#reading the madara story
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kiraristartwinkle · 1 year ago
me mention❔❕❕
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beebonkbiki · 5 months ago
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what happens when a cannibal god and a self-sacrificial idiot are in love and are both furries
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panharmonium · 4 months ago
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i am not usually interested in dramatically canon-divergent scenarios because the canon story is what compels me, but i've been obsessed with this moment ever since i re-heard it during my second viewing. from the perspective of someone who already finished the story once and now knows the truth - this was wild.
#naruto#naruto manga#pan watches naruto#team ro#WHAT was itachi thinking#i mean it's clear that he makes this 'change of plan' because he's taken aback/alarmed by how much kakashi knows#and my assumption is he wants to find out where kakashi got this intel#but for real WHAT was his long-term plan?#it is no secret that i am obsessed with the kakashi-itachi dynamic and like. this is just wild to me#especially given the timing - hiruzen just died so like. does itachi even have a contact in the village anymore?#is it *danzo*? seems nuts but.#if it is then this plan is insane. danzo doesn't love kakashi but he does respect him highly as a shinobi/an asset to the village#and i absolutely do not think he'd be willing to let itachi sacrifice a piece that powerful#was itachi just going to keep quiet about this if/when the Leaf asked where their most renowned jonin went? was he going to LIE about it?#or does the fact that hiruzen is dead mean that itachi *doesn't* have a contact in the village he trusts anymore#(hence him showing up immediately after hiruzen dies just to remind the Other Three that he's still out there)#except he didn't expect kakashi to sniff him out INSTANTLY and now he's taking him captive because...???#i don't know why#to torture him until he reveals his intel source and then kill him?#except itachi DOESN'T want to kill kakashi. that's established.#'why not just kill me? if he wanted to...he could.'#that's canon and it's GREAT and i love looking back at that very early line from much later on#knowing it's one of the pieces that clicks into place for kakashi when he's considering whether or not madara's story could be true#but anyway. itachi DOESN'T want to kill kakashi.#but if he takes him captive and doesn't want to kill him - then what???#there aren't any good answers for this because honestly i don't know that itachi's entire backstory had been planned yet#(like i think i read somewhere that kishimoto knew itachi was technically on the villlage's side from the beginning)#(but i'm not sure if all the details had been established)#in any case i remain FASCINATED
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tategamiis · 9 months ago
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currently in madara fever
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koheekyat · 11 months ago
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Proud parents
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surreal-duck · 2 years ago
AAAASH anon is a genius for asking for aira,,, and congrats on your 1k!!! wohoooooo!!!!!!! could i request a kohaku and mama please? doing Typical Double Face Shenanigans (or whatever in the world you want them to be doing) please and thank you!
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i really like these two!! mother and son of all time personal favorite thing about them is how kohaku tried to murder madara when he recorded him doing the bunny dance in nimbus fumble
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in 2017, we get the above from purple wisterias of may, where madara says he's worried about remaining human, remaining in contact with other humans.
then in 2022 we get spring night, and we see madara deceive and intentionally push away someone he was open and honest with when they met (quite possibly one of the only characters he's started out as open and honest with, given his whole. everything.)
and in 2023, we get last mission, where he severs that relationship in favor of working as a solo idol.
and then in 2024:
july: M∀N∀, where he's not a human but a "lost one"
august: dominant, where he's a demon
october: lupine halloween, where he's a werewolf
i had been wondering why he had so many monster-themed cards in a row... now i think i know
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normalestenstars · 3 months ago
wasnt the double face climax literally just madara and kohaku babysitting a kid? the kid that was otherwise a monster if madara stepped too far away from him, eating cables and tantrums everything, but once madara came he just calmed down and was happy. kohaku never even got a hug from that kid despite babysitting him too lmaooo
i mean they also disbanded for realsies this time but yeah the focus of their climax was babysitting j from what i remember.... why was he eating cables though
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yume-fanfare · 2 years ago
also i hated those days in between fine event story releases. can we not do that again ever
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aurora-nuova · 2 years ago
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Recently, I realized that this fossil aka my first madatobi one-shot had a few more kudos than I thought… so I scrambled to revamp and flesh this out into something a bit less cringy and more similar to my current style of writing.
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pachu09 · 2 years ago
I'm not really a Fan of Horror. I can survive reading it but watching it specifically? Let's just say I'm the kind of person who literally gets sick when the scenes are jumps scares or you know several people died....
Anyways, sorry for getting derailed...
But I do know how to think up Horror plots, I think this is the first time I will post something like this. I have a bunch of Horror plots but they're uhhh...gathering dust somewhere in my phone storage. This plot was also posted on my Discord so the members there already knows what this story is about...
Don't be surprised if some of the things down below are familiar. They are literally inspired by the many horror films/stories I forced myself to watch/read ( I know I'm an idiot for doing it but whatever 😅 )
Modern, Horror AU
The story will start from the POV of an OC who rented a very nice apartment but was baffled when he found a survival guide written by the previous tenant named...
Senju Tobirama
The letter was written like this....
To the New Tenant ...
Firstly, if you are a brave one I guess welcome to your new home. But if you aren't, please do what I have listed down so that you can survive living in this apartment for even a month. And if you do survive, leave behind this accursed building and never ever look back.
I lived here before you and I only lasted a year. I cannot tell you where I am but I know I won't survive after I finished writing this letter. Creatures that had been lurking in this apartment complex had been waiting for me to join them ever since I step inside this building. Jokes on these creatures because I would kill myself first before they can get their disgusting hands on me.
Anyway, I am getting derailed...
I pass this knowledge to you so that you and any other future tenant won't be the victim of this accursed place.
You think at first this apartment would be a wonderful home and at first it may seem like it. But a day later you will know that its far from not. If you want to survive and get out of this apartment alive; then there are some steps you need to strictly follow.
1. You will never have a problem with the landlord. As long as you pay him on time he will never grace your doorstep with his accursed presence. I have only dealt with him once for my 6th month of tenancy and let’s just say I never missed a day of payment again. If you need any repairs never ever talk with the landlord; speak to the agent you have a deal with and you'll be fine.
2. NEVER EVER use the communal elevator between 12.12 and 4.44 am. Just please don’t do it. I cannot stress this enough. And I cannot write it down in fear that I don't have enough time to explain everything properly. But please, heed my words and you'll never regret it.
3. If you heard a knock on your window at the dead of the night; never open the curtains and peer out. You will lose your sanity if you saw what's out there.
4. Please never leave any of your food out. Even from your pets ( if you have any? ). Something will come visit you if you don't clean up properly and it will take what it deemed what is most valuable to you.
5. If you hear any strange animal noises coming from the apartment below you. Please don’t question it, Akabane–san lives there and he’s a nice man. Say hello to him when you see him so that he won't find you rude. If the noises started at the dead of the night. Never ever check up on him if you want to live.
6. The damp patch on the kitchen ceiling will never go away. Never complain it to the landlord. Remember rule number 1?. Yeah just don't do it. Don't even try to clean it or else the owner of it will make its presence known and again you will be in deep shit.
7. Never communicate with people who claim to be living in the sixth floor. Tenant, there is no sixth floor in this building. The number of the floor goes straight up to 7th. Not 6th. ( find the building history I had tape into one of the bedroom floor boards to know what happened to the 6th floor ). Shut and lock the door and use the three dead bolts I installed if someone came knocking to your door and try to talk to you. Those fuckers will be persistent....ready any weapons you have in case they try to enter your apartment. Oh and make sure you line every window and doors with salt. And put some on your weapons too I guess...
8. Weapons are within arms reach at all times. Sometimes things tend to slip through your notice even if you remain vigilant.
9. There is a committee for this building. You can join if you want, but most of them would never help you especially if you are the next victim.
10. Don't pet the fluffy cats ( or any other animal ) that will roam the hallways building. They are beyond evil and I will never ever forgive them. For they are the ones that had deliver me to the Devil itself.
11. The mailman who is name Hikaku is sort of an ally. How you treat him will increase your survival in this place. But for me, his help was a little too late. He tried his best but I guess because he's a Human he can never betray his own Masters..
12. Finally, if you managed to survived within the three weeks time frame. Congratulations, for surviving. But beware. Make sure all of your stuff is with you when you leave this place. Not a single thing you own should be left behind. Or else its game over, you'll be back to square one and you don't want that, ever.
If you're back to square one there are only three options that is waiting for you. Either you kill yourself first, you got eaten by the entities here or be one of the tenants who never leave.
The last tenant,
Senju Uchiha Tobirama
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beast-of-mosss · 2 years ago
checking in on you as you are a madaraP how are you
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Well, for seeing both Double Face and MaM disbanding/hiatus.
A bit sad, but
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I'm doing well~☆! I'm seeing this more as a growth and a healing Era for our dear Mama. I can't say much for the story (due to catching up and getting more finer details of enstars), but I really do hope that Madara sees more kindness in the future.~♡
Woosh woosh~☆
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mirrortouchedsea · 2 years ago
Madara stumbled into the alleyway, catching his breath. The blood on his uniform would stain. He’d have to talk with Anzu about that tomorrow. He couldn’t tell if it was sweat or blood dripping down his face as he wiped it away with the back of his hand. 
It was late. The street lights were too bright for him but he didn’t have much choice. He prayed to whatever god was out there that nobody would be out right now. 
He tripped over his own feet from the exhaustion and pushed someone in the street to the ground. He began apologizing, words slurring together before that all too familiar voice rang out. 
“Mama?” She asked, voice gentle. “What’s going on?” 
Madara finally looked up at the person under him. Oh how he wished to disappear. He tried so hard to hide this from her and yet-- 
“It’s nothing, my beautiful daughter.” He reaches out to brush her cheek with his hand in a comforting gesture, but she pushes him away. He rolls off of her, onto his back on the sidewalk. 
“You can’t lie to me like this, Mama.” She doesn’t sound angry. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. 
“Please, don’t worry about it. I’m okay, I promise, Arashi-san.” 
She grabs his hand and pulls him up to his feet. “This is your Double Face uniform, isn’t it.” 
It wasn’t a question. She knew exactly what it was. He simply nods, slumping into her shoulder. His body is practically screaming to lay down and sleep. 
“I’m sorry you found out this way. I never--” 
It was a simple question she had asked. Why hadn’t he trusted her? Why did he want to hide so much of himself from the people who care about him? 
Why didn’t he allow himself to get closer to other people? 
“I don’t know.” He’s uncharacteristically honest. He needs to look himself over for wounds. He can still feel his side wet with something that he hoped wasn’t his own blood. 
“Let’s at least get you back to Seisoukan, okay?” She’s still so gentle and shuffles forward with him practically draped over her. 
“Yeah, okay.” 
He would inevitably have to talk with her later, he knew that. She saw too much. But for now, he was tired, exhausted, practically falling over and she just wanted to make sure he got somewhere safe for the night. 
The two of them limped down the street until they finally reached Seisoukan. 
“Can you make it back to your dorm?” She asked, gently peeling him off of her. He still had someone he needed to talk with. 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Goodnight, Arashi-san.” He winced as he stood up, whatever injury was in his side clearly needed to be looked at tonight. He hoped that he could make it to Rei’s dorm in a coherent manner. Thank god for the elevator. 
“Goodnight, Mama.” Arashi rubs his shoulder comfortingly before turning around to go back to her own dorm. 
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starswallowingsea · 2 years ago
this might be sooo late already but im here to ask for any enstars story recs... Go off if you'd like 🛐 thank you user starswallowingsea
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OH i feel you on that anon I try to keep up with all the event stories as they release in engstars so i can really get a feel for all the units and that's kinda how i ended up falling in love with some of the characters I wasn't expecting to ehehe. And since my favorite unit is exclusive to the !! era, I kinda just poke around ! era for what seems interesting. I'll throw some recs under the cut though for both eras!
! Era
Steampunk Museum: Focuses on 2wink and Valkyrie and is where the line where Shu says he can tell the twins apart by their hair length comes from! It's just about the two units doing a live to help out with a museum that has undergone renovations and is doing a grand re-opening basically. It's cute and light and really sweet.
Duel: Trickstar v Knights ROUND 2 I think this was a continuation of Sakura Fes which was the first event and I have not read it but it was still pretty easy to understand either way. It is from like 2015 though so fair warning for canon typical transphobia towards Arashi. Another pretty light event.
Kabukimono: Akatsuki v 2wink! Mostly a focus on Akatsuki's developments post-war but there were some really cute moments for Shu and Kuro's relationship as well, and some brief moments with 2wink, as well as Yuta and Souma interactions.
Aquarium: I so wish I read this before Meteor Impact. It does come after MI chronologically but it does a good job of like. Laying down all of Kanata's problems and relationships. If you haven't read MI yet, read this first it will make a lot of sense I promise.
Obligatory Reminiscense stories here. They're all good I haven't read all of them yet but I have read Meteor Impact and Checkmate and it's made me wish I waited to read them for the first time. Spend some time with the units before reading these is my advice.
!! Era
Okay full disclosure, I've only read the events and scout stories that have been released in Eng (and even then, only the scouts they did the auto unlock for the stories + like. Honey Bee and parts of Vagabond and Tales of the Moon) and Crazy:B events so this list is gonna be a little less diverse.
Any Crazy:B story: Literally my favorite unit of all time I cannot even tell you. My suggested reading order is like. Spider -> Hot Limit -> Night Club -> Ariadne -> Obbligato. The only one I haven't read is Sudden Death and that's only because I am Trying to Be Patient and wait for it to come out in Eng <- suffering greatly. Lumping them together so this part doesn't become Crazy:B infodump
Conquest: Hiyori's song event. The song is fantastic and the event did a good job introducing their dynamics in this era imo. Drop a like if you want Ibara to swear more often.
Twin Peaks: 2wink event! If you liked Night Club you should definitely read this since it expounds on a lot of stuff touched upon in Night Club (I really like Night Club can you tell). All about Hinata coming to terms with actually starting to grow apart from Yuta and become his own person along with one last hurrah as identical twins.
A Dark Night's Passing: Double Face introduction! Although DF stories tend to put a lot of focus on Madara, I did still enjoy this event for them. They both have people they want to protect and keep their darker sides away from and really set up some potentially good dynamics. I haven't heard that Spring Evening's Respite (Kohaku's center for DF) was great for them, since it continued to focus on Madara, but their intro event was great and it's pretty timely to read it with their Climax coming out in a few days.
And this will be a scout stories section! The scout stories tend to mix people from different units together for their interactions which is always really fun to watch how those play out. I particularly enjoyed Reloaded which was the Tomoya Izumi feature with the "Zombie Apocalypse" happening while they were handcuffed together. It's very silly but also has a really good Izumi Senior Advice moment at the end. Also shout out to Honey Bee and ASOBI-- *I am forcibly removed from the post*
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koheekyat · 11 months ago
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Madara live reaction when saw his kouhai and boyfriend bro being cute together
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godza · 2 years ago
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lets kill this guy. im excited to play the new df song so i can make whoever i want kill people
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