#real estate web sites
mcmansionhell · 3 months
the motel room, or: on datedness
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Often I find myself nostalgic for things that haven't disappeared yet. This feeling is enhanced by the strange conviction that once I stop looking at these things, I will never see them again, that I am living in the last moment of looking. This is sense is strongest for me in the interiors of buildings perhaps because, like items of clothing, they are of a fashionable nature, in other words, more impermanent than they probably should be.
As I get older, to stumble on something truly dated, once a drag, is now a gift. After over a decade of real estate aggregation and the havoc it's wreaked on how we as a society perceive and decorate houses, if you're going to Zillow to search for the dated (which used to be like shooting fish in a barrel), you'll be searching aimlessly, for hours, to increasingly no avail, even with all the filters engaged. (The only way to get around this is locational knowledge of datedness gleaned from the real world.) If you try to find images of the dated elsewhere on the internet, you will find that the search is not intuitive. In this day and age, you cannot simply Google "80s hotel room" anymore, what with the disintegration of the search engine ecosystem and the AI generated nonsense and the algorithmic preference for something popular (the same specific images collected over and over again on social media), recent, and usually a derivative of the original search query (in this case, finding material along the lines of r/nostalgia or the Backrooms.)
To find what one is looking for online, one must game the search engine with filters that only show content predating 2021, or, even better, use existing resources (or those previously discovered) both online and in print. In the physical world of interiors, to find what one is looking for one must also now lurk around obscure places, and often outside the realm of the domestic which is so beholden to and cursed by the churn of fashion and the logic of speculation. Our open world is rapidly closing, while, paradoxically, remaining ostensibly open. It's true, I can open Zillow. I can still search. In the curated, aggregated realm, it is becoming harder and harder to find, and ultimately, to look.
But what if, despite all these changes, datedness was never really searchable? This is a strange symmetry, one could say an obscurity, between interiors and online. It is perhaps unintentional, and it lurks in the places where searching doesn't work, one because no one is searching there, or two, because an aesthetic, for all our cataloguing, curation, aggregation, hoarding, is not inherently indexable and even if it was, there are vasts swaths of the internet and the world that are not categorized via certain - or any - parameters. The internet curator's job is to find them and aggregate them, but it becomes harder and harder to do. They can only be stumbled upon or known in an outside, offline, historical or situational way. If to index, to aggregate, is, or at least was for the last 30 years, to profit (whether monetarily or in likes), then to be dated, in many respects, is the aesthetic manifestation of barely breaking even. Of not starting, preserving, or reinventing but just doing a job.
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We see this online as well. While the old-web Geocities look and later Blingee MySpace-era swag have become aestheticized and fetishized, a kind of naive art for a naive time, a great many old websites have not received the same treatment. These are no less naive but they are harder to repackage or commodify because they are simple and boring. They are not "core" enough.
As with interiors, web datedness can be found in part or as a whole. For example, sites like Imgur or Reddit are not in and of themselves dated but they are full of remnants, of 15-year old posts and their "you, sir, have won the internet" vernacular that certainly are. Other websites are dated because they were made a long time ago by and for a clientele that doesn't have a need or the skill to update (we see this often with Web 2.0 e-commerce sites that figured out how to do a basic mobile page and reckoned it was enough). The next language of datedness, like the all-white landlord-special interior, is the default, clean Squarespace restaurant page, a landing space that's the digital equivalent of a flyer, rarely gleaned unless someone needs a menu, has a food allergy or if information about the place is not available immediately from Google Maps. I say this only to maintain that there is a continuity in practices between the on- and off-line world beyond what we would immediately assume, and that we cannot blame everything on algorithms.
But now you may ask, what is, exactly, datedness? Having spent two days in a distinctly dated hotel room, I've decided to sit in utter boredom with the numinous past and try and pin it down.
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I am in an obscure place. I am in Saint-Georges, Quebec, Canada, on assignment. I am staying at a specific motel, the Voyageur. By my estimation the hotel was originally built in the late seventies and I'd be shocked if it was older than 1989. The hotel exterior was remodeled sometime in the 2000s with EIFS cladding and beige paint. Above is a picture of my room, which, forgive me, is in the process of being inhabited. American (and to a lesser extent Canadian) hotel rooms are some of the most churned through, renovated spaces in the world, and it's pretty rare, unless you're staying in either very small towns or are forced by economic necessity to stay at real holes in the wall, to find ones from this era. The last real hitter for me was a 90s Day's Inn in the meme-famous Breezewood, PA during the pandemic.
At first my reaction to seeing the room was cautionary. It was the last room in town, and certainly compared to other options, probably not the world's first choice. However, after staying in real, genuine European shitholes covering professional cycling I've become a class-A connoisseur of bad rooms. This one was definitively three stars. A mutter of "okay time to do a quick look through." But upon further inspection (post-bedbug paranoia) I came to the realization that maybe the always-new brainrot I'd been so critical of had seeped a teeny bit into my own subconscious and here I was snubbing my nose at a blessing in disguise. The room is not a bad room, nor is it unclean. It's just old. It's dated. We are sentimental about interiors like this now because they are disappearing, but they are for my parents what 2005 beige-core is for me and what 2010s greige will become for the generation after. When I'm writing about datedness, I'm writing in general using a previous era's examples because datedness, by its very nature, is a transitional status. Its end state is the mixed emotion of seeing things for what they are yet still appreciating them, expressed here.
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Datedness is the period between vintage and contemporary. It is the sentiment between quotidian and subpar. It is uncurated and preserved only by way of inertia, not initiative. It gives us a specific feeling we don't necessarily like, one that is deliberately evoked in the media subcultures surrounding so-called "liminal" spaces: the fuguelike feeling of being spatially trapped in a time while our real time is passing. Datedness in the real world is not a curated experience, it is only what was. It is different from nostalgia because it is not deliberately remembered, yearned for or attached to sweetness. Instead, it is somehow annoying. It is like stumbling into the world of adults as a child, but now you're the adult and the child in you is disappointed. (The real child-you forgot a dull hotel room the moment something more interesting came along.) An image of my father puts his car keys on the table, looks around and says, "It'll do." We have an intolerance for datedness because it is the realization of what sufficed. Sufficiency in many ways implies lack.
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However, for all its datedness, many, if not all, of the things in this room will never be seen again if the room is renovated. They will become unpurchaseable and extinct. Things like the bizarrely-patterned linoleum tile in the shower, the hose connecting to the specific faucet of the once-luxurious (or at least middling) jacuzzi tub whose jets haven't been exercised since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The wide berth of the tank on the toilet. There is nothing, really, worth saving about these things. Even the most sentimental among us wouldn't dare argue that the items and finishes in this room are particularly important from a design or historical standpoint. Not everything old has a patina. They're too cheaply made to salvage. Plastic tile. Bowed plywood. The image-artifacts of these rooms, gussied up for Booking dot com, will also, inevitably disappear, relegated to the dustheap of web caches and comments that say "it was ok kinda expensive but close to twon (sic)." You wouldn't be able to find them anyway unless you were looking for a room.
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One does, of course, recognize a little bit of design in what's here. Signifiers of an era. The wood-veneer of the late 70s giving way to the pastel overtones of the 80s. Perhaps even a slow 90s. The all-in-one vanity floating above the floor, a modernist basement bathroom hallmark. White walls as a sign of cleanliness. Gestures, in the curved lines of the nightstands, towards postmodernity. Metallic lamp bases with wide-brimmed shades, a whisper of glamor. A kind of scalloped aura to the club chairs. The color teal mediated through hundreds if not thousands of shoes. Yellowing plastic, including the strips of "molding" that visually tie floor to wall. These are remnants (or are they intuitions?) of so many movements and micromovements, none of them definite enough to point to the influence of a single designer, hell, even of a single decade, just strands of past-ness accumulated into one thread, which is cheapness. Continuity exists in the materials only because everything was purchased as a set from a wholesale catalog.
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In some way a hotel is supposed to be placeless. Anonymous. Everything tries to be that way now, even houses. Perhaps because we don't like the way we spy on ourselves and lease our images out to the world so we crave the specificity of hotel anonymity, of someplace we move through on our way to bigger, better or at least different things. The hotel was designed to be frictionless but because it is in a little town, it sees little use and because it sees little use, there are elements that can last far longer than they were intended and which inadvertently cause friction. (The janky door unlocks with a key. The shower hose keeps coming out of the faucet. It's deeply annoying.)
Lack of wear and lack of funds only keep them that way. Not even the paper goods of the eighties have been exhausted yet. Datedness is not a choice but an inevitability. Because it is not a choice, it is not advertised except in a utilitarian sense. It is kept subtle on the hotel websites, out of shame. Because it does not subscribe to an advertiser's economy of the now, of the curated type rather than the "here is my service" type, it disappears into the folds of the earth and cannot be searched for in the way "design" can. It can only be discovered by accident.
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When I look at all of these objects and things, I do so knowing I will never see them again, at least not all here together like this, as a cohesive whole assembled for a specific purpose. I don't think I'll ever have reason to come back to this town or this place, which has given me an unexpected experience of being peevish in my father's time. Whenever I end up in a place like this, where all is as it was, I get the sense that it will take a very long time for others to experience this sensation again with the things my generation has made. The machinations of fashion work rapaciously to make sure that nothing is ever old, not people, not rooms, not items, not furniture, not fabrics, not even design, that old matron who loves to wax poetic about futurity and timelessness. The plastic-veneered particleboard used here is now the bedrock of countless landfills. Eventually it will become the chemical-laced soil upon which we build our condos. It is possible that we are standing now at the very last frontier of our prior datedness. The next one has not yet elided. It's a special place. Spend a night. Take pictures.
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ineffable-opinions · 9 months
BL doujin & Men Who Make Some of Them
If BL is stories of androphilic men by androphilic women, then what’s the opposite of that? It would probably be stories of androphilic women by androphilic men.
The latter is what Minamoto Kazuki mainly dabbles in.
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Apart from straight & BL manga, he also authored Shoujo Manga Artist Minamoto-San Comes Out. Yeah, that’s the title. It is autobiographical if that wasn’t obvious. Arguably, his most famous manga, at least in BL fandom, is Wall Circle's Doujin Artist Nekoyashiki-Kun's Desire for Recognition Grows which got live-action adaptation: KabeKoji in 2022.
Androphilic male characters who create straight content is not rare in BL. In 2023, from what I can recall, we got two such characters: Sung Woo Jae from Individual Circumstances (2023) and Yoh from Taikan Yoho (2023). Jinta from Cherry Magic (2023) also writes (presumably straight) romance. Even before that, we got an entire BL live-action franchise (starting with The Novelist (2018)).
Doujin production and consumption
Doujinshi (doujin for short) is self-published works. It includes both derivative works (fan works) as well as original works. It is estimated that nearly half of the doujin produced and circulated are BL. These are traditionally sold at conventions like Comiket. These days doujin are sold online, for example through dedicated websites like DL site.
Doujinshi culture and Comiket especially has been instrumental in the development of BL as a genre. Unfortunately, unlike other BL pioneers such as Mari Mori (her 1961 novel A Lovers' Forest is considered the first BL) and the Year 24 Group, Meikyu doujin circle (Yoshihiro Yonezawa in particular) seldom find mention in history of BL.
BL doujin grew side by side with commercially published works. The original use of the portmanteau yaoi (no peak, no fall, no meaning) was an indication of plot what plot nature of those doujins that subverted the East Asian narrative structure to focuse exclusively on erotic relations. Doujin BL varied widely in themes and approaches, even more than commercial BL as doujin are not created to appeal to the masses, instead cater to super-specific fandoms. Also, it is easier to debut into doujin arena than to commercial BL. However, since these are literally ‘thin books’ in most cases, there is associated limitation. There is cost of printing to be taken into account as well.
As more explicit doujin (yaoi) and less explicit BL (shonen ai, etc.) coevolved in a porous environment, BL transformed into a successful genre in itself with numerous dedicated magazines and multimedia adaptations. Moreover, doujin was good ground for experimentation and yields in that arena made its way into mainstream BL and enriched it.
Commercial BL welcomed many doujinshika into its fold. e.g. Ayano Yamane (author of the Finder series) is associated with a bunch of doujin circles at different points in time: GUN MANIA, Shouhoku Taiiku Yougushitsu and Ouka Seisaku.
BL mangaka continued producing both doujin and commercial BL. e.g. Kizu Natsuki (author of Given) is a prolific doujinshika under the name Gusari in Sashikizu circle.
BL mangaka produced doujin of their own work. e.g. Ichikawa Kei (author of Blue Sky Complex) published erotic extras as doujin.
These days, there is pixiv among others and long serialization possibilities. Authors are less constrained by space – unlike physical publication, web publication is not constrained by real estate (number of pages, chapters, etc.). Thanks to the internet, the distance between doujin and commercial BL have shortened. 
A lot of gei comi (bara) is also self-published.
Doujin BL culture exists everywhere BL is famous with wide variation.
Doujin played an important role in emergence and growth of Korean BL. e.g. Totally Captivated by Yoo Ha Jin had doujin extras.
Chinese doujin culture is slightly different from that in other countries. Note-worthy is the self-publication of danmei (Chinese BL) novels. Three most recent cases against danmei authors [and their accomplices including those who helped the authors print, bind, package and sell those copies] were for self-publication.  
天一(Tian Yi) for her student X teacher SM erotica 攻占 (Seize Control)  - charged for self-publication and violation of law prohibiting publication of obscenity [explicit SM involving a 17-year-old student and his teacher in the novel]
深海先生 (Mr. Deep Sea) for her historical romance 锁帝翎 (aka 笼中帝 ; The Caged Emperor)  - charged for self-publication.
There is a third. But the details are not available in the public domain.
It used to be a common practice for authors to self-publish uncensored versions of their web-published works, sometimes with explicit extras. These were intended for fans who wanted to collect these copies and to express their appreciation to the authors. Both self-publishing and “obscene content” are illegal in China.
Doujin, BL and their creators
Kabe Koji is the journey of a doujinshika, Mamoru Nekoyashiki, who yearns to be recognized as such and also as a beloved. While in high school, he fell in love with his childhood friend Kazama Issei whom he is sure doesn’t like him like that, thanks to rampant compulsory heterosexuality. Being gay was something he felt he had to keep under wraps not only because of fear of rejection but also because of heterosexism. Talented in drawing, he visits Comic King, a popular otaku convention where he discovers a different world – where male androphilia is celebrated in art.
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This inspires him to cultivate his talent in drawing and to pursue a career in manga. Since the art he was most drawn in by was ero-manga with macho uke with bitch characteristics, that’s the style he pursues.
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When we meet him, this is the subgenre that we see him focusing on. His influences are pretty obvious.
Moreover, the main character (hence the target of affection in his work) looks a bit like his crush. Issei notices this and tries to draw himself like that (with disproportionately thin neck) in little notes and letters to his Mamocchi.
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[I honestly think Nakao Masaki was bit of a miscast for this role appearance-wise because in the manga Issei is more on the gacchiri (muscular) side of ikemen. Whoever thought Torii-san’s uke from Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (2022) would be right fit for Issei’s character. The actor clearly didn’t disappoint in any other aspect. This is like the case with casting decision in One Room Angel (2023) wherein a manga character with gachimuchi aesthetics was changed into a lean ikemen. An opportunity for a different body-type was wasted. No complains against those actors since they aren’t the ones responsible for casting.] This is an erroneous assessment. Thank you @tompetertrash for correcting me.
Nekoyashiki, while pursuing training and education in manga making, has already established himself as a fairly successful doujinshika known as Honeniku-sensei of Muscle Department Store. He belongs to the Wall Circle.
"Kabe circle" (wall circle) — a slang term for doujin groups or "circles" that are popular enough for their booths to be placed beside the wall of the convention, for ease of line management. (Source: ANN)
He is friends with Yamada, a fujoshi who is his support in creating, defending and selling doujin.
Such friendships are not too rare. For example, friendship between Yoh and Manju in Taikan Yoho (2023). And the IRL friendship between female danmei author Lan Lin and male manhuajia Liang Azha.
Nekoyashiki meets two other characters at Comic King: Framboise and Takkun.
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Framboise is the president of a doujin circle called Bearded Beauties. He is very popular. He is not only among the wall circles each time we see him, but also is showered with gifts by his fans. He acknowledges that he has been doujinshika for years. His art resembles him – body-type, facial hair, moe. He keeps inviting Nekoyashiki warmly to a gathering of muscle BL artists despite getting turned down. His interactions with Nekoyashiki are precious.
Takkun is Nekoyashiki’s fan. He is inspired by Nekoyashiki and worked hard to establish himself as a wall circle doujinshika.
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His rise from a consumer to producer of doujin and finally a wall circle doujinshika mirror's Nekoyashiki’s journey. Moreover, his rise is contrasted with Nekoyashiki’s fall.
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Also, one of two characters on his doujin cover looks a lot like him.
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Unlike Framboise and Takkun who draw what they like, Nekoyashiki draws to be recognized.
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Nekoyashiki draws a second season to his previous work Please Suck on my Enormous, Manly Tits. Despite Yamada’s best hopes, it is not popular at all and loses Nekoyashiki his position as a wall circle doujinshika. He bids goodbye to Suck My Manly Tits series and to ero-manga sub-genre in general.
In a desperate attempt to climb back into popularity, he tries classic BL pairing. We get to see him reading commercial BL as a part of his research. This is an obvious mistake. Yamada wants to intervene but hesitates and ultimately gives up.
When his next doujin, My Perfect Boss Became My Perfect Spouse, also flops, he loses his resolve to be a mangaka.
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Yamada asks Nekoyashiki to be more honest and expressive in his creation.
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In the end, Nekoyashiki creates a doujin inspired by his own relationship and aspirations – a work that, Framboise and Yamada notices, is to Nekoyashiki’s satisfaction.   
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It is common for at least some characters by male BL and gei comi mangakas (who have revealed themselves) to look at least a little bit like themselves. To see examples, check out the beginning of Massive: Gay Erotic Manga and the Men Who Make It where representative art and artists are placed side by side. Some even acknowledge this. e.g. Chinese BL manhuajia Liang Azha once commented on how his shou (uke) tend to look like him as he is today and his gong (seme) resemble his looks from his college days. Moreover, art tend to inspire clothing, haircuts, and other features which in turn inspire art. The influence Tom of Finland had on androphilic men of his days and they on him is discussed in his 2017 biopic. Similarly, mangakas are influenced by their senpais in the field and sometimes it is noticeable in their art too. e.g. Gengoroh Tagame’s historical works looks quite a bit like those of Go Mishima.
Other BL doujinshika in Live-action BL
Yoh from Taikan Yoho (2023) creates his first BL doujin, inspired by his ikemen boyfriend and their relationship, in collaboration with his mangaka friend Manju after his career as commercial mangaka of straight ero-manga takes a nose-dive.
BL Metamorphosis (2022) depicted the process of BL doujin creation in detail as the main character, Sayama Urara, embarks on that journey. Her friends offer her support, especially Ichinoi Yuki who funds the printing and binding. Sayama Urara doesn’t debut as doujinshika as she doesn’t set up her booth at the convention. However, one of the copies lands in the hand of one of her favorite authors Komeda Yu whose commercial BL work Kimi no Koto dake Miteitai was what brought Sayama Urara and Ichinoi Yuki together.
Komeda Yu on the other hand is a doujinshika turned commercial BL mangaka. She visits the convention in hopes of overcoming writer’s block and to rediscover her passion for drawing. She is motivated by the doujin that Sayama Urara created and emerges out of slump to continue with her series. 
Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (2022) revolves around Soichiro Hibiki, a fudanshi bartender moonlighting as a BL doujinshika, who draws inspiration from his customers and fellow bar staff to fuel his passion.
Minamoto Kazuki
While narrative drives home the point that the various pieces of art we see are works of respective doujinshika characters through haircuts and body types, the fact remains that most of those are actual doujin by Minamoto Kazuki aka MELU. He belongs to the circle: GOOD BYE LIFE.
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In case anyone want to read them, here are the links:
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Kumabayashi at Work Has Not Underwear Line
One Million Miles: The Complete Collection
Competition Swimming Brief in Suit Man
A Midsummer Night's Beach Story: SM Assault Works 2
Suck My Manly Tits manga: 俺の雄っぱいがでっかくなっちまうくらいちゅーちゅー吸ってくれ
"Suck My Manly Tits" doujin is in its 3rd season: 俺の雄っぱいがでっかくなっちまうくらいちゅーちゅー吸ってくれ3
Autobiographical pieces that didn't figure prominently:
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30年以上マンガをほとんど読んだことなかった彼氏がBL沼にハマった話 (A story about how my boyfriend, who has barely read manga for over 30 years, got addicted to BL swamp.)
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J庭でちいさな夢を叶えたゲイカップルの話 : Story of a gay mangaka and his boyfriend who participated in J.GARDEN, and their little dream that came true.
The cover of this doujin got live-action adaptation in one scene that one would miss if not looking closely:
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Other interesting works by Minamoto Kazuki
Autobiographical: Shōjo Mangaka no Minamoto-san ga Kaminguauto Shimasu.
2. Those with English translation:
The Midnight Association for The Broken Hearted
The salaryman who has a fetish for suit gets horny.
The Gay Who Turned Kaiju
3. Essay-manga about doujin-making
4. About Kabe Koji (2022) live-action:
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This is dedicated to @bengiyo and @liyazaki for gifs featuring Framboise. Thank you very much. While I was trying my hand at a review for One Room Angel (2023) and wanted to express my disappointment at the lean ikemen casting for Kouki’s role, I got an opportunity to use those gifs. I really wish someone would create some gifs for SHIMBASHI TUGBOAT content too.
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(Especially this scene.)
For someone who is as much a fan of “tribes” as BenZi, I would not mind playing the 9Monster live-action BL bingo version.
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miskatonicwhaler · 1 year
*vague spoilers for The Magnus Archives*
It's probably been said before but I just think, as a side gig. Annabelle Cane can help other avatars set up their own websites/apps
Hello Flesh: presenting Jared's meat kit delivery service for bodybuilders!
I was gonna make up some horrible real estate app for Helen but zillow already exists, Annabelle just helps her set up an agent profile. Delightfully, victims don't have to be convinced to open a suspicious door, virtual tours are all the rage and people just can't stop clicking through houses, and the more mindbendingly awful the house the more views it gets, it's free fear
Peter doesn't bother with running his site but it's a chatbot dating app called LonelyEyes because he wasn't listening when Annabelle suggested the name
Mike Crew starts an online support group for people dealing with burns and scars. And if members sometimes post about run-ins with bullies, and if those bullies then have a tendency to accidentally fall off skyscrapers or disappear mysteriously while on holiday, that would sure be weird oh well shrug emoji (Mike runs his own site but Annabelle helps out with a little discreet web-sleuthing when needed)
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Slips through cracks
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A/N: Idk where this monstrosity TW of a beast came from but hope someone enjoys!
Rating: Explicit
Tags: TW implied ab*se, past underage, incest, weird manipulation and childhood trauma, Aegon being Aegon, drug and alcohol abuse. Modern!au, Frottage, fucked ass up greens, Daeron’s twin reader, she’s of age in this, nepo baby Aegon with a coke problem, Daddy Criston hours, I attempted to use English terms👍🏻 xoxo your pathetic American, toxic relationships
Oh boy, the trip to Oldtown. The whole family has to go see Daeron play in the Westeros Cup of football. You included. Ripped from an Essosi holiday break to cohabitate with the most dysfunctional unit of all time for a weekend. Then you could fuck back off to your own pretentious private school, Helaena could go back to her cottagecore Etsy shit, Aemond to med school, and Aegon.
You clenched your teeth at the mere thought of him. Degenerate. Drunk. ‘Wild Prince’, Asshole. You could go on. He was videoing the plane, incessantly talking to his ‘followers’. There was no way he wasn’t coked the fuck up right now. Aemond sniffed and tucked his nose further into his book, eyes rolling at the eldest.
Alicent and Viserys had already made it to Otto’s place, sending Criston Cole to keep the ‘kids’ in check. Even though you and Daeron were legal adults now. Peering over your book you watched Helaena knit a sweater in the fine print of a spider’s web. She smiled softly and asked, “Do you think he’ll like it?” She was almost done and it did look damn good, Daeron would love it. Your twin was kind and definitely could find a way to insert the handmade item into his wardrobe.
“Yeah Hel, you know he’s going to find a way to wear it every chance possible,” you laughed.
“Darling Daeron,” she sighed under her breath, eyes dreamy. You watched her nimble fingers, tuning out Aegon’s wretched talking and Aemond’s pointed noises. Eventually your eyes slipped shut, book falling into your lap.
“It’s time to get up,” he teased in your ear, you bolting upright with a gasp. Aegon smiled down at you, grinning lecherously, tucking a strand of hair behind an ear. You scoffed and stood up, shouldering him off in the process. Your big brother whined, “C’mon you’re still mad at me? I was drunkkkk.”
Being drunk does not constitute leaving your sister in your dorm for a night after promising a ‘real flea bottom party’ with his ‘famous friends’. You cried watching him being a dumbass on social media, plastered with girls and drugs. Idiot. You got an actual Uber back to the family estate, crying to Criston about your dick brother.
You ignored him further, wanting to rip that stupid earring out of his head. Aegon pouted, prodding further, even taking your bags for you. Which the dumbass never worked out so he was struggling. You couldn’t help but quirk your lips up as the eldest brother almost fell face first down the jet’s stairs.
Aemond snatched your duffel, easily hauling it over a broad shoulder. He snapped, “You being a pathetic clown isn’t going to magically fix everything.” You shared a look with Cole and snickered. Aegon grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets, “Oh get the stick out of your arse Aem.”
Helaena drifted aside, eyes on the sky, gazing towards the tower your mother’s side of the family was named for. You followed her gaze, frowning. It was a gleaming beacon on the outside, a gloomy vault on the inside. You hated it there, unsure why they couldn’t just abdicate the site to national affairs like every other royal did. Too proud.
Cole ushered you all into the limo, giving Aegon an extra shove and low curse, the blonde rolling his eyes. You sat far away from your elder sibling, asking Aemond how school was going. He replied in that stiff way of his, “More tests and research, then hopefully I can get my first residency. I’d like to be in a high-profile area like King’s Landing or Lannisport. Get more expertise.”
You nodded along, giving your brother best wishes. He hummed, “And your studies? Last I heard you’d rather play tennis.” You rolled your eyes and snorted, “I’ve given up hope, I won’t be a professional like Daeron. Finding myself with a passion for Psychology and it’s social aspects.”
“So you can figure out what’s wrong with the Targaryen bloodline,” Aemond said.
The aggravating ringing of Aegon’s phone ruined one of your rare conversations with Aem. He apologized sheepishly but still held up a finger as he argued with someone over the phone. It was either about one of his girls, drugs, or both. You rolled your eyes and groaned, watching the city pass by as the limo bumped it’s way toward the Hightower.
“Okay, whatever, fuck you I have plenty of others!,” Aegon spat, cheeks red from annoyance. Criston reached over the limo and snatched the cell, stuffing it in a coat pocket. Your brother gaped like a dying fish before demanding, “Give that back! I was in the middle of a conversation!”
“You’re getting on everyone’s nerves. Obviously it’s not doing you any good so why don’t we take a break, eh?” His brown eyes remained stony, arms crossed authoritatively. Ser Criston was basically the surrogate dad of your group, Viserys preoccupied with his health and elder daughter, her brood.
Aegon begged but received nothing. Eventually the prince settled down when Criston said he’d return the phone after they got there. The idiot instead rolled his window down to the crowd outside and waved, cheering with the people. You could see the cameras flashing on his cheeks, Aegon just sucking it all in. Aemond slunk deep into his seat and Helaena put on her noise cancelling headphones.
Aegon’s violet eyes turned to you, breathlessly stating, “They love me you know.” You retorted, “They love how accessible you are.” Aegon’s cheery smile faltered for a second, eyes flitting down. It didn’t last long as he painted the grin back on and blew a kiss to a girl decked in Oldtown’s team colors.
Eventually the limo pulled into the high gates surrounding the tower. Attendants were already getting your bags and taking them to the assigned rooms. Your mother, Alicent, and grandpa Otto waited by one of the many grand doors. She hugged and kissed you, blessing the seven for your safe arrival. The same spiel happened except for Aegon who got a stiff kiss on the cheek. Otto and Helaena shared an embrace, your sister happily chattering to him about her sweater for Daeron.
You raised a brow and asked, “Where is Daeron anyways? With the team still?” You checked your phone to see if you missed a text. Alicent replied, “He’ll be here later, they’re finishing up practice currently.” You frowned. Daeron had better get here quick or you feared someone was going to get stuck with a knife.
Criston held out Aegon’s phone to the blonde, who snatched it up greedily. His ringed fingers and violet eyes soaked up whatever minutes he had missed. You asked, “Can I go to my room? I have a headache.” Otto put his hand at the small of your waist and said, “Yes, come on, I’ll get someone to bring you water and medicine.”
You must’ve been really tired, blinking open your groggy eyes to see that hours had passed. Stretching your body you let out a little squeak, happy to have some alone time. Then the door crashed open and a freshly showered Daeron cheered, “Sister!” You grinned and hopped out of the bed as fast as possible, tripping in the process but your sibling caught you easily.
You pulled the taller twin into a hug, gushing, “This is so exciting! Look at you, Mister Oldtown Football himself.” Daeron blushed and rolled his eyes, “Nothing but hard work, I swear,” he added lowly, “And beating off bloodsuckers.” You smirked and both of you simultaneously said, “Aegon!”
Daeron groaned, “Yes, I had to come find you so he’d stop getting me on his social media shite. He went out to party though, so we’re clear for dinner.” You laughed and replied, “Well, let’s go have some family bonding. You need to tell me all about your year.”
“No you, freezing away in the North like that.”
Bonding with Daeron was exactly what you needed. Even dinner was not unpleasant, Viserys in a jovial mood. No one spoke of the elephant in the room. Your twin did slide his phone over to you later in the sitting room, dramatically pantomiming a gag. The video was of Aegon draining a shot between some broad’s tits. You could see the coke on the table in the back, loads of it.
Aemond peered over and barked a laugh, “Oh he’s going to be a nightmare in the morning.”
You swallowed at the comment, a thought leaving as soon as it appeared.
You grumbled, “Hopefully Cole will leave him out there.” Daeron smirked, “Someone’s still mad about summer.” You batted Daeron’s shoulder, now clad in Hel’s sweater. You pouted, “Try getting left alone all night! It sucked.” Your twin gave you a look, murmuring, “I know he’s your favorite for some reason but you shouldn’t trust Aegon.” You leveled him with a glare.
Daeron dropped the subject and the rest of the evening went smoothly. You went to bed when your twin had to return to the team complex. You tossed around for a bit, wondering about your eldest brother. Eventually sleep graced you. Not for long.
You groggily beat at whoever was in your bed. You rasped, “There’s no ghosts here Daeron.” Then realization hit you. Daeron was across Oldtown. Bolting upright you flicked on the lamp to be greeted with a disheveled Aegon. His purple eyes were big and sad. Obviously he’d been crying. Your big brother was likely suffering from a coke crash into a sad drunk fit.
You cursed, “The fuck are you doing? How did you get here?”
Aegon’s plush lips wobbled as he sniffed, “Cole got me.”
“Why are you crying?”
Aegon sniveled some more, “Did you mean that earlier? Does anyone like me? Why do y-you hate me?”
You gawked at him, perplexed by the behavior. Throwing up your hands you demanded, “Aegon you’re twenty-four years old, why are you crying in my bed like we’re children? I don’t hate you, you’re just a selfish prick.”
The blonde threw himself on top of you with another cry, apologizing profusely. You sighed, “Thanks- I guess. It hurt my feelings when you left me alone all night. I thought I was more important than that, big brother.” If you were turning the screws on him, that was your business alone, but it worked like a charm.
He pulled back and shook his pale locks, blubbering, “No-no-no you are so important to me, I am a selfish prick! I’ll make it up to you when Daeron wins!” Aegon was embarrassingly pathetic. But here you were, rubbing his heaving back while he whimpered, “No one gets me like you do.” You idly wondered if he said this to other girls or just his sister, which had long been a strangeness never deeply thought about. It’s just something that was, is.
You sighed, “I love you big brother, of course I get you, now can you get the booze clothes off and we can go to bed? I have some leftover headache stuff you can take.” He snuffled into your neck, wetting your skin with more tears. Shoving the man off you gently ushered him along.
“Promise you love me? I love you more than anything little sister,” he whispered into the darkness once the light clicked off.
You replied, eyes unblinking up into the inky black of the room while he cuddled into you, “Love you more than anything big brother.” A tear slipped down your cheek but you arms were too busy wrapped around Aegon to wipe it.
You awoke again tucked into his frame like many a night from the past. He always came back to you. As soon as Daeron and you grew up enough to not be attached at the hip, that’s when Aegon sunk his talons in.
He pressed little sleepy kisses to your neck, humming in contentment. Aegon murmured, “Smell so sweet. My perfect sister.” You swallowed at the feeling of his cock swollen and nestled between your thighs, only separated by thin cotton. Wetness had already seeped out your cunt, probably started when you were still asleep.
You chided, “A-Aegon, what if mother walks in?”
He whined, “C’mon, please, missed my sister’s pussy, please baby.” You found your will crumbling at the sounds of his breathless grunts and hot cock rubbing against your swollen folds. Aegon moaned like a needy whore in your ear, rutting harder and whimpering like he couldn’t enough. His hands grabbed and groped at your tits desperately.
“Hnnn- oh fuck, you get me so horny, m’so fucking hot for you.”
You rolled your hips back easily, playing into this mood. It was like muscle memory now, start baby talking him when he got this desperate. You pitched up your moans, “Yeah? Big brother all hard n’ achy for me? Gonna mess your little sisters panties up before breakfast?”
“Fuck!,” he cried, mouthing at your shoulder with a shudder. Aegon mewled, “Yeah, yeah- mmmfuck yeah m’gonna bust, so hard for you.” You taunted, “Didn’t even get a nut off last night? My handsome big brother surrounded by all these pretty girls and- oh- has to come rut into the baby?”
The tip of his cock was dragging the soaked material of your panties across sensitive nerves. You cried Aegon’s name softly, pressing your tits into his greedy hands, squeezing around his prick. He stuttered and whined, long and loud at your ministrations. The prince whimpered out, voice strangled by desire, “I thought about you, how much mmh- better your pussy is, oh gods m’gonna cum!”
You turned around to seize his loose lips, colliding with wet smacks. Both of you drooled and whined into eachother’s mouth, fucking faster by the second. The bed was faintly squeaking by now. You gasped, “Brother! Aegon!” He rasped, “Love you oh my gods love you.”
The elder seized up, hot cum soaking and staining your underwear further. He whined through his nose, exhaling on a choppy breath. You came soon after, Aegon’s whining and tweaking at your tits sending you over the precipice with a tight squeeze and muffled wail.
Your legs trembled as he slumped against you, pressing another kiss before rolling onto his back with a sigh. He jerked you over to him while fumbling to the side for his phone. You laid quietly while he slid through the messages and videos, a frown on his lips. He asked, “Do you ever think about running off to Essos?”
You shrugged, “Sometimes. I don’t think it’ll be much different for you in Braavos or Astapor.”
He challenged, “It would be just me and you. I swear.” The phone was put away petulantly, his red rimmed eyes staring into your own. Footsteps passed outside, your eyes nervously flickering to the door. Peering back at Aegon you said, “Just say the word and I’ll go, big brother.”
He seemed satisfied at that, lips curling back up. Aegon sighed, “Good. I’ll get going then. Love you.” He pecked your lips again and darted out an old servant’s exit while you watched blankly. Holding back a retch you texted Daeron, “Good luck today!”
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You're just like an angel pt5
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After breakfast, Miguel took your plate and washed it. The silence deafening and you could cut the tension in the room until the device on his wrist rang. He shot another web at you which covered your mouth.
"Yes?" He asked as a small projection of the lady you'd seen a few days ago appeared.
"I've been trying to get in contact with you for ages, why haven't you been answering?" She asked.
"I've been busy" he replied.
"Yeah I was told, were you aware an anomaly escaped the facility last night?" She asked him.
"Is that so?" He asked. He was certain he'd covered his tracks, so why was she alerted about an escape?
"Yes, I'm on my way to catch them now" she explained. This wasn't good.
"Are you sure that it's an anomaly?" He asked. She looked at him weirdly before speaking.
"What do you mean, am I sure? you said this tech is never incorrect" she asked.
"I know I said that but recently it's had a few kinks so LYLA and I have been working on a patch for a couple of issues, that's why I've been so busy" he lied.
"Well, I'm going to double-check, just in case," she said. He hung up before pulling you into a room and using his webs to restrain your arms and legs before putting you on the carpeted floor.
"This won't be for long, I'll remove those restraints as soon as she's gone," he told you before closing the door behind you, leaving you in the dark. The only light was the light that peered through the door frame.
You waited for what seemed like hours before a doorbell rang and that lady's voice could be heard.
"Oh I didn't realize this was your house," she said.
You tried to scream loud as you could to get her attention but the webbing muffled all your attempts.
"Yes, it is, guess my watch must be giving out a dud transmission" Miguel replied.
"Actually what time did it indicate that the anomaly left?" He asked.
"Around 22 o'clock" she replied.
"That was when I left, definitely must be my watch" he explained.
"Well I hope you can sort out those issues soon Miguel," she said.
"Yes I'll put it as my top priority" he replied before what you assumed was the front door closed, then the door to the room you were in opened. Miguel towered over you, truly settling into the hopelessness you were currently in.
He kneeled before you and held your chin in his hand as the talons on his fingers appeared, you could feel them threatening to pierce the skin on your face as he held you in place as he carefully dragged one of his fingers across your lips as sliced away the webbing. His crimson eyes looking down at you, longing for something.
"You're so beautiful" he commented before he made quick work of the rest of the webbing.
"You make me feel sick" you snarled in response. Revolted by his presence.
"You'll feel the same way soon dear, you just need time," he told you as if you were a child.
Whenever he left you took the opportunity to get your hands on any electronics in the house. You inspected them and figured out what they did. All of it made you feel exceptionally old, like how a grandmother would feel using a computer for the first time.
Right now you had your hands on one of his tablets. Looking through it to see if he might have useful information for you. A blueprint of the device on his wrist, the location of that lair of his, and any other hints as to how to go home.
Unfortunately, it seemed like this was his personal one for home. The only thing you managed to find were house listings on a real-estate site, was he planning of moving? If so, that wouldn't be good. You'd have to start investigating all over again.
Slowly you began to figure out what each thing did. You should have tried calling the police but that would not help your situation, if anything it would make your chances of returning to your dimension a lot slimmer.
Sometimes you wondered if circumstances between you and Miguel had been different, would you have fallen in love with him? From what others said about relationships he was what people would consider a catch. He cooked, cleaned, and seemed like a family-oriented man from the photos on display.
Perhaps his loss led him to do what he did, didn't excuse him from what he did to you but if you tried to talk him through his loss he might let you go, but you'd need to have some good psychological skills to do that which you doubt you have.
The door opened and you quickly hid it under the pillow beside you.
"You realize I get notifications on my phone whenever you use any of my devices," he said as he walked in the door with a bag in hand. You sat still flustered that you were caught.
"Sorry I was out so late, I brought home some Italian" he explained as he walked to the table and unpacked the paper bag, pulling out a few cardboard containers.
"I got us some arancini and garlic bread to share" he continued.
"Thank you" you halfheartedly said.
"What's the matter? If it's about me being late I promise I'll take you out for a day" he said almost like clockwork. This is exactly what he'd tell his wife and daughter in this universe. After he'd found his family in that universe he'd quit being Spiderman and put them at the forefront of his life. He wished he could do the same thing for you but now the stakes of quitting were a lot higher.
"No it's not about that, you know exactly why," you told him.
"I can't do that," he told you.
"It's not that you can't Miguel, it's that you don't. This isn't good for either of us and I know that somewhere deep down you know this" you blew up at him.
"I'm sick of being trapped in this house, I just want to go home and see my family again," you said.
"They probably think I'm dead after all this time" you continued. It had been almost a month since you'd been trapped here.
"Just come here and have some dinner, I don't have time to talk about this," he told you.
"No, you never have time to talk about it because you don't want to hear it, you're delusional… pretending that we're a regular couple" you argued
"I don't know if this is because of the loss of your family or you've always been like this but you need to find some professional help and let me go" you continued. Then the glass dining table shattered. A vivid blue liquid poured from the wounds on his hand, his talons exposed.
"This is for your own good! If I were to send you back your life would most likely end in misery, Vultures and any other villains for that matter usually either die or get locked up for the rest of their lives!" He yelled as made his way towards you.
"And you think this is any better? Locked up in this house of yours isolated from those I love" You argued.
"I was going to bring your family here as a surprise but I haven't had the time to prepare. Would that make you happy?" He seethes. Your eyes widened in shock and your blood boiled. You stood up and looked directly up into his eyes.
"No, I don't trust you near them whatsoever" you hissed.
"If you even so much as lay a hand on one of them I'll… I'll" you warned but was unable to threaten him. There was no way you were going to let him drag your family into this mess.
"You'll what? What can you do against me?" He hissed back.
Your knuckles cracked as you clenched tightly into a white-knuckled fist. Without even thinking you had hooked him in the jaw with all the force you had. He stumbled back a little and rubbed his jaw before his blood-red eyes returned to you. That was the first time you'd managed to inflict even a slight amount of pain on him but it was enough to trigger that hair-thin temper. Without your gear you were just a bird without wings, defenseless.
Before you even had a chance to react he grabbed the collar of your shirt and hoisted you in the air, your legs dangling helplessly.
"I've been patient with you, I've tried to accommodate for you whenever I could yet after it all you still reject me! You treat me as if I was some kind of monster" he hissed through grit teeth, baring fangs you hadn’t seen before.
"Because you are!" You responded.
"You want to see a monster?! I'll show you a monster!" he howled.
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radfemfox5 · 11 months
LOL that guy you were arguing with a few days ago changed his entire blog. i think you radicalized him LMFAOOO
here's him still malding about your argument: https://www.tumblr.com/mommabearlaciii/732929534465359873
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It's been 3 days, honey. Why are you acting like a martyr? Please move on. Get a job. Or a hobby.
This is doubly hilarious to me because he warns others not to waste their time speaking to radfems while wasting multiple days seething about our conversation, to the point that he changed his whole blog...
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Guess I have to address this in its entirety since he won't shut the fuck up about it. Buckle up, gyns.
For some added context as to why I immediately assumed this was a troll when I saw his post, this is what his blog looked like:
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Jeez, I thought, what a terrible troll. It was so on the nose as to be comical. I soon realized that he was anything but a troll.
I was incredibly tame in my response to his insanely misogynistic post, to the point where I chided myself afterwards for not going harder on him.
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In retrospect, being "civil" with him was the best way to go, as my reblog is simple, concise and clear: woman = female. That's literally it.
In spite of how simple my comment was, he still went on an unhinged rant mere minutes after I pressed reblog. It's honestly not worth reading, but for the sake of transparency I'll include screenshots.
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Honestly, I was shocked to see how quickly he typed this whole thing out. Rage must increase your typing speed.
It's pretty funny to me that someone whose blog name used to be "adult human female" got so incredibly mad at me for stating that women are female. Shouldn't you agree with me, if you think trans women are female? Hm.
Following this, I wasn't planning on interacting with him again. I left a one word reply and thought that would be it. He kept replying with questions, which devolved into an extremely long exchange in the replies that had some interesting moments. Like him elaborating on why he believes trans women become female, which boils down to "amalgamation of female-approximate traits = female."
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Source for his claim that sex is a bimodal distribution between two poles? No clue.
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Basically this:
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The graph he provided in lieu of a source:
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I'm confused about this graph for multiple reasons, namely, the fact that it conflates sex and gender. Mostly, I'm confused about the extremities. Are the people on the far left of the graph "ultra female", and people on the far right "ultra male"? It's complete nonsense, not to mention that he doesn't provide a link to the source this graph is from, it's a commentated screenshot of a tweet with the graph.
Looking into it, the graph comes from a blog post by a transgender real estate agent. I would not consider this a reliable or credible source whatsoever, especially when the post goes on to say this:
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You heard it here first, folks, having a small penis means you're less male, and a larger clitoris means you're less female. That makes total sense. I was half expecting them to include this image:
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Back to the post: I attempted to explain to him that being in the female range of a specific trait doesn't mean you're female, without much success.
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Speaking with him felt like trying to capture a feral cat. It was like I kept having to appease him with treats to keep him from hissing and scampering off. I've never had this feeling when speaking to any other trans person on this webbed site, they usually either block me immediately or have a conversation and then block me when they realize I actually have valid arguments to make. It was definitely a new experience for me. I have screenshots if anyone cares enough to see the full thing.
He did end up realizing I wasn't as complacent as he thought, and blocked me after leaving another beautiful essay in my DMs. The post that pushed him over the edge? The one where I made fun of the breastfeeding fetishist nominal.naomi. Why? Because I implied that males are ugly slobs that can't take pictures. Lol.
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It's funny that this interaction seemingly got him to reconsider his time on Tumblr, to the point that he did a complete 180.
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You know what, I'll take it. Some of his posts unintentionally call for gender abolition and acknowledge gendered labour inequalities. Sure, he reinforces gendered stereotypes while doing so, but at least he's saying something.
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If I can get a misogynistic lesbian fetishist to change his entire blog to regurgitate basic feminist talking points and think he's owning Le TERFs... That's probably the funniest thing to happen to me here.
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To be clear, that doesn't make him any less violent towards women he disagrees with.
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To conclude: This entire exchange has made me realize that I don't have that many serious posts on this blog compared to my previous blogs. I'll start working on some more serious posts. If you gyns have any suggestions for subjects I could discuss in more of a serious or analytical tone, feel free to shoot me an ask or a DM.
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unisnake · 16 days
Have the team created their own superhero headquarters yet? Like in a cave? Or a fortress?
Webs: Well... 😬
Milton: Got it covered. Rhonda helped neogiate with the real estate agents and we got a bargain price for a piece of land outside the city.
Diane: Thank you Rhonda! 😄
Milton: I wanted to build our headquarters off the meteor crash site for symbolic reasons, but the city wouldn't allow us as it's a historic landmark now.
Wolf: To us, it's a reminder what were fighting up aganist... And a reminder of the meteor that started it all. That kick started our destinies. 😔
Snake: Woah, deep Wolfie. 😯
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Okay, so it’s fairly well established that on real estate web sites, “quaint” means rundown, “cosy” means cramped, etc. What does “requires renovation” mean? Does that mean there’s a hole in the roof and the whole place will fall down in a strong breeze?
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me next in SALT LAKE CITY (Feb 21, Weller Book Works) and SAN DIEGO (Feb 22, Mysterious Galaxy). After that, it's LA, Seattle, Portland, Phoenix and more!
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#20yrsago How to get free iTunes from Pepsi with every bottle https://web.archive.org/web/20040319061658/http://www.macmerc.com/news/archives/1270
#20yrsago Woman sued for file-sharing brings RICO countersuit against RIAA https://forums.musicplayer.com/topic/44111-ironic-twist-riaa-sued-by-mom/
#20yrsago FCC Chairman’s astounding statement of Internet Rights https://web.archive.org/web/20041022115925/hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-243556A1.pdf
#20yrsago Free WiFi influences 40% of Schlotskys’s customers https://web.archive.org/web/20040404003117/http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20040218005460&newsLang=en
#20yrsago Bnetd brief: a legal doc that sings https://web.archive.org/web/20040716143522/https://www.eff.org/IP/Emulation/Blizzard_v_bnetd/20040217_bnetd_Reply.pdf
#20yrsago Jim Macdonald explains writing https://web.archive.org/web/20040317104013/http://pub43.ezboard.com/fabsolutewritefrm3.showMessageRange?topicID=257.topic&start=1&stop=20
#20yrsago Story of the TiVo remote https://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/19/technology/now-preening-on-the-coffee-table.html
#15yrsago Geeks go to New Zealand Parliament to protest new copyright law https://www.flickr.com/photos/taniwha/sets/72157614045293527/
#15yrsago NYPD’s enforcement of non-existent subway photo-ban costing taxpayers a fortune in lawsuits https://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/18/nyregion/18about.html?_r=1
#10yrsago American overseas volunteerism: what really works https://medium.com/thsppl/the-problem-with-little-white-girls-and-boys-b84d4011d17e
#10yrsago Hungry man defeats TSA’s war on peanut butter by spreading it on crackers https://takingsenseaway.wordpress.com/2014/02/13/letter-from-a-passenger-i-made-a-bagful-of-peanut-butter-crackers-and-was-no-longer-considered-a-terrorist-threat/
#10yrsago American citizen and EFF sue Ethiopian government for installing British spyware on laptop https://www.eff.org/press/releases/american-sues-ethiopian-government-spyware-infection
#10yrsago Dante for fun: kids books that retell the Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso https://memex.craphound.com/2014/02/18/dante-for-fun-kids-books-that-retell-the-inferno-purgatorio-and-paradiso/
#10yrsago Tessellated Escher cookies https://www.flickr.com/photos/fdecomite/12598506655/in/pool-41894168726@N01
#5yrsago 童絵解万国噺: a wonderfully bizarre 19th century Japanese fanfic history of America https://twitter.com/nick_kapur/status/1062823813338091520
#5yrsago Public records requests reveal the elaborate shell-company secrecy that Google uses when seeking subsidies for data-centers https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/google-reaped-millions-of-tax-breaks-as-it-secretly-expanded-its-real-estate-footprint-across-the-us/2019/02/15/7912e10e-3136-11e9-813a-0ab2f17e305b_story.html
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grahatitties · 1 year
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extremewebtech92 · 1 year
Step Into The Future: Key Features of Modern Website Design
The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Just like fashion, the trends in web design keep changing, bringing in fresh perspectives and innovative designs. Modern website design isn’t just about making a site look good; it's about user experience, compatibility, adaptability, and more. To truly step into the future, it's vital to understand these key features As the digital realm transforms, so does the demand for top-notch web designers. Among the frontrunners in Pune City is Extreme Webtech, the No1 Website Design Agency in Pune. What sets them apart?
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1. Responsive Design
In today's multi-device world, responsive design is not an option; it's a necessity. A site must look impeccable and function seamlessly, whether viewed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.
2. Minimalistic Approach:
Less is more when it comes to modern design. Clean layouts, ample white space, and a decluttered look make for a more engaging user experience.
3. User-Centric Navigation:
A modern website ensures that users can find what they're looking for with ease. Streamlined navigation, intuitive menus, and clear calls to action are hallmarks of user-centric design.
4. Engaging Visuals:
High-quality visuals, from images to videos, play a crucial role in retaining user attention. They should complement the content and not overshadow it.
5. Interactive Elements:
Hover animations, scroll-triggered animations, and other interactive elements can make a website feel alive and responsive to user actions.
6. Fast Loading Times:
A site that takes ages to load is a site that users will abandon. Optimization techniques, such as compressing images and using content delivery networks, ensure quick load times.
7. Accessible Design:
Modern websites are built for everyone, including users with disabilities. This means ensuring that sites are usable for those with screen readers, hearing impairments, and other accessibility needs.
8. Integrated Social Media:
In the era of social media, integrating social platforms into a website can boost engagement and visibility.
9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
A beautifully designed website is of little use if people can't find it. Proper SEO ensures that a site ranks well on search engines, increasing its visibility.
10. Strong Security:
With increasing cyber threats, a modern website needs to prioritize security. This includes SSL certificates, regular updates, and safe coding practices.
11. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):
PWAs are a blend of the best parts of web and mobile apps. They can work offline, send push notifications, and give users an app-like experience on desktop and mobile.
12. Voice User Interface (VUI):
As voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri become ubiquitous, integrating voice search and commands into websites is becoming a norm. This enhances accessibility and user experience, especially for those on the go.
13. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):
The integration of AR and VR into web design offers a more immersive experience for users. From virtual try-ons in fashion e-commerce to interactive property tours in real estate, AR and VR are reshaping user experiences.
14. Dark Mode:
Popularized by apps like Twitter and Instagram, dark mode offers a visually relaxing experience for users, especially in low-light conditions. Modern websites now offer this as a toggle option for user convenience.
15. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots:
AI-driven chatbots provide instant customer service, guiding visitors, answering queries, and even processing orders. These bots make websites more interactive and user-centric.
16. Motion UI:
Subtle animations, transitions, and graphics can capture user attention and make browsing a website more engaging. Motion UI is about finding the right balance between static content and animated elements.
17. Content Personalization:
Modern websites use AI and user behavior analytics to curate content specifically tailored for each visitor, enhancing user engagement and conversion rates.
18. Internet of Things (IoT) Integration:
With everyday objects being interconnected and sharing data, websites will soon be the hub of this communication. Imagine a fitness brand's site integrating data from smartwatches, shoes, and even apparel. Web design will need to adapt to present and analyze this vast amount of data in user-friendly ways.
19. 5G Connectivity:
The rollout of 5G will revolutionize browsing speeds and website functionality. Web designers will have more bandwidth to play with, leading to richer media experiences, instantaneous load times, and more immersive interactive features.
20. Quantum Computing:
Quantum computers, with their immense processing power, will revolutionize data analysis and operations that today's computers find challenging. For web design, this could mean instantaneous rendering of high-definition 3D visuals, real-time multilingual translations, and AI capabilities beyond our current comprehension.
21. Data Privacy and Protection:
As technology advances, so do the concerns about user data privacy. Modern websites will have to place even greater emphasis on securing user data, transparent data usage policies, and compliance with international regulations.
22. Immersive 3D Elements:
3D visuals and interfaces will become more common, providing a depth and immersion previously reserved for high-end video games and specialized software.
23. Real-time Collaboration:
As remote work and global collaboration become the norm, websites will incorporate real-time collaborative tools, allowing multiple users to interact, share, and modify content simultaneously.
Customized Solutions:
Every brand is unique. Extreme Webtech recognizes this and provides tailored web design solutions that resonate with a brand's essence.
Expert Team:
Boasting a team of seasoned professionals, they bring in-depth knowledge, experience, and passion to each project.
Client Testimonials:
Their portfolio gleams with positive feedback and testimonials, a testament to their unparalleled services.
Innovative Approach:
They stay ahead of the curve by continually updating their knowledge and techniques, ensuring their clients always get the best of modern web design.
Extreme Webtech: Navigating the Future
Extreme Webtech is not just a passive observer in this digital revolution. They are active participants, pioneers even. Their design ethos reflects a deep understanding of these emerging technologies and the implications they have on web design. Their ongoing investment in research and development, upskilling, and infrastructure ensures that they remain ahead of the curve.
Their approach is holistic, understanding that a website isn't just about aesthetics or functionality in isolation. In the modern digital ecosystem, a website is an integrated platform that operates in conjunction with numerous other technologies, devices, and platforms. With this foresight, Extreme Webtech offers its clients future-proof solutions that are both relevant today and adaptable for tomorrow.
Name:- Extreme web Tech
Address:- B1 Flat No 23, Shreeram Darshan Phase 2, Opp. Sawant Vihar, Morebaug, Katraj, Pune – 411046
Phone Number:- +919405379630
Website:- https://www.extremewebtech.net
The horizon of web design stretches far beyond what we see today. As the lines between the physical and digital worlds blur, web design will evolve to become more than just about 'websites.' It will be the gateway to a fully interconnected digital existence. And in this brave new world, having the right partner is crucial. With their expertise, vision, and commitment to innovation, Extreme Webtech stands out as the beacon for businesses navigating the complex digital future. In Pune and beyond, they are the harbinger of the digital revolution in web design.
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kaijuerotica · 1 year
i'm gonna be real honest here yall, i know rwrb isn't good enough for all the mental real estate its taking up but also if this webbed site teaches us nothing else, you do not choose the brainrot it chooses you
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mttstructures · 2 years
High 10 Out Of Doors Family Activities
Along with a restaurant and a espresso shop/cafe, there is a snack bar/deli on web site. Free breakfast is served day by day, and visitors can also take pleasure in a free nightly supervisor's reception. Tour/ticket help, barbecue grills, and gift shops/newsstands are also featured at Aladdin Camp. The campground can present concierge providers aladdin tent and wedding services. Smoking is allowed in designated areas at this Wadi Rum campground (fines may apply for smoking in non-smoking areas). Set in a major location of Wadi Rum, Rahayeb Desert Camp places every little thing the town has to supply just exterior your doorstep.
I purchased my home in 1996 for $132,000 and now it’s valued at $425,000. If I needed to do it over again, I couldn’t afford my own house. The median value residence in close by San Diego is $848,000 and, in Los Angeles, it’s $898,000. Fund Script- reward card initiative that sells reward cards on-line and the varsity gets a percentage of every purchase.
We deliver world-class customer service to all of our artwork buyers. Perfect for my grandson’s Monster Truck 3rd party. If you stayed at this property by way of Booking.com you probably can write a evaluate. These guidelines and requirements goal to maintain the content on Booking.com relevant and family-friendly without limiting expression of strong opinions. They are additionally aladdin tents relevant whatever the sentiment of the comment. When you see a quantity of reviews, the most recent ones will be on the high, subject to some different factors (what language a evaluate is in, whether it’s only a ranking or accommodates feedback as well, and so on.).
Bathrooms embrace showers with rainfall showerheads, and bidets. Sign as a lot as stay within the loop concerning the hottest deals, coolest new merchandise, and unique gross sales events. This seller consistently earned 5-star reviews, dispatched on time, and replied shortly to any messages they acquired. When visitors keep at the property they take a look at how quiet the room is, how pleasant the workers are and more. We have greater than 70 million property reviews, and so they're all from real, verified guests.
The four boys and Mr. Hardy sat down on a row of tree stumps proper behind Beatrice and Lina and their mother and father. Beatrice and Lina were speaking about their matching bright pink tents. A moment later a tall, lanky man in a gray-green ranger’s uniform got here into the center of the circle. Ferry passengers have been shocked and the community was alarmed after police had to gun down a person in broad daylight at the Departure Bay ferry terminal. In an announcement published Monday, Visconti said that Blackstar was Bowie's "parting present" to his fans.
Ontario Building Code requires tents constructed underneath the benefit of a constructing allow to be situated at least three m away from property strains and all other constructions, together with buildings on the same property. Calgary artist Karen Scarlett mentioned she needed to create a calming house that felt ‘magical’ for anyone who stepped inside. The bigger than life dandelions painted on the partitions give readers an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ feeling, like they're in their very own private world. Oohing and aahing on the grand structure and manicured gardens of South Granville’s majestic estates is a favoured activity among guests.
Booking.com will make an effort to obscure e mail addresses, telephone numbers, website addresses, social media accounts, and different similar details. Lock in an excellent value for Aladdin Tente Bell – rated eight.2 by latest guests!
Plants required for varsity yard greening plan are very expensive. Kelly has an account that saves her 20 % at Meadow Acres nursery. If you're trying to finish your weekend with a Halloween celebration, I even have the right aladdin tents durban answer for you. October 31 will be Fanshawe's Halloween pub in Forwell Hall. At Fanshawe, we know how to rejoice nice occasions, so come verify this one out.
As per the Ontario Building Code, an allowance for the removing of the snow should not type part of the design. All material, textile or film is required to be certified to CAN/ULC-S109 “Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films” or NFPA 701 “Fire Tests for Flame Propagation”. In the Reading Room, dandelions are painted on the partitions as a circular flower lamp radiates a heat glow overhead. There is a yellow chair for reading within the nook, and a comfy aladdin tent rentals bench decorated with stuffed animals on the facet. A lace tent stands as a perfect nook for younger folks to delve into a good story, with plenty of books lining the walls of the room. In 1939, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited Vancouver as a part of their royal tour, and the retailers of South Granville exuberantly welcomed the couple with street decorations, flags and a welcome banner.
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sadhu88 · 1 year
The Dinacharya
This is the dinacharya I came up with for myself.  If you don’t know what a dinacharya is, Google it.  Some of the items are checked off because I took this dinacharya from my dinacharya document, where I keep track of doing it.  I’m too lazy to get rid of the checks.  How hard is one supposed to work, anyways? So, here it is:
Get Up - check
Turn off my alarm clock - check
 Drink a cup of coffee - check
Turn on computer and check the wall calendar - check
Wash my face
Floss my teeth
Brush my teeth
Use mouthwash
Use my tongue scraper
Clean out my eyes - check
Rub my eyes
Take a shower
Mop the floor of the bathroom
Brush and comb hair
Brush and comb body hair
Apply lip balm - check and lotion
Brush and comb body hair
Get dressed - check
Do my nails
Eat the 1st meal of the day - breakfast - check, including 4 shots of espresso - check
 Set up internet and apps and timer and docs - check and then enter one contest - check, check on progress on watchlists/progress on Google stock portfolio/plan how to spend my $30 trillion gains (through a folder in my bookmarks on Chrome) - check, add one property from real estate to my wish list for real estate on Gift Hero - check, check my gmails and check at least three e-mails from each e-mail, either keeping or deleting, sign one 1 petition - check, + 5 things on thisiswhyimbroke.com to my wish lists, and check Bing Shopping/online re:  what products are trending in shopping/go shopping and add 5 things to my wish lists, if there is anything I want, and check Microsoft Rewards to see if I have any points and spend as relevant - check, do apps, do docs, check the Microsoft monitor; add a rental like Airbnb to one of my wish lists, add an experience to one of my wish lists, add something from a luxury web site to my wish lists, and add 3 pieces of clothing to one of my wish lists
 The Pre-Schedule Routine:
 Get Dressed - check
Drink Morning Healthy Drink
Call Mom (3 calls/3 calls - check) - check
Spend money as relevant/buy stuff for $0.00/get free stuff in the morning
30 minutes after morning healthy drink, drink 4 shots of espresso - check
1 hour and 20 minutes after 4 shots of espresso, eat 1st meal of the day - check
1 hour and 20 minutes 1st meal, eat 2nd meal, etc.
Listen to binaural beats
Listen to music
Put on Hapbee for Wake Up
Watch part or all of a video
Get fresh air for 5-10 minutes
Open front door for 20 minutes
Read all or part of a comic book
Read all or part of a book
Do 20 minutes of research
Go in the sun for 5 minutes
Eat 3 leaves of organic lettuce
Eat a handful of sprouts
Smoke one dose of a mild drug/take/smoke one small dose of a drug/take
Take supplements/apply supplements - check
 12 p.m. -- take supplements/apply supplements - check
check the weather - check and set the windows/heat/a.c. (a.c. - check)
       -clean out my nose  
       -change hand towel
5 p.m. -- take supplements/apply supplements as relevant
-- use mouthwash
-- check the weather and set the windows/heat/a.c.
     -clean out my nose  
      -change hand towel
 De-smellify apartment, with the help of Hapbee Morning Coffee (wear for pre-alloted time/for 1/2 hour, going on to the next tasks as applicable)
Clean and empty ash tray
Ozonate part of Midtown for 10 minutes and check the weather - check and set the heat/a.c./windows and check for fire safety and check the fire doors and check the fans/heat/windows (fans - check) on the third floor; and check the storage room on the third floor to see if the light is on - check and to see if there is anything wrong or there are any fire hazards and check the trash room and check the benches to see if anything needs to be removed and check the hall way re:  stuff left there and check the elevator area re:  anything left there that needs to be removed and check the shelves by the windows re:  anything on/approve?, with the help of Hapbee Afternoon Slump
Check the Wall Calendar
Check Google calendar
clean out my eyes - check
Eat 2nd meal of the day - check
Drink a cup of coffee - check
Clean out my nose - check, with the help of Hapbee Master Your Attention, leaving on for 30 minutes
A bath in raw biodynamic camel’s milk once a day
Clean dead skin off corners of mouth/off lips in front of mirror
Clean out crotch, cleaning off any film on vagina
Clean out butt
Use tongue scraper -- # of times per day?, with the help of Hapbee Creative Boost
Floss teeth
Drink a cup of coffee - check
Use mouthwash
Clean out ears
clean out belly button
Wash glasses
Inspect body/check for blemishes/check for abrasions/cover scabs and cuts with raw honey and cover with a band-aid
trim nails as needed, clean nails with a nail pick, and file nails as needed; clean feet of sock residue and toejam and turn socks inside out and shake out as relevant (i.e. don’t shake out socks if wearing sandals)
Do morning stretches
Straighten up apmt.
Change hand towel - check
Do research online for 40 minutes, with the help of Hapbee Deep Work
Read a book/books for 1/2 hour
Eat 3rd meal of the day - check
Watch a documentary/movie for 1/2 hour, with the help of Hapbee Happy Hour
Eat 4th meal of the day - check
Take a shower
Clean dead skin off feet on Saturdays
Mop floor bathroom
Apply tallow balm to lips
apply tallow balm to whole body, including to hair and scalp and to inside of mouth and on teeth and to fingernails and toenails and under fingernails and under toenails, except for eyelashes
Use mouthwash
Use tongue scraper?
Brush hair 1x w/brush, 1x w/ comb
Brush eyebrows
Brush body hair
Brush eyelashes upwards and out of eyes after covering with tallow balm
Dry off crotch in front of fan
Dry off armpits in front of fan
Dry off area under breasts in front of fan
Check nose, cleaning off with water
Check teeth
Shake out bedding and air out bed
Priority Punch List
check e-mail with the help of Hapbee Email Mastery - check
Check mail with the help - check
Eat 5th meal of the day - check
Do Punch List I
empty trashes/recycling
straighten up apmt.
Clean apmt.
Air out closets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Do dishes
Turn over tobacco - check
Clean up tobacco
do laundry/take down laundry from rack(s)/hang up laundry /do hand laundry
Run errands
Go shopping
Eat 6th meal of the day - check    
Do Punch List II, with the help of Hapbee Zen Companion
Do stretching
Do 1/2 hour of cardio, do 1/2 hour of weights, do 1/2 hour of yoga, and do 1/2 hour of tai chi
Play online video game
Drink 8 shots of espresso - check
surf Google News/MSN News
Surf White House web site
surf Northcountrynow.com/another region’s news
Surf NY state news/NY state news archives/other state news/ny.gov/NY state government web sites from ny.gov such as the state Senate, NY state assemply, etc. - check
Drink 8 shots of espresso - check
surf Natural News, with the help of Hapbee Chill Out your Senses
Surf Potsdam Village News/other village/town/city news
Surf People.com/E! News web site/US Weekly web site/TMZ web site/National Enquirer web site
Surf Infowars
Surf Huffington Post
Read U.S.A. Today
Go through the magazines on Magzter and look at the pictures
Read magazines for 1/2 hour
Play the stock market for 1/2 hour
Do Hapbee Strain Relief
Drink 8 shots of espresso (3 shots of expresso/8 shots of expresso - check)
do mudras
Watch TV for 20 minutes, with the help of Hapbee Time to Lounge
Surf Dave Asprey web sites
Surf Ben Greenfield web sites
Read a magazine for 20 minutes
Read the newspaper for 20 minutes
Play a non-online video game (I.e. -- a PC video game) for 20 minutes
Drink 3 shots of espresso
Do Pranayama
-do sign petitions/surf the web/add a rental for vacaton to my GiftHero for Places to Vist -- Vrbo/AirBnb/Christie’s rentals/add stuff to my wish lists/go on social media/go on YouTube/watch docs/watch movies/listen to audiobook/surf the web/surf Huffington Post environment section and alternative medicine articles/surf davidicke.com/surf Ethiopian news/surf Tools for Freedom/surf CureZone/surf Quora/surf Facebook/surf Twitter/surf Tumblr/surf Twitter/read a book/watch a movie/watch a documentary/watch TV/watch a video/surf YouTube/watch one or more videos on YouTube/surf shamanism.com/surf The Greenhead for 1/2 hour/surf things on kids’ toys and kids’ culture for 1/2 hour/surf Cool Things for 1/2 hour/surf Infowars for 1/2 hour/surf Natural News for 1/2 hour/read magazines online or on Libby/read Life Technology news/read Good News Network?/read journals/stretch/surf Hungarian news/read the newspaper online/read the newspaper print version/play video games/surf French news/watch Infowars/go on YouTube/surf Natural News/listen to podcast(s)/surf CNN/listen to Rense Radio/read/listen to music/surf ABC News/surf NBC News/read USA Today/surf The NY Times web page/read magazines/listen to Genesis Radio shows/surf the Real News Network web site/watch Democracy NOW!/surf treehugger.com/surf Infowars/surf Project Censored web site/surf Mother Jones' web site/watch Infowars/watch Natural News/watch music videos/listen to progressive talk radio/play board game through video games/play card games through video games/play video games/throw the Tarot/read astrology stuff/read Green Guide/read Waking Times/work on trying to achieve my world change goals through my designated means/do research [immortality, The Carnivore Diet, anti-aging medicine, evolution, astrology, neuroscience, biopsychiatry, co-evolution of humans and diet, genetics, headbands, enlightenment, conspiracy theories, anti-psychiatry, history, The Weston A. Price Foundation Diet, alternative medicine, evolution, neuroscience, biopsychiatry, co-evolution of humans and diet, New Age spirituality, genetics, headbands, shamanism, conspiracy theories, New Physics, anthroposophy, New Age phenomena, psychology, psychiatry, anti-psychiatry, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, hats, cholesterol, the David Wolfe diet, the Gabriel Cousens Diet, Hinduism, alternative archaeology, alternative history -- especialy existence of ancient civilizations, The Feldenkrais Method, Estes psychology, eco psychology, Jungian psychology, green interior design, green architecture, parenting, pregnancy, childcare, heirloom fruits and vegetables and herbs and meat (?) and dairy (?) and other heirloom items like mushrooms and fish (?) and heritage food, vaccines, New Age spirituality, co-evolution of humans and tea, headbands, co-evolution of humans and sugar, futurism, Satanism, the devil, heathenism, shamanism, conspiracy theories, New Age phenomena, psychology, hats, cholesterol, Hinduism, alternative archaeology, alternative history -- especialy existence of ancient civilizations, green buildings (especially -- best/most green buildings)/other Green Goals, gardening, organic farming, secret societies, bodywork, biodynamic farming, parenting, chocolate, heirloom fruits and vegetables and herbs and meat (?) and dairy (?) and other heirloom items like mushrooms and fish (?) and heritage food, biohacking, biohacks, life hacks, cyberpunk, steampunk, alternative stuff, alternative lifestyles, lifestyles, luxury stuff, luxury, fabulous, fabulous stuff, music, comic books, movies, actors, actresses, models, modelling, music, musical theory, water, activated charcoal, Western occult religions, vaccines, biological anthropology -- especially -- best, English, French, English grammar, French grammar, English-French translation)]/surf CureZone/surf alternativenews.com/surf Alternet.org/surf E The Environmental Magazine web site/surf Rense.com/surf Infowars/surf davidicke.com/surf Rense.com/surf Mother Jones/surf Democracy Now!/surf Activist Post/do guided meditation/do body scan/do guided imagery/do positive affirmations/surf The Epoch Times/read the lyrics of songs and sing along/sing/sing to music/read the lyrics of songs/dance/dance to music/read an e-book/read a Kindle book on Kindle Cloud Reader/surf Dave Asprey info/surf Ben Greenfield info/surf Wise Traditions Diet info/surf biohacker info/work on my fame/surf GOOP, with the help of Hapbee Out on the Town, do some of the stuff from my wish lists (e.g. -- listen to music)
Drink 2 8 oz glasses of the best water
Do self-massage for 20 minutes, using Hapbee Wind Down
Do scalp massage/smile at myself once in the mirror/laugh once in the mirror
Do money-making endeavors
Do pinhole glasses for 20 minutes
do yogic facial exercises/do those facial exercises -- are they called facial isometrics? That Hollywood people do
Elevate legs for 20 minutes
Wash my face
Take a shower, etc.
Use tongue scraper,
Use mouthwash
Floss my teeth
pick my nose
check my calendar
Check Google calendar
check the weather and set the a.c./windows/heat
empty trash
dry crotch off in front of fan
dry off armpits in front of fan
Dry off under breasts in front of fan
clean sleep out of eyes
check that door is locked
take supplements/apply supplements
clean up clothes by end table, as relevant
Check for fire safety
clean up dishes
Make bedthe firedoors
Use Hapbee Bedtime
set alarm for the morning
Use Hapbee Deep Sleep and go to sleep
 apply tallow balm to lips
apply tallow balm to hands
Brush hair
Brush eyebrows
Put on pajamas
Set alarm as necessary
Do evening stretches
Check the weather and set the windows at the end of the hallway and check
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georgemrobertson · 1 year
Key Advantages of Online Shopping
Today, many individuals favor online shopping given its numerous undeniable advantages. Items are more straightforward to find and you can undoubtedly and easily request items without going to the store. Sufficient justification for using this service. Because more and more people have access to the Internet via desktop and mobile devices, online shopping has become extremely popular. An ever-increasing number of online organizations are becoming well-known and have trusted and natural sites. The e-business model is used worldwide to sell millions of products. Are you still spending most of your weekends at the nearby shopping mall? We have recorded astounding advantages of online shopping which you probably won't know about:
1. Convenience of online shopping:
Items are available for purchase from the convenience of one's workplace or home. The Internet makes it easier and more convenient for customers to shop. Additionally, canceling transactions is simple. To Buy Health & Beauty Products In Australia you need to contact us, as we have various products.
The factors that encourage online shoppers to buy products online are depicted in the following table.
The following are the top six reasons why customers prefer to buy online:
Saves time and endeavours.
The ease of doing shopping at home.
There is a wide range of products to choose from.
Discounts and prices that are good.
Learn as much as you can about the product.
We can think about different models/brands.
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2. No high-pressure sales:
In most physical stores, salespeople attempt to persuade customers to buy a product. Customers in online stores are not subjected to any kind of pressure, but there may be some pressure.
3. Shopping online saves time:
To pay for the items they have purchased, customers do not have to wait in line at cash registers. They can shop from their home or workplace and don't need to invest energy in traveling. By entering keywords or using search engines, customers can also look for the products they need.
4. Comparisons:
Organizations show the entire scope of items presented by them to draw in clients with various preferences and necessities. This empowers the purchasers to browse different models in the wake of looking at the completion, elements, and cost of the items in plain view, Some of the time, value correlations are additionally accessible on the web. Check our website and Buy Clothing Products In Australia. We have the best products from different brands.
5. Availability of online shop:
24/7, 365 days a year, the mall is open. In this way, time doesn't go about as an obstruction, any place the seller and purchasers are.
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6. Online monitoring:
Customers can track the status of their orders online, and shipping status tracking is also available.
7. Online shopping save money:
E-tailers and marketers offer discounts to customers to encourage them to shop online. Retailers can sell their products at attractive discounts online because they no longer have to pay for real estate and maintenance. Large online retailers occasionally provide comparison shopping options. If you are looking for the best website in Australia for online shopping and the best deals check out Always On Sale.
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tituszppk155 · 1 year
Property and houses for sale - Real Estate Agent London Ontario
LONDON, ONT.-- A flourishing housing market doesn't necessarily imply great times for everybody in the game. Passion for the London Ontario property market as well as a consolidated interest for providing the most effective feasible experiences for our clients. More for our communities try this, more for our sector as well as more helpful our customers understand their desires. Sign up for our regular monthly e-newsletter with special residential properties, ideas, market records as well as the current news.
We advertise your building on several digital paper systems varying in size from small-town weekly newspaper websites to nationally-recognized news media websites and apps.
Business opportunity is plentiful, the area varies, and also the community is increasing.
With our substantial experience that spread over 25 years and critical market knowledge, we aid you find the most effective homes available and also rent in East London.
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Are you aiming to let your property in London, however unsure where to begin? Please review our detailed overview to the procedure of allowing your building.
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