#really happy w this one I love a thin line but god is it stressful
minionwater · 7 days
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back/thigh/whatever piece I did today :3
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maybankiara · 10 months
summary: Addie Mallory is just your average economics student when she meets Drew Starkey at her local Target in Atlanta. This is where the story is supposed to end – a short meeting and a picture to go – except Drew accidentally leaves with the wrong phone, and the story begins, instead. w/c: 2.6k a/n: marianne has an update regarding her time with tom's family, one which makes addie reflect on her own relationship. read on wattpad previous part | series masterlist
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‘I swear to god, if you decline ANOTHER call, I will—’
‘Hi, Marianne, my best friend, I’ve missed you lots too. Penny for your thoughts?’
‘You ignored seven of my calls.’
‘I was out with the family and I wanted to take a bit of a break from my phone. You know, breaking bad habits and all.’
‘Now you're stealing my lines, too?’
‘No, feel free to keep that one, actually. … What’s up? Everything good?’
‘Don’t sound so concerned. … Sorry, I didn't mean that sarcastically and it came out— Anyway, I’ve been here for nearly a week now and I’m starting to think it actually was the right decision.’
‘I thought we already figured that one out?’
‘Yeah, but... It’s THE right decision. It’s what Tom and I needed. You know, a bit of family stress, a bit of new stuff, all of that. I think it brought out what we care about the most.’
‘Oh, that’s great! Seriously. What happened?’
‘I don't even know, that’s the weirdest thing! It wasn’t like a big deal or anything. Wait, I feel a bit weird talking like this, and I know you're having a lovely time with your family as well and I want to hear all about it but I’m currently realising that the past few months of struggling with my relationship are over and I’m a little bit over the mo—’
‘Breathe, Marianne. We’ve got all the time in the world.’
‘Right. Make sure you’re decent, because we’re switching to FaceTime.’
  The screen flickers and Addie sees herself staring back, with a little notification popping up waiting to be confirmed. Addie hesitates for a brief moment – she sees herself, in her childhood bedroom, one that’s hardly changed since she was seventeen. There’s still popsters of indie rock bands she used to like plastered on the wall behind her, and the single bed still covered in the same heart-patterned covers she’s had since she upgraded from a kid bed to a proper-sized one. Sun is peeking through the window over her desk, reflecting off the thin sheet of snow covering the grass outside. So many memories and forgotten days are written on the walls Addie can no longer read. 
  ‘You waiting till I die and get buried, or what?’
  Addie presses the confirm button, apologising for keeping her waiting. 
  Marianne, as is customary, looks nothing short of cute – with her ginger hair in two little loose braids (‘I look like Heidi when I wear my hair like this,’ Marianne once said, and just about flipped upon learning Addie had never heard of the girl let alone the book) and one of those smiles that makes her dimples pop and her eyes shine.
  ‘Christ,’ says Addie, ‘you really are happy.’
  Lounging on what seems to be a couch in the middle of a rustic living room, Marianne squeals, then immediately covers her face with the hand not holding the phone. ‘I feel like I’m being judged right now.’
  ‘Maybe a little bit.’
  ‘I know you’ll think I’m exaggerating—’
‘Let me make my own opinion before you put words into my mouth.’
  Marianne peeks between her fingers. ‘Wow. That was very harsh.’
  ‘Sorry, I’m tired,’ Addie admits with a sigh. ‘I’ve had some Zoom calls with people from work that fucked me right off. I’m listening, I promise, and I’m not going to treat you like you’re Raiden on an annoying day.’
  ‘Great. Don’t care enough for that reference. Tom and I have been having a great time, and Addie, honestly, I feel—I feel—girly.’
  Addie laughs. ‘There’s nothing wrong with feeling girly. I love it.’
  ‘Yeah, but I’m not talking, like—I’m not talking about feeling cute in a dress, or whatever. I’m talking about that bubbly feeling that makes you feel like you’re floating, and everything is funny and joyful, and you just want to hold onto your person every moment you can, and just want to wear cute little things and I don’t know, pick flowers or something.’
  Addie feigns a gasp. ‘Dear Lord, I think you may have caught it…’
  ‘Caught what?’
  ‘The worst illness of all… the honeymoon stage.’
  There’s a groan from the other end of the phone, then a chuckle, and Marianne makes herself a little more comfortable on the couch. ‘That happens in the early stages. That’s what you and Holden are in.’
  ‘Nope. Doesn’t work like that. It can happen whenever, and Holden and I haven’t been in it yet.’
  ‘Hm.’ Marianne squints at the camera. ‘Maybe you’re right. God, have I really caught a case of the butterflies?’
  ‘Let me be the judge of it and tell me what happened.’
  And so Marianne does. 
  It’s a short story made long, and the gist of it, that Addie later shares with her family, is this: they fought on the way there, as was to be expected—Marianne’s words—until the very moment they stood on the porch of the house he grew up in. One of them, and Marianne is no longer sure who, suggested they start a truce. Instead of arguing, they write down the issue and discuss it in private, or before going to bed, and they’re on their best behaviour every other given moment. 
  This was precisely where Marianne went on a big tangent about how it made them realise that so many things they normally would’ve argued about were meaningless at the literal end of the day – how putting things aside allowed them to enjoy the moment more, and not worry. It was written down and it was out of their mind, and it nearly always turned out to be not worth bringing up when they would have.
  It also happens that Tom’s parents are exceptionally lovely, seating her down at the couch within minutes to show her all the photos of baby Tom, all with a special kind of delight reserved for Marianne and Marianne alone. It helped her understand Tom and how he shows love a little more. Seeing him interact with his family made her aware of aspects of him she used to take for granted, and see places where she’d gone wrong, where miscommunication and misunderstandings happened. 
  ‘How did you manage to figure so much shit out?’ Addie asks. ‘It’s been a week.’
  Marianne shrugs. ‘I guess I’ve just been paying more attention.’
  As the story continues, they spent the weekend at his parents’ holiday lodge, some half-hour drive from the house. They didn’t argue once, but they spent the whole time enjoying each other’s company, in more ways than Addie would care to share with her family. Marianne then took the car and brought him to the Christmas Markets in a nearby town, ones that his parents had told her they used to go to when he was younger, and Marianne said she’d never seen someone love her as much as Tom did in that moment.
  Marianne sighs and Addie can see her reliving the moment, looking off into the distance with the tiniest of smiles in the corner of her mouth, slowly growing.
  ‘I don’t know how to explain it, Addie,’ she says, leaning her cheek against the side of the couch. ‘At the lodge, we talked about everything. It was so easy to talk. I don’t think it’s ever been that easy to be so honest, so open. It was like we finally realised what we have and just how much more we could have if we just tried a little bit more. That’s what Tom said, you know.’
  ‘What is?’
  ‘That we could be great. That he sees me with his parents, at his home, and that it feels like the picture’s finally complete.’
  Addie doesn’t manage to stifle the laugh. ‘I’m sorry, Tom is such a sap.’
  ‘I know!’ Marianne giggles. ‘But I think I’m starting to enjoy it…’
  ‘Good. You’ll be stuck with it for a while, by the sounds of it.’
  The smile on Marianne’s face grows a little more, and she curls into her jumper. ‘Mon Dieu, I really feel giddy and all. It’s weird.’
  Addie’s chest warms, too. She can’t recall the last time she’d seen Marianne this happy and giddy, if ever—maybe when she and Tom started dating, for the first couple weeks—and it makes her think about all the moments her friend spent convinced things were going south. She sees Marianne splayed over the couch and thinks of her in the same position, with her cheek draped over her forearm as she moans about Tom seeking affection again, and about how maybe she’s just not the one for him, if she can’t ive him what he needs. 
  All of that—all those moments scattered throughout Addie and Marianne’s lives where uncertainty was the certain thing—all leading to this. 
  To Marianne, in England, waiting for Tom and his family to come home, gushing about the love she has for him. 
  ‘I feel like I’m going to start tearing up,’ Addie says.
  ‘Me, too!’
  ‘Be careful, you’re becoming a romantic.’
  Marianne shrugs. ‘Eh. Maybe that’s not so bad, after all.’
  ‘I feel like I need to call Tom and congratulate him. Or thank him. Something.’ Addie shakes her head, still a little in disbelief. SHe doesn’t think Marianne’s had a drop of alcohol, yet even Addie feels buzzed and overwhelmed with the news. ‘You know, Holden was convinced this was going to be a disaster.’
  ‘Psh. Holden. I love you, Addie, but that man wouldn’t understand romance if it stared him down in a dark alley.’
  ‘Interesting visual,’ Addie chuckles. ‘It’s not like that, though.’
  Marianne frowns at the camera. ‘When’s the last time you guys did something romantic?’
  ‘Depends on what you classify as romantic,’ Addie says, but she knows even before Marianne rolls her eyes – whatever she says, it will not be enough to appease her friend. ‘I thought having hot chocolate and getting work done, cosy under blankets, would be quite romantic.’
  There’s a sigh, and Addie knows she’s fighting a losing battle. Even if Marianne is a freshly-reformed romantic. 
  ‘Addison, mi amor. There’s a whole lot more to romance than working together. You deserve to be swept off your feet, you know.’
  If it was any other day, Addie would argue that she doesn’t need that. That quiet romance is enough and beyond what she needs right now. That the calmness of having Holden around, of having him help her around at work, be her partner in every sense, that it’s enough. That it’s exactly what she wants.
  But Addie sits in the room she grew up in, on the bed where she lay daydreaming about a romance straight out of the movies, and she thinks back to her hesitation to even touching Holden while they were at her flat – and maybe she’s right.
  Maybe Addie does want to be swept off her feet.
  ‘There we go,’ says Marianne, smiling again. ‘The wheels have begun to turn.’
  Addie turns around on her bed, gets up and sits on the chair at her desk instead, and stares at the snow that is beginning to fall again. The flakes are small and she imagines them to be soft, even if cold, and there’s an image of Drew in her head – of Drew, standing outside her apartment building with his arms stretched out, letting the snowflakes fall on his face. 
  Addie tears her gaze from the window and she’s looking at Marianne again, who is staring at her as if she’s analysing her. 
  ‘What,’ Addie says.
  Marianne squints her eyes and points her finger at the camera. ‘You had a little thing going on there.’
  ‘I was just thinking.’
  ‘Christmas,’ Addie lies. 
  ‘Fine, keep it to yourself.’ Marianne smiles, still. ‘Did you and Holden go to the Christmas markets?’
  Addie says they haven’t, they’ve just been too busy, and Marianne decides to drop the subject and start talking about her and Tom again – which is Addie’s preferred subject, too. Her thoughts stay with Holden, with Christmas, and she realises she can’t even picture the two of them having a glass of mulled wine, or holding hands while they attempt to skate on ice. It just doesn’t seem like something they’d ever do.
  Listening to Marianne tell her about her and Tom’s experience at the markets, the little trips they’re having, the tour she’d been given by both Tom and his parents of their little village… Addie feels a pang of jealousy. 
  Before Marianne gets to finish her story and get the duo up-to-date, Addie’s family begin poking through the door, one by one. Addie’s sister, Liyah, has been eavesdropping for a minute or two before coming in with a gushing comment of her own – she stays for nearly ten minutes before Addie manages to kick her out, despite Marianne’s protests, because she appears to love telling people how her whole view of romance has been flipped. Addie’s dad comes to let her know dinner will be ready soon, and ends up chatting to Marianne for a good few minutes before Donnie, the little brother, comes up with wisdom of his own. (‘You get cooties if you kiss so you should break up,’ before telling her about how he’s going to beat Addie in checkers.) Addie’s mum is the last person to come up, telling them all off for disrupting Addie, only to drop down on the bed the moment Marianne asks her if she’s interested in hearing a romance story.
  Addie ends up finding out more about her parents’ love story and early romance than she bargained for, that day.
  She likes it, though. She likes how comfortable Marianne is with her family, and how she can sit with her mum on her bed and talk about boys and relationships like she’s sixteen again. (Not that she was really allowed or interested in boys and relationships at sixteen. Education and work were the priorities in the Mallory household.)
  The more the conversation goes on, the more Addie can see the whole thing is not just another honeymoon phase. Especially from the way Marianne talks to Addie's mum – she knows what she’s doing, and she's aware of all the slip-ups she’s being warned of, and she keeps giving logical reasons why she’s doing what she is and why her thing with Tom is worth fighting for. 
  Marianne looks happier than she’s looked in a very long time. That’s all that matters. 
  She ends up telling Addie’s mum that they ‘figured out that the reasons why we want to stay together have always outweighed any fight we had.’
  Addie shifts the pillow underneath her cheek to see her friend better. ‘What do you mean?’
  ‘There's a hundred reasons why we should call it quits,’ Marianne says. ‘But there’s a million more reasons why we should just try harder.’
  She lists the reasons, too, as if she were plucking them out of a hat, and Addie can tell she’s thought long and hard about this. She outlines all the good and all the bad, and in an effort to understand better, Addie starts looking for these things in her own relationship.
  Except, she finds herself standing on shaky ground when trying to find a reason to stay. The realisation is more of a ripple than a wave, but she can tell, even now, that unless she does something, it will inevitably lead to a tsunami.
most people on the taglist have left/changed their urls, so lmk if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
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diesukitsuki · 3 years
💜 anon, someone needs to stop my brain, Novah. I need affection cause i had a nightmare this night and my mind is focused on malewife Bakugou cuddling with you after a bad day
Just imagine him wearing only a black apron with printed skull (cause he's a fucking emo), the rest of his body naked (he likes cooking wearing almost nothing)
If you're not good at the end of cuddles, he can just fuck your insecurities/fears/stress out of you, and then bring you dinner in bed
CW;; cunnilingus, implied malewife! bakugou, fingering, :( not proofread read thoroughly, dom! bakugou(?) 18+, Blogs w/ no age indicators and minors DO NOT INTERACT
WC;; 1.5k(?)
note;; i suck at smut bc i can’t chalk up the energy to get to the good bit of it.. also i love you 💜 anon i hope you feel better soon 🥺 sorry for having this out so late.
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Whenever Bakugou hears your keys rattling together and the muffled scratches of you trying to insert your key, he waits at least five seconds before making a b-line to the door just to greet you.
And when he greets you, he starts off by bending down and slipping off your heels. He knows you’re tired as shit with the way your shoulders sag, and it doesn’t go past him that the tail of your blouse is hanging, carelessly, out of your skirt. He murmurs a quiet ‘Welcome Home’ before neatly putting your shoes next to his. You let out a satisfied sigh, you roll your ankles. Your toes moving and stretching in the skin of your black stockings— He takes note of that.
When he comes back up, your hands are on his chest. Your giggle comes out as a tired chuckle when you see him wearing that apron you bought him. He frowns when you don’t notice the lack of shirt he’s wearing or his bear legs peeking out of the apron, implying that he’s only in his boxers— you must be really tired. He latches on to your wrists as they glide up to his neck then to his jaw, successfully cradling his face in your hands. He looks down at you. His stare is neutral like an observant cat. You give him a tired smile—happy to be in his presence.
You reach to give him a soft kiss on the lips, and he purrs against you. His body presses into yours as he tries to deepen the kiss. Hands breaking from your wrist, gliding down your arm and to the small of your waist. He tucks in the tail of your blouse back into your pencil skirt.
“I’m tired, honey. Work was hell.” You tell him as you break the kiss, leaving one last peck at the corner of his lips. He pouts, a huff pushing out of his nose. “C’mon, my feet hurt. Wanna sit down.”
So he lets you sit down on the couch.
When you sit down, you expect your husband to sit down next to you, allowing you to lay your head on his chest as you drone on about how your boss was being a jerk. Instead, he’s at your feet, and that’s when you realize he’s not wearing a shirt. His collarbones are exposed deliciously under the warm light of your living room. The gap between the thin apron and the small indent between his pec urges you to reach out and grope at his plush chest. You move forward, hand extended.
He slaps your hand away, “Oi watch your fuckin’ hands, pervert,” He glares at you, but it’s nothing serious.”Thought you were fuckin’ tired, hah?”
You smile, shrugging. “Why’re you on your knees then?”
“Your shitty ass feet hurt, don’t they?”
You don’t get a chance to respond when he brings one of your feet to his lap. His eyes are furrowed in concentration as he pressed and rubbed at your feet. You let out a soft moan as he pressed into a certain sore spot. Red eyes shoot up at your face before sinking back down to your feet. You sit back and close your eyes as he moved up your leg. You let out a mewl when his thumb digs into spot behind your calf, close to your knees.
“God,” You groan as he continues to knead at your muscles. “This feels so good. You’re so good at this ‘Suki.” You slur out, feeling sleepy from today’s stress and the diminishment of it. His hands were a miracle.
Your eyes pop open when you feel your pencil skirt ride up while his fingers press into the inside of your thigh. A soft moan escapes your lips as he kneads at your sensitive thighs. Your legs instinctively spread open even more, and he shuffles closer to you. His hands begin crawling towards your clothed slit, brushing his the knuckle of his thumb against your clit as he continues press at your thighs.
You look down at him, watching his hands continuously graze at your cunt. You try to hold back the whimper clawing at your throat as you sunk deeper into the couch, trying to get his hand further up.
Your change of positions doesn’t work, much to your dismay. So you let your hips wiggle, hoping the back of his hand would press a little harder at your cunt. You whimper as you watch him continuously knead at your doughy thighs. A deep chuckle only rumbles out of his chest. Your pussy clenches around nothing.
“Thought you were tired.” He says, still staring at his hands massaging at your sensitive thighs.
“You started it.” You huff, frustrated that he isn’t kneading, rubbing, touching you where you needed him to. “Not my fault you’re being a fucking tease.”
“Watch your mouth, sweetheart.” He warns, and you feel your pussy twitch as he looks up at you with a smug smile. “No need to be mean, when you can just ask, hm?”
Your brows furrows and you pout as you look at him. He only stares back at you, still needing.. still pawing.. You bite your lip, and sigh.
“Please touch me..”
“Hm?” His hands move back down to the middle of your thigh, and you whine. “Here?”
“No.” You bite. “Not there.”
“Well, you have to be more specific, baby, or I’m not gonna give it to ya.”
“Please…” You begin shyly. “Please touch my pussy..”
“Good girl.” He praises with a smirk set on his lips.” I’ll touch your pussy since you asked so nicely.”
Bakugou moves his hands back up. His hands on your thighs as his thumb presses against your swollen but covered clit. A moan leaves your lips when he begins to draw circles around it. Your hips instantly start lifting off of the cushion of the couch. His hand presses your hips back down.
You throw off your blazer, no longer needing the warmth that it provides. Bakugou grumbles. Annoyed with you throwing your jacket to the floor. You yelp when he pinches your clit in punishment. The pain and pleasure seizing up your muscles. He soothes your annoyance by kissing your thighs and rubbing at your clit. You moan in appreciation.
After circling it a couple of more times, He runs his thumb up and down your slit before returning back to rub at your clit. The subtle wet sound of your puffy lips could be heard as he teases them with the tip of thumb. You whine and squirm wanting more stimulation. He continues to rub and tease at your pussy lips, barely pushing them open.
Once he’s done teasing, he shifts even further towards your pussy. The smell of your sex hits him as delves in to take a teasing lick at your clit. Your hands find their way to his hair, trying to tug him even further. He lets you. His lips wrap around your clothed bud, sucking at it as he presses his harden cock against the couch. The pressure make him moan around your bud.
You whine at the vibrations, grinding yourself against his mouth in hopes to further stimulate yourself. It doesn’t work.
“Not enough,” You say, whining against him. “Not enough.”
He moves his hands from your thighs and pulls away. You squirm as his fingers move up and down your sex, trying to find your seam. A resounding tear of your stocking rips through the quiet living room, saved for your soft moaning and panting. You voice your annoyance, but he chooses to ignore you by ripping your panties as well.
“I’ll pay for them.”
“Yeah. With my money.”
As soon as your quick banter is over, he doesn’t hesitate to lick a fat stripe over your cunt. You let out a moan of approval, tightening your hold on his hair. He groans at your tugging as he laps at your cunt, licking up and swallowing your slick. His pink tongue prods itself into your hole, pressing up and grinding against the spongy spot on the wall of your pussy.
Your hips bucks into him as you let out a sob. He straps your hips down with your arm. His nose bumps into your clit as his tongue continues to thrust into you repeatedly. He looks up at you, garnet eyes peering into yours. You squirm under his hold and under his eyes, overwhelmed by the pressure of his attention.
He unsheathes his tongue from your hole and shifts his attention to your clit. He places an open mouth kiss, before wrapping his lips around it to suck it. Your eyes widened as it rolls to the back of your head, overwhelmed with the feeling. A silent scream widens around your mouth. Your hand moves to latch behind you, digging your nails into the plush cushion.
Bakugou slaps your thighs. You whine at the loss as his lips pop off of your clit. He glares at you,“Pay attention to me.” You nod eagerly, hoping he’ll put his lips around you again.
And he does.
This time he sticks his two fingers in your fluttering hole, thrusting sporadically as he sucks onto your clit. His finger curled upwards to press up against that same puffy spongy wall. You try not to let the feeling overwhelm you, trying your best not to squirm or arch your back. Whenever your hazy eyes would drift off, he would slap your thighs again.
Bakugou bumps your legs over his shoulder as he increases the speed of his finger. You hear the sloshing and squelching of his fingers fucking into your wet cunt. Your thighs are damp with your juices as his palms slap against you. You feel yourself melting around his thick, thrusting fingers, babbling about how good it feels. The suction on you clit is inconsistent as he sucks and lick at it.
Your legs instinctively tighten around his head as you feel the coil in your stomach tighten up. His fingers never stop hammering into you as he gazes up to look into your eyes. Your brows scrunch up together as you feel yourself teetering off the edge.
Bakugou gives your clit one last suck and lick before pull off of it, leaving you whining.
“C’mon baby,” He goads as he increases the speed of his fingers. “Cum for me, c’mon. Cum for me, baby.” You keen when he angles his fingers, so his thumb could rub at you clit. Your legs begin to shake.
“Cum for me, please.” He practically whines as he feels your walls flutter around his fingers. “Want you to cum around my fingers.”
The coil in you snaps. Your legs tighten around Bakugou as you let your orgasm take you. A sob leaves your lips as he slowly thrusts his fingers into your, helping you ride out your orgasm. His praises fly out of your head, too fucked out to realize what he’s saying. You’re boneless when the waves of your orgasm settles. You see Bakugou dip his fingers into his mouth, tasting your juices. You see his slick-covered-cheeks bunch up into a smirk.
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beann-e · 4 years
Mha characters reacting to you forgetting things in the store
Read Part One Here
You’d been traveling down different aisles for hours so many that deku found himself getting amazed that the store could even hold this many
he found himself thinking that the store just had its own shape shifting quirk that could change the aisles anytime someone went down them
that was the only way to explain it I mean It had to have one right because how did you find this new brand of ceral and he didn’t
How did you just pick up this new candy bar that he had never known abo—
wait candy bar
he snapped himself out of his trance drawing himself back into the real world finally hearing your voice and seeing your cart that was filled to the brim with different items from the original plan that he didn’t even know you two needed
“ oh god babe look — they “ you jumped in your shoes as you reached up to the top shelf “ they have hot chocolate “
“ we um y/n— baby”
you turned to him with a smile on your face
“ we don’t nee— “
“ deku could you get the hot chocolate it’s too far in the back at the top my hand doesn’t reach that way it’s at an awkward angle “
he looked to the floor for a moment before turning his head to look at the hot chocolate biting his lip as he stayed in his spot on the ground maybe if he just stayed here he could lie and say he’d been hit with a glue quirk you wouldn’t know righ—
your stare sent chills down his spine as he hurried over to pickup the box setting it neatly on top of the rest of the things in the cart shaking his head when he finally seen everything you’d gotten
He could never tell you no
all he wanted was for you to be happy he loved seeing you and everyone else happy he hated to see people with any other emotion it made him feel like it was his fault regardless of who it was
family or friend
villian or hero
he felt like everyone deserved to be happy which is why he was following every order you gave him like a puppy
his little protests every once and a while falling on deaf ears
“ my love we don’t need crackers “
“ but I want to make s’mores “
“ but baby then you have to get the rest of the ingredients for s’mores you can’t just buy crackers “
he moved to grab the box carefully putting it back a pout on your face as he bit his lip shaking his head in defeat and holding it out to you and looking to the floor
“ yay —now where are the other ingredients for ‘ em do you know deku ? “
his last attempt finally hitting you when you two were standing in line to checkout “ y/n “
“ yeah “
“ baby can —how about I pay for the stuff ok “
you looked at him in shock
“ I don’t —you just did all the shopping and I want to help and let you rest “
he reached in his pocket as he maneuvered the cart to be placed In line dropping his keys in your palm “ here—go sit In the car ok my love “
he kissed your forehead as he moved up in the line
“ but—“
“ no I swear I got this just go you’ve been on your feet all day “
“ but dek—“
“ look how about this “
he moved to stand on the side of the cart next to you “ you tell me what you really look forward to that your buying and i’ll make sure to get that first ok so you know that I got it and whatever else is in the cart i’ll pay for last ok “
you smiled as you listed off the ten things you’d originally had a taste for which, is why you guys ended up going to the store in the first place
you just wanted to get some groceries so you two could have some food in your new apartment
Deku had finally agreed to move out of his moms apartment thinking that she was ok and had finally come to terms with him being a real hero
allowing him more time to spend with you after making sure she was taken care of
The hero association offered him a house with no down payment after they found out but they were hit with your boyfriend saying no and explaining how you would both like to work hard for everything you two get in the future
sad thing is you wanted the house
you kissed his cheek leaving the store him putting every item you just said on the check out register watching it move up as he started conversation with the lady in front of him
“ yeah being a hero’s actually harder than I thought “
he laughed as he watched her ring everything up “ y’know actually could you do me a favor “
she shook her head small smile on her face as he gulped “ might uh — might be a weird request bu— “
“ no we don’t do hero referrals here “
“ wait no I — wait hero referrals no I “ he laughed uncomfortable with how many people were around “ no I don’t want to trade companies — uh let’s not uh “
he looked around making sure no one heard as he set his arms on the ledge speaking soft “ let’s uh let’s not say that aloud ok y’know —cameras—my company — and yeah “
he cleared his throat “ what I was actually y’know talking about was “
“ we don’t do — “
“ please allow me to speak “
she moved to scan his items as he sighed and started over “ again this may be a weird request but can you um — can you just like take this and put it back “
“ oh yeah of course you should of just said that “ she cupped her mouth as she screamed to her friend “ hey mari can you put his item back for me “
“ yeah sure —an item where’s it at ?“
“ oh it’s um not just one ite— “
“ it might be this — I don’t know who eats canned fruit so — he’s probably putting it back “
“ no uh — “ his eyebrows furrowed in slight annoyance “ actually my s/o eats those i’m not putting them back “
he whispered under his breath “ they’d kill me “
“ ok then where’s the item “
he laughed as he talked to her “ well um I meant could you actually put this back “
“ oh yeah sure if it’s just like 4 thin—- the whole cart“
her eyes widened as she watched deku push the cart towards her “ s-sir the — that’s like our whole store in one cart “
he shook at the comment
“ do you know how long i’m going to be walking around and putting things back where they belong “
his head dropped in embarrassment as he turned red his ears wiggling in fear “ oh trust me I know —i should be applying for manager with the way I know every aisle by heart now “
she shook her head and grabbed the cart as she rolled off
“ w-wait actually “
he ran after her as he rummaged through the cart “ ok yeah got it i’m done “
she stood stone faced as she looked to the male in front of her in pure annoyance and hatred
“ you stopped me to grab the things to make s’mores from the cart “
“ my —my s/o wants to try s’mores “
“ you have to be the best boyfriend ever or something because you allowed them to get all this stuff and waste your time and mine just to put it all back “
the lady at the register moved to grab his card bagging his stuff and handing it to him “ the fact you even acknowledged this and love them enough to let them run wild in the store for hours —like a child says a lot “
“ their not a kid “ he snapped eyes hard on the woman in front of him only softening when he saw her scared expression
“ yes I do — I love them and just being in their company so I love our trips when they get lost in what their doing and I just get to see them happy “
he left the store hand gripping at the backseat as placed the bags he held there
smile nervous and shaky while getting in the driver seat starting the car
“ babe I coulda sworn I got more stuff than that “
he shuddered as he sweated “ I—wh—no I —that’s all you l-left me in the store with babe—with —with your stuff“
his nervous smile widened “ got —got it all “
“ huh guess you did I was kinda out of it anyways “
you looked to him he looked away afraid to make eye contact
“ oh yeah deku did you get the stuff for us to make s’mores I totally forgot to tell you I left it off the list of things I wanted when you asked “
he took a deep breath as he turned his left turn signal on ‘ thank god I stopped her ‘
“ I got it y/n your good “
you smiled as you looked to the backseat again “ damn it is really bugging me that I really only had so little in a cart that looked so full “
his grip tightned as he pulled into your apartments parking lot “ god it all looked like so much in the cart“
“ yeah that uh that happens to people —it’s—it’s like science my love “
you moved to open the door to the backseat as he screamed at you through the cracked window from the drivers seat
“ hey uh babe you can go in the house I got it “
“ aw your so sweet deku you keep doing nice things for me “
he shook his head up and down as he watched you walk off to your new shared apartment
his head falling to the steering wheel as the horn went off in a slight honk jolting him head only moving over a bit mouth opening in a silent prayer
“ god of all might I ask that you don’t allow her to find out — and shit—theres no way to hide thi —wait I didn’t mean to curse don’t hurt me quirk gods please —i’m just stressed “ he almost cried when he thought about it
“ god we even live in the same apartment now there’s no way I can keep a secret or even the fact that I put her groceries back to myself all night “
he cursed as he thought about everything you were so happy about “ please I pray I haven’t left anything important or seriously i’m gonna cry “
he sucked it up as he got out the car walking through the hallway and placing the bags on the marble top walking over to go sit down trying to get as far away from you as possible
hoping if he could go to sleep or even stay out of your way he may be able to get out of this
his body doing what he wanted by almost falling asleep until he heard your voice pout out in front of him “ baby — have you seen my advil “
his eyes widened” I swear I bought ‘em because my head was killing m— wait deku babe why are you crying “
“ I— I i’m worsening your headache — I— I i’m making y-you hurt “
your eyes opened as you hugged him tightly “ no no why would you say that “
his voice was whiny as tears fell “ I put all your stuff back and only got what you could remember —which was only 10 things because I knew the stuff you remembered was the stuff you really wanted “
he sucked up his tears as he looked at you “ but I got you s’mores— I put everything else back but got you s’mores “
he choked back a cry “ baby I put your stuff back “
your voice was hot as you moved away from him flicking his head after turning your body towards the door “ you put my stuff back—all my important stuff that i was looking forward to “
he shook his head as you went to grab the keys “ asshole “
you slammed the door his body shaking as he heard the car start up wiping at his eyes
moving to the door to lock it only to hear the door open wide and present you who fell straight into his chest that was blocking the entrance
voice muffled as you spoke “ I can’t even remember half the stuff I picked up “
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magiefish · 4 years
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hhhhhhhhhh guess who drew all the batim characters in prep for the comic they’re making!
yeah so it took like 4 days to draw all these guys, and it was actually pretty fun figuring out colours and designs and stuff!
(also, update on the Reveries Twisted comic, I have a plan for the first chapter but i have like, 7 tests next week and I haven’t started drawing it yet so it’s definitely not going to be coming out anytime soon sdfgsdfsj but i am still working on it!)
anyway, i felt like writing little descriptions for every character, so feel free to read these below the ‘keep reading’ line if you feel like it! My ask box is also always open, so if u have any questions feel free to ask
Bertrum Piedmont-he/him, gay/ace
-Started working as a mechanic at about 15 and worked his way up from there -Everyone in the studio @ him: why are u british -His big ego often gets in the way of things, but at his core he's a good person (doing bad shit but ultimately having good intentions is common among these guys shdgfs) -Wlw & mlm solidarity w/ Lacie, who is his most trusted confidant and friend -Actually treats his employees well, even when they do basically nothing all day, so he does a lot of work himself most of the time Linda Stein-she/her, straight as a ruler -Parents immigrated from Spain -She's very catholic and very into 'traditional family values' and that sort of stuff -She is sweet, but her strict morals and black and white ethics often make her do unintentional harm -She is also pretty oblivious to most things Jack Fain-he/him & they/them, pan/ace, OCD -Mother immigrated from China to France, and then he moved to America, it's confusing -Can play the violin really well, but is terrible at composing his own pieces -Peak friend material -Short and round and soft with a love of a good espresso -Kind and quiet but ultimately ineffective and happy to watch from the sidelines Daniel 'Buddy' Lewek-he/him, aro/ace, autistic, jewish -He is curious and observant, but very very naive -He finds it hard to pick up on social cues, and tends to daydream a lot -Never really had a father figure, and unfortunately kind of half sees Joey as one (baaaad choice), but his mother is great -Loves drawing and tends to chew on pens (and most objects really) -Too young Susie Campbell-she/her, demi -Her parents were Russian and she picked up their accent, but taught herself how to cover it up. She is now excellent at voice acting. -Has a birthmark most theatres turned her away for. But luckily voice acting gave her another chance at performance, and the music department really does not care about it. -Her dad was a butcher, so she now knows a concerning amount about how to cut up and dissect meat. -She gets easily attached to things emotionally, and has a whole pile of random bits and bops she keeps on her person because she can't throw them away. -Naive, but smart enough to know how to read and deceive people if needed. Ms Abigail Lambert-she/her, lesbian -A very gifted artist, who is quite frustrated with the business aspect of animation. -Picked up quite a few things about engineering from Lacie. -Stern, but kind. Motherly, if she likes you and you squint hard enough. -Used to fighting for things. -Giving her food is a pretty good way to get her to like you. Being an artist, she forgets to eat at the correct times a lot, so a meals always appreciated. Norman Polk-he/him, gay, albino -Knows how to fix things, knows how to fight, knows how to hide -General cool uncle vibes -He watches people a lot, and gives off some creepy vibes, but he does genuinely care about people -Knows something is up and is determined to find out what (even if he dies trying) -Fought in WW1, then worked at a cinema for a bit. Emma Lamont-she/her, heteroflexible -Keep dancing even when everything goes wrong -Bit of a 'i'm better than these fools' mentality going on -But she's pretty chill, and willing to act when needed -Basically every woman in the studio knows her on the basis that she chills in the girls bathroom. -Hates Joey, but knows those who stir up a bit too much trouble usually 'resign' Sammy Lawrence-he/him, (vocal-romantic) bi/ace, ADD -His dad sucked, so he ran away. He's also the reason he's largely abandoned his faith, but he still holds hope that there is some kind of god out there. -He and Jack are basically brothers, they've known each other for a long time. -He can compose music in his head, but can play basically every instrument. -Tall and thin and sharp with a love of black coffee. -He's actually pretty chill and nice, but the conditions of the studio (workload, noises, dreams) have left him quick to snap and a stressed out mess. -He's pretty oblivious to his own feelings and spends basically all his time thinking about music, so he usually only realises that he has a crush on someone if he hears them singing (hence the vocal-romantic joke) Johnny Hart-he/him (she/her), gay (trans), heart condition -A nervous wreck who avoids everything and everyone -Trans but doesn't realise it, he thinks this level of discomfort has something to do with his heart condition or something like that. -Speaking of which, if he gets genuinely terrified or panicked he could have a heart attack. -Hence why he's a recluse who remains in the organ room and interacts w/ literally no one. -Except Dot and Buddy (who forgets he exists and who he also has a crush on). Wally Franks-he/him, pan -Friends with literally everyone who isn't one of the older folks (and thomas) -Honorary member of the music department because he can play a harmonica and vibes with everyone there. -Tries to put a positive spin on everything, often beyond the point of reason -A mischevous, mildly selfish prankster with a heart of gold -Gossip pals with Susie and Norman The Violinist-she/her, nobody knows -Has literally never expressed an emotion ever -Seems to know things are going to happen before they happen -Just generally pretty weird -She isn't friends with Dot, they're both just vaguely interested in what the others doing -She looks a lot like Allison, but the two have never spoken and nobody knows if they're sisters Thomas Connor-they/them, gynephilia -He is just. So tired. -An actual mechanical genius who gets his work used for the wrong purposes. -Is very of the 'when you're on a path stick to it' mentality -Cold and hard exterior that vertually no one except Allison has ever managed to get through. -He can and will beat you up. Henry Stein-he/him, gay, vitiligo -Nice and hardworking. -Doesn't have many emotions other than to draw. -He's in fucking narnia he's so deep in the closest. -Feels emotions, but buries them deep down and doesn't express them too clearly. -Has difficulty setting healthy boundaries with people and represses himself far too much. Joey Drew-he/him, homoromantic/pansexual, bipolar disorder, alcohol and cigarette addictions -Chaotic, feral, short little man who lies to everyone -Charismatic as hell, but also a terrible friend and person in general -He doesn't blink enough, does not know the meaning of personal space, and hasn't aged for about 4 years, which are all very bad signs. -Doesn't understand how to run a business but does so anyway. Doesn't understand how to interact with people but does so anyway. Doesn't understand how to create life but does so anyway- -He isn't pure evil, he just gets into very bad mindsets and makes poor decisions that lead him down the wrongest way to go. -Does some self evaluation and goes 'maybe this wasn't the right way chief :/' just a bit too late Audrey Dempsey-she/her, lesbian, Borderline Personality Disorder -Feral conspiracy theorist -May or may not be related to multiple studio members -Everyone's called her crazy for years and made her feel like a burden, and she is hellbent on proving everyone wrong -Quite socially awkward, and rather sarcastic with a dark sense of humour -Works for Archgate Allison Pendle-she/her & they/them, androphilic/ace -Is forever lost in a vintage clothing store -Most people say she seems nice, but everyone just kind of subconciously registers that there is something up with her -Knows a lot about the supernatural -The person closest to Joey, which doesn't necessarily mean they're friends -Nobody has ever seen the right side of her face Dot Acciaci-she/her, pan -Her parents are Italian, and she speaks a little herself, usually using it to encrypt her private notes -Mischevious & curious, but ultimately kind -She will find out your secrets, and is very good at reading people -Great storyteller -Struggles with loneliness a lot Dr Eleanor Hackenbush-she/her, aro/ace -Science knows no bounds -Doesn't care what your motivation is, as long as you give her some cash and some experiments -Filled with nothing but utter spite Ms Reina Rodriguez-they/them, demi -Tired of everything -Although she puts up a calm exterior, Rodriguez is very attached to the studio and views it as her 'new family', having a terrible relationship with her old one -Her family drama connects to the fact they're very catholic, but she nobody knows what this drama is other than Joey Tessa Arch-she/her, straight -An absolute bitch -Trusts her husband far too much -Not very smart, but compensates for this for being good looking and rich Shawn Flynn-he/him (intersex), pan -Jovial, but gets angry quickly -Willing to do 'wrong' things if it helps someone else out, kind of like Robin Hood or something -His mother taught him how to sew and he helped her make clothes when he was younger -Found it hard to get a job because he's Irish, so despite being tired of all the bullshit of JDS, he is reluctant to look elsewhere -Friends with Lacie and Grant because they appreciate his humour Lacie Benton-She/her, lesbian, trans -Tougher than the toughies -wlw & mlm solidarity w/ Bertrum, who she views as one of the only genuinely smart people in JDS and who she has worked for for basically all of her life -Feels like something is up, but doesn't notice much if it doesn't connect to her work -Has automatophobia -Friend with Shawn and Grant because she respects their dedication to their work Grant Cohen-He/him, bi, depression, jewish -Absolute madlad at maths -Acts like he doesn't care what you think, cares far too much about what you think -Everyone wants him to just get therapy already -Doesn't have many friends, but has a weird 'we're both horribly overworked' kinship with Sammy, so they usually just chill and smoke together -Friends with Shawn and Lacie because they're actually mentally stable and he needs some rocks Nathan Arch-He/him, straight -You should hate him -You should hate him a lot -Super rich and doesn't pay his workers enough -Silver tongued -Basically a spider. Creates webs of manipulation and lies, sees a lot, and knows plenty about waiting for his prey to come to him.
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tchalla-rogers · 5 years
Bars in Autumn
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author’s note: let’s just say...i am a sucker for a steve rogers middle-class worker au apparently? maybe...possibly...a part 2. cause i gotta bring my boo in.
warnings: slight mentions of assault
word count: 3.5k | soundtrack
Y/N found out about this new bar by her apartment and knew it was the perfect night to slip in. Work was rather exhausting that Friday and she knew she couldn’t take working in that office any longer. She went through years of college and struggling to pay off her debt, only to hate almost everyone she worked with.
Thankfully, she found solace in one of her co-workers and she knew that it was becoming something more than she could take. The crush that was building for this man was definitely eating at her every single day and moment of the day. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could harbor these feelings without letting it slip.
She somehow convinced him to visit the bar with her, stating how he owed her after she went to an office party with him because he wanted to hit on the new employee. She didn’t dare partake in being his wing woman in the exchange, finding comfort by hiding in the corner of the room and watching him flirt so easily.
Y/N walked up to the bar, the brisk autumn cold causing her to shiver. She pulled her coat in more, hoping to warm herself up in the short walk. And throughout her walk, she was hoping she didn’t drink too much alcohol and embarrass herself. If anything, she was glad that she lived fairly close and hopefully, Steve was willing to walk her home.
She finally arrived, opening the door to the bar to hear the sound of a man singing some old favorites that people were humming along to. No eyes that met hers’ looked as blue as she knew, so she settled on finding a seat at the bar and hoped for her body to dethaw from the night cold.
The bartender sauntered over, one of his eyebrows raising at her eyes darting around the practically empty bar. “Can I get you something?”
Y/N finally looked at the man in front of her, shaking her head and sighing. “Can I get two Long Island’s?”
“Two?” he asks, drying his hands on his towel and throwing it back over his shoulder. “What kind of week have you had?”
A chuckle emitted from Y/N’s lips before she pulled her card out of her wallet. “Trust me, I’ve had a long one, but I’m ordering for a friend, too.
He smirked and nodded, searching for everything he’d need for the drinks. Y/N couldn’t wait to feel the strength of the alcohol dull the tension in her body. She was too deep into her thoughts and watching the bartender work quickly to notice someone sitting down next to her. The familiar scent of expensive cologne that she couldn’t get enough of filled her nostrils. “God, I can smell how stressed you are.”
Y/N chuckled and pulled Steve in for a hug while sitting, fully smelling the mixture of leather and cologne. “Sorry I can't mask it with leather and cologne,” she jokingly said before she chuckled.
The bartender placed the glasses in front of them and Y/N attempted to hand her card over before he shook his head. “On the house.” Y/N beamed, giving her thanks to the bartender who knew how much she wanted to drink away the pain of her 9-5 job.
She slid the other Long Island to her friend, noticing the eyes that followed her movements. “What?” she questioned, sipping from the thin black straw and finally letting the alcohol slip down her throat.
“Were you floating with him before I got here?” Steve finally grabbed his own glass, waiting for Y/N’s reply before taking a sip.
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her expressive eyes, placing her glass down. “No, I just let him know it was a stressful week...and it was.”
“I truly don’t understand why you hate it at work so much,” Steve said, shrugging and taking a few sips of the strong Long Island.
“Are you kidding me? Ross is the fucking worst. I already had my letter of resignation.” Before any of them knew it, Y/N heard the sound of her reaching the end of her drink. The bartender walked over at her slurping nothing but air, laughing at the drink already being finished. “You guys have Kamikaze’s?” Y/N asked, grimacing from the burn from the alcohol. The bartender nodded, fluidly working on the shot that Y/N was anticipating.
Time continued to pass, as Y/N miraculously downed four Kamikaze shots and was now struggling to effectively sit up. Eventually, she excused herself to the bathroom and Steve knew he had to assist her. There was no way that he was going to allow her to barely make it into the bathroom all the way across the bar.
When it had been almost ten minutes, Steve was truly questioning what the hell Y/N was doing. He was usually a patient person, especially when it came to Y/N. He remembered halting his movements when she said that she already had written a letter of resignation. And it occurred to him that he never once paid attention to how she felt at work.
She was completely and undeniably correct with how much Ross was an absolute prick. He heard stories of how hostile he was with the women in the office from most of the women co-workers who would talk to him. He couldn’t speak on her behalf of how she felt at work and he should’ve tried to understand that.
There was a feeling continuously bubbling up inside of him anytime she walked into the office or when he was in her presence. It took him months since she was hired to know that he very much began to like her and he didn’t think she felt the same. Anytime he was being hit on by other women, Y/N was too busy typing away at her computer in concentration.
He noticed the times when she would walk into Ross’ office and leave with a look of disappointment etched on her face. A quick wipe under the eyes and she was back to typing away at her computer.
Steve was thankful that they both began to get close, after making a small conversation with Y/N about football when he spotted her Philadelphia Eagles mug.
His thoughts were thrown away when he heard muffled sounds of someone crying inside the bathroom and Steve lightly knocked on the door. He didn’t see anyone go in or out since he stood outside, and the sobs suddenly grew louder. “Y/N?” Steve asked, opening the door a nudge. “Are you okay?” When she didn’t answer, Steve stepped in and checked to make sure none of the stalls were occupied.
Y/N sat by the toilet bowl, tears streaming down her face and the stench of fresh alcoholic vomit invaded Steve’s nose. Steve noticed beads of sweat above your eyebrows and a sigh emitted from your lips. He kneeled down, brushing a few strands of hair out of your face. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Can I flush first before saying anything?” she mumbled and Steve lightly chuckled, helping her stand up before flushing it. He wrapped her arm around his shoulders, aiding Y/N in walking out of the bar in order for her to get some fresh air.
She plopped on the concrete outside, loving the feeling of the night air cooling down her overheated body. Steve wasted no time in sitting down right next to her, his watchful eyes seeing her tears struggle to dry. “You know you can talk to me about what’s wrong.”
Y/N shook her head, biting her lip and groaning. “I don’t think you’d understand.” Steve nudged her playfully and she rolled her eyes.
“I’ll try my best to.”
“Well, for starters, Ross needs to be fired,” she started, biting her lip. “Which will never happen. I’ve spoken to HR and...nothing. I spoke with other women in the office who’ve done the same, and he manages to get away with everything.”
“What is he getting away with?”
Y/N halted in her movements of frustration, shaking her head. Steve attempted to utter something else, but she spoke before he could. “Enough for me to dread walking into his office. I made sure to drop off my letter when he wasn’t in there.”
She nodded, somehow standing up without managing to fall over. Steve stood up, too, eyes caught in her drifting ones. “I quit. And I wanted to drink away my sorrows of needing to find a new job tonight.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you quit?”
She shrugged, leaning against the brick wall. “I don’t know. I already was nauseous when I walked in knowing that today was my last day. I can only let you know things when I’m apparently drunk.”
Steve sighed, pressing his lips into a tight line. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice how uncomfortable you were there.”
“It’s fine. I’m sure you were too busy getting numbers from Natasha and Val.”
“I don’t talk to Val.”
“Ah, so it’s Natasha?” Y/N giggled, moving to take off the heels that were making the heels of her feet burn. She finally tugged them off, sighing from the relief. “I knew it. Your type is so obvious.” She started walking down the sidewalk and Steve ran to catch up with her. He was honestly happy that he didn’t have to drag Y/N all the way to her apartment a few blocks down, but he would make sure that she could make it.
Steve raised an eyebrow at her comment, grabbing Y/N’s heels from her hands. “I really don’t think you know my type.”
“Ha, and why’s that?”
“Trust me, I’m not attracted to anyone in that office now.”
The conversation managed to shift to something else as they made small talk, Steve’s minuscule hint slipping through Y/N’s fingers. When they finally made it to Y/N’s apartment, she stumbled a bit up the stairs as Steve held tightly onto her. The keys continuously jingled as she struggled to put it in the door and Steve took it from her hands.
He opened the door quickly, flicking on the lights of Y/N’s living room. He couldn’t stop her from plopping down onto her couch, knowing she wouldn’t budge as soon as she did. There were countless nights where he helped her into her apartment after hanging out and the couch was the farthest she would go.
As he went to prepare the Advil and water for when Y/N would awake tomorrow, he heard barely audible mumbles. “What’s that?’ he questioned from the kitchen.
“Can you come here?” Steve set down what he had in his hands, quietly moving to where Y/N was sprawled out on the couch. “Can you come cuddle?”
“I was getting your Advil rea-,” he started, but she whined when her arms began to reach. “Fine,” he sighed and took a seat right next to her. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly into him. He loved the sweet strawberry and coconut scent that filled his nose and he breathed it in like he needed it to survive. It was a mixture of scents that he didn’t know he could like so much.
Steve was surprised that he heard no snores from where she lay next to him, allowing the hum of the house to fill his ears. If Y/N stayed silent a moment longer, he was sure that he would perfectly doze off right where he was.
“I gotta tell you something,” Y/N muttered, as Steve smelled the alcohol that still laced her breath. “It’s very important and I already had my gulps of liquid courage.” When Steve didn’t say anything and silently allowed her to continue, she finally sighed after holding in something that she knew would have to end. “I like you.” Y/N shifted on the couch, locking eyes with the man who still had his arms wrapped tightly around her.
Steve bit his lip, one of his eyebrows raising. “You like me?”
“That’s what I just said.” The comfortable silence that they were once sitting and indulging in began to dissipate. Now, numbness began to take over Y/N’s body once again, cheeks heating up in embarrassment and liquid courage draining from her pores. “If you don’t feel the same, we can just act like it never happened.”
A slight shake of Steve’s head caused her to pull away from where they both were together on the couch. “How do you know I don’t feel the same?”
“Do you?” she probed, slightly taken aback from how this interaction was possibly heading. “If you do, speak now or forever hold your peace. I don’t know if the alcohol is helping me anymore.”
Steve smirked, inching a few inches closer to her and once again taking in her familiar and captivating perfume. He rested his insanely large hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb lightly on the heated skin. “Maybe I don’t have to say anything.” He pulled her into a sweet kiss, tasting the alcohol still lingering on her tongue.
Y/N knew she could stay like that for hours, feeling affection from someone who she deemed too quintessential for her own self. Even though they became pretty close in her year of working there, she never thought she would be in a position where she was in, right now. For almost a year, she believed with all of her heart that Steve was head over heels for Natasha.
When they finally pulled apart, Y/N’s eyes were still closed shut, seemingly fluttering like her own heart. Steve chuckled to himself, hand still attached to her cheek and adoring how she still hadn’t fully opened her eyes. “I still want you to say something,” she jokingly mumbled.
A boisterous laugh left Steve’s mouth from, shaking his body up and down and causing Y/N to giggle, as well. He pulled her back into his chest, loving the warmth she was providing even though the temperature continued to drop inside of the apartment. Steve knew how much she loved autumn, only because she got to bask in the brisk weather and not turn on her heat until mid-November. “I’m taking you out tomorrow night, no alcohol. Consider it a date.”
Monday arrived faster than Y/N wanted and she knew that she had to begin looking for another job. It had been a long weekend of Steve and her exploring a relationship that would hopefully bloom and for once, she was confident. The next day, Steve headed out, managed to get ready and come back with her favorite flowers in less than an hour. It barely gave her time to look as presentable as she hoped, but Steve made her feel as beautiful even when she thought she wasn’t. If anything, she was thankful that she didn’t wake up that morning with a splitting headache.
After exploring the city all day on Saturday, Sunday consisted of being together until it hit midnight. Steve had to be back at work early in the morning and yet, he never showed that he wanted to leave her apartment so that he could catch up on some sleep. Instead, he stayed the night and woke up earlier than he had wanted to.
By the time he’s out of the shower, the aroma of bacon and eggs filled his nose, making him rush to pull on his work clothes he packed the day before.
Steve shuffled downstairs, watching Y/N flip eggs and hum to a song that he didn’t know. “Did I wake you up?”
Y/N jumped, startled from Steve’s deep voice. “No, you just take extremely long showers.” Steve came over to the counter next to the stove, leaning over and smirking at Y/N in all of her morning glory. Nothing could be more beautiful than watching the sun peeking through her apartment’s kitchen window and illuminating every inch of Y/N’s skin. She reached for a food container and dropping a large portion of the eggs and bacon into it. “You do know you have to be at work in 15 minutes?”
Steve jumped up from the counter, looking at the clock on the stove that was shown in blue. “I live right next to work, it’ll only take me a 5-minute drive,” he simply stated, grabbing a piece of bacon and chewing on it knowingly. This only caused Y/N to stare at him, waiting for him to realize that he was at her apartment and the commute wasn’t quick and easy. “Shit!” he exclaimed, running to her living room and grabbing his dress shoes. “Sam’s gonna kill me.”
“Sam? Why?” Y/N asked, finishing packing away Steve’s breakfast for his rush of a commute. “Will he be mad that he’s missing out on a few minutes of teasing you and Nat?”
Steve chuckled lightly, checking himself in the mirror in the hallway and then coming back into the kitchen where Y/N still stood. When he reached over to grab his breakfast, he kissed Y/N once again, lingering in the feeling of the kiss. “Damn, I wish I could stay longer.”
“Yeah, well ya can’t. So, hurry it up, Mr. Rogers.”
Everything happened so quickly and before Y/N knew it, Steve was closing the door and heading off to the work she left behind.
Y/N was growing frustrated with the job search, before finally stumbling upon an open position a few hours away from New York. As soon as she realized she met all of the basic requirements and more, she immediately applied. She wasn’t sure as to how long it would take for them to respond, but she was surprised when it took less than an hour.
Before she knew it, a phone interview was scheduled for Wednesday and her confidence was at an all-time high. The only thing stopping her now was deciding if this location was a good fit; she would have to figure out a new place to live. And that scared her more than attempting to find a new job.
The day quickly passed by and a knock at the door finally had Y/N rising off the couch. She looked through the peephole, knowing it was Steve who stood at the door; what she saw absolutely shocked her. Y/N quickly opened her apartment door to Steve and his face that was now bloody and bruised.
“Steve, what the hell happened?” She pulled him into her apartment, sitting him down on the couch and running to her bathroom to get the first aid kit she had never touched. When she sat down next to him, she saw his busted bottom lip and a cut right above his eye where most of the blood was coming from.
Steve barely muttered anything, grimacing as she cleaned up his cut and grabbed a cold pack for him to apply to his lip. They sat in silence a moment longer before Y/N asked once again. “Steve...what the hell happened?”
“Ross,” he mumbled, wincing because he finally moved his lips after the pain subdued. “He’s worse than me, anyway.”
“What?” she whispered, brushing his hair that was sticking to his sweaty head. “Don’t tell me you did what I’m thinking.” Steve nodded, adjusting the cold pack and leaning further into the chair. “Fuck, Steve! I didn’t want you to do that.”
“You probably didn’t want me to quit either,” he said, shrugging. “But I did that, too.”
Y/N stood up from the couch, hands tight on her hips and looking down at the man who proudly smirked at her. “Don’t fucking smirk. Are you serious, Steve?” He nodded once again, slowly and didn’t break eye contact. “Steve, you shouldn’t have quit.”
“I’m not working for him, fuck that. Neither is anyone else in that fucking office.” Y/N raised one eyebrow, begging him to continue. “I mean, he’ll have to look for some new employees and we’ll all be looking for new places of employment.” Y/N sighed and plopped down on the couch again. When Steve noticed that she was staring off to the ceiling, he rested his head on her shoulder. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
“Don’t apologize. Ross is a dick and I just wish I threw the first punch.”
“You already did when you quit and he lost his best employee.” Steve smiled, albeit his bottom lip made it awkward to do so. Y/N rolled her eyes playfully and pecked him lightly on the cheek. “Hey, that’s it?”
“Mhm. Until we both find actual jobs,” she replied.
Steve shrugged, already chuckling knowingly. “I have a friend. He’s been begging and says he has positions open and he’ll take us.”
“Yeah? What friend?” Y/N pushed more hair stuck to Steve’s forehead back, observing how he began to smirk gingerly.
“You might know him,” he started. “Does Tony Stark ring a bell?”
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miafic · 5 years
tw for suicide stuff
Geoff clicked open his email, and the first thing that caught his eye was a message from Awsten with NO SUBJECT in the subject line. Curiously, he clicked it; Awsten hadn’t sent him an email since he lived with the Woods.
Hey. I’m so sorry but if your reading this I’m dead.
Instantly, the blood drained from Geoff’s face. 
I just OD'ed on the pain pills from your cabinet and I’m sorry I know you told me not to go in your room and I’m sorry I stole your Tylenol but I just can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to feel like this and I don’t know how else to make it stop.
I need you to know that it’s not your fault. And I’m so sorry.
And I have some bad news, I was gonna bring the pills to the lake and then take them but I got all worked up and took them here and now I feel so sick that I’m just trying to send this email so I’m gonna die at home and I didn’t want to do that to you but fuck Mr. W I’m so fucking tired.
I’m so sorry but you will be better without me I promise.
“No, I won’t be,” Geoff whispered. He was frozen to his chair, hand pressed over his lips, even as students were chatting and laughing in their seats.
I set this message to send later so you won’t see it til after school starts cause I know you check your email like eighteen times before school and that way you can’t do anything to help me. I don’t want to live. If I’m not dead somehow please don’t try to make me live.
Anyway your the best dad in the world and yeah that’s why I hugged you so long and tight tonight after you read to me, I just need you to know that I love you. Fuck. Fuck. Please don’t be mad or upset, this isn’t your fault.
Please tell Tuna I love her and it’s not her fault either. I know you always need to understand everything or whatever so just yeah I’m just still fucked up from the incident and I’m done with the bullshit about how it’s gonna get better, it’s not better and neither am I so I’m done now. I am ready to sleep for a very long time.
I have a fuck ton more I want to say too you but I’m too tired so I’m going to sleep now.
My stomach really fucking hurts.
Yeah I love you I’ll miss you. I’m sorry I hope you’re not too sad cause I know you love me too. Thank you for everything. I wouldn't have made it past June without you.
Love, Awsten
“Mr. W?” someone was asking. “Mr. W? Are you okay?”
Geoff slowly looked up to see ten concerned seniors looking at him. “I…” he began, dazed. “I…”
They all stared at him in alarm.
“I am sorry?” he whispered, the words coming out almost like a question, and he stood and walked dizzily toward the door. He paused before he exited. “Go to the office, please, one of you,” he instructed without looking back. “Tell them… that I have left for the day.” And he set off for home.
He drove quickly, but the short trip still felt like it took hours.
Geoff was short of breath as he pulled into the garage and stumbled into the house. “Awsten!” he called hoarsely. “Awsten!”
Tuna came running toward him, and he bent down and lifted her, pressing her tightly to his chest. He could feel his heart rate quicken, but he had no power to stop it.
“Tuna, where is he?” Geoff breathed. Then he realized. “If - if he were dead or dying, you would not leave his side, would you?” He looked down at her and repeated weakly, “Would you?”
Geoff looked up the staircase. “Awsten?” he pleaded one last time.
There was still no answer.
Geoff shut his eyes. He didn’t want to find another lifeless body in his home, but what choice did he have?
He started up the creaking stairs, Tuna still nestled in his arms.
Please, he begged. Please do not be dead. I do not want him to be dead.
He pushed Awsten’s door open further and stood for several long moments with his eyes glued to the floor. He stayed still, just listening, but there was no sound. No speaking, no music, no breaths. Just complete silence.
“Awsten,” Geoff whispered, still staring down at the hardwood beneath his feet, “are you there?”
When there was no response, Geoff looked up.
There was no dead body; there was no body at all.
“What do you mean, he just left?” John demanded. “And why are you asking me about it?”
Annie Harrison crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re his only real friend here.”
“Yeah, well, I haven’t spoken to him since August, so I have no idea.”
“Well, where could he have gone? What could have happened?”
“I just told you that I don’t know. Did anyone look at his computer screen?”
“It was his email account, but it had automatically logged him off by the time one of the students suggested we check.”
John sighed. “Well, the only things he cares about in the world other than books and his students are Awsten Knight and that damn cat, and unless he’s bailing Awsten out of some sort of trouble, I don’t know where he could be.” He frowned. “Although that wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, would it?”
Annie just stared at him.
“What did Derek say about his facial expression again?”
“That he looked ‘like somebody died.’”
John shrugged. “I don’t know, Annie. The only relative he had was his grandma, and she died before I even met him, I think. He’s alone.”
She sighed. “Well, if you hear anything-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll let you know,” he sighed, waving her off. He could hear his kids joking around inside his classroom, but he pulled his phone out of his pocket instead of going in to to quiet them down. To Geoff, he texted, Where are you? Admins are not happy.
He heard footsteps coming toward him, and he looked in their direction as he slid his phone back into his pocket.
There, staggering down the hallway, headed straight for Mr. W’s classroom, was none other than Awsten Knight.
“Grapes?” John asked aloud, and then he quickly shook his head. “Uh - Awsten? What are you doing here?”
Awsten looked over at him, and the blank look in his eyes made John freeze. Something was really, really wrong. He felt that much in his gut.
Suddenly, he worried that Awsten had a gun and was ready to finish whatever Michael had started. He was just wearing a ratty white t-shirt and a pair of thin, plaid pajama pants, though. His hands were empty, and he definitely wasn’t storing a weapon anywhere. The kid didn’t even have shoes on.
“Awsten,” John repeated anxiously, and he started toward the Lakeview High alum. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for my dad,” he slurred.
John had heard through the grapevine that a restraining order had been put in place to keep Awsten and his father separate, and regardless, as far as John knew, the guy was still in prison. “Your dad? Is he in Lakeview?”
With a shaky hand, Awsten pointed to the door of Geoff’s classroom.
Awsten nodded.
“Mr. W.”
Awsten nodded again, and his hand moved to clutch weakly at his stomach. Quietly, he burped, but he didn’t take his hand away. Instead, he muttered, “I want my dad.”
John zeroed in on Awsten’s wide pupils. This is so messed up. “Awsten, are you high?”
“I don’t feel good,” he responded, not answering the question. “I ODed last night, and I sent him a suicide note,” he explained in a tired, trembling voice, “but I didn’t die. At least I think I didn’t...” He blinked, confused, and looked at John. “I’m looking for my dad.”
“You sent Geoff a suicide note?” John repeated quietly.
“Yeah. Where is he?”
“Not here.”
Awsten honest-to-god pouted. He looked miserable.
John just felt disturbed. “Because he went looking for you.”
Right in the middle of the hallway, Awsten’s face crumbled, and he began to cry.
“Shit,” John hissed, and he stepped toward Awsten. “Listen - listen, Awsten, you’re still sick, aren’t you? We-” And then it dawned on him. “Shit, we need to call an ambulance.”
Awsten didn’t respond. He’d decided that it would be a good idea to sit down on the floor and bury his face in his knees as he softly sobbed.
John kept an eye on him while he dialed 911.
Just as Geoff finished his second trek around the lake, his phone began to vibrate. John was calling.
“If you are calling to berate me for my absence,” Geoff spat into the phone, but John interrupted him.
“Geoff, listen. Listen. We found Awsten. He came to school looking for you.”
Geoff was stunned into silence.
“He’s drugged out of his mind, and one of the paramedics seemed a little stressed about whether or not he was gonna make it, but yeah, he’s not dead.”
Geoff still couldn’t find any words.
“Listen, man, I’m sorry, okay? I know we had our differences, but he turned up at school asking for his dad, and I - shit, I get it now. Sort of. I mean, maybe not, but I get it a little bit. He’s your kid.”
“Which hospital?” Geoff choked out.
“Which hospital are they taking him to?”
“Petekey Memorial. Look, Geoff, I-”
Geoff hung up the phone and started running.
“…and he’s on NAC now to help his liver, and I think that’s about it. He’s going be here for at least twenty-four hours, and then we’ll have to move him to a psychiatric facility for at least seventy-two.”
“Yes - of course.” 
Geoff and the nurse stopped in front of an open door.
“Go on in,” she said. “He was awake a few minutes ago, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he still is now. He’s pretty confused, but let me tell you, he sure knows how to work a remote.”
Sure enough, Awsten was inside incessantly flipping channels on the TV. Geoff stood silently and watched him, just glad to see him breathing.
It took a little bit for Awsten to notice him, and when he finally looked over, Geoff could tell that it took a moment for Awsten to recognize him. Once he did, though, the boy’s face broke into a tired smile. “Dad,” he stated simply, almost like he was labeling Geoff more than greeting him, and he put the remote down and held out his arms.
Geoff crossed the room toward him, leaned down, and wrapped him up as tightly as he could without moving any cords or hurting him. “Don’t you ever do that to me again,” he said sternly.
“Which part?” Awsten asked, his words running together.
“Any of them.”
Awsten chuckled.
“It is absolutely not funny. You and I are going to have a very long discussion about this when you return home.”
“Kay,” Awsten replied easily. He leaned his head against Geoff’s shoulder. “I love you.”
Geoff exhaled heavily and sat down on the edge of Awsten’s bed, still embracing him. “And I you.” He was quiet for a moment. “You frightened me. Terribly. I do not think you could ever understand.”
“Yeah. I’m gonna sleep now, okay?”
Geoff sighed. “Awsten, you are treating this like a joke, and it is not funny.”
“I was waiting for you,” Awsten stated dreamily, ignoring Geoff’s words. “They told me you were coming, so I waited and waited forever and ever and ever for you to get here. They made me drink things and take pills and they keep putting needles in me. They said I could sleep, and I said, ‘No, not if I don’t get to see my dad!’ But now I saw you, so I can go to sleep.”
While he’d been speaking, Geoff had pulled back to look at him. John had been correct; Awsten was still being heavily affected by the drugs he’d taken. Geoff would be unable to reason with him for some time.
“What do you need from me?” Geoff asked.
“Just stay,” Awsten said as he burrowed into his pillows. His hospital bracelet made a strange sound as it rubbed against the cheap sheets. 
As the teenager closed his eyes, Geoff felt the strangest urge to reach out and touch his head. Since Awsten was so out of it, Geoff decided not to fight it. He set his hand gently on Awsten’s hair. 
Awsten opened his eyes and smiled lightly at him. “I’m in big trouble, huh?” he asked, and something about his teasing tone reminded Geoff of his interactions with Awsten from the previous school year.
Geoff started to say yes, but he hesitated. He wasn’t angry - not anymore. And Awsten hadn’t been trying to harm anyone but himself. “I... do not know. We shall have to see about that when you feel better.” 
“Oh, okay.” Awsten shut his eyes again. “Love you.” 
Geoff didn’t respond, but it didn’t seem to matter, because within less than three minutes, Awsten was sound asleep.
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Lucky High
Two requests kind of rolled into one. An anon asked about stoned sex w/ Elliot and a few weeks ago @elliotmercury had asked me about Elliot relieving some tension. So I kind of combined the two (sorry this took so long, loves). I went through like three different emotions writing this so it’s kind of a whirlwind but ENJOY
Pairing: Elliot Alderson / Reader (femme)
Warnings: the good ol’ Mary Jane usage, unprotected sex (use a fucking condom, for god's sake), swearing.
Word Count: 2577
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Elliot is a tense person, constantly stressed about something. Whether that be the top 1% of the top 1%, his family, his friends or his dog, he’s just a ball of stress. Elliot and I have been together for a few months at this point, friends for years before. I knew him. And I knew when he entered the apartment, slamming the door behind him and grumbling about lord knows what this time, that he needed a fat joint, some take out and a night in with his girl.
I approached him slowly, holding my arms out for a second before wrapping them around him, giving him time to object to my touch before committing to it. He’s usually okay with me touching him, but sometimes he can get a little overwhelmed and doesn’t want anyone near him. It bodes well for me that tonight is not one of those nights. I place a kiss on his jawline before burying my head in his neck crease. I feel his body relax and his arms wrap around me, pulling me close to his body.
“Long day?” I ask, he nods, “Wanna talk about it?” he shakes his head. I wait a moment before asking my next question, “Wanna get high?”
“God, yes.” He breathes, holding me at arm's length, the beginnings of a smile tugging at his lips, “you know me so well.”
A giggle rips itself from my throat as I walk to grab the small box on the bedside table before grabbing his hand and dragging him out to the fire escape. I love smoking out here, especially after work when we can watch the sunset and see the lights of the city underneath us. Who says rent has to be high to get a half-decent view? I pull out a joint and a lighter from the box and hand them to him.
“Take the first hit,” I tell him, “since y’know, you’ve had such a shit day.”
He mumbles his thank you quietly before places the joint between his lips and lighting it. I watch him breathe in deeply, filling his lungs and holding it before letting it out slowly, “that’s the stuff.” he breathes out with it.  He takes another hit before passing it to me. It really was the good stuff, I had been saving this particular joint for an especially bad day, knowing it had just the right amount of kick to get us where we need to be, but not knock us off our asses. We sit in a silence, passing the joint back and forth while the sun sets over the Manhattan skyline. When it’s done, he flicks the but over the side on the railing. I pull another roll out of the box and hold it up in question, he nods. The sun has dropped and the temperature along with it.
“C’mon,” I say pulling his sleeve as I get up, “It’s cold, let's move this party to the couch.”
He grunts out an agreement and climbs in the window after me. His foot gets caught on the windowsill causing him to stumble forward, tackling me into the couch as a result. The squeal I let out as our momentum sending us tumbling is high pitched and embarrassing. We fall into a fit of giggles, holding each other close. I can feel his smile against the skin of my neck and it sends tingles of contentment running through my veins. Nothing makes me happier than seeing Elliot be happy too. Once the giggles subside, he pulls back to look into my eyes. His pupils are dilated, but it doesn’t make his eyes any less beautiful. He places a soft kiss on my lips, “thank you.”
I kiss him back, smiling softly at him before I turn my attention back to the joint and lighter still in my hands. He sits back to watch me work, one leg hanging off the couch, the other tucked underneath him. I light the joint and take the first hit, passing it off to him while I exhale a cloud of smoke. A haze is setting over my body, the high from the first joint washing over me like a cloud. My body feels heavy and lazy, and I feel like I could fall asleep. Yet at the same time, all my senses are focused on the man beside me. I watch lazily as he brings the joint to his mouth, cheeks hollowing out as he inhales, eyes looking at the rolled paper with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration while he holds the smoke in his mouth for a few seconds, then letting go. His head rolls back to the edge of the couch and I swear I can actually see the tension leave his body.
He hands me the joint, I take it, going to bring it to my mouth before an idea springs into my mind. I force my limbs to move, throwing a leg over his lap so I’m straddling him. His hands go to my waist, playing with the fabric while he watches me breath in a hit. I put the joint down in the ashtray beside the couch, holding the smoke in my lungs. I grab his jaw between both my hands and bring our faces together, stopping when our lips are just centimetres apart. His mouth parts, inhaling the smoke that leaves mine as I exhale. Our lips brush together in the softest way as he exhales, our high making the sensation feel so much more intense than it actually is.
He connects our lips in a real kiss, my hands moving from his jaw to his neck as one of his comes up to cradle my head, guiding me into a deeper kiss. As we kiss, I breathe him in, letting his essence surround me. Our tongues slide against each other as we kiss lazily. It’s not leading anywhere right now, both of us just enjoying the sensation of lips against lips. His hand removes itself from my waist to grab the joint again, parting his lips from mine to take another hit.
We sit like this for a while, passing the joint back and forth, neither of us speaking. Silence is comfortable with Elliot, the need for pointless conversation erases itself. Once the joint is finished, I lay myself down on his chest, listening to his heartbeat underneath my ear. I feel weightless and heavy at the same time, drifting through the haze as Elliot holds me against his chest.
“Hey,” he says quietly, I feel the vibrations from his chest more than I actually hear his voice. I lift my head to look at him, a small smile is tugging at his lips, his eyelids are drooped and it’s clear that he’s higher than a fucking kite. I giggle softly, murmuring a soft ‘what’. He places a kiss on my lips, but this one is different than the others. This one has purpose. He kisses me with the intent of making me feel it through the haze of my high. His tongue drags across my bottom lip gently, before slipping it back into my mouth.
His hands slide their way down my body to my hips, resting there for a second before he decides to be bold and trail them down to my ass. I hum against his lips, amused at his behaviour but encouraging him nonetheless. His hands then grip tightly and pull me up his body, closer to him. The movement causing me to grind against his growing erection before setting me down on top of it. His breath hitches as I shift to get comfortable. I giggle softly against his lips, pulling back and shifting my attention to the skin on his jawline. As my lips work down his neck slowly, his hands are rubbing and gripping at the globes of my ass, using the momentum to rock against my slowly.
“It’s been a while,” I observe quietly, my voice a tad bit breathless as my core drags against the hard line of his shaft through his jeans, “Sure you’re up for it?” I can resist teasing him, especially like this when we’re both on cloud nine, our high only elevated by the feeling of being pressed against each other.
He only lets out a low growl in my ear before kissing me again. His hands move to the bottom of my shirt, rolling it up as far as he can until we have to break away to get it over my head. He rids his shirt as well, reconnecting our lips as soon as the fabric is out of the way. My hands run over his chest lazily, mapping out every dip and crevice, feeling the muscles flex under my touch. His hands move to unclasp my bra, his fingers trailing back up first my ribs, then up my shoulders where he gently pushes the straps down, leaving my chest bare.
He breaks away from my lips, eyes meeting mine as he places kisses in a trail down to my breasts. Without breaking eye contact, he takes a nipple into his mouth. I gasp, my head rolling back but my eyes never leaving him, watching him suck and twirl his tongue around it. My hand threads through his hair, tugging on it when he bites down on the nub. He switches over to the other breast, the sensation of his lips dragging over my skin elevated, sending tingles down my spine causing my back to arch slightly.
“God Elliot, please,” I breathe shakily, everything is so intense right now. His hands are trailing over every inch of skin he can get his hands on, his lips trailing back up to my neck. The haze of my high causing all of these sensations to be heightened and Jesus I need him.
My begging seems to have hurried him up a bit, as his hands have moved to slide my leggings and panties down, maneuvering my hips so he can peel them the rest of the way down my legs. While he does that, my hands work on his jeans. Fingers fumbling to get them pulled around his thighs just enough to be able to palm him through the thin cloth of his briefs. His mouth meets mine again in an attempt to stifle the moan that rips from his throat.
“Need you.” He moans, his voice tinged with need and desperation as his hands move down to bat my hands out of the way so he can relieve himself from his confines. He gets a hand around himself and the other moves itself to work at my clit. My eyes flutter and my head rolls back as the soft thrum of pleasure courses through my veins at his touch.
“So wet for me,” He nearly whispers against my lips, two fingers dipping into my heat sinfully slow, making me feel the stretch as he slides his finger in as deep as he can manage from this angle.
I don’t know how long we sit like this, him fingering me and stroking himself off. Time is a lost concept on us, each of us entirely too focused on the feeling Elliot’s hands are bringing to us. Elliot’s staring at me, eyes half-lidded, and mouth parted. We’re no longer kissing, just breathing each other in.
Finally, he lifts my hips, rubbing the tip against my folds before I ever so slowly sink myself down onto his cock. I feel every inch of him fill me, it feels like forever until he bottoms out.
“God, yes.” Elliot moans, “Forgot how fucking good you feel, shit.” His words are slow, eyebrows drawn together as he concentrates, head rolling back.
I whimper softly against his lips as I begin to move myself up and down slowly, riding him at a leisurely pace. His hands grip my hips again, helping me ride him in a way that’ll leave us both seeing stars. In this position, Elliot controls the pace, and he’s keeping it slow. His eyes only leave my face in favour of watching the space where he disappears inside of me.
Soft moans and whimpers pull themselves from my lips, I know he likes to hear them. But it’s nothing compared to the words that are tumbling out of his mouth.
“Yeah, that’s it. Just like that baby, nice and slow.” He moans, biting his lower lip gently, “Fuck yourself on my cock nice and slow. That’s it. Fuck yeah, Just like that.”
When I try to speed up he slaps my rear, firm enough to sting but gentle enough to not leave a mark. I whine softly as he grips my ass, slowing my pace once more, “nuh-huh baby, sloowww,” He’s got a shit-eating smirk on his face now, knowing how badly it’s killing me to ride him so slowly like this, “Want you to build it up, just feel it, baby. Know how much you love the feeling of my cock buried in your pussy.”
I do what he says, letting my eyes close as my head falls back, focusing on the pleasure. My hands grip his shoulders tightly, nails digging into the skin there in an attempt to ground myself. Before long, I’m right on the edge. Whining high in my throat. I’m so close but my orgasm is just out of reach, the pace agonizingly too slow.
“Elliot, please,” I whine needily.
“wanna cum?” He asks, his voice low and tight, signalling how close he is, “What’s stopping you, baby? Make yourself cum on my cock.”
I take that as all the permission I need, beginning to bounce myself on his cock earnestly. I let the need that’s bubbling at the bottom of my spine fuel my motions. The closer I get, the more nonsense spills from my mouth.
“El-Elliot I’m so close. Feels so good, shit I’m gonna-” a gasp rips itself from my throat as I feel myself begin to tip over the edge, “shit, fuck yes, Elliot!”
Pleasure rips through my veins and my movements slow, much to Elliot’s dismay. He whimpers lowly, “no, don’t stop baby, c’mon just a little more, almost there.” His voice is breathless, hips shifting beneath me while his hands desperately try to move my hips again. I will my body to move, but my hips can’t manage more than a pitiful twitch.
He growls in frustration before flipping me so I’m on my back before pounding into me. My back arches at the overstimulation, a loud moan spilling from my lips. My name tumbles from his lips, hips snapping one final time before he reaches his peak.
“Fuck, fuck, shit, yes.” He grunts lowly, hips rolling as he rides out his orgasm. He all but collapses on top of me, body sagging against mine in exhaustion, small whimpers being pulled from his lips.
His lips meet mine in a lazy kiss before rolling so that he’s laying behind me on the couch, pulling the throw blanket over top of us. It’s silent, save for our still slightly laboured breathing.
“Fuck, I want Chinese food so bad right now.” He groans suddenly.
I fall into a fit of giggles, reaching for my phone in my pants pocket, “I gotchu boo.” I say in between laughter.
Once the food has been ordered, the minimum amount of clothes put back on, Elliot places a quick, soft kiss on my lips again, “How did I get so lucky?”
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
68. Part 2
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Picking Cartier out of the car seat, Sofia let me take him to his first barber visit “this is your little one?” my barber asked as he stopped what he was doing “yeah, this is my son. His hair is crazy” my hand lightly touched the top of his head “and he about to have his first cut too” Cartier is looking around, this place ain’t it and I know that because he ain’t trying to get off of my lap “shape up only, my girl will kill me. She went crazy on me when I went home bald” my barber laughed “well I don’t want to shave his curls, he got some good curls there” pushing his hair back “got my forehead though” I grinned “he actually does, I will be right with you” he walked off, feels dope to be taking my son for his first haircut, Sofia was like take him but don’t come back bald. He was acting all stank with me yesterday but today we cool, I am glad to be out. I didn’t want to miss another event without them, Lucas struggled but I don’t blame him. They was moving me from place to place and then acting like they was too busy to deal with me but I am out. Cartier looked over at me, he seems so sad “what is wrong? We about to have you look lit, be like me” he turned in my lap with his arms open “you being clingy huh” placing him over my shoulder, I wouldn’t want to miss this for the world. Cartier’ arms around my neck and his face pressed against mine as he watched on, I don’t think he like the shaving noise at all, good luck to him because he will be having it next “Cass” Ethan said as he walked in “Ethan” dapping him “he holding you for dear life, what you do?” I shrugged “nothing yet, I think he is scared of the noise. He will be fine, you good?” Ethan sat next to me “I am well, good to have you out. Had me out here stressing. Them French niggas need to be here, you shouldn’t be doing anything alone you know that?” nodding my head “I was trying to be nice” I guess it don’t work when I try to be nice because I get myself in shit.
Cartier is not having it at all “you need to keep your head still little C, you can’t be doing that” Cartier is moving his head from side to side, every time my barber grabs his head to hold him still he keeps on moving it “here, look at this” playing Paw Patrol on my phone and placing just against the mirror, placing his pacifier in his mouth “look at that, he should be ok” fixing Cartier in my lap “I am about to shave his curls off if he don’t quit moving” I chuckled “Sofia will come here and murder you, I have strict rules here. Even for me, I can only get a shape up, that is it” my barber shook his head “she rules you both, move back for me” sitting back in the chair, he just needs to line up Cartier’ hair so he can look good as me. I was waiting for Cartier to move as soon as the shaver touched his skin but he didn’t move “is his mom white?” he asked “no, why? She ain’t white, she is black. She from the islands, she from Barbados” that was random “they very pretty girls from Barbados, he is very light skinned but then I look at you, you white as fuck. Them island girls are strict, I get it now” I laughed “she is hard headed, she is my boss anyways” even though she don’t think it.
My boy has had his shape up, he looks fresh as fuck just like his dad. I told Ethan to go back and do what he needs to do because I am going to keep out of trouble, touching the top of Cartier’ head, he looks so good. He is exhausted from having hid haircut so he is now knocked out asleep, let me call Raphael back before I drive off to go back home. Pressing the phone to my ear, he going to be complaining about this club business, I know for a fact he will be and I don’t blame him. We will be taking a big loss for this, no drug movement, no money in take from large booze orders “well happy new year to you” he said down the phone “you saying that from France, you out there partying still. I am sure you know, I am out. I know we can’t do the new year party which would have been big for us both” Raphael sighed out “I bought everything for this moment, the clubs are all set up for the new year and this. Waste of money and you know that, you need to stop this mess” he spat down the phone “I understand, I will make it up to you. The gun shipment will be arriving soon. We will bigger than ever. You say the clubs are done up right? The one in Atlanta?” I think I have a plan “they are decorated yes” I could take Sofia there, we just do it there “cool, just asking but yeah. You sit back we will get in contact next year then” I do cause so much shit for Raphael and it is for stupid reasons too.
I am not sure if Amira has gone elsewhere for new year but I need the keys to the club, knocking on the door again. I should call but I couldn’t be bothered “yeah I am here” Kyle opened the door, he let out an oh “I need to see Amira” stepping back from the door a little “I need to go, Cartier is in the car so if she can come to the door” Kyle turned back around “Amira, Cassius is at the door for you” rubbing my chin as I looked back at my car “why don’t he come in” hearing Amira say “I am here Cassius, good to see you out when did you come out?” looking back over at Amira “last night, I need the keys to the club. I heard they are done up for New Year” she sighed out “yes, so much waste” nodding my head “cool, I need the key. I was supposed to take Sofia to Canada to bring in the new year and I bought her dresses but I guess I can use the club and bring it in there with the projector screens down, it’s something I guess” Amira grinned “that is cute, yeah you might as well. I will get the key for you” I swallowed hard “Amira, why don’t you come too?” she abruptly stopped “but” she turned around “with you and Kyle, look I wish you both made up. Kyle! Come here, both of you need to stop this. I will only come with Kyle and he won’t come because you won’t speak to him, it’s too much. He fucked up, he gets it. He feels it, please just make it up. You both been through so much together” Kyle came up from behind Amira “what is it?” he said “you need to do what you need to do now” Amira walked around Kyle.
Kyle put his head down, this is awkward as fuck “I will be in the car, tell her that” walking backwards, I don’t want to hear it actually “don’t walk off, I had it all planned out on what to say to you. I even told Amira, just please Cassius. I fucked up and I get it, that is something I did in the moment and I wasn’t thinking but we have been through so much together. I am sorry for leaving the home in that moment, I am sorry. If I could change the moment I would, I wish I could take it back. I miss you so much Cassius, I hate that you hate me, that has never been us and I accept that I will never be in the business like that again but I don’t care for it I care for you and I care for the friendship we have Cassius. I miss you bro,with all the shit we been through please don’t shut me out, shit ain’t the same anymore. From the bottom of my heart I am sorry. I just want my brother back, you got locked up and I was there in your home even though I didn’t know if that was something you would like me to do” stuffing my hands in my pockets “I have to live with the fact I got Sofia pregnant in my drug fuelled rage, it’s a constant memory which I still have to see the scan of yet, I have to now see and live that. It’s my fault but I needed my bro to drag me and tell me no. I miss you too, I ain’t going to lie and say I don’t because I do. You been there for my lows but I felt like you gave up and didn’t want to deal with my lows anymore so left me to it. Sofia is so strong, she just acts like shit is ok, she is forgiven me for it and has never regretted staying by me. I am a monster Kyle and I can only blame myself, I am stuck in this and if I can keep you out I will” feeling my eyes well up “you ain’t a monster Cassius, I don’t want to be out of it out of choice, it’s what makes you happy. I would rather die knowing I died with you, it ain’t no gay shit but we rode this together. I love you bro” Kyle got his hand out to me, nodding my head as I grabbed his hand. He dragged me into him as he hugged me “ain’t nothing else matters and you know that” patting his back.
Cartier is still asleep, ain’t nothing waking him up “are your eyes closed?” I asked Sofia before I go in the living room “I am scared Cassius, I swear to god if you are both bald I am going to cry” I chuckled “please close your eyes, just do it!” I spat “fine, ok my eyes are closed” she said, I peaked my head around before I actually entered the room and she has “ok I am coming” making my way around the couch, standing in front of Sofia “ok open them my queen” I grinned, Sofia seems so reluctant in opening them but she did slowly “thank you god, hair is still on your head but yes! Oh my god, you look so good with a shave, I like!” Sofia spat “my handsome baby is asleep” turning Cartier slowly around “that is how I imagined it, I am happy with it. Both of my men look so handsome. Cassius I want to sit on your face, I am here for it. Put him on the couch and let me sit on your face” I snorted laughing “calm down woman, I have some other news for you” placing Cartier down on the couch “do tell, come on” turning back around and sitting next to Sofia on the corner couch “Kyle and I have made it up, Amira said for us to get on with it and also we are going out. I want you to wear your dress, I can’t take you Canada but I can take you elsewhere, it’s my club and we can use it. Cartier will be with us. Bring in the new year together still” Sofia gasped “really?” nodding my head “I am thinking out of the box, well trying too. So I am opening it for us, Amira and Kyle too” Sofia cooed out “I love you so much, give me a kiss” Sofia poked her lips out, pressing a kiss to her lips “but I want sex still, I want some dick” licking my lips laughing “you been reading again?” Sofia pressed her lips into a hard thin line “put Cartier in his crib and put the monitor on, now” I swear this woman of mine “fine, I will” she been reading again.
I smiled as I closed the door behind me “why are you smiling? I haven’t been reading shit, I just want sex from you. I find you so sexy. Especially when you’re angry” furrowing my eyebrows “you’re so odd at times” wrapping my arm behind Sofia and bought her closer to me, leaning in for a kiss. Our lips lingered, my free hand reaching for hers our fingers entwining “you’re once, twice, three times a lady” I sang, Sofia put her head down “and I love you” I finished off, Sofia looked up at me as I smiled at her adoringly “I love you too Cassius” she patted my cheek, running her thumb over my bottom lip before kissing me “you get me so emotional with how much you love me” she nibbled on my bottom lip, moving my head back looking down at Sofia. Moving my hand away from Sofia, my hand made it’s way to her neck, she moved her head back and my lips coasted down the long line of her throat, her arms wrapped around my neck. My tongue found it's way into her mouth, she moaned into the kiss.
Aligning her opening up with my dick, I slowly inched myself into her until I was buried deep inside her, filling her up completely. We both let out a sigh of relief, her head was tilted back and her body trembled in delight. Her muscles clamped around me and her heat engulfed my dick. My eyes rolled back, she always feels so good. After the first wave of joining together passed over us, I thrusted inside of Sofia hard. My hips rising completely off the bed to meet hers above me. My hands still had a tight grasp on her hips and I held her steady, keeping her in place as I frantically pumped in and out of her. Sofia was completely unravelling as I wildly stroke my dick into her. Her mouth formed an O and heavy pants came out as every thrust caused her legs to shake. Rocketing my hips forward, our skin slapped together and I pulled Sofia closer, roughly slamming her down on my dick. Sofia’ body jerked at the force of my movements and she let go of numerous loud moans. Her juices were pouring down her thighs and her muscles were squeezing me tighter than I could imagine. I was in heaven. She was so wet and tight it was only right that I continued to give her what she wanted. Lifting my hips up one last time, I slammed into her with a quick, urgent, hard stroke that left her mute.
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Cassius gives me some good dick, I don’t want to get out of bed at all. It must be my hormones because I just want dick but my god. That was so good but now I don’t want to leave the bed, I just want to snuggle up to him “Cartier tell momma she need to get out of bed” lazily looking over at Cassius and Cartier but my eyes diverted to his manhood “Cassius, why don’t we just stay home and have sex, you’re still semi-hard. I can see from the boxers” I mean clearly he is “Sofia, get out of bed, stop being a feign. Amira and Kyle will be waiting for us. You are so damn horny get up! I want to also see you in the dress I got you” I groaned out “I am naked under these covers you know” Cassius chuckled “I am walking away, you need to get out of bed. Let’s go and pick outfits Cartier” I sighed out, he ruins the mood. I am so fucking happy, I know for a fact next year for me will be amazing. I will hopefully have a daughter, I hope anyways and then I hopefully will be married, have two kids. Seems so perfect, I am very happy.
It’s actually so sweet that Cassius bought me a dress, for your man to pick a dress out for you means a lot. I think Cassius wants me to look like some rich housewife that just killed her husband with this fur coat too, he spent up and I like it. I was so scared because I thought I may have gained more stomach but I didn’t, I am well and I am only doing this for him. I am thankful to be small this time around. Everything Gucci, I ain’t complaining either. Poking my lips out in the mirror, let me take my ass downstairs. I have not even paid attention to my men at all, what the hell is Cartier wearing or even Cassius “I am coming, please tell me you got the baby bag done for me too” I said as I held the dress and walked down step by step slowly “we did” hearing Cassius say and the sound of an electric car being driven “beep, beep. A car for Miss Warren” I stopped on the step as Cartier’ electric Bentley car pulled up, looking over at Cassius controlling it “you got matching shirts on, well baby if I could fit in there I would. You two are so adorable” he usually cries going in them but he ain’t today “ayee, look at you. My girl is looking Bad and Boujee, come here” he opened his arms out to me “thank you for this dress, I look like rich bitch that murdered her husband with this fur coat” hugging Cassius “anything for you baby, you look good and this” he hooked his finger on the low cut between my breasts “for later” I winked at him “is Kyle and Amira meeting us there?” he nodded his head.
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I parked up at the side of Kyle’ car “I am so happy you both are speaking again, you both are the brothers that love each other so much and you know this” Sofia said “I do, I did some last minute things. For the club for you, I called on some people for us” Sofia’ car door opened “hey Sofia” Kyle said, my car door opened “seeing as he is helping Sofia out” Amira said “you funny, I don’t need that but thank you. You looking beautiful Amira, look at you!” I pointed at her “aww thank you Cassius. This old thing, I found it” getting out of the car “you look good” opening the back door as I closed my car door “thanks, these heels are high. Hey girl!” Sofia said, unbuckling Cartier out of the car seat “I ain’t forget you boy” taking his pacifier out of his mouth “Kyle, can you get his stroller out for me, hey Omar” I ain’t dumb, I am going to have some security around me “boss, you all looking good on the New Year” picking Cartier out “you talking about me” I turned to him “yes boss, I mean you” side eyeing him “and the boss lady, you need help getting inside” he ain’t shit “I can do that, you get my son’ baby bag. You better have got extra people” I pointed at him “I do, you will be happy what I have done” nodding my head “you a good kid, lock up once we get inside” holding Sofia’ hand “come on my love, let’s go inside” I am never going to be alone, I need to always have people there to take the fall for me.
Sofia gasped “you got us a table to eat in the middle of the floor?” nodding my head “we got to eat babe, we can see the fireworks at New York on the projector screens when it hits twelve. Baby I got this all worked out for you” Sofia cooed out “thank you, this does mean a lot to me. But I know Cartier will be asleep by then, he is going to be tired” Sofia said, he is all wide eyed staring at the lights. It’s small but it’s cute, I wanted to do something for her so she can wear her dress at least. Omar wasn’t lying when he said he sorted me out, I don’t know where he got the waiters from but I will take it. Looking over at Sofia, she looks so happy, just to see her smile I am happy about because that is all I want for Sofia, her happiness. Letting her hand go as I walked around the table, pulling the chair out with my free hand for Sofia to sit down “for you my lady, don’t momma look beautiful Cartier. Don’t she look so damn beautiful” Sofia touched my face as she sat down and I pushed her seat in “I guess you going to sit on my lap son” Cartier about to make sure I don’t eat, he is going to touch everything.
At least Sofia is eating because I can’t really “you want me to have him?” Sofia said wiping her hands “no, no. It’s fine, he good. He trying to be an adult, you eat. You need to eat, least I can drink unlike you” I have moved everything away from Cartier, he has tried to grab everything on the table so I have no plate or anything with me “I am going to make his bottle soon actually, he needs his sleep. It is late too” picking Cartier up and standing him up on my lap “what you think, good idea?” I said looking over at Amira and Kyle “it was you know, we was going to stay in anyways but this is so cute, I don’t know who you threatened to make food too” I snorted laughing at Amira saying that “I don’t do such things, don’t play me like that” shaking my head laughing “but it’s nice, least the decorations ain’t gone to waste either. And I see little light skinned got a shape up, yes you. You smiling at me playa? I see your shape up, baby. You look handsome” Amira pointed at Cartier “awww look at his smile” Sofia cooed out.
“Come on, there is like ten minutes left” Kyle and I went outside to have a blunt, I needed it “I am coming, you getting all uptight and shit” grabbing Sofia’ hand “I just wanted you here, you know. It’s kind of like the first time you’re actually here, my son is here. My family” pressing a kiss to Sofia’ forehead “I know I get it” placing my arm around Sofia “I don’t know about y’all, I am looking forward to the new year, it’s been a weird year for me. I think I missed some of it, the biggest blessing has been my son, being a dad. I don’t do all this love thing in public but I am excited about the new year and new people, Omar and his team” he bowed his head “my team about to be bigger and better, also Amira. She is my partner with the clubs. We are going to have a good year and to Kyle, we good. Only way is up for us. Thank you Sofia for putting up with me, making me a father and making me a father for the second time” pressing a kiss to the top of Sofia’ head and dapping Kyle “I want to say thank you to Cassius, he has gave me a real kick up the ass with being a boss. I am finding my feet but he has gave me this opportunity to have a whole different purpose, from Miami, to Atlanta and New York. It’s been amazing so to you Cassius” Amira raised her glass to me “I be doing dumb shit” I snorted laughing “you do dumb shit but you mean well Cassius but I want to thank my man for always trying, for loving me, for being the best dad to Cartier. You have changed my life so much, and it’s been for the best. You mean well Cassius and I can see that but you still stupid” Sofia said, I chuckled “to Cassius, he’s bought us all together, you made us all happen” I feel choked up, I don’t think I do much besides fuck up a lot of the time.
Resting the side of my face with Sofia’, with my arms wrapped around her shoulders “the countdown, you know Cassius. You have such pretty hands” pulling a face “you got some serious issues you know that, what is wrong with you. You want to sit on my face and now my hands” Sofia giggled “I want them inside me, so you better” turning my face to look at her “you a whole feign” pressing a kiss to her cheek “besides, you are looking so good tonight” I have never felt this kind of feeling, the sense of joy. To actually participate in the countdown with the person you love, losing my brother and my family home. I can leave these things last year, I feel a sense of sadness but joy “Happy New Year!” Sofia spat which scared me, I chuckled seeing the fireworks on the projector go off “yeah, Happy New Year baby. I am here this time” Sofia turned to face me “you are this time, new year for us both and Cartier” pressing a kiss to her lips, Sofia moved back laughing “I have never wanted to have a New Year kiss so badly with someone and finally, I have. With you” I sighed out “many more to come for us” leaning in for another kiss.
Walking back into the club, I keep having to go out for a blunt and also Amira and Kyle left and the boys so it’s just Sofia and I with Cartier “hola” I greeted, sliding up behind Sofia “you dancing without me?” slipping my hands around her waist “take this off” helping Sofia take off her fur coat “your body is beautiful and you know that” holding her fur coat and placing it on the chair “we should be going too” I shrugged “it’s my club, the door is locked anyways and nobody is here, just you, me and the music in the background. I spun her around in my arms, her hands resting on my shoulders “baby” she nuzzled her nose against mine “bub” my fingertips followed the path of her spine, my lips skimming hers “you don’t know what you did, did to me” I mumbled against her mouth along with the song in the background. She kissed me softly, her pelvis rolling towards me, probably in response to the side-to-side gyrations of my hips. We kissed, my tongue smoothly skirting her bottom lip before slipping into her mouth, before I nibbled at her lip, trapping it between my teeth before I finally let her lip go from the grip of my teeth
Sofia moaned out, her body quivering “Cassius, we need to go home” I chuckled, my lips travelling the column of her throat. I leaned back and looked at her and grinned, this is what I like to see, she is unravelling under me she bucked against my crotch, grinning as I moaned “I want you so bad” my lips were on her again, she closed her eyes, a gentle moan tumbling past her lips “I want you too” she breathed, falling into my kiss. She placed both hands firmly against my chest “Cassius, let’s go home. We need to go home now” looking down at Sofia, staring into her eyes. My eyes dragging down the low V cut “that drink got to your head, you been drinking and your high” placing my hand just on Sofia bare chest, licking my top lip as I dragged my hand down “Cassius” she grabbed my hand to stop me “let’s go, I will drive” moving my hand up slowly, her hand that was once stopping me is now allowing me to roam, my hand around her neck “I want sex with her so bad” I said to myself, my hand travelled up further and my thumb grazing her lips “let’s go” moving my hand back, Sofia closed her eyes sighing out, the sex is about to be amazing “you can drive of course” get me home, get me Sofia naked now.
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Doctor Doctor ~ Stan Uris
Request: “hi i’m ~back~ cause i can never get enough of stan🤭 lmao anyway can i get another w aged up! stan where they’re already dating for like a few months the reader is always like tired and run down and stan like makes her stay home one day and just like takes care of her???? idk how to explain it but i mean,,,, if there WERE to be some smut in there i would complain🤭 lmao if not it is ok! if so thanks AGAIN i 💓💓 ur stories” - @campcampie 
A/n: Man I love Stan too!!!! I love getting requests for him- there isn’t enough content ,my boy deserves better... I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG UGH! - A. Pidge
Warnings: Fluffy fluff. Some angst bc that’s what I’m best at but it’s for like, a millisecond and then it’s over. Aso, yes, some smut because give me permission and I will be ALL OVER IT! Aged up to 18/19
Song Suggestion: "Can’t Sleep Love" by Pentatonix
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College was really fucking stressful, okay?
Stan and I had long since been living together, starting out as roommates. We met at orientation, happening to sit next to each other. We got talking when some boy made a comment and I snapped at him, shooting down his insulting remarks. Stan backed me up when the boy tried to retaliate. After that, we started to hang out weekends and discuss college and living situations and... yeah. Why not live with someone you trust and know in a new places full of new faces, right?
Not long after we roomed together we started to realize that we were a lot closer than we’d thought we’d be. Our apartment was small and I couldn’t even count how many times we’d seen each other mostly or half naked in the bathroom alone, not to mention the added moments that happened when one of us came into the other’s room without thinking or just too tired to register or soemthing along that line. Things just happen. He was attractive and smart and funny and I was outspoken and organized. We took to each other, meeting in a lot of ways and then complimenting each other too. He admired how I organized his gut instincts and nonsensical habits and I liked how he drove me to focus when things got irritating or could keep me going even without caffeine- which came in handy for homework or study/cram sessions. Honestly it was no surprise even to us when he came into the kitchen one morning, spun me around, and slammed a kiss on my lips and casually asked me to be his like it was an every day occurrence.
It was nice to have someone to ground you in the stress and chaos. We were there to fight the long nights and the lonely mornings. We turned one of the bedrooms into a study room and shared the other, and it wasn’t even a hard transition. It was smooth, like spreading soft butter across bread. He was so nice and sweet- this light in my life that light me up and never failed to make my day better, even if I thought it impossible.
It had been a few months now and I was sure I was completely in love.
The last month and a half or so had been preparations for finals and honestly, I was working so hard between school and my job and my relationship with Stan that I was exhausted. I was trashed and worn thin. Stan would make gestures and try to cheer me up and it felt like I was just dragging him down. A heaviness in my stomach was born and grew until it felt like I’d swallowed an anchor that was constantly dragging me down. Stan was a balloon and this anchor inside of me was dragging us both down. I felt terrible.
Unable to shake the heavy feelings I had, I started to just avoid Stan. I worked and I schooled and I studied and I ate and I slept. Moments at home were spent without breaks or moments with my boyfriend and I could tell it was bothering him.
New fears started to rise in me. What if it was too much for him, me being such a mess? What if this happened every final? How were we going to make it through college? What if thi happened every time some serious stressor came into my life? Would I shut him out when bills got hard to pay? When a client was being extra tricky? If a boss was being especially difficult? How would we make it through life? I knew Stan wanted kids, one day. He’d mentioned it passively once while we were a little drunk. What if I was a bad mom and got stressed with the kids? How would we make it through life?
One morning I woke up to an empty bed, which surprised me because my body had just decided to wake up fourth-five minutes before I had work. It was a Saturday and I didn’t have school, but I did have work. Saturday’s Stan had one class in the afternoon. He used it as his day off, usually to clean and for date nights- which usually consisted of movies and bubble nights and such at-home activities since I was always exhausted from work. Because it was his day off, though, he got up at 12:00 pm exactly. No sooner, no later. Ever. So where was he at 6:15 in the morning?
I made my way into the kitchen just to see Stan cooking, shirtless and in his fuzzy pajama pants that I adored because he looked like a middle-aged dad and it made think of our future and smile because I swear to God this boy was the One. Now though I was far too distracted by his exposed midriff to give a rat’s ass about the future. The present needed some appreciation.
Walking up to him, I pressed my cheek to his back, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. "Good morning, Darling Mine."
"Good morning, Babylove." My heart skipped a beat and I wondered if he could feel my blush against his skin the same way I could hear the smile in his voice. "Why are you up so early?"
I left a little kiss on his shoulder. "I could ask you the same thing."
Stan reached forward, turning the oven off. "If you’re not going to let go then hope on, I have to plate these omlettes." I giggled but indeed hopped on his back - with his help - , wrapping my legs and arms around him to keep my elevated position. It was childish and silly but I knew we were both enjoying the moment without any tainting of stress from school or work or general life. "I noticed you’ve been avoiding me." My smile feel, having forgotten my stress induced dodge and ditch in the happy grogginess I’d been holding onto. "Figured you were stressed." He got forks, setting the table and then pausing to let me get down. When I had both feet on the floor he turned to me, either of his hands on my face. "You know I love you right?"
His eyes were as soft as his touch was warm and the smell of food and the fluffiness of his hair- shit, he made me weak. I about melted right there, especially when he leaned forward to kiss me on the nose before resting his forehead against mine. My hands went to his waist, pulling him closer as his thumb brushed against my cheekbones. "I love you too," I nearly hummed.
Somehow he understood me, leaning back and motioning to my seat where my food awaited me on the table in front. "Even when you’re stressed and thighs get ridiculous, I still love you." I sat and he moved behind me, kissing the top of my head. "You need to talk to me instead of shutting me out." His voice was low and full only of love and care. I saw what I’d heard in his face as he moved to his chair next to me.
Nodding, I relaxed into my chair, letting the stress and angst roll off of me. "I know. I’m sorry, I’ll work on it."
Stan smiled and I forgot absolutely anything else. "That’s all I ask." We ate breakfast, talking as I told him everything going on and he gave me reassurance and validation and support and just made it all seem so easy and far away. We’d handled it. Together. It would be fine. What had I been so bent out of shape about again?
My alarm sounded in my room just as Stan stood to take our dishes to the sink. Instantly my stress back, my face twisting as I stood, sighing. "That’s my cue. Thank you so much, Stan, this means so much to me." I moved to kiss him but when I went to lean away he followed me. I tried to move away again but he stayed close, his hand brushing down my face. My hand planted flat on his chest and I was reminded once again of his skinny but fairly defined frame. Holey April he was so beautiful... "I- I have to go to work Stan."
He frowned. "Don’t go today."
"Stan you know I can’t just not go to work." I rolled my eyes, not allowing myself to even let a second pass with the possibility on my mind. It was too good of an idea. A whole day with Stan, with just an hour and a half break. "You have class later anyway, and I-"
"I won’t go today," he shrugged, pulling me close.
Looking at him evenly, I rose my eyebrow. "We are busting our asses off at jobs to pay for school, don’t give me that shit." I turned away, slipping under his arm and making my way into our room. I stopped my alarm, grabbing my work clothes out of the drawers and setting them on my bed. I took a quick shower, tying my hair up so it wouldn’t be wet. I got out, brushing my teeth on my way as I moved back into the room, toward my clothes.
Stan seemed to be waiting for me, leaning against the entryway into our room. His eyes scanned every bit of skin that the towel didn’t cover and I cleared my throat. His smile turned into a smirk. "Oh come on don’t pretend I’m so oblivious I don’t know that you’ve been checking me out all morning. It’s my turn to appreciate the view now." My whole face burned and for the first time since we’d first had sex, I was shy to change in front of Stan. I grabbed my shirt, pausing. He laughed at my awkward expression, seeming to read my mind as always. He pushed off the entryway and made his way to me, slipping behind me. His lips suddenly pressed against my exposed shoulder and. Shivered, my breath catching. "Now you know how it feels."
"Revenge for earlier?" I asked without volume as my air was completely stolen by him, my eyes fighting to stay open as I struggled to fight him.
His hands moved from my wrists to my shoulders and then across my back, fingering the edge of my towel. "Revenge? No. Simply a return favor."
We hadn’t had sex in a while. Even before I was avoiding him I’d been really wrung out and tired and just emotionally raw and with his stress as well we’d just not found the moment we were both in the mood. With the suggestive promise dangling in front of me, I dropped my shirt without realizing. "Stan," I breathily warmed.
He chuckled, leaning close and kissing my neck now. I sucked in a sharp breath, my head tilting to allow him more access without going myself actual permission to do so. He reached for my phone on the side table. "You deserve a day off. Relax. Let me help you relax..." I heard the phone ringing and turned to face him. "Hi, this is Stanley Uris. I’m here to call you that Y/n is REALLY sick, and she won’t be able to come in today." My eyes opened and I reached for my phone. He flicked my hand and my towel fell. He stepped back as I scrambled to pull my towel up, winking. I tried to glare but my lips were pulling into a smile I had to fight. He had his eyes on me, hungry, but when he spoke again his voice was practiced. "Yes, she’s so very sorry and hopes you understand. You can imagine how much of a fight it was with how good of a worker she is. So dedicated." There was a pause and he chuckled. "Yes, she’ll be well taken care of, thank you for your concern." The look in his eyes made me whimper. "You have a good day too." And then he hung up.
I huffed as he placed my phone on the dresser, a shit eating grin on his face. It was hard to stay mad at him though he wore it so well. "Stan, we have responsibilities-"
"And we can sluff them ONE TIME,” he reasoned. "You’re working yourself sick and I’m tired of how messed up we both are." His hands cupped my cheek. "I miss you Y/n. I want you."
I sighed, shaking my head. "Well, the damage is done." He dipped his head, kissing and nipping at my neck. "And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want you too." He chuckled, blowing after leaving little mark after little mark on my skin.
His finger traced the top of the towel against my chest. "May I?" I nodded and he tugged it off of me. This time I let it fall to the floor and he leaned back just a bit, taking me in. "God, you’re beautiful." And then he kissed me, so deeply and passionately that I groaned. The back of my legs hit the bed and I sat down. He smiled down at me before leaning and I scooted back, him following as he moved over me. We stopped with my head on the pillow, my hands rising to wrap around the back of his neck, fingers slipping into his hair as he attacked my neck until he was satisfied, moving lower to my chest. "Good thing the doctor is here to take care of you, you look a little sick." He smirked up at me.
I laughed, the stress falling away again to give away to lust. "Doctor, Doctor, it’s an emergency. I need you immediately."
His words were full of promise as he teased, "Don’t worry Babylove, I'll take care of you."
And boy did he.
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philcmenabadadink · 5 years
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cisfemale — ever hear people say PHILOMENA CARMICHAEL looks a lot like NATALIA DYER? I think SHE is about 19, so it doesn’t really work. The FREELANCER is here because THEIR VAN BROKE DOWN and they are from WOODSIDE, CA. They can be WHIMSICAL, but they can also be APATHETIC. I think PHILLY might be N/A. ( snot goblin. 20. est. she/they. )
hi hello friends ,,, i bring to u my third character and the Newest Muse i have created ... which means i’m still working on her ! so pleathe bare w/ me as i have no idea how she’ll rly truly turn out. but !! as always, give this a LIKE and i’ll come bother u !!!
a e s t h e t i c s
wildflowers in your hair and bare feet against moss, binoculars and maps, madonna beating out of half-dead speakers in a half-dead van, whipping wind, jumping off cliffs and rolling down hills, a bandaid wrapped around each finger, cryptic bumper stickers and cryptids in the woods, facing the sun and letting the rays hit you, counting stars late into the night, mismatched socks and lucky ribbons, hoarding a box of special treasures, shoplifting and diner-dashing, bleach against roots, pink sweaters paired with ripped fishnets and slip dresses with knock off uggs, willingly wearing crocs, glitter stickers.
general info !!
full name: philomena brontë carmichael
nickname(s): philly, phil, mena, etc.
b.o.d. - april 20th lmao !!
label(s): the amaranth, the halycon, the neophyte, the wanderer, etc. etc.
height: 5′4″
hometown: woodside, ca
sexuality: ??? $500 ebay mystery box. pansexual if you had to label it.
biography !!
a middle child belonging to christopher and imogen carmichael - two stanford professors. christopher specialized in british literature whilst imogen specialized in the classics. hence the name.
the order of siblings goes as such: lysander, elektra, juno, philomena, and twins orion & valora. the deal was that everybody had a greek (or in juno’s case, roman) first name and a middle name inspired by a piece of british literature circa 1800s and under. a family of nerds, if you will.
so, clearly - right off the bat, their parents are ... eccentric. they’re both in love with their respected topic, and with each other, and with their kids. the carmichael family is a happy family.
they each have their own quirks and whatnot - though philly’s always been particularly dreamy - even as a child, she’d spend hours watching clouds or caterpillars or the leaves blow in the wind rather than play with other kids. she wasn’t a shy kid - she just had her own interests.
hardship doesn’t hit the family until philomena is five and starts having splitting headaches. they’re slow at first - but as soon as she’s seeing spots and unable to walk in a straight line, doctor appointments are made.
it doesn’t take long for them to discover the tumor, though the official diagnosis of malignant ependymoma comes a month later.
it’s grade ii but slow-moving, small enough to not be as much of a threat as worried, but big enough where removal is necessary. philomena earns a scar and brings it in for show-and-tell. for two months afterwards, philly’s at radiotherapy monday through friday.
they’re lucky - philomena’s considered cancer-free by the next year. she’s babied at first - handled delicately, as if she could break if touched - but with five other children ... it doesn’t last for too long.
and life continues as normal.
her personality doesn’t shift much over the next few years - she’s awfully independent for a kid, and awfully quiet - when she speaks it’s about faeries and bigfoot, about how the sky is so blue and if you listen quietly, you can hear the leaves whisper their secrets to each other. this is not odd.
she’s close to all her siblings, but she idolizes her older sister - elektra. elektra’s six years older and dyes her hair whatever colors she wants. elektra bought a knife off a seedy guy downtown. elektra threw away all of her heels and renounced god. elektra is god. her music is loud but it’s not heavy - it’s florence and the machine.
they’re opposites - elektra’s boisterous and feels loudly, philomena’s softer and feels...less. when elektra sneaks out, philomena keeps watch. they are a duo.
philomena is smart - but she’s fifteen and hates school. hates sitting inside all day. hates the same routine - day after day - it’s all the same. her parents’ routine is the same, philly feels contained and she wants to live.
elektra’s twenty-one and just bought a brand new spanking (used but not falling apart) 19-something volkswagen ... van - using her entire savings account. she says she’s tired of routine, she’s leaving the next day.
naturally, philomena stows away in the back and isn’t discovered until they’re two states away and she’s got to pee. elektra nearly crashes the van in shock.
it’s an argument - philomena vs. elektra, then them vs. their parents, then their parents vs. the school, the state - it’s an ordeal. philomena switches to an online program in the end.
it hurts christopher and imogen - lysander’s not having any of their nonsense, juno’s betrayed and alone - the twins are twins. in the end, it’s alright. the carmichael family is a happy family.
philomena and elektra take their time - it’s not a road trip, it’s their new life, permanently on the road. they stop and explore often - they do odd jobs in whatever town they settle in. they dine-n-dash, they shoplift. they survive in their own way. 
she drops out of high school officially when she’s seventeen - they have to drive all the way back to california to deal with the wrath of their parents and to deal with paperwork, but it’s done. philomena doesn’t know what path she wants in life - but it’s not that.
it’s during this time that the episodes occur - philomena’s outside her body, philomena’s wrapped in cotton, her memories are not her own. she’s looking in the mirror and she doesn’t recognize herself. they take shelter in a city for six months, long enough for her brand spankin’ new therapist to figure out what’s wrong with her. she’s diagnosed with depersonalization / derealization disorder - they think it’s stress. philomena doesn’t get stressed. they think it’s trauma. she laughs - she never laughs.
she gets medication, and life is normal.
it’s four years later and they’re in vermont when their good ol’ trusty van - affectionately named florence - breaks down in a town called livingstone. the cost is more than they have at the moment, and they’re stuck. philomena thinks she likes the town - but she doesn’t know about the watershed. 
personality !!
she’s quiet but she’s confident - her voice sounds like rustling leaves, if leaves smoked a pack of cigarettes a day.
often underestimated - philly’s petite and looks like she’d fall over if a plastic bag blew too close to her. she’s independent - for the most part. elektra is the only person philly takes orders from.
has always been considered odd - weird, strange. still talks about the trees as if they’re listening, as if they’re old friends. she’s vague and doesn’t elaborate on the things she says.
believes in pretty much any superstition you throw her way. luck is very important to her. if you ask her if the earth is flat, she’ll say probably. believes strongly in bigfoot and the lochness monster. has personally seen aliens, and loves ghosts almost more than herself.
she can be amusing - whether you ‘get’ her or not, her outlook is often bright - she talks about the negatives the same way she talks about the positives. can be seen as naive or gullible, but she’s plenty smart. even if half of her education has come directly from google.
philly doesn’t laugh. a smile, yes - often, in fact - not always reaching her ears, or bearing teeth - but these are not indicators of her happiness. philly is consistently content. she thinks many things are funny - she still will not laugh.
her voice is often monotonous - she doesn’t sound dreary, she sounds far-away. her voice carries. her emotions are often unknown to others.
is apathetic in most situations. she’s hard to bother - she’s incredibly patient and enjoys the company of most - tolerates them at the very least. it’s hard for her to express her emotions, because she feels them so little that it’s very nearly not worth it. her affection is not verbal - it’s small touches and gestures of kindness, love in her own way.
is a fan of knock-knock jokes and bad puns. she won’t crack a smile while telling you them, nor does she expect you to laugh. she just enjoys them.
she owns a motorola razr covered in puffy stickers - hasn’t ever had a smartphone. she’s a fan of emoticons. her favorite is :o)
has a lot of bruises and scratches and scars - she’s often getting herself into pickles. there are always, at the very minimum, three bandaids on each hand.
she has insomnia, so she’s awake often. is often seen wandering town - even when she shouldn’t be, even when it might be dangerous. her intuition is delayed. when she does sleep - her dreams are vivid and fantastical.
keeps a box of memories - sentimental bits and pieces she’s picked up over the last few years. there are a lot of buttons and postcards, but any teeny tiny object will do.
her style changes every week - most, if not all, of her clothes are thrifted. one week she’s baby spice and the next she’s lydia deetz. she combines pieces from different styles often - she looks like a barbie clothed by a child. she feels most comfortable like this.
will either patch-up the clothes that get too worn or reuse them in some way. sometimes donates the clothes she gets tired off - isn’t minimalistic, but she’s learned to keep only a small amount of possessions.
the only consistency is her lucky ribbon - it’s pastel yellow and silky and as thin as a shoelace. she ties it onto her outfit of the day, everyday. if she loses it, she’s lost. elektra has a matching ribbon.
has no problem with minor theft - she only takes bare minimum, puts herself and elektra first and that’s how it’s always been. she tries to be good while in livingstone - would hate to make enemies whilst florence is getting repaired.
they’re staying in a motel, currently, in the cheapest room they could get. philly will still visit florence. will sometimes go home with strangers purely to take advantage of a comfortable bed and a shower with better pressure.
it’s a common occurrence - she doesn’t sleep with them - but somehow, she weasels her way into their homes anyway. has come out mostly unscathed, on most occasions. this has been a practice ever since they’ve been on the road.
really, truly - has not slept with anybody, had her first and only kiss at thirteen with a frog. this doesn’t bother her. 
will consume a n y t h i n g you put in front of her - isn’t picky.
listens to whatever they’ve picked up along the way but she likes instrumentals the best. her second favorite genre is 1990′s and 2000′s top hits. they’re nostalgic for her.
loves storms - will go out in the rain and will risk her life for it.
owns a pair of roller-skates and is often skating rather than walking. unless she’s on grass - then she’s walking barefoot.
has many hobbies, and gets bored of them often. her favorite hobby is welding. she’s not certified.
also, juggles.
the kind of girl who’ll do any job you give her. odd jobs are her favorite jobs. babysitting is her least favorite - but she does it anyway. has lost children before. have they ever been found? not by philly.
dyes her hair blonde often and cuts her own hair - bangs included - finds it cathartic, likes the itchiness of bleach.
everything she does is often in pursuit of feeling free, alive, and meaningful.
wanted connections !!
random encounters - she’s new in town and doesn’t know many people - if anybody at all, so :-)
alternately, people she’s run into with elektra during their journey. whether they’ve stolen from them or stayed with them somewhere or just, ate dinner with them. anything.
someone whose couch she’s crashed on after a night of whatever - a party, adventure, etc.
people she does jobs for !! people who commission her to make stuff for them. people who need a babysitter.
people who think she’s weird - and those who like it. or those who hate it. people who don’t understand her - people who do, in their own way.
someone trying to get closer to her but she keeps slipping out from between their fingers.
a parental / older sibling figure !! they take one look at philomena and instantly want to swaddle and protect her.
people who take an immediate liking to her. people who introduce her to the music scene. people who show her around town.
someone who catches her stealing or about to dine-n-dash.
late-night walking pals.
a dealer b/c weed ? a thing.
someone who gets into a debate with her about conspiracies or superstitions or anything !! someone who gets frustrated at her apathy.
somebody who just immediately distrusts her for whatever reason.
??? you don’t have a smartphone ??? cue someone trying to teach her how they work - and philly hating it !!
thrifting pals.
m a y b e a hook-up, eventually, but it’s questionable.
something unrequited, likely on their end b/c philly is ... a hard egg to crack.
maybe something returned !! eventually. slowly. slow.
god ... someone she just tells her entire life story to. like this meme. 
i’m rly down to brainstorm and think of anything !!! dnt forget 2 leave a like :)
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67midnightwriter · 7 years
Words I Couldn’t Say
A/N: Snippets of You and Dean’s life over the years.
W/C: 1673
Dean Winchester x Reader
Fluffy with a little angst
Warnings: none
Beta’d by the fabulous @dragonchica !!
Dean leaned up against you, his long legs stretched out in front him, a half empty glass of whiskey between his knees. The cool spring air tousled the loose ends of his flannel shirt as you watched the sun set. This was how you had spent every Friday night of the last five years.
“I should have said it sooner. I know you know, but hearing it is different.” Dean sighed and drained his glass. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you. Always and forever.”
Your reply was interrupted by Dean’s cell phone, signaling the end of your quiet Friday night.
“She looks just like you, you know.” Dean said, watching your six month old daughter as she tried to crawl across the grass. “Sam says she has my opinions though, so we’re going to have to keep an eye on her.” This time the Jack had been replaced by a Coke, and Dean chuckled to himself as he pressed the bottle to his lips. “Had anyone told me that I would be right here a year ago, I would have punched them in the face. Look at us now.”
You sat there in silence, happy to just enjoy each other’s company as the Katydids and crickets began to sing the night in. Time lost all meaning, but all too soon the baby started getting fussy. Dean sighed and checked his watch.
“Alright little one. I get it, you’re tired. Time to go home.”
“One year, can you believe it? She’s walking now, probably giving Sam a heart attack as we speak.”
Dean laughed, but you noticed he was playing with his wedding ring, which was something he only did when he was stressed. The whiskey was back again tonight, and when he picked up the glass his hands were shaking. You reached out a hand to comfort him, and he turned to look at you. His face was somber, his eyes dark with an emotion you couldn’t place.
“I have no idea what I’m doing Y/N/N. It’s been a year since she was born and I still feel like I’m going to mess something up. Hell, I probably already have.” A nervous laugh bubbled up from his chest. “Why don’t these things come with user manuals. Life would be so much easier.”
“Look Momma! I’m a princess! Uncle Sam is my horsey.”
Mary’s high pitched squeal rang out across the park, bringing smiles to a few faces as Sam lifted her onto his shoulders and started prancing around making horse noises. Dean’s deep laugh joined hers, and they became a joyous chorus. Your heart swelled as you watched them, finally a happy little family. Your happy little family.
“Go ahead, read her what you wrote.” Dean beamed proudly as he stood behind your daughter, a handmade Mother’s Day card in her hands.
Mary took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, swallowed her nerves, and began reading the card. She really was her father’s daughter.
“What makes my Momma the best: she is strong, she is pretty, and she is the best listener.”
You smiled as you watched Dean wipe a tear out of the corner of his eye; he was turning into a real sap.
“Can you believe how big she’s gotten?” Dean asked as he watched Mary run through the grass in the twilight glow. She was chasing fireflies with Sam, not a care in the world.
She was ten now, and she was already a handful. She was the cause of Dean’s slowly graying hair, and the few added stress lines on his forehead. For every gray hair though, she added twice as much joy. The corners of Dean’s eyes now sported laugh lines, as did the corners of his mouth. It was a look you had never imagined you’d see on him, but now that you could it was perfect. His shoulders no longer hung with the weight of the world, and he had no new bruises, no angry red cuts, and no fresh pink scars.
“Daddy! Is it dark enough for the sparklers yet?”
“Oh, I don’t know…” Dean looked at the setting sun, pausing to take in its beauty while Mary squirmed with impatience.
“Dad!” Dean’s lips twitched as he tried to hold back a grin.
“Yeah, come on Dad!” Sam joined in, breaking Dean’s resolve as his deep laugh rumbled out of his chest.
“Okay, okay, let’s go.”
You watched them chase each other, sparkles in hand, laughter carried away on the wind, bodies silhouetted against the setting sun, inexplicably, undeniably happy.
Dean’s jaw twitched and you knew he was clenching his teeth. His lips were pressed together in a thin line, and he couldn’t stop pacing. You watched as he walked back and forth, twisting his wedding ring and letting out the occasional sigh. He checked his watch for the tenth time in the last fifteen minutes before looking at you. He let out another sigh, his shoulders dropping in defeat as he came to sit down and lean his back against you. He pressed the bottle of whiskey to his lips, having forgotten glasses.
“I know we raised her right, and I know he’s a good kid, but can you blame me for being a nervous wreck? It’s her first real date. I keep thinking she’ll be okay, but then I remember what I was thinking about when I was 15 and I get worried all over again.” Dean groaned and laid his head back, his eyes closed.
His phone rang, and he scrambled to pull it out of his pocket and answer it.
“Mary? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah Dad, everything is perfect! I just wanted to call and let you know what we came home early in case you still wanted to watch a movie tonight. Love you!” The call ended, and Dean leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and his forehead against his palms.
“Fuck. She sounded happy. I swear to God if she says she’s in love I’m going to need another liver.”
“Can you believe prom is tomorrow? I can’t believe prom is tomorrow.” Mary gushed, pulling on Dean’s arm as she jumped up and down.
“I can’t believe I bought you a four hundred dollar dress.” Dean groaned, causing Mary to wrap him in a hug and kiss his cheek.
“Because you’re the best Daddy a girl could ask for!”
A car honked in the distance, and Mary’s face lit up.
“Those are the girls, can I have some money? We’re going to get our nails done for tomorrow, and then maybe go get some food.” Dean let out a mock sigh, groaning as he pulled out his wallet and fished out a hundred dollar bill.
“You know the rules.”
“Don’t spend it all, tip 20%, bring you the receipts, home by 11.” Mary called over her shoulder as she ran towards the car.
“10:30 Princess!” Dean yelled as she got in the car, and she waved away his response. “I swear she’s going to be the death of me.” He mumbled as he sank to the ground beside you. “I don’t know what I’m going to do this fall. She leaves for Stanford in August.” Dean chuckled to himself as he opened his beer. “Funny how it’s all coming full circle. I know that we always said that we’d raise her, and then when she was off at college we’d start hunting again but… The world hasn’t ended in 17 years, and I’m tired. Sam and I have the bar, and Sam’s got kids now. I’ve been thinking about doing what Bobby did. It makes sense now. Stay out of the field, stay safe in the bunker.” A soft breeze blew, and Dean closed his eyes as it ruffled his hair. “Yeah, that sounds nice. Field calls, give wayward hunters a place to stay and catch their breath.” A smirk crossed his face and he shook his head and tipped his beer back. “Who would have ever thought; Dean Winchester, with an office job.”
Dean stood before you, cooing at the baby in his arms. Mary and her husband stood next to him, his arm wrapped around her waist.
“Sorry it’s been so long. Time got away from us.” Mary smiled.
“You’re here now, that’s all that matters. And you brought our grandson, so that’s all that matters.” Dean’s eyes never left the baby, and you marveled at how those green eyes now spanned three generations.
“We also got you this t-shirt.”
Dean laughed as he read it: Sexiest Grandpa Alive.
“You know it’s true.”
When Dean Winchester passed away, it wasn’t at the edge of a blade or the end of a barrel of a gun. He was 90, with a good life behind him, and he went in his sleep. He stood next to you, watching Mary as she knelt before your graves.
“Dean?” You whispered.
“Y/N?” He turned around, his tired eyes wide with shock.
You ran to him, wrapping your arms around him. The years melted away under your touch, until he was as young as the day you left him.
“Every Friday. You kept your promise.” Tears rolled down your cheeks as he crushed you to his chest. He held the sides of your face and backed away, taking you in before he kissed you, slow and long, and deep.
“I keep all my promises.”
“There are so many things that I wanted to say-”
“It’s okay. I’m here now.”
You both looked on as Mary sat a bottle of Jack between your gravestones, a sad smile playing on her face.
Y/N Winchester: Y/B/D - 1/24/2019
Dean Winchester: 1/24/1979 - 7/22/2069
All I can hear in the silence that remains
Are the words I couldn’t say
Rascal Flatts
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constel-langst-ions · 7 years
*Loosely based on other tattoo fics and amazing tattoos Ive seen (all will be desribed as best as possible)
Warnings: Previous self-harm, scars, tattoos
No one really knew why Lance wore long sleeves and jeans all the time, per say. It was normal for him to be seen like that, always with his jacket on. No one questioned it, either. Only Hunk really knew what was below the heavy clothing.
They all found out after a particulary hard training session. Allura had called them all into the common room.
“Paladins! I have exciting news!” She announced, her voice unusually chipper, losing her usual loud and demanding tone. Everyone listened, eager to know the news.
“Me ane Coran have organized a day off. We wanted to congratulate you all on your improvent over these last few months!” She finished, holding out the last note. Her hands were clasped together, and she wore a large grin, the kind that made you start smiling with whoever wore it.
All the paladins wooped, chattering away about their plans for the next day. The only one who wad quiet, was Lance. He simply gave a small smile, adding a brief comment if a fellow paladin shot a tease or idea his way. If someone hadn’t been involved in the conversation, they could’ve guessed that he didn’t look forward to it.
They all turned to go to their respective rooms, before Allura sharply inhaled. They turned to her, eyes wide in surprise. “Sorry, paladins! It seems I have forgotten to add that the planet we’ll be stopping on has one of these ‘beaches’,” She air quoted, “that you all seem to love will be there. It is a peaceful planet, not dominated by any species, so do not feel the need to bring your bayards.” She rushed out the last sentence, having said it all on one breath.
“Now, shoo! We will be arriving in a few of your Earth hours.” Her face twisted with confusion at the term, and the paladins left her, laughing with glee.
“Woo-hoo!” Lance cheered, collapsing onto one of the couches. “This is gonna be awesome!” He smiled, positive energy radiating off of his form.
Pidge waved her hands at him, making a mock face of disgust. “Gross, get your happiness away from me.” She sat beside him, fiddling with her collar.
“'Dawh, Pidgeon, why so down? Afraid of the Lochness Monster?” He sprang at her to emphasize his own teasing.
“No, she’s probably afraid of sunburns.” Keith, having flopped onto the couch opposite to them, piped up. “I dont know about ypu, but I’m defintly going to burn.”
Hunk and Shiro finally sat down, hunk letting out a little noise of amusement.
“Me and Lance will probably tan, if there’s even a sun. I mean, I hope there is. What’s a beach day without the sun?”
“Don’t worry, guys, we’ll bring sunblock. Maybe snacks.” Shiro said, a smile tugging at his lips.
As if they had planned it, all the paladins shouted, in unison, “You’re such a dad, Shiro.” They all crumbled into giggles at that, Shiro affectionately rolling his eyes.
“Alright team, lets get ready for tomorrow and make it a fun day. No stress, no fights, and no computers.” His eyes landed on Pidge.
The girl squawked in astonishment, the rest of the paladins laughing and giggling as the stood and walked out, leaving a mildlu annoyed Pidge to deal with Shiro.
The minute Lance arrived in his room, he threw off his jacket and practically ripped off his shirts, kicking ogf his pants as fast as he possibly could. He sat down o his bed, wearing only boxer briefs.
He looked down at himself, and at the splashes of color on his arms, legs, and chest. And, beneath those, the white lines that littered his body.
“Oh god, how will they react?” He moaned, hugging himself.
His tattoos didnt help much to cover the scars; they were still clear as day. They started at his ankles and went up to his hips. His arms were worse. From his wrist bone to his elbow, there were scars. Thin and white, always mocking him for how scared he had been.
He couldn’t get a body suit; it’d be suspicious, and he would definitely be asked about it.
Feeling his stomach start to feel empty with anxiety, he started thinking about his tattoos, looking to get his mind off of the worryting thoughts that plaged his mind.
His first tattoo that he had ever gotten had been a warercolor wave on the inside of his left arm. It was long, stretching from his wrist to his elbos, effectively covering most of the scars. It was beautiful, different shades of blue making it look real, completed with white tips to represent ocean foam.
His second one was on the inside of his right arm. It was the solar system, each planet beautiful decorated in a different, vibrant color. Each had a splash of watercolor around it, as if someone dropped paint on it. It was probably his favourite one.
After the solar system, he got a tattoo on the middle of his chest, going from his belly button to right below his collarbone. It was a ribcage, plus a spine, and instead of limbs, it had flowers growing from it. The top faded to a rose, a petal ending before his collarbone. It was plain, simple black and gray, but it had taken the longest out of the others, and was the most painful.
Finally, the one that meant most to him: wings. He had a tattoo of wings on his back, them being large and so delicately tattooed, with attention to detail, that they almost looked real. The feathers were a vibrant blue, the same as Lance’s eyes.
From there, he got countless tiny tattoos that litteref his body. On his collarbone, he got the planets in order. On his other collarbone, he got a quote, saying 'I refuse to sink’ with an anchor beside it. He helf that quote dear to his heart.
He would never forget the story behind each tattoo, and how much they meant to him.
Without realizing, Lance had fallen asleep. He woke up to the sound of Allura’s booming voice over the comms, announcing their arrival to the planet, named Deshion.
He inwardly groaned, pulling on his pair of blue swintrunks before he threw on his normal outfit. Afterall, it was still a short trek to the area they would be staying.
He stepped out of the room, nearly running into Hunk as he did so.
He took a step back as Hunk nearly jumped out of his skin.
“Woah, sorry bud! I was about to come wake you.” Hunk grinned, searching Lance’s face for any sign of negativity.
“Nah, Im okay.” Lance looked Hunk up and down, silently congratulating the yellow paladin for his choice in wear. He was wearing yellow swimtrunks, with white, flowery prints on them. He was also shirtless, much to Lance’s surprise.
“Are.. you dressed..?” Hunk asked, looking at Lance with confusion.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah!” He snapped back to attention. “Yeah, yeah. I have my shorts on beneath.”
“Cool! Well, everyone’s waiting on the bridge for you, so whenever you’re ready, meet us there so we can go. The castle already landed.” And with that, he sped off.
Lance huffed and shoved his hands in his pockets making his way to the bridge. He was slow, and his face had lost the usual lively expression. He was not looking forward to this.
Lance regretted wearing his full outfit to the bridge. When he arrived, everyone was already wearing their full bathing outfits, Pidge even wearing a bathing suit (a.k.a, Lance mused, green shorts with a black tanktop.) He felt out of place, and ignored the team’s concerned glances.
“Are we gonna go, or what?” Lance grinned and fingergunned, even adding in a wink for extra reassurance. Collectively, they groaned, and all started walking into the escape pod. (the pod thing that leaves the castle? Idk man)
As soon as they got down, they saw Allura and Coran setting up towels and umbrellas. To Lance’s surprise, there was even a picnic basket in the middle.
But what really caught Lance’s attention was the crystal clear, blue waters. He almost burst into tears at the sight, but stopped himself. It had been so long since he had last seen an ocean, and he longed to play in the water, while splashing his teammates, and collecting shells. He wanted to bask in the sun and do chickenfight, and lose, just to let Pidge have the triumph of beating him
But a voice in his head nagged him. No, it said, you cant. They’ll see the scars. Judge you. Leave you. Give you pity. If not that, they’ll judge those tattoos.
He shuddered at the thought. All of those choices were terribls. But hey, if he was being judged for either of those things, it wasn’t new. People who saw the cuts left him, mainly friends. Or complete strangers saw them, and called him a freak.
The tattoos were worse. He was always called out for them, usually by middle-aged people, calling him rebellious and other nasty slurs. It sucked, so he resorted to wearing jeans and a jacket, even in the dead heat of summer.
And, he thought, even now, on the beach. He sat down on one of the towels, having promised to join the other paladins later. He watched as they splashed and played and ran. Watched as they did all the things he wanted to do with them, oh so badly. It tugged at his heartstrings to know that he lied, he wouldn’t join them. He couldn’t.
He couldn’t risk them leaving him, too.
Pidge sat on Hunk’s shoulders letting out a battlecry as she went to knock Keith off of Shiro’s shoulders. Much to her happiness, she had caught him off guard. He flailed, before falling backwards, ultimately taking Shiro down with him.
She jumped off of Hunk’s shoulders, ignoring how Keith stuck his tongue out at her. She turned to where Lance was sitting.
Why hasn’t he joined us yet? She thought to herself, narrowing her amber eyes on his still form. He was just sitting there, absently making shapes in the sand. He hadn’t even changed into his swimtrunks, for God’s sake!
Pidge knew she should’ve been somewhat suspicious, but this was Lance. He was a good actor, and Pidge knew it.
“Lance!” She called, waving her arms at him, “You said you’d join us!”
That seemed to grab his attention, as his head snapped up to look at her.
“Uh..” He looked like a deer in the headlights, and she would’ve laughed if it wasnt for him wincing.
“I cant..?” Lance cringed at his own excuse. It was terrible, he knew, and by Pidge’s expression, she knew too.
“Uh, yes you can.” She retorted, crossing her arms in annoyance.
“Lance, you promised.” She said, giving him puppy eyes.
Oh god.
He can’t resist that looks, and Pidge fully knows it.
Reluctantly, he stands. Well, its now or never. He thought to himself, standing up and tugging his jacket off.
Pidge watched as he stood and took off his jacket. Then his shirt. And that’s when she saw the tattoos.
She inhaled sharply, the other paladins following her gaze. Their jaws dropped.
Lance, with his perfect skin that he cared so much about, had tattoos.
All of them were floored. Each tattoo was detailed, absent of any mishaps. It was obvious that each had had much time and effort into them. Congrats to that tattoo artist, Pidge thought, they’re good at their job.
Lance slowly shed his clothing, dreading the moment when he would be close enough for them to make out the scars. He took off his pants next, pulling his swimtrunks higher up onto his hips. And he walked, inner arms pressed against himself as he folded his arms, attempting to hide the most visible scars.
Pidge felt her heart sink when Lance was close enough to them. Now she could see the tattoos, but she could also see the scars underneath them. Reallt, it was obvious. It was also clear that the tattoos were meant to hide them. It didn’t work. They could all see it.
But, she could also see Lance try to hide it. He had his head down and arms crossed. Yet, they all knew. And Pidge had just forced him out of his comfort zone, just because she wanted him to be there.
“Lance..?” She questioned, her voice quiet. She could hear the teams suprised gasps, and the noises the made after them, disheartened.
“Pidge.” He looked up, shooting her a cocky grin. But it was forced. His smile dropped, and he shifted uncomfortable.
“Look,” he started, uncomfortable, “I’m sorry. It happened in my past. I got these tattoos to cover them. Yadda yadda, big ol’ sob story.”
No one said anything, just standing as the waves lapped at their legs.
“If it makes you guys uncomfortable, Ill go find a swimshirt.”
That snagged Pidge’s attention. “Uncomfortable?” She spoke, utter disbelief in her words. “You think we’re uncomfortable?” She almost cried at that.
“Lance, we’re sad that you would ever do this, but we’re not uncomfortable. It makes me proud that, even though you have scars, that you’re willing to show them anyways. Not everyone is like that.
Lance seemed shocked at her words. Still, no one moved.
Then Lance shot forward, engulfing her into a hug. She let out a cry of protest.
"I’m so sorry Pidge! You didn’t deserve to see that. But.. just…” He stammered, reluctant, the rest of the team joining in on the group hug. Cooing softly, whispering reassurances and praise.
“It means a lot to hear you say that, Pidgeon.”
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my-mystic-messenger · 8 years
Okei so I read the military HC thingy (I freakin loved it) and I was wondering if you could write a scenario of Jaehee reacting to Male!MC (or female, your choice) surprising her at a RFA party after being away for a little more than 2 years in the army, like actual fighting part of it (the RFA wouldn't know them). You don't have to if you don't want to!! It's your choice cause you're the amazing author and I understand if you don't want to do it!!
This was an interesting take on things.Since there are no male MC’s in the game, nor any in my MC-Squad, Ibasically had to design a new male MC for this one. Not that I mind.He is very similar to Myung-Dae Chang, both character as well as lookwise. Maybe he’s her brother? I dunno. Not that anyone cares. Anyway:Meet Min-Kyung Chang !
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I really hope that you like it!
MC’s mentioned
Fandom: Mystic MessengerRating: General Warnings: NoneCategories: F/MRelationships: Male!MC x JaeheeWord count: 1550
Jaehee had been amidst greeting theguests when she’d heard someone playing around with the mic on thebig stage. No one was talking or saying silly things, but she’d heardthe familiar sound of the moving cables and someone tapping at themicrophone to check whether the boxes were working. They were, a loudsound making everyone’s head snap around to glare at the stage andwhoever was causing the ruckus. Jaehee sighed, waving Zen over togreet the guests in her place so she could check what was going on.
Usually Jaehee was the one responsiblefor the speech and general introduction of the party. Thereforsomebody else meddling with the microphone was unnecessary and sheworried it was Luciel pulling some sort of prank. Ever since Mi-Hihad taken over organizing the RFA parties and helped him through theslump he’d found himself in, Saeyoung had been even more obnoxiousthan before. He’d made it his mission to make his brother and fiancéelaugh as much as humanly possible. Sadly it was usually at theexpense of others.
However, when she reached theauditorium the room was filled with guests, darkened completely otherthan the light shining onto the stage. Still, no matter how hard shetried, Jaehee could neither squeeze her way through, nor was she tallenough to look over everyones heads. All she could do was listen as afamiliar song began to play, the soft melody of a single, simpleguitar silencing the entire room. Jaehee’s heart sunk at the firstnote, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of hearing thefamiliar voice that followed.
Suddenly Zen was behind her, twostrong hands resting on her shoulders, smiling down at her. He handedher a tissue, one that Jaehee hadn’t even noticed the needed untilshe was wiping away the tears running down her cheeks. Min-Kyung.Min-Kyung singing the song they’d dance to at a University dance, theone they’d officially become a couple. Min-Kyung, her first love, theone she’d dated happily for years. Min-Kyung, the one that she’d letget away almost three years ago when he’d gone off to war, leavingher behind.Jaehee couldn’t blame him. He’d needed thefinancial support the army offered. It wasn’t like he’d abandonedher. In fact, they’d actually briefly entertained the thought ofgetting married right before his deployment. That way he could havetaken her along wherever he had to move. It had been Jaehee who’drefused and despite all the love, looking back at it she knew it hadbeen the right decision. She’d finally gained independence, found herown off-campus apartment and gotten a job at C&R International.It would have killed her to go with him.Sadly, it also killedher that she didn’t. She’d missed Min every single day. Especiallyduring those lonely nights after yet another day buried under loadsand loads of work making her question whether she was at the rightplace in her life. Calling him was difficult, however, and by thetime she got a chance to reply to his letters Jaehee didn’t want toruin those short moments of unison by crying about such mundaneproblems. Especially considering that Min was somewhere risking hisactual life on a daily basis.
However, as weeks started to blur intomonths letters became more and more rare. Eventually they started toshorten as well and when Min announced that his deployment would lasteven longer – months suddenly turning into years – their contacthad broken off completely. Both of them had been to immersed in theirown lives and problems to keep the relationship going the way they’dwanted it to. Sometimes it was simply better to break things offwhile they are still good instead of running them into the groundcompletely.
Still, Jaehee had never forgotten aboutMin, often times talking to him in her mind, imagining what he wouldsay if he were there. She’d never moved on from him either, one ofthe many reasons she hadn’t dated in the past couple of years. Fromthe sound of it, she hadn’t been the only one still hung up on theother. She’d been so mesmerized by the singing she’d apparently notheard a word that Zen said, only being shaken out of her trance whenhe began pushing her forward, people actually making way now that Zenwas involved.
“W-What are you doing”, Jaehee stuttered,not as sovereign as she would have liked to be. “I’m getting you tothe front row and close to the stage. Someone is waiting there foryou and from the looks of it you’re eager to see that someone too.”The closer they got to the stage the stronger Jaehee’s heart began tobeat in her chest to the point she felt it hammer in her throat. Itwas increasingly hard to breathe and Jaehee soon began to feel dizzy.There were just so many things that could possibly go wrong and hermind was going over all of them.She wasn’t the young, livelygirl Min had left behind. Her hair was chopped off, she wore uselessglasses now and the bags under her eyes were deeper and darker thanever before. Despite having been skinny to begin with, Jaehee hadlost even more weight due to stress and poor eating habits to thepoint she considered herself much too thin. Sadly, there was littleshe could change about it, as work came first. Not only her looks hadchanged, however, but her character too. She’d turned almost bitterwhile Min was every cheery. However, the second she laid eyeson the man performing just for her all the worries were gone. Thehands from her shoulders disappeared as Zen retreated and along withhim it seemed like the whole world disappeared too. There was justMin, looking very different and yet the same. His hair and body hadchanged, his face had grown manlier and his glasses were gone and yetit was that very same smile he’d always reserved just for Jaehee thatlured her right back in. Years had passed and yet she felt as atpeace around him as ever.
Once he’d finished performing the songhe’d thanked the audience for the patience, handed the guitar over tothe band putting up their stuff and jumped of the stage to go seeJaehee. His eyes glanced over the crowd until finally their eyeslocked. The way his face lit up upon seeing her was probably the mostbeautiful and reassuring thing Jaehee had ever seen in her entirelife. He pushed through the people and towards her, wrapping his armsaround her and swirling her around. Jaehee blushed, happy that mostpeople didn’t seem to notice.
“God, I missed you so much”,he whispered, holding Jaehee against his chest. The words made herbody heat up and she was more than thankful that while the gesturehad been grand, Min had decided to keep such declarations private. Hepulled away from the hug only enough to look Jaehee up and down, hisbeam turning soft as he cupped her face, trailing the line of hercheekbone with his thumb. “Jaehee, my little bird, so much hashappened and yet I love you just as much as I did when I left. Isthere any hope…you might feel the same?”It was a loadedquestion and Jaehee felt herself hesitating. Not because she didn’t,but because she was nervous about what such admission would mean.Both of them had changed and therefor they would have to get to knowone another from start, see whether their new versions still workedout as well as their younger versions did. Still, leaning againsthim, strong arms resting on her hips and giving her halt, Jaehee knewthat she did and probably always would. So she returned the smile andnodded. “Yes, I feel the same but Min - “
He cut her off, pressing a fingeragainst her lips. “No more words tonight. I know what you want tosay. We are grown-ups now and puppy love doesn’t work anymore. I knowwe changed and missed a lot of time in each others lives, but I’mmore than willing to work on that, even if it takes me a lifetime.For tonight, however, let’s go back to the past where everything wasstill innocent, yes?” Jaehee was confused at his words until hereached into the pocket of his blazer and got out the exact samecorsage he’d gotten Jaehee for their first date.
Jaehee laughed. Laughed in a way shehadn’t in a long time. Something about Min just managed to make herfeel light and free again, no matter what. So she held out her wrist,watching with delight as he put the corsage around it carefully,pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. He bowed like a gentlemanbefore pulling her impossibly close, starting their little dance thatwas new and yet so familiar. Later Jaehee would ask him a million questions, allowing reality to slowly catch up to them, but for those couple ofhours, the world was pure, perfect and theirs.
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