#real life band of brothers
aemonded · 2 years
Okay so this clip is amazing because:
A) The publishers were basically worried about Nixon suing the publication company for calling him an alcoholic; and
B) For Spiers saying he committed war crimes.
Him calling up Spiers because he’s like “DIFFERENT STORY HE MIGHT ACTUALLY SUE” and asking him basically if he killed people and he was like “LOL YUP- WANT ME TO PUT IT IN A LETTER I WON’T SUE” and Dick being like “... Please” and then having it in his file cabinet bless
Also the officers calling Spiers Sparky will never not be funny to me I’m sorry
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incognito-princess · 1 year
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antigonenikk · 4 months
not speirs looting all that shit because he had a newborn child back in london and was worried his wife wouldnt be able to survive on his salary alone………
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I always get so freaking confused because they look so damn similar! They could be brothers.
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aliciax3 · 17 days
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wiltedprayers · 2 months
(not) biblically accurate babe heffron
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
Okay, but what if Ron takes things from people not JUST because he's a magpie (he is) but also, he is pretending he's dead inside to get through it, but he also keeps taking things from people like momentos.
Does he know Buck? No. Does he take the entire pack of cigarettes? Yes. And what is his memory? He survived D-Day and got a pack of cigarettes from another D-Day survivor.
Does he nearly walk off with Frank's lighter? Yes. Does Frank stop him? Also yes. But also, Frank was one of the first people who didn't seem truly scared of him. So, the lighter is a reminder that people can see he's a trustworthy person.
All the looting? That's sending home things that can be turned into cash. He is making certain his wife and child have buying power. And solid silver on the black market in England in the war? Holy shit, they could get their hands on anything, I'm sure. Ron is providing. Ron is taking care of his family. If you read "Fierce Valor" there's a bit where there's proof that Ron was NOT happy with the way Band of Brothers (book and mini) portrayed his wife. He was not okay with her being painted as greedy (it was said she refused to give him any of the silver or money from it). But also, Ron had several chances to provide information and review both the manuscript and the scripts and refused every time. So, that's on you, man.
Anyway, I know plenty of other people have talked about this, too, but also, I love Ron Speirs being an absolute magpie but also SOFT CREAMY CENTER.
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lewis-winters · 1 year
Nix: At the end of the day, war is just a dick measuring contest
Nix: and while Hitler's was only 2 or 3 inches
Nix, pointing at Winters: Ours was 6'1"!
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flashnthunder · 9 months
baberoe priest kink- hello yes please i need this!!!!
(thank you for taggin me <3)
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Willow Boughs and Wanting
(mildly nsfw under the cut)
He’s pushed back into the pew, and he goes without much fight. From his position now, Babe is half looming over him. The light through the windows makes his hair even more red, like a halo of fire consuming him. Babe doesn’t leave him to think for too long, slowly straddling himself over his lap until his knees are on either side of Eugene’s legs. He’s still taller like that, looking down at Eugene’s face when he tips his head back.
“I gotta tell you, Father, you’ve made it a helluva time sitting in on your services,” Babe says, and there’s a hint of a smile there that’s swallowed in something more serious. Babe leans down so close that their lips almost touch. He plays it like a waiting game and Eugene is the one to blink first. He doesn’t know who closes the gap first, but they’re kissing and Babe’s hands are on his shoulders.
If there had been a halo of fire around Babe, it’s going to cover him next, spread its fire like a curious flame licking up around dry wood. It dries the muggy air out of him and brings him closer to something real and solid. They kiss until they’re spending more time pulling away to breathe a shared exhale of the same air.
“It just ain’t right keeping you squirreled away in here all by your lonesome,” Babe murmurs, and Gene doesn’t have time to think about what he means before Babe lets himself settle further down in his lap. Only by sheer will does he keep his hands from grabbing him, either to push him away or drag him down he doesn’t know. Babe looks him in the eye, slow and deliberate in his gaze and grinds down onto his lap. Eugene can’t bite back the noise he makes, something choked off and high that escapes his throat.
“Edward, you can't be doing that,” he means it to sound more of a warning than it does. Instead it comes more like a hurried question.
“What's it gonna take to kill that? Need to know me a little more biblically before you call me the right name?” Babe asks, and the smile from earlier is back. He grinds his hips against Eugene, dropping his head to his shoulder for a moment. He nudges Eugene’s head back, kissing right above his white collar where his throat dips with each swallow.
“Want me to stop calling you by your first name, maybe? You prefer Father Roe if we're being formal like?” He rocks into him again, pulling back to kiss along his jaw. He can feel the blood in his cheeks, hot and thruming underneath his skin. Babe winds his arms around his neck, his eyes falling closed when he leans his head to the side and hips still moving.
"Edward," he tries again, and his voice has found no more strength the longer he waits. Babe's eyes come open again at that, and just as suddenly as they'd ended up together he pulls back. Eugene feels something akin to fear flush through him, suddenly wanting to pull him back down.
He doesn't go far, Babe sinks to his knees in front of him, slower than should be possible with how fast everything else seems to be happening to him. Eugene can’t get a good enough grip on the pew under his hands him to steady himself. There’s a wicked look Babe gets now, and he runs his hands down the outside of Eugene's legs, catching halfway down his shin and holding.
“Awful hard, like I was saying. Supposed to be listening and you’re up there, looking like all a’this,” Babe’s hands move back up again to catch his hips, squeezing just a little. Eugene digs his nails into the pew, wishing the wood would splinter under his grip. He presses until it hurts, tilting his head up and screwing his eyes closed.
“Figured yous would be used to seeing somebody down on their knees like this,” Babe’s grip tightens. He pulls him forward a little, pushing Eugene to choose between letting go of his grip on the old wood or letting his hips be moved forward till his back is almost arched.
“No, I ain’t, it’s not- I never,” his voice comes out in more of a stutter than he had expected. Babe’s grin grows at that. Just as slowly as he’d sunk to his knees before, he leans forward till his lips hover about an inch away from the dark fabric. Despite the layers, Eugene feels a hot flush run down his neck knowing that if Babe looked he would probably be able to see him getting hard.
“You good and sure about that? Don’t wanna take my confession like this?” Babe asks, and there's not a prayer in the world that comes to him now.
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lesbiandarvey · 1 month
what if you were the All American football god turned war hero who narratively represents truth, justice, and the american way and everyone is obsessed with mythologizing your life as the ultimate in american valor and humility and you ended up being played by some redhead from the commonwealth
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aemonded · 1 year
Hi, first of all i wanna to tell you that you do pretty good job. I love your posts. I just wanna aks you if you would be nice.I wanna know Why Lewis Nixon hate Buck?What i heard its only because Buck was sport guy? And if you have some information about Grace Nixon. I read your post about her and i think she was amazing i want know more about her. I would find some information by myself but i found only few information about her.I am from Europe and i dont have so many book i have only three about easy E in my own language. I not good in english. I hope that not rude from me write you.
I would understand if you dont answer. Please keep going what you do. 🥰😍
Hey there :)
First off, absolutely no problem writing to me, and thank you for your kind words <3
So to address both of your questions:
1) Lewis Nixon "hates" Buck: Lewis Nixon "hates" Buck in the way that I think a smart, more intellectual guy, would hate a "jock." The sources I've seen don't seem to elaborate on it more, but from my reading of it, Lewis Nixon was always more a prep school, smart, rich kid who spoke several languages, and therefore, probably didn't like someone who HE saw as only getting opportunities or benefits coming from the fact that he was good at sports (This is a bit ironic, coming from Lewis Nixon, because we all know he was like, so rich he actually had a TOWN named after his family, but there you go). So what I always understood from it, Lewis "hated" Buck because he didn't see being good at sports or being an outgoing, sporty type, as something that should be rewarded. AKA he was one of those guys who was like, "Why do people worship jocks? All they do is run fast."
On the other hand, Buck also didn't like Lewis, from what I understand, because he probably thought he was too "high and mighty" being a rich guy looking down his nose at him, when to be fair, Buck wasn't just "good at sports." He played with Jackie Robinson, who was the first black player to play in professional baseball in America- he broke several athletic records- he could have played professionally in a multitude of sports from what I understand. To be short: He was talented, and was probably annoyed that Lewis was like "YEAH YEAH YOU RUN AND HIT A BALL, GREAT, ANYONE CAN DO THAT."
So I think both of them were just a clash of personalities- both more dominant, big personalities, but on opposite ends of the spectrum- Lewis having a big personality but being known for his mind and being sarcastic and smart and witty, and Buck being known for being a leader and sporty and athletic.
I found this post by @winnix85 that lays out more examples than I knew of here from Buck Compton's book. From what they say, it might be because Winters didn't gel with Compton either, therefore, Nixon as Winter's best friend doubled down on being an asshole to him. But from what I see it's all down to personalities clashing, and not just one incident. I feel it's that thing where we all have coworkers where even if they're not the worst person in the world, you're like, "They're kind of weird/off and we don't gel well together, even though there's nothing objectively terrible about them." That's sort of the vibe I get- they were coworkers who didn't really fit together, but also took the opportunity to poke back at each other if they got the chance (Especially Nixon. Which is kind of petty, but what can you do).
2) Grace Nixon:
I wish I could provide you more information on Grace Nixon, but literally everything I got in that post was actually randomly from her obituary posted online, which was presumably drafted by her/ with her consent before she passed, or by her family members who obviously loved her. I just compiled it into a dumb list for the post of all the amazing things she did.
So I don't think there are any GREAT sources on her besides that (in any language, including English), but I'm happy they provided that amount of detail in her obituary, because it really paints a picture of what a fun and resilient lady she was. I think only someone like that could have both kept Lewis Nixon's attention, while also being strong enough to call him on his bullshit when he was behaving badly (Like he was with Buck, and most likely in his first two marriages (whoops)).
Anyhow, hope this answers your questions, darling, and have a great day!
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alyygx · 11 months
BoB Real Life Veteran Opening Interviews: (In order, By Episode)
Episode 1: Currahee
1. Joseph Lesniewski ~ "We were in a store and a guy in that store..."
2. Paul Rogers ~ "Our country was attacked..."
3. Bill Maynard ~ "Who would like to volunteer..."
4. Rod Strohl ~ "We came from a small small town..."
* He appears in the beginning of the third episode asking Lt. Harry Welch where they were heading.
5. Earl McClung ~ "I did things..."
6. Bill Maynard ~ "Guy says well you jump out of airplanes..."
Episode 2: Day of Days
1. Dick Winters ~ "Standing in the door..."
2. Buck Compton ~ "Got such an opening blast..."
3. Ed Tipper ~ "We came from the sky..."
* Is there with Sobel in the first episode when he cuts the fence. He says "I think it's Major Horton, sir".
4. Dick Winters ~ "How do you prepare..."
5. Bill Maynard ~ "In the back of your mind..."
Episode 3: Carentan
1. Bill Guarnere ~ "I never thought I'd make it through D-Day..."
2. Ed Tipper ~ "I thought one of two things..."
3. Earl McClung ~ "I think everyone had fear..."
4. Carwood Lipton ~ "It's a feeling you will not let your self down..."
5. J.B. Stokes ~ "We all had fear..."
Episode 4: Replacements
1. Donald 'Pappy' King ~ "The Toccoa men..."
2. James Alley ~ "Most of them were qualified parachutists..."
* He is the injured soldier in the beginning of ep. 5 (Crossroads) who has his face hit by shrapnel.
3. Earl McClung ~ "I think maybe they were trying to impress..."
4. Lester Hashey ~ "Cause we were in awe of them..."
* He was the tall replacement in this episode that appears with Miller and Garcia.
Episode 5: Crossroads
1. Dick Winters ~ "If you’re a leader..."
2. Buck Compton ~ "A good leader..."
3. Joe Lesniewski ~ "Seemed like he always made the right decisions..."
4. Robert 'Popeye' Wynn ~ "He went right in there..."
Episode 6: Bastogne
1. Carwood Lipton ~ "When we left for Bastogne..."
2. Lester Hashey ~ "And there was a ridge with the treeline..."
3. Earl McClung ~ "Well like in Bastogne we were down to one round..."
* Appears in this episode sharing a foxhole with Bill Guarnere. He also appears in ep. 8 (The Last Patrol) when Webster is telling them which men were wanted on the patrol. He is sitting next to Babe in this scene.
4. Hank Zimmerman ~ "One of the guys got hit in the arm with a piece of shrapnel..."
5. Herbert 'Junior' Suerth Jr. ~ "And a medic came along..."
* Is shown in this episode in the truck on the way to Bastogne. Babe asks him if he has any ammo, "You got any ammo Junior?".
6. J.B. Stokes ~ "Even today on a real cold night..."
Episode 7: The Breaking Point
1. Dick Winters ~ "I've seen death, I’ve seen my friends..."
2. Darrel 'Shifty' Powers ~ "We was hungry..."
3. Joe Lesniewski ~ "Everywhere you would look..."
4. Donald Malarkey ~ "You don’t have a chance..."
* This is by far the saddest, most emotional interview in the whole series in my opinion. I just want to hug him omg!
Episode 8: The Last Patrol
1. Carwood Lipton ~ "We had lost some very good men..."
2. Joe Lesniewski ~ "I don’t know the exact amount..."
3. Donald Malarkey ~ "Skip Muck died..."
4. Forrest Guth ~ "After Bastogne..."
* Appears in the first episode (Currahee) as a background character. His name can be seen on one of the uniforms.
5. Dick Winters ~ "You have a feeling..."
Episode 9: Why We Fight
1. Norman Nietzke ~ "It was a situation..."
2. Lester Hashey ~ "We used to say the only..."
3. Joe Lesniewski ~ "They had a job to do..."
4. Earl McClung ~ "I think that we thought..."
5. Darrel 'Shifty' Powers ~ "A lot of those soldiers..."
*I didn't include Episode 10 (Points) bc the names appear on the screen in that episode.
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website-com · 5 months
had an insanely vivid dream about someone and the only way for me to contact them again was through her family’s band ‘the rocking horses’
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okay, tumblr. I get it. I don't know how you figured out from day one that I loved Band of Brothers and made it pop up in "for you" posts fucking constantly, even before I'd liked posts and followed tags. maybe it was just trending. I don't know.
but you think I should rewatch it.
and since I feel like crap right now and expect to spend the next few days in bed...I'll just borrow it from my library now, okay? you don't need to stalk me anymore with the gifs.
oooh, they have the book, too. I've actually never read the book. this could be good. maybe I need to stop at the store, too, for some snacks and some tissues. not that I can breathe through my nose right now anyway because nature is trying to murder me with allergies.
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malarkgirlypop · 9 months
To my dearest Kate,
I wish I could tell you how awful this war is. How much I hate it and wish I was there with you, but our letters are censored and I want this to reach you.
I think of you everyday my darling. You are what gets me through every day waking up in the wretched foxholes, as the cold and damp seep into our souls. Skip and Penkala are quieter than normal, I think the conditions are getting to everyone now. Even George isn’t his usual self.
You are what gets me through everyday and your love keeps me going no matter what. I don’t know what I’d do without you Kate. You’re my everything.
I promise that as soon as I am home we shall marry and we never need to be apart again.
When it’s dark at night and I am alone, I think of all the happy times we shared. The time we went on the boating lake and the swan attacked the boat. I don’t think you ever forgave me for ruining your favourite dress in that lake but I’m hoping the ice cream afterwards made it up to you. Do you remember the time when we were kicked out of the cinema for… well I’m sure you remember what we were doing in the back row.
And now at this time of year I think of the last Christmas we spent together, of our kiss beneath the mistletoe, of building that snowman in the backyard. I cannot wait to be home with you again my love.
I will cherish our memories always and I hope to make many more with you.
Yours always
My love,
I miss you so dearly. I think of you everyday and dream of you every night. Even though I love seeing you in my dreams, it isn't the same. I need you here with me. My body aches from missing you, I didn't know the heart hurt so much when it yearns. Say hello to Skip and Alex for me! I miss them too. I have you all in my thoughts constantly, that you will make it home in one piece. I wish we could just skip to the end, so that I can have you back. The house feels so quiet without your laughter and jokes. I would fly to Germany myself and end this all if I could. But all I can do is hope. I need you home, so we can wed and be merry. I don't even need a ring or a fancy wedding, just marry me as soon as you can. I have now learnt the saying absence makes the heart grow fonder. But it's more than fondness, I love you entirely, always have and always will. I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow and many days to come. Write to me as soon as you can. I have sent some things for you in the letter as well. But it's a secret don't let the boys see.
Eternally yours,
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aHHHHHHH ok so cheesy of me, but I totally love this. Whoever wrote this for me I am kissing you! I love you thank you for sending this to me!
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thesunmakesmetired · 1 month
I know i might have a weird taste for music but i didn't think it was that bad until i gave a lift to my brother and he kept begging be for a normal song after being forced to listen to nyan cat for not even 30 seconds...
And than two trucks started playing...
I just kept skipping through my playlist the whole ride and this is my fun playlist too :((
#my brother has no tastes in music whatsoever so he isnt that good of a reference#but still#the things he made me skip except it progressively gets worse:#any vocaloid songs (because he hates miku for some reason...)#any fnaf songs (because “its not 2018 anymore”)#any lemon demon song (because it has the word demon in the artist name)#any mitsuki song (because he thought it was miku and refused to listen to me saying it was a- not miku and b- serious just like he asked)#any mother mother song because its “boring”???#any of the initial D songs i have (deja vu and running in the 90s) (because i would rash the car for sure)#we didn't start the fire (because it wasnt the marvel version???)#the theme song from one of our childhood shows (because the voice isnt exactly the same as the real thing)#star wars OSTs (cantina band and duel of fates) (because apparently its not serious enough)#any marina song or dollyrots song (because its women singing... i kid you not... hes like “oh its woman it cant be good” istg)#“fairytale” and “europe sky” (because “its not 2020 anymore???)#any song by glass animal (because it started too slow so it was boring)#and other songs like “discord” “my ordinary life” “rasputine” “we dont sleep at night” etc etc because“theyre not real songs#the only song he didn't complain about was mr blue sky... why? because it played in one of his favourite movies#he complained about QUEEN- Like he let it play but he complained about bohemian rhapsody being boring????#my brother is a disappointment to music...#like i feel like leaking the playlist just to prove a point but i trying to not be too petty... i might idk...#like i asked him if he wanted me to switch and put on my heavy metal playlist and he said if i did he was gonna die...#like touch some grass dude-#anyway#music
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