The house wasn’t perfectly in order. And god, neither were you. The façade you were putting on crumbled within a second, all the time you’d spent making sure you seemed fine meaningless.
It wasn’t really a big deal, that you’d forgotten to take the trash out. It was just the last straw of an horrible, overwhelmingly emotional weekend.
“I’ll take this out, if you want to pick a movie?” Leila said easily, oblivious to the way you were about to fall apart next to her.
Leila grabbed the bag, her back to you, pausing when you didn’t reply to her. Then, she heard a small sniffle. She knew that sniffle, knew it from when something bad happened to an animal in a movie and you tried not to openly weep. She dropped the trash bag, turning around with a furrowed brow.
“Cari?” Leila prompted softly, moving closer as she saw your lip begin to tremble. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
It was as if the question had unlocked a floodgate inside of you, and before you could even think to stop yourself, you were stumbling forward into Leila’s open arms, burying your face in her shirt.
“Hey,” she murmured, wrapping one arm tight around your midsection, and resting the other on the back of your head. “Hey, it’s okay, baby. Everything’s okay.”
Wordlessly, you shook your head against her, clinging on tighter because you honestly weren’t sure what would happen if she let go.
Leila wasn’t letting go, though. She tugged you in even closer, squeezing as she rocked the two of you back and forth gently. “I love you. I love you so much.” Her voice was barely a whisper in your ear, but it was exactly what you needed to hear from her. Because, god, you didn’t love yourself in that moment.
The tears began to stop much sooner than you were expecting, and Leila was turning off the stove and leading you into the living room within a few minutes. You moved away from her to sit on the sofa, but she shook her head, sliding onto the couch and pulling you to lay directly on top of her.
One of her hands slipped up the back of your shirt, fingers tracing mindless patterns into your skin. She cradled your head with her other hand, making sure you stayed as pressed close to her as you could be. Leila held you like she could make everything better just by doing so.
For a few minutes it was quiet. That was one of your favorite things about Leila; she was talkative and loud when she wanted to be, but she was also content to just… be with you. Just sit and let you gather your thoughts, no matter how long it took. Leila waited, more patiently than you thought you deserved.
Finally, you found your voice. “I’m sorry.”
Leila scoffed, and you were sure she’d have flicked you if you hadn’t just been crying.
“I do not accept, because you have nothing to be sorry for.”
“You just got home and–”
“And nothing, baby,”
“ –and I fall apart because I’m a disaster,”
“ You aren’t a disaster!”
“ –and you have to deal with me and you shouldn't have to,” you finished despite Leila’s interruptions. You pulled away from her embrace, sliding off her body onto the soft next to her.
Her lips were pressed into a thin line when you looked at her, frustration radiating off her. It was such a departure from her normal temperament that you forgot entirely if you had anything else to apologize for. Instead, you just stared into her deep brown eyes, waiting for her to say something.
“I… I don’t deal with you. You are not a problem I have to solve. I love you, it isn’t a burden for me to be there when something is wrong, when you are upset.” Leila’s voice was practically trembling with conviction, so you reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. It was obvious that it hurt her for you to feel this way, for someone she loved and cherished to put such little value in themselves.
“I know that, Lei. I know, I’m sorry. I’m just not myself.”
Your girlfriend softened, then, her spare hand tugging at the ends of her ponytail like she always did when she was nervous. “Why aren’t you yourself, hmm? What’s going on?”
And though you’d spent the whole weekend thinking about it, the whole month practically wallowing in it, there weren’t any words in your head that would convey the weight that you felt resting on your chest.
“I… I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to say it.”
“Is… do you want to break up?” Leila asked quietly, the tremble of her voice matching that of her chin when you snapped your head to look up at her. This was always what she defaulted to, and you should have known better than to speak so ambiguously. Leila loved so hard, so deeply, she often worried it was too much. She worried it would drive you away from her, as if you’d ever grow tired of her adoration.
“Leila, no. Never. It’s not that, you’ve not done anything wrong.” You reassured her the best you could, brushing a soft strand of pin straight hair away from her forehead. Leila released a deep breath, concern returning to replace fear in her eyes.
“Then what is it? You’ve been off for weeks.”
You shifted uncomfortably, hating that you hadn’t been as good at hiding it as you thought. “I think I’m depressed.” You admitted finally, staring down at your hands as you began to pick at your cuticles. Leila’s hand covered yours almost immediately, her other gently tilting your chin until you had no choice but to make eye contact.
“You think?” Leila pressed. “Or you are?”
It was just like Leila to make you be as vulnerable as you could be, but you couldn’t deny it was one of the things you loved about her. The way she always saw through your futile attempts to write off your emotions as only partially valid.
“I am.” Voice no more than a whisper, you shrugged helplessly, tears stinging your eyes once again. “I don’t really know what happened. I haven’t felt like this in years, but suddenly I’m here and it’s– I don’t know.”
Leila’s eyebrows furrowed. “Here? Do you think being here has something to do with it?”
At this, you averted your eyes entirely, pulling your hand out of her and staring at a spot on the rug, where the design swirled into several different colors.
“Amor, you can tell me.” Leila implored. “Please. Is it England? Being away from your family? Your friends? Your new job? Do you not like the apartment?”
Finally, you raised your eyes back to your girlfriends, finding a desperate need to fix looking back at you. Exactly what you hadn't wanted.
“No. I mean, I miss my family and my friends but I’m so happy to be here with you. I like my job, I love our apartment. It’s…”
“What, baby?”
It suddenly felt so ridiculous. So stupid. What were you supposed to say? The clouds are making me sad, Leila. The rain makes me want to curl into a ball in our bed and never get up again. The weather in this country is draining all the happiness from my body.
“It’s the weather. The clouds and the rain. And the cold. I just… I never want to leave the apartment. I never want to go anywhere because it’s terrible out, so I don’t go anywhere and then I feel terrible about myself. I miss the sun, Leila. It’s so stupid, that it’s having this much of an affect on me, but I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I’m losing myself.”
“Oh, baby.” Leila sighed, uncrossing her legs so she could pull you in close to her chest. “That’s not stupid, not at all. That’s a real thing, a completely real thing that you are dealing with.”
And though you’d known that, it felt like a weight off your chest to hear Leila say it. You allowed yourself to relax into her, allowed yourself to feel the weight of your emotion in her presence in a way you hadn’t in a long time.
“There are so many things we can try to help you. We can find you a psychologist, and get you back to Spain for some sun more often. We’ll fix this, amor, I promise. We’ll get you back to yourself.”
Leila’s words were mumbled into the top of your head, and you found them more comforting than you were expecting. Even if you’d known she’d try to fix it… even if you hadn’t wanted that. Leila was going to help you, and that was a massive comfort. You nodded into her chest, gripping tight to her shirt in a way you hoped would convey how grateful you were to her.
The two of you sat there in silence for several minutes, wrapped up together so tightly you weren’t sure where you ended and where Leila began. It all felt less heavy just then, more manageable. You knew, though, that telling Leila what was going on was only the start of the process.
The next day was a good one; the sun had emerged from its cloud prison for the first time in weeks, and you’d gone for a run. As much as you hated to admit it, the exercise helped, as did the sunlight. Leila had been gone before you’d woken, though you thought you remembered waking just barely to a soft kiss pressed to your head and sweet words whispered into your ear.
It was a recovery day for Leila, and she was meant to be getting treatment down on her calf anyway, which had been giving her some trouble. She should have been home just before noon, just as you’d arrived home from your run. As it was, you’d had time to shower and make the two of you lunch before Leila walked in the door, a full hour after she was supposed to get home.
You weren’t suspicious or anything, mostly just curious where she’d been. The question didn’t even have time to leave your mouth before it was answered, though, Leila practically bounding into the kitchen holding a bulky box in her arms.
“Hi my love!” She grinned, putting the box down on the counter and sweeping you into a hug. Leila spun the two of you around, pressing kisses all over your face as you laughed, the flutter of her lips tickling your skin.
“Hi, Lei,” you replied, Leila finally halting her attack on your face so she could kiss you once on the lips.
“Hi.” She murmured against your mouth. “I missed you.”
“You were gone for like… 4 hours.” You chuckled, winding your arms around the back of her neck and pressing yourself closer to her even as you teased her.
“Still missed you.” Leila smiled, her face overwhelmingly earnest and adoring. “I got you a present!”
“No, did you?” You teased, nodding at the large box sitting just inches away from you.
Leila just rolled her eyes, shoving you lightly as she reached for the box and tore it open.
“It’s a light therapy box! You sit in front of it, and it shines on your face, and it’s supposed to feel like the sun!”
Leila was so excited, yanking the rectangular light out of the box and presenting it to you with a flourish. Your heart melted, knowing then that Leila had stayed up long after you’d gone to sleep, doing research to try to figure out how to make you feel better.
It was funny, that you’d been worried about her trying to fix you before. Leila wasn’t trying to fix you, and you weren’t sure how you’d thought she'd do so. Your girlfriend just wanted to help. Help wasn’t fixing. It was just what a good partner did.
“Thank you, Lei. Really.”
Leila blushed adorably, pushing hair out of her face as she smiled at you. “Do you want to try it?”
Lunch sat on the counter behind you, but it wasn’t getting cold, and the hopefulness radiating off your girlfriend was enough to have you nodding enthusiastically. The next second, Leila had to light in one hand, and your hand in the other, yanking you towards the living room.
For just a second, you thought that if her love could cure you, you’d never have gotten to this point. But you had. Love couldn’t cure you, but it could help. And Leila was determined to help.
The light therapy box wasn’t the only thing Leila got you, but her other gift wouldn’t be ready for a few more weeks, until the two of you were home from spending Christmas with your families in Spain, before returning to England for New Year’s Eve.
The time you spent in Spain was perfect. More than perfect. You got to see your family, got to enjoy the warmth. Well, it wasn’t warm by some standards, but it definitely was now that you’d spent time away from Barcelona. More than anything, you got to spend pretty much every second with Leila. No football to interrupt, no media commitment, no national team. Just you and Leila, spending every day together however you wanted to.
As such, your mood had improved. It wasn’t perfect; you could still feel the echo of the deep exhaustion lingering in the peripheral of your brain. You were deeply dreading going back to Manchester and falling back into the pit of depression you’d found yourself in not too long ago. It terrified you, that things could get bad again and you wouldn’t be able to fix it. That this was just how you were now, how you would be for the rest of your time spent in Manchester.
You could go to therapy and let Leila sit you directly in front of the light box as much as you wanted. There were certain aspects of your life in Manchester, though, that just meant loneliness. And that was what got you more than anything else.
Unbeknownst to you, though, Leila had been considering this exact point. The two of you had talked it over, talked it to death why you were feeling the way you were. You maintained that it was just the weather, but Leila could tell you were lying. Could tell that her unavoidable absences at times were really taking their toll on you.
And, ever the helper, Leila had come up with an idea.
“Shh.” Leila whispered. “Stop meowing, you’re going to spoil the surprise.”
While you slept in, Leila allowed herself to be impulsive, something she often fought in the name of being a responsible adult. It was mid morning, the day after you’d arrived back in Manchester from Spain, and Leila had snuck out to retrieve her idea.
A small, white and black kitten, with ears too big for his body and the biggest eyes Leila had ever seen on a kitten. She’d almost cried when she saw him for the first time, the sheer level of adorableness emanating from the little kitten. Leila had known in an instant he was perfect for you, a little buddy to be here when she couldn’t.
She’d gone to get him while you were still asleep, picking him up from the shelter and stopping to buy about half the pet store on her way back. The kitten would have no shortage of toys or treats, that was for sure. But now, as she crept into the house with the kitten curled up in her arms against her chest, she began to get nervous.
What if you didn’t want a cat? You loved your friends' cats, had talked about getting a pet before, but… maybe you’d changed your mind? She should have asked you first.
It was too late now. Mostly because she’d already adopted the kitten, and partially because she was attached, too. This was her kitten, even if they’d only really known each other for an hour or so. All she could do was pray you thought this was a good idea, or she’d be stuck with a kitten she adored and a girlfriend who was furious.
The small kitten mewed again, and Leila froze, just a few feet from the partially shut bedroom door.
“Shh, pequeño. We have to make sure she likes you before she finds out how noisy you are.” Leila whispered, peppering kisses onto the top of the little guy’s head. He pawed at her face in response and she giggled, before slapping a hand over her mouth.
“Lei? Are you… laughing to yourself?” You called, having woken just a few minutes prior and heard your girlfriend mumbling to herself. “And did you meow?”
“Um… I have a surprise.” Leila called back, still not moving any closer to the bedroom. She was using the voice she used when she spilled an entire mug of coffee on the white carpet in the living room, and you were suspicious instantly.
You sat up, eyes wide with surprise. A surprise… that meows. It didn’t take a genius.
“Come in here and show me.”
It was silent for a moment, before Leila took a deep breath and moved closer, gently pushing the door open.
“Oh… oh my god.” You breathed, scrambling out from under the covers and moving closer to your girlfriend. “Is that a cat?!”
Leila nodded nervously, holding the kitten out to you with both hands. “Surprise?”
It was clear to you that Leila had not entirely thought this through, the anxiety on her face speaking for itself. Expression still unreadable, you took the kitten into your arms, almost cooing at how he snuggled into you, apparently sleepy from giving Leila a hard time earlier.
“I… I know I should have asked you first. But I also know you hate being alone here, and I’m gone so often right now, and I just thought not being here by yourself might help. I should have asked first.” Leila spoke rapidly, hands gesturing wildly as she spoke.
You weren’t really sure what to say. Leila was known to do impulsive things, absolutely more of a ‘don’t ask permission, ask forgiveness’ kind of person, but you’d never expected her to do this. On the other hand, though, Leila was right. Absolutely right, and you’d been thinking about how to bring the idea of getting a pet up to her. Apparently, you hadn’t needed to worry about it.
In your arms sat the sweetest, most adorable kitten you’d ever seen in your life, purring softly as you gently rubbed his head. And standing just across from you was the sweetest, most thoughtful person you’d ever met in your life; how could you be mad at her?
“You should have talked to me first.” You began, softening as Leila cringed and nodded, quiet apologies spilling out from her. “But this… this is kind of perfect, Lei. I was thinking about asking you how you felt about getting a pet. And this guy… he’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Leila exhaled, relieved as if she’d been told the world had narrowly avoided a nuclear crisis.
“Oh thank god. I don't know what I was thinking. one second, I just wanted to help you feel better, and the next… I was buying a cat.”
Your girlfriend seemed genuinely baffled at her own actions and you couldn’t help but laugh, tucking the kitten under one arm and lifting the other, gesturing Leila closer. She scooched in, slouching herself down so she could tuck her face into your neck.
“I love you.” She murmured. “I just want you to feel good, to be happy.”
You tilted your head so you could kiss her temple, overcome with how very loved Leila made you feel.
“You make me very happy, Lei. Thank you.”
Leila just held you tighter, thinking she’d buy every cat in the world if this was your reaction. She’d buy anything, do anything, to see such a happy smile on your face.
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I’m blushing so hard at frat boy James!! What about the first time she comes over and meets the guys outside a party
hope i've done your idea justice! ty for requesting
𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎
⟢ frat boy!james potter x fem!reader ⊹ 1.9k ⟢ warnings/tags: references to drinking, technically american!james potter and american!marauders
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"It'll just take a minute," James promises. "We'll be in and out."
With his hand in yours, he leads you through the door, passing under the large Greek letters as you cross the threshold.
You have been seeing James for a month and a half. You never thought you'd be interested in a frat guy—you've never even step foot in one of their houses until now—but James has proven to be the opposite of what you thought a frat guy would be like.
James is a total sweetheart. Possibly the most thoughtful and genuine guy you've ever dated. He makes you feel special, always remembering the little things like your favorite flower or your drink orders at all your favorite places. He's attentive without ever being overbearing. But honestly, you don't think you could see him that way if you tried, always loving every bit of attention he gives you.
Today, he's taking you on a study date. He remembered that you were complaining about an upcoming exam in a class he's already taken, so he's grabbing his old notes and sitting you down in a quiet corner of the library so that he can help you study.
James would already have you set up in the library on the coziest chair with your favorite hot drink from the cafe if he didn't forget his old notebook in his room—which he felt rather sheepish about leaving behind.
So, here you are. James asked if you wanted to wait in the car, but you were curious to see the inside of one of these things. You half expected to see solo cups littering the floor, a pong table in place of a coffee table, and maybe even a few hungover frat guys strewn about the living room still sobering up from last nights antics.
You were a little surprised to find out that it was rather clean. You know from James that there was indeed a party here last night, but apparently they clean up nicely.
Although, you’re right about there being a pong table. But it is folded up and leaning against a wall for future use.
James guides you towards the stairs, but before he can even mount the first step someone appears in the foyer from a hall that you can see leads to the kitchen.
"Jamesie! Back so soon?" the boy cheers when his eyes land on his friend first. His eyes dart to you a second later, and something like recognition flashes in his expression. "Is this who I think it is?"
The boy has long, black hair that cascades just to his shoulders in soft waves, the kind that look effortless but too perfect to not be styled in some way. He stares at you with piercing blue eyes, making you feel oddly self-conscious, which might also have to do with the big smirk on his lips.
James squeezes your hand, sensing your nerves, but he'd bet money that they pale in comparison to his own. He's been nervous about bringing you around here. It doesn't have anything to do with you, or them (well, maybe he's a little worried they'll scare you off). You're really important to him, and so are they, and he's been putting a lot of pressure on introducing you to them. So, this unplanned visit has his palms sweating, which he's hoping you haven't noticed.
"Sirius," James greets his friend. "Yeah, this is Y/N."
Your eyes widen a fraction when Sirius immediately steps forward, taking your free hand to press a kiss to the back of your knuckles. "Hi, sweetheart, I've heard a lot about you. Truly, a lot. James has talked my ear off about you so I really feel like I'm meeting an old friend. I'm Sirius."
You feel heat rise to your cheeks but you're not alone, as James' own face turns rosy as he mutters a scolding "dude!" at his friend.
"Don't tell me you were just gonna sneak in without so much as a proper introduction." Sirius places a hand over his heart, a dramatic look of utter disbelief painting his face.
"We're just stopping by to get my notes. We have a very important study sesh to get to, didn't want to delay us too much," James explains, rocking back and forth on his heels.
"I promise it'll only be a short detour then. Pete and Remus are the only ones here anyway," Sirius says. His eyes dart to you again, something mischievous swimming within them. "We've all been dying to meet the girl that has our James so smitten. I mean, he's been going on and on and on. It's nice to finally have a pretty face to the name."
At Sirius’ words, you can’t help but crack a smirk as you peer up at James.
“Don’t look at me like that,” James murmurs, now rubbing his thumb across your knuckles the way he does when he gets anxious. James is sure the tips of his ears are bright red. Sirius will go to no end to embarrass him, but despite the fact that his heart might jump out of his chest at any second, James really only cares how you feel about the situation. James tilts his head toward you, lowering his voice to ask, "Are you up for meeting some of the guys?"
"Yeah," you say with a warm smile. "I'd love to meet your friends." And you really would. James talks a lot about them, too. Always reciting some story about all the shenanigans they've gotten into over the years.
You've been able to tell he's been overthinking bringing you to meet them. You get it—you're secure in James' feelings for you, so you know it's nothing personal. Plus, you were really nervous when James met your friends. To be honest, even though they were jokes, you're friends have made digs at frat guys before because of the stigma. You really wanted James and your friends to like each other, and thankfully, they really do and you had nothing to be worried about.
You hope that meeting his friends will have the same outcome and ease some of James' worries.
Sirius provides a generous introduction as you enter the kitchen. "Boys, it seems we have a very special guest in our midst this morning."
There are two guys sitting on kitchen stools who swivel around to greet you.
There's a lanky boy with mousy brown hair whose eyes dart back and forth between you and James before he directs a kind smile in your direction.
The other boy spins around mid-spoonful of a bowl of cereal. He abandons the utensil in his mouth to wave at you, his other hand occupied by the bowl resting in his palm.
Your eyes trail around the kitchen as James introduces you to them. It's rather large, as it would have to be to accommodate the large number of guys you assume live here.
You've also discovered the mess you thought you'd be stepping into. It seems that all of the discarded solo cups and beer cans have already been shoveled into a few trash bags, which are just about ready to burst at the seams as they wait by the back door to be taken out.
"I'm Peter," the boy with the cereal pipes up after returning his spoon to his bowl.
"Remus," the tall one introduces himself. "It's nice to meet you."
"You too," you say. "You know, I've never been in a frat house before. I take it you all live here?"
Remus is the only one who shakes his head. "Not a brother," he clarifies. "Just unlucky enough to have them as my best friends."
"Oh, you know you'd be lost without us," Sirius says, rolling his eyes playfully. "And it's not a frat house, it's a frat home," Sirius says very earnestly. Too add to his dramatics, he pulls Peter into a hug (which nearly makes him fall off his stool) and raps his fist against his back as he pretends to get emotional.
Peter's laughing as he shoves, Sirius off. "Alright, man," he says, swatting Sirius' hand away as he ruffles his hair.
"Sirius had beer for breakfast," Remus informs you to excuse Sirius' behavior.
"Hey, I only had two and I know you're not suggesting I'm a lightweight," Sirius points at Remus accusingly. "Anyway, I was just telling Y/N how often Jamesie muses about her."
Remus clicks his tongue, shaking his head. "Don't tease him too badly, Sirius.”
"It's not like it's not true," Peter shrugs, earning himself a glare from James.
You look up at James. His cheeks have deepened a few shades now as he glowers at Peter. You give his hand a squeeze to attract his attention, the expression on his face immediately softening when he looks at you.
“I think it’s sweet,” you say, encouraging a smile onto James’ lips. He drops your hand, only to wrap his arm around your shoulder and pull you into his side. You nuzzle your nose against his shoulder, looking at him with expectant eyes. He knows what you’re asking for, and would rather hand his friends more ammo to tease him with than deny you, so he gladly plants a tender kiss to the top of your head.
“You two are sickening.” Sirius leans over the counter, propping his chin up with his hand as he sighs dramatically. “It’s adorable,” he adds.
“Wrapped around her finger, are ya?” Peter joins in on the teasing.
James keeps his eyes on you as he responds. “You bet I am.”
You tear your eyes away from James’ sweet gaze to address his smirking friends. “You know, I've heard a lot about you guys too," you say.
Sirius lights up with intrigue. "Oh, do tell."
"Well, Peter must be the guy to go to if you want to have a laugh. Every time James asks ‘Wanna hear a story Peter told me’ I know I’m gonna have to sit through several fits of laughter before he gets to the end of it," you say, nudging James with your elbow who nods along to confirm your story.
Peter puffs up his chest, proud to be known as the funny one.
"Remus," you continue, "I should've known you weren't a brother. James always tells me about how they drag you into things that you have to get them out of. If he hasn't told you before, he's very thankful for you. And Sirius. I think I've heard the most interesting stories about you."
"This should be good," Sirius says, a cocky grin on his face. "I've given James a whole catalog of legendary stories to tell about me."
"My favorite is the one that started with you trying to impress a girl by jumping into the pool from the roof and ended with you in the bushes after you tripped on the gutter,” you say, an air of sweetness in your tone and a smile on your lips.
The confident smirk drops from Sirius’ face and James snorts a laugh beside you. Peter cracks up, and even Remus snickers at the look on Sirius’ face.
"I think you’ve just won over Sirius," Remus says, watching as his grin returns.
“You got me, I can appreciate that,” Sirius says. “Why have you been hiding her from us for so long, James? I like her.”
"Yeah, I like her too,” James replies, squeezing you a little closer into his side. He doesn't bother trying to hide the broad grin overtaking his features. As he looks down at your giggling face, he can't remember what he was so nervous about.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
#james potter x reader#james potter x fem!reader#frat boy!james potter x reader#james potter#frat boy!james#frat boy!james potter#frat!james potter#james potter fluff#fluff#james potter fic#james potter oneshot#james potter one shot#james potter blurb#james potter drabble#james potter fanfic#james potter fanfiction#fem!reader#american!james potter#american!marauders#american!james potter x reader#marauders au#modern au#muggle au#college au#university au#marauders college au#marauders university au#marauders muggle au#muggle!james potter#muggle!reader
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pls for the love of god write more spencer. ur writing is everything
The difference between love and pretending…

Spencer Agnew x fem!Reader
a/n ask and ye shall receive
Warnings/Content: This be a short one, little bit of angst, pining, kissing, cheating, alcohol
Summary: He dated your friend, granted she treated him like dirt and you, doesn’t that break some kind of girl code? But he stood there, oh so beautiful and you just…
New! Spencer Agnew Prompt Series!
Prompt: “I can’t stop thinking about the last time we kissed.” “You say you don’t love me but you kissed me back like you did.”
The living room was heavy with the heartbreak of your best friend and colleague, for that matter. A stupid romcom blaring colour from the tv that he swore he didn’t like in the dim light room, wine drunk to high heaven, scattered takeaway containers around the table and a big big box of chocolate.
Having just broken up with your friend, catching her kissing one of her guy friends when she thought she was alone, you were here to help him feel better. You didn’t know if it was working, but you hope it was, you hated seeing him like this- not because you had a crush or anything. You set them up together so really it’s your own fault, your own fault that you had to watch the two people you love in this world kiss over and over, your own fault he sat here upset.
The tension grew awkward after he spoke, “I should have dated you instead.” He laughed, but in a sort of self deprecation way. And the alcohol that cling to your brain made the case even worse as you blurted out- “Maybe…” Your eyes met his, you know it was wrong- he was going through heartbreak and he had belonged to your friend not six hours ago and…
He leaned down, unsure of what he was actually doing right now, and sure enough your lips met. It turned sloppy and messy, your lipstick smearing over his face as you gripped each others clothing.
What were you doing?
You felt embarrassed at yourself, he was hurting and you just let him kiss you like that, how selfish can you be?
Soon after you had pulled away, you made an excuse and left, you can’t do this to him or to yourself. You didn’t want to stay and become a rebound girl for the man you were pretty sure you loved.
You didn’t talk about it after that night, the rooms went silent and stuffy when it was just the two of you, neither of you knowing what to say.
Both of you tried to build your friendship back up, eventually getting to a point where you could exchange niceties when working, but in the back of your head you were sort of regretting what happened.
“Can I talk to you for a second…alone?” You paused as you packed up to leave, it was getting late and you didn’t want to bother the clean up crew.
“Um, yeah, sure- is everything okay?” You ask, your eyes darted anywhere but his face.
“No.” He put it plain and simple, it had been at least four months since that night, was he still angry at you?
“Oh…” Was all you could say, waving goodbye to your desk buddies before it left just the two of you.
“I can’t stop thinking about the last time we kissed.” He huffed out, swiping some hair out of his eyes.
“Ah…what do you mean?” You knew this was coming eventually, it was stupid to think it wouldn’t.
“I can’t stop thinking about it, about you…” You blink at his words, about you?
“About me?” Your breathing became a little heavier as the office was silent and still.
“About how much I want to kiss you again…” You gasped quietly, was he on drugs?
“I get it, if you don’t feel the same way but…I kind of know you do…” He trails off, looking a little awkward.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” You panicked a little, how did he know about your feelings? Was this a trick? You betted on Ian spilling the beans, of course he did!
“I feel like I used you that night, the night we kissed because…I knew you had feelings for me and I just…wanted to feel like someone loved me.” He’s upset at his own words, at himself for taking advantage of you and your feelings for him. You had gotten it all wrong, he wasn’t angry at you. You stayed calm even thought you felt utterly embarrassed that he had known about your feelings for so long.
“I…thought I was using you…because of how I felt and I thought I was being selfish letting you kiss me when I knew you loved her.” Her being your friend, of course.
“Let me kiss you again…” He stepped towards you, a fire in his eyes.
“What? Why?” You don’t want your feelings played around like that.
“Because…I, I like you back.” He softens at you, “Since that night, since the kiss, it’s like you messed with me…and I can’t stop thinking about you.” This can’t be true, it was just convenience.
“Spencer, no, you don’t. It’s just-“
“Yes…I do, I know the difference between love and pretending.” He was a smart man, of course he knew, not that you fully believed it.
“Okay, well…” You couldn’t do this to your friend, could you? You had only just patched things up after being angry at her for so long for breaking his heart, how would it look now if you just swooped him up? “I can’t…because she-“
“Forget about her, I stopped thinking about her the moment our lips touched and it’s not like she doesn’t deserve this…you shouldn’t care about her feelings more than your own.” Why was he so right?
“How are you so sure I love you, still? I don’t.” You had it coming as soon as you said that, your voice wavering because of the dishonesty in it. You couldn’t do this to her-
He scoffed, putting his hands up and cupping your jaw before pulling you into the most phenomenal kiss of your life, it happened quickly and you followed suit- kissing him back with the same passion.
His hands tangled in your hair as you came up to steady yourself on his chest, it went on for a while before he pulled away- a sick grin on his features.
“You say you don’t love me but you kissed me back like you did.” His eyes are shining as you can’t find anything to deny.
“I…” You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat, you didn’t know what to say.
“One date? If we aren’t a match then that’s the end…but I don’t see that happening, I really, really want this to work with you. Don’t think about what she might think or say. We were friends for much longer and…you don’t need someone like her in your life” She did treat you terribly, you were always so kind to people and they took it for granted more often than not.
“You know, you are really stubborn.” You suppressed a smile, looking at him with a glint of joy in your eyes.
“Tomorrow? I’ll pick you up at 6? They do discounts on the bowling place down the street after 8, we could get some dinner…or something like that?” That sounded amazing, a chill first date.
“Perfect.” You bite your bottom lip, smiling.
“You won’t regret it.” He leans in to kiss your cheek.
What have you gotten yourself into?
#smosh spencer fanfiction#smosh spencer imagines#spencer agnew fanfiction#smosh spencer imagine#smosh spencer x reader#spencer agnew imagines#spencer agnew x reader#spencer agnew#spencer agnew imagine#spencer x reader#smosh x reader#smosh imagines#smosh games#smosh fanfiction#smosh#smosh cast#ian hecox
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A lot to unpack with the characters' choices in this ep and there's still context we don't have, so my perspective could shift, but here's how I'm reading them as of the end of episode 4:
Fourmod is obsessed with Chian and will not be able to move on until he gets his heart thoroughly crushed, and I appreciate that at least he's not lying to Baabin about that. After a month of being ghosted he jumped right back on the merry go round with Chian without a second thought. And he looked truly miserable when contemplating Chian rejecting his confession. This relationship makes him feel horrible about himself, but he won't stop until Chian does.
Baabin is the kindest boy in this story and in the end he put Fourmod's desires over his own. But this is not going to end well for him or Fourmod. He's really the architect of his own misery in every moment, from lying to spend more time with Fourmod to encouraging Fourmod to use him to missing out on seeing Lisa to taking back his own confession only to turn around and confess to Chian on Fourmod's behalf. He's going to be struggling the whole time Fourmod is mixed up with Chian, especially knowing he is the one who pushed them closer together.
Chian's choice at the end of this episode was perhaps the most intriguing to me. Last time Fourmod said he liked him Chian panicked and ghosted. This time, Fourmod didn't actually confess, and it was Baabin who showed Chian that Fourmod was feeling insecure about whether his feelings were returned, which seemed to inspire Chian to make a move on him (without actually saying anything about his feelings, of course). I suspect Chian likes being liked as long as there's no pressure attached. It's the expectation that he have any commitment or responsibility about it that turns him off. So he responds warmly to knowing Fourmod likes him—as long as Fourmod doesn't expect him to return the sentiment.
Bua is still the hardest to read. His advice to Baabin in this episode felt sincere, but also like he could be pushing him to confess as a way to prevent Chian and Fourmod from getting together. I got the sense it was genuinely both—he seemed to feel for Baabin and want to help. But from what we've seen he certainly wasn't being truthful about being clear with Chian and we know he plays games. We still know the least about him of any of the boys in this story, and I hope we get a POV episode for him soon. Let me inside that head!
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Bunked Up
A Mr Ben Fan Fic
I gave you a vote & you overwhelmingly chose Mr Ben as this weeks fic. This one I’ve had completed in draft since the end of November but then I had Christmas writing then the January & February challenges, so it been patient waiting for its turn.
Synopsis:- You are need an extra teacher for your field trip, your new boy friend mr Ben agrees to help.
Word Count:- 3000
Warnings:- DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV unprotected sex, swearing, muffling, orgasms, established but secret & new realationship, lover colleagues, PDA, bed creeping, small bed scenario.
Thanks as always for the read peoples, I hope you enjoy this, it’s been a very fun write.
“Free for a second Ben” you poke your head around his class room door. “I need to vent & you always love to tell me to calm down” in you stroll, youve only been back at school 3 days teaching & are already stressed. Being the new head of geography is already proving hard work. Bens busy reading a the new poetry anthology he needs to get his 15 year olds to work on. His feet are up in the desk. He slowly lowers his book & his glasses & eyes pop up from behind it. Instantly making you calmer. Who could ever be angry at such a handsome face.
“Couldnt this wait until later” he groans, but he knows from your tone this needs to be off your chest now, you both like to try & leave work at work.
“You’d rather I talked about this when we go out for dinner tonight?” It’s Thursday & you’ve decided to make tonight your date night. You’ve been seeing each other for the last 6 months & are soon going to have to have that chat about where you see this going.
“No you’re right sorry” he puts his book mark in & closes the anthology. You know he’s read this at least once, he took the book with you when you went on your mini break in the summer to the Hamptons.
“So you know George,”
“Well his wife now needs to be induced for the triplets they are having” Ben wonders why this affects you.
“Okay so…”
“The date they have been given in October 4th”
“It’s when our field trip to Florida is happening, to take the kids to the keys just before storm season”
“So….” Ben can’t see the point”how does he having his babies effect your trip, he doesn’t teach Geography”
“No but he’s a man & he has always volunteered for trips to be the spare man if one is needed.” Ben sees your issue. “Me Jenny & Scott are all the geography teachers & we have to leave 2 teachers behind to teach the rest & set supply, so we need another man on the field trip”
“Okay yes” you look bemused.
“What do you mean yes”
“Yes I’ll do it…” your jaw drops.
“Ben… I…I… I wasn’t expecting that”
“Why not”
“Well you don’t even teach a humanity & no one cares if a Religious study’s teacher goes away for 5 days, but your head of English”
“Did you just want 5 days without me?” He says & takes his glasses off & bites the end of them. You dampen your panties instantly. That always makes you want to jump his bones.
“Ben stop it”
“Make me” you lean across his desk & pull at his dark blue tie. He groans. His lips that you kiss every day feeling more plump today for some reason. He holds your neck gently, cradling it.
“You sure you want to come on a boring geography field trip. I only came in here to have a moan…”
“You’ve done that in both respects” he giggles.
“What” you playfully dig him in the ribs.
“I’ll need to go clear this with the principal, but if you really did want to, then it would be a huge help then me having to email everyone in the school tomorrow morning”
“If it’s okay with the head, I’m in”
“Ahhh” you squeeze him “my hero & don’t worry all you need to do is be a chaparone, we will do the teaching, we just need a male teacher.” He hugs you back.
“It’s geography, what could go wrong?”…
Ben wasn’t happy when you got to where you were staying for the field trip. Yes he got his own room but it was a half double bed & a little basic. He was upset you weren’t on the same floor as him. But he put on a happy face as the wind & rain blew at him as the kids collected data each day. You are built for these field trips. You can stand in the winds & speak to kids, you’ve been doing it for years, the cold doesn’t get to you until at least the last day of each trip which is why now as head of department, you’ve organised for the last day of the field trip to be either organising the data the kids have collected or going to a museum so your not all frozen. Ben however usually takes kids to plays or to readings or lectures. When you packed him lots of waterproof clothes & thermals he laughed, now he wished you’d packed more.
He stands there as the kids are busy measuring the long shore drift. You’ve told him he can have a break for a few minutes. So he’s sat on a sea defence, desperately clasping to a flask of coffee he brought with him to keep warm. You look up & see this & mouth to Scott to keep an eye on everyone & walk across the beach to Ben. He try’s to man up straight away the second he senses you walking over but you can tell he’s not enjoying this.
“Told you these weren’t for the faint hearted”
“I ain’t volunteering next year no way, thought you said this would be fun”
“It is”
“Since when”he scoffs struggling to undo the top of his flask, his hands shivering in his gloves. you sigh & take it from him & undo it straight away. A seasoned professional at how to survive the elements.
“Ben I promise you that we have one more day here on the beach after today taking data then it’s class room based & a museum & no more wind & rain & sea breeze okay” you rub his hat ruffling his hair under it.
“You’re made of strong stuff you know” he says a small smile forming on his face after sipping his hot drink. The colour coming back into his face.
“Years of doing this Ben, be glad we’re not doing this in December”
“Well I wouldn’t be here” he say & you look concerned. “Those triplets would be almost 2 months old by then” you both laugh & you slowly take his hand in yours giving it a squeeze.
“I know I say this a lot, but I really am thankful you did volunteer to do this” this makes him smile too.
“Anything to make my girl happy”
Tomorrow you are all off to a museum before flying back to New York. The kids you’ve all been looking after & who haven’t been in bed before 1pm no matter how hard you all tried every night, are finally all knackered. All in their rooms by 11pm. Clearly they have reached exhaustion, because no matter how many brave faces you & the teachers have put on, you’re all spent too.
Jenny has agreed to man the corridors tonight if there’s anything that goes on. She hadn’t done it for the first 3 nights of the trip at all & had got the most sleep. You slip into your jammies & sit on your half double bed which squeaks & is hard & sit there with a mug of hot water, reading your romance novel. Finally some you time as you hear the rain clatter on the window. Or so you thought, a polite knocking happens on your door & you grown. The kids know to not talk to you unless it’s a complete emergency tonight, you slink out of bed & grab your Hoodie to put it on over your top, it’s not completely see though but it’s not the best for a kid to see. You yawn as you open the door.
“This had better…” the door is pushed open. Large familiar hands engulf you in second, kicking the door shut behind the large man. Your lips peppered & your neck caressed.
“Oooh baby”
“Ben” you moan your hands all up in his hair. You can feel his erection through his bottoms. “Baby we’re on a field trip”
“Couldnt sleep, have only had about 6 hours sleep since we got here”
“Why didn’t you fucking tell me” you say & hold him back a few seconds. His puppy dog eyes filled with sorrow & tiredness.
“Didn’t want my girl to have something else to worry about”
“Ben you should have told me” you caress his face. He smiles at your touch. “I’d have got you another mattress or”
“It’s not the same, you weren’t there to wake up to”
“I’m not always there for you to wake up to”
“But your here in this building, sleeping the floor bellow, it’s ached not being able to touch you or kiss you or pleasure you” he closes the gap between you both again. Little kisses around the base of your neck. He loves to do that. His hand slips inside you jammies.
“Ben please”
“Why not” he relaises you have no underwear on.
“No Ben you misunderstand” his eyes dilate as you smirk”oooh Ben please” your own hand going into his trouser, teasing his erection.
“Oooh fuck baby” he yanks down your jammie bottoms & the two fingers that were on your clit slip inside your sex. You grab onto his shoulder & whimper.
“Fuck Ben”
“Just getting you ready baby, want my girl to enjoy it all as we have no lube”
“Any condoms” you hadn’t brought your birth control tablets with you.
“Erm….” He looks embarrassed.
“Ben there’s solutions in pharmacy’s.” You tug off his T-shirt as the rain gets heavier outside. He pushes you on your bed which creeks & takes off your hoodie & top. Looking at you already on the edge of bliss just by his fingers taking you.
“Your fucking needy baby”
“Only cos you like it.” You wrap your legs around him & get your feet in the back of his waist band. You both wriggle so his penis springs free, rubbing your skin just above your clit, getting some of your pubic hair on it. He takes his fingers from inside you & sucks.
“Fucking delicious” he moans before his fingers grip his length. Pre cum drips across your sex. The way you groan when he slowly Edges all the way inside you. It may have only been a couple of days where you hadn’t had sex, but this felt needed by you both. His eyes wide, as he sinks deeper into you & the way his moustache curls has you feeling even more in heaven than you already are.
“Fuck Ben” his hand covers your mouth.
“Shhhh the kids below” he reminds you. His first thrust powerful. You grip his skin. The bed creeks louder than your moan.
“Ben” you whimper “the bed will give us more away” he giggles with you. “Can you do slow & sensual?” So far all your sex sessions have been rough & passionate. No holding back, you both feel like you’ve had a work out by the end of it. He raises an eye brow.
“I can try beautiful” he whispers before then kissing all around your ear. His next couple of movements slower, rubbing your walls, hitting your spot as you hiss in pleasure trying to be quiet. “But when you look as sexy as this, it hard to control myself”.
No matter how hard you try to be quiet & he try’s to be slow, noises fill the room. The bed even slow creeks, the headboard hitting the wall. You moan every 3 thrusts fuck out loud. Eyes time you do he sucks on your breasts & then you squeeze his bum making him whimper. Feeling him raw always makes your eyes roll, his length knows what to do as you grip onto him. Your legs still wrapped around him. You’re squeezing him too, pushing him deeper, making him feel bigger, the pleasure unmatched. As your collective climax approaches, he gives up. His large hand no longer over your mouth. The bed rocking & rolling with you as you both pant & swear. The air turning blue.
“Fuck fuck b..” before you can scream Ben snogs you. He knows how loud you screech his name when you cum & he knows hearing it will make him reply back with your own name. His tongue taking over sets you off, your body jolting through your climax. As you clamp around you, his own high hits, filling you up with his seed. He always digs his hand in hard to your hip when he finishes. He pants, lying flush on top of you. You ruffle his hair eventually when your lips separate. His sweaty body warming your though. The bed no longer creaking as you both lie in silence as the rain stops & you both fall asleep in each others arms.
You both slept so well. Just being near each other made you both feel safe & secure. Your heat radiating. It was the perfect way to end your school trip. Or so you both thought.
Ben crept out of your room like he was a naughty school boy at about 5am after peppering you with kisses as an apology for not staying the whole night & went back to his bed. You both made sure to shower before joining the other teachers & your students in the canteen for breakfast. You walked in first & grabbed a coffee & a pastry. A few kids looked your way but not too many. But when Ben walked in the whole of your field trip turned to face him & then back at you & then him. Ben was never good at poker faces, he turned bright red instantly as the room filled with loud gossip. His name on everyone’s lips. He slowly went to get his breakfast & then sat down next to you at the teachers table like he had done every morning, with his hand on your thigh.
“Slept well Ben” Jenny asked.
“I did” he sheepishly replied.
“Probably too well that you almost stumbled up the stairs this morning” said Scott. He shot looks between you both.
“Fuck did you see”
“No” Scott said “but we all heard her bed creek for 20mins last night, the walls are thin” you both look at each other. You look a little more mortified than Ben. Ben then takes the hand from you thigh & locks it around your fingers, rubbing across your knuckles.
“What can I say” says Ben now proud of his night time activities “she’s the love of my life & not sharing a bed with her this week has been torture” you drop your cutlery in shock at what he just said the whole canteen falls silent.
“You… you love me?” You say not realising the whole room can hear you.
“Yes baby, I do” your face lights up.
“Good cos I love you too” you both forget you are in a room full of high school students & tenderly kiss. His lips soft & full of the love you both just declared.
A collective awwwwww from all the students fills both your ears & you remember where you are.
“Alright you lot just shhh okay” says Ben.
“You know they’ve been shipping us for a while Ben”
“Really” he raises an eyebrow, you know that smile to well.”well then let’s given them something to talk about”. Ben leans in & presses a lingering kiss to your temple before turning back to his breakfast, acting like he didn’t just declare his love in front of a room full of teenagers. You, on the other hand, are still reeling, the warmth of his hand in yours grounding you. Jenny smirks over her coffee.
“Well, at least it’s official now. The worst kept secret in the school.”
Scott shakes his head, laughing.
“You two really thought no one knew?” Ben feigns innocence, taking a bite of his toast.
“We were subtle.” He proclaims, this makes some of the students near bursts into laughter.
“Sir no offense, but you literally stare at her like shes the star cheerleader in the team” one of the kids says, another chimes in,
“also she looks at you like you’re the only person in the room.” You glance at Ben, & he gives you a little shrug, as if to say, they’re not wrong. You roll your eyes but squeeze his hand under the table. Jenny sighs dramatically.
“So what happens now? A romantic wedding in the school gym? Matching ‘his and hers’ coffee mugs in the staff room?”
Ben grins, finally regaining his confidence.
“I was thinking something more low-key. Maybe just moving in together first?” You choke on your coffee.
“Excuse me?”
He shrugs, pretending to focus on his breakfast, but the slight pink in his cheeks gives him away.
“I mean… it’s not like I ever want to wake up without you again. I want to be bunked up with you…” he gulps & then looks you seriously but softly in the eyes, love pouring out of them “…forever”
The students erupt into more cheers and dramatic awwws as you sit there, staring at him in stunned silence. Eventually, you shake your head, laughing.
“Well,” you say, nudging him with your knee under the table, “let’s get today over with & then when we get back tonight we can have a chat without additional ears” you caress his face. Ben smirks, leaning in just close enough for only you to hear.
“I’ll make sure when we get back that the only person that hears you orgasm is me” you blush crimson, for the first time in days, despite the exhaustion, the cold, & the chaos of chaperoning teenagers, you feel completely, utterly warm.
#pedro pascal#fanfic#my fics#smutt#no minors#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal cinematic universe#over18#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal character fanfiction#pedro pascal universe#pedro pascal fandom#pedro pascal fan fic#pedro pascal fic#pedro pascal smut#pedro pascal x reader#pedro pascal snl#mr ben fan fic#mr ben fan fiction#mr ben fic#mr ben x reader#mr ben#mr ben snl#mr Ben Pedro pascal
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Small ideas of Eddie in DC
Finally watched Venom Last Dance last night and had a few crossover ideas. The lack of crossovers for him in DC saddens me so I am throwing this out there. I haven’t really thought of anything so it’s gonna be a short one but it’s a start and I’m okay with that.
So I know most of the time when there is anything Marvel x DC it’s usually Spider-Man (usually Tom Holland) and the Batfamily (who I will talk about) but putting Eddie in there instead is just funny to me. So this is in the perfect world where Venom doesn’t die in front of Eddie, now they have separation anxiety. Yippee!
So the first thing I want to talk about is the places and heros he can meet in their civilian identities because of his last job, which was as a journalist. In Metropolis? Clark, meet the new hire! Yes he looks like a mess and sometimes talks to himself, he’s a stray for god’s sake! It comes with the package! Diana, this mess of a man who looks like he’s about to break down wants to interview you. Please just do the interview so his stinky ass can leave the museum. Bruce, please for the love of god, you can’t hire him he will bring down this company. No you can’t pay him to interview you, he’s a mess not a charity case.
I can go on with this dude and the many ways he can meet the heros but let’s talk about Venom for a little. I think that regardless of who Eddie meets, if he meets the Justice League, or any hero in general, they are gonna be seen as a married couple or each other’s emotional support alien. I don’t care if they are shipped, they at the very least have a bromance because the second movie straight up started as a break up before they get back together. Some are gonna be concerned until someone tries to separate them, then it’s time for a feast and suddenly everyone is gonna be concerned.
I think if he ended up working with Clark, he would try to be friendly to Eddie which he appreciates but would probably damage some goodwill when he starts looking into him. I don’t think it would really harm their relationship since I think Eddie would understand Clark’s reasons for finding him and Venom and appreciate him trying to help and understand their situation but I don’t think he’d like them killing people, no matter how bad they are. So that’s the only real thorn in their friendship, otherwise I think the farm boy would be helping the poor disaster of a man back on his feet and back home.
I’m going onto Batman next mainly because of Jason and maybe Damian. So for Bruce, I think they’d meet because he decided to interview him, Bruce would immediately know something was wrong with this man and keep tabs on him which is the only relationship they would have if Venom didn’t need to eat. Bruce would know about the corpses left behind and hear about the new ‘citizen’ of Gotham, would be pretty hard to miss with it all over the news the first time it’s done. So Bruce puts two and two together and either gets 4 or some random other number because I do think he’d find out it’s Eddie but I think the idea of Bruce thinking of something 100 times worse is hilarious, and it is very possible with how paranoid and cautious that man is. If there is even the slightest chance Venom was like a virus or waiting for others to come to earth he will take it into consideration and find a way to prevent it. So it’s more of a one sided thing, Eddie could find out he’s Batman but would want nothing to do with him.
Now for the Jason and possibly Damian thing. I think Jason would be cool with Eddie, maybe friends because those two have no problem killing someone they think deserve it and I think that’s kind of what starts the friendship. Jason is likely gonna find out about the new arrival from either the news or the family but if Eddie ends up in Crime Alley I think Jason would be cautious at first. I feel like after a few encounters the two of them start their friendship and promptly piss off Bruce because Jason kinda keeps Eddie with him in Crime Alley so he can’t even get close. Last time he tried to see Eddie, Jason gave him a few warning shots. For the Damian part I imagine he tries to kill Eddie and Venom at first but eventually finds out about Venom using animals as hosts as seen in The Last Dance. If any of Damian’s animals, or animals in general, are compatible with Venom I think it’d upset Damian but once will eventually think it’s cool, especially if Venom tells him what the creatures thoughts are. He is very pleased to know his pets adore him, it’s the only reason he’s cool with the two and ever willingly talks to them (he just asks if they could see Venom with other animals).
For a little tidbit of the Batman side, I thought it’d be funny if Bruce or Jason had a thing for Eddie especially if they kill Joker. Jason in this situation would be absolutely pissed at Bruce because of his no kill rule getting ignored by the dude Bruce likes and letting him get away with it or being absolutely elated. Dawg is either gonna try and fight Bruce or judge him for having the rule since this wouldn’t even be the first time he had a thing for someone that kills and lets them get away from it unscathed. If Jason is the one with a thing for Eddie he is going to ask that man to either a) go on a date with him or b) ask to marry him, either way he is rubbing this in the others’ faces because the absolute garbage fire of a human being and his emotional support alien did the one thing he wanted that his family never did.
Next part I’m gonna talk about two of my boys, Billy and Constantine. I want Billy and Eddie to kinda latch on to each other because of different reasons, Eddie’s being ‘oh my god, this is a homeless child, what the actual fuck. Who’s child is this, if no one claims him I might actually listen to Venom and steal him.’ While Billy’s would be something like, ‘wowza a dude and his alien from another universe, that’s so cool, anyway I should probably help get them home.’ Both stick together, and with Eddie and Venom’s talk in the third movie there is a very real chance they decide to just stay to try and be parents, and as adorable that is I also think it’d be funny if this starts a wild goose chase of Billy trying to escape adoption while Eddie tries to watch over the kid, he would be hurt but Venom will not let this be so it’s mostly him forcing Eddie to chase after him.
For John, I mostly thought of him because he has fucked so many people and creatures alike. I am not over the fact he was with King Shark, but with this in mind the only reason I thought of him is because I do think he would try to sleep with them at least once. I feel the two of them would be drinking buddies though with them both being dumpster fires. If Venom was compatible with John I think he’d only ever go with him if something happened to Eddie that temporarily separated the two and was desperate for help protecting him. This would only happen after a while of them being friends or borderline friends because John would probably be the only person he would meet so far to trust so it would either be the first time John finds out about Venom or the first time they try it out. So if they were on the fringes of being friends then it would submit it though I can see both of them being in denial about that with their respective histories before going back to what they used to do but with the new title that they don’t acknowledge. Venom is not amused.
As previously stated, there is a very real chance John tries to sleep with Eddie but once again, romance is funny so we’re talking about this again. If John starts to get feelings for Eddie he is either going to be in much more denial or just confuse it with wanting to sleep with him, and if they ever do then that’s gonna be his ‘oh shit’ moment when he realizes that was part of what he was feeling but not even close to all of it. If Eddie discovers any romantic feelings for John it’s likely going to be because Venom wouldn’t stop pointing it out to him and would constantly joke around about it and try to force them to get together. Either way the shenanigans would be funny but also painful to see because they are both wreaks who do not think they deserve nice things, even if said things are equally as bad if not worse (they both have shitty taste in men).
Anyway that’s my rant, I disappear now.
#eddie brock#venom symbiote#venom#dcu#superman#wonder woman#batman#jason todd#damian wayne#billy batson#john constantine#crossover#and with this I shall disappear again
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the first time you feel xaden’s shadows is during battle brief. you’re mid conversation with ridoc and you laugh a little too loudly at one of his jokes. your smile fades when you feel the possessive curl of a shadow around your waist, but it’s gone as soon as you register what just happened.
“are you good?” ridoc’s looking at you with an uncertain look. “i lost you for a minute there.”
“i’m fine.” you brush it off, but the glance you steal at xaden when class starts reveals him smirking behind his hand.
it doesn’t happen again for a few weeks, just long enough for you to forget about the battle brief incident. you’re walking with violet and rhiannon to your next class, the tower of books in your hands making your day incredibly difficult.
“do you really need all of those?” rhiannon notices you’re struggling to keep them balanced.
“i stopped by the library this morning and didn’t have time to go back to my room.” you try to shift the weight of the books and nearly drop all of them in the process.
“here, let us help.” violet reaches out to halve your stack, but you aren’t prepared and two books topple from the top your pile.
just as you’re about to pick them up, shadows wrap around their bindings and carefully lift them back into your arms.
as the three of you gape at the books you’re now holding, xaden passes you in the hallway.
“thanks.” you say to him, unable to stop the heat that’s beginning to seep into your cheeks.
“keep your reading light, (y/l/n).” he chastises without stopping, leaving you and your friends to stare after him in utter shock.
“okay, that was hot.” rhiannon’s the first to break the silence and the three of you burst into a fit of giggles as you continue on your way to the class you’re definitely going to be late for.
after your last interaction with xaden, it’s safe to say he’s been on your mind. how can someone so infuriating be so sexy to you? all he has to do is look in your direction and you turn into a bumbling fool.
you fit in fantasising about your wingleader around training for your challenge, and soon you’re stepping onto the mat to face someone who is definitely going to beat you to a pulp.
you try to remember everything rhiannon’s been teaching you, but as soon as the girl launches for you it all flies out of the window. she puts you on your back a few times, but you quickly learn that she isn’t as fast as you. by some miracle, you manage to counter her and slip in between her legs. her surprise gives you time to jump onto her back and force her to the ground with three fingers curled into the pressure point on her neck. she yields in two seconds.
as you try to catch your breath, you feel the caress of a shadow against your blistering cheek. spinning on your heel, you’re met with onyx eyes.
that night, you find xaden in the courtyard. it’s late and there’s a chill in the air, and there’s many reasons for you to go back to bed and pretend you don’t see him sitting out here alone, but you’re drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
“you shouldn’t be out here.” he doesn’t bother to look at you.
“how did you know it was me?” you ignore him and sit down.
“my shadows sensed you.” you can’t tell if he’s joking, but you choose not to question it.
“your shadows seem to like me,” you notice that his lips tilt up into a smirk that disappears as quickly as it comes. “they’re always finding me.”
“i wouldn’t know anything about that.”
you snort, shaking your head in amusement. a shiver runs through your body and you try to hide it from xaden, but he’s quick to wrap you up in his shadows. you look down at the dark blanket and smile.
“don’t mention it.”
you sit with xaden until he deems it’s too cold to stay out. he doesn’t walk you to your door, but he brushes your lips with a small shadow before you part.
“i won’t tell you again, barlowe. but because i’m feeling nice, how about you decide to fuck off before i make you?”
jack mutters something under his breath but knows better than to challenge xaden. he stalks off, leaving you with your wingleader.
“you didn’t have to do that,” you tell him. “i had it under control.”
“did you? because from where i was standing it looked like he was being a dick and you were letting him.”
“why do you care anyway?” you argue petulantly.
“because my shadows like you.”
the smile he gives you almost turns your legs into jelly. he’s about to say something else, but bodhi comes running over and the moment passes quicker than you’d like it to.
it isn’t until you politely take your leave that you feel a shadow kiss your cheek in goodbye.
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JAY - Forbidden Agreement ( smut )

Jay never paid attention to Y/N… until she needed him. The price? Something much more intense than a simple favor.
Pairing: Jay X FemReader (Masterlist)
Genre: Smut
Warning: Contains explicit content, unprotected sex, suggestive, penetration, explicit language, climax, sex, swearing, hickeys, messy make-out sessions, dirty talk, compliments, rough sex, touching bruises
Jay never paid much attention to Y/N. Since her parents got married a few months ago, they had barely exchanged words. There was no hostility between them, just a silent indifference that kept them apart. Until that night.
He was passing by the room when he heard Y/N's distressed voice talking to a friend on the phone.
Y/N: It can't be now! The audition is tomorrow! What are we going to do without a guitarist?
Jay stopped in the hallway, leaning in discreetly to hear better.
Y/N: I know, but there's no one who can replace Doyoung at the last minute! This is a disaster!
He didn't need to hear any more. With a small smile on the corner of his lips, he returned to his own room, already knowing exactly how he would solve that problem.
Later, when Y/N was alone in the kitchen, he approached silently.
Jay: I play guitar. (said, casually)
She turned to him with wide eyes, surprised that he was making conversation and, even more so, by those words.
Y/N: What?
Jay: I can play at the audition tomorrow.
Y/N's shoulders relaxed a little, a spark of hope shining in her eyes.
Y/N: Really? Would you do this?
Jay tilted his head, the smile still present.
Jay: Yes. But I want something in return.
Her expression turned wary.
Y/N: What?
He took a step forward, closing the distance between them.
Jay: It's simple. After the audition, you come to my room and let me play for you.
Y/N blinked, confused.
Y/N: Touch?
Jay just smiled.
She hesitated. But losing his hearing was not an option.
Y/N: Okay. I'll do anything to not miss this chance.
The ride back home was silent, but filled with something Y/N couldn't name. Sitting in the passenger seat, her body felt light, taken by the adrenaline of the audition. It had worked. They had succeeded. And deep down, she knew that it had only been possible because of Jay.
She turned to face him, taking in his profile in the dim street lighting. Jay's expression was serene, but there was a different shine in his eyes. He knew she owed him something. And Y/N knew it too.
When the car parked in the garage, she felt her heart speed up. She waited for Jay to turn off the engine before finally asking:
Y/N: When… uh… when can I pay you?
Jay smirked and unbuckled his belt, slowly turning to face her. He seemed amused by her hesitation, as if he was savoring every second of her anticipation.
Jay: Agora.
Y/N blinked quickly.
Y/N: Now? (his voice was small)
Jay nodded and leaned a little closer to her, the woodsy scent enveloping his senses.
Jay: Go take a shower. Then come to my room.
The way he said it sent a shiver down Y/N's spine. There was no casual tone in his voice. It was an order. And somehow, that stopped her from questioning. Jay helped her, she owed him. That was it.
Y/N nodded slowly and got out of the car, her legs feeling strangely wobbly. Jay didn't say anything else as he walked her to the door, and she didn't have the courage to look at him again either. She just went straight to the bathroom, as he had ordered.
The hot water helped relax his tense muscles, but it didn't take away the strange feeling in his chest. Jay has always been a mystery to her. Now, more than ever, he seemed like a secret about to be revealed. And she was at the center of it.
She put on cotton shorts and a loose blouse before leaving the room. The silence in the house was almost oppressive as she walked down the hallway. Her heart was beating so hard she wondered if Jay could hear it.
His bedroom door was ajar. With a shaky breath, Y/N slowly pushed it away and entered.
Jay was sitting on the bed, his elbows resting on his knees, as if he had been waiting for her for a long time. His gaze swept over Y/N slowly, assessing every detail of her appearance. When their eyes met, there was something there that made her breath catch.
He patted the space next to him on the bed, a silent invitation.
Jay: Come here.
Y/N hesitated for a moment before walking over and sitting next to him.
She looked around, frowning slightly.
Y/N: Where's your guitar?
Jay smiled, amused by her innocence.
Jay: It's put away.
Y/N blinked, confused.
Y/N: But… how are you going to play for me without a guitar?
Jay's smile widened, and he leaned towards her slightly, his gaze intense and full of secrets.
Jay: I never said I was going to play a song.
He kept his eyes locked on hers and spoke firmly:
Jay: Take off your underwear and lie down on the bed.
Y/N felt her face heat up, her eyes widening at the order. Confusion danced across her expression, but she didn't question it. She just obeyed, feeling his skin crawl with each movement.
Jay leaned over her, his fingers slowly sliding over her exposed skin.
Jay: I'll play you as good as I play my guitar.
Y/N felt her breathing hitch for a second, her whole body waking up under Jay's intense gaze. He maintained a serene expression, but the way his eyes roamed over every inch of her made it clear that he already knew exactly what to do.
He ran his fingertips over her thigh, so lightly it felt like a whisper against her skin.
Jay: Relax (he murmured, his voice low and serious) I'll do this slowly.
Y/N swallowed hard, every fiber of her body tense, but at the same time filled with uncontrollable electricity. Jay smiled when he noticed your reaction.
With calculated movements, he traced a path from her knee to her inner thigh, his fingers leaving trails of fire wherever they went. Y/N panted, feeling her muscles contract involuntarily.
Jay: So sensitive (he murmured, thumb drawing slow circles over the soft skin) I like it.
She couldn't respond. Mouth open, chest rising and falling rapidly. Jay continued, his warm palm sliding to her waist, exploring with an almost cruel patience.
Jay: Tell me if you want me to stop. (he said, his lips almost brushing your ear)
Y/N just shook her head, her eyes closed, her body giving in to his touch. Jay smiled against her skin and trailed kisses down her neck, grazing his teeth there, testing her reaction. Y/N gasped, body arching slightly beneath him.
Jay: Is that good? (he teased, his voice full of malice)
Y/N opened her eyes and found his dark gaze watching her with pure intent. She nodded, unable to hide the desire on her face.
Jay smiled, satisfied.
Jay: So let's see how much you can take.
He gently slid his hand between her legs, his fingers playing lightly over her warm skin before finding her most sensitive spot. The first touch made her gasp, her hips moving instinctively against his palm.
Jay: So wet for me (he whispered, lips curled into a satisfied smile) And I haven't even really started yet.
He didn't penetrate her with his fingers, he just slid the tip against her clitoris, teasing her with slow, torturous movements. Y/N clung to the sheets, breathing unevenly, trying to process the unprecedented pleasure that spread throughout her body.
Jay: So tight... (mumbled against her skin, kissing the inside of her thigh) I don't want to hurt you. I'll just play with you a little like this.
He intensified his movements, pressing and circling the sensitive spot with precision. Y/N writhed beneath him, unable to contain the moans that escaped her lips.
Jay: That's it, just like that... Let me hear you. (he encouraged, his voice rough)
The pleasure built quickly, washing over her like a wave about to break. Jay noticed and increased the pace, the pressure of his fingers guiding her mercilessly to climax. When she finally gave in to orgasm, a shuddering sob escaped her throat, her entire body arching against him.
Jay watched, fascinated, before leaning between her legs, his eyes boring into her as he licked and savored every drop of her release.
Jay: Sweet (he murmured against her sensitive skin, making her shiver) Just like I imagined.
Y/N remained lying there, panting, feeling the last waves of pleasure pulse inside her as Jay moved up her body, leaving one last lingering kiss on her mouth. His lips were warm, her taste still present on his tongue. When he pulled away just enough to look at her, his gaze was darker, more intense, filled with something that made her catch her breath.
He brought his hand to her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb in a surprisingly tender gesture.
Jay: You know you can count on me for everything, don't you? (His voice was low, hoarse, but there was something genuine there, something that made Y/N's heart race in a different way) Whenever you need me... for anything... I'll be here.
The weight of those words hung between them, carrying a meaning that went far beyond what they had just shared. Jay leaned in again, brushing his lips against hers, without rushing, as if he wanted to engrave that moment on her skin.
Y/N's eyes lost themselves in his, her body still shuddering under the sensations he provoked. Jay ran his fingers through her hair, brushing aside a loose strand, before adding:
Jay: And if you need more of this... (he slid his hand down her side, his touch bringing back goosebumps) All you have to do is ask.
The promise in his voice made Y/N shiver. She knew something between them had changed that night. And for the first time, she asked herself if she really wanted it to go back to the way it was before.
Dinner that night was silent, but filled with an invisible tension that only Y/N seemed to notice. Jay was sitting next to her, as always, but now his every little movement felt like a reminder of what they had shared.
Mom: So, Y/N, how was the audition? (he asked, pouring more wine)
Y/N: It was great, actually... (she swallowed, avoiding looking at Jay) Thanks to Jay, we were able to play without any problems.
Father: Oh! How wonderful! (the father smiled at his stepson) I didn't know you played guitar, Jay.
He smiled sideways, bringing the glass to his lips.
Jay: Ah, there are a lot of things that Y/N didn't know about me either.
His gaze slid to her for a brief second, and Y/N felt her face heat up. It was quick, discreet, but the provocation was there, embedded in those words.
Mom: I'm glad you guys are getting along better! (the mother commented excitedly)
Jay: Yes... we're a lot closer now, aren't we, sis? (he murmured, a mischievous smile playing on his lips)
Y/N felt her spine shiver. The way he said it, so casual but at the same time so full of intention, made her grip the cutlery tighter than necessary.
He was having fun. And she knew it was just beginning.
✿ If you don't reblog and comment, you can be sure I'll be showing up in your dreams tonight... and I won’t be as sweet as in the story ✿
#enhypen#challenge moonstruck x monster#enhypen x reader#jay enhypen smut#enhypen scenarios#smut#enha x reader#enha#jay#jay x reader#jay enhypen#enhypen jay#Park Jongseong#jongseong smut#heeseung#sunghoon#niki#sunoo#jungwon#jake
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Could you please do a Hector Fort sfw alphabet? Thank u!
↬❥sfw alphabet

Hector Fort x Fem!Reader
a/n: I'm really clumsy at doing these kinds of things, so I'm sorry if it's bad!
warnings: No.
And sorry if there are mistakes, English is not my language.I hope this is what you asked for!
A – Affection
Héctor is not one for over-the-top displays of affection in public, but in private, he loves to hug you and maintain physical contact. He likes to hold your hand and pull you close whenever he can.
B – Best Friend
He's not just your boyfriend, but also your partner for everything. If you need help with something or just want to talk, he'll be there, listening attentively.
C – Cuddles
Héctor is a big fan of tight hugs, especially after a tiring day. He likes to wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder.
D – Dates
Dates with him are usually casual, like walks around town, trips to the beach, or quiet dinners at home. He enjoys simple but meaningful moments.
E – Emotions
He may be a little reserved at first, but over time, he will open up to you completely. When he is happy or in love, his gaze gives it all away.
F – Favorite Thing
Your smile. He thinks your smile lights up any room and always tries to make you laugh, just to see it one more time.
G – Gifts
Héctor likes to give symbolic gifts, like a bracelet, a shirt of his or something that reminds you of a special moment between the two of you.
H – Hugs
His hugs are tight and warm. He has that way of holding you that makes it feel like the world has stopped for a moment.
I – Intimacy
He values emotional connection a lot and enjoys quiet moments like talking before bed or holding your hand while watching something together.
J – Jealousy
He is not very jealous, but if he sees that someone is crossing the line, he does not hesitate to show that you are his.
K – Kisses
His kisses can range from soft and slow to intense and passionate, depending on the moment. He loves forehead kisses as a protective gesture.
L – Lazy Days
On his days off, he likes to lie down with you, listening to music or watching TV shows. He feels happier just being by your side.
M – Mornings
He takes a long time to wake up and hates getting out of bed early. If he can, he pulls you close and keeps you waiting until the last second.
N – Nicknames
His nicknames for you are simple but affectionate. Something like "love", "little one" or "precious".
O – Open (Open about the relationship?)
He doesn't hide the fact that he's with you, but he also doesn't like to overdo it. He prefers to keep the relationship more private, just for the two of you.
P – PDA (Public Display of Affection)
In public, he prefers subtle gestures, like holding your hand or putting his hand on your waist. But if you're with friends, he might be a little more open.
Q – Quirks (Manias)
He has a habit of touching your hair without realizing it. He also always pulls you closer to him when you're walking together.
R – Romantic (Romantic?)
Not the classic kind, but he shows his love in small actions, like remembering something you said or protecting you in any situation.
S – Surprises
He likes to surprise you with small gestures, like showing up with your favorite candy or taking you to a special place without warning.
T – Texting
He doesn't send many messages throughout the day, but he always responds quickly and sends audio messages when he misses you.
U – Understanding
Very understanding, always trying to see things from your point of view. If something is wrong, he wants to talk and resolve it.
V – Vacation
He loves to travel and would love to take you to see new places, whether it's a paradisiacal beach or a historic city.
W – Waking Up
He takes a while to wake up and his voice is hoarse, hugging you tightly before finally getting out of bed.
X – XOXO (Kisses and hugs)
He prefers long, enveloping hugs, and his kisses are often full of feeling.
Y – Yearning (Longing)
If he is far away from you, he sends messages saying he misses you and, when he comes back, he doesn't let go.
Z – ZZZ (Sleeping Together)
He likes to sleep cuddled up, with his head resting on you or holding your hand. If he is very tired, he may even mumble softly in his sleep.
Taglist: @meganesanchez @nngkay @p4uul0vr @paucubarsisimp @htpssgavi
#barcelonafanfic#fc barcelona#universefcb#hector fort x reader#hector fort#hector fort x yn#hector fort imagine#hector x reader#hector fort x barca!femeni!reader#hector fort x you#hector fort x y/n#football x y/n#football x oc#football x reader#football imagine#football#football x you
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕕

Jey Uso x black fem
Warnings: 18+ smut
Word count : 3.4k
Enjoy : )
My heels echoed off the walls as I clicked down the hallway, pausing in front of his door. Before I could raise my hand up to knock on the door, it swung open revealing a shirtless, tired looking Jey. I tried my best to keep my eyes only on his, but good lord he was fine.
Jey and I had been working together for 5 years now and every single time I saw him, it took my breathe away. He was sweet and gentle despite the persona he has to push for the crowd. A teddy bear If you will.
"There's my girl, I been looking for you", he grinned. My girl ? Did he really just call me that. My heart fluttered as I stepped around him into his changing room. "I been meaning to ask you about something." His previous smirk fading a bit, but not all the way gone. "How do you feel about coming to Cali with me, nothing crazy just my peoples getting together for a cookout."
I took a seat on the couch that lined the back wall of his room, pretending to think, lifting my chin up and tapping with my index finger. That earned me a slight chuckle from Jey. "Stop playing, my peoples already love you, even though yo ass playing." He mumbled the last bit, but I still heard it. I knew what he was referring to, I wasn't slow and I knew he wasn't either.
I think we fell for each other the second I rounded the corner and head butted him by accident the first day we met. Literally and physically. I was all, but running to a meeting I was late to so the impact of my big ass head sent us both tumbling to the floor, and yet all he was doing was laughing. All 32 teeth showing. He smelled like shea butter, cedar-wood and warm hugs, and the second he helped me off the floor I fell into daze when I looked into those beautiful chocolatey eyes.
Never in my life would I describe a person they way I described Jey. Everything about him made every single one of my senses light on fire when I was near him. He was so gentle and kind with me and so incredibly patient. I was so sure of what I liked. My entire life Ive only been with women. I expected myself to end up with a women, until i met him, Jey. I was too stubborn to admit it to myself, and even though he knew it I wouldn't admit it to him either, just how badly I wanted him.
He knew me so incredibly well. Like he knew me before I did and it drove me insane. He checked up on me and gave me little gifts. Not a day has gone by when he has not said good-morning or goodnight to me. That man makes sure the oil in my car is always changed, and rotates my tires for me. Hell he puts gas in my car.
He sees me. He cares about me
In the five minutes i’ve been in the room he has yet to take his eye off me, caressing every inch of my body with his eyes. Undressing me. He came and sat next to me on the couch, eyes never leaving mine. “I’m fr Maya I’m tired of playing games, I need you.” His eyes locked on mine. My breathe caught in my throat, but I couldn’t look away. He brushed his finger tips on my upper thigh in a swift motion.
Anndd there went my resolve.
I suddenly stood, walking over to the table to the right of us leaning my back against it. I was trying to steady my breathing,but he was on my heels. “Look at me pretty girl.” He whispered, my eyes lazily raised meeting his penetrating gaze. His hands rested lightly on my waist.
In that moment looking up at him I knew. He was the only person Ive ever wanted so badly. My eyes flickered to his lips, and of course he noticed because he dipped his head to meet my gaze, grinning. Those brown eyes, always knowing.
Tears stung in my eyes. I didn’t know if I was more upset at the fact that I was about to cry or that he can see right through me. I can’t hide anything. Even though we’ve never once had a conversation about our feeling our future, the lingering glances, and soft touches, told us more than we needed to know about each other.
“Jey I-“
Before I could finish he kissed me. Slow, soft yet full of passion and possessiveness. His hands tightening against my waist, pulling me flush to his body. When I first realized, I froze into the kiss. He’s kissing me. For just a second that’s how we stayed, lip locked and unmoving.
Everything I ever thought about myself was flushed down the drain when I met Jey. How do you explain that to people. “Oh yea Ive was a lesbian my whole life, and then one day I wasn’t….who knew.” On one hand I didn’t care what people thought about me, if you fall in love with someone you can’t help who it is. And then on the other hand I was embarrassed.
Embarrassed about the feelings, embarrassed about the way everyone around us knew, and most of all embarrassed at myself for falling for a man. What thee fuck. But none of that mattered right now. What mattered was him, and his lips on mine. He kissed me like I would disappear at any second. He kissed me like he’d waited a hundred lifetimes for me.
Without another thought my hands trailed up his chest and hooked around his neck. He smiled into the kiss, pulling me closer if that was even possible. Our lips moved in synch, his hands roamed my backside, eventually he lifted me and sat me on the table, pulling me right to the edge, with me thighs on either side of him. He pulled back for a second, staring at me. Asking for my permission. I gave it to him without hesitation, wanting nothing more than him, fuck all the other thoughts I previously had.
Fuck every thought ever, actually.
His lips found my neck leaving tiny kisses up and down the right side. He flicked his tongoue over the sensitive spots he just kissed, leaving a trail across my collar bone, to the other side. Repeating the same motions.
At this point I was completely breathless, squirming under his touch. His hands never left my ass just resting there as he kissed me. Devoured me. “Hold still mama, lemme taste you please.” His voice was low and laced in lust, his words caused my legs to squeeze against him. His big hands slid from my ass to my upper thigh, pushing up the tight dress I had on up even further. His lips found mine again as his hands hooked around my underwear.
He gently pulled them off with one hand, slightly lifting me with the other. After he tossed them he faced me again pulling me by my thighs even closer to him. I leaned back for him, eagerly. His breathes came out short and shallow as he had a full view of me.
“You are so beautiful .” He whispered just low enough for me to hear, right against my thigh, replacing his words with wet open mouthed kisses. My hips bucked up slightly, wanting attention. He gave into what I wanted, attaching his mouth to me. I gasped, back arching. His hands held my thighs in place as his tongue found my folds.
His tongue flicked over my sensitive bud, moving in slow circular motions. He watched me hungrily from where he was. My hands gripped his forearms, a moaning mess.
Jey slid his hands from my thighs, up to my waist, continuing his slow circular motions. He was devouring my shit as if it was the last meal on earth. He came up for a second and leaned into my ear. "Baby, you gotta stay quiet, you gon have folks banging on my door." He finished the sentence with another wet sloppy kiss at the base of my ear. He shifted to hover right above my body, eyeing me like an animal.
"Look at me", he said, one of his hands rested on my inner thigh, the other he used to lift my chin to kiss him. Our lips connected in a wet kiss that tasted of my essence. He kissed me slowly, his lips parting slightly after each kiss, almost as if he was holding himself back.
His fingers found my soaked clit, working in the same motions his tongue was. "Jeyy", his name came out in breathless gasps. " Yes mama." His lips were so soft, not leaving an area untouched. "I need you, I need you so bad." I breathed out against him.
Something in him must've snapped when I said that. He picked me up and over his shoulder in a swift motion. He laid me on the couch spreading me open, like a treasure chest. He unbuckled the zipper on his jeans, only now did I realize the bulge that had accumulated over the past few minutes. " Fuccck girl, you driving me crazy."
His eyes were wild, lips wet. His hair now in a messy array of curls.
He pulled his pants and boxers down revealing the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He was thick and veiny, tip shining in his own essence, just for me. He stood at attention for me too, so pretty. I didn't even wait for him to tell me what to do. I sat up dropping onto the floor and crawling onto my hands and knees right in front of him.
"You liked women all this time yet you ready to suck my dick, look at yo fine ass." He was leaned back onto the couch now, his lower half completely exposed. That comment damn near made me stand up, glaring at him from the same position, his head cocked back in a obnoxious laugh. "Yo ass can front all you want, my love, but it’s just me and you.” He grinned, eyeing you from where he sat.
I pushed myself onto him, hands at the base of his dick. My tongue swirled around him, his yes fluttered shut immediately reveling in the pleasure. Since he just laughed in my face like that I needed him to come undone for me. He was wrapped around my finger, but I was about to wrap these lips around him in a way he'd never forget. Both sets.
I continued swirling my tongue around his tip, keeping one had at the base, he was slightly trembling under me. All those smart ass comments now gone, replaced with breathless gasps. "Fuck girl, that shit feels so good." He twitched in my mouth as I continued swirling his tip. My hands slid onto his thighs, I attempted to take him all in, but as soon as his tip grazed the back of my throat I gagged so loud, he popped his eyes open to the sound. His lust filled eyes found my tear streaked face, cocking his head back he let out another loud laugh. " You aint ready for that yet baby, come here."
My cheeks flushed, "shut up, I tried", he chuckled as he pulled me into his lap. "Yes you did, thank you my sweet girl." Butterflies. Those pet names he gave me sent chills down my spine. He was eyeing me now, amusement flickered behind those brown orbs. "You ready for me?" His voice was soft and breathy. He waited for me all this time, without pushing me or overstepping. And now he had me all to himself.
"Just go slow please, Josh." My voice was hushed. I wanted him, but it didn't take away from my heartbeat hammering in my chest. His eyes softened, grin fading at the use of his real name. " I gotchu mama, Im not got hurt you." He tapped his member on your backside as he slid his thumb across your bottom lip. He lifted me slightly to angle himself at my entrance, pressing lightly. My breathe caught in my throat as I felt the stretch, his thumb never moving from my face, caressing me. He slid in deeper, stretching me more, the pain was unbearable for a second "Stop, Josh" I breathed out pushing him back a little, he halted his movements immediately. "Your doing so baby, look at me."
My eyes shifted to his, fresh tears threatening to fall. He held his hand in place on my face, but he didn't budge, he waited for my permission. He wasn't even halfway in and I was already asking him to stop, but he didn't care. He sat still and unmoving like he had all the time in the world. Waiting for my permission.
After a few moments I gave it to him again and he continued to slide into me with ease. He groaned as he got deeper and deeper. Filling me up. The pain was intense. It didn't feel good, but it also felt amazing in the weirdest way. One last soft thrust of his hips and he was all the way inside me. His tip was kissing my spot deliciously.
"Good god." Was all he could breathe out. His hands sliding from my face to my ass and mine around his neck, we pulled each other in impossibly close. He guided me up slowly and back down at the same pace. My nails were digging into his tribal ink, but he didn't seem to care. My face next to his as he continued the slow pace. He was filling me up in a way I’ve never felt before. I’ve never felt pleasure or pain like this. It was addicting.
My walls stretched and pulsed around him with each small thrust. "This all I wanted right here" his voice was low against my cheek. Who knew Id give into him on a random Monday night. Taking him completely raw. His hands gripped my backside guiding me painfully slow. He wasn't in no rush, he watched me with close intensity in between stolen kisses. Our hearts racing against each other.
His pace quickened, he lifted me higher coming down further, making a soft smacking noise. I wrapped around him perfectly as if we were made for each other. His hands held me steady in place as his pace quickened. I was leaning into his chest, hands tangled in his soft curls. At this point I was all but screaming in his ear.
Any pain I felt was replaced, by pleasure. He fucked me slow intentional looking me in my eyes with each stroke. I couldn't look away It was like he had me in a trance. He was fucking me hard now, and fast, pace was relentless. He nipped at my ear whispering the dirtiest nothings. "Take that shit baby, let me hear that pretty voice of yours."
" Josh- I- fucckk."
He smiled into the crook of my neck, nipping the skin there too. " Say my name again." Before I could get any words out he slapped my ass so hard it made me jolt. " Say it."
"Joshu- oh my god." I couldn't finish he was fucking the shit outta me now. The room was filled with the loud slaps of your things and my screaming. He no longer cared if someone came knocking. They would just have to mind they damn business. My slick walls were tightning against him , causing him to grunt.
He lifted me up, placing me back down on the couch on my back. He continued his unforgiving pace, snapping his hips forward. He pinned my legs to the couch with one arm, the other resting on my chest. His eyes never once left mine. I couldn't tear mine away either, watching him destroy me like this was pure cinema. The way his caramel skin glistened with sweat as he fucked me on this couch. The way his grills shined when he bit his lip, was making me feral.
My hands clawed at his arms looking for some stability. Until he shifted, pressing his hands into my lower abdomen. I thrashed underneath him, a wicked smile forming on his face.
"Joshua fuck me right there oh my god." My eyes were now clenched shut, as my world was being rocked. " You just don't know how fucking good you look right now, fuck." His pace causing him to grunt after each word. I was unraveling underneath him and he felt it. My insides were burning with a sensation I can't describe, all I knew is I didn't want him to stop. "Right there baby right there fuck me right there." My words came out breathless as he continued to fuck me. "Im cumming baby- fuck- take me pretty girl- fuckkkk." Joshua was a mess, his hair clung to his forehead, his pace was sloppy. his hands wrapped around my things holding them up as he slammed into my pussy.
His breath was jagged breathing hard and loud. He sounded so fucking good. "Ian never lettin yo ass go, this my pussy." His voice cracked as he released inside me. I wasn't far behind him, but he hadn't even faltered his pace. He fucked us through our orgasm, his tip hitting the perfect spot. My vision went blurry from tears. I was clawing at his back, screaming. "JOSHUA."
I laid there for a second, trying to pull myself together. "You ok pretty girl?" The man who had collapsed next to me whispered ever so softly in my ear.
"Mhmm." Was all I could get out, a stupid smiled plastered on my face. Josh grinned too, pulling me on top of him. "I love you Joshu-"
"YES GAWD I KNEW IT." He cut me off before I finished the 'ah' at the end of his name. I lazily smacked his chest "Shut up before I take it back." He smacked my ass sending another jolt of pleasure through my body, causing me to whimper against him. " I love yo ass too girl."
He finished with the sweetest kiss to my lips.
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SYNOPSIS: you hate worrying your boyfriend whenever you’re not feeling well, but how long can you hide it from him?
FEATURES: sam winchester, dean winchester(separate)
GENRE: fluff
DEAN WINCHESTER; you sprained your ankle
you hate getting hurt, especially before your date night with DEAN. you wince as you try to place your foot back on the ground to see if it got slightly better. you look back at your kitchen from your couch, “ i should probably get ice for this” you say before you rub your ankle. you slowly stand up and balance on the back of your couch to hop to the kitchen. when you finally get to the island in the middle of the kitchen, which felt like forever, you open the fridge and search for an ice pack. you grab one and hop up on the table to ice your ankle. you check your phone to see how much time you have to make your bruising & pain go away, 9:07, shit!. dean said he’d come and pick you up at 9:30, usually you would’ve been getting dressed by now. you really want to call and cancel but this might be the last time for a while until he not busy again with hunting with his brother, sam. though you barely have the ability to walk on your right foot, you still do your best to get dressed and make yourself look decent so dean won’t notice.
buzzz! you turn your attention to your phone to see who’s calling. “hey sweets, i’m on the way, d’you want anything while i’m on the way there?”he asks. you would ask for some bandages to wrap your ankle but that would lead him to ask a trial of questions. “hey you still there?” he asks worriedly. “uh yeah i’m here, but no i don’t want anything” you responded hesitantly. “well, ill see you in 10, see you soon” he spoke suddenly and hangs up. you put your phone down in your lap and check your ankle. the bruise got more painful and darker so it’s hard to ignore and easy to see. 10 minutes later, you hear a soft knock on the door. you hop all the way to your door and open it to greet dean. his strong cologne slaps you in the face and you can tell he’s excited about this date. he embraces you in a hug, lifting you up and when he puts you back down, he notices your wince. “hey you alright?”he questions. you nod and smile at him hoping he leaves it alone. “lemme check your ankle” he says, asking you to lift your leg. “baby that’s not necessary” you respons, chuckling nervously. he sighs and ignores your rejection, kneeling down to place your ankle on his knee to get a better look. “my goodness!” he gasps, shocked at what he saw. “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you dean, i just wanted wanted us to have our special night since we never see each other and you looked so happy about this i didn’t wan-”your rambling is cut off by dean throwing you over his shoulder. “it wouldn’t be a good night if my girl is hurt, we can order somethin’ online while you lay down.” he says walking you back into your house and laying you down on the couch. “even if you weren’t hurt, still wasn’t gonna let you walk around with these heels on” he says as he carefully takes your shoes off, careful not to hurt your ankle.
SAM WINCHESTER; you have the flu
you love going on hunts, especially with your boyfriend and his brother, dean. during this time, it was extremely cold and the rain made it worse. sam told you to bring an extra jacket to prepare for the weather, but you didn’t listen because you knew that he’d give you his anyways. dean got back into the car handing you your food. “and your not eating that in my car either” he warns, looking back at you before he starts the engine. you roll your eye at how protective he is over his car but you still sneak some of your fries. you sneeze once and you see sam glance at you in the rear mirror & says “bless you”. the second time you sneeze makes sam look back at you, “are you seriously sick, this is why i told you to bring a jacket!” he nags. you lean back in your car seat, ignoring him. “i’m not sick, i only sneezed twic-”you protest before you were cut off by another sneeze. “that’s your third!” says dean. “don’t even try to just go to bed when we get to the hotel” says sam.
15 minutes pass and dean pulls his shinned car into the small parking lot. before you even get inside, sam already has his hand on your lower back guiding you inside. “when you get in there, finish your food while i go get you some medicine, okay?”he instructs before he kisses you and lets you & dean go inside. you take off sam’s jacket and hangs it up on the coat hanger near the door. as soon as you sat down and started to eat, you’ve lost your appetite and didn’t feel any strength to even stand up from your seat. but you know sam will still make you eat something before you go to bed so you still eat your food because you haven’t completely lost your appetite. once you finish eating, you go lay down & rest in the bed that you share with sam. you hear sam quietly walk to your side of the bed, not sure if your sleeping or not, and gently shakes you. “c’mon, you need to take this medicine before you doze off”he says gently. you slowly pull the covers off your body and cough. “how do you feel right now?” he questions. “i feel weak & cold, i barely had the appetite to eat my food”you explain. even though it’s kinda dark, you could still feel his worried eyes on you. he leads you to the kitchen while rubbing your back, “you might have a cold or something, it’ll be gonna by next week, y’know how much i hate seeing you sick”he says before he gently pushes into a chair. he brings you a cup of water and gives you a spoon of medicine. “hey don’t give me an attitude, it’s your fault you have to take this medicine because you didn’t listen to me” he says after you make a face to the taste of the red medicine. “come on, let’s get you to sleep so you can wake up feeling better” he says as we watches you chug a cup of water to wash the taste away. he picks you up bridal style and walks you to your shared bed, “and before you think to not listen to me, remember this” he whispers, kissing your forehead before you drift off to sleep.
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Can startouch elves die or not? The entire premise of Aaravos's revenge is that his beloved daughter Leola was killed for her crime of sharing magic. Everything else we hear about startouch elves is that they are immortal and return to life when their stars realign. The only two salient details we know about them is that they cannot die, except for the only important one, who did. This is crucial to the villain's motivation as well as to establish the stakes of the story, as finding a way to permanently get rid of Aaravos is the entire purpose of the season. Even a single line like "only a consensus of startouch elves can permanently kill one" would have worked to paper this over.
Also, the threat of "a startouch elf dying is basically like a nuke going off" needed to be planted before the very final moment of the very final battle in order to let that battle have stakes for potentially temporarily killing the big bad. It seems to be a thing the characters know about since hearing it doesn't surprise them, but the audience has no reason to think it until it gets casually dropped as a reason for all the archdragons to die.
this is much more minor, but that entire final battle taking place on a flat, featureless plane was a very bad design choice. Aaravos and the dragons were all theoretically massive, but putting them in an arena with nothing to communicate the scale just made them look small. This is why kaiju movies always make sure to throw in some tiny little buildings and trains and such to make us think they're actually big.
Also, the fact that the final confrontation in the final battle consists of a half-dozen characters just. explaining what they're about to do and why it's going to be emotionally impactful? The absolute weakest way they could have done it. Callum patiently telling Aaravos that he's going to seal him in the coin using dark magic and he won't be able to possess Callum to escape because he's going to have an assassin shoot him immediately thereafter, and then it pans ten feet over to Runaan pointing an arrow at him, was legitimately laughable. And then they KEPT explaining shit even after Runaan got taken out so that Rayla could use her words to explain that SHE was going to shoot Callum instead so the plan would work. If any of this was going to be emotionally impactful it needed to be planted earlier so they could show it instead of clunkily telling it at the last minute. Rayla calling back to "my heart for Xadia" should have been a huge moment. It was all she should have needed to say in that scene. It was not.
"Character who can talk but has never done so speaks their first words" can be an incredibly emotionally impactful moment, and letting Zym's first words happen when, for example, his parents were about to die could've been good. Instead they had his first words be a joke right at the end of the season, and the punchline appears to be "yea we got Zuko back for this" and that's just a tremendous wasted opportunity
With Viren gone, Claudia's motivation has completely dried up. She and Aaravos have that nice "replacement father/daughter" thing going, but why that's leading to horrendous evil is just kind of handwaved as "yea I'll help you with your revenge because I've got nothing else going on"
It's really become clear that Viren was the one thing holding the show together, what with his legitimately nuanced motivations, his road to hell paved with good intentions, and his genuine belief that he was only doing what needed to be done for the good of humanity. He got a few cool moments last season with Soren and his big heroic sacrifice, except SECOND grievance, the "make everyone go on fire and look cool" spell from season 3 did not work the same way as when he cast it for his big moment in season 6! In season 3 it permanently made everyone affected by it into a mindless rage monster, and the horror of its transformation is what made Soren heel-face-turn for good. The idea that it also made people fireproof could've been true, but it was certainly not the main focus of the spell, and dropping it like that was the intent all along was a blatant retcon that bypassed the much more pertinent "mutant mindless rage monster" details that were one hundred percent the focus last time. I can believe the spell worked different the second time, but if we're already going to be overexplaining everything anyway, why not overexplain the one part of the spell that ACTUALLY needs to be addressed?
Aaravos's entire motivation is ostensibly to help humans by giving them power and magic. I see no way that blotting out the sun forever and flooding the world with angry zombies accomplishes this. Yes, he's evil, but he also theoretically never lies. This will just kill everybody. Kind of hard to spin that.
Aaravos is an incredibly powerful mage, allegedly. I say that because he casts no offensive or defensive spells in the final battle, or even in the pre-final confrontation when Ezran shoots him in the face and has him tied up. He just kind of tanks a bunch of hits and tips over. I assumed he was sandbagging in service to some secret villainous plot, because it was laughable that a dude who had to be sealed in a pearl in a secret hole in the bottom of the ocean for millennia could be meaningfully impeded by a few exploding arrows and some regular chains. And then he was? And he needed to be bailed out by his zombie army? And I just got very confused over what about him was actually supposed to be threatening.
Ezran has always been characterized as a kid with a good heart and a deep, innocent wisdom. His hopes for peace and his faith in others have seemed to come from a place of compassion and understanding, not naivete. He's not caught up in the cycles of vengeance even though it's taken both his parents from him, and through his kindness, trust, and connection with Zym, he can break the cycles of war that have pitted the human kingdoms against the magical ones for generations, even if this comes at cost and sacrifice to himself - as evinced when he abdicated the throne to Viren back in season 3. So why is his first reaction to his castle being attacked by a dragon "this is horrible, I must develop magical WMDs so everyone knows we're strong and badass and nobody can ever attack us again"? Ezran is allowed to get upset and not be perfect, but this makes it seem like all his innocent wisdom was in fact the result of being blind to the horrors of the world, since he changes his mind as soon as he gets attacked on the home front.
they still haven't explained why and how callum is the first and only human to be able to do primal magic. currently the only explanation is simply because he had a character development coma where his dead mom told him to breathe. if it's as easy as thinking about it real hard, it's inconceivable that callum is the first human in history to want to do magic that badly.
I really thought that neopolitan ice cream elf taking off her blindfold and going to help the heroes was going to be more important. they made such a deal out of it and then she does nothing else for the entire season. I think maybe they have made too many characters to keep track of.
on the plus side I was right that the king was a bird so that makes it all worth it I guess
thoughts on the dragon prince’s new 4 season arc kind of being… well… setup??
that's probably not even in my top ten list of disappointments about it tbh
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The Jackal (The Day of the Jackal, 2024) SFW Alphabet
SFW alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I think he’s learning how to be affectionate. There’s a section of his mind that’s always looking for danger, any angles that might be hiding a monster that needs slaying. The affection is reserved, but real. He’ll be looking over his shoulder, and holding your hand the entire time.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I think he’d be an excellent best friend. It’s hard to be friends with someone so reserved, but once you break through, you’re going to be the last one standing in any firefight. He’ll make sure of it. (See: his spotter, who he didn’t blow up in the 2024 show)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I think he loves cuddling. He’ll be sitting on a squishy couch (your purchase) in your shared living room, and pull your legs into his lap. The two of you don’t say much, and just watch each other, and he eventually brings you closer because of it. And typically, he goes to bed flat on his back, and winds up completely wrapped up in your limbs. That counts too.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I think he craves being settled down. In the show, if he didn’t have Nuria and Carlitos, there’s no reason to be grounded. I think he can clean with the best of him, but he can only cook 3 meals successfully - they all come out of a can.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I truly see this character as someone who mates for life, or tries to. This means he’s typically the one being broken up with. If he does have to break it off with a partner, he’ll have to do it face-to-face (never ghost). He’ll be logical, cold, and he’ll feel like he’s getting all of his teeth pulled.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I’m thinking that things with Nuria got out of hand. Typically, this is someone who’s practical first and foremost. Here comes Nuria, all fire and love, what’s he supposed to do? I’m betting he folded for her within the year, getting married and starting their family ASAP.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I feel in my bones that he'll surprise you. Everything about him is so hardened, and sharp, so he's going to overcompensate and swing in the other direction. You're going to be treated softly and carefully until you ask him not to.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He actually really enjoys a hug. He'll hug you once every day at least. There's always a split second after first contact where you feel him relax in your arms, it's lovely.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The last person he said 'I love you' to and meant it, before Nuria, was his parents. The words carry a lot of weight, and he promises a lot with the words. He won't say them unless he can fulfill the promises he's made to you in his head.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I think he doesn't struggle with jealousy as much as he used to, most people who flirt with you, are people of no consequence to the life you guys share. He'll just put his face in your neck and get over it. It's minimal.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
In public, he's judicious with PDA. You're getting a peck on the lips, maybe on the cheek if he's feeling comfortable.
Privately, he's going after your throat, messily, anywhere he can feel your pulse. He's also a big fan of kissing in between your eyebrows. You scrunch them up and he adores it.
As for himself, he knows if you kiss his earlobe, he'll fold immediately. You go after his throat? He'll fold immediately. He's in pieces at your feet as we speak.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I think he's comfortable around kids! He has one! There's nothing to worry about with children. If they need something, they'll tell you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
I do feel like he's up at some ungodly military hour to do his fitness. You're probably up at around 7am? He's been up for hours and has breakfast going. He relaxes when he sees you stumbling out of the bedroom, and he sits down to eat with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Getting ready for bed starts at 8:30pm, he'll brush his hair, teeth, wash his face and physically get into bed by 8:45pm. You go to the bedroom a bit later to do whatever it is you like to do before bed, and he watches you. He enjoys watching you.
When you get in to bed, you stay up reading in soft yellow light, and he stays up watching you. It's cozy.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It's definitely not linear. You barely have a name. Yes, a name. You have no idea if it's even his. However, in the dead of night on a random April day, you'll get half of a story about his father teaching him how to go fishing when he was a [redacted] age in [redacted] location.
You learn about him by watching him, and how he interacts with the world. Details are secondary.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I don't think it's easy to get him angry. You have to know what exact buttons to press, and when to press them, it's rare.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
It's his job to know. It's natural to him to know. He remembers everything.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You bullied him into taking you to a movie, on your second date. When he was dropping you off at the door, you unlinked your arm with his and kissed the back of his hand. His hand tingled for two days after, and he'll never forget it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
This doesn't even need to be said, but it's all for you. We see what he did for Nuria. The big house, the comfortable life, the careful, loving husband. He's protective. All the pieces are in their exact place, and we see that in the show. As for you, if the police are ever circling, he's 100% adamant that you sell him out. Give him up, save yourself. You won't, but it's worth a try.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
As said before, it's his job to know. And all of this stuff, for him, is so easy. It's easy to plan a good date when it's something to live for. It's easy to plan for an anniversary when it was the first day you felt like a real person. It's easy to buy a gift when you're always in his head. Jackal tries really hard on all fronts of his life.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I think the thing that makes you absolutely insane, is that when he's deeply stressed, he'll isolate. You understand the urge, but you have to stick your head out of your foxhole at some point. You want to reach out and support, or get a text back to a "u ok?" but instincts are strong. He's gonna dig himself pretty deep. You have to go into his part of the house.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I think he's extremely concerned with his looks, just by nature of who he is. He's always aware of what he looks like, at any given moment. He's very fastidious, but never to the point where it's detrimental.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He'd rather chew his own arm off than lose you, we see this energy throughout episode 10 of season one.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I feel like he's a massive gearhead. His knowledge of guns started after an ill-fated summer working at a garage. Once he knew all there was to know about cars, he had to move on. Mechanically-minded people are gonna have their machines.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If I'm being honest I do feel like, once he gets a taste of someone he cares for, there's not a whole lot a person can do to turn him off.
Z = Zzz (What are sleep habits?)
He doesn’t really sleep. Not deeply. Sure his eyes are closed, but he can’t give that much control away. There’s too much to think about, there’s too much to do. In the night, you shift, and lay on top of him, and the contact forces all the bad thoughts away.
#the day of the jackal#the day of the jackal peacock#the day of the jackal 2024#eddie redmayne#the jackal#sfw alphabet
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Eggtober 2024 Poem by me. Living in your hometown am I right? @quezify
Previous Eggtober Poems 2023 | 2022
#egg#eggtober#eggtober2024#eggtober 2024#quezify#poem#poetry#writing#writers on tumblr#my writing#my poetry#my poems#really put this one off until the last second.#you know that scene in i saw the tv glow where owen screams that she’s dying right now?#thats the feeling I’ve had since i moved back home#back into my egg#anyways happy eggtober#shoutout as always to quezify for being a huge inspiration amd all around cool dude
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“You’re a caveman. And I’ve invented fire.”
Close-ups under the cut :)

#I've had this idea since May and I've finally finished it#Did the sketch after watching SAD for the second time#I watched the end of One Step Ahead when the camera closes in on Curt and Joey's finger guns and Curt was kneeling#and I was struck violently and urgently with this idea#And then I proceeded to put it off for a million years up until last week when I picked it back up#I'm very proud of this one and I hope you guys like it as much as I do#I really love doing painting parodies and this one worked just too well#Anyways yeah- spent almost 12 hours on this piece so that's fun- time to go draw more!#Fun fact: Former US President Andrew Jackson was a flat earther#yikes#Spies are forever#SAF#Spies are forever fanart#SAF TCB#Tin Can Brothers#Tin Can Bros#tin can bros fanart#Curt Mega#Agent Curt Mega#Owen Carvour#Joey Richter#the creation of adam#The creation of adam parody#My art
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inspired by these memes about next year (im still on 2024 help) i want to show this AU i have been thinking since month ago in the sidelines
#i have been thinking about aus for so long but never talk about them#bc idk if it has been done before or something im not really connected with the fandom and what they do#and i dont want to step into anyone's boundaries or something by accident#i have been putting it off bc i need to study human anatomy to build their body since i want to think about their functions#i need to think about what each piercing would do. the ones in the ears are kind of easy to think about their function but#i can't think about what the snake bite could do since im not sure they eat. it could have an attack function but that#would mean he needs to be near someone to bite and attack?? but that sounds like last resource it's not practical#no. being pretty it's not an excuse i want those to do a job. i will think of something A WAIT ok got it i have an idea that's silly#idk why writting the tags clears my mind this is magic#ok goodbye i have to do things i will come back#silly squeaking time#this is messy im using my last seconds of confidence to post this until i feel fear again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#messy explanation messy sketch be die like uhhh we die like uhhh ehehehe im not saying that asdhshjggfs
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