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✨Currently Obsessed with Agent’s Of Shield✨Wattpad Writer : TheTealWriter✨Daisy Johnson is my Spirit animal ✨Dyslexic
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
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emmerdale challenge ∟ [1/3] female characters → debbie dingle
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
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You’ve got a big heart, Lily McQueen. It’s adorable.
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
Chapter Four | The Meeting
I went to freshen myself up once Meredith and Alex went back to work and then I found Owen, I had to tell him everything before I leave to go to the meeting.
"Owen, do you have a minute?" I asked seeing as he was chief of surgery
"Sure, what's wrong Belle?" Owen asked and I took him into a empty room, it was the closest place to go.
"I've just been diagnosed with stage three Breast cancer, I'm starting chemotherapy tomorrow and I know I should have told you sooner that I was waiting for a diagnosis like this but I didn't want anyone to worry until I actually knew myself. Mer' Derek and Alex knew but I wanted to keep it to myself. I'll have to take some time off starting from now because Barbara from oncology wants to keep me in for observation especially after previously with chemo. I have my first round of chemo tomorrow" I explained to Owen who looked sorry for me.
"Thank you for telling me Annabelle, and I'll make sure everything is put in place for you. If you want me to tell anyone I'll do it. And anything else you need you just have to ask." Owen have me a small smile and I nodded
"Would you tell everyone, I can't do that. I need to get myself to a meeting because after that news I'm struggling so much. I need to change and get out of here. I'll probably come back later after the meeting but right now I can't handle telling everyone." I said to Owen who nodded.
"Thank you" I said. I then said my goodbyes and quickly went to change into my normal clothes which was a pair of black jeans with a white turtle neck top. I grabbed my phone and car keys before making a swift exit from the hospital and to my car. I found the closest meeting and immediately drove myself their....
I sat in the hall where the meeting was being held, it wasn't the biggest one I've been to but everyone looked friendly. I sat beside a dark haired woman who gave me a small smile. A few people had began speaking and then the woman who had sat beside me. Her name was Amelia Shepherd...
"Shepherd??" I thought to myself. I knew Derek had sisters and one of them was called Amelia but this could just be a coincidence, right? A few more people told us about them
"Hi I'm Annabelle Grey and I'm a recovering drug addict and if I'm honest I'm struggling real bad right now" I paused.
"A few weeks ago I brought again but I didn't use, I was tempted but my sister and her husband found me asleep with it and got rid. I was tempted to buy again today especially after the news I had received." I paused. I always find talking about things in these meeting help more than anything.
"I just found out that I have stage 3 cancer, they wanted me to start chemo today but i was going to be admitted so asked to start tomorrow" I said.
After the meeting I was stood at the coffee station when Amelia came over to me.
"Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis" Amelia said with a small smile.
"Oh, hi." I said snapping myself out of a little day dream I was in
"Sorry, I'm Amelia Shepherd, should have introduced myself before saying that" Amelia said with a small laugh while still smiling.
"Annabelle Grey, but you can call me Anna' or Belle'. This is probably a strange question but are you related to Kelsey and Derek Shepherd?" I asked biting my lip.
"I am, is that a problem" Amelia asked and I shook my head.
"Not at all. I was just wondering, I wasn't too sure if it was just a coincidence. Your brothers my sisters husband, I knew he had sisters, I'm friends with Kelsey" I paused
"I didn't know you were in town" i then said.
"Just got in this morning, I was going to see your sister and Derek after this" Amelia said.
"We their both at the hospital and probably in a meeting right now with Owen, I asked him to tell everyone my diagnosis. I didn't think I could face telling everyone. Mer shouldn't need to be in their but probably is. I could give you a lift to if you need?" I offered Amelia.
"You don't have to do that you know, I could get a Taxi" Amelia said while I shook my head. I didn't think I should be on my own right now, my state was of mind wasn't the best as it was especially after the diagnosis.
"I know I don't have to... but umm..." I paused looking down.
"I don't think I should be on my own right now.  If I am on my own I'd probably do something stupid, if you get where I'm coming from" I mumbled the ending.
"Plus you are the only person who hasn't giving me the look of sympathy. Something that I'm happy about right now" I then shrugged.
"I'll take you up on that offer then" Amelia smiled while drinking the coffee she had picked up.
"So this is your third time with cancer?" Amelia asked and I nodded while we made our way to my car.
"Yep, first time was leukaemia, second time was when I was a teenager, brain cancer; that time was when I first used. I had surgery and it left me in constant pain, The only way I could get through school and even med school was using and then I was in remission, Derek managed to solve the mystery to why I was in constant pain, but called it a mystery because to me it was. Anyway you until a few weeks ago I was fine, I was having symptoms but I didn't think anything off it, but then I told my sister and she got me to have tests and then here we are, today I got the diagnosis and honestly I'm terrified, I don't want to die, I'm not ready to die, I still want to see Zola and Bailey grow up" I paused as I realised it was like I was giving Amelia my whole life story.
"Sorry, you don't need that. I shouldn't have just blurted all that out. Sorry" I rambled on which made Amelia laugh.
"It's fine Annabelle, I also know we've only just met but you needed to get it off your chest and if you ever need to have someone to talk to then you can talk to me. Even if I don't stay here in Seattle" Amelia said which made me smile. I knew I would have liked that, she was beautiful and her smile; wow that just melted my heart. It was weird, I've never noticed someone's smile before, well I have but not the way I have with Amelia's. The two of us got into the car and I pulled out of the parking lot
"Are you sure. I know it's too much for me to handle. It'll probably even be hard to Meredith to handle especially becuase she's helped me through the last two times." I shrugged
"I'm sure Annabelle. We all need someone to talk to who's not family" Amelia reminded me, I knew that was true but technically we were family.
"If we're being technical we are technically family. Or sorta family" i shrugged again with a little laugh.
"Well we can be whatever you want us to be, family, friends or just supporters of each other" Amelia said to me
"Friends sounds nice." I said with a smile. My phone began ringing as I turned a corner on the journey to the hospital. It was Maggie, Meredith's and mine half sister.
"Would you mind putting that on speaker for me. It's my other sister. She'll probably not be happy that I didn't tell her personally about the diagnosis" I said. Although Meredith and I haven't long gotten to know Maggie, I've actually gotten closer to her than Mer has right now.
"Hey Maggie! What's up? I'm currently heading back to the hospital" I said once Amelia pressed the answer button and put the phone on speaker.
"Why didn't you tell me you were being tested for breast cancer?" Maggie said without a hello.
"Told you so" I mouthed to Amelia while I looked towards her while waiting at a traffic light.
"What no hello?" I paused waiting for her to answer me.
"Sorry. Hi. Now why didn't you tell me" Maggie said making me roll my eyes. I was glad she couldn't see me right now.
"I didn't tell anyone. The ones people who knew was Mer, Derek and Alex. I didn't want people fussing over me, I still don't. It's not my first rodeo" I said
"And I had to hear about your diagnosis from Owen! You couldn't tell me yourself!" Maggie said and I could feel myself welling up, tears were in my eyes and I felt like I was going to throw up, not a feeling I haven't felt in a long time.
"Look Maggie I didn't want a fuss being made. I didn't want people to worry before their was even anything to worry about and as for not telling you, I'm honestly not sorry for that." I said probably sounding selfish but it was true
"Alex and Meredith were with me when I got the news, I told Owen because I'm going to need time off and left the hospital like right away because I did what was best for me and went to a meeting, look can we talk about this later? I'm driving, I feel sick and I just don't want to be discussing this over the phone" I cut myself short just having to finish this little argument with my sister.
"Fine, I'll come and find you" Maggie said.
"Bye" I said and nodding to Amelia who hung up for me.
"I'm sorry about that." I said deciding it was best to pull over for a second, I pulled over to the side of the road and parked the car before quickly unbuckling my seatbelt and climbing out of the car and threw up. I should have seen this coming, i had been feeling sick for a few days, I worked through it yesterday, I've been trying to push through and now things have came to a sort of halt it hit me.
"I can't have a bug!" I mumbled.
"Okay Amelia, I know you've never driven my car but currently I think it's best. I should have rested sooner as it's hitting me all at once." I speak quickly as Amelia gets out the car to check on me.
"I was thinking you were rather pale. How long have you been feeling like this?" Amelia asked, before I could answer I was bent over throwing up once again
"Drunk drivers" I heard a woman say which made me sigh
"Mind your own damn business" I said leaning against the car
"I saw you were driving. It's obvious you are drunk!" The woman glared at me
"First of all like she said mind your own damn business and second of all try being diagnosed with form of cancer and get back to me on how you feel! If she was drunk then she wouldn't have gotten into the drivers seat. She's way smarter than that now leave" Amelia stood up for me while I was sick once again, she didn't even have to stand up for me.
"Thank you, and I've been feeling sick for weeks, i put it down to anxiety, this is the first time I've actually been sick. I think it's because I've finally slowed down rather than pushing myself and all that" I shrugged finally feeling like I could get into the car again.
"Right when we get to Grey Sloan I'm going to take you to your oncologist and I'm getting your sister. You aren't going to change my mind over that" Amelia said
"I'm fine Amelia, I don't need to see my oncologist until I'm admitted" I tried to change Amelia's mind
"No Annabelle! Your cancer could be worse than anyone thinks." I had to agree with her in that. I knew their was a possibility that the cancer was making me sick but I didn't want to believe it.
At the hospital Amelia took me to Meredith who then with Amelia's help took me up to Barbara my oncologist. Who admitted me with me being severely dehydrated and realised I had an infection as well as the flu. It just wasn't my day.
"Thank you for today Amelia." I said before Amelia left to go home well technically to Derek and Meredith's but that was fine, I was tired and in all honestly I just wanted to sleep, as they say sleep is the best medicine although being a doctor I kind of have to disagree with that saying but sometimes sleep IS the best medicine.
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
Chapter Three | The Diagnosis
I stayed with Meredith and Derek for the last few nights and today I was in for a biopsy. The mammogram I had the other day showed some abnormalities which has scared me even more.
"We have to tell Derek, he's going to wonder why I'm staying here sooner or later, he doesn't trust me right now. I can tell" I sighed as I sat on a stool feeding Bailey his breakfast for Meredith.
"I didn't take it, I was tempted but I didn't touch the drugs. You flushed them and I've not contacted him again" I said to my older sister who seemed to roll her eyes.
"You keep saying that Belle. Derek and I are worried. About you and you being around the kids if your high" Meredith says and I looked at her shocked, she never was like this towards me before.
"I'm going to a meeting! I'll see you at the hospital, your still coming with me to my biopsy?" I asked my sister, I had to get out the house and go to a meeting now, or when I get dressed that is. As I headed into the spare room Derek came out of Zola's room with Zola. I opened the wardrobe and pulled out a baggy hoodie, tank top and a pair of leggings, I wasn't working today and had already spoke to Owen about the situation. He's the only one who knows at the hospital.
"She's going to a meeting, she wouldn't go to one if she was actually taking drugs. I know her Derek, I know Belle wouldn't put the kids in harms way." I heard Meredith say as I pulled on my leggings.
"Then why is she still saying here?" Derek asked, I pulled the bedroom door open and stepped out.
"Just tell him Mer' just tell him" I said before then going beck into the bedroom. I shut the door and leant against it with a sigh.
"Tell me what?" Derek asked Meredith.
"You can't tell anyone. Belle doesn't know yet but she might have breast cancer, she's told Owen which is why she's not been working the last few days, she's scared Derek! She has a biopsy today but I know Belle' I can tell she is scared." I heard Meredith tell Derek. I stepped away from the door and continued to dress myself. I went to open the door and took a deep breath.
"Then why did she have drugs on her when she was meant to be watching Zola and Bailey!?" Derek raised his voice at Meredith. I had to step in.
"I brought the drugs because I wanted to be in control. When you have cancer you loose control, you hold on to things and try to make sure you are in control. The drugs, i am not saying I wasn't tempted to take them but I just wanted to feel in control. Now  going to a meeting. If you want to continue this talk we can talk later when im at the hospital" I said grabbing my car keys from the counter and leaving the house.
I walked through the hospital after attending a meeting and let out a small sigh, I was worried about the biopsy but I was probably more worried about what the diagnosis was going to be.
"You haven't been home in days are you okay?" Alex asked a I was waiting for the elevator. As I saw the elevator was empty i dragged Alex inside, I was going to tell him what was going on, he was my person after all. I pressed the emergency stop button and took a deep breath.
"I might have breast cancer. I Found a lump the other day. I've had a mammogram and my blood taken and theirs a mass. I'm having a biopsy today to determine if it's cancerous. I'm scared Alex... I scored, I didn't use it but I was tempted. Really tempted. But now Derek and Mer' don't trust me to be alone around Zola and Bailey and I'm scared I'll loose them." I said admitting how I was feeling. It was the first time I've openly spoke about how I feel and I'm so glad it was to Alex, my person.
"But you didn't and I'm so proud of you for that. I'm not letting you face this alone cancer or no cancer. Belle! You and I we've always supported one another, we've helped one another and if Mer' cant make an appointment then I'm going to come. Always Annabelle" Alex said comforting me with a smile on his face.
"Thank you Alex. I really mean it I appreciate everything you do for me" I said softly. Alex had my back all the time and I honestly couldn't thank him enough
"I'm going to have to think positively. I don't really want people to worry for no reason. If I'm diagnosed with Breast Cancer then people can know but for now please, please don't tell anyone" I said to Alex who didn't say anything, instead he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.
"We're going to Get drunk tonight. Me and you" Alex then said once he had pulled away.
"I like the sound of that" I practically whispered before starting the elevator again
6 days had passed and I was back at work while I waited for the diagnosis. Alex was sticking by me today and Meredith was only a page away, I should be hearing back with the results today and that scared me, more than anything.
"Did you stay here all night?" Arizona asked coming into the oncall room where I was just laying starring up at the ceiling.
"Mmm" I practically mumbled not moving.
"We were all wondering where you were last night, your bed was empty this morning too and Alex said you hadn't phoned or even left a message. We were all worried sick" Arizona exclaimed, she still didn't know about the possibility of me having breast cancer.
"I had a patient I wanted to keep an eye on, she came into at the end of my shift but I just wanted to stay" I half lied, I did have a 5 year old girl who reminded me of myself come in, she has leukaemia and she wasn't doing very good, her mom was worried about her as she had been having trouble breathing and keeping food down.
"Is she okay?" Arizona asked and I shook my head.
"She isn't keeping food down and she's having trouble breathing so she put her on oxygen and an IV to try and keep her hydrated" i said finally sitting up from where I was laying.
"You look like you haven't slept. Lay back down and try and get some sleep. I'll come and get you if you are needed" Arizona said while I shook my head once again.
"No it's fine. I'm going to find Alex and apologise for not messaging him that I wasn't coming home last night. Stop him from worrying even more than he probably already is." I said standing up and stretching as I did so.
"He's probably in the pit with your sister" Arizona informed me and I nodded and thanked her before leaving and heading to the Emergency room. I stepped in to the elevator once it arrived on the floor and then i pressed the ground floor button and rode the elevator down. As I was on my way down I felt myself worrying. I was terrified but being here and working was surely going to make me feel better.
"Belle! We've been worried about you! You hadn't phoned anyone and hadn't been home" Alex said as soon as I walked into the pit.
"I'm fine, I slept in the on call room up on peds, I had a little girl come in and wanted to stay close in case something happened to her" I explained
"At least your safe. Anything could have happened to you" Meredith said and I nodded just as my phone began ringing.
"This it?" I said seeing it wasn't a contact in my phone. I headed into the hall Meredith and Alex followed me out
"Hello?" I said grabbing Meredith's hand I was scared.
"Is that Annabelle Grey!" A voice came and I was terrified
"That's me" I said simply.
"We have your results, can you come in right away!?" The voice who I assumed was Dr Barbara Hope, she had been so helpful for as long as I could remember. The voice reminded me of her anyway.
"I will be right up. I'm currently in the Pit" i said, I wasn't technically in the ED, I was in the corridor but hey same thing.
"Okay, I'll get them to bring you straight in" my doctor told me and I nodded not saying anything else just hanging up and putting my phone onto my scrubs.
"The results are back! Barbara wants me right away. It can't be good" I said as my breathing hitched in my throat.
"I'm coming with you" both Alex and Meredith said together and I nodded.
Sitting in my oncologist Doctor Barbara Hope's office I felt myself worrying.
"So we got your results back and I've been over them. I'm sure you'll want to hear it instead of me beating around the bush so I'll just come out with it" Barbara paused and I nodded, I squeezed both Meredith and Alex's hands
"You have stage 3 breast cancer" Barbara said and tears began pouring down my cheeks.
"We've got two ways to start with, you can either start with chemotherapy or straight for surgery but I do want to tell you that their is a possibility that if we wait the cancer may spread" Barbara said and I nodded. I couldn't focus, i was going to have to go to a meeting after getting out of here but that wasn't what I had to think about.
"Chemo first. I'm not loosing my boob" I said, it wasn't the fact I could loos my boobs it was just that I didn't want to go under the knife if I didn't have to, I couldn't be out of work longer than I had to either.
"Right Is today okay to start" I shook my head as Barbara asked if my first chemotherapy session was okay to be done for today.
"Can it start tomorrow. I need to talk to Owen and then...." I paused glancing to Meredith
"And then I have to go to a meeting. After news like this I need to" I explained. Barbara knew about my addiction so she nodded understanding.
"As it's your third time having cancer and you have had complications with the chemo before I'm going to admit you tomorrow for observation" explained Barbara and I nodded.
After finishing the plan for the best way forward I sobbed into Meredith's shouder. I was scared.
"I don't want to die Mer' I'm not ready to die" I said through tears with Meredith rubbing my back gently.
"You won't die Belle' you'll fight this" Meredith tried to convince me but I was scared that this time around I won't make it through the other side, scared that this time the cancer would win.
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
Chapter Two | Something Is Wrong
"Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me, I mean I've been sick enough since I was little; it's just a cough, maybe I'm over doing everything?" I mumbled to myself as I left my bathroom. I was still living in which was mine and Mer's house but now it's mine, Alex, Jo and Arizona live here too.
"Want a lift to work?" I asked Arizona and Alex as I made my way into the kitchen where they were talking. I was going to ask Jo too but I wasn't sure where she was.
"Sure" they both replied and I nodded.
"Is Jo in today or is she in the night shift" I asked Alex seeing as he was dating Jo and she had moved in with him.
"She's just getting ready." Alex said and I nodded.
"Alright, I'll get my keys and my bag, we will have to pop to the gas station on the way in as I was way to lazy last night" I laughed a little.
"Belle' is driving us in today, want to grab a lift with us?" Alex asked Jo who walked in as I was about to leave.
"Are you sure you don't mind?" Jo asked turning to me and I nodded.
"Look Wilson I know we aren't exactly friends but your dating my best friend, the one who helped me get clean, the one who takes me to meetings if I try and chicken out. The one who hugs me if I'm having a bad time and takes my blood for tests which I have regularly to make sure I don't have cancer again.  You don't have to like me but your living in my house, dating my best friend so you should know that I'll always try, I'll try and that means offering to drive you to work and being a shoulder to cry on if Alex is a dick which trust me" I smiled, what I said was the truth and the whole truth.
"I never said I didn't like you" Jo said and I smiled again.
"Then it's settled im driving the 3 of you in to work" I said leaving the kitchen and heading up to my room. Once I got to my room I grabbed whatever I needed and headed downstairs.
"We can go when you all are ready" I said as I headed into the living room and sat myself on the sofa to wait for my friends.
"No wonder Annabelle isn't answering her pager, it's on the side" I heard Kelsey's voice in the lounge connected to the toilets,  I checked my wrist watch and realised I had been in the toilets for half an hour; I was surprised nobody else has came looking for me. It was the middle of the day and I wasn't heading for lunch; I didn't feel up to it
"Shit" I whispered; you could say I had been missing in action; unintentionally that is.
"Belle! Meredith's looking for you" Kelsey said through the locked door of the attending's toilet, I had just been throwing up and was now currently stood staring at myself in the mirror, I was trying to figure out if I had a lump, I first saw it this morning after I had showered.
"I'll be out in a minute" I called back while I continued to look in the mirror as I checked my boobs, I was terrified of the thought of having cancer again, the thought that If it is breast cancer that I don't be strong enough to fight it, I was terrified of leaving Meredith especially after we had already lost Lexie. Quickly I pulled my scrub top back on and let out a small sigh before I turned around washed my hands and unlocked the doors before I left the toilet.
"So where's that sister of mine?" I asked leaving the toilet and grabbing my pager.
"The Pit. Are you okay?" Kelsey asked and I nodded. I didn't want to talk to anyone about this, I didn't even know if the cancer was back and I didn't want to talk about it until I've seen Mer and asked her opinion.
"I'm fine Kel' I best go find Mer until she worry's, not that she isn't worrying already" I guessed she was already worried about me as I hadn't answered my pager.
"She was worried when I saw her, she thought you'd just left the hospital to score, she really had thought the worst" Kelsey admitted and I nodded.
"I would be the same if I was in her position. But I promise I've not relapsed, I just need to go and tell Mer that and if need be, prove it to her too" I sighed, I understood that she was worried but I hadn't touched any type of drugs, I was 755 days clean, 2 years and 25 days clean, I attend meetings weekly, sometimes daily too but I was fine.
"You know where I am if you never need to talk though, you know that Belle' I won't judge" Kelsey smiled and I nodded.
"I know and I really do appreciate that, now I best get off before Mer sends out a search party throughout the hospital and not just you to find me" I laughed a little before leaving to find my sister. As I was heading to the PIT I saw Meredith so I immediately ran over to her, grabbed her and pulled her into an on-call room.
"Belle'! What are you doing" Meredith asked me as I locked the door as well as turning the lights on.
"Close your eyes and pass me a hand" I said calmly. I was going to get her to see if she could feel a lump because I didn't want to bother getting a mammogram unless it was necessary.
"Whats going on Belle" Meredith asked me and just looked at her.
"Just do it, please Mer" I said in barely a whisper. Meredith closes her eyes and puts her left hand out. I lifted her hand and brought it up to my right boob where I felt a lump.
"What do you feel?" I asked, Meredith feels and opens her eyes after dropping her hand.
"Have you gotten it checked?" Meredith asked
"No, I had to see you first Mer, I'm scared" I almost cried
"Okay, we will get you checked. Together. Then you are going to pick Zola and Bailey up from the daycare and take them home, spend the rest of the day with them. I'll tell Owen you've gone and we will just get everything checked... together" Meredith said gently wrapping her arms around me and I nodded.
After I had a mammogram and my blood taken I headed to pick my neice and nephew up from the day care. I gave Meredith my keys and told her that I drove Arizona, Alex and Jo to work this morning and because Meredith's car was the one with the car seats for the two kids.
"Come on then Zola, shall we get some snacks and have a tea party?" I smiled asking my niece if she wanted a tea party. Bailey was in my arms as I carried the diaper bag, Zola and Bailey extra clothes bag and my own bag to the elevator.
"I what are you doing with the kids?" Derek asked me as I stepped into the elevator.
"Mer' sent you a text. She said I could take them home, spend the rest of the afternoon with them. She's telling Owen I'm going home, for now we're telling people it's because I need a mental health day but I promice I'll explain when know more." I practically whispered, only Meredith could know for now.
"Are you okay?" Derek asked me.
"I'm fine Derek. I'm going to have a tea party with Zola when I put Bailey down for a nap" I said to my brother-in-law.
"Zo' will love that." Derek said smiling.
"Zola be good for auntie Belle" Derek then said to my niece before we got off the elevator. Zola and I walked to Meredith'a car and I placed Bailey into his car seat and then helped Zola into hers and with her belt.
"Come on Zola, bath time" I said to my niece that evening, I told Meredith and Derek to have a night out, I'd put the kids to bed.
"Okay Auntie Belle" Zola said in the cute little voice she has. Bailey was in his cot sleeping, I think he's sleeping. I grabbed the baby monitor and took Zola for her bath. After the bath I asked Zola which book she wanted to be read and she chose 'we're going on a bear hunt' it was my favourite book when I was child, I remembered Meredith helping me read it while in hospital.
"Good night Zola" I said gently kissing her forehead gently. I then went to check on Bailey....
As I sat on the sofa stareing aimlessly into space while the television played cartoons since I hadn't turned it over yet, instead I was trying to stop myself from calling my dealer.
"No! Annabelle! No" i mumbled to myself but my urges were too strong, I called my dealer, he was going to come round in half an hour. I was weak. Stupid. I told you, I'm stupid....
Third Person
Later that night Annabelle was asleep on the sofa holding a bag of heroin. She had brought the drugs Meredith saw the bag in her sisters hand and let out a small sigh.
"Oh Belle" Meredith sighed softly as Derek saw what Meredith had noticed.. he shook his head, although his sister was an addict too he didn't want Annabelle to be left alone with his kids, especially if she was using again, he knew she was clean but if she was using again he didn't want her alone with Zola or Bailey
"She can't be alone with Zola or Bailey. Not if she's using again" Derek said to Meredith who turned to her husband.
"She hasn't touched it! Look, it's still full . She's had a bad day. Belle needs us more than anything right now." Meredith stands up for her sister who she knew was struggling right now but little did they all know things were going to get a whole lot worse for Annabelle Grey
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
Chapter One | Annabelle’s Introduction
My name is Annabelle and I'm... I'm a Addict..
I've been a addict since I was 15 years old and was diagnosed with cancer for the second time; a brain tumour, I had surgery for it but from that moment on I was in constant pain, I went through med school with my older sister the only thing I could do was take drugs to get through the day.
Meredith did try and help me, she did her best but I'm fucked up, I'm a lost cause. Her fucked up little sister, I'm meant to be smart, I skipped years at school just so I could go to med school with my big sister but I'm stupid too... I'm stupid enough to get in with the wrong crowd and get myself addicted to drugs, I try to avoid alcohol too but sometimes after a long stressful day I hit the bottle, I've finished off 3 bottles of wine in one sitting before along with a few shots of tequila, see what I mean, stupid. Let's just say I still passed med school, I still became a intern and I'm now doing a fellowship in Peds, working alongside two of my best friends Arizona and Alex.
When I was 16, while high on heroin I had a baby, a boy but he died, I lost him one month old he died but I was still in such a rubbish place, I was in pain but I wanted to be a good mom. Meredith tried to help me get off the drugs and I did when I began my internship, I was clean for 2 years before I had a relapse and I'm clean again.
That's it for now, let's get on with the story
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Thank You For Reading!
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
So Good | Amelia Shepherd
A Greys Anatomy Fanfiction
by TheTealWriter (my Wattpad)
Introduction & Cover
Chapter One | Annabelle’s Introduction
Chapter Two | Something Is Wrong
Chapter Three | The Diagnosis
Chapter Four | The Meeting
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
Cast ✨
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Margot Robbie As Annabelle 'Belle' Grey
The Protagonist
You never know what is going to happen in life, I have had cancer twice and I've just found out I have cancer again. Shit.. right
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Ellen Pompeo As Meredith Grey
Her Older Sister
Belle' you need to fight this. I'm not loosing you, not now. Your my baby sister, always will be.
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Caterina Scorsone As Amelia Shepherd
The Love Of Her Life
You don't have to worry about me Annabelle! I've got you now, you can do this and I'm not leaving you
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Jessica Capshaw As Arizona Robbins
Her good friend
Look these tiny humans love you, your good with them, so you are going to fight this and your going to come back
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Kaley Cuoco As Kelsey Shepherd
Her Future Sister
You and Amelia, you need each other. I know you both like each other! Go for it, talk to her! Tell her you like her
GemaWritess (on Wattpad)
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Justin Chambers As Alex Karev
Her Best Friend | Her Person
Your happy! I can tell. That smile on your face is wider than I've ever seen with you
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Thank You For Reading!
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
So Good | Amelia Shepherd
A greys Anatomy fandiction
(Originally posted on Wattpad)
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Annabelle Grey.... Is the younger sister of Meredith, growing up she had it hard, at the age of 5 she was diagnosed with Leukaemia, she had been in and out of hospital since that time, by the age of 15 she was struggling, real bad she was taking drugs and had gotten into the wrong crowd dispite being 4 years ahead in school making her in the same year at school than Meredith she still struggled especially after another cancer diagnosis; this time her brain is where the tumour was.
Annabelle went to med school along with her sister but she was in constant pain, the pain was unexplainable and the only way Annabelle could deal with the pain was take during, Heroin, Cocain and Oxie. Until she met Derek Shepherd who managed to diagnose her and cure her of the constant pain.
Now doing a fellow in paediatric Annabelle meets Amelia Shepherd, they meet during a NA meeting and immediately grow close but Annabelle doesn't know how to deal with the feelings and as she gets close to Amelia she realises that she isn't alone but soon she is back at the hard stuff when she is diagnosed with breast cancer.
Follow Annabelle as she feels broken and alone but let's Amelia in, but for how long.
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
Would anyone like me to share my Amelia shepherd book on here.
It’s out on Wattpad right now but if anyone would like to read it and they don’t have Wattpad I’d be happy to share here too
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
I’m now DaisyJohnsonsWife08 because it’s the only @ that seemed right, it was a random number but hey I don’t really care
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 2 years ago
So the first part of my account update is complete, pfp and header. Credit to whoever made the gif I found it on Google
Will be changing my @ when I’ve got one but for now my account is just a mess
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 3 years ago
Soooooo I’m back!!!!
After months of being MIA I am back
So I was gone for so long for a few reasons the main one being I reset my iPod and forgot my password so I couldn’t log in and was stressing about that because me being me forgot it was possible to reset your password (I’m an idiot)
The other reasons are my mums been off work for the summer holidays (she goes back to work on Thursday) and my mental health has been pretty shit if I’m honest but I think I’m better now and I’m not planning on resetting my iPod again so I shouldn’t forget my password
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 3 years ago
Chasing Love (Greys Anatomy)
A Callie Torres Fanfic
Here you will find all things Chasing Love. I’ll update it as I post and share more
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 3 years ago
Chasing Love (Greys Anatomy
Chapter One | Ohana Means Family
Kaylee always says 'Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten' her favourite saying from lilo and stitch
7:30... shift starts at 8 most days but today I was running late, I forgot Kaylee was due at dance at 8:30 and I was scrubbing in with a surgery with Derek Shepherd so I had to ask Meredith to take Kaylee to dance since she wasn't in work today.
"Mom!! Have you seen my tap shoes?" Kaylee calls as she practically runs down the stairs while I was getting ready, I rolled my eyes as I had a vision of her falling, I've told her thousands of times that you don't run on stairs but she still does, well I guess that's the me in her, know something is dangerous but I do it anyway.
"Their in the my car, in your dance bag" Meredith called coming out of nowhere as I was heading to the stairs to answer my daughter, I had no idea where she was.
"Thank you auntie Mer!" Kaylee smiled standing at the bottom of the stairs, yeah Kaylee and I live in mine and Meredith's mothers house, well what used to be hers, she's in a home, she's got Alzheimer's, not that it matters, she wasn't really their for us growing up, we basically brought each other up, Mer' was always protective though seeing as she is the older twin, we both look out for one another too.
Anyway where was I? Right I was telling you about the house, Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley are our housemates and they also work with us. Kaylee is home schooled and a full time dancer, she spends her time spent at her dance studio or the hospital. Did I mention that Meredith and I are interns at Seattle Grace hospital? I don't think I did but now I have.
Now let's get back to the story...
"Thank you again for taking Kaylee to dance today! I would have taken her myself but Derek has me scrubbing in on his Craniotomy and I'm already running late " I smiled to my twin as I grabbed my jacket off a hook where it was hanging, as I spoke to my sister I also put my jacket on
"Hey, it's fine Madi' Kaylee and I are going for ice cream after dance and before we come see you at lunch. Aren't we Kails?" Meredith asked Kaylee who was still standing on the stairs.
"Yeah, I'm going to have a mint chocolate ice-cream. It's always the best after dance treat" Kaylee grinned happily, Mer and I always take Kaylee for ice cream after dance, maybe not every single time but a few times we do If one of us aren't working but I'd we both have a shift then her friends mom drops her off at the hospital.
"You better save me some then kiddo" I grinned to my daughter who laughed.
"We can get some tomorrow Mom!" Kaylee giggled before running back up the stairs. I just smiled, she was everything I always imagined her to be, happy, smart and perfect. I'm not the best mom, I didn't have the best influences but I'm doing it myself, it's hard but I've got everyone with me to help
"Be good for auntie Mer! And have fun at dance!" I called to Kaylee as she get to the top of the stairs.
"I will Mom!" She said and then disappeared off into her bedroom.
"See you later Madi" Meredith said giving me a quick hug as I grabbed my bag and left the house. I got into my black Ford, I dumped my things into the passenger seat, pulled my seat belt across myself and buckled it up before starting the engine, I pulled out of the drive way and began my journey to the hospital
Kaylee's POV
Mom had to go into work early today and Auntie Meredith didn't, today she was off work so she was taking me to dance today and we were getting ice cream after dance at lunch before we see mom. I was so excited to rehearse for my solo for the competition in a few weeks and the winter recital.
"Hi Izzie!" I smiled as I walked towards the kitchen where Auntie Meredith was.
"Auntie Mer! Is my water bottle in the car" I asked pulling on my black bomber jacket.
"I just put it in. Have you got everything?" Auntie Meredith asked me  as I zipped my jacket up while I was standing in the door way the kitchen where Izzie was baking some cakes, her cakes are amazing.
"Everything my else should be in my bag." I told my aunt who nodded and was ready to take me to dance.
"Have fun at dance Kaylee" Izzie smiled  while she was taking the cakes out of the oven.
"I will, thank you Izzie! Could you save me one of the chocolate chip cakes please" I smiled happily towards one of the aunt fighters I have.
"Sure" Izzie smiled as I quickly turned around and ran off to get in the car.
"I swear that girl has more energy than Madi' or I had at that age" I heard Auntie Meredith laugh as she said goodbye to Izzie and then made her way to me.
I was sat in the changing rooms in the middle split, it was just Rosanna, Louie and i as we had a trio to rehearse for, then I had my solo before the group dance which was before lunch, after lunch I have ballet, Tap and Acro and then we have group rehearsal and I have another solo rehearsal with our dance teacher Miss Carla, she's taught me to dance since I was 2, when I did baby ballet. Auntie Meredith was up with Rosanna and Louie's moms to watch our rehearsals.
"Can you believe that we have our first competition with the new team in just under 3 weeks and it's here in town!" Louie exclaimed as he helps me up from my middle split.
"I can't believe the new team had actually worked out. And Lee' has 3 dances, the trio, a solo and the lead in the group dance!" Rosanna exclaimed from the floor.
"I think my brain work burst from too much choreography if I had any more dances" I laughed
"What's your solo about anyway?" Louie and Rosanna both asked simultaneously.
"Well it's called Ohana Means Family and it's about a girl who looses her mom but she finds out she has a twin who lives with her aunt, the emotions are just perfect and the Choreo is everything I would have asked for if I had a say in it" I exclaimed happily, I couldn't wait for the comp, I hope Mom and auntie Mer can come and watch or even if they can come to the recital, either is fine with me.
"Kaylee, Rosanna and Louie, come in so we can discuss your trio" Miss Carla smiled as she came into the changing rooms. Louie was the first one in as Rosanna and I followed closely behind him.
"So like we've told you when we taught you the Trio it's a contemporary piece about siblings, working through the loss of their oldest sibling and how they look out for each other, I want the three of you to use your emotions, focus on that" miss Carla explained to the three of us. Louie, Rosanna and I all got into our starting positions.
Madilyn's POV
"I've told you a million times before, I don't see you as anything in that way! Alex you are one of my good friends but I don't see anything happening between us now please let me go, Dr. Shepherd is waiting for me." I said to Alex Karev, he had been trying to get me to go on a date with him since we first met on the first day of our internship.
"Come on Madi' you always put Kaylee first, why don't you put yourself first for once. Have a night out. Let your hair down." Alex said which made me roll my eyes
"You won't get it Karev! Kaylee is my daughter, she is my priority, everything I do is for her. I work hard so I can give her the best life, so she can continue to dance. We can discuss this after I've done with surgery. But I'm giving you five minutes because I have told you so many times that I don't want to go on a date with you because your just one of my friends" I sighed before walking off, I didn't hate Alex, he just wasn't my type, friends was all I see him as. I finally made my way into OR2, I scrubbed in.
"I'm sorry I'm late Doctor Shepherd! Karev wouldn't let me leave until I agreed to go on a date with him." I grumbled.
"Want me to have a word with him? You sound like your annoyed" Derek asked.
"Nah, it's fine. I can handle it! I've handled worse! I'll just have a word with him after the surgery. He's my friend, nothing more. I'm not looking for anything serious right now anyway" I exclaimed while Derek began the surgery
I had managed to avoid Alex after the surgery and decided to talk to him now, it's lunch and it was best to get it out of the way now.
"You never came to find me after your surgery." Alex said sitting down at the table I was sat with, I was on my own until he found me.
"I did, but I was busy" I half lied, I was busy but I would have had time to give Alex five minutes.
"Before you say anything I would like to speak" I said to Alex before he even had a chance to answer me or say anything.
"Go ahead" Alex answered and I smiled.
"I know you like me, everyone has told me that. But I don't see you in that way, I see you as a friend or even a brother. You make me laugh when I'm stressing over Kaylee or a patient. You give the best hugs then too but I don't want to hurt you because you are just a really good friend of mine and I don't want to ruin that. We're best to stay friends but we can go for a drink some time, not tonight as I can't ask Izzie or George to have Kaylee and Mer' is out tonight, I'm on night shift tomorrow so let me sort things out then we can have a drink and just talk and stuff, as friends" I said to Alex who nodded.
"Okay" was all Alex said before he walked off leaving me on my own again, I was wondering where Mer and Kaylee were.
As I was heading to check on a patient my phone began ringing with Meredith's name that's when the worry hit me, was Kaylee alright, had something happened to them. All the thoughts of something bad hit me all at once making me lean against the wall as I answered my phone.
"Is Kaylee okay! Are you okay! Has something happened" I asked all at once instead of saying hello, I was worried about my twin and daughter so of course I would ask questions, right?
"We're both fine, well Kaylee isn't really fine, she threw up during rehearsal so Carla has sent her home to rest" Meredith said to me and I sighed a sigh of relief.
"I'm fine Mom!" I heard Kaylee call but I wasn't having any of it, I knew my daughter and she was like me, if she's not feeling well she hides it, she pushes herself to be the best even if that means not putting herself first when she's not well.
"Mer! Make sure Kaylee rests! I know she won't want to but please make sure she does" I asked my sister
"I will. Don't worry. I just didn't want you to worry about why we didn't meet you" Meredith said to me
"Okay, thanks Mer! I best get off." I said simpily. Meredith and I say out goodbyes and love you's before I hung up and practically ran to the patient I was meant to be checking on.. it was going to be a long afternoon knowing that my daughter isn't feeling well but I know she will be fine with Meredith, she will be fine.
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daisyjohnsonswife08 · 3 years ago
Chasing Love (Greys Anatomy)
Chasing Cars
By Snow Patrol
By McFly
You Will Be Found
By  Dear Evan Hansen
Daydream Believer
By  The Monkees
Manic Monday
By The Bangles
The Wall In My Head
By Jamie the musical
Bad Habits
By Ed Sheeran
Visiting Hours
By Ed Sheeran
Dancing Queen
Talking To The Moon
By Bruno Mars
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