#reading fanfics
santacoppelia · 2 months
Hiiiiii, I'm here for the ask game 5 and 6 make me very curious since you mentioned that you read a lot of fanfics!!!!
Hi!! Sorry for taking so long, I had a very busy week and a half with work related stuff sucking out every free minute and life joy (ha) but, as Crowley would say, "I'm baCK". *twirls*
4. what is (if you read) your favorite good omens longfic? (I'm answering this because you asked for fics... Take this as a bonus).
I believe I can read and reread "Stalwart Sun, Wily Moon" time and time again, it is one hell of an AU. "Too Wise To Woo Peaceably" is probably one of my "post S2" favorites (the way Muriel acts in that fic is my absolute headcanon).
5. what is (if you read) your favorite good omens one-shot?
I am the worst at reading one-shots, I'm always craving for more 🙈 However, the collections of ficlets that evolve into a whole new mythology written by Ghostinthehouse are absolutely lovely. "Demon and Angel Professors" is a total must-read. As a faitful admirer of the works of Feral but Fluffy, Give a Man a Mask is also a very, very delightful work.
6. who is your favorite side character?
From the book and season 1, I believe it is Madame Tracy. She is adorable and so, so happy to go with the flow with every shenanigan that happens... From season 2, I'm very partial to Muriel, who is a literal angel.
Thanks for playing!!! I love this sort of thing!
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The only emails that matter the most
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My daily dose of skk is always fed by this wonderful person ❤️
It’s like a daily hug from someone but them emails. 💕💕
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So like, I love fics. I love ships.
But i ship like one at a time, and I just get so obsessed that I read almost anything or even write for it.
But at some point, it stops working.
In first place I always read to feel, usually joy or just squirm out loud.
That's why I read, for goddamn feelings .
And when they stop working, I still dig for more. It's not the same but I'm trying. And it's sad but I'm trying.
I just feel hopeless.
Why won't they work anymore? Why?
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maxmayfieldxx · 2 years
i’m just started a 100,000 word ao3 fanfic and am already regretting it but it’s too late now
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yeehawpim · 10 months
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a comic about fix-it fanfics
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frownyalfred · 3 months
I’m using ao3 the way god intended: via 36 open semi-abandoned tabs on my phone at 2 AM the night before work
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mqfx · 6 months
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orcboxer · 11 months
those first couple weeks after escaping a time loop have gotta be disorienting as all fuck. all those little cues that used to tell you what's about to happen are now triggers that cause you to brace for something that isn't coming. you have to relearn the permanence of death -- hell, you have reacquaint yourself with the entire concept of finality altogether. everything keeps changing but it never changes back and you keep having to remind yourself that this is normal. "it won't reset anymore," you echo to yourself, over and over and over, like a broken record, like you're still trapped in a loop, like someone who escaped the time loop but was doomed to bring it into the future with them
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A friend sent this to me today and I feel attacked😅
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 2 months
crazy how fanfic authors drop the most beautiful and gorgeous pieces of work ever, leaving you speechless and sobbing at three in the morning as you quietly contemplate the masterpiece you just read
and they don’t get paid for it they just do it because they’re having fun and they want to share their joy with you
like I would literally die for all of you fanfic authors out there reblog to swear your allegiance to fanfic authors
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reidiot · 1 year
don't fucking interrupt me when i'm reading my x reader fics it's rude
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cult-of-the-eye · 9 months
I love how intricate asexuality can be. No sex at all? Sure! Just want to watch? Brilliant! Only comfortable with topping? You go girl! Only rarely feel aroused and when you do it's very touch and go? Wonderful! Kinky but not in a sex way? Coolio! Queerness is full of nuance and people are complicated and things never live in a vacuum!!
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starchaserfanatic · 8 months
My Friends/Family: Hey can I see your phone? I need to look something up.
Me, closing like 80+ Ao3 Tabs as fast as I can:
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frownyalfred · 1 year
want your favorite author to update but don’t want to be too pushy in their comment section?
here’s 5 things you can do to encourage them:
Reblog their fic link on tumblr (bonus if it’s with tags)
Bookmark the fic with a note about what you’re excited about/love in the fic
Recommend the fic to your friends or local discord channel
Draw art or create other media for the fic (as indicated by the author’s comfort level)
Leave them a comment when re-reading about the parts of the chapter/story that stood out to you the second time
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thatskindarough · 13 days
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“‘I just…I thought you might like to come back, one day,’ Crowley said very quietly. Aziraphale’s foot pressed against his again, and Crowley drew in a sudden breath, as if he hadn’t been breathing properly since Aziraphale had stopped touching him.”
This piece was a commission from the lovely @fellshish for their lovely friend, @alphacentaurinebula ‘s fic What Are You Doing Here? This fic is cute, funny, heartwarming, and incredibly spicy, and I’m very much looking forward to finishing it! Thank you Fells for being wonderful to work with, and happy (belated) birthday to you Alphacentauri, I’m very happy I could do this for you!
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a-wisebear · 6 months
oh i love leaving comments on ao3, you gave me pretty words and i give you my little words, oh i loved it, oh i have to tell you i loved it, ohhh do you know which was my favourite part? i'm gonna tell you, also it was a wonderful job and and and
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