#realistic rose
slimylayne · 1 year
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Second realistic rose on fake skin 🤌 free handed some leaves on and actually used varying grey washes this time I think you can see some good progress from the last one!
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apradonite · 2 years
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[metal voice] amy my best friend amy
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pmpknsoup · 1 year
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arson-09 · 2 months
sometimes i remember ppl justify rhysand keeping feyre pregnancy issues from her and i just cant.
If my husband, who’s supposed to be my equal and tell me everything, kept the fact my pregnancy was very likely to kill me. My ass would go get an abortion and then to the courthouse to file for divorce. Aint no way im letting such a disgusting violation of my autonomy go unpunished
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yaralulu · 6 months
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I do think it’s funny how little he cared about her being dumped in the blood rite and was wayyyy too comfortable with doing nothing.“Oh sorry cassian there are rules even l can’t break 🙁” babe you’re the high lord of the night court I think you’re allowed to break some rules to save your brother’s mate and your mate’s sister who was just wrongfully thrown into what’s basically the hunger games.
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passionpeachy · 9 months
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my taste in 2 images (I see Hunter Wizard as a butch)
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the-triggered-lizard · 10 months
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They just straight up chilling, as they deserve😌
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stargirlfeyre · 2 months
Hot Take: You personally relating to Nesta the most does not make her the most realistic character or the most human. It just means that she spoke to you on a deeper scale than the other characters, not that she’s generally the most realistic of them.
Real people relate to Feyre’s struggles with domestic and familial abuse, real people relate to Rhys’ and Gwyn’s struggles with adapting to life after being violated both physically and mentally, real people relate to Mor’s struggles with coming out to your family or being disowned by your family in the name of purity and culture.
All of these characters were written with different journeys and backgrounds so all readers have someone who feels real to them. Seeing yourself in one character over the others does not mean that that character was the only one written with realistic themes and struggles.
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redr0sewrites · 7 months
random art dump!!!
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heres some shitty school doodles ft Lute and Adam
i might post some more drawings of them soon cuz i have alot but this is just a nicer looking finished page. the lute drawing still isn't totally finished but whateverrrrr i love her sm
help my sketchbook pages r literally never nice looking or organized ever ESPECIALLY my school sketchbook so ignore how messy they areeeee
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amarithecat · 1 year
I love posts where it's agreed that if all of the companions and honorary companions were in a room together, Benny would be the first to die because it's such a FUNNY mental image.
Vulpes Inculta, the highest ranking and undyingly loyal Legion Spy, and Craig Boone, an NCR sniper who hates the Legion with a burning passion, would both be so annoyed by Benny that they'd have a temporary truce because Checkers over there HAS GOT TO GO.
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amyrosedaily · 5 days
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Day 19: work :(
PLEASE! Donate to save Muhammad Shehab's family! Main Post | GoFundMe
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> Rose: Confess to Kanaya!
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Rose: I love you.
Kanaya: Y Yo Ati, Rose.
> Rose: Get swallowed by something that looks like Venom.
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> Rose: Get sent to super hell!
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> Kanaya: Have something very gay and homophobic happen to you.
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Kanaya: ...
What an absolute diversity loss. You find yourself thinking "love loses!"
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apollos-boyfriend · 11 months
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happy halloween! last year, i drew the tinarose family, so i thought it was only fitting to draw the schlarklez kids! baby’s first halloween…..
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midnight-alibi · 7 months
May I add this gem to this post @izzystradlindoesitforme ?
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deaddove · 2 months
hello radiant emperor fandom. i heard you guys like dark historical fantasies about genderqueer warlords and their ruthless pursuit of Revenge and/or The Throne… well let me put you onto something:
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need more emo femboys with daddy issues? doomed siblings? lord/vassal dynamics? romantic stabbing? corruption arcs? sexy masochism? you 🫵 should consider reading
Requiem of the Rose King by Aya Kanno
loosely based off Shakespeare's Henry and Richard plays, this manga follows intersex protagonist Richard III (yes he has straight black hair with the bangs covering one eye. yes it’s to hide his heterochromia) through England's War of the Roses.
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(he is so cute don't you just want to see him snarling and covered in blood. don't you want to see him slowly abandon his ideals in a desperate bid to be accepted by the world that shunned and demonized him.)
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battle, bloodshed, and court politics ensue! also because it's a shoujo manga, Richard becomes the psychosexual obsession of most of the male cast and engages in a toxic doomed relationship or two.
this is not a series for those looking for good queer rep, but perfect for anyone who wants to read about beautiful criminally insane people tearing each other's throats out and being horny about it. it is fun, violent, melodramatic, sexy, and utterly devastating. and although it is tonally very different from TRE, it has so many similar ingredients that i think it deserves to be on your radar. actually it deserves to be on everyone's radar, it's so fucking good and doesn't get anywhere near the attention it deserves...
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yea there is an anime that is unforgivably ugly and so heavily censored it's a mystery why they even bothered to adapt it. would not recommend it at all but i guess you can watch it if you want, i am not the police.
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actually no i changed my mind. Aya Kanno's work is stunning and deserves to be appreciated. ok case rested.
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fandomsarefamily1966 · 3 months
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