#reader can return or the love could be unrequited. my personally i’d fall in love bc obsessive Makarov 🤭
eenochian · 1 year
Okay, this but with Makarov and it’s objectively more fucked up
I know myself well enough to know that I’d end up in the same situation 😭 “Watch me fall in love with a Russian man in a gulag” would be my video
Honestly a penpal situation sounds so interesting— but like. Exactly as you said. Make it more fucked up. Makarov escapes the gulag and comes to find you, reader has to deal with their “sweet” penpal suddenly showing up at their door. Reader never knew about the full extent of his crimes, just that he was spending life behind bars, and only finds out how “bad” he is after he escapes. Or, Reader jokes about getting married (“we talk so much, we might as well be married” y’know smth like that) and Makarov takes it literally.
I’m not saying I’d write/read that so quickly but if he broke out for Reader, and we got some obsessive Makarov… I’d fold 🫣
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
star lost with you | hyunjin au | part 14
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synopsis: working in a quaint little art store, you’ve had the honor of meeting all kinds of people, but you’ve never met somebody like him.
there were many reasons hyunjin returned to his hometown; a getaway from the ephemeral and fast-paced life of the city, so he could fall in love with life again. he thought he was prepared for everything, to study art in the way that he’s always wanted to, but what he didn’t anticipate was meeting you. hwang hyunjin realises that sometimes, the best things in life happen unplanned. 
pairing: idol! hyunjin x artist! reader
genre: friends to lovers, so much angst, smut, fluff, set in the idolverse, mutual pining, unrequited love, forbidden romance, slowburn (!!!) soulmate au (kind of), star-crossed lovers
word count: 35K (🫠)
warnings: cursing, drinking, jealousy, mutual pining, sexual tension, intense making out, dirty talk, mature content, sub! hyunjin, references to fingering, mentions of the word cock, dom! hyunjin, handjob, grinding, dry humping, overthinking, references to anxiety and therapy, slight confrontation, opens with a flashback
a/n: thank you for being so patient with me, and this story! i worked a lot for this chapter, and its very pivotal to the rest of the story, in terms of hyun and yn. in fact almost 80% of this chapter is just them. i hope you love it. its very longg so please grab a blanket and snacks before sitting down to read it ;)
i recommend that you can listen to my star lost playlist here!
important: all works are fiction, and do not in any way represent the real personalities or real people, they exist only as faceclaims, and are fictional characters.
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summer of 2015.
“Do you know why those stars are called Cassiopeia?” 
The constellation was more visible than ever tonight — made up of five stars, it almost looked like a Queen sitting on her throne, in the sky.
It was a real question, because you had absolutely no idea why the constellations were named after Greek myths. You’d read about it, of course, within faded literature pages in middle school, but you’d never been interested in astronomy, so you hardly paid attention.
Staring up at it now, you wished you had.
“Hmm?” He asked, and you realised that he also hadn’t been paying attention, to you.
“Cassiopeia” You repeated, pointing your hand upwards, at the bright stars.
“I don’t speak French, babe”
“It’s Latin…” You told him, “What are you thinking of?”
The sand between your fingers was icky, but once you got used to it, it wasn’t all that bad. The waves rushing over you felt calm. The sea was warm this time of year, and the only thing you had looked forward to all summer was this moment, right here.
“I’m thinking…about how I’d do anything for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich right now” He replied, as if he’d been crafting his answer with perfection for ages, as if you hadn’t just asked him about the night sky, something completely unrelated. 
You turned your head, cheek pressing into the sand, “Really, Lix? We…just ate”
Felix sighed, still staring at the skies above, but making no effort to actually see anything, “I know, but…I’m still hungry”
It was tradition at this point, for you and Yongbok to run away to the beach, lie down in the sand, and talk about anything and everything in the world, or talk about nothing at all.
He was the one person in your life you didn’t mind silence with.
You rolled over to face him, as another wave washed over the two of you.
He squint at you, “What? Don’t look at me like that”
“Like what?” You laughed, elbows digging into the sand, “The carbonara Hana made was good, Lix. It was her first time making that too, don’t be so harsh on her”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was good, but I just don’t understand why we didn’t let Minho make dinner, as he does every time. You should stop being a kiss-ass to Hana”
“I am not a kiss-ass” You rolled your eyes.
He sighed, and sat up, making you sit up too, knees digging into the wet sand. You fixed the red strings of your bikini, tightening the knot at the sides.
He stopped you in the midst of that action, hand landing on your bare thigh, “Please? Just one sandwich?”
“Why can’t you make it yourself?” You frowned, looking up at him.
“Because…I don’t wanna get up” He hummed, lending his help to you. His fingers drifted upwards to your swimsuit and he tongued his cheek, “You don’t even know how to tie a knot properly. Let me”
You sat back, hands resting on your thighs as he took over. His fingers were cold, making you shiver, and Felix smiled at that.
“Did you even hear what I said?” You asked, annoyed.
He squinted, “About the French chick?”
You glanced back up at the sky, and the constellation that you had been talking of, “Greek. I was asking you if you know why the stars were named after her”
“Maybe she was really hot”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m sure she was”
He looked up at you, after tying the strings in a perfect knot, “Then they should name a star after you too, Y/N”
“Stop” You laughed, pushing his hand away, “You’re just saying that because you want me to get you food”
He smiled, shameless, “Yeah I am. Please?”
You glanced towards the cabin, a few hundred or so meters away. 
There were no lights on, since everybody else in the house had gone to sleep. Along the rest of the coast, other cabins dotted the beach, of all sizes and styles, lit up and occupied by families or groups of friends. It was a hot summer and nobody liked to stay in their stuffy city homes. 
But the coast was beautiful, and serene.
“Fine” You hummed, reaching over to pinch his cheek, “But you owe me, Lix”
His eyes were bright and you could never say no to him, so you gave in.
“I love you” He sang, as you walked over to the cabin, footsteps light in the sand. 
You took your time, relishing in the cool wind against your skin, occasionally turning back to smile at Yongbok. His eyes never left your figure until you reached the porch, making sure you got there safely, even though it was the safest place in the world.
Soon, this summer would end and you’d be back at school, missing this gritty sand and warm seawater. 
Yongbok’s shirt hung on the porch railing, next to your sweater and you slipped it on over your bikini, before stepping inside. The cabin tend to get cold, even on summer nights like this, so you hugged yourself to keep warm, as you walked through the foyer. 
Your friends were sleeping, and you had to be quiet. Treading carefully, the loud creak of the door still gave your presence away, wooden planks becoming wet with your footsteps.
You blindly fumbled in the dark, finding your way to the kitchen.
The television was on.
It was a little past three, and static noise buzzed through the little house, flashing colours lighting up the living room.
“Hello?” You asked, trying to see in the dark, “Minho?”
A blanket lay on the couch, but whoever had been watching TV had already left, since the remote lay buried in the pile of cushions. Frowning, you picked it up, turning it off.
“Just because Yongbok’s uncle pays for this doesn’t mean we can leave shit on…” You sighed, in the empty room, hoping Minho would hear you. The cabin was small, so even if he was upstairs, he’d be able to hear you. 
Now that the television was off, the entire room was engulfed in darkness again, and perhaps it would have been smarter to just leave it on so you could navigate. 
You weren’t scared of the dark, but you were easily startled. Moonlight filtered in through the windows, and peeking out, you could see Yongbok’s shape against the dark horizon.
In the blue light of your phone screen, you spotted your headphones on the coffee table. You plugged them in, switching to a playlist Yeonjun made as you slipped the headset over your wet hair.
It was silly, that you’d be making sandwiches for him at this time of the day, but you’d do just about anything in the world for Yongbok.
Humming along to your music, you stepped into the pantry, searching for the bread. For some reason, Minho had brought back four different kinds of bread from the local bakery earlier today, and you peered at the labels, wanting to pick one which wasn’t multigrain, since Yongbok hated that.
Whispers interrupted your search, and you stilled in your movements.
“Yongbok?” You turned around, but you couldn’t see anything or anyone in the dark.
It was probably your music that made you hear things, and you turned back to the shelf. 
“There you are” You smiled, spotting the Whole Wheat Bread.
You stepped into the kitchen, packet clasped tightly within your hands and that’s when you saw them.
You stilled in your movements.
The bread unceremoniously dropped from your hands, landing on the musty floor with a thump.
What the fuck?
Across the kitchen island, sat on the two bar stools, your best friend, Song Hana was kissing your other friend, Yeonjun.
No. They weren’t even just kissing. Hana was halfway in Yeonjun’s lap, and his tongue was so far down her throat that this obviously wasn’t the first time it happened. 
Your reaction of surprise wasn’t loud, but it might as well have been like dynamite inside the quiet house because it made them jump apart from each other, turning to face you.
His eyes were wide, as she noticed you in the doorway, “Oh my god. Y/N. Hey”
So simple. Hey, I wasn’t just making out with our best friend.
You wish you could have just walked away without drawing attention to yourself, but now they were both staring at you.
You cleared your throat, thankful the dark concealed your shock, wondering what you could possibly say to diffuse the awkwardness, “Uh, I didn’t know anyone was awake in the house” 
“Yeah” Hana laughed, fumbling over her words, “I couldn’t sleep so…I came to get some dumplings”
Your gaze drifted to Yeonjun, and a faint pink coated his cheeks, but he wasn’t even looking at you. 
“Right... Jun?” You asked, making him finally glance up. Even in the darkness of the kitchen, you could prominently see the shape of his Adam’s Apple, as he swallowed, “Yeah, Y/N? Were you at the beach?”
You obviously saw them kiss, but they were hiding it, and there was nothing more to say.
“I…um, I just came to get some jelly, for Felix” You told them, “But…I’ll leave you two to it. Enjoy the...dumplings”
You immediately turned around, because you had to process this - whatever the hell you just saw, because your best friends were hooking up, and this was how you found out?
Hana had never expressed a romantic interest in him before this, what changed? Your friendship was too special, far too precious, to ruin with an impulsive mistake or decision like that.
You would ask her about it later, not tonight. 
You had to get back to the beach, to Felix. 
To something familiar, and comforting, and known and—
—A hand immediately grabbed your arm, stopping you in the corridor, in the midst of your thoughts.
You shouldn’t be surprised that it was him coming after you, instead of her.
Yeonjun was always the one wanting to fix everything, “Y/N, please wait”
He was always the one who never wanted to hurt you.
“Yeah?” You turned around, hoping you sounded as nonchalant as you wanted to, “You can keep the bread. I…I’ll just tell Yongbok we don’t have any”
“You’re hurt” 
Your eyebrows shot up, at his statement, “Hurt by what? The sandwiches weren’t even for me, I’m fine”
“You know that’s not what I’m talking about”
A laugh escaped you, “Then what?”
Yeonjun closed his eyes, “I wasn’t hiding it from you…I was going to tell you”
“It’s okay, I can pretend I didn’t see anything” You shot him a smile, trying to leave but he pulled you back. You stumbled towards him in the dark corridor, wondering where Hana was, if she was listening to this, and what she must be thinking.
“Jun…” You laughed, another forced chuckle.
A flash of regret painted his eyes, “I promise, I was going to tell you”
It was cold, and you were confused, but Yeonjun’s grip was warm, and understanding.
He didn’t need to explain himself.
You were…just surprised, a whirlwind of thoughts running through your head of everything that could possibly go wrong after tonight, and wondering if you really knew your friends as well as you thought you did. They’d been hooking up all this time, and you never noticed, and you never picked up on any hints?
You were more disappointed in yourself than anything.
He continued speaking, “I was going to tell you in the morning, I didn’t know you’re still awake, Y/N”
“I just didn’t expect that. Does anybody else know about you?”
He shook his head, “There isn’t an us”
You swallowed, “I mean, it’s fine if there is. It’s just…kind of something I have to get used to. How long have you been-”
Yeonjun grimaced, “No, you don’t understand. That was the first time it ever happened, Y/N”
Your voice fell, “What?”
“You just …walked in on our first kiss” He explained, “We haven’t ever done that before. That’s what I was trying to tell you. It just happened”
“But…” You squeezed your eyes shut, “What? I don’t understand. Are you…two tipsy or something?”
Yeonjun laughed, “I wish, but no. We’re...completely sober. Sorry you had to see that”
Your voice softened, tension falling from your shoulders, “You don’t have to apologise. I just didn’t expect...”
He nodded, a chuckle escaping him, “Yeah. You know that I’ve liked her for years”
You crossed your arms, hugging yourself, “Yeah…I just, I had no idea she liked you back”
He laughed, “I didn’t either, but she said that she always wanted to kiss me too”
“That’s good” You told him.
He lowered his voice, “Y/N. There’s something else. She said she’s in love with me”
Your eyes shot open, “What? In…love with you?”
He nodded, a smile on his lips, “I know. It was hard for me to believe too. The girl of my...fucking dreams just said that to me, like it took no effort. I didn’t think that stuff happened in real life”
This changed everything.
Yeonjun was only sixteen, and he’d found the love of his life, and you were so happy for him.
Your eyes lit up, “Did she kiss you first?”
He nodded, his lips still had traces of Hana’s lipgloss on it, “Yeah. She did”
“Fuck, that’s...really cool” You stared at the floor, trying to process it, “I was just taken aback, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to freak out or anything”
He shook his head, “No, I completely understand” 
Just then, Hana stepped out from the kitchen, footsteps timid, hands hugging herself as she saw you, “Hey”
The only light in the corridor was from the moon, and it illuminated their silhouettes beautifully.
They hadn’t even got together yet but you could imagine them being perfect together.
“I’m sorry you had to find out like that” She bit her lip, “We were going to talk to you tomorrow. I’d never keep something like that from you”
Yeonjun glanced at her, eyes crinkling, “I told her”
She looked up at him, mouth parted, “You did?”
The way they were looking at each other made it obvious. This wasn’t just a temporary, impulsive crush. Was it so easy to find the love of your life?
“I’m…gonna go up to bed though” She squeaked, and Yeonjun nodded.
She turned to you, “Is it okay if we switch places? I wanted to stay with him tonight. You could…stay with Minho, or Felix?”
“You’re kicking me out of our room?” You joked.
Hana immediately seemed guilty, “Sorry. I can move your things for you”
“It’s okay” You nodded, even though you had far too many things and art supplies for Hana to even attempt to move, and you could never fall asleep in Felix’s bed, but they were in love and that was the craziest thing in the world, so those technicalities didn’t matter right now, and you’d make do.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to move my stuff just for tonight. I can share Lix’s comforter” You smiled at her.
Hana walked away, and you were left alone with Yeonjun.
His gaze trailed to the kitchen, “Did you want something…from in there?”
You remembered the reason you’d been here in the first place, “Felix…he wanted-”
“Peanut butter and jelly?” He finished your sentence, “It’s almost four in the morning”
“Yeah, you know how he is” You laughed.
He sighed, shoulders sinking, as realisation sank in, “Sorry”
For what?
He had nothing to be sorry for.
Guilt overcome you, because you’d walked in on his first kiss, essentially ruining it and now he was saying sorry to you.
You frowned, reaching to grab his hand, “For what? I’m really happy for you, Yeonjun. I’m sorry I ruined your first kiss”
“I should be the one apologising. I know I was surprised at first, but you know that you deserve the best? I…know how long you’ve liked her, and I’m really glad she feels the same way. Why are you apologising for that?”
Yeonjun was looking at you in amusement, and he reached ahead to tuck a wet strand of your hair back, “You’re really special, you know that right?”
“What?” You frowned, “Why?”
“I was apologising to you just because…me and Hana finished all the jelly”
“The jelly is gone”
Felix turned to you, quirking an eyebrow, “What does that even mean?”
You settled back into the sand, still in your sweater, curling your legs up, “It means…the jam is over. They finished it” 
“Who?” His voice raised, in pointed annoyance, and surprise.
“Yeonjun, and Hana”
Felix sighed, leaning back on his palms, “Why were they eating jelly at three am?”
“I walked in on them kissing” You blurted.
“I just…I saw them, inside, kissing”
“Wait, what?” He shifted on his knees, towards you, “Who? Hana and him?”
You glanced at him, “Yeah, who else?”
A variety of emotions passed Felix’s face, and perhaps you weren’t the only one having trouble processing this. They would be perfect for each other, but what if they were not?
You buried your hands in your sleeves, watching the moonlight bounce off the high tide.
There was silence between you, the only sound of the ocean waves breaking at the surface. 
You had been excited for them, but now that you truly thought about it...a worry festered within you.
“I didn’t know Hana liked him back” He spoke.
“They’re probably gonna date, right?”
“I don’t know” He shrugged, “They might”
You traced a heart in the sand, “I’m happy for them”
He tilt his head, “Yeah, sure, you sound real happy, Y/N”
You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling crazy for even thinking all of this but you could tell Yongbok anything so you did, “I am. I’m just worried”
You felt like a child, but you had a tendency to imagine the worst case scenarios, “What if they stop hanging out with us?”
Felix’s eyes softened, “Babe…”
Your voice shot up, “Don’t look at me like that. I’ve seen it happen. What if they break up? Everything’s going to go to shit then. It’s a bad idea to date within your friend group, isn’t it? This could be the downfall of everything”
Felix sighed, shifting closer to you, “Nothing is going to happen”
“You don’t know that” Your voice now broke, and you felt stupid for worrying when you should be happy for them, “I don’t want to lose them…or you. You guys…are the best thing in my life”
“Babe, they haven’t even started dating yet” He chuckled, hand reaching to your chin, “Calm down”
You erased the heart you’d drawn, “Yeah. You probably think I sound dumb as fuck”
“I’d never think that about you” He smiled, “Your concerns are very valid…but I don’t want you to be upset about something that may never even happen”
You sighed, and maybe spending so much time around Felix had made you as dramatic as him, “But what if we have to choose? I don’t want any of them to get hurt”
“Why would we ever have to choose?”
“I don’t know. Like…pick a side between them, if they fight. You know that I can’t choose, I love Yeonjun as much as I love Hana-”
Felix laughed, “God. I love you” 
“Don’t laugh at me” You frowned.
“I’m not laughing at you, babe” He smiled, “I just think you’re…making yourself upset for no reason. You love doing that”
You looked up at him, “Lix…”
His voice softened, against the harsh ocean waves, “Nothing is going to happen. Even if it does, you’re not gonna lose us. I’m always going to be here, you know that, right?”
You grabbed his hand, pulling him closer, “What about…when you get a girlfriend?”
Felix laughed, “I doubt that’s going to happen soon, but if I ever have to choose between my girlfriend and you…I’m picking you. It’s not even a question”
A smile made its way onto your face, “Thank you. I would do the same”
The edge of his lip turned up into a grin, “I know you would”
Staring at Felix now, you felt the calm return.
The ocean was beautiful again, the sky was vast, the stars endless, and you felt at ease.
Things would perhaps forever change tonight, your best friends were in love with each other, but maybe everything else would still be the same.
“It’s a good thing, right Lix?” You asked, squeezing his hands so that your nails dug into his soft palms.
He tilt his head, “What is?”
“Love. Them…being in love? It’s a good thing” Your words were low, because you didn’t even really know what you were asking.
“Of course it’s a good thing, but it’s not just about their love. It’s about ours too”
You were confused, “Ours?”
His eyes swirled with intensity, and he swallowed, “Ours, like all of us. You, me…Minho, and them”
“What constellation were you telling me about earlier?”
“Cassiopeia?” You questioned.
“Hmm. That” He crawled over to you, “Which one is it?”
You pointed him in the right direction, just over the horizon, where it was visible, “The five stars, it kind of looks like a W”
“Right, and she was some hot Greek chick, right?”
You laughed, “Yeah. She was”
He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close, “Well, she...died like billions of years ago, but she’s still here in the stars, isn’t she?”
“What are you trying to say?”
Felix turned to smile at you, “We’re just like her. The five of us. Five stars. That can’t be a coincidence, can it? We’re not going anywhere, okay?”
Your eyes widened at the sweet metaphor. Yongbok wasn’t one for romance, or anything of the sort, but you knew he meant his words.
He believed them.
And if he did, so would you.
“The five stars” You smiled, feeling your calm return, “Immortal”
He laughed, “Yeah. So don’t worry about us. You need to have more faith in us, Y/N. Things don’t just fall apart so easily, they won’t” 
“I know” You laughed, “I guess it’s kind of crazy. They found love so simply”
“You jealous?” He nudged you.
You rolled your eyes, “I wouldn’t even know what to do with love once I found it. All I need right now…is a job this summer, something to do, so I don’t sit at home and waste my youth”
He laughed, “Right, there’s the Y/N I know, only in love with the craft. I’m sure there’ll be a place in town you can work at this summer. Maybe a café , so you can get me free pastries every day”
“Oh. I almost forgot. Are you still hungry?”
“I got you the sandwiches” You reached behind you for the Tupperware container you’d brought out of the beach house.
His eyebrows knitted together, as he stared at the box, “I thought you said the jelly was gone”
You lift the plastic lid, “It was but I crushed up some fruits, and I read online that if you add honey, it tastes just like jam…that’s why it kind of took me longer in there”
Felix doubled over, laughing loudly, “Oh my god. You did that for me at four fucking am?”
“It may not taste the best, but you better enjoy it” You mumbled, shoving the container into his arms.
“I know I will” He smiled, “And don’t worry about them, okay? No matter what happens, you always have me”
“Thank you, Lix. I know"
summer now.
It had been years since you’d made each other that promise. 
Tonight, it felt futile, as you stared at the myriad of overwhelming text messages he had sent you. You had texted him back, telling him that you weren’t home, but he hadn’t replied since then.
“More beer?” 
You looked up, to see Yeonjun stood with another bottle in his hand, a cranberry extract he’d brought straight from his freezer. 
You hated beer, but you needed it tonight, so you grabbed it from him. It surprisingly didn’t taste horrible, so you savoured the fruity flavour in your mouth.
“What did you say to him?” He asked, sitting down next to you. 
“I told Felix I’m not home…” You spoke, “I asked him if we could talk tomorrow instead? I hope he understands”
“I mean, to Hyunjin” Yeonjun cleared his throat, “You were about to go over to his place, right?”
You glanced up at him, chest wrenching.
Sinking into the cushion, you stared at your phone, “I told him I can’t come either. He…didn’t question it. He probably was expecting me to cancel anyway”
Yeonjun needed you right now, and you couldn’t just abandon him— no matter how much you wanted Hyunjin, no matter how fucking horny you felt after that phone call. 
Your legs still felt weak, your heart was still pounding impossibly hard, and your underwear was soaked, but that wasn’t important right now. 
Your needs could be saved for another day.
He would understand. Hyunjin would still be here tomorrow, and the day after that, and you could meet him then.
“You really don’t need to stay with me” He spoke, “I feel like an asshole keeping you here”
“Yeonjun. You were crying, at three in the morning. I’m not leaving you alone”
He sighed, taking another sip of the cranberry beer, “Did you tell him why…? I don’t want Hyunjin to hate me”
“And why would Hyunjin ever hate you?” You turned to him, confused. Yeonjun hadn’t done anything wrong.
His eyes were still glossy, fresh tears dried on his face, and you hated the sight of it. He wasn’t an easy crier. In fact, in all your life that you’d known him…you could count the number of times you’d seen him so upset on one hand.
He licked his lips, swallowing, “Because I always keep coming between the two of you”
“Shut up” You scoffed, shoving his shoulder, “You know that’s not true”
He was still serious, despite the fact that you didn’t blame him at all, “Isn’t it? You were literally on your way to see him”
“I can see him tomorrow” You shrugged, trying to maintain a semblance of indifference and nonchalance, convincing yourself that it wasn’t that important. After all, it would be stupid to acknowledge how truly dependent you’d become on Hyunjin for your happiness. 
It wasn’t right, and even though seeing him right now felt urgent to your heart, to your body, you would still live another day and the world wouldn’t end if you didn’t meet him right this moment.
“I guess I don’t need to ask why you were on your way to him at three in the morning” He added, a teasing evident in his tone. You looked over to him, the emerging smile on his face and if teasing you was going to make him feel better, then you’d indulge him in it.
You laughed, embarrassed at how you’d been feeling like a fucking horny teenager, “You know Jun…any other day you would be very wrong, but tonight, I have to say it is exactly what you think”
“I thought you two weren’t going to be anything” Yeonjun hummed, stating the obvious fact that you were carefully trying to circumvent.
“We aren’t. It doesn’t have to mean anything” You tongued your cheek, still trying to wrap your head around what just happened. 
It started out as just a simple phone call. 
How did it escalate to that? 
“Right. I’m sure having sex with Hyunjin won’t mean anything to you at all” Yeonjun rolled his eyes, “Sounds just like you”
You looked over at him, “Just because you’re sad doesn’t mean you can call me out like that”
He laughed, leaning closer, “I’m just saying. He’ll probably be a million times better than the boys you’ve been with. Are you even prepared for that?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, heart jumping at his implication, “You’re supposed to be talking me out of this, not give me more reasons to want to jump him” 
Yeonjun laughed louder, “Man. You should enjoy this feeling, while it’s at its peak”
“What feeling?”
“That feeling, you know…” He trailed off, trying to find the right words, “When you’re falling for someone…and you’re fucking crazy about them, about every little thing they do? I remember, in the beginning, I used to have heart palpitations every time I saw Hana braid her goddamn hair, or something because she looked so adorable”
“What?” You let out a giggle, “I didn’t know you care about stuff like that”
Yeonjun smiled, “I was into everything that was about her, or even remotely related to her. I guess I was obsessed, but I don’t think anything in the universe can top that feeling”
You nodded, and you wondered if you’d ever stop feeling that way about Hyunjin. 
It had been months you’d known him, years since you’d first seen him, and your heart still went berserk at the mere thought, “Sometimes when I’m talking to him, it…feels like I have tunnel vision. I can’t see or comprehend anything except him”
“I know what you mean” He smiled.
You swallowed, remembering the reason for Yeonjun’s tears, “I’m sorry…about you and Hana”
“Yeah. I’m sorry too”
You reached over, to grab his hand, “And I’m sorry your heart is broken, and I wish I can take that pain away”
Yeonjun’s smile was sad, in return, “Me too…”
The couch cushions were frayed at the edges, because he hadn’t lived here in a while, and you fiddled with the corners to distract yourself from everything, from his broken heart, from your pining one.
“Did he say anything? Hyunjin?”
You peeked into your phone, to read the new texts, “He said, I got a call from Chan too. I hope Yeonjun feels better”
“Yup” Your fingers wrapped around the ice-cold beer again, and you took a swig, hoping the liquid would be enough to calm the fire in your heart. 
“It’s from the 7/11 behind Aera’s” Yeonjun explained, as if he’d read your mind, “You like it?”
“I do” You swallowed, refreshing your phone to see if Felix had said anything yet.
Yeonjun was silent, and he sat like that for a minute, staring into the dark corners of his living room, until he spoke, “Earlier today, I was thinking of the summer me and Hana got together”
“I was thinking about that summer too” You mumbled, “Can you believe it was almost…six years ago?”
“Six years?” He laughed, “That’s insane”
“It is. It feels like yesterday”
“I told her I loved her that summer for the first time… and six fucking years later, it’s not enough. You’d think the person you love for six years, you’d stay with them forever”
“I know...” You realised.
“What did he say…when you told him you can’t come? Felix?”
Perhaps, on another day, you would find it funny that Yeonjun had to keep clarifying which boy he was referring to, as if you had a carousel of boys in your life to keep you busy.
You sucked in a breath, “He didn’t say anything. I just...don’t understand what happened between us. One day we were fine, the next he hated my guts. I can’t even remember the last time I talked to him, my own best friend”
“The only thing between you and Felix…is Felix himself. It’s not your fault”
You laughed, realising the situation, “I’m sorry, this is so…typical of me. I’m supposed to be comforting you, not the other way around”
“That goes both ways” He hummed, and you looked over at him. 
He looked exhausted, sat with his legs curled, dressed in silly panda pajamas. It remind you of high school, when you used to study together; you would help him with literature so he could help you survive math. 
You used to sit right on this very couch, frustrated with the books, wishing everything in life was as easy as painting.
Even though as of late, you’d contemplated why everything seemed to be against you, you realised how blessed you were to know him.
He looked so different from the boy you’d grown up with, yet still somehow the same. 
Yeonjun was only twenty-two, but he’d just lost the love of his life, and you could see that in his gaze.
It resembled yours, the night you lost the apprenticeship.
Maybe that was an insensitive comparison. After all, a lover couldn’t ever compare to a temporary two-year art mentorship, could it?
Yet, your craft was the one thing in your life that you know you’d have, even after he left. That would still be the same.
Yeonjun had the hint of a smile on his face as he watched you finish the beer, and he was so handsome when he smiled, but…the crinkles in his eyes were strained, forced. 
He was only smiling so you wouldn’t worry about him. 
“Why do you we put ourselves through this?” You blurted, the effects of the beer settling in.
He tilt his head, “Through what? Feelings?”
You chuckled, staring at him and the spots that dotted his cheek, “Yeah. Feelings”
“At least we have each other” He laughed, “I’m really glad you exist, Y/N”
You wanted to stop moping, and to just appreciate what you had. 
You shifted closer to him, so that your bodies would touch, and you wouldn’t both be alone right now, “I’m glad you exist too, Jun”
He immediately wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into him.
It was always better to be alone together.
The television was right in front of you, and the shelves framing it were stocked with old VCRs, and tapes and movies.
“Remember when there were five of us on this couch…and there was absolutely no space for anyone, but we would watch Say Anything over and over again?” You laughed, thinking back to all the sleepovers. 
You’d spent so much of your childhood here, in this room as Yeonjun’s mum baked you treats. Tonight seemed to be a night of remembering, and of nostalgia, and your mind felt clearer than it had in hours. 
Maybe it was Yeonjun’s arm around you, maybe it was the memory of Hyunjin’s voice in your head, or maybe it was the fact that Felix had finally reached out to talk.
You wonder what he had to say, but regardless, that was a problem the you-from-tomorrow would worry about.
You-of-tonight would just let this night be, and not try to make of it more than it was.
“Do you wanna watch it?”
You glanced at him, “Just the two of us?”
He nodded, “Yeah”
It was well past three am, and starting a movie right now would mean that you both wouldn’t get any sleep, but that was okay, and some sleepless nights were worth it. 
You had work in the morning, but Yeonjun wasn’t here for long so you had to make the most of those moments. This might be exactly what he needed, to feel better. 
“All right” You agreed, “Let’s watch it”
He got off the couch, stretching his lanky panda-pajama legs out. He wandered over to his cabinet, filtering through the box of CDs. You hadn’t used those in forever, far too used to the Netflix you shared with Yongbok, but perhaps bringing everything back to as it was, is what would make everything better.
“What do you think he wanted to talk to me about?” You wondered out loud, tracing the rim of your new beer bottle.
Yeonjun was sat on his knees as he searched for the movie, “Honestly?”
He stared off into space, hands paused in his work, “Felix…would do anything for you, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was trying to apologise now”
You nodded, taking another sip of the cheap cranberry-extract beverage.
“I made a promise to him, when we were fifteen… that I wouldn’t let anything come in between us. Do you think he blames me for what’s happening to us?”
Yeonjun glanced at you, soft gaze, before turning back to the wooden box, “He could never blame you for anything, Y/N”
You sighed, “Yeah”
“Do you need help?” You realised, as Yeonjun frowned.
“Could you check the other box?” 
You nodded, joining him on the wool carpet, rummaging through the box his sister had labelled.
“I swear, Yuqi needs to have a better organisation system in place” He mumbled.
“I miss her” You laughed, “How is everything with her?”
“She’s actually visiting soon, especially when I told her I was back in Daejon for a while” He smiled, “She’s almost done with her studies”
“That’s crazy” You laughed, “Is she gonna work in Busan too or will she move back here?”
Yeonjun hummed, “You can ask her all of that when she comes. I really do not want to discuss my sister right now”
You laughed, flitting through the various discs.
“Found it!” You declared, bringing out the DVD and handing it to him, “Will it still work?”
“I have faith it will” He got up on his knees, inserting it into the player, “Does Felix know you’re at my place?”
You shook your head, “He would freak”
He seemed to be pondering over it, “You could…call him here”
You blanked, “What? You…two haven’t talked in months. I don’t think he’d come here, even if I called him”
“Say Anything was his favourite film. Tell him we’re watching that”
You laughed, because the idea was so ridiculous, “You think Felix would put aside all of his animosity towards you…because we’re watching his favourite movie?”
Yeonjun nodded, “It sounds exactly like him”
You chuckled, “Yeah… you’re right”
You sent him a text.
im watching say anything…
If you wanna come?
i thought you said you’re not home 
im not
im with yeonjun 
we’re gonna watch it together
you’re at yeonjun’s house??
we can talk about whatever it is you wanted to discuss here
sorry yn
im gonna pass
im trying here lix
trying what exactly?
i thought we agreed not to let anything get in between us
or do you not remember that summer?
out of the two of us, i don’t think im the one that doesn’t remember that summer
ill see you later yn
sometimes youre being impossible and i don’t know what you want
maybe it’s better you don’t
“Any luck?” Yeonjun asked, and you glanced up at him, disappointed.
He let out a sigh, taking a seat back onto the couch, and you joined him. The disc player made a lot of noise as it started up, and you feared it may not work from years of no use, but the screen lit up. 
Perhaps the reason you liked this movie was because it was so simple.
It was about an impossible love, made possible, against all odds.
You settled into Yeonjun’s shoulder as it started.
It didn't feel the same without them. There were silly parts that Felix would always laugh at, jokes that weren’t even funny, and Hana would always be pointing out the inaccuracies in the movie, to Minho’s joy.
It wasn’t the same.
Everything had changed.
Would things be different today, if you’d thought with your head instead of your heart?
Or would everything still be the same?
“Do you believe in fate?”
He glanced at you, new bottle of beer balanced in his lap, that he’d took from the icebox near his feet, “Hmm?”
It felt sad, just the two of you, drinking away, at what should be the peak of your lives.
“You know…the notion that there’s a path our lives are supposed to be on, and that every choice or decision we make just takes us there”
“I don’t know, Y/N. Doesn’t that mean we have no free will? That everything is already chosen for us?”
“I guess” You shrugged, reaching for the bottle between his thighs. He let you, and you brought it up to take another sip. 
“What? Do you think it’s fate we broke up?” He laughed, “Me and her?”
You shrugged, “No, I guess I’m just thinking if I made the right choices this summer”
“What do you mean?” He turned to you, seemingly having lost interest in watching the movie anymore.
You picked at the fabric of the couch, “I loved how things used to be. Still, I was fighting it for the longest time because I so badly wanted everything to change too. I wanted to move out. I wanted Felix to support that. I wanted Hana to not be heartbroken anymore. I wanted us all to…stay in touch, no matter what, but now I wonder if wanting all of that is futile. I can’t have all of it. Isn’t that too greedy of me?”
“Y/N…” Yeonjun spoke, “It’s okay to hold on to the things we love, even if you want your life to change. You shouldn’t feel guilty for wishing that”
You bit your lip, “Because now I really wish Lix were here…I made a promise to him that I’d never let anything come in between us”
“You were fifteen. I made a lot of promises to Hana too, which obviously aren’t true anymore… but that doesn’t mean I was lying when I made them. People change, and priorities change. It’s not set in stone”
You nodded, “I guess promises when made, are just hope that even if everything in the world changes, you’ll still hold on to that person”
“Tonight at the pool, before the dinner party, Hyunjin said that he would finally tell me what was going on, with Jisung, with the media, and why he’s been so stressed the last couple of week. I wanted to ask him so many tim-”
Yeonjun turned to you, “Did you just say Jisung?”
“Yeah. Why?” 
“Um. Nothing. I just…heard about him…on the news”
You sat up at those words, turning to face him, “What did you hear?”
He sighed, “You really want me to tell you? It might be better if Hyunjin does. I don’t know the whole extent of things”
A wave of worry washed over you. Was the situation really so bad that Yeonjun, a person who didn’t even keep up with such news, had already heard about it?
You settled back down, because there was no point stressing over it now, “I’ll talk to him tomorrow, first thing. I hope Jisung is okay”
“How is his band anyway?”
“You haven’t heard their music yet?”
He shrugged, “On the radio, a couple of times” 
“What? They play his band on the radio?” 
Yeonjun glanced at you, smiling, “Yeah. Sometimes when I’m browsing the television, their videos also come up. Their sound is really fucking cool”
“That’s crazy” You realised, “I think I’d lose it if I heard Hyunjin’s voice on the radio. I’d...probably think it was fate or something”
“I have no doubt that you would” He laughed.
“I haven’t heard all their albums” You admitted, “Does that make a bad friend?”
“Depends” He shrugged, “Why haven’t you heard it?”
You fiddled with the blanket in your lap, “If I hear all their music, and his voice when he sings…I might fall even crazier in love, and that’s just…avoidable”
Yeonjun smiled, eyes crinkling, “Why…why don’t you tell him, Y/N?”
“Tell him what? That I haven’t heard all of his music? He’d hate me-”
“That you’re in love with him” 
“Why would I do that?”
“Because if he knows you love him, it might change everything”
You swallowed, “It won’t change the fact that he is who he is, and that his life is the way it is”
“No, but listen to me, Y/N. Love is a…it’s a huge fucking thing. It might change everything, if he knows what you feel for him, the true magnitude of it. He might reconsider his never-dating-anybody theory”
You stared at Yeonjun as he spoke, unable to even imagine or comprehend how Hyunjin could react to such knowledge.
To be told that someone was in love with you.
How would you react to something like that?
You’d never been in that position before, not romantically anyway, and maybe Yeonjun was right. It would change things. How could it not?
“I’ll…think about it”
“Sometimes, the things that can make the most difference in our lives, is the stuff that we don’t say”
“God. You’re like…a complete self-help book speaking at this point, you know that?”
Yeonjun rolled his eyes, poking you, “If someone told you they loved you, wouldn’t that change everything?”
“It’s hard to imagine. Maybe you’re right”
“When is he going back to the city?” Yeonjun asked, the one topic you’d been avoiding forever. 
Your heart stung at the reminder.
He was going to leave, eventually.
“Not till the end of summer, which is still a month away, so...I have time”
But he would leave.
“He’s going back in a month? Fuck, that’s...not much”
“Yeah” You nodded, “I’m trying not to think about that. It’s...too soon, it’s going to go away in the blink of an eye. I don’t really wanna think about how I'll feel the day he leaves”
“I understand”
“I’ve gotten so used to him, and being around him, it feels...natural, and after tonight- we’re only getting closer”
Yeonjun smiled, “Maybe one more month with you, and Hyunjin may just change his mind”
You rolled your eyes, “It’s impossible”
He sighed, wrapping his arm around you again, “Guess what? Last week, at work, one of the HR interns…she asked me out on a date”
“What?” You laughed, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“There was nothing to tell. She’s cute, well I don’t even know her, but I think I’m gonna take her out next week”
“You are?” You giggled, shifting closer.
He smiled, waving his hands about, “It’s time for me to finally branch out. To move on”
“I can’t believe all of this started from Hana wanting to move on, the beginning of this summer” You remembered.
Yeonjun glanced at you, “So then technically, you have me to thank for bringing Hyunjin into your life”
You laughed loudly, “God, yeah, I guess that is it. You’re responsible”
He grinned, pulling at your cheek, “I guess fate does exist”
“Yeah. If me and Hana had to be over so that you could find the love of your life, I’d say it was pretty fucking worth it”
You rolled your eyes, “And why can’t the both of us…be happy? Is fate so cruel to deny you your one true love?”
Yeonjun turned to smile at you, a glint in his eye, “Well. Maybe… the cute intern from HR is the love of my life”
The loudness of The Grove did nothing to ease your headache. It was just a little past six am, but the diner was in full swing, and customers filtered in and out of the joint, grabbing their usual breakfast waffles and chocolate milkshakes.
“Give me just two more minutes, Y/N!” Seonmi yelled, over the counter, as she sped through making the quickest caramel macchiato you’d ever seen.
“Of course” You responded, balancing your bag on the counter as she cycled through the customers. You’d hardly slept last night, not even having the energy to finish the film, and you and Yeonjun had fallen asleep on the living room couch as the credits rolled.
You had been woken up by your very loud alarm, and you’d apologised to him for it, somehow forgetting that today was a work day, and that you’d have to leave at dawn.
Glancing around the diner, you noticed some familiar faces from the Lakehouse party, people you remember seeing through your blur of tears. San and Seonghwa knew a lot of people, but you hadn’t expected to see them around town so soon.
One of the boys made eye contact with you, and you looked away, hoping none of them remembered the harsh fight you’d had with Hana.
They probably heard everything.
Not that you cared what they thought of you, you just wish you could go back to that night and erase the argument, for your own sake. 
“Okay, I can take your order now!” Seonmi squealed, stepping up to you, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
You tugged the earphones out of your ears, smiling at her, “Can you take a breather for me?”
Her eyes widened, in perplexed cuteness, “What do you mean?”
“You seem so stressed and the day hasn’t even started yet” You grabbed her hand over the counter, squeezing it, “Don’t forget to breathe”
Her lips tugged up, “Thank you, Y/N. You know how it gets sometimes, there’s a rush this morning and I don’t even know why”
“Well, I don’t know how it gets since I don’t work in the most popular diner in town” You teased her, as she smiled, “Something tells me a lot of people come here for the cute waitress”
She let out a giggle, “Thank you. What can I get you, though?”
“The regular would do” You told her, playing with the little tabletop jukebox, “Whipped cream too, please”
“Of course” She smiled, getting back into the meld of things, and you took a temporary seat at the barstool, as she made your drink.
“Those people…do you know them?” You asked her, glancing over at the group.
She looked up momentarily, “The ones from San’s party?”
“They’re older than me, so I don’t really hang with them much. I think most of them are only here for the summer”
Seonmi nodded, as she piped whipped cream onto your hot latte, “Jiho’s from Seoul, and Alexander, he’s visiting from up in Incheon”
It seemed like everyone your age who was born here, had since moved out of Daejon, in pursuit of happiness, and better things.
“Ah, I see” You bit your lip, even though you didn’t know who Jiho was or who Alexander was.
“Why do you ask?”
“They were looking at me earlier, and I think I saw them playing beer pong at the Lakehouse. Just wondering” You shrugged, as Seonmi reached over, handing you your cup.
“Ah, probably because of Hyunjin” She giggled.
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head, a soft smile fighting you just because hearing his name made your heart pound like crazy, even at six am on a work day.
“You know…” She glanced up at you, while wiping the counter clean, “You and him are always together…people are talking”
You sat up straight, “About… us?”
She nodded, “Don’t worry about it though, the people of Daejon always need something to talk about. They’ll move on soon”
Even though you hated town gossip and rumours, the idea that people associated you and Hyunjin with each other made your heart warm. You’d never thought something that bizarre could happen, but hearing his name with yours made it all the more real.
You smiled, flushing at just the thought of him, “Um…did he come by earlier this morning?”
Seonmi had moved on to her next order, hurriedly adding caramel to a drink, “Hyunjin? Nope”
You frowned, “He usually comes by though, right?”
She nodded, “Without fail, every morning…he’s here. Kind of gives me something to look forward to, if I’m being honest”
Seonmi paused in her work look at you, “Yeah. He’s always so…kind. It’s like within the flurry of customers, he’s the only patient one. Plus, he’s a sight for sore eyes on morning shifts”
You chuckled, “I didn’t know he’s here that often”
“Oh, he is. I guess Hyunjin can’t live without his coffee either” She shrugged, and then suddenly lit up as if remembering something, “Oh! The other day, you should’ve seen him, Y/N, he was so cute. He spent the entire day here, just reading this book he’s carrying around, and wow…everybody was asking about him, about the quiet, pretty boy in the corner”
Just hearing Seonmi describe him made your heart flutter, because you could picture it so perfectly in your head, even though a part of you was also envious that she got to see him like that, instead of you.
“When was that?”
“A couple of days ago” She scribbled an order for another customer, “I wanted to ask him what book he was reading, but I was really nervous”
You laughed, “Why were you nervous?”
“He’s…intimidating, and I didn’t wanna bother him. But you two are close, maybe you can ask him for me”
Close couldn’t even begin to describe it, but how else would you explain what you two had?
“Yeah, we’re…close”
“Kinda weird he isn’t here today” She added, “But you can always bring him coffee… Maybe he’s busy, or slept in late”
You hadn’t even thought of that, “I could?”
She laughed, “I mean you two are practically dating, aren’t you?”
The warmth faded, and you shook your head, “No of course not, we’re …friends”
Of all the things going on in his life, he couldn’t afford to get into a dating scandal right now, especially because of you.
“Right” She rolled her eyes, “You should still bring your hot friend a coffee”
“You think so?” The idea of bringing it to him made you giddy, because you could imagine his smile, and it would be such a great start to your day - making him happy.
“Of course. He gets the same order as yours anyway, I’ll just add another to your tab”
“Okay” You agreed, and pulled out your phone.
You hadn’t talked to him since last night.
Since…that phone call.
The memory made you red and hot all over, and you opened up his texts. You weren’t sure how to even start, but perhaps you wouldn’t overthink it.
It was obvious to him how you felt, especially after that conversation, and you would just be yourself now.
There was only a month. There was no time to shy away from what you truly wanted.
No more holding back, or second-guessing.
good morning hyun
are you home ?
His reply was instant, meaning he was awake and okay, and you leaned on the counter, waiting for him to type out his answer.
morning yn :)
yes i am 
where else would i be at six am ?
idk haha
im at the diner
are you coming here ?
i was thinking i could, like meet you before work
im sorry 
i don’t think i can
is everything all right?
i think i might be sick :/
what’s wrong?
haha its nothing…
just my head hurts like a bitch
ive been up all night
You frowned, heart clenching at the thought of him being in pain.
“Here’s your coffee, love” Seonmi interrupted, placing a to-go cup in front of you, “Well…Hyunjin’s coffee”
“Actually…could I get some peppermint tea instead?” You asked, and she stared at you like you were crazy.
“You’re asking for tea?”
“Hyun is feeling sick” You told her, and just the words felt bitter in your mouth. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t say much, just that his head hurts” You frowned.
“Oh” She pouted, “Of course. I’ll get you some right now, but it might get cold by the time you get it to him. Maybe the caffeine will help more?”
“You’re right” You stared at the coffee.
“Hey” She laughed, reaching forward to grab your hand, “Now you’re the one who looks stressed”
“I am… just worried about him”
“He’ll be fine. It’s only a headache” She hummed, returning to her chores, then teased, “Just friends, you say”
It was your turn to roll your eyes, “Friends can be worried, too”
“I know” She laughed, “It’s funny cause Eunbi keeps saying the same thing to me about her boy. Just friends”
“Who’s Eunbi dating?” You questioned, hoping some town gossip would distract you from Hyunjin being unwell.
Seonmi glanced up at you, lowering her voice so the other patrons wouldn’t hear, “Oh, they’re not dating. Just fucking”
“I didn’t know Eunbi is into that kind of situation” You noted, grabbing Hyunjin’s coffee in your hands.
“Yeah! I honestly didn’t think Felix would be either but like…they’re both hot, so I completely get it”
“What?” You looked up, stopping in your movement.
She flippantly glanced at you, “Yeah…her and Felix”
She chuckled, “They’re fucking…I just told you. You didn’t know?”
“No…” You trailed off. 
Is that what Felix wanted to talk to you about?
She stared at you, realisation dawning on her face, “Oh. I thought everybody knew”
“I didn’t” You stated, perhaps too harshly.
“Fuck. You’re…not in love with him or anything, right?”
She shrugged, “I mean…you two have been…you know…best friends since-”
You frowned, grabbing your bag off the counter, “No. I’m just taken aback…”
“You sure?” Seonmi frowned, eyebrows knitting together.
You stared at her, “Yeah. I’m sure”
“Well, I’m sure he was gonna tell you soon. Maybe he just forgot”
“Yeah. We’re not really talking right now” You mumbled.
She nodded, “Ah. Eunbi mentioned that. Your fights”
“She knows about that…?”
She shrugged, knowingly, “Yongbok told her”
You squeezed the coffee cup in your hands, a bitter taste in your mouth but you didn’t have time to dwell on this right now, Hyunjin needed you, “I…um, I better get this coffee to him before it gets cold”
It had only been a few minutes since you knocked at his front door, the floral wreath hung on the front shaking every time you did so, but nobody had come to the door yet.
You should be patient and wait a bit more.
But your mind assumed the worst, like what if Hyunjin passed out…or fell so sick he couldn’t get out of bed? 
You had half a mind to bring out your phone to ask him where he was because he said he’d be home, but your hands were unfortunately occupied by the coffee. 
The revelation from the diner was still bothering you, but now, you had more important things to worry about.
“Hyun?” You called out loud, in the hope that maybe if he didn’t hear the knocking, he’d hear your voice.
In response though, you heard a bark, making you jump out of your skin.
He was nearby, and you stepped off Hyunjin’s porch, following the sound of his puppy’s excited mewling and barks.
“Kkami?” You asked, tentatively, peeking around the side of his house. 
You don’t know how you hadn’t noticed this before. 
A little metal gate, rusted, led to a back garden.
The path was surrounded on either side by overgrown vines and flowers. 
You hadn’t ever come here before. 
Well, technically you’d only been to Hyun’s house once and hadn’t seen anything except his bedroom. The memory made you warm, and you relived it in your head as you pushed open the rusted garden gate. 
The path ran along the side of Hyunjin’s house, and stepping over the pebbles, you passed the windows of his kitchen and living room.
You were trespassing, technically, but he would understand, right?
“Kkami…?” You called out again, emerging into the back garden, when the little ball of fluff ran head-on towards you, jumping at your body with enough force, catching you off guard. 
The surprise knocked you and the coffee to the ground, and the cup overturned, spilling all over your top.
“Ow” You mumbled, hitting the grass, as Kkami began licking your hand, and the coffee soaked all the way through your shirt. 
It was already cold by now, so it didn’t burn. Still, frustration coursed through you because you’d carefully sought this coffee for him, and now you wouldn’t even be able to give it to him.
“Oh my god” Hyunjin’s voice interrupted your short-lived misery, and you looked up, an impossible frown on your face. 
A frown that melted immediately, with the sight that you were greeted.
He sat cross-legged on the grass, across the garden, a soft white sweatshirt enveloping him.
A paper-thin novel was held between his hands, glasses pushed up to his hair, and you had half a mind to question just why Hyunjin was up at six am on a weekend, and reading a goddamn poetry book, but that wasn’t the craziest thing about him today.
His hair.
Wispy bangs fell into his eyes, the color of fucking chocolate.
What the fuck?
Your annoyance at Kkami was forgotten, and so was any semblance of a thought you had in your head. Talk about a fucking cliche.
“Y/N…” He immediately stood up, placing his book to the side, face-down on the grass, and you worried that the pages would get wet, but Hyunjin didn’t seem to care about that right now. 
He rushed to you, bending down to your height, “I’m sorry, Kkami. He…”
Carefully, he pried the puppy away from you, telling him to go sit in a hushed whisper, before he turned back to face you.
You felt silly, sat on the grass on your butt, with just your palms supporting you, coffee soaking through your work clothes, staring at him.
Had his eyes always been that pretty?
The light-brown hair brought out the hazel in his eyes, which seemed even brighter now, and every romance book you’d heard Hana talk about suddenly made all the sense in the world, as you felt yourself get sucked into the depth of his gaze.
“You okay?” He tilt his head, the movement making his bangs shift, and you noticed that the side strands were longer, framing his face perfectly.
His brows were darker now too, to match the hair, and just when you thought you couldn’t go absolutely insane about him anymore, he’d prove you wrong by doing something like this.
His lips, puffier than usual, curled up into a smile when he noticed you staring so blatantly.
“Yeah” You cleared your throat, “You…you said you were sick”
So he just forgot to tell you this morning that he’d completely changed his hair?
“I am” He chuckled, then his gaze fell to your top, “You’ve got coffee on you”
“Oh” You glanced down at it, and you didn’t feel anything, or maybe you were too enamored by the boy to feel any pain. 
He must be a fucking siren, or a creature of some sort to have this sort of effect on you, even after all this while. Everything you’d been worrying about seemed like a distant memory, a problem you didn’t have to deal with, and all he’d done was say five words to you.
“Are you hurt? I’m sorry about your coffee…Kkami is misbehaving a lot-”
“It’s actually your coffee” You stated, looking back up at him, finally finding your bearing on coherent words and sentences, “Well…was your coffee”
“Mine?” He smiled, “You brought that for me?”
You nodded and added, stupidly, “I…was at your front door, but you weren’t there, so I…came in through the metal gate”
“Yeah. I was here” He explained, even though it was obvious, “Are you sure you’re not hurt?”
You nodded, reassuring him, “I’m okay, but…if you’re sick, why are you out here?
“I needed some fresh air. My head…” He grimaced as another bout of pain hit him.
Without thinking, you reached forward, caressing his face, and Hyunjin was taken aback, just slightly.
Your voice was low, soft, “It hurts?”
His eyes fixed onto yours, as your fingers trailed down his jaw, “Yeah”
“I’m sorry” You spoke, “Where does it hurt?”
He grabbed your hand within his, long fingers wrapping around your wrist, and guided it to just above his eyes, brushing past his bangs, “Right here, but…don’t worry about me”
“Let me take care of you” You blurted, touching him delicately.
His eyes closed, and he smiled, relishing in the feeling, “I need to get you out of these clothes first”
His eyes shot open, realisation sinking in, “I mean…the coffee. You have to change”
“Oh, okay”
“Come on” He gestured, helping you stand up, with your unsteady feet. The cup of coffee lay upturned on the grass, along with your bag. Hyunjin held your hand in his own, and bent down to pick up your bag with his other. He slung it over his shoulder, tugging the strap tightly.
You looked around the back garden, and it was so beautiful that you had to do a double take just to take everything in.
“It’s amazing” You breathed, watching Kkami play in the grass, tossing and turning around. Your gaze fell to the book that lay open on the grass, and Seonmi’s words came to mind, “What were you reading?”
“I can tell you that later, when you’re warm and dry” He chuckled, then touched your lower back to guide you into the house, “Come”
You nodded, his touch sending a tingle down your spine, but let him lead you into his house. 
It was crazy, that just yesterday you were so bold, talking about the things you wanted him to do to you, and now…now you were going into overdrive just at his hand on your back.
You craned to look at him, “Are you in a lot of pain?”
He shook his head, “I’ll be fine”
There was another entrance at the back of the house, sliding doors opening up to reveal his living area, warm wooden floors and cosy seating. Kkami ran in just after the two of you, jumping around the futon.
“Do you want to wear something of mine?” Hyunjin asked, leading you to his bedroom. You’d been so lost in him that you’d forgotten what you were doing here. 
You had initially been on your way to work.
“I have…a hoodie in my bag. An extra one” You told him, “I brought it in case it gets cold”
He stopped at the threshold of his doorway, looking at you, “Well, that’s perfect then”
“Yeah” You nodded, “Can I change in your bathroom?”
“Of course” He smiled, and you stepped inside.
Being back here after all this time, was strange. 
His bed was exactly the same kind of messy, but covers and duvets now switched out for a sky-blue color, and his pillows were lined up against the wall. 
It made you want to lie down, since you were severely lacking sleep, but you had work, and this bed wouldn’t probably be big enough for the two of you.
The thought was ridiculous anyway, but it left you wondering.
Last night, you were on your way here in your lustful daze, and if Yeonjun hadn’t been heartbroken, you would have come here. 
The canvases leaning against the far wall were new; you could tell he’d been working on so much art in your absence. Paint canisters were haphazardly placed across the floor, and you carefully walked amongst them, hoping to not knock over any.
Pushing open the door to his bathroom, you placed your bag on the counter, searching through for your hoodie.
Hyunjin leaned on the doorway, watching you, peacefully. He must be in more pain than he let on, because he was hardly saying anything.
You glanced at him, eyebrow raised, “Are you… going to stay here while I change?”
He laughed, “No, I…I’m just…Never mind”
He turned around, giving you the privacy you needed. 
You peeled off your tank top, scrunching it up over the sink to squeeze the liquid out, and you both didn’t address the fact that you hadn’t closed the door, instead letting Hyunjin stand facing the other way.
If he turned, he would see you in just your bra, but you honestly didn’t even mind, or care.
Glancing at yourself in the mirror, you wiped the sticky coffee from your forearms.
“I’m sorry about Kkami” He spoke again, and you glanced at his back. It was cute, how he stood facing the other way, arms crossed, like a kid on a timeout. His hair grazed just past his shoulders, the chocolate brown contrasting perfectly with his sweatshirt.
“It’s all right” You smiled, running the shirt under water.
“Are you dressed?” He asked.
“Not yet” You told him, pushing your arms through your spare sweatshirt, “I’m… really upset”
“Why?” He asked, surprise in his tone.
“The hot drink…it was supposed to make you feel better” You frowned. “Now I don’t have anything to give you”
“That’s okay” He laughed, “I already feel better”
“Your head doesn’t hurt anymore?” You asked, looking over at him.
“No, it does hurt but some sleep will make me feel better” He laughed, “Are you dressed now?”
You glanced at him, a soft smile overtaking you, “No”
Hyunjin nodded, a small ‘Okay’ leaving his lips.
You laughed, pushing your sweatshirt down to cover up, “Why are you so impatient? But yeah, I am dressed now”
He immediately turned around at those words, and pulled you in for a hug, like he’d been counting down the seconds till you could be in his arms. You stumbled into his embrace, surprised at his urgency.
“Thank you for coming to see me, Y/N” He mumbled, face buried in your hair, and you brought your hands up, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“You don’t have to thank me” You smiled, dying but living for the warmth of his body.
He squeezed you in his embrace, “I do”
It was a simple hug. It felt so innocent, so tame, so mild compared to last night, yet the carnal desire you felt for him was just the same, if not more now.
How could Hyunjin be more desirable when he wasn’t even trying to be?
All he was doing was hugging you in his little bathroom, surrounded by potted plants, and fragrances, and candles, and they were all so him.
Pulling away, you looked up, noticing the puffiness of his eyes, “You look so tired”
“I had a stressful night…after you told me you couldn’t come” He explained, “I ended up calling Chan, and we talked up until five”
“Five am? So…you haven’t slept at all?” 
He nodded, a forced smile as he shrugged, “Guilty”
“Hyun…” You frowned, “You need to get some sleep, now”
He sighed, “Now? I’ll end up sleeping through the day if I do, and I…don’t want to waste any time”
“Waste?” You questioned, “It’s not waste. You’re…just sleeping”
“Yeah” He swallowed, “But…”
“But you won’t be here” He finished, “And I would much rather…spend time with you. I know you have work today, I was thinking I could come in to the shop. I promise I won’t distract you, I could sit and read. You won’t even know I’m there. Or I could paint”
You couldn’t help but smile, heart swelling at his eagerness, “If you’re there…I won’t be focusing on my work, Hyun”
He shook his head, as if he’d already prepared the answer, “Then I can sit in the back room. You won’t know I’m there”
You giggled, “Then what’s the point?”
He tilt his head, “The point is… that I’ll be close to you”
Your smile grew, and you tightened your grip on his waist, “You…changed your hair”
His eyes widened, “Yeah. I did. Took you long enough to notice”
“I noticed it the second I saw you. I just-”
“You didn’t say anything” He interrupted.
Your gaze followed the light-brown tendrils as they grazed his jaw, “I don’t even know what to say” 
“You hate it?” His smile fell.
You shook your head instantly, “No. It’s…It… reminds me of chocolate”
His lip tilted up, “Good enough to eat?”
You laughed, letting go of his waist, “I take the flirting as a sign that you’re feeling better”
“You still need to get in bed”
“Are you gonna show me how much you like it in bed?” He asked, and you laughed.
“Shut up” You pushed him, lightly, “It’s unlike you to ask for validation”
“It’s unlike you to be so flippant to me” He pouted, walking back into his room. 
It was hot inside so he pulled off his sweatshirt, revealing the tight black t-shirt he wore inside. The neckline dipped low enough to reveal his collarbones, and it was different from the more oversized shirts he usually wore. He stretched his arms, a small yawn escaping.
“I…have to get to work” You realised, “I’m gonna make you some coffee first though, is that okay?”
He glanced at you, in surprise, “You don’t have to”
“Caffeine will help with the pain”
He shook his head, “I promise I’ll take a nap after you leave”
“Okay” You nodded, grabbing your bag, “I’ll…get going then”
You passed him to leave, but he reached out, tugging at your tote bag to stop you.
You looked at him, “What, Hyun?”
“Aera’s doesn’t open until another forty two minutes, and it’ll only take you eight to get there” He hummed matter-of-factly, with the convincing powers and puppy-eyed gaze of a kid who wanted to go to Disney.
“What’s gotten into you?” You laughed, but let him take your bag, indulging him in his little request. He was right, after all. 
You had to make the most of your time with him, even if it were stolen little moments like this.
You leaned against the bedroom door, eyeing him up, as he put your bag to the side, and he clearly didn’t plan on letting you leave anytime soon.
He bent down to gather the stray paintbrushes on the floor, “I just felt like spending some time with you. Is that so wrong?”
You smiled, looking around the room, “Why is all your shit everywhere?”
He glanced up at you, “I paint when I’m stressed”
“Oh” You recalled, “You were painting last night when you called me”
“I was” He hummed, “When do you get off work?”
“Couple of hours”
“You don’t work Saturdays, usually”
“You have my schedule memorised?” You raised your eyebrow, wanting to tease.
“It’s not that hard” He rolled his eyes, “You work alternate days”
He kneeled onto the floor, pulling out a wooden basket from underneath his bed, placing paint tubes inside it. 
You weren’t sure what to do as he started packing his art supplies. 
He wasn’t even saying much, as you stood leaning against the door, observing him, recognising the tune he hummed to himself.
He bent over, and whenever he did his shirt would fall forward, allowing you a glimpse of his chest.
Every time you met, you pushed another boundary, crossed another threshold, and after he talked about fucking you last night, you obviously weren’t just friends anymore.
The energy felt...so different, but it was never uncomfortable.
3 a.m. Hyunjin was a stark contrast from 7 a.m. Hyunjin, and...you loved both.
It felt so strangely calm, so domestic, so heartwarming.
It was seven am on a regular Saturday morning, and you were in Hyunjin’s bedroom, as he cleaned up.
A pink tube then slipped from his hands, rolling under the bed, and he cursed, “Shit”
“Let me” You offered, kneeling to join him on the floor.  You stretched to reach for the watercolour tube, and underneath his bed were discarded hairbands, pencils, and a bag of treats for Kkami. Cute.
After retrieving it, Hyunjin smiled at you, whispering a ‘Thank you’ as he placed it inside the original packing.
“One day you should really let me organise your art supplies”
He tilt his head, “Can that day be today?”
You laughed, “I told you. I have to go to work”
He shrugged, “Skip it”
“Oh, will you start paying my bills when I eventually get fired from Aera’s for slacking?”
“Yeah I will” He said, without hesitation.
Your eyebrows shot up, “Shut up, Hyun”
“Shut up?” He gasped, “Can’t believe you’re being so mean to a sick boy”
“Oh” You realised, reaching forward to cup his cheek, “It still hurts a lot?”
He smiled, leaning into your touch, “Less when you’re here”
You dropped your hand, heart clenching, “I wish I could stay then”
“But you don’t work Saturdays, so why today?”
“Mina wanted me to help with the stock…we have some new supplies coming in, and just needed to get my mind off something 
“Something like what?”
“You don’t have to worry about it, Hyun”
“Maybe I could get your mind off it”
You crossed your arms, “What if you’re the thing I need to get my mind off?”
He frowned, “Did I do something wrong?”
You laughed, “No, don’t worry about that”
He closed the wooden lid, gripping the box, “Last night…You said Yeonjun wasn’t feeling all right. Is he okay now?”
“It’ll take time. He’s just having a hard time, with Hana”
You shrugged, “Love sucks, I guess”
He laughed, “You got that right”
You sat back on your ankles, looking around the room, “What was the book you were reading?”
“Oh. I left it out in the garden. Could you get it for me?
"Yeah, once you tell me what it’s about”
Hyunjin smiled, pushing the box back under his bed, “It’s about fate”
You slid open the doors to the back garden, cold morning air rushing in. Plants of all kinds grew alongside the wooden fence. You wonder if it was him, or his aunt who had planted them. 
Picking up the book, you saw the page it was open to had been creased. 
Hyunjin had marked some pages, left little notes, annotating it, and he must have read through it countless times, so you asked him about it when you came back, “So why are you reading a book about fate this early in the day?”
Hyunjin was still sat on the floor, except his head was buried in his hands, “Fuck. I really shouldn’t have stayed up”
You immediately abandoned the book, stepping up to him, “Hyun. What’s wrong?” 
He mumbled, ‘I’m okay’, running a hand through his hair, but he clearly wasn’t okay.
“Come on, let me get you into bed” You gripped his arms so you could pull him up, but he stayed where he was.
“I’m fine” He answered, through gritted teeth.
You tilt his chin up, so he’d look at you. His eyes were tired, puffy and red, and he looked terribly sleep-deprived.
“Why do you not want to sleep?”
His voice turned soft, “Because then you’ll leave”
“Hyun…” Your heart melted, “I’ll be back in a few hours, you’ll barely notice that I was gone”
He pouted, “I'll notice”
You smiled, tilting his chin up to look at you, “Why are you trying to be cute?”
“Trying?” He acted offended.
“Fine” You rolled your eyes, “Why are you being cute? You know I don’t actually want to go, but...unfortunately we live in a capitalist society and I need to pay the bills”
“I fucking hate capitalism”
You laughed, “Come on. What’s wrong?”
“I just...like being around you” He shrugged, “And now that...you won’t be moving for the program in the city, I don't know when I’m gonna see you again. I was really looking forward to meeting you in Seoul”
“I know, me too, but you'll see me every day for the rest of this month. Isn’t that enough?”
It was ironic that you were saying that, because it obviously wasn’t enough even to you.
Something flashed through his eyes, an emotion you couldn’t recognise and he mumbled, “I guess”
“Hyun, we have time to deal with that later, but can I bring you some Aspirin now?”
“I’m just so fucking tired of this shit” He mumbled.
“What shit?”
He glanced at you, “If I tell you…you’ll be stressed too”
Your eyebrows knit together, confused at what he was talking about now, “Please tell me, Hyun”
He sighed, running another hand through his hair, “Okay. It’s just…it might upset you, and you’re going to be thinking about it all day at work. I know it”
“I don’t care, I want to understand why you’re feeling this way”
His eyes were heavy with emotion, “Are you sure, Y/N?”
It scared you, what he wasn’t telling you, but you had to know.
“You’ve been upset about this, for weeks, Hyunjin. I…maybe I can help, or make you feel better somehow”
He shook his head, a chuckle escaping, “You can’t make me feel better about this”
“Oh. Okay”
He looked up at you, “Shit. That’s not how I meant it. I mean…nobody can do anything, it’s a fucked up situation”
“I’ll try my best to understand it then”
He sighed, leaning back, fiddling with the string on his sweatpants, “It’s…about Jisung. I had to leave Yeonjun’s place early yesterday, because…there’s been some stuff going on with Jisung, and it’s just so frustrating”
“What’s going on?” You asked, hoping you didn’t overstep with your questions.
He looked up at you, “Under my company, we have this…sort of contract, a contract that’s responsible for our health. Mentally and physically. They ensure we’re okay, because it can get stressful and tiring, for our bodies…do you get it?”
“Yeah. That’s a good thing, right?”
He nodded, “It’s supposed to be, yes. It is a good thing. If it weren’t for that, I probably wouldn’t be eating well, or getting enough sleep”
“What do you mean?”
He swallowed, “I mean…sometimes the company wants us to be in a certain…shape for an album, or a photoshoot. The pressure of that can be a lot, but this…this contract, it basically makes sure that they don’t push us too hard”
He added, “It’s because of that contract that I was able to come back home, because they recognised that I needed some space. Most people in my line of work…they don’t get that freedom or liberty”
“The freedom…to go home?”
Hyunjin laughed, sore, “Yeah. I know how it sounds. It’s really rare for someone to go on a voluntary hiatus…like I did. They never allow it”
“And part of that contract is…we have these weekly appointments with a ….therapist, I guess you could say? I’m not sure what her specialisation really is, but she…talks to us and checks in with us every few weeks, to make sure we’re doing okay, and if we’re stressed about anything.
She works with the company, so it’s nice to have someone to depend on, and someone to just…rant to at the end of a really horrible month, you know?”
Even though he was telling you something nice, you could tell what he was leading up to wouldn’t be because his shoulders were tense and his voice was harsh. 
He was stressed even just talking about it, and you suddenly regret asking him to explain it to you.
You nodded, wanting to comfort him, hands itching to touch him somehow, but you kept your distance, “That’s…really nice, Hyun”
He nodded, “It is. Well…Jisung has been going to her much more often, ever since an article came out about him last month. The one you read. He was getting a lot of…negative public attention for the fight he was a part of, so he’s been seeing Mrs. Yoona far more often than the rest of us”
You nodded, unsure of what this was getting at.
“Mrs. Yoona…that’s the name of the woman we see. We talk to her every month” He clarified, and you were grateful he took his time to make sure you understood everything.
“Yeah…and…last week” Hyunjin sucked in a sharp breath, “I don’t know how it fucking happened, but someone got access to her files…which are supposed to be confidential”
Your breath caught in your throat, “What?”
“They…released everything about Jisung, everything he’s ever said in his… sessions, all of the things he’s anxious about, the things he hates about the job, stuff about his family, about his ex-girlfriend”
Your heart plummeted, a terrible feeling clawing at you, “They released it…publicly?” 
Hyunjin nodded, voice getting angrier, “I don’t know who the fuck it was. Probably someone from inside the company, but it doesn’t matter now, the files are out now, for every person in the fucking world to see, and it’s so unfair, because that shit’s supposed to be private. It’s his life, and…it’s not fair everyone gets to see it, and somehow use it against him”
His voice broke, and you immediately reached out to him, hand grabbing his, so he would know you were here, “I…I’m so sorry Hyun, that’s horrible” 
He nodded, looking up at you, “Yeah. It is”
“I’m sorry” You repeated, unsure what else you could say, but you felt sick. It was the worst kind of invasion of privacy, and you felt so angry.
Why the fuck would someone do that?
You couldn’t even imagine how Hyunjin felt.
“Yeah. Me too” He spoke, “I’m just on edge because of this”
“Do they…have your files too?” You asked, hoping you didn’t sound insensitive for asking about him, when something horrible had already happened with Jisung.
Hyunjin glanced at you, eyes widening, and he pulled you closer, “Y/N…please don’t worry about me”
He cut you off though, “It doesn’t matter if they have it or not, or whatever they decide to do with it. That’s for me to think about. I can’t have you stressing about it”
“But…that’s impossible”
His expression softened, “That’s why I didn’t want to tell you”
“Hyun…” You squeezed his hand, “I’m really sorry that you have to deal with this. I wish…”
“It’s okay” He cut you off again, “I’ve been dealing with it half my life, it’s honestly not the worst thing that’s happened, which sounds so fucking cruel to say. Mostly, I’m just sad about Jisung, but he’s holding up okay for now”
Your phone suddenly buzzed, because Mina was calling you.
“I’m gonna tell her I’m gonna be late” You pulled your phone out of your denims to text her.
Hyunjin watched you do so, “You don’t have to, please”
 “Yes, I do” 
“Y/N” He reached up to stop you, “Forget what I said before. I don’t want you to miss work because of me”
“Hyun…this is more important” You told him, but your heart was pounding, “You should lie down now, you haven’t slept all night. I’m gonna get you some water, okay?”
He nodded, moving over to his bed.
You walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water for him, trying not to fucking panic about what he’d just told you.
You had to breathe.
Hyunjin needed you, and it would help no one if you also began freaking the fuck out. 
How could people do something like that?
You needed to be stronger than this, because you wanted to cry just thinking about how Jisung felt. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, to calm yourself, and then finished filling up the glass for him. 
There was stuff all over the kitchen counter, different kinds of Daejon-special snacks, sour candy, instant ramyeon packed into little ziplock bags. 
Was he going on a trip or something?
As you went back to the room, Kkami was on top of Hyunjin, sitting on his chest, as Hyunjin stroked his chin, fondly. He was lying down, hair spread out on his pillow, and he glanced at you.
“I think this is the first time he’s paying so much attention to me” He told you, smiling as he scratched Kkami.
“Maybe he knows you’re sick” You hummed, placing the glass of water on the bedside table, “Are you going somewhere? Your kitchen counter...is messy”
He shook his head, eyes wide, “Um, no. I was just cleaning... earlier”
That seemed like a blatant lie, but maybe he was planning a surprise, so you didn’t push. He probably needed any break he could get. He settled further into his blanket, staring at you, “So now you know why I had to leave, when we were at the pool”
Everything made more sense now.
That’s why he had left in a hurry, and skipped the dinner party at Yeonjun’s.
He must have heard about the scandal in that moment, and the thought of finding out something like that about your friend also made you want to cry.
You bent down to grab your bag, wondering why those people wouldn’t just leave him, and his friends alone.
“Are you all right?” He asked, at your silence.
“I’m just mad…at whoever did that to Jisung”
Hyunjin reached out, grazing your arm with his fingers, “Me too, but…that anger isn’t yours to have”
“Of course it is!” You spoke, eyebrows shooting up, “I care about you and I care-”
Hyunjin sat up, interrupting you, “Hey, hey. I know”
You squeezed your eyes shut, “You don’t deserve this. None of you do. I just..I don’t understand how this shit keeps happening and people actually get away with it? Why do they care so much about your lives-”
“Y/N…” He spoke, “Can you look at me?”
You reluctantly opened your eyes, and he leaned in closer, “I know you’re upset, but can you just…please promise me you won’t worry about this?”
“I can’t…” You blurted, “You know me, Hyun. I can’t promise you that”
Hyunjin shook his head, “Can you try? If you’re going to be around me… there will be a lot of this stuff happening. You can’t let it get to you”
You swallowed, knowing this conversation was futile right now, “Yeah. I’ll try my best. You could have told me about this last night, Hyun. I could have been there for you”
“I know. I was going to, but...I didn’t want to ruin a perfectly good night” He smiled, clearly trying to cheer you up, and last night’s intense conversation felt like a fever dream compared to now.
You swallowed, “But still-”
“When you come back. I’m gonna make you feel much better, okay?” 
You smiled at the new comfort between you, “I’ll see you in a few hours”
He laid back down, head resting on the pillow, “It’s cute. You…trying to take care of me”
You rolled your eyes, “Well, forgive me for caring about you, Hyunjin”
He grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, “I will be okay”
You stared at him, and he stared up at you, sleepily, eyes barely open.
You should be the one making him feel better.
Your impulse won, and you leaned forward, pressing your lips to his forehead.
He murmured, “When you’re done at work, you can let yourself back in. The key is next to the window, under the daisy”
“The key?”
“To my place”
Your heart stirred, “Hyun-”
He curled up into his duvet, eyes drifting shut, “I’ll see you soon, Y/N”
You closed the door to his bedroom, peeking at him one last time as he buried a hand under his pillow. Hopefully he would fall into a deep, restful, stressless slumber.
The walk to Aera’s wasn’t long from his place, but you took your time, savouring every moment that warmed your heart, but your gut twisted with the new knowledge you had gained.
You had many more questions about the Jisung thing, but it wasn’t the right time to ask. 
How could Hyunjin be so kind, despite the horrible things happening in his life? You would think that such hate would turn people cruel.
And despite all that fucking stress, he still called you last night. He stayed up with you, trying to make you feel good, even though your problems were nothing compared to his.
Aera’s came into view, and you could see Mina inside, idling away on the cash counter, probably playing a game on her phone. 
In front of her lay a large bouquet of flowers, and your curiosity peaked. 
Who sent Mina flowers?
As far as you knew, she wasn’t in a relationship, and her latest hookup had ended badly, yet a beautiful arrangement of daffodils was sent to her.
Your gut twisted, in part envy and some inspiration.
Maybe after you left work, you could bring some flowers for Hyunjin.
It would barely do anything to cheer him up, but it was still a nice gesture that you know he would appreciate.
You hope he felt much better when he woke, less in pain, more at peace.
You stopped in your tracks, just outside the steps.
You’d forgotten to give him the medicine.
What if he woke up, and was looking for it? What if his head hurt again?
You were so stupid for forgetting it. It was one of the reasons you’d gone over to his place in the first place.
Aera’s was right here and you were late, but it would only take you ten minutes to get to his place and back. You needed to make sure he was okay.
For a minute you stared at the little art shop, but then you thought of the frown lines in his forehead and the sadness in his eyes and your heart eventually won the argument. 
The key was next to the Daisy ornament, as he had promised.
It felt invasive, to enter his home, and when you pushed open the door to his room, Hyunjin was deep asleep.
He was on his side, face pressed into the pillow, covers pulled up to his chest. 
Kkami wasn’t in sight, so you walked over to his bedside table, placing the pills, a bottle of water, and a candy bar.
Just in case he was hungry.
He sure seemed at peace, eyelids shifting slightly. He was dreaming.
What kind of things did Hyunjin dream of?
You hope all the terrible shit in his life didn’t invade his subconscious, and you wish you could stay here.
You gripped the spare key, reaching for the doorknob, but his voice startled you.
You hadn’t been quiet enough, and now you’d stupidly woken him up.
“Yeah?” You turned around, and he was clearly awake and you didn’t imagine hearing him say your name. He shifted around in his blanket, to face you.
“You’re back…” He mumbled, a sleepy smile, voice hoarse, “How was work?”
Your eyebrows shot up.
You hadn’t even gone to work yet, and it had only been fifteen minutes since you left but…it seemed like he’d lost all sense of time, and clearly been dreaming away.
You stood still, staring at his body under the covers, as he looked at you, waiting for a response.
“Hyunjin, I…”
“Was it not a good day?” He sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes, a frown on his lips, and the kind of person he was, of course his first question was to worry about you, about your day, which hadn’t even happened yet.
In the early morning sunlight, snuggled up in his blanket, brown hair tousled from sleep, Hyunjin looked absolutely perfect.
His hair fell into his face and eyes, and his bangs were cut completely wrong, but god, you wish you could have explained to him how much you absolutely cherished his new hair.
It brought a sense of familiarity, and of warmth, liquid fire running through your veins.
Like the first sip of coffee on a long day. 
Like the sunset on Jeju Island. 
Like a book character crafted just for you. Like an angel that fell to Earth.
You could stare at him forever.
He opened his eyes half-way through, confused why you weren’t answering, “Y/N?”
You had a choice.
You could go back to Aera’s and help Mina with the stock, yet be consumed by thoughts of Hyunjin all day.
Or —
“No, work was…great” You smiled, giving in.
Giving in to the only thing you could ever want.
“I’m so glad” Dimples appeared in his cheeks, as he smiled, “I hope Mina didn’t overwork you”
You walked over to him, voice soft to not disrupt his sleepy subconscious, “She didn’t”
“Are you tired?”
His lips curled into a frown, rubbing his eyes again, “Oh. So…you have to go home?”
Another choice.
It was time to stop resisting.
“No. I don’t have to go”
But it would always be him.
“Is it all right if I stay here with you, Hyun?” 
The smile grew on his face, reaching all the way to his puffy eyes, and he instantly shifted, to make way for you, “Of course”
You don’t know what you were thinking, or if you even were thinking. You slipped off your sneakers, pushing them under the bed, next to the discarded items Hyunjin had long forgotten about. 
Your hesitation disappeared, and it ceased to exist, so you climbed into Hyunjin’s bed.
The bed was small, not nearly big enough for the two of you, but it didn’t matter because you squeezed yourself next to him. Hyunjin pressed himself up against the wall, making way for your body, and to share his pillow with you.
There were no words spoken, like it was habit - routine that you just slipped in next to him, like you weren't friends who could never be lovers, like this was what your everyday looked like, like this was all normal.
It was your first time climbing into his bed, but it felt like the most natural thing to do, like it was your fate, no matter how mundane it was.
The only sound was the ruffling of sheets, as he pulled the blanket over your body to cover you up. 
The bed was so little - all of your limbs touched his, and your noses were inches apart, sharing the same breath on his baby blue pillow.
“Are you comfortable?” He voiced.
“Mmh” You reached over, hand tracing his cheek, “You?”
“I’m perfect” He smiled, a yawn overtaking him soon after, “Although I’m still soo tired…it’s like I barely got any sleep”
You laughed, knowing he voiced the truth, “Go back to sleep, Hyun”
He nodded, “And…what about you?”
You slid your hand under the pillow, staring at him, “I will too"
Hyunjin’s hand moved under the blanket, reaching over to your waist. He pulled you closer, his chest pressing against yours, and your fond heart melted.
“You deserve to rest. You work too hard” He mumbled.
The guilt of skipping work crept over you, but…you needed to be selfish today, and you’d never felt this kind of calm before.
It was just one day you missed.
He was forever.
The way his legs fit between yours, and his hand on your body, was forever.
He tilt his head, voice coming out whiny in his reverie, “What are you thinking?”
“Just…about you”
“What about me?” He whispered.
You pushed back the uneven hair from his eyes, and his forehead, words slow because sleep was crawling over the two of you like a wave in the ocean, “I wish I could make everything easier for you”
A dimple appeared in his cheek, “You already do”
You smiled at his words, eyes drifting shut, but you had to ask,“Your head…does it still hurt?”
Hyunjin didn’t answer, and you thought he must already fallen asleep, but when you opened your eyes, he was looking right at you.
Eyes half-lidded, he was staring at you, “You’re so beautiful…”
Heart squeezed in your chest, an unsafe amount of emotions overwhelming you, and you mumbled, “Hyun…”
There was so much to say, but you couldn’t even comprehend your feelings in the moment. His body was so warm, safe, familiar, and it belonged there, and nothing could convince you otherwise. His eyes were so puffy and they kept drifting shut, and then just like that…he was asleep.
You stared at him as he fell asleep, at a loss for words. You thought you were getting used to the way you felt around Hyunjin, but truthfully you could perhaps never get used to it.
You’d never felt this way before.
You’d do anything for him.
You would do whatever he wanted in the world, and go wherever he wanted you to, and the thought was so scary that you almost cried.
It was good that he fell asleep, because the next words at the tip of your tongue were far too dangerous to be said at a time like this.
You would have told him you loved him. 
You were sure of it.
You loved him more than it was possible for humans to love each other, more than it was possible for you to love a boy you met just this summer, more than you should love someone you could never be with.
Just one second longer, and you would have blurted it out, because it was too strong an emotion to hold back anymore.
It’s a good thing he fell asleep when he did, and it was a good thing you didn’t say it.
If you told him how you truly felt about him, he would leave you.
You were sure of that, too.
You woke slowly, and then all at once, eyes blinking awake, a steady heartbeat pulsing under your ear.
It took you a few seconds, to gather your bearings and to pull yourself out of this slumber, trying to make sense of where you were.
You’d been dreaming of stars…and you opened your eyes to the sun.
The blinds were pulled shut, subdued sunlight hitting the room.
Your fingers were clutching onto fabric, a t-shirt, and you were on top of Hyunjin.
Somehow, you’d moved in your sleep, your head pressed into his chest, which would explain why the first thing you heard was the sound of his heart.
Hyunjin’s chest rose, and fell, soft, calm. 
His face was pressed into your hair, and you wonder how he could even breathe, pushed up so close to you. His fingers dug into your sweatshirt, arm still wrapped around your waist.
What time was it?
There was no clock in his room, and you shifted, to reach for your tote bag. It lay by the side of the bed, your phone half-way out. You stretched your arm, but it was still out of reach. 
You didn’t want to wake him up, so you settled for not knowing what time it was, and perhaps you could exist in this moment forever, and never have it be stolen from you.
“It’s…just past ten” He breathed, and you shifted, to look at him. Your arm drifted, grazing his stomach, and it wasn’t until your fingers touched his bellybutton piercing that you realised his shirt had ridden entirely up, revealing bare skin.
“You’re awake” You stated, pulling yourself out of sleep, but everything was still hazy and blurry.
His eyes drifted open completely, “Mmh. I am”
He’d been awake a while, it seemed.
The reality of the situation set in.
You flushed, pulling your hand off his abdomen, even though you’d been enjoying the taut muscles of his stomach.
“Sorry…” You mumbled, “How long have you been up?”
Despite being wide awake, Hyunjin didn’t stop holding you.
“An hour…”
“An hour?!” Your eyes widened, “Why didn’t you wake me?”
He smiled, “Because you needed the rest”
“But…” You felt conscious, “Fuck, sorry, I was basically pinning you down, and you must have wanted to get up, to feed Kkami”
“Don’t worry, I already fed him” He laughed, chest moving with every chuckle.
You frowned, “You…did? How?”
“How?” He repeated your question.
“How did you…feed him?”
He laughed again, confused, “I got up and put food in his bowl”
The realisation sank in.
Hyunjin got up, fed Kkami, and then he—
“You came back to bed after that?”
He smiled, “I wasn’t going to leave you alone, you looked so comfortable”
Your heart skipped a beat as you stared at him.
You had been asleep, and he did all that without waking you. 
He…climbed out of the blanket, the bed, and then back in, snuggling up to you, holding you even tighter than before, without ever managing to wake you up.
A bashful smile tugged at your lips at the mental image, “I see”
“Mmh” He tilt his head, “Did you sleep well?”
“I did”
“Even after you lied to me?”
Your eyebrows shot up, “What?”
“You told me that you had a good day at work”
“You didn’t have to skip work for me, Y/N. I was only kidding before”
You sat up, trying to fix your hair which must have been a mess after that unplanned nap, “I wanted to stay”
Hyunjin got up too, crossing his legs over the duvet, “Mina won’t be mad at you, right?”
You shook your head, rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes, “I can just take the afternoon shift”
He ran a hand through his sleep hair, pushing it back. You got lost in the way he did, brown curls falling across his jaw.
“When did you even get the time to dye it?”
A hoarse laugh escaped him, voice still groggy from sleep, “Late last night or early this morning…however you see it, after I finished taking to Chan”
“That’s why you got no sleep”
“Can I ask why you did it, Hyun?”
“I guess I just…needed a change. With everything that’s been happening” He looked down at his dye-stained hands, “I wanted to feel more like myself”
“And this…” You ran your hands through his hair, “…makes you feel more like yourself?”
He chuckled, “It’s silly, isn’t it?”
“No, not really”
 He nodded, “I guess I needed to remind myself of why I’m doing all of this. The last time I had my hair like this…I was still just a kid, before I had this kind of life”
“Yeah” He laughed, breathy, “I remember, at that time… I dreamed of debuting and making it big, and I was so…focused. It was like I had tunnel vision. I never thought this far ahead or about the stuff that comes after you become famous. I guess I was naive. But now when I look at myself in the mirror, it’ll be like looking at the seventeen year old version of me, and maybe I can dream his dreams again”
You smiled, running your hand across his jaw, “You’ve come so far, Hyun. I’m…really really proud of you”
His eyes crinkled as he looked at you, “You are?”
“Of course” You shifted onto your knees, to caress his cheek better, “I think you’re one of the strongest people I know”
Hyunjin’s hands landed on your thigh, and he laughed bitterly, “Thank you…but if I was actually strong, I wouldn’t have had to come back to town, or go through all of this shit”
Your heart clenched, and you nodded, “Right…”
If he was strong, he wouldn’t be here.
Maybe you were happy that he wasn’t strong.
A wave of guilt washed over you, so you turned away. 
You’d overstayed your welcome, and…Mina would be waiting for you.
Hyunjin’s hand on your wrist stopped you, “Wait. That’s not what I mean, Y/N”
“You don’t have to explain, Hyun” You spoke, putting your feet on the ground, hoping the cold floor would wake you up, but the floor was warm, warm like the bed, like his embrace.
Hyunjin stopped you from getting up. 
His grip on your arm pulled you back, closer to where he sat on the bed.
He explained himself, “No, I mean…I don’t regret it, at all. I just wish it was under better circumstances, you know? Coming back home…”
You wish it was under a better situation too.
You turned to look at him, “Yeah…but what did you really get out of coming back? A…drama-filled summer, a splitting headache, and…a really messy haircut”
Hyunjin’s eyes widened, “You think it’s messy?”
The tension was forgotten in seconds, and you couldn’t help but laugh, “Your bangs are…like completely messed up. I take it that this was your first time trimming it yourself, without a team full of stylists to help you”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me before” He narrowed his eyes, “What do you mean they’re messed up?” 
“They’re really uneven. It’s cute…but maybe you shouldn’t go out with this hair” you said, watching how the strands fell to his eyebrows.
“So, let me get this right. While I was baring my soul to you about my dreams, you were thinking about my hair?”
A giggle escaped you, “Maybe you can fix it”
His eyes widened, “You…you know how?”
“No…but…I can try”
“Okay, follow me” He got out of bed, gesturing for you to follow him, and you didn’t think he meant right now. 
He stepped into his bathroom, clearing the counter, and you noticed how tight his sweatpants suddenly seemed, stretching at the crotch.
You kept your distance, watching as he placed a box of tissues, and toothbrush holder to the side, trying not to focus on that. It was distracting.
You knew how anatomy worked, and you knew he couldn’t control that he woke up with morning wood, but it still made your brain fuzzy, like a stupid girl in love.
“Okay” He looked up you, and your gaze flickered back up to his face because there was no way you’d be caught staring at his fucking crotch.
“I’ve never done this before, so if I mess up…you can’t be mad at me” You spoke, as he hopped onto the marble counter, legs dangling off. He looked cute, staring up at you.
You don’t even know how you got here, from bringing him coffee this morning to napping in his bed, and to now attempting to cut his hair.
He ran a hand through his hair, “You just need to trim the ends, make it even, right?”
“Yeah” You stepped up to him. 
His shoulders relaxed, as he leaned back on the counter, “You’ll be fine. It’s not that hard”
You reached up to brush back his hair, “I mean, I think you did a pretty good job already. How long do you want them?”
“Just so they don’t fall into my eyes…” He told you, craning to look at himself in the mirror behind.
“Do you have a towel?” You asked.
His eyebrow shot up, a teasing smirk on his face, “A professional, are we?”
You rolled your eyes, “It’s just so it’s easier to clean, Hyun”
He smiled, pointing back to his room, “There should be a new one in my closet, on the upper shelf”
His wardrobe was surprisingly organised as you sifted through it, trying to find the towel. 
Your gaze landed on a ribbed burgundy t-shirt; you’d never seen him in it before. A silver zipper ran till the chest. You couldn’t even imagine how good he’d look in this.
“Did you just get this?” You asked, walking back with it, along with a towel.
Hyunjin was reading the label on a candle he lit, and he looked up at you, “Yeah. I haven’t got a chance to wear it”
“Oh, okay”
His lips tugged up, “You want me to put it on for you?”
You flushed, putting it back, “No, I was just curious”
“I’ll wear it for you later” He laughed, knowing you far too well because you’d never have asked, but you needed to see him in it.
Placing the towel on his lap, over his taut sweatpants, you hoped it would also serve as stopping the very obvious distraction. He didn’t even seem embarrassed or affected by it though. 
He hummed, “Thank you”
You laughed, tossing the hair in your hands, “Thank me after I’m done, this may turn out to look like shit”
“It won’t” He assured you, and you grabbed your phone.
“What are you doing?” He asked, “Texting while I’m asking you to help me?”
“I’m not texting” You rolled your eyes, tilting the screen to show him.
He read off your screen, “Step by step: How to a man’s hair”
“I don’t wanna mess up” You explained.
He giggled, loud laughter filling the bathroom, “Oh my god. You’re referring to a Wikihow article? I am truly doomed”
“They’re helpful sometimes, asshole” You pout, “We need to get your hair wet”
He nodded, leaning onto the mirror behind him, as you ran your hands under the sink to get them wet.
“It’ll be easier if I get in the shower” He suggested, and you glanced at him.
There was a smirk on his face at the recommendation.
“I…don’t think that’s necessary” You stated, flushing under his stare.
“It’s not like I’m going to get naked, Y/N” He laughed, “Don’t worry about it”
You shook your head, running your hands through his bangs to get them wet, droplets falling into his eyes. His eyes fluttered shut, and the drops of water trailed down his neck.
“Your shirt will get wet though” You added quietly, trying not to fixate on the trail of water that had made parts of his shirt see-through.
He blinked, wet hair falling into his face, “We should probably take it off then”
“Yeah” You swallowed, paused in your movements.
Hyunjin laughed, “Oh come on, it’s not like you’ve never seen me shirtless. You seem embarrassed—”
You immediately tugged at his shirt, pushing it up his chest, perhaps to prove that you weren’t affected by this. His eyes widened, and he clearly hadn’t expected you to take the initiative, but he smiled to himself, lifting his arms up, so you could pull it off completely. 
Once you got it over his head, and arms, he was flushing red.
“I don’t know Hyun” You hummed, “You’re the one who seems embarrassed now”
“Stop” He laughed. 
You tried not to get distracted, but in the soft light of the bathroom, his muscles seemed even more pronounced, the twinkle in his bellybutton catching your eye more often than you’d want.
You took in a deep breath, holding a hairbrush up, “Here goes nothing”
“If you ruin my hair, you should know some stylists in Seoul are gonna be very unhappy”
You laughed, untangling all the knots, “So…no pressure then, right?”
He shrugged, “Mmh, none at all”
“And they’re not going to be unhappy with your dye-stained hands?” 
He held his palms up, staring at them, as you pulled his hair taut, “It’ll wash off soon enough”
“Close your eyes” You spoke, “I don’t want to hurt you”
He nodded, and you carefully trimmed the front ends, choppy pieces of his bangs falling onto the towel in his lap. You had to make sure it was even, as you measured it roughly, and you’d never been a hairdresser but all those years engaging in crafts surely came handy now.
“You’re quiet” He spoke.
“I don’t want to mess up”
Hyunjin’s hand suddenly found it’s way to your waist, and you stilled, scissors in hand, “Unless you want me to accidentally stab you in the eye…don’t do that…not without warning”
He glanced up at you, despite the precarious position, gulping, “Sorry”
Just as he was about to move his hand back, you stopped him, “I…I didn’t say you have to stop touching me”
Realisation passed over his face, and he nodded, gripping you tighter.
Now that he held you, you felt more anchored, confidence flowing. You focused on what was left of the task, trimming the rest of his bangs as he watched you. 
Any other moment, you would feel conscious, because you were the only thing he was looking at, but today you didn’t.
“Are you almost done?” He asked, voice soft.
“Almost” You promised, putting the pink scissors away, to look at him.
The light-brown bangs fell just above his eyebrows, growing longer at the side, tucked behind his ears. The rest of the hair brushed his bare collarbones, almost a mullet in the back, shorter in the front.
There was barely anything to even fix, and maybe you just needed a dumb reason to be so close to him again. He knew that too, yet he indulged you.
You let yourself stare at him, seconds stretching into minutes.
It was perfect.
“Is it… all right?” He asked.
His eyes were blown wide, and curious, teeth biting into his plush lower lip, with apprehension.
“It’s beautiful, Hyun” You admitted.
His smile grew, “Really?”
You nodded, putting away the towel on his lap, “If you went to my school, everyone would have had a crazy crush on you”
His eyebrows shot up, “That’s…random”
You bit your lip, “I’ve been thinking about that a lot”
“No” You shook your head, “About how things used to be. Everything seemed simpler back then”
He nodded silently, as if understanding exactly what you meant. After all, he’d just been talking about a similar thing -- about how things were easier before he debuted.
“Did you…have school too?” You asked him.
He laughed, “Of course I did”
“In Seoul?”
He nodded.
“Why didn’t you just go to the one here…in Daejon? Isn’t this your home?”
He smiled, “I had to go to the academy every day to train, before and after my lessons. It would have been impossible to travel so much if I was in Daejon”
“So you never visited home? What about your aunt? This is her place, right?”
He nodded, “It is, I’m taking care of it for her while she’s away”
“And your parents?”
“They moved with me to the city…” He explained.
“Do you miss them...now that you’re here?”
His gaze softened, “Yeah, I do, but…even when I was there, I couldn’t meet them often. I would try to talk to my mum every day at first, but over time that became…really tough”
“I was just…insanely busy. Not that it’s an excuse, but I just let myself get carried by the work, by the... responsibilities and what was expected of me”
Your hands gripped onto his bare shoulders, “When you go back, you’ll be busy again”
“When do you even make time for yourself, between…all of that?”
He shrugged, “I...don’t. That’s why I cherish moments like this the most”
“I see” 
He tilt his head, “Do you think we’d be friends…if I went to your school in Daejon, instead of in the city?”
“Probably not”
Hyunjin frowned, “Wow. You didn’t even have to think about that”
You smiled, apologetic, “No, I just mean…I’d probably be too intimidated to approach you, and…you’d definitely be dating the most popular girl in high school”
He rolled his eyes, “Stop. That would never happen”
“Right. I forgot you don’t date”
His eyebrows knit together and he tilt his head, “You know that’s not what I meant”
You absentmindedly fiddled with the string on his sweats, twirling it within your fingers, “Hmm”
“What kind of girl were you, in high school anyway?” He asked, lazily leaning back against the mirror, allowing you a more prominent view of his collarbones, and his bare chest.
“What do you mean?” You laughed, “I was…the same”
His eyes were full of amusement as he watched you speak, and you couldn’t comprehend how…easy this felt. How domestic. 
Hyunjin sat across you, shirtless and just in sweatpants, as you talked about the most mundane things at eleven in the morning.
Is this what it’d be like? 
If he let himself love you?
“Minho told me differently”
Your eyebrows shot up, “What did he say?”
Hyunjin laughed, eyes crinkling into crescents, “He just said you were different, that you were…much louder”
You tilt your head, “As all teenagers are”
“He also told me you failed Art once”
You gasped, “He did?”
Hyunjin giggled, “Wanna tell me what that was all about?”
“The professor…felt differently than me. I actually had a full-blown argument with him in class” You recalled, “Man. I don’t think I’d do that today. I kind of regret it”
He smiled, “I’d love to see that. I’ve never seen you…angry. If it makes you feel any better, I’d definitely fail that art class too”
You laughed, “Why?”
He leaned forward suddenly, closing the little distance between you, “Why do you think?”
You lost your train of thought, getting swept up in his gaze, “I don’t know…”
“I would be too distracted… staring at you” 
Your heart sank, at what could have been, “Yeah…”
He laughed, breathy, “I’m sorry. I…shouldn’t say stuff like that, right?”
Your chest felt heavy, eyes landing to the floor, or anything else, “Yeah. You shouldn’t”
“But you have to know” He cupped your cheek, tilting your chin to look at him.
He swallowed, “That…I wish everyday for things to be different, and sometimes I wish I was just a boy you met in high school, instead of…who I am right now”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing” You frowned.
“It’s true. Things would be simpler if I was just…some Hyunjin, wouldn’t they? A nobody”
“No... Hyun, you can’t wish for that. You worked so much to be this. You are who you are, because that’s who you’re supposed to be”
“Supposed to?”
“Aren’t you the one who was reading all about stuff that fate earlier? Don’t you believe that you’re here right now in this part of your life, because you’re meant to be?”
He frowned, “Does that mean I’m…supposed to suffer too?”
“Suffer? That’s…a harsh word”
“You don’t agree?”
You nodded, “Things would be simpler, of course…but you told me that you don’t mind the bad stuff, because you love what you do”
“So you don’t wish for things to be different?”
You swallowed, admitting, “Obviously it would be easier if you were just Hyunjin, a boy from my art class, instead of…a world-famous member of a band"  
“You should stop thinking of me that way” He interrupted, pulling you closer between his legs.
“Even if I stop thinking of you like that, it doesn’t change the truth”
His eyes were soft as he spoke, “Maybe you can forget about it for a day”
“Forget who you are?” You laughed, “Before I knew that about you, it didn’t matter to me at all, but now...it affects every part of your life…it’s hard to just ignore what’s real”
What happened with Jisung just further solidified that for you. Hyunjin had run away from the fame, but it still found him, festering into his heart and mind. Miles away, he worried about it, defeating the sole purpose of him coming here.
His thumbs brushed under your shirt, “I know, but just for a day, don’t think about that”
“What should I think about then?”
“Think about how nice it’d be…if we were in another world, where I wasn’t me”
You frowned, “But who you are is... perfect. I don’t want that to change”
He closed his eyes, “I know you don’t…I’m sorry. I know it’s upsetting, but…I wish for a lot of stuff”
You leaned closer, brushing your thumb against his jaw, “What do you wish for?”
He leaned in, gaze piercing through your soul, “I wish for…a normal life. Wouldn’t I be happier then?”
Your heart stirred, “We all suffer, Hyun, even when we lead normal lives”
Hyunjin’s hand slipped around your neck, the space between your mouths almost negligible, “You want to know what true suffering really is, for me?”
“Being this close to you…and not getting to have you in the way I want”
Your voice trembled, “And…what way is that?”
“In every way that’s possible…I want you”
You moved in the same breath that he did, crushing his mouth to yours, before he could even finish speaking.
It didn’t matter who moved first. Your lips were on his, and he let out a satisfied groan, as you swallowed his words, his breath, his taste.
Your hands slipped into his freshly-cut hair, frantic as you kissed him, and he devoured you in open-mouthed kisses, and you could feel it all the way down to your toes, within the crevices of your heart, within the depths of your soul.
It was electrifying, the way he gave into you, like it was muscle memory at this point.
“Y/N-” A groan escaped his lips, between pecks. His hands slid around your waist. He pulled you flush to the counter until your hips met his, thighs closing around your body to trap you in his embrace.
A bottle of hand-soap knocked over onto the floor, as did the pair of scissors you’d held so delicately before, and earlier it was so tranquil but now it was so rushed.
He tilt his head, mouth crushed against yours, and it was already messy, saliva dripping down his chin, but you didn’t care.
Not after what he just said.
He tasted of lazy Saturday mornings, of books about fate, of home.
He tasted fucking perfect.
“Let me make you feel good” You whispered, “Please, please, please”
Despite the growing lust, he was still fucking polite, shaking his head, “No, let me-”
You pushed your tongue into his mouth to interrupt him, words slipping out in a rush, “You don’t have to suffer, not when it comes to me”
“I know” He whined fervently, in a heated daze. You were both burning up, and it was so hot inside this room, but he was the hottest boy that had ever existed. You wanted to do so much, but your time together wasn’t infinite, and the things you wanted to do to him were.
“Please let me do this” You mumbled, pecking his lips over and over.
“What are you going to do?” He whispered.
You fingers rest in his hair, and you pulled at the strands to tilt his head back with enough harshness to make him whine, allowing you access to his neck. 
Within seconds, you pressed a trail of kisses down his throat and jaw, nipping at his ear. 
“Fuck-” He moaned, as you bit onto his neck. Your other hand travelled up his body, fingers brushing against his chest, and his hips bucked up into nothing.
You should be more careful. You wanted to be delicate, but you couldn’t stop, and he couldn’t either, as he slowly rocked his hips against yours, to relieve the friction.
Hyunjin was restless, squirming, as you did so, and he suddenly whined, “Baby, don’t mark me”
You pulled back to look at him, “Why?”
His eyes were half-lidded but clearly he was still thinking straight, panting, “Someone… could see”
The disappointment must have been evident in your face because he immediately kissed you, whispering, “You can do anything else to me, I’m sorry”
You indulged him in the kiss, feeling his tongue in your mouth, as he explored you, grip strong on your jaw. His other hand pushed your sweatshirt up, and his lips were so fucking swollen, dripping with spit - yours and his.
It was messy, his hair was wet, and his hands were stained with dye as they travelled up your body, tracing each curve, under your sweatshirt. They brushed the wire of your bra, and he immediately paused, puling back to ask for permission.
Hyunjin had touched you before, but he’d always been so fucking respectful, never going into unfamiliar territory. Despite the heat of the moment, his eyes were shy, as he silently asked you if he could go further.
“You can…keep going” You nodded, pressing your lips to his again. 
It was all the approval that he needed, before his large hands squeezed your tits and you moaned, “Hyun-”
“Last night-” He began speaking, voice hoarse, “I wanted to touch you so fucking bad”
“Me too” You breathed, “You made me crazy…with what you said. I’m sorry I couldn’t come over”
“I’m sorry too” He apologised so sweetly, but he groped you so filthily, fingers pulling back the lace of your bra, ”I’m sorry I couldn’t make you feel good, when that’s all I ever fucking want to do”
He made you clench, “Fuck, Hyun I promise when I came over this morning, I…I wasn’t expecting this”
He shook his head, kissing the corner of your mouth, “I know, I know, you were just being so fucking sweet, you’re always so sweet”
“I was— I was just so worried about you” You admitted, but every word was difficult when you couldn’t breathe. Every word was difficult when his tongue slipped into your mouth, and you gave up on speaking, to just taste and devour him.
“I know. You care about me far too much” He mumbled, pulling back to gaze at you.
“Does it still hurt you?” 
“If I say yes--”
“I’ll make it go away” You promised.
“How?” He breathed, chest heaving, wondering what you could possibly do to take away the pain.
Your hand landed on his lap, and he was clearly so turned on, and you gently squeezed him through his sweatpants.
A loud moan escaped him, back arching at the sudden sensation, “Oh my god…”
“Is it okay if I go on?” You asked, against his lips.
“Please, I might die if you stop”
You smiled at his words,“You’re hard”
“I know” He chuckled, eyes half-lidded.
“Is that because I kissed you?” You teased, pecking kisses down his jaw, as you palmed his cock through his sweats, “Or is it because I’m touching you?”
“It’s because you’re you” He groaned, head thrown back against the mirror.
Suddenly, a buzzing caught your attention, and your phone vibrated against the bathroom counter. Still, you didn’t stop touching him.
“Baby…” He moaned, his voice was hoarse, trying to find his way to a sentence, “Your…your work”
“Don’t think about that right now” You told him, kissing under his ear, sucking over the sensitive spot, “Just let me take care of you”
Your hands hovered over the string of his sweats, “Can I?”
He nodded, frantically, “I told you. Do whatever you want...to me. You don’t even have to ask”
“Okay” You undid the knot, loosening the waistband of his sweatpants, and Hyunjin held his breath, abs clenching tightly, as you slipped your hand inside, feeling him bare.
He let out a whimper, “Oh god”
Your fingers wrapped around his entire length, and you’d touched him before, the first time that you kissed him, but things were different now.
“Fuck” He grit his teeth, “If I don’t last long-”
“Don’t worry about that” You told him. It was stupid and silly how your brain short-circuited; all you could think of was how hard and big he was. 
“Wait-” He interrupted, and you looked up at him, wondering if he changed his mind. Instead of asking you to stop, he grabbed your hand. 
You watched, curious, as he lift it to his own mouth, his lips wrapping against your fingers, wetting them.
It dawned on you what he was doing, and maybe you were so far gone that you’d forgotten how to even do this, and you felt embarrassed, but Hyunjin didn’t let you feel embarrassed for too long. The sight of him with your fingers in his mouth was so absolutely insane that you had to remind yourself to stay still, and not pounce on him in that very moment.
He pulled them out, with a pop, spit trailing down his swollen lips, “It’s easier… this way”
You immediately slipped your hand back into his sweatpants, tugging at his cock. It was easier now with spit on your hands, and it was better as you gripped him tightly. He was so warm, leaking already, and you wanted to just feel him inside you.
It was only the morning, and maybe that’s why he was flushing red, squirming as you touched him in broad daylight, and he pressed his mouth to yours, too shy to look into your eyes.
Too shy, but far too turned on, as his cock twitched with every tug of your hand, hips bucking to feel more of you.
Your grip was steady, thumb brushing against his tip and you learnt that he loved that, because his whines got louder when you did, curse words escaping his lips. 
“Oh my god” He groaned, and his mouth fell open, eyes squeezing shut.
“Do you like that, Hyun?” You asked him, “You like being touched?”
“Fuck. You’re going to make me come so fucking fast” He mumbled, embarrassed, hands gripping the marble counter.
Your pace increased, squeezing him every other second, and it had been so long since you’d given a handjob that you would get tired but of course he was helping you out, rocking his hips into your hand to match your pace.
He was unable to keep still, knuckles turning white, sweat dripping down his chest, drenching his abs.
He was so sensitive, and it was tough because your hand was restrained by the elastic of his sweat, but he kept squirming, so you gripped his thigh with your other hand, “Stay still, Hyunnie”
“I can’t” He whimpered, a tear slipping out, “It feels so good”
You kissed the edge of his mouth, as his moans got louder and your pace increased, hand gliding up and down with ease. It would be easier if his sweatpants were off, but you’d lose it if you saw him like that.
A loud ringer threatened to pull your attention away.
“Someone…someone is calling you again” He breathed.
“They can wait” You cut him off with another kiss, and his hips bucked up into your hands, legs wrapping tight around you.
“Y/N-” He moaned, the veins in his neck strained as he held back. 
Your phone was ringing, but you didn’t care about it right now. You’d been interrupted countless times in the past, and today you would make him feel good, no matter what.
“Faster?” You asked.
“Yes, please” He pleaded.
You picked up the pace, squeezing his cock tightly and he bit down on his lip, harshly.
“I just wanna be buried inside you” He blurted, cheeks red, chest heaving, “I can’t imagine how good you’d feel”
“I’d let you do anything to me too, you know?”
“You can fuck me, anywhere… anytime that you want”
He swallowed, “Shit- I want that now”
You leaned closer, pressing your chest to his, “You want to fuck me?”
He bit his lip, “Y-Yes, but-”
He was so whiney, and it was so easy to tease him, “But you’re not supposed to. We’re not supposed to do this, right?”
“I don’t give a fuck about that. I need to be inside you. I dreamt about you, every night” He blurted, and you learnt that perhaps forbidden love was his turn-on.
“What do you dream about?”
“I dream about — Fuck. I dream about you, on top of me, and about - it’s so inappropriate”
“Tell me, please Hyun”
He nodded, wanting nothing more than to please, “I dream of tasting you, and I can’t imagine how sweet you’d taste, and I think about waking you up in the morning, and — ” 
He seemed like he was losing it, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead, specks decorating his collarbones, and you were losing it too, at his words.
“Do you touch yourself to it? To those dreams?” You asked him, squeezing him again.
Tears brimmed at his eyes from the pleasure, and he shook his head, “I want to, but is that...is that okay with you?”
You smiled, kissing him, “Are you asking me if it’s okay?”
“Yeah” He breathed.
You pecked his cheek, and his ear, while stroking his cock, “You can think about me all you want when you touch yourself”
“Fuck” He groaned, “I’m so close. Please don’t stop, please”
“What do you need?” You whispered.
“Let me touch you” He begged, and you nodded, so his hands found their way to your body. 
He pulled you close, pushed your sweatshirt up, just enough to catch the lavender lace of your bra, in the early afternoon sun, “You’re so fucking hot”
You ran your fingers through the freshly-dyed hair, and when he felt your nails against his scalp, he moaned loudly, and you learnt that he loved having his hair pulled. 
You pulled at his hair, and his hips bucked, thrusting up into the air, head falling back, and with another tug inside his sweats, a loud moan escaped him.  
“Fuck—” He groaned, pink lips parting, eyes squeezed shut, cock twitching as he came in your hand, soaking you.
Small whines left his lips, and he rest his head against the mirror, and you continued touching him, and his legs trembled from the pleasure and the pain, until he was done.
It was only a regular Saturday morning but it was the most beautiful moment in your life.
You learnt that you could never feel as satisfied, as you did right now, revelling in his orgasm.
You stopped, in awe of him, until his breathing returned to normal. His hair was sticking to his face, and you pushed it back, and his chest was moving rapidly.
Hyunjin’s lips were bitten red and swollen, a sheen of sweet dripping down his abs, as he tried to catch his breath.
“Fuck” He muttered, opening his eyes to look at you, after he’d finally calmed down.
Slowly, you slipped your hands out of his sweats, and he noticed the mess he’d made, “Fuck, I’m so sorry. That’s-”
“Don’t say sorry” You told him, kissing his cheek.
“But I…let me clean it up” He felt embarrassed, post-coital haze taking over, and he reached for a tissue, wiping your hands with it.
You smiled at his tenderness.
He was red all over, as he wiped his release from your hands, “I’m sorry”
“Hyun” You interrupted him, “Relax”
His shoulders slacked, and he nodded, “Okay”
Like clockwork, your phone rang again.
Hyunjin’s gaze drifted to it, reading the caller ID, “Are they gonna be mad at you?”
“I don’t care” 
His eyes searched yours, and he nodded, and his cheeks were so red, and he was so endearing.
“How do you feel now?”
He let out a chuckle, pulling you closer, “What do you think?”
“I don’t know” You teased, nails grazing his abs. You were turned on beyond belief, the sight of Hyunjin like this enough to make you go insane, but it wasn’t about you right now, it was about him. 
When you got home, you’d think of him and this moment, and make yourself feel good.
You’d think of the moans, and the feeling of his cock in your hand, and you’d imagine it was him touching you.
“I promise this wasn’t my intention…when I asked you-”
“I know. You just wanted help with your hair” You interrupted him.
He laughed, “Yeah…and you helped me”
You tucked his hair behind his ear, still not used to his new look, “You look perfect, Hyun”
“I’m embarrassed” He admitted after a while, “I’m sorry if I was pushy or-”
“You weren’t” You assured him, only half-joking, “Now I know what I’m gonna be thinking about at work”
His eyes shot to yours, widening, “Y/N…”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around his waist, “I’m kidding”
“What about you?”
You laughed, “What about me?”
He smiled, coy, “Isn’t it my turn now?”
“Your turn to what?”
He leaned forward, voice dropping, “You’re…you’re not wet?”
You swallowed, because of fucking course you were, and then your phone rang again, for the fifth time in a row.
“I…I should get that” You stuttered, stepping away from him.
You don’t know why, but…you weren’t ready.
You weren’t ready for him to see you like that, even though every part of you wanted him. Maybe because you knew it couldn’t last. You feared that if Hyunjin touched you even just once, you’d never feel the same again.
So, you answered the sixth missed call, “Hello?”
Hyunjin watched you from where he sat.
Mina’s voice came in, “Oh my god, I thought you died or something”
“Yeah, sorry. I…wasn’t feeling well. I’ll be there soon” You replied, staring at the cabinet and how he’d arranged everything beautifully — a black cherry candle on the top shelf, a cerulean blue hand towel, and a tiny glass jar of hair-clips.
Your gaze darted to Hyunjin’s, and he was putting on his shirt now.
“Okay, I’ll see you there” Mina spoke, hanging up.
“You have to go?” He asked.
You turned to him, “Yeah, in a bit”
He stepped closer to you, “Are you all right?”
You nodded, “Mmh. Why wouldn’t I be?”
He smiled, pressing you into the counter, “Because you didn’t answer my question”
Your eyes widened, “Hyun-”
“I hope you don’t think of me as one of those guys”
“What guys?” You laughed.
“The guy… who’d let you just go to work without taking care of you too”
You gulped, “You don’t have to take care of me”
His expression fell, “You don’t want me to…?”
“No, it’s not that”
“Then tell me what it is” He asked, leaning in.
“Hyun…maybe later” You told him, “Mrs. Aera…will really hate me if I don’t show up”
He sighed, “Yeah. No one could ever hate you, though”
“Let’s not wait and find out” You laughed, grabbing your phone. As you headed for the door, Hyunjin watched you from the bathroom counter, but suddenly spoke, “Y/N”
“Yeah?” You turned.
He leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. Your heart jumped at the suddenness, and the kiss was so soft, so slow.
“Thank you” He said, pulling away, just slightly, “For…cutting my hair”
“Of course” You smiled. His fingers brushed against the skin of your stomach, and he pulled you close again, finding your mouth with his for the second time in the same breath.
Immediately, you kissed him back, and his tongue slipped into your mouth, deepening the kiss.
“Thank you…for…” He mumbled again, between kisses. 
This time…you knew he wasn’t referring to the haircut.
Your mouth hovered close, nose touching his, “Don’t thank me, Hyun. I’ve only been dreaming about it forever”
“So...you dream about me too?” He asked, looking right into your eyes.
You laughed, hands coming up to his chest to push him away, “Shut up”
“Wait” He leaned in to kiss you again. You let yourself melt into his embrace, and you wanted to ask what the hell happened to his no-dating rule, and all of his damned rules about love, but you didn’t.
A chuckle escaped you, “You have to stop thanking me…”
“No, you just…you make me feel so good” He whispered, “I don’t deserve it”
Your eyebrows shot up.
Where did that come from?
“Hyun, I’ll be late” You told him, and you were crazy for willingly pulling away from him, but you wanted to respect Mrs. Aera and her time. 
There was no hurry. Hyunjin wasn’t going anywhere right now, and you’d have all the time in the world to kiss him when you got back from work.
There was still time.
“We’re meeting at the Creek later tonight, right? Yeonjun might come too”
“Tonight? I almost forgot about your futile mission to make me love Daejon again”
He pouted, and you wonder how he could look so adorable after doing something so filthy, “Don’t call it futile”
“We’ll see who’s right” You hummed, adjusting your sweatshirt.
“Have a good day at work”
You felt like teasing him again, just a bit, “Maybe you should change your sweats after I leave”
He flushed red, “Stop. You’re the one that couldn’t resist me, and all just because I changed my hair”
You narrowed your eyes, “Unfair. You win”
He smiled, cheek dimpling, “I know”
Work felt a lot like hell that afternoon. 
As you sorted through the new paint, all you thought of was him.
His moans haunted you, his nose scrunching in pleasure, spit trailing down his swollen lips.
What came over you to do such a thing?
How did he let you?
The answer, of course, was simple enough.
Fucking lust. Or love. For you, it was both.
It seemed like he’d realized that you couldn’t stay away from each other, and you were thankful that you didn’t have to pretend to resist each other anymore. 
“Huh?” You looked up from where you were bent on the floor, hands buried in bubble wrap.
“Could you pass me the acrylics?” Mina repeated, standing tall on a ladder, trying to stock the upper shelves. 
“Right. Sure” You reached into the cardboard box behind you. A new edition of paint bottles lay there, named summer pastels, and you handed it over to Mina.
Just a few hours more that you had to make it through.
You were meeting him and Jun by the Creek later for a night swim, and the thought of seeing him so soon again excited you. There was so much to do with him and you were looking forward to the rest of the summer.
He definitely seemed eager to explore the rest of Daejon, and you had to take him to the night market, the summer solstice festival in the park, to a paintball fest, the list was endless.
You wanted to teach him your favourite techniques about art. He’d asked for your help after all. You’d help him excel in watercolour, and gouache, and maybe he’d love impressionism. It was surreal, and dreamy just like him and you could imagine the landscapes you could paint together.
How amazing would that be?
If you and him worked on a painting together.
Your styles were so different, but they’d meld together so well, and you’d let him take the lead. You could imagine how proud he’d feel.
You hope you wouldn’t get too distracted and caught up in each other, and would actually finish the painting, and god, it would be so hot if there was paint all over him-
“You’re distracted” Mina pointed out, stretching to reach the upper shelf as she stocked new sharpies.
“I’m just tired” 
She smiled, “Thinking about a boy?”
“What else did you want me to hand you?”
“You’re cute when you’re flustered, Y/N”
“I’m not flustered. I told you…I’m tired”
Your phone buzzed, and you immediately reached for it, before realising that you were technically at work, and you shouldn’t be so eager. 
Still, Mina caught onto that.
“Oh my god” She laughed, “Who is he?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” You put your phone face down, so you wouldn’t be tempted to check. 
“Yeah you do” She smiled, “Don’t be embarrassed of it”
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed of, because nothing is going on” You felt like a broken record repeating that, but it was the truth.
Your phone buzzed again, and you peeked at the messages. 
They were from Seungmin.
hey yn
i think you may be at work but I can't get in touch with hyunjin
whenever you do, can you ask him if the refund for the last payment came in?
refund for what?
the art classes
at the château 
he was registered for the whole summer before, but since he’s not attending them anymore, we’re refunding him
he cancelled the classes?
“Y/N. I arranged the colors the way you like. Is it okay?” Mina interrupted, and you looked up at her, confused by what you’d just learnt.
“Yeah. It’s okay” You mumbled, reaching for your phone again.
“Can you please text whoever he is after work? I need some help with the canvas” She asked.
You nodded, “Of course. Sorry”
Hyunjin probably had a really good reason for cancelling the classes, maybe it was getting too expensive for him, and you’d ask him about it later.
“Which one even is he?” She asked.
“Which boy?” She grinned at you.
“It’s just Seungmin” You told her, “And you’re one to talk”
“What?” She asked.
“Earlier when I came by…I saw the daffodils. Who’s the secret admirer, Mina?” You laughed, turning the tables on her.
She laughed, stepping down from the ladder, “Those were for you, dumbass”
“What?” You glanced up at her, heart jumping.
“They’re in the back room. Since you didn’t come for the morning shift, I put them in some water so they wouldn’t die”
Your eyes widened, “Can I go see?”
“Of course, but come right back please. I need some help with the easels”
Hyunjin sent you flowers?
Why didn’t he tell you? He must have wanted it to be a surprise, and you immediately stood up, dusting the dirt off your jeans as you made your way to the back room. 
The daffodils were peeking out from a cut-up plastic water bottle, a stark contrast to the natural beauty of the flowers. Your heart melted. Mina had done her best, going so far as to putting them on the one shelf of the storage room that got sunlight.
As you stepped closer, the scent overwhelmed you. It had been so long since you’d gone to pick any flowers. 
The petals were delicate to your touch, and you turned the bouquet around. There was no note attached from him.
The flowers were enough though, and you smiled to yourself, making a mental note to take them home with you, and put them on the windowsill by your bed. 
You would thank him later. 
You wanted to cheer him up anyway, and since you were going to the Creek tonight, you knew the perfect fucking way to do that. You just couldn’t wait for him to see it.
“They’re gorgeous, aren’t they?” Mina asked.
You turned to see her standing by the door, “Yeah. They’re so beautiful”
“Someone is waiting out there for you” She nodded back toward the shop.
“Oh, I’ll be right there” You grabbed the fragile water bottle, carrying it back out with you.
You stopped in your tracks as you entered the shop again.
Curly hair falling to her shoulders, the color of rose-gold, heart-shaped glasses balanced atop her nose, she was flipping through a Daejon brochure.
“Yuqi?” You exclaimed.
She looked up, immediately pushing the glasses up her head, and her lips tugged into a gorgeous smile.
“Seems like you’ve been up to a lot while I’ve been away” She grinned, pointing to the tourist brochure in her hands.
“I’ve been up to nothing” You laughed, stepping up to pull her into a hug, holding the flowers in your other hand. 
“Fuck, it’s been so long” She hummed.
“When did you get back?” You asked, placing the temporary vase on the cash counter. You leaned against it, turning to face her.
She looked like a dream in denim dungarees and a tube top.
“I drove in early this morning. I was running a few errands for Yeonjun since then”
You crossed your arms, “Oh, he’s already making you work for him?”
She rolled her eyes, “Unfortunately, as his twin sister, I have no choice but to do it”
“What errands does he even have?” 
“Ice-cream to aid his broken heart”
“Oh” You pouted, “He told you about that, huh?”
“Texted me crying last night” She shrugged, “That’s kind of why I drove in last minute. I wasn’t supposed to come home until the fall”
You smiled, “I’m glad you’re here. I’m sure he will be too”
“I’m like the worst therapist” She laughed, “But…I have dealt with assholes and heartbreak before, so I may just be the perfect person”
Your eyes fell to the brochure in her hands, “What are you even reading that for?”
“There’s a beautiful picture of you in it" She said, waving the paper around.
“What?” You grabbed it from her, flipping through the pages.
It was the new tourist brochure for Daejon, and just like she said, there was a picture of you.
It was from the Paint and Wine event at the Château. 
You were painting, smiling at someone off-camera, and you knew that it was obviously Hyunjin, but he hadn’t been a part of this frame.
Maybe that was better since you didn’t need any rumours around town. Still, it remind you of that night and how beautiful it was, well… until the part where Hyunjin told you he could never be in a relationship, or let himself love someone.
You folded and kept it away, looking back at Yeonjun’s sister.
“You said you drove here? From Busan?”
She nodded.
“You brought the red pickup?”
She laughed, not one for nostalgia or outspoken love, “Sometimes I think you love me just for my car”
Just outside the store window, was parked her gorgeous red pickup truck. You had countless memories associated with it — nights Yuqi would sneak you and Felix out for drives, to the night markets and candy shops in Samhae, up the hill, to the river when Minho had his fishing phase in school.
Observing your wistful expression, Yuqi smiled, “Don’t tell me you’re reminiscing high school already, Y/N”
“I’m not!” You defended, “But it was kind of fun. It was simple”
“It isn’t now?”
You shrugged, “Things have changed a lot since you were last here”
She stepped up to you, “I already know about Hana and Jun’s fallout; what else happened?”
You didn’t even know where to start. Yuqi had always been like an older sister to you, even though technically her and Yeonjun were the same age, but you’d hardly kept in touch ever since she moved.
She’d been so busy in her life, and there was so much she didn't know about you.
You fiddled with your charm bracelet, wondering how to sum up the best summer of your life, “I uh, I met a boy”
Her eyebrows shot up, “What the actual fuck? Tell me everything”
“Sure, but I have to help out Mina too” You laughed, moving back to the supplies, “You’re coming tonight, right?”
“To the Creek? Yeah, Yeonjun told me he’s going” She questioned.
“You should come! You can meet him there”
Her eyes widened, “The boy you met, he’s coming tonight too?”
You smiled, “Yeah. It was actually his plan to go in the first plan”
“Fuck. Is he cute?”
“Mmh. He is” You laughed, pushing the cart of supplies towards Mina as she stocked them, rolling her eyes at your and Yuqi’s conversation.
“You ladies are not passing the Bechdel test” Mina laughed, from the top step of the ladder.
You glanced up at her, “You know what that is?”
“Of course. How dumb do you think I am” She laughed.
Yuqi leaned against the shelf, crossing her arms, “What is the Bechdel test?”
“Like...a way of figuring out if a film or book represents women without the stereotypes or sexism, and in order to pass the test, the book should have more than one conversation between women...which isn’t about men” You explained.
Yuqi laughed, “Well, fuck me. You’re still telling me all about the hot boy you met this summer. The Bechdel test can sue me”
Hyunjin was waiting for you by the forest trail, later that night. Liquid dripped from his lips as he sucked on a cherry, and he had a bunch in his hand.
He looked adorable, hands tucked into denim jeans, his hair pushed under a baseball cap. 
“Where did you get those?” 
He glanced up, a small smile on his lips, “Hey” 
He pulled into a half-hug because of how messy his hands were.
His lips were redder than ever, juice from the fruit dripping down his neck. It did something to you, and you looked away, not wanting to relive your thoughts that overtook you at work. 
He bit into another cherry, “I picked them out earlier by myself. At first, I wasn’t sure how to know which ones are fresh, because back in Seoul, I just buy them from the 7/11 under our dorm, but I don’t know, there’s something truly satisfying about picking your own fruit, you know?”
“Wow. How will you ever adapt to living in the city again?” You laughed.
His eyes crinkled, “Very sadly”
“I got your flowers, by the way” You smiled.
His eyebrows shot up, “What flowers?”
“The daffodils…that you got me?” You laughed, looking up at him.
Hyunjin seemed confused, which confused you further, “Um…”
“You…weren’t the ones who sent me those?”
He shook his head, an unreadable expression on his face, “No, that…wasn’t me”
“Oh okay. Never mind... How long have you been waiting here?” You asked, wanting to change the topic because that was fucking awkward, tugging your tote bag higher up your shoulder.
“You’re not late. I just got here early” He explained.
“To pick cherries?”
“Nope, I just needed to get out of the house”
“Oh. How do you feel now?”
He sighed, biting into another cherry, “It could be much worse”
“But, hey, at least my head doesn’t pound anymore” He joked, as you arrived at the Creek.
The moon was supposed to be bright tonight, according to the forecast you looked up, but clearly nothing was going to plan, and everything that had happened since this morning had been all kinds of unexpected. 
The water was enveloped in darkness, and it felt like you were looking out into nothing.
Yongbok had always fed you tales of the many elves, faeries, and sirens that lived in the deepest abysses of your town. Stories of otherworldly creatures that inhabited the depths of the Creek, which would only reveal themselves in the deep of the night, concealed in the shadows. 
Obviously you’d never seen one, but you weren’t stubborn enough to tick their existence off the list.
He had told you those stories many times before, and you didn’t believe them, not really. 
Still, staring out into the dark right now, you did feel a little on edge.
The water was mostly still, as all of the little streams led to this spot, pooling in this gorgeous area. You thought it was beautiful how every river across your town ended up in one place, bringing together each corner and story of Daejon - forming a whirlpool of the lived memories.
To be honest, if there were any chance of otherworldly creatures existing in the entire universe…they probably would be residing in the cool cerulean blue water of the Creek.
“What are you thinking?” His tender voice, calmer than the waters, pulled you out of your fantastical thoughts.
Looking up, you saw him stood by the edge of the cliff, on the same rock he had jumped off months before, but you didn’t know him back then. He was but a stranger to you at that time.
You did know him now, at least you think you did -- over the weeks of peeling every layer of what made up Hyunjin, you knew so much of what made him, him. 
“I was…just thinking about how Yeonjun is late” You told him, crossing your arms against the cold breeze.
Hyunjin’s lips curled up, “He’ll be here”
“I hope he didn’t ditch us” You stared back at the dark water.
Hyunjin laughed, “Of course not. I think he’s just running late”
“You seem fairly confident when you’ve known him for less than a week”
He chuckled, stepping closer to you, “We can get in the water. We don’t have to wait for him, you know?”
You swallowed, “Get in the water, like…just me and you alone...together...?”
Hyunjin standing there right now, looking like this, did not help your emotions. 
Chocolate brown strands framed his face, grazing his cheeks, and the rest was pulled up into a bun, messy, uneven, so fucking attractive.
And even if all those tales Yongbok and the town-dwellers told you were false, Hyunjin was the closest thing to an ethereal, out-of-this-world, ripped straight out of a fantasy novel creature - that you'd ever see. 
If those stories had been written in today's age, they would probably all be about him.
The t-shirt you'd picked out this morning fit him far too well, the zipper stopping at his chest, burgundy sleeves hugging his arms and biceps just like you wish he would hug you.
You were surprised when you’d seen him in that, and you definitely hadn’t been subtle enough this morning. 
He tilt his head at you, “Is there a problem with that? If it's just you and me in the water, alone?”
Was there?
The hint of a smile made it's way onto your face, and you reached up to untie your halter top, and even the fiercest creatures in Daejon couldn’t intimidate you right now as much as he did, “No...there's no problem at all, Hyun"
His eyes fixated on you, as you slipped off the top, revealing the swimsuit you’d picked inside. Light-pink, it hugged your body far too tightly, but he didn’t seem to care. 
He stared at you, unabashedly, unashamed, as you kept the top to the side, with the rest of your stuff. His eyes flickered over your body, and then back to your face.
“Your turn” You told him, crossing your arms.
“Okay” He chuckled, reaching up behind his neck, to take off his shirt, and your pulse went frantic and you felt so silly.
Hell, you’d seen him shirtless only hours before, but it was never enough, and he looked so fucking pretty in the moonlight.
You reached for the button on your shorts, popping it open, and Hyunjin watched as you slipped them off your legs, stepping out of them. It was chilly tonight, and you bent down, to put all of your stuff inside your backpack, and you were so fucking excited to show Hyunjin what you’d been planning. He would love it so much—
“Jisung called me”
You looked up, “What?”
“Yeah” He released a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair, “Sorry. I’m ruining this moment”
“No...that’s okay. How is he doing?”
“As good as he can be right now, but...” He sat down on the rock, staring at the water, “I feel bad that I’m not with him”
“You’ll see him in a few weeks though, wouldn’t you?”
Hyunjin swallowed, “Yup”
You’d been expecting that Hyunjin would feel better after…what happened earlier this afternoon, but maybe it was naïve and stupid of you to assume that. You couldn’t change his life circumstances. You made him cum, you didn’t fix all the problems in his life. 
You felt defeated, because he certainly didn’t seem to be in the mood for this.
And why should he?
His best friend was going through shit, and he could do nothing about it. 
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” You asked.
Hyunjin glanced up at you, “Do what?”
“Swim. We don’t need to. I know you’re not in a mood to…we’re only doing this for me—”
“No, I wanna do this” He interrupted, “Did I…made you feel like I didn’t?”
“Maybe we can just wait for Yeonjun” You spoke, joining him on the rocks, “He must be close”
He nodded, crossing his legs on, “Yeah, he must be. So who do you think the flowers are from?”
You turned to him, pulling your knees to your chest, confused, “I don’t know. I…just assumed it was from you”
His face fell.
You smiled, to reassure him, “Don’t worry. They’re probably sent to the wrong person. Or maybe they’re consolation flowers for not getting the apprenticeship”
Hyunjin frowned at the mention of that, “Once I get back to Seoul, I’m definitely giving a piece of my mind to that shit company”
“What?” You laughed.
“They’re crazy to deny you” He expressed, turning to you, “Have you thought about…applying to another?”
You glanced at him, “Another program?”
“Yeah” He wrung his hands together.
You shrugged, staring at the dark water, “Not yet. I’m not proud enough of my work to send my portfolio again, and I’m…not really over the rejection”
“So, what, you’re gonna just give up?”
You shook your head, “No, of course not, Hyun. I’m just gonna take some time off”
“You can’t do that”
You frowned, the urgency in his tone unmistakable, “Why…? Isn’t it a good thing to take time to myself?”
“No, because-” He turned to you, grabbing your hand, “You’re so fucking good at what you do. Right now, there will be so many chances…and opportunities that you could get. Do you know how many companies I auditioned at before I got selected at Pegasus?”
Your face softened, unfamiliar with this urgency,  “No, I…didn’t know that, Hyun”
There was so much you still didn’t know about him.
Realisation sank into his face, “Yeah. Well, it was a lot. If I’d given up, do you think I’d still be here right now?”
So much you yearned to know.
Why did he choose to audition in the first place? What made him even go after this profession? 
And then more. Stuff about his life that didn't matter, or maybe it did.
Who was his first kiss? What was his favourite book? His worst heartbreak? The first girl he fucked? Your curiosity would rip at the seams and maybe it would never end, because the things you wanted to know about him were endless, and now that time was slipping away, it was the only opportunity to stop thinking and start asking him all of those things.
There was no point in dwelling on the what-ifs. 
Hyunjin was here now, and you would not hold back anymore.
“How do you do it?”
“Do what?” He glanced at you.
“Stay so fucking positive, despite everything. If I was in your place, I think the apprehension and fear would have killed me”
His lip tilted up, “It’s not always this way. This year is just not a good one for us. I guess because people are finally beginning to know who we are, it just invites so much more hate, and anger”
“I don’t understand people”
“I know” He sighed, “But for the amount of hate, the love we get...it cancels out all the bullshit”
Hyunjin spoke of love in so many ways, except one.
“Like…” You picked at the pebbles with your nails, lowering your voice, “Some people are so evil”
Hyunjin nodded, “Mmh, but let’s... forget about them tonight. For the time we have left, I don’t want you to spend it inside your head”
“The time we have left...” You repeated, and you would forget about those people tonight, because tonight was special, “I have a lot of things I wanna do with you”
“You do?” He looked at you, voice unsure.
“Yeah” You smiled, “You’re going to love it. There’s so much stuff that happens the end of summer, like the solstices festival, and I still have to teach you so many of my favourite techniques! So I...I was thinking that we could paint together—”
He swallowed, “Maybe we should just take it one day at a time, Y/N”
You stopped mid-sentence at his words, “Oh”
You were getting carried away.
Hyunjin sighed, realising what he’d said, “Because…I mean, you know…eventually, I’ll have to go-”
It just reminded you that this was so temporary.
Your thing with him was temporary — whatever that thing was.
Hyunjin would just walk out of your life, and his life would go on as it always did.
Was there a point to what all you had planned, if he was never going to see you again after that?
“Yeah I know” You interrupted, “Let’s get in the water”
“Y/N…” He spoke, reaching out to your cheek, “We came here for a reason, right? You love this place, and so you’d have a good-”
“I am having a good time” You stood up, standing by the edge, and you would.
Tonight was supposed to be special. 
He joined you, staring at the drop, arms crossed, “Are you gonna ask me to jump again?”
You laughed, “You’ve done it before”
He glanced at you, biting his lip, “Together?”
It wasn’t that scary, but this was only his second time here, and so you took his hand in yours, letting him grip you tightly.
And then you stepped forward into nothingness, stomach lurching at the sudden drop.
You’d jumped off this rock a hundred times before, but this time you still didn’t feel prepared. 
The cold water swallowed you both, and for a minute or what felt like hours, everything was blank.
It was black, and blue, and freezing, and you couldn’t see where he was, and your head pounded with the pressure, and for a second, you feared your worries would weigh you down until you couldn’t come up — 
But then Hyunjin pulled you up out of the water, holding you tight.
You gasped for breath, taking in fresh air, yet it still felt like all the oxygen had left your lungs, because he was touching you so close.
Hyunjin shook his head, to get the hair and water out of his eyes, “Fuck. The water’s fucking freezing”
“It is” You shivered, drifting closer into his arms, to share in his body heat.
The water finally settled around, ripples from your jump dissipating, and if there were any creatures in the water they surely would have woken up by now.
“This is what you missed about Daejon? Freezing your ass off? I can see why you hate this town”
You laughed, loudly, gripping his shoulders, “Shut up. It’s nice if you let it settle”
His teeth chattered, and he was so dramatic because it wasn’t that cold. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him to you, “It’s better than a cold shower”
“What do you even love about this?” He asked you, “It’s better in the morning. It’s warm and I don’t get hypothermia—”
You grabbed his chin, making him look up.
He did, mouth parting, in awe of the view.
The stars had never been as bright as they were tonight, and he sucked in a sharp breath, “How is it so clear? It’s…even better than the hills”
“There’s no lights here, so you can see them much clearer”
Hyunjin’s gaze stayed up to the sky, as he watched the stars twinkle.
“Shit, isn’t that gorgeous? I can see all the constellations from down here” He spoke, “Wait, I think I know that one. It’s Cassiopeia”
Your heart stung at the reminder, but you calmed yourself.
One day at a time.
Tonight would be great.
You tilt your body back, floating on the water, and Hyunjin held onto your waist, drifting with you in the cesspool of your lived memories.
Time felt like it stretched into hours, as you watched the stars move so slow, as the Earth spun, and Hyunjin’s fingers kept you rooted to reality, and your perception of everything was different here. 
You almost expected to look up, and be back in the past somehow, and the thought was terrifying because as much as you wanted things to be good again, it couldn’t happen at the cost of Hyunjin.
The stars blinked, disappearing every other second, reminding you of a memory you’d forgotten - you’d actually planned something for him, and you were going to miss it, because you were stupidly stuck in the past, when your present was already so perfect.
“Fuck” You straightened up, “We need to get out of the water”
There was something Hyunjin needed to see. 
And it had to be now.
“We might have already missed it” You immediately swam back to the bank, and Hyunjin followed, confused why you were getting out of the water so early.
“Missed what?” He laughed, as you lifted yourself out. The wind pricked your skin. You slipped on your flimsy top, and there wasn’t any time to wear your shorts and you can’t believe you fucking forgot about this.
How lost were you?
“Why are you getting dressed?”
“It’s…like your thing on the Château” You told him, grabbing his hand to drag him away from the water and into the woods, not wanting to spoil it anymore.
“What thing?” He stumbled after you, still dripping wet from your short-lived swim.
“The town lights on the hill. Remember you showed them to me?” You spoke, as you pulled him through the underbrush.
“I remember” He was confused, following as you ran through the clearing, into the denser part of the woods. The sound of crickets surrounded you, drowning your little gasps of breath as you ran through.
The leaves crunched under your hurried footsteps, pushing past the twigs in your way.
You hadn’t been there in a few years, but there was no better time to revisit.
He had to see, and he had to now.
He would love it, you know he would love it so much.
If anything in Daejon could make him feel grateful and happy, it was this place. 
“But where are we going?” Hyunjin almost whined, trying to keep up with you. He was much taller so it should have been easier for him, but he was still stumbling through, clearly not used to the wilderness and the city boy inside him was peeking out.
“We’re almost here!” You promised.
“Can’t you at least tell me—“
Your abrupt stop made him bump into you, and he put his hands on your shoulders to turn you around, “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did you step on-”
“I want you to close your eyes”
His eyebrows shot up, “What…?”
“Just…” You grabbed his hands, “Please listen to me and don’t ask any questions”
He laughed, amused but slowly closed his eyes, and you grabbed his warm hand in yours. You lead him deeper into the clearing, and he hesitated.
“Don’t make me fall into a ditch—”
“Just trust me, Hyun” You told him.
“I do trust you. I just don’t want to get hurt blindly walking through a forest” He asked, stepping over the leaves, and pebbles that he felt under his feet.
Your smile grew, as you finally made it to the clearing, a view prettier than anything in the entire universe.
You hadn’t come here in ages. 
You turned to face him, catching your breath, “Okay. We’re here”
“Where? Can I open my eyes now?”
You laughed, because Hyunjin was such a hopeless romantic, but he was so impatient too.
Amongst the Daejon woods, was a clearing, where the terrain was flat, and the woodland plants grew tall - a mix of orange and purple flowers, surrounded by thin weeds. 
But, the most beautiful part of this clearing, was what you’d brought him to witness. 
“You can open your eyes, Hyun”
Confusion painted his face, in the form of suspicious furrowed eyebrows, until he finally looked up, realising just why you brought him here.
His mouth fell open in awe, eyes widening, as he took in the scene.
“Oh my god”
Soft, twinkling lights illuminated the entire clearing.
A hundred of them, bright lights, flying above the canopy, like stars shining through the canopy.
Stars that flew around, bumping into each other, creating paths and patterns that could never be replicated even in constellations.
Hyunjin’s eyes were lit up, mouth parted in amazement like never before, watching the little lightning bugs illuminate the dark woods.
“Oh my god” Hyunjin repeated, a chuckle of disbelief escaping him. He clutched his stomach tightly, as if he couldn’t believe he were here, turning a full circle to take in the view.
“There’s so many of them” He breathed.
A smile overtook your lips, voice soft, “Do you like it?”
He turned to you, pure adoration in his eyes, like a kid on Christmas morning, like a boy in love, but not with you, with what you’d done for him.
“How did you know they would be here?”
You shrugged, coyly, “A coincidence”
His gaze softened at your words, “You planned this”
“I did…I wanted to show them to you”
He looked up again, getting distracted in the way the fireflies flew above the canopy, “It’s so beautiful”
You swallowed, “I wanted to show them to you…before you have to leave. I thought it’d make you feel better, even if only temporarily. I know you’re having a hard time, and I just thought you should see this because—”
When you looked up at him, he was staring at you, not the fireflies anymore, an unreadable expression in his eyes.
His gaze pierced through you, and then flickered to your lips, “Thank you”
You swallowed, suddenly nervous as you looked up at him, “Earlier you said you wish you had a different life, and you’d be happier somehow and I want you to know that’s not true. You can be happy in this life, I know we still have a lot of time, but I don’t want to miss any moment—”
Hyunjin cut you off, pressing his lips to yours.
You let out a noise of surprise, as his arms gripped you, pulling your body closer to his. You stumbled into his embrace, immediately kissing him back. His chest was still glistening with water droplets, and his hair was dripping, sticking to your face, to your lips.
Cold, and wet fingers grabbed your cheek.
His mouth felt hot on yours, as he pressed his chest to yours, wasting no time in pushing his tongue into your mouth.
“Hyun-” You whined, pulling back an inch to breathe, but you didn’t want to breathe anything except his taste.
“I have to tell you something, Y/N” 
At first you thought you misheard him.
“W-what?” You paused.
He kissed you again, holding your face in his hands, “It's...very important”
His voice was suddenly heavy with emotion, and you realised that no you did not want to know.
You’d push your curiosity to the side, and fuck that, because you didn’t want to know anything that would break your heart, and what Hyunjin was going to say definitely would.
“I don’t wanna know. Not now. Just kiss me, please”
Hyunjin’s gaze softened, “Are you sure?”
“Please” You pressed your mouth to his, “I just want you right now”
“Y/N…” He breathed, against your lips.
It was hard to speak, and you didn’t even know what you were feeling at the moment, “I just want tonight to be perfect, and I want you so much”
“Okay” He breathed, pulling your face back to his, and you kissed him, trying to erase everything he was going to say, and this could have been a beautiful moment but perhaps you weren’t the only self-destructive one.
Perhaps it was far too perfect for Hyunjin to handle, and that’s why he was trying everything he could to destroy it, but you wouldn’t let him.
So, you kissed him, until you both sat on the grass, and your knees touched the forest floor. He was on his knees too, holding you to him, hands clutching your face to still have the semblance of control. 
You kissed him until the pebbles and rocks under you stopped hurting, leaving imprints on your skin forever just like he had.
You kissed him until he’d swallowed all your tears, and until denial tasted just like the cherries he had sucked on. 
You kissed him until he was hard, and he mumbled, “Baby...”
He pressed you to the floor, crawling on top of you.
He never broke the open-mouthed kiss, and everything was so wet, with your spit, with the water from the Creek that still hadn’t dried off, with your soaking underwear. 
His weight on top of you was new, and it was unfamiliar, and you don’t know when it would ever happen again, so you tried to memorise it. Your hands sifted through his freshly-cut hair, and it remind of you this morning, and of how beautiful he’d looked, and how different things were.
Hyunjin at seven am was so different from him now.
You wanted to learn him, and discover who he was at every hour of the day. 
Hyunjin’s hands grabbed yours, and in a single move, he pinned them over your head, taking control of you.
Your hands pressed into the grass, and the rocks, and you were at his complete mercy.
“I…couldn’t focus on work today because of you” You complained, when he pulled back to breathe.
“What were you thinking about?” He whispered, kissing the corner of your mouth, pushing his knee between your legs.
“Fuck” You mumbled, and his other hand dropped to your stomach, holding your body down, and it was so fucking sexy you couldn’t stop your whines, “About how pretty you look, about how big-”
He let out a groan, pushing his hardening cock against your swimsuit bottoms, “It’ll feel more perfect when I’m inside you”
Blood rushed to your head, and you tilt your head back, as he planted kisses all over your collarbone. His hand slid under your sweater, squeezing your tits in his hands as he grind against you.
You wanted to touch him, but he didn’t let you, keeping your hands at bay, and it was so fucking hot and you were so wet.
“This swimsuit…is so fucking adorable on you” He mumbled, fiddling with the strings of your bikini bottom, “Is it okay if I touch you?”
“Yes, yes, please”
Why was he even asking?
And then he pressed his fingers into your core, over the thin fabric, and you almost passed out at the touch.
“Fuck” You moaned, squirming, “Don’t tease me”
He nodded, swallowing your whimpers, “I won’t. I was just making sure you’re ready”
“I am” You all but begged.
“I know” He smiled against your lips, and true to his promise, pulled the waistband of your pastel-blue panties forward. 
You could still see the fireflies from here, the twinkling lights in the sky, and you wanted to remember how that looked, but Hyunjin was rolling his hips against yours, and you couldn’t focus on anything else.
You let out a loud moan, when his hand slipped inside your underwear, and he was so fucking sweet as he kissed your cheek, “Will you let me finger you now, baby?”
“Y/N?” A familiar voice interrupted, echoing in the woods, and Hyunjin immediately stopped, pulling back to look at you.
“Did you hear that?” He asked you, eyes half-lidded.
You were so distracted by his dilated pupils that you didn’t register that someone was calling your name, and you would have chosen to ignore it, but Hyunjin was already standing up, pulling you to your feet.
“Y/N?” The voice sang again.
“Shit” You cursed, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Who is that?” Hyunjin asked, fixing the straps of your top, pushing them back onto your shoulders.
You ran your hands over your face, trying to gather your bearings, but your head was filled with a cloud of lust, “It’s…her”
His eyebrows shot up, as he tugged your sweater over your swimsuit, “Who?”
“Y/N?” The voice called out again, as footsteps ran out into where you were. 
She stopped, feet skidding against the dirt, as soon as she saw the two of you.
Hyunjin turned to her, eyes widening.
You flushed with embarrassment, because if you heard her…that means she definitely heard you moan.
She stood still, staring at the two of you, and it would almost be comical if you didn’t feel slightly ashamed. 
Her rose-gold hair was pulled up into two ponytails, a red swimsuit hugging her curves.
“You must be Hyunjin” She blurted, “I’ve heard so much about you”
“Oh” He trailed off, looking back at you, and you could see he was trying to restrain the hard-on in his swim-shorts.
You were still so lost, head fuzzy, because what was Hyunjin going to tell you before you interrupted him?
Yuqi looked apologetic, “Sorry I ran in here, I parked my car and then I saw your clothes out by the rocks, and I assumed the worst, like you never know what goes on in these woods, there could be some serial killer, and I literally fell asleep watching Friday the 13th last night, and if you’ve seen that, you’d know that—“
“I haven’t seen it” Hyunjin interrupted her.
“Oh. You should. It’s…nice”
“I don’t really like horror movies” 
“I’m Yeonjun’s sister” She added, an awkward smile.
“Ohh. You look like him”
“Yeah. Cause we’re related”
She looked around the glade, “Did she bring you out here to see the fireflies? I swear she and Felix are so obsessed with thi—”
“Where’s Yeonjun?” You interrupted.
“He’s already in the water” She jut her thumb back towards the water, “I’ll see you guys there!”
She ran back through the woods, and it’d be funny if you didn’t feel so frustrated. You and Hyunjin had horrible timing…or maybe it was fate’s way of saying you weren’t supposed to be doing this.
“She definitely knows what we were doing” Hyunjin spoke, softly, hand slipping inside his shorts to adjust, and you looked away.
“Yeah, but you can trust Yuqi. She…won’t tell anyone”
This was reckless. There were a lot of kids and groups from town that hiked in the woods, especially in the summer.
Hyunjin was already dealing with scandal upon scandal, he didn’t need you to make it worse.
His gaze fell to the floor, “I’m sorry for getting carried away. That was stupid”
You nodded, “Yeah. It was”
“We should be more careful” He mumbled, but you could see the frustration in his eyes as he began walking back.
You followed him, trying to calm your breathing, “It’s a good thing it was just her”
“I didn’t even know Yeonjun has a sister”
“Yeah, she lives in Busan” You told him.
“She has a car?”
“I was going to rent one” He spoke, as you fell into step with him.
"You were?” You turned to him, “What do you need a car for?”
He shrugged, pushing through the rustling leaves, “I…got us tickets to something”
“Well, I’m sure Yuqi would let you have it for an evening. You don’t have to rent one”
“That sounds good” He nodded, shooting you a soft smile as you finally caught up to Yuqi and Yeonjun, who were already in the water. 
They were splashing each other already, asking you to jump in.
Hyunjin headed to them, but you reached out to him, “By the way, tickets for what?”
He laughed, looking sheepish, “Can that part still be a surprise?” 
Fortunately for you, the curiosity about the surprise only lasted for a day.
“You’ve never seen Jaws?” 
“I’m not really a monster movie kind of guy” Hyunjin replied, arms crossed against his chest as Yuqi gaped at him, an almost comical expression on her face.
“Does that mean you’ve never seen Chucky either?”
“I happen to like dolls, and I don’t want to change that”
They’d only known each other a little more than a day, and were already comfortable enough with each other, thanks to the hours spent last night swimming and getting to know each other. 
“You’re fucking kidding me” She stated, then turned to you, “Where did you find this guy?”
“Leave him alone, Yuqi” Yeonjun replied before you could speak, and you laughed.
“No, because monster movies are easily the best genre!” She told Yeonjun, who’d already stopped listening, and was checking the tickets on his phone. 
The drive-in theater was busy tonight, as a crazy amount of families and couples had come out to watch the iconic screening of Jaws. 
Hyunijn had insisted that you come here tonight, another thing off your list that you’d mentioned to him, and the fact that Yuqi just happened to have a car — was a cherry on top of a perfect coincidence.
When they’d learnt of your plans, Hyunjin had been kind enough to let them come along with you, because he enjoyed their company as much as you did.
You don’t know why Hyunjin was rushing through the things, but you couldn’t complain. 
Every summer, cars would line up until Mrs. Erin’s noodle shop, and a huge projector and screen were set up, facing the woods.
They usually played the same movies on loop, so you’d already got tired of the the same blockbuster tropes. Being Yongbok’s friend, you had had no choice but to indulge in every single one of these films.
Still, tonight was different, because Hyunjin was here now.
Every time you came in the past, you would borrow Yuqi’s car since her pick-up truck had space in the back to squeeze all of your friends, with thick blankets and enough snacks to last double-features. Her truck was also ideal for star-gazing and movie nights like this. 
You stood leaning against it, in the minutes before the movie began. As of now, they were only showing previews and trailers, as everybody parked their cars.
“I’m not a fan of watching people get ripped apart” Hyunjin replied to her, his voice low.
“Can’t believe you’re a softie” She tilt her head, as if analysing him top-to-down. Hyunjin’s cheeks turned red at her scrutinising gaze and he turned to you, for help. 
He looked extra adorable today, in a white button-up shirt, and faded boyfriend-fit jeans.
You laughed, pushing the pebbles at your feet, “You’re on your own, Hyun”
He sighed, turning to Yuqi, “It’s not that I don’t enjoy the thrill, I just prefer to indulge in a different kind of …excitement”
“Yongbok must hate you” She laughed, “He’s obsessed with those movies. Have you two met yet?”
Your eyebrows shot up, and you saw Hyunjin stiffen. 
You spoke, before he could, “Um, yeah they have”
“How did he approve of you then?” She asked, eyes wide.
“Yongbok doesn’t have to approve of anybody” You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You two just don’t seem like you’d get along” She told him. 
Hyunjin’s expression was calm, and reserved as she said that. You realised that while you’d heard plenty of opinions from Yongbok about him, you had no idea what Hyunjin felt about him.
Hyunjin smiled, “He’s a cool guy. I’m sure if we hung out more, we’d get along”
His eyes landed on yours, and you agreed, “Yeah. I’m sure you would”
“So then what do you like? Don’t tell me you’re into that cheesy Notebook shit” Yuqi narrowed her eyes at him. 
“I’m sorry I just happen to have a more refined taste than you, Yuqi” Hyunjin replied, catching you and her by surprise as she gasped. You laughed, proud of how he’d already learned to deal with her.
“Okay. I see you, Hwang Hyunjin” She hummed, smiling at him.
“These tickets should get us a popcorn and soda combo. Is there anything else you need, guys?” Yeonjun asked, squeezing his phone back into his jeans pocket.
“That sounds good” You answered, “I can go get the snacks”
“No, me and Hyunjin will go” Yeonjun smiled, looping an arm around him, “Won’t we?”
Hyunjin smiled, shy gaze falling to the floor, “Yeah, of course”
They walked to the pop-up booths, and you and Yuqi hung back, watching the crowd filter in.
“He’s sweet”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“Where did you find him?”
You laughed, “I didn’t. Hana found him. Kind of”
“Where is she, by the way?” Yuqi asked, glancing up at you.
“I haven’t seen her since the party” You shrugged.
“Ah. The party Yeonjun went to?”
“The very same” You sighed, wanting to forget the nightmare Lakehouse party, “You and Hyunjin were talking a lot last night in the water. What about?” 
She waved a hand dismissively, “Oh. He was just asking me about Felix”
You turned to her, “Felix? What did Hyunjin want to know about him?”
“Just a lot of random things, it wasn’t an important conversation"
What random things? 
You searched the crowd for the boys, but your gaze landed on a recognisable silhouette, walking away from you, clutching a tub of popcorn tightly in his hands.
Light blonde hair that stood out in the crowd, and he was in a leather jacket, and there was a grin on his face. You’d missed seeing that so much.
He looked so different, yet so familiar, and your heart ached in the wake of all that familiarity.
“Oh, isn’t that him right there?” Yuqi asked.
“Yeah. It is”
“Aren’t you gonna go say hi?” She laughed, confused at your somber tone.
“Um. I should. I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Of course. Tell him I said hi!” She smiled. 
You walked over to him and you felt nervous, but you had to have this conversation sooner, than later.
He turned around at your voice, eyes widening in happy recognition.
Immediately, he smiled, his entire face lit up, “Hey. It’s been a while since I saw you”
You hadn’t seen or talked to him in what felt like forever.
“I didn’t think you’d be coming tonight”
He laughed, “Why would I not? You know how much I love Jaws”
“Right. I…remember”
“What are you doing here?” He asked, stepping closer, to hear you better over all of the crowd, and the sounds of the previews.
“I…” You trailed, point to the projector, “The movie”
“Right. The movie” He laughed, tub of caramel popcorn in his hands and Yongbok hated caramel so you wonder why he was holding it this tight.
“Are you here alone?” 
“No, I came with Eunbi” He responded, gesturing to where she probably was, not that you cared for that right now.
He tilt his head, “Did you get the flowers, by the way?”
Your eyes widened, “You…sent me the flowers?”
He chuckled, “Did you hate them or something?”
“No. I...” You trailed off, unable to comprehend why Felix would send you flowers, of all things in the world, “I love them. They’re great...”
Was that his attempt at an apology?
“I’m glad” His eyes crinkled.
“Yuqi’s here” You blurted, wanting to not talk about this any longer, because it just made no fucking sense.
“Yuqi?” He laughed, seemingly not affected by your ignorance to his gift, “She’s back in town?”
“Yeah. She drove in last night”
“From Busan?”
“Mmh” You nodded.
“She’s still the same?”
You smiled, “Yeah. She is exactly the same”
He looked around, trying to spot the iconic red pickup truck, “So you’re here with them then?”
“Hyunjin too” You added.
Felix’s gaze changed, and he nodded, “Right. Of course”
He took a step back, smiling, “I guess I should let you get back to him"
Felix looked so happy, so much like his usual self, you felt safe again and you had to ask, “What did you…want to say to me? The other night, when you texted me?”
He laughed, except it seemed forced, “Um, forget that. I was just tipsy, and I was missing you”
You recalled his texts, “No, you said you realised why you’d been acting this way. What way?”
“Well…” He tucked his hands in his pockets, and stepped even closer. Under the lanterns, his eyes sparkled in a way they hadn’t before. Was it because it had been weeks since you’d seen him this happy, or was it just that you’d never gone so long without him?
“I yelled at you, at the cabin, at the party. The one you organised, just for me”
“I remember”
He sighed, “I’m sorry about that. It was…uncalled for, and I was an asshole, for doing that to you, when all you’d been doing was trying to make sure I had a good night”
“Why are you apologising to me now? All of a sudden?”
He shrugged, “I’ve been wanting to for a while. I just couldn’t find the right time, and then earlier this week, I was actually thinking about us. About the cabin, and-”
“Do you remember that summer?” He interrupted, and even though you’d spent every summer the same way, you somehow knew exactly which one he was talking about.
The summer Hana and Yeonjun started dating.
The same summer you promised Felix you’d never let anything get in between you.
How did he know that you were thinking of it too?
Was it because you and him had spent your entire lives around each other, and he knew you so well?
“Yeah. I remember” You nodded, “What about it?”
“I miss that. I’m really sorry for getting frustrated at you, and overwhelmed. I was upset because-"
“Because you what?"
He shook his head, “It wasn’t just because of Hyunjin”
“Then what?”
He sighed, “That’s not important. What matters is…I’ve been thinking about that summer a lot, and how it was probably the best one of my life. We snuck out to Jeju, do you remember that?”
“I do. Your parents got so mad”
“They did” He laughed, “Anyway, so I was thinking…we could go for a swim soon, right?”
He smiled, “It’s the season of the fireflies. Don’t you remember?”
Your heart crumbled at the memories. 
You and Felix used to go there, every summer, to play with the lightning bugs.
Was it you that ruined everything? 
Felix tilt his head at you, “You all right, Y/N?”
You swallowed, because it was time to tell him what you’d been feeling, “No. I…keep thinking about how things used to be, and I miss that”
His gaze softened, “You do?”
You had to be honest now, “Do you think too much has happened…that things can never be the way they were?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…Hana and Yeonjun will probably never talk to each other again, half of it feels like my fault”
He shook his head, insisting, “It’s not your fault. They just weren’t meant to be together”
“You believe that?”
“Yeah. When two people are meant to be, everything in the world brings them closer, not further apart”
“And…what about you and Yeonjun?”
He shrugged, a playful expression on his face, “Maybe…we can be friends again”
“I…honestly don’t even remember what I was mad at him for. For breaking up with her, for leaving us, it doesn’t matter”
His eyes shot up to yours, “What about Hyunjin?”
You swallowed, “You and him…do you think you can ever be friends with him again?”
He shrugged, “Does it matter? He’s…going to move back to the city, and I’m probably never going to see him again”
“I mean…with his job, it’s not like he’s going to be visiting every summer. So I don’t think it matters if me and Hyunjin get along or not. We’ll hardly ever meet”
You nodded, the sting of Hyunjin leaving hitting you again, but then something Minho had told you came back to you, “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, you can”
“When we were fifteen, you said you’d look for the boy from the shop, but you…never told me you found him. Why did you never tell me?”
Felix’s gaze fell to the floor, “It was..futile. It would just break your heart, Y/N”
“What do you mean?”
He stepped closer, clearly wanting to explain himself, and his voice was louder now, because the movie was beginning to play, “I didn’t want to give you false hope. When I found out who Hyunjin is, I also found out what he was doing…training in some big-shot company that would basically own his DNA if he debuted. And he did debut”
“So…there would have been no point if you even knew his name, Y/N. I didn’t want you to get hurt. I thought I was doing what was best for you. I’m sorry I lied”
Your gaze fell to the floor, because of course he made some kind of sense, it’s not like Felix was an evil person who would keep such things from you for no reason. He cared about you, and so he did what he could to protect you, even if it was wrong, “So is Eunbi your girlfriend now?”
“Where would you get that idea?”
“Seonmi told me everything”
Felix laughed, “Seonmi told you what she thinks she knows. We’re just sleeping together”
“Right. I should go-”
He stepped up to you, closing the distance between you, “You asked me if things can go back to the way they were”
“Why do you want that so badly?”
You frowned, “What…what do you mean?”
“I mean…Hana was a bitch to you ever since Yeonjun left her. You wanna go back to that?”
Your eyes narrowed, “That’s not what I meant”
“Then what did you mean? Do you even know what you want go back to?”
“Of course I know, Lix”
“No, I think you like hurting yourself. Why are you always chasing after things you can’t have? Like that art internship in the city. Like…him”
Your eyes widened, and you stepped back, sneakers skidding against the dirt,  “How…how do you know about that?”
He sighed, “Is that really the most important thing right now?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, “I was here to fix things, not to fight again”
Felix let out a breath, reaching out to grab your hand, but you stepped back.
“We’re just having a conversation, Y/N, I’m sorry if it makes you feel like I’m fighting you. Trust me, the last thing I want to do is to fight you”
“Then what are you even saying?” You mumbled, “Why don’t you want things to go back to the way they were? Don’t you want us to be friends again, Yongbok?”
“No, I don’t, Y/N”
“What?” Your eyes shot to his, because you hadn’t expected him to say that, “You…don’t wanna be friends with me anymore?”
His gaze fell to the floor, and he seemed nervous, until he looked back up at you, “I don’t think this is the best place for this conversation”
“No, Yongbok, if you’re cutting me out of your life-”
His eyes landed on someone behind you, “I’m sorry. I can’t have this conversation with you right now. I’ll see you later”
“What...?” You watched him walk away, heart sinking.
“Before you say anything, I tried my best!” Hyunjin laughed, and you turned around. He stood with Yeonjun, snacks in hand, smiling wide. 
“Tried your best on what?” You asked, a lump in your throat after that entire conversation.
“There were way too many candies at the stall. I didn’t even know there’s that many flavours of gummy bears” Hyunjin noted, and then extended a packet towards you, “So I got you guys a mix of them”
“Oh...thank you” You fought a smile, following them back to the truck. Yuqi had spread out all of the blankets, to make enough space for the four of you in the back.
“That’s perfect” Yuqi reached out, taking the pack of candy from Hyunjin, “A gummy bear orgy is just what we need”
“Gross” Yeonjun sniffled, climbing into the truck, crawling over to get comfortable.
You grabbed the tub of popcorn, balancing it on your lap so Hyunjin could hop into the back too. He slid in next to you, pressing you to the side, and you pulled the blanket over yourselves. 
“Are you comfortable?” He glanced at you, leaning into your ear to talk because the movie had already began.
“Yeah” You manoeuvred your legs over his, entangling them. His arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you closer, and it was easier to forgot about the conversation with Felix with his arms around you.
He smiled, dimples appearing, “Warm enough?”
“Yeah” You smiled, not wanting to ruin yet another night, “Don’t worry about it”
“The movie’s starting guys, save the pillow talk for later!” Yuqi whisper-yelled, leaning over to look at you.
“Okay, okay” You laughed, bringing your knees up to your chest, letting yourself get comfortable.
“Is the opening scary?” Hyunjin whispered in your ear to not disturb the others.
“A bit”
“Man” He mumbled, sinking deeper into the blanket, and it was cute how he tried to make himself smaller, “I’m definitely going to embarrass myself tonight”
“Why?” You laughed.
“I might scream” He mumbled, as onscreen a girl went out for a late night swim, while her boyfriend stayed on the beach. You, of course, knew what was coming next. 
“You can hold my hand, if it makes you feel better” You told Hyunjin, and he glanced at you, wondering if you were being serious.
“Are you making fun of me already?” He narrowed his eyes at you.
“Of course not” You smiled, reaching over to grab his hand, pulling it into your lap. 
“Is the shark gonna come now?” Hyunjin tensed up, as the music in the movie got louder, and he squint his eyes, preparing himself for a jump-scare. 
He squeezed the life out of your hand when the shark attached the girl. You watched with bated breath, as people in the drive-in theater started cheering, making you laugh. He was focused on the film with unparalleled focus, even though he pretended he hated it.
“You’re so fucking cute” You blurted, already feeling so much better, mid-way through the movie.
He looked at you, eyes still narrowed, “You’re enjoying my misery”
You laughed, “I am, but only because you look adorable” 
He pouted, eyes wide, “Why did I want to do this again?”
“Because you’re the sweetest boy in the world” You hummed, wanting nothing more than to kiss him, but you couldn’t, not here. Instead, you settled for staring at his plush lips.
It seemed like he was thinking of the same thing, because his gaze dropped to your lips, and he mumbled, “Y/N…We can’t. Not here…”
You were in public, surrounded by tons of families, and Hyunjin couldn’t engage in PDA like this, ever. After everything that was happening with Chan and Jisung, he couldn’t risk anything of this sort.
“Sorry” You bit your lip, moving back.
His eyes were half-lidded as he stared at you, “It’s fine. We just…have to be careful about this”
This. He acknowledged it, and that made you happier than you thought it would.
It wasn’t just mistakes, or built-up tension, or lust that had pulled you two together.
It was purposeful.
And you had to be careful about it now.
You felt lost in his daze, “Can I come over after this?”
“Actually. Could I come to your place instead?”
“Oh, of course”
“My place is just a mess” He laughed.
“I don’t really care. We can still go—”
“Let’s just meet at yours” He insisted.
“Of course” You settled back, a little confused.
You tried to focus on the movie, and you almost did, for a good five minutes before Hyunjin spoke up again, “It’s not that I don’t want—”
“Can you pass me the pop soda, Hyunjin? This fucking kernel is stuck in my throat, and it feels like I'm deepthro-” 
“Yuqi!” You interrupted her, “Why would you put that image in my head?”
She laughed “Just give me the soda, please”
Hyunjin blinked, looking back at her, “Shit. We… forgot to get that”
Her eyes widened, disappointing flashing through, “Oh. That’s okay. I’ll just go get some”
She stood up, the truck creaking under the sudden weight.
Hyunjin sat up too, pushing the blanket off himself, inviting cold air onto your legs, “No, that’s okay. I’m the one who forgot. You’ll miss the movie”
She shook her head, “I’ve seen it before. I’ll come with you, I’m already up” 
Hyunjin shot you a smile, “See you in a bit”
You nodded, watching them walk off, hurrying towards the food stands, so they didn’t interrupt the other cars' views.
Yeonjun bit into the leftovers popcorn, shifting closer to you, “More for us”
“You’re right” You laughed, reaching into the tub to eat some.
“Are you having a good time?” He asked.
You smiled, “Yeah. I am. How are you feeling now?”
“Yuqi’s a good distraction” He laughed, “She’s been taking care of me”
“She’s amazing”
“Can I ask why we’re here?”
“What do you mean?”
He laughed, gesturing to the drive-in theater, “I mean, you haven’t come here in ages, and then Hyunjin bugs us about doing a movie night literally the next day…even though he clearly hates the movie playing”
You stretched your feet out, “Yeah. We’re…checking off a list”
“A list?”
“Of stuff I love about Daejon. He thinks it’ll help me feel better”
“I don’t understand why you two don’t just…date” He laughed.
“It’s impossible, Jun” You bit your lip, “Especially right now”
“Yeah. I know” Yeonjun spoke, “Did he tell you what happened with Jisung? There’s going to be some big lawsuit, I heard, against the company”
“What?” Your head snapped to his, “Did he tell you that?”
“Some of my friends at work were discussing it, when I was on the video call earlier. Hyunjin didn’t tell you?”
“No…he didn’t mention that”
Yeonjun sighed, “It’s probably really shitty for him, to watch his friend go through that”
“I can’t even imagine what Jisung would be feeling” You stared at the screen, zoning out of the movie already, even though it was gearing up towards some of the iconic scenes.
“What’s taking them so long?” He wondered, “They’re missing the best parts”
You glanced around, but you couldn’t spot them anywhere, “They must be on their way. Are you missing your emotional support Yuqi?”
He rolled his eyes, “As if you aren’t missing your emotional support Hyunjin”
You laughed, “I can go check. Maybe they’re picking gummy bears again”
You made your way through the cars, as the movie continued playing in the background. 
Yuqi was walking back to you, soda in her hands. Why was she alone?
You looked around the parking lot, but you couldn’t see him anywhere.
“Hey” She shot you a smile, meeting you in the middle, “I finally got it out of my throat. Man that was so uncomfortable”
You laughed, “You...are so entertaining”
“I know” She grinned, grabbing your arm to lead you to the truck, “Come on, let’s go. I miss my dumbass brother”
“But where’s Hyunjin?” You asked, stopping her.
Yuqi sipped the soda, “Oh, he was right behind me. I’m sure he’s on his way”
“But the two of you went together. Is everything okay?
She glanced at you, but her voice was too cheerful to be authentic, “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be? I'm sure he’s fine”
Why did it feel like she was hiding something from you?
You narrowed your eyes, “Yuqi...tell me the truth, please”
She sighed, “He said he’ll join us in a minute. He told me to go back to the truck! Why would I question him?”
“You go back to the truck. I’ll go wait for Hyunjin” You dropped your arm from her grip, walking back over to the food stands. 
“Wait!” Yuqi made a noise resembling a grumble, and ran after you.
What if he got a call from the city, what if he wasn’t okay?
He wouldn’t just walk out of the movie like that.
The noise of the film carried across the entire area, and it was so loud now, the music swelling and escalating as the film geared towards another jump-scare. 
Frightful and excited cheers echoed through the parking lot, and your heart was pounding, from the bass of the speakers, and from the fear of not seeing him anywhere.
Where could he have gone?
You turned the corner from the dumpling stall, looking over towards the restrooms but the line stretched long, and he wasn’t there either.
You turned around to her, “Did he seem okay?”
Yuqi was cursing, wiping her shirt, “Fuck, I spilled my soda!”
You stepped forward, voice softening, “I’ll get us tissues on the way back, but Yuqi...was Hyunjin oka-”
Then you heard him.
Towards the exit, under the huge drive-in sign, were two silhouettes.
Hyunjin and Yongbok.
You were so far away, but you could see that they were in a heated discussion, of some kind.
“Do you know what that’s about?” You asked her, a lump rising in your throat.
Her eyes were wide, and she shook her head, “No, but Hyunjin told me—”
“They’re arguing...”
“Y/N, let’s just go back” Yuqi spoke, pulling at your arm.
You’d never seen Hyunjin like this. He seemed so overwhelmed, hand over his face as Yongbok talked to him about something.
You pulled your arm away from her grip, walking over to them, and they were so engrossed that they didn’t even notice you coming.
“When the hell are you gonna tell her?” Yongbok was saying, “After you were already gone-?”
“Yongbok” Hyunjin mumbled, breathing into his hands, “Please... try to understand”
He grit his teeth, “I don’t have to understand shit, Hyunjin” 
“What is going on?” You asked, but your voice came out shaky and you thought you’d cry. 
What the hell were they talking about?
You felt sick to the stomach, as they turned to you, like they’d been caught...
Hyunjin’s eyes widened, “Y/N”
You stepped closer, footsteps steady despite the absolute storm brewing inside your heart, “Tell me what...? Is everything okay, Hyunjin?”
Hyunjin looked defeated, as he stepped over to you, “I need to talk to you”
⇐ masterlist ⇒
please let me know if you liked the chapter, or any thoughts on this part! thank you <3
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@marsophilia @dragonyeon @yubinismn @yellowroseskolchek @lochness-butmakeitsexy @bangchan-simp @princehyun-jin @sunflowerbebe07 @hyuckie-lee @malachitehoe @leechanniee @lovesickgirl253 @itslinaaaa @lovingonchan @ladytrbl @putmetogetheragain13  @kangyounghyunhands @itsallaboutclassic @fwess @rie-cchi @w-a-v-ee @levantea @hyunelixies @a-person-with-void @jellyjelly111 @werewolves-onthe-loose  @simpsarzie @pumkiinpasties @hyunhoz  @xxencagedxx @agentsofsheilds @miadreams @cherrywithluvxoxo @emmie5168 @lixie-dori @thegoddessharmony @kathdearie @hyuniemie @byunhoebaek @hyunjinslittlestar @shiru-chan @bewitchedoracle @noteighteenanymore @tildisen @kenzielovescookies-blog @punks-rad @tomaytoess @vieysstuff @tanyas97 @sstarryoong @svintsandghosts @awkwardnesshabitat  @kookie04sstuff @hhyune-e @reighlee-greaves​
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ronearoundblindly · 8 months
Hi Ro! I have this idea eating a hole in my brain since it manifested. I feel like we see a lot of mafia! Steve and Bucky where the reader is one of their gf and the other is her bodyguard or something else of the sort (which I love) BUT…
Could you imagine a badass bodyguard reader? Like, she works to protect one of them and they don’t even sexualize her, but after seeing how well they work together and how dedicated and hard-working she is, they just hopelessly fall in love? Which launches mutual pining, but also both of them thinking it’s unrequited and her still just girlbossing away. Until some inciting inciting incident (TBD) which makes them super close to realize how they feel and then both of them needing a new bodyguard because now she’s the gf of a mafia boss.
I’d try and write it but I don’t have anywhere near as much talent as you and wouldn’t do it justice. Also, sorry if this adds to your 92747739 other WIPs
Alright. Full disclosure: I am not even remotely a fan of the mafia!fic, or mob!fic, or really any of the tropes that take a fundamental piece of a character out of the equation. To me, doing the right thing and using personal harm as a last resort are inextricable from Steve's personality--and is what we love about him.
[To be clear, I am not throwing shade on y'alls writing or reading preferences! Just telling you my take on it. You do you 😘]
His character lends itself to being a CEO, like in the It Had To Be You series, a military commander, or even president.
In that regard, I wonder if it would fall into the same vein of story to have Steve be running for some sort of 'office' but in a kind of dystopian country as the non-corrupt candidate who is in danger due to political/military pressures between opponents?
Say...maybe John Walker could be the smooth-talking but selfish alt runner? Bucky and Steve and Walker used to serve in the armed forces under an equally corrupt dictator figure...say, Ross, perhaps? Then Steve broke away--like the Nomad persona--until he emerged to run against Walker with a faction of the military's support.
So you're hired as part of Bucky's security team first, but since Bucky is with Steve so much, you're very recognizable to Steve. There could be a minor attack at a public event where you throw yourself in front of Bucky (who threw himself in front of Steve), and the real surprise to them is that you want to return without hesitation once recovered.
After a completely professional, stone-faced few months, Steve wins the election.
The night's celebrations go on till the wee hours; you keep a keen eye on your charges even though it's the first time either has seen you in a formal gown instead of a plain suit. When the results are actually announced on the TV, Steve is struck by seeing you smile and get emotional for the first time. It warms his heart to see you proud of him. It's a relief to know you don't just stick around as an employee. You actually believe in him and what he's doing.
fucking swoon
I'm not sure whether I'd write this as Stucky x reader or Steve with reader and Bucky as a friend, honestly, but I feel like after Steve (and maybe Bucky) turn in at their hotel room after all that partying, you're the guard at the door.
Steve debates inviting you inside because he's so curious to know more about you personally.
He opens the door, but you're not there. Sam Wilson is. He took over the shift so you could get out of your heels.
Steve makes up some shitty excuse to need your room number, fusses over going to talk to you alone, maybe says Bucky will come with him as protection instead (since at very least Buck is sus of Steve's interest).
You answer the door sans jewelry and shoes but with the dress still on. He can come in if he helps with the zipper and buttons down the back. For such big hands, his fingers are nimble as they work the delicate fastenings.
ope, swooned again
And then...ya know...this is all very tempting since the night has been charged with adrenaline and hope, so...yeah...
Steve goes in for a kiss and more.
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Idk. Probably. Something like that. Is that close enough to mob/mafia? Not my wheelhouse so this is likely the best I can do...
Can y'all help me? You want stucky or just stevie?? Promise that the politics is more of a background thing, but it's the only scenario I could work with in their canon dynamic/personalities.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
The flowers of evil - Sanji x f!reader (Hanahaki)
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A/N : Hiii ! thanks a lot for this request. I had a lot of fun writing it ! I didn’t know what hanahaki was before. I really adored it. It’s such a beautiful metaphore for one-sided love. I hope that you will like this ! 
Hanahaki definition : a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated (wiki)
Warnings : Angst (but happy ending) - Unrequited love
You forgot when it all started, when these doomed flowers of evil began to blossom allover your body, asphyxiating you, extracting the air from your lungs. The mysterious sickness took over your body, metamorphosing it into a garden of murderous flowers.
Red spider lilies, a field of them, encercled your frail limbs in your sleep, strangling you almost to death, sealing your agony. It was a slow process, a sadistic sickness that savoured each second of torture.
But what was worse ? The pain of the thrones scratching the delicate skin or the pain of a love that was doomed to fail ?
As the flowers grew, you simply withered. Watered by your tears, every day, every breath bringing you closer to an end. For a crime you weren't guilty of, for a love you have never asked for.
« If someone told me that I'd die this way...I would've killed myself. »
And it was true. Your paths crossed with the Strawhats by a mysterious fate. They have found you just after your ship got wrecked by the marine.
You were the only survivor. How ironic.
It was as if you survived just to die to that illness.
The evil flowers have spared you to savour the pain.
Since there were no options, you had to stay with them, but little by little they grew on you just as you grew on them. But someone stood out. His kindness was something you have never encountered before. It was all in the eyes, in his laugh, in the way he treated you like you were the only woman on earth. Oh god, it seemed perfect, too perfect ?
« I am so happy to be his friend ! »
Why couldn't you settle for that ? Why did you want more ?
It was greed and yearning. Craving a happiness that wasn't yours. He wasn't one to give his heart to one woman. You knew it too well, but then, why did you want otherwise ?
The heart wants what it wants. You stopped looking for a reason.
It all started by a habit, a ritual. Coffee in the morning, no sugar, no breakfast.
The cook always woke up earlier to prepare food for the crew. You on the other hand, weren't a breakfast person.
Until you met him.
« Y/N-chan, you're up early today too. » He said, back turned to you, pouring coffee in a cup.
The smell of the coffee invaded the kitchen. You were sitting in front of the table, hair in a mess, yawning. His voice was soft and comforting ; a morning breeze.
«I like waking up early. I get some peaceful moments before everyone else wakes up. » You chuckle.
He puts the cup in front of you. Not only the cup, also a plate with a pastry on it ; a croissant. You look at Sanji, confused ; he knew that you didn't eat for breakfast.
« I made this especially for you, (Y/N)-chan. It's bad to skip breakfast. »
You still remember the buttery richness of the croissant, the face he made as your teeth sunk into it, Just try it for me, he said.  And he was right. It was delicious. Was it his skill as a chef, or his encouraging smile that stimulated your appetite ?
Your appetite for something else grew simultaneously.
The long nights you have spent contemplating the stars on the deck. The times he taught you how to use a knife and how you almost cut your finger. And the sweet, sweet taste of croissant balancing the bitterness of coffee, like a bandaid on a deadly wound.
If you didn't love me, why did you do all of this ?
Sometimes, when your chest couldn't take it anymore, you were visited by that thought, that cruel thought. You blamed him. How couldn't you ? It was his kindness that made you fall. It was his gentle smile that was going to be the end of you. And yet, what hurt most wasn't the flowers that grew in your lungs, it was the pain of not being loved in return. The pain of not being good enough for a man like him.
At first, it was a few petals that you coughed. You didn't understand, but when he was closer to you, you felt so light, when he was further, it felt like death. Your yearning for him grew, your body was moved by a fever that made you wish to be dead.
It took you a few days to figure out that the sickness that was gnawing you from the inside like a worm was love sickness.
You knew the condition, it was hanahaki, you have read about it in some fairytales. How could it be real ? Its victim has flowers grow inside of them, grow till it kills them silently.
You tried to hide it, but how when you had a month to live at best ? Everyone started to notice your pale complexion.
You were decaying by the day. In front of you, you had the disease and the cure.
« (Y/N)-chan » His voice. His damned voice making you fall even more. You turn to the side, facing the wall, resting in your bed. You refused to look at him. Did you really loathe him for not loving you back ?
Seeing that you didn't answer, he just keeps talking,
« These are beautiful flowers.. » He says as he looks at the red spider lilies resting in a porcelain vase. Would he say the same if he saw the flowers on your body ?...
« You should tell me if you don't feel alright...You're different those days. You don't even eat anymore. You can count on me. I know that you will feel better if you open up.
-You know nothing at all, Sanji »
You cut him off and sit down on the bed. You were just wearing a nightgown that showed your bruised arms. Fine cuts caused by the flowers that grew on your skin were displayed. You had to snatch them violently multiple times a day.  
« You know nothing at all, you said that these flowers were beautiful. Do you even know what they mean..Sanji ? »
He looks at you in disbelief, he holds your arm, looking at the cuts. His touch feels like ice and fire on the bruised skin. His thumb caresses softly a wound, making you shiver. Don’t touch me in that way or I will fall even more...
-Who did this to you ?!
The bruises were like ones of ropes ; it was the stem of the roses that would encircle your arms in your sleep. You snatched off your arm, how could you tell him that it was him ?
You did this to me Sanji.
- It's none of your business...Come on. Leave me alone. I don't want to see you.
The words you spit out felt like poison and hurt him.  You didn't even dare looking in his eyes. Those cruel words, you said them so he goes away. To stop the suffering. His worrying looks hurt more as they emphasized your unrequited love. You put a hand on your lips, nauseous.
-(Y/N) ! This is serious. What is the matter with you ? You look sick. I'll call Chopper right now. You go rest.
He gets up and you follow him, almost falling on the ground. You hold his arm, head on his back.
-Don't go ! Please don't. I don't want anyone to see me like this. There isn't anything Chopper can do for me. I am done with all of this. I want it all to end.
[ If it hurts this much, why am I still in love with you ? If it pains me so much, enough to kill me, why does it have to be you ?
If only I have closed my eyes and let myself die that day. If only I died along with my comrades. I would have had a meaningful death.
But here I am, having to die of love.]
You stepped back and started caughing red petals. You put both your hands on your mouth trying to cover it. Sanji turns back, terrified. He didn't understand what was with you, his cheerful, gentle (Y/N)-chan. He didn't understand why you pushed him away like this, as if his fingers burned your skin. As if his mere sight was killing you.
-Don't look at me...Please...Sanji...Don't look. You fall to the ground, your head looking down and tears running down your cheeks. It pained him so much to see you in that state. The petals you were coughing looked like blood. It was stupid, he felt cruel to think that even in such a state you looked so delicate, a flower.
He held the hand that you had on your face and moved it away to take a look at your face, eyebrows frowned, an anger growing inside of him. So, you, his (Y/N)-chan was in love with a bastard that didn't love you back ? It was certain. He knew about this condition.
Hanahaki, a mythical disease born out of one-sided love.
-(Y/N)-chan...This is...
-Hanahaki. You whisper, you can't hide it anymore now, it's too late,
He holds you against his chest, now thorns growing around your body. And you thought that in that moment, you could die in his arms and you'd be happy. Maybe in another life, you thought, maybe in another universe you'll love me back. Maybe it's the price I have to pay for having you...
-Don't die on me. Please. I am sure that...That this bastard loves you back. I mean...You are a goddess, (Y/N). How could anyone...do this to you. Tsk. It makes me sick just to think of it. I'll go look for him and bring him right now ! Hell, I'll kill him if he doesn't love you back.
You have a bitter smile. The flowers grow more and more, you were now vomiting entiere flowers that fell into his lap. You held onto him tighter.
-It's impossible...He is...An idiot...He doesn't even notice and it's right in front of his eyes...
-It doesn't matter. Just tell me who and I wi-
-Why ?! Why do you keep being so kind to me ? Why did you do all of this ? Why are you so gentle, so caring ? Why did you care that I don't eat breakfast ? Why did you make sure I don't feel cold on the deck ? And most of all, why are you like this with all girls ? It kills me...bitter laugh.  Your kindness is killing me ! Don't act like this if you don't want girls to fall for you, you idiot ! Don't play with my feelings !
The blond man froze instantly. He has never imagined than a woman like you would fall for him, and to realize that you were suffering because of him left him in a loss of words. Him, Sanji, the lovecook, the man that devoted all of his existence to please women, those delicate creatures that he wasn't worthy of. The same Sanji was the reason of your distress and the object of your desire.
To feel desired to the point of death was flattering in a cruel way but also so foreign. He has convinced himself that no woman would love him and he was happy that way. It was enough for him to share the air that you breathe. But you were offering more ; a flower so pure, so delicate that his fingers could turn into dust.
-It's me that you love ?...
You didn't have any strenght left. You didn't answer. Your days were counted. You felt your chest getting lighter after confessing. It was relief. Words that had to be said.
-It's because of me that you were suffering so much...(Y/N)-chan...You...Wanted someone like me this much ?
He holds you tighter and the thorns sink in his skin, but he didn't care much, the pain that he was feeling inside was way bigger.
-I never thought that I deserved someone like you. I never thought that I deserved to be loved. It was enough for me to see you smile. But you are telling me that you are dying because I don't love you back ?...I would give up my life for you.  And because you want someone like me, because you love me this much, I will make you the happiest woman on earth.
It was at this moment that you made him realize, you, on the verge of death, that even a man like him could be loved ; A man that even his father didn't want.
Your eyes were veiled by tears, was he saying this only to mess with you further ? However, the flowers stopped from spreading, and the petals started fading away little by little.
He puts a finger on your lips and just says with a smile ;
- (Y/N)-chan, thank you for loving me. For wanting me so bad...Nobody has every loved me the way you do...Nobody has ever loved me to death. 
He kisses your tears and adds ; 
-I love you too. 
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deannaroxannewrites · 3 years
Tropetember Day 5 - Accidental Confession / In Vino Veritas (Drunk Confession/Drunk Dial)
Unrequited love? Bite me
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x GN!Reader
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating: Teen and up
TW: Drinking/alcohol, language, vampirism/blood mentions, FWB mention
AN: Day 5 of @tropetember. Not my best work but hope you enjoy. Might rework this slightly at a later point.
A visit to the Salvatores in Mystic Falls should be pretty fun, until Damon decides to drag you to a party the Originals are throwing.
Find this story on Ao3 here.
Word Count: 1.5k
“Damon, you cannot be serious.”
Your best friend just gives you puppy dog eyes. Bright blue and sad as can be. It’s kinda pathetic.
“Pretty please.”
You huff, knowing you won’t win this argument. You’ve known him since you were both children, through him being turned by Katherine and later Stefan turning you (long story), and then on and off in the intervening century and a half. You even had a casual friends with benefits arrangement when you were both lonely/bored. Knowing him so well, you decide to save everyone the time and give in.
“You’re paying for my outfit Damon! I can not believe you’re making me go…”
He scoops you up and spins you, making you squeal as he thanks you. Stefan, who has been observing from the couch being absolutely no help, just laughs.
“You won’t regret it. It’ll be fun and we can learn some things at the same time. We’ll be the most attractive spy duo in history.”
You just roll your eyes and go to grab your keys before stealing Damon’s wallet. If you’re going to have to face the Mikaelsons again, you weren’t doing it in something you’d worn before. And you were going to buy something expensive out of spite.
The entrance to the Mikaelson’s house was the same as any other house in Mystic Falls: opulent, excessive and with far too much marble. You’d take a cosy cabin over this nonsense any day.
Clinging to Damon's arm, you enter the space and, thankfully, Klaus is the only one of the family greeting guests.
“Darling, it’s been a while.” You can’t help the reactionary smile as you embrace him. He could be bat shit crazy at times, but he’d always been kind to you.
“Klaus! I’ve missed you.” Out of your eye corner, you can see Damon giving you both evil eyes. Had you accidentally on purpose forgotten to mention you knew the original family? Oops, your bad.
Klaus doesn’t let you go far, holding you at arms length to admire your new outfit. You do look stunning in it, if you do say yourself.
“Beautiful.” He leans in to whisper in your ear “My brother really doesn’t realise what he’s missing.”
You laugh him off, ignoring the implication. You knew better.
“Now boys,” you say, glancing between them, “I’ll have no part in whatever this little competition or measuring contest is, and I expect you all to leave me out of it.” They both look a little guilty as they nod. “Marvellous. If you need me, I’ll be somewhere out of the way with a glass of champagne.”
And with that you head further into the party, leaving them to bicker.
"Urgh, I've missed you so much! I can't believe you left us."
You and Rebekah are both waaaay too many glasses of champagne deep at this point. You’d been there a couple of hours by now and it had only taken Rebekah 30mins to realise you were there and take you hostage. You're currently sequestered on a sofa in a corner and are both a bit sloppy.
"What do you want me to say Bekah? It's your arsehole brother's fault."
"Wait, what? What did Klaus do?"
You laugh, just a tad hysterically and fortify yourself with another sip out of your glass.
"Wrong one. Go older"
A look of understanding comes across her face and she wraps an arm around you. You, sadly, don't have enough of your wits about you to realise that this isn't the best place for a drunken heart to heart.
Everything starts to spill out of you. How you and Elijah had spent so much time together. How you thought he liked you back, only for him to turn up with what's her name wrapped around him. How he'd laughed when you'd expressed your surprise that he was dating, and how it made you feel like nothing. It was too much for your heart to handle. So you’d left, had a fun rebound weekend with Damon and tried to move on.
Rebekah pulls back slightly, wiping a tear that had escaped without your permission.
"You're too good for him anyway," she says and you laugh.
"I wish that were true.” You pull yourself together a little and put on your best fake smile. “For now, I'm just going to don an air of indifference and pretend I'm not in love with your oldest brother."
Your mirth leaves you instantly as you hear a refined voice behind you ask, "now why on Earth would you do that?"
It’s amazing how panic can sober you up.
You turn slowly and meet the eyes of the oldest Original. He’s in a suit, as always, and has a confident smirk plastered across his face. That pisses you off.
“Cos he’s an asshole” you coolly reply before turning to Rebekah, pressing a kiss to her cheek and walking swiftly out of the room to find Damon to take you home. You’d embarrassed yourself quite enough for one night.
You’d never admit that you were disappointed that Elijah didn’t try to stop you.
One of the advantages to being a vampire was that you very rarely got a hangover. Instead, you just slept in a little, made a cup of coffee and did some yoga before heading out to treat yourself to lunch. You didn’t need to eat but you enjoyed the taste, there was much more variety in food than blood.
You'd only arrived in Mystic Falls a couple of days ago for your visit to see the Salvatore brothers and as such hadn't had a chance to try out the Mystic Grill. This seemed like a perfect fit opportunity. Something greasy would be perfect right about now.
The grill was a bit dingy but it worked for the place and you were happy to learn that they have a pretty good menu selection. Your excitement was soured though when Elijah decided to join you for lunch.
Dressed in yet another suit, no tie and the top buttons of his shirt undone, he oozes charm and money. Add in the handsome features and knockout smile and you were lost. You're sure back in the day the ladies with delicate constitutions had to keep their smelling salts close. You could easily have fainted over him.
But he wasn't interested in you, as he had made very clear, so you were just annoyed that he was existing in your space.
Elijah watched you eat for a few moments, clearly taking note of your reluctance to acknowledge him.
"For someone who's in love with me, you don't seem particularly happy to see me darling."
You groan quietly and lower your utensils. Wishing him away wasn't working.
"What do you want Elijah?" You sound bitter, even to your own ears. So much for attempting to sound neutral.
"One of my favourite people, who I haven't seen for a long time, has reappeared and I want to spend time with them. Is that too much to ask?"
You start eating again, using it to buy time. You had honestly missed his company. You just weren’t sure if you could bear him breaking your heart again, even accidentally and unintentionally. Luckily, he had more to say.
“Klaus told me off after you left, you know?”
You look at him in surprise.
“Told me that I’d wasted my best opportunity at happiness. Which is especially concerning considering who it was coming from.”
You nod your agreement. Klaus wasn’t exactly known for his sentimentality.
He continues, “would you believe that I really thought you were too good for me? That I really thought you weren’t interested?”
“Elijah, you can not be serious.” You pull a face at him. “I literally spent all of my time with you, hanging on your every word. I would have followed you to the ends of the Earth. How could you not have known?”
“I just thought you were being your usual effervescent self. I started dating again to try and let you go.”
Miscommunication. You shake your head. 30 years of heartbreak all because of miscommunication. God, you could bang the pair of your heads together. It’s basically a crappy romance novel. Ok, this is ok. You can fix this. You have pretty much forever left, after all.
Taking the initiative, you lean forward and grasp Elijah’s hand. His eyes fall to where you wrap your fingers around his. A hopeful look takes over his face as he returns to your eyes.
“Elijah?” You smile. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
He laughs. It’s a beautiful sound. You’re going to make it your personal mission to make him do it more often.
Lifting your knuckles to his lips, he places a gentle kiss on them.
“I can think of nothing else I’d rather do.”
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Lost In You (Hvitserk x Reader)
This is my contribution to @maggiescarborough​ 400 followers writing challenge! Congrats again! 
The scenario I chose was the character asking reader/oc out or the other way around. And because why not, it is a Vikings/The Last Kingdom crossover! 
Also this is my first time writing Hvitserk! Yay! Let me know how I did! 
Warnings: angst, a couple swear words, fluff, bad pick-up lines
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius​
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  "Who is that?" 
 "Mmmm, which one?" Siri asked, openly ogling in the direction your friend, Erika, had gestured. 
 "Oh, those are some of Ubbe's friends from university." Torvi answered, with a glance over her shoulder. "He invited them since he never sees them anymore."
 "Hot damn. The one with the long hair, I'd like to climb him like a tree all night long." Wiggling her blonde eyebrows, Siri laughed at her own joke. 
 Curious now, you peeked over at the three men who were animatedly talking to Ubbe. There was no denying they were all gorgeous in their own ways. Somehow everyone within the social circle of the Lothbroks was beautiful, as if it was some unspoken requirement. These three certainly exceeded that requirement. Glancing around the backyard, you noticed right away that your friends were not the only ones ogling the newcomers. You doubted the men would be leaving alone tonight. 
 One of the three, with long, dark hair pulled back in a man bun and a crooked smile, caught your eyes staring. A warmth rose to your cheeks at the realization you had been caught. Though as his blue eyes held yours, you found yourself unable to look away, entranced by his unrestrained confidence. After an unending second of staring at one another, he sent you a naughty wink. Your eyes darted away at the raw suggestive feel the simple action had. You had no idea that a simple wink could feel so lascivious….and rousing. 
 "Oh gods, did you see that?" Erika asked, giggling like a schoolgirl. "One just winked this way."
 "Pretty sure he was winking at y/n." Torvi teased, nudging your shoulder as she stood next to you on the back deck.  
 "Yeah, no." You countered, fiddling with the label of the beer bottle in your hand. "That was probably towards one of you guys."
 Torvi sighed, pursing her lips at you. "Don't start this again, y/n. You are gorgeous and anyone who says differently is a blind asshole."
 Taking a sip of your beer, you did not bother to reply. Instead you gave Torvi a smile in thanks but kept your own insecurities to yourself. She had heard you more than enough times complain about things you disliked about yourself. Besides, today was not about you. You were supposed to be here having fun and supporting Ubbe and Torvi. 
 Luckily, Torvi started talking about the latest venue she had checked out for her and Ubbe's wedding next year. It was a perfect distraction since she had asked you to be one of her bridesmaids. Your small group talked about the outdoor wedding she wanted and how beautiful the fall colors would look in the pictures. 
 Ubbe's birthday party was in full swing. The mansion he and his brothers lived in was full of Ubbe's friends and other family friends. You had grown up with the Ragnarssons, your mother and Aslaug were close friends. So whenever they decided to hang out, you tagged along to play with the boys. Because of that, you were close to all of them, having spent just as much time at their house as at your own. Over the years, you had grown particularly close to Hvitserk. The two of you just somehow clicked. On more than one occasion, he would sneak over to your house when he needed a break from the strained dynamics of his family, or he could not handle the animosity between Ivar and Sigurd. The two of you spilled secrets in the dark, promising to never tell another. Both of you shared your first kiss under the stars one night, giggling at how grown up you felt. 
 And somewhere along the way, your feelings of friendship turned into something far stronger. 
 Over the following years, your crush on him endured even as you tried to quell it, doing everything in your power to suppress the unwanted feelings. Not because he was a bad guy. No, he was one of the sweetest guys you knew. He was loyal to a fault, always with a kind word, and happily giving suffocating hugs that felt like being embraced by a gooey marshmallow. 
 No, you refused to become another one of the girls that paraded in and out of his bedroom like the revolving door it was. 
 Besides, he never showed any hint of romantic feelings towards you. Usually he introduced you as one of his best friends. Which was just fine with you, he was one of your best friends and you would not trade that for the world. If fate had it planned that the two of you would only remain friends during your lives, you were happy with that. 
 So you did your best to ignore your unrequited feelings, focusing on finding love beyond him. There had been a couple boyfriends but most were scared away when you tried to bring them around the Ragnarssons. Ivar and Bjorn seemed to get particular enjoyment out of not-so-subtly threatening them. Hvitserk just openly glared the whole time, never saying a word of acknowledgement. Only Ubbe and Sigurd feigned being nice, but even that was less than desirable. Pretty quickly you stopped bringing boyfriends around. It was better for all parties if the Ragnarssons were not involved in your love life. What little it did consist of. 
 Suddenly, Erika's whisper-shout silenced the wedding conversation that was still happening around you. "Oh gods, they are coming over here! Shit! Act natural!" 
 "You're the only one freaking out." Torvi deadpanned, with a good-natured roll of her eyes. She looked up and smiled at Ubbe as he approached with his university friends. 
 "This here is my gorgeous fiancée, Torvi!" Ubbe announced, coming around and wrapping his arms around her waist to plant a sweet kiss on her cheek. She leaned back into his chest without a second thought, the action so instinctual. 
 "Aye, I remember you." One of Ubbe's friends, with a thick Irish accent, said. "You was datin' Bjorn when we first met."
 "Oh yeah, I remember that. One of you was super drunk and kept trying to take his pants off to piss in the fountain." She replied with a knowing smile. 
 The Irishman slung an arm around the dark-haired man, who winked in your direction earlier. "That would be Uhtred here! That was certainly a good night."
 The group laughed as Uhtred threw the Irishman's arm off and the two started a mock fist fight, ending with Uhtred putting the Irishman into a headlock. The two broke apart, laughing jovial and pushing one another like little boys. 
 "Right, where are my manners?" Ubbe said, once the two men settled somewhat. He pointed at each person as he named them, but kept his arms around his fiancée. "These guys are Finan, Uhtred and Sihtric, my mates from university. We roomed together in our first year, and the university couldn't separate us after, no matter how hard they tried. The other lovely ladies here are Erika, Siri and Y/n."
 You gave a polite smile when your name was said but dropped your gaze back to the beer in hand, fiddling with the wrapper on it. Uhtred made a point to catch your eye when you looked up, a charming smile on his face that you were sure made women drop their panties in a heartbeat. Even now you could feel his burning gaze on you, like oil gliding across your skin. 
 Soon Finan began sharing stories from back in their university days and some of the trouble they would get in, especially Ubbe, which made everyone laugh and Ubbe try to defend his honor or just hide his face in the crook of Torvi's neck. 
 "What are you thinking about?"
 You startled at the smooth, husky voice whispering in your ear. How Uhtred suddenly snuck up next to you was a little frightening. You pressed your hand over your racing heart, as if that alone would calm it down. "Um, nothing. Just….nothing." You took a sip of your drink to squelch your blabbering, unnerved and more than a little turned-on by the way his breath ghosted over your skin. 
 He raised a mocking brow, a devilish smirk on his lips as if he could somehow sense what his close proximity alone was doing to you. 
 You decided to break the tension. "It's Uhtred, right?"
 "Yes. Uhtred Ragnarsson."
 "Oh no, not another Ragnarsson!" You gasped, pretending to be horrified. 
 He laughed, a beautiful sound that had you swooning a little. Running a hand over the back of his neck, he grinned down at you. "Luckily, from a very different Ragnar. And how do you know Ubbe?"
 "We grew up together."
 "Ah, you're that y/n. I've heard a lot about you."
 "Hopefully all good things."
 "So far…" he leaned in closer, bringing his lips against your ear and setting your nerves alight, ".... but I wouldn't mind learning more about you."
 You swallowed, the low tone and those bedroom eyes made a warmth curl low in your belly. Your answer came out before you even could comprehend a response. "I'd like that."
 His smile grew, even as his face hovered just over yours. "Can I get you another drink?"
 "Hvitty, what are you staring at?" Sigurd asked, taking a seat near his brothers. Although he may have been talking to Hvitserk, his gaze remained zeroed in a beautiful brunette nearby and the way she kept coyly glancing at him. 
 "Who is that guy?"
 Sigurd finally turned to look in the direction Hvitserk was glaring. "What guy?"
 "The one sitting with y/n." Hvitserk grumbled, rolling his beer bottle between his hands. 
 "You mean the one that looks like he wants to fuck her all night long?" Ivar said bluntly. His arrogant smirk grew when Hvitserk whipped his head around to give Ivar a withering look. Not that his elder brother's look bothered him, actually amusing him further, so he continued speaking. "Ubbe said he was inviting some university friends. Probably one of them."
 "I don't like him." Hvitserk spat out, returning his glare to you and this university friend of Ubbe's. The two of you were standing with a small group, listening to someone with a thick Irish accent tell some kind of story. Hvitserk gritted his teeth as he watched this friend lean down to whisper in your ear, making you smile and laugh. You tried to smack his chest but the guy caught your hand in the last second and brought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on your palm while gazing at you with a look that radiated hunger. 
 "Why?" Ivar needled, watching the drama play out before him with unrestrained glee. 
 Hvitserk finally answered after a minute, caught up in watching you smile bashfully up at the dark-haired stranger, who tugged you towards some nearby chairs. "I don't….I don't trust him."
 Normally the two youngest sons of Ragnar were like oil and water; but in this moment, they glanced at each other and back to their elder brother with matching looks of mischief. 
 "Where is that girl that was sitting on your lap earlier? Figured you would have gone back to her place or up to your bedroom by now." Sigurd casually questioned Hvitserk, leaning back in his seat. "She was pretty, seemed like your type."
 "No, my dear brother, he got rid of her just after he noticed y/n and that guy talking." Ivar said with a shit-eating grin. 
 Hvitserk wanted to snarl at his brothers, tell them to mind their own business. Instead he took a long draw of his beer, pointedly ignoring them. Of course, Ivar would notice something so miniscule as that. His youngest brother noticed everything. Yes, Hvitserk had a girl on his lap, his hands and lips trailing over her exposed skin. The fire in his blood instantly cooled when he looked up long enough to see the stranger talking to you. Without a second thought, he pushed the girl off of his lap, much to her protests and chagrin, and moved to take a seat next to Ivar. He pretended he just wanted some air when really he could not drag his eyes off of you. 
 The youngest Ragnarsson continued, hand tapping idly on one of his leg braces. "It has been some time since y/n had a boyfriend. This might be good for her." 
 "Maybe she'll get laid tonight." Sigurd raised his beer bottle in a mock salute before taking a sip.  
 That last comment pushed him over the edge. Wordlessly, Hvitserk jumped to his feet and walked away, unable to hear it anymore. It was no secret, him and his brothers were protective of you and had chased off a fair number of guys over the years. Though, their protective streak waned after you finally confronted them about leaving your love life alone. Since then, the brothers kept an eye on you but no longer interfered unless you signaled them. The arrangement made sense, you never involved yourself in the many women the brothers pursued, so now they showed you equal courtesy. 
 For some reason tonight, it was different. 
 The flaxen-haired Ragnarsson walked past the other party-goers, ignoring the cheers, laughs, and few calls for his attention. A drinking game started at the fold-out table situated in the grass. Music filled the air, Ubbe's taste in music since this was his party. Suddenly though, it was all too much. 
 Storming inside the house the brothers shared with no real destination in mind except to just move, he was pleased to find the kitchen vacant. Leaning against the marble counter in the kitchen, he ran his hands over his braids, heart pounding for some reason. The urge to punch something, or someone, seemed to grow with each second that passed. He absent-mindedly wondered if this was how Ivar felt all the time. 
 Peering out the window over the kitchen sink, he could see you sitting next to Ubbe's dark-haired friend on a lawn chair. From this position, it appeared you were almost in the guy's lap. One of your hands clasped a beer while the other toyed with the necklace you habitually wore. With a wicked look, the stranger leaned over to whisper in your ear, one of his hands resting on your hip. Whatever he said made you laugh, as you threw your head back, mirth spilling from you. For anyone else, it would have been sweet to watch the two of you, a connection and a growing infatuation evident. 
 The scene caused Hvitserk's blood to boil. He gripped onto the counter's edge to ground himself before he went out there and punched the guy. It made no sense. He had no right to try and separate the two of you. Feelings be damned, every part of his body revolted at the scene unfolding before him and how he allowed it to happen. Slamming his eyes shut, he silently counted to ten, willing himself to settle. He knew he needed to walk away….but his feet refused to move. 
 "Hey, Hvitserk."
 Slowly opening his eyes, he looked over his shoulder at the call of his name. A pretty blonde stood just inside the kitchen, twirling a piece of hair around her finger with an enticing smile and a body begging to be touched. He remembered her. He fucked her a week ago. Staring at her now, her name continued to slip his mind. Did he even know her name at the time?
 "Hey." He replied unenthusiastically, maintaining his grip on the counter edge. 
 "What are you doing in here?" She asked, walking closer to him, her hips swaying with each step. 
 "Oh, well are you bored? Do you need some company?" She trailed a finger down his arm, peeking at him through her long lashes. "I can think of a few ways this night could end for us."
 He looked down at her. Any other time he would have jumped her in a heartbeat. It would have been almost too easy to drag her upstairs and fuck her until they were both delirious with pleasure. 
 "I'm good." He stated, looking away from her and back out the window. 
 "You sure I can't change your mind? I mean last time we had…."
 Uncaring of how harsh he sounded, he shrugged her arm off. "I said I'm good. Fuck off."
 Her eyes widened for a moment before they narrowed at him and she took a step back. "Fine. Fuck you, Hvitserk." She stomped out of the kitchen, each step a clatter on the hard floor. 
 "You just tried." He muttered to himself, dropping his head to his chest.  
 What was wrong with him? He knew what it was though. Or more specifically- who. A war waged in his chest and he worried the repercussions of either side winning. This limbo would surely kill him. 
 Peering out the window, he could not take his eyes off of you. Although you vehemently disagreed, he thought you always looked beautiful. Tonight though, in the fading sunlight, you looked gorgeous. Like a new light had been ignited in you, radiating joy and life. It was mesmerizing to witness. 
 "Hey! Probably should start wrapping the party up in an hour or so. Way more people turned out than I thought." Ubbe said with a beaming smile as he walked into the kitchen, dropping some empty beer bottles on the counter. At his brother's silence, he stopped and really looked at him. "Hvitty, you alright, man?"
 "Yeah, of course." He snarked, not in the mood for his older brother's prying. "Why wouldn't I be?"
 "First, you're lingering in the kitchen like some housecat looking for food, which I guess isn't that strange."
 Hvitserk's lips twitched but he continued to stare out the window.
 "Secondly, it looks like you're trying to set Uhtred's head on fire with how hard you are staring."
 He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face."It's nothing, Ubbe. Don't worry about it. Go head back out."
 After a moment, Ubbe grabbed two new beers from the cooler and came over to his brother's side, passing him one of the drinks. With a murmured thanks, Hvitserk took it, immediately popping the top and taking a long draw. They stood silently for several minutes, just sipping on their beers and watching the party outside in companionable silence. 
 "You going to tell her?" Ubbe finally asked, keeping his gaze straight ahead. 
 Hvitserk stiffened and pressed his lips together, the urge to hit something renewed after Ubbe's question. 
 "You can't get mad at her for wanting love and attention, especially when she's not getting it from the person she wants it from most." Ubbe glanced over at his sullen brother but plowed on. "Look, I know you like fucking around but if you expect her to keep waiting around for you….she won't. And it looks like she and Uhtred are really hitting it off. I won't stop them just cause you won't tell her how you feel."
 "What are you saying, Ubbe?" He growled, though if the steadily increasing anger was directed more at his brother or himself, he could not tell. 
 "I'm saying man up and tell her, or let her go. It's up to you." With a clap on the shoulder, Ubbe headed back outside. 
 Hvitserk took a sip of his beer, Ubbe's words bouncing around in his head. Over the years, the crush you had on him had not gone unnoticed, though he never addressed it. Ubbe eventually confronted him about it, forcing Hvitserk to reveal his own secret. He knew what he wanted. He had known for a long time. Was it too late though? Had he fucked up his chances for real happiness? Did he even deserve you anymore?
 You laughed, covering your mouth to try and muffle the uproarious sound. "That one was great! Ok, ok, tell me another."
 Uhtred sat behind you on the lawn chair, smiling broadly as he took a sip of his beer. Since he walked over to you at the beginning of the party, the two of you had been inseparable. He seemed to take particular pleasure out of making you laugh and currently he was telling you some of the best and worst pick-up lines he knew. Apparently, him and Finan liked to come up with new ones when they were bored. 
 He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your back closer to his chest as he whispered in your ear. "You're so hot, even my zipper is falling for you."
 Giggling, you covered your face. Not just because of the silly line but ever since the two of you sat down, him practically pulling you into his lap, he had you teetering on the edge of arousal. The way his broad chest felt pressed against you, the rumble sound when he chuckled, and those damn bedroom eyes with that smirk which promised so many beautiful, naughty things. It was driving you insane. 
 "Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I'm really feeling a connection." He said, his hand slowly trailing up and down your thigh. 
 "Please tell me someone has used that."
 "Finan did at a pub once."
 "I don't know him, but I'm guessing it worked." 
 Uhtred chuckled, giving you a playful wink. "It did."
 You tried to tamper down the butterflies dancing in your belly from that simple action. "Alright, what is one you've never used?"
 He thought about it for a second then in a flash, he licked up the rim of your ear. 
 "What?" You squirmed and tried to wipe your ear off. "What was that for?"
 He laughed, while his hand kept you pinned to him. "If you lick something, you get to keep it. Everyone knows that. So now you're mine."
 "Well if you're going to claim me, you could have done it without licking my ear."
 You swore his eyes darkened as he stared down at you. His voice husky as he whispered in your ear. "And if there are other parts of you I want to lick?"
 Your breath caught in your throat, desire slipping through your blood. "Guess you need to work on your lines." You whispered back, hoping it sounded confident but sure it sounded more needy with want. 
 "I'm a man of action, I'd rather show you what I want to do."
 "Like what?"
 With a cocky smirk, he slowly lowered his head until his lips touched yours. You gasped but gave in without remorse, allowing him to lead you in a slow dance. His lips were pure seduction, caressing and teasing, making you yearn for more. His tongue flicked over your lips before he pulled back, eyes scanning over your face to gauge your reaction. 
 "That….that was much more convincing than a pick-up line." You breathed out. 
 "I'm glad you approve."
 "What else can you show me?"
 His gaze dropped back to your lips and you tensed with anticipation. 
 You almost gave yourself whip-lash with how quickly you spun your head around at the call of your name. You saw Hvitserk approaching, hands in fists by his side and jaw clenched. His abrupt yell had most of those still around watching the two of you with curiosity. 
 "What?" You asked, your body vibrating with confusion and need.
 "Come here. I need to talk to you." He kept his hard gaze on you, making you feel like a child about to be reprimanded by their older sibling. 
 "Can we talk later?"
 "No, it's important."
 "She's busy right now." Uhtred declared, snaking his arm around your waist. You knew the move was possessive and with the way Hvitserk's eyes narrowed and burned with intensity, you knew Uhtred's move was not for your sake.
 Hvitserk met your eyes, pleading in a way you had never seen before and his tone suddenly soft. "Y/n….please."
 You sighed, those damn puppy dog eyes. "Fine, this better be important." You grumbled, removing yourself from Uhtred's embrace. 
 "Don't take too long, I'll be waiting." Uhtred said, flashing you a charming smirk. 
 You smiled at Uhtred then followed Hvitserk back towards the house. There were a few looks of confusion from those you passed by that you caught, but otherwise most people ignored the two of you, too focused on the party. Besides, everyone knew you and Hvitserk were friends so it was no surprise to see you in one another's company. 
 Your mind wandered as to what the issue could be. Surprise coursed through you as he led you up the stairs towards the brothers' bedrooms. Once Ivar, in a drunken fit, insulted a girl so harshly she had burst into inconsolable, wailing tears, forcing the brothers to pull her away into one of their rooms to calm her down. Maybe something like that had happened again? You tried to remember if you saw Ivar recently but realized you had been too absorbed in Uhtred to truly take notice. 
 Hvitserk led you into his bedroom, the door slamming closed behind you. With a quick glance you noted the two of you were alone. The bed was still made, so he had not brought a girl up yet. Confusion continued to mount within you. 
 "What's going on?" You finally asked, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. 
 Instead of answering, he paced several times in front of you, running his hands over his braids. A couple times he stopped, turning to you and opening his mouth but then immediately closed it to continue pacing. It was quickly becoming infuriating. Plus he was going to ruin his braids with how hard he was running his hands over them. 
 "Hvitty, you need to tell me what is going on or I'm going to go back out. You said it was important."
 His pacing ceased. Twisting to face you, he threw his hands up as he exclaimed, "I want you to marry me!"
 You froze. Your jaw dropped as you stared at him. Only in your wildest fantasies did you ever think you would hear that uttered from his mouth. Years ago, you had buried that fantasy, knowing it would never come to pass. Now you stared at him, staring at you. Both of you seemed shocked by what he just blurted. 
 "Fuck, that's not what I meant to say first." 
 "So….so you don't want to marry me?" You tried to clarify, your mind scrambling to make sense of what just happened. 
 Mumbling something unintelligible, he ran his hands once more over his braids; then in what appeared a split second decision, he advanced closer, dropping to his knees in front of you. "Yes. I do. Fuck. I'm doing this all wrong."
 "Hvitserk, what is going on?"
 He sighed, placing his hands over yours as if to steady himself. His words poured forth like a confession, secrets finally freed yet terrified by the light now on them. "Ever since we were children, it's always been you. Whenever I thought about getting married, buying a house, having children….it was always with you. Never have I thought about it with anyone else. It's always been you….and….and it terrified me. You are one of my closest friends, gods, I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life. I couldn't lose that, lose you. And with watching my parents and their marriage, I didn't….I didn't want us to go through something like that. So I never said anything. I fucked around because it was easier to pretend to be ok with that than realize I only ever saw you in my future….you've all I've ever wanted."
 Stunned, you gaped at him for a long time. "Why…." You licked your lips, mind fumbling to formulate a question. "Why are you telling me this now?"
 "Because you needed to know, or I just needed to tell you. I guess, I just needed to know if you would choose me, even after everything I've done. But if you rather be with someone like that guy out there, I get it. I mean, I figured I lost my chance years ago….but watching you out there. Fuck! I want it to be me. I want your smiles and laughs. I want to steal kisses from you. I want you in my bed, to roll over and hold you close. I want to live with you and kiss you before we leave for work. I want to watch you grow round with our child. I want the fights and frustrations. I just….it's always been you. I just want you….in everything."
 The two of you remained frozen in place for several minutes, his confession weighing heavily in the air around you. You stared into his earnest, brown eyes, searching them, studying them, confirming the truth. His words peeled back the layers you had built around your heart, to protect it from loving him too much. 
 In this moment you knew you teetered on the edge of a knife. If you fell one way, it would be into his arms, into a love you had only ever dreamed about. But if you fell the other way, everything would remain how it had been, you could be friends, freeing you both to pursue others. But this knowledge shared between you would haunt both of your actions forever. 
 Could you do it? After so long of pining after him, of your unrequited affections, did you trust him to fully reciprocate? 
 In your heart, you knew your answer even as he spoke. It laid there tattooed on your heart ever since you were children. 
 You finally broke the tense silence, bringing a hand up to lightly run over his frizzed braids. "You know, most guys ask a girl out on a date first before asking to marry them."
 He chuckled, catching your hand and pressing it to the side of his face. "That's true." 
 "Ask me."
 "What?" His brow furrowed faintly as he stared up at you, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand. 
 You took a deep breath before a small smile teased your lips. "Ask me to go on a date with you."
 "Y/n, will you go on a date with me?"
 "Yes. I would love to."
 His face beamed with a boyish smile and bright eyes alight. It made your heart stutter at how handsome he was, at the pure, genuine joy radiating from him. Surprising you, he kissed your palm quickly before a gleeful laugh escaped him. You could not help your own giggle. Everything felt so surreal, like the two of you had stepped into a dream, a bubble of your own making. Here, reality was irrelevant. You stared at one another with stupid smiles on your faces but neither cared.  
 "Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, gazing up at you with such a look of adoration, you felt yourself melting. 
 "You better."
 Without waiting an extra second, he captured your lips in a kiss that bespoke of longing. It started off with gentle, probing kisses that urged you to respond. A call you had no qualms about answering. Your tongue flicked against the seam of his lips and that was the key to unlock his restraint. Next thing you knew, you were on your back with him hovering over you, worshiping you using his mouth and tongue. You were utterly at his mercy and for once, you completely surrendered yourself to his touch, knowing he would be there to catch you. 
 The two of you laid there on his bed, tangled in one another, your mouths fused together as if you needed the other to continue breathing. Finally when air became a desperate necessity, he pulled back. Immediately, though, he set his forehead to yours, unwilling to move further away than that. 
 "Did you... want to go back out….to the party?" He panted out, his chest heaving just as much as yours. 
 You giggled, running a finger over his cheek to trace his deliciously, swollen lips. "No, I have everything I've ever wanted right here."
 Then you kissed him, letting him taste the truth on your tongue. Soon you became absorbed in each other's touch, utterly entwined and unwilling to ever part again. If this was what it meant to be lost in love, you both hoped to never be found. 
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
Something Borrowed, Something Blue (Reid Fic)
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Summary: Despite her engagement to someone else, Spencer grapples with the reality that he’s in love with SSA Reader when he sees her in her wedding dress.
A/N: I am so fucking proud of Spencer’s speech that I wrote.  Playlist: Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe + FINNEAS This song hurts so good :,) Category: Fluffy happy ending! Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Content Warning: possible unrequited love, soft angst  Word Count: 6k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
Call it a superpower or a sixth sense, but I had this inexplicable, preternatural ability to detect when we weren’t heading in the right direction - a skill unaffected by even shut eyes or the deepest slumber. 
It seems as though after all these years of being (y/n)’s passenger, my body has developed a survival adaptation in order to offer her guidance before she would even have to ask, or worse - lower her pride and admit she’s lost! 
With as hard-headed as she is, she’d sooner drive us to Timbuktu before asking me for help.
I was half-asleep when I peeked through one half-lidded eye to observe where we were only to see she blew right by Gregory Boulevard when she should’ve turned left on it. 
“Um, you should make a u-turn at this next light,” I gently advised her before returning my head to its previous position perched on my hand. I closed my eyes again with the presumption she would follow my navigation and make a u-turn, but when I didn’t feel the car change course, I opened them to see that she blew right past the stoplight, too. 
“Hey, my apartment’s that way.” I gestured behind us while looking at her for the first time, catching a smug look on her face. That’s when I knew I was in for it. “Where are you taking me?” 
“You’ll see.” 
“You know I don’t like surprises,” I grumbled, slumping back into my seat with partially renewed energy. Her little antics never failed to get my heart racing. I never knew whether to expect a sweet sunset or a sea of snakes when it came to her. She was that polarizing. “Can I at least get a hint?” I egged on, considering she had yet to even reply to my first statement. 
She was completely unfazed by my pleading. She didn’t even peel her eyes away from the road - that’s how little attention she thought I deserved. “Mmm depends. What’s the magic word?” 
This blatant tease was successfully getting a rise out of me. “Pleaseee,” I dragged out the word as if it would do me any good to let her hear it for longer, but in reality, she just liked to hear me beg. 
She took a sharp intake of breath through gritted teeth, a chupse, to express her displeasure before saying, “Ooh tough luck. The magic word was actually mushroom, but nice try.” 
A mirthless chuckle escaped me for willingly falling for her tricks despite knowing she’d pull something just like that. This girl was the bane of my existence, but at least she still rewarded me with a hint anyway. 
“Your hint is …” While pondering what hint to give me, her eyes traveled to the side, away from the road long enough to make my heart palpitate in a “if-she-doesn’t-pay-attention-to-the-road, we’re-both-gonna-die” kind of way. 
“... something old.” 
Again, she tore her eyes away from the road so she could register my reaction, but truthfully, I didn’t have one. I had no idea what that hint meant. Or rather I had too many ideas, far too many to limit to just one. 
She could’ve been talking about the age of a location, the history of a place, the vintage appearance of something - virtually anything.
“There’s an infinite amount of possibilities about what that could mean,” I argued. “If you actually want me to guess, you’ll have to give me something more.” 
As expected, she was not a fan of my whining and simply rolled her eyes at me. “Oh, stop complaining and use that big brain of yours. I’m sure you’ll figure it out before we even get there.” 
Although there was a high probability she was right that I could’ve solved it by myself, it was more enticing to feed off of what she could give me. “What if I ask you ‘yes or no’ questions?”
The gears in her head were turning as she weighed the pros and cons of humoring my offer. “You better ask some good questions then,” was her answer, which was the long way of saying yes. 
“Is this ‘something old’ an object?”
She hesitated, then decided on, “No.” So I took that as maybe. 
“Is this ‘something old’ a place?” 
There was no indecision with this answer. “No.” 
“Is this ‘something old’ as in appearance?” 
Again, a partial hesitation, but still ultimately a, “No.”
Realizing I pretty much exhausted the tangible, I settled for something more abstract. “Is this ‘something old’ a concept?”
“Yes, you could say that.” 
Her answer would prove to be redundant, as just seconds after we would arrive at our mystery destination. 
Ellie’s Bridal Boutique. 
“Something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue.” I recited to myself under my breath when I finally unearthed the meaning. The rhyme was a wedding tradition that referred to the things a bride is supposed to wear on her wedding day that’s meant to provide protection and prosperity for the new couple - a superstition.
“Ding! Ding! Ding!” She mimicked the sound of a winning buzzer. “And you are going to be my something old.” 
A short chuckle left me as I stepped out of the car. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do - wear me?” I jested. 
“Well you are a very pretty boy, but I don’t know if you’re pretty enough to wear down the aisle.” 
“So then how am I going to be your something old? I’m only two years older than you.” 
She stopped dead in her tracks on the sidewalk to reach for my hand. I’d be lying if I said the chilling warmth of it didn’t make my breath hitch. My eyes fell to where our bodies met, but they rose to look at her again when she finally spoke. 
“You’re the very first person I met when I started working in the BAU, which makes you my oldest friend on the team, and since you were the first one that saw me, I wanted you to be the first one that saw me in my dress, too.” 
I was already aware that she’d picked out her wedding gown months before, so this appointment couldn’t have been anything more than an alteration update. The only reason I knew that, besides the obvious, was because I could still remember with perfect clarity the morning she came into work after her fitting. She marched right up to my desk to wave a picture of her in the garment right in my face. It wasn’t until I drew back with my head that I could see the image clearly. The dress, while incredibly stunning on her, ‘didn’t fit right’ - her words, not mine. 
“But that’s not how it’s actually gonna look on me. I asked them to take in the waist, change the neckline, and alter the length.” She vividly described to me, letting her finger run over the digital photo of the dress as she spoke. “Do you see what I mean?”
I lied when I said, “Yeah, I do,” because really, I didn’t need her to describe the details to me - I could already see the vision. Even if the dress was the wrong color, length, and ‘poofiness,’ I’d still think she’d look lovely. 
It was my only hope that her future husband would think so, too. 
“I’m (y/n) (y/l/n). I’m here for my alteration with Reagan at 4.” Just as quickly as she introduced herself to the receptionist, she was being whisked away by an older woman who seemed to have recognized her. 
“Oh, (y/n)! It’s so good to see you again! Come, come, your dress is ready. I just know you’ll love it.” 
Before she slipped out of my vision completely, (y/n) turned around to address me. “I’ll be right back, I promise. Just wait here.” 
I raised my hand in the air to give a short acknowledgment goodbye and followed her instruction to sit in the chair that lied directly in front of a circular raised platform. 
“Are you the groom?” A soft voice from beside me suddenly asked. I looked up to see it was the receptionist holding a tray with a glass of champagne. 
“Oh, I’m okay thank you,” I denied the alcohol with a shake of my head. “And no, no I’m not. Just an … an old friend.” Again, her words, not mine. 
It would come as a surprise to both me and you that with as much as I know about the world, I had no idea how long this would take before I saw her again. With my estimates, it should take maybe fifteen minutes maximum before she walked out in her dress, but who knows? It’s (y/n) after all. She runs on her own clock. The sun rises and sets on her. 
At least in my world it does. 
By around minute 17, I realized my estimates were way off and there was no way she’d be coming out any time soon, so with all that I could do in that store having been done already, the only thing left for me to do was read. Nothing of quality, though. Just those frivolous bridal magazines on the coffee table beside me. I didn’t even want to think about the germs and bacteria that were harboring on these reading materials, but if it meant it’d cure my boredom then perhaps the contraction of microbes would be worth it. 
To say I wasn’t well-versed in fashion would be an understatement and reading the subscriptions only emphasized that further. To put it in perspective, you could style my future bride in a medieval frock and it wouldn’t discourage me whatsoever because I simply have no understanding of what a ‘good’ wedding dress is, therefore, I cannot make an accurate comparison. 
Take, for example, the dress on page 17 of Modern Bride. The model was donning a high neck, long sleeve creme satin dress. I thought it looked quite nice and classic, but the excerpt described it as totally out of style and too old - a faux pas.
But when comparing that dress to the gown on page 24 of The Bride’s Guide, I couldn’t spot a single difference between the two, yet this passage was written in complete adoration. “This dress is vintage done right,” said the article. But to me - they were exactly identical! What was wrong with the first one?
Maybe it was a good thing grooms weren’t allowed to help pick wedding dresses because if I had to assist my bride in picking her’s, then, of course, it would be bad luck! I’d probably pick something utterly horrendous!
I had to admit it was slightly humiliating to confront my incompetence relating to wedding dresses, so before my self-esteem plummeted any further, I set the magazines back in their rightful place on the coffee table so they could once again be what they were always intended for - extraneous decor. 
With a flick of my watch, I noted the period of waiting had only increased by three minutes. Again, I had yet to master the art of wedding garment fittings, but how was 20 minutes not enough time to put a dress on? However, unlike my better half, I had (relatively) zero problems admitting my ignorance, whereas she’d rather drive us off a cliff or into a lake before letting me know she was lost. 
In surrender to my lack of knowledge, I rose from my seat to approach the receptionist and ask if she had a more accurate estimate for how long it would be until I saw (y/n) again. But as it turns out, any estimate she might’ve been able to tell me would’ve been completely wrong for she wouldn’t have even been able to finish her answer before the aforementioned future bride entered the space behind me. 
Remember before when I said I had no gauges of good fashion to outrank a medieval frock? Well, I stand corrected. 
(Y/n) in her dress is what I will measure everyone against. And no one will ever compare. 
“Wow…” The word came out of my mouth before I could think to stop it. My tone was so honest that it scared me. “I’m - You’re …” I was at a total loss for words that I had to sit back down to hopefully regain some clarity. She laughed at my stupidity with a laugh so gentle, I couldn’t not laugh back. 
“That good, huh?” 
I wordlessly nodded while my mouth lied openly in waiting. But the right words never came out; there just weren’t any that could capture this vision of perfection in front of me. 
My mannerisms had clearly already given away the true level of my admiration, so in an effort to lessen the enormity of my obvious wonderment, I reluctantly broke my gaze away from the angel in white and picked up a magazine on the table to perfect the notion of nonchalance. 
“You look . . .” She impatiently waited for my addition, even doing the most adorable little twirl in her dress to give me the full view in the meantime. “Nice,” was the adjective I settled for, as it was such a thoughtless response that perhaps it would convince her that there weren’t a million thoughts on my mind. The most recurring one, and arguably the most troubling one being: I think I’m in love with you. 
“Nice?” She repeated like the word stung her tongue, more out of mock offense than earnest disappointment. “You’re reading your magazine upside down so it’s gotta be better than nice.”
I bashfully looked down to find that, sure enough, her words were true. The magazine was upside down and therefore a total revelation of just how ‘nice’ I really thought she looked.
I tried to hide my smile behind my knuckles as I pressed a fist to my lips, deciding on the most sincere compliment I could give her. 
“Nobody holds a candle to you, (y/n),” I nodded in affirmation. “You look absolutely beautiful.”
After saying so, I nonchalantly - well as nonchalantly as one could when caught slack-jawed and completely in awe - reoriented the catalog. Had I glanced up even a second later, I might not have caught her reaction to my words and the way they made her smile uncontrollably. I looked back down at the magazine with a smirk, giving it a brief flick to open up the pages all the way to me and parrot the motions one would make if they were actually reading.
We both knew I wasn’t though. 
It seemed I never left that wedding boutique because even as we arrived outside my apartment later that day, my mind was still there, stuck on the future bride in her gown.
“Earth to Spencer!” She waved her hand in front of me to grab my attention despite already having it. “We’re here!” She announced. Who was I kidding? She always had my attention. I only wish it didn’t take me this long to realize that the reason she was constantly at the front of my mind was that I loved her.
Nearly about to exit the car, the millionth and one thought rang in my head like a bell - wedding bells, if you will. 
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
At a tantalizingly slow speed, I released the doorknob and turned back towards her.
“...I love you.”
She furrowed her brows and shrugged with her mouth, forming a confused pout. “I love you, too, Reid?” She kind of laughed when she said it, so I knew she thought this was just a friend sending off a friend goodbye, but I couldn’t let her think that’s what I meant. 
“No, not like that.” I clarified with the utmost candor. “I’m in love with you.” I shook my head when I said it which, in any other context, might make you think I was lying, but the shake of my head was merely the physical manifestation of every bone in my body knowing I shouldn’t be saying this, but my heart still having the audacity to do it anyway. 
I confessed with that brutally honest tone again, the one so raw and vulnerable it leaves you nauseous and breathless all at once as you anxiously anticipate the other person’s response to your vulnerability. But I couldn’t even meet her eyes, I was too scared. Even if I had, they would’ve been vacant. Her spirit had vanished from her body, and in its departure left just the shell of a woman who was completely void of color. Her flushed face was a remnant of the shock that paralyzed her and it wouldn’t disappear even as I tried to bring her color back. 
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). I wish I had better timing - trust me, I will beat myself up later for not saying it sooner. But I promise you, I am not trying to ruin things between you two and I would never actually try to stand in the way of your wedding - you have to believe me. I want you to be happy and if he’s what makes you happy, then I will live with that. I just had to tell you now because ... if you married him without ever knowing how I felt, I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself.”
This was true - I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if I hadn’t said anything - but now that I have - will she be able to forgive me?
Vacant stares turned into piercing glares that drove, what felt like, a thousand daggers right through my heart. She was looking at me as though I were a stranger - completely unrecognizable to her. 
(Y/n), it’s me. It’s Spencer. Don’t you remember me? My heart pleaded. I’m still the same guy I was before. I’m the first friend you made on the team, remember? I’m your something old. Please, please remember me. 
By the time I came to the woeful conclusion that she wouldn’t reply, at least not now, there was only one question weighing on my heart heavily enough to make me ask it before I left her car. 
“Would it have been better if I didn’t tell you?” 
My question stayed answerless even as I lingered at the door after getting out, waiting for one. I knew I should’ve closed it, but I couldn’t. In many ways, it would’ve been shutting the only open vessel to her, formally closing myself off from our friendship. The possibility of losing her as soon as I walked away was too real, and I wasn’t ready yet.
“Please, (y/n), talk to me.” It was a trending theme to have every word I spoke be underlined by this profound piteousness. “Say something.” Say anything.
“I ... I need to get home,” She quietly whimpered, practically begging me to let her go. Up until then, I didn’t want to, but I suddenly wished I had shut the door sooner so that I might not have had to hear the quiet addition, “To my fiancé.”
The color she was so void of in her face? It seems I must have recompensed, for not only was I crowned her something old that day, but I was also her something blue. 
_ _ _ 
If there were a guidebook on all the things to do as the love of your life’s wedding (to someone else) nears, I’d like to think I was following all the protocol. 
Since my not-so-subtle confession, I had yet to press the subject or force her for an answer to my final question, which I think she was thankful for. I also hadn’t plotted a giant scheme to ruin the wedding, nor did I have any intentions of doing so. 
For all intents and purposes, I was acting as a gentleman (who’s in love with you but whom you’re not marrying) ideally should.
You would think that after my big declaration, (y/n) would do everything in her power to avoid me. It’s what I would’ve done. But she’s no coward. That exact heart of gold I fell in love with made no exceptions. Because even after what I did, she still had it in her to extend her kindness to me. 
She’s stubborn like that, remember? 
And though she was showering me with a treatment I didn’t deserve, it still wasn’t enough for my greedy heart. 
The true pain lied in the pretending. Every day I would have to come to work and talk with her and laugh with her and smile with her - I would have to be her friend … pretending that was all that I wanted and nothing more. 
It was both a blessing and a curse that she was acting just as she always had with me. It may seem weird to have expected, nay - wanted - a different reaction from her, but I just wanted something. At least, if she was angry, then I would know what I said had some effect on her, but she was just so indifferent. Like what I said didn’t matter. 
It’s been said that there is a thin line between love and hatred. Hate and love both seem to be involved in the neural processing of what is sometimes referred to as the arousal effect of emotion - this is a technical term, so arousal can be negative. Scientists studying the physical nature of hate have found that some of the nervous circuits in the brain responsible for it are the same as those that are used during the feeling of romantic love – although love and hate appear to be polar opposites. Therefore, the same brain circuitry is involved in both extreme emotions. So, as strange as it may sound, if she didn’t love me, then I at least wanted her to hate me, just so I’d know she had any passion for me that matched my burning passion for her.
But as it turns out, she would never go on to display signs of hatred or love, for she never acted passive-aggressively, never gave me the silent treatment - nothing. Nope, she just acted as if it never happened. She went on with her life, essentially expecting me to do the same, but how could I carry on with life while she was still carrying half of my heart with her? 
It’s an impossible feat, that - to walk around with half a heart. And it’s one that has not gotten easier with time. If anything, time has made it worse, and the closer we got to the wedding, the more difficult it became for me to hold back. And with this exponential growth, it was only inevitable that the pinnacle of difficulty came right before the wedding. 
Before shit hit the fan, she arranged, or rather insisted, that I give a speech at the dinner rehearsal. That hadn’t changed, despite almost everything else having done so. Up until the minute I arrived at the venue, I could’ve recited that speech a million times, forwards and backwards, in my sleep, or even in Russian. But I lost any ability to form coherent thoughts from the second I laid eyes on her. 
As soon as I opened the door, she stood at the entrance to greet her guests, having taken a radiant form that I could only imagine would not pale in comparison to what she would look like tomorrow on her actual wedding day. That thought alone scared me shitless. 
If this is how beautiful she looked tonight and it was only just the rehearsal, how would I ever be able to resist her less than 24 hours from now when she would be marrying a man I could only dream of being half so lucky as?
“Spencer!” Familiar crinkles formed around her eyes as a result of her gigantic smile when she saw me and hugged me thereafter. Her embrace was strangely tighter and lasted for longer than usual, not that I was complaining, but I had to wonder if she was compensating for something. What’s that saying - keep your friends close, and your enemies closer? Was she killing me with kindness? That might’ve been wishful thinking though. Because the same flash of indifference I’d been dealt in recent times came back into her face and tone after hugging me. “You’re at table five with the rest of the team.” 
“Oh, thanks.”
That was it? Just a ‘Spencer!’ and then a nudge in the direction of my seat? No questions about my speech? No threatening comments to not say anything that would ruin the charade we’d been playing for months now? Had she forgotten I was even giving a speech?
“Oh, wait, Spencer!” I felt her hand on my shoulder before I heard her voice. “You left this in my car a couple months ago. I’ve been meaning to give it back to you, but I didn’t remember until today.” 
The first thing that raised a red flag was what she was saying. I’d left something in her car? That would imply that I’d forgotten something, and we both knew that wasn’t possible. But the second suspicious element was the matter of what she claimed I’d left behind. She was handing me a book with the back cover facing me. From the looks of it alone, it wasn’t mine. Clearly, it wasn’t mine. I knew every single book that resides on my shelves and this one has never once crossed them. That, on top of the new book smell and the lack of a wear in the spine, was enough to tell me that not only was this a book I’d never read nor was one to grace my bookshelf, but it was most certainly not one I would have left behind.
She was lying. 
She saw the realization dawn on me, but knowing I would mention it, her hand’s grip around my wrist, which I hadn’t noticed was even there in the first place, tightened, sending me a message. 
She knew I saw the deception. There were so many flaws in what she was saying, that she couldn’t have possibly been clueless of them. It was too easy. Or maybe that was by design. She wanted me to figure out it was a lie. But why?
What was she hiding?
The final thing to leave me when she did was her hand. In its place, it had left a a near perfect indentation in my sleeve. How flawlessly it sculpted to her hand told me just how tightly she was holding me. What was she trying to say?
That’s when I flipped the book over to see the cover. 
Can Love Happen Twice?
And right on the inside cover page was scribbled - in a handwriting so distinctive it could only belong to one person and one person alone - “Yes.” 
_ _ _ 
My heart was racing the entire night as I anxiously awaited for the moment to give my speech. Nothing seemed to ease the tension. Not a sip of water, not the loosening of my tie, not the self-soothing bouncing of my leg. But all it took, all it took was one glance from her and suddenly, the storm within me had settled. 
“Next up we have a speech from Spencer Reid!” 
I rose from my seat like a floundering mess, as to be expected, because how can you possibly catch your bearings as you’re about to make a speech to a room full of people?
“H-hi there. I’m Dr. Spen- I’m Spencer Reid. I’ve worked with (y/n) for several years now and - and so I, um, I wrote this speech for her, so, so I’m gonna read it to you all now,” My stammering had gotten the best of me, so before I could unravel into the mess I surely came off as right about now, I spun from my previous position facing the majority to facing only her. I needed to see her. I needed the reprieve of her eyes again, and she was happy to give it to me.
“(Y/n), from the moment I met you, I thought who is she? And I mean that quite literally because I had no idea who you were and why you were there,” Laughter from the crowd erupted, but her laugh was the only one that mattered to me. “But also because there was just something about you that told me I needed to talk to you. I had no idea what that instinct to strike up a conversation with you would lead to, but I trust my gut a little more now because that very intuition gave me one of the best friends I’ve ever had.” 
To my words, an endeared pout formed on her face. She was touched, and I was glad. 
“Over the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years we’ve spent together, I have enjoyed every single measure of time with you. You have taught me more about life and myself than I could have ever learned otherwise - which says a lot,” This once again brought her to laughter. “So I thank you for that, because without you, there would be no one to tell my campfire stories to, there would be no one who could recite Jung or Freud with me, and there would be no one I’d have to correct when they drive down the wrong path,” My own chuckle cut my sentence short. 
“Life with you has simply been made better, and my only hope is that tomorrow, as you get married, you too, will experience that eternal bliss with which you have surely bestowed upon everyone who has had the privilege of knowing you.”
By now both of us were on the verge of tears, hers more apparent than mine as she used the palm of her hand to stifle her sniffles. 
“There is so much more I could say about how great you are, but your favorite author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, has said it best. ‘She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No she wasn’t beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. She is beautiful’,” A tear ran down her cheek as my own eyes welled up beyond their means. “So to you both - may you have a life as beautiful as the bride.”
Even if that life isn’t with me. 
I tuned out all the clapping and cheering, and set my focus solely on her, giving me full liberty to see the way she rose from her chair and escaped the room. Not even shock could paralyze me or stop me from running after her. I sprung so fast into action, which required the maximum amount adrenaline, although I could not credit my speed to the rush, but it was more the exclusive motivation to find her that powered me. The entire time I kept calling out her name as I frantically chased her out of the venue. 
I didn’t even see her there at first, probably because I was half-expecting her to be jumping into a cab or running away from me some more when I found her, but just as before, she made it too easy for me. She was waiting for me, standing there in no spectacular fashion. 
The wind was blowing strands of hair in her face that were not so large so that I couldn’t see the red rings around her eyes that were caused by the irritation and formation of tears. She was simply staring back at me with this look in her eyes as if she wanted to say something. 
In the silence, I could still appreciate how astonishingly gorgeous she was. How badly I wanted her. I would’ve whisked her away and taken her as mine if I knew it would make her happy. But that’s just it - I didn’t know. 
I needed her to say it. So say it. 
Say it, darling. 
Spoken through a congested voice (which spoke volumes in reality because of the mere revelation that she was indeed crying) was the plainest, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, she vanished back into the restaurant, leaving me to my devices on the sidewalk. 
She didn’t say it, but she didn’t have to. 
_ _ _ 
Perhaps the false confidence in my speech or what little she had to say to me after it or even the hidden message in the book got to my head, but whatever it was, I was feeling suspiciously alright. Luckily, that feeling didn’t deviate even as I made my way to the church. 
Upon arrival, everything seemed exactly as it should be, so consequently the lack of something out of place did not adequately denote what lied just beyond those doors. Or should I say what didn’t?
Much to my mortification, it was a completely empty church. Every pew, though decorated for a wedding, was uninhabited and showed no indications of having been such recently. As I walked further in, the door automatically shut behind me with a loud bang. It would’ve shocked me more had something else not caught my attention already. 
It was (y/n), standing at the altar … completely alone. 
Suddenly, it felt like I’d been drawn in by this invisible gravity, which was now floating me down the aisle. My feet could not carry me to her fast enough.
I was sure this was some kind of dream simply by the way the light gleamed through the stained glass windows, casting banners of golden luminescence on her. It was as if heaven itself had come down with the specific delegation to illuminate the vision of one of its fallen angels. 
“(Y/n)?” My voice reverberated throughout the chapel, ricocheting off the high, painted ceilings and back to me. “Where is everyone?” 
It wasn’t until I reached a certain point in the middle aisle, that I realized her veil had been covering her face this entire time. The angel in white only turned more heavenly when she flipped the veil backward, revealing herself to me. 
It took her a moment to answer, but it was her head that answered first before her mouth did. She began shaking her head slowly, followed by a short, unequivocal, “No.”
As you might imagine, I was dumbfounded. “No?” That answer wouldn’t have made sense in the context of what I had previously asked. 
“No.” She repeated, with somehow even more definitiveness. I decided it was best to stay silent and wait for her explanation. 
“No, it wouldn’t have been better if you didn’t tell me.” 
There was my answer I’d been searching for. 
“God, Spencer - what took you so long?” 
From the breathlessness and the rushed cadence of her voice, I knew precisely what was coming next. She instantaneously abandoned the bouquet she’d been clutching in favor of her hands’ ability to pull me in. The pressure on my fragile skull when our frenzied lips finally met was not a punishment so much as it was a reward. And just as we began to find our rhythm, I slid my hand into her hair, which I began to regret when I realized just how much time and effort probably went into its structuring. I pulled away the moment I felt a carefully placed pin lodged within her hair slip between my fingers. 
True, for a moment I was unable to open my eyes afterward from the sheer elation I was experiencing, but as I came to, I found myself looking at the hairpin I’d accidentally extracted from her curls, one that I could’ve sworn I’d seen a fellow coworker of ours donning in the past. 
“Is this -”
“Yep, it’s Penelope’s.” She admitted through the most debonair giggles. After giving her a quizzical, and only partially judgmental glance, she managed to blurt out, “What? Why are you looking at me like that? It was my ‘something borrowed’!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
reid taglist: @s1utformgg @no-alarms-no-surprises-silence @jemimah-b99 @justanothetfangirl @kylab @rainsong01 @calm-and-doctor @inkstainedwritergirl @rexorangecouny @ashwarren32 @carooliina @fortheloveofcriminalminds @watermelongubler  @obsessedmaggiemay @k-k0129 @aperrywilliams @eevee0722 @spencersmagic @spencerreid-mgg @half-blood-dork @goldeng1rl8 @just-a-bunch-of-fandoms @random-human-person 
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notnctu · 4 years
cupid’s arrow - h.rj | 7 days
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━ sweet greetings from the 7 days fluff series 
genre ❥ slight angst, fluff !!  details ❥ college!au, friends to lovers!au, genderneutral!reader ━ where renjun makes a bet to get you to fall in love with him.  warnings ❥ explicit language, light banter word count ❥ 7.1k  synopsis ❥ The silly boy has no idea what he’s gotten himself into when he makes a bet with his arrogant friend to get you to fall in love with him. Renjun never intends to confess, mainly because his past unrequited loves have demolished his confidence. So a low stakes gamble causes him a great deal of stress and pride, wishing that it was as easy as striking you with Cupid’s Arrow. While he wants your feelings to develop organically, he actually doesn’t know what he’d do if you did end up liking him back. Because to him, you have always been someone unattainable and out of his reach  taglist ❥ @yourmagnanimousholiness​ ; @lovelycharm05​ ; @watermelonxes​ ; @jaehyunsjasmine​ ; @mjlkau​​ <3
a/n ❥ this is author doie ❀!! uhh this came out a little more angsty than i had planned it to be.. anyways its been a long time coming and we’re still working on the requests hehehe uhh keep an eye out for some blog updates bc we are starting school soon :) thanks for sticking with us so far! lots of love for everyone<3
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Huang Renjun catches a glimpse of your enchanting figure across the lecture hall and how you effortlessly slide into your usual seat near the front. The tap against the tiny turnout table with your pen, ruffling your hair to only have it fall back in place beautifully, and aura alone suffocates him.
In a three hundred person lecture, all he sees is you. The only person in the room who has his undivided attention and while it might be entirely infatuation by your attractiveness, the mutual friends you two share describe you having a heart of gold.
A heart that is impenetrable. Strong, sturdy, shining metal that no one has been able to get through, but Renjun thinks that it’s because you can tell someone is undeserving. Keen and observant eyes, it’s a good thing that his stares don’t linger for long.
As he walks down the descending steps to sit in the row behind you, he remembers a very drunk night over the past weekend and an idiotic bet that has him punching himself. He wishes that he never agreed, but the liquid pride in him could not bite his tongue.
“(Y/N)?” His friend scorns and Renjun slaps his forehead at the slip of your name. Truthfully, the alcohol is messing with his head and he’s saying things that are no longer in his control. But how could he have possibly let the one secret he holds to himself out into the small crowd.
He mumbles profanities underneath his breath, trying to limit light from hurting his blurry vision, and rubbing his throbbing temples. “Yes, (Y/N).” There is no confidence in his voice at the whisper of your name.
“Dude, (Y/N) is way out of your league.” The headache just doesn’t have an end. He knows this; there is no way you’d ever bat an eyelash at him first. Renjun just likes things that are impossible to him, a poor habit of his.
“I bet I could get (Y/N) to get with me first before you ever can.” Then, Renjun’s eyes shoot open wide and the view of the arrogance laughing in the dimness slowly boils his blood.
Renjun may seem like the weaker link to pick on, but he is not one to give up a fight. While his friend has an advantage, the last thing Renjun would want is for you to fall for a horrendous two faced personality.
He’ll charm your pants off and when he gets what he wants: the victory and your vulnerability, he’ll hurt you. Would you be able to see past his fake genuineness or actually fall for the person he plays so well? Renjun can’t let anyone hurt you if he can prevent it.
“I bet that I can get (Y/N) to fall in love with me.” Renjun stumbles to stand up proudly, making himself bolder and more intimidating. Nevertheless, the drowsiness intoxicates him and he can barely keep his line of vision focused.
He sees the disgusting smirk on his friend’s face and a hand extends out for Renjun to shake. “Okay. Let’s bet on it. If you can’t get (Y/N) to fall in love with you, they’ll be mine and you can’t speak to them ever again.”
“Nice use of claiming someone who barely knows you exist.” The alcohol didn’t take away Renjun’s sharp sarcasm and the constant rolling of his eyes.
Renjun truly has no confidence at the game he decided to engage in, his only motive is to protect you from a bad guy. He wouldn’t even know how to handle the potential chance that you could like him back, did you have the ability to do so?
He never had the intention to confess to you, his heart has been broken all too much already by unrequited loves from his past. And if he had to be honest with himself, his admiration for you has become so strong that even he’s afraid to be someone to taint it.
What are the odds that the entire row behind you is already filled? Renjun’s throat closes when he sees the empty seat right next to you and the professor starting up his presentation. Other students push past him to hurry into empty seats before lecture begins, and his own feet pick him up toward you.
Like a magnetic pull, you attract him with an inexplicable force so naturally. Clearing his throat, he swallows the anxiousness that blocks him from speaking. 
“Is this seat taken?”
This is it. This is the first of many looks you two will share, and Renjun’s heart pounds at his chest to wait for your eyes to meet his own for more than a second.
As if the room falls silent and everything is in slow motion, Renjun captures the very image when you blink up at him with beautiful dazzling gentleness and the utter sugar of your lips curling upwards. And he’s stunned, hoping it doesn’t show on his face.
“No.” It’s a simple reply and nothing worth jumping out of joy about, but he tries so hard to hold back the growing smile of your acknowledgement. You are being polite, but something inside of him feels giddy and like static running through his veins.
“Thanks.” Dropping his bag, he enters the seat carefully and sits with his hands folded together on the tiny table.
You examine the attentive boy, as his focus is trained on the lecture slides and the unprepared professor messing with his mic. Chuckling, “you don’t take notes?”
Renjun is surprised at your sudden interaction, completely blindsided by your friendliness. He wasn’t sure how well that would have worked, but your curiosity speaks for you. “I actually forgot my laptop today.” The heavy device sits in his bag at his feet, but he doesn’t dare take it out after the lie.
The soft ‘oh’ that falls from your mouth is too cute and Renjun clears his throat to bring him back from his daydreams of you. Looking apologetic, he shrugs and pretends to gear his attention back to the professor, who finally starts the long awaited class.
“I can send you my notes for the day, if you’d like.” The kindness in your voice does not go unnoticed, in fact, it causes Renjun to hold onto it for a little longer to fuel his undying crush for you.
“I’d love that—” Perhaps he shouldn’t have used the word love for the strictly friendly gesture. “—you’re a lifesaver. Uh, how should I refer to you as?” Playing dumb is his only way to get to you, for now.
“(Y/N). And you?” You hand your phone toward him with social media popped up to input his user handle.
Renjun introduces himself as his sweaty fingers type, and he wonders if he should have polished up any photos that may have you steering away from him. However when he returns your device, the smile that lights up your face allows him to breathe easily.
“I knew you sounded familiar. You’re friends with Jaemin, right?” Your whisper grows soft as you multitask to make conversation and jot down a few important bullet points from the slides. Renjun tries hard to dissect the information as well, but the boring tone of his professor is nothing compared to his crush finally having conversation with him.
“We’re housemates along with two other people.” His body is able to relax now that he’s broken the wall of introductions. You carry yourself to be more intimidating than you actually are.
When he peeks back over at your concentrated expression, your lip is hidden by your top row of teeth and your quick eyes dart between the monitor and your page. How are you so good at literally everything?
“A small world.” He picks up your every word, “well Renjun, since this class has basically ruined my life, would it be too much to ask if you’re down to study with me?” And despite the fluorescent lights being absolutely dull, they still dust your eyes with an enticing glitter.
He must have been staring for too long because you start your sentence of doubt, but Renjun stammers over his response. The professor isn’t quite happy with the small overlap of chatter and shoots a glare at the two of you.
That’s definitely not a good way to start, but it’s memorable. Renjun motions for your pen, and scribbles in his own font the answer to your offer:
I’d love that :)
Then, his heart soars back into the clouds once again at the grin that settles and your written response:  
Me too <3
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How does one get someone to fall for them? If Renjun knew, he wouldn’t still be single and infatuated with someone too good for him. He wishes that it’s as simple as the myths make it out to be, where all Cupid had to do was draw his bow and launch a loving arrow that pierces through the heart — an instant love.
But playing Cupid himself is harder than anticipated. He has no handy tools to assist him with his goals. He just has himself, lacks luster and is invisible. Can he be more painfully boring?
And he looks at you with literal hearts in his eyes. An excitement that awaits him, the true meaning of a head turner. That is you. And all he can offer is his mere presence.
“So how did you and Jaemin meet?” Looking up from your blinding laptop screen, Renjun feels the light tap underneath the table from your foot. He chuckles at the subtly adorable affection, and your own way of showing it.
This has to be the third round of study sessions you two shared, and bit by bit, he falls more and more for you despite it needing to be the other way around. The captivating get-to-know you conversation of favorites all down to your aspirations and goals.
The intelligence of you, your wisdom, your perspective. While he did not have this insight before, knowing it now only makes you more alluring. He can’t believe you’re even sitting with him in his shared living room, just the two of you.
“We met at orientation. He’s persistent.” Renjun laughs lightly and you smile in return, nodding along with his statement.
“Wish I met you guys at orientation. I was never the one to reach out to people first until college forced me out of my shell.” He hopes his ears didn’t deceive him, but Renjun had to do a double take: you said you guys, which includes him, right? You wish you had met him earlier?
But the latter shocks him a bit. If he recalls your first meeting, you were the one curious enough to continue speaking to him. “I would have never guessed.”
“Really?” There is a notable light in your eyes as you tilt your head. “I don’t seem shy?”
“Not at all…” He has to stop himself from going on an incredible tangent about how greatly outspoken you are, it gives away too much on how observant he’s been.  
“I’m good at hiding it then.” You examine the soft shade of pink on the tips of his ears and his averting shy gazes. “What are you good at hiding?”
Your question leaves him speechless and gripping at any ends of answers. There are a number of ways he can go about it, but the truth is not one of them.
What is he good at hiding? His unconditional affection for you. He’s good at concealing every heavy heart beat at your smallest actions. He’s good at keeping a regretful secret bet.
But as those options pop into his head, he doesn’t want to say any of them. So, he opts for a white lie instead and hopes that the hesitation doesn’t sell him out for being a nervous wreck.
“I’m good at hiding what I fear.” You blink at him, clearly intrigued to want to know more.
“You do seem pretty fearless, Huang Renjun.” There is a brief exchange of eye contact and Renjun swears that his pounding heart can be heard in the silence. A smirk on your lips as you return to your work, he’s warm inside from the usage of his full name. And you don’t even realize the effect you have over him.
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“So, you and (Y/N) are close. How did that start?” Jaemin jumps onto Renjun’s neatly made bed. The covers are now ruffled and tossed from the impact.
Jaemin isn’t home very often, but in the rare times he has been, it’s always during the study sessions with you. The first time you came over, Jaemin tried not to talk up a storm from seeing a familiar face. He respects Renjun’s relationships, so he tried his best to keep from prying at the boy.
“You finally want to know?” Renjun scoffs lightheartedly, punching his housemate lightly on the shoulder as he swivels around in his chair. With an excited wide smile, Jaemin tugs at his friend’s arm as an endearing sign of persistence. “Okay, okay. We have the same class.”
“(Y/N) really approached you in a three hundred student lecture?” A tone of disbelief settles in Jaemin’s rhetorical question. He cocks an eyebrow, waiting for Renjun to tell some truth.
“Not exactly. I sat next to them and a conversation just happened.” Renjun shrugs as if it’s nothing big, as if it hadn’t been for your curiosity that started this blossoming relationship.
“Spare me the details.” Jaemin sits up to hold Renjun by his shoulders. The pressure feels oddly crushing, like a whole weight dropping on him. Jaemin stares him dead in the eyes. “What are your motives, Huang Renjun?”
His mouth hangs slightly open from the question. “I can’t be friends with (Y/N)?” Almost defensively, Renjun furrows his eyebrows at his friend, but he can tell Jaemin has caught onto his lie.
“I heard that you made a bet with a certain shithead.” Jaemin rolls his eyes at remembering their horrible mutual, a crime to even consider him as a friend. He drops his heavy hands from Renjun’s shoulders and falls back onto the mattress.  
The alarming expression of grave danger, Renjun is screwed. He gulps the gathered saliva in the back of his mouth, searching for a plausible explanation. “I was drunk.” He slaps his forehead at the stupid reasoning as Jaemin shoots upright to begin scolding him.
“Let me explain,” Renjun covers his mouth to halt Jaemin’s excessive nagging. “I like (Y/N), that’s how the bet even came alive. I slipped up and then he was saying all this stuff about (Y/N) being out of my league.”
“Which is true.” Jaemin adds, quite muffled but doesn’t slip past Renjun.
Renjun glares and thanks him sarcastically. “I made the bet to protect (Y/N) from him. He was provoking me by saying that he can get (Y/N) first and since I was heavily intoxicated, I didn’t think before I spoke.”
Jaemin holds Renjun warmly, seeing that his friend needed a hug from the saddened memory. It’s all too obvious how regretful Renjun feels. “So I’m trying my best at carrying the bet because there’s too much at stake.”
A chill runs down his spine remembering the consequences. He just can’t fail. Jaemin pulls away and lightly pats Renjun’s hair. “Cupid has made you into a fool for your crush.”
“He’s made me into a bigger one for thinking I could get my crush to like me back.” Renjun sighs in defeat and groans loudly. Why does this frustrate him so much? Perhaps it’s the lack of ability to actually get someone to like him back.
Renjun has been single for his entire life, not by choice. He’s done the movie cliches of a confession: a bouquet of roses, a poster, a night under the stars. And not one has ever accepted his feelings. He doesn’t blame any of them since he still struggles with finding things to love about himself. What is there to love about him? He can’t seem to find any redeeming qualities worth mentioning.
But you. You, alone, is simply worth an honorable mention. And now that it’s been well over a month of your friendship, he can confirm that you’re everything he’s ever wanted and more.
“Why don’t you start by being (Y/N)’s friend first? Love doesn’t just happen in an instant, no offense to Cupid or anything. I mean.. isn’t it all just a myth anyways?” Jaemin picks Renjun’s falling chin and he can see the glossy eyes of sadness. They swim with frustration and guilt.
Like an epiphany, Jaemin gave Renjun a starting place. For weeks, Renjun racked his brain for an easy solution out of it all. In reality, he didn’t need any wicked form of magic for foul play. He just wants to be by your side for as long as you allow. And a part of him is scared for you to like him back.
You’ve always been too out of his reach. Standing on a pedestal, you’re something unattainable. It’s lucky that you even bat an eyelash at him. He’s admired you all too much, Renjun won’t actually know what to do if you ever did like him back.
This all stems from his inner insecurities, like a recurring thought: what is there to like about him? Or is he even good enough for you?
If someone had warned him that love could become this confusing, he would’ve sacrificed his heart for something less complicated. To feel. To love. Renjun wishes he can remove the love bow that pierced through his chest.
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On a random Friday night, Renjun’s phone rings with an unexpected caller ID. He pauses the song he’s been listening to for the past hour to pick up.
“Renjun! I’m sad and drunk right now.” Your voice is incredibly slurred and he can barely hear you with the loud background noise. “Can you come pick me up?”
“Are you over on Third Ave. again?” He despises that place. A house on the corner of Third Avenue right off the interstate from campus that throws weekly parties. These parties are overcrowded with creeps and cheap booze. Unfortunately, you’re favorite place to run away to.
This isn’t his first time coming to get you. Over the past few months of your established friendship, you’ve sent him numerous amounts of drunk texts calling for him. This is the first time you actually called, preluding to a really rough night you’ve been having.
You sigh into the receiver, “you remembered.” like you’re on the verge of tears, he can hear the quiver in your tiny voice.
“I have your location, idiot.” Renjun smiles at your silly drunk reactions, finding you more enduring from the innocence. “I’ll be there in a blink.”
“Okay, I’ll close my eyes so I can open them to you.” You giggle before hanging up and Renjun can’t keep the widest grin off of his face. He’s rushing out his door, not wanting to wait another second to see you.
One thing Renjun realized after finally growing close enough to you is that through all his infatuation, you’re still a human. While he thinks of you in a sparkling cascading glitter waterfall, you’re made of the same softness that Renjun has. You’re not perfect and he needed to stop idolizing you as if you’re some shiny trophy.
No, he’s learned that he needed to love you for who you truly are. And the moment he broke down your layers, the glass tears that fell from your cheeks were real. The pain through your confident façade, Renjun needed to love you at your lowest.
He saw you for you, not the attractive person from his lecture he drooled months over. You are the exact reality that movies are afraid to portray. You’re courageous, chic, charming. But you’re also shy, soft spoken, and silly. You’re like waking up during dawn and marveling in the silence of a sleeping society. You’re also like smiles on a sunny day and living in the moment.
Renjun is lovestruck, wildly in love with all that you are. The only thing that brings down his spirits is the lingering bet he made several months ago and he hates how it’s always gnawing at him. It’s like an echo, bouncing off the walls of his mind. He can’t shake it off. Most of the time, he tries to focus the moment in front of him, but it has him tossing and turning in the middle of the night.
Without much surprise, you stand in front of the overflowing party house with eyes cutely squeezed shut. A friend by your side to wait with you. “Open your eyes.” Renjun yells as windows roll down and he double parks the car.
Your eyes gleam in the darkness and bidding your friend a quick goodbye, you jump into the familiar vehicle and embrace your good friend with a longing hug. Renjun chuckles at your adorable actions, patting your shoulder lightly. Despite the cheerful welcome, the mood immediately shifts when he hears your tiny sniffs and feels the tears on his shirt.
“C’mon, your favorite ice cream flavor is waiting for you at my place.” As he whispers positive affirmations, you can only cry harder into his chest. “You’re not feeling too good tonight, are you?”
It’s way too obvious of a question to ask, he knows. Truthfully, he didn’t know what to say and comforting is not his strongest skill without it turning it into a life lesson. He knows what you need, just someone to acknowledge how you’re feeling and to listen.
“I’m feeling the worst tonight. I don’t want to talk about it. Maybe later?” You pull away from his arms, even if he isn’t ready to let you go. He helps buckle your seatbelt and wipe any remaining wetness on your cheeks.
Your hand briefly touches Renjun’s which causes the boy to freeze at the sudden action. Your hazy smile is unclear, but you lean into him before he can process all the randomness. A kiss on his cheek, the most delicate feeling of lips on skin.
Renjun explodes inside, like hazardous fireworks on a cloudy night. He wants to enjoy it, but his circumstances make it difficult for him to. “Thanks for coming to get me.” Your body slumps back onto the seat, a pout on your lower lip. Renjun shifts awkwardly in his seat, buckling his seatbelt to begin the ride home. He can’t find the words to say.
You’re being too casual about what had just happened, as if you’re ignoring it all. Or you simply have no control over anything that you’re doing. “Let me tell you a secret, Injunie.” The sugarcoated nickname. You’re definitely too drunk at the moment, and whatever you do now will be long forgotten the next morning.
Renjun still doesn’t say anything, relishing in the kiss on the cheek just seconds ago. His fingers lightly touch his face, grazing upon the very part your lips came in contact with. He’s truly through the moon and— “I used to have the biggest crush on Jaemin.” Renjun abruptly steps on the brakes, whipping the both of you in your seats.
His heart is falling, it’s plummeting and he can’t do anything to save it. “I really didn’t expect such a surprised reaction.”
Renjun clears his throat. “I’m just caught off guard.” Not a lie, he really wasn’t expecting a confession and his heart to break right at this moment. “Why Jaemin?”
He knows why Jaemin. He’s a social butterfly with no caution to the wind and a heart made of pure kindness. A welcoming friendly figure that won’t hesitate to feed into someone’s need for words of affirmation. Not to mention, Jaemin has a good few inches above him and looks of a poster kpop idol. Of course, you liked Jaemin.
“He has such a good heart. I guess I just like guys who think of me first, as selfish as that sounds. I don’t prioritize myself, so it would be nice if someone else did.” You fiddle your thumbs and Renjun is impatiently tapping his fingers against the wheel.
The red traffic light before you enacts two different feelings. Renjun wants this ride to end as fast as possible. You want this ride to last forever.
“But, Jaemin is seeing someone.”
Your head ducks down and out the window at the shining streetlamps; you know very well about Jaemin’s love life. “I didn’t expect anything from him. I just liked him for him. He came to pick me up every time I would ask, I guess I have a thing for guys who do that.”
Renjun tightens his grip, heart pounding at your statement. You peer up to look at your friend in the lack of light. His glasses sit low on his nose bridge, a soft cotton shirt hugs his torso, and pajama pants that clad his legs. A mess bed of hair as the cherry on top.
After Jaemin, you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t fall for anyone so easily. All of that was thrown out the window the very first night Renjun came to your saving. Despite contrary belief, your heart is not as impenetrable as people make you out to be. And as tough as you can be, it was too hard not to be the slightest interested in him.
Ever since your first meeting, Renjun has always been cool and collected. He’s a hothead at his best, but too playful for any serious damage. Renjun reminds you of yourself. Like a huge impenetrable wall built against any trouble to enter, he is as guarded as you are. He’s timid, and while you had tried your best to hide your own, Renjun simply embraces that part of him.
Renjun stayed after every tearful night. He’s helped you through every difficult study guide, if anything he saved your failing grade.
Renjun puts you first throughout anything; asking if you want the booth seat at restaurants, strategically walking on the outer side so you can avoid driving cars, always has your favorite snacks without you asking. Every tiny gesture, may you be slightly delusional, seemed as if he loved you. And if he did, you wouldn’t mind one bit because you wanted to love him back.
“What about you? We’ve never really talked about our love lives before.” You speak up in the silence, Rejun being awfully quiet tonight. He hopes you don’t blame him, but everything has been too overwhelming. He is no longer sure on what he wants to do or how to react.
“My love life is too sad to talk about.” He’s never wanted to talk about it with you, in case he’d slip up and say something too revealing. “It’s a long list of unrequited loves. I’ve given up on professing my feelings to someone at this point.”
“What would have to happen to get you to confess?” Your eyes coin a mischievous twinkle.
Renjun feels his palms grow sweaty, a bit nervous with this conversation topic. 
“Something catastrophic.”
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Something catastrophic did end up happening. Renjun wishes he could disappear, or if he runs away, would anyone notice?
He stands behind your fuming stance. In any other given situation, Renjun would be more than flattered that you’re standing up for him. However in this case, you’re making a fool out of yourself on his behalf.
“Oh, so you haven’t told (Y/N) about the bet?” Of all the nights Renjun decides to accompany you on a Friday evening, he runs until the one person he never wanted to come within ten feet to.
Truthfully, the night was going well. He ran into a few of his other acquaintances from his club, others from his classes. You held onto his arm the moment you two entered the party, afraid to lose this precious boy in the dense crowd. People walked by and expressed how cute you two looked together.
You poured him drinks that will make his head throb and you busted dance moves that made his heart throb. You were the epitome of a fun time, like an explosion of positive endorphins. Your toothy smiles. Your bright electrified eyes. Your sweet laughter. This was the last beautiful image he had of you before everything came falling apart.
“What bet?” You quickly turn around to face Renjun. His hand scratches the back of his neck and his gaze stays staring at his own feet. Your throat grows tight from Renjun’s hesitation.
“He made a bet with me that he could get you to fall in love with him.” Please stop talking, Renjun begs in his thoughts. He tightens his fist, unable to form words to speak. The thumping of the loud music makes it hard to focus.
“He—” Shaky voice and stuttering… even you are having doubts of Renjun’s character. “He wouldn’t do that.” Your eyes bounce between him and Renjun.
“I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you don't know him very well then.” Renjun’s arrogant friend crosses his arms coolly, a smug smirk unfolding on his face.
“It’s true, (Y/N). I did make the bet and I regret it every waking day.” Renjun finally speaks up, but you’re out the door before he can continue.
There isn’t another thought in his head when he’s running after you; you’re already so far down the road. The secret was bound to be revealed, but he wasn’t ready for it. He was never going to be ready for this day because his first mistake was making the bet to begin with.
He should have thought about you. He should have just swallowed his pride and talked his friend out of it. Was that a choice? Could he have just done that instead of letting it fester into such a problem?
Out of breath and out of mind, Renjun calls out your name. When you spin on your heels to walk toward him, his heart reaches for you. However, you push at his chest and he almost falls backwards.
You’re angry, more than angry. You’re upset. You have every right to be. “What were you thinking, Renjun?” There is a small crack in your voice and he can see your tear stained cheeks under the moonlight. “Am I even your friend? All this time… you had an agenda. Were your actions all fake, then? You wanted to manipulate me into falling in love with you?”
Your words are hitting like large bricks. You are questioning the past five months of your friendship and everything Renjun has ever done for you. A false reality, Renjun didn’t actually give a damn about you. He wanted to prove some odd male status. Could you be any more blind?
“Please let me explain… I was drunk out of my mind that night and the bet I made was stupid. It was before proper evaluation. Does it make it okay? No, I understand that.” Renjun speaks with his hands, clearly panicked and frazzled by the way they waved around in the air. “The bet… I did it to protect you from that guy. I didn’t want him to hurt you.”
“So you hurt me instead?” If someone were to listen closely, they would be able to hear the shattering of two hearts tonight. On this late evening, two hearts are broken under the moon and stars.
But it’s pitiful because the arrow that struck Renjun remains intact. He still loves you, which is why it pains him so much to where he can’t breathe. The information in his head is scattered, like an alarm blaring through his empty brain.
All he knows is that he loves you. You are the one thing he’s afraid of losing. From the first words you two exchanged, his fear that he hid all too well is and always will be losing you.
“That was not my intention ever. I never wanted to hurt you.” Renjun takes a step closer, but you take one back.
“Well you did because your little bet… it worked. I love you, Renjun, so congratulations.” There is bitterness and an inexplicable amount of heartbreak that lace your venomous confession.
All of his life, he thought that if one person liked him back, he’d be the happiest person in the world. Possibly confused at how to proceed with the information, but definitely glad that someone could see any redeeming characteristics in him.
But he feels all the opposite. Your confession keeps his heart broken. If anything, it puzzles him more. “How..? Why would you ever like me?” There were no tricks, no attempts at flirtation, nothing out of bounds of being your friend. He just had himself. And if anyone in the universe were to like him, he’d never expect it would be you.
You groan, growing more infuriated at Renjun. “Because you’re everything I wish I could be. You’re level-headed and insightful. You’re calm and cool, without any necessary arrogance. The way you make me feel… I feel important to you, at least, I thought I was.” Your voice continues to drop softer and softer, “how could I not like you?”
The butterflies could not come at a better time. Hearing you compliment him when he found it difficult to look past his own self deprecation, he’s beyond any levels of shock. Nevertheless, he feels apologetic and knew that this is all too good to be true.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), for making that terrible bet. But, I need you to know one thing: our friendship was genuine. All I’ve ever wanted these past months is to make sure your sweet smile stays resting on your beautiful face.”
“Why? You didn’t know me! You used me for some … pride gamble. I was nothing to you the day you made that bet.” You shout harsh words at him, and Renjun can’t hold back any longer.
This is what he meant by something catastrophic. When he’s pushed to the edge of a cliff, all his buttons are pressed aggressively. Everything falling apart. The loose ends coming undone all too quickly to grapple. He never wanted it to come to this.
“That-That’s not true! I loved you long before that regretful night! You mean every single moment of happiness to me. You’re every ray of sunshine that kisses my skin, every blue sky that reminds me of good days. You mean everything to me.” Genuine words pour from his lips, hoping that you’ll understand what’s left of his heart.
“You’re confessing?” You gasp, practically dazed at the amount of metaphors he compared you to. “Something catastrophic.” A small moment of recollection and a mumble under your breath, you’re understanding what he meant by the phrase he used several nights ago.
“Yes because I can't lose you. I’m a mess of feelings at the moment, but I just know that I’m scared to wake up to days without you in them.” Renjun pleads, the night air causing goosebumps to rise on his arms. His eyes are full of melancholy and fear as he waits for your response.
And you want to forgive him, but would that mean your heart is being too easy? You feel lingering pain, but your eyes reflect Renjun. “To think I thought you were pretty fearless.” Scoffing, you roll your eyes at him and are completely unsure what to do next.
Nevertheless, you’ve wanted someone like Renjun at some point in your life. You hoped for better days and those didn’t start happening until you two met. Renjun went from being your distant study partner to being your number one person to call. He’s wiped more tears than any boy has.
The difference between Renjun and Jaemin is while Jaemin is known to have an extravagantly warm presence, Renjun’s is hidden underneath all the quietness. Like a breakthrough, getting through Renjun felt like getting through to yourself. You needed him to aid in your own self love.
All you’ve ever wanted is to be seen and Renjun saw you.
“I forgive you.” Renjun can finally breathe and rest his tense muscles. But when he reaches for your hand, you take it away. “But it doesn’t mean we are okay. I’ll approach you when I’m ready.”
It’s not easy to love as it’s not easy to pretend that everything can go back to normal after being hurt. You need him to understand that, would he wait for you? The many others before didn’t.
“Okay.” That is all he can say, in the midst of a defeat, he still wishes that you’d stay by his side. But he wrestles that desire with transparency and having organic feelings. Nonetheless, he values the latter. If you did really somehow manage to love him, you’ll come back when you’re ready. He knows. He understands. He sees you through and through.
And he watches you disappear back into the house to find a friend to drive you home. He loves you, but love can also be consequential.
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It’s already midway into the school semester and not that Renjun is counting or anything, but it’s been practically a whole month since the night at the party. He’s done nothing, except sigh in despair and reminisce about the memories before they were ruined.
While Jaemin’s efforts to console him are much appreciated, it doesn’t do much for the fact that you haven’t acknowledged Renjun’s existence for a whole thirty days.
And although he’ll wait a lifetime for you, the question of when he should move on ponders his clouded thoughts. His intensively agonizing desire of wanting to be by your side has dwindled down now. Renjun just wants to see you happy.
“Hey Cupid,” It’s a newly despised nickname coined by the one and only person who knows how to push at Renjun’s buttons — Lee Haechan. Haechan knocks obnoxiously at his door and does not wait around to hear an answer, “get your sad face out here.”
“Go away, Haechan. I’m not in the mood.” As Renjun mindlessly skims over his calendar for important dates, he is pained by the reminder of your upcoming birthday. You had marked it yourself a while back and specifically told Renjun that his attendance is entirely mandatory.
Times have changed now, right? You’ve been radio silent for weeks and as much as he hates to say this to himself: you probably don’t remember making such an assertion. Why would you? You’re most likely not thinking about him anymore anyways and maybe that’s for the better.
“Hey! Lovestruck Asshole, I’m not going to tell you again. Get that arrow out of your ass and come outside now.” Just the demand alone in Haechan’s voice irritates Renjun enough to where he’s storming to open his door.
But what it reveals is not the smirk of his annoying housemate, instead, it is the image of the very first time Renjun ever laid eyes on you and the moment Cupid’s Arrow struck right through his heart. It’s a rush of nostalgia that surges through his veins.
You sit with a hand underneath your chin and elbow pressing into a flat surface for support. The dazed stare of daydream as you’re unaware of your surroundings, yet still waiting for something exciting to catch your attention. And just how lovely you look in the softest rose colored shirt and how your lips, still barely glistening from a quick swipe of your tongue, are slightly agape into an expressionless rest.
All before your eyes trail to the distraction of another body entering the room and for a brief second, make eye contact with Renjun as he’s all the more astonished by your grace. Then like a scene that’s imprinted in his head too clearly, your gaze drops back down to the floor and you’re back to your inner thoughts.
As if the pierced arrow in his heart is triggered, Renjun rediscovers the feelings of a newfound infatuation — a crush. Though baseless except in regards to physical attraction, he’s nonetheless amazed by how quickly you take his breath away… again.
Unlike the first memory, you actually speak to him as you’re now familiar with the starry eyed boy. “It’s been a while.”
The color in your voice that he’s missed hearing is pure music. He clears his throat as if he’s afraid of his own vocal chords breaking from nervousness.
“H-Hey, yeah. It’s been a while.” Renjun repeats dumbfounded that you’re even sitting in his shared living room.
“How have you been?” There you are being polite, but the giddiness still runs like static through his veins at being asked about his well being.
“Lost.” He blurts out the first word that comes to mind. Perhaps, he should stop using words with such heavy implications to friendly gestures. Your head immediately pops up and he scrambles to correct himself. “I mean I’ve been distracted lately.”
“Sadness really does take its course.” You tread lightly, testing the waters with a small grin. The atmosphere is oddly comforting, like feeling you can’t quite replace.
Renjun looks rather rough around the edges, but you don’t blame him since you did show up unannounced. However, the glint in his eyes is much of a delight to see. The way his small mouth curves into the tiniest smile and the gentleness in his regular cadence remind you of past long days full of laughter. The best part of them all — you spent them together.
“My birthday is coming up soon.” Jumping straight to the point of your visit, you stand up to approach him. “I plan to host a small party… and I remember saying a while back that your attendance is mandatory.”
Renjun catches his breath in his throat and he could run gleeful laps around the room if it isn’t for the poorly spaced complex. “So are you still down, Huang Renjun?”
“I’d love that.” He smiles greatly at your offer and as simple as that, your arms wrap around his torso into a long awaited embrace.
“Me too.” You mumble into his shirt and take a deep breath of his lavender scented detergent, “I’m ready. I’m ready to have you in my life. I’m ready to laugh with you. I’m ready to lay in your company. I’m ready to give you my heart.”
As you finish your last sentence, his arms wrap around you too and pull you into a tighter hold. “You have always had mine.”
Renjun can finally remove the arrow that unforgivingly stayed stuck in his heart for the longest time. Your reciprocated love fills up the hole that is left behind. He can now love you with a full and whole heart.
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
The Bet (Bucky Barnes x F!Reader)
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The Bet
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Rating:  M (mature) NSFW
Warnings: gambling, teasing, a little bit of spice
Word count: 3,051
Summary: Game night with team Cap turns up unexpected results.
Notes: Written for Writer Wednesday. Thank you for the very lovely @autumnleaves1991-blog​
“Hope you’ve all brought a fat wallet tonight,” devilish smirk tipping the corner of her ruby lips upward. “It won’t be that way for long. I plan on parting you from your hard earned cash in spectacular fashion.” Shuffling the deck like a seasoned pro in Vegas and dealing the cards out.
Eyes rolling while sipping your Screw driver, “You gonna talk us to death Romanoff or deal the hand?” Brow lifting, hiding your own smirk behind the high ball glass.
“Just a sore loser Y/N,” blowing you a kiss after finishing the deal. Deck slammed down in the center as everyone grabbing for their cards to look them over.
A few soft groans at the terrible hands dealt, “Your shit at dealing Nat you gave me nothin,” Sam calls from your left between Steve and Wanda.
“Suck it up buttercup you play the hand your dealt,” downing her first shot of vodka. Locking eyes with Steve for a moment, “And watch your mouth…”
“You know what Romanoff that’s getting old,” rolling his green flecked blue eyes, shooting a piece of popcorn towards her head. Only to have it deflected by a quick brush of her hand.
“Children,” fake stern voice utters from beside you long neck meeting those soft lips. Trying very hard not to watch the single drop of condensation slide from bottle to chin, and down the strong expanse of tanned neck. Never being more jealous of a simple drop of water than right now. “Stow the bickering for later in the game when my pile is triple what the rest of yours is.”
A chorus of snorts drown out the music for a moment, “Bucky sweetie in your dreams will that truly happen.” Snarky comment leaves your lips right as Bucky fixes those cerulean eyes on you. Finding it a little difficult to think for a spilt second as you fidget under his heated stare.
“Wanna make a bet?” This time a chorus of groans echo around the table accompanied by head shakes. “It is Wednesday night poker right? Why not make this a little more,” pausing brow lifting giving you a slow perusal his eyes darkening to pitch. “Interesting then just Nat taking our money?”
“Ah you at least acknowledge my superior poker skills good man Barnes,” sassing him with a smirk and the salute of her shot glass. “But I rather not need eye bleach to scrub your naked ass from my memory. Of that I’m sure most around this table would agree.”
Affirmations of the positive echo her words along with chuckles in various lengths. Leaning over while everyone places their bets your turn coming up quickly. “What’s the bet Barnes?”
Maybe its the vodka infused orange juice you’ve been sipping, beer tasting like ass to you. Instead sticking with the harder liquors to pair with the right mix. Drinking isn’t something you’ve done much so maybe it’s having a quicker affect on your system. However, something tells you it has more to do with the man sitting a little too close on your right. Leather and whiskey wrapping around your senes to send tingles across your skin. He’s the reason for your bold question determined to ditch your comfort zone for one night and be a little wild.
Placing a pot bet then turning to watch you do the same, admiring your profile for the moment. Having only admitted to one other person how much he wanted you, Bucky can’t believe you’ve actually asked him for a bet just between the two of you. His mind races with possibilities none more prominent than having you spread out in his bed whimpering his name. Body withering in the pleasure he’s giving you. Your voice bringing him back to the present and trying to clear the lustful thoughts parading through his mind.
“If I win more hands you’ll be mine for the night,” brushing his lips over the shell of your ear pleased smile at hearing the sharp intake of breath from you. Knowing he’s playing with fire at proposing such idea, he could loose his heart to you so quickly and maybe that’s what he wants most. To finally let himself feel something other than pain, anger and remorse. Though that little voice in the back of his mind taunts, you wouldn’t want the ex-assassin with so much blood and death on his hands.    
Swallowing harshly you turn to look up into his eyes, “And if I win?” Everyone else disappearing, sounds going mute and all focus is on Bucky. Wishing his winnings wouldn’t be just for a night. That’s right you knew already he’d win since you sucked at poker and only played to hang out with your family instead of just missions and meetings. Happily loosing most Wednesdays just to see the pleased looks on their faces instead of grimaces of pain when patching them up.
“What do you want to win?” Itching to reach out free your bottom lip from being trapped between your teeth and run his thumb over the wet bitten skin.
Throat clearing, to draw both of you back to the game, “You playing or just ogling each other? Either way place your bet or fold so the rest of us can get on with the game Sergeant Frostbite.” Rolling his eyes and downing the last of his beer, Sam stands to get a refill silently asking if anyone else wanted one.
Both of you fold more interested in each other than the usual poker game. Your mind whirling with thoughts, not sure how to answer the bet. Thinking and discarding so many ideas, between asking him to be more careful on missions and to stop baiting Sam with snarky comments and looks. Settling for something your sure would get you into trouble but couldn’t stop yourself.
“Never thought you were that kinky Y/N.” Sweet Sokovian accented voice floats through your mind, head snapping up to look over at a smiling Wanda.
“Your not suppose to be reading minds babe,” for which you get a small shrug and a wicked smile spreading over her lips. Tsking in your head trying to keep from laughing, “Careful I might have to let the mistress of pain know.”        
“You wouldn’t? Besides your thoughts were so damn loud I couldn’t help it. I’m surprised the whole table doesn’t hear the both of you,” winking she nods towards Bucky who’s still looking at your expectantly. “Might want to answer Buck before giving him an aneurysm since he’s waiting on bated breath what you’ll ask for.”  
Clearing your throat and grabbing up your glass to take a drink, finding Bucky staring. Admiring the way your tongue peeks out to wipe up the left behind bits of orange juice. Shy smile sliding over your lips, eyes darting to the group and finding them arguing over who won the last pot.
“How about a private strip show just for my eyes only Sergeant Barnes?” Nervously swallowing hoping you’ve haven’t asked for too much. But then once would never be enough for you. Needing a repeat performance whenever the mood strikes to accompany being totally wrecked by this man who haunts your dreams.
“Tell him, you’ll be surprised at his answer,” Wanda urges then falls silent as another hand is dealt by Sam this time. She gives you another wink returning her attention to the game.
Biting off the groan of arousal, shifting in his seat to adjust himself and the bite of his jeans against his hardening cock. “I think…” irritated growl leaving his mouth when Sam tossed a balled up napkin at his head. Dead center hit to Bucky’s forehead making everyone cheer around the table. Getting a scowl from the man in question, “What?”
“Your turn Frostbite or have you forgot the game already?” Bitting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the look Bucky sends him. Knowing the shared unrequited feelings you’ve both harbored for each other. “Has old age finally caught up to you old man?”
“I don’t think it’s the age that’s caught up with him Sam,” Steve grins for which Bucky cuts his eyes at his best friend.
“Value your life Rogers and all the secrets I keep about your pre-serum days you’ll keep that mouth shut,” threat empty as everyone knew but Steve still gives him a mock hurt expression.
Hand to his chest, “You won’t buddy?” Seeing the lifted brow cerulean eyes dart towards Nat and back to Steve’s who catches the wordless meaning. “Fuck off jerk.”
“Steven Grant Rogers did you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Natasha exclaimed biting her lip to keep the laughter from rolling out.
“Then keep your mouth shut Steve.” Bucky shot back with a taunting grin spreading across his face at Nat’s words.
Playful gasp leaving your lips, “I never thought I’d hear those kind of words uttered from your good boy lips Steve.”
“Good boy?” Snorting Bucky holds his stomach as a full belly laugh leaves his lips at the very thought. “Doll he’s got you all fooled. Hook lined and reeled in,” glancing at you for a moment then back at Steve. “You gotta quite acting all saintly Steven you’ll never get laid.”
Chocking on his beer, wiping at the mess, while his eyes throw daggers at Bucky. “Keep it up Buck and you’ll find a shield up side your head next mission.”    
Peels of laughter sound around the table drowning out the music, a beet red Steve just gapping at his family in fake astonishment. Sam’s slumped forward head resting on his forearms while gruff deep chuckles sound from him. Wanda wide eyed but soft giggles leave her as Natasha full out belly laughs, slamming a hand down on the table. Disturbing the poker chips and cards, glasses and bottles wiggling in there spots. While you’ve managed to pull your phone out and snap a few quiet pictures to save and send Clint. Who’s missing all the action while out on his own mission. Mirth dances in your eyes that lock with Bucky’s. Lips parting on a soft gasp of surprise with how he’s staring at you. Heat flaring to life across your body and you swallow trying to regain some moisture to your parched throat.
Leaning over, “We’ve got a deal doll, prepare to loose though.” Glancing back at the table seeing everyone still recovering from their laughter, Bucky uses that moment to press closer. Placing his slightly chapped lips to your cheek, “If there’s one thing Romanoff got right it’s that I’m a sore looser. I play to win,” dragging those sinful lips away to sit back in his chair. Cards resting now between those large hands.
Hands you wish were somewhere else right this moment, soothing the arch building between your thighs that rub together in the bid to find some kind of friction on your clit. Marveling at how quickly that simple brush of his lips could turn you into a pile of goo in your own seat.
Clearing your throat, “Bring it on Buck this time I may just have a reason to win as many hands as I can.”
Gauntlet tossed down with the raise of his brow. Determination coats your veins especially when he gives you a very heated once over. Scorching your very soul with the intensity making you throb, clit jumping at the very promise those wickedly beautiful eyes held. Watching the way his fingers caress the long neck bottle in his flesh hand. Bringing the brown glass to his lips for a deep drink.
Savoring the taste more than any effects it could have on him. “Careful doll face those who play with fire usually get burned,” eyes lock with yours licking those sinfully plush lips.
Glancing between his lips and eyes, your own smirk tugging your mouth upward. Free hand coming to rest on Bucky’s thigh, the heat of your palm burning his jeans covered skin. Shifting in his seat to relieve the pressure on his cock with the touch of your hand. “Don’t worry none James,” voice a soft purr in his ear. “I have salves of all kinds that’ll take care of a burn. It’s the ache I need taken care of. There’s no medication to take accept my own fingers to help sooth the pressure.” Drawing patterns over his thigh, feeling tension held tightly in those delicious muscles you wouldn’t say no to feeling between your thighs.
A bit shocked with how forward your being. His reactions only spurring on your need to see just how far you could push him before he snaps and finally takes you. Asking yourself for the thousandth time if once would state the desire you have for this man? Wanting to have more than friendship between you though you’d take it and run. But there’s a part of you which wants more, to open your heart and share it with Bucky. You only hope he feels the same way.  
For a second Bucky’s mute ignoring the calls from Sam and Steve to stare at you, mouth hanging open. Only to close with a challenge flaring in his cerulean eyes. “You sure about what your offering sweetheart?” Hating to ask but not wanting to miss understand you or the intentions swimming through your mind that he’s not privy to yet.
“As sure as the next breath I’ll be taking,” moving your hand from his thigh to rest on his vibranium forearm. Looking up into his eyes, soft smile gracing your lips that turn into a squeal. Ice sliding down the front of your shirt, cutting your eyes towards the rest of the table all of whom are pretending to not see anything. All except Natasha who’s just giving you a Cheshire Cat grin. Jumping to your feet, shaking your shirt to get the ice out. Only to have it caught in your bra melting against your heated skin, peaking your nipples. Scowling at the red head, “Your dead to me Romanoff,” playfully glaring at her before taking off towards the kitchen.
Not realizing Bucky is following you have your hand down the front of your shirt trying to fish the cube out when he clears his throat. “Need help?” Wicked grin pulling across his lips.
Licking your own at the heat flaring through your body and in his eyes, “It’s a slipper little devil.” Capturing your bottom lip between your teeth and nibbling hard as Bucky steps towards you. Crowding you against the counter, planting his hands on either side of your body.
“Maybe it’ll help if you take off the shirt?” Tugging the black AC/DC shirt twice, flesh hand teasing along your side under the shirt.
Gulping to gather air into your starved lungs, shivering as the ice moves against your skin pebbled nipple starting to tent your bra and t-shirt. Distracting Bucky as his gaze drops and his hand moves upward. Sliding two fingers just under the wire and cup of your bra to snag the cube. Pressing it to your nipple, melting the ice between the heat of his fingers and your body.
“Tell me to stop and I will doll face. I won’t do anything you don’t want,” words puffing from his lips that are just inches from yours.
“You stop and I’ll have to hurt you James,” hissing turned whimper as those talented fingers wrap around your nipple and tug. Desire fogged brain only barely registering your arms wrap around his broad shoulders, embracing his body to pull him closer.
Grinning right behind his mouth claims yours. Desperate and passion fueled, licking his tongue against the seam of your lips. Which open on a gasp Bucky having found the front clasp of your bra and popped it open to cup and massage your breast. Weighting the generous globe before rolling the pebbled nipple between his fingers. Giving a light pinch to gage your reaction. Confirming whimper has an answering growl from deep within his chest. Vibranuim arm tightly wrapping around your waist as you damn near suck his tongue into your mouth tangling together for play and pleasure. Pushing your body into his wanting to mold the two of you together as the kiss turns deeper. Breath becoming an issue and you break part panting to gather in air to your starved lungs.
“Bucky,” whimpering his name, head lolling back to give his questing lips access to the sensitive column of your throat. Swallowing to gather your wits. “James,” you try again running your nails through his hair, scrapping his scalp lightly and pulling a groan from the man against you. “I’m going die if you don’t fuck me James.” Words whimpered from you lips.
“We can’t have that now can we doll?” Dragging his nose up your beautifully scented skin to nip at your earlobe. Hands one warm the other cool cup your ass and lift, your legs wrapping around his trim waist of the own accord.
Pressing his harden cock into your willing core, making you shutter around him at the delicious friction his movements cause. “Don’t you dare tease me James,” burying your lips against his neck to bit down on the strong cords sucking a small mark just south of his thumping pulse.
“Marking me already sweetheart?” Pushing away from the counter to head towards his apartment. Trying to focus on his steps and not how good you feel in his arms. “I wouldn’t dream of teasing you doll but if you keep using that mouth of yours to tempt me I won’t be held accountable for the state your clothes end up in or the fact that the whole compound will hear us.”
Pulling back, hands spread over his neck, fingers tugging at the short strands, “Then you better pick up the pace Sergeant before I have to take matters into my own hands and that would be a shame to take care my own self. Wouldn’t it James?”
“Yes ma’am,” pausing at his door to press you into the hard wall. Rocking into your body so you can feel just what you’ve caused.  “Especially when I have just the remedy to sooth that ache you were talking about.”
Poker night was never the same again at least night for you and Bucky.
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winchesterxxi · 4 years
Tolerate It (Din Djarin x Reader)
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Rating: PG-13 my dudes. 
Type: Angst and some undercooked tasteless fluff cuz I’m a mess and extremely rusty.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Unrequited love, because that’s all we have these days and that shit hurts.
A/N: Based on Taylor Swift’s “Tolerate it” because I deadass listened to that song for the first time and could just picture this scenario ALSO I’m extremely rusty. As in, I haven’t written jackshit like this in over a year. Pardon this crap, but i was really emotional and in need to project onto a newly released song.
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I sit and watch you reading with your head low
The three of you were sitting in the cockpit. The Mandalorian resting his head against the leather of the pilot chair as you sat behind him, The Child in your arms, entertaining itself by tugging and twirling some of your hair strands as you smile down at him and wiggle the occasional finger against his side making him laugh.
This adorable green creature didn’t even phantom about your existence 4 months ago and now you would kill and get killed for it. And admittedly, the same goes for the man resting with his back to you.
I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed
I sit and watch you.
You were a servant at the tavern where he was set to meet the Client and hand over the child, which was all part of a bigger plan, you later found out. Just like him and his team,  you got trapped when the stormtroopers and deathtroopers surrounded the building and opened fire, killing the Client and sending a bullet flying dangerously close to your head. When Mando, as you called him,  found a vent into the sewers he made sure that you were not left behind.
And that started it for you. He directed no more than 10 words in your direction between entering the location and offering an escape once it was crumbling down, but he was willing to save your life. Once out of danger, the questions started: “who are you”, “what’s your name”, and “don’t you have a place to go”. You told him then, the answers to all of those questions. And you also explained how, given that you were a servant you didn’t actually have a place to go back to. 
So he did a logical thing. Or at least, then and there, it was a purely logical thing. A pro-quo, if you will. He offered you a place to stay,  in return of you working as some sort of a makeshift assistant of his own; someone to look after The Child when he couldn’t and proceed basic maintenance to the Razor Crest when needed.
And you accepted. You know, the logical thing.  Or at least , then and there, it was a purely logical thing.
Though small, you had your own bed in the lower part of the ship giving you some privacy, occasionally disrupted by The Child that insisted on being cuddle against you in order to fall asleep or when there was an emergency that required your help, but, even then, Din wouldn’t just barge in; He’d always knock and make sure you were okay with him opening the door.
You told yourself that he was just being respectful - giving you the privacy that he hoped you’d retribute, which you always did. When it came to such things, you’d tip toe around him, not asking too many questions and only talking when spoken to or when you wanted to break an incredibly heavy silence. You respected The Way.
I notice everything you do or don't do
Eventually, you started to pick up through his body language traits and quirks of his personality that you couldn’t capture through the enclosed and hidden facial expressions: how he’d always lay The Child against his left arm while on a hunt as to work the weapons with his other hand, how he’s close his fists whenever he realized that he was about to shoot someone; or how after encasing any creature in carbonite, he’d always look over at his capture for a few moments in silence, before rolling his shoulders back and walk away, without uttering a word.
And those little things started to change with time. Changing, as in, new instincts and unconscious movements came to be concerning you: small things, like he’d never walk you in front of him, so as to be on the lookout to any danger or making sure to deviate any conversation that a badly-internationalized creature might want to direct at you.
Eventually, it became bigger. Or at least you thought. He’d make sure that you were covered whenever you fell asleep anywhere that wasn’t your bed; he started to crack jokes with you and have the occasional fight over whose time it was to bathe the kid, like an old married couple.
You're so much older and wiser, and I I wait by the door like I'm just a kid
I greet you with a battle hero's welcome
Lay the table with the fancy shit And watch you tolerate it
One day he’d be like that, and the next, he’d come back after a hunt in which it was too dangerous for you to go, and you’d been waiting all day (when it wasn’t a whole week) for him to come back, not injured and very much alive, and he almost wouldn’t acknowledge you, going straight into the fresher and locking himself in there.
Every time you’d be at the ready with cloths in your hand, prepared to clean any blood splatter or to wrap any open wound. But he’d dismiss you and lock himself away, somewhere in the ship.  
If you didn’t know what mixed signals were before, you sure as hell knew now.
I take your indiscretions all in good fun I sit and listеn, I polish plates until they gleam and glistеn
One day, you had enough.
It was dark night already, and Mando made a lousy entrance through the main portal, struggling to push ahead of him a man much larger than him, draped in canvas coverings.
“Just walk.” Mando grunted, at the same time as he pushed against the man’s back. You were just sitting there, as always, first aid at the ready by your side, watching the scene unfold, unbothered. That is, until you caught the man’s eye.
While you were out building other worlds, where was I?
“Last time I heard you were a lone rider.” He wickedly grins at you. “But maybe that was all talk and you were just keeping this all to yourself.”
You slowly sit upright as your body tenses up. Mando doesn’t utter a word.
“Who’s that pretty thing anyways?”
“No one. Keep walking.” He grunts, pushing the man once more and away from you.
No one. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have been so bothered by that description because, truth be told, he was probably trying not to get you involved in any unnecessary interactions with that disgusting being. But it’s as if those words were the final straw you needed to snap out of this passiveness you’ve held on to for the past few months.
“You know virtually everything there is to know about me, my life, and my planet. You gave me shelter and I owe my life to you. But I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s The Way.”
“Oh would you shut the fuck up with that, already?”
“You don’t talk to me like that.”
“Does The Way say that you have to be an asshole 90% of the time. Shutting out the world around you whenever you just don’t feel like dealing with them. I never even got a single thank you for rewiring the central system which prevented us from freezing to death.”
“You won’t even acknowledge me every time you come back from a hunt and you just told that guy that I was no one. Those were the exact words you used.”
“I ditched the very peaceful and stable life that I had because I wanted to help you. I have done nothing but be loyal to you for the past few months, doing everything you ask me to, yet here I am begging for footnotes in the story of your life.” 
You are too close to him, almost pressed against his chest. He steps past you, brushing against your shoulder, leaning over the cockpit’s panel, his hands supporting him. He answers, with his back facing you, like he always seems to do these days.
“If it was so peaceful, maybe you should go back to it, because obviously you weren’t cut for this life.”
“What, I wasn’t cut for The Way?” you walk in his direction, blood boiling and fists curled by your side.
“Fine, maybe I’ll go.” And in that moment you could almost swear his face dropped, even if you couldn’t see it. Taking advantage of the moment you step in his direction, tilting your head up, summoning all your strength “But first tell me it’s all in my head.”
“What?” he is caught off guard, turning to face you.
“Tell me that you haven’t stared more than a couple of times. That your heart didn’t drop to the bottom of your stomach when I almost drowned in the Mamacore cage. Tell me that you don’t need my help and that I mean nothing to you.  Tell me that I am taking up too much of your space or time.”
“You can’t know if I stare at you.” Really? That’s the one thing he chose to answer?
“That I can.” you straighten your back, trying to look taller.
“How would you know?” comes the distorted voice through the helmet speakers.
“The same way that you don’t need to have eyes in the back of your head to know when someone is coming at you with a sword or pointing a gun at your head.”
He is silent but you can hear his breathing through the helmet - how it’s slightly accelerated.
“What was that?” you furrow your eyebrows, thinking that he only uttered a random sound.
“Din Djarin. That’s my name.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. He finally told you. It took almost a whole bloody year but he told you. He trusts you that much.
“Din and in D-i-n or Dean as in D-e-a-n?” you genuinely ask, walking over to the control table leaning your lower back against it. Din mimics your action, turning around and leaning himself against it, next to you.
“I just revealed to you a piece of information that I have never told anyone and you’re worried about the spelling.” he scoffs crossing his arms.
“I’d like to know what name will be written on my death certificate if I ever get killed because of you.”
He laughs. He actually laughs. Suddenly the heavy and tense atmosphere that was being held between the both of you dissipates as you both relax.
“You have quite the sense of humor.”
“And it only took you 7 months to find that out AND tell me your name.”
Then, silence again. But this time it isn’t uncomfortable. Not like the one there normally is. It’s as if you’ve quite literally cleaned the air. It is now comfortable to just be in his presence, nothing else. Not like it wasn’t before, don’t get me wrong, but you always needed something else, something more. But now? You were content.
“Sorry about what I said earlier, the you’re no one part.”
You smile up at him “It’s okay.”
“No it’s not, you said it yourself, I was an asshole.”
“No I shouldn’t have --” he cuts you off.
“You should. You are right. I just...” “The real reason why I dismiss you so much is because I am scared.” Now that catches you off guard.
“Scared of what? Of me? Because trust me you have fought with creatures much more --”
“No, I am scared that if I let you in, I’ll end up going the wrong way. I’m scared that if I let myself look at you when I want to or if I let myself give in to how much I want to come back to you at the end of every day that I’ll end up destroying all this discipline that I’ve insisted on myself all these years.”
Wow. You have to steady yourself with your hands with this information that just hit you right in the chest.  “If I let myself give in to how much I want to come back to you at the end of every day” those words echo in your head and make your heart beat faster. Does he really feel that way about you?
But you decide with your better judgment not to push that particular point as the simple fact of him revealing the tiniest bit of his true feeling has already pushed him much farther than what he was willing to.
“I never asked you to take off your helmet.”
And little do you know that maybe you two are more similar than what meets the eye as now it’s his time to think Really? That’s the one thing she chose to answer?
“I know. And you’re the first person to not ask me that.” he says.
“Because I respect you. And I know how much it means to you, to keep your principles.”
“Is that all it is? Respect?” his heart is beating so fast and his body heat as come way up that the canvas and beskar around his body suddenly feel too itchy and warm.
You decide against your better judgment and toy with the idea.
“Why, did you expect anything else?” 
“What- no no I didn’t ---” he stumbles over his own words, trying to still seem like the bigger person, but you cut him off.
“Hunh?” his helmet snaps in your direction and, maybe you are seeing things, but you can almost swear that you can see a pair of worried eyes through the black visor.
“I like you too.” and just like that the galaxy stopped. He almost forgot how to breathe weren’t it for your own alternated breathing that reminded him to allow that mechanism to happen again in himself. “And I’m willing to wait for whatever it is that you need to feel to be comfortable enough around me, and to let me in.”
There’s a sweet silence as you rest your warm hand on top of his leather-gloved one, your warmth passing through the fabric and he looks down at it in awe, his heart swelling like never before. 
Suddenly you feel yourself being pushed in Dean’s direction from the opposite side from where he is leaning against the control board. You try to subtly resist it but the force gets too strong at once and you are plunged to his front. Thankfully he is quick enough to catch you and press you flush against his chest.
Both of your breathings are extremely accelerated and your heart is pumping in your your ears with the sudden movement. You can feel his gloved hands on the lower of your back. Then, you both slowly look to the side, to the sound of a coo only to find the kid, on the ground in front of you both, little hand outstretched.
“That little shit.” exhales Din.
You get your hand up and swiftly smack the back of his helmet.
“A little respect, that’s your son.”
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Can thy requesth a fic where the reader is sad and Sir Levi comforts them?😁
Hello my love and thank you for requesting this 👉🏻👈🏻 the format I chose was definitely inspired by @sasageyowrites and her amazingly heartbreaking story Crazier Things. This was quite the ride for me and I hope you like it, I intently made it open for interpretation so you can always ask for part two.
Summary: You, a former knight are helplessly in love with the Captain of the royal guard, Levi, who is about to go on a crusade and you write this cathartic letter to him to confess your love in case you never get to speak of your feelings in his presence.
Pairing: Levi/ Reader
Tags: angst, fluff (depends on the way you interpret this)
Roses and Dragon embroidery
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"My dearest Levi,
It's bold of me to ever call you that, my Captain, but this isn't any ordinary occasion, you can tell by reading everything I'm going to write below, by the way my writing isn't too formal.
I suppose I should start by mentioning fundamental things regarding this letter. I know it's going to be long and you don't have to read it's entirety if you don't feel up to it, but it'd be my honor if you did. There are things in here that come from my soul and they're meant to only be told to you. I couldn't force you into anything, but it'd be soul relieving if you spare a little time to know what I held in my chest for years.
It's a given. When you've received this letter, I'm most likely dead, or, rather exiled to the the underworld, slayed by the proud blade of a Marleyan knight, but you should know that in this war I've fought well. Or so I like to think. My injuries have caused my weakness and I loathe I couldn't follow you into this new crusade, but staying back has felt relieving and mending to my soul. Spare the Marleyan knight for killing me if you ever come across them; there's no wrong or right in this world, they only seeked justice for their nation by slaying innocent peasants, isn't that what we do on our crusades to their kingdom as well?
But my dearest captain, between everything that's right or wrong in this world I hate to say I don't know where I belong. You're an entirely different case, though. Bear with me as I'm saying those words, I know they're going to make you clutch the paper in your hands but please don't shatter it before I get to speak my mind. You are a bastard son to to a prostitute, an orphan, the former protegee of a man who worked against the knights of the round table and then single heartedly joined them. You were a thief. I know you were thief, I know as much as the next person but I don't think anyone ever understood what it's like to switch positions like that. In the span of a short period of time you were head of your own knights. Me, included.
You are probably wondering why I mentioned your past, it was only for me to highlight your current position as my Captain. And I'm sorry that with this letter I'm somewhat putting you into another position, one that may have you suffering.
Time to jump into the important thesis of this letter. I don't know where you are right now. I'm imagining though, you're sitting by your window, with your armor off of your angelic form, sighing at my words as the sun is setting for our kingdom. In this short life, sun has definitely set for me, for us. There are a thousand things I wanted to say, but never found the courage to. And I'm sad, Levi, I'm sad you have to know this way.
But today, today as in the day I write this letter, is a nice day. For me. (Y/n). We've just gotten back from washing our clothes by the riverside, I've just told you I'm mad that we don't spend much time together anymore now that I'm relieved of my duties as your knight and you hummed in response, greeting with my words with a soft expression on your face, and Levi, right now I think you're going to be the death of me. I can't help it. I keep imagining the way your lips shall taste upon mine and I'm hungry. I'm hungry like a wolf, captain, excuse my words, but it's the truth, I know I'm such a coward for not speaking them, but hiding behind death and my poor ability to write I've found some comfort as to sharing them with you.
Sir Levi, the most honorable knight, today I, while lathering your green undershirt in soap, almost told you I'm in love with you and that I want us to get married. Now that you know your surname, now that you officially belong in the Ackerman clan, now that you can legally marry someone, I'd like to consider getting married to me. Forgive me if I have mistaken what I have perceived as your affections. But you seem to look at me in a way that I haven't seen you look at anyone else. You spend your days with me when you're back from crusades, you write me letters to let me know about your well being.
Am I wrong for loving you? I'll never figure out. It's only that my heart pulls at its strings whenever I see you, my stomach turns and i feel as if I've been thrown from a catapult. I've never understood how you can do that to me. Can you? Have you felt this way about anyone? My mind will haunt me in my very last moments for not knowing an infinite answer. I don't think I'll ever feel released by this heartbreak, even after death. My only release is a fixation on the way you shiver your silvery orbs into mine.
And oh those eyes of yours. I wish you would look at me while holding my hands into yours under the moonlight, I wish you'd tell everything I've imagined you saying. I've never heard the word 'love' fall from your lips in such way so that I could know what it would sound like when you'd say it to me inside my head. But Levi, yes, once again it's a but, I wanted to spend a lifetime listening to it. I wanted for you to tell me how you love waking up next to me as we would hear the river flow beautifully in the distance. My heart is burning, Levi. I know, I'm sad and that I'm crying as I'm writing those words, but I've really dreamt of a future with you, have you felt that way about me?
Sir Levi, the knight who owns my hearth, I only set my pen down for an hour, to simply talk to you over a hot cup of tea, because you had just finished hanging out our clothes to dry and for the first time in my life I've felt as if my prayers have been heard.
You kissed me.
You put your lips against mine, suddenly, as I turned to you while the sun was setting and it was more than I could ever dream of Levi. And you comforted me in such ways I'll never do any justice to simply write into words. How can you be such a godsent angel? My lips are numb and fuzzy and my insides are fluttering, I still can't believe this happened. I can't believe you actually feel that way about me. Suddenly this letter isn't just the goodbye of an unrequited lover, it's so much more. Now I have a reason to fight my way back into the castle. Maybe, Historia would let me be a maiden, it'd be safer to live in the castle, rather on my own even if it means I'll serve as a slave to the queen. I couldn't care less about serving the crown in any way, but for you I'd do anything.
You promised me, with a rose you said you found by the riverside that you'll come back from the crusade, safe and sound and in return I promised I would stay safe as well. Maybe that's the way things should happen, right? I'll start embroidering you your green undershirt, excuse me for the time I'm going to keep it from you and pretend I don't know where it is.
I'll embroider your most favorite thing on it. A white dragon. Because you remind me of one. I'm biting my silly lips as I'm writing this, my Captain, but I can't wait for you to hold me in your arms. And I can't wait for you to slightly smile when you see what I'm going to make for you. I'm going to stop my mumbling now. I someday will give this to you, once you're back from the crusade in Marley.
Love, (y/n), the brat who doesn't know how to waste minimum soap while washing clothes effectively."
Taglist go off: @sasageyowrites @levisbrat25 @nobody-knows-anymore @berrijam @ackermans-freedom-inc @ladyofpandemonium @callmepromise @hawkssnugget @alrightberries am I forgetting anyone? Please inform if if you want to be tagged to my stories or if I have forgotten to tag you.
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ggukkieland · 4 years
📕BTS Fic Reads - 2020 August
Okay so I’m such a hoe for fics that I probably have about a hundred on queue but I can’t help appreciate all the works that these awesome writers put here on Tumblr and AO3. 
Here’s my attempt to organize my readings - though if my mood fluctuates, I’d just end up going through my reblogged fics for reading or sorting through my watchlist of ongoing/incomplete fics/series
✅ -  done reading   | S (smut) F (fluff) A (angst)
🥕[Ongoing Series - to check weekly]🥕
Dangerous Pairing @nightowls388 - KNJ |  supernatural  au, fantasy au, forbidden romance
[2/?] “Whether you’re a vampire or werewolf, love is still love. Betrayal is still betrayal.”    
Queen Cobra @fantasybangtan - KTH | mafia au, undercover au, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, thriller, s, f,a
[8/?]  when your boss offers the chance to take down the nation’s most lucrative gang from the inside out, you know you’ll do it no matter what the cost… even if that means entering an arranged marriage with the kingpin himself.
Arranged by obiwrites (AO3) - JHS | arranged marriage, unrequited love, angst, pining, jhs in love with someone else
[19/?] If you thought entering an arranged marriage with the person you love would be a dream, you were in for a rude awakening. Jung Hoseok was far from the doting husband you’d dreamed of and most of it could be chalked up to the fact that he was in love with his best friend. And you are without a shadow of a doubt, not her.
Image, Bad Boy @kittentaegu​ - JJK | badboy, fwb, angst, smut, more angstttt (I binge-read on this for the angst), adorable JJK when he’s not an fboi
[14/?] I chose to read this on AO3. Incomplete, but Ch 14 had such a satisfying ending -  When by chance you walk in on the school’s infamous bad boy, not once, but two different times in one day; your life quickly spirals out of control.
I’ll Sue You, Min Yoongi by hosexi (AO3) - MYG |  neighbors, enemies to lovers, angst, smut, lawyer!reader
[9/10] Yoongi is the neighbor from hell
Whiskey Neat and Whisking Trips by lacielre (AO3) - KTH | comedy, fake dating au, baker!reader, veterinarian!taehyung, funny 😂🤣, ex!Jin
[2/4]  This is a story about the night you poured your heart out to your ex outside his apartment building as a stranger yelled at you to “shut the fuck up,” and that stranger, who was just as wounded as you, was Taehyung, and he needed your help.
His Side, Her Side @scriptaed - JJK | he said, she said, f, a
[11/?] a collective snapshots in time shared between two, whose fates were undeniably intertwined and futures would never come to be  - one last chapter before series ends 😥
Black Swan @softlyjiminie - PJM | professional dancer, enemies to lovers, fake dating, figure skating, s, f, a
[2/?] a life of skating was all you’d ever known, your heart craving the feeling of ice beneath your feet and the light brush of cool air against your skin under thousands of sparkling lights… what a shame, if only you’d known that one night, one accident could rip you from the life you’d grown to love, leaving your career in the unsteady hands of the prince of ballet, park jimin.
The Key to my Drawer @jjungkookislife - KTH | bestfriends to lovers, s, a
[10/?]  A key, a drawer, and a secret Taehyung planned to take to the grave
The Nanny @jjungkookislife - KSJ| lawyer!seokjin, nanny!reader, single dad au
[2/?] Jin hires a nanny for his son, but when he hires you, he gets that and so much more
Acatalepsy @1kook - JJK |   survival au, apocalypse au, s, f
[2/?] Jungkook didn’t understand, and the longer he ponders it, he realizes maybe he never will. Some things are just better left unknown, he supposes. But that didn’t mean one had to face them alone. 
Aphrodite in War @jungblue - JJK | angst, exes au, fake dating au, roommates, sorority/frat wars, college au *this is really good 😍😍*
[2/?] Everyone knew about the war that had been brewing on the edge of campus for the past two years. Sorority versus Fraternity; a showdown for the ages. However, when the escalating antics between them yields the consequence of possible suspensions for both chapters, the presidents of each house must come together to try and figure out how to end this battle… Which is kind of hard, considering they were the ones responsible for it in the first place.
Palate Cleanser @btsmakesmehappy - KTH | agent au, fwb, strangers to lovers, s, f, a
[5/?] Part of The Company series -  Taehyung needs something to take his mind off his broken heart. His best friend, Jimin, suggests that he should meet another woman and the first woman he met was you. Would you help him even though you have your own problem, that you hate men?
Bad Guy @taehoneys - JJK | college au, fratboy au, badboy, good girl(?), 
[3/?] chose to read this on AO3 A certain video circulates the school after your big mistake and you never do mistakes, but you did this time…a big one: J e o n J u n g k o o k
Good Girl Series:  Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl  @bonny-kookoo - JJK |  good girl au, bad boy au, roommates, established relationship, s, f, a
[5/?]  Jeon Jungkook was known to have a specific type when it came to his partners; tall, gorgeous, dominant and older. When a new girl answers to his ad online searching for a roommate, he didn’t quite expect such an innocent being to turn up at his doorstep And what he definitely didn’t expect was his growing interest in her and the feeling of having her under him, all submissive and ready to be ruined. 
Agent of Love @ppersonna - JJK |  social media au, agent au, s, f, a
[1/?] as the FBI agent assigned to your phone, Jungkook keeps a diligent watch. he takes a special interest when you try your hand in online dating AND online sexting. desperate to keep you from bombing yet another potential date, Jungkook breaks his vow of silence to assist you in your plight to get laid.
Irregular Heartbeat @ppersonnakookies - MYG | social media au, surgeon!yoongi, intern!reader, 
[5/?] hot girl meets hot guy at a bar, lets him buy her a drink, then hooks up with him in the bathroom without even asking for his name. your typical friday night cliché. except for the fact that you’re a virgin, and the guy you drunkenly lose your v-card to is your superior at your new job.
Somewhere Only We Know @userseok - JJK | hybrid au, pining, angst, fantasy, smut
Prequel SOWK 1 SOWK 2 [being revised by author] Epilogue [to be posted]
you’ve been chasing after jungkook for years. after a harsh verbal altercation between both of you, you decide to leave him alone and pursue a relationship with someone who seems genuinely interested in you, thinking he would never return your feelings.
Elysee @ironicarmy - KSJ |  angst, drama, CEO!Seokjin, personal assistant
[1/?] Being the CEO of Korea’s largest fashion house is no easy feat. But to be the person behind the man, that being his assistant, is an even harder spot to maintain. In a company filled with affairs, bribery, deceit, lies and blackmail, you must struggle to survive and, eventually, climb your way to the top of the food chain. Seokjin, your boss, trusts you more than anyone, but when exactly does the line between friendly camaraderie blur with carnal desire? 
Beautiful Deception @jiminwreckedme​ - MYG? | mystery, thriller, ex!yoongi, angst, smut
[3/5] When your ex-boyfriend’s wife goes missing, you are the only one who can help him find her. But in a world where everyone is a friend and everyone is a culprit,  how will you find out what happened to the woman he loves?  Without falling for him all over again?
🥕[Completed AUs/Series/Drabbles -  to read]🥕
One Thing Right @hobios - JJK | fake marriage au, childhood friends, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, slow burn, smut
01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  ✅ (done, read it twice - this is just perfect ⭐ holy grail status)
Carousel @yoonia - MYG | mafia au, arranged marriage, heirs, CEO!Yoongi, suspense
Index: 16 Chapters & Epilogue | Drabbles and short stories |  Playlist |  Fan Edits
*a re-read this holy grail of a fic 🥰
Risk It @kookiesjoonies - JJK | social media au, exes to lovers, angst, smut ✅
Driving Me Wild @joonkookiemonster - JJK | demon prince!JJK, roommate au, comedy, fluff   ✅ (done reading, this is really cuuute 🥰)
Redefining Destiny @threeletterislife - JJK |  soulmates, enemies to lovers, mafia, fluff, crack, angst
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 (*have to read Yoongi’s story first*)
Rattled @gukslut - JJK | single dad au, angst, pining, enemies to lovers, neighbors, smut 
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three  Chapter Four   Chapter Five  Chapter Six  Chapter Seven  Chapter Eight Epilogue ✅(done)
*was reading this when it was ongoing, but stopped at Ch 5 (angst was too much for my heart 😢) - thrilled to binge-read this from the start 😍
Guarded @xjoonchildx - JHS | mafia au, enemies to lovers, slow burn, tsundere, smut
01 02 03 04 05 06 Epilogue  ✅
Never Falling @yoonia - PJM |  Enemies to Lovers!au, Singer!Jimin, non-idol!au, Assistant!reader, Smut, Angst, slow burn ✅(done)
Spellbound @minflix - PJM |  witches au (sort of based on the secret circle),  smut, comedy, fluff, light angst, enemies to lovers
Lie @yoon-kooks - PJM | angst, fluff, based on movie “Flipped”
0 // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // FINAL
On the Sidewalk of Champ Elysees @taeramisu = KTH | journalist!KTH, exes to lovers, smut, angst, paris, slow burn
Little Monsters @yoon-bug - MYG | established relationship, unplanned pregnancy, s, f  ✅
Take One @taetaewonderland - MYG | pornstar!yoongi, fanfictionwriter, strangers to lovers, s, f ✅
The Habits of a Broken Heart @softykooky - JJK |  soulmates au, unrequited love, art student!JK, english student!Y/N, angst, fluff, subtle enemies to lovers  ✅(done)
Into the Wilderness @gukyi - PJM | camp counselor au, unrequited love, friends to lovers
Oops @honeyj00ns - JJK | love at first hear, comedy, fluff, smut, “ You don’t know who the wonderful voice singing in the shower is, but you need to know”  ✅
A Song Request @n8dlesoupguk - JJK | drabble, romance,  where you always listen to the same radio station and he lives in the apartment complex opposite of yours ✅
Oh My God, They Were (Quarantined) Roommates @ot7always - JJK | roommates, quarantined life, college, smut, fluff ✅
Your Favorite Cardigan in Summer Nights @prodkkyu - JJK | one shot, angst, high school sweethearts, exes au, summer fling  ✅
Crimson Park @heartbeatan - JJK |  mafia, boss!reader, mystery, angst
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 (Final) ✅
Pranks @mysecretatticsstuff - JJK | enemies to lovers, prank wars, angst, smut, fluff ✅
Too Long, Didn’t Read @fortunexkookie - KTH | college, writers, enemies to lovers, fluff ✅ (done reading, love love this)
You’ve Got Mail @minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong - JJK |  Barista!Reader, Graphic Design Student!Jungkook, angst, ex-lovers, enemies to lovers  ✅ (done reading, love this)
Love at First Oink @glodenclosetau- KTH | social media au, neighbors, friends to lovers, piggies 🐽, romance, fluff, comedy ✅ (done - the cutest smau ever)
Sugar @seokjxnnie​ - MYG | ceo!yoongi, escort!reader, personal assistant, smut ✅
Amor Vincit Omnia @sunshyngal - MYG | Mafia au, arranged marriage, angst, violence, drama
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20  ✅
My Euphoria @beyochu​ - JJK | fake dating au, fluff, ceo!jungkook, florist!reader, romance  ✅ (done, really adorable)
All Aboard @ve1vetyoongi​ - KNJ | smut, officeworker!namjoon, enemies to lovers  ✅
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janicho88 · 4 years
Falling For You -Part 6
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Pairing- Dean xJo,  Eventual Dean x Female!Reader, Past Reader x OMC Justin, mentioned.
Word count-6777  
Warnings- REMEMBER SLOW BURN! We'll be interrupting the fluff you have had to bring you angst this chapter, along with unrequited feelings, heartbreak, and two morons who need to learn to talk to each other.  Possible language, there is a dash of fluff. Seriously thought a lot of angst in this one. Sorry! 
A/N- I had an idea for a one shot, and giving a backstory to Dean and the Reader meeting took on a life of its own. This story is AU  Thank you to @waywardbeanie and @whatareyousearchingfordean for helping me keep these 2 characters in line, letting me bounce ideas off of you, and send you random messages when something pops in my head. 
I debated about posting today with everything with the finale last night.  If you aren’t up to reading right now that’s perfectly fine.
Summary- After being burned before you had sworn off finding love for now. Coming home from work one night there is a strange man pounding on your door.  Neither of you knew what this meeting would lead to. 
The New Year’s Party and its ramifications.  Remember how we left the last chapter?  Sorry!! I am going to try and have the next one out on Monday.  Until then I think I’m going to go hide.   
Series Masterlist
Nine days, since you have seen Dean.  He sent a text this morning about getting together tonight, you have an appointment with Meg, but should be able to meet up with Dean first.  You can’t wait to see him again.  Just after your lunch break your phone beeps with a text. ‘Sorry Sweetheart, I’m going to have to stay late tonight.  Tomorrow maybe?’
Of course he’s been away for a week Jo must be there today and he wants to spend time with her.  Texting him back ‘Sorry I can’t tomorrow’ you return to your work.  Charlie notices the change in your demeanor and comments on it.
“What happened to you?  You were an unbearable rainbow of cheerfulness this morning, now it looks like someone stole your pot of gold?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.”
“Yeah and I’m dating the fairy queen. Spill.”
“I had dinner plans with Dean, he just canceled.  It’s nothing.”
“Okay, but I don’t think you really believe that.”
That night at Meg’s dress fitting she wasn’t in the best of moods because her dress was a bit tight.
“Meg,” you tried to reason with her, “you scheduled this for days after Christmas, too many sweets over the weekend.  You will be fine.”
“Nope time for bridal bootcamp.  Diets and exercise in the New Year, no more random baking.  We are going to look killer in April.”  
“Am I to assume I’m doing this with you?”  She just stared at you, Meg wasn’t the type of friend to beg.  “Fine, at least I work out already.  You are the one who’s going to have to get used to the gym again.”
Wednesday you got out of work at three and headed home to finish your deserts, get yourself ready and head out by 6 to help Meg set up. Knocking on the door Cas lets you in taking the orange cranberry cake from you.  Following him to the kitchen Meg looks over when you enter. 
“Are those deserts?” She raises her brows giving you a hard look as you set them out on the table.
Taking your time in replying, you turn back to her, “Yes, Bridezilla they are the two you asked me to make a few weeks ago.  You have the round orange cranberry cake for good luck and the raspberry parfaits in wine glasses, they just need whip cream on top along with a cherry. 
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 You said bootcamp starts in the new year, that’s tomorrow enjoy tonight. ”
“Who’s going to bootcamp?”  Dean asked as he, Sam and Jess just joined you in the kitchen.  
Jess walks over to check out what you brought and to give you a hug while Meg explains to Dean about her bootcamp.
“You are the best man Winchester, maybe you should join us.”
“I don’t think so, Meg.  I just got a coupon book for Christmas and I fully intend to use it.”  He looks at you with a big smile on his face, you send him back a small one.  Okay maybe you were a tiny bit upset about him staying at work with Jo Monday.   
Cas calls the guys into the other room while you and Jess help Meg, before he leaves Dean walks over to you.  “I’m sorry about Monday.  I was looking forward to seeing you.  Can we talk later?”
“Sure Dean.”
When they leave Jess digs into her bag and hands you and Meg both a box.  “Sam and I were talking today and I realized I had completely forgotten to give these to you guys when I did them last month.  In my head we were already past this.”  You and Meg looked at each other then Jess, not sure what she was getting at with the boxes.  “Come on, open them!”
Carefully unwrapping and opening the box you just stared at its contents not sure what to say yet.
“Oh look,” exclaimed Meg, “the wino gave us wine!”
“You really want me to be your Maid of Honor?”  You whispered.  Meg’s request to be hers wasn’t a shock to you, Jess’ was. 
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“Yes I really do.”  We’ve gotten to be great friends this last year, and I want you up there with me.  We both know Meg won’t do it.”
“Nope, we have already had this discussion planning your wedding, I’m no one's bitch.”
You both shook your head at Meg and Jess started speaking again. “I have a cousin who will be in the wedding and a friend from work, but I’m not as close with them.  I don’t have a sister yet, but I have a feeling one day soon I will.  So yes, I want you. Please, don’t make me get Sam in here with the puppy dog eyes.”
“I would be honored Jess, I’ve had plenty of practice with Megzilla over there.”  Meg stuck her tongue out at you before heading to pour you all a shot to toast with.  “This is super cute by the way.”
“Thanks, how did Meg ask?”
Well, when Meg asked me she handed me an envelope with cardstock inside that said something about I was the only person she likes, will you be my Maid of Honor?”  
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“It’s true.   According to my mother I had to have my two cousins in the wedding, but no way was I dealing with one of them as my MOH.”
“How did you ask them?  You never did tell me.” 
“Hey sluts you’re going to be in my wedding right?”
Looking at her a moment before you said anything, “I’d ask if you were joking, but I’m pretty sure you’re serious.”
“I am. Your ask was as fancy as I was getting. Okay enough wedding talk for the night, time to get the party started!”
It wasn’t too big of a party, besides the six of you a few of Cas’ friends from work were there, his brother Gabe, sister Anna both of whom had come up to visit Cas, and Charlie. 
Later that night the guys are watching some competition in the living room while the ladies are hanging out in the kitchen.  Charlie who was one of the last to arrive, looks over at you and asks “So is this infamous Dean here tonight, do I get to actually meet him?”  
The punch you had just taken a drink of flying right back out.  Meg grins looking over at you before turning to Charlie.  “Has she been talking about one green eyed mechanic at work?”
“Practically every day, you should have seen how down she got Monday when he canceled dinner with her.”
Jess joins the conversation next, “Is she as in denial with you as she is with us?”
Finally finding your voice, “I’m not in denial.”
“You mean about how they are just friends, and she wasn’t moping at all last week when he was out of town. Or how she was fine when she wasn’t going to see him on Monday.”
“I wasn’t moping and I WAS fine on Monday.”
“Oh” Meg starts talking, no one is paying attention to you. “Have you seen the way her face lights up when she gets a call or text from him?”
“It does not.”
“Yes,” answered Charlie, “and you don’t even have to ask who it is, the face says it all.”
All three turn to look at you, “Oh are you actually going to acknowledge I’m here now?  For the millionth time, we are just friends.”  They all start laughing, rolling your eyes you turn away.
Jess comes over and puts her arm around your shoulders, “Come on Y/N, we are starting a new year shortly let’s start it honestly.  How do you really feel about Dean?”
“Guys, I don’t know how to be any clearer.  Dean and I are friends, simply friends.  There will never be anything more.  We are never going to date, or get married, please just drop it.”  
Dean’s point of view
Checking my watch it’s after 11,  I haven’t had a chance to talk to Y/N alone yet.  If I’m going to sort everything out before midnight I need to go find her.  Cas had come back into the room a few minutes ago so I asked him where the girls are and he directs me to the kitchen.  Grabbing my beer I head that way.  Standing in the hall near the door I can hear them laughing, but I don’t hear Y/N’s laugh.  She has the cutest one.  Then I hear Jess start talking and she asks Y/N about me.  This could be perfect timing to what I want to talk to her about.
 “Guys, I don’t know how to be any clearer.  Dean and I are friends, simply friends.  There will never be anything more.  We are never going to date, or get married, please drop it.”  
Her words were a knife through my heart.  I guess it was the perfect time to realize I would be damaging our friendship if I told her how I felt.  So much for mom’s intuition.  Turning back  around quickly, I head outside for some time alone.
Standing out in the cold with the snow blowing around so many thoughts running through my head.  I was really hoping my mom was right about Y/N, I didn’t realize how much I had imagined she was and what was going to happen next with us.  Then my thoughts unfortunately go to everything Lisa has thrown at me.  Maybe she’s right and no one is going to really want me for me.  Y/N knows so much about me, she’s really the first person I let in in a long time.  I thought I could be myself around her but she saw who that was and  she doesn’t want to be with me.  She just made that perfectly clear.  Hearing a car horn in the distance I think about work and what Benny had said this week.  Jo doesn’t really know me, maybe it’s not too late to change for her to stay interested.
Back in the kitchen
Everyone was looking at you and you continued to pretend the floor was extremely interesting. 
“If that were the truth and you really felt that way, you would be looking at us and saying it, not explaining it to the floor.”  Meg tells you.
“Why do you keep insisting there is nothing there?  We’ve seen the two of you together, and you were totally pouting at the party when he was late because of Jo. Your eyes were greener than Dean’s that night.  What’s really going on, it's time to be honest with us.”  
“You want the truth? Yeah, Dean is an amazing guy, probably the best one I’ve met.  I’m not the girl for him.  He deserves someone so much better than me.  He likes to go out and do things, he likes horror movies and haunted woods. He needs someone who doesn’t get scared easily. Someone who isn’t going to hold him back and ruin his good time.  Someone he can be proud to be seen out with.  We all know that’s not me.”  You turn away as you finish to hide the tears threatening to fall. 
Meg and Jess exchange looks before Meg walks over and gives you a hug. “See this is where we don’t let Justin win.  It’s time to move on and be happy.”
Jess appears on your other side, “Dean is nothing like Justin. If something scares you he’ll be there for you just like at the Halloween party.  He won’t belittle you for it.  He would be very proud to be seen with you.  I’ve known Dean a long time Y/N, I haven’t ever seen him as happy as he is when he’s spending time with you.  We aren’t kidding when we say we see the two of you together.” 
“Thanks ladies, will you give me a minute.”  Heading to the restroom to regroup you clean up smudged makeup and try and calm yourself down.  Jess and Meg were right, it was time to move on.  You also needed to stop wrestling your feelings for Dean down.  You weren’t going to find a better guy than him anywhere. 
Walking back down the hallway you saw Dean coming in the front door, his face looked a bit red must have been cold out there.  Giving him a smile you walked his way, “Hey Dean you said you wanted to talk.”
“Oh yeah, it wasn’t important.  I was just going to see how your week is going. I really want to see if this guy makes the jump I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay,”  You watched him head back to the living room.  A feeling in your gut told you something in that short conversation wasn’t right. 
11:50 you helped Meg and Jess carry in glasses of champagne to the living room getting ready for the countdown.  Meg made Cas turn on ‘Rockin New Year’s Eve Countdown’ that you all had been watching in the other room. 
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 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.Happy New Year!! As you watched the couples around you kiss their significant other you turned to look at Dean who had walked away when you stood next to him before the countdown.  His eyes briefly met yours before quickly turning away.  You wished Charlie a Happy New Year before moving on to Meg and Jess, Dean had left the room before you reached him. Finally finding him in the kitchen with a beer.
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“Happy New Year, Dean.  I hope you have a much better one than last year.”
“Yeah well it’s off to one hell of a start,” he snarled out.
“I’m sorry you feel that way.”  You weren’t exactly sure what was going on with him.  You were only minutes into the new year.
“Well I guess there is a lot I shouldn’t be feeling.  See ya Y/N.”  With that he grabbed his coat from the back of the chair quickly exiting the room, leaving a stunned you behind.
Starting the clean up in the kitchen you didn’t feel much like going back out and joining the rest of them.  Meg found you a little while later most of the food cleaned up and put away.  
“What are you doing in here?”
“Just picking up, I didn’t want you to worry about it.”
“You and Dean both disappeared; we thought you’d be making out somewhere.”
“Nope, just me,  He grabbed his coat. I don’t know where he went.”
Over the next week you tried to make plans to meet up with Dean, but he either ignored your calls and texts or sent one word replies.  It seemed he was too busy to get together with you right now.  That Saturday you were heading back to your apartment with Charlie when you ran into Sam and Jess in the elevator.  
“Hey Y/N, where’s Dean?” Sam asked you looking around.
“I haven’t seen him since the New Year’s party.  He’s been acting a little weird. He's not with me, I don’t know. Why do you think I’d know where he is?” 
Sam looked over at Jess before continuing, seeing her frown and shrug he reluctantly answered you.  “He said he had a date tonight.  We both thought it was with you.”
“No, not with me.”  You are fighting to keep a neutral face and not break down when you answer.  “Guess this goes to show we were only friends.  I got to go, talk to you guys later.”  Quickly exiting the elevator when it opened you rushed to your door with Charlie following behind.
Sam watched you go, he saw the hurt you were trying to hide and he felt so bad when he saw your face fall.  My brother’s an idiot he thought to himself.  
Once inside the safety of your apartment you paced from the living room to the kitchen and back again trying to calm down.  Charlie was standing by the door watching, waiting to see what you were going to do next.   Ten minutes later you were still pacing and Charlie answered the knock at your door.  Meg entered not noticing what you were doing yet.  
“Okay, I’m ready to talk about the groom's cake, Castiel is extremely excited you agreed to make that one.  I want you to know, I am fully expecting you to go home with the best man after my wedding.”
At that you lost the little composure you were holding onto throwing yourself down on the couch grabbing a throw pillow and screaming into it, before those screams turned to tears.
“Okay, I thought we were past denying our feelings for Dean.”
She couldn’t understand your blubbering through the tears so Charlie translated.  “She just found out from Sam that Dean’s on a date tonight.”
Meg picked up her phone dialing someone, “Are you home?  Then get over here now.  Y/N’s.”  Turning to Charlie still standing by the door, “Will you open that?”
Confused, Charlie did as she was asked pulling it open, just as Jess came rushing in.  Seeing you crying on the couch she rushed over to give you a hug.  “I’m so sorry, Sam and I were sure it was you.”
You cried into her shoulder trying to once again push down the emotions you had finally admitted for Dean.  Meg walked over to sit on the other side of you.  “When did this happen, and who’s the chick?  I texted Cas and he doesn’t know anything about it.”
“Sam asked Dean if he wanted to come over tonight and Dean said he had a big date tonight and couldn’t.  He didn’t mention a name so we both thought…”  She trailed off but looked down at you before looking back at Meg.
“What is he thinking? He’s..”
“It’s fine,” Your shaky voice cut Meg off before she could keep going.  “I’m just over reacting anyway.  I told you guys he didn’t see me as more than a friend.  He told me he didn’t want to get back out there and date.  I guess he just meant he didn’t want to date me.”   
Taking a deep breath you continued, “Justin was right I’m not worth it.  I would have just ruined things between us anyways. I ruin everything, that’s probably why Dean is dating someone else.  He’s tired of me ruining things for him.”
“What do you think you ruined?”  Meg wants to know.
“I don’t know but obviously something.”
“Oh honey, that’s not true at all, Dean couldn’t do any better than you.” Jess said, giving you another hug.
“It’s okay. This will be for the best.”
“Do you really believe that?”  Jess asked you.
“Eventually I will.”  Giving her one more hug you get up to get yourself a drink of water.  You glance at the picture frame sitting on your end table, laying it flat as you go by, willing the tears to stay away.  Blowing your nose before heading back you try to act like you have it put together.  Fake it till you make it right?
“You came over to talk wedding Meg, let’s talk about something happy.”
“It’s okay it can wait for another day.”
“No, I can wallow in my own self pity when I’m alone, it’s fine.”
The girls try their best to distract you for the evening and you let them think they are.  They don’t need to know that every other thought is Dean on a date with someone else.  You know this means things are going to have to change for you.  
Over the next week Jess and Meg both tried to get you out of your apartment in the evenings, but you kept finding excuses to avoid them.  One night you even had to leave your apartment so Jess would believe you actually were going out.  Granted you sat in your car for an hour in the parking lot, but at least she left you alone the rest of the night. You just didn’t feel right hanging out with them right now.  Yes, they were your friends, but you had gotten used to spending time with them along with Dean.  That wasn’t an option any more.  Dean was Sam’s brother and Cas’ best friend.  He wasn’t going to stay away from them.  You couldn’t handle seeing him with his new girlfriend right now so you stayed away.   Not to mention you would be the odd one out now, everyone else being in a relationship. 
 Speaking of the man, you never heard from him this week.  Nothing since Friday when you asked him if he wanted to come over or go out and grab dinner.  All you got was a text back with ‘Can’t.’  This was the longest you've gone without talking since you met.  You really missed your friend, but it looked like you would have to get used to that. 
The weekend after you found out about Dean’s new girl you were sitting on your couch watching Hallmark movies.  Why couldn’t things in your life work out like that.  Meet a great guy, he actually likes you, maybe there was a smidge of drama then happy ever after.  But your life wasn’t a romantic comedy.  You didn’t think you would ever get that happy ever after.  A knock interrupted your pity party for one.
Meg, Jess, and Charlie were on the other side, great they were teaming up now.  This meant you couldn’t use one of them as an excuse to the others.  Before you could even say anything Meg pushed the door open.
“Hi, we’re coming in.  Apparently you have been using the three  of us to tell the others you have plans with the other.  So if we are all together, you can’t avoid us.”
“I just wasn’t up for anything this week.”
“Well at least you got out of the here Thursday with Charlie,”  Jess remarked smiling at you. 
“No she didn’t,”  cut in Charlie.
Jess turned to look at you with raised brows and you looked at the floor.  “I may have gone and sat in my car so you would think I left.”
You just shrugged and walked back to the couch.  Jess and Charlie sat on either side of you while Meg stood in front of you.  “You need to get out of here and get your mind off of Dean.”  
“I do get out of here, I go to work.  I’ve even been to the grocery store and the gym.”
“Doesn’t count.  We are dragging you out of here tonight, nothing drastic, just dinner and friends.  Go change.”
“Do I have a say?”
“You can pick the restaurant.”
“Fine, give me a minute.”
As much as you didn’t want to admit it the girls were right.  You enjoyed the time out with them, and they successfully got your mind off of what’s his name.  Then Meg started talking about Jess’s birthday.  You completely forgot that it was coming up, and that she shared a birthday with Dean.
“We are having a get together at his house since it’s bigger.  Mary and John are coming up for the weekend, too.  We both have friends from work coming.  You three will all be there right?”
The other two readily agreed, you took a moment to think about it.  Besides Meg, Jess was your best friend, and at one point Dean was too.   It was actually his thirtieth birhday.  You really should go. “Yes, I will be there.  Is there anything you want me to bring?”
“I’d love anything you wanted to bring.”
“Okay, I’ll come up with something.”  
With the promise of attending the party the girls let up on you over the next week, letting you do your thing.  Going through your recipes you found the perfect dessert to take for Jess.  You knew the girl loved blueberries.  Deciding to play nice you even made something for the birthday boy.
Arriving at the party you knocked on the door and luckily Sam was the one who greeted you.  Giving you a genuine smile he hugged you before ushering you in.  Taking one of the desserts and gifts from you he led the way to the kitchen. Jess and Meg inside finishing up the food when you entered.  The Birthday girl rushing over to hug you.
“I’m so happy you came!”
“Happy Birthday Lady! I told you I would.”
“Yeah, but we weren’t so sure you would actually make it.”  Sticking your tongue out at her you went to set the deserts up. 
A few minutes later you heard Dean walk in followed by Mary.  She came over giving you a great  big hug.  
“So good to see you again, hunny.”
“It’s good to see you also Mary.  How have you been?”
“Good, good.  How about you?  Anything new, anything to share?”
“Not really, things are okay, just been working lately.”  She gave you a strange look before smiling at you.
Seeing Dean watching you from behind her you said hello.
“Y/N, hey.”  Walking closer, he looks at the table, “Did you bring pie?”
“Yeah, a cherry and a blueberry.”
“Oh awesome! Thank you.”
“No problem, Happy Birthday.”
Others started to arrive shortly and Jess and Dean both went into the living room to greet people.  As the party was underway you noticed a blonde attached to Dean’s side.  That must be the girlfriend, you thought.  Meg came up beside you, “I heard her name is Jo.  I guess he met her at the shop.”
“He’s mentioned her before.   He was with her the night of the Christmas party, but he told me they were just friends.  Guess that was a lie.” 
Doing your best to keep your distance you tried to enjoy your night.  Sam introduced you to Dean’s coworker Benny.  He seemed like a nice guy.  The two of you talked for a bit before he moved on.  Not realizing how close you were to Dean you hear Mary ask him who the girl was.  Turning you saw Jo walk back over then.
“I’m Jo, Dean’s girlfriend.” If you had been facing them you would have seen Dean’s eye go wide. 
Quickly walking off to find Jess you miss the rest of the conversation.  Finding your friend you wish her a happy birthday again, but claimed a bad headache and told her you will be heading out.  Grabbing your coat from the office you make a hasty exit before anyone can stop you. 
Dean’s Point of View 
I was surprised to see Y/N in the kitchen, but if I’m being honest it was really good to see her.  It hurt to know how she really felt about me.  Because of that, yes, I have been trying to distance myself, but I missed my friend.  I had not talked to her in two weeks.  Walking over to see what she brought I’m betting it something for Jess.  I wasn’t expecting to see the pies, oh my mouth started watering.  Missed that girl's baking so much, along with well pretty much everything else about her.  The doorbell started ringing so I headed out to answer it, not sure what else to say to Y/N.
Jo shows up shortly after the party starts.  She immediately attaches to my side.  I wish she would give me a little space. She has been like this since I asked her out.  I was supposed to have a boys night with Sam, Cas, and Benny last week.  We were at the sports bar downtown watching the game, had just ordered food.  Probably only been there twenty minutes. The next thing I know Jo is standing beside me.  When I asked her what she was doing here, she said she was just passing by and wanted to check in with me.  Honestly a simple text would have worked if that’s what she wanted, not that it was needed.  I thought she would leave after I introduced her to Sam and Cas, but she ended up sitting down on my lap and sticking around. Probably why they both left at half time.  Benny stayed a little longer, even he made a comment to Jo about finding her own seat.
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 When I tried to make plans with Sam one night when she was closing the bar she insisted that I come in with her instead.  Apparently there is some creepy guy who comes around.  Hangs around outside some nights by her car.  Makes her really nervous.  I asked if she has called the cops, but she says he’s never around when they show up.  Every night she has worked I’ve ended up going in with her.  She told me how happy Bobby and Ellen were that I was around so nothing would happen.  I guess that’s what you do when you are dating someone right.  I don’t want her to think I’m useless.   
I watch Y/N as the night goes on, it seems like she is trying to avoid me.  I’m not really sure why she would be upset with me.  Every once in a while I will see her glancing over, but she quickly looks away.  I wonder what’s going on with her.  Heading into the kitchen for another drink, Jo follows close behind.  
“Here do you want a cookie?”  
She tries to hand me some store bought thing, “No, thank you. Y/N, made me pie. I’m going to wait till we cut into those before I have dessert.”
“You aren’t dating her, why would she be making you something?  I’m sure these cookies are better than some pie anyway.”
“She’s a good friend, she was being nice.  Actually nothing tops…. that cookie, I’m sure.”  If she wants me to eat that stupid cookie for some reason, I guess I will.  I assume I never mentioned my love of pie to her.
When I’m alone mom comes over and asks about who the girl with me is.  Before I can say anything Jo is right back here calling herself my girlfriend.  When I finally get over that shock I manage to respond.  “We have just gone out a few times.”  
“A few times?  Dean, honey we spend most nights together.”  I didn’t realize we were counting all the nights I had to sit at the bar to keep the guy away as dates.  
We have been together for two weeks, I didn’t realize it was going to be this much work.  Looking around I don’t see Y/N anywhere.  When Jess ushers everyone to the kitchen for cake, pie, ice cream and singing I still don’t see her.  I ask Meg as soon as I get the chance, I guess she told Jess she wasn’t feeling well and went home. 
I went to grab a slice of pie as mom was cutting everything and Jo pulled me away. “You don’t need that, I got us a piece of cake to share.”
“Cake, yea!” I’ll just grab some after she leaves.
Presents followed shortly.  Most of mine were over the hill, prank gifts.  
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Jo gave me a ‘I have the best girlfriend’ shirt, and a picture of her, just awesome.  Do I really have to wear this?  The last  gift I opened was from Y/N.  I was again surprised after how I was avoiding her that she got me anything.  That’s just the kind of person she is, always thinking about others.  Opening it I found the blue ray box set of All Saint’s Day,  The DVD set I had was ruined by Lisa one night when she got mad at me.  I knew Y/N wasn’t a fan of the movies, but had offered to try and watch one of them with me when I came back from Kansas at Christmas.  We never got to do that. 
“My gift was your favorite right?”  Jo asks, wrapping herself around my arm.
“Ah, yeah, yeah it was.”  Giving her a smile I nodded my head not trusting to say anything else.  
As the party wound down and everyone except for my parents, Sam and Jess, had left I couldn’t be happier to have everyone out of the house.  Cas and Meg were some of the last to leave, usually they’d stick around but Cas said they needed to get going.  I think Meg is mad at me for some reason.  I don’t know if I’m frustrated or happy that Jo didn’t stick around to help clean up.  Deciding on happy for a bit of peace, I go to grab me some pie.  Looking at the table and in the refrigerator I can’t find it.  “Hey, where is the rest of the pie?”  
“Gone, it was very popular.  I have Y/N’s dishes in the dishwasher.  There is cake, the cookies your girlfriend bought and a little of the blueberry fluff Y/N made left.”  Mom answers, I swear her tone changed when she said girlfriend.  Nah, I must have been imagining it.
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“Seriously, none left? I’ll take the blueberry, you can toss those cookies.” 
Sam and Jess left shortly after and dad went up to bed, leaving me in the living room with mom.  She sits across from me on the couch in silence.  Something's coming I can just tell, ten bucks says it has to do with Jo. 
“Well that was a surprise.”
“What’s that mom?”
“That girl being here, connected to your side.”
Ten bucks to me!  “I asked her out a couple weeks ago.  Her stepdad owns the shop I work at.”  
“When you told me you had a date last week, I was expecting Y/N.”
“Yeah that’s not going to be happening.”  She starts to say something else.  “Just drop it mom.  Please.  You were wrong about her.”   With that I went up to bed. 
Your apartment that night
You came home from Dean’s house grabbing the container of ice cream from the freezer and turning on the television.  You had no idea what you were even watching, you weren’t focused on that at all.  How could you be so stupid to fall for a guy that you were never going to be good enough for.  He only saw you as a friend, and that was just until he found a girlfriend. Now with the way he had been acting, you weren’t sure if he even needed you as a friend anymore. Putting the ice cream back in the freezer you were headed back to the couch when your eyes landed on Scooby.  The plush was sitting on the table next to the couch. He was a big reminder of what you couldn’t have.  Talking him into the office you set him in the closest with spare bedding. 
 “Sorry buddy I just can’t look at you right now.”   Leaving the room you went back and curled up on the couch with your blanket, ending up crying yourself to sleep there.   
A knock woke you the next morning, you were slightly disoriented from sleeping on the couch. Without thinking you headed for the door first, extremely surprised to see Mary Winchester on the other side.  
“Morning, oh honey are you alright?”
“Hi Mary, yeah I’m okay.  Are you here for me, or Sam and Jess?”
“I was bringing your dishes from yesterday back, and wanted to chat.  We didn’t get much of a chance yesterday.  Are you sure you’re alright?  You look upset.”
Oh yeah, how could you forget all the crying you did last night. No wonder she’s worried about you.  “Yeah, I’m sure.  Come on in.”  
Mary walked in ahead of you noticing the blankets on the couch like you had most likely slept there.  Pushing them to one side you gestured for her to sit down.  “Thank you for bringing those back, that was really nice of you.  I don't have any coffee, but can I get you juice, milk, or water?”
“No, I’m fine but thank you.”
“Okay, I’m going to go brush my teeth real quick I’ll be back.”  She chuckled as you rushed into your room.  Quickly brushing your teeth and splashing water on your face you grabbed a different sweatshirt to throw over your tshirt and headed back out to the living room. 
“Sorry to stop over unannounced, I didn’t mean to wake you up. John and I are leaving today and I wanted to talk to you first.”
“I was a little surprised to see but you’re fine, don’t worry about it.”
“I was surprised last night also, I had heard Dean was dating someone.  Honestly I thought it was going to be you.”      
Picking up a blanket to fold you used that as an excuse not to look at Mary.  “Dean doesn’t see me like that.  I was just a friend.  Trust me Dean deserves a much better girl than me.  I hope Jo can be that for him and make him happy.”
Mary wasn’t sure what to do with you, you were as negative about yourself as Dean.  But she was pleased to hear that you worried about Dean’s happiness. “Wait what do you mean was a friend?”
“Things have been strained between us since New Year’s Eve for some reason.  Then yesterday was the first I saw or talked to him since he started dating Jo.  I don’t think he wants me as a friend anymore.  Maybe that’s for the best right now.  It really hurts to see him with Jo, or anyone else,”  you finished your sentence in a whisper.
“Y/N, do you have feelings for Dean?” 
Out of blankets to fold you looked for something else, finding nothing you sat down on the couch.  “Yes, but I’m not going to do anything to mess up his relationship.  I know I’m the only one with them.”
Coming over and giving you a hug Mary whispers, “I’m not sure what’s going on with Dean right now.  I don’t ever want to hear you say you aren’t good enough again.  My son would be very lucky to have you.  Don’t write him off just yet.”
“Thank you Mary.”  A short while later she left having to get back to Dean’s.  You had a quiet rest of your Sunday at home, getting ready to start your work week.  The week seemed to drag on a bit.  You were really missing the random texts Dean used to send you.  They always made your day a bit brighter. 
Meg came over Friday with magazines notes, and a list of websites to go through.  Apparently as maid of honor your duty tonight was to try and help her find the best wedding favors.  Or at least narrow it down for her to show Cas.  Jess joined you a short time later.  You ordered a pizza and put in a movie while coming up with ideas for Meg.  You might not get married or find Mr. Right, but you could live vicariously through Meg and Jess these next few months.  
The wedding things put away you three were on the couch when Meg spoke up.  “Cas said he barely talks to Dean anymore.  Sees him even less.”
“Sam is so mad at him.  They have made plans to get together or hang out and Dean either has to cancel because Jo needs him, or she ends up tagging along.  When Dean asked him to come out tonight Sam told him he was too busy.  He didn’t want to have to put up with her.  I only met her at the party, but Sam’s not very fond of her.  Apparently she has some stalker-like guy who hangs around the bar, and she needs Dean to be there whenever she’s working so the guy won't try anything.”
“Why not call the cops or get a restraining order?  Cas is hoping it ends soon too.  He says Dean has been acting really weird since he started seeing Jo.”  Both turn to you for your opinion.
“Dean and I don’t talk anymore so I wouldn’t know.”  
“Wait,”  Jess sits up to look at you.  “I knew things were a little strained between you.  But you don’t even text anymore?  You guys were always going back and forth.”
“Other than briefly on your birthday, we haven’t talked since he started dating her.  It hasn’t been like it used to be between since New Year’s.”  Getting up to head into the kitchen you pause to get your emotions back in check.  It doesn’t matter one way or another to you if Dean keeps seeing her or not.  When you can believe that lie you will be all good. 
Thank you for reading!
Part 7
Tags  @talesmaniac89 @katehuntington @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons @smol-and-grumpy @emoryhemsworth @anathewierdo @malfoysqueen14 @superfanficnatural @jensengirl83 @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002  @nervousfandom
Falling For You tags- @halesandy @abuavnee @hearteyesj2   @vicmc624​ @440mxs-wife​ @wonder-cole @maralisa124 @krazykelly @unicornqu33n17@bobbie3939 @cutestdolans @supernatural-love14 @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel @waywardwifey
123 notes · View notes
joaquinwhorres · 4 years
shots (Diego Hargreeves x Reader)
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SUMMARY ››››› Dating is hard. But it's even harder when you know you're dating the wrong people. The right guy just isn't interested.
REQUEST ››››› ANNA HI HELLO FRIEND. okay, you're taking requests? i'm gonna SCREAM but okay could you do number 45 and diego, please? also i'm gonna look at the thing you sent me last night right now (45. Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.) 
WORD COUNT ››››› 3,016
WARNINGS ››››› takes place partially at a shooting range
A/N ››››› I wrote this as a continuation of alone together, but it can really be read as a standalone. I just loved the reader + Diego's dynamic, so here's more.
You've been into Diego Hargreeves since your police academy days, which is to say, a nearly obscene amount of time. It's hard to pinpoint exactly how long it's been, though, because as with most things, falling for him was a rather fluid process. One minute you were reveling in the fact that you were suddenly single for the first time in three and a half years. The next, you were hanging off every word in his tirade about saving teargas for bad guys rather than protestors. And yet, it also felt so sudden. As if he had come out of nowhere and clotheslined you the way he did one of the instructors in restraint training.
And while it's hard to say when you fell for him, why is entirely too easy. You liked him because he wasn't afraid. He was stupid and brash, but he was bold and honest when it mattered. But more than that, you liked how he cared so deeply and passionately about doing the right thing rather than doing things the right way. Even when it cost him. 
Also, his forearms.
You’re watching them now, muscles rippling under his tight long sleeved shirt as he raises the gun, his gaze intensely focused on the target. You hope he doesn’t see you staring in his periphery because it’s pretty obvious you’re not just checking his form. There's a breath and then he fires five rounds into the piece of paper, every shot precise and lethal. 
“That’s how it’s done, baby,” he grins, laying the gun down as he steps back to direct his excitement at you. As if he'd ever done anything less than absolutely perfect at the range. Still, you can’t help but smile back even as you roll your eyes. You love it when he calls you baby. Even though he only ever says it to tease you, it still feels like it's your nickname that he has for you. 
Yeah. You’ve got it bad. 
Which is unfortunate because he simply doesn't. He's never so much as shown a single bit of interest besides the first day he met you, and let his eyes linger on your body a little too long. But after that? Nothing. It soon became clear that he only had eyes for Eudora, and while it was tempting to be jealous it was all too understandable. She was gorgeous and smart and kind and obviously going to make a damn good cop. But even after that imploded, he never seemed interested. You'd come to the conclusion that you were simply too close, which was unfortunate but also fine.
It would be fine.
You just need to follow your friends’ advice and find someone new to focus on. And not just flings. You've tried the "get over by getting under" method and it just doesn't work. You need romance, a good personality, someone you want to see again outside of the bedroom. What you need is a boyfriend. Instead you've gotten:
Ghosted more times than you can count
Four no-shows for dates
One catfish
Five break up texts
Seven dick pics
Six angry men calling you a whore
Three dates that were meant for other people
The most recent of the “oops I texted the wrong girl” dates had been a week ago, and you suspect it's also the reason Diego dragged you out to the shooting range today. Diego doesn't talk about feelings--you learned that real quick--but he is more empathetic than he looks. He just doesn't know how to translate that into words. Thus, shooting range. It's sweet. 
Except for the fact that he's an insufferable show off. That makes it a bit less sweet.
“Yeah, yeah, cheater,” you huff, moving forward to take his spot at the firing line. Obviously you can't tell if he cheated, but his arms had looked a bit too low for one of those shots to be as perfect as it was. You pick up the gun, waiting for his instructions, eyeing the target. 
"Head right 7, body right 9, body bullseye, head bottom 9, body bottom 8," he decides. Of course he gave you more body than head shots. 
It's tempting to insist that he keeps up the pretense that this is an even and fair competition and give you another head shot. But your time is running out, and who are you kidding--you'd like the win. So, you nod to confirm his choices before lifting the gun up and taking a breath in to clear your head of all else, the constant rejection, the unrequited crush, the stress at work, so you can focus. And then, you breathe out.
Your shots aren’t as pretty as Diego’s, but they all hit their marks. 
“Not bad,” he says as you place down the gun and then spin around to grin at him. 
“Not bad?” you echo back, gesturing to the target. “That’s the best all day.”
“That's the best you got all day,” he corrects, smugly. “Not the best.”
The smile vanishes from your face, replaced with narrowed eyes. "You're a dick."
He laughs then as you double check the chamber to make sure the gun's unloaded and ready to be packed up. "A huge dick," you clarify, placing the firearm in its case and turning to follow him out.
"Better than a small one," he shoots back, removing his headphones once the two of you enter the lobby.
If it weren't for range safety and all that, you'd kick him in the back of the knees. Instead, you settle on glaring at the back of his head as he checks the two of you out, stuffing your safety glasses and headphones into your bag.
"I really hate you, you know that right?" you ask as the two of you push through the door and out into the parking lot. 
"Not sure I'd say that if I was the person who needs a ride home," Diego smirks at you over his shoulder as the two of you reach his car. 
"Like there's even going to be room for me in the car anymore now that your head's so big," you say, reaching over to flick him on the side of the head. Before he has a chance to respond you speed walk to the passenger's seat and get in before he can lock you out.
"You're lucky I like you," Diego says, pointing a finger at you before he climbs in, sticks the keys in the ignition and shifts into reverse. You take your cell phone out of your pocket as he pulls out of the parking spot, hand resting on the back of your chair so he can look over his shoulder. You feel your cheeks grow hot and are thankful that his eyes are on the road and yours are on your phone screen. 
There are approximately 16 unread messages.
None of them are good.
In fact, you're feeling pretty crushed as you scroll through them. It doesn't help when Diego withdraws his arm to shift the car into drive. He pulls out of the parking lot and onto the main road, and you try to pull yourself together but end up just wilting into your seat. It's not your friends' fault. Yesenia's babysitter fell through. Galilea was caught up with more work than she anticipated. Lilly probably really did need the extra time to study for her actuarial exam. These were all reasonable excuses. But it still sucked.
"What's up?" Diego asks as you slow to a stop at the red light. 
"Nothing," you say absent mindedly, texting out a message to the group. Life happens 🙃How about next Saturday?? 
Diego's eyes dart to you before going back to the road as the light turns green. "Y/N," he prompts.
You turn off your screen and cast a look at him. "It's really nothing; my friends just cancelled on me tonight." He remains quiet and you try to push out the growing frustration that you've been planning this for a solid week and it's only now, hours before, that all of these conflicts pop up. "We were supposed to go out," you sigh. "You know, do drinks and dancing."
He's silent again, only the sound of the turn signal clicking echoing throughout the car.  "Alright, so what time tonight?" Diego finally asks, pulling you from your thoughts. 
It takes longer than it should to piece together what he's offering, but the thought of Diego taking you dancing is just too much on so many levels. The most immediate level being how absolutely hilarious it would be to see Diego dance. The thought alone elicits a surprised laugh.
"What's so funny?" Diego asks, his brow furrowing. It's clear he wants to glare at you but the car ahead moves, and he takes his chance to make the left turn. 
"You want to go dancing?" You ask, through giggles.
"And?" He sounds offended, but you're still trying to picture Diego on the dance floor and every resulting image is sending you into further hysterics. He catches on, eventually. "You don't think I can dance!"
"Mm-mm," you hum, shaking your head, and there's literally tears coming down from your eyes as you picture Diego doing the Hitch dance at the club. God, he always knew how to pull you out of your spirals. 
His face screws up into a frown, and you can vaguely tell he's annoyed. Unfortunately, you don't care. "I'm a great dancer!" he protests, turning onto your street. 
"Ok, ok," you say, finally calming down enough to stop laughing and wipe away the tears from your eyes. "Meet here at 9 and we'll decide on a place?" you ask as he pulls into a spot near your building.
He nods, still clearly annoyed, but he's a good friend, better than most, and doesn't rescind his offer. In return you give him a beaming smile as you climb out the door. Almost immediately you turn around and tap on the window. He raises an eyebrow and rolls it down. 
"You know you're not allowed to wear that, right?" You check, pointing at his black on black tactical uniform. He looks as if he's a real life Batman. Right now he's giving you the Batman glower. "I'm serious, Diego. Go shopping if you have to." 
"Bye, Y/N," he says, pulling away from you without even bothering to roll the window up. You smile to yourself and walk to your building's front door. You cannot wait for tonight.
  Diego knocks on your door a few minutes after nine. It's tempting to give him a hard time about being late, to tell him that you thought yet another friend had abandoned you in your hour of need, but seeing as he had to rearrange whatever plans he had in order to take you out dancing, you decide to let him off the hook. 
You're kind of glad that you didn't come up with a witty line for when you opened the door because holy shit, he’s handsome.
In a way, he's stuck to the usual uniform. It's black on black, and he clearly has put no effort into his hair or shaving the stubble lining his jaw, but he's missing the usual tactical harness, armguards, and gloves. Instead, his arms are on full display, and while you're able to admire his muscles under his usual tight black shirt, it's nothing compared to what that short sleeved button up is doing for him. He looks broader, fuller, and more human than you've ever seen him.
"Look at you, all cleaned up," you say, allowing your eyes to run over his body under the pretense that you're teasing him. "Do a twirl for me," you demand, spinning your finger. He rolls his eyes, but slowly spins in a circle so you can admire each angle. "It'll do," you say, allowing him into the apartment.
"Glad I meet the standard," he says, coming in further. You're still staring at him and are able to see the exact moment his eyes land on the two shot glasses and bottle of tequila that you've placed out on your kitchen island. His eyes light up and naturally, he makes a bee line for the booze. Even more naturally, you follow him.
"We're gonna have a good time, then?" he asks, eyeing the tequila.
"Oh yeah," you confirm, grabbing the shaker of salt from the table on your way into the kitchen. Diego pours out a shot for each of you, sloshing a bit on the counter as you salt your hand. When you pass the salt over to him, your fingers brush causing a warm and tingling sensation to stir in your stomach. You probably shouldn't have already taken a couple of sips from the bottle. Maybe if you hadn't, you wouldn't be watching him so intently as he licks his hand. You're able to tear your eyes away to grab a lime and place one in front of him as he finishes.
"To a good time," Diego says, raising his glass to yours. You clink your shot glass against his before swiping the salt off your hand with your tongue, following it with the silver tequila burning its way down your throat. Placing the glass down, you grab the wedge of lime and bite into it, allowing the lime juice to ease the sweeten the sting.
"Mm," you hum, taking the lime out of your mouth and placing it on the opposite edge of the cutting board from the rest of the lime slices. Diego places his wedge over yours and looks at you. 
"Another?” he asks, and well, you can’t let the rest of the lime go to waste. Besides, even well drinks are expensive these days. 
After your second shot, Diego moves to clean up the island as you watch. “Taxi should be here at 9:30.”
“You decide on a place yet?” he asks, and you hum a yes, eyes on him as he places the bottle of tequila up with the rest of your alcohol. It's easy to blame the tequila, but you're not sure if that's 100% why you feel the surge of almost overwhelming tenderness for him. 
"Hey, Diego?" your voice comes out a bit smaller than you'd like, and he notices too because he turns to face you immediately, eyebrows raised. "Thanks for coming out tonight."
He relaxes, shoulders dropping slightly, and his smile which always looks like it's caught between being a smirk and a genuine grin comes out. "We're supposed to be alone together, right?"
"Right," you agree, and you're certain he'll see your affection glowing off you like some kind of aura. Except he turns quickly back to dump the cutting board and knife into the sink.
"How's all that going by the way?" he asks, still bent over the sink. He has to mean dating. Or maybe your feelings. You're proficient in Diego-speak but you're not sure if you'll ever be fully fluent. He's hard to read his words; it's much easier to read his face.
"I think I meant what I told you," you say with a sigh. "I think I'm done with all that."
He turns around to face you then, and you can see the concern and sadness on his face. Sympathy is a rare emotion for Diego, and you don't like how it makes you feel. "Look, if you want to find someone, you can't give up."
"It's just hard to put myself out there when I know none of them are right," you say, frustration and an aching loneliness fizzing under your skin. "You know? None of them are you." The words come out too fast to stop, and it takes less than a breath to reach you could grab them out of the air. Your face is growing hot, but you push it back down and quickly try to remedy the situation, “I mean none of them are like you.” 
He seems a bit frozen as well, assessing, and you wish to God that you had another shot of tequila right now to take your attention off of the way his brow creases slightly and mouth turns down. “You don’t want me,” he says finally with a shake of his head. 
You do. 
You really do.
“What’s wrong with you?” you ask, not liking his tone or the way he's still frowning slightly and can't meet your eyes.
He shakes his head again but steps forward to stand across the island from you. “I’m not going to psychoanalyze myself, but I gotta lotta shit. I don’t know if you could put up with two of us. And I'm not letting you throw me away for some guy who came after.”
You sit there quietly, taking in his words and trying to hear what he was saying. What he was really saying underneath and you don't like any of the deductions you're able to come up with. “Y/N?” he asks, tilting his head slightly, and you know you've been quiet too long right after he's been as vulnerable as he can be. 
“You know I don’t consider it putting up with you, Diego, right?” You ask, quietly. It’s important he knows. He has to know at least that. 
He gives an attempt at a smirk, but it doesn't make it to his eyes. “What else would you call dealing with my bullshit?”
You reach out to him, wiggling your fingers in an insistence that he take your hand. It takes a second, and some aggressive eye contact for him to take your hand, but when he does, you fold your hand over his, smoothing over the knuckles with your thumb. There’s scars there. Probably from his childhood. Or last week. “I’d call it returning the favor.” 
He snorts but doesn't take his hand away. Instead he squeezes your hand, and you know he'll never tell you that he loves you, but this feels pretty close. You squeeze his hand back.
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jungwooisms · 4 years
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pairing: tailor!jungwoo x female!bookbinder!reader   genre: fluff, angst, smut, period piece others: nakamoto yuta, suh johnny, moon taeil, park sooyoung, lee donghyuck (mentioned), kim doyoung (mentioned), lee ten (mentioned), lee taeyong (mentioned) warnings: cursing, sexual content (unprotected sex, oral f. & m. receiving), drinking, an overabundance of 60′s references, unrequited love word count: 20k
It's autumn in New York that brings the promise of new love Autumn in New York is often mingled with pain Dreamers with empty hands may sigh for exotic lands It's autumn in New York It's good to live it again
1963, Autumn. The small knife in hand cuts through the thin leather with relative ease, stopping at the point you’d marked with a small piece of chalk, you switch to cut the other end of the material. You eye the coffee sitting on the opposite end of your work bench, watching the steam rise from the cup that you’d barely taken a drink from. It was only nine in the morning and you hadn’t slept well the night before, had there not been any orders to fill you would have slept in a while longer. 
With the leather finally cut into its allotted pieces you go to move to the bound paper you were trying to cover before you hear someone walk in. The chimes above the door at the front of your shop sound off with a soft resonance, the same sound that had echoed the room for years. Footsteps treading carefully into the center of your shop, you can’t eye the stranger from your closed off workshop unless you open the heavy wooden door. 
A quiet “Hello?” rings out, they sound apprehensive and unfamiliar to you. There’s a tinged worry that treads on the lone word, leaving you all the more perplexed as you set down the leather and the semicircular knife onto your workshop table and head out into the main gallery of your shop. 
“Can I help you?” Question falling from your lips as soon as you begin to push open the oak door, finding a taller man looking down at one of the fabric laden books on one of the display tables. 
“Oh,” his attention turns to you from the book, to the doorway you’d entered from and then back to you.  The horn-rimmed glasses adorning his face slipping down the bridge of his nose. “I’m here to pick up an order for Moon Taeil.” His slender hand moves from its once stagnant position to push the glasses back up before moving to his right-side front pocket, “I can show you the receipt if you need it—”
“There’s no need,” you shake your head and raise your hand. Taeil had been a longtime customer of your family’s shop, you assume it’s mostly because of a mutual acquaintance with the Suh clan, but you would never be the one to edge into that conversation unprovoked. “I’ll go and grab your order,” a short smile and you’re turning on your heels and striding into your storeroom/workshop once more. 
When you walk back out a few moments later, the books wrapped in brown paper to protect their covers, the stranger is once again looking down at the assortment of books atop your display tables. 
“So,” you begin as you hold out the bound books to him, “are you new? I don’t think Taeil’s sent you before.”
He takes the books gingerly, his gaze returning to the soft leather-bound journal after he gives you a short nod in thanks. As if it took him a moment to process the question he blinks and turns back to you, “Sorry— My name’s Jungwoo Kim. I started working for Taeil last week.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” you nod, trying to register the face with the name as comprehensively as you could. “Tell him to give me a ring when he needs his next order, I know he goes through those fairly quickly.”
“I will,” Jungwoo smiles, “Before I go do you think I could buy this?” His head nods down to the leather-bound journal he’d been eyeing earlier, “It’s absolutely gorgeous.”
A small smile gracing your lips, “Of course, it’s unlined though. Is that alright?”
“It’s perfect, thank you,” he says as you pick up the book as his hands were already burdened with his boss’ order. “How much do I owe you?”
“No charge,” you shake your head, fingers tightening along the spine. It’s smooth but the ridges of the leather run coarse under your touch, “Think of it as a congratulatory gift for getting a job under Moon. I know he has a reputation for being a bit of a—”
“Hard-ass?” Jungwoo muses, eyes widening as he realizes how he’s just insulted his boss. “And really, I can pay for that, I’m sure it must’ve taken you a while to make it.” 
“I’m not sure if that’s the exact term I was looking for, but it does fit,” you laugh, raising the book up. “Don’t worry about it, do you want me to wrap it?” 
“If you could,” he offers a smile as you move to the roll of brown paper atop the register table. 
It only takes a minute for you to cover it, you’d done hundreds, if not thousands, of wrappings for novels and books. Once you finish tying the twine bow atop the journal, you gently stack it on the books Jungwoo holds. 
“I hope to see you here again, Mr. Kim. That is, if Taeil doesn’t scare you off.”
“He’s like a weird mix of my dad and what I’d expect Hardy Amies to be,” you weren’t sure exactly who Amies is or what Jungwoo’s father was like, but you did know Taeil. Oddities and all. “And don’t worry, I have a stronger resolve than most,” he shoots you a wink before spinning on his heels and heading towards the door. He calls out a, “Thanks again for the book,” before shoving the door open with his hip and losing himself in the crowd of the street outside.
1963, Winter There was nothing quite like the holiday season in New York. Shops elevated the grandeur of their storefronts to catch the eye of window shoppers. Your own shop had seen an influx of patrons, as was typically the case around this time of year. But the demands were great, your hands had the slew of papercuts and hastily put on bandages to show it. Not that you minded it all too much, it was great revenue and it had paid for the camel hair coat you donned this evening. 
The city was abuzz with life and festivities along almost every street, and while the excitement from Hanukkah and Christmas had died down over the last few weeks, most now looked towards the reining in of a New Year as December thirty first arrived. 
“We’re going to be late,” Yuta’s arm slides under yours, the crux of his arm locking into yours as his pace quickens along the dimly lit street. The sound of his derbies clicking against the pavement reverberating around the nearly empty row of houses. 
“It’s ten and we’re going to a New Year’s Eve party, I doubt we’ll be late, Yuta.” You let out a scoff, fumbling with your bag for a moment, not sure what you were searching for in the first place. The streetlamp’s orangey glow not aiding you in deciphering the numbers etched into the doorways of the homes. 
“Says the person who took five years to pick out a jacket, I’m surprised we got out of your apartment before my hair turned gray— Wait a minute,” his fingers of his free hand trailing up to the dyed platinum locks on his head as he turns back to shoot you a glare, “It did.”
“You’re such a drama queen,” eyes rolling, you nudge him with your shoulder “It’s not my fault your stylist bleached you instead of dyeing you.”
“I feel like an idiot, they can’t even see me to fix it for another week.” He groans as the pair of you make your way to a brownstone tucked away neatly into one of the city’s streets. It would be innocuous from the others aligning the strip had you not been able to hear the gentle buzz of chatter and the occasional laugh drift out from the screened door. 
“Did Suh invite the whole block?” Yuta murmurs as he lets go of your arm so that he can jump up the short handful of stairs to the front door two by two. 
“It would explain how dead the rest of the street seems,” Musing, you follow him, more carefully as you’d always seemed prone to falling up stairs. The voices grow in volume and now you can even hear the scratchy sound of some music floating from the door. There’s no one at the door to greet you when you walk in, just an array of faces that you seem to recognize while others are brand new acquaintances, Yuta and you drop off your coats in a nearby closet and shuffle your way inside in search for the nearest drink station.
“I’d say his house is beautiful, but I can barely see anything. How does he know this many people,” Yuta questions as he slides out of the way of someone’s elbow almost hitting him in the stomach, “All I want is to get slightly drunk tonight but I bet the alcohol’s already gone.” 
“It’s the Suh household you know that’s not going to happen,” a snicker leaves you before you feel a gentle tapping on your shoulder. Stopping in your tracks you’re fully ready to meet Johnathan Suh’s smirk and subsequent banter, but it takes you a minute to realize that it wasn’t your childhood friend that had garnered your attention at all; instead, it was a somewhat less familiar face.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Jungwoo’s cheeks are slightly flushed with a smile, the contents of his champagne glass half-empty as he poses the question, “Can I get you a drink?”
“Oh, sure.” You return his smile, nodding your head as he begins to walk off, only stopped by someone calling out to him.
“I didn’t know Pincushion would be here,” Yuta’s voice draws nearer behind you, it seems like he realized you weren’t trailing after him anymore. You feel his hand land on your shoulder as he continues to talk to Jungwoo, “How are you?”
“I’m good, thanks.” He taps his shoe on the floor, only stepping forward a little bit to let someone pass by behind him.
“Pincushion?” You question, looking from Yuta to Jungwoo with a quizzical look on your brow.
“That thing he wears around his wrist every time he comes in?” Yuta shrugs, “I couldn’t remember his name the first time I saw him, but I could remember that. Hence: Pincushion.” 
“Is that what it’s called?” You recall the ball of velvety looking green fabric you’d seen on Jungwoo’s wrist the last handful of times he’d come to pick up the tailor shop’s orders. 
“Yeah my grandma used to have one and I stole the needles from it to use as swords for my toys when I was a kid,” his shoulders shrug as he looks past Jungwoo and spots something beyond him. “I see one of those guys with a tray of drinks, I’ll get back to you in a bit.” And with that he’s off, sliding around you and Jungwoo to brush his way through the crowd in a frantic sprint to grab himself a glass.
“Does he know that there’s an open bar in the other room?” Jungwoo asks aloud as he watches your friend disappear into the crowd.
“Not yet but give him twenty minutes and I’m sure he’ll be all over it.” Yuta wasn’t one to drink heavily often, it was more of a holiday thing where he only did it if he knew he wasn’t going into work for the next few days. Needless to say, that Christmas and New Years are binge drinking galore for him. 
“So, book binding? How’d you get into that line of work?” You’d been so concentrated on looking for your friend’s brightly colored hair that you almost didn’t hear Jungwoo when he asked. 
“Family business, dad’s too sick to come in.” Your eyes flickering over to him, a small shrug of your shoulders.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” his brow contorts into worry for a moment, as if he’d offended you somehow. 
“Don’t be, if anything I think he’s playing it up a bit just so mom has to be around more often,” You smile, it was really only minor back issues but the doctor had prescribed bed rest and your father had been milking it for months now. 
“Smart man,” a short laugh into his drink before he takes a sip from his glass. “So, how do you know John?”
“Old family friend, plus he’s as rich as all get out so it’s nice to see what it’s like.” You note, looking up to the chandelier overhead. If it were anything but Tiffany you’d be surprised. “What about you?”
“You didn’t hear this from me but Taeil might be secretly dating one of his sisters and she invited the whole shop just as an excuse to see him.” The two of you lock eyes, a playful smirk on his lips dancing in the warm glow of the room. “I’m not complaining.”
“I don’t doubt it,” chuckling for a moment, you then look up as if you’ve realized something. “I should probably go and greet the host; can you imagine how rude of a guest I’d be if I didn’t?”
A ceding nod as he steps away from you, gesturing with his glass towards a side room off the main hall, “I think I saw him in there a few minutes ago.”
“Thanks, Jungwoo,” you move to pass him, heading towards the doorway before you stop for a moment, your head tilting in question, “Want to meet back up later?”
“I’d love that,” a gentle thud in your chest as you nod at him, beginning to move again and question the feeling that had plagued you enough to ask him that. 
You don’t find Johnny in that room, or the next, or even upstairs in his own bedroom. You do, however, find him on the second-floor fire escape, the butts of several cigarettes at his feet and a glass of whiskey in his hand. It’s cold, had you known this would be where you’d speak you would’ve brought your coat with you.
“Johnathan Suh,” You begin, crouching down to duck through the open window, catching him as he’s begun to lean against the brick exterior of his home, “Hiding away from your party again?”
“The guest of the hour,” A grin as you walk towards him, “How are you? I haven’t seen you at all in the past few months.”
“I’m good, good… It’s been so hectic with the seasonal shopping and all, who knew journals were a hot commodity for gift-giving?” You sigh, elbows resting against the cold fence of the escape. The time between now and the last you’d seen him had been great, but it had always been far and few in between when it came to his jet setting tendencies. 
“Sounds hellish for sure,” Musing, he takes a sip from his glass, the scent of whisky hitting your nose as it nears. His other hand rests atop the rusted metal of the fire escape, impatiently tapping as he looks out into the backyard of his home.
“And what about you, Mr. Start-Up? Tear down any more conglomerates recently?” You query, noticing that he was on one of his inward treks again. Something must’ve come up with his family.  
A snicker, as he offers out his glass to you, noticing that your hands were painfully empty, “No, but we’re working on a pretty big acquisition right now. It’s all mind games and if I didn’t make a shitload of money I’d be out of this business.” 
“Lucky you though, you’re able to retire at thirty-five if you really wanted to,” musing as you swirl around the contents of the glass, the ice inside clinking around. 
He laughs, the cold air mixing with his breath in plumes of white that spiral into the nighttime. You push yourself from the wall, bringing the glass to your lips and downing the rest of the contents as quickly as you can, “This isn’t the time to be hard on yourself, John. I think the countdown’s about to start,” a look at the small wristwatch on your wrist, the time indicating that you had about five minutes until the new year began.
“Shit,” the word elongated exasperatedly as he leans over to catch a glance at the clock face, “Let’s get back out there.”
The two of you amble inside, your cheeks cold with the winter air and hands a little stiff from holding the glass for too long. You set it down on one of the various demilunes scattered around the hall as you make your way back into Johnny’s living room. He’s lost along the way, pulled into a group of businessmen to talk or fawning girls to cajole with, you’re not sure which at this point. All you’re trying to do is find someone you know. 
You can try to push through the crowds to find John, but at this point it’d be like trying to part the Red Sea with your own two hands and it was infeasible to say the least. Or you could head to one of the drink stations around the house in hopes to find Yuta, but he was as elusive as a snake and it’d be a miracle if you could find him before the clock struck midnight.
“Sixty!” A choir of voices ring out from a nearby room, you think you can hear John’s voice rising above them all, but it might also be your ears playing tricks on you.
“Are they really counting down the entire minute?” The voice next to you startling you so much that you jump, turning, you see Kim Jungwoo looking off in the direction of the countdown. His brow furrowing in confusion, “I at least thought it’d be the last ten seconds or something.”
“Jesus Jungwoo,” hand over your heart as you try and catch your breath, “You almost scared me to death.”
A laugh, “Sorry about that, I’m a little light on my feet.”
It also didn’t help that you could barely hear with the throng of people surrounding you. The gaiety electrifies the room, as it does the entire world when on the eve of a brand-new start. 
“Did you want me to help you find one of your friends? I’m sure they couldn’t have gone too far,” his height somewhat advantageous to him as he scans the crowd, not seeing you shake your head as the countdown reaches thirty.
“I think I’m fine just staying with you,” you don’t notice the way he tenses ever so slightly at your words, a more rouge tint to his cheeks as he looks back to you with a sheepish smile.
“Are you sure?” Eyes widening as your gazes’ lock and you feel the familiar warmth creeping up the back of your neck.
“If that’s okay with you?” You question, the countdown hitting fifteen.
“That’s great— fine, it’s— yeah,” he trips and stumbles over his words, trying to find solid ground somewhere on the confab plain. It’s at that moment the countdown comes to ten, and the pair of you join in for the last seconds of 1963.
Five, four, three, two — 
“Happy New Year!” 
The clock had struck midnight and he was the closest one to you, you can’t remember if it was you or him that pulled the other closer to share a kiss. The kiss was chaste, but it resounded around your ribcage like the booming of the fireworks being shot off a distant skyscraper. A smile on your lips as you mouth back your own, “Happy New Year!” Despite it being innocent in nature, you know with the way the feeling buzzes on your lips you yearn for something more.
1964, Early Spring. The two of you’d spent time together since that evening, outside of that transactional relationship formed in the commerce of you selling your journals and him picking them up for Taeil whenever he could. It was outside of that realm, more personal as the days, weeks and months had transgressed. 
By some miraculous circumstance, and no less of your incessant mentioning, you and Jungwoo had been seeing each other on a regular basis 
“Taeil?” The door of the tailor shop opens with nothing short of a struggle. The heavy oak pressing back against your foot as you pry it open, your hands too full to push it. 
“Need some help?” A voice behind you, startling you so much that you almost drop the large stack of books in your hand. You look over your shoulder to see Jungwoo standing behind you, his head tilted as if to question how you’d made it this far on your own.
“Thanks,” allowing him to brush past you, he steps into the shop and holds the door open wider as you enter. “Where is everyone?” Noticing that the usual handful of other tailors didn’t seem to be aimlessly roaming the store waiting for a customer to arrive.
“Busy,” He notes, motioning for you to hand him the plethora of journals. Obliging willingly, you hand them off and stretch your arms, surely the strain from the hardbacks would pull your finger muscles. “There’s been an emergency tailoring session, some big shot’s in town and needs alterations done for some party they’re throwing tomorrow night.”
“Explains why no one came to pick up the order today,” you muse, “Shouldn’t you be helping with that?”
“I will be in about an hour,” he sighs as if he’s already imagining the work that he’ll need to put in this evening. “But someone had to watch over the shop today.” 
“Do you want company while you wait?”
You’re not sure how you’d gotten roped into staying with Jungwoo until well after the sun had set and the last customer had come in for the day. The lights of the shop are off, save for the small lamp that sits above Jungwoo’s workstation. He sits at his little desk in the back corner of the shop as he sews and hems away. His eyes scan the notes the patron had given when they’d dropped off the clothes, you had to squint to try and read the messy scrawl etched onto the parchment. You sit some desks away, flipping through some editorial detailing the up and coming designers of the fashion world but nothing was particularly catching your eye.
“Three alterations in one night, Taeil’s really trying to work us to the bone,” Jungwoo sighs exasperatedly, his hands falling atop his desk, a needle held between his right index and thumb while his other hand holds the garment he’d been attending to.
“Doesn’t it take a week to do something for just one piece?” You ask, not too versed on the schematics of it all, just acutely aware of when your father had needed suits adjusted as he aged.
“Normally,” he glances over to you, a hazy impatience settling behind his brow as he thinks to the two other pieces he was set to mend. “But it’s nine-thirty now and the guy wants them done by noon tomorrow,” Jungwoo almost barks out a laugh at the absurdity of it all, “I didn’t even get the roughest pieces, Doyoung’ll be up all night and finish five minutes beforehand if he’s lucky.”
“What are they making him do?” Magazine set aside as you stand to stretch, your legs numb with the fuzziness of pinched nerves.
“Some simple inseam stuff like I’m doing, but also taking in a few jacket sleeves and fixing shoulder divots,” He says as if you know what he’s talking about, upon seeing the puzzled expression that paints itself on your face he explains a little more, “It’s nearly impossible to do with the amount of time we’ve been given.”
“Why’d Taeil accept this job then?” Pins and needles poking through your skin as you walk over to him to take a look at what he was working on.
“Because the client’s paying us a fortune,” setting the needle down he pulls a pin from the cushion around his wrist to situate it into an odd angle in the fabric in front of him, “I might actually be able to take you on a real date if I finish this in time.”
“I’ve kind of liked the ice cream socials,” you shrug your shoulders, as he turns to look at you, “And all of the gritty little dives, it’s more memorable that way. Plus, it makes me a cheap date.”
A small ‘tch’ leaving him as he turns back to his work, “You deserve more than that.”
“As long as you’re there I’ll be fine,” you lean down to press a kiss on his cheek, “Now I’ll stop distracting you, I’ll make dinner or lunch or something because I know you’ll be dead on your feet tomorrow.”
“Try and get to bed early,” he says as you go to grab your things from where you’d left them up front, “I know you like to overwork yourself too.”
1964, Summer When you’d been invited to Jungwoo’s small apartment, you’d expected a small dinner and then maybe you’d go and watch television or explore the city afterwards. What you hadn’t expected was to see dark plumes of smoke emitting from under the doorway. You don’t knock, instead you barge into the apartment to find Jungwoo unlatching his windows and opening them to let the smoke escape, the source of the plumes coming from his small kitchen. 
“What happened?” You call out as he turns to you, your hand rising to your face as if it could vanquish the putrid smell. 
“I cooked,” the last window opens with a struggle, Jungwoo’s arms ache with how much force he had to exert when opening it. He shuffles over to you, seeing that you’d walked into the kitchen to find the source of it all.
“You… cooked....” A charred, black entity sits in a pan that Jungwoo had presumably pulled from the oven minutes prior. “Jungwoo what is that?”
“A loaf!” An almost excited tone cutting through your confusion as you turn and tilt your head at him.
“A… loaf of?”
“Meat!” At least he’s trying to sound cheerful, but that was his disposition most of the time. His hand guides your gaze over to a handwritten recipe atop the counter, he must’ve gotten it from some program. “I followed Julia Child’s recipe.” 
“I’m not trying to be mean but that looks like a brick.” Gaze flickering back to the meat-brick. 
“Yeah,” a sigh as he picks up a nearby spatula, grazing it atop the burnt meat, it scrapes atop it rather than giving way at all, “It’s about as hard as one too.”
The utter exasperation breaking through in his voice cause enough for you to laugh, the absurdity of it all pricking tears into the corners of your eyes. “We can try and salvage it,” you offer once you calm yourself down enough, the occasional chuckle flitting like a bird around your ribcage.
“Let’s just go to Le Pavilion or something, there’s also a new movie out too, we can try and catch it if we eat fast enough.”
And you do. For some reason Jungwoo orders the most expensive dish on the menu and doesn’t even like it, offering it to you instead with an abysmal pout that almost has you reeling in the small interior of the restaurant. The atmosphere is warm and jovial, met by the sinking sun as the two of you exit the venue, hands interlocked with a faint tightness as if you never wanted to be without him in your grasp again. Jungwoo and you then walk to a theater some blocks away, hands still held and a bubbling silence between you.
The film that Jungwoo had mentioned earlier had been Mary Poppins, some Disney flick starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke; you’re sure you’d heard Andrews somewhere before, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. 
“I didn’t realize they could combine live action and cartoons like that,” Jungwoo’s voice full of childlike wonder as the pair of you exit the cinema. The smell of popcorn wafts out of the theater’s doors and the bright bulbs of the marquee overhead creates a strange glow contrasted to the nighttime sky. 
“I didn’t either,” you note as a few kids brush past you and begin to race down the street, their voices carrying off into the night. It brings a small smile to your lips as you watch them gallivant around, not a care in the world as they continue to chase one another.
“Do you want me to walk with you back to your place?” Jungwoo offers, extending his hand out to you. You don’t answer aloud, instead just take his hand into yours and begin to walk the steadily emptying streets.
“Have you always lived in the city, Jungwoo?” It takes a moment for you to speak again, instead of just admiring the way that the lights glint off of passing windows and the rumblings of the cars that pass to your left drown out in the other amblings of the city.
“No, my family actually lives up north a little way away.” He hums to himself as he thinks, “I thought I’d always be stuck up there too, but I got the offer from Taeil and moved here as fast as I could. Although I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss it at times.”
“I see,” you mutter, not knowing the feeling of leaving your home. It was a foreign concept to say the least, for almost the entirety of your life you’d know you were going to take over your father’s shop one day, and you’d been complacent in the matter. You’d had your hobbies that you dabbled in, but this was a nostalgic comfort that would and had transitioned into your livelihood that would take you no where else other than the little shop you call your own. “Would you want to move back?”
“Maybe when I’m older, sure. But I want to see the world first,” he nods his head, a twitch in his hand as he holds yours, “there’s so much I haven’t done or seen.”
It was a reckless ambition, but Jungwoo lived in that fantasy of the unknown, he had for all of his life. That was what he knew and all he abided by. You’d be fooling yourself if you didn’t worry for him at times, but he’d made it so far and you were curious to see where he was going. There was a creative longing, a desire to make, within him that no one else you’d come across had.
“I love you.” The words aren’t romantic when they fall from your mouth, when they’re swept up in the humidity of the summer air and ring around both his and your ears. This was more of a reckoning, a realization of the culmination of your growing feelings towards him since you’d met him almost a year ago now. A weight you hadn’t realized was there lifting from your chest, a songbird free from a gilded cage.
Jungwoo pauses, his feet stopping on the concrete as you continue to walk, only pulled back when you meet resistance. So, you stop yourself, turning back to look at him, a little ‘o’ on his lips and a confused look gracing his features. Had you said it too early? Or did he not reciprocate your feelings?
“You beat me to it,” a small pout emerging onto his lower lip, “I love you too.”
1964, Autumn “I can’t imagine those are comfortable.” You’re sure the clacking of your shoes could be hear miles away, with the obnoxious way they hit the sidewalk. They were pinching your toes too, and you might as well have put a band-aid on the backs of your heels because they were definitely going to be blistered tomorrow morning.
“They most certainly aren’t, but they are cute.” You note, standing on your toes so you can click the red slippers together three times at the heel. “
Jungwoo stands at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to your apartment, offering out his hand for you to grasp when you carefully make your way down the steps. As opposed to the cool air that had begun to settle into the city, his hand offers warmth against your bare skin as his fingers intertwine with yours.
“Which way to Yuta’s?” He questions, looking over your costume for the evening.
“He lives over in Flatiron, kind of near the shop so it won’t be too far of a walk.” You notice him looking at the checkered dress and bright shoes. “Was Dorthey not a good idea, Mr. Holmes?” Noting his outfit of choice, the pipe held in his free hand, the detective cap as well as the cape to match.
“I think you look cute,” Looking away from you and towards the street you’d begun to walk down.
Yuta’s apartment was small, it being so led to more intimate parties than one would find at John Suh’s home, in a way you appreciated it a little more. Bigger parties with unfamiliar faces made you feel as if you had to act less like yourself and more robotic in your interactions.
“I’ll let you in if you promise not to chuck my house to Oz,” Yuta asks as he joking cracks open his front door as the two of you stand in front of it, “And Pincushion here doesn’t try and solve a murder or two.”
“Hmm I guess that’s doable, right?” You play along, turning to Jungwoo to confirm.
“It might take some restraint but I’m sure I can manage.” Hand under his chin as if he’s deep in thought.
“I’ll take what I can get,” Yuta sighs and swings the door open, “Drinks in the kitchen, I think Hyuck’s trying to do a comedy-musical routine in the living room. I’d steer clear because he’s trying out ‘audience participation’ tonight.”
“Thanks for the heads up,” You laugh as you walk inside, the warmth of the room exacerbated by the sheer number of people crammed into the tiny space.
“I do kind of want to check out Hyuck’s thing,” You mention to Jungwoo after you find a space where the two of you can stand unimpeded.
“I don’t know if I can stomach that quite yet, want me to grab you a drink in the meantime?” Jungwoo asks, looking towards the kitchen and the few people filtering in and out of it.
“That’d be great,” a smile and then Jungwoo’s off to struggle his way through the packed room.
Lip bitten you try and look through the crowd, but the drawls of laughter tell you almost exactly where Donghyuck’s giving his tri-annual standup show. It’s shoulder to shoulder and you can barely hear him over the other going-ons of the party but from what you can ascertain it’s pretty funny.
“Happy Halloween!” A hand on your side as they call out, you turn, and it takes you a moment to recognize the face under the Gomez Addam’s mustache and wig.
“John!” A smile as you move to hug him for a moment, pulling away with your hands resting on his forearms, “I thought you were overseas?”
“I was supposed to be, a nasty storm delayed us by a few days over in Spain so I’m not leaving until Wednesday.” He says, looking over your outfit. “Didn’t you wear this like two Halloweens ago?”
“What no one knows won’t hurt them,” a playful nudge on his shoulder, “And if I were to remember, this wig looks very Elvis of you.”
“You might be able to remember correctly,” The black strands of hair that were pulled back still reminiscent of the shape they once held. “Hey, I was wondering if I could talk to you alone?” John smiles, a nervous tinge to his voice as he continues, “It’s a little loud in here and I can’t really hear.”
“Oh, yeah,” brow furrowing at the attitude shift, “But first I should tell— Jungwoo!” The confused expression on John’s face somewhat laughable as you wave your boyfriend over, spotting him exiting the kitchen with two drinks in hand.
“There you are,” Jungwoo says as he walks over, placing a kiss on your cheek as he hands you a glass. You’re not too sure what the contents are, but it’s warm and smells spiced and oddly autumnal. “Hey John,” he greets with a small nod of his head as you take a small sip from your glass.
“Hey Jungwoo,” a return of the nod, “I should probably let the two of you go, I just remembered I have some calls I need to make.”
“What did you want to talk about?”  You ask as John begins to turn on his heels. It freezes him, he looks back to you before offering you a warm smile once again.
“It’s nothing important, I’ll catch up with you some other time, yeah?”
The party goes one without much note after, the most affable thing being that routine that Donghyuck had been preparing.  At one point you and Jungwoo had slipped out citing an acute tiredness as an excuse to just walk the city some more. By this time of night, the kids that had gone out in search for candy were slowly waning, now only the belligerently drunk wandered the streets in search of the home they probably lived in.
“You have to admit that the joke about Red Skelton was pretty funny though,” insisting that Donghyuck wasn’t the worst comedian you had ever seen. Sure, his act could be cleaned up a little but there was definitely potential.
“What was it— I know a guy who bought a $99 color TV set. Now every Tuesday night he watches Green Skelton?” Chuckling as he recalls the joke, Jungwoo shakes his head “That was pretty good.”
“That’s the one, he’s no Jerry Lewis but he’s trying his best,” you laugh as you arrive to the entrance of your apartment, “Did you want to come in?”
“I’d love to,” he says, and your heart skips several beats, “but I’ve got a client coming in early tomorrow.” And then your heart drops, “I’ll come by tomorrow after I’m done?”
“Alright,” you nod and you say your good nights, he places a kiss on your cheek before turning on his heels and walking into the darkness of night. 
You fumble with your hands, trying to unlatch the small picnic basket that had acted as your purse for the evening, in search of your keys. 
“Actually, do you have room for one more?” You’d been too distracted trying to get your keys that you hadn’t heard or seen Jungwoo come back to your stoop. 
“I thought you said you had work tomorrow,” a wayward glance to him.
“I do, but it’s dark and I’m kind of afraid to walk home alone, I mean what if a ghost or vampire gets me? I’m too pretty to die right now,” he states, rocking back and forth on his heels as he waits for you to invite him in. 
“A big baby, more like it,” you scoff, once again turning to look at your door and stating, “If you are coming inside, can you lend me my own spare? I think I dropped my keys at Yuta’s.”
“Yeah I think I’ve got it on my ring,” he rummages around his pocks for a moment until you hear the familiar jingle of his keys. There are only four that adorn the metal hoop; his apartment’s, his mailbox’s, Taeil’s shop’s, and the most recent addition: yours. 
“Roommate not home?” He questions as the two of you make your way inside, kicking off your shoes as you beeline to your kitchen.
“At some B. Altman holiday extravaganza with her beau,” pulling two glasses from a cabinet and grabbing a nearby bottle from the small section of your kitchen dedicated to alcohol, “Nightcap?”
“A small one,” Jungwoo nods as you come into the room, he’s standing over your record player, turning it on and beginning to play whatever was on the platter. You set the glasses down onto the coffee table and pry the cork out of the bottle, pouring two small glasses as he falls into the sofa beside you.
“I hope Delamain’ll do?” You set down the bottle and pass a glass to Jungwoo, only settling down on the couch once your own glass is in hand.
“It’s perfectly fine,” he sips at his glass, setting it down on the settee as he muses some more, “What record is this?”
“Ella Fitzgerald, mom gave it to me for my birthday last year, it’s one of her favorites.” Sipping from your own glass steadily turns into you just downing the liquid in one go. The glass hits the end table with a clink when you set it down, Jungwoo’s free hand resting on your thigh as he listens to the music wafting through the air.
“It’s lovely,” he sighs out as you rest your head on his shoulder, the scent of his Pour Monsieur cologne invading your senses as you settle. The meticulous grazing of his fingers over your thigh cause for you to sigh, wanting to sink further into him.
“Can you kiss me?” The words fall breathlessly from your lips, as his fingers trace the hem of your dress. And he does, turning his head to crash against you with such voraciousness that your teeth click against each other before he steadies and falls into motion with you. The pair of you stay like that for a moment, before you felt his hand slip under your leg, urging you to sit atop him. 
You straddle his waist, feeling a hardness beginning to strain against his trousers as you grind down onto his lap. He lets out a moan, probably the sweetest thing you’d ever heard, his eyelids fluttering as you do it again. A smirk graces your lips, your hands trailing from his chest to the button on the front of his pants, the fabric coarse under your touch as you move to unfasten it. Before you could, you feel a pair of warm hands atop yours, you looked up to see a wide-eyed Jungwoo. 
“I didn’t think I’d be doing this today, so my underwear isn’t exactly mood appropriate—” He says all too quickly for you to comprehend fully, “Just don’t judge me too hard.”
“They can’t be— Is that Mickey Mouse?” You catch the name on the waistband of his underwear, hesitating on releasing any more of the animated character for your eyes to see. 
“And I think you’ve just killed the mood,” he groans, his head falling onto the back pillow as his hands fall atop the couch cushions. 
“No, I didn’t,” you lean down for a kiss, rolling your hips over him, feeling that he was almost fully erect. His hands fly back to your sides, guiding you along as he lifts his pelvis to meet yours. “I think they’re cute but maybe leave them home next time.”
“Next time?” He mused, looking up at you through clouded eyes, a joking tinge added to his voice “What makes you think there’s going to be a next time?”
“Call it foresight,” shoulders shrugging as you look down at him, your head tilted ever so slightly “and you don’t seem like the hit it and quit it type, baby.” He’d slept over at your apartment before, maybe you’d had a few drunken makeout sessions but nothing ever this sobering, this far. In hindsight maybe you should’ve been nervous, let the butterflies in your stomach take over and calm you down. You’re not sure why you’d taken such a confident route with him, it just seems like he needed it. 
“Baby,” the word fell out as a whisper as you saw the faint pinkness of his cheeks in the glow that emanates from the lamp to his right, “Can you spare me any further embarrassment and just take them off already?”
“It doesn’t feel like you’ve got anything to be embarrassed about,” your hand brushing his away from the front of his pants, you sit up on your knees, “Mind kicking them off for me?”
He readily complies as you tried to maneuver without inhibiting him, you noticed him watching you, a hunger in his gaze that sent shivers down your spine. 
“Fuck— is someone else here?” You listen to the familiar sound of your front door unlocking; it doesn’t open but you can hear loud footfalls and an even louder voice talking outside of the door. 
“Sooyoung?” You call out after you were sure the voices had stopped, walking to the kitchen when you hear roommate’s keys hitting the kitchen counter “I thought you were staying at your boyfriend’s?”
“The asshole broke up with me because he wanted to be Holly Golightly. Him! He might have the astoundingly good looks for it but I think I’m a little prettier, don’t you think?,” The door of the fridge slamming shut, a rustle around the utensil drawer as she looks for a spoon. She did look stunning as the Hepburn character; you have to admit. “They’re re-airing that episode of Perry Mason if you wanted to watch it.”
“Jungwoo’s actually over so I think I’m just going to call it a night,” You say, leaning against the doorframe, watching her begin to dig into a tub of ice cream. “I’ll be sure to rant about your ex with you tomorrow.”
“You’d really do that?” A sigh as she shoves the spook into her mouth, “I’ll try not to wake you guys up when I get up for work tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Sooyoung,” a smile before you slip away and head back into the living room. “Alright Woo, it’s time for bed.”
“Alright,” Jungwoo pushes himself off of the couch, shouting out a ‘Goodnight Sooyoung!’ before ducking into your room. With his long strides he walks to your bed and subsequently falls into it as you turn to close the door behind the two of you.
“Don’t you want to change, Dr. Holmes?” You note his still costumed self as you look at his sprawling figure on the bed, “I think I’ve got your bed clothes from the last time you were here… Not sure if I cleaned them though.”
He huffs, “Forget it, I’m going to sleep.” He crawls to his side, blanketing himself with your duvet as you go into your bathroom to remove your makeup and change. 
You can hear him softly snoring as you exit the restroom, your face still a little damp and the scent of your cleanser tingling your nose. Sooyoung’s turned off the music in the living room, the garbled sounds of the small black and white tv quietly floating in under your door. It takes a moment, but you climb into bed next to Jungwoo, pulling the duvet up to your chin before you shut your eyes and fall into a dreamless slumber.
It isn’t sunny out when you wake up, you don’t want to look at your clock for fear that your alarm was about to go off and you’d miss the opportunity to sleep in a few minutes more. An arm draped over you, even in sleep Jungwoo was a cuddler. Normally you weren’t opposed unless it was the summertime and it was unbearably hot outside. 
“You know,” you hear him mumble tiredly, as if he senses that you’ve woken up too, “I always thought your apartment would be much more… bookier.” With the way his voice rasps with fatigue you’re not sure if he’s fully awake or half asleep. 
“What were you expecting? Books wall to wall?” eyes still closed as you pull your duvet closer to you, feeling his arm tense around your waist. 
“Kind of, something akin to a fairytale library,” his breath hot on your back, the hairs on the back of your neck raising at the sensation. “Like uhm— some Grimm story… Oh,” voice perking, “Can we go for that Halloween next year? You didn’t even tell me what you were going as until I saw you tonight.”
“You want to have a couple’s costume?”
“Yeah,” breathing slowing as if he’s falling back asleep agin,”Maybe Lucy and Ricardo, that’d be fun.”
The next time you wake up, the sun’s blaring into your eyes with an intensity you had never asked for.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” Jungwoo’s mumbling and shuffling around your room, sunlight was pouring in from your windows and he looked heavenly even in his manic state.
“What’s wrong?” Stifling a yawn behind your hand as you watch him frantically feel his pockets.
“It’s nine-thirty, We— I overslept,” another string of curses escaping him as he looks around your room, “Do you have a phone I can use?”
“It’s on the dresser.” You point lazily to the red rotary.
You hear the dial tone ring a few times before someone on the other end picks up, “Doyoung can you put my client on the line?” A pause, “Yes I know I’m late.” Another pause before Jungwoo speaks again, “Hello Mr. Smith? Yes, this is Jungwoo Kim I’m running a little late for our appointment, I’m stuck in traffic and if you could give me another— Huh? Oh, yes, of course. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Are you in trouble?”
“Only minorly,” he frowns, “You wouldn’t happen to have a suit perfectly tailored for me to wear, would you?”
“Can’t say that I do, why don’t you just go in what you’re wearing?”
“I am not going dressed up as Sherlock Holmes for this client, I have some pride you know.” 
“You’re literally wearing Mickey Mouse underwear,” you snort, “it doesn’t look that bad anyway, just don’t wear the hat and lose the pipe. Maybe the cloak too but it’s kind of sexy.” 
“Don’t try to tempt me,” he groans, buttoning and zipping his pants, “I’m late enough as is.” 
“I’d offer you an iron if Sooyoung hadn’t broken mine, that shirt looks super wrinkly now that I see it in the sunlight,” you note, he still looked nice though. He would probably look nice in anything he wore.
“Ugh, really?” Hands running over the wrinkled fabric he sighs to himself, “I’d say I’ve looked worse, but I normally have myself together.” 
“Good luck. I, for one, am going back to sleep.” You sigh and fall back into your blankets, not wanting to leave the sanctuary of warmth quite yet.
“Now who’s the baby?” He scoffs and you hear him tread to the side of the bed, a kiss planted on your forehead as you crinkle your nose up at him. “I’ll call you later today?”
“I’ll talk to you then.”
1964, Late Autumn. The rain began only a few minutes into your trek to the cafe, your umbrella weeping with the droplets as they roll off its surface as you trudge down the street. There’s a rumble in the distance but you’re not sure if it’s the local train station or thunder somewhere off beyond the city. Your other hand in your pocket, running your finger along the ridges of your shop’s key. While you know you’d locked it, you can’t help but have the underlying fear that you’d left the door wide open so that anyone could just walk in. Although you’re not quite sure what they’d take, a few blank notebooks don’t seem like it’d do too well in any sort of underground market. 
By the time you pull yourself from your thoughts you’re standing in front of a small cafe that felt more like a second home to you than your own apartment did at this point. The door swings open, you stand in the entranceway so that you can close your umbrella and leave it in the small stand upfront before you head fully inside. It smells like autumn, or at least the coffee’d variant of it. Pumpkin, nutmeg, and a few other scents you can’t quite pinpoint wafting through the air as you walk up to the counter to place your order. You pick out a few pastries as well and ask that they’re brought out when your coffee is ready. A hand to remove the paper-wrapped book under your arm so you can reach for your wallet, realizing then that the water had soaked into the leather. The wrapping paper now a little damp from where it’d brushed against your coat, you pick it back up as well as grab the receipt from the barista before scouring the cafe for what you’d come here to do in the first place.
Jungwoo’s dozing off when you find him in the back corner of the coffee shop. His jacket slung on the chair beside him, a scarf thrown haphazardly atop it as he leans with his head tilting backwards, pretty much dead to the world. Had the two of you not been frequent customers you’re sure that he would’ve been kicked out by now. But there he was, black turtleneck, tailored pants, and the cartoon bandages he loves so much wrapped tightly around his fingertips.
He doesn’t wake up when you accidentally scrape your chair on the ground when you pull it back to sit across from him nor does he wake when you drop the paper-bound book atop the table with a loud thud. Jungwoo does, however, wake when you brush your hand gently atop his, nearly falling out of his chair as his eyes open wider than you’d ever seen someone’s do. 
“That wasn’t funny,” he frowns as you snicker, glancing over to the counter trying to act as if he’s regained his composure, “did you already order?”
“For me? Yes,” you place your bag in the chair adjacent to you, shrug off your raincoat and hang it on the back of your chair. “For you, what is it that you get? Flat white, two sugars, low fat milk?”
“That’s it,” he hums, leaning his head back once more. It must’ve been another sleepless night for him.
“You should be thankful I’ve got an exceptional memory,” you frown as he can’t see you, he overworks himself too much and if you ever try to bring it up he brushes it off with a wave and an excuse of ‘I’m just doing what I love’. 
“You know,” he begins, leaning his head back up, opening his eyes to look at you. There was something shining behind them that you’d only seen on a handful of occasions; he has an idea and he’s not sure that you’ll like it, “I was wondering if you’d model a dress for me? Not for a fashion show or anything. I just think it’d look good on you.”
His gaze breaks from yours to look at the aisle behind you, you turn and see the barista coming with your drinks and assortment of baked goods. After a few repetitious ‘thank you’s she leaves and the pair of you are left alone once more. 
“Are you flirting with me?” An eyebrow piqued as you look at him. He’d asked you to do some of the strangest things before, going from the mundane ‘I think we need to get annual tickets to the opera just in case I forget your birthday and it’ll be a birthday present’ to ‘I swear to god if we don’t rescue this cat right now I’m never calling you again’. But it was two am and a shitfaced Jungwoo had thought that a raccoon was a cat as it rummaged through the garbage. That had also been the night where he’d serenaded you with his own rendition of Blossom Dearies ‘Dance Only With Me’ and Sinatra’s ‘I’m a Fool to Want You’; he’d broken down crying at the latter and you’d forced him to go to bed early. He only went on the condition that you’d hug him as he slept. It was certainly an interesting way to spend your first date together. 
“Do you want me to be? I’d say it’s fairly doable,” He winks as he drinks from his mug, blowing on its contents beforehand to cool the brew. 
A laugh, the brown paper under your fingertips wrinkling as you strain your fingers and push it towards him. It slides across the wood with relative ease, you finger partially tearing the paper where it had been dampened by the rain. 
“I brought you your book.”
“Unlined and all?” He asks as he sets down his cup, shifting himself forward to get a better look.
“Unlined, flexible binding, the works.” 
“You’re a lifesaver,” he sighs, taking the still wrapped book into his grasp. 
“I know,” you smile, watching as his fingers toy with the twine that kept it together. 
“Hello? Paging Ms. Bookbinder, you there?” Jungwoo’s hand waves in front of your face, suddenly you’re back in reality and trying to remember the conversation. You didn’t realize you’d zoned out that hard.
“Yes Mr. Reichelt?” You question, looking down as his finger’s unlace the twine you’d wrapped around the paper packaging. 
“Don’t call me that I am much cooler than Franz Reichelt, and less dead, for that matter.”
“Can you say that after you drink your coffee?” You poke jokingly while he eyes his mug with a wary glance.
“Anyway, were you even listening to me?” He leans towards you, elbows resting on the tabletop and a slight curvature to his smile that looked far too playful for the current moment. It stilled your heart for a second before you shake your head at him. 
“Not really, no.” You confess, sipping from your cup, “What is it?”
“I was asking if you would let me make a dress for you. I’ve had this idea in my mind for weeks and I finally got this mulberry silk imported from Lyon and it’s too good not to use immediately.”
“I don’t even need a dress like that, Jungwoo.” You frown, picking at one of the pastries in front of you, pinching off a piece before stuffing it into your mouth. “I’m not exactly the type that goes to parties where I’d need a silk dress.” You think that the last party you’d attended you’d worn a sweater and a dress from your roommate’s closet, nothing remotely close to what he was proposing. 
“You don’t even know what it looks like,” he pouts, “All I need are your measurements, you won’t even have to see the thing if you don’t want to.” 
A sigh, “Fine. When do you want me to drop by?”
“Does Tuesday around ten work for you?”
“I should be able to get Yuta to look over the shop while I’m gone.”
1964, Winter. The ringing of your shop’s bells draws you to the front room, your hands wrought with binding glue, you try to rub them on the apron you wear to rid yourself of the sensation. Before you can ask what the customer needs you stop in your tracks, head tilting to the side, “Isn’t it your day off?”
“It is,” Jungwoo’s voice is cheery as he walks in further, looking at the array of newly bound books sitting out on display.
“What are you doing here?”
“I can’t want to see you?” You fluster at the words, hard to hide the small smile that forms on your lips.
“I mean, you can, it's just that I’m working.” You motion to the store, to the few customers browsing the items.
“You’ve spent however many nights watching me hem skirts and taper jackets; I think it’s time I return the favor.” A nod of his head as he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “What can I do to help?”
“What the hell’s pincushion doing here?” Before you’re able to open your mouthm Yuta’s come out of the back room with a stack of books in his grasp, “I thought you’d be holed up in your shop by now.”
“It’s my day off.”
“And you’re spending it… here…” The thud of books landing on a nearby table as the skepticism in Yuta’s voice rises.
“He must really like you,” Yuta scoffs, going to grab a different selection of books off of another shelf. He turns to you and asks, “Can you grab me the leather samples from the back? I think Maisel’s coming in today and you know how he gets.”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” You shake your head and head to the back room to search for the swatches.
While he waits, Jungwoo notices a small web lingering in the intersection of two walls, the sunlight glinting off its strands having been what alerted him to his presence in the first place. At first, he thinks to sweep it away with a broom he knows is hidden away somewhere in your storeroom. You weren’t the biggest fan of bugs or arachnids; he was surprised you hadn’t rid your shop of it by now. But he can't find it within himself to brush the web asunder. It had worked hard to build and craft its home; he knew firsthand how difficult creating something from nothing was. 
“Her name is Jorōgumo.” Yuta had walked up behind Jungwoo with little announcement. The younger jumps, turning his head to look at the other. “I offered to kill her… him...? For her but she said it was eating the bugs and to let it be.”
Jungwoo eyes the fat-bodied spider, “Why is it named that?”
“It’s a fairytale from Japan, there’s a spider that looks like a woman. It entices men to follow her and then eats them while they’re distracted,” Yuta explains, the sound of the storeroom opening behind him.
“Are you bullying Arachne again?” You frown, handing the swatches to Yuta and looking up to the small web in the corner.
“I am not bullying Jorōgumo.”
“If I’m keeping a spider in my shop, I am not naming it after a monster.”
“And a heretic is better?” Yuta scoffs, tapping Jungwoo on the shoulder, “What do you think, Pincushion?”
“I’m just wondering why both the myths have to be women,” he shrugs his shoulders and looks to you, “Do you think you’d be free this evening so I can take your measurements? I finally have some free time to start working on that dress.”
“I think so,” a nod as you look to Yuta, “Mind looking after the shop for a bit?”
1965, Early Spring “Didn’t you already measure me?” Jungwoo’s hands hold a rolling measuring tape as he holds it up to your forearm as you ask.
“Yeah, but I want to make sure this is perfect.” Tape lowered; he writes down the number into one of the journals he’d brought with him to your apartment. Trailing away from that your eyes look to the bouquet he brought when he’d come over.
“What’s the deal?” Brow furrowing at the pink, red and white blooms, “You never give me flowers.”
“It’s a special occasion,” Beaming, he’s as bright as the sun. A jilted visage against the cool tones of your apartment’s interior. He looks up to you with a vividness in his eyes, “Your boyfriend’s going to Paris.”
“What do you mean Paris?” A hitch in your voice as you ask, a strange and warped confusion overcoming you.
“Taeil got me an apprenticeship with one of his friends, he’s going to be in town in a few weeks to talk about it with me and I want to show off the dress there.” He’s speaking at a mile a minute, a clear excitement as he beams.
“Don’t fall for some mysterious Parisian woman while you’re there,” You poke, still unsure about how you even feel about this.
“I doubt I’ll have time to even wander the city. With all of the workshops and sessions we’ll have. It’s going to be the opportunity of a life— ow—” he says as you gently hit his shoulder. “I won’t fall for some other girl, I promise,” He laughs and continues to take your measurements.
1965, Late Spring “Did you have a good time tonight?” The lock clicking into place as he asks, your footsteps falling on the floor as you make your way to his workbench in the center of what would’ve been his living room had he not made it into a makeshift workshop. 
You note the tools, the fabrics and array of swatches that litter his home, the pincushion he wears on his wrist as he works settled onto the tabletop. It’s as if the apartment is a representation of him, messy in ambition but persevering through the struggles as he tries to find the limelight of his own. A smile forming as he walks over to you.
“I had a wonderful time, thank you for inviting me.”
It had been a small gathering at the tailor shop, a small dinner with Taeil, Jungwoo, Taeil’s friend and Jungwoo’s future mentor Ten, and yourself. The entirety of the night you’d felt a knot forming in your stomach, the anxiety of Jungwoo’s future endeavors weighing heavily on your shoulders. You want to be happy for him but the closer it gets to Jungwoo’s departure for Paris leaves you feeling more and more despair at the event of it all.
“Thank you for coming,” Jungwoo’s hands find your sides as you lean your backside against the rough wooden edge of the table. “You made it all the more bearable,” smiling softly in the dim lighting of the apartment, he leans forward and places a soft kiss on your lips. The wine from earlier lingers on his breath, you're sure it does the same to yours, the darkness of the red already making you warm and your body feeling weightless, almost as if you were floating in a pool of water. 
You part, staring into each other’s eyes, a silent conversation before he’s leaning in again to find your lips. His kiss seems as if it seeks to steal the breath from your lungs. To devour you entirely until all you can think of is his closeness, the softness of his lips atop yours, of just him. The woolen fabric of his overcoat is rough under your fingertips as you move your hands from the workshop table to his shoulders, gently pulling at the cloth to urge him to discard the garment. His hands leave your sides momentarily as he shrugs the jacket off, the fabric falling and pooling on the floor at his feet. A metallic clang echoing around the space as he leans forward to lock his lips with yours.
“Jungwoo,” you breathe, soft pants escaping the both of you as you turn your head from him, your eyes trailing to the sewing scissors that had clattered onto the floor. Another rustling of fabric and you realize he’s discarded his suit jacket as well.
“Let it be,” a hand under your chin, guiding you back to the comfort of his lips. He presses himself into your touch, the way your fingers dance along the smooth cotton of his starched shirt, fiddle with the buttons and run your fingertips atop the small engravings adorning them. 
“Are we really going to do this in your workspace?” You look up to his darkened gaze, your voice caught in your throat as his own fingers move to toy with the neckline of your dress. Gentle, electric touches that have you reeling.
“Does that bother you?” His lips leave yours once more as he places soft, yearning kisses to your cheek, trailing down your jaw and then to your neck. He raises a hand to pull away the neckline of the dress to allow him better access to the apogee of nerves nestled at the point where your shoulder and neck meet. Teeth biting ever so gently that you would have mistaken it as a light graze had you not felt the sharp pinch. It pulls an almost whining sound from your vocal cords, causing your head to tilt to allow him more space to roam. 
Lips curling into a smile as he pulls away, his hand sliding from the table to your arm, then raising and gently pulling at your hair, “You didn’t answer me.” 
“God, fuck, no it doesn’t bother me,” you trap his lips in yours, tilting your head up so the orange glow of the street lamps outside shine into your eyes before you shut them, finding yourself lost in the entity of your lover. The slowest ministrations of your hips trying to roll against his, to seek out friction and closeness and the yearning of him to once again be a part of you, “Jungwoo.” Your tone is darker, needier, wanting as he presses his clothed self flush against you. 
A huff of air escaping you as he once again pulls his lips away from you, and then the gentle rolling of his hips against yours ceases as well. Eyes opening to find him looking over you, not scrutinizing, it seems as if he was rather admiring the picture that sat before him.
Head tilting, the presence of desire absent for a moment as he muses, “I think it looks amazing.” He hums as he lowers himself to his knees, somehow the softness of his voice makes you want to comply with every word uttered, “Can you sit on the table for me?”
Hands brushing against tulle and satin and a plethora of other fabrics you could care less about at this moment in time as you find your hold on the table as you move to sit atop its surface, your heeled shoes clattering to the floor as you do so. Jungwoo’s fingers caress your calves as he leans himself closer to your core, his warm breath making your mind conjure some of the most unspeakable thoughts. 
“I’ll have to let the designer know he did an amazing job,” you smile, involuntarily shivering as he slides his hands upwards, the hem of your dress inching towards your stomach the further he ascends. 
His face merely inches from your heat now, your hips squirming at the proximity. “I think he’d be appreciative of the feedback,” Jungwoo smiles, his face now obscured from vision due to the collection of fabric, you have half a mind to tear it off of you, not that you ever realistically would. It was far too precious. 
The rip of fabric, the coolness of the air hitting your now exposed sex, you whine in protest as he begins to slide the now torn fabric of your underwear away from you. 
“I’ll get you some more,” his right hand hovers over you, he uses his middle finger to swipe up the length of your slit, causing you to draw in a sharp breath. 
“Are you a lingerie atelier now— Fuck,” you begin to joke before he begins to tease your entrance with the tip of his finger. Your own hand moving to your breast, trying to fondle the mound through several layers of fabric. He slips the rest of his finger inside of you and with a moan you roll your hips to try and meet him halfway. 
It’s not until he eases in another finger and begins to languidly move them in and out of you as well as latch his lips to your clit that your vocalizations rise in volume. The digits curl inside of you, his tongue swirls around the sensitive bundle of nerves and your head finds itself lost in the euphoria of the moment, your hand falling away from your breast to find itself running through Jungwoo’s locks. He hums against you as your fingers tighten their hold, nearly sending you over the edge.
“Are you close?” You look to him, lips coated with the sheen of you, a tinge to his voice that straddles between curiosity and a carnal question. 
Hand moving from his hair to his cheek you can only nod, trying to roll your hips to the increasing speed of his fingers inside of you. His eyes watching you as you do finally reach your climax, chortled breaths escaping you as well as a slew of incoherent words and his name. Jungwoo can feel the way your walls spasm around his fingers and sighs to himself as he pulls them from you, wishing that it had been more than just his digits that had made you cum.
You sit up, a little dazed and a lot more aroused than you were when you’d first stepped into the apartment. Jungwoo rises to greet you, your lips clash together and you can taste yourself on his tongue as you vie for dominance. 
“Switch with me?” You ask, parting for air, voice whispering as your hands move to once again toy with the hem of his collared shirt.
And he does, backing away from you enough so you can land your feet on the floor and trade places with him. Your turn to take control for a moment, you feel the hardness of his cock through his pants as you tentatively palm it, trying to elicit some sort of sound from him. 
“Come on, Woo, I know you’ve got it in you,” you tease, running your hand up and down the etching of his member, slowly and meticulously trying to draw him out of his shell. 
“Have what—” he cuts himself off as you run your fingers over his cockhead, a low groan as if he hadn’t wanted you to hear it. 
“Have that,” you lean forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek. The taste of salt greeting you, the sheen of sweat on his face glittering in the lights dimly illuminating his apartment. You fall to your knees, sending shivers down your spine as the cool air that balloons the skirt of your dress as your knees hit the floor with a dull thud. Hands sliding up his thighs, you move to his belt to hastily unfasten it.
It falls away, as do his pants and underwear, you were going to mention the lack of cartoon characters adorning it, but you were too preoccupied taking him into your mouth to comment. 
Tongue running over the slit on his head, it draws the sweetest sounds from him, saccharine-like honey that drips from his moans and rings around your ears. His hand running through his hair, his other gripping the table as he tries to stop himself from bucking into your mouth as you take him further. 
Your knees ache from the rough floor, the pain not deterrent enough for you to forget about the wetness between your legs. Fidgeting as your head bobs up and down on his length, you don’t think he takes notice. Yet Jungwoo was more perceptive than he let on at times, considering his hand now rests upon your hollowing cheek. 
“Get up,” Jungwoo urges, his voice hoarse as he tries to gently nudge you away from his cock. “I want to cum inside of you.” When you do let him leave your mouth, a thin line of spittle trailing from his head to your lips you hear him sigh out again. It was so easy to get a reaction out of him, he almost feels like putty in the palm of your hand. 
The indents from the wood settle into the flesh of your thighs as he helps you stand and lightly pushes you back onto the table. His belt clattering onto the floor as he fully kicks off his pants, his shoes, and briefs. 
You wonder at this point if you should take off the dress, but as your hand begins to reach for the zipper, he stops you, “No, keep it on.”
He kisses you again, taking his hands to gently pry your legs open so he can align himself with your core. Lips parting, you feel his cockhead brush up against your entrance before he pushes himself into you, his hands moving to trail up the sides of your legs. Slowly, feeling every inch enveloping him as his fingers tighten their hold on the skin of your hips. 
“Fuck,” he moans, fully sheathing himself inside of you. His brown eyes meeting yours, tongue darting out to wetten his lips, “Do you need a minute?”
When you shake your head no you fully expect him to start fucking into you with reckless abandon as he did most nights you stayed together. But he doesn’t, instead he starts to roll his hips into you, not trying to fuck the life out of you, rather trying to gauge how and what made you feel good.
“Woo,” you mutter with half-lidded eyes, hands trailing up his arms and to his shoulders, your nails digging into the now exposed skin. It was sure to leave marks, but only small crescent moons that would fade away come morning. 
It’s whispered ‘I love you’s’ that fall from his lips as your forearms wrap around his neck to pull you up
 and draw him in closer, a thrumming in your chest each time he says it. And you repeat it back to the best of your ability, to find a constancy in him that hadn’t ever made itself presentable to you in a lover or significant other before. 
For a moment you’re able to lose yourself in him, to forget that he’d be leaving you soon and your heart along with it. You’re enveloped in the presence of him and you wouldn’t have it any other way, you wouldn't let it be any other way. 
Jungwoo’s thrusts become more sporadic as he reaches his end, one of his hands leaving your side and moving to your clit to try and bring you over with him one more time. You’re sensitive and strung out on him, legs tensing as they try to close, stopping around his waist as you press your forehead to his shoulder. 
He cums with little warning, other than his hand moving from your clit and back to your side as he stills himself within you. The sweat collected on both of your bows intermingling when he presses his forehead against yours. His breathing slows as he regains his composer, kissing you as he slides himself out of you. When he pulls away to slide on his briefs you land your feet on the ground with shaky legs, holding the edge to balance yourself.
Jungwoo turns back to you and almost has to stifle a short laugh, your face contorting to the feel of his essence leaving you, it was strange but not overtly bad. Just not something you were fully accustomed to.
“Let’s wash up, hm?” Hand taking yours, he leads you to his small bedroom, only stopping midway inso he can help you out of your clothes. He unzips the dress, the cool air of his apartment fully encasing you as he pulls the fabric off your shoulders. You feel his lips press a soft kiss onto the nape of your neck and he catches the scent of the perfume you’d applied earlier in the evening. The dress falls, pooling at your feet and you step from its depths and onto the hardwood floor. Before you’re able to reach for the dress, Jungwoo’s swept it up, already moving to hang it in his closet. 
The two of you shower together, reminiscing on a handful of occasions with him that you’d fully devoted to memory but also of the future as well. Jungwoo was excited to leave, every mention of it fractalizing your heart just a little bit more, not that you’d let him know, you just put on a smile and tell him how happy you are for him.
You borrow a shirt from him to wear to bed, exiting the bathroom while he brushes his teeth and combs his hair. While he does, you wander his room, looking at the shelves that adorn the space. Most books atop them are about tailoring or sewing, things that wouldn’t typically draw your attention. You then spot a few that are familiar, the bindings nostalgic under your fingertips as you trace them, no names or words that addressed their titles.
“I never realized I made you so many,” You muse, looking at Jungwoo who’s just exited the bathroom.
“I have been your loyal customer for a while now, you know.” He notes, falling into his bed and collecting the blankets, he pats the mattress beside him to beckon you closer. 
You fall back into the bed beside him after you saunter over, encased in the blankets for a moment by the duvet he tosses atop you before you look to him, “I don’t want you to go.” It’s a simple statement that carries all too much weight for those six words alone, they lie heavily in your chest, saying them aloud does nothing to stop that. 
“I know, I know,” There’s a hurt in his voice as he knows just how difficult it’ll be to part from you. “We’ve still got almost two months left before I go though, let’s try to make the most of it, okay?”
1965, Summer It had only been a month since Jungwoo landed in Paris. His French is awful, and he only knows how to call things pretty, cute or something lewder thanks to the teachings of his fellow apprentices. There are bags under his eyes from another sleepless night, a cigarette hanging from his lips (a terrible habit he’s picked up as of late), and the mute sounds of some song playing out of the bar he’d just crawled out of. It’s probably Bridget Bardot but he can’t tell from his position, not that he can understand anyway, he’s barely been able to comprehend his own thoughts.
His fingers ache, only nude bandages that are a little too pink wrapped around them because he can’t find the cartoon ones that you’d given him tucked away in his things. His eyes feel strained, tired, and pulsing from overanalyzing stitching and searching cloth for tears, pulls or other impurities. Montmartre was beautiful, not that he was able to see if often as he was constantly working. And if he wasn’t working, he was probably trying to catch up on lost rest.
This was his dream, a part of it though, the other half had you somewhere tucked away in the echelons of his fantasy life. Although he was doing what he wanted, what he loved, there was something about you being in absentia that had him feeling empty. He’d written countless letters but only signed and sent a handful, worried of saying too much and worried of saying too little. To you and his father, his father that had sent him on this path at a young age. ‘Make something of yourself,’ he’d said when Jungwoo was seven, ‘you’re too ambitious not to.’
If he could laugh at him now, he would. But his father was an ocean away, retreated somewhere in the depths of Jungwoo’s childhood that he’d rather leave behind. 
Yet you on the other hand, he’d written you what felt like every day and struggled with each composition. Jungwoo had never missed someone’s voice as much as yours, the gentle feel of your hand intertwined with his or even the sounds of your footsteps trailing through your shop. He’s supposed to be happy, why isn’t he happy?
The cigarette burns, the acrid smoke filtering into his lungs as he inhales, a plume of what’s left leaving him when he huffs out, the cigarette dropped onto the ground, smoldering away. Hand flitting through his knotted locks, the dampness of sweat clinging to the pads of his fingertips as he brushes over his brow. 
Most people had dropped everything to work under Ten, a certified maestro of their craft. And Jungwoo had dropped everything, not begrudgingly at first, but as the dog days of the beginning of summer and the end of spring drew near there was a rising anxiety within his chest. If you had asked him not to leave as he was standing at the terminal’s gates, he probably wouldn’t have gone at all. 
He’s been giving up more and more lately; sleep, adequate meals, a solitary living space. Jungwoo’s worried when this serpent of work will seek out to devour you away too. It’s not that he wants to let you go, but if he’s to make something of himself he might have to, as cruel and malicious it may seem. In that you waiting for him was burdensome, not to him but to yourself. While he’s off gallivanting in an ancient city you’re in your shop, was he just supposed to expect you to idly sit by and wait for him? He’s not sadistic enough to tether you down to the unknown.  
1965, Late Autumn. You’d come home that morning with a new record tucked under your arm, the words ‘Rubber Soul’ peeking overtop the paper sheath that the store had given you as you set it down on your countertop after discarding your shoes and jacket by the door. You hum to yourself, shedding your bag, reaching for the new record, and bringing it over to your player, Sooyoung’s worn copy of one of Billie Holiday’s albums resting on the platter. With gentle hands you remove it from the spindle, tucking it away in its cover before releasing Rubber Soul from its own and setting it onto the player. System turned on, you place the needle on the record and adjust the volume so the first few riffs of ‘Drive My Car’ begin playing through the speakers. 
Nodding your head to the rhythm, you set down the cover and make your way to the kitchen, noticing the small pile of postcards and letters you’d received from Jungwoo over the last few months. He’d been so busy he hadn’t really had the time to call or write a lot for that matter. But it wasn’t like calling was free, especially an international connection. With each new card that he sent to you, there seemed to be less that he wrote of and more empty space adorning it. 
“Hey,” You hear Sooyoung say as she exits her room, her purse in hand as she heads to the hall tree to grab a coat, “I’ve gotta head in, someone completely ruined the display for the winter collection.”
“I thought you were in charge of that?” A tilt of your head as she passes by. Sooyoung’s one of the floor managers of the flagship B. Altman some blocks away, and that left her unnecessarily stressed by the minute details of the store. 
“I am, but I let one of the new girls try and set it up,” a frown as she opens the door, “That’s what I get for trying to take on a protegee. I’ll be back around dinnertime, okay?” 
“I’ll see you then,” waving her off with a hand as the door slams shut, the sound of your friend’s key locking the door before the apartment falls into silence once more, the only sound coming from the next song on the vinyl. 
Stifling a yawn with your hand you head to the living room, plopping down onto the sofa as you reach for a magazine atop the table. It was one of your roommate’s detailing a plethora of fashion information, this seemed something like Jungwoo could take to more so than yourself. Before you’re able to get lost in the pit of missing him again the phone on the table next to the sofa begins to ring. 
“Hello?” Magazine tossed aside, you reach for the phone, pulling it to your ear as you lay reclined on the couch. Fully expecting a family member or one of Sooyoung’s friends over the line you sound a little more crass than normal.
“Whoa,” a familiar, achingly distant voice calls out, “Did I do something wrong?” 
“Jungwoo?” Eyes widening, your grip on the phone tightening before your brow furrows and you sit up, “Where are you?”
“I’m actually in a phone booth outside of Ten’s shop right now,” A short laugh, there’s something quiet about it, “I feel like I’m in some sort of film.”
“It sure sounds like you are,” distancing yourself from the line for a moment as the connection pops and crackles. Ear returning to the phone you feel your heart swell as you lean against your wall, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” He sounds apprehensive, as if there’s something ruminating behind his lips, but he was too afraid to say it. “I’m sorry for not calling sooner, it’s just been extremely busy here.”
Twirling the phone cord absentmindedly with your finger you shake your head, not that he could see you, “It’s alright.” The disquiet in his voice putting you on edge, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’ve been thinking,” He’s holding his breath, and you don’t realize that you are too.
“Ending this.” There’s a pause, a bated breath, and a clearing of his throat before he begins to speak again. It sounds robotic, rehearsed, even. “I don’t want to leave you waiting for me when I don’t even know when I’ll be back.”
“If you don’t think I’d wait for you you’re ridiculous,” A confused tone to your voice, you blink several times as if that were the cure-all to comprehend what he was suggesting. “Is there someone else?”
“God, no, of course not. It’s just—” A break in the facade for a moment before it turns static again, “You deserve constancy. I don’t want you waiting around for me when you could be happier somewhere else with someone else who’s actually there for you.” 
“Are you serious?” With the thought of him being an ocean away you could barely go as kicking and screaming as you wanted to, but you can’t. It’s hard to collect your thoughts with so many jumbling around your head. 
“I’ll get Taeil or someone to stop by and get my things,” voice muffled, there a small banging coming from the other end, as if someone’s hitting the outside of the phonebooth that Jungwoo was situated in. 
“No,” you frown, a heavy feeling settling into your stomach. “I’ll drop the dress and your things off at the shop.”
“Keep the dress, it was a gift,” his voice insists, sounding defeated and tired. 
“I don’t want it, I want you, Jungwoo.”
He would rather watch the stars flicker and die from their sepulchered facades in the expanse above, watch the oceans shrivel and continents shrink, than be the source of your privation. It’s as if he can hear your heart break over the line. It isn’t loud, it isn’t ear shattering— it’s a hairline fracture that webs out and settles into every fiber of your being. He knows it because it’s the same thing he’s afflicted upon himself. 
“I’m sorry, I love you but there’s no feasible way that I can—” he pauses, and you hear a voice tinned by the crackling line. It’s French, sounds angry and causes Jungwoo to speak into the phone once more, “I— I have to go. I’ll call you back later so we can talk about this, okay?”
“Okay,” the word is lifeless as it leaves your mouth, you hang up and pull the phone away from your ear as if you could still hear his voice after you’d killed the call. 
You are a bag of bones, skin, and whatever else deigned itself rotted enough to crawl its way inside of you and flourish. Amber leaves looking more titian as you leave your apartment, a muted tone as you walk the streets and to your shop. The lights inside aren’t as bright as they once were, sounds far too muffled by the blood rushing to your ears as Yuta asks you what’s wrong.  
1966, Winter “Try this one,” The bartender standing in front of you sets down another glass. He’d been talking to you on and off the whole night trying to get your opinions on different drinks he’d been concocting to try and get put on the menu.
“What is it?” Amber liquid swirled around what looked like a dried slice of orange. The whiff of something floral and reminiscent of anise hits your nose, causing your face to scrunch. “That’s not straight absinthe and cognac, is it?”
“Cognac Tesseron, Peychaud’s Bitters, simple syrup, and just the smallest taste of absinthe,” Carefully crafted and delicately handled you pick up the glass and observe it some more. “I’m thinking about calling it the Forget Me Not, but we’ll see what management thinks of that name.” Voice tinged with that oddly specific Brooklyn accent he turns to his other clientele, leaving you with the newest cocktail. Lips carefully pressed to the glass you drink, mulling over the flavors as you do so. After thinking about it you set the glass down, lips pursed together, it wasn’t a bad taste you just wished there were sweeter notes to it.
Alone. You sat alone in the dimly lit bar that denoted itself as La Fête. Why, you weren’t sure, but the cacophony of spirits mixed into the glass between your fingers was the only thing that had made you feel well the entire evening. Some comedian stands on the stage a few meters away, giving off a routine that wasn’t hitting as well as it should be. There’s muffled laughs and chortles from the audience in front of him, yet you’d barely heard a word he said.
“Mind if I join you?” A voice rings out to your right; you’re unable to see who it is until they take a seat next to you.
“Mr. Suh,” Eyebrows raised as Johnny turns to face you, “What brings you here?” You hadn’t seen him in a month or so, not after that had happened.
“Yuta told me I could probably find you here, and Sooyoung also told me about trying to cheer you up since the gifts she got you weren’t working,” A smirk playfully bouncing on his lips. “You look awful.” Hands folding atop each other as he adjusts himself in the seat.
“What makes you say that?” Scoffing as you bring your glass to your lips, taking a sip of your drink before setting it back down.
“Yuta did say you were going through something heavy.” His tone lowers, becoming more sympathetic and less lighthearted than it’d been a moment before.
The gentle ambiance of the bar around you, as well as the slew of alcohol in your drink, mellows your inhibitions and voice. It was the calmest you’d felt the entire night. “I just needed a break from all of this,” hand motioning towards your head. 
“I can understand that” Pausing for a moment he opens a nearby menu, perusing the selections. “I just came from a conference in D.C., aren’t you going to ask why?”
“Hmm, why?” You pose, head tilting as you turn to look at him.
“We’re acquiring some major stock in Marriott,” “Forcing a bunch of bigwigs to give up their assets is an adrenaline rush I won’t get anywhere else but there.”
“Sounds… fun?”
“In reality it’s just a bunch of stuffy old men with their own hands up their asses, “Although I guess I have to get used to it; I’ll be one of those men someday.”
“Johnathan Suh you will never be like any of those men,” sigh losing itself in your glass as you bring it back to your lips.
“I appreciate the sentiment,” as he closes his menu, he calls the bartender over, ordering some drink that sounded all too extravagant for your taste.
The pair of you sit in silence for a few moments, your glass now set atop the marble bar as your eyes wander around the warm, eclectic interior. “Are you merging them with that Canadian group? I can’t remember their name.” Snapping your fingers together as you try and recall. You look back to Johnny, who was beginning to take a drink of another one of the bartender’s creations.
The glass now moved away, and he frowns into the back of his hand; you wonder if it’s due to the alcohol. Head shaking in the negative he answers, “I actually left that partnership a year or so ago, decided I didn’t want any of ‘Daddy’s Help’ and tried my own hand at it.” Leaning back, he adjusts the lapels of his suit jacket, “And I’ve been doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself.” His confidence was a manic beast at times, but it never failed to make you roll your eyes. “What about you? Gonna commercialize your shop anytime soon?”
“As if,” You snort and look towards the darkened windows of the venue, “I’m perfectly fine in my shop,” Elbow resting on the counter, you lay your cheek atop your hand as your hair falls around your face, looking up at Johnny as your cheeks warm with embarrassment, “It’s all I can manage.”
Johnny laughs, it’s hearty and you feel your pulse rise along with the heat in your cheeks, “Don’t sell yourself short.” Shoulder shrugging, he returns to his drink, finishing it quickly while you sit up, rubbing your cheek.
“We’ll see when I get there,” smirk showing itself again as his fingers trace circles on the light marble of the bar. “Oh, weird, crazy question really,” His hand moves to his jacket, fumbling around one of the inside pockets for a moment as he searches for something. 
“Want to go to a wedding with me?” A piece of elegantly cut cardstock tossed down onto the bar, you don’t recognize the names scrawled onto the front of it in some pretentious calligraphy.
“Aren’t you dating that girl?” Fingers pulling the card closer, trying to recall the name, “Yoona or something? Why don’t you take her?”
Johnny almost chokes on his water as you speak, hitting his hand against his chest to get some air. “God no,” He coughed, setting his water glass down. “Yoona’s just a family friend, more like my big sister than anything else. If anything, my sister will get married before me.”
You nod your head in understanding, “Ah, is she still dating Taeil?”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t trust them to tell me if it was raining outside or not,” he muses. Suddenly his demeanor turns mischievous, you’re not sure how to properly describe it as he leans in towards you, the smirk back with a vengeance. “But why were you interested in who I’m dating? Are you curious?”
It takes most of your willpower to lean back away from him and roll your eyes as you scoff out, “As if.” He only increasingly gets closer before you put a hand on his shoulder and playfully push him back.
“And what about you?” Does he seem nervous? You hear a genuine interest in his voice, but you aren’t sure if you’re exaggerating it due to the miasma of spirits clouding your senses. “Has any prince charming come up and swept you off your feet yet?”
“Does it look like it?” Eyebrow raised, you motion to yourself, “Yuta told you why I’m here, didn’t he?” Frown settling onto your lips you finish your drink, setting it down back onto the bar with an audible clink. 
“He may have mentioned it in passing,” John mutters, finger rubbing along the rim of his glass.
“I haven’t spoken to him in weeks, months even and he has the audacity to send in an order?” You try your best to sound indignant, but the truth was that it’d felt like a stab to your heart to see the hastily signed ‘Jungwoo Kim’ adorning the invoice. Your heart had almost stopped then, you’d thought that you and he were, at that point, separate entities once more. “He made it blatantly clear he wants nothing to do with me anymore, he can go woo as many Parisians as he’d like, I’m over it.” Not yet, you weren’t. But maybe repeating it enough would make it a reality.
“You know what I think?” John asks, finishing the rest of his drink as you look to your empty glass.
“I’m not drunk enough?”
“I think you’re plenty gone. But I don’t think you’ve ever let anything destroy you this much, or if you have, I'm a terrible friend for not realizing it. And with that being said, I will personally take up the reins to try and get you out of this slump,”
“Any other thoughts, O wise and wonderful mood maker?” 
“Yeah, this comedian’s garbage. I’ll take you to a Lenny Bruce set one day and you’ll laugh your ass off.”
“I appreciate it,” a snicker leaves you. “Anyway,” your eyes move to your watch, checking the time, “I should probably head back to my place, it’s getting late and I’ve got an early morning tomorrow.” You rummage around your bag for a crumpled mess of bills that you toss onto the counter in front of you.
You stand and begin moving towards the exit when John speaks up, “Want me to walk with you?”
“If you want to,” pausing, you turn back to him and offer a smirk of your own, “it’s not too far away.” The two of you walk in silence through the winding interior of the bar as you make your way to the front entrance, you see through the large wooden doors that it is pitch black outside, thankfully the streetlights adorning the sidewalks keep things fairly visible. When the doors open and the two of you step outside you can’t help but let out a “Shit, it got cold.” 
“Here,” John shrugs off his already unbuttoned suit jacket and hands it to you, you can see the thin dress shirt he’s wearing, and you wonder how he’s not shivering himself. “Did you leave your jacket inside?” He asks as you drape the soft fabric over your shoulders.
“At the shop,” Standing outside, your toes on the edge of the sidewalk, your head cranes, trying to remember which way you’d walked here. “It’s…” you look to the signs at the end of the street, “that way,” hand motioning towards your abode once you recognize the names. “It’s about a fifteen-minute walk, I can always call a cab or something, so you don’t have to worry about it.”
“It’s alright,” His shoulders shrug as the two of you begin walking, “It’ll help the alcohol get out of your system.” Had he seen you stumbling on your feet on your way out? If he did, he doesn’t say as the two of you walk the uneven streets, pushing through masses of tourists and civilians parading around the city. It’s not long until the crowds wear thin, leaving you, John, and the occasional pedestrian roaming the streets. “I’ve always loved this city,” John muses as the two of you stroll through one of the many parks dotting the town.
Nodding, “It’s lively for sure.” Your hands move to close his jacket tighter around your bare shoulders, “I don’t think I could imagine leaving it.”
“Maybe for a summer home though?” John laughs, moving his hands to his pockets. “I remember how you’d stay inside whenever it snowed or went below thirty when we were kids.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, “I wouldn’t say it’s that much of a problem anymore, I’m just a big fan of the sun in all its glory, not when it’s obscured behind a wall of cl—” Perhaps you would’ve finished that sentence had the heel of your, admittedly too high-heeled shoe not gotten caught between one of the junctures of the sidewalk, causing you to fall forward. You feel a pair of hands on you, one wrapped around your waist and one on your shoulder, as the ground rapidly rises to meet you.
Eyes closed you hear, “Are you alright?” as you’re hoisted back up onto your feet, never feeling the impact of the ground. 
“I’m fine.” Once his hands had left you, you raise your hands to your cheeks, feeling the rushing blood warm your palms, “I guess I’m a little tipsier than I thought.”
John looks at you for a moment, and then down to your feet, “I think you broke a heel.” Finger raised; you follow it downwards to look at the heel almost completely detached from the sole. “Here,” voice quickening as if to distract you from it, he takes your arm and puts it over his shoulder so you can lean some of your weight onto him, “wouldn’t want you to fall over again.” After offering him a quick smile and a small ‘thanks’ of gratitude you begin to walk again.
After a minute or so of walking, the pair of you take a turn onto one of the main drags of the city, the cool air soaking into you. “Do you mind if we stop for a second?” You ask, thinking you may have twisted your ankle when you tripped.
“Of course,” the two of you make your way to a bench along the sidewalk, you sit while John stands next to you. It’s a moment of quiet before he speaks up again, “Are you feeling alright?”
You can only shake your head in the negative, for fear that you may explode should you open your mouth.
“What’s wrong?” He questions, sitting down next to you, his hand falling atop yours in an act of subtle comfort.
Everything. Your throat becomes dry as you lean forward and embrace him, unable to vocalize the horrid deluge of hopelessness and heartbreak washing over you. 
You had seen the shop where Jungwoo was apprenticing when you’d gone into Taeil’s one morning, it had been featured in some editorial that he subscribed to. Seeing that it was a beautiful boutique and was quite revered among local and international audiences hadn’t dampened the blow at all. Jungwoo hadn’t been lying when he said it was the opportunity of a lifetime.
It still hurt. You’d been selfish in trying to make things work, too absorbed in it you hadn’t felt him slipping away until it was too late. Yuta had sat you down one day and told you to shape up. Jungwoo wasn’t coming back and the sooner you realized it the sooner you’d get over him. You don’t remember how long you cried into his shoulder for. For the eidolon of him was beginning to fade now, the lingering remnants of it still striking you to the core whenever you catch a glimpse of it.
“I just want to go home,” you try your best to sound strong, hating that the veneer you usually kept was able to slip so easily. Pulling away from the other you move to stand, kicking off your shoes and moving to hold them before you begin to walk.
“Aren’t your feet going to get cold? It’s nearly the middle of winter,” John calls out after you as he catches up, unsure of how to go about comforting you.
“I’ll be fine,” your toes cold on the concrete, “It’s only a few blocks away.”
It’s silence once more as the pair of you two amble to your apartment, the windows dark when you approach, Sooyoung must be out again. A sigh leaving you, alone again.
“Thanks for walking with me, Johnny.” You stop, turning to your accompaniment and smiling softly at him.
“Johnny?” His brow raises at that, “Are you sure you’re not still drunk? I don’t think you’ve called me that since we were twelve.”
“Yeah, I know. But I mean it, thank you.” Your other friends had tried to console you but Johnny’s attempt had been the most successful so far that had gotten you to even budge ever so slightly from the slump you’d found yourself in.
1967, Summer. The sparkler hisses as Johnny hands it to you, the bright end flickering with every centimeter the flame engulfs. A smile on your lips as you look to him, an equally bemused smile gracing his face as he steps away and begins handing out sparklers to a few other guests. After the host finishes handing out the sticks a large chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’ begins to ring out, directed at Taeyong Lee. 
You didn’t really know the guy, but Johnny said he was hosting a birthday bash at a lake house up in the Catskills this weekend and it was a good excuse to get away from the city for a bit. It was a work friend of his, not sure from which endeavor but you aren’t complaining. Work at the shop had been far too busy to manage with just Yuta and you, you’d been looking at several applicants, but you had a difficult time sifting through the resumes. This was a much needed, and much deserved, break away from it all. 
Before the sparkler has a chance to burn down to your fingertips you blow it out and set it onto one of the porcelain plates atop the table in front of you. A small crowd had gathered to sing and with the rapidly setting sun it was difficult to see familiar faces among the crowd.
“Looking for someone?” A pair of hands placed on your hips as the question sounds out, the familiarity of it making you smile a little brighter.
“Just you,” You turn, looking at Johnny.
“Oh?” He questions, leaning in for a brief kiss before pulling away, “You’ve got that look on your face.”
“What look?”
“The one that means you’re thinking of something,” A sparkle in his eye, the light from the nearby dock casting a green glow onto the lawn.
“Just work things,” you admit, “Even if I’m miles away from the shop it’s still on my mind.”
“Work’s a sickness, isn’t it?” He mutters, “Well, they’ve already started to start cut the cake, want to head in and grab a slice?”
“Sure,” you say his hands leave your sides, taking one of your hands in his and heading through the lawn and into the brightly lit interior of the home.
“Taeil said he’d be arriving a little later, my sister’s ready to blow a gasket but, when isn’t she?” Johnny laughs as you make your way to a nearby table, grabbing a plate with a precut slice of cake on it before turning back to him.
“Is this from the same bakery who did my cake last year?” You ask with nearly a mouthful of cake.
“I told you I made that cake,” he says jokingly, grabbing his own slice, “And if it were, would you say yea or nay for them making the wedding cake?”
“Yea. Definitely, this is by far the best buttercream I’ve ever had,” you nod, “Although I do need a drink.”
“Amaretto sour?” Questioning as he sets down his plate, ready to go off and mix your drink himself.
“You know I can’t,” a frown settling on your lips as you take another bite, “Just water.”
“I’ll be back in a sec,” Johnny says and heads to the bar in the next room over.
You move out of the way of the other partygoers looking for food and make your way to a window that looks out at the road in front of the house. As you watch, you see the bright headlights of a car pulling into the drive, trying to careen past the other vehicles lined up there. It must be Taeil.
It’d been a while since you’d last seen him, having to mail his orders to him now that you’d moved shop locations. So, you head to the front door, anxious to see an old friend. The door opens with a swing of grandeur, Taeil Moon stepping inside with a clear look of panic on his face.
Taeil spots you as he enters, rushing over to you, “She’s not angry, is she?”
“Your wife?” You question, putting a finger under your chin in thought, “She’s only told half of the people here how upset she is, so I think you still have time to save yourself.”
“I’d better get in there then,” he sighs, almost brushing past you before he stops, “I should also tell you that—”
You don’t hear what he says, though. Because you hadn’t realized that there was someone standing behind him until they step through the dark entranceway and into the bright lights of the foyer. For a moment it feels like time’s stopped, the plate in your hand straining from the pressure your fingers now exert on it as you lock eyes with someone you hadn’t ever expected to see again.
It’s you who breaks away first, mumbling about needing to find Johnny while it feels as if your heart seizes in upon itself in your chest. Before you’re able to rejoin the party, you feel a hand gently grasp your arm, “Can we talk?” The question is quiet, almost lost in the atmosphere of the celebration as Jungwoo asks.
A strangled gulp as you nod, setting the plate down on a small mail-table before you brush past him exit out of the front door. He follows you wordlessly, from the gravel path that wraps around the house and to the backyard that overlooks the lake. You keep walking, wading through grass that comes up to your knees until you’re standing on the wooden dock, the gentle sloshing of water hitting the posts giving you something else to focus on.
Face green in the light of the dock light overhead, it beams around the soft fog rising from the water as you hope it would swallow you up instead of you having this conversation with Jungwoo. 
“You never returned my calls,” he says, standing several feet away. His tone isn’t accusatory, it sounds hurt.
“I kept forgetting.” Liar. Nails digging into your palms as your hands clench with an anxiety that hadn’t riddled you for two years. “And you only called four times.”
“Four.” Resolution in your voice as you try and stand as firmly as you can. The shoes you were wearing were pinching your heels and you want nothing more than to kick them off into the water. You turn to look at him, trying to stay as calm. “Would you have picked up even if I did call back?” A tangling in your stomach as you recall having Sooyoung answer the phone for the next handful of weeks after the two of you had parted, each time he’d called Sooyoung would say you weren’t home.
He hesitates, at least his body does, the words, “Of course I would have,” escaping him before he could prep himself with a more eloquent response. 
“You seem to be doing well,” It’s silent until you break it, noting the suit he was wearing was from a higher end retailer.
“So, do you,” a break in his voice as he notices the crack in your demeanor, “I didn’t see you at Taeil’s wedding, I thought he would have invited you.”
“My mother got sick, so I missed it,” you recall having to forgo the event last year. Did that mean Jungwoo had been back that soon?
“You still have the dress.” There had been a melancholy deep set into your bones that had lasted for what seemed like lifetimes, now resurfacing more and more the longer you look at him. You’d forgotten about what you were wearing, the same dress that the tailor had labored unknown hours over and that had been the figurative wedge between you and him. Maybe this was some deity’s cruel sense of irony. “I still think it’s one of the best I’ve ever made,” 
“It’s a little tighter now but it’s still one of my favorites,” you can’t lie. Be it from the laborious love that was sewn into every stich or the bygone memories associated with it, it was and still is one of the best pieces you own.
“I really was an idiot for letting you go, wasn’t I?” Hands shoved into pockets, he’s not sure what to do with himself.
“You did what you had to.” Brow hardening, a remembrance of the last time you’d spoken.
“Don’t say it like that,” a soft plea, he’d never meant to hurt you.
“Then how should I say it?” A bitterness you thought forgotten riddled within every word you pose. 
“You know I tried to visit your shop when I first came back,” Deterrent of the conversation, he looks across the water to the distant shore. “But it was empty, some guy passing by had said you packed up months earlier and just left.”
“There was a water main break, ruined most of our inventory and we had to rebuild from scratch in a new place.” You still remember the dread you’d felt that morning, walking in to find everything in shambles.
“With John’s help?”
“Johnny helped.”
“Congratulations on your engagement, by the way,” eyes flickering to the ring on your finger, the light of the dock glinting of the main stone. “He’s a lucky man.”
Jungwoo sounds bitter, you can understand why but you can’t understand one thing. “Why did you come? I’m sure that Taeil said that I was going to be here.”
“I don’t know.” The answer is simple, but there’s a heaviness to it that you can feel. “I’m supposed to be flying out to Milan tomorrow. I guess I just wanted to see you again.”
“Did you expect me to fall into your arms, Jungwoo? To take you back?” Lip bitten, you’re sure you were going to draw blood if you kept at it any longer.
“Maybe I did when I came back last year, when I’d tried to see you.” He frowns, “I think now I want to make sure you’re happy.”
Happy. It feels as if that word dances off of the water behind you, across the sound and into the forest. Were you? The encroaching despair that had taken aim and marked you when Jungwoo had left was gone, a memory overwritten by the years that had followed, by the people who had followed. The shedding of yourself that came when he left took a while but without a doubt you can truly say this is the most complacent you’ve ever been.
The door to the lake house opens some ways behind Jungwoo, the lights from inside spreading across the lawn in an obscene spotlight on the two of you. A silhouette stands in the doorway, it’s easy to tell who the figure is as he leans against the door frame. You smile as you look at the outline of Johnny, heart swelling as it once had for the other man in front of you.
“Yeah, Jungwoo, I’m happy.”
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jawritter · 4 years
When The Lights Go Out
Chapter 7
Summary: Life hasn’t been your best friend lately, you lost your job, and are on the verge of losing your apartment. Who knew when you decided to join a Sugar Daddy app that your best friend suggested ina last ditch effort to save your apartment, and not end up on the street, your first and only client would turn your whole world upside down.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x Virgin! Reader
Word Count: 2152
Series Warnings: Mob level violence, injured Dean, description of injury, creepy Godfather John Winchester, John is pretty much a douche bag, escort services, virgin reader, lose of virginity and all the insecurities and fun stuff that come with it, age gap (23 year old reader; 40 year old Dean), angst, unrequited/requited love?, language, smut, unprotected smut.
Chapter Warnings: Recovery from injury, Dean being cute and playful, Language, Heavy implications of character death, insecure reader, shy reader. I think that’s everything. 
A/N: Beta’d by @deanwanddamons! Thanks so much love!! Please don’t copy my work!! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!! It’s gonna be a little bit of a slow burn y’all, but just hang in there!
(This fic is based on this request: Could you do a Dean x reader where she is 23 and lives alone in her apartment, she gets fired and can loose her house, her friend tells her about a sugar daddy app, she makes a profile and Dean 40, contacts her, she is virgin and don’t offers sex, Dean is billionaire business man and needs a girl for his business parties,the reader is really shy, blushes a lot, they fall in love, he takes her to a trip and makes love to her on a private island, could it be a series?)
Want more? Check out my masterlist!!
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If you thought the first two weeks of your stay at the Winchester Estate had been long, the time you had spent since Dean’s injury had been even longer. Which had been roughly two weeks. 
The first two days after he came home nearly gutted like a fish was the worst. He was in a great deal of pain, and when the pain medication didn’t have him completely knocked out, he was very uncomfortable and miserable, refusing to eat, which in turn made him nauseous, which caused a whole other set of problems. 
Getting him up to go to the bathroom was a challenge all on it’s own. 
He was a great deal larger than you were, and it took a few tries, but after a few times you both seemed to have learned how to evenly place his weight in order to get him there as painlessly as possible. 
Then around day five he decided he wanted a shower. You had been just washing him up with a washcloth as best you could up until that point, but he was getting up and down a lot better, so you let him do it. After that, he seemed to start moving around on his own a lot better, but still didn’t try and venture downstairs, preferring to stay in the confines of your room, and just have the maids bring dinner up to the two of you.
By day eleven, Nick had returned to remove the stitches, which Dean was grateful for. They had started to itch a pretty good bit because there were so many of them, and that just added to his discomfort. What neither of you anticipated was the amount of soreness that would happen once the stitches were out, and that set him back another few days of mainly just laying in the bed. 
You had spent the majority of your time taking care of Dean, and you barely left the room yourself. You knew from Jess coming in and seeing Dean that Sam and John had gone to exact their revenge on the Campbells for Dean’s injury and attack. 
Dean didn’t really want to know the details, so Jess never elaborated. He said it was easier if he stayed in the dark about this, and honestly you didn’t want to know either. 
After about six days they showed back up, and said it was handled, and that you and Dean had nothing to worry about. You didn’t ask for the details, but from what you had heard here and there, it seemed like Samual Chambell was no more, and the Winchester clan and gained a few more members. 
One thing you knew for sure is that you were going to stay out of it, you had no desire to know what happened, as long as no one could hurt Dean again, that’s all you cared about.
You had learned something in the past fourteen days, aside from the fact that Dean has an insanely high pain tolerance.
You could really get close to someone in fourteen days of taking care of them.
For the first week Dean was depending on you for everything. 
Pain medication, food, cleaning, getting to and from the bathroom, and you had to be there with him constantly, getting way more personal than you had with anyone ever. One thing you learned pretty quickly was the man craved affection. 
Even in his sleep, he’d taken to holding you as close to him as his stitches would allow him to. Constantly wanting to touch you. As he got better, and became more independent, he continued to lean on you, as if he stopped, things would go back to the way they were, and he’d lose you. 
Thing is, there was no going back for you now. You had developed some pretty deep feelings for him, feelings you were pretty sure were always there, but you had just now allowed yourself to feel.
You found yourself craving his touch, even subconsciously sitting closer to him at night while the two of you watched whatever was on TV, or leaning against him while you worked, and he slept. 
That was the smallest of the changes though. 
It was in the conversations that the two of you had. That’s when you first noticed it. 
You had no one else to talk to, and you were with Dean constantly from the point of his injury, so that opened the door for some major bonding between the two of you, and by the time it was all over you both knew virtually everything about each other, even some of the things that were harder to talk about. 
The only thing that left untouched was how he felt about you, and how you felt about him. Today though, was the day that Nick would do his last examination, and clear him to go back to work, so you knew you were running out of alone time with him, and quickly. You couldn’t let things fall back into the same pattern that they were. So you made the promise to yourself that you would talk to him, even if you did die from embarrassment because of it. 
“So what’s the verdict Nick?” Dean asks as Nick checked his stomach for any sign of infection, and to make sure he was healing up properly. 
Shaking his head a little, Nick looked up at Dean with an apologetic look on his face. 
“Ya had some major damage to the tissues and muscles that line your stomach Dean, I know you feel better, but your at a place right now that it would be very easy to hurt yourself if you had to run long distance, or pick up something heavier than 30 lbs, so I’m gonna say give it another week; let’s see where you're at there. You almost died mate, don’t rush it.”
Dean let his head fall back against the pillow with a heavy plop, letting an exasperated sigh pass his lips as he pulled his tight fitted black shirt back down over his stomach. 
Nick could sense Dean’s aggravation, and gave him a confident smirk. “I can give you a bit of good news that might help with your rest of your sick leave.” 
Dean lifted his head, along with one of his perfect eyebrows as he crawled back onto the bed next to him, and Dean reached for your instinctively, making your heart flutter in your chest every time he did that. 
“You can start having sex again.” Nick said with a smirk, making you nearly choke on fresh air, and Dean’s eyes went wide with embarrassment. “I mean don’t do anything too kinky but..”
“Thanks Nick. That’s enough.” Dean said, and you hid your profusely blushing face in his shoulder. Nick chucked, throwing his hands up in defense. 
“Alright, alright, I’ll leave you two love birds to it, and I mean it Dean, take it easy brother, I don’t want to have to restitch you or worse.” Nick said, pointing a finger at Dean before leaving the room. 
Thanks Nick!” Dean yelled as the door closed, brushing his hand through your hair, letting you know it was safe to come out.
When you looked up at him, his mossy green eyes were looking down at yours, the old Dean shining through for a moment, mischief crossing his god like face as he watched you. 
“Well you heard the doctor. I’m cleared for certain..extracurricular activities.” Dean said, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at you, making you blush deeply, and return to your hiding place on his shoulder. 
“I’m only joking sweetheart, I know you’re not interested in me that way.” Dean said, giving your forehead a peck, tension filling the room again. 
“Dean, that’s not true,” you say, and at first you thought that he hadn’t heard you.
“What?” Dean asked, his voice filled with uncertainty, fear of rejection hanging not so far below the surface. 
“It’s not that I’m not interested in you Dean, that’s not it all,” sitting up and crossing your legs on the bed you look down at him, and his eyes were no longer playful like there were a moment ago, but they were cautious, and scared even. It broke your heart to know you were partially at fault for that, that you pushing him away had affected him so greatly. 
“Dean, when you first brought me here, and I ended up having to stay, I felt like I’d been thrown in jail. I lost my apartment, I lost my only friends, I lost the freedom to go to the damn grocery store on my own, hell I felt like I lost who I really was, we were so busy living a lie.” Shaking your head, you bite down on your lip to stop the tears from falling down your face like they threatened to do. 
“I took it out on you, I resented you for it, I shouldn’t have, it was wrong and I’m so sorry I did.”
Dean was stock still on the bed for a moment, before sitting up and wiping the tear away that had trailed past your eyes and down your cheeks with the pad of his thumb, his eyes much softer than they were a few moments ago when you first started talking.
“You know, you're not the only one that fucked up there darlin’. I handled this all wrong. I should have told you that from the moment you stepped foot in my car you knocked me on my ass, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I should have told you that I stupidly showed up to your apartment that night, intending to tell you how I felt, but too damn scared to do it. When dad made you stay, I foolishly started thinking about myself, and didn’t think about how hard all this was for you, until you pushed me away. Baby girl, I’ve been in love with you from the start, I’d give my life to protect you. I almost did. I don’t want you to ever feel trapped here, or alone, because I’m right here with you, and if you let me, baby I want to be so much more with you.”
Leaning in Dean brushed his lips against yours before kissing you softly, wrapping his arms around you. You instantly melted against him as he pulled you down on the bed with him, never breaking the kiss.
Finally when the two of you parted your head was swimming, and you had  felt safer wrapped up in Dean’s arms than you ever had  in your life.
“What if, what if we do this, what if I let you in, and you're not impressed with me, or find someone better than me, and want to get rid of me?” 
Dean brushed the hair out of your face before giving you another chaste kiss. 
“Sweetheart, I’m not gonna get bored with you. I’m forty years old now, I’m in this for the long haul. There’s a greater chance that you will get tired of being with an old man like me, and want to find someone younger.”
Shaking your head you blush and cover your face from him. He chuckles and moves your hands so that he could see you.
“Don’t hide from me pretty girl.” He said, his lips finding yours again, but you pulled back with a realization that made your stomach curl.
“Dean..I’ve never...I mean I’m not...Dean, what if I’m not good enough for you, you know, in bed, and you don’t want to be with me anymore because I’m a virgin.”
Dean placed his finger over your lips, stopping your rambling.
“Oh baby girl, that’s not gonna be a problem for me.”
Chewing on his lips, his eyes searched yours for a moment before the light bulb almost visibly appeared above his head.
“Say you will be my girl, for real this time, and we'll sneak off for a weekend, by the time we come back, I would have shown you a whole new side of just how close we can be.” he said, his hands sliding down to your hips, letting you know just where he was going. “Let me show you just how much I love you, show you just how you will always be enough for me.” 
Swallowing hard you nod your head, blushing deeply at his growing excitement as he waited for your answer. 
It was all the confirmation he needed. Rolling over on top of you and kissing you deeply as you melted into the mattress underneath him, you could feel the smile spreading over his face, and your heart felt as if it could leap out of your chest, and fly around the room.
This felt so much like a fairytale you almost pinched yourself to make sure you were still awake.
Forever Tags: @deanmonandnegansbitch @hayleeharling   @flamencodiva @deanwanddamons @rvgrsbrns @bi-danvers0 @onethirstyunicorn @i-love-superhero @akshi8278 @lyss-dw79 @magssteenkamp @lemondropirwin @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @spnbaby-67 @mrsjenniferwinchester @defenderrosetyler @screechingartisancashbailiff @thecreatiivecorner  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624 @busy-bee-angel-misska @justanotherwinchester  @brilovesdeanwinchester @idksupernatural​ @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @miraclesoflove​ @waywardsistershy​ @emoryhemsworth​ @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​ @softsebastian @tatted-trina6​
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