#re7 headcanon
komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
Because you asked: General romance headcanons for Lucas Baker (Re7)? Like, what do you think it would be like to be with him? Pre-mold and/or post-mould.
Ah-ha perfect!!!
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Headcanon/Preference # 26
Picture & gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
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| Pre-mold |
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• You guys went to school together, and you'd known eachother since the third grade.
• Although you guys didn't start talking until fifth grade, when you stood up for him against the new kid, who was a total asshole.
• He honestly fell in love with you in that moment, and for years he'd follow you everywhere like a puppy.
• Your friends weren't cool with it, calling him cruel names and such. Eventually you cut ties with all of them, coming to realize just how shitty they all were.
• Lucas asked you to be his date to homecoming, and he was practically shaking with nervousness the entire time.
• You both shared your first kiss that night, and you've been together since. Highschool sweethearts!
• Lucas didn't bring you around to his home to meet his folks for a loooong time. He wanted to keep you all to himself like the greedy guy he is.
• Eventually you convinced him to take you over for Christmas. He was extremely nervous just like at homecoming.
• He seriously had nothing to worry about. His parents adore you, and while Zoe was astonished you are dating her brother, she likes you a lot.
• Lucas plans on purposing to you within the next year or so after that. He already fantasizes about spending the rest of his life with you, but now he really wants to commit to you.
• Lucas has a habit of being jealous, of anyone that he might consider a threat to your relationship. (I.e. anyone with a pulse)
• He also has a habit of lying, but it's only ever about little stuff. It's just something he's done practically his whole life, and it's a hard habit to break.
• He'll either get super clingy when he's upset, or isolate himself with his projects. You never know which it's gonna be.
• He also has a hard time forgiving people, but you can earn his forgiveness much easier than most.
• Lucas is a dedicated and loving boyfriend, but he isn't perfect, he has his flaws, but he loves you.
• You're literally his soulmate, his one and only, his everything. And you can honestly say he is yours as well.
• Y'all are each others first time for just about everything in a relationship.
• Lucas buys matching promise rings for you both, his parents thought it was really sweet.
• It took a lot of convincing to get Lucas to come to your house to meet your folks. He was so worried they wouldn't approve of him.
• Jokes on him though because they loved him, he makes you happy and he's good to you, and that's all your family wants for you.
• You made matching bracelets for you both, and Lucas playfully joked that it clashed with his style, and acted as if he wouldn't wear it.
• He wears it every day, and refuses to take it off for anything. And he'll flip out on anyone that tries talking shit about it.
| Post-mold |
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• You'd been staying with the Bakers when that nasty storm hit.
• Marguerite had been trying to convince you to move in since you and Lucas graduated highschool.
• But everything changed when Jack found that woman and child in the bayou.
• You and Lucas had been cleaning up some of the debris, which Lucas complained about the entire time, much to your amusement.
• Then the yelling started, Jack and Marguerite were hollering incoherently within the house.
• "Go to the bedroom, wait for me there." Lucas instructed you, suddenly very on edge.
• You did as he said, finding the situation rather disconcerting yourself.
• Within ten minutes you could hear Lucas yelling, specifically at his father. "Let go of me old man!" Was all you really caught.
• Worried for him you left the bedroom, trying to find him as you crept quietly through the darkness. It worked for a little while until Marguerite caught you.
• You woke up later that evening tied to one of the dining room chairs. A whole assortment of unusual looking "food" strewn about the table.
• With some luck, and a perfectly timed visitor distracting Jack and Marguerite, You managed to get away from them.
• You crossed paths with Zoe in no time, and though you were leary of eachother at first, you stuck together when you realized you were both normal.
• When you finally found Lucas, you immediately knew something wasn't right. The crazed look in his eyes putting you on edge as he tried to coax you into trusting him.
• He swept you away and kept you hidden from everyone, including the little girl Eveline. He kept you safe, and well looked after.
• Despite his crazed mind, he'd never hurt you.
• You try to convince him to run away with you once, but it only ends with him yelling incoherently about things that don't make sense to you.
• He left you alone for a few days, leaving you scared and lonely.
• When he came back he acted as if nothing had happened, and you did as well, afraid that if you brought it up he'd leave again.
• If you thought he was jealous before, you are in for a terrifying realization, because even if one of the molded touches you, he freaks out and kills it.
• God forbid any survivor crosses paths with you.
• He's possessive and greedy, but he takes good care of you. And isn't forcing Evelines gift onto you.
• Lucas is sometimes surprised by how accepting you seem to be of his nature now. Even after all the horrible things you've seen him do.
• This just confirms to him that you truly are soulmates.
• Now the only question is. Will you accept her gift, and stay with him forever?
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*How was that?
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dollsizes · 5 months
innocent affections, ft. the resident evil men⎯⎯⎯⎯leon kennedy, chris redfield, carlos oliveira, ethan winters.
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leon kennedy thinks everything you do is endearing. you’re a sense of security he doesn’t think he’s ever had—the only flower that doesn’t wilt at his touch. standoffish as he may seem; leon cares. empathy runs through him rampantly, even if he hides it better as the years go by. to be so intensely affected by all the tragedy around him, also gives him the ability to love you completely. so, if you asked him about the habits you can’t seem to drop and tell him to pinpoint a favourite, he might just blank for a second. don’t take it the wrong way.
chris redfield is a whirlwind of emotions. vocal as he may be, he still finds it difficult to express to you just how much you mean to him. perhaps seeing the sky fall down on the front lines does that to a person—scares him from speaking you into the world; afraid to materialise the you he’s dreamt up in fear that you too will be taken from him. yet when you hold him, he’s the one that feels solidified. to be in your arms is to live there forever in just a few moments. chris redfield isn’t one for sentiment, but he swears he can still feel your fingers in his hair a thousand miles from you.
carlos oliveira, charged and filled with passion. carlos loves you like it’s the end of the world, which ironically for us, it just might be. he embodies ‘puppy love’—dotes on you every chance he gets. he takes comfort in the soft teasing and the gentler nights. his heart dies as he picks you up and spins you around the room, swallowing your laughter like he survives on it. carlos isn’t a religious man by any means, but how could you deny a god in the presence of an angel.
ethan winters. ethan is there for you for the long run—takes a glance at you and leaves everything else up to fate. (it should be noted that in this particular context, ‘fate’ includes excessive internet stalking and cheesy forum pickup lines.) so when he’s got you, ethan loves you like a meadow river. he walks by you to the end of the stream—dangles his feet over the cliff as he watches you fall and engulf the world in your element. even on the stormy days, who can deny the beauty of the sea?
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heraxic · 7 months
where is mia in your mold family au? do her and ethan co-parent rose (+evie)? i like to think even separate they still love each other but she wishes ethan hadnt fallen for a man who stinks so bad
im gonna make a comic about this but yes, they co-parent rose for sure, she stays every other week with mia. neither mia or evie would be comfortable having anything to do with eachother though.
in this au i think mia and ethan got separated, not because they dont love eachother, they just cant even begin to act normal after everything they went through. as much as mia would like to forget the past and be a nice happy family again it leaves a hole where closure should be for ethan. That being said, i still think after theyve processed the trauma and grief over their divorce they’d still care for eachother very deeply and go on walks when they pick up rose from eachother etc.
as for mia’s opinion on karl.. she’s very wary about him (he’s a prick), but whatever makes ethan’s happy (even if he does have terrible taste..)
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emfleaa · 1 month
My horrible, no good, very bad, terrible, awful Mold!Ethan design (or his mutation if he’d had one)
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clearly heavily influenced by the cleric beast from Bloodborne.
but I do actually have my reasons alongside the fact that I simply think the aesthetic fits well.
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To me, Ethan Winters is best signified as a stag; a deer. The cleric beast, while not being completely ‘deer focused’, does have notable traits.
Deer are often thought of as shy, meek, weak prey animals due to their herbivore nature. Though certainly that can be the case, other times it is not. Deer are powerful creatures, quick and nimble. Antlers grown by deer can be strong enough to puncture the body or even cause interlocking, resulting in the eventual starvation of the other male (as well as possible decapitation).
Deer can be dangerous despite their initial appearance. A deer's kick can generate an estimated 700 psi. In comparison, a human punch can generate around 200 psi. They can easily break bone, knock a person down or cause internal bleeding through striking someone.
Ethan is often a character seen as weak or lesser than other Resident Evil protagonists, which I think is quite ridiculous. Drawing the parallel of deer and Ethan being seen as meek is an easy gap to bridge. But both are powerhouses in reality. Ethan is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with, injuries or not. More often than not, he is injuried in some form during gameplay.
Deer, even being hit by a car can still kill a man by kicking him to death through the windshield. (If it survives the initial impact of course.)
His antlers, and by extension head, would be made up of a hard material- possibly bone like. Perfect for ramming, skewering and protection.
Fur, claws, fangs, Skin
As for the fur aspect, I’m going to explain that using headcanon power/kind of canonical shit.
HGT or Horizontal Gene Transfer is the movement of genetic material between organisms other than the ‘vertical’ transmission of DNA from parent to offspring(reproduction).
HGT is present within the games and it is quite literally why Ethan is still Ethan after he is made up from the mold. Miranda uses it as well, disguising as Mia, and even Marguerite Baker ended up as a chimera of various insect genomes intersecting with her own.
All this to say, I believe the fur would come from lycans. But how?? How, dear god, is that even possible if lycans are the result of cadou experiments, emfleaa??? This is where things get more headcanony if they weren’t already. The cadou parasite changes one’s body, altering them heavily or not so unheavily. We know that lycans were the result of the cadou not taking properly to villagers, yet they are still a result of the cadou itself! As for how the DNA would be transferred onto Ethan, my explanation is extremely simple that it’s frankly stupid but apt, in my eyes.
He got his fucking fingers bitten off.
Now, I’m not saying the bite ‘infected’ Ethan, because clearly it didn’t. But for the sake of my little mold critter, I do think some lycan dna was taken in by the mold making up Ethan as a sort of reserve. Probably through the absorption of the lycans saliva through the wound.
And hence, the fur, the claws, the sharp teeth.
The skin, as I could try to depict it, wouldn’t actually be skin. It would more so be like the texture of the Molded from RE7, made up of pulsing mold.
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Bloodborne is so fucking amazing and personally one part sticks out to me and really makes me think of Ethan.
Djura, the retired hunter in Old Yharnam says, “There’s nothing more horrific than a hunt. In case you’ve failed to realize… the things you hunt, they’re not beasts. They’re people.”
I personally believe this sentiment fits Ethan so goddamn well. Especially if he were to mutate at all, into a beast, a monster. He’s still a person, somewhere deep down (probably).
But how or why would he mutate at all?
BLAAARRGHHH if you’re here for non-headcanon explorations into this topic this is where you can check out because I AM NOT GOING TO CLAIM I AM AN ETHAN WINTERS EXPERT. NOR RESIDENT EVIL. I AM SIMPLY A FAN WHO LIKES THIS WHITE BOY.
I truly believe Ethan Winters wouldn’t mutate unless under extreme emotional distress. I don’t believe that extreme physical distress would trigger a mutation within him, as he’s unfortunately fairly used to extreme physical distress. (Hand cut off, leg cut off, hand cut off again, impaled so many times, thrown around like a ragdoll, etc.)
Because of this mutation during extreme emotional states, I think his mutation would be a bit different from the usual “IM KILLING YOU. IM KILLING YOU. I DONT CARE WHATEVER THE FUCK ELSE IS GOING ON, I AM KILLING THAT GUY RIGHT THERE” mutation. I do think Ethan is capable of reacting violently, no doubt. I think he would lash out and create problems, but I don’t think he would actively seek them. To me, Ethan is the best example of the human will to survive.
I believe his mutation would prioritize survival over anything else. Doing whatever he needs to do to survive, no matter the cost, while staying safe.
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I think on the chart of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Mold!Ethan would simply want the basic needs. While Ethan himself would want all of them, as is human nature.
Mold!Ethan would not seek violence, unless provoked I believe. (Which would probably happen anyways considering the conditions needed for this mutation to arise to begin with.)
What’s with the eyes/red marks?
On the topic of his eyes, you’re probably thinking, uh, where the fuck are they or why are they closed. Both great questions. My answers?
His eyes are on his face, they’re pretty massive. I imagine that he’d have them closed most of the time, as seeing through such large eyes would be incredibly overwhelming, possibly painful. Once more, I believe he’d only open them out of necessity, or extreme distress.
He’s got those big bulgy eyes like a dog or a rat boggling. (Eye colors were inspired by Jack Baker’s mutated form in the boathouse.)
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The red marks along the skin are scarring; I just made them red as a sort of undertone glow that some mutations in the series have. I tried to depict most of his more severe/memorable injuries through the scars left behind, including the exclusion of his two eaten fingers.
Okay that was a lot. Anything else?
yeah uhhh here’s molded Ethan freakin out I imagine him to be like one of those really nervous shaky chihuahuas despite being incredibly tall if he stood up straight (though he quite feasibly can’t, he wouldn’t be able to support his weight)
there’s a whole bunch of shit else but that simply delves into my headcanons of Ethan himself, and idk about exploring them too much here haha, I’m already nervous enough as is with my silly ideas
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if you read this far you can smoke a fat one with mold!ethan my thanks to you
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kittycatlukey · 1 year
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“Let’s Keep This Between Us”
Note: Leon is your older brother’s best friend.
Leon Kennedy x Female Reader
Part 1 of 1
Tagging @alewesker ❤️
TW: Mentions of death, alcohol usage, language, NSFW situations (smut)‼️
You had walked into your older brother’s house to visit like you did every Friday after work. You were an RN that worked five days a week. Every Friday, you, your brother Parker, and his best friend Leon Kennedy would spend the evening at your sibling’s house, drinking, playing pool, video games, going swimming, watching baseball and whatnot. It was a great way to spend time with the two people that you cared most about in the world and helped you wind down after a long work week of saving patients.
Both your parents had died seven years ago in a car accident that was caused by a drunk driver. Even though when it happened you and your brother were considered young adults, you both were young and lost. But Leon helped you two along the way, never leaving you or your brother’s side. He was like family. Leon was your brother’s best friend since kindergarten, and that never changed. So you all have known each other your whole lives.
Shutting the front door and kicking off your shoes, leaving them by the front door, you heard a shout that belonged to Parker sounding from the living room.
“Ah shit! Grand slam by fucking Mike Trout!” He yelled in frustration, gripping his beer bottle tightly, his knuckles turning white. “The Reds are better than that! We’re down by THREE runs?! How the hell did that happen?!”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, your headache slowly beginning to worsen, “Shut up, Parker. I love the Reds, but right now I don’t care. I’ve already had a rough fucking day. That’s enough of your damn screaming.” The living room could be seen upon entering the house. You could see Leon and Parker sitting beside each other watching the baseball game.
“What happened, Y/N?” Leon’s head turned around to look at you, asking with concern. “Are you okay?” He immediately stood up from the leather couch and made his way to you, worry evident in his icy blue orbs.
“You good, lil sis?” Parker questioned from the couch, his attention instantly focusing on you.
“I’m fine, but one of my patients wasn’t. He was just a kid. He… coded. The poor kid survived… barely. I— I had to do CPR until a few other nurses and doctors came in to help me. But we saved him.” You paused at some parts, tears threatening to fall down your face.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. Come here.” Leon spoke gently, enveloping you in a comforting, warm hug.
As your arms were wrapped around his abdomen, his arms were wrapped around your waist, the smell of him instantly traveling to your nose. Leon’s familiar, masculine cologne always seemed to soothe you. The tears were stinging your eyes but eventually went away. It was weird the calming effect Leon had on you, but it worked.
“You saved that kid, Y/N. I’m proud of you. I know that wasn’t easy to do.” Leon stated confidently, his low voice close to your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“Thank you, Leon… For always being here for me… Reassuring me. You’re a good friend.” You thanked him with a small smile after pulling away.
Leon’s pretty white teeth were formed in a bright smile as he spoke to you. “You don’t have to thank me for that, Y/N. I want to be there for you and Parker anytime you need me. You and him have always been there for me too.”
“Yeah, I agree with Leon.” Parker added, patting you on the back. “You’re a really good nurse, lil sis. That kid was lucky to have you there… It sounds like you need something to take your mind off of things. And I know just the thing. Wait here… I’ll be back with some stronger shit.” Parker slapped your arm playfully before he slipped on his shoes and car keys, leaving you and Leon alone.
“Wonder what your brother has in mind.” Leon laughed, shaking his head, resulting in his brown hair swaying cutely.
“No idea. But it’s probably not good.” You smirked while rolling your eyes. “My headache is slowly becoming worse. A few beers would’ve helped. I need something— anything— to take my mind off it. Right now. I can’t wait for him to get back. You got anymore beers left? I need to get drunk asap.” You rubbed your temples with your eyes closed, attempting to ease the throbbing pain.
“I have something in mind.” Leon spoke lowly, something foreign in his voice.
At his words, your eyes snapped open. The way his words left his mouth seductively, along with the huskiness of his voice. And all you could think was “Is he flirting with me?” You gulped at his sudden straightforwardness. It was odd. He had never spoken to you in that way before. And you’d be embarrassed to admit that it kind of turned you on. But then you wondered if it was all the alcohol talking.
“Leon, you’re just drunk. You’re not thinking clearly. We can watch the game until Parker comes back.” You tried to avoid his ocean eyes as you took his large hand in yours and led him to the living room to watch the Reds v. Angels game.
Leon chuckled at you. “No, I’m not drunk. I haven’t drank anything. I’m completely sober.” He admitted.
You raised an eyebrow realizing he was telling the truth. He wasn’t swaying or stumbling when he walked and he wasn’t slurring over his words. “Okay. So what’re you talking about?”
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, beautiful.” Leon said, his voice deep as he placed his hands on your hips.
“Leon, what’s gotten into you?” You questioned, a slight blush on your cheeks while your heart fluttered. “Are— are you…”
“Shhh. Let me make you feel good.” Leon grazed his lips over the side of your neck as you tensed up in anxiousness. “I’ve liked you for a really long time, Y/N. I think it’s about time you know.”
You gulped once again at his words. “Y-You have?”
Leon smirked against your neck, “Mmhmm. Let’s keep this between us. For now at least. I don’t want Parker to murder me.”
You nodded in response, knowing you wouldn’t be able to form a coherent answer. You had a crush on Leon for a long long time, and you never knew that he knew. You didn’t tell him and you didn’t tell your brother either. So you had no idea how he knew. You guessed you weren’t so subtle with your actions and the way you looked at him. But at that moment, that was at the back of your mind. All you wanted was Leon’s lips on yours.
You wondered where this newfound confidence had came from as you placed your hands on his cheeks and led his lips to yours. The kiss started off slow, passionate, and sweet, causing butterflies in your stomach. The way you felt at that moment was like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. Your past relationships have never given you this feeling before, and you believe that nobody could compare to the man in front of you.
As your lips moved in sync, Leon’s hands roamed your body. His hands were first on your cheeks but went down to your shoulders, then traveled to your chest, next to your waist, then your hips, then he started squeezing your ass. You squealed when he made contact with your bottom, causing him to chuckle in the kiss. Your tongues fought for dominance and his won before he pulled away reluctantly. Leon’s hands then went to the back of your thighs.
You jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist as he secured you. Both of his hands lifting you up by your thighs. Your lips were on each other’s again while he carried you to the couch, laying you on your back. Leon was on top of you as his lips moved from your lips to your necks, leaving bruises behind.
“Way to go for being subtle.” You joked as he continued leaving hot, wet kisses on your neck, leaving behind hickeys already beginning to form.
“I can’t help myself, Y/N. Plus, Parker will be too drunk to notice.” Leon smiled slyly before taking off his shirt, showing off his muscular upper body.
“Damn. I could never get tired of seeing that.” You but your bottom lip, gazing at his body lustfully.
Leon grinned at that while he took his pants off throwing it across the room. “This body’s all yours… Now it’s your turn, princess.” He helped you take your scrubs off, along with your undergarments. And then you were completely at his mercy. “I could never get tired of seeing you like this. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
His words made you blush. “Leon, I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?” Leon asked, making sure you actually wanted him.
You nodded in response, “Yes, Leon. I need you.”
Leon’s eyes had darkened immediately at your words. “Your wish is my command.” He began to tug his boxers off, his dick springing out from the confined fabric.
He was bigger and thicker than you would’ve thought. Leon’s boxers were on the ground before you knew it. It was red and standing tall, intimidating you. It was definitely the largest you had been with. You wondered if it would even fit inside you.
“Hey, if you don’t want me, I understand.” Leon said, worry filling his eyes. His darker than normal orbs were boring into yours. “You can stop me right now. Anytime.”
“No. No. That’s the last thing I’d want… Leon, I want you so bad.” You admitted, almost pleadingly. “Do you want me?” You asked, worried about his answer.
“Of course I do.”
“What are you waiting on?” You questioned, and without any warning, his thumb went to your clit and you gasped at his touch. Leon was rubbing your bud in circular motions and you felt like you were on cloud nine already. And he inserted his middle finger, then his ring finger, following his index finger. “Oh fuck, Leon.” You moaned over and over again at his expertise.
“You’re so wet. All for me.” He continued to keep a quick pace with his skillful digits. And pretty soon, you came hard on his fingers. He rode out your high and pulled his digits out, licking and sucking his fingers clean. “Goddamn, you taste divine.”
And with that, Leon kissed you passionately, making you taste yourself. Once he pulled away, he jerked himself off a few times, leaking pre-cum on your stomach. “You ready, baby?”
You nodded, unsure if you’d be able to form any coherent words. He once again left you speechless.
With no hesitation, he entered you, and all you could see were stars. Leon grabbed your legs and laid them atop his shoulders so he had better access to you. Your eyes rolled back into your head in pleasure. “Leon, oh my god.”
“Love to fill you up.” He murmured as he first started at a slow pace and worked his way faster, making sure not to hurt you and to make sure your comfort and pleasure was at its peak. “Shit, you feel so good around my cock.”
Leon rammed into you over and over again as you moved your hips along with his. And soon ecstasy overcame you once again. You came harder than you ever came before and all you could see was white as your pussy convulsed around him. He grunted in pure bliss. You cumming on his cock made him cum deep inside you. And when he pulled out, some of his seed tried escaping but he shoved it all back inside you with his fingers.
“Fuck, that’s so hot, Y/N.” Leon groaned, as he laid on top of you, kissing your sweaty forehead. He was sweaty as well because his hair was sticking to his forehead and cheeks. “I’ve wanted to do this with you for so long.”
“So have I.” You told him truthfully as you raked your finger through his hair.
Time must’ve gotten away from the two of you because you heard the front door open…
This was my first time writing about Leon Kennedy. And I apologize, I’m not the best at writing, but I enjoy it. Please go easy on me, I haven’t written anything in a while lol. I hope you all enjoyed reading though! I really loved writing this. It’s made me realize how much I missed it. I wrote this for @alewesker ! We both love Leon so much. 😂
Much love,
kittycatlukey (Von)❤️
Written: 7 July 2023
Revised: 8 July 2023
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coffeebrownn · 1 year
i might recompile my winterfield headcanons that i've written in twitter but here's a new one (food edition(??)):
ethan is pescatarian, before re7 he eats chicken but never other types of meat, chris manages to reintroduce him to eat chicken again for his military training but ethan became sick.
because of ethan's new diet, ethan went in and tried different types of fish for variety, but at the end he sticks to his favorite week night fish meat is the typical salmon or tilapia, for him grouper fish is the best for soup meals
ethan does't eat raw sashimi or any raw meat due to re7 incident.
ethan doesn't like shellfish too much due to the texture, some are okay like abalone.
chris prefer seasoning that punch your taste buds, something very strong like Garam Masala, Cajun, Shacha sauce (Chinese BBQ), while ethan preferences is pretty mild, so around the circle of Herbes de Provence.
i'm not saying that ethan can't handle the spices or the heat, he just prefer simpler taste and the natural taste of the main ingredient (salmon, etc).
acidity for food, like lemon and vinegar are exceptions, ethan describes it "brings the whole dish back alive!"
from my previous headcanon, i've mentioned how chris is very big into safety (guns, cars, etc), this includes him being cautious with picking meat suppliers and checking labels on where they got their meat from ((again, it's because of the RPD incident, even though he is not there to experience it singlehandedly, he saw his close ones living in that situation, same thing with his parents dying due to a car incident)) it's more so long term over short term, sure he'll try an exotic meat like squirrel/snake from a trusted restaurant/supplier but he's not going to eat that meat everyday
chris' priority isn't about enviromental sustainability (sadly), really just for health wise for him and his close ones (IF they ask, ethan and rebecca agreed, claire doesn't care, jill and leon is indifferent with these sets of informations)
as for chris, he eats whatever meat, he prefers lean meat due to his training, so chicken is very important for him. other meat such as beef and pork is more so a treat for chris. he WILL try exotic meat.
but again, I think both are okay eating the same meal over and over again, and genuinely not picky, Chris doesn't pay too much attention if the meal that he'd ate is the same with the previous meal, he only cares of it's healthy or not (claire and him grew up eating leftovers after leftovers, claire sometimes complained about it). Ethan has a different reason, i think of him to have phases cater around his interest and that phases last in 6-8 month or so.
most of the main dish were picked by ethan, most of the time it's made using dutch oven, so something along the lines of cassrole or stews were often dinner meals for them. with a side of light salad or carbs like stale bread.
Chris isn't the "health police", he's really just a very cautious man. OHH the irony since he smokes the most in the group.
He still sneaks in some chocolate and sweet treats too.. ethan finds it adorable to see that chris is a sweet tooth like him 😭 soemtimes ethan will ask chris if they can get ice cream and you can see the man struggling to say no 🥺
chris sometimes substitue his cigarette with licorice lozenges. he doesn't like patches, but he will take one if he's in a very long flight.
chris HAS to sleep in plane flights, if not he'll grew restless due to him not smoking. he'll wake up to eat or take a piss and that's it.
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maccaronimassacre · 1 year
Random Ethan Headcanons
A/N: Insomnia strikes again so I’m making more headcanons. Also I love Ethan if you couldn’t tell. I just want to put him in my pocket and feed him Capri suns.
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Considering that Ethan used to be a software engineer so he was hunched over a computer for hours at a time, his posture is horrific.
Chris probably bought him a posture brace straight after their first training session.
Or knowing Chris he probably landed a blow to Ethan’s back that was so hard it realigned his spine.
100% a Reddit user.
Probably reads a couple of stories and posts to wind down before going to bed every night.
He has definitely said poggers at least once.
Has small nervous tics or fidgets when he’s concentrating on something.
Definitely a nail bitter and a leg bouncer when he is stressed or anxious.
His parents definitely did the soap under the nails method to get him to stop biting his nails when he was a kid.
I can also see Ethan being able to do a bunch of cool tricks with a pen, twirling it around his fingers like it’s a butterfly knife when ever he’s reading or trying to solve something.
Very big on compliments and praise.
Tell him that he’s doing great or even just a simple compliment about his outfit and he’s buzzing with joy for the rest of the day.
He probably doesn’t know how to take them.
He just smiles politely and laughs but internally he’s jumping like a kid on Christmas.
The easiest way to fluster him is to compliment his voice.
Tell him how smooth his voice is and Ethan’s stumbling over his words and blushing furiously.
Because of his dry wit and sarcasm I feel like he’d appreciate British humour.
Loves Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
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hxpefull · 1 year
resident evil village💔
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barrygeuse · 1 year
thinking about the baker family (as i do lately whenever i experience a negative emotion), and they deserve some dogs.
they had at least one. a bloodhound that they got from a family friend's dog who had puppies, and jack fell in love with him. he was around before the kids were born. after lucas, they got another dog, a german shepherd. this one was always by marguerite's side, pressing against her hip while she cooked.
jack would take the hound out hunting and when he'd come back they'd fall asleep on the couch together after maggie fed them dinner. eventually the shepherd would look at her with pleading eyes, and maggie'd say, "go on, i know you wanna lay with your daddy," and with permission she'd get up there, probably waking jack up by stepping on his stomach, but he'd just laugh and lift his arm so she'd curl up and rest her head down on his lap.
the bloodhound had to be put down from a heart condition, and eventually they got worried having lucas around the shepherd, so they gave her to joe (who took wonderful care of her and absolutely spoiled her rotten. she lived a very long life with him).
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bitbugbites-re · 1 year
𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 | 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
every photo i see of this man is just him with the thousand-yard stare IM SICK OF IT
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none, yet!
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none, yet!
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none, yet!
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Lap Pillow Headcanons // 5 chars. // FLUFF, (slight) NSFW
characters: Albert Wesker, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, Leon S. Kennedy
Virginity Headcanons // 5 chars. // NSFW, FLUFF
characters: Albert Wesker, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, Leon S. Kennedy
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none, yet!
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toonjuiced · 2 years
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caregivers jack & marguerite baker 📻🌾 [ x x x ]
note — the fanart above is from a really sweet au called washed up where ethan is rescued by the bakers instead of eveline. i’ve not read it but i adore the few art pieces i’ve seen from the author, this being one of them!!
[update after i looked more into it, the fic has jack/ethan content, so avoid if need be!]
you go berry picking with marguerite. there’s a lot of raspberry, blackberry, and strawberry bushes in the yard during the summer
afterwards, you help her bake tarts and pies. (jack’s favorite is blackberry, so that gets made a lot)
she makes a lot of stuff. some of the best is apple cobbler, beignets, & iced tea. you don’t know what makes her iced tea so good but it’s the best ever on ice during a hot day. jack makes killer gumbo
jack takes you out for rides in the four wheeler
you like to stick your hand out of the side to touch the leaves, but sometimes you end up getting pricked by a thorn
he always soothes you with a kiss to the spot before bringing you home to get bandaged up. he’ll talk the whole time and point out stuff in the fields to keep you distracted
marguerite’s the one to put the band-aid on. she teasingly scolds jack for taking you out there, which makes you laugh
sometimes you help marguerite in the greenhouse!!
she keeps a close eye on you around all the equipment but loves watching how much you enjoy playin in the dirt.
jack helps you clean up afterwards
you spend a lot of time sitting at the dining table while marguerite cooks
they live on farmland that gets rented out and used, so a lot of their produce comes from that
marguerite has a room in the basement where she stores preserves and pickled things, but it scares you because it’s the basement.
jack has a room down there that you aren’t allowed in alone when you’re regressed (he’s got a fermentation room. mostly mead and moonshine, the latter of which gets incorporated into some of marguerite’s preserves)
whenever you go through the drawing room you pet the taxidermy deer, which jack thinks is very sweet
he takes you out to the stands in the field, of course not to hunt, but to watch the deer and other animals from up high
when it’s time for bed jack will scoop you up and carry you there in an instant if you ask. marguerite insists he spoils you (and he’ll shoot right back with some comment about how she always gives you extra dessert)
you fall asleep a lot to the sound of the radio or the television in the other room. sometimes, it gets drowned out by rain on the roof, but that’s just as comforting
you get to go out on the boat! jack takes you for rides around the swamp and sometimes marguerite comes along
the three of you never go out very far. jack will stop where the water is shallow so you can wade out and catch crawfish and watch the herons
when it rains and the backyard gets all muddy, marguerite will help you get your boots on so you can go out and splash around and chase frogs
there’s always something to do in the house, even if that’s just simply running around from room to room and seeing what’s happening where
you like to play pool, even if you aren’t really sure how. the sound the pool balls make when they click together is really nice!
the recreation room is a sweet place to be because of the balconies, even if you aren’t allowed behind the bar
they’re really silly when you’re with them both in the same room. very doting and will give you lots of attention
sometimes on a really nice summer evening you’ll have a bonfire, and afterwards, you’ll come inside smelling like smoke
jack turns the gramophone on and you fall asleep on the couch underneath jack’s coat to the music and him and marguerite talking softly to each other
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
Hi (queue awkward wave) but I wondering if you could do a re7 headcannon about if you were into engineering stuff like Lucas is? Maybe you make the same type of traps he does. Have a wonderful day/night
Oohh fun!
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Headcanon/Preference # 27
Picture & gifs NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
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| When you first met |
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• When you arrived at the Baker estate, you had no clue what kinda hell you were getting yourself into.
• Thank god you are a tech wiz!
• No but seriously you were so lucky you could handle the weird puzzle locks all over the house.
• Some of which you actually managed to break and get through without the actual key.
• Lucas had seen you at the attempted dinner, but like Jack and Marguerite he'd lost you when that nosy reporter came poking around.
• Jack and Marguerite were determined to find you, but Lucas wasn't really interested.
• I mean yeah you're a total hottie, but he had better things to do than chase you around the old house.
• It had been hours since you vanished, no one had seen you anywhere, only traces of where you had been.
• I.e. Beyond broken locked doors, scattered electronics meticulously taken apart etc etc.
• And while going to tinker with one of his bigger projects, he heard a rhythmic tapping, like someone drumming their fingers in boredom.
• He thought he'd found you, as he followed the sound into a storage room that lead nowhere. Boy was he excited to have caught you before his parents could mess up your pretty face.
• "There you are!" His voice boomed in the room as he slammed open the door, his excited smile morphing into a confused frown.
• You weren't in the room, but instead in the middle of the floor lay a little machine with fingers and a motor.
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• "Better luck next time." You called out before closing the door and locking it, effectively trapping Lucas.
• Who had spun on his heel at the sound of your voice, beyond astonished by what just happened.
• He's impressed you tricked him, but also pissed.
• Now he's made up his mind, your his pray, and no else is gonna break you.
| You cross paths again |
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• You had eluded the family for TWO whole days! Much longer than anyone else ever.
• And in that time you had disassembled and remade so many of Lucas's traps, it was impressive and infuriating for everyone.
• By now Lucas was infatuated with catching you, and breaking you. And making you a member of the family.
• All he needed was the perfect trap, patience, and a bit of luck.
• "There you are!" Lucas muttered excitedly when he finally caught sight of you on one of his monitors.
• As luck would have it, you were walking right into his lates and cleverest trap, and it would seem like you didn't even notice it!
• And in an instant you were hanging upside down, your pack with your gear falling to the ground as you hit your head.
• "Finally!" He jumped from his chair and rushed to the room you were hanging in.
• Your ears were ringing and your head felt like it was stuck in a pot underwater. Then the spinning started, your vision was fuzzy but every once in a while you could see a man's face.
• "You are one tough bitch to find." Lucas mused as he pushed your shoulder, giggling at the site of you spinning in the air.
• "What-" You groaned in pain. "What happened?" Your vision started coming back into focus, and the spinning finally stopped.
• "I finally caught you Princess." Lucas mused as he held your shoulders, keeping to still while he knelt down to be face to face with you.
• "And now you're mine." He grinned before knocking you out cold. Now it's time to meet the rest of the family.
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*This one was fun to write, I hope it was fun to read!
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le0nh4v3r · 1 year
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🩵*♡∞:。.Too busy being yours.。:∞♡*🩵
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yukikorogashi · 18 days
// Meant to reach out earlier but my connection was awful. Just thought it was funny, Ethan is jealous Itsuki is so chill with insects! if it has more than 4 legs, he's immediately done with the whole building
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But aaaaaa hello hello @wristapled! ❤️ No worries about the bad connection (I have to battle mine every damn night, so I feel this so hard), thank you so much for taking the time to send this in, I really appreciate it!
That will always be one of my favourite little HCs about Itsuki! When taking into account where she was born and raised, I feel that it would make sense that bugs are one of the few things that she has gotten to familiarise herself with from a very early age. So unlike us city folks, she is able to admire and handle them with care and without any sort of fear. Even the ones she would deem as pests (Like locusts), will just make her grumble in annoyance-- as she tries to get them off their rice crops. And those things are pretty damn big and terrifying!
BUT YUP! Itsuki is more than happy to help anyone out, if there's a scary bug that they need out of the way, LOL! She will just grab a jar and put it in there, before freeing it somewhere far, far away from that person.
... Or, if you are a real meanie pants to her, she will use your fear to her advantage and hold it right up to your face.
But don't worry, you gotta push her buttons real hard before she ends up doing something like that you~
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crow-cards · 2 years
tis about time I share headcanons but I'm starting small bc. only thing in my brain rn
ethan winters is fucking terrified of bugs bc of. yk. the re7 events and then also the dimitrescu children being flies. BUT he didn't used to be, he used to be fascinated by them but the moment he saw the grotesque bug abomination that was marguerite, all that fascination completely died and it makes him sad now :[
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eliaswoodt · 2 years
So this is some stuff about Ethan from my 2-7-8 AU!
Btw, 2-7-8 is an alternate universe where Ethan and Leon meet in Resident Evil 2 and become best friends! The reason why it’s called 2-7-8 is because it’s an au that focuses on the games re2, re7, and re8 and what would change if Ethan and Leon worked together during those hellish nightmares. Re2 happens in 2003, re7 happens in 2016, re8 happens in 2020.
Ethan was born in 1980, the 29th of December to a single mother in Mississippi that dies at child birth forcing him to go into foster care. He would later be adopted at a young age by Will Winters and Isobel Winters, two very loving people who couldn’t have any bio children of their own.
At the age of 12 his mom died, and since her parents wanted her body to be buried in Missouri where they live, in order to be close to her gravesite he and his dad moved.
Because of this move he would meet his first best friend, Clinton Larson who’s interest in engineering rivaled his own.
He is 5’11 with an average build, nothing to really write home about. Blonde hair, gray eyes. Surgical scars on the underside of his man-tits.
Trans masc, he/him pronouns. Bisexual leaning towards women. Had thought everyone liked both until his at-the-time best friend Clinton told him that, in fact, not everybody liked both. That many people actually liked only one. Ethan had a surprised pikachu face.
Has a big ass soft spot for animals n shit. To the point that he worked at an animal shelter part time in his teenage-hood. Had two cats when he was a baby, then an old big dog when he was a teen, as an adult -pre Mia- a very cuddly bird.
Fidgets a lot.
He becomes close to Carey Larson in High School, Clinton’s little sister, via their shared hatred of history class and how boring the teacher was. And through Carey he meets Mia. Mia and Ethan met in their collage years. During his college years he would get close to Mia, failing hard for her and eventually after a year get together with. After graduation they move to a small apartment together, but because of a job opportunity at a place her parents work at Ethan and Mia decide to move to Raccoon City in the year 2003.
Of course we know how that fucking goes so I have no need to get into that clusterfuck.
After Hell On Earth, he and Mia get married in 2004 on 29th of May! Yay!
Ethan adopted a therapy dog and called him Borktholomew Barkinson the III.
He calls Rose: Rosie, Rose, Rosebud, Rosie Posie and Rosabee. He most often calls her Rosie and Rosabee. He calls Mia: my love, and darling.
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