#rb for the day crew
reneesbooks · 5 months
15 questions - kamon
tagged by @avrablake <3 let's give our favorite sailor boy some love
Are you named after anyone?
My grandfather. I'm Baby Kamon at home, to make things clearer since we all live together. I don't particularly like it, but what can you do?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last time I left Reijmor. I cry every time I leave Reijmor.
3. Do you have kids?
Not technically, no. Meja tells me so much about Reijka I feel I already know her, but I've never met her.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I try not to. I don't find insincerity amusing.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Can they crack a fucking joke? If not, then do they at least know how to laugh at one?
6. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown. Meja thinks they're pretty :)
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. Everyone deserves to be happy.
8. Any special talents?
I'm a rigger on a merchant ship, which is a pretty tough job. I like to think I'm good at it, and I've never fallen off the masts.
9. Where were you born?
Mursus. It's one of the Merchant Isles, city-states run by wealthy merchant families in the North Sea. My family works for the family that runs Mursus, so we have a decent life back home.
10. What are your hobbies?
Tying knots and fishing. I'm awful at fishing, but it's a good excuse to sneak away to Reijmor when we're in the area.
11. Have you any pets?
No, but there is a ship cat that keeps the rat population under control and tolerates me on occasion.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Rigging? Fighting pirates? Are these "sports?"
13. How tall are you?
Uhh. Tall enough to rig? Not much taller than Meja? Who keeps track of that kind of thing?
14. Favorite subject in school?
I didn't really go to school in Mursus; my family only had the money to send one kid to school and my older brother got it by virtue of being born first. I learned some things from him, mainly how to read maps, and the rest of my schooling was conducted by the sailors on the docks that taught me how to tie knots. I taught myself how to climb the rigging at night when the crews were asleep or didn't mind.
15. Dream job?
I love to sail, but I don't know that it's my dream anymore. I could see myself settling down. Perhaps I'll actually get good at fishing. Or maybe become a farmer, so Meja always has fresh ingredients for her cooking. I suppose it all depends on where this goes.
salt and brine taglist (ask to be added <3): @oh-no-another-idea
tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks @k--havok and @laplumedemaureen to do this for a character, and as always open tag for anyone who wants to join <3
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arsenicflame1 · 2 years
listen, while i absolutely LOVE Izzy fics that go into the trauma of having his toe cut off (especially the long term affects, the chronic pain, how it fucks up his balance) im gonna need more of you to write ones where the bit thats fucking him up is the fact Ed made him EAT it
give me fics where izzy develops food issues over it, where he cant eat meat anymore, where he always feels like its stuck in his throat.
especially if we're acknowledging the canon implications that izzy already has stomach issues, give me fics where its exacerbating those, where he keeps throwing up and nobody knows why and theyre worried because he doesn't seem like hes sick but he must be????
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glitterquadricorn · 3 months
spilled tea and hot gossip - f1 grid
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+summary: there's nothing she loves more than spilled tea and hot gossip. +pairing: f1 grid x female!driver +warnings: cheating, mentions pregnancy, gossip.
a/n: this is just an idea that popped into my head.
I do not give my permission to have my work reposted. I do not give my permission to have my work translated. If I'm notified that you've stolen my work or claim it as your own, you'll be asked to take it down before I'll report you. End of discussion.
Any drama, gossip, or tea that is spilled on a formula one paddock, you best believe she's going to know about it because she's got eyes and ears everywhere. Like for example, the whole situation with Oscar, Daniel and Mclaren. Or how Fernando signed with Aston Martin and didn't tell anyone much less Alpine. Pierre wonders where, or who she's getting this information from, but she'd never reveal her source for they wish to remain anonymous.
"Thanks so much for helping, y/n. You've made our job a lot easier," Jon, a member of her pit crew, smiled and tapped her shoulder.
"I'm always happy to help!" she said. " Do you guys need anything else? If not, I'm going to head out."
"We should be all good to go. Again, thanks for the help."
"You guys have a good day!" she left out the back of the garage and walked down a relatively empty paddock with the exception of other teams' staff here and there.
She was almost at the entrance when from the corner of her eye; she spotted a man wearing a black and red Haas shirt. Whoever he was talking to she didn't know, and it wasn't her business. But what he told to said person on the phone shocked her.
"I messed up, man. I shouldn't have even slept with her," the man paused, running his hand down his face. "Oh, the girlfriend of a mechanic over at Alpha Tauri. But that's not even the worst part of it. She's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is."
The sound that came out of her mouth wasn't human, and she quickly had to pretend she saw something shocking on her phone because the man looked in her direction. Man, she couldn't wait to tell the boys.
The following day after scanning her id, she strutted down the paddock like a woman on a mission.
Spotting the dutchman, who conveniently was standing with Daniel, Charles and Pierre outside the redbull garage, she excitedly walked right over. "You'll never guess what I heard yesterday."
"Judging by your excitement, I assume it's something juicy." Pierre replied. Just by the excitement alone, he knew that whatever she was about to say was going to be good.
"Yesterday, I stayed back after qualifying to help my pit crew clean up and put things away. When I was done, I left and walked down a relatively empty paddock, but stopped when I overheard somebody from Haas talking on the phone. I don't know who he was talking to, because it's not relevant, but what is, is what he told them."
"Get to the point, y/n."
"I was getting there, Max," she paused. "He told them he slept with a girlfriend of a mechanic over at Alpha Tauri. That alone is pretty juicy, but what he followed it up with had my jaw on the floor. And he followed it up with and she's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is."
Gasps leave their mouth as their jaws drop just like hers did from the day before. Behind Charles, her pr manager, Tracy, waved her over.
"Enjoy the tea, boys." she smirked, patted Charles on the shoulder as she walked away.
I know Visa Cash App RB team name isn't Alpha Tauri anymore, but I hate the name Visa Cash App RB with a passion.
@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @patzammit @tinycyber @keenmarvellover @mrspeacem1nusone @lendeluxe @alexxavicry @allenajade-ite @catswag22 @eugene-emt-roe @wcnorris @bibissparkles @cherry-piee @khaylin27 @evie-119
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frozenjokes · 2 months
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EVERY. AU. (featuring some of the main cast from each project) I wanted to make some sort of header for when I eventually redo my pinned post so I’ve been working on this for a couple days and I’m very happy with how it came out! rbs for big projects like this is always appreciated. There are six different aus here and 18 different characters (ghost moth monster is two) and if anyone can name every character I would genuinely be extremely impressed LMAO
AUs pictured:
hermitclan (like warrior cats if all hermitcraft events were just canon and there is no god)
boatem ghosts (pirate goodtimeswithscar murders his crew and their asses come back to haunt his ass)
watcher scar au (scar is a watcher and kinda accidentally eats grian’s soul. whoops! Jimmy would like it if Scar would cooperate at all)
hermitdragons (wof au where Grian is an animus born to the nightwings who use his power to make themselves gods. it’s actually a third life au also)
obligatory hotguy au (hotguy pines for the most random normal guy in town who literally couldn’t care less)
mumbomaid au (mumbo jumbo mermaid extravaganza. it’s actually about aromantic relationships and friendship and love in all its forms)
edit: a couple feetsies were not colored so this has been fixed
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sweetbarista · 17 days
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↳ sashannarcy tumblr layouts
—@lavendergalactic’s pride week - day 5: a polyamorous relationship — like or rb, && credit art to crew member raebits, if using !
❝ but nothing — not distance, or time, can break the bond that we share. ❞
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f0point5 · 6 months
You know, I love Seb (he’s the person who got me into F1) and I respect Lewis and his accomplishments but one thing I’ll never forgive them (and a lot of the older drivers, most already retired now) for is how they treated Max when he came into F1.
Yes, he might have been their rival but he was also a teenager, a literal child and gosh… I know Max probably doesn’t really care anymore but I still hurt for him sometimes.
Especially when you consider that he was the one paving the way for his generation. When Charles and Lando and George and everyone else came up a few years later they were welcomed as the youth, the future of the sport. Older drivers talking about their talent and how great it is to see them come up.
Max didn’t get that. He got shouts of “too young”, “too reckless”, “too… too much”.
So no, to me the only real grid dad (or maybe grid uncle is more fitting, idk) will be Fernando Alonso who said that some people are simply ready earlier than others and that Max should be judged on his performance in the races, not his age (paraphrased).
Fernando who has been an idol a lot of the younger generation growing up but also exchanged helmets with Oscar and Zhou, joked with Lando on instagram, talks Le Mans with Max and probably many more moments I’m forgetting about rn.
Honestly, I don’t really get the Seb hype. He just has never given me good vibes. I didn’t watch during the RB days so maybe if I’d seen his golden era I’d have gotten attached but he has just always seemed…not likeable. Clearly a very driven, straightforward, intelligent guy, but something about him doesn’t sit well with me. Anyway rant over.
I’m not even going to talk about LH because…par for the course.
Yes, they were all mean to him. As grown men, too, how are you not absolutely embarrassed?! I get that he’s a kid and maybe you don’t want to hang out with him or confront the fact that you’re not the hotshots anymore but omg it’s a CHILD. (And Seb who made a bit of a meal out of being a bullying victim as a kid…I see you.)
No one else of Max’s generation would have survived the way they treated him, I stand by that. They all needed the support they got, and Max had none of it from his peers. I can’t see Max being the type who cared per se, because he was probably already used to being…not ostracised, but like…observed? And also because of how he grew up I don’t think anyone’s words could rattle him. But even if he didn’t care the grown men should have known better.
If I were Max I’d still be laughing about how bitter I made men in their 30s. Like “I couldn’t grow facial hair and y’all were running scared”. But I still think it must have been a pretty lonely few years until others his age started catching up.
I think Max was really lucky to have such a tight team (Christian, Helmut, Jos, Ray, GP) around him to insulate him a bit and stop him getting pushed around but the way these men tried it. (Toto I’m looking at your for the Jos phonecall.)
Yeah Fernando is the only one who I think was ready to embrace the new frontier as it were. But he is just kind of like that. I feel like he doesn’t feel his age is the disadvantage that most do, and that’s why he’s not so afraid of younger drivers. Like, his relationship with Max, Carlos, lando, George (nye buddies lol) and Zhou (literally just today saw a quote of him talking about how nice Alonso was to him, even Lance, he treats them as much as peers as he does his own generation, it’s cute.
Also, this is kinda random but I swear Nico and Max were kind of friendly in the early years? Max has known Nico a long time, despite the age difference (he said he remembered glasses Nico used to wear at like 7, and Nico once went out with his mum?), Nico was on the jet with Max on his birthday in…2017? And I think there’s a picture of Max having flown with some guys (including both Nicos in 2016) and for some reason I’ve always had the idea that Hulkenberg was his link to that whole crew? (Idk if this whole friendship is a headcanon but for some reason I feel like these two are/were kinda connected)
But yeah, agree. Grown men acting like little bitches. That generation I think was the last generation with real bitterness between the drivers, though. Idk you wouldn’t catch me being a jerk to a kid but I’ve never been terrified of a kid before so 🤷‍♀️
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tyrannosaurus-maxy · 2 years
Some interesting excerpts from the Max chapter in Lee McKenzie’s book Inside F1
When Max was at Toro Rosso, Lee and the BBC had a 2 day interview with the Verstappen family. At dinner, the BBC was about to pick up the tab, but Jos said Max would pay. Apparently everyone was stunned. Jos explained that the BBC crew were there as guests and would end up making a lovely feature, and Max should pay to say thank you. Max got out the credit card and paid.
Lee was sitting in the RB energy station after the Spain 2016 win where Max won his first GP immediately after getting promoted. Daniel was sitting there too, and Daniil Kyvat walked in. The two drivers looked at each other, stunned, then laughed and shook their heads. “What the fuck just happened,” Daniel apparently said to Daniil. Lee says that the two probably realised at that moment that their careers and status (in Red Bull) had changed.
David Coulthard introduced Lee to Max. In her words, the intro was very DC - “witty, funny, and completely inappropriate”. Lee said she rolled her eyes but “poor Max went bright red, like any normal teenager would”. But, she went on to say, he wasn’t a normal teenager. He was self assured, without arrogance, despite having Red Bull and Mercedes bidding on him.
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themultifanshipper · 24 days
hi I hope you're having a great day! I'd like to request rb!Seb x driver!reader so they're rivals that absolutely hate each other's gut but as much as they wouldn't want to admit it they secretly like each other. so there was one time Seb and Reader crashed and they got into an argument after. a bunch of the crew pulled them away from each other so things wouldn't get worse and after that they were interviewed Seb says something like "She's beautiful but she shouldn't be in formula 1" something like that. Seb did it on purpose to tick her off and reader confronts him in his hotel race and things get steamy.
Hello anon, so I have a problem (that isn't really a problem tbh). I've written a fic for this ask, but it's ended up quite angsty and is more of a love confession, with passionate/fluffy sex after.
Upon rereading your ask I realised that it might not be what you wanted at all, in which case I can whip up another fic that is purely confrontation followed by hate sex and I can post the other one at a later date.
Could you possibly tell me what you'd prefer in my asks pls 👉👈
(I was thinking of making the "I hate you" fics a series with all the drivers anyway so I will write both just tell me which one you want) (sorry for the inconvenience :3 )
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Im glad I didn't give up and not watch that livestream. It was very nice to see it live and watch the chat go bonkers in real time
Josh munchin n crunchin on snacks
The little goofs n gaffs
THE FUCKING FOREST FIC REFERENCES. I almost lost it when they cut back to them after playing Navigating and Josh wasn't there. Golden moment!
Mark was so funny, he needs more love. Shout out Mark, your just as much a part of this as the boys are. Love you, man 💜
Curse my auditory sensory issues and sleep deprived mind, I had a hard time hearing the lyrics, so today is relisten with lyrics in front of me day. But what I got, I fully enjoyed
I loved the music videos. I think the lower budget ones may be my favorite. There is something so personal and down to earth seeing a literal Grammy Award winning, sells-out-stadiums band just going out onto a frozen lake, a snowy field, a forest, and a small midwestern town with a camera and small crew, DIYing music videos as if they're just starting out. They don't need to be reminded of where they started. They don't need to be reminded of their roots. They never left them. And that's amazing. It hit me when I saw the music video for Snap Back. It's just... Tyler n Mark in a garage. They continue to bring back the old iconic scenes like shaving his head each era in a mv. It warms my heart.
God I had so much more I wanted to say but im still so tired and I fruckin hurt so im gunna just rb other ppls thoughts for a while n head back to bed. Ill gush more in the rb tags yall.
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viktor asks his family a question [if the colors are hard to see/read here’s the black+white vers]
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i have always headcannoned viktor and lila as tumblr users. it’s just the vibes bro
i swear i have actual art to post soon guys 😭
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if anyone reads this: hi ^_^
ramble ramble :D this stuff isn’t very well thought out it’s just random thoughts. hope u liked the comic
listen idk where/when lila was raised and ik they have the whole technology thing that i think is really cool
but viktor was made for tumblr? and so was lila. they were there to witness dashcon and nov 5 2020 and now goncharov
something i want to do but would never cus i feel like i wouldn’t be able to do it well is do a 17yo viktor tumblr acc. if anyone has seen any osemanverse stuff like heartstopper, it would be like that. for context one of the characters in alice oseman’s novel solitaire was stated to have tumblr and she actually has a tumblr blog that would rb stuff and answer asks lol. anyway it would be funny lmao
i made this in a day cus goncharov has been getting lots of attention cus of the whole zepotha thing (tiktok /negative) and it’s what made me finally go through the steps i had to take irl to get tumblr after lurking for years (through google keep 💀 i need to put this on my blog somehow it’s too funny)
this was a lot of more dynamic arm/hand poses practice and also just drawing most of the crew.
the day i learn how to draw stbaley it’s over for you guys
have a great day!!!!!!
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wildflowerteas · 14 days
WE HAVE MAX (cosmobrain00 on this website) ON TSP NOW ch 1 reactions pt 1
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HIII MAXX!!!!!! Please do not apologize in any way shape or form TSP isn't written as a story that requires theorizing, anyway. It's a mystery, but more of a 'watch this unfold' than a 'you should have seen this coming from the start' mystery. I'm so grateful glad? excited? I don't exactly how to describe the feeling, but just super giddy to know that you were excited from the get-go. i put my entire heart and soul into the summary for my fics ( i ran this one past azey a thousand times before i posted ).
also, Rori, give yourself some credit. you pick up on the subtlest characterizations and hints of symbolism and gnaw on them until they're bone. I'm always impressed by you.
'me personally i'm excited for the sex scene' . . . I wasn't. <- guy who was shaking and almost crying in the dorm showers after posting.
OKAY IM NOT. LAZY. I think I definitely fall into the pit of 'write what you know,' or at least, 'write what you're comfortable with' and it worries me sometimes.
Urghi'm going to explode. my face is definitely red ( surely not courtesy of the summer heat ).
It actually wouldn't be beyond me to put significance into the weather reports, but as Rori said: they're only in there for setting purposes ( and for logistics ) and for accuracy. Heat + smog + asthma isn't great on the lungs. Heat isn't great for Camellias. etc. etc. I actually have a day-by-day record from the LA airport that I sometimes reference for snowfall and such!
HIIIII MARKKK <3 ELLI. AUUGHHHHGJJFJKJHG!@!@!@!>>>!!@!!!!!@!@! PLEASE I COULDJUST 💥💥💥 he makes me SO ill. I bully him for comic relief in the heavier moments, but i adore him ( it's a disease ) and i love his interactions with Lucy especially
Yes!!!!!! Rori you're right, I don't like copy-pasting the organizations from canon to AU. Not that I dislike it in fic, but I just can't do it because I get the itch to throw just basically whoever into the mix. It's why in WIA the Keiō University crew wasn't Atsushi-centered, Dazai, or even ADA centered ( I mean, Rimbaud was a professor there. He literally brings sskk together. ). I'm like botw Link, just tossing things into the pot and seeing if its a consumable success. Agh actually that reminds me, I should rb my RS. The spring is Dry.
I actually decided to call it 'The Crypt' because of the gloominess and dustiness of it all, and because Lovecraft is in charge of it and . . . The Crypt of Cthulhu <- a pretty famous fanzine for Lovecrafts works and Cthulhu lore in general. Mark definitely would have come up with it in AU though, that is so true.
I . . . do bully Atsushi. Sorry. I make him go through so much in this fic especially because I think this version of him can Take It.
Dazai is petty!!!!!! Incredibly so!!!!!! 'If I can't solve this, then no one can' vibe. . . . Or?
'joint tsp dazai jumping when' BAHAHAHAHAA
OKAY WHAT THE FUCK. I REALLY WAS JUST MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS ( actually, I was scrolling through pinterest looking at The Godfather movie posters and Hella's TBOS moodboard ) when I got the urge to rb and lament the fact that I'll never be able to replicate the aura of that piece. That's an insane coincidence. I'm attuned to the group chat I guess.
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One night in Spielberg
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This is my first ever fic (and probably my last lol) and english is not my first language, so please be understanding. I don't want any hate on this blog so if it's not your cup of tea, don't read it. Thank you 💖 Just leaving this here and going to sleep, byeee. 🙈
Summary: I read a fic the other day with Checo and his PR officer and I had thoughts. A lot of thoughts. It's a friends to lovers story, but smut.
Warnings: smut, 18+, fingering, unprotected sex
Working for Red Bull Racing was a dream come true for you. So as the head of the PR department, it was hard when you saw them struggling for the past few years with finding the perfect teammate for Max.
2020 came by and unfortunately Alex couldn't perform on the required level, so it was an open secret that he should be gone by the end of the season. It was a shame because he is such a sweet guy and you loved working with him, he was like a little brother to you.
You heard rumours about who's gonna replace him, but you never believed those paddock gossips. At the end of the season the news came. The "experienced driver" who will replace Alex for the 2021 season is actually Checo Perez who almost lost his seat in F1, which would be a shame as he is an excellent driver and seems like a great guy too.
Christian gave you the responsibilty to help him with the media stuff and with the integration to his new team.
First time you met him it was at Milton Keynes, one member of your crew was showing him the factory and introducing him to the people. When you first met him, you felt nothing special, he was just like every other driver, well dressed, sporty elegant style, kind and polite.
In the first few months it became clear that you two were a great match, immediately clicked, having fun during race weekends, you had your inside jokes, you also helped him prank the whole marketing crew because you knew how much he likes pranks and you considered it as a kind of team building. Slowly you became good friends. Maybe a little bit too good because some people in the paddock find your relationship suspicious, but you thought they have too much time for things like this and they just like the drama.
But the RB home race came, and it had changed everything.
Usually, for the Austrian GP the whole crew was staying at this lovely hotel, with an amazing view to the mountains and there is a cute lake beside it which makes it more romantic and peaceful. You always loved this place, you wanted to stay here for the rest of the year if it was possible.
The plan was a media day with the AlphaTauri guys, so you had to wake up early in the morning to prepare everything with the marketing crew because it was more complicated than usual with all the games and different locations to go. You made sure that everything is ready when the guys arrive.
First time you saw the guys they were already wearing those stupid lederhosen and you couldn't help but laugh, but also you had to admit that Checo looked really cute in it. Maybe too cute, you felt a little weird to acknowledge that, even if you didn't say it out loud. He saw you being in your head.
"Que pasa Y/N? You must be really tired to prepare all of this. If I had known that this is what we will do today I would let you sleep instead."
"I am actually tired, but this view is totally worth it...I mean you guys in these clothes... It's hilarious."
He's now looking at you with fake anger but couldn't help himself and laugh with you.
"Yeah, no wonder why we hate the marketing team so much."
The day went smooth so you could laugh freely at the boys' actions including the cow milking, the racing in the woods and all the other stupid tasks the team gave to them, they behaved well and it seemed they had a lot of fun, so it was a successful day after all.
It was time for a little relax, and the hotel had a nice pool on the terrace so you and a few other members of the crew went for it, chillin' with your glass of wine and discussing the day. Once you heard noises from the hotel and all of a sudden, the boys were out in their swimming pants, already a little drunk. Max, Pierre and Checo was trying to convince Yuki to jump into the pool, of course they didn't have to tell him twice, next thing you know he was spreading all the water over you and your company. Soon the boys joined the spontanious party and the pool became a mess as everyone were splashing the water all over the place. At one moment you find yourself sitting on Checo's shoulders as you were playfully fighting with your friend from the marketing crew who sat on Pierre's.
After a while the group started to calmed down and everyone left to have some sleep before the race weekend, leaving just the two of you in the summer night.
"Today wasn't that bad as you imagined, no?" You asked him, breaking the unusual silence as you were slowly swimming back and forth in front of him.
"No it wasn't, I love having fun with the team. I just don't like to be in front of all these cameras and stuff. But you know that."
"Yeah I know, but you survived, and you were absolutely professional, I'm proud of you."
"Oh really? Maybe you drank too much, that's why you saying nice things to me." he said with that cheeky smile on his face, which made you blush.
"I'm always saying nice things to you. Except when you do something stupid, then you need some punishment." Maybe it was the alcohol going through your veins, but you started to feel brave enough to flirt a little bit.
"Punishment? Maybe you deserve some, because of those activities you made me do today." and with that he went after you and when he reached you from behind he started to tickle you and you were going crazy beacuse you were ticklish as hell.
You were trying to fight it, giggling and screaming at the same time but it was hard, he was stronger than you so it was quite a challenge. Somehow you managed to get behind him and you were immediately jumping on his back, crossing your legs in front of him so he had to hold you with both hands. Now you were in control, but you had no plan, just to keep his hand busy for a while so he can't torture you any longer.
"You said you had fun today." You were panting close to his ear.
"I did."
"So why are you punishing me?" You asked him half laughing, looking at his neck, somehow feeling an urge to kiss it. You started to feel something as you were on his back so close to him, only with your swimsuits on.
"I just wanted a reason to touch you." You came back from your thoughts, his words were echoing in your ears like they were coming from another planet. You stiffened on his back and you had no clue what to answer, if he said that for real and it wasn't just your imagination. Today was the first day that you saw him in a different way, but you immediately chased away those thoughts about his smile, his hair, his face... he is your friend and colleauge, maybe the place was the reason of these stupid thoughts. And now he says he wanted to touch you.
He felt that you changed your posture and the silence was deafening. He slowly let go of your legs and now he was facing you. He held onto your waist and he was looking at you with so much desire in his eyes which you've never seen before. Or maybe you were just blind.
"Checo, I don't kn..."
"I want you. I want you right here and right now. If you don't want me, you can go but I can't do this anymore."
You wasn't sure what was he talking about, but as you saw his desperate face, without a second thought you ran your fingers through his wet hair, over his neck and placing it on his chest. You looked at him and you could feel the need for him inside of you. You didn't answer, but kissed him. The kiss was passionate, eager it felt like the two of you were waiting for this for ages. And maybe that was the truth, but you didn't care at that moment, you didn't want answers, you just wanted him, every part of him.
You felt his hand on your ass, so you crossed your leg around him again, but now facing him, your lips didn't part for a second, and you were heading towards the side of the pool. You felt the cold stone hitting your back and he started to attack your neck, slowly going down to your breasts. Meanwhile your fingers were in his hair slightly pulling it and you could feel now his hardening cock between your legs.
"Not here." You hoped he heard what you said because you were panting really hard.
Somehow you were managed to get out of the pool and heading towards your room. As soon as you made it inside, you were on each other again, and he was taking you to your bed.
You were kissing again, but now he was rubbing your clit through your wet underwear.
"God, even if we were in the pool I could feel how wet are you for me, cariño."
You were surprised by his dirty talk, you've never imagined him like this, but oh, you loved it.
"Mhm yeah, it's just for you, you make me feel like this." You heard him groaning at your words, and he pulled away the piece of clothes covering your pussy, his fingers now running through your wet folds.
You were moaning into his mouth, trying to pull him as close as possible.
He pushed two fingers inside you, slowly moving them in and out, his tongue now circling your nipple. He felt confident from your reaction, but also a little impatient and more needy so he increased the pace. You felt that your orgasm is close, so you warned him.
"Oh fuck, Checo I'm gonna cum, please..."
"Come on baby, cum on my fingers, let me see your beautiful body shaking from the pleasure."
He didn't need to ask twice, you came undone quickly. He was kissing you as you slowly came back from your high, he already pulled his fingers out of you so you grabbed his hand and put them into your mouth licking off all the mess you made.
He was amazed by your actions and he looked at you like you were the most perfect woman in the world.
"I would love to see what you can do with that beautiful mouth of yours, but I want my cock inside you more."
"Please what? Tell me what you want."
"I...I want you to fuck me."
He didn't want to wait any longer, so he got rid of his pants quickly and placed himself between your legs. He was caressing your thigh with one hand while he placed his cock at your entrance with the other. He slowly pushed himself inside you and you were both moaning at the sensation.
"Yes cariño, you taking me so well." he said as he adjusted the rythm.
"It feels so good, don't stop." It was barely louder than a whisper, but you were surprised that you could speak, as you were already seeing stars.
You were both a moaning and groaning mess, hands all over each other, trying to explore every part of each others' body, you scratching his back and he holding your leg with one hand and your waist with the other.
You could feel that he was close too, shutting his eyes closed and increasing the pace.
"Checo, fuck... I'm so close."
"Yeah baby me too... be a good girl and cum on my cock."
You immediately reached your high again, and he followed you, painting your walls with his cum. No one had ever made you feel like this before, everything felt right and perfect, like you were made for each other.
You were trying to catch your breath as you layed in your bed together, looking at each other with tired but sparkling eyes. You wanted to ask him what did he mean when he said he can't do this anymore, but you wanted to enjoy this moment with him.
"Shower?" he asked.
"Yeah... I feel dirty."
"I have no clue why is that." he laughed. "Can I join you?"
"Please, it would be my pleasure."
"Well, it will be, I have some ideas."
You chuckled and grabbed his hand to pull him into the bathroom. Maybe tomorrow will be a better time to discuss this situation as you felt it's gonna be a long and eventful night.
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myymi · 10 months
intro !!
⤿danielle / myla
⤿18 || [02/23]
⤿agender || they/them + ny/nym (preferred, but im ok w any!!)
⤿dni <got deleted somehow so will be remade
⤿alt.blogs :: personal - @dyymi || art - @ceemi
⤿mutuals are free to ask for my discord 💜
faq !!
⤿"are you still taking prompts?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋmy bio will say if theyre open or closed <3
⤿"how do you get inspiration?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋlistening to music!
⤿"can i draw art based on your fics?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋof course!! please tag me if you do, i'd love to see it!
⤿"have you written for any other fandoms?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋyes, but you'll never find it. i never posted them lol
⤿"any tips for __?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋcheck my tips tag first!
main tags !!
⤿tails - miles tails prower
⇢ ˗ˏˋ& sonic - unbreakable bond / dynamic duo
⇢ ˗ˏˋ& knuckles - brain and brawn
⇢ ˗ˏˋ& amy - pinky lemonade
⇢ ˗ˏˋ& shadow - bumblebee
⤿asks - myyanswers / anon / anonymous / anon ask
⤿drabbles - myydrabs
⤿fanfic - myyfics
⤿headcanons - myyhcs
⤿alt.blogs rbs - dyymi / ceemi
⤿tips - writing tips
(you may not find every post when searching up tags. i sometimes forget to tag them, and a lot of these are new ones. sorryyy)
fics !!
[it's quite long, so i'm going to add a read more]
⤿Quick Trip
⇢ ˗ˏˋTails just wanted to run to the store to pick up a few things but was attacked on his way home.
⤿Tails can Purr
⇢ ˗ˏˋjust the family finding out tails can purr
⤿Tails can Purr | Sonic Boom Edition
⇢ ˗ˏˋthis is before season 2, same time as cabin fever cause i love that episode
⤿Welcome To Westside Island!
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails runs into some old 'friends'
⤿What Kind of Genius Can't Figure This Out?
⇢ ˗ˏˋThe crew stay behind to lend a hand in repairing the chateau after the avalanche hits. Over time, Tails properly processes everything that happened that day, but is left with more questions than answers.
⤿Early Birthday Gift
⇢ ˗ˏˋTails is working on The Tornado when Amy swings by the house with an early birthday present
⤿Sonic Hoodie
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic comes home to tails in a hoodie that looks like him
⇢ ˗ˏˋSonic and Tails have a little talk about what happened during the war.
⤿Reality Check
⇢ ˗ˏˋWhat starts as a normal day with Tails fixing up Omega after an accident turns into the fox receiving a reality check from Shadow
⤿Chaotix Babysitting
⇢ ˗ˏˋour favorite detective agency look after our favorite two tailed fox while he's sick :)
⤿Abandonment Issues
⇢ ˗ˏˋKnuckles and Tails are left home alone for the first time. It later proves to be a terrible idea
⤿They're Called Scary Movies for a Reason
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails watches a horror movie for the first time. it does not end well
⤿Echidna Memorial
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles takes sonic and tails to the memorial he made for his ancestors :]
⤿It's What Brothers Do
⇢ ˗ˏˋjust a cute little moment between the boys, set in the aosth universe :]
⤿That's His Little Brother
⇢ ˗ˏˋsomeone else saves Sonic instead of the avatar
⇢ ˗ˏˋAs Tails packs up the Tornado, Sonic comes to him to talk about something on his mind.
⤿What's the Point?
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails notices people don’t typically care to listen to his tech rambles so he stops
⤿Sleeping Troubles
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles wakes to find tails missing and sets off to locate him. they talk abt history :]
⤿Hide and Seek
⇢ ˗ˏˋjust kids being kids. for the most part, anyways
⤿You're Not Alone
⇢ ˗ˏˋa small rewrite of one of the scenes in the third issue of idw's scrapnik island :]
⤿Rainy Day, Sick Hedeghog
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic gets sick, leaving tails to take care of him :]
⤿He's Still Five.
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles watches over tails while sonic goes to fight eggman
⤿First I Love Yous
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic wakes up to a empty bed that should’ve had a fox cub in it
⇢ ˗ˏˋbasically; tails finds out he’s allergic to jelly. lethally
⤿Sonic Prower
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic changes his name
⤿Online Fights
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic and tails get into a fight like losers /lh
⤿If you can't catch a Hedgehog, Torture a Fox
⇢ ˗ˏˋthis is based off a response my friend got when messing around with an eggman ai
⤿School Troubles
⇢ ˗ˏˋTom and Maddie get a call from the school about Tails
⤿Complimentary Colors
⇢ ˗ˏˋobligatory first meet fic starring sonic and tails
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails waits for sonic to come home
⇢ ˗ˏˋEither Tails has a nice nostalgia trip, or Sonic gets to embarrass him. The joys of being the big brother.
⤿Easily Hurt
⇢ ˗ˏˋ"You ever think about plastic surgery to fix those, uh, freaky tails?" -- based on the events in episode 61 'fast and easy' in aosth
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles gets some visitors
⤿Tumblr Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋvarious drabbles from tumblr
⤿Find a Rock
⇢ ˗ˏˋbaby tails meets amy
⤿One Last Favor
⇢ ˗ˏˋa scene from telltale's the walking dead game rewritten w sonic and tails
⤿Mobius Lost Another Hero
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails, knuckles, and shadow scavenge for supplies. it does not end well
⤿Grocery Shopping
⇢ ˗ˏˋlittle slice of life fic, aosth bros
⇢ ˗ˏˋshadow sits on a roof to sulk. tails says no
⤿Tail Wags
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails finds out his tails wag
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles sonic and tails are stuck in a cave during a rainstorm
⤿A Warm Meal
⇢ ˗ˏˋzombie apocalypse sonic au - inspired by telltale's the walking dead (s1e2)
⤿New Allies
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic and tails meet knuckles !! yayyy
⇢ ˗ˏˋzombie apocalypse sonic au - inspired by telltale's the walking dead (s2e1)
⤿Actions Have Consequences
⇢ ˗ˏˋzombie apocalypse sonic au - inspired by telltale's the walking dead (s1e3)
⤿What Did I Do?
⇢ ˗ˏˋmy take on what happens after the end of sonic prime part 3 (contains spoilers)
⤿Have You Seen Tails?
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic wakes up from his nap and tails is not there
⤿False Paradise
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic and tails talk on angel island
⇢ ˗ˏˋa large hotel collapses while a certain fox is inside
⇢ ˗ˏˋonce the world began to restore itself after the war against infiite, tails sets out to explore an abadoned eggman base located in holoska
surely nothing bad could happen there
⤿Love is Confusing
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails has no idea what love is
⤿Familiar Faces
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails runs into a few familiar faces as he's transporting a batch of weapons to the resistance's armory
⤿Tumblr Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋvarious drabbles from tumblr
41 notes · View notes
formula-1-otp · 4 days
Not How I Planned
Summary : Logan needed some help and who better to help then Fernando and Max and some outside support from Lewis. Liam probably didn’t need to fly halfway across the world but oh well.
Another race weekend for the Formula 1 crew, with more fans to meet, autographs to sign, and rubber to burn. Most of the teams were already arriving at the next destination which just so happened to be Australia. The weather was nice not too cold not too hot, the rain seemed to be holding out making the weekend almost perfect. Fernando was walking along the paddock, he had finished most of his media duties for the day and was just gathering the rest of his stuff. He glanced as Lance came from his side of the garage looking a little stressed.
“Hey que pasa Lancey?” Fernando didn't like the look on his boyfriend's face he wasn't used to seeing the young Canadian with that look on his face.
“Nothing just another meeting with my dad,” Lance tried to give Fernando a reassuring smile he knew the older man didn't believe him at all. Fernando just gave a soft tut, wrapping an arm around Lance’s back.
“Let’s go back to the hotel we got a long day tomorrow,” Nando was leading his younger teammate back to their car when he realized he had left his wallet in his driver's room.
“Hey baby I gotta go back really quick I forgot my wallet but you wait here,” Fernando shut the door quickly luckily it was late and most of the media was out of the paddock by now so he wasn’t super worried about unsolicited photos being taken. Nando started briskly walking back to the Aston Martin garage, he would never admit it but it was freaky walking through the paddock at night when most of the crews have gone home for the night leaving an almost too quiet feeling amongst the garages that were usually filled with laughter, cheers, and sometimes tears.
As Fernando walked past the RB garage he heard a soft muffled cry. The Spaniard stopped in his tracks, he honestly wasn’t sure if what he heard was accurate or if the silence was playing tricks on his mind. He almost kept walking until he heard it again. Slowly stepping forward, he knew he shouldn’t be sneaking around another team’s garage but if someone needed help and he could help he wanted to. Nando quietly meandered towards the stairs where the sound was coming from. He was almost at the stairs when a hand grabbed his shoulder. Fernando whipped around ready to karate chop whoever just grabbed him, he didn't think it would be Lance staring at him with the same look of panic on his face.
“What are you doing? I thought you forgot you're wallet?” Lance looked confused realizing they were standing in the RB garage.
“I was but I thought I heard someone crying,” Nando trailed off, lance went quiet trying to see if they could hear anything unfortunately they didn't. “I must've just been hearing things let's get back to the hotel,” Nando turned with his boyfriend back to the car forgetting about why he was going back at all.
It was early, like incredibly early but Lewis was struggling with jet lag and he was awake at an ungodly hour. He had tossed and turned for a few hours before he gave up deciding to go for a walk. He crawled out of bed careful to not wake George who was sleeping peacefully beside him, he would never have heard the end of it if he had woken up the princess. He threw on some clothes before sneaking out towards the beach, the sun was just peaking over the horizon giving a small bit of light. Lewis walked down the beach taking in the sights and the sounds.
The sun was slowly coming up more and more and people were gathering on the beach. Lewis looked at his phone deciding he should head back if he wanted to be ready in time so George wouldn’t wake the whole hotel up because Lewis wasn’t in the room. As he started the long journey back, he saw a familiar blonde sleeping on a beach chair. Lewis slowly made his way over before gently crouching down.
“Hey Logan, Logan?” Lewis was trying to be gentle he and the American were by no means best friends but they had been friendly, but Lewis didn’t want to scare the poor young American. Logan gently opened his eyes before springing up.
“What are you doing out here?” Lewis looked puzzled helping the American to his feet.
“Oh I-uh-I must've fallen asleep this morning when I came out here,” Logan smiled at Lewis and Lewis just chuckled before taking the younger American back to the hotel so they could get ready.
Lewis walked back up to his room with George to see George white as a ghost throwing clothes around their room.
“Baby, what are you doing?” Lewis just stood in the doorway smiling as George’s panic facade slowly slipped away seeing Lewis.
“I thought you were kidnapped!” George instantly starts going on a rant and Lewis can't help but laugh and take George in his arms before the two begin getting ready for qualifying day.
Max had qualified well, he was proud of the team and ready for the race to come, they had finished up the debrief not having to make note of too much as the car was working in perfect order. Max had spoken to Daniel before qualifying and they had decided to grab lunch after. As he meandered in he smiled at the techs and staff working around.
“Hey anyone seen Daniel?” Max asked one of the mechanics who pointed to the driver's room. Max smiled before making his way upstairs. He opened the door but the sight in front of him was not what he was expecting, instead of the Aussie waiting for him, Max was face to face with a puffy face, red-eyed Logan was all but jumped up when Max opened the door.
Max could see the dark circles under his eyes, the shakiness in his stance, and the death grip he had on the hoodie he was holding.
“Logan, what's going on?” Max had never really talked to Logan but the sight in front of him worried him.
“Oh, nothing just allergies sorry I was just leaving,” Logan all but ran past Max down the stairs and out of the garage. Max was left to stare where the young boy once was lingering. He wondered what had caused it, Max knew the media was relentless to Logan and his failures in Formula 1 and they made sure everyone knew it. Daniel came from Yuki’s driver's room and smiled at Max before his face went back to neutral.
“What's wrong Max?” Daniel asked, his friend had just wanted to know why he looked like someone had stolen his dog.
“Something’s wrong with Logan, and I intend to find out what,” Max muttered before changing the subject and heading off to lunch with Daniel, the mystery would have to wait.
Alex couldn't find Logan anywhere, he had checked the Williams garage, motorhomes, and a few other garages he even called Logan 10 times but the younger man wouldn’t pick up. He was getting worried, he knew Logan hadn’t been doing too well lately, and he was having a hard time ignoring the media. Alex pulled out his last resort, he looked through his contacts picking the one he needed before bringing his phone up to his ear.
“Hey, have you seen Logan? I haven't seen him since qualifying,” Alex listened to the voice on the other end. “Okay please let me know if you hear anything,” Alex hung up the phone another dead end. He decided to walk around the paddock but, he knew Logan hadn't gone back to the hotel as his trainer was still hanging about.
Max wasn't paying attention when he almost bulldozed Alex over, Max quickly grabbed the Thai so he wouldn’t fall.
“I’m sorry Alex are you okay?” The Dutchman asked, Alex nodded.
“Yeah, sorry I wasn’t paying attention,”
“Anything you need help with?”
“Have you seen Logan I’ve been looking for him?” Alex decided to give it a shot he knew Max and Logan weren’t friends but you just never know.
“I was looking for him, before I went to lunch with Daniel I saw him in Daniel’s driver's room, he looked like he had been crying,” Max recounted the events he couldn’t get the look of Logan out of his head the American looked so fragile and frail like one wrong word and he would fall to the ground in a puddle.
“Oh no, how long ago was that?” Alex asked, he knew depending on the time frame Logan could be anywhere from the garage to Tim Buck-too.
“About an hour and a half-ish?” Max replied, “How about we split up and cover more ground that way?” Max suggested couldn’t hurt, Alex nodded before bidding the Dutch farewell with a promise to call if he found Logan.
Max decided to ask around so when he saw Fernando coming down the paddock he decided it was worth a shot.
“Hey Fernando, Have you by chance seen Logan?”
“No, I haven’t do you need help looking for him?” Nando stopped instantly, he always wanted to lend a hand and something in his stomach said he needed to help. Max smiled and nodded to the Spaniard.
They continued to search around the paddock, it was Fernando who noticed first, a small figure in the distance. He almost missed it, he probably would’ve honestly if the sun wasn’t at the exact angle it was that day.
“Max, I think I found him,” Nando pointed in the distance. It was a good spot, away from media, all traffic on the other end of the busy paddock. There wasn’t much around there hence why it was trafficked a lot less. Max immediately grabbed his phone sending Alex a text to where they found him before making their way over.
Logan wasn't sure he could do this anymore. He was failing his team, he couldn't get them any points, and he knew he was losing his seat next year, he was trying his best but the pounding in his head and the summersaults his stomach was doing weren't helping anything. To make everything feel even worse his boyfriend was in the United States in a whole other time zone doing a media event. Originally Liam was supposed to come with Logan they were supposed to spend the weekend together before taking a week off and heading to New Zealand so Logan could see where his love had grown up, but not everything always goes to plan when you're and formula 1 driver or a reserve formula 1 driver. He was so wrapped in his thoughts he didn't notice Fernando and Max beside him until they spoke.
“Logan, are you okay?” Logan looked at Max, he was debating on what to say. He wasn't even sure he knew the answer.
“Logan it’s okay to not be okay, you don’t have to be 100% all the time,” Logan’s eyes moved to Fernando as he spoke, Logan wasn’t sure he believed him.
“I called Alex he’s coming to see if you’re okay too,” Max didn’t know what to do at this point Logan wasn’t crying anymore but he didn’t look like he was done by any means. Logan’s eyes widened, he was so grateful for his teammate he was but he knew Alex would call Liam and the last thing he needed was his boyfriend getting worried and hoping on a plane for a few nights when he had his job to do.
“Oh no, no, no” Logan wasn’t sure what to do he couldn’t avoid Alex forever. “I mean thank you for checking in on me but I’ll be okay-“There was his slip-up, his mind was going so many miles a minute he wasn’t watching his words.
“Logan, what's wrong?” Max said more forcefully this time his patience had had enough, he wanted answers. Logan knew he couldn't get out of this, he was trapped, he debated on playing it down but who was he kidding his walls were coming down whether he liked it or not.
“This weekend just isn't turning out how I wanted it to, and I worry I'm not cut out for this lifestyle,” Logan couldn't help it the tears started flowing again. Fernando instantly grabbed the younger boy pulling him into a big hug. Fernando had once too bad the same insecurities he had helped his boyfriend through these many times at the beginning of his career. He hadn't even thought that Logan was feeling that way, Nando had never opened his eyes outside of his circle to see how some of these young drivers and fairing in the shark-infested waters.
“You can do this Logan you need to believe in yourself, you are the only thing stopping you.” Max rubbed the American's back, he could recognize not everyone had been prepped for Formula 1 quite like him. After some more comforting words, Logan was finally beginning to calm down and feel a bit more confident.
“This weekend might not be everything but make the best of it! You can come with me and Lance to the botanic garden next week if you want?” Fernando knew he should technically be checking with his boyfriend before he just started inviting people on their dates.
“No, no it's all good-”
“You can come hang out with me and Charles?” Max suggested he knew Logan had talked to the monegaste a couple of times.
“It's okay guys I don't need to third wheel your dates, it's just my date was supposed to be coming and unfortunately something came up,” Logan looked at his shoes trying to stay strong he knew that's what his boyfriend would want.
“I'm sorry to hear Logan, I didn't know you were seeing anyone?” Fernando didn't mean to word it as a question, it just he hadn't remembered Logan ever bringing anyone to the track.
“It's okay we keep it pretty low key, but it doesn't matter anyway,” Logan saw Alex come around the corner so he decided to end the conversation there he didn't want to open up any more can of worms.
“There you are, you okay?” Logan could see the worry on his teammate he smiled at him.
“I'm okay Alex I promise,” he said patting the older man on the shoulder before walking back to the garage. Alex was flabbergasted he had run all over the paddock looking for Logan and finally found him and he seemed fine. He looked at Fernando and Max in front of him.
“What happened?” the two men in front of him looked towards each other.
“Honestly, I don't know, we found him crying, then we kind of talked he panicked you were coming then he kind of just put on a smile and left,” Max summed up.
“He's so frustrating sometimes,” Alex couldn't help it he had to tell someone. “I get told to watch him so I do he wanders off then when I find him everything’s fine!”
“Who told you to watch him?” Fernando had to ask, as Lance would say he's nosey. Now why Max decided to take a sip of his water at that moment he’ll never know but as Liam spoke the answer Max couldn't help but spit his entire mouth full into the air.
“Liam asked me too,” Alex’s eyes shot to Max as Nando’s face fell in shock. “I guess he didn't tell you that part?” Alex smirked slightly as he watched the older men put two and two together.
“Nope, he didn't mention that, how did I not know how did no one tell me? Liam is my reserve driver! Wait why isn't Liam here its race weekend and Liam isn't here?” Max realized how focused he had been on race and winning he didn't even notice that the young kiwi was absent.
“He was supposed to come, but he got a last minute media deal in the US, he only found out two days before we were supposed to fly here,” Alex said he had been talking to Liam a little bit. “And since he's not here Logon’s spiralling, I’m not sure exactly why or what happened? But he wasn't in his room last night, he looks awful, we all know his qualifying but he won't talk to me, or Liam for that matter.” Alex kind of just let it all out he wasn't sure if he should be saying this to either of the two men in front of him but he did feel a little lighter having told someone what the last two days had been like with Logan.
“I found him sleeping on the beach this morning when I was walking,” three heads spun to see Lewis Hamilton standing there worried look on his face. No one but Lewis knew how long he had been eaves dropping but they didn't have time to figure it out. It was getting late and it was race weekend none the less.
“Everyone just keep and eye and if you see something say something, Alex maybe talk to Liam see if he can talk to Logan at all?” Max suggested a plan he could feel his own phone buzzing in his pocket.
“Will do, good luck tomorrow everyone,” Alex said before the group split heading in different directions.
Liam woke with a start as his ringtone blared through his hotel room, he quickly rolled over and grabbed his phone struggling to get his eyes to adjust to the light of the screen he finally read it Albono. His mind jumped to Logan being injured or worse he quickly swiped the screen.
“Sup mate?” he rasped out, he hadn't been feeling super great so he wasn't shocked his voice was finally starting to go.
“I'm sorry for calling you so early but I just need you to talk to Logan before the race tomorrow, he's really struggling without you here, and a bunch of drivers are worried,” Alex didn't want to necessarily worry Liam but he had to get his point across. “Also you look like shit are you okay?” Sometimes people mouths move before their brains can think. Alex couldn’t help but regret asking that question.
“Yea I’m okay Alex just tired but don’t worry, I’m gonna get on a plane, I texted my team I should be in Australia at the track by media,” Liam knew he could be honest with Alex but it sounded like his boy needed him so he would do whatever it took.
As Fernando and Lance were returning to their room from dinner Fernando’s phone buzzed. He quickly saw the text from Alex.
Alex :
- We have backup coming for Logan anyone seen him since we left?
Fernando thought about it he hadn’t seen the American before his phone buzzed again.
Lewis :
- I saw him go back to his room I think his trainer was with him
Fernando was happy to hear that someone was with Logan maybe that’s what Alex was referring to as backup.
“Who are you texting?” Lance’s voice broke his thoughts.
“Alex, Lewis and I think Max, why?” Fernando hadn’t clued into the fact he’d been kind of in his own little world which wasn’t normal for his relationship on race weekends. “Logan’s been struggling a bit and we’re worried, I have to help him Lance he reminds me of you,” Fernando was trying to read the Canadians expression he could be a bit koi when he wanted to be.
“That’s nice of you, this doesn’t affect us though right?” Fernando could see the insecurities coming through, he took Lances hands in his own.
“I love you with my everything you are mine and besides Logan’s taken,” Fernando added that just to hint his point a little bit. Lance smiled to his boyfriend before they went back to their room.
Max was with Charles they were just watching tv in their hotel room before they had to go to bed.
“I think I’m gonna go check on Logan, I’ll be back in a bit,” Max had told Charles of his encounter earlier so Charles just shook his head planted a small kiss on Max’s cheek before settling back into his pillow.
Max trecked down the hall he luckily got Logan’s room number from Alex. As he slowly approached the door he could hear something on the other side of the door, he knocked as carefully as one could trying not to be intrusive. As the door opened Max saw took in the younger boys appearance. Max immediately walked in the door and opened his arms. He just let Logan cry, he had done this with Charles many times in the past and it always seemed to work so for now he would just comfort the American and be there for him as best he could. After some time Logan’s cries turned into slight sniffles.
“What happened?” Max finally dared to ask the question.
“He promised to call me, he said we could talk since he wasn’t sure if he would be able to call me before the race but he’s not answering what if something happened to him Max, what if he got kidnapped or someone was out to get him, someone could’ve sabotaged the event,” The theories weren’t helping Logan, Max looked over to Logan’s phone that was thrown on the floor. He could see the 14 calls to Liam he had made. And each with the red indicator went unanswered.
“Im sure he's just busy, maybe his event started early, or went late and he's sleeping or working,” Max tried to reassure the younger boy but he was really out of his element. He knew most of the drivers would be, most of them dating other drivers or their teammates so you really only had to worry about training weeks but you always had race weekends. “Do you want to spend the night in Charles and I’s hotel room we have a pullout couch?” Max offered he could tell the younger boy didn't want to be alone in this moment. Logan just nodded so the stood up Logan composed himself and they trecked back to Charles room.
“Hey Charles I hope it’s okay I told Liam he could sleep on our pull out sofa for the night,” Charles smiled to his boyfriend and to their hotel guest.
“Of course please make yourself comfortable I’m just about to go to bed,” Charles said making himself comfortable making sure to show max he was laying partly on Max’s side of the bed.
“Back on your side of the bed Leclerc,” Charles just chuckled as he moved over. Max got Logan all settled in for the night before everyone fell asleep.
By the time the race came Logan had forgotten all about his night before, Max and Charles had done a great job that morning making him feel wanted, Fernando and Lance too stopping to make sure he was okay. He may actually have a place here. Now it was just time to drive it. Logan sat himself in the car putting on his belts finishing his last minute things. He was ready to win it.
Liam didn’t get off the plane as quickly as he liked so unfortunately he didn’t get to see Logan before the race when he arrived in Australia he saw his phone blow up with the dozens of missed calls and texts from his boyfriend. Liam knew answering them now was pointless so he just opted for just getting to the track as soon as possible. He wasn’t gonna lie he felt awful his body screwed but by the time change especially so quickly he was only in the US for a handful of days at most and to fly back halfway across the world he wasn’t quite used to that like someone more seasoned.
He caught an Uber and be lined it for the track he could drop his stuff at the hotel later. He finally managed to get into the paddock, he went to the red bull garage as it was closest. Some of the techs smiled to him. Other didn’t even acknowledged him. He put his stuff down before heading to the viewing area where Christian was sat with his headphones on, he smiled to Liam as the kiwi walked toward him.
“I thought you had media in the US?” The older gentleman smiled to his employee
“It finished yesterday still have a race to do,” Liam smiled he didn’t want to tell Christian the full reason not because Christian would disapprove but he would rather Christian believe it was mainly the race that lead him back.
“You look like shit I will add,” Christian gave the kiwi a small pat on the back before handing him a pair of headphones. Liam just rolled his eyes and smiled before putting them on. The race was intense by the time Liam could hear what was going on it there weren’t to many laps left. Max was leading, Lando was second, with Logan just behind him, and George trying to fight for a podium. As the number of remaining laps kept shrinking and shrinking finally Logan got the perfect jump on the last lap got the perfect slipstream from Lando blowing by him taking second position. Lando fought hard with Logan for second but ultimately Logan was the one who walked home with it. The red bull garage was ecstatic another win for max, Liam could even hear the Williams garage cheering for their second place. Liam rubbed his temples a bit getting ready to face the loud that was about to erupt when he left the garage.
Fernando almost ran to Logan after the race to congratulate him.
“It was all you, “ Fernando smiled to him congratulated him again before heading back to his own garage.
Max was next pulling him straight into a hug before patting his back a few times and Logan knew, he knew that was Max’s way of congratulating him.
Liam went straight over to the white racing suit, and tapped the blonde boy on the shoulder.
“I am so proud of you,” Liam said making sure to keep distance especially with all the cameras. Liam could only assume the look that was under Logans racing helmet but Liam continued on his journey to congratulate Max and the team. He decided to go wait for Logan in his drivers room, he knew he had awhile before they would be doing debrief. It wasn't long before Logan entered the room.
“Baby I can’t believe you’re here, when did you get here you were in the US?” Logan pulled Liam tight to his chest.
“A little birdie called me and told me you could use some help but it looks like you didn’t need my help, I’m still glad I got to see you’re podium but I’m glad you managed to let other people help you,” Liam planted a slow kiss on Logan’s lips.
“Baby you have a fever and look awful how long have you been sick?” Liam just laughed pulled Logan’s hand down.
“I’m okay just meet me at the hotel to celebrate when you’re ready,” Liam smiled to his boy before walking back to the red bull garage.
Logan was so grateful for everything everyone did for him in Australia and he’ll never forget it.
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f0point5 · 3 months
the max to mercedes move will happen after hell freezes over
if red bull goes up in flames or wtv the hell happens, he's just going to retire
this is the man that goes around the paddock every 3rd day saying he's going to retire soon so i srsly doubt he's going to fuck up wtv remaining years he chooses to stay by going to a washed up team
mercedes had their glory but idk whats up w them these days
I don’t see any benefit of Max to Merc for either side.
Max has everything he wants at Red bull. A Newey car, the best race engineer, a team principal who goes to bat for him, grandpa helmut, a competent pit crew, good strategists, undisputed priority in terms of car development…what do Mercedes’ have to offer him. An ambassador role? He has been very open about what he wants to do after f1 and it’s not to be car commercials or hanging around the F1 paddock. I guess Merc could offer him full funding for future ventures but Red bull is sponsoring them now, and Red bull have more of an infrastructure around sponsoring other sports/esports. Plus we know Max has a built in relationship with rb GmbH. So Merc is on the back foot in every aspect.
On Merc’s side…they’re not going to have a good car till 2026 at the earliest. So Toto wants to take a seat away from George, a loyal, consistent driver who probably makes minimal demands, so give the seat to Max for three years before Max can’t be bothered with it anymore? Not to mention Max brings with him his own team which I doubt Toto really wants to deal with. Or he gives Max the seat he’s earmarked for Kimi, Kimi goes to another team, and Toto has done exactly what he did in 2015 - lost a young talent because he was gaga over a ready made package. This is to say nothing of how he will alienate George by bringing Max in as first driver. Toto would really be upsetting the Apple cart in a team that already doesn’t have a clear direction. And he’d be doing that for 3 years of a top driver before he’s back in the same position all over again except once again he’s missed the boat on good young drivers. Maybe if he could get Kimi a Williams seat it could give him a time buffer but even then he’s risking teams approaching Kimi because of how bad Williams is. So I just don’t see that Toto would really get his money’s worth out of Max if I’m honest.
As for Merc and their glory days…the glory days were the engine. They always had questionable strategy and often had slow pit stops. No one noticed because they were 40 seconds ahead. I’m not saying they’re a bad team by any stretch but everything except their car was always an upper midfield operation. On the rare moments when the car/driver couldn’t do all the work, they left the window open for other teams to take wins. That’s why the domination was not like Red Bull’s. They were consistently making mistakes.
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evil-quartett · 1 year
Can we all just appreciate Charles for a moment?
Little bby has such a good heart. Like, he does the chores for the castle crew and doesn't expect anything, not even a thank you. He genuinely loves animals without even truly kniwing what love is.
His pet is named after the French king Louis XVI. that had to execute. Charles never wanted to be an executioner, but he had to take on the family's profession. For the state and greater good, he executed the man he admired the most.
After becoming a vampire, he followed his childhood dream to become a doctor and help people instead of killing them. For Vlad and the greater good again, he even does the thing he hates the most, killing. Charles is willing to sacrifice himself I only humanity can be happy.
Now, even while working as a doctor, he gets abused. On his house calls, he follows his ideal of love, just trying to spread love and happiness with him, while having such a sad past. And the people just use him to fulfill their sexual desires and encourage his twisted view of love.
He literally does not sleep. Gets up early for breakfast and awaking the others, does chores, works as a doctor, takes care of Louis, gets used by Faust for experiments, works for Vlad and as a doctor, does house calls, just for the day to repeat itself.
Why does he even think love is purely physical? Because that's his only way to stay sane. Charles is utterly dependant on love. If he was to realise he has never been loved before that would destroy him completely.
And all of that, while he is one of the people most deserving of love.
And so, it is our duty as the fandom to finally love and accept Charles the way he deserves.
We love you, Charles ❤️
Rb with ur fav pic of Charles plzz
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