This is a PSA for (usually) American authors writing British characters, from a Brit.
The standard British tea is English Breakfast Tea, sold by brands like Yorkshire Tea, and PG tips, or Barry’s if you’re Irish. It is NOT Earl Grey. In fact, it’s quite unusual for someone to actually drink Earl Grey. The two teas are not interchangeable.
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If someone offers you a cup of tea, they mean English breakfast - if they have something other than English breakfast, they will specify. Most British households will keep teabags of English breakfast tea and instant coffee as standard (even if they personally don’t like it, it’s usually polite to keep it to offer to guests).
Having worked in a coffee shop, in my experience, it is only middle class people (and usually white women) who order Earl Grey teas, whereas English breakfast is far more universal. A ‘builder’s tea’ - aka a strong cup of English breakfast with very little milk - is commonly associated with working class men, but can equally be enjoyed by everyone (like me). If someone orders a black tea, this will usually mean an English breakfast tea without milk, as opposed to the type of tea. Making a weak cup of tea which has not been allowed to brew for long enough or which has too much milk will result in being mocked, and offering a weak tea to guests is very rude.
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Along a similar vein, we do not have cream/creamer in our coffees here. For both tea and coffee, the usual options are milk, sugar, or sweeteners. I live in London and yet I’ve never even seen coffee creamer in the fridge of Tesco.
Of course, I am sure that there are people who prefer Earl Grey and keep it stocked in their homes. Equally, I’m sure there’s someone who went to America and now orders coffee creamer from Amazon or something, but that is the 0.01% of the population. Not the majority.
Yes, this is a weird reader pet peeve of mine because it really takes away from the realism of the story. So small and yet so telling😂
Thank you for reading my rant! If you have any more questions, please ask. Now go forth and write accurate Brits!
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The Greggs I'm in just skipped 'She Looks So Perfect' for 'Ex-Mørtis' wtf is going on
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We just knew.
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Everyone in Gravity Falls is a better person than me cause I would have told that little shit Gideon to kill himself within seconds of meeting him ooooooohhhhhhh my goddddddd
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The Chinese goverment gave me my passport back 🎉🎉🎉
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Omds I love you too 😭😭💞💞 miss you so much sexy
Shoutout to @honestlyjustamillyfanpage
I fucking love you @honestlyjustamillyfanpage
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Clocked as a metal fan on the train while listening to Hannah Montana wtf is going on
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Omg also one of the builders at accom lowkey looks like the guy from Red White and Royal Blue (which tbf I haven't seen) AND I think that I just saw beardless Bogota on Southend highstreet so basically idk what kind of day I'm having but it's defo an interesting one
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My hand jewellery broke so now whenever I close my hand it looks like I'm pointing, but I think it makes me look like spiderman
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I forgot my pink elephant and Sally's ID took 3 attempts to print so suicide reinstated
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​Also I realised that I crosspost on WeChat and Tumblr which is funny cause everyone on WeChat posts cool, aesthetic pictures that make them look like their life is together whereas Tumblr is hell online where people go just to scream.
​Sidenote: a roadman just... mewed at me? Like not the cringe new meme thing on tiktok but like actually went "mrow" in my ear as we passed each other. What is going on 😭😭
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Am I going insane or were Korea and Germany not fighting the same war in 1945, just on opposite sides?
I don't like to get into it in Twice's comment section because nothing productive ever comes out of it but this made me actually put my phone down to think. Like I know obviously that the two countries weren't really fighting each other, but the Nazis were allied with Imperial Japan, how would SK not know about the swas? Tiktok is killing me
Context: discussion about the Chaeyoung swastika shirt.
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They're the same picture 😭
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Made at the request of @honestlyjustamillyfanpage
[I.D.: the ‘they’re the same picture meme’. The top part is two images side by side. The first image is the Berlin x Palermo kiss/unrequited love confession from La Casa de Papel/Money Heist. The second image is the Destiel confession from Season 15 of Supernatural. Under these images is the caption ‘Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture’. Below, is Pam from the Office with the caption ‘They’re the same picture’. End I.D.]
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"I'm Tokyo! I'm Rio! I'm El Profesor!"
I'm the guy who uses his one second of screen time to send Raquel a love heart
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Spent an evening w Milly, suicide postponed!!
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Lesbian brainrot so severe I just saw a sign for Chadwell and thought it said Chappell
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Millycore for Millyday @millificent 💞💞💞
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Mental breakdown so bad I got a call from my parents, a visit from my bestfriend and an intervention from my flatmates 😍😍
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Kendrick vs Drake is giving November 5th for locals. Everyone is coming out of the woodworks for some reason or another
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