#read: i am oficially
cannibal-anon · 5 months
oh chickpeas.... my one and only true love. keeping me well fed in these trying times (smashes face on smoked paprika hummus)
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oysterie · 4 months
playing so much eo luminous the last few days i tetris effecting fish swimming in the corners of my vision at all times.
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starrycassi · 1 year
Ambrosius's (indirect) champion.
Find part one here
"It's oficial. You've gone crazy"
Ambrosius, who feels thrilled with his idea, scoffs. In a quick move, he drags Ballister down to the bed, pulling him by the wrists, making the boy's head fall directly in his own chest. Had this been practice, he knows he probably would've gotten a punch to the ribs in retaliation. But they are in private, they are just teens, and Ballister allows his boyfriend to drag him down.
"Don't call me that, babe" Ambrosius whines, while Ballister tries to regain some of his dignity by lifting himself up with his arms to establish some sort of distance. "I'll cry"
"Ambrosius, this is not funny" finally managing to get on his hand and knees, Ballister stares down at his boyfriend, frowning. "This is incredibly concerning and serious"
Ambrosius pouts for a second, and giggles to himself after giving Ballister a quick kiss on the lips. He is scared, oh, so scared. He wants to cry and run and scream and punch and the best alternative he has right now is to be pretend to be charming with his boyfriend, but every good thing must come to an end, and he has to face reality.
They sit down, again, in the bed, face to face. Ambrosius's sudden burst of energy leaves as fast it came, leaving him with a dull sense of... confusion. Nothingness.
"You haven't heard my plan" he tries to grin at his boyfriend, hoping that his eyebags aren't nearly as big as he feels them be. "Come on. Let me tell you, and then you can say no"
They look at each other for some seconds, and Ballister gives in, the second Ambrosius brings out his best card on the whole deck: tears.
Crying on command is a pretty useful skill to have, Ambrosius's come to find out. He doesn't go all the way out with it, no this time, but he knows his eyes are watery and his nose is red. Ballister looks away, groaning.
"Fine!" He resigns, throwing his hands up to the heavens. "But if your plan is "something, something, we win" again, I'm out. I'm so out. You're going to have to ask Todd for help"
Ambrosius gasps, offended at the barbarity his boyfriend just said. How dares he? The old "fuck it, we ball" plan has never let them down, but this isn't the moment to bask in the glory of all of their past accomplishments.
"Okay, so..." he starts, taking in a big breath of air. This is going to be long, and troublesome. Sometimes he's sorry for Ballister, who has to learn all of this things as they go, unlike him, who's been memorizing the rules ever since he learned to read. "The duels, right. Not all noble families train their kids to be knigths. Not all knights are heirs, either. If you have an older sibling or just aren't the favor, then you're probably not a heir. Follow me?"
Ballister, who loves learning about new stuff, even if it's nobility rubbish, nods along, "Follow you"
"I am the sole heir of the family, so I have obligations. You already know this. One of those is to keep up alliances and all that stuff"
Nodding again, Ballister chuckles a bit. Of course he knows. He's been there to witness every single event that's happened ever since Ambrosius finally turned old enough to go to balls and shit as an actual member of the upper society, or whatever it is they call themselves.
"We have many allies made by old marriages, debts, whatever. If one of them asks something of me, then it usually really just falls on me to say no. Unless they put up conditions"
Ambrosius licks his lips, grabbing his boyfriend's hands and looking at him straight in the eyes. How wonderful they are, Ballister's eyes.
"Now is when it gets kinda hard, so bear with me. Mom's been saying no to everyone who wants to form an alliance by marriage. Don't make that face, Bal. It's not really a lovely affair as much as it is legal papers, for a lot of people. But if all of my allies get along and decide to put conditions on me, then we're obligated to answer"
"That's so, so bullshit"
"It really is. Specially because, since we have so many allies, they usually never get along for long enough to actually make and write a demand, but I guess I'm just that hot and everyone wants to bed me. Too bad I'm already in love with what my allies would probably qualify as a disgraceful street rat"
Ballister blushes, playfully shoving Ambrosius on the chest.
"They would get a heart attack, don't you think? If they knew about me and you"
"They would get a heart attack if they knew I'm gay. They would get a heart attack if they knew I'm a tube baby because my mom loathes my dad. They would get a heart attack if they knew I eat chocolate cake sometimes. Don't feel special" shrugging, Ambrosius continues, "So, they are threatening to call off a lot of agreements and stuff if I don't answer their demands, which, like, mature much? Not my fault all of their heirs look like horror creatures.
So, Mom, being Mom, decided to have me answer with a tournament, because apparently she believes I'm Hercules or something. I would traditionally have to fight with every single person who asked for my hand in a stupid sword duel and bla bla bla, but that would take forever, Bal. So, they came to an agreement. People fight each other, and whoever wins, figths with me"
"That sounds... extremely complicated" cringing a bit at the lengths people would go for a chance to figth with his boyfriend, Ballister grimaces. Bunch of weirdos.
"I'm not some easy harlot, Ballister. You offend me. Of course trying to marry me is complicated. But, wait, now's where it gets interesting"
"Now? Just now? This whole thing is nuts"
Ignoring him, Ambrosius takes two pillows and places one if front of the other. "There are people who can fight me and expect to win" he says, pointing to one of them. "And people who can't but want the marriage"
"So, a lot of families don't have knights. A lot of knigths aren't heirs. Even if a family has a heir that would marry me, they could just be a scholar or something. All knights are nobles..."
"Except me, clearly"
"Yeah, well. Most knigths are nobles, but a bunch of nobles aren't knigths. Like the Queen and such."
"And this is important because...?"
"Because families are going to choose champions, now. Wich means, they can just find a random good figther who's willing to commit to life to me and make them fight. Mom tried to make it so only noble heirs could enter, but they said no. You only have to represent a noble family, and there can only be one fighter per family. Wich means, you can simply sign up and beat everyone up!"
He throws his hands up in the air, a pinched smile on his face.
"You forget a very small but important detail, Amber" Ballister sighs, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands. "I'm neither noble nor a heir, and no family is going to choose me as a champion. You might actually need help from Todd on this one"
Ambrosius suddenly comes to a stop, blinking.
"I would sooner kill myself than marry Todd Disgusting Sureblade. Never. Nuh-uh. Not even if we were the last two men left in the planet. You know how some girls swear they can switch gays guys to the other team? I'm throughly convinced that Todd actually has the power to do so. Leave me alone with him in a room and I come out both a killer and ready to settle down with a woman. Hell, we'll have kids, even. Don't ever joke about that, Ballister. I'm going to have nightmares, tonight"
Cackling, Ballister pretends to apologize, while his boyfriend rambles about how horrifying it would be, to be around Todd every day of his life, and how death would be mercy if anyone ever was to ever be on that situation.
Ambrosius finally stops, clearing his throat to stop Ballister from dying of asphyxiation, "With that settled, I would like to point out that my family can't choose you because I have to represent the Goldenloins. Not because I don't want. But there's still someone, Bal. Someone who's childless, a noble, and probably would love to help us out in this"
Ambrosius's next words convince Ballister of the fact that, yes, Captain Gloria surely drank too much whiskey while she was pregnant, because there's something deeply wrong with this man's brain.
"We're going to ask formal help from the Queen. And we're going to do it right now"
He should've stayed at that orphanage. Things would've been easier.
˗ˋ ♡  ˊ˗
Ballister fixes his shirt, and then does so again. Next to him, Ambrosius is doing a pretty good job at pretending to be calm, but his lips are going to start bleeding in any second if he keeps munching on them like that, and his hands shake ever so slightly.
"If the speech doesn't work out" he whispers to Ballister, while they walk down the marble corridors of the palace, "then you put on your best puppy eyes. Pout and all. I'm bringing out the waterworks. Ugly crying, if needed. Gloreth, I'll fake-faint if it comes to that"
Ballister's pretty sure that the speech they wrote and tried to memorize on the two hours it took to get here (asking for permissions at the institute, getting into a carriage, arriving at the palace, getting the secretary to make them the next meeting using Ambrosius's status) isn't nearly good enough to convince the Queen to get involved in this mess, so he tries to remember the saddest moments in his life. There's a lot. He definitely feels ready to cry and beg.
They reach the Queen's office (because, apparently, queen's do have offices) and are welcomed by two palace guards that open up the wood doors for them to come in.
The place is wonderful. Not rich-people wonderful, it's soul-crushing, life-changing beautiful, instead. Everything is so white and golden and blue and shiny and ethereal.
In the middle of it, the Queen is seated, smiling softly at them. They both kneel down, knigth training and actual admiration manifesting in the gesture.
"Gentlemen" she greets, placing her joined hands on her desk, and they stand up straight, standing still, waiting for orders, her orders, always ready to obey to her, "you may sit down"
They do so.
Ballister's bones are trying to crawl out of his skin, and his whole face itches with nerves.
"Thank you, for receiving us in such short notice, Your Majesty" says Ambrosius, voice full with feeling. He's better at the whole "being social" thing.
"It is refreshing to see young faces on the palace grounds every once in a while" she responds, in that weird way formal people talk when they're trying to say something without saying it. "And I am honored to have two of my best cadets in here today. I have to ask, though, as to what situation do I owe the pleasure of such a distinguished visit? Specially a dual one"
"The honor is all ours" adds Ballister, who doesn't want to feel useless in the conversation, even if he feels incredibly out of place in the dances the nobility follows when they talk, when they breath, when they live.
"We come here with a plead," explains Ambrosius, and he suddenly looks older. Serious, worried, solemn. His voice is deep, calm, "One that would benefit both of us, and for which we require your help."
The Queen hums softly, slightly rising an eyebrow. "What sort of plea my I aid you both in?"
"I don't want to get married" blurts out Ambrosius, straight to the point. Ballister asked him, on the carriage, to be honest with this. He knows how... creative the Goldenloins can get when they want something, and he feels like the Queen deserves the truth. Even if it's a slightly dramatized version of it. Plus, being bold will surely add to the element of surprise.
"Excuse me?" The Queen looks clearly put off at the words, loosing her elegant demeanor for a second, "Come again?"
Seeing her eyebrows frown and her vocabulary change so abruptly, Ambrosius clears his throat, hiding a smile. Their plan seems to be going well.
"I don't want to get married" he repeats, enunciating every word, "And I'm being forced to engage in an obligated tournament for those purposes, Your Majesty"
He gives her a second to understand the words, to take the information in. In those seconds, Ambrosius remembers that one time he thought Ballister hated him, back when they were twelve, and tries to pour all the sadness he felt on his voice.
"Of course, I presume Your Majesty is aware of how vicious and outdated some traditions are" quickly, he glances down at Ballister, who's also putting on his best kicked lost helpless puppy performance, "but I am still subjected to them, as a heir."
The Queen is the Queen, but even her can't change the rules that noble families uphold each other to. That's not what they want, anyway. She nods, looking worried. Bingo.
"That's why I want to help him" cutting in, Ballister stammers a bit, like Ambrosius instructed him to; for extra empathy points, he said, "We've come up with a plan. It's not perfect, but..."
"... it's the best we can do" Ambrosius finishes, following his cue.
Now, they both stare at her, identical sad smiles plastered on their faces. If Ambrosius is as good with people as he claims to be, then they already have her heart in the bag. They just need to get her brain on it.
"And how can I help?" She asks, and both knigths know they've kit the jackpot in the instant her voice comes out. She sounds so much like a preocuppied mother. Ballister feels slightly guilty, slightly wishful. "How may I aid you both, on this quest?"
"We need someone to sign me in" Puppy eyes. Puppy eyes. Think sad thoughts. "No one else but you can do it, Your Majesty. I am a commoner, and the families despise me"
They're not even lying. Most nobles do despise Ballister. They're just... putting some heart onto the delivery of the news.
"He's my last resource" Ambrosius is about to cry. Teary eyes, red cheeks, trembling words. Such an actor. "My mommy can't do it because she's my own family, and I am so scared, Your Majesty. Marriage is the least of my concerns..."
He leans in to her, even if it's only the three of them in the room.
"Just... just, you know, thinking about what someone with control over me could ask for, gives me chills," and, to spice some politics in, he whispers to her, "there's so many things my mom would give over for me. Money, land, jews... Gloreth, even alliances, or debts. There's a lot of power tied into the family, and if I'm allowed to be honest, I fear for what would happen if all that rested in the hand of someone evil. Some villain. Some monster.
It's a well known secret that the Goldenloins could match the royal family in influence, in power. They're probably a bit over them, if one were to actually measure the impact they have on the people, on the kingdom. Ambrosius couldn't care less about this knowledge, but the Queen should be able to recognize a threat when it's in front of her.
She blinks once, twice. Ballister makes a show of giving Ambrosius a handkerchief for his tears, and he takes it with an apology for his horrible demeanor.
"I see why you've come to me," she finally speaks up, eyes fixed on them, "and I am glad that you did. This is an urgent matter. I am deeply troubled to see you in this state, Goldenloin"
Ambrosius mutters a quick thank you, still "too emotional" to talk.
"And I am glad to learn that the bond between my star knights is as strong as the walls that protect this kingdom. You both are what keep my people safe, after all"
Ballister's never been so proud to be compared to a wall as he is right now. It's wonderful.
"To show you my gratitude for your hard work, I will agree. Ballister, you can fight in representation of the noble house of Elpis, as my champion. Any armor or other supplies needed will be provided, too"
Thank Gloreth and every single saint ever for Ambrosius's manipulative ass. He's so in love with this dramatic wreck of a man. Thank Gloreth and every single saint ever for Queen Valentin's tendency to go against tradition. He's so grateful to have been born under her regency.
They both thank her, deeply, multiple times, bowing their heads. Ambrosius even sheds some more tears and wipes them off with urgency.
Then, the Queen stands up, and they follow suit, ready to leave with their victory. Before they can go, however, she shoots them a question, one that they didn't come prepared for
"You both are aware, I pressume, of how the nature of your... bond, could affect this tournament?"
Stop. Pause. What did she say? Whatdidshesay?
They look at each other, completely out of track. This time, she is the one with the upper hand. And they're so fucked. Seeing as how their silence continues, she speaks, again
"Your romance" she clarifies, and Ambrosius's choke on his own saliva isn't fake. Ballister goes so red his face burns, and, out of instinct, he hits his boyfriend on the back to try and stop his death. He hits a little too hard, but it works.
"Excuse us?" Screeches Ambrosius, high pitched, "Our what?"
"You must be confused" says Ballister at the same time, feeling like a very dumb caged animal. They didn't plan this. He's got no idea what to do next. "Ambrosius and I don't-"
"We would never-"
"We couldn't even be together! I'm just some commoner and he is..."
"Don't talk about yourself like that"
"Amber, this is not the moment to-"
"I won't let you be mean to yourself in front of the Queen"
The woman in front of them chuckles, amazed at their idiocy. They both blush even more, if that's possible. They suck at this whole "pretending to be single" thing.
"You're adorable" she coos, and Ambrosius is ready to change his name and move towns, "You remind me so much of Derek and me, back when we were young"
She brings up dead husband, as if this isn't weird enough already.
"Surely, you know that if people take notice of this, and Ballister does end up winning — like I have faith he will — they could argue that the tournament has been rigged by the Goldenloins"
They look at each other, bewildered. They never even considered that possibility. The Queen chuckles some more.
"I trust you would come up with a way to deal with that problem, Mister Goldenloin. Your mother's always had her way with schemes and theatrical dramas, and I am fairly sure that I just witnessed one of your plans in action, didn't I? Was any of what you said true, cadets?"
Of course. Of course. Of curse that, The Actual Queen, who's probably been working alongside Captain Gloria her whole life, would notice. Perhaps they didn't plan this as neatly as they could've. But they had less than a day to come up with the whole thing, so.
"I really, really don't wanna get married or have to obey to someone" argues Ambrosius, pouting. "Specially to some older weirdo"
"And I really, really don't want him to marry or have to obey to someone" agrees Ballister, apologetic. "Specially some older weirdo"
After considering them for some seconds, she nods again, agreeing to keep her word. Seeing no point on subtlety, they hug each other quickly, to celebrate.
"We're going to give back every penny you spend on Bal in this whole thing, swear to Gloreth" promises Ambrosius, one hand drapped along his boyfriend's back, "when he wins, I'm throwing a party, and you are so invited", quickly, he adds, "uh, Your Majesty, ma'am"
She lets them go after discussing some minor details, and they beam all the way out of the palace.
"I told you my plan would work" Ambrosius puffs out his chest like a proud peacock once they're on the carriage back to the institute, texting Gloreth knows who on his phone, "We're irresistible"
"She only agreed because you asked her. No one says no to a Goldenloin, Amber"
Ballister stretches, already tired. This whole thing has been draining. He's so ready to go back to the institute and join classes again. If this carriages hurries up, they might get there in time for sword training before lunch, his favorite part of the day.
"Talking 'bout Goldenloins..." trails off Ambrosius, playful smile painted on his lips, playing with the phone on his hands, "what you say we go talk to my mom now?"
"Absolutely no way-"
"Too bad" he interrupts him, placing his hand over Ballister's lips, "already told her we're on our way. She asked to chefs to prepare us something tasty"
Fuck this kid and his lack of self control.
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ms-lirio · 5 months
i love may she’s so pretty 💛🤏
i was wondering what’s her relationship with her neighbours? i know u have an oc for argentina (i’m not sure if the oficial one it’s the boy or the girl version tho) but idk if u have ocs for the other countries so sorry if the question it’s too much(?
Oh my, thank you so much! I am glad you like my girl 🇧🇷💞🥺
The canonical Argentina of my universe is Elvira (her nickname is Eva/Evita thanks to a mutual of mine) and I belive they have the best developed relationship from all my OCs.
Elvira and May are rivals and besties and yet they share some interest for each other 🤭 but they're not in a relationship. None of my characters are canonically in a relationship.
I just draw Diego/Nyo!Arg and Mayara for fun cuz he has a super silly dynamic with May, which I find fun to work with. But Diego is canonically from Kauã's (nyo!Brazil) universe. They have a totally different dynamic from May and Eva. They're just stupid fanatic football heads lol sorta... bromates. 😆
However, I like drawing my friend's Argentina OCs interacting with May. Personally; I like the different dynamics they can have.
There is a phrase made by an Argentine sociologist to describe their relations: "Argentines hate to love Brazil and Brazilians love to hate Argentina", which I find so funny. I disagree to agree. But I think they both hate loving each other and love hating each other.
I call their relationship "o Samba e o Tango". Thanks to this music ❤
Argentina and Brazil had a troubled past of historical conflicts and regional rivalry. And they're still rivals to this day, mostly in sports, mainly in football. Aha. But also Argentina was the 1st country to recognize the Brazilian Republic (I am not saying it was good or not, this is a fact) and during the visit of the President of Argentina to Brazil (1899), I like to think Mayara took Elvira to the Jardim Botânico of Rio de Janeiro. And they shared a nice girly time. 🥰
Also, I remember reading a funny article saying that Brazil and Argentina act like a divorced couple and it made me laugh for days.
Mayara and Elvira: (based ladies)
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KAUÃ AND DIEGO BE LIKE: chaotic creatures
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I do have a Paraguay and Uruguay OCs too, which are important for telling May's lore. But I haven't studied enough and further of these countries for elaborating more of them; neither I am satisfied with their designs. They had very complicated moments with Brazil.
I may work on them in the future because they're important pieces to the story. And also, Mercosur/Mercosul gang. 😎👍
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I used to have a Colombia and Venezuela OCs, but I don't use them anymore.
I have a Chile OC too (I showed him already in two drawings)! I desire to write and draw a minicomic of Chile and Brazil. Based on a historical event named the "Last Ball of the Brazilian Empire". Yes, they had interactions together too.
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Trivia: I do have a Peru OC. But she never made an official appearance on here, aha.
⚠️ My HC is that May has a complex of big sister towards the other South American countries. She enjoys taking the leadership of things. And she enjoys helping when she can. But I don't think that the other South Americans got this same vision of her. Let's also remember that due to idiom barriers, May is kinda isolated. So, idk. It is sad, aha. May is not always aware of the other Hispanic countries' stuff, for example. She may feel distant from them, to the point she doesn't even consider herself a "Latina" sometimes (will elaborate on this in the future). But she tries her best to approach them, due to her leadership complex. It is too complicated to explain.
EXTRA: beyond borders of South America:
I don't have an OC for Mexico, but I would like to use a Mexico OC to interact with Brazil. They had some interesting interactions during their times as Brazilian Empire and Mexican Empire.
(If you got a nice Mexico oc, tell me—)
About Haiti, Cuba and Jamaica : Link
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fudgelling-away · 9 months
A post for 18+ only, sfw, just information.
Minors please don't interact, don't read, it's not for you.
Okay, the decision has been made. You can check out my Pillowfort for some overly sweet adult content. Available only for logged-in users. Warning: the amount of sugar is off the scales. I am not joking. Long-term exposure may or may not turn out to be dangerous. Time will tell.
I am turning off the comments there, etc., I don't want a big audience for that. I have a specific audience in mind, because a random undertale fan will just not get it and I don't want to deal with that. So, just Sans worshippers are oficially invited, enjoy!
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srtalking · 6 months
Don't compare me with Funamusea
Because my work has nothing to do with okegom and that makes me uncomfortable and frustrated
Even though I am inspired by their stories, it's quite demotivating and annoying to be compared to another artist
This warning also applies to other artists
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May have gore or blood
Sugestive or trigger topics
Bridgy Lights or something that makes the eyes uncomfortable
Can have other materials uncomfortable
If you feel uncomfortable with any these topics, please leave here
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For more information, visit my Carrd!
‼️ FANART ‼️
use the hashtag #SrTalkingfanart / #PrisonerOfTheOceanFanart or mention my @
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g-gurokisses · 6 months
ive been okay !!! truly lots of changes :P .. i found someone that actually likes me as much as i like him lol. we spend all our time together,, we both get jealous when we hang out w our friends but its okay cuz we js call right after. its like finally i am not the only one doing the obsessing..
its so nice it doesnt even feel like im obsessed!!! cuz so is he :P. at first i thought it wld just fade on his end as it usually does, and then i thought id feel smothered and want him gone but.. its been like four months i think and were still the same.
the only thing i wld change is if i could just finally make it Oficial lol. but, im waiting for certain things to fall into place for that first. still cant wait tho :3
i like him so much.. i love him So much. its funny, ive never met someone so normal yet so weird. he gets everything i say but he doesnt get it like i do,, but he gets it in a way nobody ever has before. he gets me,, its like he knows me yk?. i hope we get far, i dont ever wanna be away from him.
– く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
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Thank you for sharing this with me!!
Oh this is wonderful, just wonderful!! I'm so happy to hear that my dear! Success stories are always the best part of this blog! This truly warms my heart ♡
Doesn't it feel amazing to finally feel loved and understood, even when you thought you'd never get love? It's amazing!! And I hope anyone who reads this realizes that time and patience will get you far, everyone finds someone eventually!!
Frankly I also had my phase where I thought I was unlovable, or that relationships weren't for me. I even thought, for a moment, that friendships could replace relationships! People who have been following me for a while and read my posts a lot might remember that... Quite embarrassing when I look back now! Tehehehe~
Now of course, that might very much be the case for some, and there's nothing wrong with that, but for yearning and love-filled people like me that just doesn't cut it!
Now you know what it's like to have someone who genuinely loves you! Someone who needs you and is infatuated just like you! My dear beloved and I are often too much for the average person, but we're perfect for each other. I've never had someone be exactly what I wanted like that, and I'm guessing you feel the same!!
That is to say, I'm so happy for you!!! And I wish you both the absolute best, even tho I already know you're starting off by a great start!! I can sense this relationship will do wonders for you.
And for the rest of my dear lovely readers, don't give up! Know your worth, know how much your love is valuable and NEVER settle for someone who underappreciates you. Communication is key, but if you ever feel unwanted and unloved and talking doesn't work; Please, put yourself first. You don't owe anyone anything, and that inclues you too.
As someone who was stuck in a tiring and unreciprocated friendship for years, I regret not realizing how little that person cared about me.
Remember, the right person will never make you feel inadequate!!
But most importantly, remember that I LOVE YOU~ ♡♡
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orange-box-kinhelp · 8 months
Mod GLaDOS Intro Post
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Hello, i am mod GLaDOS (she/they/killer/queen). I will be taking requets from Team Fortress 2 and Portal. However i have not played/watched the Half Life games, so i will not be able to fullfil requests from it unfortunately. I can also fullfil requests from HLVRAI, Aus and even ocs (although the two latter will need a bit more clarifications)
The Services I Can Provide:
Icons (2 characters - 3 per asks, please)
Edits (Only of oficial art)
Playlist (10 Songs - Will be made on Spotify)
Tarot Readings (3-5 Cards)
Pendulum Readings (Yes/No questions)
Canon Calls are always welcome in this blog. My boundaries is that i won't do any requests on Weathley or any ships including him, Caveline and also any of the Tf2 Classic Characters. I'll be happy to fullfil any other requests you may have
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grandlovescheme · 2 years
Guys, I'm not saying I don't ship them anymore. Daemyra is literally my OTP, people would have to wrench them from my cold, dead hands, tbh. What I am saying is that I do not accept the last ep as canon (actually, the following ep, I must remember it's not oficially out yet hah). What I am also saying is that I need some time to process this lmao. I need to read a LOT of fics to feel like I know the characters again. And then hopefully, my muse will be back! I do have stuff pre-written, as I always prefer to have backup in case I can't write for whatever reason, and I'd hate to punish you all for my issues I'm facing right now, so don't worry about that.
I hope I eased some of your fears. As always, my DMs and Ask are always open. Love you 💖
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lufifer-morningstar · 2 years
i cant believe i am reading boruto...anyway, someone tell me sasuke is oficially going to adopt boruto at some point...because nothing else would make any sense
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luisamariatraumer · 1 year
I don't remember where exactly I read or heard this, but as I know, Johnny doesn't like to call his fans "FANS". He prefers to call us "Supporters".
I have known this for many years. This is the reason I don't call myself "Depphead" (I really don't like that word, even though I have used it in some posts)
I could not find the exact quote to prove it, but I found this one he wrote after the trial:
To all of my most treasured, loyal and unwavering supporters. We’ve been everywhere together, we have seen everything together. We have walked the same road together. We did the right thing together, all because you cared. And now, we will all move forward together. You are, as always, my employers and once again I am whittled down to no way to say thank you, other than just by saying thank you. So, thank you. My love & respect, JD
Source: Johnny Depp (@johnnydepp) oficial | TikTok
HAPPY 6OTH BIRTHDAY, JOHNNY!! (Yeah! I know is tomorrow)
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blnk338 · 1 year
There's oficially less than one week remaining until my big vacation! Like I talked about in my old ask, months ago - consider rwys downloaded and ready to be read at an altitude of 11km.
I'm still waiting a bit until I download bitw bc you hinted at an update, which I am on the edge of my seat for. 👀
bitw may come out soon, but im actually halfway done with the first round of RSR if you're interested-- that may have a better chance of coming out before ur vacation!
thank u for ur support and i hope you have a ton of fun!!!!!!!!!!
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uglypastels · 1 year
hellooooo i am @boiolayficrec lol i already commented on the reblog, but babe I'm here all for the coments on your masterpiece. I've thought of many possible future events, but I have the memory of a goldfish so I dont remember them all, but last chapter made me think that MAYBE eddie and yn met in the past and (i might be very delulu BUT) the letter that she read was for her, but I thought "uhm but how doesnt ahe remember him" and then my conclusion was: the hit her head and had amnesia or they were very young, but after today's chapter I think that the "him" Steve says it's Jason Carver who was Eddie's collegue at the royal navy or smth like that (they worked for the rich as soldiers idk the oficial terms lol) and that also "stole" Chrissy, who had some romantic envolvment with Eddie and WHO HE WROTE THE LETTER TO AAAA
Yeah maybe I'm delusional and you are probably laughing at me rn BUT IM HAPPY ILUDING MYSELF
Also bear with me coming here to bother you
You are lovely bby ❤️❤️
i would absolutely never laugh at any theory and its not delusional at all 😆 this is a fanfic after all, literally anything could happen. and i wish i could say more but i also don't want to give too much away for the final chapters but i mean....
and literally never a bother. i invited you in here, stay as long as you like
Chapter 8 of Not Wholly Evil - OUT NOW
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celemilii · 2 months
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am fernando alonso x fem f1 jounalist | single mother (i'll use Jessica Alba as faceclaim but you can imagine whoever you want)
if you want to be tagged feel free to comment! feedback, as well as reblogs, are truly appreciated <3
started: JUL 10TH 2024
currently status: on going!
next chapter
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Fernando learned Y/N's name before he could count to ten. Since then, they have been inseparable. Over the years, they have shared every stage of their lives: while he was running on the tracks, she was cheering him on, and when she was chasing her dream of being a journalist in the paddock, he was there, giving her his unconditional support.
There was always a spark that shone between them, something special that made their relationship unique, something everyone noticed, even Y/N's husband.
Now, everything has changed. She is newly divorced and heartbroken. No one, absolutely no one, would have believed that her fairy tale marriage would end like this, but here she is, a single mother of two teenagers and a child who can barely do division. Between her job and full-time motherhood, everything seems uphill. But, as always, Fernando helps to lighten that load a bit. He moves back to England and becomes the father figure the children need now that their biological father has decided to disappear.
As she watches her children grow up with Fernando by their side, she begins to wonder if the love she always sought has been right in front of her all this time.
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i. dress by taylor swift
ii. always you by louis tomlinson
iii. anything 4 u by lany
iv. slipping through my fingers by abba
v. your new boyfriend by wilbur soot
vi. old me by 5 seconds of summer
vii. pretty face by public
viii. late night talking by harry styles
ix. we can't be friends by ariana grande
x. friends by ed sheeran
xi. 18 by one direction
xii. you were good to me by jeremy zycker, chelsea cutler
xiii. style by taylor swift
xiv. best friends by 5 seconds of summer
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A LITTLE TOO LATE is a story that is part of the WHERE WE ARE universe.
This universe, written by Cele (it's me, hi!), RippleRicc and Vee (@vettelsvee), is made up of a total of twenty-one stories that can be read completely independently. Despite this, it should be noted that the vast majority of them are related, especially in terms of appearances of characters or events.
In the other stories Fernando's partner will be name as Lucía Valente!
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[1] A LITTLE TOO LATE is volume 7.5 of the WHERE WE ARE universe. This story will be unfold throughout 2023, with some flashbacks
[2] Everything depicted in this story is completely fictional, and any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. Similarly, the portrayal of both celebrities and original characters does not correspond to their real-life descriptions.
[3] This fanfiction will contain inappropriate language, explicit sexual scenes, parent neglect, and substance use.
[4] Although real-life scenarios from the 2023 Formula 1 season will be mentioned and some will be narrated, the majority of them will be fictional. I do not own anything related to any driver, character, and/or event from this world, except for any original characters and the entire plot that will unfold, which is entirely of my own creation. For this reason, any form of copying, adaptation, or even translation is not allowed. If any of these events occur, the corresponding story will be immediately reported.
[5] Constructive criticism is completely allowed, always with respect, as I am not a professional writer and this is simply a hobby. Likewise, votes, comments, and even feedback are appreciated much more than you think.
[6] English is not my first language so if you see any mistake do not hesitate to let me know.
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mega-patto-ato · 10 months
Borderline diaries: Entry 1 " I just want to be special"
I was doing so well, I think I got a big BPD crisis last September in Helsinki, and today I am having another one. Life it's so freaking hard, but why? Why am I feeling this way today?
Money issues? There are always money issues, money is easy to get, how you want to get it's the hard part. Follow your passions and you don't have to work a day in your life. Bullshit.
I was reading that being borderline means that you need to find the right environment to work, instated of the right passion, and that's so true. But what happens when your motivation is to be free? I don't want an 8-5 job. I want to be able to travel to D anytime.
It's so funny that last night I cried of happiness while meditating, thinking how wonderful life is, how lucky and thankful I am, and right now my eyes are itching. D ... D is perfect. He is everything I wanted and needed, and nothing but supportive.
D is also from Europe, and by experiences long distance relationships are not for me. And yet somehow I ended up in one. We are not oficial tho. But we talk about our future and growing old together. It's all so fucked up, and I don't know if it's my borderline, or those are real red flags. When you wear pink glasses you can't see them.
I feel this job hunting is turning into something to be with D, he hasn't ask me to do anything, I know it's me, I am following a path that I did before and I need to step out of it, and focus on myself. I think what it triggered me was that he offered me to become "legal partners", kind of getting married but not really.
I am very in love with D, I want us to work. I know we can, and I know him asking me to be legal partners is something to help us out is being together, but: A) Regardless legal partnership or whatever, I want to do stuff for myself, for my own ambitions, and I keep falling from the road to the one that is not healthy, doing it for "us", when in reality life is just "me", need to remember that.
B) D doesn't want to get married, he thinks it's too complicated, but he is open for the legal parter thing, which is basically the same, but only works in Europe, and it's easy to do. That's my problem... It's easy. He has former legal partners, for me that's a big commitment, and he doesn't see it like that. I don't want to be another one. If I am with him and I make any legal stuff with him is because we are in love, and for me knowing that I am not his first legar partner is hammering my heart. Not enough. Not enough for me.
I think it's that. I am pissed at D. and at myself, hahahahaha Should I just not interact with people anymore??? it's so hard, and I end up crying.
But another part of me, the rational one wants to think that it is my borderline that wants me to be the protagonist, all the attention on me. Feel special. thank good for meds and that tomorrow I have therapy to do.
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friend-of-wisdom · 1 year
It's winter vacations!!!
I have been academic responsabilities-free for about 10 days already! I have been enjoyed this free time with my friends and family, but also having some needed alone time. I've been to plenty of bars, watched so many movies at home but SPECIALLY at the theaters!!! last wednesday i literally watched 2 movies in the same movie theater in a day. And I've done the same two weeks ago too lol.
Though I am allowing myself to mess around, I am also reading a bit of philosophy. I used to read novels during vacations to forget ab studies and just relax, but nowadays philosophy is so much more important that I am not reading any fiction for this month. What I'm reading:
Microphysics of Power, by Michel Foucault
Neither Vertical nor Horizontal: a Theory of Political Organization, by Rodrigo Nunes (I've had a class with him before, he's great!!! I'm still im the first chapter of his book tho)
I said I have watched sooooo many movies! I'm not gonna list them but maybe I'll do a post about the movies I have watched this year or something later.
Anyway, I got my results of this semester! my overall grade is 9.7/10 which is amazing!!! I have decided the classes I'm taking next semester also. I'm oficially a 4th year Philosophy student!! time to edit my page and fixed post hehe
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