#really just wasnt feelin it
skeletonpendeja · 6 months
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Shading n stylization practice feat. Hedgehog
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mejomonster · 7 months
I recognize how i headcanon and intepret the ff7 games is almost Certainly not likely the intended interpretation and probably Not the biggest fan interpretation. But i dont care. Im in my own lane, in the sunshine, having a lovely time. In my lane tifa and aerith like girls and are thrilled when clouds nonbinary ass dresses particularly feminine, theyre even more thrilled to be galavanting together heroically as girlfriends, zack is bisexual (of course) and. Well sephiroth is kind of canonically (id argue) into cloud but its really messy and heavy and woulda been a lot cuter when cloud was a cadet but. Back as a cadet his idolized crush on hero sephiroth was Nothing compared to his actual Friend crush on zack fair.
And yes. As u know. Far as im concerned the game is one massive polycule
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brainrotdotorg · 2 years
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realnielsbohr · 1 year
ive changed my mind hibachi is one of the most embarrassing things
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dogydayz · 2 years
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I stare out at chrome and glass that made up the strange world in-between, curious as to where such a place even comes from. Is there molten metal somewhere that helped form the oddly organic shapes? Was this odd universe designed this way from the start? Was there any real proper life here to begin with, or has it always been this way?
Heavy steps reverberate on the crystalline ground, followed by the light ping of heels against glass.
"Good Gaia, this place is STUNNING!!" blueish-green eyes sparkle as they peer out upon the glittering chromescape. A world seemingly made of shining metal and crystal... Of course she'd be enamored.
"Listen, Rouge, we need to stay on task. Maybe we can visit this place again after, but right now we need to be looking for any sign of the Doctor. Who knows what he's got planned, opening strange rifts into worlds like this..." my voice trails into the seemingly infinite air of the realm around us.
"Oh of course Little Red, don't you worry, I won't get TOO distracted~" she replies to me, giving a wink. God damn her and those stupid nicknames.
"SCANNING ENVIRONMENT FOR HEAT SIGNATURES." our other friend, Omega, "spoke" before his body began to move like a camera taking a panoramic shot, laser light shining from his eyes as we watched him do his robot thing. Despite being an "Ultimate Lifeform", I've always been admittedly kinda jealous of some of his abilities... Though, I'm honestly glad I'm not a robot. Having a mech suit could be cool though.... Maybe I should ask Tails about that when we get back...
Suddenly, Omega stopped, his eyes flashing red. "UNKNOWN HEAT SIGNATURE DETECTED. NON-HUMAN LIFEFORM. INITIATING LOADING SEQUENCE." His arms locked into firing position as a multitude of clicks and buzzing noises could be heard, preparing to unleash a fury of bullets onto whatever the hell he'd found.
Our eyes widened, and Rouge managed to speak up first.
We're fortunate that he listens to us, as that was enough on it's own to make the noises stop, his arms lowering. Now, he simply pointed in the direction that he'd detected the unknown lifeform in.
I speed over to get a better vantage point, having to look around large, metallic structures to see whatever Omega had found....
Of fucking course.
A blue shine flashes in my vision as the form suddenly speeds off across some of the glass structures that made up this strange world.
The mission no longer mattered to me, in that moment.
I became a hypocrite within only a few seconds.
My shoes propelled me onto the glistening path as I took off, my friends calling out from behind me, and I heard the spark of annoyance in Rouge's voice as I left them behind.
Following bright blue light, leaving an amber trail of my own behind, the race was on.
And nothing else mattered.
It's idiotic, it's reckless, absolutely ignoring the mission for something so menial. I should've tried asking how he even got here, I should've questioned his motives, I should've been suspicious, and yet I simply couldn't get my mind out of the rush of exhilaration. What a pathetic agent I am, huh?
He hadn't even realized I was there until I passed by him, to which he let out a sudden laugh before speeding up.
"Should've known you'd be here too! Got hired to scout the place I'm guessing?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, blue hedgehog."
"I mean, yeah I'd like to know, 'specially since you're not doing too great a job at the whole 'scouting' thing right now"
"Gah!- You- You shut your damn mouth!"
"Says the one who just can't handle not getting the last word in!"
"Oh it's ON."
And we blazed across gleaming trails of glass, the materials beneath his feet making chiming noises with every step, the sounds of whooshing air from my shoes blotting out whatever other thoughts I'd had prior.
Our streams of light began to mix, fading together as we leapt and dashed over and around each other, creating lines of pale purple that chased after us.
Nothing else mattered.
Until it did.
Until the blue light faded, until no one was beside me, until I drifted to a halt on smooth crystalline glass and spun around, looking about, expecting to find that he'd taken some other path, or that he'd just stopped to fuck with me.
But it was much more. Something much, much more than that.
I saw him on the ground, as if he'd simply crumpled beneath himself, the way a body looks when the life has been stripped from it, when all that's left is watery blood and cold skin.
Words caught in my throat, my legs feeling solid, my whole body frozen in the moment. My eyes darted around, falling on a figure standing in the distance, something seemingly just as chrome as the world it stood in, yet somehow... Like one of us. Pale, glossy eyes met my own as it's head turned in my direction, and it pointed it's arm at me. I could see the odd appendage it wielded, something like a gun at the end of it's own finger.
I would've cracked a sneer at it, if I weren't so terrified.
I had no moment to react before a blinding light clouded my vision...
And everything went dark.
The last thing I'd heard were the sounds of mechanical gunfire, and an enraged and frightened cry.
And then... Nothing, but darkness... A void...
Surrounding me.... Pitch black air, with the slightest bits of what seemed like pale dust particles floating around....
The echoes of our names rang through my mind, my mind which felt so empty in the moment... Was it even there anymore??
This wasn't death. I'd felt death before, death is... Different, than whatever this was...
I felt like my being existed, yet not my body. Like I was there, yet not at all, all of it at once.
And... Suddenly...
A strange world fizzled into view around me...
Could I... Even call it a "world"?
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It was a vast nothingness, a blue "sky" above with a bright "sun" shining down... Yet the ground seemed more like it was merely light itself, rather than a solid thing. Barren trees were scattered about here and there, pale and seemingly abiotic. The world itself was.... Devoid of life in general.
It was beautiful, yet eerie... So lost and desolate, so empty...
The light made me shield my eyes. I tried to bring myself to explore it, but I couldn't handle the glare, I couldn't handle how it shined into my face. The world was so open, yet the light made me feel as though everything was closing in around me...
I had to get out.
I called into the nothingness, and found no reply.
Nothing was here... What even WAS here?? I had more questions than ever, and none could even possibly be answered, not anytime soon at least...
So I covered my eyes, and I began to walk...
....And I hear... A distant voice...
A familiar one...
And I begin to follow the sound, where I'd heard it come from....
Covering my eyes, letting my ears guide me...
And suddenly....
I heard the sounds of gentle water.
And my shoes made a slight splash as I stepped into a shallow pool.
I uncovered my eyes, and the brightness was gone.... All that was left being a similarly empty space, this time the infinite void realm simply having shallow water all across it, out into the vast nothingness surrounding me....
And... in the distance.... tall, far-off pillars of similarly greenish, oceanic liquid, defying all laws of gravity and climbing high into the sky.
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My eyes adjusted to what I was seeing, slowly... And soon, they focused on the towering obelisks of liquid, jutting into the endless atmosphere.
Nothing in this world made sense, nothing in any of these worlds did...
But before I could be truly wrought with confusion, I heard a familiar voice, the one I'd been following blindly before ending up here.
"Shadow!!! Hey!! You're... Here?"
I turned around, the water rippling around me. A splash hit my face as he ran over, making me take a step back in surprise before finally focusing on what the hell was happening here.
"Sorry about that- Hey, you feel... Mostly okay, right?"
I took a second to try and shake myself off before replying.
"You're... NOT dead. Thank Chaos."
"Uhhh... Nnnno? I'm not? I mean, thanks for the concern and all but what are you talking about??"
"That...." the image of the being remained blurry in my mind, despite how well I'd seen them prior, "THING. It... Shot me. Shot YOU too, I think-"
He went oddly silent, looking around.
"Welllll anyway, lets find a way outta here. I'm just glad this isn't an ACTUAL ocean... I woulda been doomed!"
"...How do YOU feel, Sonic?"
"How... Do you feel? Right now?"
"...Oh-... Well, a tad dizzy, super confused, and uh... A little bit terrified, I gotta admit."
We were both silent for a moment longer....
"....You're not alone there. Come on, let's... Try to find a place to at least sit down for a bit..."
"Uuuugh, come oooonn we can't just get the whole 'going back home' thing on the road already?"
I looked around, up at the foggy "sky" above us, then at the distance aquatic pillars.
"...We aren't getting out of this place for a while. It's best we regain some energy before continuing to... wherever the hell we're headed."
He went quiet again, for seemingly the first time in his life really, before taking a deep breath and nodding.
But he didn't speak, he just.... Began following beside me...
And together, we began on our way toward the far-off pillars.
Unknowing of what was observing us, watching our every move, studying us for our weaknesses, what broke us, what would be usable against us...
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dykedragons · 1 year
oh ps im so fucking glad to be done with school (dgmw i LOVED college but it was an INSANE amount of work and im exhausted). i can do whatever i want now guilt-free. its AMAZING. i can play minecraft guilt free i can do COMMISSIONS guilt free like bro....... it was so hard doing commissions during school TToTT
like yall.... what NINE (9) fucking classes in a term will do to an mf. i only recommend it if u have like zero other priorities bc. WOW. it was a LOT. (i also put 100% into literally everything i do but still it tested my fucking LIMITS.) (only one all-nighter had to be pulled though and it wasnt even on a school night so thats cool of me)
more. rambling under the cut
(like im soooososo grateful for the business + JUST whining like i needed the moneys regardless so i dont appreciate it any less. and they were still a lot of fun. but the workload was cray cray. im so grateful my commissioners didnt mind the ~2 month wait bc i felt so bad kjdnfnkjsfds blows yall a kiss... excited to get thru my current queue too!! once i. have the weekend to myself bc. GOD i need that.)
im really amazed im not burnt the fuck out?? like i look forward to drawing still!! and doing more 3D when i have the mental capacity for it (done my current comm queue). i love that stuff so much. ive pushed myself so much and created things in time crunches i thought would wreck me but ive proven myself wrong again and again and its amazing. im truly proud of myself and the person im becoming yall its a magical thing!!!! and my WORK. is the best its ever looked even when its rushed. i am fucking gobsmacked. my god. i NEED to keep doing gesture studies someone pplleease be on my ass about that lol /j
and NOT TO MENTION MY FRIENDS....... like MAN i fuckin love those guys holy shit. my dumb ass coming to school like "ohghggh i hope i make friends" BITCH YOULL MAKE THE BEST FRIENDS OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so silly... i met one of my best friends on the FIRST DAY and DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT!!!!!!! ugh im just. im so grateful. eternally grateful for this experience. i have grown tenfold i have gained tenfold.
i feel. ready for my next steps... i have my first job coming up and im gonna be doing 3D for freelance and learning new things... getting my shit TOGETHER making money (hopefully a lot) and learning to be an adult n shit. "catch up" to my peers (thats how it feels). it feels good and in my best moments i feel like the future is bright yk.... like. yeah i can do this!!!!!!! yeah. yeah. its gonna be alright.
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vampirebiter · 1 year
work was so slow yesterday that i had a chance to sit down and read for like an hour and i really hope it's like that again. i don't wanna make pizza, i wanna read my fucked up little vampire books.
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ramblinseahorsey · 2 years
Me: Why r my adhd meds making me feel worse not better :( Also I am the meanest person alive I shall hide in my room and sleep forever from guilt
A few weeks later
*Gets diagnosed with Bipolar* OHHHHHHHH
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angelicblondie · 1 month
fwb!rafe x meanprincess!reader
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you knew you werent allowed to be jealous - that wasnt fair, and it certainly wasnt part of rafe and yours agreement.
and you knew it wasnt rational - you didnt even know why you were jealous. it wasnt like you had feelings for rafe, he was you best friend. so the two of you had fun every now and then and hooked up, he was still only just your best friend. in fact. he was really just looking out for you, making sure that you were getting the pleasure you deserved, that no one but him could give you. it was a solid arrangement, and you wouldnt change it anyways.
so what if you wanted to hold on a little tighter after he pleased you? so what if you liked it when he stayed later to watch a movie? so what if you liked it when he bought you things? these were normal things that best friends did, or at least thats what rafe told you.
but you were mad right now, and all you wanted to do was leave this stupid party rafe dragged you to.
rafe had left you alone for just a few minutes with his friends, and you didn't mind at all, enjoying the company of the two boys quite a lot. top and kelce were like brothers to you after all these years, and you thought they were the funniest boys in the obx. you were having fun, but then you turned you head to the drinks table where rafe was, surround by a literal swarm of girls. and the worst part, was he looked like he was enjoying it. you huffed with a narrow of you brows and turned your attention away from the scene, not wanting rafe to catch you looking.
you mind ran wild. what was he doing? why was he enjoying all that attention when you gave him all of yours and then some? were you not good enough for him?
you decided to play it cool, continuing your conversation with the other boys. eventually rafe came back, sitting right next to you as he was before, and handing you a drink. feeling petty, you look at the drink and scrunch your nose up, then shake your head, turning back to top and kelce. rafe scoffed, rolling his eyes, and set your drink on the table in front of him, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back against the couch, his arm resting on the cushion behind you.
you pretty much ignored rafe the whole rest of the night, and you could feel him growing frustrated beside you. rafe cleared his throat before speaking. "I've gotta take this one home, boys, curfew."
you narrow you eyes and open your mouth to oppose, but rafe sends you a withering stare and you decide against it, saying your goodbyes as rafe drags you out.
he huffs, bending down with his hands on your biceps, his expression hardened. "ok, what the fuck was that all about?"
you eyes narrow. "nothing."
he scoffs. "bull shit. why'r you actin like a brat?"
the annoyed pout on you face spoke for itself. "nothing, its just that if you wanna fuck other girls, thats fine, but i'd rather you tell me so I could get checked for whatever weird shit they're carrying around".
rafe face lights in realization and he drops his hands from your arms, running them down his face with an amused smile, shaking his head in subtle laugher.
you pout, spurred on by his sudden amusement. "what?" you snap.
he finishes his laughter, crossing his arms. "no, nothin, its just - I just get it now. i get your lil problem."
you cross your arms, mirroring him. "do you?" you ask sassily.
he chuckles, walking right in front of you, leaning down to be face to face. "sweetie, if you were feelin a lil territorial, just say that," he says, his voice quiet and cocky. his hands traveled to your waist, giving it a good squeeze.
you feel more enraged and you scoff, pushing him away (though he barely budges). "get the fuck over yourself, rafe, god!" you exclaim.
rafe grabs your wrist in a tight grip, the smile disappearing from his face. "hey, no no no. none'a that. was tryin t'be nice but guess thats out of the books, huh princess?" you pout at his condescending tone but don't speak, knowing it would only dig you in a deeper hole.
"y'know that I wasn't gunna fuck any of those girls. we were j'talkin," he explains, his voice coming across level, almost as if he was trying to dumb down his tone.
at his words, you roll your eyes, which causes rafe to tug harder on your wrists. "hey, stop," he scolds sternly. "m'not fuckin anyone else, hear me? so stop being such a little brat about it. god, makes me wonder why I fuckin put up with you."
his words trigger a pout, and you tug again at your wrist, trying to free them. "quit it, rafe, i hear you."
"nuh-uh, dont think y'hearin me," he responds, his features softening up the slightest, "how bout this, huh? i take you back to tannyhill, make y'feel real good, and then you know for sure that m'not fuckin with anyone else? how does that sound baby?"
you werent sure if it was the suggestion, or the way he called you baby that made you agree, but all you knew is that you ended the night with rafe, feeling much more confident that he wasnt, and wouldnt, fuck any other girl in the obx but you.
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norrizzandpia · 1 year
The Video (LN4)
Summary: Y/n and Lando’s club dancing sends the F1 world into a frenzy.
Warnings: sexual innuendos, sexual conversations, its short im sorry, if you want something more to this storyline lmk in the requests ill prob do it lol
ln4andop81 how yall feeling after that leaked vid?
- mclarensgirly FIGHTING. FOR. MY. LIFE.
- f1fan2 if i speak.
- ln4andop81 what shall we address first.
- mclarensgirly maybe the GRINDING????
- f1fan2 bro literally moved his hands up to the bottom of her boobs and down and then whispered some crazed shit in her ear and i died. THE PERSON WHO FILMED THAT VIDEO I LOVE YOU 😋😋
- ln4andop81 yeah i think its safe to say that lando norizz is definitely a myth.
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y/nnn so about last night.
ln4andop81 girly had a whole video of her grinding on her bf leaked and her response is “about last night”. icon.
landonorris i had fun 😙
- mclarensgirly BYE
- ln4andop81 MANS IS INSANE
- f1fan2 so moral of the story lando basically fucked his gf in public and said “i had fun” NO SHIT
- mclaren dont think you understand the pr situation at hand 😀
- mclarensgirly NOW IM DONE FOR
maxverstappen this is why i said to not drink too much
- landonorris i think your exact words were “next round on me?”
- kellypiquet i am afraid babe that you did in fact do and say both of those things
Mclarenfan22 its the way lando pushes y/ns hips into him so she can be as CLOSE as possible
- circledriving-racers plz when i first saw that vid i rlly didnt think by the end of it i would know what lando looked like when he was clearly feeling some type of way
- ln4andop81 yeah bc the way he threw his head back when she started circling her hips against his spoke VOLUMES
- papayafan it had ME feelin some typa way and i wasnt even the one getting danced on
- ln4andop81 i feel like its prob for the best the vid ended before we could see them separate bc i feel like we wouldve seen LANDO and not lando if yk what i mean 😟
- papayafan a bone-
- mclarenfan22 we would rlly know EVERYTHING abt him at that point
- ln4andop81 im willing to bet a large sum of money (im broke) that hes big
- y/nnn is this where im supposed to “enter the chat”?
- ln4andop81 MAAM.
- mclarensgirly YES. SPILL THE TEA.
- y/nnn i think i would like to gatekeep this one girlies 💋💋
-mclarensgirly wow.
- ln4andop81 ill never get over how it girl she is.
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landonorris it was a great night and thats all i have to say abt it
oscarpiastri UHHHHHHH
mclaren we cant catch a break ever
y/nnn BABE THE SIGN 😭😭
- landonorris i thought it really translated my thoughts 🙏🏻
ln4andop81 so i guess the question rlly is: did the sign become reality?
- landonorris what do you think 🤭
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yearnlark · 2 years
#feelin. real weird!! bad!! but also maybe not?? maybe less bad#tuned in to their show. knew it wasnt smart or... kind/careful with my self but. listened for a while anyway#but. after hearing their voice and then listening to the music for a little while i was able to like. actually ask myself why tf i was#doing that when it fucking hurts sm#and part of the answer was ''bc i miss them'' ...but ik ill miss them whether or not i listen so thats out. then part of the answer was#''bc i feel kinda obligated'' ...but. i have zero duty+/obligation to them now? +didnt rly in the first place? just liked making them happy#and *thats* not really smth i should concern myself with now. so... thats out too ig#but. if im being totally honest: most of the answer was just. ''im doing it *bc* it hurts.''#and like. making myself admit that. and sit with it. was what let me finally turn it off#took me long enough but. ig im. hm. ig im not going to tune back in?#i havent missed one of their radio broadcasts since they very first started... we werent talking then#so i didnt even know it was happening but. then they mentioned it on that first walk back again and i#i wouldnt have missed it for the damn world. i tuned it to that second broadcast and then tuned in again and again and again and.#they said they were talking specifically to me#every time. that i was the ''baby'' they didnt want to touch that dial. that i was#i was. i#hhhhh fuck#well its. its definitely not me theyre talking to over the airwaves anymore#hm. i think maybe thats the last reason i was still listening. i wanted them to still be talking to me#thats. god thats fucking pathetic huh#in part bc yeah. its stupid for the one who walked out + blocked + left + ghosted to be the one still listening#but. moreso bc. god how stupid to think any of that was real#when hearing them talk AT me over the goddamn RADIO was more than i heard them say face to face for MONTHS#oh now im angry again. huh. thats weird#but. holy fuck?? in the last three months i thjnk we called three times. saw each other in person the same amount. but i tuned into their#damn RADIO SHOW every fucking WEEK. id fucking RUN home from rehearsal so i could sit in my damn bedroom alone and imagine they were#playing those songs for me. because they SAID they were. and id text them the whole fucking time!! bc i thought they were doing a fantastic#fucking job and i wanted them to know that!! i was trying SO FUCKING HARD to just CONNECT and feel CONNECTSD and#huh. yeah. im way more upset about rhis than i realised#thats. kinda fucken wild tbqh. i was only mad at myself before; for being so pathetic but. the whole thing was fucked up huh?? fucken hell.
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burstinn · 11 months
Bro..I love your blog already
Can you please do CoD (Ghost, soap, nikto, roach, könig, price, Gromsko(if you write for him) with male reader who has mouth like mileena from mortal combat 😵 you know..sharp ass teeth, Long slimy tongue and shit
Can be nsfw if you want👀
(Headcanons/ short story?)
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People shown: Ghost, Soap, Nikto, Roach, König, Price,Gromsko. As per requested.
Warnings: body/face disfigurement?,small mention of experiment and torture, mentions of slight depression/ mental breakdowns.
Themes: fluff, slight angst, comfort, no nsfw for now ain't feelin the groove can be read with mutual or start of a romantic relationship. Just wanna be held and comforted fr fr 😞😞✋🤚
Note: I never wrote about Gromsko but I do know him. Had to do a research into him. So this is my interpretation of Gromsko hope I got him right.
Also these Headcanons ARE FUCKING LONG. so I hope you saved room for breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers, and dessert with complimentary drinks too.
Also this is kinda rushed? I didn't have time to proofread this. So like. Yeah..
You (M/N) had a very disfigured mouth a big slash across your lower face. Making it look like your lower face have been burnt in half. Showing sharp teeth protruding out accompanying it was your long sharp tounge. Your face adorned with scars and bruises you managed to collect through your time in the military. But when you had this type of injury..Where your mouth looks so horribly scarred you had to leave the military.
Due to how long you've been in the military. And how you've been tortured and experimented on making your face look like..this. You hated it. But you wanted to be back in the military for your own personal reasons.
Now since your back in the military you've kept your face hidden. You didn't want your new team to look at you in disgust and horror. They always used to be so scared. But it's a new team! You just have to keep your mask on and none would be the wiser.
-Ever since Ghost saw you he always felt something was..off about you. It's not like you kept to yourself no you were sociable sometimes.
-But he kept his doubts about you to himself. You were a soldier. And just because he felt off doesn't mean he had to treat you differently
-He wasn't prodding or asking you about why you kept wearing you mask.
- You have your problems on why you wore your mask, He has his problems. It's like a little understanding why you kept your mask on 24/7.
- Then that one faithful day when you both were paired on a mission and you were caught by an enemy dragged to a building.
- Ghost was quick to follow you. He was nearby and saw you get dragged.
-He made his way silently and quickly through the building. Slipping in through a cracked window as he searched around cautiously.
-A bang could be heard, then a scream. Then silence.. That wasnt good. He swiftly ran over to where he heard the scream. And he found you..you weren't dead no. The enemy was. A big gnash on their neck as they slowly bled on the cold floor.
-And you were there. Coiled into a ball quietly sobbing, shaking your head. He glanced at the bleeding enemy one more time before he ran over to you immediately making his presence known as he gently grabbed your arms covering you face.
-When he pried your hands off and saw your face. He only sighed his eyes softening in small realization. Before he hugged you. As you continue to sob. He knew why you covered your face now... And he won't hate you for that.
- He immediately took an interest towards you when he first saw you for the first couple weeks.
- He would stalk you for a bit. Realizing you never took your mask off..like Ghost.
- He didn't mind as well. Maybe you had a similar reason to Ghost. Although that didn't stop him to ask you to take off your mask.
- You took it well. Really just teasing him that you totally would show Soap your face.(you wouldn't, never)
- That only made Soap think that you would someday show your face.
- You both grew close. Always hanging out, making jokes, hell even sleeping in the same room.
- Although he would keep pestering you about your mask.
- You trusted him deeply and he trusted you.
- Then one day you pulled Soap in a closet.. Although he was a bit suspicious asking you slyly why you brought him here. Before you shut him up.
- It was serious.. you trusted him so so deeply.. maybe..he wouldn't judge you if you showed him..your face? And that's what you did. You explained why you called him here. Hus face bellowing with excitement. As you slowly took off your mask showing. Your face.
- You looked worriedly at him. Soap had gone silent. And he was just staring wide eyed...oh no..no..no.. that wasn't the reaction you wanted.
- You tried to explain..or try to convince Soap to not make you look like a freakish fool. But Soap just..ran out of the closet.. leaving you there dumbstruck..
- It was only later in the night. Specifically midnight. You couldn't forget how Soap looked at you it was heart wrenching. That was it. He thinks you look like a freak now.
- You hold your face in your hands. Sobbing about your friend.. that now thinks your disgusting.
- Then 3 knocks came at your door. You dawned your mask wiping away your tears before opening the door. Before you even react Soap pushes you in your room and closes the door.
- You don't respond. He whispers something to you then he removes your mask. Making you panic..Then he holds your face. Gentle and soft as he looks at you with a solemn smile.
- "M/N..." He whispers your name again as he rubs your lower face. Holding you in his arms as he whispers praises.. and apologies. For you.
- He wouldn't care about you
- He really didn't like or want any more new recruits. He found new people annoying. So when you first bumped into Nikto. He gave you a glare before he shoved past you.
- When he overheard people talking about how you never removed your mask. He got slightly curious so whenever you were nearby he would watch you. And they were right. You never took off your mask.
- One day he got frustrated with you. Do you think you're special for not taking off your mask?
You think you are cool? He seethed.
- Although he was a brute to you he was at least modest well.. modest to not pull your mask out of your face Infront of your teammates.
- Instead he cornered you somewhere private. Gruffly asking then commanding you to take off your mask.
- When you disagreed he ripped it off your face. And saw..your.. face. His eyes slightly widened.
- And when you started to panic trying to grab your mask while hiding it. Til' you eventually snatched it out of his hands when he was frozen with shock. You wore your mask and ran out.
- That's when Nik knew he fucked up. He knew he needed to apologize. So he went to search for you after he processed what happened now the guilt weighing down on him every minute he couldn't find you.
- When he finally found you probably hiding off somewhere, most likely avoiding Nik. He sat down next to you. Unsure how to start with his apology.
- When he finally blurted it out. Looking at you with obvious guilt in his eyes. But he knew sorry wasn't enough. So he took his mask off himself. Showing his own scars and bruises. Scooting himself closer to you still with that apologetic look.
- You talked for a while maybe about how you got your scar or not. About anything else.
-Hes quiet around you. Once he first saw you he didn't really react much. It's just a new recruit nothing special.
- You never takes off your mask? Nothing special to him.
- He kept to himself you kept to yourself.
- he was just crawling around one day. Hiding up in small spaces and just idk stayed there.
- And when you bursted in closing the door behind you. He hid himself further in that corner he was in. He's not confronting you..nuh uh..
- He watched you stand there for a few minutes before you took of your mask. Showing off your lower face. Which made him go closer to see.
- Woah.. He watched you intently without your mask. Taking in every detail. He thought you looked cool. Didn't understand why you hid your face. Looked kinda sick tbh.
- That's when you felt someone watching you and you lock eyes with Roach. Your eyes widening hastily grabbing your mask and running off. Leaving Roach there with his thoughts. He must've understood enough you don't like being seen with your mask down.
- So the next few days. He watched you looking at you with a knowing look. While you looked back nervous and full of embarrassment?.
- And one of those days he was watching you. He walked up to you without saying anything and handed you a piece of ripped paper only reading
" You look cooler without your mask ".
- He raised an eyebrow when he saw you. Almost already knowing you were the type of person who would keep him mask on.
- Not like he cares or anything
- He would though keep an eye on you. Just in case.. Not like he's interested in seeing your face or anything.
- From watching to discreetly following you around. Just to make sure okay? It's nothing else.
- When he was following you today. He watched from the side when a few other soldiers with the same rank as you walked in beside you. Poking and prodding on why you have to hude your face in a mask? Did you look sexy bad you had to hide it?
- When you ignored or scolded them. They quickly got annoyed with you and tried removing you mask. Even when you tried to shove and fight them off they would eventually take off your mask anyway.
- König knows he should stop he was about to when they finally managed to take off your mask. And they all backed away from you in disgust evidently on their face.
- If you got angry or sad they would just back away from you again. They don't care you looked disgusting. If you tried to grab your mask from someone they'd back away from you while screaming at you to get away from them.
- König didn't notice your face. Well not yet anyway. He made his presence known in a booming voice as he dismissed the people who just assaulted you. They're still holding your mask
- You try to hide your face but. That didn't work. Even when König saw you. He saw your face. His face softening when he saw you.
- He walks up to you. Going on his knees to take your hands off your face. As he looks up at you softly. Holding your hands in his.
- He shouldn't judge. He didn't really care. You are his soldier and you took his interest. He talked to you softly sprinkling in praises about your face while he tries to comfort you.
- He knew about your face. It was already mentioned in your information when he read your file. He was the one who let you in 141 anyway. And he didn't mind
- He had seen lots of injuries all varying in scales. So he didn't really mind your face
- Wether you knew that Price knew about your face or not. He would be the first to call you everytime in his office to talk.
- Just discreetly talking about you. Maybe get you to open up to him. Which would then eventually lead to you opening up to the rest of the team.
- He wanted you to feel comfortable and feel part of the team. Always.
- He told you he knew about your face. Any reactions from you would just let him make you sit down as he tries to be your personal therapist. Assuring you that no one would judge you. If anyone did. He would make sure that they would be punished.
- He would eye you at first before trying to impress you. Well trying to impress all the new recruits. Always showing off how good he is in what he does.
- When he noticed you never got rid off your mask. Not even talking to anyone why you take off your mask. He had a great idea.
- His first plan with you was to get you to take off your mask to him. Just so he could show off that he was the lucky guy to see your face.
- So he made himself get comfortable with you. Hanging around you, talking to you, trying to scope you out so he could get your trust and take your mask off around him. Maybe he could get a sweet picture so he could have proof.
- He would talk to you alot. Almost everyday actually, he would make himself hang around you. Maybe even begging to be in the same missions with you. Just so he could....why'd he hang out with you again??.. ahh he forgot!
- He just suddenly.. started wanting to be close friends with you. Forgetting his original reason.
-That was when he only remembered his initial reason why he was friends with you. When you pulled him somewhere private and you asking him if he wanted to see your face.
- He got excited. Even more when he remembers why you guys were friends. But a slight guilt stung him when he remembers why. His first intentions were.. really selfish. But now he was really fond of you.
- But he nodded and when you took of your mask seeing your mouth. Of course he got shocked and to your dismay backed away from you.
- He cleared his throat when he realized that wasn't really.. a good reaction really..
- So he moved closer to you. Admiring your sharp teeth and mouth.
- He even asked you to show your tounge. Just as impressive.
- He grew even more and more fond of you. You let him touch your lower face. He takes off his own as well. Showing his face. As he held your face.
- He whispered something polish about you looking so unique.. so special?...
- Then he didn't know why but. He just..I dont know.. pressed his lips on yours.. Not like it meant anything..or something.. (it totally meant something)
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kumezyzo · 1 year
nsfw bf!sapnap x female!reader....so, minors do not interact! read it or whatever idgaf just dont reblog or comment or like the post. its pretty long already but it could have been longer lol.
so enjoy! or dont.... :) m.list
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bf!sapnap who invites you over to the house to hang out like normal but it just so happens that you two get pulled into drinking by the other two
bf!sapnap who would have a few too many white claws and gets a little more touchy the more the alcohol starts to hit. feelin up the sides of you waist and hips, messing with the bottom of your shorts, and pressing himself into you
bf!sapnap who heavily denies it when george notices the bulge in his shorts and starts laughing loudly about it while calling him weird
bf!sapnap who has to pull you to his room into because he cant handle the ache between his legs. but obviously he cant pull you away without the other two saying something.
"wait, nick where are you going!?" dream asked loudly, giggling with george
"ew he's gonna go have sex" george scrunched up his face in disgust
"so what if i am?" sapnap would respond, pushing you up the stairs
bf!sapnap would then immediately kiss you once he closed the door behind him, locking it and pushing you towards the bed
he would make you sit as he gets down on his knees and starts kissing down your body
bf!sapnap who groans happily when you throw his hat off his head and grip tightly onto his hair. all while he practically rips your shorts off and kisses up and down your thighs
bf!sapnap who licks up your slit through your panties, humming at the warmth radiating from you. he forcefully tugs them off and presses rough kisses on your slit, smiling at the way you throw your head back and tug harder at his hair
HE cant handle teasing you so much. he cant help but to start eating you out desperately. if he was being honest, he was probably enjoying it more than you. with every jaw movement he made, his beard rubbed against you deliciously
bf!sapnap who would make you cum so nicely and lick up every drop that spills out of you, making you squirm away from him and push his head away.
bf!sapnap who gets so worked up with you sitting on his lap and kissing up and down his neck. he would have his hands holding your hips and waist, trying to grind up into you as discretely as possible
bf!sapnap who tries to act like youre not affecting him so much when you ask him if hes alright as you grind down into him slowly
bf!sapnap who cant help it when he moans at a particular grind of your hips and the unbelievable amount of heat radiating from your core
bf!sapnap who has to hurridly pull you off his lap to remove his sweatpants and boxers. and if you happen to not be moving fast enough for him, he'll help you out by practically tearing your own pants and underwear off of your legs
bf!sapnap who grips your hips tightly and forces you to straddle him before he kisses you roughly, placing one hand on your neck and the other one on your waist
he would start rocking his hips against you, shuddering at the feeling of your wet slit running along his dick
bf!sapnap who pulls away from the kiss and presses his forehead against yours when you start to rub yourself against him.
he fills with a sense of pride when you moan softly at the heat hes giving off between the lips of your pussy
bf!sapnap who helps you grind against him faster. he moans right against your ear as the wet sounds fill the room, his words barely filtering in your mind
"fuck, peaches, im not even- fuck- inside you... and you feel so fucking good. shit."
"yea?" it comes out like a whine, "you like me grinding on you like this?"
"yea- shit- cum on my cock. fuck- go ahead"
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lol. it wasnt too detailed but whatever. remember to send asks, comment, or like to show support, i really appreciate it. or dont, thats fine too lol. thats it... bye -Nony
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 day
bi pony hcs!!!
bi pony truthers wya
•ill say he has more of a male lean but it doesnt come OFF as romantic, more like an admiration
•he did think he was gay at some point for a bit bc he would only have interest in dudes, but turns out, he does like girls, thing was he just didnt meet a girl he personally liked romantically enough at that time
•he did have moments of doubt about being gay tho, w some girls in school he would have tiny crushes on em but he thought that wasnt rlly enough???? to say that he LIKED like girls, he didnt wanna “jump the shark” so he just thought he was gay
•i will always bring up jfk being his first guy celebrity crush its so funny to me
•first girl crush we can say is marilyn monroe but first girl crush on someone like he knew personally, we can say cathy, y not
•if not cathy and u were feelin a lil frisky, it could b angela, y not, but it wasnt like a “WOW I WANNA DATE HER!!!!” thing like a “shes really pretty” and he thinks about her here n there and maybe blushes a bjt, but it never goes farther than that, its a small crush he doesnt rlly think about often anymore, he will NEVER admit it, especially to curly (for obvious reasons, hes takin that to the grave)
•the shirt pony was wearing was like a lavender shirt and lavender has constantly been used for lgbt resistance, and i feel like pony will always think about that a lot, like a “damn so i rlly did look kinda gay” thing, lmao
•curly would use queer both as an insult but also to describe himself and pony picked up doing the same, USING IT TO DESCRIBE HIMSELF, not using it as an insult😭😭
•pony doesnt feel romantic attraction the way that others do, ig u could say hes aromantic??? or something along the lines, but eh, thats up to u, ANYWAYS, it was curly who fell first, it takes a while for pony to develop feelings but w curly his emotions can just form when he sees u, love at first sight could happen w to him, POINT IS, ponys feelings for curly came WAYYYY later let that b known
•ok look,,, if we rlly wanna get into the 60s, i think pony thinking that hes gay scared him more than him finding out he was bi, bc he could “really hide that he was gay and didnt have to force himself into a marriage”
•the way he saw it was that if he was gay, he’d have to push himself into a straight relationship, but when he found out he was bi, he felt like he could actually find a girl and have a girl he has a genuine romantic connection w and have a “real marriage”, so that relieved him
•that all fell apart once he gets w curly tho LMAOOOO
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hballegro · 2 months
he is here. kept going 'hes too youthful' but hes like 18 so who care
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radar time baybeee. let the jury know i dont know how to draw crocs. but that wasnt gonna stop me from putting crocs on this little man. he has been sweatin but has not eaten shit like francis rip.
extra treat for the group shot; bj got his resolution boosted so everyone else isnt compressed! you can now see just how much i made hawkeye look like beef jerky compared to everyone else [on accident]!
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its really only bj's right foot thats the issue. you need to be able to see the top of the shoe more. will prolly fix it with the next person i add tbh im just lazy and shoes are really hard
ill prolly draw some flowers now as a break. prolly all their state flowers.
bts cut [more complaining + brief scrapped bucket hat that will return when henry comes up]
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brief interlude
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back at it
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i feel like legally i have to do klinger last, like as the final boss
anyway next im feelin either one of the COs or trapper/frank. one of the Dads or one of the old swamp rats. basically anyone besides klinger and charles rip charles im avoiding you cause i got no idea what you'll wear. im avoiding potter for the same reasons dw bud
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speaking of yes i did make the blue-grey[white]-pink on purpose. sue me. its a good colour scheme and its not my fault hes full of tboy swag i didnt even TRY to do that he just did that himself
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zeerohpunk · 1 year
im relistening to vincents playlist (again) and
i just think that
"how- how are you feeling? you feelin' woozy at all? do you have a headache? that much blood loss can.. can leave you feeling pretty weak, im sure. [pause] youre okay? alright. if you say so."
listen. im not undermining how much blood vincent did take from lovely the night he snapped, but im headcannoning that hes overestimating just how much he really fed because he didnt want to feed from them yet. any amount of bloodloss would be "too much" or a lot to him because he wasnt ready to bite them yet.
hence why he asked them (in a few different ways) if they were really okay, and lovely feeling fine, just sleepy. clearly he feels/felt a lot of guilt in how the first feeding went down, and i think that spills over in the comfort audio. he just doesnt sound like he fully trusts that lovely is okay, even though they say they are. not that he thinks theyre lying, but lovely has to feel some type of way towards him after he snapped after he said he wouldnt lose control. right? .... right? lovely must be upset with him and isnt saying it out of fear or something.
"if we ever do that again, it wont be like that, i promise. i mean i never wanted your first time to be like that... in that awful place, with you so scared. im sorry, little one. i cant say that enough. if you ever put that trust in me again, i swear to you it wont be anything like that."
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