#realizing I never drew any of them .. hm . shout out to the very old asks I have around I will get to you one day I prommy
saturday-byte · 3 months
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Cosmo and Rav
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Three's a Crowd
A/n: Did I just spend 10 hours straight, writing this? Yes. Is it currently 7am? Also yes. Do I care? Not really.
Warning(s): angst, hurt/comfort
Pairing(s): Hitoshi Shinsou x reader, Shouto Todoroki x reader
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“Shinsou! Stop it! Let him go!” The teacher shouted, distressed by the sudden turn of events. Shinsou, only 4 years old and not fully understanding what’s happening, began to get upset, “What are you doing to him?!” She cried, shaking the boy in front of him, “I don’t know.” He said quietly, tears building up and rolling down his cheeks, “Well stop it!” The teacher said sternly and he only cried harder. The teachers assistant came over to see what was happening, “Looks like the kid’s eyes are fogged over. Might be a type of mind control.” He said calmly, not even acknowledging Shinsou crying behind him, “Well make him stop!” The teacher snapped and the assistant gave him a stern look, “Kid cut it out, let him go you could be hurting him.” He scolding Shinsou which made him cry even more, “I don’t know how!” He cried.
He felt arms wrap around him, and while he couldn’t see clearly due to the tears blurring his vision, he could make out a head of h/c hair and big e/c eyes looking at him. He immediately started to feel calm and next thing he knew, the boy in front of him shook his head and made a beeline for the teacher, hiding behind her.
For weeks, other kids avoided him. He heard his teachers talking about him in passing, apparently he had developed his quirk, but nobody knew due to it being a mental one. It wasn’t until he accidentally brainwashed the boy when trying to ask him if he wanted to play that anyone had realized it. After that, he was deemed too dangerous to be left alone with any of the others, under constant supervision. Not that it mattered seeing as the others didn’t seem to want to be near him anyway.
Except for one. One he came to know as Y/n.
They were so sweet to him. Unlike everyone else, they would approach him when told to find a buddy for arts and crafts, sit with him during snack time. Would even join him during nap time. When outside for recess, they would ask if he wanted to join them on the swings, or just sit and play with toys. The two of them became inseparable.
Teachers were worried he had brainwashed them and kept interfering, trying to separate the two, but that was quickly put to a stop when Y/n’s father told them off for trying to isolate a child after hearing about how Y/n was upset about not being allowed to play with Shinsou and witnessing first hand at drop off how the staff kept them from going near him. After that, Y/n was allowed to be near him, but it came with other classmates not wanting to be near them either, not that they cared.
The two remained best friends even once they reached middle school and the villain comments started. Y/n stuck with him every time a nasty comment was thrown his way, even tried to fight a few people, but Shinsou never let it get too far. He knew Y/n’s dream of being a hero, and didn’t want them to get in trouble and jeopardize it for him. He wanted to be a hero as well, and part of that is keeping those you care about safe, which included keeping your best friend from making a dumb mistake like fighting someone for making a passing comment.
However, that never stopped him from fighting a couple people. He didn’t care much for the villain comments. They hurt a bit yeah, but he ignored them when he could. He drew the line at people calling Y/n weak though. A hard line at that. Y/n had a healing quirk, good for physical injuries, but also emotional ones as well. Could heal a bone and a broken heart with a single hug or touch of the hand. It was how they calmed him down so quickly when they were younger. Any anger or sadness Shinsou felt was gone within seconds when they were around, but he was certain at this point that it wasn’t their quirk at play, that was just how he felt around them.
Running down the street, Shinsou was cursing himself. He woke up late and missed the train, having to wait for the next one in order to get to Y/n’s house in time. It was their birthday, and he had made plans with them to go out and get lunch together. It wasn’t just a special day for that reason. Today was the day he was going to ask them out as well. If the damn train would hurry up that is. Sitting in his seat, bag with their gift in one hand, phone in the other, he sent them a text, leg bouncing with anticipation. He knows they wouldn’t be mad at him, but damn he would feel bad if they got upset thinking he forgot.
The train arrived and he made a beeline inside to the closest seat, sitting down right as his phone buzzed. Checking it, he noticed it was a text from Y/n, letting him know that it was fine if he was late. Smiling at his phone he heard someone next to him chuckle. Looking to his right, he saw an older couple looking at him, “A grin like that must mean they’re pretty special hm?” The woman asked and he nodded, a faint blush appearing, “Very special.” He responded and they gave him a knowing look.
A little while later, he reached his stop and rushed off the train, booking it down the street, nearly running into several people before finally arriving at Y/n’s house. He knocked on the door and was greeted by their father, who grinned upon seeing Shinsou, still slightly out of breath, standing there, “Hey there, they’re up in their room” He said, letting Shinsou inside.
Thanking him, Shinsou made his way upstairs to their room, not bothering to knock when he came in. Y/n was sitting at their desk, looking at their phone only to turn and see him when they heard him come in.
“About time.” They said jokingly and he smiled, “Sorry, overslept.” He said sheepishly, hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. Y/n smiled back at him, “I’d rather you oversleep than not sleep at all.” They said, giving him that same look they always gave him when he didn’t sleep.
Remembering the gift, he held the bag out, “Happy birthday” He said, face turning a light pink when they grinned, “Aww, you didn’t have to get me anything, you know hanging out with you is enough for me.” They said, taking the bag, “I wanted to.” He said, “It’s not much I know, I only just recently started working at that cafe so I didn’t have much saved up but I saw it and thought of you so I-” He was cut off when they rushed towards him, hugging him tightly, “I love it.” They said, pulling away and admiring the small f/c teddy bear.
They went over to their bed, placing the bear by their pillow before grabbing their shoes and putting them on. Turning back to him, they grinned, “You ready?” They asked and he nodded, “After all that running I did, I’m starving.” He replied.
They grabbed his arm and tugged him out of their room, and downstairs, “Bye dad, we’ll be back in an hour or two!” They called before shutting the front door.
“Did you hear about the kid on the news that got attacked by that slime looking monster?” Y/n asked as they sat in the park, eating the food they got, “The blond one?” Shinsou asked and they nodded, “Yeah I heard, can you believe that one kid just went running in like that? Even most of the pros couldn’t handle it and he just jumped right in. He’s insane.” He said and they laughed, “Dad said he didn’t know whether the kid was very brave or very stupid.” They said, “Although I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up being in the hero course at UA. He seemed to have some potential from the looks of it with the way he just dived right in wanting to help the guy.” They added and he nodded.
“Speaking of UA, have you heard anything about which class you’d be in?” They asked and he nodded, “Got put in general studies.” He said bitterly, glaring at the ground, “Oh. Well, maybe they just put you there cause they ran out of room? Your quirk is amazing, there has to be some good reason.” They said, “You mean other than that they probably think it’s too much of a villainous quirk?” He grumbled.
They put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, don’t say that. I’m sure you’ll find a way to be a hero, and a great one at that.” They said, giving him that same cheerful smile that always managed to make him feel better and melt him at the same time.
“What about you?” He asked, ignoring his racing heart, “You know what class you’re in?” Y/n looked hesitant for a moment and he looked at them, raising an eyebrow. They mumbled something he couldn’t quite hear, “What?” He asked and they looked at him, “I got into the hero course. 1-A to be specific.” They said, loud enough for him to hear.
He was silent for a while, “Toshi? I’m sorry.” They said and he looked at them, “Sorry for what? It’s good you got in. At least one of us made it.” He told them, giving them a genuine smile. He couldn’t be mad at you, this had been your dream for years, who was he to get mad at you for following it?
Y/n leaned forward and pulled him into a hug, arms wrapped around his neck as one of his wrapped around their waist, “Hey I’m always gonna support you even if I can’t be right by your side okay?” He said, though it was slightly muffled and they nodded, holding him for a few more seconds before moving back to look at him, “I know you would, I’d do the same for you.” They said.
Shinsou wasn’t really sure what came over him. He wanted his confession to be something memorable. He had a little speech that he practiced and everything, but all the words he had just disappeared in that moment and he couldn’t help himself. With the hand that wasn’t currently on their waist, he cupped their face and leaned in slightly, testing the waters to see how they would react. When they didn’t pull away, he closed the gap. Pressing a light kiss to their lips before pulling away slightly. He felt their hands on his face as they brought him back and kissed him again.
He felt a drop of water hit his face and he pulled away and looked up at the sky. There seemed to be more clouds than before and he felt another drop hit his nose, “We need to go, grab the stuff.” He said, quickly grabbing their things and standing, before helping them up as more rain started pouring.
Grabbing their hand, the two took off back to Y/n’s house which luckily was about five or so minutes away from the park. The rain was pouring and both of them were absolutely soaked by the time they arrived and reached the front door, laughing as they caught their breath, “I promise...I didn’t know it would rain.” He said and they smiled, “Yeah I figured.” They said before cupping his face and pressing a light, quick kiss to his lips before pulling away and taking out their key to unlock the door.
Stepping inside, Y/n’s father was sitting on the couch watching tv. He looked over at them, “You two seem a bit wet.” He joked as they took off their shoes. Y/n rolled their eyes, but smiled, “Can he stay until the rain stops?” They asked and he nodded, “I’ll drive him home later.” He said and the pair went upstairs to change, Shinsou having a set of clothes he left the last time he spent the night. Y/n tossed him a towel as they sat on the bed and picked up the bear, holding it to their chest as he dried his hair, “Let’s watch a movie.” They said, sitting with their back against the wall, and he agreed.
Half an hour into the movie, Y/n fell asleep, leaning against his shoulder. Shinsou didn’t quite get to ask them out how he wanted, but he liked how things turned out nonetheless.
Three months later, Y/n stood with Shinsou at the entrance of UA. They lightly squeezed his hand, nervous but excited, “You ready?” He asked and they hesitated, “I don’t like the fact that you won’t be there. I don’t know anyone in my class.” They said as they began walking to the doors, “You’ll be fine, we’ll see each other in the halls and during lunch, it’s not like we’ll be completely separated.” He said reassuring them.
Eventually, they reached Y/n’s classroom. Shinsou wrapped his arm around their waist and kissed their forehead, “Good luck.” He told them and they smiled, “You too.” They said as he walked away to his own class.
Stepping into the room, there were already a handful of students talking and getting to know each other. A taller guy with dark hair and glasses appeared to be lecturing a blond guy about something, what he was talking about they weren’t sure, but the blond looked smug. Wait! They knew him! He was the guy on the news! And the kid with the green hair behind him is the one that went running in!
Before Y/n could think anymore about it, someone approached them, she had short chin length brown hair, and big brown eyes, “Hey! I’m Uraraka! Are you excited for the first day?” She asked them and they nodded, “Oh absolutely! I’ve always dreamed about being here.” They said and she smiled, “Me too! This is so exciting! I can’t wait to have fun and make new friends!” She cheered. As more people came into the room, Uraraka gestured for Y/n to follow her, “Come sit with me! I feel like we’ll be good friends!” She said, heading back to her desk as they trailed after her. Sitting at the desk next to hers, and setting their bag next to them, they looked up to see a boy walk in. He had red and white hair split perfectly down the middle and different colored eyes with the right eye being grey, and the left one being a bright turquoise. He seemed to have a red scar around his left eye, that was a stark contrast to his fair skin.
“Who is that?” Uraraka whispered while pointing to the boy that just came in, seeing as the class was starting to quiet down and settle in their seats as the teacher arrived. Y/n shrugged, not knowing the answer, “No idea.” They replied.
It had been a month since school started. Y/n was still recovering from the USJ incident. Due to having their own healing quirk, they didn’t need to visit recovery girl, having healed themselves after being carried out due to breaking their right leg in several places after being hit and thrown back by the nomu. Kirishima being the one that carried them with Todoroki applying ice to keep any swelling down, as instructed by All Might.
The downside of Y/n’s healing quirk is that while they can heal any physical injuries, they’re still left extremely sore for a while afterwards, usually about the same period of time it would have taken to heal had they not used their quirk. Unfortunately that meant having to walk around with a crutch until it went away and they could walk without searing pain shooting up their leg with every step.
They were heading back from lunch, having spent it with Shinsou, when they found themselves struggling to get down the stairs without falling, each step down hurting more than the last. One step at a time and everything will be fine, they might be a bit late to class but Aizawa said he’d understand.
“Do you need some help?” A voice said causing them to jump slightly. They looked up to see Todoroki, “Oh it’s you.” They said, shooting him a quick smile, “No thanks, I’ll be fine.” They said, cursing internally about the amount of stairs there were, “Are you sure?” He asked again and they nodded.
“Why didn’t you take the elevator?” He asked them, and they sighed, “It’s locked and Principle Nezu wouldn’t give me a key. Said that since my leg isn’t actually broken anymore, I can get down the stairs just fine.” They told him and he frowned, watching them carefully take another step, “You’ll be late to class this way.” He said and they shrugged, “Aizawa said he would understand. You should get to class though, he may be understanding of my situation but he won’t be as forgiving for you, I don’t want you getting in trouble.” They said, but he didn’t leave.
“Let me help you.” He said, they paused and looked at him, “You don’t have to do that, I’ll be fine.” They said, not wanting him to be late to class cause of them, “No, but I want to. I don’t want you being late either.” He said, coming up the steps to where they were, “Okay.” They said, giving in. Aizawa may have been understanding, but they hated being late and having the feeling of everyone staring as they walked in.
Wrapping one arm around their waist and the other behind their knees, he scooped them up and carried them down the rest of the stairs as they held their crutch in one hand while the other arm wrapped around his shoulders. He didn’t put them down once they reached the bottom, however, and instead just continued on to class, only setting them down once they were outside the classroom.
“Thank you Todoroki, but you didn’t have to carry me all the way to class.” They said as they felt their face heat up slightly, “I didn’t want you struggling if I could do something about it.” He replied before opening the door and letting them walk in first. Thanking him again, they made their way to their seat where Uraraka watched them with a grin.
“Soo what were you and Todoroki doing together?” She asked as they sat down, “He was just helping me cause I was having trouble getting down the stairs.” They said and she hummed, “He’s helping you down the stairs now, but who knows what could happen in the future.” She said, a mischievous look in her eye. She’s been spending too much time with Mina.
The bell rang before they could respond and Aizawa came in with Midnight as Y/n started drawing in their notebook. After a few minutes, chatter filled the room, “Y/n did you hear?! There’s gonna be a sports festival!” Uraraka said, excited, as Mina sat down in the empty seat in front of them, Y/n hadn’t noticed people had gotten up to work together on assignments.
“Yeah! Isn’t this amazing? This is a great chance to show off our skills!” Mina cheered as Jirou joined the conversation, “Heard from Kaminari there’s gonna be pros watching, and if we do well they might let us intern at their agencies.” She said as they all got started on their assignment, “Are you serious?” Y/n asked and she nodded, “Definitely. Can you imagine? Interning at a pro hero’s agency? Pros like Fatgum, Best Jeanist, Endeavor..” She said, and Y/n frowned upon hearing the name Endeavor.
“You don’t like Endeavor Y/n?” Mina asked, they felt eyes burning into the side of their head as they shook their head, “How come? He seems kinda cool. I mean, he is number two hero for a reason.” Uraraka said and Y/n shrugged, “I just don’t like him. He seems like he’s only a hero for the fame and power aspect of it rather than genuinely wanting to help people. I mean, have you seen the man’s eyes? He looks like he’s judging everyone he comes into contact with, not friendly at all.” They said, and the others nodded, “That’s true, he does seem pretty cold a lot of the time.” Jirou stated. The intense feeling of being watched hadn’t wavered once and Y/n looked around to try and see where it was coming from and for a brief second they made eye contact with Todoroki before he looked away.
“Come on! You got this!” Y/n cheered with the crowd as they watched the sports festival from the stands. Unfortunately, their leg still wasn’t better by the time the festival came and they couldn’t participate, but they were having a blast watching. It was Shinsou and Midoriya’s time to fight, and Y/n was rooting for Shinsou, but they couldn’t deny Midoriya was doing really well.
The crowd was silent as they watched Midoriya simply turn around and start walking towards the white line. Shinsou was gonna make him walk out of bounds. They were sitting on the edge of their seat as it happened, Y/n sitting next to Todoroki as they watched in anticipation.
“Who are you rooting for in this one?” He asked them, “Shinsou, but Midoriya is doing better than I expected.” They replied as Midoriya seemed to be pausing.
Somehow, Midoriya managed to break free of Shinsou’s brainwashing, and covered his mouth to keep from speaking. He'd figured out how Shinsou’s quirk works.
Y/n watched as they started fighting before eventually Midoriya flipped him and threw him onto his back. They jumped and gasped as their hands covered their mouth as Shinsou laid there on the ground, out of bounds. The crowd cheered as he got up and Midoriya was announced the winner, “I gotta go, I’ll be back.” They told Todoroki before quickly grabbing their crutch and getting up, moving up the stairs as fast as possible.
Eventually, they managed to find Shinsou walking down the hall with his head down, “Toshi!” They called and he stopped and turned to face them. They stopped in front of him and cupped his face with their left hand, “Are you okay?” They asked while inspecting him, worried, “Hey hey, I’m alright, just a bit bruised up. You should go sit back down, I don’t want you walking around when you don’t need to be.” He said, grabbing their hand and holding it, “I’m gonna go see recovery girl, I’ll see you later alright?” He said, kissing the back of their hand, and they nodded, “Okay.” They said, and he walked away. They watched him leave, disappearing around the corner and they made their way back to their seat.
Todoroki wasn’t there when they came back and for a moment they wondered where he had gone, until Present Mic announced his name and they saw him up against Sero, “Poor Sero.” They said. He was a pretty good fighter, but he was no match against Todoroki considering how powerful he was. The match was over about as quick as it started, with Todoroki unleashing a blast of ice so powerful it overtook half the arena. The crowd was dead silent. Even midnight was half frozen which would have made Y/n laugh if they weren’t stunned.
Once most of the ice was melted, the festival continued on and eventually it was time for Todoroki and Midoriya’s fight. Y/n hoped that he didn’t freeze half the arena again, even if it was really cool.
Midoriya kept dodging his attacks as Todoroki shot blast after blast of ice. They seemed to be arguing about something, but Y/n wasn’t sure about what exactly. Finally, Midoriya managed to land a hit that left Todoroki doubled over, and they heard him shout “It’s yours! Your quirk not his!”
That seemed to have struck a chord with Todoroki as he paused, staring at Midoriya but seeming to be lost in thought. Next thing they knew, his left side erupted into flames, the fire reaching out several feet around him. The look on his face made him look insane, but there also seemed to be a hint of gratitude from what Y/n could tell.
They heard Endeavor call his name, yelling some nonsense Y/n couldn’t care enough about to pay attention to, more focused on the flames surrounding Todoroki as pillars of ice formed on his right side. Before they knew it, there was a bright flash as debris flew through the air, a large gust of wind blowing through as dust filled the arena, preventing anyone in the stands from seeing what’s happening. Y/n gripped the arm of their seat as they shielded their face from the dust and debris, before getting hit by a piece roughly the size of their hand, and after that. Nothing.
Todoroki sat in Recovery girl’s office, next to where Y/n was laying in the bed. He felt responsible for what happened to them and wanted to apologize. The sports festival had ended an hour ago, with him coming in second place. His dad had tried to approach him after, but the moment Momo had said Y/n was in the infirmary after getting hit by a piece of debris, he ignored his dad and rushed to where they were.
He felt so guilty, knowing that the debris was technically caused by him. He heard movement coming from the bed and looked up to see Y/n looking around, squinting and blinking a few times before focusing on him.
“I’m sorry." He blurted before they could say anything, “I should have been careful and paid attention. I guess I forgot about my surroundings for a moment.” He said and they gave him a small smile, “It’s okay, I know you didn’t do it intentionally.” They reassured, “You still got hurt.” He said, but they waved it off, “I’ll be fine. Might miss a few days of class, but lucky for me, any head injuries tend to heal faster.” They said.
“Is the festival over?” They asked and he nodded, “Did you win?” They asked again, “No, I came in second. Bakugou won. You should have seen him though. They had to chain him up and everything because he was angry about how he won. They even had to put a metal mask thing over his mouth because he kept screaming and cursing.” He told them, and they laughed before flinching.
“Here.” He said, standing quickly, forming a small piece of ice in his hand and wrapping it in a washcloth placed on the table next to the bed before gently holding it against the area they got hit, “Thanks.” They said, smiling at him, and he couldn’t help but give the smallest smile back.
A few weeks had passed since the sports festival. Todoroki was still rather reserved, but he seemed more open with talking to Midoriya and Y/n, and along with them came talking to Iida and Uraraka.
They were all gathered at lunch, Y/n had wanted to be with Shinsou but he was out sick so they decided to spend it with Uraraka who happened to be sitting with the others. They were talking about the internships and who they might apply for when Y/n heard Endeavor being mentioned and frowned again.
“Y/n you don’t seem to like Endeavor much do you?” Midoriya asked and they shook their head, “Not really.” They said, continuing to eat their soba, “How come?” Momo asked, “He just seems...cocky? Really mean as well. Like that robbery that took place last week that he helped stop? He acted like he did all the work and the others were just there for aesthetics. I don’t know, I just really hate Endeavor and everything he has ever done.” They said, shrugging as they kept eating and Iida gasped, “How rude! You can’t speak of Todoroki’s father like that when he’s right there!” He said, gesturing to Todoroki who was sitting right across the table from them.
They choked a bit before looking at Todoroki, “He’s your dad?” They asked and he nodded, “Yeah.” He replied, and they nodded for a second, “Okay Endeavor has done one good thing.” They said and Todoroki’s face flushed a light pink, “I have two siblings.” He added, “Are they nice?” They asked and he shrugged, “Yeah I guess.” He replied, “Three good things then.” They said and Uraraka giggled as Todoroki’s face flushed a darker red.
Eventually the bell rang and they all headed back to class. For the rest of the day, Todoroki couldn’t stop thinking about what they said. They thought of him as something good? Him? He couldn’t help but feel warm and happy when they said that. Granted he’s felt like that around them for a while, but it increased tenfold when they said that.
“It’s pretty obvious Todoroki.” Midoriya said one night a month later while they were doing dishes after dinner in the new dorms. He looked at him for a second, “What’s obvious?” He asked as he dried the dish that was handed to him, “That you like Y/n. I mean, the way you look at them when they walk into the room? You look and act like they invented the stars.” Midoriya replied.
“And why are you saying this exactly?” Todoroki asked, ”You should tell them. From the looks of it, they like you too.” He replied, as he scrubbed one of the plates, “And how would I do that?” he asked again and Midoriya shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe just tell them you like them? They don’t seem like the type to like grand gestures or anything so maybe just tell them in person before or after class?” He suggested and Todoroki nodded, “Tell them after class.” He said out loud to himself. Didn’t sound too hard, so why did he feel so nervous?
Todoroki was making his way to class. He had slept in a bit later than he intended and now he’s only got a few minutes or so before class starts.
Rushing down the hall, he slowed down before he reached the corner so he didn’t potentially run into anyone, but as he got closer he heard talking. Was that Y/n? His heart raced just at the thought of potentially being able to tell them before class or at least just see them.
But he heard another voice as well, it sounded much deeper. Stopping at the corner and peeking around it, he felt his heart drop into his stomach.
There was Y/n, standing there and talking to a guy with wild purple hair, what was his name again? Shinsou? Yeah that was it.
Maybe they were friends? No, not with how close they were standing, and... and it looks like they’re holding hands. Maybe they were just really close friends? His mind was racing up until he witnessed a scene that left him feeling numb and his mind blank.
Shinsou leaned down and kissed them for a few seconds before pulling away and saying he had to go or he’d be late for class. Y/n went into the classroom as Shinsou walked away in the other direction. Todoroki turned and leaned against the wall.
Even though he felt numb, he could feel his heart shattering into millions of pieces as tears welled up in his eyes. Of course they were taken. How could they not be? Someone as brilliant, breathtaking, and kind as they were of course someone would snatch them up once given the chance.
Realizing class started in about a minute, Todoroki collected himself. Putting on a neutral face, he walked into class. He didn’t spare a glance at Y/n, not wanting to break down, and instead kept his head down slightly as he made his way to his desk.
‘From the looks of it, they like you too.’ Perhaps not.
Once classes ended, Todoroki packed his belongings and left the room immediately, not wanting to risk Y/n coming over to talk to him like they usually did. He practically ran back to the dorms in order to avoid anyone who might ask why he was acting strange.
Rushing into his room, he slammed the door shut and locked it. Dropping his bag onto the floor next to him, he leaned back against the door and slid down until he was sitting on the floor as tears streamed down his face. Choking back a sob, not wanting anyone to hear him, he buried his face in his hands. Stupid, stupid. How stupid he was to think he had a chance. He sat there for what felt like hours, but was actually about ten minutes, crying before forcing himself up off the floor and over to his bed where he sat and grabbed a pillow, burying his face in it to muffle his sobbing. How pathetic was he to be crying over someone who probably didn’t even think about him nearly as often as he thought about them?
It made sense to him now, thinking back on it. All the times they weren’t in the lunchroom, those days they couldn’t hang out with him after school because they already had plans, the way they rushed off after the fight during the sports festival. How could he not have seen it? Was he too distracted by the feeling of butterflies he got around them? That slightly dazed feeling he got whenever they smiled at him? The tingling he felt whenever they touched him? How naive he was to think they could love him when they already loved someone else, to think they could love him at all.
He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, but he found himself waking up to someone knocking on his door. His eyes felt puffy and his face felt dry as he rubbed his eyes and sat up. Not once had he forgotten what happened. Part of him didn’t want to open the door because what if it was Y/n? At the same time, however, it could have been someone else. Looking at the time it was currently 6pm, around dinner, had he really slept for three hours?
Another knock sounded at the door, and he got out of bed. Dragging himself over to the door, he unlocked it and opened it abruptly, wanting to just figure out what the person wanted so he could go back to sleep.
Of course, of all the people it could have been, it was Y/n at his door.
“Hey dinner’s done are you- hey what’s wrong?” They asked, worried. He didn’t say anything and just stared at them blankly, “Shouto?” They questioned when he didn’t respond, but so many feelings were swirling around in him. His mind racing as he stared into those eyes he loved so much.
“Shouto-” “I love you.” He blurted and both of them froze. He slapped his hand over his mouth as he realized what he said. They stared at him with wide eyes, not saying a word.
He went to shut his door again, but they stopped him, “Wait.” They said, not letting him shut the door. He stopped, but didn’t look at them.
“Shouto please look at me.” They pleaded, and he did after a few seconds, “I love you too.” They said and he froze again, “You’re dating Shinsou.” He stated bluntly, removing his hand from his mouth, and they nodded, “Yeah, I know, and I talked to him about it this morning. I love both of you. Very much, and I can’t bear losing either of you. So I talked to him, and he said as long as you’re okay with it then I could be with you too. He said if I were to be with anyone else, he’d rather it be you anyway, he trusts you as much as I do.” They explained gently, stepping into his room cautiously before shutting the door.
He took a minute to process what they said. They love him? And want to be with him? He felt those butterflies again just thinking about it.
“Well? Would you be willing?” They asked, nervous. He looked at them for a brief second before nodding causing them to grin, “Come here.” They said, holding their arms out for a hug which he gladly fell into, pulling them as close to him as possible and hugging them tightly causing them to laugh as they peppered the side of his face with kisses.
“Can I kiss you?” He mumbled, his face buried in their shoulder, “Of course you can.” They said, and he pulled back slightly, cupping their face gently before pressing his lips to theirs. He felt his left side start to heat up and had to pull away much sooner than he would have liked to so he didn’t burn them which only made them laugh a bit before kissing his cheek.
“Come on, dinner’s been done for a while and Hitoshi always refuses to eat without me, we don’t want him getting too hungry or he gets rather dramatic.” They said and he smiled as they grabbed his hand and tugged him along out of the room.
Arriving downstairs, they both grab their food from the kitchen before joining the others. Shinsou looked over at them, “It’s about time, I thought I was gonna have to go up there and drag both of you down here.” He said with a lazy smirk, “Hush.” Y/n said, grabbing a pillow and smacking him with it before sitting down next to him, Todoroki sitting on their right. Shinsou eyed him for a second, “Did you tell him?” He asked and they smiled, “Perhaps.” They said, leaning into Todoroki’s side, “Finally.” Shinsou said, jokingly rolling his eyes causing Y/n to smack him with the pillow again.
“They’re so cute.” Mina said, watching the three of them, “Yeah...you owe me twenty bucks.” Jirou said, causing Mina to groan as Momo and Uraraka giggled.
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
but beautiful
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But Beautiful
cedric diggory x malfoy!reader
summary: life wasn’t particularly easy being the older sister of draco malfoy, but a certain boy from hufflepuff had the power to make all her troubles melt away.
warnings: slight house shaming, brief mention of disappointed parents & i think that's it! non-voldy au! (gif is not mine, credit to owner)
words: 1.6k
part i, part ii, part iii
‘And you have to believe me when I tell you that no one could ever be as beautiful as you are at this very moment, because I could never want anyone more than I want you right now.’ -Mariella Muffarotto
There was something to be said about being a Malfoy, something y/n could not understand. With an uncommonly kind heart and an unprejudiced view on life, she saw the wizarding world as nothing but beautiful.
September 1st, 1989
Y/n walked nervously onto platform nine and three quarters with her mother, Narcissa, on one side and her father, Lucius, on the other. She looked up with pleading eyes at her parents, almost as if asking if she had to go. Her mother put her hand on her shoulder, ‘My dear, not to worry. You’ll make so many friends before you know it.’
‘Yes, y/n, your mother is right. But, don't go making friends with the wrong sort.’ Her father said with half a grin and half disgust. She shook her head, acknowledging his words. Y/n hugged her parents goodbye and headed up to the train, walking through to see most of the compartments as full. Almost at the end of the train she spotted a compartment that had two very similar looking boys who seemed nice enough. But what she didn't know is that once she opened that door, she would become best friends with two future trouble makers at Hogwarts. So, opening the door hesitantly she peeked inside
‘Hi, um, is this one full?’ Y/n stared at the two tall identical, redhead boys looking up at her.
‘Not at all.’ Said the one closest to the compartment door. ‘I’m Fred, by the way. Fred Weasley! And this is my brother George.’ He pointed to the by next to him, who smiled and sent her a wave.
‘Thanks.’ She sat down across the two. They gave her a quizzical look as she stared down at her hands, twiddling with her thumbs. The nervous energy was definitely kicking in and her mind fumbled into a much of anxiety. Her thoughts, though, were interrupted who she assumed to be Fred.
‘And you are?’
‘Oh! I’m y/n, y/n Malfoy.’ said the girl, smiling awkwardly at the two of them. ‘Sorry, guess I’m a bit nervous.’
Fred chuckled, ‘Well, not to worry y/n. This is our first year too, and with any luck will be sorted into Gryffindor.’ He smiled proudly, elbowing George.
‘Yeah, the whole lot of our family is Gryffindor. Sure, it will be the same for us.’ George pipped up. ‘What house are you hoping for?’
Y/n thought timidly to herself before answering the simple, yet complicated question. ‘Well, if I hope to live another day, then Slytherin. But I’d be happy in any house. Whatever the hat thinks is right for me.’
‘And why’s that, y/n?’ Fred asked.
‘My whole family is Slytherin. You know the type of purebloods who believe in all of the superiority nonsense. The Malfoys have been part of Slytherin house for centuries, so I guess I wouldn’t want to be a disappointment.’ She shrugged.
‘Oh.’ Whispered George knowingly, sending his brother a look. ‘Don’t get too caught up in it, y/n. We know tons of witches and wizards who were in your shoes and they all are just fine. Regardless of what house they got sorted into!’ He cooed reassuringly.
‘Anyways, Hogwarts isn’t about houses and schoolwork and nonsense like that. It’s about having fun.’ Fred said with a smirk, giving y/n a wink.
‘Good thing for both of you, I love nothing more than a bit of fun.’
The train arrived to the Hogsmeade station even more quickly than expected, or perhaps it was because Fred, George and y/n were having too much fun to realize the time passing by. The entered the Great Hall in awe because y/n’s mother and father had never told her how magnificent it really was. Her, the twins and the rest of the first-year students anxiously made their way up to the front of the room, passing older students as they went along. There stood Professor McGonagall, with a list of names and a big, old hat. She began reading off names:
‘Diggory, Cedric!’
‘Jordan, Lee!’
‘Johnson, Angelina!’
Then what seemed like a hundred names Professor McGonagall bellowed out, ‘Malfoy, Y/n!’
Y/n walked up to the wooden stool with shaky hands. Of course, she had wanted to be put in Slytherin to make her family proud, but a part of her felt like she just didn’t belong. Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head gently and took a step back.
‘Hm, another Malfoy,’ the sorting hat started. ‘Much potential. Talented, no doubt. A want to please and make others happy. Courage and loyalty, but where to put you?’ Better be, Hufflepuff.’
Y/n heart dropped to the floor, yet soared at the same time. She could not comprehend the emotion she was feelings, lying somewhere between overjoyed and worried. However, a smile was plastered onto her face as she made her way to sit down at the table adorned in yellow and black.
Y/n took a set across a boy with light brown hair who had been sorted into Hufflepuff not five minutes before she did. He grinned at her. Y/n looked into gray eyes, holding warmth and promise. He extended his hand to meet hers, ‘Hi! I’m Cedric Diggory!’
Y/n took his hand and shook it, ‘I’m y/n Malfoy!’
The boy who she now knew as Cedric smiled at her, with rosy cheeks. ‘I can tell were going to be great friends!’
And great friends they did become.
The days turned to weeks, the weeks turned to months. Months became seasons and seasons blossomed to years. Y/n’s friendship with both the Weasley twins and Cedric Diggory were planted into little trees in which her love for Hogwarts sprouted. Two years had passed since y/n Malfoy was sorted into Hufflepuff, though it would be lying to say she didn’t get quite the earful from her parents about it.
(‘Hufflepuff!’ Lucius spat. ‘A Malfoy, in Hufflepuff. You’re an embarrassment, a disgrace!’
Her little brother giggled in the background at her great misfortune, but y/n could only be mad at one person at a time. ‘It’s not like it’s my fault!’ she hissed back, ‘It’s the bloody hat. If it’s that much of problem why don’t you take it up with the inanimate object!’)
But still, she lived. And most importantly she was happy. Y/n not only had the two most fun-loving pranksters glued to one side of her hip, but she had a kind, sweet, adorable Hufflepuff boy glued to the other. Two years had flown by and y/n’s brother, Draco, finally joined her at school. She wasn’t excited per say, they had hardly enjoyed each other’s company. Draco was his sister’s polar opposite, not to mention the constant teasing she endured from him.
Yet still, y/n accepted fate as a bull was sent into a china cabinet, simply waiting for hell to break loose. She sat at the Hufflepuff table next to Cedric as the group of first years gathered into the Great Hall. One by one, each of the new students walked up to the hat, awaiting to be sorted.
‘Malfoy, Draco!’ Professor McGonagall’s voice roared.
Cedric nudged y/n, ‘Gather that’s your brother.’
‘Yep.’ She answered simply popping the p. ‘What gave it away? The blonde hair or the last name?’ She said with a smirk.
Draco approached the sorting hat with a smug grin smeared on his face. The hat hadn’t been on his head a second before it bellowed out Slytherin.
‘Are you joking? The bloody hat barely touched him!’ y/n nearly shouted. Cedric stifled a laugh, earning him an elbow from y/n. ‘Yeah, Ced. Hysterical that my dumb brother got into my family’s dumb house while I’m sat here looking like a bloody bumblebee.’
This only sent Cedric’s head back, laughing at her. (‘You really think we look like bumblebees, y/n?’) He watched as Draco stuck his tongue out at his older sister, who in return rolled her eyes at him.
After the feast, y/n was approached by Fred and George who practically ran to meet her.
‘So now what?’ Fred said quickly.
Y/n stopped and shrugged her shoulders, ‘Now, Draco become the favorite child.’
‘The favorite child, yeah? Better him than you, I’ll say.’ George said with a hint of sarcasm, making her smile.
‘Reckon you’re right, Georgie. Besides who needs a dumb brother, when I already got the two of you already driving me crazy.’ She said ruffling both of the twin’s hair. ‘Meet you guys in the morning!’ Y/n shouted as she ran back to meet the rest of her house, joining them in the common room.
Y/n walked into a busy common room, all the students catching up with one another after summer holiday. She then spotted Cedric by the velvet sofas, as if he was waiting for her. She couldn’t remember in this moment if his eyes had always been that beautiful or if his cheeks were ever that soft. Perhaps it was the extra inches he grew over the summer or perhaps the way he finally learned how to style his hair. But whatever it was, it did not last long because y/n quickly chased away those thoughts and sat next to her friend.
‘Whatcha up to, Ced?’ y/n questioned taking a seat next him.
‘Can I ask you something, y/n?’ Cedric said suddenly, y/n nodded allowing permission for him to carry on. ‘Why do you and Draco not get along?’
She drew back slightly, Cedric was not one to ask very personal questions. He had a flare for boundaries and always knew exactly where to draw the line, especially when it came to family. She couldn’t help but to feel that he deserved an answer after being such a fierce friend over the past few years.
Y/n swallowed hard, truly thinking about how to answer him. There had been no true animosity towards the siblings, no hate or anything of the sort. They just simply didn’t get along. She sighed, ‘Not sure, guess we’re just oil and water. We’ve never been particularly fond of each other, but I think that’s because we’re both so different. Of course, I love him. But he’s also a bit of a prick, like, all the time.’
Cedric laughed softly at her words, ‘That’s a pretty good reason not to get along with someone.’
He smiled at her. Butterflies erupted from y/n’s tummy, making their way up to her throat. Surely his smile had never been that inviting or warm or beautiful. And before she could stop herself words flowed from her tongue like a waterfall, ‘We’ll always get along, right Ced?’ she said softly.
‘Of course, y/n. You know, as long as I’m not being a prick.’ He smiled and winked at her, leaving her heart more flustered than ever.
(a/n: thank you for reading!, this is part one of three, so let me know if you would like to be added to this taglist! i hope u enjoyed! sending love and positive vibes! xo-mari)
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novelconcepts · 4 years
fic: the shape of it
for a prompt from @karatam
They expect the Lady to come, one day. They expect the Lady to take Dani, in the end. 
They did not expect it to go like this.
“She’s going to take me,” Dani says in a voice so thick with resignation, it nearly kills Jamie outright. Says it like a foregone conclusion, like something biblical ingrained in her from childhood. Jamie looks at her, and thinks, She believes it. Nothing else matters. She believes this with her whole heart.
Jamie takes her hand anyway. Offers her company anyway. Loads up the car with bags and dreams of outrunning all of it anyway. The way she sees it, it’s the only path forward. Anything less would leave bits of Dani--bits of Jamie, too--behind in this house forever. 
They are not running away together, exactly. They are moving slowly, carefully, checking the road ahead for obstacles and cracks in the pavement as they go. Slowly, the distance between the pair of them and Bly Manor expands. Slowly, the world stops looking so much like a ghost story. Jamie, more and more every day, thinks, She believed it with her whole heart, but maybe not so much anymore. Maybe not so much. 
Even so, even as the months turn to years, Jamie can’t forget the certainty in Dani’s face that day as she said it. She’s going to take me. The most certain Dani has been about anything except Jamie herself. Though the days are gorgeous, long and lazy, stretching on like there will be millions more ahead, Jamie can’t forget. She’s going to take me. 
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” she murmurs, brushing Dani’s hair back. She’s fallen asleep on the couch again, her head in Jamie’s lap, and though it’s well past midnight, Jamie can’t bring herself to wake her. Moments like this. Moments like this are so many, and so precious, and so much more than how very small they seem. 
Dani thinks the Lady will take her, someday. Jamie thinks Dani knows her own mind better than anyone. In two very different ways, they’re both primed to fight. 
And even still, when it begins, it’s a blind strike to the side of the head. 
Dani has lost her key. 
It sounds so small, so nothing. She turns up at the shop an hour after she’s gone home to get dinner started, looking more than a little sheepish. Jamie, wrist-deep in repotting some of the hardier flowers, cocks her head. 
“What’re you doing back? Don’t tell me the apartment caught fire.”
Dani, head bowed, sits behind the counter. “Can’t get in,” she says miserably. “Left the key somewhere.”
Jamie smiles. Dani hates making silly mistakes--she sometimes thinks it’s this vaguely type-A attitude that drew her toward teaching in the first place, toward helping kids not screw up the little things in life. It’s endearing, the rare occasion Dani lets her see a side of error not confined to her tragic inability to make a hot beverage. 
“I’m sure it’s in with the laundry or something,” she says, brushing off her hands and setting aside her trowel. “No worries, I’m just about finished here anyway. You want to pick up tacos on the way?”
No worries. That’s how it feels, as a pouting Dani tucks her arm through Jamie’s bent elbow and follows her out of the shop. People misplace things every day--it’s not like Dani pitched her key down a gutter or something. It’ll turn up.
And, within an hour of arriving home with the best Mexican food suburban Vermont has to offer, it does: under Dani’s purse, dead center of a couch cushion. Jamie produces it with a flourish, dropping to one knee like a knight of old and raising it upon her palms like a magic sword. 
“M’lady,” she drawls. “Your treasure.”
Dani laughs. She plucks the key from Jamie’s hand, tucks it into her hip pocket, pulls Jamie into a giggly kiss--and just like that, the matter is forgotten. A nothing. A moment. 
If she looks a little puzzled, a little irritated with herself, it passes before Jamie can even comment. 
The plants in the back are wilting. 
Jamie stands, hands in her pockets, regarding them with some alarm. Shouldn’t be a problem, she thinks, running through the possibilities. Roots should have plenty of space. Lights are working fine. No sign of rot anywhere to be found. They just look a little...
“Dani,” she calls, eyes still on the yellowing leaves. Dani pokes her head through the door, a bundle of roses in her hands.
“Have you, uh. Watered these recently?”
She waits for the obvious answer. Dani always waters this side of the room. She takes the left, Jamie takes the right, and everybody gets the nourishment they need. 
When Dani doesn’t answer for a full ten seconds, Jamie turns to her with a frown, surprised to find Dani’s brow furrowed like she’s thinking hard. 
“I...thought I did,” she says slowly. “Yeah. Yeah, I must have.”
“How many times this week?” Jamie asks. Dani closes her eyes as if counting. 
“I...” She steps into the room like she’s half-asleep, staring at the plants so hard, it’s a wonder the flowers don’t burst into flame. “Twice? Three times, maybe. Or...”
More than that, Jamie thinks, gently lifting a drooping leaf and inspecting its unhealthy pallor. If she didn't know better, she’d say Dani had watered this poor thing twice a day for the last week. 
“S’okay,” she says, though a faint bloom of annoyance is opening in her chest. “It’s salvageable, I think. Just so long as we let ‘em dry out some. Leave this side to me, okay?”
Dani is staring at the plant nearest to her like she’s never seen one before. Whatever annoyance Jamie feels at having to quite possibly start over with previously-perfect plants vanishes at the sight of her expression. 
“Hey,” she says, taking Dani’s hands and squeezing. “Honestly, Dani, don’t worry about it. These things happen.”
Dani’s frown deepens as if to say not to me, they don’t. Jamie gives her hands a gentle swing from side to side until that frown lightens. 
“Maybe I take care of the watering for a bit, yeah? You can supervise.”
She doesn’t look too closely at any of it, at the way Dani’s brow creases like she’s still trying to keep track of how many days are in the week. She doesn’t look too closely at why she’s just heard herself say “supervise” instead of “keep the books”, as she normally would. Don’t look at it. Dani’s fine. 
Just a little scattered today, is all.
“It’s, uh...hang on...”
Dani is scowling at the ceiling, racking her brain for something Jamie can’t help with. There was a woman, a woman in the grocery store, who spoke to Dani as though she’d done it a hundred times. 
“Barb?” Jamie suggests, plucking a name out of thin air. “Carol. Monica.”
Dani shushes her, flapping a hand for silence. Jamie shuts up, her mouth pulling into a relaxed grin she doesn’t quite feel. 
Dani’s been doing this more and more lately--stopping mid-sentence to grope for some detail Jamie can’t see behind her eyes. It shouldn’t worry her. She doesn’t want it to worry her. 
These things just happen, she tells herself, watching Dani bend forward to press her face with frustration against her knees. They’re getting older--have been together almost ten years now--and their lives are busy. Busy brains are easily worn out by an abundance of minor details, and sometimes, the less important stuff slips. It’s okay. It’s nothing to be concerned about.
Except Dani looks like she’s on the verge of tears, scraping around in her head for the name of some woman they ran into in the bread aisle. Dani is dragging deep breaths in that old familiar way that says the trigger is small, but the imminent explosion could take out the whole night.
“Poppins,” Jamie says, prodding at her ribs until she sits up and stares with wet eyes into Jamie’s face. “Is this a woman I’m meant to invite to dinner?”
Dani shakes her head. Jamie shrugs. 
“Then I’m going to go right ahead and call her Honeywheat, and we can just be done with it.”
Dani laughs--not a real laugh, but a huff through her nose to tell Jamie she’s trying. Jamie smooths a thumb across her cheekbone, pretending this hasn’t been happening more and more frequently. Pretending she hasn’t noticed just how badly it pulls at Dani’s threads, each time she loses track of something small. 
“Charlene!” Dani says, half an hour later, practically shouting the word into the silence of the living room. Jamie jumps, losing her place in her book, looks up to find Dani staring at her with a fierce sort of pride that scares her. It’s a look that says I did it, and I’m okay, goddammit, and this is not happening. 
“Charlene, hm?” Jamie repeats. “I think I prefer Honeywheat.”
The day of the fire, she has to admit there’s cause for concern. 
She thinks, at first, it’s just her. That she’s had such a long day at the shop, been yelled at by far too many young men who didn’t understand why it’s less than appropriate to give your spouse flowers by way of asking for a divorce, and her brain has been scrambled. It’s the only explanation, she thinks, for smelling smoke the minute she walks into the apartment building. 
Except it gets worse as she heads up the stairs. Worse still, until she’s fitting the key into the lock, opening the door, realizing with a jolt of horror that the smell is both very real and very much coming from the kitchen. 
“Dani?” she calls, and her voice sounds to her own ears like a scream echoing over a moonlit lake. She forces the panic down, forces herself to walk--not run--to the kitchen and survey the damage. 
A plate of something undefinable is sitting in the microwave. It is no longer on fire, she notes, but the microwave is still, as she wrenches it open, counting down. The little green numbers flash 40:03, blinking at her, waiting to resume their cook time. 
“Dani!” she calls again, jamming her thumb into the Clear button and slamming the microwave shut on a wall of acrid smoke. 
“Yeah?” Thank Christ. Dani, poking her head out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body. “You’re home! ...what’s that smell?”
“You tell me,” Jamie says, more sharply than she intends; her heart is in her throat, blocking off anything resembling restraint. She staggers toward Dani, whose face is the picture of bemusement. 
“It’s not...coming from our kitchen?”
“Dani.” Jamie takes her by the shoulders, reassured by the soft slide of Dani’s skin against her palms. Real. Here. Okay. “You had something cooking. Did you...”
Forget, she doesn’t say. The color pours out of Dani’s face, answering the question so completely, Jamie sags against her. 
“Threw it in,” Dani says slowly. “Leftovers. Just...”
Jamie thinks she can guess. Threw it in, walked away, forgot it completely. Would have been fine, if that had been all. If Dani had simply spaced on the idea of retrieving the dish before it grew cold, if she’d opted for a shower instead, there would have been no harm done. 
Except that counter was so high. Except Dani had, plainly, set the timer for nearly an hour. 
Dani is looking at the smoke hazing the air, polluting the hall, with an expression of such grim anxiety, Jamie nearly forgets to breathe. Pull it together. She needs you to keep focus. 
“I’m sorry,” Dani says, so softly, Jamie would have missed it if not for staring at Dani’s face like it might slip away at any second. “I don’t know how...”
“It’s okay.” Jamie pulls her close, struggling to keep her heart from pounding out of her chest. So much could have gone wrong. If they hadn’t gotten lucky. If she hadn’t gotten home in time. So much could have-- “It’s okay.”
“Jamie?” Dani’s voice is tiny, her face turned against Jamie’s neck. “I think there’s something wrong with me.”
She calls Owen after Dani falls asleep, careful to keep her voice down. France is six hours ahead, and it’s clear her call catches him still in bed, but his voice is cheerful all the same.
“Jamie! Big surprise. How’s everything--”
“How did it start?” Jamie keeps her voice low, her eyes on the hall. She doesn’t like leaving Dani alone in the bedroom, doesn’t like the idea of Dani waking and not knowing where she is. Make it quick, then.
“Sorry?” Owen sounds confused, and rightly so. “How did what start?”
“Your mum.” She can’t think of a cleaner way to approach it, a nice, easy route to opening Owen’s old scars. “How did it start, with her?”
He’s silent for so long, she wonders if the connection has severed. Finally: “Jamie, what’s going on?”
She can’t. She can’t get into it. If she says too much, if she explains what she’s been seeing in drips and drops over the past few years, it might cement the whole thing into reality. She can’t. 
“Please,” she says, hearing her own voice break with exhaustion. “Just tell me.”
There are tests. Dani doesn’t want to take them, and Jamie quite frankly doesn’t want to force it, but there are tests all the same. CT scans, and doctors who ask probing questions that grit Dani’s teeth and put fire into her eyes, and Jamie thinks for a hopeful few minutes that this is stupid. That they don’t need to be here. That Dani is okay, and fierce, and strong, and here. 
“I’m not going to say there’s no cause for concern,” the doctor says, when Dani has jumped through all his hoops. “But your scans don’t show much yet, and your grasp on those questions seems strong. Keep an eye on it, all right? Call me if there’s any change.”
He’s looking at Jamie like he knows why she’s here, why she’s standing just a few inches from Dani’s side. She nods once, sharp, and he pats Dani lightly on the shoulder. 
“You’re young,” he says, like youth means anything at all where tragedy is concerned. “I have a good feeling about this.”
Jamie starts coming home when Dani does, starts waiting for her to get ready before going into the shop. She can’t help when Dani loses track of details inside her head--the date, their plans for the weekend, a longtime customer’s name--but she can help with other things. With knowing exactly where Dani’s purse is at all times. With knowing exactly where Dani’s favorite earrings are. With knowing exactly when Dani last ate.
“You don’t have to do that,” Dani says in a voice like iron. Jamie raises her head from the salad she’s preparing for lunch. 
“Don’t have to...?”
“Fuss,” Dani says, almost coldly. “I’m fine, Jamie.”
It hits her like a punch, almost doubling her over, the look in Dani’s eyes. Some horribly chilly combination of frustration and anger, maybe not at Jamie, but directed her way all the same. She pauses, setting the cheese grater down, looking Dani in the eye. 
Really? Only, the last time I didn’t set us up with a timely meal, you went ten hours without eating anything and nearly passed out on me.
She doesn’t say the words. Instead, she says, “I love you.” It’s become a mantra in moments like this, when Dani is so not herself, it’s like staring at someone else in a mirror. I love you. I love you on bad days, and I love you when you remember every detail of our first kiss, and I love you tomorrow.
The fight goes out of Dani’s body, her hand cupping around her eyes. The gold of her ring stands out in the afternoon sun, and Jamie thinks, It’s still her. It’s still her. 
“I’m sorry. I just...I feel...”
Jamie moves toward her slowly, like approaching a trapped animal. She's never moved like this with Dani in all the time they’ve been together, never felt the need, but lately, Dani is so unpredictable it hurts. 
“Trapped,” Jamie suggests softly. Dani nods into her hand. “I’ve been hovering.” Dani nods again. “Too much?”
Hesitation. A final nod that is also sort of a shake. Jamie sighs. 
“Just want to make sure I don’t--” Lose you. “--miss out on something important, is all. I’m sorry, too. I can back off some.”
It terrifies her to say so, to promise that when Dani sometimes looks around the living room like it’s brand-new. But Dani’s right. She isn’t a child. She doesn’t need Jamie to treat her as such. She’s okay. She’s still here. 
“I love you,” she says again, and Dani walks into her arms like she’s the only thing in the room not spinning. 
She tries not to panic, when Dani doesn’t come home. Tries to will herself back to ancient therapy techniques, to breathing rituals, to steady reminders that Dani is okay. Dani is fine. Dani has had a really good couple of weeks, in fact, and when she told Jamie she wanted to stop off at the store after work, Jamie had agreed. 
An hour passes. Two. Jamie’s pacing, doing fevered mental math: the shop is a ten-minute walk from the apartment, the grocery store a five-minute walk from the shop. How long does it take to pick up eggs, cheese, tomatoes? Half an hour? 
Okay, she thinks, forcing a calming breath through her nose. Okay, so that’s five--fifteen--forty-five minutes...
Not five minutes after this less-than-bracing thought, she’s throwing on a jacket and storming out the door. A fifteen-minute walk to the grocery store, she completes in eight. The cashier is a teenager in an outdated Nirvana t-shirt, looking at her like she’s out of her mind when she blows through the doors and says, “Blonde woman, brown jacket, one blue eye, one brown. Seen her?”
He has not. She forces herself not to sprint through the tiny store, peering doggedly down each aisle in turn. No sign of Dani. 
The shop, then. She makes her way back, cups her hands around her eyes as she leans into the dark window. Door is still locked, and not a light is burning.  Dani wouldn’t shut them off unless she was at the door--no matter what happens, no matter how confused she gets, she never plunges herself into darkness until she’s ready to make an escape into light. 
Breathe, Jamie thinks. Breathe. Maybe she’s just taking a stroll. 
She walks for blocks, her legs carrying her at twice the normal speed, looking around every corner with absolute terror. When she finds Dani at last, seated on a bench outside their favorite Mexican restaurant, the relief almost stops her heart. 
Miserable eyes turn up to her, Dani’s face shell-shocked. “How long,” she says brokenly, “have we lived here? In this neighborhood.”
Jamie swallows. “Fifteen years.”
Dani nods, like she’s just given a complicated multiplication problem to a student who got it right on the first go. “Fifteen years,” she repeats. “Jamie. I couldn’t. I couldn’t remember--”
Jamie drops down beside her, arms wrapping tight, not caring who might be looking. Dani is so small, hands gripping Jamie’s shoulders, shaking all over. 
“I’ve got you,” Jamie murmurs. “I’ve got you. It’s okay.”
“It’s her,” Dani says. They’re laying in bed, Jamie’s head on Dani’s chest, Jamie trying desperately not to count all the things that have gone wrong in Dani’s head this week. How Dani stared in confusion at an order she’s put together a hundred times. How Dani snapped at a customer, who looked at her like she’d just stabbed his mother. How Dani had been midway through a joke when she lost track of the punchline, and looked ready to burst into tears. 
“It’s her,” Dani repeats. Jamie raises her head. 
“It’s. Her.” Dani reaches for her hand, fingers pressing down on the gold band she once hid in a plant. Jamie closes her eyes, inhales. 
“Dani, I don’t want you to--you can’t go thinking--”
“Every day,” Dani says, her eyes on the ceiling. It’s like she thinks looking at Jamie would splinter her self-control. “Every day, I feel it a little less.”
Jamie waits. She’ll go on, eventually, explain herself. Jamie hates cutting her off, hates stepping in the way of a thought, lest Dani never quite get it back again.
“Every day,” she says at last, “we’re here. Living our lives. I see that, I feel...I feel you touching me, I feel how much we...and still, it’s like...like someone’s putting up glass. That fogged-up glass you can only see shapes through, you know? I can see us through it, but every day, that fog gets a little thicker.”
Her voice trembles, her throat working. Jamie shifts until her fingers are threaded with Dani’s, clenching tight. 
“You’re here,” she says, unable to think of anything more reassuring. It’s what she’s been telling herself about Dani for months. Years. That Dani, no matter what else is going on, is still here with her. Still smiling at her. Still whispering her name in the dark. 
“What if I’m not?” Something in Dani’s voice wavers to breaking, a hairline fracture in the words. “What if I’m looking at you, and I...I...”
Jamie can’t breathe. A muscle is jumping under her jaw, straining against the sob she’s been holding back for days. 
“What if I’m looking at you when she takes me,” Dani whispers, and Jamie breaks. Can’t not. She presses her face against Dani’s skin, tears coming hot, and Dani holds fast to her like they both know the ship is going down. 
“I love you,” she says, that same voice Jamie’s been leaning into for almost twenty years. “I love you. I love you. I love--”
“How is she?” Owen crosses his legs, sips his beer. Jamie’s own leg is fidgety, sock-clad foot hammering a mad rhythm against the floor. 
“How is she?” Owen repeats before she can polish off a pretty lie. She shuts her eyes against his too-kind stare.
“Told the same story four times yesterday.”
He’s nodding, sympathetic. “Mum used to get stuck on one about the best dinner she ever made. How she rescued it at the last second from burning. Proudest moment of her life, I think, except for the day I got into culinary school.”
Jamie sighs. “It was about the kids.”
“Ah.” He leans back, surveying her as though looking for cracks. If he finds any, he wisely keeps it to himself. Jamie, bottle still angled toward her lips, leans a little to look down the hall. The bedroom door is shut, no sign of Dani waking.
“I tried to get her to stay up,” she says, wondering why she feels the need to convince Owen, of all people. “She does miss you.”
She doesn’t tell him about the heartbeat of confusion, the way Dani’s brow had knit when Jamie mentioned he was coming into town. How, for a second, Dani had seemed uncertain if she knew Owen from Bly, or from Iowa. 
“There’s always breakfast,” he says, placidly keeping tempo with this song they’re tossing back and forth, the one that goes everything is okay, everything is just fine, so long as we don’t look at it. 
It’s good to be around someone who understands, even if she doesn’t really want to talk about it. Good to know Owen, who is watching her with knowing eyes, remembers all too well what it feels like to watch someone slip away. 
“Seem to remember,” she says, taking the last swig and dropping the bottle against the breakfast bar, “saying once that this was a just shoot me situation. That it wasn’t fair.”
“And now?” He unfolds from his seat, moving in three strides to the fridge to replace her drink. Owen Sharma, at home in any kitchen without even trying. 
“Now,” she sighs, “I don’t care about fair. I don’t care about burdens. I don’t care about anything except making sure she still....she’s still...”
He hands her the bottle, leans his elbows against the counter. There’s an abundance of gray in his hair these days, and contacts in his eyes. He smiles like Owen, though. Always that familiar, warm smile. 
“She’s still your Dani,” he says. It isn’t a question. “Even on the days she isn’t. It’s the hardest part, maybe, remembering that. When she slips up, or can't remember the apartment number, or gets angry because you’ve reminded her of a gap she knows shouldn’t be there. But, Jamie, remember. She is still Dani.”
“I know.” Jamie scuffs a hand under her nose, rubs hard against her wet eyes. “I know. And sometimes she is so Dani. As if she was never anything else.”
As if, she doesn’t add, there wasn’t something else in there with her. Wiping her away a little at a time. Something else, matching her movements. Waiting. 
“To Dani Clayton,” Owen says, raising his bottle and clinking against her own. “Your anchor.”
She thinks she’s getting used to it, if this is something one can get used to. Thinks she’s building a rhythm, a routine, around Dani’s bad days. Little jokes work sometimes. Little kisses and touches. Dani responds to Poppins better than her own name now, and Jamie leans into it, trying to pretend that doesn’t tear at her. Trying to pretend she can go back to a time when safety was a nickname, a silly joke on her lips to keep the well of feelings from overwhelming her good sense. 
She says, “Morning, Poppins” and “I love you, Poppins”, and “G’night, Poppins”, like she hasn’t mostly been calling Dani by her real name since the day she admitted just how in love she was. 
Even so, it’s a method of getting by. Dani is still Dani, after all, just as Owen said. Maybe sometimes she thinks it’s 1987, and maybe sometimes she thinks there are ghosts in the mirrors, and maybe sometimes she looks sharply up from a movie with the name “Eddie” harsh on her lips. Sure. Sometimes. But, mostly, she is still Dani. 
Jamie is prepared, most days, for the mood swings and the bewilderment. For finding Dani’s toothbrush in the bedroom, or relocating Dani’s wallet back into her bag. She’s prepared for almost all of it, after so much time. 
Nothing. Nothing can prepare her for the day Dani forgets her name. 
They’re setting about readying for the day--readying themselves for the plane, in fact, which is slated to leave in three hours--and Dani has gone off to the bathroom to shower. She returns in one of Jamie’s softest shirts, her legs bare, her hair dripping. Jamie raises her eyes from last-minute packing, smiling. 
“Nice and clean, then?”
Dani freezes. Turns slowly on her heel. Stares at Jamie like she’s never seen her before. 
Something in Jamie cracks. Something in Jamie, something she didn’t even know could break, splintering wide open. 
“I--who--” Dani, backing up fast, backing toward the door. It’s like she walked into her apartment to find some burglar lurking at the foot of her bed. Her hand extends, warding Jamie off, and Jamie realizes she’s been trying instinctively to move closer. To take Dani into her arms. To remind her. 
“Dani. Poppins. Hey.” Each word, a knife turned back on herself. Each word, a question. She’s never said Dani’s name like this, with so much uncertainty weighed into each letter. “Dani, please.”
It’s the please that really breaks her. The please, like begging Dani for the kindness of her own name on Dani’s lips is something she ever thought she’d need to prepare for. 
Dani blinks. Blinks again. Raises her left hand, stares hard at the band wrapped around her third finger. As Jamie watches, she touches the heart, the hands, the crown. 
She’s on her knees, she realizes, on her knees on the floor with her arms wrapped around herself, and Dani is all but running to her. She’s on her knees, sobbing, feeling as though she could not be more wrung out if she’d walked in to find Dani cold on the bed. 
Don’t let me find out, she thinks desperately, please, fuck, don’t ever let me find out how that feels compared to this. 
“Jamie,” Dani says against the top of her head, holding her, “Jamie, hey, shh, come on...”
She doesn’t know, Jamie thinks wildly. She has no idea where she just went. No idea what almost washed away just now. She doesn’t know. 
“Still here,” Jamie rasps through a sob. “You’re still here?”
Dani is silent a moment, and Jamie knows she’s heard it: the question at the end of the sentence, placed there for the very first time. Her hand tucks beneath Jamie’s chin, guiding her face up until her swollen eyes are staring into Dani’s tired ones. 
“Still here,” she says softly. “I promise.”
Twenty years. It’s been twenty years, almost to the day, and California is glorious. Vermont is home, and Jamie would never trade it, but there’s just something about California she loves. The air is sweeter, somehow. The people, warmer. Or maybe they just care less. 
Dani holds to her arm like a life preserver as they make their way through people much younger and more aloof than they’ve been in years. Jamie tries to stand taller, tries to look as though she belongs among Flora’s friends. Flora, who barely knows who she is, even--her eyes coasted right over Jamie when she walked up, right past Dani’s smile, the polite disinterest of a stranger. 
It’s different than what she’s been watching with Dani. Different--but no less harsh, in its own quieter way. 
Miles, practically a man now, shakes their hands with undue formality. Henry, just this side of relaxed, kisses her cheek. Embraces Dani. Jamie tries not to notice how her wife goes stiff in his arms, like there’s some part of her that can’t quite put a finger on why he feels entitled to such friendliness. 
“Flora’s uncle,” Jamie whispers against Dani’s hair under the guise of a kiss. Dani nods once to show she understands, smiles at Henry like it’s summer, like it’s ‘87, like she couldn’t forget her past no matter how hard she tried. 
“Lovely to see you both,” Henry says, oblivious to it all. Jamie’s glad she kept this to herself, kept it between Dani and her and Owen. No one else knows Dani here, anyway. No one needs to pry into the battle she’s been waging for two decades. 
The rehearsal dinner is pleasant--everyone drinking a little too much, Flora beaming up at her groom-to-be, Owen telling bad jokes and advising them both to run off to Bali. With Dani’s hand gripping hers on the tablecloth, in full view of the world, Jamie almost feels at home. If she has to lean over from time to time to whisper a name in Dani’s ear, if she has to gently guide Dani to the bathroom, it all feels fitting of an out-of-town wedding. It’s fine. It’s okay. They can do this.
They’re sitting in the parlor of a presumably-haunted wedding venue, Dani leaning out of her chair to hold Jamie’s hand, when Jamie hears herself say it. She hadn’t planned on it in advance. It feels like flirting with fire, somehow, something that might keep them all warm or burn them all down. 
“I have a story,” she says, Dani’s fingers warm around her own. “Well. It isn’t really my story...”
She glances up, catching Dani’s eyes, and for a heartbreaking moment, finds them blank. Dani, looking at her with jaw clenched and brow furrowed, trying to place herself. Trying to ward off the thing still working so hard to take her from all of them. 
“It isn’t my story,” Jamie says again, a question, seeking permission. Dani’s face clears. She smiles. Nods once. 
Jamie leans forward, takes a steadying drink. This may not do anything, she cautions herself. May not matter beyond the scope of a single night, with a room full of strangers waiting on her next words. Tomorrow, Dani might wake and not have the first idea whose bed she is sharing. 
That, Jamie thinks firmly, is tomorrow. 
“The teacher,” she begins, squeezing Dani’s hand, “was, by choice, a solitary young woman...”
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monofpoke4life · 3 years
Datr Week 2020 Day One: Missing You
(Totally forgot yo upload this last year. I think I was unhappy with it, but I can’t remember why. Anyway, please enjoy)!
"So how'd you know to do that thing to Chunk earlier?" His young voice squeaked, echoing into the dark, shapeless abyss.
"Any enemy can be felled with the right jab. It's just a matter of knowing where to hit. Most are susceptible to major and vulnerable organs like the kidneys or liver. I am particularly fond of throat punches. They're ideal for stunning an opponent while leaving them alive for questioning." Replied a feminine and distinctly accented voice.
A frown tugged at the corner of his lips, yet all it did was morph a frown briefly into a pout and back.
He felt his brow furrow, as the world suddenly came into view. It was like turning on your phone in the middle of the night. Blinding and full of color at its sudden appearance, but it didn't strain his eyes as they continued on their walk. A set path expanding in front of them far beyond their view, but materializing in front of them with each new step. One he walked what felt like a million times before. No different than all of the other times he walked it. Just the same old sidewalk with the same old cracks that were on his way from the school to his house.
Certainly nothing looked out of the ordinary, and yet, this walk was entirely different. It would be one thing if it were just the electrified thrum in his veins or the ecstatic beat of his heart from the idea of catching Zim in one of his alien schemes or running home to watch a new episode of Mysterious Mysteries. However, it was neither of those things, and had everything to do with the young lady walking beside him.
There was a tingle in his leg, but he paid it no mind as he chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind the next time those bullies try to stuff me in the trash again." He shook his head at the memory from earlier that day, before he pointed out, "But you still never answered my question." Her steely gaze of rare, purple eyes flicked over to meet his own bespectacled gaze as he elaborated, "I know you're British, but come on, "keep them alive for questioning?" You sound like you're from MI6 or something. I mean, where do you learn techniques like that?"
"Girly Rangers," came her little too clipped reply as she turned her head, giving him her full, narrow eyed attention.
At that, his heart suddenly jumped into throat. He could easily get lost in her eyes. His breath quickened just a tad as a wave of nerves crashed into him. Both the expected good kind, and unexpectedly bad kind, settling sourly in his stomach.
They stared a moment later before he called her bluff, and she quipped, "If I didn't find the idea ludicrous myself I'd have swatted at you." She shook her head as a genuine smile graced her lips, before she looked up to the bare branches of the trees that lined their walk, as she continued, "My mother was in the military. You pick up a thing or two with those you live with."
He felt the pin prickling feeling of a chill run down his spine, starting at his neck, yet his body lacked the telltale twitch as he excitedly murmured, "That's so cool!" At that remark, the corner of her lips twitched into a proud smirk at his unsubtle praise. Realizing she heard him, his face grew hot. He wanted to turn away, crawl into a hole, but the sight of her amused, gentle smile kept his eyes riveted to hers. 
"S-so what else did she teach you? Anything useful I could use on my paranormal investigations?"
The anxiety in his gut increased, and a familiar dread set in, waiting patiently for his world to shatter. The kind of dread that makes somebody want to hide under a blanket from the world. Yet he heeded it no mind as his lips parted into a shy yet ecstatic smile.
"Sure, one more tip couldn't hurt," she said, murmuring the last part more to herself. "Well, body language is always telling. When someone is lying their eyes will look up and to the right because they’re tapping into the imaginative part of the brain.”
“Wow, so you’re like a walking, talking lie detector?”
“You can if you train yourself enough,” she said nonchalantly.
“Could you teach me?” He inquired as a fluttery feeling in his gut returned. His arm nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he continued, a little too quickly, “Maybe you come over my house some time and-”
“I beg your pardon?” She inquired quizzically, yet something in her voice had an edge to it. Ice filled his veins at that, and he stammered and scrambled to recover, “I mean or your place is fine. Of course, only if you wanted to, but nobody ever usually wants to. Actually, no place is fine then. Look let’s just pretend this never happened and-”
His heart dropped from his chest only to roar within his ears as he felt a delicate finger lightly touch his lips. He froze. He didn’t dare to breathe let alone talk; meanwhile his eyes fixated upon the dainty appendage touching him. If he didn’t know better, a spark spread from her to him, electrifying him from the inside out. His whole body grew hot, and he felt like his brain would melt from the radiant blush that was surely upon his cheeks.
“Hm, so that’s where you’re off button is,” she mused aloud as she pulled her hand away. Her eyes shined with silent mirth. He gulped and could practically hear himself audibly swallow. Gawd she had to have known what that clever smile did to him! Forget his brain melting, he was going to melt into a puddle at her feet.
Dazed, he saw her lips move, yet didn’t hear a word she said.
“Sorry, I spaced out. What was that?”
“You shouldn’t apologize. It’s a sign of weakness,” she chided. He felt confused and opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, she continued, “I said that’s very kind of you, but unfortunately my parents and I are still adjusting from the move; however, once we’re settled, I’d love to come over.”
He blinked owlishly behind his round glasses. His flushed face cooling down within the time it took to sink in. However, when it did finally sink in, he grinned so hard his face felt like it could split in half.
“That’s great! I can’t wait until then! How long do you think that will take? Maybe a week? Oh I need time to prepare and clean my room-er-not that it’s not clean, I-” He abruptly cut off his ramble as he saw her finger raise once more. He skittered backwards with his trench coat flapping with his rapid movements. The usually heavy yet oddly light feeling backpack nearly threw him off balance, but he managed not to fall.
She snickered. His heart skipped a beat, and a warmth coalesced in his chest, emboldening him.
“How does this Saturday sound,” He asked with all of the courage and grace a socially outcast boy, like himself, could with his first real friend. The first person who made him feel secure and supported since...gawd, he couldn’t remember! He couldn’t think!
By that point they started walking again, and that dread came back tenfold. His untrained eyes followed her right hand as she tucked a dark blue strand of hair behind her ear. A gust of forceless wind slammed into them, and it appeared as though she turned her head to shield it from the winter wind. She was always honest with him up until that point, so he had no reason to doubt her. No reason to notice how the motion drew his attention away from her eyes.
But he knew to look for it now, and all of the other times his mind replayed it over and over again within his head. On this night, as it had so many times before, that dread feeling his gut finally crashed to the forefront as everything went dark, and squealing, victorious laughter surrounded him like a stereo system. 
He went to scream, to shout, warn her, anything! Yet nothing came out. In fact, she was gone. He whipped around in an attempt to find her. As he looked behind himself, he went to turn back around, and there she was in all of her green, alien, Irken glory as she rushed at him with pak leg raised. When she was so close he could see the darker, barely discernible, purple of her pupils did he finally gasp and rocket himself into an upright position. Eyes shooting open as he nearly fell out of bed.
His stomach roiled as a brief wave of vertigo hit him from moving too quickly, especially without his glasses. With the grace of a lean yet gangly teen, he leaned on his side towards the edge of the bed. His arm flopped onto the end table beside his bed, and he hung his head between the space that separated the two as he let the wave pass. He also took the time to catch his breath.
Once recovered, he raised his head to blearily look for his glasses in the dark. After a few near misses of lightly brushing against them, Dib finally managed to snag them. As he placed them upon his face, he frowned at the sight of the slight tremble of his hand.
At the reminder of his memory, that nightmare, Dib growled at himself as he flopped onto his back. He yelped and flinched as a sharp pain shot up his leg, having hit his ankle off of a bedpost. 
The pain quickly went away as swiftly as it came, and Dib huffed and sighed. His forearm falling back to rest upon his forehead. Barely awake and he was already exhausted. Of course, the fact that he had that blasted dream again didn't help at all.
At the thought of the dream again, Dib growled and rolled over onto his side, facing the wall and his open window. He knocked his glasses up towards his forehead as he rubbed his clenched shut eyes with the heel of his palms. If only he could forget and move on. That would make his life so much easier.
And yet...the thought of forgetting Tak or how she made him feel...he could never do it. Just the idea made his heart race into a panic and sent his mind into a whirlwind. His childhood crush aside, Tak was his first friend. A real friend, or so he thought.
Pfft, just his luck that his first friend turned out to be an alien who only talked to him for his information on Zim. The thought triggered a dull, painful ache to grow within Dib's chest. One more powerful than the pain of her trying to destroy the earth. With him on it.
Dib shifted his right arm under his pillow to further support his head while he opened his eyes to pensively glare at his drumming fingers.
"Four freaking years and I still can't get you out of my head," he grumbled to one person in particular. Not that she'd ever hear him, being flung into space in her ship's escape pod and all.
The pod. Possibly drifting aimlessly in the vacuum of space. Cold and lifeless as the metal shell encasing Ta- 
He shook his head to dispel the direction of his thoughts. However, he didn't do it fast enough as he felt the slight burning tingle of his eyes welling up with tears only for one to slide down his cheek.
He grumbled some more as he wiped it away and gazed up at the midnight blue sky. The busy tizzy of his mind slowed down to a crawl as he closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing. In and out. Find his happy place and think happy thoughts, or at least ones different from those that woke him up.
It almost worked too, as the angry tension in his muscles slowly evaporated from his body. His limbs became noodle-like and his facial muscles relaxed. The drumming stopped, and his mind drifted into a hazy fog of nothingness. He liked the nature of the nothingness. By definition, there was nothing there. Nothing that could potentially hurt him physically or mentally.
In and out. He pondered the nothingness, and how something so endless in area and possibilities could give him a sense of security, like being wrapped within a warm blanket.
Then, Dib's mind drifted to the thought of security, as it always did. The lack of it, how he could hold onto it, how he could find it within himself or others, and then finally when was the last time he felt it.
"Ya know they're wrong, right?" Tak's voice echoed from a memory that felt like decades ago. 
His younger self jumped at that, looking over at her from where she sat beside him in the library. She'd broken him out of a very important task...which was to stare morosely at his unopened book.
"Hm, what was that," He inquired, trying to sound tired to hide the sadness in his tone.
Her purple eyes narrowed at him suspiciously. As per usual her penetrating gaze felt like she could see right inside him, reading him like an open book. However, she chose to ignore it in favor of the topic at hand. 
"I said, ya know they're wrong, right? About you?"
His eyes widened in surprise at that.
"O-oh?" He paused a moment, before his brow furrowed and he inquired further, "About what exactly?" It wasn't like he didn't believe Tak. Dib had no reason to doubt her, but years had cautioned him to not get his hopes up. 
He watched her frown a moment as she paused. The question caught her off guard as she clearly thought it would be a one and done statement. However, ever the perfectionist, she persisted to speak her opinion of him.
Glaring at the pencil she twisted between her fingers, she elaborated, "Well, a lot of things. The most prominent, though, is that you're not crazy for being different, for believing in the paranormal."
He sat up straighter at that as he continued to stare in astonishment, watching her wearily for any sign of a lie. He found none, but still felt the need to ask, "Really, you mean that?"
"Of course! There's nothing wrong with being different. It-" She trailed off at that. He ignored the part of his brain that thought her brow furrowed pensively was cute. This was a serious, heartfelt situation, and it wasn't the time to make googly eyes at someone who probably didn't like him that way.
He opened his mouth to offer a word, in order to help her along, but she continued before he could.
"It doesn't make you wrong. You- you're not- you're not defective." At the word "defective," it came out of Tak's mouth with as much disdain as one would use when talking about the city's cesspool, and her gaze immediately snapped up to look him in the eye.
A part of Dib felt like she wasn't just talking to him at that moment, especially as shortly after she said it, she unconsciously snapped the pencil in half. It made him wonder who hurt her or called her that in the past, what was their address, and could he beat them up. Well, maybe die trying, but preferably not.
The other part of Dib felt like she meant every single word. Even after everything that would happen later, he still felt she meant it. The way her determined stare carved into his very soul, refusing to look away until he agreed with her. How those amethyst orbs tenaciously glared and willed him to take to heart her words of wisdom, but most importantly; the earnest, raw edge of emotion that slipped into her voice. 
No matter how brilliant of an actor she was, she couldn't fake that.
The full meaning of her words combined with her body language finally sank in and a blissful warmth settled in his chest. It quickly spread to every neuron and nerve until it felt like pure happiness, contentment, and safety was going to erupt from his mouth in the form of the widest grin he'd ever make.
However, he had enough sense to not grin at her like a fool or madman. His entire body thrummed with energy and oddly a sense of calm. 
For once in his life he felt relaxed, safe, peaceful even. Relaxed to just let things play out, and to have faith in her as his friend, as he did for her. He could say or do anything, and she'd have his back, always giving her 110 percent. It felt...blissful.
However, that bliss couldn't last, just like the nothingness as the memory faded in exchange with his conscious state. Before it fully faded, he remembered he got her to laugh
 Not a laugh at someone's misfortune, like Zim, or being victorious against those bullies, like Chunk, but a genuine, gentle laugh with a small smile to match.
The memory faded, and he opened his tear filled eyes once more. As they dripped onto his pillow, he curled in on himself. His heart was as erratic as his breathing. Trying not to sob aloud kind of does that to you.
Gawd how he missed that feeling of security, of being supported, of someone having his back, and boy did he miss the one who made him feel that way.
Ironic how an alien could act more and treat him like a human than the real humans. And there's a high chance that all of that was fake. If it wasn't, well, it was four years too late to think about that.
A choked sob escaped his lips as he angrily sighed out the window, "I hate that I miss you."
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lblb-actuallywrites · 5 years
Mistletoe Confessions
I wrote this for the Edens Zero Secret Santa Exchange on Discord. Here’s some EZ Crew Christmas Shenanigans!
“I know! We can do Secret Santa!” Rebecca suggested. “It’ll be fun!”
“Woahhh,” Shiki muttered, eyes growing wide. “Rebecca, what’s a Secret Santa?”
She gasped dramatically. Weisz rolled his eyes at her antics.
Shiki, Rebecca, Homura, Pino, and Happy were sitting on the couch in Edens Zero’s game room, with Weisz leaning against the arm, debating what to do for the upcoming holiday.
“I am also curious, but I won’t say that out loud.”
“Secret Santa is where everyone picks one person and gets that person a gift.”
“Ooh, I pick Rebecca!” Shiki shouted with his trademark enthusiasm.
“It’s supposed to be secret, idiot,” Weisz said. “And why do you not know, Homura?”
“We did not celebrate this ‘Christmas’ on Odeo.”
“So each person gets one gift?” Pino asked, her antennae wiggling in budding excitement.
“Yeah. Instead of everyone getting a bunch of presents, we each get one present that’s more personal,” Happy explained.
“How exciting!”
“Sounds like a shitty deal if you ask me.”
“Oh come on, Weisz, don’t be such a Grinch,” Rebecca teased.
“I am not a Grinch.”
“You’re totally a Grinch,” Shiki said.
“You don’t even know what that is!”
“It is decided,” Homura said, nodding solemnly. “Weisz is a Grinch.”
“Neither do you! Ugh, you guys suck.”
“What is a Grinch?”
‘Of course only Pino would have the decency to ask first,’ Weisz thought.
“A Grinch is a grump with a shriveled up heart who hates Christmas, gift giving, and cheer,” Rebecca explained, almost like she was giving a lecture to a group of kindergartners.
“Hm,” Pino said as she processed the new information. “The definition does seem to fit Mr. Weisz rather well.”
“What are we shitting on Weisz for this time?” Ivry asked as she, Hermit, and Witch entered into the madness.
“Weisz is being a total Grinch about doing Secret Santa,” Rebecca said.
“Oh, yeah, makes sense.”
“Why is everyone ganging up on me?” Weisz grumbled.
“Oh, are we celebrating Christmas, Lord Shiki?”
“Yeah! Rebecca just told me about it. It sounds like fun! She also told me about Santa and his spaceship that can travel across the entire cosmos in a day!”
“Santa’s not even-”
Before Weisz could finish his sentence, he was staring down the barrel of Rebecca’s spare pistol.
“Don’t even think of spoiling this for Shiki and Pino,” she threatened quietly.
Weisz held up his hands in surrender. Rebecca slowly lowered her gun, eyes narrowed in a threatening glare.
“If it is secret, then how are the recipients chosen?” Homura asked.
“Everyone writes their name on a piece of paper, and then we each take turns picking one out of a hat,” Hermit said, not looking up from her handheld game. “And then you keep who you’re buying a present for a secret until you give them their gift.”
Homura put her hand over her mouth at Hermit’s pointed comment, but said nothing.
“Couldn’t you just write a program or something that pairs us up randomly?” Weisz asked.
“I could, very easily. But I won’t.”
“Why not?” He was nearly whining.
“I’m keeping in the spirit of Christmas. Also, to piss you off, specifically.”
“Why does everyone want to bother me today?” Weisz grumbled under his breath.
“Cause you’re an easy target as long as you keep bitchin’,” Ivry said, punctuated by flicking Weisz’s ear as she strode past.
“Why do you not like Christmas, Mr. Weisz?” Pino asked.
Weisz shrugged. “It’s not like I hate Christmas, I just don’t care one way or the other about it. And it never made sense to me why so many people act like it’s such a big deal. It’s just another day.”
“It’s a holiday. That’s like saying your birthday is just another day!” Rebecca said.
“It is.”
Rebecca gasped again.
“Can you stop being so dramatic?”
“I have paper and pencils for everyone,” Witch called as she walked back into the game room.
Weisz blinked, not having realized that Witch left the room to begin with, but still taking the paper and pencil when she handed it to him.
The room fell mostly silent, with only the scratching of pencil on paper as everyone scribbled their names down.
“What about the hat?” Shiki asked.
Ivry snatched the sorceress hat off of Witch’s head and handed it to him, putting her slip of paper in. “Here ya go, Shiki. There’s your hat.”
“Awesome!” he said as he enthusiastically shoved his own paper in it.
The hat was passed around the room and everyone put their names in, though Weisz did it with extreme reluctance.
“Alright! I wanna pick first!”
Shiki nearly punched the hat out of his own grip with his zealousness as he reached in to pick his Secret Santa recipient.
“Remember, you’re not supposed to say who you got. It’s supposed to be a surprise to the person you’re giving the gift to,” Rebecca said.
Shiki handed the hat off to her as he read the name on the paper he picked. To Weisz’s surprise, he managed to keep quiet about who he drew.
As the hat made its way around the room, Weisz vaguely wondered who he’d get.
‘If I had to choose, I guess it wouldn’t be too hard to get a gift for Shiki. That idiot would be excited by actual coal,’ he thought, chuckling quietly to himself.
When the hat finally made it to him, there was only one piece of paper left inside.
Homura Kougetsu
He left the game room, wondering what in the cosmos Homura would want for Christmas.
‘Even if I asked, she probably wouldn’t know herself, since she’s never celebrated Christmas before.’
He groaned, dreading the task ahead.
“Okay, we’re off! We’ll be back soon!” Rebecca called out to Witch as everyone piled into the Aqua Wing to venture down to Blue Garden to shop for their gifts.
“I apologize for not being able to go with you. Unfortunately, as you know, I cannot leave the ship.”
“Don’t worry, Miss Witch!” Pino said. “Miss Rebecca and I will help you get your present!”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. We’ll be in constant contact, it’ll be just like you’re there with us.”
Witch smiled, but Weisz could see that she was a little disappointed.
“In the meantime, I will plan out the decorations.”
Weisz put his new earbuds in to shut out his crewmates’ yammering. He’d taken to listening to music a bit more recently, even if the only songs he listened to were considered “old” by everyone else’s standards.
Though he’d never admit it, sometimes he did miss Norma. Even if it was only a longing for the simplicity of his time compared to the future he hadn’t quite gotten the hang of yet.
‘I still have no idea what Homura could possibly want as a present. I can’t remember her ever wanting anything since I met her, except..’
Weisz cracked his neck, shaking away the thought. ‘That’s not gonna help.’
As soon as Rebecca led them to what had to be the biggest outdoor mall Weisz had ever seen in his life, everyone ran in different directions. Or in Shiki’s case, floated.
Weisz walked slowly, looking at all the shops around him. This part of the mall was mostly clothing stores, which would be useless, as he could make any kind of clothes he wanted in the Dress Factory on the ship.
One shop in particular caught his eye, however.
‘Heh. Christmas-themed lingerie? That’s worth buying.’
He was halfway across the court when he remembered that they’d be giving their presents in front of everyone else. And that Homura probably wasn’t one for lingerie in the first place.
‘I might be shameless, but even I’m not that shameless.’
He grumbled, but kept walking.
He passed by clothing stores, jewelry stores, and sports stores, all of which he doubted would carry anything that Homura could be remotely interested in owning. With each store he passed, his annoyance grew.
’What kind of gift do you give a swordswoman who says everything, but doesn’t seem to want anything material?’
His friends had long since ditched him, but even if he asked everyone on their crew, he doubted any of them could come up with a concrete answer as to what Homura would actually like. Though she said everything that came to her mind, she’d somehow never mentioned her interests, besides…
As Weisz rounded the corner, he finally saw a shop that he could work with.
‘What do you get a swordswoman? A decorative blade,’ he thought. ‘Even though her Ether Gear means she’s literally never without one, and I doubt she’d have a use for a blade that’s not meant to be, well, used, it’s as good a place as any to start.’
A bell rang as he walked into the shop, and almost immediately after stepping through the doorway, the noise from outside seemed impossibly distant. Weisz’s ears started to ring faintly in the sudden silence, one that even the dust seemed afraid to break.
The broad-shouldered clerk at the counter looked up, but didn’t say anything as Weisz began to wander around the shop. The sheer number of pointy-death-sticks hanging on the walls made him a little uneasy.
Guns have a safety function, after all, and knives and swords do not.
‘Zweihänder, Broadsword, Rapier, Dao, Katana, how many fucking ways can you make steel sharp enough to kill someone?’ he thought.
The man at the counter seemed to be the only employee in the shop, and he watched as Weisz navigated all the complicated classifications that he never even knew existed.
‘Well, a big sword is out of the question,’ he thought. ‘I don’t know if I can even lift it, let alone…’
He blanched as he noticed the price on a nearby Claymore.
‘..Afford it. A smaller knife will be fine. I think.’
The employee never spoke, but Weisz could feel his stare as he moved through the shop.
‘I know I’m a thief, but he can’t possibly know that, and I sure as hell can’t steal anything from here if I can’t even carry it.’
The silence was nearly unbearable, and as he came around to the back of the shop, Weisz was seriously tempted to just leave and get a generic Christmas gift that no one could dislike.
‘It’s not like someone who’s never celebrated Christmas before would know the difference, right?’
He shook his head. Homura couldn’t lie, and he- and everyone else- was sure to hear how much or how little she liked his gift. And he refused to be the only one unsuccessful in their Secret Santa charades.
Out of the corner of his eye, he just barely caught part of the description of a small dagger.
He nearly gave himself whiplash with his double-take.
Valkyrie Wingblade Dagger.
Even Weisz could admit that it was a beautiful work of art. The blade itself was somewhere around six to eight inches and two-pronged, but that wasn’t the most impressive thing about it.
Spreading out from the handle was a set of wings. Each individual feather had been meticulously crafted, and the wings formed a hand-guard of sorts. The handle itself was simple, yet elegant, and there were two little things jutting out from the bottom of it.
‘Maybe that’s for hanging it?’
“Find something that interests you?”
Weisz jumped as the employee’s deep voice boomed in the silent shop. He could hear his accelerated heartbeat in his ears.
“Uh.. yeah, maybe.”
“The Valkyrie dagger, huh? It’s a fine choice. Who’s it for?”
“A friend. She.. likes swords, and her teacher’s name was Valkyrie.”
“...Interestin’.  I heard stories about some warrior single-handedly changing the tide of the war on Odeo about ten years ago now. Some of ‘em put ‘er name as ‘Valkyrie,’ but I thought that was just hearsay. It is an ancient name, after all. Didn’t think anyone besides historians and sword experts knew about it.. Wonder if it’s the same person.”
Weisz blinked at the history lesson. “Valkyrie Yuna. That’s her name. And she’s definitely the same person as my friend’s teacher.”
“Yer friend must be one hell of a fighter, then.”
“You gonna get that one, or keep lookin’?”
Weisz glanced down at the dagger’s price tag, and breathed a quiet sigh of relief to find that it was reasonable.
“Sure, I’ll get this one.”
The clerk reached into the display case to grab it. “If you want, you can get it engraved. It’ll cost a little extra, and take a bit of time, but it’s a common option this time of year.”
“How much more?” Weisz asked hesitantly. “And how long will it take?”
Edens Kitchen looked nearly unrecognizable. Witch had gone far beyond what Weisz had expected in turning it into a winter wonderland; Color-changing lights and garland criss-crossed the room, and fake snowflakes that he suspected Witch had cut out herself all hung from the ceiling. Christmas tree and gingerbread man cutouts decorated the bottom two feet of the walls, red and green ribbons were wrapped artfully around each of the tables and chairs, and fake snow covered the floor. There was even a real Christmas tree in the corner that was so picturesque, he vaguely wondered what movie it was stolen from.
Not to mention the mistletoe that was hanging in just about every doorway in and around the kitchen, which he took careful measures to avoid meeting anyone under.
Pino had frozen in excitement for a solid twenty seconds when she saw the decorations, to the point that Weisz was nearly concerned Hermit would have to reboot her. Shiki was equally excited, temporarily losing control over his Ether Gear in the process. Witch and Rebecca had to weigh him down so he wouldn’t ruin the decorations on the ceiling.
Weisz was impressed. Witch’s decorations almost put him in a festive mood, which was more than he could say for any other Christmas celebration he’d been to in his life. Even the food was festive, with holiday staples like mashed potatoes, turkey, and stuffing all decked out in red and green embellishments wherever possible. Even the eggnog and hot chocolate had red and green shavings in them, which Witch had assured all of them were just pieces of chocolate and sprinkles.
What she missed in Secret Santa shopping, she more than made up for with the decor.
“It’s beautiful, Miss Witch!” Pino’s antennae were nearly invisible with how fast they were wagging.
“Yeah, you really went all out! It looks amazing!” Rebecca said, trying to pull Shiki away from getting tangled in the lights.
“I must agree,” Homura said from behind her hand. “I feel as if I am in that Christmas-themed village from that movie Rebecca spoke of.”
“Thank you. I wanted to make our first Christmas together truly special,” Witch said, blushing. She’d replaced her sorceress hat with a Santa one, and her staff with a giant candy cane. “I even made everyone a Santa hat to really get in the spirit!”
“Everyone meaning everyone,” Ivry said, with a pointed look at Weisz. “And you gotta wear it. Ship rules.”
Weisz grumbled, but Witch looked so happy with herself and her efforts that he didn’t want to ruin it.
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll wear the damn hat.”
‘I guess it won’t kill me, it’ll just do significant psychological damage.’
After an hour of partying, eating, drinking eggnog, and watching Pino try to meet everyone, including him, under the mistletoe- which he reluctantly agreed to, letting her give him a cold kiss on the cheek, both because he feared he might be staring down Rebecca’s pistol again if he didn’t, and she was just too adorable for words while asking(though he’d never admit it)- it was time for Secret Santa.
“It’s time for presents!” Rebecca sang.
Everyone scrambled to the pile of presents under the tree, rushing to give theirs first.
“Here,” a dry voice spoke beside him.
He turned to find Hermit presenting him with a small box.
“Thanks,” he said, opening it slowly. He wouldn’t put it past the little troll of a Shining Star to give him a gag gift that would blow up in his face.
He was pleasantly surprised to find a real present in the box, but also a bit confused by it. “Is this just the Arsenal Suit?”
“More specifically, Arsenal Suit Mark One-Point-Five. I spent two days slaving over the formulas to make it more cost effective. Plus a couple of other special features. We can test it out tomorrow.”
He nodded. “Thanks, Hermit.”
“Of course,” she said coolly.
As he looked around, he saw Pino giving Witch a box that was bigger than the little bot was- or, more accurately, Pino was sitting on top of the box, and Rebecca was handing it over- Ivry standing behind them, a gift he assumed was for Rebecca in hand, and Shiki giving Happy a candy cane colored bag.
He found Homura standing in the doorway under the mistletoe. As Weisz walked over, he made sure not to step under it.
“Here,” he said, suddenly embarrassed as he handed the long box over to her.
“Thank you, Weisz.”
As she moved to open it, Weisz was struck with sudden anxiety.
‘If she doesn’t like it, no one will let me live it down for who knows how long,’ he thought. ‘And I actually tried with this. She has to like it.’
He briefly wondered why he was so concerned about her reaction now, when he hadn’t been before.
‘Is it really only because this is the first time I’m giving a gift to someone who’s opinion really matters to me? Or is it because this is the first swordmaster I’ve tried to give a gift to?’
She stared into the box silently. And somehow, her silence was worse than her outright saying that it was horrible. He’d never seen Homura speechless before.
Slowly, she reached in and pulled out the blade, examining it carefully.
“Valkyrie wings…” she said quietly.
“Yeah,” he said, unsure of what else he could say.
He watched as her eyes roamed over the dagger, taking in every detail. Her eyes widened when she noticed the engraving.
“So, what did you want the engraving to say?” the clerk asked.
“Valkyrie Homura.”
Finally, Homura looked up at him, her mouth slightly open and eyes widened a bit in shock. Then, she pressed her lips together as tears welled up in her eyes.
‘Son of a-’
“Thank you.” She interrupted his train of thought, a smile spreading across her face.
“Y- you like it?”
She nodded. “Yes.” She took a deep breath. “Immensely so.”
Putting the dagger back in the box and closing it, she looked back up at him and smiled again. A genuine smile, one that Weisz had never seen on her face before.
‘She looks really pretty smiling like that.’
His shoulders scrunched up in embarrassment as he realized what he was thinking, and he looked away in an attempt to hide the blush he was sure was spreading across his face, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Good.” He cleared his throat. “I’m glad you like it.”
“I would not have expected something so thoughtful from you,” she said, immediately covering her mouth as she realized what she said. “Oh, I hadn’t meant to say that aloud. My apologies.”
“No, I’m with you on this one. I wasn’t expecting it, either.”
She giggled behind her hand.
“So, why are you standing over here?”
“I was hoping to meet Shiki under the mistletoe.”
“I- a- .. oh. Really?” he asked, ten kinds of confused all at once.
“Yes, I was hoping to challenge him to a duel.”
“A- uh, what?”
“Ivry explained mistletoe to me. If two are caught under it, they must duel. She called it ‘mistlefoe.’ She said it was a time-honored tradition.”
Weisz burst out laughing so hard that he had to lean against the doorway so he didn’t fall over completely.
“What is so funny?” she asked, her hand coming back up to cover her mouth again, this time out of embarrassment.
“That’s not what mistletoe is for,” he said after he managed to calm down enough to be understood.
“Then what is it for?”
Now completely calm, he stood up straight. “The point of mistletoe is that you’re supposed to kiss whoever you meet under it.”
They both froze as they realized that Weisz had stepped underneath said mistletoe without realizing it. Matching blushes sprung up on their faces as they struggled to speak.
“W-well, I suppose I would not mind it so much,” Homura said, slapping both hands over her mouth with a high-pitched squeak.
His shoulders scrunched up even further at her confession.
“Y-... you wouldn’t?”
“I-... I, umm..” her voice was almost a full octave higher than normal. “Sister Ivry!”
“Oh, shit,” the wicked nun cackled, hiding behind Witch as Homura stormed over to her.
Weisz stayed frozen, staring at the now empty space in front of him, his heart racing.
A few hours later, everyone was passed out in the game room. Rebecca demanded they have a “Christmas Movie Marathon” after their Secret Santa shenanigans, and of course Shiki agreed.
Now, both of them were asleep on top of each other, drunk off their asses from Ivry’s spiked eggnog. The nun in question was also drunk, sprawled out on the floor.
‘I didn’t know Ivry could get drunk, seeing as she drinks all the time. And she’s an android.’
Hermit was sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch, with Pino and Happy curled up in her lap, all of them asleep.
‘Apparently, androids sleep, too.’
Weisz shook his head, stretching his neck out and looking at the other side of the couch where Homura had been sitting. She left an hour ago, citing wanting to go to bed as the reason, but she left with both hands forcefully covering her mouth, and he had a sinking feeling it was because of him.
When they came in for the movie marathon, they sat on opposite sides of the couch and didn’t look at each other the entire time. Their earlier conversation crept, unbidden, into his mind again.
‘I wouldn’t mind kissing Homura, either, I guess. She’s beautiful, strong, kind-’
He considered it nothing short of a Christmas miracle that his stomach growled at that moment, interrupting his train of thought.
On his walk to the kitchen, he tried overthinking about what to eat, so as to keep thoughts of Homura and kissing out of his mind. It was easier to just brush off that conversation as the holiday spirit affecting her in an odd way than to think about wanting to kiss her and the ramifications of doing so.
‘For one, she can’t keep a secret to save her life, so everyone else would know within twenty-four hours,’ he thought. ‘She’s probably never even- Why am I still thinking about this?!’
He almost forgot about the decoration explosion in the kitchen. Walking into it was a decent enough distraction as he forced himself to change the subject in his mind.
The leftover food from their party hadn’t been put away yet; The bowl of mashed potatoes was nearly empty, both of the pies and the cheesecake were completely gone- most likely courtesy of Rebecca’s bottomless pit of a stomach- and the turkey was split down the middle almost perfectly, with one half picked at and the other untouched.
Weisz tore off a small piece of turkey and tossed it into his mouth. None of the party food really interested him, so he pulled up the holographic menu to skim through. But it didn’t do as much as he’d hoped in terms of distracting him. After five minutes of mindless scrolling where his mind wasn’t really on the food, he gave up and ordered a glass of water.
‘Do I really want to kiss Homura, or did that damn Santa hat do more damage than I thought it would?’
The kitchen slid his glass of water over to him, and he sipped on it slowly.
‘Is this what it’s like to doubt yourself? Have I really never doubted myself in my entire life? I probably should’ve.’
“Wow, I’m a selfish prick,” he muttered.
No longer hungry, he finished off his water, deciding to just go to bed.
‘Hopefully I’ll wake up and be able to convince myself that all of the “Kissing Homura” business was just a dream.’
As the kitchen door slid open, he ran into someone coming in. That someone being Homura.
‘Either the universe hates me, or it just likes laughing at me.’
“Weisz,” she said quietly.
“Homura,” he said, his mouth suddenly dry.
“I was just going to get some water.”
He nodded, unsure of what else to do.
They stared at each other for a few moments until Homura nodded and moved to walk past him. He was content to just let her pass him by- at least, he thought he was. But somehow, his mind and his arm weren’t on the same page, because he found himself reaching out to stop her walking away.
She turned to face him, a hand coming up to cover her mouth. “Yes?”
‘Fuck it.’
“Did… did you mean it? What you said earlier?” he forced out.
“A-about.. kissing?” her voice was unnaturally high again.
He sighed heavily, suddenly very aware of his racing heartbeat. “Y- yeah.”
“I… yes,” she whispered, her cheeks a fiery red.
His shoulders scrunched up far enough that he felt like a turtle trying to retreat into its shell. His pulse pounded in his ears, and suddenly it seemed as though his entire torso was burning in embarrassment.
Of course it was only then that both of them looked up and noticed that they were right back where they were before: under the mistletoe.
Homura took a deep breath, straightening up. Her confident posture only lasted a couple of seconds before she spoke. “What about you?”
His eyes widened in shock. “Do I… wanna kiss you?”
She nodded, refusing to look at him.
“I, um… Well… You’re not drunk, are you?”
“W- what?” she asked, shocked. “No. In truth, I do not like alcohol. Not its taste, nor its effects.”
“It’s a weird day,” he said, shaking his head.
“Are you?”
“Stone cold sober,” he said. ‘Though this conversation is making me feel like I’m drunk,’ he thought. ‘Either that, or I’m in a fever dream.’
Homura paused, eyes darting back and forth. “You never answered my question.”
Weisz breathed in, then out slowly. “... Yeah,” he said, surprising both of them with his answer. “Yeah, I- I.. want to kiss you.”
Both of them were silent for a moment, uncertain of what to do.
“I have… never actually kissed anyone before. Is it like a battle?”
The noise he made was somewhere between a sigh and a chuckle. “No, it’s not that complicated. It’s pretty easy, actually. Haven’t you ever seen a movie or read a book with a kiss in it?”
“Well, yes, but how can I know how much of that is fiction, and how much is accurate to reality?”
Weisz tilted his head to the side. “Fair point. But it’s basically the same, for the most part. It’s, well.. I mean, it’s just something you learn by doing.”
“Then let me learn. Or teach me, rather.”
“O-okay.” For the first time ever, Weisz hesitated to kiss her. Not even his first kiss was this drawn out.
He rolled his shoulders, projecting a calm he didn’t feel, and brought his hand up to her cheek. Without giving himself time to overthink, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.
The first couple of seconds were awkward. Homura stood still, not quite grasping how to respond. But she proved herself a quick learner when she started kissing back.
Weisz brought his other hand to her waist, pulling her closer. Homura covered his hand on her cheek with her own, resting the other on his arm.
He ended their kiss sooner than he would have liked, but he didn’t want to overstep with a too-intense one. Resting his forehead on hers, Weisz still kept close to her lips, torn between wanting another kiss and wondering if Homura did.
At this distance, it was hard to not look at each other, but they both tried.
“That… was nice.”
He nodded slightly. “Mhm.”
“Weisz,” she whispered, finally looking him in the eyes.
She gulped. “...Teach me again?”
The corner of his lips turned up in a small smile. “Okay,” he said, leaning in again.
He stopped. “Hm?”
Homura moved the hand that was resting on his arm to instead lay on his cheek. Then, she leaned forward and reconnected their lips.
Weisz’s hand on her waist slid around to the small of her back, pulling her even closer than before. His hand resting on her cheek slid down to join the other. He allowed himself to kiss her a little harder, nearly losing himself in the moment.
When they pulled apart again, they were breathless.
“Well… You’re definitely a fast learner,” he said, clearing his throat.
“Thank you, I pride myself on it.”
Weisz chuckled, which set Homura off giggling before taking a step back. Neither of them took their hands off the other.
“Thank you… for teaching me.. about mistletoe. It was…-”
“Yeah, it was good for me, too.”
Homura nodded, a small smile growing on her face. She looked away from him.
“Well, it has certainly been… an interesting first Christmas,” she said, stepping away slowly. “Goodnight, Weisz.”
She turned her head away, hiding her smile as she walked past him.
Weisz touched his lips lightly. “Yeah,” he said to himself. “Maybe Christmas isn’t so bad.”
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crownvetch92 · 4 years
Light Eternal Chapter 1
The moon shown down on lush green leaves as a large shadow swooped down over a sea of trees. A shrill screech filled the air, scaring up massive amounts of birds and insects from the branches. Yellow eyes searched the resulting panicked swarm, honing in on a particularly plump partridge. Gigantic leathery wings beat as the large bat creature snagged the partridge with furry spindly arms, sinking it’s large claws onto it’s prey, killing the bird almost instantaneously.
With her prey in her claws, the bat creature landed on a sturdy branch, plucking feathers off her catch. It was an old habit picked up from her time living amongst mortal humans, before the rise of Vlad the Impaler, and subsequent fear of vampires took hold. She huffed, brushing scratching her ear with her wing claw, as her hands were busied with plucking the last feathers off, and disposing of them into the pitch black forest below.
Aside from her spindly arms she looked just like a giant version of a big brown bat, standing 6 foot from head to talon, and a wingspan of 10 feet. She gazed up at the stars, admiring their tiny flickering lights. She chittered in excitement as a meteor shower began to light up the sky above. She continued eating, discarding bones and inedible gizzards into the leaves below. Small scavenging creatures leaped through the branches below, squabbling over the scraps. They looked like pale, twisted, hairless monkeys with needle sharp teeth. They squawked and chattered, bickering amongst themselves. One was brave enough to sniff at the giant bat’s three taloned feet. She shifted away in disgust, kicking the vile scavenger away. The creature hissed, and jumped down to a lower branch.
The bat finished her nightly meal, and started grooming herself like a rat would. A flash of light caught her large yellow eyes. A meteor passed right past the tree line, and into the forest below. The she-bat sniffed at the air, and then skittered down the tree. The forest was impossibly dark, at least for mortal standards. It was like descending into the deepest part of the ocean, where no light could ever reach. The she bat maneuvered down, using only the sturdiest branches.
She sniffed the air, trying to pick up any strange scent left by the falling star. She followed a scent, that of heated stones. She looked around, nothing was out of the ordinary. Only the bioluminescent flowers that littered the forest floor dimly pulsed with faint light. The she bat huffed, nothing was there, her curiosity lead to disappointment. She scuttled back to her cave.
“Was your hunt successful Estelle?” Echoed a deep yet powerful female voice.
“She smells of blood and bone, arvak.” Came a deep male voice.
“You could say zat...” Estelle the she bat replied, flying up to a large stalactite and clinging to it, “Vat about you?”
Arvak, a large ice dragon looked up, her scales glittering pale blue, “Boar meat, again.”
“Still better zan nosink.” Estelle replied. Ragnar, a red scaled fire dragon, just grumbled in response. Food was more important now that Arvak was heavy with eggs. Most of Ragnar’s kills went to feed his lifelong mate.
“If only prey was as plentiful here as it was on earth before humans came to be,’ he griped.
“You could vedy vell move,” Estelle squawked.
Ragnar blew sparks out his nostrils, “It is not that easy bat,” he shouted, “The humans destroyed my wings!”
He spread his once glorious leathery wings, now nothing more than heavily torn, hole filled connective tissue. He had lost his ability to fly when mortal humans discovered weapons. “I cannot fly at all!”
Estelle held her comment. She just huffed, buried her head in her wing and fell asleep. The next few nights brought more of the same, but she decided to catch a few fat birds for Arvak to dine on while the eggs developed. Arvak laid her eggs a few days later. The eggs were healthy despite their small size. While the eggs incubated in Arvak’s care, Estelle hunted for herself.
While hunting, she noticed an oddly soothing floral smell. She followed the floral scent, finding an enormous white lily. Estelle sniffed around, something seemed different, aside from a new bioluminescent flower suddenly appearing in a place she knew so well. Estelle heard something, akin to a puppy’s whimper. She twitched her ear in the direction of the sound. She slowly turned her head, out of the corner of her yellow eyes, she saw motion.
“Is alright,” Estelle crooned, “I von’t hurt you.”
A small child emerged from the bush.  She looked to be about 7 years of age. Her long hair was a dark blue, with small pinpricks of light, reflecting the night sky itself. The child wore a simple dress made of the same flower petals as the lily. It glowed white, making her exposed skin look ghostly pale. Her eyes glowed a vivid green, as her cat like pupils widened in silent panic at the sight of Estelle.
A tarantula sized jumping spider sat on her shoulder like a bird, reared in a defensive posture, fangs bared.  It’s white fur bristling.  Orange spots on the sides of it’s abdomen gleamed in the pale light from the flower, and 6 U shapes spots decorated it’s back. It was incredibly fluffy for an arachnid familiar, with large shining eyes facing forward, and 6 more smaller ones spread around the sides of it’s head. The spider had an incredibly cute features despite taking a protective stance.  Estelle looked around, the bodies of several scavengers littered the area. Surely they caught a whiff of the new flower, hoping for a fresh meal. There were fang marks on each one’s hairless body, as well as sticky spider silk covering their grotesque, twisted faces. The little girl had numerous scratches on her legs, and dirt covering her feet.
“Don’t worry little von,” Estelle crooned, “I vill not hurt you.”
There was no response aside from trembling from the girl, yet the spider had eased up, putting it’s forelegs down. The spider still eyed Estelle suspiciously, chittering quietly into the child’s ear.
“Zat is a little better,” Estelle said soothingly, carefully walking closer before brushing the child’s tangled blue hair to the side with her clawed hand, “Vat is your name child?”
The girl gulped, “c-c-caeweth…”
A deep growl sounded, Estelle’s fur stood up, this creature sounded large.
“Ve must go,” Estelle whispered, picking up the girl and spider in her spindly, fur covered arms as a giant skeletal dog like creature with saliva covered fangs and bloody elongated claws trode onto the light of the giant lily.
The grave dog completely lacked eyes, sniffing about the flower with it’s exposed bony nostril holes. The flesh on the top of it’s muzzle had long been stripped away, leaving only exposed bone. The animal hungered, salivating and gnashing it’s teeth, trying to chew on a petal, and poke it’s nose in the flowers center. Estelle took advantage of the creatures distracted senses, and fled with young Caeweth back to the safety of the cave.
“Damn grave dogs,” Estelle said under her breath.
“What was that thing?” Caeweth whimpered as she clutched Estelle’s soft, thick, brown fur.
“A grave dog,” Estelle said a bit louder, “Humans thought a dog would guide them to ze land of the dead, so zey buried them in grave yards. Unintentionally creating a twisted beast vitch dines on all types ov fae.”
Caeweth clutched Estelle’s fur tighter, making Estelle wince slightly.  The trip back to the cave went simply enough, as the scavengers and grave dogs were busy squabbling over meat scraps near the lily.  Within the cave, Ragnar lifted his head, smelling an odd scent
“What have you brought this time, Estelle?” He growled, spewing sparks out of his nostrils.
Estelle lifted her wings, revealing little Caeweth, “I found her in the nick of time, any later and she voud haff become grave dog prey.”
Ragnar growled, “You do realize that is a Night Fae?  If they find out, they could very well kill all of us without a second thought!”
“Vagnar,” Estelle said calmly, “She is but a child, born outside ze kindergarten, she vould surely haff died out in those voods.  Vat vood Arvak say, hm?”
Ragnar huffed.  Estelle had a point, Arvak’s motherly instincts would overturn any argument he had the audacity to come up with.
“Fine.” He growled, “But if any harm comes to my eggs, she will be left to the mercy of the forest.”
“Sounds fair,” Estelle nodded.
Caeweth had buried her face in Estelle’s fur, frightened by the loud confrontation.  Estelle’s fur was so unreasonably soft, silky, and comforting, she was practically embedded in the cloud like softness.
“You haff nosink to fear little von.”  Estelle cooed, moving deeper into the cave.
The sound of water echoed throughout the chamber.
“Where are we?” Caeweth asked tentatively.
“Zer is a spring here,” Estelle cooed, “a place to vash up.”
Caeweth dipped her toes into the clear water.  The water was comfortably warm despite the underground temperature.  She giggled as the water relaxed her sore muscles.  Before she knew it, a silver comb was passed through her tangled hair, preening out all the knots that had accumulated over the past few hours.  Caeweth washed off all of the dirt and sweat she gathered, and soon was wrapped in a warm blanket, placed on a soft, yet rudimentary, nest of straw.
“Do you feel better?” Estelle cooed softly, stroking Caeweth’s still wet hair, “never you mind Vagnar, he’s just grumpy.”
Ragnar huffed at the comment, laying down on the smooth stone floor of the cave.  His tail twitched back and forth uneasily, red scales glinting in the soft light of the glow moss lining the crevices in the walls.  He shook his horse like head, nearly hitting his ram like horns into the wall.
“Arvak better come back soon,” he muttered to himself.
Estelle was too busy soothing the little fairy child to sleep with lullabies and stories, while the jumping spider clung to the wall.  Caeweth drew one of the nest lining cloths into her arms.  She was not completely sure what was going on, but Estelle seemed nice enough.  This was better than the alternative of being ripped apart by scavengers, or disemboweled by grave dogs.  She yawned as her eyelids grew ever heavier, till she just drifted off into a deep sleep.
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supernova1us · 5 years
My brief fanfic of how i imagine the G2 series story could have continued after “journey to one”.
The metal bird of white and gold soared through the sky, looking down on the similar colored figure walking below.  The tall warrior stepped up over the rocks, trying to keep his strength.  It had been a long trek up these hazardous mountains, with plenty of additional threats.  He had encountered many a wild or corrupted beasts.  He had just finished combat with a pack of wild fire boars. He heard the screech of Agil overhead and looked up, seeing with relief that he was near the peak.
He finally reached the peak, where sat what remained of a roofless temple; the temple of time.  He pulled his weapon from his back and set it down and sat.  Despite his haste, he was beyond exhausted, having travelled for days to reach his destination with little rest.  He stared up at the twilight sky; night was setting in and the stars were out, just as was needed.  Agil had perched on a broken stone and sat watching in intently. After another minute he stood up and stepped up to the alter at the pinnacle of the temple.
He placed a strange crystal at its center, which pulsed with elemental energy of each kind.  He stood watching but nothing happened.  His hope, his resolve, began to falter when it began to glow and the temple quake.  Suddenly a beam of pure elemental energy stretched into the sky.  He looked up and saw the six elemental stars begin to glow, just as he was told would happen.   He suddenly felt a greater shake and realized with horror that the temple was breaking apart from the strain. Suddenly he heard the thunder of shattering rock and felt the ground beneath his feet fall out as the temple crumbled away.  The last thing he saw before darkness was six streaks of light descending from the sky towards the temple.
He wasn’t sure how long had passed when he came to and pushed the rubble off him.  As he looked about, he saw a light emanated from the other side of the mound that was the temple of time.  He pushed up and climbed the rubble to look and there, within a heated crater, stood them, the toa; the great heroes he had been sent to summon. They were talking amongst themselves, laughing and chatting.  He climbed down the other side of the rubble but slipped, tumbling down and catching their attention. They instinctively drew their weapons and took defensive stances.
“who goes there?!” tahu demanded
The newcomer awkwardly picked himself up and stood nervously, trying to not raise their ire.
“you…you are the toa?” He asked
“we are” kopaka answered warily
He started with a weak squeak of a voice, still in shock and awe, before composing himself.
“I am takua, toa of light. I was tasked with summoning you to protect okoto once more”
There was a collective gasp of shock and some hushed murmuring amongst the toa.  Sensing that this takua was not an enemy, tahu lowered his weapon and the others did as well.  They looked him over; he certainly looked like a toa. He was average in height to the most of them. He had an ornate, crested golden mask that did seem to exude light. He had gold and white armor and held a long scythe or staff with a long, thick curved blade at its top, embedded in which was a bolt of crystalized energy. Gali noted that his armor included the elemental crystals like their armor did.
“wait” she thought aloud
It was then she, and soon the others, realized they no longer sported the crystals and enhanced armor ekimu had built for them.  They had returned to their original armor and weapons.
“heh, fine by me” pohatu huffed, flipping his boomerangs
They each reexamined their old weapons, familiarizing themselves with them. They actually found it comforting to be returned to their original forms. Takua, feeling awkward and small in their presence, stayed silent. It was onua who finally looked up to see the fresh pile of destruction behind the new toa.
“what was this and what caused it?”
“well, it was the temple of time and I guess it was me who did it” takua admitted
“why” lewa asked
“it was in bad shape and I believe the energy used to summon you was too much for it”
“hmm, I don’t remember okotan craftsmanship being so brittle” pohatu fowned
“And speaking of which, where are the protectors then, I have so missed Korgots company” onua smiled
There was an awkward silence that lingered as takua took long moments to compose his answer.  The toa could sense the heaviness; something was wrong.
“It…has been many, many years since you were last on okoto. The…protectors you knew have all passed away. New protectors have taken their posts, and scarcely venture from their villages or regions these days”
The revelation struck the toa hard and they looked about confused. Kopaka stepped forward to look down at takua with serious eyes.
“what has happened?”
“shadow and chaos now runs rampant across the island. Need was great for your aid”
“what shadow?”
“many, but at its core, makuta”
“so he persists?” onua spoke up
“it is, complicated”
“question; if the protectors are not here, how did you summon us?” lewa asked
“I will show you. The mask maker awaits us” takua answered
“ah, ekimu, good” tahu glowed
“hm, I have a few words for him” pohatu said lowly
Kopaka turned away from takua, shoulder to shoulder and facing tahu.
“how can we be sure we can trust him?” he whispered
Suddenly there was a screech above, and all eyes turned to see the elemental creature of light diving towards them.
“agil!” gali shouted happily
The bird perched on takua’s shoulder and nuzzled him affectionately.
“I see you are familiar with my partner” takua smiled
“that’s how” tahu answered kopaka
With that the group made the long trek back down the mountain range. Many questions were asked and takua awkwardly evaded most of them, only acknowledging that much time had passed and that okoto was in ruin.  Indeed, much of the landscape seemed damaged or at least affected. They did encounter some of the beasts takua had already faced but their elemental powers proved more than a match for them. As they remembered, they were “their” elemental powers.  The group was collectively more than relieved to not have to hunt for more pointless golden masks. Apparently the purpose of the golden masks was to reawaken and focus their abilities in their weakened states at the time.  
“how did you become the toa of light? Last we saw it was…” gali started
“master ekimu, yes.  I was a villager that he took in as his apprentice.  He told me that the power of light was a grand power to fight darkness. He told me how he had once wielded it himself to be a toa for a short time, controlling only a fragment of its ability to stand with you in battle”
“stand in battle is a bit of a stretch” kopaka coughed
The group recalled how poorly the mask maker turned toa had fared in combat with the elemental beasts.
“yes, well, it was he who eventually bestowed unto me the mantle and power of toa of light before…” he trailed off
The toa sensed something, well many things, he was holding back.  They walked for some time, through the night and most of the next day. Strangely enough to the toa, instead of making for the city of the mask makers at the islands center, they were heading to the slopes of where the mountains met the region of jungle. Eventually they came to what could best be described as a large, and very old stone dwelling, overgrown and shabby; it had clearly seen better days. It was not quite a temple but much more than a hut. The toa lingered, sensing something off but takua and agil entered without pause.
As they entered, they saw that the majority of the inside was one large chamber with a massive furnace, and at its center a forging slab. They heard stirring from one of the corners.
“mask maker, we have returned” takua announced
The toa saw a familiar squat silhouette begin to emerge from the shadows, though something seemed different, wrong about it.  As the figure appeared before them, they were struck with horror; the purple eyes and armor highlights, the mask of control; it was makuta.
“makuta!” they all yelled
They all drew their weapons and channeled their elements, ready to attack.
“wait!” takua yelled
He and agil jumped in front of them, blocking any attack.
“I knew it, traitor, false toa” kopaka growled
The accusation seemed to cut the light warrior deep.  He seemed almost depressed for a moment before anger overtook him.  He readied his weapon to battle when the small smith pushed forward.
“I am no longer the bearer of that name” he said
His voice was deeper and fiercer than ekimus but still soft and wise, strangely almost soothing to the toa, which put them even further from ease.
“what do you mean? Explain tyrant, where is ekimu?”
“my brother…is dead” he answered
Overcome with fury and now engulfed in flame, tahu struck with his blades, only for his fatal strike to be blocked by takua.  To all the toas confusion, makuta never flinched or blocked or made to attack.
“you are…right to have hate for me, and want to strike me down. I would not blame you”
“what happened to ekimu?” onua demanded
“he gave his life to save us” takua answered
“how, why?” gali asked
Makuta waved for them to follow him to another room.  They did, with great apprehension, weapons still in hand. They came to a room with a bonfire at its center and 6 stools set around it.  Makuta took one and gestured for them to take the rest. Save takua, the toa remained still, until pohatu, not one for tact or patience, stepped forward. He was followed by gali, then onua, then lewa, the kopaka and finally tahu. Tahus presence as he sat caused the fire to flare a bit, a sign of his anger. The mask maker paused, seeming almost intimidated under the toas hateful stares, before finally beginning.  
“you all of course know of my…regrettable past and actions. When last we saw each other you sealed me away in the shadow realm. But I did not remain.  Eventually, over time, the barrier weakened, and creatures of darkness began to escape.  Eventually, I too forced my way through, but it was a crossing almost as cataclysmic as my first being imprisoned there.  It rent my being itself asunder”
The mention of such a thing snapped the toa from their glares and they were overtaken by interest.
“I was finally freed of all the darkness that had gathered in my darker half.  There was now makuta and me”
“and what, who are you then?” lewa asked
“I am free. The mask of ultimate power amplified my jealousy, anger, hatred and desire. And for a thousand years it enslaved me to those impulses.  I gave myself wholly to them.  It was not until I was free of them that I realized the poison they were. The mask, it absorbed them all and became an entity all its own, born from my darkness”
“the mask of ultimate power?” pohatu asked
“no. that mask was destroyed the day ekimu shattered it. This, what I had in the shadow realm, was far more dangerous.  It is the mask of darkness, the manifestation of rampant power with now directive, just like makuta”
“so there are two of you now?” tahu asked
“I relinquished the name out of shame. I am, as I once was, a mere mask maker”
The mask maker gestured up to the structure around them.
“this, toa, was where it all started. My brother and me, alone here, making masks for those who desired them. Before fame, or power or responsibility. We lived simple lives back then”
“so what happened next” an enthralled lewa asked
“takua saved me from makuta and took me to the city, to ekimu. I was weak, barely awake or able to move. Not long after, the minions of makuta came, besieging the city. Luckily the villagers had already fled, affronted by my presence”
“master ekimu said he would make a stand…” takua started in
“he told me to take his brother and flee.  I didn’t want to leave him but he said it was not my destiny to perish there. I was meant to live and protect okoto”
“so what happened?” tahu demanded again
“ekimu had, over the years, had me collect the fragments of the mask of ultimate power. I thought it was to destroy it, but it was to lock them away. When the time came, it was his weapon of last resort. As we prepared to leave, shadow warriors and skull warriors swarming the city, he reforged the pieces together, the strain almost killing him. He sent us away, then there was only destruction” takua finished
“he shattered the mask again, I more than any know what that means.  Its destruction destroyed it, him, the city and the invaders. Nothing remained” makuta finished
“wow” lewa said as he dropped his head into his hands, crest fallen
“his spirit is one with the world now” makuta nodded
“and makuta? The…the other one I mean” kopaka crossed his arms
“survived, escaped, I could sense it.  He dared not enter the city himself. Now he is free, hidden, unleashing evil beasts and minions on okoto. The island has never known darkness like this”
“what of the elemental creatures?” onua inquired
“they returned to their regions, dormant now I imagine, not been sighted in some time”
“question!” lewa raised his arm
“oh…uh, yes”
“how did you get the mask of control back?”
“I was wonder about that as well” pohatu added
“ekimu had apparently found and restored it”
“He gave it to me along with his brothers forging hammer when he sent us away.  I gave them to him when he was strong enough”  takua added
“so what do you do now?”
“what I was meant to, make masks. Takua delivers them to the villages. They believe he has forged them and that is what’s best”
“and I and agil fight whatever foul things makuta unleashes as they come. The villages are secluded and in fear and fight where they can but…hope is fleeting”
“which is why we realized we needed the toa to turn the tide against darkness”
“what kind of things has makuta been doing?”
“his threat is tenfold with him in this plain, on the island now. Wild animals, rampant and corrupted, elemental beasts and shadow okotans. And some new beings; foul warriors doing his bidding”
“like nidhiki” takua scowled
“what?” gali asked
“a vile spider or crab-like warrior. He’s one of makutas main goons.  We have fought many times”
“so…this is our duty…” tahu started
Suddenly there was an incredulous aghast sound from pohatu.
“duty…what even is our duty our purpose.  Are we just cleaners to be called every time a fight is to be had? Is that all we are?”
“agreed, ekimu used us and we went blindly along with his prophecy nonsense. It made non sense” kopaka added
“yeah, I mean, destiny is one thing but, if ekimu already knew what was meant to happen, then fate was already tempered with. Okoto could have been saved in a day if he told us the truth” gali chimed in
The mask maker looked among the discontent looks of the toa. Even takua seemed afflicted, having also been in a similar situation with his brother.
“I am not ekimu. I do not deal with prophecy and pathways, half-truths and vague suggestion.  The prophecy and its impact were of his making, his machinations. I no longer have desire for such things. If you want answers, than ask”
There was a shocked silence as the toa looked about each other, trying to compose what to say.
“who are we?” tahu said pleadingly
That was the core of their desire, of what they truly wanted to know. The mask maker knew such a thing would one day come up.  He breathed slowly, composing himself.
“you…the toa…huff, the six elemental stars power this world, fuel the elements and life itself. And you are their souls, the living manifestations of those elements and the spirits of the stars.  Legend had it that you have been summoned all through history, protecting this world from disaster”
“oh my god” tahu shook
“then why do we remember nothing?” kopaka asked
“A old sage once told ekimu and myself, when we were young, that he saw you battle a great evil that destroyed itself and you.  It seems your spirits lived, but your past memories did not. A curse or a blessing, for you to decide”
 A long, sober night proceeded, their host insisted they relax and rest before the fate of the island was decided. Under the circumstances, the toa chose to give the mask maker the benefit of the doubt.  There was conversation, questions, answers and the slightest bit of revelry and enjoyment.  Outside, in a tree above, a large insectoid watch the dwelling intently. Seeing the flickering of the fire in the windows and the voices from within, he had his answer.
“hssss, the toa have returned, makuta must know”
Within, the toa had drinks and were being taught an old bards song from ages past. All joined, save onua. On the other side of the home, he sat alone, legs crossed, in meditation; there was much to reflect on.  Eyes closed, mind and soul open, he found his outstretched consciousness answered.
“unity, duty, destiny” he heard
He recognized the soft  voice of ekimu, coming from within, not without.
“I am one with this world now. And you must make this world united. United, but not one. Only when united can okoto overcome the darkness” it faded
“I understand” onua said aloud
Eventually sleep did come. It was mid-morning when takua finally awoke in his room.  Agil perched at the window as every day. He heard the ringing of his host working, forging masks.  He went by the room in which he knew the toa were sleeping but saw only discarded pillows and blankets.  He heard grunts and the clanging of metal outside that he knew now to be the sound of battle. He drew his staff and raced out, thinking makutas forces had found them. Instead, he was met with the sight of the toa, paired up and battling with their weapons; training. Ever since the loss of their memories, they had not developed great skill with their weapons, and found themselves relying on their powers or team attacks.  They realized they had to improve their skills for the trials to come.  
Lewa whizzed through the air, avoiding the swings of onuas hammer, and countering with strikes from his blades, which struck the earth toas shoulder armor. Gali and pohatu spun about each other, her twirling her trident to blocks strikes from his boomerangs, which repelled and whizzed back to his hands.  Tahu and kopaka were locked in a much tenser clash. Magma blades and ice spear and shield locked together, they pushed against each other trying to compromise the others footing with sheer strength.  They broke and were about to re-engage when they took notice of takua.
“come on over toa of light, let’s see what you have” tahu smirked
“Aye, we are tougher than a fire boar.  Try your telent against a real warrior” kopaka added
Takua put up a façade of timidness and nervousness.  They took the bait and attacked individually, and he easily fended both off. They grew aggravated fast and attacked in unison.  He blocked both blows with his staff, then as they were locked, discharged a blast of light from his mask.  Both now blinded for the moment, he withdrew his staff and with a flick of his wrist, used it to pull their feet out from under them.  Both fell hard to the ground with a grunt as their sight came back. The first image they saw was him smiling down at them.
“yes, real warriors” he grinned
He had been trained well in combat, both by ekimu and in his battles as a toa. Though he did not feel worthy, he was a toa warrior. While he appeared cool, inside he was screaming like a child on his first trip out of the village. He was nothing but a villager outcast, then a toa, and now here he was sparing with the great toa heroes of legend.  He could hardly believe it was not a dream, but dreams seldom also included so much darkness. The other toa had broken from their training to watch and were now haughtily laughing. Kopaka coolly ignored it; tahu was less reserved, leaving a charred outline of grass in his shape as a sign of his agitation.
“takua, I meant to ask again; without the protectors, how were you able to summon us back” gali asked
“the mask maker forged a special elemental crystal, which I had to journey to each village with. Each protector needed to touch it so it could absorb a portion of their energy. That combined filled the role needed for the ritual I guess” he shrugged
“makes sense” pohatu shrugged
“so, what is our next step, where do we hunt makuta?” lewa chirped from the air
“we don’t, not yet” onua answered
“what?!” the other six toa gasped
“in my meditation, I heard the voice, the spirit of ekimu; he urged us to unite okoto”
“okoto cannot be united while makuta roams free” the mask maker scowled from the door
His personal stake and salvation in makutas defeat was showing, harder than ever before.  It was his desire to see ther toa destroy his darker half, purging his shame from the world.
“it is only through unity that the island, and its people will survive”
“yes, as I said, the regions are divided, the villages scared and apart”
“I see, yes. we will inspire, unite the people of okoto” gali clapped
“yes, show them that if they rise and stand together, they can stamp out the darkness” tahu added
“the okotans wil rise against makuta, not as many, but as one” pohato finished
The mask maker stood silent, reflecting, before returning to finish the masks he was working on.  He had multiple spare masks for each village and if the toa were going to them, they might as well deliver them for him. If they were used and valued, that was all that mattered, even if he would not be the one to receive the credit.  That was a lesson he wish he had been capable of learning a thousand years ago.
“so, takua, what other evils does makuta command?” kopaka asked
“other evils, probably many now. Well the shadow okotans, the elemental beasts, the corrupted animals, nihdiki I said and some other brute warrior with him. kulta and the skull warriors…
“kulta, the skull grinder, still alive?!” tahu jumped
“I suppose, if whatever he is counts as alive. Skull spiders I still believe as well and there have been rumors of serpent women of some kind abducting villagers into the shadows. Then the skrall could always come back…”
“skrall, what are skrall?”
“invaders from across the sea; they were repelled, barely, but we know they will return.  I could easily see them falling under makutas sway”
“so many threats, I wonder if we have ever faced such odds before that we don’t remember” lewa asked
“perhaps one day you will find out” the mask maker said
He dropped a bag of mask and supplies at their feet.
“best get moving, there is much to be done” he added
“well then team let’s move out and…” tahu started
“hold fire head, who made you our eternal leader. You had your chance, the toa of ice should lead this time” kopaka announced
Tahu and kopaka glared at each other.
“maybe I should lead, might be fun” pohatu shrugged
Lewa, dropped down, hanging upside-down by his legs from a tree branch.
“how about a leader who’s got some actual brains, like onua or gali or me”
The mask maker narrowed his eyes in disappointment as they squabbled.
“my vote is for takua” onua spoke up
All eyes turned to the toa of light, who was sitting absent mindedly on a rock with agil perched on his arm.
“what?!” he choked out
All then others were just as stunned and confused.
“this is not the okoto we knew. We are strangers here, more so now than before.  He proved himself to ekimu and earned his power.  He is brave, skilled and clearly has much he can teach us. If you lead takua, I will follow”
Onua held his weapon out and bowed his head. There was a mix of amusement, awe and incredulousness at this. Takua stood up, agil still on his arm, and in what may have been some form of a divine sign, light through the tree tops shown down over him, reflecting and magnifying the light outwards from his mask.  The other five toa did the same with little argument; onuas logic was rarely easy to argue with. Takua looked dumbfounded, overcome with emotion and shock.  He looked to the mask maker, who merely nodded, impressed.
“unity” tahu proclaimed
“duty” takua answered
“destiny!” the 7 toa called out in unison.
 The legend continues
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millies-theme · 4 years
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Okay so like... I can’t find this in my archive? I drew it early last month and it looks like it never made its way here :I (Sorry if I already posted this, I legit can’t find it in my archive)
Mini's mouth twitched as she trundled through the forest. She'd ONLY just BARELY managed to evade her caretakers. The dappled lights of the forest flickered around her, making it seem brighter and happier than its inhabitants would belie. But as long as she didn't go too far away from the Gate and camp, she could avoid the bigger Digis that would want to eat her or tear her leg off. Well. Probably. Sometimes a particularly determined or angry digimon would try and get through the Gate, which usually either led to their death or the death of a few Minumarmon. Those days always sucked. Mini continued to weave and bob between fallen trees, stumps, and impressively large oak trees until she came to her special spot: The Leave-and-Take tree. That's what Mini called it anyway.
She wasn't sure of what it was called, but the massive hollowed out birch had a tiny, brassy plaque on it that said “Take one to enjoy, but be sure to leave one to bring others joy" It was full to the brim with hundreds of books; Some old and worn, with yellowed, crinkly pages, and others new, with crisp white square pages. Mini loved the way the place smelled; The earthy smell from the ground, mixing with the parchment smell, and the leaves... It was a perfect secret spot to spend an afternoon. She loved all the books, even the ones with very long words she couldn't understand (sometimes, she'd ask her caretakers what a word meant; she's always act like she'd overheard someone else saying it and wanted to know what it meant) While she spent hours at the tree, she never took them away, which meant she was still following the rules, right? Someday, she would bring a new book to the tree, in return for all the hours it had let her spend there.  
The sun had drifted lower in the sky over the last few hours, making the light slowly go from pale yellow to deep gold. Mini was determined to finish her book before going home; She'd started it last week, and was so close to figured out who had killed the “humon” in the story. She still wasn't certain on what a “humon” was, but at this point she just assumed they looked like hairy floramons. She started flipping a page, stopping as she heard a stick snap in the distance. Shoot – was one of the Minumarmons coming to look for her? She stifled a gasp as it occurred to her that might mean for her; They wouldn't let her come back here – heck, they might not let her out of their sights until she was an adult! Mini gently closed the book in her paws, shuffling back along the branch carefully as to not snap any twigs off. She held her breath, rapidly darting her head around in the hopes of spotting the offending twig snapper. It wasn't a Minumarmon, that was obvious now.
It was big, and a pale cream, with a gold tail and lots of horns on its neck, and a single, spiraling horn on its head.
It stopped, sniffed the ground, and sat down as something on it's back shifted around. Another digimon, most likely. It only took a moment for the other digimon to show its head, squeaking loudly as it ran up the larger digimon's head. It didn't look to be the same species. Well. she assumed it wasn't the same species. Some digimon lines weren't exactly.... easy to decipher. Mini scooted back again, only to yelp as she moved too far to the side. She sucked in a breath, clamping a paw over her mouth as the digimon raised its head. It barked – er. Quietly shouted? - something that sounded like “Lu”, and the Digimon on its head rushed back to the safety of its neck. Mini watched with baited breath as it looked around, only to let out a quiet whine as she realized she was slipping.
Mini pulled the paw away from her muzzle, desperately scrabbling against the smooth bark trying to find a purchase. It didn't work. She teetered on the edge of the branch for a second, going crash-bang to the ground the next. Mini sat, stunned for a second, before squealing as a cold, hard claw nudged her side. They had moved so fast! “you good?” A low, grumbling voice asked, whiskers tickling the side of her head. “YEAH! ARE YOU OKAY??” A second voice shouted, somehow louder than the first. Mini cracked open an eye, expecting to see a cavernous maw of teeth and death. The face she saw, while big, and with big teeth, seemed more friendly and worried than about to eat her. "You're not dead, so I'm just gonna assume you're alright." It said, nudging her. Mini sat, trembling as the digimon continued to stare at her. “So.... Where are your caretakers? Around here somewhere, I guess?” Mini stared up with woeful eyes, hunkering down further into the dirt. Oh. He was just going to take her back to her caretakers. And then they'd know where she'd been and this was it. No more tree. No more books til she grew older and split from the group – if she ever did. “Look kid, I don't wanna hurt you, I just wanna make sure you don't get hurt. There's guys out here who'll eat you.” “YEAH! THERE'S A BIG MEAN OL' GAZIMON OUT HERE WHO KEEPS TRYING TO EAT ME AND HE'LL EAT YOU TOO!” Mini jolted as a small digimon all but leapt off of the big ones back, turning dizzying circles as it yelled. "....what?” Mini responded, tilting her head. “THERE'S-” “Lu. Outdoor voice.” “Aaaaaaaaa ok papa” The smaller one trailed off, kneading the fur in between spikes. “There's digimon who could kill you, kiddo. Where's your caretakers?” “Uhm.” She could lie, and say they were nearby, or be honest. If she lied, he'd likely make her sit there til someone showed up, and someone would eventually show up to find her. Which would mean no more tree. If she was honest, he'd likely escort her back to her family – which would also mean no more tree. There was a third option, she realized. She could run. But one glance at the massive digimon in front of her quashed that. Honesty it was.
"Lu. Off." The white digimon said before yawning, mouth stretching wider than Mini's head was big. He grunted, scratching behind a spike as “Lu” jumped off. “HI!!!!” The small yellow digimon squealed, getting right up in Mini's face. Mini started, jerking her head back to avoid getting smacked in the muzzle. “Uhm. They're back at the Gate...” Mini mumbled, fully anticipating a scolding. It wasn't horribly far, but it was still far enough that if she yelled no one there would hear her. “that's awfully far for someone your age. Do they know you're here?” “..no.” Mini mumbled even quieter, huffing a sigh at the end. “Ah. Sneaking out, hm? Do you want someone to walk you back, if you're done?” Mini tilted her head. This was not the reaction she had been expecting. A scolding, a few harsh words, and maybe a nip on the scruff before being marched back to Miestro. “Uh. No, thank you. I know the way back pretty well..” She stood up, eyes on the ground as she shook herself off. “Alright. Holler if you need someone. It's Sear, by the way.” He added the last part after a pause, like an afterthought. “Lucy.” Sear called, letting out a gruff laugh as the tiny digimon sped over to him, tail a blur as she jumped up on Sear's back. “I won't bite if you come back. Feel free to sneak out again, just let me know you're here.” And with that, he turned around and lumbered off into the forest, Lucy running back and forth on his back quickly.
That.... Went far better than anticipated. She shook herself off, and picked up the book that had fallen from the tree. She dusted it off, and tucked it back into its hole in the tree. With another quiet sigh, she hurried off into the underbrush, hoping to get back before the sun went down – or before Miestro noticed.
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deowritessometimes · 5 years
The Last Roses
Summary: After the events of Infinity War, Thor has nowhere else to go, and so your distraught and grief-stricken ex shows up on your door for a second chance at love
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Pairing: Exes!Thor x Male Reader
Warning: Angst?
Characters: Thor, Reader
Extra(s): I’m unsure as to how much time passes in Thor; Spoilers from Thor Ragnarok and Infinity War
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After what Thor would call his single worst failure, he stood there, shocked with his Storm Breaker at his feet. There was nothing else driving him. There wasn’t anything else processing what was quite literally the worst week of his life. It all came to him in a huge flood of his emotions. Along with his feelings, came the sinking realization of what exactly he has done.
Thor couldn’t help but think about his father, what would have happened if he’d just gotten to Midgard sooner. Maybe he could’ve prevented his father’s death... Probably even Ragnarok. All he ever wanted in life was to live up to Odin’s standards, maybe even exceed them. 
Thor found some sort of weight settling on his shoulders. His shoulders slumped. His body slouched. The weight pushed the god onto his knees. The Wakandan winds started to blow harshly, bringing in the dark grey storm clouds. 
If he could have prevented Ragnarok, the release of his sister would have never happened and then his best friends wouldn’t have died. Surtur would have never destroyed his planet and his people would have never had to gather into one easy target.
Bolts of lightning started to jump and bounce off of Thor’s body. The powerful appearance led everyone to back away from him immediately. Thunder roared in the distance and light flickered behind the clouds.
If Ragnarok had been prevented then when Thanos would have gotten to Asgard there would have been a considerable resistance. Possibly even the death of the Mad Titan before any more lives could have been discarded. His people wouldn’t have been slaughtered. 
Millions upon millions of lives could have been saved if he’d just been faster. If he’d just been stronger. If he’d just... 
His brother. The way that Loki was just tossed aside without a second thought. The purple hue of Loki’s face. The bloodshot look in his eyes. The last words to ever be uttered between the two.
“You really are the worst brother...” 
“I assure you, brother: The sun will shine on us again," Loki whispered out before his neck was effectively snapped by Thanos.
Again... if he’d been stronger. He could’ve saved his brother. 
If he’d just... gone for the head.
Thor let out a roar, his eyes glowing a brilliant blue as the bolts that were previously surrounding his body spread wildly. They attacked anything close, scorching trees and killing wildlife. The lightning that was previously kept contained behind the dark clouds, struck down to the ground aimlessly. Causing even more destruction. His bolt threatened to destroy the Wakandan defenses. 
The great shield above Wakanda faltered, flickering and causing Thor the ground himself again.
Though, it felt good for what little bit of anguish he let out, this wasn’t a safe place to think things over. The man clambered out of his position, gripping his ax in his hand   
It started off with a few silent tears. Then the fat and heavy tears  followed suit, rolling down his cheeks, “Damn it...” The god whispered to himself, his voice croaking. 
The formerly wild and reckless lightning had now been tamed the rain now starting to pound against the floor. The tears were coming down his face just as hard. A failure. That’s all he’d ever been. How stupid he’d been to think himself high and mighty. He truly wasn’t worthy of the title of a god.
Thor gripped his ax and summoned the Bifrost, disappearing along with the victims of Thanos’s snap. 
He hadn’t had an aim with where he was going to land, though he found himself in the middle of time square. On the streets of New York. The sun seemed to be shining brilliantly here, though the clouds were sure to follow with the god’s sorrow. 
Yes, the sun shone brilliantly on the chaotic atmosphere. The place was filled with screams and cries of anguish. Most cars were abandoned, the few that had drivers, they were still and almost lifeless. Children were crying, their parents disappearing before their eyes. 
Though, people were trying their best. At the very heart of this situation stood Y/n. At the moment, he pulled an unconscious woman from her car. Setting her down to the side and leaving her in the hands of someone else. 
“Where are we with the transport?” You asked on your phone, glancing around the area. 
It was then that Y/n laid his eyes on the God of Thunder. The man was completely still, taking in the sight of the tumultuous commotion. He was bathed in the shadows behind a building, giving you a vague outline of his figure.
“Thor, what are you doing here?” Was the first thing to leave your mouth. It took you a second to take in his appearance.
His shoulders were slumped and his voice croaked, “Y/n...” There was something wrong.
“Thor, what’s happened?” You questioned, stepping closer to the male. He mimicked your movements, walking closer to you.
“Y/n... Y/n, I messed up bad...” Thor continued to croak, treading closer to you and giving you a better look as he stepped into the fading sunlight. The man held eye contact with you, staring into your own e/c orbs with his own broken and tired cerulean ones.
“Now isn’t the time, Thor,” You’d approached him, grabbing his hand and placing your house keys in his hand. “You remember where I live, right? Wait for me there.”
Thor was about to object, but the sound of your name being shouted drew your attention and soon you were helping people of all ages into and onto transport vehicles.
It seemed he had no choice but to go back to the place that he vowed never to return to.
Thor stepped into the apartment that was always going to seem overly vacant to him. Apparently, it was called a studio apartment, though the name was always going to be strange to him.
By the time Y/n had gotten home, the sun had long set. Using a spare key, the Agent of S.H.IE.L.D. entered his dark apartment.
The man scanned the darkness out of habit and hearing the soft snore had the man reaching for his gun immediately. Upon clicking on the lights, he could see where Thor had curled up on the couch.
The god had sprawled across the couch, steady and slow breathing. The sleeping man had quite obviously relaxed quite a bit in his time in your apartment. He even went as far as to take off his boots and leave his weapon by the door. It might partially be because of your previous scolding of him when he tracked mud and blood throughout your apartment after a mission.
A sigh of relief as Y/n re-holstered his weapon and made his way to the slumbering god. “Thor ... ” You shook his shoulder softly.
The god stirred, turning over and burying his face in the couch pillow.
“Thor, ” Your voice raised, shaking his shoulder a bit harder.
His head lifted, eyes cracking open. A yawn. A stretch. The god sat up and looked at you. “Y/n...?”
“Hey, Buddy... Feeling better now?” You kept your voice low and soft.
“A little. I’ll be fine soon though. Thanks for letting me calm down here.” Thor patted your shoulder and stood silently. Swinging his legs over the side of the sofa, Thor made his way towards the door.
“What’s goin-” You started, only to be interrupted.
“Do not worry, we have it covered,” Thor spoke, pulling his boots on and reaching for his weapon before grabbing the doorknob.
“Thor.” Your voice, stern and clear, made the god freeze. His hand gripped the doorknob and the door was slightly ajar.
The whistling of the wind and the cool draft that found its way into your home went unnoticed. As did your movements towards Thor.
“Are you going to keep pretending like everything is fine until you can’t anymore?”
“What do you mean? Everything is fine.”
“Okay, that may be true. But what about me? You know you can’t keep doing this to me...You can’t just show up whenever you want something...” You sighed, looking the man over and taking in the drastic change in his appearance. You couldn’t say it wasn’t for the better, though you would miss his headful of hair.
The next thing that jumped out at you was his new weapon. The ax glinted under the lighting in your apartment and you were amazed at the size of the new weapon. Mjolnir was big but this new ax was B I G.
“That’s a cool ax. Where’d you get it?” You reached for it, wondering if it had the same properties as the previous weapon.
He arm jerked out of your reach, unwilling to let you grab it. “Space. I went back to the same place that Mjolnir was made.”
You hummed, retracting your arm with a huff. “That’s a new look. What happened to your hair?”
“It was cut so I could fight Banner on a different planet...” Thor murmured, pulling the door open a bit more. “I won,” He added in quickly.
“Sounds like you’ve been through a lot. Why not sit down and talk about it with an old friend while I make us some tea, Hm?” You offered, placing a hand on his shoulder. “And change out of that damn armor.”
He chuckled silently and turned around to face you, shutting the door. “Alright. I’ll tell you where I have been since we broke up.”
And so he did— after changing. He’d left his armor sitting by the entrance with his ax and changed into a loose-fitting t-shirt with a pair of equally loose-fitting grey sweatpants.
He went over everything. From Ultron to Sakaar, to his sister that took his eye and destroyed Mjolnir. It surprised you that it hadn’t been noticed before. The dual brown and blue eyes fit him strangely but it was an interesting change.
“— and then his just... disappeared.” A stray tear fell from his eyes. There were times where he choked up audibly and paused to collect himself but this was the first time he really stopped to cry. His fingers were intertwined as a few more tears raced after the first one. “He disappeared and got away with the murder of half of the universe.”
You placed your long-forgotten cup of tea on the coffee table and curled your arms around the god as he started to weep. “It’s alright...” You murmured.
“It’s not alright Y/n. I let the man, who killed billions, slip between my fingers.” Thor crumpled in your hold, wrapping his arms around you as well.
You hummed softly, sitting silently as the god cried in your arms.
Time passes on. Seconds tick into minutes and minutes turn into hours.
“Oh... I have something to give you. Wait right here.” Your heavy footsteps thumped through the halls before you came back with a vase.
“By Odin's Beard...”
“I kept them. Though I think that they’d flourish more back on their homeland...” You smiled, handing him the vase.
He brought his finger delicately to one of the white rose petals. The formerly blank flower stirred to life, bringing a brilliant display of colors along with it.
The flower transitioned through all the colors of the rainbow for a brief second before it faded back to the colorless tint it was before.
“These are...” Thor spoke in labored breaths.
“From Asgard. Yes. Do you remember when you brought them for me?” You spoke softly, pulling a flower from the vase and trading items with the god.
It was in the late afternoon and you were just grabbing a sweatshirt from the rack before stepping out of the house. You’d check your watch.
“If I get stood up by the God of fucking thunder... I swear to god—” You huffed impatiently.
Luckily you were cut off by a clearing in the skies and a distant rumble. Then there was something that struck the ground. It was as fast as a lightning bolt but not quite as effective.
It was nearly blinding. Not only because it was bright, but because it was beautiful. Every color imaginable at once. The colors fading in and fading out as if it were undecided to what it wanted to be.
Just as fast as it came, it went. It left only a man and some strange marking in the cement. “Is that gonna disappear or like go away with the rain? I’d hate to give my landlord another reason to yell at me.”
Thor gave a hearty chuckle, wearing his usual battle attire. He clambered to his two feet, Mjolnir in one hand and a rose in another one. “I’m... not sure. I’ll ask Heimdall when I return to Asgard.”
With a smile, he handed you the singular rose. “A token of my love.”
Taking it gently, you held it between your fingers. “Thor... you didn’t have to...”
Before you could finish his sentence, he poked the flower, causing it to explode into a brilliance of colors.
You gasped, awestruck by the flower. “Wow... this is... amazing.”
“There are more on Asgard. Care to join me there?”
“Wait... what are you implying?”
“I am implying...” Thor said, making use of the Midgardian word and pulling you into his arms. “... that you hold on tight.”
“Aren’t you moving a little too hasty there? I haven’t even said that I wanted to go.” You smiled, putting a hand on his cheek.
He held hope in his eyes. Here was a man, willing to show you one of his most cherished places.
You would pause dramatically, pretending to think it over before you cracked a smile. “Of course you dummy.”
Raising Mjolnir to the sky, he called the Bifrost.
One second you were on Earth, right outside your apartment. The next you were on Asgard, meeting the omniscient man himself.
“Welcome to Asgard. I’ve heard a lot about you, Y/n.” The deep and Fruity voice greeted you, telling you that it was safe to open your eyes.
With a quick glance around the golden dome, you finally met Heimdall’s orange eyes. “Hopefully all good things.”
“Yes. You have our Prince here ‘hooked’, as you Midgardians say.” Heimdall smiled, pulling the sword from its confines.
“Do I now?” You smiled and looked over at the Prince who suddenly seemed rather overly interested in the grooves and design of Mjolnir and also had a soft pink hue to his cheeks.
“Heimdall,” Thor cleared his throat. “I’ll be showing him around... no need to alert my father is there?” Thor asked cautiously.
“I’m afraid there is, Sire. I have to inform him about anyone entering the kingdom...” Heimdall started, pausing before a smile broke on his face. “Though, I’m not aware of any rule saying that I have to alert him immediately...”
“Oh, Thank you, Heimdall. You won’t regret it.” Thor spoke, voice filled with ecstasy. The man wrapped an arm around your waist while he spun Mjolnir in his other hand.
“It was nice meeting you, Y/n,” Heimdall spoke before you were yanked off, flying towards the golden city.
“Wow...” you gasped, watching everything beneath you. The rainbow bridge. The castle that reached as high as the tallest skyscrapers in New York.
Thor looked down and admired you. The look of astonishment on your face, the awe in your eyes.
Thor took the two of you down in a field of flowers, all the colors of the rainbow on full display. “My mother would take me here when I was just a boy. We would always have the best picnics here.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have grabbed a blanket for us or something.” You hit Thor’s chest lightly.
“Well, I already set everything up for us to have a picnic.” Thor directed you to a large tree, a nice looking blanket and basket sitting there.
The two of you enjoyed your picnic. It was nice for what it was and while it lasted. Though it was cut short by Odin.
“What is this? Thor!?” The elderly voice shouted, stomping over while being followed by the royal guard.
“Father, this is Y/n. The Midgardian I was telling you about.” Thor introduced you with a smile. He then turned to you. “Y/n, this is Odin. King of Asgard and Ruler of the nine realms.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Odin.” You greeted warmly.
Odin hadn’t spared a glance. “Thor. How many times have I told you? You cannot be with this... Midgardian.”
“But Father, I-”
“Guards! Escort this... Midgardian back to whence they came.”
Immediately, the Guards grabbed you and took you back to the rainbow bridge and you were on a first-class trip back to New York.
You were left somewhere in Norway. Though, luckily, your S.H.I.E.L.D. experience granted you a way back to New York.
A week later, Thor showed up with a bouquet of the roses, profusely apologizing for his father’s behavior.
“Of course I remember... Why did you keep them?”
“Well, I always told myself that I would throw them away when I was over you. So...” You huffed and stood, walking over to place the vase on the dining room table. “I guess I’m glad I never threw them away, cause if I did, I wouldn’t be able to regift these flowers to you.”
After a pause, Thor brought his hands together and sighed. “No.”
“What do you mean no, Thor. I’m giving you these Flowers.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Y/n, it was a gift from me to yo-”
“Thor.” The unwavering tone that made it’s return made the God stop mid-sentence with a wince.
“Keep the flowers.”
“What would I even do with them?” Thor murmured, biting the tip of his thumb. “Where would I put them? Asgard?” The God chuckled somberly.
“Yeah. Just make a new Asgard.” You smiled, leaning against the table with your arms over your chest. “Odin did it. So can you.”
Thor’s eyes widened, looking at you. “Asgard isn’t a place... it’s the people.” He repeated his father’s words.
“Exactly! ...I think.” You furrowed your brows.
“I’ll bring my people here to earth and start a new Asgard...” He smiled, standing. “I have to get started right this moment.”
“No. What you have to do it rest. Sit back down and I’ll order us some Chinese Food or something...” You murmured, unsure if anything would even be open.
You ended having to cook dinner for the two of you. Not only because you couldn’t find a place to eat, but Thor refused to decide on a singular item to get. And so, you hadn’t given him a choice. You prepared what you had in the house and he ate it graciously of course.
After dinner, you led Thor to the only other room in the house. “Sorry, it’s so dusty in here. I wasn’t expecting for anyone to be sleeping in here.” You chuckled, shoving a pillow and comforter into his arms. “I’ll see you in the morning then.”
“Goodnight Y/n,” Thor said, placing the things on the bed. “and thank you for everything.” Thor quickly pecked your cheek and closed the door.
Y/n had just stepped out of the steaming hot shower. Towel around their body as they planned to retreat into their room for the night.
The one thing he hadn’t planned on was the god being in his bed. Thor was already long asleep, taking up the middle of the bed.
The man looked so peaceful, you didn’t want to disturb his sleep. You crawled in next to him and took his wide frame into your arms.
“Goodnight, Thor.”
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ashleyswrittenwords · 5 years
How To Be A Queen [Part 5]
Summary: Princess Zelda is at a loss. Her handed royal responsibilities have begun to weigh heavily on her and she is eventually backed into a corner. Live a life she loathes or run away from everything she’s ever known? Navigating life is hard, and Link forces her to learn that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Warning: None.
Part 1
How To Be A Queen
The babbling brook rushed by me as I let my toothbrush rinse in the water. It was cold, yet refreshing and I took my time. The weather was growing drier with the passing days and I reflected on what Link had told me about the upcoming snow. We would have to get heavier coats. It had already been snowing in the Lanayru region. Snowfall seemed to follow, but not catch up to us. Link had been perfectly content with that. I, on the other hand, housed a desire of seeing it up close. Fields of snow in my novels described it being peaceful and tender. Malleable. I wondered if it was true.
I placed the toothbrush back into a leather wallet tied to my belt. It was one of the few things I fought about keeping to myself. That and a bar of soap. I cupped my hands to gather water and splashed my face in hopes of getting rid of the night’s grime. My next goal was finding a hairbrush because apparently that wasn’t a priority for soldiers. Something I didn’t understand was why not? It wasn’t like Link’s hair was cropped or shaved. It was just long enough to tie back. I couldn’t recall a time it wasn’t. One of my duties as a Royal Showcase was meeting newly inducted Royal Centuries. It happened every other year and I had always dreaded the occasion. I would have to dress in uniform and Father would give the same old motivational speech as the men barely out of boyhood would just stare silently. It was always an awkward affair. It hadn’t occurred to me until now that Link may have been among them with the same military shave. No locks to peek out from under his beret and nothing to just barely scrape his neck.
Wait, what?
I shook my head and stood up.  
“Are you ready?” I said, turning to my own tour guide. He was supposed to be a bodyguard, but that role was quickly turning into a variety of other responsibilities.
“’Been waiting on you,” he stood up from the log with a grunt. Our temporary campfire had long fizzled out and our mats were rolled into a big pack along with some food and other things Link was more familiar with than I. It had been two days since we left the castle and though my body ached from the unusual activity, I had never been more happy. Happy that my wanderlust was being satisfied and happy there wasn’t a set itinerary. Link had asked time and time again where I wanted to go first. And though I knew much about the map of Hyrule, I wasn’t sure of the places. “Surprise me” was what I usually replied.
“So, where are we going?” I asked.
He stretched out his shoulders, “I don’t know.”
“You… don’t know?”
“You said to surprise you.”
“But,” I frowned, “Just tell me the name.”
“I’m sorry, your Majesty. I’m on special orders.”
“You are unbelievable,” I tried sounding serious, but my laughter escaped me.
Link was looking down at me with a cracked grin. He slipped on the pack not without adding the bow and quiver to the straps. “I want to carry the bag,” I insisted, crossing my arms as I did.
He watched me closely, “Yeah, no. Your thin royal ankles will snap if you tried.”
I huffed, “No! That’s not true! I can carry my own thank you very much. And besides, if you’re going to be the bronze of the two of us” – he scoffed – “then let me do something.”
“Hm,” he hummed, unstrapping the bag unceremoniously and holding it out. “Well? Come on.” I glared at him and slipped my arms through the straps. The bag felt bigger than it looked on Link. “You can let go nOW,” a let out a high-pitched yelp as I felt the bag turn into a boulder and yank my shoulders downward.
Link busted out in a fit of laughter, even doubling over before me. I scrambled upward, almost tripping as I did. “Are you… are you okay?” Hylia, look at him! He can’t even speak. “Hey!” I shouted, “That’s not funny!” My cheek felt scorching.
“Okay, okay!” He quieted down, “I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
“I am!” I could tell there was another bunch laughter twisting his gut.  My lips quirked to the side as I thought and I rummaged through the pack. “Here,” I said, lifting out a weighty pan, “I’ll carry this then.”
“A skillet?” He asked deadpanning as he gathered up the bag once more, “You’re going to carry a cast-iron skillet.”
“This way,” I started walking while mimicking fighting an imaginary opponent, “I can fend for myself and help.”
Link choked on a laugh, “Oh, Princess, what would I do without you?”
I feigned contemplation, “I dare say you’d be out of the job, Captain Link.”
“I dare believe you are right, Princess Zelda.”
I turned to find the oddest look in his eyes and in that moment I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not.
  As we walked further down the beaten path we passed by impossibly tall trees. They loomed over us like giants and their shadows constantly fooled me into thinking midday was dusk.  The smell of pine filled my senses and I breathed in deeply, closing my eyes all the while. I agreed to myself that I loved it.
“You know, people get lost here all the time,” Link spoke.
I looked at him strangely, “In this beautiful place?”
He nodded reassuringly, “When it gets dark no starlight gets through the canopies and those unprepared don’t realize where they’re going. Just beyond us is the Lanayru Wetlands and there have been men who lead their horses straight into the bog.”
“That’s horrible.”
“It is,” he agreed, “But nature is a teacher. She can be as cruel and unforgiving as she is motherly and kind.” The beauty suddenly felt foreboding.
“Wait, there’s wetlands ahead?” I should have noticed in the frozen mud under our feet. The day wasn’t getting any younger either.
“Oh, yes, but don’t worry. There’s a stable up ahead we can take lodging in.”
I raised my eyebrows, “A horse stable?”
“Basically,” Link adjusted the straps to a more comfortable position, “They’re meant for travelers in between villages. They have a place to sleep and a place for your horse. Convenient, easy, I wouldn’t say the most comfortable, but better than the dirt.”
I listened and nodded. Made sense to me.
“I’m hoping there won’t be a lot of people out this time of year,” he mumbled. No, I don’t think that would be good. We were days from Castle Town, but close enough for people to hear rumors. I gulped and wouldn’t let my mind stray.
By the time we arrived, the sun was beyond the hills to the west. I made sure to pull the cloak’s hood over my head again. We couldn’t afford being asked questions now. I shuddered while feeling the winter wind penetrate my clothes.
“You’re cold?” Link asked suddenly as we approached the lit building.
“Yes, how could you tell?” I said, my voice wavering with the goosebumps on my arms.
“Your nose is pink,” he said, stopping before the stable. “Stay here, I’ll pay for your bed.”
I didn’t stop him and stood by the horses. They had thick blankets laid over their backs. One of them closest to me neighed and shook her mane. I smiled and pulled my cloak close. I whispered a hello and reached out to touch her snout. I actually wasn’t sure if it was a mare, just a feeling. She pushed into my hand and I laughed. I had always loved horses, such large and gentle beasts. Anju had once told me they were just big dogs. Anju, my thoughts turned to her. I hope she made it home safely.
“She’s sweet, isn’t she?” A voice said behind me.
A woman was sitting at the campfire. I hadn’t noticed her when we walked in, but I wasn’t the most observant in the first place. I smiled politely, “Yes, she is.”
She waved me over, “Don’t be a stranger, now. Come over here in the warmth.” I eyed her a moment and drew my arms into my chest. “Do you prefer the cold?”
I shook my head and shuffled over. I felt like a shy child.
The warmth hit me. I sighed in bliss and sunk down onto a tree stump opposite of her. I glanced from the fire to her, she was writing in a small book. She was an older woman, not old per say, but older than Link or I. She had a mature beauty that struck me. The woman was a brunette, tanned skin with calculating hazel eyes. Her cheekbones were high and a feeling of jealousy harbored in me. My cheeks still clung to my prepubescent fat.
“You aren’t from here, are you?” She looked up. I hoped she didn’t notice my observations. The question hit me suddenly. Did she know who I was so quickly? She laughed lightly, “It’s okay child. I’m no witch. I’m guessing from your accent.”
“O-oh!” I said, blinking in surprise, “No, I’m not.”
“Where are you headed, if you don’t mind me asking?”
I’m not a good liar. I’m not a good liar. I’m not a good liar.
“Um, my cousins. I’m headed to see my cousins.”
She smiled, “How nice!” She leaned in with a mischievous grin, “And who is that strong lad that came with you?”
My mouth went dry.
“Her fiancé,” a familiar hand wrapped around my shoulder and a shiver traced down my spine.
“Is that right?” The woman looked excited, even clasping her hands together.
“Yes, we’re so excited to let her family know. Isn’t that right, honey?” I could feel their eyes on me and I just nodded. “As you can see,” Link continued, “She’s exhausted from the journey. So you’ll have to excuse us.”
“Of course,” the brunette woman said, “Perhaps we will cross paths again.”
I stood up with Link’s arm now around my shoulders. “Perhaps,” he was smiling sweetly at her, but his tone didn’t match his expression. Once we were out of earshot he leaned in and whispered, “That wasn’t being hidden.”
I ignored how hot his breath was on my ear. “You didn’t tell me I needed to be hidden. We were having a normal conversation.” Link didn’t say anything, but I could tell he was annoyed. However, I was annoyed too. Talking to people was a part of the experience, right?
“Just… be more careful. Please.”
I nodded and quietly said, “Okay.”
We would through the stable, bidding hello to the keeper and Link guided my to the back. There were a series of about nine or ten beds. None were divided by anything, not even a curtain. I looked around the room, there were a few men gambling in hushed whispers and another in the corner reading. The ceiling was tall, with wooden rafters supporting the room. A spiraling staircase led to another floor for what I supposed was the keepers’ quarters. Link and I made eye contact and he offered a small smile. I reciprocated, happy to be in a warm room. He motioned towards a bed next to another with our bag already on it. Instantaneously I flopped onto the bed like a sack of potatoes and my tense back decompressing.
“I missed this,” I said, muffled into the mattress. Surprisingly, the sheets smelled good.
“Does it meet your standards?” Link chuckled and I heard him going through the pack.
“Yes,” I nodded, really just smushing my face further into the cushion, “I wish I were cleaner though.”
“You’ll have to wait for that, unfortunately.”
I drug myself up to the edge of the bed and started untying my boots.
“Link,” I whispered.
“What?” He said while chewing on something. Jerky I supposed. “Are you hungry?”
“No, well yeah, but that isn’t my question.” The light was dim in the room, but I saw him looking expectantly. “Should I take the hood off?”
He casually looked around and thought. “You’ll be okay. No one seems to care too much about why we’re here. I spoke to some of them before trying to find you. Everyone is simply waiting to leave in the morning.”
I shrugged the hood off and the top layer of my clothing, leaving on my long sleeve undershirt. I went for the belt buckle, but Link’s hand stopped me. He wasn’t meeting my eyes. “Zel, they won’t care for us, but they will notice a woman stripping her clothes off.”
Oh, no.
My face heated up. I’m so dumb. I pulled the covers from under me and tucked them above my head. I’m not even going to both with the pants. It was growing chillier anyhow. I peeked above the layers of blankets, refusing to ignore the rumbling in my stomach. Inelegantly, I popped my arm out with the palm out. Link was examining the blade of his claymore with a piece of flint in his hand. I finally got his attention. “What?” He seemed amused.
“I’m hungry.”
He pulled a package of dried meat from the bag and handed me a few strips. I chewed them under the blanket. What an experience this was! I’ve never been able to eat in a bed before. Now, I can almost forget about taking my pants off in front of a room of men.
He went back to the blade. “Is that what you do for fun?” I asked.
Link smiled and shook his head, not bothering to look away. “Then what do you do for fun?”
He leaned back onto the bed’s headboard and looked thoughtfully at the rafters, “For fun… I’m not sure. I’m competitive so I suppose I enjoy sports. I did competitive archery as a child. That turned into training. As corny as it sounds, I like the art. The way of the sword, the history of the bow, it really piques my interest.” I groaned, “That’s why Uncle likes you. You’re military nerds.”
We laughed together. Someone from across the room shushed us and we quieted to a whisper. “So, when did you enlist?”
“At 15, so 8 years ago now?”
“Why so young? You’re 23?”
“I needed income to support my sister after Mom died and someone scouted me for archery. I am, why do you seem surprised?”
I shrugged under the sheets, “Thought you were older. My last guard was much older than you. He had a wife and children with grandchildren on the way.”
“Well, Zelda, sorry to disappoint,” he feigned a depressed sigh. I gawked and had to hold back a fit of snickering, “That’s not what I meant! I was surprised how close in age we were is all. You know I’m only 3 years younger, right?”
“Are you really? Thought you were 35 at least.”
“I take offense to that.”
I curled my legs underneath me. “I am old for a high princess, though. I might as well be 35.”
“How are you old?” Link slid the flint against the edge of an arrowhead, making a light scraping sound. “The council of advisors believes that by the time they’re 30 women cannot have children. They’ve been pestering Father about heirs since I turned 16.”
Link raised his eyebrows, “Oh.” He looked up with a twisted expression, “Wait, but then you have ten years to kill by that logic.”
I shook my head, “It’s a process evidently. Father has been resilient of it before, but he’s been coming around to it recently with how much he talks about grandchildren and whatnot.”
“Then, what?” He asked, “Do they assign someone?”
“Ew, no,” I involuntarily grimaced, “I’m not sure, but I hope that’s not it. My mother was from a neighboring province and she met Father from some kind of political event.”
“Were they happy?”
I paused.
I adjusted my pillow to face the rafters. “I’ve been asking myself that since I was old enough to read a romance novel.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“I’m not upset. Just reflecting.” I sighed. “I would very much like to be happy. Happy beyond doubt.” Link had grown silent and I felt him watching me from his own bed. “Tell me about how you became my guard.”
“Okay, um,” he breathed in loudly, “I enlisted at a good time. They rushed my squad through boot because of that Gerudo rebellion usurpers in the desert. I was pushed into combat maybe 6 months after I got to the castle training grounds.”
I had forgotten about that. “At 15?”
“Well, I turned 16 not long after boot started. It didn’t help much, I was still one of the youngest there.”
“Then what?”
“I had to do things I didn’t necessarily want to do. I did what I thought was best for my brothers and my captain took notice,” he shrugged, “I don’t believe I deserved a promotion so early on, but some other things happened, and I wound up in front of your uncle’s desk. Two or so years ago I was told you were my charge, and yeah.”
“Hmph? Does my military history astound you, Majesty?” He lowered his voice at that last word.
I laughed, “No. Wait, I mean yes it does. I mean, it’s fine!” I groaned and disappeared under the covers, “I’m sorry. It’s very interesting. I’m just tired.”
“It’s fine. Go to sleep.”
“I think I will.”
I watched as he pulled out another arrow to inspect, “You should sleep as well.”
Link shook his head, “No, someone needs to watch the stuff.”
“I’ll stay up with you then.”
“No, you’re not. I paid for the bed and you’ll use it.”
I sleepily smiled, “If you insist.”
Not a minute later passed until I was sound asleep.
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bendy-dreamland · 6 years
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(Warning: this chapter does contain mentions of blood and death)
“Then trust me, Cups. We stay as far away from Da Studio until its our only option, or things get a lot worse.”
Cuphead crossed his arms, sighing loudly. “Fine, I get it, ya wanna keep as far away as ya can from that place. But look, if ya wanna help yer creator out, you’re gonna have to suck it up an’ put your big boots in there if it comes down to it.”
Bendy clucked his tongue, waving his hand at Cuphead’s face to get him to move back. “Yeah, yeah, but we’ll keep dat on da back burner.”
The object headed toon knew that Bendy would be stubborn about this, but he expected this from the start. Bendy was a pain in the butt sometimes, especially when he didn’t want to deal with a problem, but that’s just in his writing.
Still, it annoyed the hell outta Cuphead to no end.
“Do you still have it?” He asked, changing the subject. Bendy looked rather confused for a second, before he realized what it was that the other referred to.
“Yes, an’ no one else knows about it still, well, except her, but you knew that. Ain’t gonna let anyone know I’ve got it, but I might have to tell Henry at some point. He’s gotta know about dat mess, especially since he knows dat I’m on the wanted list.”
“Ever figure out why yer on it?”
“Nope! Still can’t find any reason as to why I’m still on dat thing! I think Mickey’s got it out fer me, for whatever reason, probably doesn’t like dat a demon stole his spotlight a few times.” Bendy smirked as he adjusted his bowtie in a smug way.
Cuphead chuckled as he moved to head back into the diner. “Really? I always figured it was Felix’s fault, he doesn’t like ya fer being a scamp character as well!”
“Mickey still doesn’t like ya fer wearing red pants and yellow shoes.” Bendy pouted.
“He’s just jealous dat I can pull it off better than him!” The toon smirked as he opened the door for Bendy, letting him go in first. They returned to the table, seeing the curious look on Henry’s face while Mugman looked concerned.
“What was that all about?” The younger twin asked, sipping his coffee as he looked at Cuphead.
“Don’t worry about it, bro. Just somethin’ between me an’ Bendy here.”
Bendy shushed him, frowning. “Benjamin. Ya can’t use mah real name here… I’m still on da most wanted list, remember?”
“Right, we need to keep quiet about that.” Henry spoke as he looked over his notes. “So, Mugman filled me in a little more on what bit of knowledge he knew of Joey.”
“An’ dat would be…?” Bendy asked, raising an eyebrow he normally didn’t have.
“Basically… it’s just what everyone in town knows.” Mugman shrugged. “He was a strange man that wasn’t supposed to be here, but somehow always found a way to sneak into Palomino City and always avoided the cops.”
Cuphead snorted loud as he picked up his glass of orange juice, ready to tip it into his cup. “Da cops here couldn’t even catch a cold from Ol’ Man Beans, let alone Drew! But goin’ wit’ what Mugs was sayin’, Joey Drew was often snoopin’ around, askin’ people all sorts of weird questions an’ stuff. But dat was only when he wasn’t hidin’ away in Da Studio.”
“What do you know of The Studio?” Henry asked as he wrote something down, just as Tizzy returned, carrying a few plates with expert talent. He helped her set down everyone’s orders. “Thank you, miss.”
“Heh, no problem, at least I know that I can trust two of you at this table.” Tizzy smiled before giving Cuphead a look, who decided to look away by shoving a forkful of hash browns into his mouth. “I’ll be expecting that tab payed by the end of this month, Cuphead.”
“I’ll g’d tah eb, Dibby!” He replied, spitting out chewed-up potatoes. Mugman sighed loudly, reaching over to shove a napkin at his brother’s face, making a comment to talk after swallowing his food.
Once Tizzy walked off to take a new table’s orders, Henry looked back at the group. “So, what do you know?”
Cuphead cleaned around his mouth, happy that Bendy was too occupied with the delicious bacon waffles in front of him to bring up his commentary on the subject. “It’s been closed off fer years, since the Over World studio was closed down. Only Joey had the key to the place, and you can bet your buttons dat no one would even wanna bother goin’ in there. But… there were some rumors…”
“From the first few months of The Studio’s closing.” Mugman frowned as he poked at his eggs. “Rumors of strange noises comin’ from there. Toons even reported findin’ themselves unconscious outside of the gates, like somethin’ knocked them out. One Toon recalled seeing a strange, shadowy figure near them before they blacked out and woke up near the buildin’. After this was reported in the papers, the strange spells stopped and things quieted down.”
“Yeah, the only real big news of things there later on was just people seein’ Joey walkin’ around the area, even though he wasn’t suppose to be in Palomino City, let alone Toon World in general!” Cuphead replied before shoving a slice of toast into his mouth.
Henry quickly wrote all of this down. “I see. Hm, it’s times like this that I actually wish that I had visited the cartoon version of the studio, but I never had a reason to do so.”
“Really?” Bendy asked, finally looking away from his food with curiosity. “But you’ve been to Toon World before!”
“Yeah, to Toon Town mainly for supplies and to take you, Alice, and Boris places. And I haven’t been to Palomino City since my first year workin’ for Joey Drew Studios. It’s not that I don’t like bein’ here, but Joey always had me working in the Over World version of the studio, said my talents were better there than here. Besides, when the studio was still producin’ cartoons, we only used the version here for extra shots and for very specific cartoony scenarios. Joey always like using human sets over cartoon ones.”
Bendy nodded, remembering the few episodes where things were filmed in more cartoony situations than normal. Those ones allowed him to act more like a Toon, but they just didn’t entertain him as much as doing Toon things with human props and sets. “Well, you got lucky, a lotta da staff got stuck workin’ in Da Studio durin’ da final years.”
“Cheaper dat way.” The demon shrugged before shoving a large bite of waffle into his mouth, then two strips of bacon, his mouth looking almost cartoonish in the process. Henry made a face, even as a human Bendy couldn’t really escape his basic instincts to do everything like a cartoon character.
He took a bite of his own food before writing down a few more things in his notebook. “Alright, after we’re done here, we’ll go to Mike’s shop and see if he can get us any information.”
“Sounds like a plan, Henry. After that, I’ll head home to develop the film, okay?” Mugman smiled, tapping the camera set on the table before noticing that his brother and Bendy were gone. “Where’d they go this time?”
“I dunno, they were just here-”
“You two better not be up to anything bad over at my jukebox! I don’t trust you, Cuphead!” Tizzy shouted from somewhere in the building and the two turned, seeing the cup and demon over at the jukebox, snickering to themselves as a song started to play in the room.
Mugman sighed loudly. “They’ve done this before… great, here’s another place we’re gonna get banned from.”
“What did they do?”
“You’ll find out in the next six or so songs.”
Candy Corners was a few blocks away from Tizzy’s, near the downtown Palomino City Park. It was a quaint little soda shop, typical of the thirties when it came out from an old cartoon series Henry vaguely remembers.
What was it again… Treat Troop! That’s right, they were shorts that usually played right before short films for kids, about sweets and treats that lived in a small, candy-themed town. The fact that they ate candy while being candy didn’t escape Henry, but then again, he was the creator of a demon character, so he had no room to talk about what content people produced.
The shop was open, clearly stated by the OPEN sign in the window, and he could see that there were some people inside. Hopefully them asking for information on Joey wouldn’t cause any problems if anyone overhead.
Cuphead was the one who opened the door, happily greeting someone.
The sweet, gentle voice that replied with a happy ‘hello’ caught Henry by surprise and he stopped in his tracks at the door.
No… it couldn’t be her, could it?
He suddenly felt nervous, and yet excited, all at once. Should he bother going in? He hadn’t seen her in so long, almost ten years now, would she even remember him?
“Henry, bud, ya gotta move yer feet!” Bendy huffed, annoyed that his creator had just froze up like that. He gave the man a shove, watching as he stumbled inside with little grace. “Heh, what’s da problem, ol’ man?”
The human straightened up at the sweet voice once more, eyes wide as he looked at the counter. There, behind it, was Linda, his very first cartoon creation to come to life. She looked so much like how she was first designed, though her white hair was a little longer, she wasn’t wearing her cap anymore, instead she wore a black hair band with a ribbon behind her right ear.
Still, Linda was just a lovely as the day she came to life, and the last time he saw her before he returned to the Over World. Gosh, he hadn’t realized that he had missed her more than he had thought.
She looked at him with pie cut eyes, before a smile came to her face. She ran from behind the counter and approached him. “Henry, is that really you?” She asked, sounding so hopeful.
Henry looked down at her before smiling softly, opening his arms up for her to jump into. Linda laughed, hugging onto him tightly. “Oh, Henry! I’ve missed you so much! It’s been so long!”
“Ten years, and they’ve been wonderful for you. Pretty as a picture, just like I first drew you.” Henry replied, smiling as she pulled back, her cheeks flushed gray. A loud cough got their attention and they turned to see Bendy looking at them, hand on his hip and a look on his face.
“Uhh… did I miss somethin’ here?” He asked, looking at them funny. This girl was rather peculiar, he swore he had seen her before… wait, hadn’t he seen a photo of her on Henry’s desk the other day? Was she an important Toon from Henry’s past? Or after his time at Joey Drew Studios?
Bendy didn’t really like that idea, if he was gonna be honest with himself.
“Oh, uh, right. Ben, this is Linda. She was the very first cartoon character made for Joey Drew Studios. She was in shorts before Joey approved of the Bendy cartoons.” Henry explained, setting Linda down.
She looked at Bendy curiously, her smile softening a little before she gave him a curtsy. “Hello, it’s very nice to meet you, are you a friend of Henry’s?”
Bendy pouted a bit, but bowed like a gentleman. “Yeah, nice to meet ya too. An’ yes, I’m his best friend.”
Henry sighed, rolling his eyes. Right, he forgot how possessive Bendy could be sometimes whenever he thought that someone else was competition to him. “Be nice, she’s a good friend of mine, Ben. Linda, I’ll be honest, heh, I wasn’t expectin’ to see you here. Last I heard, you were in Toon Town.”
“I did live there for a bit, yes, but I moved here a few years back. Too expensive to stay there, I’m afraid. But I like Palomino City, a lot of good memories here.” The deep blush returned before she shook her head. This didn’t fly past Bendy as he looked at her, raising an eyebrow as he glanced up at Henry, taking note to the slight darkening of his own cheeks.
Wait a second…
Linda’s smile returned as she looked at Henry and his group. “Anyway, what are you doing here, Henry? And I see you’re with Cuphead and Mugman! Oh, wait… you’re a detective now, yes? Are you here for work reasons?”
“Yeah, and the twins told me that we could get some information here. Is Sarsaparilla Mike here?”
She nodded and went back to the counter, walking behind it to go to a door. She gave a knock and Henry watched as a Toon stepped out. He was a tallish figure, dressed like a soda jerk typically did in movies and cartoons, and it was clear his body was a soda bottle. His head was a bottle cap with a cartoony face that was too serious looking.
This must be Sarsaparilla Mike, he looked over at them as Linda quietly spoke to him and he frowned, adjusting his small glasses on his face. He motioned for Henry and the group to come to the counter and take a seat. Once they did, he folded his hands gently on the counter and stared at the four of them with a cold look.
“Linda says you’ve got questions for me?” For a man who owned a soda shop, he sounded way too stern for such a sweet place. “What are you looking for?”
Henry frowned a bit, pulling out a folded-up slip of paper from his pocket, the wanted poster for Joey Drew. He gave it to Mike, who looked it over. The soda Toon frowned deeply and narrowed his eyes at the private eye.
“No?!” Cuphead exclaimed, before his brother slapped a hand over his mouth.
“What do you mean ‘no’, Mike? You’re not even gonna give us anythin’?” Mugman asked, looking up at the other object head.
Mike huffed, giving the paper back to Henry. “I want nothing to do with him, he’s missing and it’s best for everyone that he stays missing.”
“Are you on this case, Henry?” Linda asked. “I heard rumors that you’re a detective of sorts now.”
Henry pocketed the wanted poster, looking at the toon. “I’m a private eye, and yes, I was put on this case by someone who knows him. And right now, I need whatever information I can get, and these two,” he gestured to Cuphead and Mugman, “said that Mike here could help with that.”
“We also warned that he might not help.” Cuphead stage whispered, getting a hard stare from Mike.
“Even if I wanted to help you out, which I don’t, I doubt I’d be able to find anything on him without a lot of effort and a lot of money going into it.” Mike stated, crossing his arms. “My sources won’t give up anything on someone like him. He’s more tight-lipped than I am right now.”
“And… who exactly is your source?” Henry asked, getting rather annoyed about this.
“As if I’d let you know who he I-” A horrified scream cut Mike off, catching everyone’s attention to the store front window. They saw a sheep Toon come running from the park across the street, screaming at the top of her lungs in fear.
Henry ran for the door, hoping that he wouldn’t have to pull out the concealed handgun he carried on him. “What’s the problem, madam?” He asked, seeing her run up towards him and the cup brothers.
“I-I just saw somethin’ up in a tree…!” She exclaimed, her eyes wide. That’s when Henry noticed something weird on her white wool, it was a bright red color, mixed with a black.
“Madam, what’s on your head?”
She started to shake terribly. “W-what came from the… the… BODY!”
Mugman and Cuphead looked at each other, before looking at her. “Miss, go into Candy Corners and sit down, we’ll investigate.” Mugman spoke carefully, gently touching her shoulder to get her attention. She looked at him, tears in her eyes, as she gave a few nods.
Henry looked to see Bendy and Linda in the doorway. He pulled out his notepad, giving it to Linda. “Can you ask her questions about what happened? Please? We’re gonna go check things out in the park.”
Linda nodded before helping the poor sheep inside, saying she’d get her a soda to calm down a little. Bendy looked at the two before turning to Henry. “Do you need me to come wit’cha, Henry?”
The human looked uncertain, but he nodded. Bendy could help as backup, just in case, though he was sure he and the cup brothers could handle this. “Come on, let’s go see the body.”
The four ran into the park, looking for anything suspicious. Cuphead and Mugman’s index fingers were glowing faintly, ready to fire in case anything happened, but Henry figured that might not be necessary. Bendy frowned, glancing around before he noticed a worried, and frightened, ram Toon. “Excuse me, sir? Did you happen to see a screamin’ lady sheep?”
The ram looked over at the demon, nodding. “Yes, my wife said something touched her head and then she… well she… in that tree…” He pointed towards a tree a few meters off. Bendy squinted, seeing something on the ground by the roots, it was red and black in color.
“Sir, what’s in da tree?”
“… A body, I think, I don’t know. I only glanced! And then she ran off! Where is she?”
“Candy Corners.” Cuphead spoke up as he approached Bendy. “She’s with someone who is tryin’ to calm her down, sir. Stay close though, we might have to ask you a few questions.”
The ram blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Da human whose wit’ us, not just this brat,” he gestured to Bendy, “is a detective and he’ll take care of whatever this problem is, but he’s gonna wanna ask you about what happened.”
The other Toon looked between them before giving a nod, seeing Henry and Mugman come over. He told them which tree it was, and said he was gonna stay where he was. He really didn’t want to see that body again. Henry silently made his way over first, seeing that there was a small pool of black and red liquid at the base of the tree.
The smell was faint, but familiar to Henry, and he didn’t like what it was. Ink, with the slight hint of copper.
With a feeling of dread in his stomach, he looked up.
And he really wished he hadn’t.
“Cuphead, keep Bendy away.” He said in a surprisingly calm voice that did not match how he felt at all.
Bendy frowned. “Why? It’s just a body, ain’t like dat’s gonna scar me fer life or somethin’, I’m sure.”
“Bendy, for your sake, I really think you should listen to him.” Cuphead mumbled, putting an arm in front of him. Bendy pouted and pushed him aside, marching his way over to the tree.
“Please! I doubt it’s gonna do…” Bendy stopped when Henry looked back at him, the human actually looked upset. “Henry? What’s wrong?”
“…” He turned away, shaking his head. “Remember when I said I’d promise to help you find Boris and Alice?”
“… Y-yeah?” Bendy didn’t like where this was going.
“I found Boris.”
The demon smiled, but it was obviously strained. “H-heh, Henry, I’m all fer a good joke, but dat… dat’s a really, really bad one…!”
When the man didn’t reply, Bendy moved past him and stood under the tree. He looked up and a terrified look crossed his face as he let out a blood-curdling scream.
Up in the branches of the tree was the corpse of Boris the Wolf, his chest opened and dripping a mix of ink and blood as he stared down at Henry and Bendy with crossed out eyes.
“Boris! No, no! What have they done to ya?!”
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i-can-do-tricks · 7 years
A THING FOR @fishmum
SO HERE IT IS, MY @undertalesecretsanta PROJECT GIFT THING FOR U
“Dum dee dum, dum…”
The large, happy monster stood there, watering his flowers.
He tilted the watering can just so, giving each and every plant exactly the right amount of water it needed to keep growing. Seeing all this life flourishing right in front of him, in his favorite place, always made him smile…
And he casually stepped to the side, careful to step between the flowers, in time for a glowing, cyan magical spear to impale the soil just beyond where he had been standing. He let out a small breath of relief to see it embedded in the rich soil rather than one of the flowers he’d been caring for, even though it wouldn’t have been too big of a deal.
The owner of the spear barged through the doorway, shouting cheerfully.
“Asgore!! I think I’m ready to kick your ass!!!”
“Oh? Howdy, Undyne! You found me just finishing watering these flowers.”
Undyne was getting taller, and her hair longer, thrown into her usual messy ponytail. Her casual outfit hadn't changed very much, but she had been getting into those large but cute boots lately, mostly to make sure her feet didn’t hurt walking through Hotland. But she sure had a lot, for some reason.
“So, Undyne? Are you ready for your next lesson?”
She grinned. “Sure thing, Asgore!! But ONLY if I can't beat you!”
Asgore raised his eyebrows, interested. “Hm? You want to try to fight me again?”
Undyne pumped her fist up. “Yeah!!! I’m gonna knock you down for sure!! And then we can have tea and pie afterward, right?”
Asgore chuckled. “Of course!” He stood up, unequipping the watering can, his armor already equipped. Turning around, he initiated the FIGHT, and the room blinked to black and white.
Undyne attacked first, like always. She summoned spears, spinning twice before diving at Asgore, who dodged them easily.
He stroked the air, sending wave after wave of fireballs at Undyne, close to singing her.
Undyne gritted her teeth and sent large spears from the floor upward, forcing Asgore to jump from side to side in order to avoid them.
Asgore knew Undyne was only trying to lure him into relaxing, if only a tiny bit, before she went all out. That was why he was smiling as he created more waves of fire magic, this time faster, while Undyne picked up the pace quickly.
Instead of being frustrated that Asgore kept dodging all her attacks, she had a glint in her eye when she slashed her spear at Asgore, who didn’t noticed the energy coming from it until it was too late.
{Kindness overload
Asgore’s feet were immediately rooted to the ground, and he was suddenly faced with a barrage of spears coming from all directions. He summoned his trident of red magic, blocking the spears with his own weapon.
This wasn’t the first time he had been under the effect of green magic, but it was the first time he had seen it used as Undyne was using it. Green magic was usually used in healing and medical practices, holding an injured patient still while healing them.
But when Undyne was using her green magic, she was actively restraining the healing components of the magic, using it to keep her target still so she could attack it! Asgore was beaming inside the more he thought about it.
It was very difficult to block the entire barrage of spears, even for Asgore, so much he didn’t notice as the green magic silently slipped away.
{Kindness overload end
He realized he could move again when Undyne had already surrounded him with circle after circle of spears, diving towards him. He weaved in and out, quickly sliding between the spears while they struck the spaces he was seconds before.
He was growing exhausted, knowing that she was putting everything she had into this turn. The spears stopped spinning and cut to the part where they chased Asgore, getting faster and faster, and the whole area became a cloud of spears, Asgore in the middle of it all, dodging as quickly as he could.
Suddenly, it all disappeared. And he had just enough time to turn to see Undyne leaping toward him, shouting.
Undyne shoved him with her whole body, knocking him down with an “Oof!”
The grin she had on faded when she saw Asgore on the ground. He had been nice to her, put up with her hot head, even trained her. He had been like…a father to her. And seeing him on the ground, just made her feel really…bad.
“Shoot, um…I’m really sorry, Asgore.”
She looked for any annoyance or anger in his face while he picked himself up, but there wasn’t any. He was…beaming?
“Undyne, you did it!”
He grabbed her by the shoulders, happy tears in his eyes.
“You knocked me down! You believed you could do it, and you did!”
Asgore pulled her into a huge hug, going on and on about her attacks and how she made her own style from her training with him and her training by herself, her small shock quickly wearing off, and a huge grin painted her face.
“Hell yeah!! I’m glad too, Asgore!!!”
After spending about a half hour cooking and baking the butterscotch pie, making a mess and telling jokes all throughout, Undyne sat down at the table. She dished herself a slice and snuck a bite while Asgore used his fire magic to boil the tea, quickly and expertly like he always did.
He returned with the teapot and two teacups, pouring the fish-shaped one first and then the other, decorated with pictures of flowers.
He had unequipped his armor and changed into his favorite sweater awhile ago before they had started making the pie, which turned out very delicious! It might have been the happy events surrounding the pie that made it all the sweeter, though.
Asgore still seemed sadly dissatisfied with the way the pie turned out for some reason.
Undyne thought she heard heard him whisper, “It's still not like how she used to make it,” before he gave a small shake of his head and continued to eat.
“So,” Asgore started between sips of tea, “How did you learn that green attack? I know it's your dominant soul trait, but never in all my years have I seen it used like that.”
Undyne gave a huge grin, partly due to her pride at discovering something new, but also at Asgore's genuine curiosity, though of course she wouldn't expect anything less from him.
“Yeah! I wanted to practice some more back home, so I asked Gerson to help me train too! He fought in the war, too, so he'd be able to help me get stronger too!
“He has a lot of strategies to use in battle, and I've been able to use elements of both yours and his training to formulate my own!!” She shoved another bite of pie in her mouth. (mmm…)
Asgore's eyes lit up. “Ah! I'm glad he was able to help you. Gerson may be quite old, but he did fight in the Great War, and long before that. And I suppose if anyone were to know about that kind of use of green magic, it would be him,” he said, nodding.
Undyne sipped her tea a bit before grinning again. “Actually, I came up with the green attack on my own!”
Asgore listened, wide-eyed, as she went on. “So, I was practicing with one of the dummies outside of my house, trying to figure out how to get you to keep still, so you couldn't dodge my attacks, right? One of the ghosts was helping me, too. Anyway, my neighbor Napstablook came to get me, and they told me that one of their friends got hurt, and I was the closest person he knew of who knew green magic.” Asgore nodded and carefully sipped his tea as she continued. “So I went to help and found his cousin trying to get a Woshua to calm down, she was running around, wailing about her wounds and how they weren't sanitary, or something like that. So I turned Woshua’s heart green, and it stopped moving. And when I was healing her, it hit me! I could use my green effect as an attack, and get you to stand still so you can't dodge!!
“So then I went to Gerson, I wanted this to be a surprise, and he helped me modify it so it would only keep the target still, but not heal them!” Her expression turned a bit more serious and she continued to wonder aloud. “You had a weapon to block my attacks, though. Not everyone would have one, so I'd need to figure out how to give them something to defend themselves with…”
Undyne looked up at Asgore again, her eye determined. “It'll be a while before I can make it perfect. But I just came up with it, so that's okay, right?”
Asgore smiled and nodded. “Of course, Undyne. It takes lots of time and practice to be able to master an attack, and even more so for a fighting style. I am very proud of you that you are taking the necessary steps for mastering it, and I haven't even started teaching you how! Your father would have been proud, too, you know.”
Her face fell, if only a little, and she sighed. “Yeah. I would have, if he was…still around.” She smiled sadly. “Oh well. It had to happen eventually, right?”
Asgore watched her carefully, silently making a decision. “Undyne, may I ask you something?”
She looked up and grinned. “Ok! Shoot, Asgore!”
He took a breath.
“How would you like to join the Royal Guard?”
Undyne drew a sharp breath.
Asgore quickly continued, “I understand if you don't want to, knowing how your fath-”
He was interrupted by Undyne leaping out of her chair, shouting, “NGAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” She leapt over to Asgore and suplexed him, just because she could, and held him high above her head. (WhO-A!)
Undyne shouted, “HELL YES I WOULD!! I want to be just as strong and cool as my dad! Maybe I'll even become the Lead of the Royal Guard someday!!”
Asgore, a bit flustered by being up in the air, continued, “You'd have to train some more under the Guard, but yes, Undyne, I believe you have what it takes to be a wonderful Royal Guardswoman. Your father would be very proud, as am I.”
(And if you don't mind, I'd like to be back on the floor again.)
“Oop, sorry.”
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raendown · 7 years
Madara feels ganged up on, and rightfully so. 
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word Count: 3226 Story summary: Madara used to be a man feared even by those of his own clan. Life's really changed since the village was built. Among those changes is his relationship with one Senju Tobirama - and apparently everyone else knew about this even before he did.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
Chapter 6
“Not. One. Word.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Good. Continue saying nothing and you shall keep your health.”
Despite the ominous words spoken in a darker tone than most would be able to stand strong in the face of, Tobirama obviously did not feel threatened in the slightest bit. He might not have said anything but he was clearly thinking something, his laughter only just barely contained to quivering shoulders and one hand held in front of his mouth. Madara huffed and whipped around dramatically, as regal as he always presented himself to be.
The motion was twice as glorious with all the clips and bows in his hair, set off quite nicely by the way his tresses had been separated and woven in to twin braids of questionable skill. One only had to look as far as the two young girls giggling in the living room to see what had happened here but one would have to dig deep down for the strength not to laugh at it all.
“Did you need something, Senju, or do you just have some sort of sixth sense for my internal suffering and came over to laugh at me in my lowest hour?” Madara made it no more than six feet away from the door before he was tackled by two little girls to be pulled back in to the nest they had made on the floor. He went down with an indignant squawk and a few reproachful mutterings.
“Perhaps a bit of both,” Tobirama admitted as he bent to pat one of the children on the head and earn himself a quick besotted smile. “Your brother stopped in to see me just to tell me what you were up to today. Unfortunately he was laughing so hard he couldn’t get a single word out. I thought that boded rather poorly for you and came to see if you needed help with anything.”
“No, everything is fine,” Madara said, words practically dripping with biting sarcasm.
“I see. Well then I’ll be on my way then.”
Shrugging as nonchalantly as possible, Tobirama turned as though to head for the door. From behind him, Madara couldn’t see the smirk he was wearing when the older man squawked again.
“Wait no!”
Tobirama turned and peeked over one shoulder to see him flailing with both arms yet unable to fend off the five-year old next to him armed with another sparkly clip. There were so many decorations wound through his head he looked like an advertisement for children’s accessories or perhaps as though a unicorn had sicked up all over him. Neither of the little boogers he was babysitting appeared to have even a single ounce of remorse for doing this to their big bad clan head.
“Did you need something then?” Tobirama asked casually. Madara steamed a little, chewing on his words like they tasted bad, then finally crossed his arms and looked away.
“Some help, perhaps?”
“Hn. Fine.”
“My, my, girls. What a lovely vision he makes. You’ve done such a good job.” Madara’s head snapped around to glare at him, his dark eyes promising painful vengeance, but Tobirama ignored him as he knelt down to address the two make-over enthusiasts. “What about if you drew pictures of him? I sure would like someone to draw me a picture of Madara-sama looking so pretty.”
Just like that Madara was free of grabbing hands as the girls ran squealing for the single box of colored pencils Hashirama had given him a couple weeks ago. They had paper spread out on the spare bedroom floor before he could blink, somehow not even waking Kagami from his afternoon nap.
The two men were left alone in the living room, one sitting despondently on the floor and the other crouched down in front of him. Tobirama’s shoulders began to shake again.
“Shut up!”
“I still haven’t said anything,” the younger man pointed out.
“How do I get this all out?” Madara reached around to tug helplessly on one of them but didn’t manage to do anything more than make himself wince as it pinched his scalp. Then he flinched when Tobirama’s fingers covered his own, pulling it away.
“Sit still, I’ll get them.”
It seemed to Madara that it took nearly twice as long to take them all out as it had to get them in there. By the end he had concluded that girls were evil creatures of another species; there were reasons he didn’t want to marry one, very reasonable reasons. He tried to keep as still as possible to keep the extraction process as painless as it could be, although Tobirama’s fingers were nimble enough not to pull too much except on the clips that had been twisted and snarled so hopelessly they almost required scissors to get out.
The younger man sat on the couch with Madara in seiza on the floor between his thighs. Slowly he amassed a small mountain of decorations on the couch cushion beside him, some of them still with broken strands of dark hair twisted around their shapes. The final piece to be removed was a large purple bow which had been attached to the end of one of the lopsided braids, something he made sure to comment was at least a good color for the older man. Madara’s growl still wasn’t very threatening, even with only the braids remaining.
Gently, making sure to look for any hidden clips that might have been twisted out of sight, Tobirama undid the braids as best he could. He combed his fingers through thick locks until the worst of the tangles had been worked free then patted Madara on the shoulder. Madara jumped a little, only realizing when it was broken that he had fallen in to a bit of a trance. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had paid so much attention to his hair since he was young and his mother had brushed it for him every night. The two tiny horrors down the hall didn’t count. That had been torture and he hadn’t enjoyed it at all, not the way he had enjoyed Tobirama’s touch.
Which he hadn’t! Of course not! That would be inappropriate.
“Quit touching me!” he growled, ignoring the fact that Tobirama had already finished. His guest only chuckled and gave him a light shove, sending him scrambling to get up in order to avoid simply falling forward on to his knees.
“Get away from me then,” Tobirama replied lightly. His hand belied his words, lingering on Madara’s shoulder as support until the older man managed to stand at last.
“Hmph. Like I would want to be close to you.” Madara ran his hands through his hair, glad that it was flowing freely once more and relieved not to be covered in sparkles any longer. It was a little disappointing that his own fingers didn’t feel nearly as nice as the other’s had.
“Are you sure? We did snuggle that one time.”
Tobirama made an exaggerated thinking face as he gathered all the hair accessories and dumped them in the bin on the coffee table. “Oh? I must be remembering it wrong then. I could have sworn I woke all snuggled up in your-”
“Are you sure-”
“Hm, whatever you say ‘Dara.” Upon hearing such a ridiculous diminutive of his name Madara immediately turned red and gaped like a fish, unable to continue yelling. “You don’t like me. I understand. I suppose I should just go and stop coming over to help, then. A pity. And here I was beginning to warm up to you, myself.”
The pout that showed up on Tobirama’s lip then was so sad and so overly dramatic it would have made his elder brother tear up with pride. Adding a despondent sigh for effect, he stood from the couch and shrugged his shoulder as though to say that there was nothing he could do but to leave as he had said.
Although his mouth continued to move and form the shapes of words, nothing actually came out of Madara’s mouth until Tobirama had taken a single step towards the door. Sheer panic filled him. Why was Tobirama leaving? He didn’t want him to leave! What if he never came back? He had to keep coming back because Madara still needed him! Just for help with the children though. It wasn’t that he needed Tobirama for anything else; of course not.
Whatever the source of the need, it ripped through Madara like a tidal wave and left him reeling, barely able to lurch forward and catch the man’s sleeve as he made to take another step away.
“Don’t go!” he shouted.
It felt like time was stopping in the manner he had wanted it to do several days ago, when he had awoken to find this man still asleep not cuddling him. Quite irritating, he thought, that time would mock him in such a manner. He watched almost in slow motion as Tobirama peeked up at him through thick white lashes, bottom lip jutting out and red eyes heartbreakingly wide.
“I…” Madara swallowed thickly, the redness from before neatly covering the blush which refreshed itself now. “You’re not…intolerable.”
“Oh, so you do like me then?”
“I don’t hate you,” Madara allowed from between clenched teeth.
He was stunned to watch the pouty expression clear itself immediately, to be replaced with a brilliantly self-satisfied smirk. “I thought as much,” Tobirama announced with triumph in his voice. Madara scowled.
“You did that on purpose.” He’d been set up! The audacity of this man knew absolutely no bounds.
“Whatever gave you that impression?”
“I take it back! I hate you!”
“No you don’t.” Tobirama was still smirking as he took himself down the hall, abandoning their conversation without giving Madara a chance to refute him.
Quiet giggling drifted out to him and Madara surmised that Tobirama had gone to see what sort of evil the girls had gotten up to. Considering that the man had actually told them to draw depictions of what their clan Head had looked like all trussed up like a sparkling goose for the slaughter, Madara was fairly sure it would be better for all if he didn’t follow after. He was curious – of course he was – but even he knew better than to go looking for things that were likely to set off his temper. Sometimes.
He cleaned up the living room to while away some time, folding the blankets which had formed the nest on the floor, righting the pillows where they had been thrown about the couch willy-nilly. He gathered up the rest of the beautifying unnecessities today’s babysitting victims had brought along to play with and set them all up high out of reach. The hope was to put them ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and that he wouldn’t ever have to experience the same ordeal he’d just gone through ever again. Maybe their parents would forget about them too and he could burn the lot of it after they’d gone home.
So desperate was he to avoid what was happening down the hall, Madara was considering whether or not the living room could use some dusting when movement in the corner of his eye made him look round. Apparently Kagami had woken from his nap. He was giggling and waving one hand at Tobirama’s chin while the man absently stroked his belly and chatted with the two girls trotting by his heels. Madara met his eyes from across the room and felt rooted to the spot by a strange pulling sensation. It felt like he was being urged across the space between them by some unseen force, not just closer to Tobirama but closer to the contented scene he was creating framed in the doorway with a passel of children surrounding him with adoring eyes.
Whatever the feeling was it could do him no good. It wasn’t like Tobirama would keep coming over forever. Each time he came he taught Madara something new and eventually one day there would be nothing more to teach and therefore no reason for him to come. The thought was chilling, though Madara couldn’t have said why.
“What are you looking at me like that for?” he grumbled. Tobirama glanced down at the girls then back up to him.
“I’m simply reminiscing about the lovely artwork these little princesses drew for me, that’s all.” The soft smile on his face took on a biting edge as he raised a single eyebrow, eyes flickering to where one of the girls was holding some suspicious looking papers. “You make quite a pretty princess yourself, ‘Dara.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“What, you don’t like nicknames? What do you think, girls? Does ‘Mada’ sound any better?”
“Mada-Dara! Mada-Dara!” One of the hellions began to dance around Tobirama’s legs, repeating the bastardized name in a sing-song voice. Madara shook one of his fists at her.
“I’ll see that you get an early bedtime tonight, Chiko!” he threatened.
She blithely ignored him, dancing farther in to the room and continuing to sing until the two names blurred together. “Mada-Dara! Mada-Dara! MadaDara! Madadara! Madada! MADADA!”
By the end of her song Tobirama had lifted the baby in his arms and buried his face among the blankets. The tips of his ears had gone red and his entire body was shaking with obvious repressed laughter. On the opposite side of the room Madara was also red but with repressed rage. Pure rage. No embarrassment whatsoever.
“NO SWEETS FOR A MONTH!” he screeched.
“Who’s not getting any sweets?”
Since Tobirama appeared too busy to look up it fell to Madara to check who had just walked in through the back door. Although, he didn’t really need to check. There were only two people who would be so bold as to let themselves in through the back door of his home without being invited and he’d known the owner of that voice since they was learning their first words.
Izuna appeared around the corner with a shit eating grin painted across his face, no doubt amused that his brother was yelling yet again even without knowing why. His amusement only increased when he spotted Tobirama’s mirthfully incapacitated state and he made sure to wink ostentatiously in Madara’s direction.
“Madada!” Chiko announced as though to answer his question. She was much too cheerful for a child whose imminent future contained no candy.
“I…did she just call you Dada?”
“NO!” Madara’s entire body fairly quivered with his inability to contain the feelings he was unable to process. “I am no one’s Dada!”
“Yeah that’s fair. I wouldn’t want you as my Dada. It would be cruel to sic you on one of these poor children.”
“I take umbrage to that!” His limbs were still quivering as he waved them aimlessly through the air. “I’ll have you know I would make an excellent father if I – WHAT?” Madara cut himself off halfway through his protest to yell at Tobirama, who had just let the tiniest squeak of laughter slip out.
The poor Senju’s face was red and he could hardly draw breath when he lifted himself out of Kagami’s belly, but he managed to gasp out, “Who the hell says ‘umbrage’?” Then he buried his face again as he broke down, his muffled laughter setting Kagami off in to giggles of his own. Chiko skipped over to him and continued to dance in circles around his legs while the other little girl simply stood still and held on to his pant leg.
“It’s a word!”
“An outdated one,” Izuna pointed out.
Madara gave vent to a wordless noise of frustration and quit the room, unable to handle it anymore. There was no need for him to stand there and be made fun of in such a manner in his own home! He retreated out the door Izuna had just arrived through, stomping around the perimeter of his backyard to cool his head before settling on the edge of the porch and sulking with his arms crossed. Idiots, the lot of them.
Although it took some time, eventually his temper abated as he breathed in the clean air of the early autumn afternoon, to the point where he gave some thought to going back inside. Somehow he always seemed to surround himself with people that enjoyed teasing him and though he knew he was often too much of an easy mark he could never seem to help himself. Getting angry was easier than trying to delve inside himself to see what it was about their words that bothered him so much. Of course, almost anything was easier than delving inside himself for any reason. He wasn’t a man built for heavy introspection.
Just before he decided that he was supposed to be watching the children and should probably go make sure Izuna wasn’t immediately circumventing his ‘no treats’ rule, the very person he’d been thinking about came out to sit down beside him. Madara huffed and looked in the opposite direction. Izuna bopped their shoulders together.
“Did you like the present I sent home to you?” the younger man said.
“You are a waste of oxygen. Go breathe someone else’s air.”
“Aww I love you too, big brother!” Izuna dropped a head on to his shoulder, which he promptly shrugged back off. “Oh, I see. Someone’s in a grump. Is it because you have triple babysitting duty today? I thought Kagami’s parents were due back today.”
Madara shrugged. “They’re just taking a couple extra days.”
“Maybe they sensed a good opportunity to lure old Tobes here and decided to stay late just to give you an extra chance to confess your feelings!”
“We-! You-! I don’t have any feelings!” Standing from the porch, he shoved one finger in his brother’s face just as he opened his mouth with a mocking light in his eye. “Don’t you say anything! You know what I meant!”
He’d been meaning to go back inside anyway. That was the only reason he was storming back through the kitchen to huffily retrieve Kagami from a now calm Tobirama’s arms. His guest tried to offer him a friendly smile and Madara wrinkled his nose at the man. Tobirama only shook his head and smiled wider.
“If you keep doing that your face will get stuck that way,” he said. Madara wrinkled his nose harder. “Your choice. I should head back to the office but do feel free to ask for my help if it does get stuck like that. I’m sure I could soften you up a bit.”
“I, uh, what?” Madara blinked in confusion. Izuna, only just now trailing in to the room, doubled over where he stood and began to make choking noises.
Tobirama stood gracefully from the couch, taking the pictures drawn by both girls with him as he swanned across the room to the front door. As he passed Izuna he directed a smirk his way and murmured, “Do you know, when choke like that you sound just like your brother.”
A moment later he was out the door and Madara didn’t really get why Izuna had suddenly started screaming. Something about an innuendo. Whatever it was, he figured it was safer not to ask.
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igotanaddixon · 7 years
Fallen Stars (Thorin x OC)
A/N: Here is Chapter 6!! Sorry in advance guys! Please don’t kill me XD I did not have the time to check for any mistake so sorry if there is any in this chapter. 
Fandom: The Hobbit 
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x OC (Elentári) 
Forever taglist: @weirdnewbie @villainlove @fizzy-custard @fictionalquintessence @ealasaid @xalexandriaxk @maidenadventure @sdavid09 @lainternettuale @deepestfirefun @shewalksinanotherworld @fangirl570 @tschrist1 @babybarrie @fandomgalcentral @hiddenmangaka
Chapitre 1 
Chapitre 2 
Chapitre 3 
Chapitre 4 
Chapitre 5 
Chapitre 6 --> Current read 
Chapter 7 
Chapter 6: I’m scared to live but I’m scared to die
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Bilbo watched as Elentári walked away from Thorin, the hobbit also watched as he saw the dwarf king look miserable for the first time since the day he met him. It was odd to see Thorin so affected by Elen’s rejection but after all, she had the right to be mad. Bilbo couldn’t believe what Thorin had said to his friend moreover when she was not a burden for the company. Elen always tried to help and she was kind and caring toward Bilbo. The elleth walked past the hobbit, her face flushed with anger and mumbling something about the stubbornness of dwarves. Bilbo followed after her as she reached Gandalf’s sides and started to look for the cave.
After a while, Thorin found the troll’s loot and everyone gathered around the entrance. The smell that came from the large cave was putrid and Bilbo decided to stay outside. However, a few dwarves, Gandalf and Elen dared to enter the cave. The dark place was full of treasure the trolls had been hoarding, it was impressive but Elen did not care as she tried not to puck because of the smell.  
“Oh, what’s that stench?!” Nori asked as he covered his nose and mouth with his hand.
“It’s a troll hoard. Be careful what you touch.” Gandalf answered, looking as disgusted by the smell as the others.
As they enter the cave deeper, many of the dwarves coughed and retched at the pungency of the cave but inside, they found piles of gold coins and other treasures in caskets. Those abandoned richness caught Bofur’s attention.
“Seems a shame just to leave it lyin’ around. Anyone could take it.” He said as he nudged some gold coins with his foot.
“Agreed.” Gloin piped in then turned to Nori. “Nori, get a shovel.”
At the same time, Thorin, Elentári and Gandalf explored deeper. Elen wandered at the opposite side of the cave, avoiding Thorin at all costs but the dwarf king found two swords covered in cobwebs and the swords caught Elen’s eyes. Gandalf approached the dwarf with curiosity.
“These swords were not made by any troll.” Thorin’s deep voice said as he handed one sword to Gandalf and kept the other one in his hands. Thorin observed the sword with interest and Elen approached Gandalf.
“Gandalf… Those are no simple swords…” The elleth breathed out in awe.
“Nor were they made by any smith among men.” Gandalf added as he drew the sword in his hand out of its sheath a few inches. “These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age.” Elen nodded her head, her eyes still focused on the blade.
Realizing that they are Elven swords, Thorin started to put away the one in his hands in disgust. Elen’s eyes widen at his action and she scoffed.  
“You could not wish for a finer blade.” Gandalf told Thorin in an exasperated tone. Reluctantly, Thorin held on to the sword. He drew it out of its sheath a few inches as well and observed it.
Elentári glared at him then quickly stormed out of the cave. ‘This dwarf will never change.’ She thought as she reached the top of the cave and went to sit next to Fili and Kili. In the meantime, some of the dwarves filled a chest with treasures and gold, then burried it in a hole in the ground near the entrance of the cave. As he saw them, Dwalin looked on in disappointment, his arms crossed over his chest.
“We’re makin’ a long-term deposit.” Gloin explained, earning a roll of Dwalin’s eyes as Thorin finally rushed past them to exit the cave.
“Let’s get out of this foul place. Come on, let’s go. Bofur! Gloin! Nori!” He called as he climbed the stairs that lead out of the cavern.
On his way out, Gandalf stepped on something metallic. Brushing aside the leaves beneath him with his staff, he found another sword. A much smaller one. The wizard exited the cave and headed over to where Bilbo was sitting alone. The hobbit looked up at Gandalf as the wizard handed him the sword he has just found.
“Bilbo.” Gandalf called, taking the hobbit out of his reveries.
“Here. This is about your size.” Gandalf said as he handed the sword to Bilbo who looked completely confused.
“I can’t take this.” Bilbo said after observing the sword in his hands.
“The blade is of Elvish make which means it will glow blue when orcs or goblins are nearby.” Gandalf answered, trying to convince the hobbit.
“I have never used a sword in my life.” Bilbo whispered as he looked around, afraid for the dwarves to hear. Gandalf smiled at his friend and bent down slightly.
“And I hope you never have to. But if you do, remember this: true courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one.” Bilbo looked at Gandalf, his mind registering what the wizard had just said when Thorin’s worried voice shouted near them.
“Something’s coming!” The king warned at the same time as Elen. The elleth rolled her eyes as Thorin looked at her in surprise.
“Gandalf­” Bilbo stuttered in fear.
“Stay together! Hurry now. Arm yourselves.” Gandalf told the company as he ran ahead with Elen right behind him.
Bilbo slowly drew his sword and looked at it for several seconds before he finally followed the others, who have run off into the woods. Elen ran ahead, her ears listening closely to the sound. It wasn’t any kind of orc or creature. It was… it was a sled.
“A sled?” She asked out loud, making Thorin look at her as if she was crazy.
As soon as the words left her mouth, Radagast rode at full speed through the forest on his rabbit­drawn sled and pulled up short by the Company, screaming and shouting.
“Thieves! Fire! Murder!” The brown wizard shouted as he stopped in the middle of the company. The dwarves were ready to fight and Thorin drew his new sword but Elen gripped his forearms to stop him. Thorin wiped his head to look at the elleth in wonder. Elen kept her eyes focused on Radagast but shook her head ‘no’ at the dwarf king.
“Radagast! Radagast the Brown.” Gandalf quickly warned the dwarves, making them all groan in annoyance but also in relief. “Ah. What on earth are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something’s wrong. Something’s terribly wrong.” Radagast said, his voice laced with worry and fear.
“Yes?” Gandalf inquired, sharing a look with Elen who simply shrugged and waited for Radagast to calm down. The odd wizard opened his mouth to speak, but shut it. He opened his mouth again, but closed it once again.
“Take your time, Radagast.” Elentári piped in nicely as she saw the scowling faces of the impatient dwarves.
“Oh, just give me a minute. Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I’ve lost it. It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue.” Radagast said in irritation, then he curled up his tongue, and looked surprised. Elen raised an eyebrow as she saw something in his mouth.
“Oh, it’s not a thought at all; it’s a silly old...” The brown wizard said and Gandalf pulled a stick insect out of his mouth. “­stick insect!”
The dwarves and Bilbo looked flustered and very confused but Elen only laughed at the gentle but odd wizard. Radagast and Gandalf went off a few paces to speak in private and the company gathered in the small clearing they were actually in waiting for the wizard. Elen looked at the two wizards, wondering what they were talking about when someone cleared their throat. She turned around to be surprised to see Thorin’s deep blue eyes staring at her. He was really close. Too close.
“Hm… You’re still gripping on my arm…” Thorin suddenly said a bit embarrassed. Elen’s eyes widen then fell on her hand that was indeed still gripping Thorin’s forearm tightly.
“Oh!” Elen’s cheeks turned bright red and she quickly let go of the king’s arm. “Sorry…” She mumbled and turned around to leave but not before hearing Thorin’s reply.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for.” He mumbled, rubbing his arm where Elen’s hand had been just a few seconds before.
Elen blushed even more as she made her way toward Bilbo and past Balin who looked at her with a knowing smirk. She would never admit that she secretly loved the way his muscles shifted under his thick sleeve or how the warmth of his skin radiated through the leather of his coat. Elen shook her head and clenched her fist, trying to make the tingling on her skin stop. She had to stay focus, only a few minutes before she was yelling at Thorin telling him to never touch her again and now… She couldn’t get her hands off of him?! Elen groaned in disappointment in herself.
“The Greenwood is sick, Gandalf. A darkness has fallen over it. Nothing grows any more, at least nothing good. The air is foul with decay. But worst are the webs.” Elentári heard Radagast say.
“Webs? What do you mean?” Gandalf asked worriedly.
“Spiders, Gandalf. Giant ones. Some kind of spawn of Ungoliant, or I am not a Wizard. I followed their trail. They came from Dol Guldur.”
“Dol Guldur? But the old fortress is abandoned.” The Grey wizard exclaimed.
“No, Gandalf, it is not.”
‘Dol Guldur?’ Elen thought, wondering what this was all about.
“What are they talking about?” A gentle voice asked from next to the elleth. Elen looked down slightly to see Bilbo sat next to her, watching the wizards as well.
“Spiders…” Elen simply answered, earning a confused and curious frown from Bilbo. Gandalf and Radagast kept talking and Elen listened. She was scared to say that what Radagast had seen in the abandoned fortress was not a good sign at all. This kind of darkness couldn’t be a good sign for Middle Earth. Elen saw Radagast pull out a cloth­wrapped package from under his cloak and hand it to Gandalf. The woman frowned as Gandalf untied it and opened it; upon seeing its contents, the wizard looked concerned and Elen felt an old and ancient kind of darkness fill the air around them.
“That is not from the world of the living.” Radagast said.
“I don’t like that…” Elen whispered only for Bilbo to hear but before Bilbo could ask her what she meant, a howl was heard in the distance. Elen blinked several times and shot up to her feet. The dwarves looking around them with their weapons ready.
“Was that a wolf? Are there… are there wolves out there?” Bilbo asked, stuttering.
“Wolves? No, that is not a wolf.” Bofur answered him as Elen grabbed the sword tied on he back.
Suddenly, Elen wiped around and she tensed. From behind a nearby crag, a Warg appeared; it leapt into the midst of the Company, knocking down one of the dwarves. Elen pushed Bilbo aside and stepped before him with her sword ready. The warg turned and growled at Elen but Thorin struck quickly and killed the warg using Orcrist. Elen looked up at Thorin with surprise and their eyes met but another Warg attacked from the other side; Kili shot it with an arrow, bringing it down behind Thorin. However, it got back up and tried to attack Thorin but at the same time as Dwalin, Elen jumped forward and drove her sword into the Warg’s skull. Thorin wiped his head to look at his friend and at the elleth with wide eyes. Elen took her sword off the Warg and smirked at Dwalin who looked unpleased to share his kill with her.
“Warg­Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind.” Thorin stated, his eyes still focused on Elen. The elf had saved him at the same time as Dwalin. Even after what he said to her, the elleth had tried to keep him safe.
“Orc pack?” Bilbo asked, worriedly as Gandalf approached.
“Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?” The wizard asked Thorin, his voice waving with anger and agitation.
“No one.” Thorin answered with confusion.
“Who did you tell?” Gandalf raised his voice.
“No one, I swear.” Thorin said defensively.
“Gandalf!” Elen raised her voice. “He said nothing! We need to go, now!” The elleth glared at the wizard, feeling quite annoyed to lose some precious time like this.
“What in Durin’s name is going on?” Thorin asked the wizard, taking a step forward.
“You are being hunted.” Gandalf sighed then glanced at Elen. The elleth was looking around the company, her eyes scanning the horizon.
“There’s too many…” She muttered.
“We have to get out of here.” Dwalin piped in, gripping his axe tightly but Ori stepped forward in fright.
“We can’t! We have no ponies; they bolted.” The young dwarf told the company. ‘Shadowfax…’ Elen thought, suddenly worried for her friend.
“I’ll draw them off.” Radagast said, seing no other way out for the company and the elleth.
“These are Gundabad Wargs; they will outrun you.” Gandalf disagreed but the brown wizard smiled proudly at the other wizard’s words.
“These are Rhosgobel Rabbits; I’d like to see them try.”
Elen looked at Radagast as he got himself ready. She approached him and looked up as the gentle wizard looked down at her with a smile.
“Be careful, Radagast.” She said, giving him a small sad smile.
“Do not worry about me, my lady. I can handle a few orcs.” Elen chuckled at his words and nodded her head then stepped aside to let him go.
In the meanwhile, Thorin observed the elleth and the wizard. He was close enough to hear their conversation and he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at how Radagast had called her. ‘My lady?’ He thought, Elentári was a simple elf maiden… not or lady. Thorin was even more confused as his eyes landed on the sword on Elen’s back. He saw it once when she attacked the trolls and once again now but he couldn’t understand how it was possible. Thorin knew who forged that sword, but it was simply impossible.
The dwarves gathered at the edge of the woods while Yazneg, the orc leader of the Warg Riders, and his Wargs were searching through the forest for them. Suddenly, Radagast and his rabbits shot out of the forest and in a flash the Orcs and Wargs were chasing him. Radagast laughed as his plan worked.
“Come and get me! Ha ha!” He exclaimed, looking behind his shoulder.
Gandalf and Elen watched from behind a rock as Radagast and the Wargs disappeared in the distance. Elen shared a look with the wizard and nodded her head before running ahead of the company.
“Come on!” Gandalf called for the dwarves to move and the company rushed across a rocky plain.
Elen waited behind a rock as the company joined her, she looked in the distance to see Radagast being chased by the Wargs. One of them crashed while trying to catch him and Elen smirked. The wizard could truly handle those orcs.
As the Company ran across the plain, they saw the Wargs not too far from them. Elen gasped and grabbed Bilbo who was running next to her to hide behind the rocks. The company join her and the hobbit who looked up in fright at Elen. The elleth squeezed his shoulder and smiled, trying to give him courage. Gandalf looked in the distance to see if they could move.
“Stay together.” The wizard whispered.
“Move!” Thorin ordered and the company kept running. Elen looked at Thorin as she ran past him, their eyes met and the King felt a weird pull at his heart. Something was going to happen.
As the Company ran, Radagast drove his sled beneath an overhanging projection of rock; he ducks, but the Orc on the Warg behind him got knocked off. Elen smiled as she heard the commotion Radagast was creating as the chase continued. Suddenly, Thorin stopped behind a rock, seeing the Wargs too close but Ori ran out of the cover. Elentári and Bilbo gasped at the same time but hopefully Thorin grabbed Ori by his collar and pulled him back under the protection of the rock.
“Ori, no! Come back!” Thorin exclaimed as he grabbed him. The company waited for a while then Gandalf checked once again and nodded at the company.
“Come on! Quick!”
The dwarves continued running but Thorin stayed behind and turned to Gandalf as Elen stepped next to the wizard.
“Where are you leading us?” Thorin asked suspiciously, making the woman roll her eyes and Gandalf glare at him then move past the dwarf as he doesn’t answer. Thorin glanced at Elen then gestured for her to follow the others, not wanting to leave her at the back without protection. Elen ignored him and start to run behind Gandalf.
As the Warg scouts chased Radagast, one of them suddenly stopped and scented the air. Elen stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide.
“Take cover!” She whisper-shouted at the company and they all looked confused until Gandalf sensed the warg scout too.
The dwarves all took cover behind an outcropping of rock. Elen squeezed herself between Bilbo and Thorin, trying to calm her heart down as it hammered against her chest. She shared a look with Bilbo who looked terrified then grabbed her sword at her hips and sighed to focus. The elleth closed her eyes and listened to the scout and his Warg. They appeared on top of the outcropping they were hiding behind, scenting the air. Thorin looked at Kili and nodded his head. The look in the leader’s eyes left no choice at the poor young brunette dwarf. Bilbo squeezed Elen’s forearm to catch her attention as Kili readied an arrow. Elen opened her eyes and understood what Kili was trying to do but before she could stop him the younger Durin brother quickly stepped out and shot the Warg. However, his arrow hit the Warg’s shoulder blade and it let out a huge roar. Elen’s eyes widen but Kili quickly shot another arrow that made the Warg and the orc fell near the dwarves. Some of them quickly jumped and attacked it. Elen watched as the finally killed the orc and its beast but she shook her head as the sounds of their fight was carried quite far. Far enough for the other Wargs and Orcs to hear. They stopped chasing Radagast as they hear roars and screams from behind the rocks and Elen’s breathed hitched in her throat.
“They heard us…” She muttered, only Bilbo and Thorin heard her.
“The Dwarf­scum are over there! After them!” Elen heard the Orc’s leader hiss in his horrible language. The Warg scouts howled as they stopped pursuing Radagast and they began pursuing the Company.
“Move. Run!” Gandalf shouted, now not caring to keep his voice low. The company ran through a grassy plain; Wargs began to surround them from all sides. The elleth stopped and tightened her grip on her sword as she looked around her. Bilbo stayed behind the dwarves, not knowing what to do.
“There they are!” Gloin warned.
“This way! Quickly!” Gandalf lead them through the plain as they all ran for a while longer, then halted in a clearing as they saw Wargs on all sides. ‘We’re stuck.’ Elen thought and groaned as she tensed.
“There’s more coming!” Kili screamed and Elen ran next to him as the young dwarf was a bit too away from the other to her liking.
“Kili! Shoot them!” Elen heard Thorin shout from behind them.
Looking around, Gandalf saw a large rock and he quickly recognized it. He ran toward it and disappeared. The wizard disappeared into thin air as the dwarves started to get more and more agitated.
“We’re surrounded!” Fili screamed as he came back from his quick scout ahead.
Kili began to shoot at the Wargs and the Warg­riders, killing some of them. Elen was by his side, ready to fight.
“Where is Gandalf?” The brunette dwarf next to her asked.
“He has abandoned us!” Dwalin roared, accusing the wizard.
“Nonsense!” Elen shouted back, knowing that her dearest friend would abandon them so easily.
The dwarves gathered close to each other near the rock Gandalf disappeared by. As Yazneg and his Warg approached, Ori shot a rock at Yazneg with his slingshot, to no effect. Thorin pulled out his sword and stared at Elen’s back. He didn’t like the fact that Kili and her were far from the rest of the company.
“Hold your ground!” Thorin shouted to his friends as he readied himself but suddenly, Gandalf popped up from a crack in the rock.
“This way, you fools!” The wizard exclaimed before disappearing once again by the rock. Thorin ran and looked down the rock to see a secret passageway, his head wiped to the side and he called for everyone.
“Come on, move! Quickly, all of you! Go, go, go!”
As the Wargs approach, the dwarves and Bilbo slid into the large crack in the rock, sliding into a cave. A warg approached Thorin and tried to attack him but the King killed it easily with a slide of his sword. Kili shot another another orc and kept shooting with Elen by his side.
“Kili, we have to go!” Elen said, her body shifting to look behind.
“Kili! Elen! Run!” Thorin screamed and finally Kili turned away to run but at the same time Elen saw the orc he was about to shoot a second before raise his arm. Elen’s body moved out of instinct as the orc threw his sword at Kili’s back but instead of hitting the young dwarf, the sword came rushing at Elen. The elleth gasped as she looked down, pain gripping her entire being as she saw the sword driven deep in her side. Kili turned around and his eyes went wide but Elen mastered all her strength and turned to follow him. Her hand pulled the sword out off her skin and pushed hard against the wound.
“Run Kili! Don’t look back I’m right behind you!” Elen said as she pushed Kili forward. The young dwarf looked skeptical but ran ahead, looking behind at Elen every two seconds.
They quickly joined Thorin before the rock and Kili jumped into the crack. Elen’s legs were heavy, she had more and more difficulties to move. Her hand was drenched in blood but she tried to ignore it. Thorin’s eyes landed on her and his heart stopped for a second. Thorin made a move to come closer but right as he was about to reach her a high sound pierced the air around them and Elen screamed in pain.
“No!” Thorin screamed as he saw the arrow pierce through the back of Elentári’s left shoulder. The elleth’s eyes widen, pain evident on her features.
She knew that she was too far from the rock to reach it without putting Thorin in danger, the Orcs were too close. She looked at Thorin, her eyes filled with tears as she knew what she had to do. The time seemed to slow down as she heard Thorin’s voice scream her name. She saw him start to run in her direction, fear in his eyes. Elen’s legs shook as she raised her right arm slowly in the air. With the last bit of strength she had left, Elentári pushed Thorin back, a huge wave of white light escaping her hand. Thorin’s eyes widen as he felt the light push him backward and into the crack with the other dwarves. Elen sighed, and her eyes closed as a soft smile appeared on her lips through the pain. He was safe, that’s all that mattered for her.
The elleth’s legs gave way and she fell on her knees, her breathing shallow and rapid. Black spots started to cover her vision and Elen fell on he side. ‘Is this it? Is it how it ends?’ Elentári thought as she closed her eyes. She slowly accepted her fate as she heard Thorin’s voice scream from far away. In the crack, the dwarves were trying to hold the king back as he tried to climb back up to help Elen.
“We can’t leave her alone!” Thorin screamed but Gandalf stopped him once again as he tried to go past him.  
Just as Yazneg and his Wargs reach the Elen’s unconscious body, an Elvish horn sounded in the plain making the dwarves jump and Thorin look up in confusion. A group of mounted Elves rushed into the fray, shooting and spearing the Wargs and Orcs. The Company listened to the conflict from inside the crack. Thorin groaned in impatience but suddenly one of the orcs, shot by an arrow, fell into the cave. The dwarves jumped and readied their weapons but the orc was dead. Thorin advanced through the company and plucked out the arrow and examined its make.
“Elves.” Thorin hissed in disgust and threw the arrow on the ground. Gandalf sighed out in relief as he understood who had saved them and consequently, who had found Elentári.
“Gandalf, we have to help Elen.” Kili suddenly said and Thorin looked up at the wizard with dark eyes.
“We cannot help her, Kili. We wouldn’t be able to heal her wounds, she might die if…” Gandalf started but Thorin stopped him with a shout.
“We cannot leave her alone! Gandalf, she will die! She might as well be dead already!”
“This is why she is in better hands with the elves right now!” Gandalf said, raising his voice. Thorin looked down for a moment and tried to calm down, the company looked around at each other in worry but finally Thorin sighed and glared at Gandalf one last time. “We do not have the choice Thorin. Elentári is one of my dearest friend, I wouldn’t leave her in the hands of fools. I know that those elves are her best chance.”
Thorin sighed but he had no other choice. He could see that his friends looked at him with questioning looks at why he cared so much for the elleth. They all cared but Thorin’s behavior was truly odd. There was a pathway at the end of the cave, leading away, to a place unknown. Dwalin wandered in the cave and brought Thorin out of his daze.
“I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?” The warrior asked.
“Follow it, of course!” Bofur exclaimed before anyone could protest, even Thorin. The dwarves started to follow Dwalin and Bofur, Gandalf staying behind with Bilbo.
“I think that would be wise.” Gandalf mumbled, only Bilbo noticed the wizard comment.
The Company began to follow the path. It was quite narrow, and the path was actually a crack between two tall cliffs. At times, the dwarves had great difficulties going through the narrow pathway. Thorin couldn’t help but worry, Elen’s hurt face, her hands red from her own blood haunted his mind. He had to see her, he had to see her alive and well. His heart clenched and he felt sick, his throat tightened and a strong feeling of grief gripped his heart. Thorin knew at this instant that if he lost her, if he lost Elentári, he would never love again.  
The pathway eventually opened out into an open area; there was a valley below, and in that valley, was the city of Rivendell.
“The Valley of Imraldis. In the Common Tongue, it’s known by another name.” Gandalf said as the dwarves looked at the city in awe.
“Rivendell.” Bilbo breathed out, looking at the landscape with an admirative smile.
“Here lies the last Homely House east of the sea.” Gandalf said but Thorin’s anger boiled.
“This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy.” The dwarf king hissed.
“You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill­will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself.” Gandalf answered, making Bilbo look between the wizard and the dwarf feeling a bit uncomfortable.
“You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us.” Thorin asked Gandalf but in reality, that was more a statement than a question.
“Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me. Moreover, if you want to see Elentári again you will have to follow me.” Gandalf said and started to walk toward the elven city as Thorin looked down in resilience.
If this was the only way to see her again… Thorin would deal with the elves of Rivendell.
Tell me what you think guys! 
xxx Lisy 
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uru-viel · 7 years
Honey Badgers Eat Snakes Alive
A birthday gift for @neverending-shenanigans written by myself and @lucid-dreamer-dreams
The first time Darcy Lewis sees Steve Rogers is during the sorting ceremony. She doesn’t recall seeing him on the Hogwart’s train but then again she spent most of the time searching for Jane.
But there they were. New firsties anxiously awaiting to see what House they are to be in for the next 7 years. All hundred of them were neatly separated into two lines with two House tables on each side.
“What House you reckon you’ll be in?” Darcy clearly remembers hearing a smirking brunette ask.
Though she doesn’t recall to who.
“I’ll be in the hero’s house Gryffindor!”
The exchange in front of her goes silent after that declaration and the rest of the time is clapping and cheering for the newly sorted firsties.
Darcy anxiously looks for her cousin Jane whose Ravenclaw colors shine brightly. As she moves closer to the sorting hat, the panic rises in her. What if she isn’t smart enough to be in Ravenclaw like Jane? She’s definitely not brave enough to be in Gryffindor and definitely not sneaky for Slytherin.
Jane cheers the loudest when Darcy’s name is called and she stumbles up to the chair.
She gulps and ducks her head when the stern Professor Mcgonagall drops the sorting hat on her head.
Her glasses slide down her nose when the Sorting Hat speaks to her.
Well, well, well another Foster in Hogwarts.
“Actually, my dad’s a Lewis so I’m a Lewis.” Darcy says out loud.
You’re your own person I can see. You wish to be in the same house as your Jane correct?
No. That wouldn’t do at all. You have intelligence but you don’t possess that drive to seek out knowledge regardless of any circumstance.
Darcy had to reluctantly agree with the Hat’s thought. She’s heard stories from Jane about the crazy antics in House Ravenclaw.
Apparently Tony Stark was infamous even amongst the muggles.
Nor do you have that need to prove yourself as a courageous hero. While being in the Gryffindor house would push you out of your comfort zone, you would be unhappy.
Yeah, no. She could only recall Thor’s crazy stories about the adventures he and Sif got into…when he wasn’t snogging her cousin.
Laughter bubbled inside her when she pictured herself with Thor’s body.
Perhaps Slytherin. The hat mused in her head.
Darcy looks at the snot nosed, sneering lot. They seemed happy enough to be with each other.
There is much you wish to accomplish. A career in politics? In that house you’d make all the connections needed for your goal. Although you lack the cunning ability that is nourished in that house.
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll work hard to achieve my goal. You better believe it!” Darcy clenches her fist as she proclaimed her declaration.
Unbeknownst to her, a blond boy looked up at her in admiration.
Hm, no. You do not have the cunning trait. Silvertongues and Lyesmiths dwell in Slytherin, while you are mostly blunt and honest.
Darcy thinks of Loki, the brother of Jane’s boyfriend Thor. He was a Slytherin. She shivers. No. She wasn’t a Silvertongue.
It’s possible with your work ethic to obtain these skills but unless you already have a kernel you’ll be left behind. In that house it is dangerous to do so. You are blunt and honest, caring when others are scathing. Maybe…. yes. It is definitely where you belong.
“Where?” Darcy asks. “Slytherin?”
The Sorting Hat chuckles. Then he shouts, “Hufflepuff.”
The fuck?
She can see Jane’s own surprise from her table. The student across from her is scowling from the water that was spat in his direction.
The Hufflepuff table cheers loudly. She smiles hesitantly when one of the older students walks close to her.
“C’mon lass Hufflepuff is waiting for you.” Darcy struggles not to blush at the handsome boy.
“Oi! Cedric stop flirting with the firstie!” One of the other Hufflepuff hollers out.
Cedric rolls his eyes but offers his hand to help Darcy down. “Ignore them. They get excited whenever we get a newbie.”
“So you do this for every first year?” Darcy asks.
Cedric raised a brow. “Another American? What are the odds of that. As for your question it’s tradition for the second years to bring the first years down to our tables. We know how frightening it can be to be in front of hundreds of people.”
Darcy almost runs off the stage with the Sorting hat were it not for Cedric’s quick thinking that tossed the hat back on the stool. She tosses a hesitant smile at her cousin as they pass by.
Jane smiles back at her.
Some of the Hufflepuff girls embrace her-which wow that wasn’t a thing she expected but what she totally needed- and a few of the guys squeeze her in half hugs. The warmth at being accepted had to be unique because she doesn’t remember her classmates being this kind in America. In fact, they could be downright cruel, labeling her as “other” without her even doing magic in front of people.
Darcy gasps in surprise when her robes and the rest of her uniform is bespelled to match the colors of her house, yellow and black with a badger on the crest.
“A proper badger.” Darcy nearly goes cross eyed when her nose is poked.
“Huh, didn’t exactly expect them to be so friendly.” The smirking brunet from earlier says.
Darcy was sort of embarrassed that she couldn’t recall his name. That was like Jane level of absentmindedness.
The boy raises a brow and offers a hand. “Name’s James Buchanan Barnes. Nice to meet ya.”
Darcy gratefully takes the hand. “Darcy Lewis.”
“I know, I think the whole table knows your name from the way they screeched out ‘We got Foster’s cousin!’.”
How embarrassing.
Awkward silence descends on them forcing Darcy to pay close attention to the last students to be sorted.
“ROGERS, STEVE!” The professor calls out from her scroll.
A skinny, worryingly so, blond boy clumsily goes up the stage.
Less than a minute goes by before the Sorting Hat bellows out
Beside her James pales rapidly. And Rogers looks in their direction with piercing blue eyes. ****** The years are kind to Hufflepuff house or at least that is what Darcy likes to think as they draw near to their seventh year.
In her not so humble opinion, most of her house grew up to be very attractive. Poor Cedric’s back was almost ramrod straight for two whole years as he drew more and more appreciative gazes upon his form.
The prefect always had volunteered partners for late night patrols from all houses. Astounding that all it took to unite the Hogwarts female and male population was bronze tousled hair and a pretty smile.
His death took such a toll on their house. The random students who came up to express their sorrows at his loss.
Cho Chang couldn’t even look at their house colors without bursting into tears.
Darcy prays to Morgana that the boy who helped her settle into Hogwarts found peace. She knows James feels the same.
Ah James.
James- Bucky as he was referred to by the blond snake- was a devil in wizard flesh. Thank Merlin contraceptive spells existed.
Darcy grew out of her awkward phase and turned into a very attractive girl. Her long dark hair tumbled from her shoulders and her body was quite curvaceous.
She stares in the mirror and twists herself side to side. And nearly pouts when she sees how her skirt lifts up. Darcy knew she should have taken Jane’s old uniform instead of keeping the one from fifth year.
“Yes you’re beautiful hurry up, Darcy.” A voice says from across the hall.
Most of the dormitory ignores it, the phrase commonplace since the beginning of their first year.
Darcy does hurry up as she detects an impatient lit in her best friend’s tone. One she’s very familiar with and she ducks out of the way from a tickling hex.
“You’re so impatient, James.” She huffs. James rolls his eyes and tugs her along outside the dorm. They both automatically bid their housemates a goodbye as the door closes behind them.
“Can ya blame me, doll? You’ve never given me a chance to introduce you to Stevie. I’m gonna milk it for all it’s worth.” A crooked grin and twinkling eyes are thrown her way.
“How Slytherin of you.” Darcy wrinkles her nose.
Darcy still doesn’t understand how she got roped into this meeting.
James’ birthday.
Her unplanned visit to the Infirmary.
Oh yeah.
“Don’t be like that, doll. Professor Sprout is always telling us to believe in the best of others.” James chides.
Which is very true.
Still doesn’t mean Darcy will. She’s heard all about the reputation of Steve Rogers.
How he attacked Gryffindors unprovoked and got away with it. Not to mention he was found on the floor, fists in that Dumstrang student Rumslow’s face. Why should she be willing to extend her friendship bubble to him?
Roger must have hexed James because she could not fathom how he’d be able to stand being around such a bully.
So focused on her inner musings, Darcy’s nose met a very firm, muscular chest. Strong hands softly gripped her upper arm and moved her to the side.
Darcy nearly reaches for her wand when her eyes meet a pair of bright blue eyes. Her mouth nearly drops.
“No introductions yet and you’re already injuring people, you menace.” James laughs as he lunges for a hug from the hulking blond.
Said menace sheepishly laughs and hugs James back. There’s pure enjoyment in the way they greet each other that it shocks Darcy.
“Is this Darce?” Steve looks over Darcy, holding out a hand. He looks a bit flustered. “Sorry about walkin’ right into you.”
“A Slytherin who can apologize? That’s a first.”
She wants to punch herself as the words come out. James is giving her a Look™ and Steve is suddenly the definition of Kicked Puppy. She didn’t even realize someone so big and buff could looked like a kicked puppy. Thor doesn’t count. But Rogers was definitely golden retriever edition.
“And yeah,” she takes the hand left hanging in the air like a dead rat, shaking even as she wants to bolt, “I’m Darcy. ‘Darce’ to this weirdo obsessed with nicknames.”
“You know you love it, doll.” James gives her a lascivious smirk. “Admit it.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Quite the charmer, Buck.”
“Yeah a snake charmer!”
The twin groans that followed his statement made Bucky grin. Nice to see his best friends agree on something.
“I appreciate a good pun like any good Hufflepuff but that sucked.” Darcy says.
“I agree.” Steve shakes his head at James. “We know you can do better than that.”
Darcy glances at him, surprised to be included. She distracted by her younger cousin Luna, however. She comes down the hallway, as soft and sweet and glassy-eyed as always. She pauses when she sees Darcy and her company, smile growing.
“Darcy!” She calls joyfully. “James. Steve.”
“Luna.” Darcy shifts her stance a little, protective of her younger cousin. She was picked on alot since Jane had graduated and Darcy was a Hufflepuff, usually for her peculiarities. Knowing Steve was a bully had Darcy ready to rip him apart at the slightest moment’s notice if he even glanced at Luna rudely. “Don’t you have class right now?”
“I’m on the way to the bathroom.” Luna replies, before turning to Steve. She pulls from a pocket a radish, a Quibbler, and a gold coin, offering them to him. “Thank you for helping me find my shoes and sweater yesterday.”
Steve blushes, rubbing the back of his neck. “Wasn’t a problem.” He responds, taking the gifts. “Thank you, Luna.”
Luna gives a closed-eyed smile. “The radish is the right size for a necklace, it’ll keep away the nargles. And the gold coin is for any leprechauns you meet. They’re quite mean if you don’t have gold to offer.”
“And the Daily Quibbler?”
Luna hums a little. “I dog-eared the articles you might like.” She goes around them. “Have a rainy day.”
Darcy watches her cousin go, surprised. She looks at Steve who’s careful to pocket the coin and slips the radish into the folds of his robes. He flips through the Quibbler after, handing each article Luna had dog-eared.
“What was that,” she demands after a moment.
“Oh.” Steve blushed again. “Luna’s shoes and sweater were stolen and strung up around the school again.” He shrugged. “I helped her find them and get them back.”
James tosses a sympathetic look towards Luna’s back. Some of the stories he heard weren’t pretty.
Darcy frowns. “Are you serious? She’s still being bullied?” She shoves her sleeves up, murder in her eyes.
One of the sure ways to piss off a Hufflepuff is to attack their close people. Darcy’s already planning to attack.
James anticipates her moving and neatly steps aside while holding up an arm to stop her.
“James I will take you down with the asses who hurt her.”
“You don’t know who hurt her.” James says in a gentle, firm tone. “Or if she was hurt.”
Darcy huffs. “Once they see me coming I’ll know. And just taking her things is hurting her, James. Just because they didn’t touch her doesn’t mean she wasn’t emotionally wounded.”
James drops his arm with a sigh. Steve stops them both when he speaks, “It was Crabbe. He was boasting about taking the “Looney”s things last week. I didn’t catch him in the act so I couldn’t do anything. But I hexed him anyway.”
Darcy narrowed her eyes. “Crabbe? Who the hell is Crabbe?”
“One of Malfoy’s followers. Steve, I thought you got him sorted out?” Bucky groaned.
He wants to face palm himself when Steve shakes his head. Oh man. James knew by looking at Darcy it wasn’t going to end well for any Slytherin.
“Yeah Steve,” Darcy’s teeth gnash together, “why haven’t you sorted that little twat?”
Steve’s brow furrows. “Don’t call him that. Draco was doing okay right up until that imposter turned him into a ferret.”
Oh man. Darcy should have known. Snakes only protect other snakes.
“I’ll call him whatever I want. That snake is getting out of hand with his attitude. Fix it or I will.” Darcy has no fear about getting in the giant blond’s face. Her finger hurts from the way she poked at his chest.
Had James not lifted her wand during this exchange she would have hexed Steve right then and there. Thank Merlin for small miracles.
“The term’s almost done. Draco won’t cause any problems for Luna or anyone else. And if you would refrain from touching me, I’d be grateful.” Steve does not move and waits for the badger girl to lift her hand. He feared he’d see finger nail indents in his skin once he heads to the shower.
Steve does not miss the dark glower sent his way as Darcy suddenly spins and stalks away. His eyes shift to James who is stiff and still.
“Some doll you have, Bucky.” Steve crosses his arms in irritation.
What an aggressive girl. He could understand protecting Luna. The Ravenclaw girl had always been friendly and polite if somewhat odd to anyone who came across her. The silver haired girl had taken one look at Steve in all of his angered glory and offered him some radishes after he had beaten off her bullies.
But she did not know Draco the way Steve knew him. Steve could see how lost that boy was. Constantly craving the attention from a father that was not there. Steve remembered that first year when Draco would boast about his father throughout the day. How he struggled to emulate his father’s smug drawl and swagger.
Steve knows what it’s like to follow a father’s example. The only problem was that Draco’s father was wrong as hell.
He might not have been the most cunning of his classmates but he knew how to research well enough. Lucius Malfoy was a dangerous man and if Draco followed in his footsteps…it did not bear thinking. Sara Rogers had always taught him to do the right thing if it was in his power. And it was in his power to make sure Draco didn’t follow the steps of those came before him.
Covered in green and silver, with an imposing scowl on his face, James could see why most people avoided this Slytherin student. Steve had righteous indignation on his face and James could practically feel the thunder clouds brewing over his head.
“I did tell you she’s a spitfire.” James retorts.
He starts walking only slowing enough for Steve to sigh and follow him.
“Like a Chinese Fireball. I thought she was going to hex me.” Steve replies.
James raises his hand and twirls the cherry oak, 10 inch wand in his hand. He couldn’t help the laughter that escapes him at Steve’s face.
“I figured it was best to level the battlefield in case the two of you came to blows.”
Steve always had such unfortunate luck with women.
— The nerve of him, Jane. I swear that this is the last time James drags me anywhere. He always gets me in trouble or mad with the antics he pulls. Really he should have been sorted in Gryffindor with all those other adrenaline-riddled idiots. How do you stand it? And oooooh don’t even get me started on that snake friend of his. And by snake I mean Slytherin so wipe that confused look off your face. Seriously! A snake! After the way those bastards used to treat you and Thor on Loki’s command. He defended, DEFENDED, that pale haired little swot that picks on Luna. Can you believe it? James has to be enchanted. Anyways, please write back as soon as you can. James hates it that I complain about his friend and I need to vent before I explode.
Darcy sighs by the fire as she eagerly rips open the letter that Jane sent back after Darcy, fuming, wrote to her about her woes.
Jane talks about her work in the world of meshing science and magic to make her Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Darcy enjoys the jargon thrown at her because it was the same jargon her Muggle mother spouted over summer holiday, excited about the summer stars far more than Darcy and just as much as Jane.
But it does nothing to help Darcy control her rage over the Slytherin so she places the letter in her trunk. Other letters are lovingly stacked up and nearly spilling over the rest of her papers. Like her cousin, Darcy had taken to keeping all her written works.
The trunk, golden vines etched into the dark wood and a large golden tree in the middle, is stationed at the end of the bed. She hits her toes on the edges every morning when she rushes to get ready.
She huffs as she stares at the ceiling. Woodland animals dance about uncaring of her troubles.
“Darcy?” Her roommate Aislin Summers calls out hesitantly.
Of all the girls in her year, Darcy found Aislin to be the sweetest. Hair as red as firewhiskey, she could fit in with the Weasley clan. Once Fred and George Weasley tried poaching the girl only to back off when James and her came at them.
“Yeah?” She sits up and yawns. Darcy frowns at the sour taste in her mouth.
“You’re going to miss supper if you don’t get up.” A quick glance shows that Aislin was closer to the door than Darcy had assumed.
Her hair is neatly braided and set to the side, with her robes perfectly pressed. It was clear that the redhead was ready to leave. It was only her friendliness with her roommate and a possible guilty conscious that makes her stay.
A loud rumbling of her stomach is the only sound in the room.
“I’m coming.” Darcy says as she bolts off the bed.
Uncaring of the disheveled appearance she gave off, Darcy grabs her wand and heads out with Aislin.
“Normally I wouldn’t bother you since James is always around to walk with you, but I saw him head out to go write to that pretty girl from Dumstrang. You know? The one who looks like she could hit you with a Bulger without even looking?” Aislin says.
Darcy only nods. Yeah, she definitely knows the girl. Natasha Romanova was one of the few female Quidditch players from Dumstrang. James had been knocked in the head by her during a late night forbidden game.
Instead of getting mad or pretending like she didn’t exist, James only stood up and gave her a confused grin. Natasha had haughtily sniffed in his direction before dragging her sniggering teammate Clint Barton away.
Now all three exchange letters when they can.
Really she had to talk to that boy about his terrible taste in people.
The mouth watering scents from the kitchens cling to the girls as they leave Hufflepuff territory. They pass by the barrels of pumpkin juice and are a bit farther from the basement area when Aislin stops.
“Something wrong?” Darcy asks when she notices the red head sigh in frustration.
“I forgot my wand. I’m going to go back and get it.”
“It’s dinner. Just leave it, I have mine in case something happens.” Darcy says.
Aislin waves her off telling her, “Just go ahead and I’ll catch up later.” And turns back to their cosy common room.
Leaving Darcy alone in the halls.
Darcy sighs and shakes her head at the absentmindedness of her classmate. It wasn’t unusual for the girl to forget things so she really shouldn’t be too surprised when it happens at the most inconvenient times.
The journey to reach the Great Hall is quiet with only the sounds of her footsteps to keep her company.
The sniffling sounds of a child and the quiet murmurs of someone reaches her ears forcing her to walk towards the sound. The people in the paintings are gone. No doubt to feast with the other paintings in the Hall. Really the flames of the torches were the sole living thing there.
Well, not including Darcy and, apparently, two other people.
Darcy comes around the corner and finds Steve crouched down, looking uncomfortable and tiny. He’s smiling gently, talking to a crying first year. The first year is curled into the wall, clutching a book from the library.
The kid in question is a boy from Ravenclaw- a glance showed the bronze and blue colors- and he’s nodding to whatever Steve is saying, rubbing at his eyes. His glasses are fogged up from the heat of his tears.
Steve reaches out, petting his hair, an unruly brown that could be in better shape. “Peter, want me to escort you back to the Ravenclaw commons?”
“What’s going on?” Darcy asks, eyes narrowing on the situation.
The boy– Peter, according to Steve– curls into Steve and trembles.
Steve picks the boy up like it’s nothing.
“None of your concern, Lewis.”
“It is my concern seeing as he’s crying and near my dormitory.” Darcy crosses her arms, scowling at him.
“Last I checked, he’s actually closer to mine.” Steve tilts his head left as he carefully shifts Peter, and Darcy refuses to look the few meters ahead that it would take to see the entrance to the dungeons. “And the Bloody Baron went to let the headmasters know Nott tried to hex a first year, so it’s all taken care of, Lewis.”
Darcy scowls again. “Quit calling me that.”
“What? Lewis?” Steve raises an eyebrow.
Darcy wants to do something about that half smirk sent her way.
“It’s your name.”
“My name is Darcy, so use it.” She corrects. She feels like stomping her foot but isn’t five anymore.
“Be a little nicer and I will.”
Peter says something that’s mumbled into Steve’s collar, and Steve’s attention is completely diverted again. He looks so… Darcy hates to say it, but attractive when helping someone or a protective figure.
Steve talks quietly but Darcy still makes out some of what he says. “Yeah, I’ll take you to MJ. She’s a Gryffindor, right?”
Steve glances at Darcy briefly, then looks away. “I’ve gotta go.” He tells her. “See you later.”
Darcy takes a half-aborted step forward, unsure of what she’s going to do but knowing it’ll happen anyway. Then she doesn’t, watching Steve carry Peter away.
“Dammit it all.” She huffs right as Aislin comes back and the two boys are gone around another corner.
“You didn’t have to wait.” Aislin pouts a little and Darcy turns. Her roommate frowns. “Are you okay? You look a little upset.”
“I’m fine.” Darcy shakes her head. “Just… some things were, uh, pointed out to me.”
Aislin gives her a curious look all night when Darcy keeps sneaking glances at the Slytherin table and wistfully sighing.
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