#reality tv game show host
my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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niccage · 6 months
Ugh like 3 weeks ago my husband and i were trying to find some dumb reality show to watch while we were both sick in bed and Deal or No Deal Island seemed like our dumbest option so naturally we went with it, but turns out there were only 3 episodes out AND it has Boston Rob from survivor which means we’re now stuck watching this stupid show weekly. Anyways new episode tonight and I hope Boston Rob goes home so i can stop watching it
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monster-match-if · 1 month
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Welcome to Paradise!
A few decades after the mystical veil between the human and supernatural world was shattered there are still efforts done to fully integrate the two societies. What better way to achieve that than an international & interspecies dating show?!
Ten lucky beings are going to be selected for the first ever edition of Monster Match, and embark on a month-long vacation on a tropical island. Follow your heart or mind when making decisions and win the public’s favour. At the end of the month, the fan favourite couple will win a whopping cash prize of €500,000, to keep or split between them.
Couple up, have fun with the various challenges and most importantly stay alive find love!
And beware of what’s lurking in the shadows!
Genre: Reality TV dating show, monster fu- lovers. Love island the game, but with monsters. Strictly 18+!
WIP - some things may still change on the way.
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Play as Male or Female.
Choose to be a Sweetheart, a Charmer or a Flirt.
Have fun or stir up some drama between the other contestants!
Find love or do it all for the money.
Split the prize, or keep it all to yourself… if you win.
Choose between 5 gender selectable ROs and two male partial ROs.
Try to figure out what's happening to the eliminated contestants or ignore the gnawing feeling.
Entirely choice based, the stats are there for flavor text. This is an excuse to write monster, ermm, loving content. The story is rated 18+ and will contain NSFW and maybe some gore along with other dubious things. There will be fade to black options and skippable scenes as well as preference options and some pretty tame and sweet routes, but why are you here if monsters are not your thing? Read at your own discretion!
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Morgan → Vampire🦇 - M/F - 6’  Tall and pale, with dark hair and crimson eyes, and an infuriating naturally gorgeous body. Always has the hair styled neatly and preferes classy clothes. An incurable flirt. Expect: Blood and biting related activities. Not particularly loyal.
Elindorn / Eli → Deep forest elf 🏹 (basically a drow) - M/F - 5'7 / 6'4  Tall with an athletic swimmer’s body. Dusty lilac skin, long milky white hair and pale silver eyes that seem to look into your soul. Expect: actually… the most well adjusted of the bunch. Elves mate for life.
The bombshell - Blake → Incubus/ Succubus🌶️- obviously M/F - 5’8/ 6’4  Deep brown skin, short curly black hair and vivid blue eyes. Horns and tail in their “true” form. Skimpy clothes to attract potential vict- partners. Expect: open relationship, multiple partners, life… sucking?
Kitai → Kitsune 🦊- M/F - 5'5 / 5'11 (Casa Amor contestant) The shortest of the group, but the most attentive and ready to please. Ivory skin, long jet black hair and yellow eyes.  Expect: probably the sweetest, most wholesome route, tails - nine of them.
Fionnlagh / Fion → Cecaelia 🐙 (yes, tentacles) - M/F - 5'6 / 6'3 (Casa Amor contestant)  Tanned skin, long wavy red hair, and green eyes. Eight crimson tentacles in their “true” form. Expect: foursome options, but otherwise tentacles and fun, dubious consent-ish if you squint.
Partial ROs
Ragnar → Werewolf 🐺 - M - 6’9/ 8' when in werewolf form Only RO available strictly to F MC and only one who will break up with MC if they cheat or don't have the same views. Tall and built like a mountain, with lightly tanned skin, brown hair and beard and kind brown eyes. Covered in tattoos. Expect: *sigh* knotting, breeding, bestialityithink??
Seishish  - Sei  → naga 🐍 (yes 2 🍆) - M - 6'2 / 11' long with tail out  The Host - not being a contestant will limit interactions in the first half of the story, but he is also an endgame RO. Rich olive skin with a golden hue, long wavy platinum blonde hair, hazel snake eyes. Gains a lot of length in trier half-snake form, the tail an iridescent golden colour. Expect: dubious consent-ish if you squint, ovo…ovi… the eggpreg thing.
Other OG contestants
Warlock/human - Gael - M Human - Kat - F Siren - Oralla - F Fairy - Feyre - F (original name, I know) Angel - Arael - F Demon Azrorath - M
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Demo coming soon
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venus-haze · 1 year
You're My Best Friend (Homelander x Reader)
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Summary: Homelander was a test tube baby, raised in isolation in a cold, clinical lab. But that doesn’t inspire America, does it? Vought tasks you with creating the idyllic backstory for its hero, and what starts as a limited comic run spirals out of control when Homelander himself demands your help in making the story a reality.
Note: Gender neutral reader, but no other descriptors are used. Based on a request by @crash-and-cure as well as a bastardization of one of the sweetest love songs ever written (sorry, John Deacon!) This got kinda meta? Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Emotional manipulation, I guess some gaslighting on Homelander’s part? Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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When Vought hired you to create their long-awaited Homelander origin comic series, you were thrilled—until they gave you so little information about his childhood to work with, you weren’t even sure you could come up with one comic, let alone the ten they requested. The details about his childhood were minimal, not even a full printed page—a loving mom and dad, played baseball, did well in school, strong sense of justice from a young age, his friends called him “Johnny.” Your requests to meet with Homelander so you could get some stories from the man himself were constantly denied.
You almost considered dropping the project, until you decided to throw caution to the wind and pull from your own childhood and set it in good ol’ generic suburbia. Some of the storylines were based on your own experiences or things that had happened to people you’d grown up with, though you changed enough names and details to not link it to anyone in particular. Except yourself, of course. Using a pseudonym professionally meant you felt no need to change your own name in the comics. Sure, making your cooler fictionalized self Homelander’s childhood best friend was a bit self-indulgent, but no one would know, really.
To your relief, the editors at Vought loved your ideas, making minor changes before bringing the storylines to their comic artists to bring it to life. The result was Finding Homelander: A Boy’s Journey To Be a Hero. The issues flew off shelves when they were first released, ironically praised for their relatability and authenticity. Vought extended your contract, asking you to produce the cartoon adaptation and another ten issues.
Still, in all of that, you’d never met Homelander. A representative from Vought emailed you to let you know to tune in to his interview on a talk show one day, saying that he’d be talking more about the cartoon project on it. You recognized the host, Tracey, always chipper and having some extravagant giveaway for her audience members. Daytime TV was never your thing, though.
“I think what resonates with so many people is how relatable your childhood is,” Tracey said, holding up a copy of Finding Homelander issue #3, where he saved ‘you’ from getting hit in the face with a baseball at one of his games, catching it with ease. It’d been the happy ending to a short storyline of him struggling to find his place on the team and you encouraging him to not give up. “You and Y/N were pretty close, do you still keep in touch?”
“You know, Tracey, not as much as I’d like, unfortunately. Adulthood can be so busy, you need to cherish those childhood memories,” Homelander said. “I did give them a call when the comics first came out, and wow, the laughs we had over those old antics of ours. Talk about a walk down memory lane!”
You guessed the bullshitting was all part of the promotional circuit for Homelander. Knowing this childhood of his was your own fabrication, you couldn’t help but wonder what else about him was fake. Maybe he wanted to maintain his privacy, you could certainly understand that. You couldn’t shake the voice in the back of your mind that said it wasn’t so simple, that the narrative Vought pushed was a cover to hide something in Homelander’s past.
“Now, I’ve heard rumors of a cartoon show based on the comics in the making, is this true?”
“It is! I’m excited for this project, getting back to my ‘roots’ so to speak. I’ll be voicing myself, of course, but it’s funny you’d bring up Y/N, because they’ve agreed to voice themself, too.”
“How fun!” Tracey exclaimed over the roar of the talk show crowd’s applause and cheers. “I guess this is the hopeless romantic in me, but I hope this reconnection leads to something a little more. I’m just a sucker for childhood sweethearts!” 
Homelander laughed along with the host’s giggles, “Well, you never know.”
You balked at the television, mouth agape. Surely he couldn’t be talking about you. ‘Y/N’ could be anyone with your same features. Vought had probably hired a professional voice actor for the role and were pushing the authenticity angle. The whole situation felt odd. 
When you checked your work email again on your phone, you nearly dropped it on the floor. 
SUBJECT: Meeting with Homelander This Week
The email contained a list of days and times throughout the week wherein Homelander would be free, apparently wanting to meet you to thank you for the success of the comic series and discuss upcoming work. Yeah. That last part you sure as hell wanted to discuss too. You responded with the soonest time available, in a meeting room in Vought Tower the following evening. As soon as you hit ‘send’, you wondered what exactly you were getting yourself into.
Anticipation filled your gut as you went about your day leading up to meeting the supe himself. What would he be like, really be like? Was there even a version of Homelander that wasn’t hopelessly manufactured for the masses? You knew then that his upbringing was a lie, and thus stood the probability that so much else was, too. 
When you stepped into that meeting room, you hadn’t been expecting his face to light up at the sight of you. 
“Homelander, hi, it’s great to—“
“No need to be so formal, Y/N! You can call me Johnny, just like old times,” he said cheerfully, in on a joke you clearly hadn’t been aware of.
“Sorry, Johnny,” you said, playing along. “It’s great to see you again.”
He pulled you in for an unexpected hug that you returned. “Figured we should catch up before things really start getting crazy, don’t you think?”
You nodded, your nose brushing against him as you did so. Just as your lips parted to offer an apology, he smiled, shooing away the assistant who’d accompanied him out of the room. 
He sat down, motioning for you to do the same.
“Gotta say, I’m a fan of your work,” he said.
“Thank you,” you said. “I’m not sure I understand exactly what’s going on, though.”
“What’s there to understand? I’m not allowed to know more about my best friend, our lives together growing up?”
“How did you know it was me?”
“Wasn’t hard for me to put two and two together, but considering everyone else around here has their head up their asses, they have no idea,” he said, before lowering his voice conspiratorially and giving you a charming smile. “I haven’t told anyone. What’s a secret between friends?”
You nodded, overwhelmed by the intensity of his attention on you. “What do you want to know?”
He sighed, resting his head on his hand. “Everything.”
So you told him. Not quite everything, of course, but enough to abate his curiosity. At least for the time being. His interviews were sharper, more specific with details rather than rattling off whatever had been in the comics. You watched in shock as convincing photos of his Little League days were posted to his social media accounts, anecdotes provided by his increasingly frequent conversations–or more like interrogation sessions–with you, but in his style, of course. It was almost scary what the graphic design team at Vought could accomplish, not that you’d ever know how, exactly, as they were all under the same strict NDA that you were.
He started spending more time with you, too, and after a while, it did seem like you were old friends. Part of you flinched whenever you called him Johnny, because Johnny wasn’t even real, but with your complacency, this fabrication was slowly morphing into a strikingly tangible memory. With each conversation, he drew you deeper into the world you’d been paid to create for him until you found yourself slipping up.
You’d been showing him a goofy stuffed monkey on your desk, a cute little thing with big sparkling eyes. A prize for getting two out of three at the ring toss. Probably spent more money winning it than it was actually worth, but it was about the effort, the memories made.
“You remember, don’t you? You won it for me at the county fair,” you said without thinking.
He laughed in agreement, as if he actually had. Except he hadn’t. Your high school boyfriend won it for you a week before graduation. Sensing the mood shift, he set down your prize and looked at you with the same intensity he had when you first met.
“It’s been a while since we were there, huh?” he said. “Why don’t we go back?”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Go where?”
With a strong arm around your waist, he took off for your hometown. You could hardly tell which way was up or down, he was flying so high, but he didn’t seem to mind the way you clung to him at all. When he finally landed, you recognized the community baseball field where all of his fictional games were set. 
“Geez, it’s like nothing’s changed,” he said cheerfully.
You looked at him in disbelief. How long was he going to expect you to go along with it? Or maybe the question you should have been asking was, how long were you going to enable him? The end wasn’t anywhere in sight as he took your hand, and you walked him through your childhood, further enmeshing him in it until you arrived at the house you grew up in. 
The middle of the day, no one was home, and so you let yourselves in like you owned the place. Suddenly, the house seemed too small for a man like Homelander to occupy, but he was engrossed in the details of it. He scanned the kitchen, no doubt inspecting the contents of the fridge and cabinets with his x-ray vision. Moving onto the living room, he stared at photos on the wall, the magazines and DVDs that were strewn on the coffee table, giving away your parents’ taste in entertainment.
“Which one was your room again?” he asked.
You swore you could feel his breath on the back of your neck as you wordlessly led him to your room. Each step down the hall felt dangerous, as if you were about to walk into a trap. Face-to-face with the closed door, you opened it, standing aside while Homelander looked around, from what you had hanging on the walls to the knick-knacks you’d left behind.
An uncomfortable tension settled over the room when Homelander closed the door of your childhood bedroom. An odd blend of hurt and amusement spread across his face as he observed the way you were eyeing him, body ready to fruitlessly run from him the way a rabbit would a hawk.
“C’mon, after how long we’ve been friends, I would never hurt you,” he said, as if reading your mind. “We’ve been through so much together. I mean, we were each other’s first kiss.”
You froze. Issue #9. That was something Vought’s editors had added, claiming a romance angle would make the series appeal to the younger female demographic. You hadn’t thought much of it at the time.
He slyly backed you into the wall, leaning over you as you slinked down the slightest bit.
“Show me how we did it,” he whispered, his hand caressing your cheek. “So clumsy and nervous, I can even feel you…quivering.”
“Homelander, I don’t know what you’re—“
He tsked. “Y/N.”
You let out a shaky breath, “Johnny—“
He hummed in satisfaction. “It’s alright. I know it’s been a while.”
You let him kiss you, sweetly in a way that put your actual first kiss to shame. His lips were soft against yours, his tender movements intentional as he cradled your face, pulling you the slightest bit closer to him when you kissed him back. 
A sense of familiarity settled over you, warm and comforting like pulling a blanket out of the dryer on a chilly evening. Every time it seemed like you were beginning to overthink the situation with Homelander, he drew you back in with the kiss, a more than effective distraction until you pulled away with a dazed smile on your face.
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Have you ever considered one (probably Marco lol) or multiple of the animorphs post war on some kind of celebrity tv show (ie game shows for charity or something like dancing with the stars)?
Oh man, if you throw Marco's win-at-all-costs attitude in with his natural trollishness, and then you take into account the media landscape of the naughts... Hoo boy.
Survivor: In a rare unanimous outcome, Marco is voted off by complete consensus after the third incident where he gets his team disqualified from a challenge by turning into a chimpanzee to complete an obstacle course.
The Dating Game: Marco is supposed to be the third contestant to introduce himself to the bachelorette. Instead, he comes out of his booth directly after the second contestant is done speaking, declares "Well, that's me persuaded!" pulls out his bouquet, and presents it to the man next to him: "Wanna go on a date, handsome?" The second contestant, blushing but looking flattered, takes Marco's hand in his; they walk off the set together.
Crossfire: After public statements about "not too sure on this climate change," Marco is invited to oppose an ecologist as they debate the reality of global warming. During the episode Marco remains silent as the scientist presents her arguments, even when the host prompts him repeatedly to argue. The host starts arguing with the scientist, only to have Marco shush him and go "I'm trying to listen!" After filming 3 hours' footage, during which the climate scientist spoke for 2 hours 50 minutes, Marco goes "Gotta bounce — have fun editing that!" and disappears into an air vent.
The Apprentice: Honestly, we're not sure what happened here? The host, like, disappeared, directly after the end of the season Marco appeared in. He's not dead, we don't think — I guess he moved to Uzbekistan? But no one's heard from him since he donated all his real estate holdings to the American Cancer Society and fled the country. Go figure.
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aziraphales-library · 25 days
Hii mods
I was wondering if you had any fics where azi and Crowley are on tv shows?
Like I’ve seen ones about them on strictly, would I lie to you, antiques roadshow, bake off, the office, but it’s super hard to find fics like that because I’m not aware of there being a specific tag for stuff like that ? (Apart from human Au ig).
Thank you for everything you do on here btw lol :))
Hello! We have an #actors au tag you might be interested in (which includes Slow Show, so there's no need to add it in the notes!). Here are some TV show fics outside of the ones you've already listed...
First dates by Amyk89 (M)
Do you know that reality TV show called First dates? This is a human au, where Aziraphale goes on that and meets bartender Crowley there. If you haven’t seen the show, it’s just about 2 people going on a blind date, then at the end of their first date, the host asks if they want to go on a second date. It’s super awkward. But just imagine how awkward it’ll be when you’ve been flirting with the bartender the whole night?
666 Heartbeats by AppleSeeds (T)
Aziraphale is a contestant on his favourite game show, 666 Heartbeats, where the amount of time he will have to answer the questions is dictated by how fast his heart is beating. If he wants to win big, he'll just have to stay calm. Easier said than done when he has an enormous crush on the host, who won't stop reassuringly touching him.
A Narrow Escape to the Country by shaggydogstail (T)
Crowley and Aziraphale appear as house hunters on BBC daytime institution, Escape to the Country. They are incredibly annoying. Sympathies, please, for the unlucky producer who is not getting paid enough to put up with their nonsense.
How to Win a Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Television (and how not to) by GaryOldman (T)
Crowley hosts a late night comedy talk show. Aziraphale hosts a feel good morning talk show. When Crowley is asked to present Aziraphale with a lifetime achievement award, everything goes a bit skew-whiff. ----- Normally when I don’t get something that everyone else seems to be mad on my first point of call is the wonderful world of the internet, but we’ve had a falling out you see, the internet and I. Despite my many years as late night show host meets investigative journalist meets comic genius meets veritable sex god (though Wikipedia only acknowledges the first of these accomplishments, despite my many attempts at editing the listing) they have turned on me. I’m a gif. And a meme.
Dating in the Dark by miraworos (E)
Anthony J. Crowley, owner of a failing joke-shop, and Aziraphale, bookshop proprietor with an overbearing family, meet as contestants on a blind dating show. They form an instant connection as roommates but soon find themselves at odds as they compete to win the top spot, and the favor of the same lady.
Married at First Sight by Aracloptia (T)
“Well, that was a thing,” Crowley said once they were out of earshot. Without talking about it, they were both heading down the field, towards the lake where the photographer (and likely a few more people from the TV crew) was waiting. “That was a wedding,” Aziraphale replied, surprised at his own annoyance that somebody called a wedding a ‘thing’. “Yeah, obviously, didn’t miss that part,” Crowley said with a shrug, and waved abruptly in Aziraphale’s general direction. “Neither did you, from the looks of it, since you’re dressed like a wedding bride and everything.” “Excuse me, I am a—“ Aziraphale stopped himself, and started over. In which Aziraphale ends up marrying a rude stranger who wears sunglasses.
- Mod D
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rabesbabe · 6 months
I like the way you kiss me pt.2
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sam carpenter x reader
i like the way you kiss me pt.1
A/N: Hey guys!! So this is the second part to my newest series! I’ve been trying to decide if this should be the last part or if I should do one more so let me know! Also you guys are able to ask for requests now and i’ll make a page with who I write for!! (Also this fic is not proofread pls excuse my typos lmao)
Summary: You go to a party Mindy and Chad host and “coincidentally” Sam is there…
After that day you hadn’t really talked to Sam besides necessary conversations you guys would have to have when you went over to hang out with Tara. Which you seemed to be doing more
and more of recently noticing the two of you actually make a pretty good duo.
One day you were getting smoothies with Tara when you felt like you should tell her about what happened with Sam.
“Tara?” “Hm?” She replied, mouth full of the strawberry banana smoothie she was drinking. “Do you remember how Sam acted when she met me that first time?” You asked looking at her. “Yeah but I told you not to worry about it I swear she’ll get used to you at some point she just isn’t exactly a people person.” Tara shrugged. “No that’s not it,” you sighed. “The day before that, I met Sam at the grocery store and I slid her my number. And that night we talked for like 3 hours before I hung up.”
Tara looked at you confused. “You slipped my sister your number…” you looked down waiting for her to yell at you for talking to her sister. “AND SHE ACTUALLY CALLED YOU?” She smirked at you. “God, I knew you were fine but not fine enough to create a miracle!” You looked up at her almost choking on your smoothie at her words. “That was your takeaway from what I just told you? You’re not mad? Or even sad?” “God no.” She replied “I’m just shocked my sister actually made an attempt at being a normal person. No wonder she acts so weird whenever I mention you. She totally likes you y/n.”
That night you think about Tara’s words a lot. Did her sister actually like you? Whenever you were around her she seemed like she was seconds away from punching you in the face. But, maybe that’s just how she is. She’s not exactly bubbly. You think about the time Tara left the apartment for a bit while you were there to go do something, leaving you and Sam alone. Sam couldn’t keep her eyes off of you. But she also didn’t dare utter a word to you. She always left you confused and wondering what was going on inside her mind.
That week you and Tara went over to Mindy and Chads place. Tara decided to find something cute for you to wear and she did your makeup. You weren’t sure why she was dressing you up so much but you let her anyway as it was fun.
As you arrived at the door Tara fixed your hair up and you gave her a weird look as you were still confused why she was trying so hard to make sure you looked good even though you were just seeing friends. You handed her the wine glass you brought as a gift before knocking on the door. After knocking you hear familiar voice say ��I’ll get it.”
To your surprise as the door opens you’re met with a wide eyed Sam looking you up and down. She mumbles a quick “Hi” to you before moving over to let you in. After giving Mindy and Chad hugs you look over at Tara and Sam talking.
“You didn’t tell me you were inviting her Tara.” Sam says. “I didn’t think I needed to Sam? We’re constantly together it should’ve been a given.” Tara says raising an eyebrow at Sam. “Plus why do you care? You’re very clearly enjoying the sight of her.” Tara gives a small smirk to a slightly open mouthed Sam who is clearly shocked her sister caught on to her not so secretly checking out her friend.
As the night goes on the drunker and drunker everyone gets. You guys talk for hours, play games and watch dumb reality tv shows. “Who wants to play a classic game of drink or spill!?” Says a very very drunk Mindy. “What a good idea lil’ sis” exclaims Chad. “You know you’re only a few minutes older right?”
“Can we please start playing before you two get into a fight and ruin all the fun?” Sam says rolling her eyes. You all sit in a circle in their living room waiting for Mindy to ask questions. “Tara,” Mindy says, “how many people in the room would you kiss?” “Oh come on, that one’s easy! Three.” Tara says. “Thank god.” Sam replies letting out a fake sigh while laughing.
“Y/N, sweet, gorgeous, lovely, y/n.” Mindy says in a jokingly sweet voice. “Who in this room would you say no to if they asked you out?” You let out a chuckle, “if it wasn’t obvious before, I’m sorry Chad I’m just not into your uhm…kind?” You give a fake apologetic smile. You make eye contact with Sam who looks at you shocked. Obviously thinking she was going to be the one you would say no to. You give her a small smile before she looks away.
The rest of the night is a drunken blur for you. You can’t help but notice Sam staring at you all night and wonder if you look insanely hot or like a drunk mess. Later on you decide to go find Tara who’s probably making out with Chad somewhere to tell her you guys should head home.
“Tara?” You ask while knocking on Chads room door. “If you and Chad are in there eating each other’s faces please take this as a warning to stop before I walk in.” Suddenly the door opens and you see Sam smiling at your remark.
“Hi, Sam.” You say awkwardly. To your surprise she opens the door more for you to come in. “So my sister and Chad huh?” You nod. Confused as to why she’s talking to you. But then you think about the fact that she drank 5 shots during the game you guys played. She sits down on the bed in the room looking at the floor avoiding your eyes. And you join her. “I’m sorry I’ve been kind of a bitch to you y/n.” “It’s fine I guess?” You say confused as to why she would apologize now. “I really liked you that night we talked Sam. I wish you gave me a chance.” She looked up at you finally making eye contact. She stared at you for a second as if she was thinking about something.
Before you could think more she leaned closer to you, grabbed around your waist and kissed you. Only for a moment but just enough to show you she meant it.
“Im sorry,” She said looking away from you when you didn’t say anything. “That was more than okay Sam.” You smile at her and she kisses you again. This time more passionate and confident.
“Y/n!” Tara’s voice calls out a little before the door to the room bursts open. Tara’s eyes go wide at the sight of you and her sister and she stares for a moment before laughing. You and Sam look at her in bewilderment. “Thank god!! I was so sick of you two undressing each other with your eyes all night.” Sam scoffs at her boldness. “As much as I hate to break this up we need to go y/n we have class tomorrow.” Tara says as if she’s not gonna be insanely hungover the next morning. You stand up and smile at Sam. “Call me?” She says before you walk out. And you nod with a goofy smile plastered on your face.
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virgoilluminati · 3 months
Match Made in England
Following the success of the women's world cup and the ongoing struggles of juggling both fame, football and their relationship, Jude and Y/N set up a tv series.
A/N: ok so i kinda had this idea for a little while but this is kinda like a little spoof spinoff of the World Class series and each "episode" is like a little update into their life, with snippets as if they are hosting a tv reality show. If you have any requests on what episodes you would like to have posted on here pls let me know :)
A tv show created by two lovers that happen to both play for the england football team 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
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You sit next to your window in your two-bedroom apartment, a cup of coffee steaming up over the rainy exterior. The sound of raindrops tapping against the glass creates a soothing rhythm, blending with the soft hum of the city outside. Your mind drifts as you watch the rain cascade down, each droplet carrying with it a piece of your thoughts.
Lost in the tranquility of the moment, you reflect on the past week, the challenges at work, and the unexpected encounter with an old friend. The city lights blur in the distance, their reflection shimmering on the wet streets below.
You take a slow sip of your coffee, savoring the warmth that spreads through your body.The apartment, though small, feels like a sanctuary. Bookshelves line the walls, filled with stories waiting to be explored. A faint aroma of vanilla and cinnamon from a nearby candle mingles with the rich scent of coffee, creating a comforting atmosphere.
As the rain continues to fall, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. Despite the hustle and bustle of life, these quiet moments remind you of the simple joys that make each day worth living. With a contented sigh, you lean back, ready to embrace whatever the evening brings.It had been six months since winning the World Cup and your world had been an absolute spin. TV interview after TV interview, magazine photoshoots, ongoing pestering rumors about your relationship with Jude—everything had felt like a whirlwind, one which never stopped. And now, the BBC had asked to start a reality TV show about your and Jude's life.
At first, you were hesitant, preferring the shielded safety of your private life together. But then, as reminded by your new PA, Emily, people had never been more interested in the women's game, and this was a huge step forward, likening it to other docu-series like Beckham.You let out a deep sigh, watching the rain continue to blur the cityscape outside your window. The idea of opening up your life to the public felt both thrilling and terrifying.
You and Jude had always valued your privacy, cherishing the quiet moments away from the prying eyes of the media. But Emily's words echoed in your mind—this could be a pivotal moment for women's sports, an opportunity to inspire and connect with fans on a deeper level.
With your coffee cup now empty, you stand and stretch, feeling the weight of the decision pressing on your shoulders. You walk over to the kitchen, placing the cup in the sink, and then glance at the clock. Jude would be home soon. The thought brings a smile to your face, a reminder of the support and love that had carried you both through the chaos of the past months.As you prepare dinner, your mind races with possibilities.
The show could highlight the dedication and hard work that goes into being a professional athlete, the balance between your careers and personal lives, and the love story that had captivated so many. But it could also bring unwanted scrutiny and pressure.
The sound of the front door opening pulls you from your thoughts. Jude walks in, shaking off the rain from his jacket. His smile is warm and reassuring, and you feel a sense of calm wash over you."Hey," he says, coming over to give you a kiss. "How was your day?"You take a deep breath, ready to share the latest development.
"Busy, as usual. You?"
"Trent being his usual annoying self." You let out a laugh, your heart warmed from the unlikely England duo.
"You spoke to Em today?" Jude asks, his head rested on your shoulder as he pulls you in for a hug.
"Uh yeah, theres something we need to talk about."Jude raises an eyebrow, curious. "What's up?"
"The BBC wants to do a reality show about us. Emily thinks it's a great idea, a big step forward for the women's game. I'm just... not sure."Jude listens intently, then takes your hand.
"It's a big decision, no doubt. I'm hesitant too, honestly. But it could also be quite fun. Imagine sharing our journey, the highs and lows, with everyone. It could be something really special."
You chuckle. “Yeah, special like that time you tried to cook dinner and almost set the kitchen on fire?"Jude laughs.
"Hey, it was only a small fire. And I learned a valuable lesson: never leave pasta boiling while watching a football game.”
You grin. “Exactly. We can show people the real us, kitchen disasters and all. But seriously, we should set some boundaries. Like, no cameras before I’ve had my morning coffee.”
Jude nods. “Agreed. And no filming me when I’m singing in the shower. Nobody needs to hear that.”
You burst out laughing. “Deal. And if it ever gets too much, we can always take a break. No pressure.”
Jude grins, pulling you into a hug. “Alright then, let’s get this show on the road. We’ll need to find a good production team and start planning out the details. Think they’ll let us film in the Birmingham pub?”
You laugh. “I’m sure we can work something out. This is going to be hilarious. I can’t wait to see what crazy moments we capture.”
Jude’s expression turns thoughtful. “And we’ll need a team that can travel with us, especially since I’ll be in Madrid a lot for games. Filming in different locations could add a cool dynamic, don’t you think?”
You nod. “Absolutely! We can show different cultures, cities, and maybe even some behind-the-scenes at your matches. Plus, it gives us an excuse to travel together more.”
Jude’s eyes light up. “True, and maybe I can even get some of my teammates to make cameo appearances. Imagine the chaos!”You laugh again. “Oh god, what have I gotten myself into..."
Ep 1: Just two kids from England: the ups and downs of football.
Ep 2: New Beginnings: All Things Madrid
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ansonmountdaily · 3 months
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Anson Mount on his podcast 'The Well'
While shooting Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 in Toronto, Anson filmed a podcast episode with co-host Branan Edgens, chatting about tv, books and music.
Anson's book recommendation is The MANIAC by Benjamín Labatut. The book explores the life and thought of a clutch of mathematicians and physicists who took science to strange and sometimes dangerous new realms. A prodigy whose gifts terrified the people around him, John von Neumann transformed every field he touched, inventing game theory and the first programable computer, and pioneering AI, digital life, and cellular automata. Labatut shows us the evolution of a mind unmatched and of a body of work that has unmoored the world in its wake.
Anson's graphic novel recommendation is THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH by James Tynion IV and Martin Simmonds. It revolves around the idea that if enough people believe in a conspiracy, it becomes real, and there is a government agency involved with keeping reality stable. The agency is controlling the narrative for what they claim is the greater good. What is the deep, dark secret behind the Department of Truth? Read the first issue online at the official site.
Source: The Well Drop #22 clip (July 1 2024, recorded on Apr 29 2024)
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three-headed-monster · 3 months
to recap:
the 10-1 game to edmonton near the end of the season was heartbreaking to thom
only bested by the "traumatising" tampa bay 8-0 game early in the season, after which he got sent down a little while after
"shout out pat brisson" and he did. twice!
thom spoke about knowing connor bedard through their mutual friend kent johnson and some nhlpa events at hte beginning of the year, there's a whole little section with them talking about the heartbreaker celly that bedard has done
the michigan student section (children of yost) is certified Crazy by bords, and he thinks its insane that people can find other teams' ex girlfriends or tinder profiles, etc to chirp them for it
he went golfing in south carolina early in the off-season, and when the host said "that's such a white thing to do", his response was "oh, i know"
praised boko imama, said he's a different beast
talked about how he loved to chirp at michigan, but doesn't do as much now, in the professional leagues
he's never technically been in a nhl or ahl fight, but does provide some insight into how he chooses a guy to grab onto during scrums (doesn't pick the shortest guy all the time, but also says 'oh shit' if he grabs a big guy)
there's something about the squid game tv show and biscuits? they're making a joke but they're laughing over it, so it's unclear to me what they were trying to convey. maybe that thom is soft like dalgona candy 💀
said that the title of his book would be "bwater" which is a play on his last name (de l'eau in french is "of water" so bordeleau is similar). this is also when he raises his glass all fancy
hates tom holland's spiderman because he's a big iron man fan and he feels like people are connecting the two characters too much now
legitimately goes on a rant about how iron man is one of the best mcu characters, with power to rival all the reality-breaking characters, and also says it's not tony's fault for creating ultron
would want gabriel macht from suits to play him in a movie (although he refers to macht as "the guy who played harvey spector")
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
the kind of contestants they’d be on shitty romance reality tv
gender neutral reader
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the shy boy everyone ends up rooting for!
It’s hard to not fall in love with Isagi! Sure, he’s not the one that immediately takes the crowd by storm at his first appearance, and it might take him a little bit before people can actually tell him apart from the show’s other contestants. But Isagi proves himself to be a genuine, hard-working boy, and his bright smile and innocent eyes cements him as the “sweet boy next door” archetype. His love is quiet, strong, and fulfilling—even if he gets terribly embarrassed and flushes a bright red every time the show’s hosts tease him about how he has a little crush on you! 
DATES: Casual dates! He loves taking you out for coffee or snacks. He’s less occupied with what the two of you are doing than he is at getting to know you better. While he might look like nothing short of the perfect gentleman, his heart is threatening to beat out of his ribcage the entire time. Maybe if he’s feeling courageous, Isagi will take your hand in his hand when your fingertips brush against his.
life of the party!
Not afraid to ever speak his mind, Bachira knows how to make an impression on the audience. He’s bright, bubbly, and fun! He’s exactly the kind of contestant that everyone’s dying to partner up with, and once he finds someone he likes, he refuses to let anybody else tempt him. Bachira loves showering you with affection, regardless of whether or not there are cameras on him. He can get pretty handsy too, so he’s sure to keep an arm slung around your waist or pull you onto his lap whenever he gets the opportunity. Still, much like his name, his attraction towards you is as sweet as honey!
DATES: Bachira usually doesn’t have a preference as long as you’re with him. But he loves getting a little active, be it a casual game of beach volleyball or even chasing you around the show’s dorms. If you get him to open up enough, he’ll gladly take you out on a date to his mom’s art gallery, where you can share a heartfelt moment with him. If you want to try your hand at painting, he’ll eagerly join you too!
Kunigami takes everyone’s breath away at his first appearance, thanks to his absolutely sculpted body and smoldering eyes, but he’s quick to break down his seemingly aloof character due to how noble he is. He’s always treating you to nice things, making sure you’re doing alright, and speaking up for you whenever any of the other contestants try to start unprompted fights. He’s a refreshing change to all the petty catfights and squabbles that usually entail shitty reality TV, and him taking care of you is his way of proving to both you and everyone watching that his heart belongs to you and you only. 
DATES: Nothing can beat a good spa day with Kunigami! He’ll wow you with all the cosmetic skills he’s picked up from his sister, and it’s hard to not feel flattered when he wraps an arm around your torso and pulls you in for a secret cuddle while the two of you unwind. He probably gets a little shy when you yank your robe down to reveal skin, mumbling under his breath about how he wishes the cameras weren’t there so he can have you all to himself.
one of the girls!
Chigiri can take a bit of time to warm up to. Blunt, moody, but horribly irresistible, he’s the pretty boy contestant that everyone ends up coveting. But once he knows that you’re genuinely interested in him, he’ll reward your perseverance by opening up bit-by-bit. He has such an ambitious but polite personality that time flies by like nothing around him, and other couples are practically seething at how the two of you magically attract the spotlight wherever you go. He’s sure to become a contestant that’ll influence social media and the show’s seasons to follow through the sheer power of his ice cold beauty.
DATES: Chigiri really hates having people all up in his personal business despite being on a reality TV show, so he prefers dates where he can slip away with you. Late night walks are the perfect way for him to unwind with you at his side, and the wind is a perfect excuse to get you to touch his hair. He loves aimlessly wandering around talking about whatever he wants with you, and he’s sure to send you off with a goodnight kiss.
teddy bear!
It’s honestly a mystery as to how someone as unmotivated as Nagi ended up as a contestant, but once you get past his listless moods, he’s adorable boyfriend material. He might not be the best dressed or the most energetic, but there’s something so awfully intimate about the way he constantly has you scooped up in his arms or how he gets all grumpy when another contestant takes an interest in you. He’s also bound to make jaws DROP when the inevitable shirtless episode happens, and everyone finds out that he’s packing a body of straight muscle underneath all of his sweaters and baggy pants.
DATES: Nagi wants to stay in 100% of the time. His idea of a good time is curling up in his bed with a movie or a game on and not giving a shit about what everyone else is doing. If you’re feeling peckish, you can usually get him to cave into going outside for a bit by tickling. Although be careful—getting all handsy under the covers goes both ways, and the cameras are eager to pick up on any lovin’ happening!
hey, emo boy! hey, hey, hey, emo boy!
Rin makes waves as an almost antagonistic contestant throughout the show. He’s not here to play nice, and if people have an issue with his personality, then they’re clearly not meant to be his partner. He only wants someone that’s worthy of his attention, and when you win his heart over, Rin is nothing but an absolutely lovestruck puppy. It gives the audience a little whiplash to see him snarling at someone and then get all sappy with you at the drop of a hat, but it only adds to his moe-like charm. Being so young, he’s awfully new to love, so it doesn’t take much to make him an endearing love interest once his walls come down.
DATES: He’s fine with anything as long as you drag him around. Window shopping downtown and chowing down on any snacks that catch your fancy is all he really wants. He’ll pay for anything that catches your eye and carry all your bags. He swears he’s having a good time, even though he’s walking around with his lips pressed into the thin line the entire date. And you know he is, given how he trails after you like you’re his lifeline.
prince charming!
Yukimiya is the picture perfect man. Not only is he attentive, attractive, and alluring, he’s also mild-mannered but still firm. He’ll open doors for you and shower you with compliments, and his attention to detail easily earns him a place as the audience’s favorite. Yukimiya does have a bit of a competitive streak though, which means it’s a bad idea for any of the other contestants to take him lightly. He’s not afraid to throw his weight around if it means impressing you, and he’ll take down his rivals with that beaming model smile on his face. He’s romantic and an all-around good guy, even if his jealous streak does lead to some steamy behind-the-scenes moments.
DATES: If the weather allows it, Yukimiya would love to take you ice skating! Nothing screams romantic to him more than skating with you hand-in-hand. It’s alright if you’re a complete beginner; he’ll firmly plant his hands around your hips and teach you the techniques. If you prefer to hang off of his arm and sneak kisses to warm up his cold cheeks, he’s down for that too. It also goes without saying that a generous cup of hot chocolate is guaranteed to follow, with him poking fun at your whipped cream mustache after your first sip.
dream come true!
Kurona’s striking appearance does him some favors in the beginning, but his strong points are his loyalty. He’s someone who stays true to his decisions, which includes his choice in a partner, and his fierce loyalty could turn anyone green with envy. Definitely the kind of contestant that everyone drools over through the duration of the show, and his 100% boyfriend material personality ensures that he wiggles his way into your heart without any difficulties. No worries though, because he’s had his eye on you since day one!
DATES: Kurona’s always wanted to take you out on a picnic date, where he can escape the spotlight and really get to spend some quality time with you. He’ll wake up early to make sandwiches and all of your favorite snacks, and he gets a little shy when you compliment him so highly for his efforts. Really, he’s willing to do whatever it takes if it means you’ll be happy, so you can expect for him to go all out on you again.
no bitches?
Sendou is a lot to take in. He’s very eager to find someone, to say the least, and his pathetic nature does hold its charms. But if you want your personal cheerleader who has eyes for no one but you, Sendou’s the contestant for you! His jaw drops every time you have a costume change, and he gets all awfully pouty if he thinks you haven’t been giving him the attention he’s due. He’ll also try to flirt with you often, even if it’s only his effort that’s being appreciated by the audience, only to become completely gobsmacked when you turn around and flirt right back at him. He’s completely wrapped around your finger, and the crowd never fails to gobble it up!
DATES: Sendou’s never dated anyone before, so any first date-esque date is perfect for him! He likes amusement parks because he always talks bravely but ends up needing to hold your hand for every scary roller coaster he comes across. But you’ll make it up to him by sharing some treats with him, and once he gets in the groove, Sendou will even win you a cute stuffed animal from one of the rigged carnival games! Just… don’t ask how many tries it actually took him.
nice guys finish last!
Oh, it would be so easy to lie and say that someone like Aiku isn’t worth your time, but there’s more to him than meets the eye. He’s definitely a flirt and a playboy, soaking up the attention that everyone douses him in, but as much as you hate him, you have to admit that he’s irritatingly handsome. But past all the flirting and sultry gazes is someone who wants to find a true partner, and if you give him a chance, Aiku knows better than to squander it. Besides, he’s a team player and dependable when things really boil down, and his inclination towards whoredom is just a little added spice to your relationship! 
DATES: Aiku always insists on a beach date (totally not because he wants to see you in a skimpy swimsuit or anything…), but he’s also totally chill with a homey ramen shop date too! He’ll goad you into trying some of his spicy ramen, and he’ll buy you ice cream afterwards because he feels bad for pressuring you. There’s no better end to the date than a few hours at karaoke and a late night drive back, where there’s bound to be some making out before he drops you off.
king queen bee!
Kaiser is hot stuff, and he knows it. He’s easily the most irritating contestant in the history of contestants, yet… you can’t help but be attracted to his horrible swagger and stunning looks. Kaiser’s bound to tease the hell out of you once he knows you like him, but he really isn’t one to talk. His crush on you is as obvious as daylight, and he spends the entirety of the show doing the most to impress you. Whether it’s lounging around shirtless or somehow always catching you alone, it’s like the two of you were meant to be. Well, duh, Kaiser won’t accept anyone but the best as his lover, and he’s determined to have you!
DATES: An expensive dinner at a nice restaurant where he can pamper the living hell out of you with that wallet of his followed by a few drinks at a fancy bar is his bread and butter. He also buys you your outfit, and he knows the producers of the show will let him because, c’mon, who doesn’t love a little bit of money spending? Kaiser loves it when you play hard to get, and winning you over with pricey gifts is only the start of his courtship.
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wifegideonnav · 7 months
answer under the cut, please don't spoil it for others tho!
"rebuilding" is fake! the others are all, incredibly, real. and most of them are crazier than i was able to fit in the poll answer box. :/
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enmasae · 7 months
Desire of the fittest - Part 2
Self Aware Genshin Alternate Universe - Guide AU (my own take on sagau)
Previous - Next
Warnings :
Adult content (such as violence, bullying, toxic relationships, cursing, angst, nsfw, and others) and yandere behavior (such as obsessive and possessive display)
Theories and lore informations
Since this is my take on an alternate version of Genshin Impact, I've taken the liberty to include elements that may not align with the game's lore but will make sense in this particular story.
Content : And they were roommates, Totally not illegal business meeting, Casual conversation between a pigeon and a dog, How to deal with your partner's ex
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"-and that concludes our coverage of the catastrophic disasters currently happening around the globe. On a brighter note, it was recently announced that the renowned game Genshin Impact will explore new horizons to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Today, we have the co-creator and current CEO of Hoyoverse, Mr. Wei, to discuss this highly anticipated event."
The small crowd attending the live show applauds as the CEO makes his entrance. Despite being in his fifties, the man retains a well-preserved appearance under the studio lights, his bright and confident smile illuminating the room. He nods in acknowledgment to the camera and extends a handshake to the TV host, who accepts it. Gesturing for his guest to do the same, they both proceed to take a seat on comfortable sofas.
"Thank you for having me."
The host eagerly clasps her hands together and leans forward, keen to gather more information about the plans for one of the most popular games in its genre. Even with the passage of time, Genshin Impact continues to serve as a source of inspiration for many and boasts a substantial player base worldwide.
"Mr. Wei, we're delighted to have you here with us."
The company's CEO offers a gentle smile, his composed demeanor standing in stark contrast to the energetic TV presenter.
"The feeling is mutual."
Immediately delving into the topic, the host follows the interview script he was given, narrating the current situation for his viewers and initiating a conversation with his guest.
"Several years have passed since Genshin Impact's main storyline came to a close, leaving fans eager to uncover the reasons behind the event announced on social media. While virtual reality has been, indeed, quite the talk in the gaming community since the release of the new AETHERAL&LUMINUS technology, we're curious to know why Hoyoverse decided to enter the world of cyber technology. What led to such decision ?"
Aligning with the host's expectations, the man in his fifties softened his features, conveying a sense of sadness to emphazise his point.
"You may call it nostalgia but the team and I wanted to provide players with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of Teyvat one last time before the server's shutdown-"
As the television screen dims, the ceo's voice fades into silence. Setting aside the remote, you find yourself drawn back into the embrace of your current companion, reveling in the affection he showers upon you. His lips delicately trace a path from your collarbone towards your throat, eventually meeting your own. As your eyes lock with his, you feel him whisper against your breath, anger kindled by your earlier statement.
"I allowed you to have fun with that descender, isn't that enough ?"
Maintaining eye contact, you seize his shoulder and skillfully shift positions, placing yourself atop him. Taking control, you lift his hands from your waist and secure them above his head. Aroused by the demeanor you display, he decides to let you to enjoy yourself and refrains from attempting to escape your hold. Savoring the moment, you slowly bring your face closer to his, allowing your lips to meet once more in a gentle union. As his lips moves forward to taste yours again, you assertively seize his jaw and unhinge it.
"Since when do I need your approval ?"
He escapes your grasp, emitting a painful cry. Clutching his jaw, he quickly realigns it with an audible crack and assesses its movement. Surprisingly, he doesn't appear overly shocked by your swift anger. He has to admit that he provoked it when he brought up your vessel. Well, former vessel, much to his satisfaction. He never held much fondness for the boy, believing he consumed too much of your time. He sighs while reclining on the couch, bringing you into a tight embrace. His gentle hand runs through your hair as he relish in the scent of your cosmetic products. While he remains unfazed by your unpredictable behavior, he doesn't hesitate to flatter you for forgiveness.
"You don't, but I appreciate when you consider it."
You dismiss his sweet words, recognizing them as mere attempts to please you, yet you accept them despite knowing him. He's an adept at manipulating others, appearing to have their best interests at heart while exploiting them. He creates an illusion of comfort and understanding, yet beneath it all, he harbors disdain for emotional displays. Even while knowing that, you prefer to believe in the distinctiveness of your relationship. You hope that he genuinely cares, even though your own feelings are uncertain. While you're not exactly friends, there's a sense of comfort in being your authentic self with him. Though not lovers, you find solace in holding each other during chilly nights, making the mutual loneliness less impactful.
Neither of you can define what you are in each other's eyes. That's why treating him the way you do comes more naturally, it spares you from overthinking.
"I'll play along, but only if you give me a little favor."
He notices the quiet sadness in your eyes but decides not to mention it. Smiling against your lips, he offers a gentle peck, silently seeking permission to go further. Forehead touching yours, he inhales your essence as you part your lips. Confident yet respectful, he explores your mouth at a measured pace, allowing brief breaks between the playful twirls of your tongues.
"Name it, and it'll be yours."
As you gradually pull back, you notice the man pouting, clearly yearning for the warmth you bestowed upon him. Although his clinginess strokes your ego and you enjoy feeling desired, it occasionally becomes irksome. The aftermath of the previous night speaks volume of how long it has been since both of you engaged in such passionate activities. Given your shared affinity for dominance games, perhaps it would have been wise to dial it down a notch.
"I want to be part of your project."
Instantly, the dark-haired man rejects the idea with disdain, his pout transforming into a disapproving snarl, and his nose scrunching in distaste at the mere thought.
"Out of the question."
Even if you saw coming this outcome, it doesn't prevent the surge of anger rising in your chest when he dismisses your request. In a swift motion, he seizes your forearm right before you could reach for the nearest empty alcohol bottle. While his hold lacks strenght, it effectively hinders you from shattering the glass against his head. Closing his eyes, he delicately brings your hand to his lips, placing a tender kiss on it.
"Losing you would drive me mad."
He might have intertwined his own existence with yours, yet, sometimes, it doesn't seem enough to keep you by his side. The intensity of your fascination for his domain unnerves him. While he had hoped for you to hold a similar affection for the present world you both inhabit, he acknowledges that these dying lands can never exude the radiance of Teyvat. Perhaps it was his error to entrust you with its care in his absence. He should have foreseen it. Even if you claim otherwise, he can only witness how your need for excitement is akin to theirs.
However, the issue resides within him, as he cannot bear witnessing the disappointment reflected on your face. With a sigh, the one who calls himself primordial release your arm and speak in a subdued tone, avoiding direct eye contact.
"Hypothetically speaking, if I were to allow you to blend in among them, what's in it for you ?"
In response to your silence, the man peeks in your direction, observing your bewildered, crunched-up face. Baffled, he lacks the time to react as you seize the hem of his partially unbuttoned shirt, propelling both of you upward. Guiding him to the rolling chair behind his desk, you swiftly pull him into it. Vaulting over the desk, you perch on its surface, placing your feet on either side of the chair's armrests, leaving him nowhere to run.
"You're joking right ?"
Seizing a knife lodged in the table, you extract it with a resounding crunch of the desk's wood. Positioning it beneath your partner's chin, his shaved face provides no shield against the blade. The man chuckles dryly, raising his hand leisurely to grasp the weapon's tip, casually creating some distance between it and his neck.
"Sadly, i don't do jokes."
Releasing the knife, you allow him to toss it aside, observing its slide on the floor and joining your collection of 'toys'. He rises from the chair and gently guides your back against the desk. His hands trace the contours of your body, scarcely concealed by the remaining clothes he didn't ripped apart. His touch eventually lands on your hands, leading them to his face. His colorless eyes delve into yours, restraining unspoken feelings in the air, akin to words on the verge of being uttered. Relinquishing your gaze, his lips caress your ears, whispering his anguish.
"Tell me why you're so eager to go there when you can stay here with me."
Running your fingers through his lengthy ebony hair, lazily gathered in a disheveled bun, you pull his head in front of yours. Removing the hairpin securing his hair, you let it cascade down, framing both of your faces.
"Freedom, Attention, Love, Entertainment... All guides are driven by their desires."
Your thumb glides down his lips, parting them and revealing the piercing on his tongue.
"I'm no exception, Phanes."
The ancient being chuckles softly, his laughter resonating deeply. He allows you to lead him towards your lips, his own already parted and eager to savor the taste of yours once again.
"We both know you're more than that."
While it's true that at times you remind him of those bastards, he can't fault you for it as it's in your nature to act this way. He just needs to make sure you never consider returning to your roots. Despite being the divine one of both, he'll gladly worship your entirety to ensure you remain by his side.
"My sweet partner in crime~, why won't you let me take care of you ?"
You know that if he was given the chance, Phanes would drive you to the brink of insanity day and night, ensuring you forget everything else but him. Unfortunately for the man, you're not interested in such fate. He won't be the one to stop you from pursuing what you want.
"If you truly cared for me, you'll let me go."
At your words, the primordial one rolls his eyes and deliberately collapses on top of you, relying on you to carry his weight. Despite his slender build, you struggle to pry him off from yourself as his arms hugs you close. Unfortunately, all you manage to achieve is getting his hair out of your face. As he rests his head in the crook of your neck, he examines the hickeys he bestowed upon you as gifts from the previous night. Relishing in the fact he has matching ones on his own neck, he yelps in surprise when you tug on his hair and push him to your right. He grunts and sighs, his palm massaging his scalp, irritated with your behavior.
"Oh, yes. Why didn't I think of that earlier ? Allowing you to dive headfirst into an unfair game specifically designed to trap and torture your kind will truly show how much I value you."
You chuckle at his sarcasm, then hop off the desk to head towards your belongings.
"And here I thought you couldn't be funny."
The gentle sound of your laughter coaxes a shift in his grumpy demeanor, replaced with a heartfelt smile. He takes pleasure in the melodic tones and reciprocates with a contented hum. If he were to pick a favorite sound, it would undoubtedly be your laughter, closely followed by the lovely way you scream his name in ecstasy. Yet, his grin quickly vanishes when he realizes what you're holding. Closing the distance in the blink of an eye, he tries to snatch the small device from your grip. You skillfully dodge his attempts, refusing to let him have his way. Seizing his hand, you twist it with a resounding crack, forcing him to drop to his knees.
"Isn't this fascinating ? That such itty-bitty trinket supposedly holds all the rights you wield over Teyvat. Must be so tiny because, you know, there's not much to brag about."
Having an idea of how you got it, he mentally scolds his shades for being too lenient with you. While you marvel at the tear-sized pearl, you remain oblivious to Phanes breaking into a nervous sweat. You might not grasp its usage yet, but he harbors no doubt that if he doesn't reclaim it soon, you'll figure it out eventually.
"I am the sole reason for Teyvat's current state. It's only thanks to me that those fools can enjoy their meaningless life."
He frees himself from your grasp, swiftly snatching back in place his wrist. Glancing up at you, he watches as you casually toy with the device, spinning it around with the chain and frame-like ornement keeping it secure.
"Says the one who prefers to live in isolation while 'his' world steadily erodes itself after each little 'cycles' you make it goes through."
Before Phanes can respond, a loud whistle pierces the air, catching both your attention and his.
"Man, they got you there."
As the primordial one sees one of his shades making himself comfortable on the couch, munching on some junk food he found somewhere, he groans in annoyance.
"Ugh, Istaroth, don't you have better things to do ?"
The man appears to ponder for a moment as he reaches the bottom of his snack bag. Upon realizing the absence of treats, he deftly snaps his fingers, causing the bag to replenish itself as if it had never been touched. Propping his cheek on his fist, he grabs a handful of snacks, shoving them into his mouth and chewing audibly. Observing the snack bag mysteriously being propelled toward the trash can, he hastily gulps down the remaining food, sighing in disappointment. Nonchalantly inspecting his nails, he brushes off the snack's crumbs, seemingly unfazed by the threatening glare from his boss.
"Apart from watching the two of you acting like animals in heat ? Not really."
While you prefer to remain clueless about how long he's been lurking unnoticed, you see that Phanes doesn't share your point of view. Gesturing angrily at his subordinate, his eyes betray a poorly concealed anger as his lips curls in disdain.
"First off, how dare you disrespect our privacy. Secondly, get your mind out of the gutter, we're not fucking, it's just-"
Phanes comes to a sudden stop, taking in the situation before him. With him on his knees, perfectly positioned to reach your pelvis, one could easily think he's about to give you a head job. You chuckle at the sight of him swiftly rising to his feet and hastily adjusting his partially undone shirt. The shade appears unfazed by his boss's embarrassment, having witnessed and heard far worse.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm not paid enough to deal with your abandonment issues."
The dark-skinned man reaches for a bottle on the floor but decides against taking a sip of whatever's left after some consideration. While Phanes busies himself searching for the remainder of his clothes, you saunter over to the shade in a seductive manner. As the divine being catches sight of your approach, he curses under his breath and feigns interest in the bottle in his hand. He flinches when you place your hand on his shoulder, while the other begins to caress his cheek.
"Hands off, sweetheart. I've got a keen sense of hygiene, and I know you didn't wash those hands of yours."
He swats your hand away from his cheek and pinches the other as if discarding trash, tossing it aside. You hum and flop onto the couch beside him, eliciting a grunt from the shade.
"Such perfect timing, Istaroth."
"With all due respect, which is none, screw you."
Glancing at the jewel in your hands, a mischievous impulse seizes you. Tossing the pearl towards Phanes, you watch as he dives to the floor to catch it, exhaling with relief upon success. With his head conveniently positioned at the perfect height for you to lift it with your bare foot under his chin, you compel him to look at you.
"Would you mind persuading your boss to let me do as I please ?"
Taking advantage of your momentary distraction, the primordial one signals to his shade to refuse, mimicking a throat-slitting gesture. Despite being molded from Phanes' flesh, he lacks the soft spot his creator seems to have for you, preferring to keep a safe distance from your antics. Even if his boss were to order him to indulge your whims, he would most likely flat-out refuse.
"Hard pass, sweetheart."
You glance at the divine being sprawled at your feet, examining his little trinket for any cracks. You rise to your feet, causing him to lose his head support and bonk his chin on the unforgiving floor. As the pearl slips from his fingers and starts its daring escape, he's on it like a squirrel chasing a nut, scrambling to catch up. Unfortunately for him, you reclaim it before he has the chance.
"And here I was expecting you'll be the first to want me out of here~."
Istaroth tumbles on his fist and then reluctantly straightens up, a smile spreading across his face's features. Rising from the ground, Phanes approaches you. While his arms gently embrace you, his gaze remains fixed on the jewel you're holding.
"Wait a minute... You want to leave ?"
As his gold-like eyes sparkled with excitement, he might sound a tad too pleased to your liking but you'll gladly take whatever enthusiasm you can get. You firmly press your palm against the primordial one's face, preventing him from reclaiming the symbol of his authority. The sound of his nose yielding under your palm reaches your ears, evoking a high-pitched grunt from him, not that you cared. With determined strikes, you approach the shade, affectionately pinching his cheek as one might do with a child.
"Exactly ! How clever of you ! Good job on figuring it out !"
You grab his hand and swap positions, flopping onto the couch and sending him stumbling towards the god, who's still inspecting his crooked nose in a mirror after you intentionally crushed it. As Phanes shoots a disapproving glance at his subordinate without even turning his head, the shade doesn't get a chance to speak, only receiving a grunt of warning from his boss.
"Not. A. Chance."
With no further resistance, Istaroth raises his arms in surrender and turns around. Displeased with how quickly he gave in, you shoot him a disappointed stare as he flops back onto the couch next to you. Feeling uneasy under your accusing gaze, his eyes avoid yours, darting away.
"Listen, sweetheart. If he didn't listen to you, he certainly won't give a shit about what I say."
Every gaze converges on the desk when Phanes' phone, emitting a distinctive ringtone, disrupts the room, prompting a weary sigh from you. Despite your expectations that he would have gotten rid of it by now, it becomes evident that the voicemail you recorded for him long ago still remains. A cringe washes over you as you hear your own voice trashtalking Phanes to answer the call. Istaroth appears equally displeased, emitting a grunt and burying his face in one of the couch's pillows.
"-fucking bitch ! You better pick up your goddamn phone if you don't want me to shove it down your throat and making you gag like the slut you are-"
A breath of relief escapes you as the deity declines the call upon checking the caller's identity. Unfortunately, the relief is short-lived as the persistent dialler triggers the ringtone once more, demonstrating a fervent desire to speak with Phanes. Having no intention of talking with this particular individual, he forcefully crushes his own phone, ending the incessant ringing. Tossing the damaged device into a nearby bin, he gestures towards his personal notebook to remind him he will need a replacement. Istaroth grumbles into the pillow, clearly irritated but reluctantly acknowledge the directive.
With a tilt of your head, you silently inquire for more information from the god. Phanes, in response, takes your hand and gently guides you to stand, initiating a comforting embrace. Creating a bit of space between the two of you, he delicately retrieves the jewel from the tips of your fingers, all the while maintaining an unwavering gaze with you.
"Don't you fret about such a thing, [Name]. As for your heart's desire, let me take a little while to think it over, and I promise to return with a delightful response just for you. In the meantime, I must have a talk with Istaroth. Would you be a darling and wait for me outside? It won't be long, I assure you."
Skeptical, you emit a doubtful hum, not entirely swayed by his sickly sweet display. Contrary to his anticipations, you don't put up a fight and merely leave the room with an nonchalant wave of your hand. As the appartment's door closes, Istaroth rolls onto his back, casually inspecting his nails as he typically resorts to when boredom sets in.
"Perhaps, it's time for you to let them go."
Regret floods Istaroth swiftly as his blood begins to congeal within his veins, causing him to gasp for breath and emit painful grunts. Collapsing from the couch, he struggles to lift his gaze towards his creator, his vision blurring with the intensity of his suffering.
"And I think it's about time you remember your place. Don't delude yourself into thinking that I've forgotten how you used to help them sneaking around with their ex vessel while I was looking the other way."
The shade gasps for air, sensing his body liberated from the torturous grip Phanes had on it. Coughing, his fist clenches as he swallows down any words that might further sour the mood of his creator. Over time, he has grown indifferent to such torment, losing the will to care or worry about his condemned immortal existence. While there is no hope left for him, there's still a chance for you to embrace the freedom he yearns for. Unknown to the primordial one, he is determined to help you achieve that.
"On the subject of discussion, I better mention this before it slips my mind."
Kneeling down, Istaroth keeps his head bowed, concealing the faint smile playing on his lips. Don't waste the opportunity he's granting you, because even he recognizes that time is running thin.
"Asmoday got killed."
Upon learning the demise of one of his shades, Phanes seizes his subordinate by the neck, pulling him up to his own eye level. Hindered by the contrast in height, Istaroth struggles to breathe, his feet flailing in the air as his creator seems to blame him for the distressing news.
"And by who ?"
Baring his teeth in response to the pain he endures, Istaroth chuckles drily as he struggles to breath.
"I believe- that the fourth descender- actively searching his lost guide within our quarters- is enough of an answer-."
A heavy silence falls upon the room, the air thick with tension. Istaroth's feeble attempt at breathing gradually fade as his creator's grip tightens around his neck. Shortly after, the only audible sound for the shade becomes the echoing reverberation of his own heartbeat in his ears. With adrenaline coursing through him, he looks in horror at the wide and contemplative eyes of his master, engulfed in anger prompted by memories from a distant era. An abrupt gasp resonates as the shade is released, collapsing at Phanes's feet. His heart pounds wildly, eyes wide with fear as his body trembles under the lingering tension.
"You're fired."
As the apartment door slams shut, Istaroth gradually allows his nerves to settle.
"Hourray... vacations."
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
"Well, look who it is ! The one and only [Name]. Still on a leash, I presume ? I guess some things never change."
Glancing at the dame lounging on your left, flaunting her arms on the rail, she grins with a wickedness that could make gods blush. You emit a dismissive grunt and slump against the fence, both hands shielding your eyes briefly before giving your face a vigorous wipe, as if hoping to erase her existence. Unfortunately for you, she has no intention of leaving you be. Even though you wish you hadn't, you've mastered recognizing her bewitching crimson gaze, no matter the vessel she assumes. Before you stands Valefor, one of your fellow guides fueled by an insatiable thirst for power. It's not that you despise her more than the others, she's simply an unnecessary pain in the ass right now. Given her impatience, you opt to ignore her until she decides to leave on her own. No need to make a fuss over someone undeserving of such attention.
"Come on, lighten up ! That's not how you should treat your best friend~."
After a nudge from her elbow, you grab your drink and navigate the mezzanine alongside the fortunate few selected players. The sight of their camaraderie before the competition sickens you. Guides, by their very nature, don't blend seamlessly. They never have, possessing too much pride for such alliances. True friendships among them are scarce. Typically, collaborations are brief, driven by mutual benefits before one inevitably betrays the other.
As you weave through the crowd, you notice flickers of recognition in the eyes of some attendees, coupled with hushed comments. Despite the revival of unpleasant memories under their scrutinizing gazes, you maintain your pride, holding your head high. You don't hesitate to reciprocate their side glances, forcing them to avert their eyes. As you head toward a more secluded area of the reception room, you notice Valefor trailing after you, engaging in a few greetings with others along the way.
"Wait- Listen, I really need to talk to you, alright ?"
You sigh at her persistence and come to an abrupt stop, causing her to bump into you. Seizing her wrist, you pull her into one of the VIP rooms and throw her inside, making her stumble before finding her balance. Unfolding a small piece of paper, you ignite it, strange symbols manifesting in the air with a golden hue. Running your fingers together, you cast a brief glance back at the frozen crowd before shutting the curtains of the room. Valefor watches in amazement as the curtains defy the laws of physics, their movement ceasing once you release them.
"Time stopping, uh ? Neat. Is it a little trick from one of your newfound friends ?"
Settling onto one of the cushions, you take a sip of your drink and dismissively ignore her comment.
"I was told by Istaroth that you were advised to maintain a low profile. Guess it was too complicated for a meathead like you."
Taking residence on a couch opposite you, she flops onto it like a toddler and begins playing with the electrical device that allows the couch to transition from a sitting position to a reclining one. Despite of the unsettling noise, you only angrily sip on your drink, at least for now. You're confident that someday you'll get the chance to annoy her in return.
"I'm a guide, I do things my way. Anyway, the little birdie didn't say much about what all the fuss is about."
After finishing your drink, you spit out a small gem resembling a pearl but shaped like a tear, retrieving it from your tongue. At this sight, Valefor mutters a quiet "gross" under her breath before recognizing what you're holding. As you place it on the table, the guide shifts position, perching at the edge of the couch with a broad smile on her face.
"Holy. Fucking. Shit. You're fucking nuts, you know that ?"
You're not crazy enough to snatch the real deal from one of the most powerful gods and keep it for yourself. The little act you staged earlier was merely a ruse to make him believe you'd attempted to steal it and coax him into doing what you wanted. Unfortunately for him, you knew he'd never give in to your demands. That's why you had Istaroth retrieve it for you, but from a far away future. And this is the one you're showcasing now, although she doesn't need to be privy to that detail.
"Phanes expects me to follow his rules, but I couldn't care less about what he wants. So, here's the deal. I'll hand over the little trinket, and in return, you use it to send me to Teyvat."
Doubtful as she should be, or you might have lost all hopes for her, she squints before bringing her face closer to it for a better look. When she glances back up at you, she raises an eyebrow, sensing that something is amiss.
"Why not just use it yourself to get there directly?"
You scornfully scoff and regard the jewel with disdain.
"You think I haven't tried ? It recognizes the one trying to use it, and unfortunately, it only listens to that slut. Even Istaroth couldn't get it to submit to him."
From what she knows, you're more of a whore than he'll ever be, but she refrains from mentioning it.
"And what makes you think I can when not even a shade could ?"
Well, you didn't have much of a choice to begin with. Even though seeking help from one of your kind implies you've hit a low point, you won't allow her to mock you.
"It's a bit of a gamble, but I figured someone with your abilities could tame this little thing. Or is your desire for power nothing more than a joke ?"
As her eyes twitch, you know you've won. There's nothing more effective than challenging a guide to get them to do what you want.
"Deal. But I'd like to ask a question before."
Intrigued about what she might ask, you tilt your head slightly as a silent approval for her to proceed.
"At the very least, was he good in bed ?"
A smirk plays across your face. You hate to admit it, but he's got some skills when it comes to giving pleasure. Not that you'll vocalize it, though.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
   .    At the same time   ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
In one of the storage rooms within the same complex building, an elderly woman joyfully dances to classic hit that was popular in her time. Unfortunately, her little dance session is abruptly interrupted when a star-shaped portal unexpectedly materializes, tearing through the fabric of reality and remaining open long enough for its creator to tumble into the small room, dislodging multiple boxes in the process. Having served as a janitor for the company that owns the building for quite some time, she has grown accustomed to the unusual events that tend to unfold, allowing her to remain unfazed by the recent occurrence. With a frown directed at the spilled cleaning supplies, she removes her large music headset and exhales in mild irritation.
"Really ? This is the end of my shift."
The woman with platinum hair grunts in pain as she slowly rises, her eyes fixed on the prominent wound in her belly, her hand barely covering it. Growing irritated by the raspy voice of the janitor, she flicks her hand, silencing the elderly woman's chatter. The janitor's eyes lose their spark, becoming dull and lifeless, even though she's still breathing.
Limping her way out of the storage room, the injured woman curses under her breath. She loathes the fact that this puny descender caught her off guard, and she vows to ensure it never happens again. But for now, her priority is to get to Phanes. She needs to warn him that a greater threat is looming.
"Asmoday, don't you look terrible."
Disregarding her fellow shade, she attempts to walk past him, only to be halted by a hand on her shoulder. She hisses in pain and bats away Istaroth's hand, her golden eyes cautioning him not to mess with her, even in her weakened state. With an expression of utter disgust, he wipes the blood from his skin, staining his handkerchief, then meticulously inspects his nails for any lingering traces.
"Not that I give a shit, but you might want to consider changing styles. Let's be real here honey, red just ain't your thing."
Not in the mood to get caught up in her colleague's petty quarrel, she limps down the corridor, leaning on the wall for support and leaving gory and bloody marks in her wake. Hearing a snap of fingers, she grunts as she finds herself back next to Istaroth. Noticing the choke marks on his neck and the burnt skin causing his veins to protrude, Asmoday returns the animosity with a venomous retort.
"Have you seen yourself, asshole ? You look like shit that has been stepped on."
The shade dismisses her comment with a shrug as he gazes upward, the corridor lights flickering as if on the verge of fading completely.
"Well, that's what happens when you piss off our big guy upstairs."
Feeling a bit unsettled upon learning their master's sour mood, Asmoday glances at her fellow shade, puzzled about why he's acting like it's the best day of his life. It's been a while since she's seen him so genuinely joyful and carefree, almost seeming out of character. As he looks down at her while she coughs up a little blood, she can feel shivers going down her spine. A cheerful Istaroth is an unpredictable one.
But beyond fear, it unnerves her to see the typically grumpy god sporting such a crappy grin.
"Oh, please. You really thought he'd cut you some slack because you decided to wake up with a dick between your legs ?"
"And yet, you believe that playing the obedient lapdog will save your ass. I wonder who's the delusional one here."
As he peeks at one of the watches on his wrist, his smile tightens slightly. Confused about what he might be expecting, Asmoday's senses sharpen as the building begins to rumble. Glancing at her fellow shade, she realizes it's not just any ordinary earthquake.
"You didn't, you fucking pigeon."
Assuming a fighting stance, Asmoday grits her teeth to push through the pain as more blood seeps from her wound. It's solely due to her powers that she can still draw breath after losing so much fluids. Despite knowing she's not capable of defeating him in her current condition, even with his own bruises, she refuses to meet her end at the hands of a treacherous traitor like him.
"Oh, but I did. Though you're giving me too much credit. I simply distracted the infatuated fool with a threat he couldn't overlook."
The wounded shade struggles to comprehend why he would betray them after all this time. While she understands his disdain for Phanes and anything associated with him, and acknowledges that time holds no significance for him, she still wonders why he would sacrifice everything for you.
"Why go such lenght for them ? They're just a guide."
Istaroth's smile dims slightly as the lights in the corridor begin flickering once more. Glaring down at Asmoday, the shade shows no hesitation as he has already made his decision.
"You see, as for now, Phanes believes you're six feet under. Wouldn't want to disappoint him, now would we?"
With a snap of his fingers, Asmoday collapses to her knees, gradually turning to ashes with a betrayed look in her eyes. Brushing off the remaining dust from his pants, Istaroth hopes that she'll appreciate the scene reminiscent of Hiroshima back in 1945. He hadn't anticipated her survival after what that descender did to her, she's definitely tougher than she appears. Snapping out of his thoughts, he stumbles as the entire building trembles once more. Chuckling, he rejoices in your success.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
   .     A little earlier ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
Inspecting his bloodied weapon, Aether pays no heed to the bodies of the guards who attempted to halt him. Displeased with the fact that the weapon you blessed him with is dirtied by the blood of nobodies, he proceeds to meticulously clean it. Though not entirely satisfied with the results, he glances at the neon loosing their brightness. In the darkness, he assumes a fighting stance, prepared to slay anything in his path.
As the lights flicker back to life, none of the guards' bodies remain to the eye, only the slender figure of the man, seemingly waiting. The cold neons accentuate his thin face and well-nourished black hair flowing along his body. His silver eyes, almost devoid of color, scrutinize him up and down in a judgmental manner.
"You should not be here."
With chills coursing down his spine, Aether takes a step back and tightens his grip on his sword. With just one sentence, Aether realizes that he's facing something far greater than the shade he fought to reach this point. Even if Aether can feel he's at a disadvantage, he's not one to back down. Unfortunately for him, he fails to grasp that this man isn't merely annoyed by his presence in his domain. For he had become the target of all the primordial one's frustrations and anger, he should consider himself lucky he's still able to breathe.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
In the midst of preparing to strike, Aether is stunned by the sudden disappearance of his sword. Startled, he lifts his head to find the man's face mere inches from his own. With a defiant tilt of his head, Aether faces the towering man head-on. Swiftly reaching for a spare knife at his belt, he lunges forward with his weapon. Yet, he staggers forward as the blade slices through empty air, the man vanishing in a blink. Surveying his surroundings, Aether notices that all exits have vanished, leaving the room illuminated solely by a solitary neon light above. Alert, Aether startles as a cold whisper brushes against his ear, sending a shiver down the blond boy's spine.
"You could hurt yourself."
Glancing back, Aether takes a close look at the necklace adorned with a small jewel around his neck. Unable to shake the familiar feeling he gets from the man, he scrutinizes his features while searching for any apparent weakness.
"You remind me of someone."
The man scoffs, straightens his back, and puts some distance between him and Aether. While he kows that the descender is simply dragging out the conversation to buy time, Phanes decides to indulge him. Being quite picky about his conversational partners, he isn't normaly the type to engage in small talk with his enemies. However, he supposes he can make an exception for this one.
"Humph, do I ?"
Left with no more weapons to spare, Aether clenches his fists and attempts to think of a way to breach his opponent's defense. Sometimes, nothing works better than a little provocation.
"I know they're here. And I need to talk with them."
"Oh, you won't, not on my watch."
Aether charges towards the man, poised to strike him down. Just as he's about to land a blow, the man dissipates into black sand upon impact, causing the descender to tumble and fall to the floor. Confused as to why the tiles has transformed into the same sand the man turned into, the blond traveler is left in shock as the scenery completely changes. Emerging in a boundless black desert bathed in the light of three moons against a starless sky, he fights to regain his footing.
"How did it feel ?"
As the man's voice echoes through the air, Aether begins to panic, finding himself getting pulled into quicksand. Unfortunately, the more he struggles to escape, the further he sinks. The moons high in the sky appear to mock him, as if he's to blame for his predicament. Taking a final breath before being completely submerged, the descender has no time to react as he suddenly falls into what seems like an endless void. However, it isn't truly limitless as he swiftly touches the bottom, landing on his back.
"To be unwanted."
Gritting his teeth together at the pain, Aether refuses to give up and strengthens himself once again. Observing the new scenery, his eyes widen upon seeing you in the distance. With his first step, a crack forms at his foot and extends towards you. As he starts to run in your direction, shattering the stone-like floor like thin ice, you only move farther away, leaving him alone in this hellish environement.
"Not good, does it ?"
With the temperature rising, the floor finally gives up under his weight, causing him to fall once again. Using his broken wings to somewhat cushion his fall, he manages to land on his feet.
"I get it, you know. Out of all, I might be the one closest to understanding what you're going through."
Observing the fire ravage the lands around him, a strange itch stirs within him as he starts to recognize the scenery. It's an itch he cannot scratch, only indicating that something is wrong. As screams resonate, he remains paralyzed, unable to break down at the sight before him.
"Nowhere to call home."
He witnesses his sister weeping over thousands of corpses, her gut-wrenching screams breaking his heart. Before he can take a step in her direction and call out to her, her head unnaturally snaps 180 degrees. Under Lumine's hateful glare, he begins to notice the clammy sensation on his hands, his horror growing as he realizes they are smeared with blood. He shuts his eyes tightly and pounds his head repeatedly, desperately trying to convince himself that the man is merely toying with his mind.
"You know, it took me a while to discover what was going on."
Upon opening his eyes, Aether discovers that he is now bound to a chair, the furniture itself constricting his hands behind his back. Before him, Phanes lounges in a comfortable seat, casually playing with the shattered intertwining of fate that symbolized the connection between you and the renowned traveler. Upon realizing this, the descender struggles against his restraints. Yet, as he attempts to vocalize his desire to reclaim it, no sound escapes his mouth.
"They hid you well. However, once the secret was out, all they could do was to plead on your behalf, begging me to spare your life."
Seeing that his captive had much to express, Phanes impulsively snaps his fingers, only to regret it instantly as Aether unleashes a furious scream that pierces his ears.
"You're the reason they abandoned me- !!"
The primordial being hastily snaps his fingers once more, brushing his forehead to alleviate the headache induced by just one sentence. Truly, this descender possesses the ability to irritate him like no one ever has, and he considers himself a patient man. Disregarding the claims of the blonde traveler, he dismissively waves his hand, prompting the furnitures to move out of his way as he approaches Aether.
"No, no, no, no, I didn't do anything. You see, I merely allowed them to toy with you. Ultimately, it was solely their choice to discard you."
Watching Aether squinting his eyes, revealing his lack of faith in the god's words, Phanes laughs mockingly at the sight. It's pitiful to see the descender place so much trust in you, as if you could truly be concerned with his well-being. Despite the man's assertions, Aether believes there must be a valid reason why you had to leave him, which is why he is determined to find you. You wouldn't have casted him aside simply out of boredom, would you?
"There's much about guides that you seem unaware of... Quite surprising, considering where you come from."
Feeling the release of his restraints, Aether is abruptly pulled to his feet as the room is swept away by an unknown force. Upon opening his eyes after the wind dies down, he finds himself up in the sky, with floating pillars adorning the scenery. As the setting evokes memories of the place where he first engaged in combat with the sustainer of the heavenly principles, a bad chilling sensation runs down his spine as something seizes his shoulders.
"You're free to believe me or not, but I understand how difficult it is to live in someone's shadow. First, your sister, then, [Name]. Perhaps it's time for you to learn how to be yourself."
As the god takes a melancholic tone towards the end of his words, he snaps out of whatever memory he was recalling. Aether, still unable to move on his own, observes a door materializing out of nowhere before swinging open, emitting a bright flashing light.
"Whatever, who am I kidding ? You never learn from your mistakes."
Stepping aside, Phanes waves with a slight fake smile on his lips.
"Oh and, you might want to start running."
Glancing behind him, Aether witnesses the stone slabs breaking and tumbling down. Rising to his feet, he makes a run for it. With his wings shattered from his previous journey that was intended to be the final one, he can only rely on his legs to reach the door. Leaping through it, his consciousness fades away.
'Resetting complete'
{Words : 7387}
Heya, finally i managed to post part 2 ! Sorry to keep you all waiting. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did while writing this.
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We're beyond excited to celebrate @futurehunt, another of our amazing Azris writers! Known for her captivating work, A Court of Shadows and Ash—if you haven't read it yet, it's an absolute must-read!
Her storytelling is a masterclass in suspense, with every twist and turn leaving readers on the edge of their seats. Her ability to weave together intricate plotlines and rich lore across multiple works is nothing short of brilliant. The connections between ACOSAA and her other pieces, like "My Old Friend, Fire," are seamless and incredibly clever.
Not only is her prose stunning, but her deep understanding of the characters, especially Eris, adds layers of depth to her stories. It’s no wonder her writing sparks such admiration—she brings the world and characters to life in a way that's impossible to forget!
Read on to learn more about Hunt's thoughts on Eris and what reality tv show he'd host!
Give us a name for one of Eris's brothers
Balor! In Celtic mythology, Balor is a tyrannical evil force also known as the "Evil Eye". Not only do I love the name, but I think it's very much something Beron would name one of his sons.
Give us a name for one of Eris's hounds
Magnolia! I have a headcanon that all of his hounds are named after tree species.
What's an Eris fic that you'd like to read, but haven't come across yet (what tropes, concepts, etc). ?
Regency era Duke Vanserra. I feel like this must exist? Perhaps I haven't looked thoroughly enough. There's something about imagining Eris in tailcoats— with a red, silk cravat, of course— that makes me feral.
What are Eris’s hobbies or interests outside of his duties as a Vanserra?
Anything that connects him with nature and his land. I know he's secretly a farmer at heart.
If Eris were to fall in love, how would he show it, and would he find it difficult to express?
Through the most deeply thoughtful gifts. I think it's safe to assume that Beron Vanserra wasn't teaching his younglings how to verbalize their feelings, so I believe Eris communicates his love through gifts that show the care and attention he has for his partner. In one of my fics, A Court of Shadows and Ash, this is the exact dynamic I try to represent in Eris's relationship with Azriel. I won't spoil anything for those who haven't read, but Eris sure does know how to give a good gift ;)
What game/reality tv show would Eris host? (Real or Made up)
What Not to Wear. Hands down
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minkyungseokie · 6 months
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No Game No Life
Sora and Shiro are two hikikomori stepsiblings who are known in the online gaming world as Blank, an undefeated group of gamers. One day, they are challenged to a game of chess by Tet, a god from another reality. The two are victorious and are offered to live in a world that centers around games.
Blue Exorcist
After discovering that he's the son of Satan, a young man must join the True Cross Academy in order to master his abilities and defeat Satan himself
It tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks recognition from his peers and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village.
One Piece
In a seafaring world, a young pirate captain sets out with his crew to attain the title of Pirate King, and to discover the mythical treasure known as 'One Piece.'
Twin Star Exorcist
The story revolves around Rokuro Enmado and Benio Adashino, a pair of young and talented exorcists, who (according to a prophecy) are destined to marry and have a child that will be the ultimate exorcist.
Jujustu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori, a kind-hearted teenager, joins his school's Occult Club for fun, but discovers that its members are actual sorcerers who can manipulate the energy between beings for their own use. He hears about a cursed talisman - the finger of Sukuna, a demon - and its being targeted by other cursed beings.
Fairy Tail
The series follows the adventures of Natsu Dragneel, a member of the Fairy Tail wizards' guild who is searching for the dragon Igneel, and partners with Lucy Heartfilia, a celestial wizard. 
Play it cool, Guys
A look into the daily lives of four guys who walk the line between unapproachably cool and undeniably clumsy on a regular basis.
Black Butler
Ciel has formed a contract with demon Sebastian Michaelis, who disguises himself as his butler, to seek revenge on those who tortured him and murdered his parents. In exchange for his services, Sebastian will be allowed to consume Ciel's soul.
Uramichi Oniisan
Being an adult is hard. For 31-year-old Uramichi Omota, that depressing truth weighs on him. While on TV, he's an upbeat exercise instructor for a children's show, but sometimes he can't keep his sardonic comments to himself.
Freelance photographer Kôya Madoka finds himself in a slump due to a certain reason. He goes to Fuji International Speedway to work on a story, and he meets the highschool F4 racer Haruka Asahina. He suddenly finds his heart racing after not feeling much for a long time.
March Comes in Like a Lion
 It features the life of Rei Kiriyama, an introvert and professional shogi player, who gradually develops both his play and his relationship with others.
The Devil is a Part-Timer
 Hilarity and fun ensues when Satan ends up in modern day Japan without any magic to return, and starts working part time in a fast food joint.
Yowamushi Pedal
Onoda is a cheerful otaku looking to join his new school's anime club, eager to finally make some friends. Unfortunately, the club has been disbanded and somehow he stumbled into the bicycle club.
Tokyo Revengers
Hanagaki Takemichi lives an unsatisfying life right up until his death. Waking up 12 years in the past, he reckons with the eventual fate of his friends and tries to prevent an unfortunate future.
Ouran High School Host Club
One day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at exclusive Ouran High School, breaks an $80,000 vase that belongs to the "Host Club," a mysterious campus group consisting of six super-rich (and gorgeous) guys. To pay back the damages, she is forced to work for the club, and it's there that she discovers just how wealthy the boys are and how different they are from everybody else.
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
The story follows Mash Burnedead, a magic-less kid who enrolls at Easton and aims to fool everyone into thinking he's top of the class
An idol group is named "Idolish7," and consists of seven male singers, each with their own unique personality and background. Tsumugi must train and turn all of them into the famous idols, all the while struggling against the hardships of the entertainment industry
Tokyo Ghoul
Set in a world where humans live in constant fear of ghouls - superpowered humanoid beings who feed on human flesh to survive, a shy college student named Kaneki Ken, who is nearly killed in an attack by one of these monsters, becomes a half-ghoul himself after receiving an organ transplant from the ghoul.
Obey Me
The main character is transported to Devildom by a summoning ritual to attend Devildom Academy as a exchange student for one year. The main character will be greeted by seven gorgeous men that are avatars of the deadly sins.
Buddy Daddies
Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa, assassins who live under one roof; and Miri, the daughter of Kazuki and Rei's assassination target who ended up being picked up by Kazuki, who she thinks is her biological father.
The story follows a spy who has to "build a family" to execute a mission, not realizing that his adopted daughter is a telepath, and the woman he agrees to marry is a skilled assassin
Junior high school student, Shoyo Hinata, becomes obsessed with volleyball after catching a glimpse of Karasuno High School playing in the Nationals on TV.
Food Wars
Teenager Soma Yukihira aspires to become a full-time chef in his father Joichiro's family restaurant, "Restaurant Yukihira", and to surpass his father's culinary skills.
My Hero Academia
Born without special powers in a world where 80% of the population has them, Izuku Midoriya still dreams of becoming a hero.
Black Clover
The story follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power who is given a rare grimoire that grants him anti-magic abilities. With his fellow mages from the Black Bulls, Asta plans to become the next Wizard King.
The Daily Life of the Immortal King
A boy with extraordinary magical powers tries to pass for average at his new high school, where the students learn to cultivate their spiritual force.
Demon Slayer
 A family is attacked by demons and only two members survive - Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko, who is turning into a demon slowly. 
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steeltwigz · 30 days
Ok I've been getting a lot more Taco II discourse on my timeline recently. NOW I see what you all mean.... I gotta be honest, a lot of the posts to me still read as fans making up things to be mad about fhdjf what do you MEAN "Taco is irredeemable and doesn't Want to be redeemed and forcing her down a traditional redemption arc is Impossible AND you're a misogynist for misinterpreting her character" OKAYYY. Sit down buddy, Cool IT. What in the WORLD are you talking about. Did you miss the last minute of the episode where she says "no more running" and decides to face her fears head on, with the support of MePad. Did you miss all those letters she sent to Pickle, or her reaching for the portal for "another chance" at season 1, so she could fix her mistakes and wouldn't have hurt her friend? "But she wanted to kill Balloon that one time!" ONE she wanted to taze him, relax. I mean like if he pops he pops, but that's pretty Par For The Course for an object show, ESPECIALLY when II2 was still developing its more serious, less hyper-violent slapstick tone. TWO part of her problem is that she doesn't change w the game, she's still running (at least partially) on season 1 rules and in season 1 killing people was pretty normal, sorryy. Like a HUUUUGE point of her narrative arc is how she's still making a lot of the same mistakes she made with Pickle, but she doesn't realize until it's too late bcuz she's still too focused on the game (until it all comes crashing down a second time and she hates herself about it, and tries to End The Whole Show (THROUGH NONVIOLENCE MIGHT I ADD)). The whole show, she's wanted nothing more than to be redeemed and to undo her mistakes becuz she REGRETS HURTING PEOPLE AND she doesn't fully believe she can or that she deserves to, until MePad begins to help her out. These two things can both be true!!
Also, come On man. Sooooo many characters in this show are "bad people" or can be mean or hurtful. (Honestly, Id argue that a huge theme of the show is realizing people are multi-faceted and that people aren't only their worst traits, or their stereotype personalities but are in fact just as complex and personable as anyone else. That the show and the game and the challenge bring out the worst in people for Drama or Views or Money, but that doesn't mean that's all there IS to the competitors, and even the hosts, and you can't judge them based solely on their worst traits, which are getting exacerbated and unnaturally worsened due to the harmful exploitative nature of reality TV). That doesn't make ANY of them "irredeemable". Taco can have a redemption arc just as much as MePhone or Knife or Nickel can, who IN MY OPINION have done similar, and also Way Worse Things than she did, that no one ever brings up in these conversations. And NO that doesn't make you a misogynist for misinterpreting Taco or for thinking Knife is fine and she isn't, it just makes you have poor plot comprehension skills and you're predisposed to hold bias against the antagonist character becuz she's the antagonist. It's Whatever.
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