#rauf knows this
teecupangel · 1 year
This all happened because of this post
Where @theconfusedartist left these tags:
#i love the little bounce he does after slapping the dude too #hes having so much fun slapping people around he doesn't even care if they die after that #hes just having a good time at that poinr#
Then I left these tags:
#(the little bounce is because he's stepping on a body and the game physics is wonky) #ssssshhhhh #this is altaïr having fun #let him have fun #he just had to listen to al mualim give a long ass lesson #this is how altaïr destresses
Then @thedragonqueen1998 left these tags:
#after every talk Altaïr has with Al Mualim a novice dies inside #cause they know they know he will beat the shit out of them to destress #XD
So have this small ‘outsider’s POV’ of a poor recruit:
They had heard tales of how one must tread carefully in the presence of Malik Al-Sayf, one of the few Dais to ever have his own bureau.
The Dai does care not for excuses and they had heard horror stories that ranged from the believable (the Dai will make a novice train his Vision until he starts to see stars) to obvious horseshit (the Dai feast on the tears of novices).
It was a common ‘warning story’ that one must be wary if they were stationed in Jerusalem.
But… in their eyes…
Masyaf was more of a hell.
Whenever the Eagle of Masyaf returned.
They were there when the master had stripped Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad of his rank.
They had heard the whispers how it was only the master’s mercy and love for him as a son that stayed the master’s hand from taking the man’s life.
If the master truly did love the Eagle of Masyaf like a son then he was one of those frustrating fathers who always berated his own son because…
“Ah, Altaïr.”
They felt a shiver go down his spine and all of them shared a frightened look among themselves as their combat instructor, Rauf, called out to Altaïr.
All of them lowered their heads when Altaïr glanced at them with a face carved in stone to keep a blank expression only to be betrayed by the fury in his golden eyes.
Rauf paid it no heed and the recruits all know their instructor was not blind nor oblivious.
He always did this on purpose because he was the true monster who feasted on the tears of others.
“It seemed my students do not know how to properly wield a blade.” Rauf’s lips were curved into an easy grin and the fear loomed all around the recruits as their instructor continued, “If you can spare your time, would you be so kind as to teach them even just for a bit?”
Altaïr stared at Rauf for a moment and everyone hoped…
They prayed that Altaïr would say ‘no’ this time around.
“Very well.” Altaïr nodded at Rauf, “The usual then?”
“Yes.” Rauf replied, his easy grin appearing like a smile full of a predator’s teeth about to play with its food, “Thank you, Altaïr.”
As Altaïr walked towards the training ring, all recruits readied themselves.
For an afternoon of having to fight and be taken down by the strongest of them and an entire day of sore muscles and bruised ego.
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voidfartm · 1 year
10 am and i am writing. i am wirting pharagrahp ipon paraggrahp im so grr
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avoidantvoidd · 4 months
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(tap on the images for better quality. tumblr keeps fucking up my stuff w their low res bs)
Monsterfucker Altaïr = best Altaïr
inspired by the countless monsterfucker Altaïr prompts by the all mighty @teecupangel (+ all the nonnies & ppl who gave them ideas :) )
an accurate dipiction of Altaïr when he spots hybrid/eldritch being!desmond roaming in the wild.
i didn't know if i should put kadar n malik in there. but as much as i wanted to i couldn't imagien them saying it. so i put some rando novice and rauf himself instead. lmaooooo (the rando novice will become a mascot later on in more of my art work dw)
ignore the way Altaïr's hood look like a fucking samosa and focus on how neat my handwriting is. i tried to make is as eligible as possible.
i was hungry while drawing that so i think thats the reason why, HAH.
ughhhhhh. i need to draw more. like actually draw and not shitpost stuff like this. like i made one of the best art work in my life and just fell off. i hate it here.
art dump (?) under the cut.
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some altdes for the soul :)
please excuse my poor attempt at chibi art style. my hands r just allergic to cute stuff :( i gave up on coloring them too. my laptop wont let me.
i tried drawing desmond in my style, and i have to say it's not taht bad :0. But i fucked his hair. i already suck ass at drawing hair, but at least i can bullshit my way through long hair but his buzzcut is SO HARD TO DRAW. like THATS INSANe. why. i wanted to give him some fluffy hair. as you can see i failed. tramendusly.
desmond, my son, why must you lack hair....
It's not much for an 'art dump' but these two r the only ones in my folders that the human eyes can tolerate.
ok sorry for taking up ur screen with my ramblings i'll be going now, bye xoxo.
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wisdomrays · 11 months
The All-Beautiful Names of God: Past 6
The Names Originating in Divine Attributes of Glory
(Al-)Hayy: The All-Living
(Ash-)Shakur: The All-Responsive (to the good and gratitude of His creatures)
(Al-)Qahhar: The All-Overwhelming (with absolute sway over all that exists)
(Al-)Qahir: The All-Overpowering, Who crushes those who deserve crushing
(Al-)Muqtadir: The All-Omnipotent
(Al-)Qawiyy: The All-Strong
(Al-)Murid: The All-Willing
(Al-)Qadir: The All-Powerful
(Ar-)Rahman: The All-Merciful (Who has mercy on the whole of existence and provides for all of them)
(Ar-)Rahim: The All-Compassionate (Who has particular compassion for each of His creatures in their maintenance, and for His believing servants especially in the other world)
(As-)Subhan: The All-Glorified
(As-)Sultan: The Absolute, Eternal Authority
(Al-)Karim: The All-Munificent
(Al-)Ghaffar: The Oft-Forgiver of sins
(Al-)Ghafur: The All-Forgiving
(Al-)Wadud: The All-Loving and All-Beloved
(Ar-)Rauf: The All-Pitying
(Al-)Halim: The All-Clement (showing no haste to punish the errors of His servants)
(Al-)Barr: The All-Benign
(As-)Sabur: The All-Patient (Whom no haste induces to rush into an action)
(Al-)‘Alim: The All-Knowing
(Al-)Khabir: The All-Aware
(Al-)Muhsi: The All-Counting and Recording
(Al-)Hakim: The One Who does everything properly, the All-Wise
(Ash-)Shahid: The All-Witnessing
(As-)Sami‘: The All-Hearing
(Al-)Basir: The All-Seeing
(Al-)‘Afuww: The All-Pardoning (Who overlooks the faults of His servants and grants remission)
The Names Indicating Divine Acts
(Al-)Mubdi: The All-Initiating
(Al-)Wakil: The One to rely on and to Whom affairs should be entrusted
(Al-)Baith: The One Who restores life to the dead
(Al-)Mujib: The All-Answering (of prayers) and Meeting (of needs)
(Al-)Wasi‘: The All-Embracing (in His Knowledge and Mercy)
(Al-)Hasib: The All-Sufficing as One Who reckons and settles the accounts (of His servants)
(Al-)Mughis: The One Who gives extra help
(Al-)Hafiz: The All-Preserving and Keeper of records, the All-Protecting
(Al-)Khaliq: The C reator (Who determines measure for everything and makes things and beings exist out of nothing)
(as-)Sani‘: The Maker
(Al-)Bari: The All-Holy C reator (Who is absolutely free from having any partners and Who creates without imitating anything)
(Al-)Musawwir: The All-Fashioning
(Ar-)Razzaq: The All-Providing
(Al-)Wahhab: The All-Bestowing
(As-)Sattar: The All-Veiling (of His servants’ shortcomings and sins)
(Al-)Fatir: The All-Originating (with a unique individuality)
(Al-)Fattah: The One Who opens the door of good
(An-)Nasir: The All-Helping and Giver of Victory
(Al-)Kafi: The All-Sufficing
(Al-)Qabid: The All-Constricting; the One Who takes the souls of living beings
(Al-)Basit: The All-Expanding
(Al-)Hafid: The One Who lowers and humiliates whom He wills
(Ar-)Rafi‘: The All-Elevating
(Al-)Mu‘izz: The All-Exalting and Honoring
(Al-)Mudhill: The All-Abasing
(Al-)Hakam: The All-Judging (Who settles the matters between people)
(Al-)‘Adl: The All-Just
(Al-)Latif: The All-Subtle (penetrating into the minutest dimensions of all things and providing for all)
(Al-)Mu‘id: The All-Returning and Restoring (the One Who causes to die after life and returns the dead to life)
(Al-)Muhyi: The Giver of life and All-Reviving
(Al-)Mumit: The One Who causes to die; the All-Dealing of death
(Al-)Waliyy: The Guardian, the Protecting Friend (to rely on)
(At-)Tawwab: The One Who guides to repentance, accepts
• repentance, and returns it with liberal forgiveness and additional reward
(Al-)Muntaqim: The Ever-Able to requite
(Al-)Muqsit: The All-Dealing of justice
(Al-)Jami‘: The One having all excellences to the infinite degree; the All-Gathering
(Al-)Mughni: The All-Enriching
(Al-)Mani‘: The All-Preventing and Withdrawing; the One Who does not give whatever He does not will to give
(Ad-)Darr: The C reator of evil and harm
(An-)Nafi‘: The All-Favoring and Giver of benefits
(Al-)Hadi: The All-Guiding
(Al-)Badi‘: The One Who originates in unique fashion and with nothing preceding Him to imitate
(Ar-)Rashid: The All-Guide to what is correct
(Al-)Qayyūm: The S elf-Subsistent (by Whom all subsist)
Maliku’l-mulk: The absolute Master of all dominion
(Al-)Mu‘akhkhir: The One Who leaves behind
(Al-)Muqaddim: The One Who causes to advance, Who moves things forward
(Al-)Muqit: The All-Aiding and Sustaining
(al-)Wali: The All-Governing
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ereami0 · 3 months
Lately im listening to Rauf & Faik even tho i don't understand some of their songs but they're super talented and unique ✋✨.
Also i know this sounds funny or weird but i feel like their voices suit Connie and Jean if they are singers
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i mean when i close my eyes while listening to their songs i can imagine that Jean and Connie are the ones singing 😭 !! Did you get what i meant? :)
Rauf and faik's voices being a good match for Connie and Jean, there's something about their tones that just kinda fits idc‼️.
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stokesy55 · 3 months
Jos is any day a better T20 batsman than VK. VK has got more records, but the impact Jos has is unparalleled
I'm sorry but
I'm curious, what exactly is considered "impact"? How about being the highest run-scorer of 2 T20 World Cups? How about being the player of the tournament in consecutive T20 World Cups? Virat did that. You know what else he did? India played 6 knockout matches between 2014 and 2024. Virat has made a half century or more than that in 5 out of those 6 matches. That's just shy of 400 runs in 6 matches. It makes his average in T20 WC knockout matches over 90. If that's not impactful, I don't know what is.
Is impact related to strike rate? Virat scored 70 off 29 against West Indies, 94 in some 50 odd balls against WI, and his century against Afghanistan came in 52 balls. The first knock has a strike rate of over 200. Virat chased down 48 off the last 3 overs against Pakistan at the MCG in 2022 and 39 off the last 3 overs against Australia at Mohali in 2016. The latter was a virtual quarter final, and Virat's knock guaranteed India's progress to the semi finals.
Is impact related to hitting sixes? Well, for all that Jos is a renowned six-hitter, it was Virat's six against Haris Rauf at the MCG was declared the shot of the century by ICC. An equation that read 28 off 8 became 16 off 6. It was Virat who hit the two sixes that were required to get it down till here.
Virat has time and again won matches out of nowhere for India. The Mohali 82 against Australia, the MCG 82 against Pakistan, the 72 in 2014 SFs vs South Africa, I can go on and on here-- Heck, Virat was most of the, if not the sole reason that India got as far as they did in the 2014, 2016 and 2022 editions of the T20 World Cup. He is a massively impactful player, who delivers whenever needed. Even yesterday's final, take Virat's 76 out of the equation and we had only a 100 on the board to defend. I doubt even Jasprit could have done much with that.
Virat ended his career in T20s as unquestionably the best T20 player of this generation. Nobody comes close to having the kind of impact he does on the game. He carried India in almost every single T20 World Cup he played, and nobody deserved to lift that trophy as much as he did.
I did not intend this as an insult to Jos. He is a great player, one of the very best to have played the game, but he's not better than Virat. Nope, sorry, he isn't. And it isn't limited to Jos either. There isn't any player in the world, not Rohit, not Warner, not Babar, not Maxwell, no nobody in this generation comes close to having the kind of class, poise and impact of Kohli in T20s.
People are allowed differing opinions - sure, the stats say Virat but in terms of coming in when the team needs and changing the game momentum Jos is one of the best at having an impact
Numbers aren’t always everything, I think is the point the original ask was making. And honestly, looking at the tournament that just concluded, VK really only made an impact in the final, whilst Jos was a lynchpin to a lot of England’s batting innings.
Not saying you’re wrong and - as I said - everyone has opinions and it’s great they’re different because it allows us to discuss thing :) But I think the original ask was talking more about match impact than stats. There is a reason he was RR’s impact batsman for the IPL this year.
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saberamane · 1 year
 So I’ve been grinding Dying Light and this idea popped into my head while doing the mindless Stuffed Turtle grind but…
The main character of Dying Light, Crane, is voiced by Roger Craig Smith (Ezio) so how about a zombie apocalypse(ish) AU where Ezio is helidropped into a quarantine city where most of the population is now zombies?
His mission is to find a certain person only known as Cypher who is said to have the key to the cure of this supposed virus.
The people he’s working for do not know what Cypher looks like, only that he’s the leader of the band of survivors trying to just live in the city-infested hellhole and scouring enough food, water, and antizin for everyone.
So Ezio has to (1) get the survivors and Cypher to trust him and (2) find the supposed ‘key’ (might be a hard drive, might even be an actual vial, who knows).
When he gets there, he gets both attacked by members of a very hostile gang, accidentally gets a hoard to swarm them, and gets saved by two runners.
One of them had to get his hand cut off so he wouldn’t be infected.
So now Ezio has to work to get their trust harder as he just accidentally maimed one of their best runners.
Unorganized ideas:
His handler for the company he works for is Lucy and we’ll keep it a secret until maybe towards the midpoint or end but Ezio is actually working for Abstergo (and he doesn’t know how shitty Abstergo truly is)
Ezio’s main contact for the survivors (who are holed up in a place called the ‘Tower’) is Malik, the runner who had saved him at the cost of his arm. He’s a bit hard to please but Ezio would see how much he cares for his people.
The leader of their survivors in the Tower has the codename Cypher but the survivors rarely use the name.
Ezio believes that Cypher is a man named Altaïr who everyone praises. He’s the one calling the shots as far as Ezio knows.
There’s a doctor by the name of Desmond as well who gives out the antizin shots and can also parkour like the best of them. Everyone in the Tower loves him and Malik always feels like he’s just a hair away from having an aneurysm every time Desmond leaves the Tower (usually by asking Ezio for a ‘favor’)
Yes. It’s a switcheroo and Desmond is the real Cypher while Altaïr (and Malik in some cases) is a deliberate red herring to protect Desmond from Abstergo because Desmond doesn’t have the cure. He has, however, a flash drive that his father gave him before he succumbed to the virus which has all the studies, documents, and evidence that point that the virus had been a WMD project of Abstergo and they were planning to send it out in the world but the government (pushed by Abstergo) were jamming all of their ways to send it.
Additions by SaberAmane:
So! First things first. I played the hell out of Dying Light about 2 or 3 years ago?? And I am ashamed to say…I didn’t know Crane was also Ezio. And seeing as my main draw to both characters were their voices…how did I not notice?! (I’m even more ashamed when I looked him up and saw he also voices Chris Redfield from Resident Evil, Shinji Hirako from Bleach (which I had a massive voice fetish for in high school…), and Deidara from Naruto (a favorite character).
Long story short, this guy’s voice has basically picked my favorite characters for me for YEARS and I never noticed they were the same…(too bad this guy is 20 years older than me is all I’m saying…)
With that in mind, let’s begin. (Feel free to laugh at my cluelessness)
It’s Malik and a man named Rauf who save Ezio. Malik has his hand removed because he was bitten, which means he can’t really go far from the tower anymore once he’s healed, his parkour is limited by the missing hand. Which means Malik’s younger brother, Kadar, takes his place as a runner and Malik helps more inside the base. 
Malik, of course, is not happy about Kadar being outside with the zombies, especially with new, ‘volatile’ variants coming out now. The most dangerous ones only come out at night, but there are ones that come out during the day too which are also very dangerous to encounter. There’s rumors of one that spits acid being around…
Malik ends up helping Desmond with first aid stuff, keeping track of supplies which include food, water, weapons, and others. Helps Altair with more ‘civil’ problems amongst the survivors. (All in all, becomes the resident mother hen. Who’s always angry. And may or may not stab you for your stupidity…)
Ezio does his best to try and make better relations with the tower group. He offers to help Desmond get supplies they need, especially seeing as they now need more stuff for Malik’s missing hand. (Strangely this makes people suspicious of Ezio for offering to help their ‘doctor’.)
With his limited help to Desmond, Ezio tries other area’s. Like running across the city for people to retrieve sentimental things from their homes they were unable to take with them at first, looking for lost people, helping set up ‘safe zones’ for runners caught out at night, and overall clearing out the area to keep it safe.
When he finally meets Altair, he can’t help but notice the resemblance to Desmond… Could they be brothers? They look nearly identical, but how they hold themselves changes their appearance drastically. Desmond is more open and friendly outwardly, while Altair seems cold and unyielding. (Ezio sees how Altair is with the children in the tower, so he can’t be too harsh.)
The first time Ezio hears someone call Altair the ‘Cypher’, he thinks he just might have found his target, and so quickly! After all, they said the one known as ‘Cypher’ was the leader of the group living in the Tower, and everyone defers to Altair (and sometimes Malik), so Ezio decides to focus his attentions on Altair. Getting on his good side, trying to gain his trust even harder, pushing for more ‘jobs’ to do and ways to help people.
Eventually Ezio is asked to help with clearing out a nest that has popped up way too close to the Tower. The ones in on the meeting are Altair (of course), Malik (who has maps of the area and coordinated with the runners patrolling the area for the known info) Desmond (to have an idea of the mission and what he might need to prepare in case things go wrong??) Rauf and Kadar, who are two of the runners familiar with the area, and of course Ezio.
And all in all, it’s a simple enough plan, they have plenty of homemade explosives and there seems to be only one way into the nest. And during the day, the volatiles are usually lethargic and slow to notice people. So they plan to sneak in, place explosives around and set them off to kill the volatiles, and trap whatever doesn’t die inside.
It goes great, until Kadar screams over the radio...
Ezio performs a daring rescue, able to kill of the volatiles in his way and get Kadar safely outside into the sun. But he’s in rough shape. He has a gut wound, and obvious bites. And he’s losing a lot of blood. Ezio gets the kid back to the Tower as fast as possible, Desmond and Altair already there to begin trying to save him...
Rauf is nowhere to be found. He’s not answering his radio, he never left the nest, and Ezio didn’t see him when he ran for Kadar.
After hours of trying to save Kadar, Desmond finally says he’s stabilizing. The antizin is keeping the change at bay, and the gut wound was cleaned and stitched. They just had to hope infection didn’t set in. They didn’t have any antibiotics. Malik is, understandably, devastated.
That night, Ezio goes to leave the Tower to check in with Abstergo, to ask for a drop with antibiotics and other med supplies. Kadar wasn’t as experienced as the other runners, despite his parkour being among the best. He was only there because Ezio had gotten his brother injured to the point he couldn’t continue to be a runner. This was Ezio’s fault.
But just as he gets far enough away from the Tower to feel safe to call Abstergo, he sees Desmond. Sneaking away from the tower. Ezio follows him for a while, and as they’re reaching the worst part of the city, where runners have all but been forbidden to go, Ezio stops Desmond. “Where are you going?”
The answer is simple. This part of town is the worst because it’s where the main outbreak happened. The hospital is there. The medical supplies to help Kadar are there. Desmond can’t let Kadar die, it’d destroy Malik, and Altair. And everyone else in the Tower, for Kadar is well loved by everyone. And Desmond is good enough to be able to risk entering this forbidden zone and have a chance of leaving it alive.
Ezio goes with. To help Desmond. To help Kadar. Not because he is trying to get close to Altair, to find this ‘Cypher’, but because it’s the right thing to do. These are just people trying to live in a city that has been taken form them, through means not their own doing.
...And what were the chances Abstergo would lend aid? Ezio had no proof Altair was the ‘Cypher’ they looked for.
So Ezio and Desmond infiltrate, dodging the hoards of zombies and the more lucid, more dangerous volatile’s. They get into the hospital unnoticed, and thankfully, there’s no volatiles in the hospital itself, though there are zombies to deal with, the slow walkers and more nimble runners. But they’re easy enough to deal with.
Finding the supplies though? Everything is empty. The cases and packaging are there, but no actual useful supplies.
And the Abstergo logo is everywhere.
Unorganized thoughts:
Desmond wears the USB with the info on as a necklace. No one but Altair and Malik know the ‘pendent’ of his necklace is a USB.
Altair and Malik are a couple. Everyone knows, despite their often volatile relationship. (Ezio finds out by walking in on a...private...moment...)
The medical supplies are eventually found, and Kadar lives. All the supplies had been moved to a ‘clinic’ that turns out was doing testing on the zombies and the virus itself.
Ezio eventually learns about Abstergo’s true reasoning behind wanting the data. They made the virus, and the city was their testing ground. Things went sideways when their plans were found out and the virus was unleashed on the whole population instead of a controlled group. Desmond’s father had gathered the data to expose Abstergo before he was purposefully infected. Desmond had to kill him after he turned.
What happened to Rauf? No one knows...
After learning of Abstergo’s true plans and hand in all this, he confesses to Altair, Malik and Desmond his true purpose for being there. And his decision to help them get the information out at whatever cost, to stop Abstergo.
Shaun and Becca had, in the background, been quietly fixing a strategic few electrical towers, buffing them up to try and clear the jamming Abstergo had on the city. 
The other survivors in the city? Abstergo mercenaries. Paid to find the ‘Cypher’ and get the data. Even if it meant killing the whole populace of the ‘Tower’ to do so.
Ezio and Desmond end up getting close and falling into a very serious, nauseatingly romantic courtship. Or as romantic as one can have in a zombie infested city...
In the end, they are able to get past Abstergo’s jamming and let the world know people are still in the city, and Abstergo is the cause of the outbreak. Happy ending for everyone??
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aaric-s-haven · 1 year
should be sleeping or writing but instead i am sitting here completely obsessed with Gaitonde and Vijay's dynamic in Agneepath
Even though he seems to try hard to maintain a boundary, Vijay sees his Baba in Gaitonde. This is not a headcanon, he literally says that Gaitonde reminds him of his father. And Gaitonde willingly would have made him his son.
His mother didn't keep her son. His mother failed him before he had even picked up that gun. She loved her son, but not enough to put his trauma above hers. Instead of communicating, she shut down on him, she didn't see his anger, she didn't see the massive wound where it was coming from. She wanted to ignore what had happened in hopes of lessening her pain. But Vijay's pain was not one he could have silenced. He was just a little boy burying the torn body of his father. His rage was his pain, he had been wronged, his Baba had been wronged, his mother not even talking about it was a disservice to his father, it was wrong to him. They had been wronged and Vijay wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, he wanted to mourn. But he had no one to cry with, to understand him. He dies trying to get her to acknowledge the injustice they had faced.
But Gaitonde? Throughout the movie he kept reaching out to Vijay. He kept reachiing out to the boy who had doomed himself to a painful life, who had gotten blood on his hands before his voice had even cracked. Because he knew it wasn't without reason. Vijay had not fallen, he had jumped. And throughout the movie he kept wanting to know why, kept wanting to understand him, kept wanting to stop him from the spiral of self destruction. Gaitonde had seen the pained little boy in him, and he had tried saving that boy. Their conversation as he tries to dissuade Vijay from the suicidal mission, gives Vijay some semblance of desire for life. Gaitonde indirectly is the reason he dares to marry Kali and plan a future. His mother is the reason he loses her and subsequently any will to live.
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Interesting to note that Vijay, in any scene with anyone, makes a point of being in control in the room. When he is with his mother, he is fighting to prove his point, he doesn't back down. He is Shiksha's older brother, her protector. He is Kali's partner, he doesn't try to control her but she understands him better than anyone else, she lets his wishes come first. He is Rauf Lala's right hand man, but there is always a subtle power when he is with Lala, whether he showcases it by taking the shoes of the king of mumbai, or he commands his druggie son to hold his tongue. But here? Here he knocks, asks for permission, and keeps his head down unlike his interaction with Lala or anyone. Gaitonde is the only one with the priviledge of seeing him like this. He is the only one who meets the glimpses of the pain behind his rage. He is the only one Vijay defers to. Every single time they interact, for a moment atleast, Vijay seems to see a flutter of hope before it is gone.
I love this film so so so so much, there are so many nuances in the relationship Vijay shares with everyone. But this relationship is without doubt my favorite one in the entire story. It makes the ending all the more painful, because Gaitonde would know that if law and order had not failed a twelve year old, they could have saved so many lives, but most importantly the boy he had come to love.
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alliluyevas · 6 months
re there being only four pictures (as far as i know) of svetlana and yakov + only two of yakov with both siblings, here they all are.
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these were clearly taken the same day, it's on the same porch and you can see the chairs for the photoshoot in the background. they seem to be holding a sheet, i'm wondering if it was for the background and they were helping the photographer get set up or something.
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this is with their paternal grandmother in Georgia
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and in this one they're on a boat on the Black Sea with Rauf Lakoba, who was the son of Nestor Lakoba, who was then the head of the semi-autonomous republic of Abkhazia in the Georgian SSR. I'm assuming due to the appearance of the two younger kids and Svetlana's haircut that these were all taken around the same time, and the latter two probably taken on the same trip to the Caucasus. This is either summer 1934 or 1935, I would assume. Maybe 1936 but Svetlana looks younger than 10 to me. I believe they went to Abkhazia in the summer at least twice, and it couldn't be after 1936 because that's when Beria had Lakoba killed.
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teecupangel · 2 years
I have an idea, probably for one of your next Yew Branches idea. Considering Abbas Sofian's dying wish and I quote: "I hope there is another life after this one. Then I will see him, and know the truth of his final days..."
For this idea, it follows the usual Alt/Des relationship (Or simply Alt&Des platonic relationship). Desmond and Abbas relationship is completely platonic.
This time, Desmond reincarnates as Rauf. The name's meaning is huge giveaway. Desmond!Rauf didn't broke his leg due to his failed leap of faith (not the leap during templar attack). Since he's an instructor, he's either same age or older than Altair.
The main plot is the usual Desmond reincarnation. But this time, Abbas reincarnated as himself.
Some plot points to be considered: - When Abbas used the apple (in the original timeline), somehow it does something with his reincarnation. In gameplay, the Apple drains Abbas of his life. Might as well suck part of his soul.
-Al Mualim is actually the one manipulating Abbas to dislike Altair. This is actually one of Al Mualim's contingency plans should Altair turns his blade on him. Along the story, young Abbas saw how Al Mualim tried to manipulate him, and he was horrified how wrong he was about his "past life" mentor.
-Due to reincarnation, Rauf!Desmond, Abbas learns faster of being an Assassin. Thanks to that, Altair, Rauf, and Abbas became Assassin at the same time, and at a very young age. This actually intrigues Desmond since he know Abbas became an assassin later than Altair.
-Umar Ibn-La'Ahad and Ahmad Sofian actually survived this time. Due to Rauf!Desmond gave Umar an early warning, he didn't F up on his mission.
-However, the same cannot be said for Adha when Desmond gave Altair an early warning. Adha dies, no matter what, her death turned Altair bitter towards the creed after his mission for the Chalice.
(I was thinking about Chalice of Eden plot, that contains a soul of Isu peacekeeper like Shroud of Eden, but that's too much of a stretch.)
-Abbas was planning to give the warning first but Desmond beat him to it. Thus, Abbas grew suspicious of why "Rauf" knows what will happen to Umar. There are also points when he saw Rauf do things better than Altair, and how he actually didn't break his leg doing leap of faith.
-Knowing that Abbas is a reincarnation of himself, Desmond explains who he truly was (down to what happened in the future and how he experience Altair memories). Until how the Apple reincarnate them both. -Desmond taught Abbas Eagle Vision for the sake of his silence. Ironically, it's more advanced than what Altair have (Altair early EV can only be done by standing still, while Abbas EV will be done while walking). Abbas brags this a lot. Later on, Altair manages to learn more advanced EV (tracking enemy pathing) faster than Abbas could.
- Desmond actually taught Kadar better, thus he survived the battle in Solomon Temple.
This would be an interesting plot line and we can even add the following:
Rauf never had a limp in canon, I think? He was one of the three Assassins to take a leap in the ‘prologue’ of AC1 and he stayed behind to help the Assassin who broke his leg, telling Altaïr to go ahead so it would be strange if he had a limp before the leap. So, in this scenario, perhaps Desmond as Rauf could have trained the Assassin who was going to break his leg and that scene wouldn’t happen as all three of them would do their leap of faith correctly.
Speaking of Desmond’s age, Rauf’s age was never revealed but, yeah, I do think he’s around Altaïr’s age as well as the novel does state that Altaïr and Abbas had a different trainer during their training days. I am kinda tempted to make him perhaps half a decade older than Altaïr just so his warning to Umar would be more believable because getting warned by a kid would make Umar be suspicious of Desmond. Then again, Umar being suspicious of Desmond would be fun but also super dangerous since Umar is loyal to Al Mualim so he would definitely report it to Al Mualim… unless he believes that he should find out more information before reporting anything.
And, if you want Ahmad to survive but don’t want to give away the twist that Abbas had been reborn as well, in this scenario, why not Abbas be the one to warn his father while Desmond warns Umar? This way, both of them believed that Umar and Ahmad survived because of them and not because someone also gave a different warning.
Once Abbas finds out Rauf isn’t Rauf, I believe his first idea would be that Rauf had been reincarnated like him. I don’t see Desmond admitting the truth to Abbas, because, as far as Desmond is concerned, Abbas is the one who made it his life duty to destroy Altaïr’s life. Even if Abbas tells him that he knows Al Mualim is trying to manipulate him into hating Altaïr for some reason, Desmond would see him as who he was before, not who he could be. Plus, if Desmond was ever going to confess to anyone the truth of his existence, it would be to Altaïr first (even if this isn’t AltDes, it would be to Altaïr first)
Abbas is trying to make amends (and perhaps protect his father). Desmond will make him work for it because he has a lot of blood on his hands that Desmond cares about (and he’s also protective of Altaïr because of this).
So… what would probably happen is that Desmond won’t necessarily help Abbas be better. It’s just that Abbas already has the advantage of having all of his 60+ worth of experience in his current body so Masyaf would know them to be rivals.
If anything, Desmond would be peeved that Abbas would be considered one of the most promising novices of their batch and that would push him to push Altaïr into showing that he was better than Abbas.
Altaïr would be curious as to why Desmond is just so annoyed by Abbas when he’s normally chill with everybody else but a private tutoring session with Desmond means he could spend more time with him so he’s game.
So, in this scenario, Abbas is also still an asshole but he’s trying not to be. It just comes more naturally to him because of who he was in his previous life. Altaïr just ignores him and it’s Desmond who takes on the mantle of AC1!Altaïr’s annoyance and growling without even realizing it.
It would be funny if Kadar begins to hero-worship Desmond instead because he’s the one who shows the most promise (all because he’s trying to keep Abbas down) while Malik and Altaïr start to bond over Kadar’s hero-worshiping.
Speaking of Adha, they never did say that the ‘Chalice’ was a POE. The Chalice was Adha because she had information that could turn unite the factions and turn the tides of war. My headcanon is that Adha is considered the Chalice because her blood could activate some kind of Isu location or artifact, like she’s a descendant of a specific Isu that had a POE or something, since chalices are usually used to symbolize the whole ‘cup of blood’ thing. That was part of the premise of my idea of a Yew Branch of Desmond being Adha after all, hahahaha.
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farkrad · 1 year
Tag 5 - BBBBB
Benz und Bier
Um 4 Uhr aufwachen und...
Um 6 Uhr aufstehen, so, besser.
Erstmal Dusche, Tee und Gebäck am Strand, guter Start. Alles rein in den Sack und rauf auf die letzten Kilometer Schotter im Kroatien.
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Erstmal die Strecke von gestern zurück wuseln, Schräglage beim Gerade aus fahren, Drecks Wind. Mit Betty habe ich nicht solche Probleme 😐, na ja... jede Maschine hat ihr pros und cons.
Hochgekraxelt auf 900m und rein in den... F* me...
Anfangs noch normale Strecke, bis SIE wieder da sind, meine Arch enemys.. faustgroße Steine, ein Konglomerat aus f* dich Brocken (bissi redundant).
Aber gut, solange es halbwegs horizontal weiter geht wird das schon.... (wildes gefluche..).
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Ja steil, glaubt mir einfach
Kühlerlüfter im Dauerbetrieb, unterm Helm wirds immer wärmer, Hände kriegen Muskelkater, Navi streikt schon wieder, Route durch Kuh Gehege mit Bullen, ich flipp aus.
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Raus ausm Gehege
Dann nochmal 3km bergab, aber nun gemischt damit ich mal wieder über 30km/h komm.
10 Uhr dann endlich die erste Erlösung, wieder auf der Ebene. Puls noch bei 120 aber mit ebendiesem sinkend steigen auch die Glücksgefühle. Dickes Plus: die Heidenau machen einen weit besseren Job als die Pirelli letztes Jahr in so einer Situation.
Runde Zwei keine 3 km weiter war dann pure Entspannung, nochmal gute 20km recht eben, hier und da über die Bahnschienen, endlich wieder Fahrtwind.
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Und drunter
Bosnien, Benz und Bier
Grenzübergang und erstmal ne halbe Stunde nichts, nada, keiner da bis zum Einstieg.
Rein in den Wald und mhh, Kurzfassung:
Schotter, jeah
Waldboden, wuhuu
Etwas matschig, is okay
Sehr große Pfützen, lieber umfahren
Waldarbeiten, wo ist noch Platz?
Geröll, Baumstämme, wer hat heute putztag?
Schlamm, Abhang, 5 Tonnen Maschinen und mich herum
70km Verrücktheit für mich. Machine, Hose (außen) und Stiefel haben nun eine Farbe, Braun. Für mein Level bin ich echt zufrieden da so gut durchgekommen zu sein auch wenn ich die Maschine einige male hab fast liegen sehen.
Das schnelle Fahren, vorausblicken und lesen des Untergrundes passte, nur den ganzen Holz Maschinen ausweichen im Hang oder Abgrund auf Matsch war stellenweise kriminell, klappte aber zum Glück vor Publikum sehr souverän (puhh)
Mittendrin noch slowenischen BMW Jungs getroffen die den TET ohne Pause machen in Bosnien, 3 Tage Wald und nur kurz raus zum tanken, fahren bis 10e abends, verrückt aber die können ihr Zeug bei dem stiefel den die fahren 😬.
Um 14 Uhr die Erlösung, nochmal Plausch mit den Jungs an der Tanke und getrennte Wege. Ich auf Asphalt (Körper und Geist sind durch) die zwei zurück in den Dreck.
Tja und nun Bosnien, kein Internet und nach 30 Minuten motivationsloch hoch 10..Urlaub aus? Ne komm, hattest des letztes Jahr auch, weiter machen. Druf und nach 3 Tankstellen eine mit WLAN gefunden (keine EU und so hier) und nach 2 Kaffee eine passende Bleibe 90km entfernt gefunden, gleich in der Nähe wo wir vor 4 Jahren schon einmal waren 😆.
Rest des Weges war wunderbar zum ausklang. Twin grollen auf 1200m Plateau, welches wenn man verlässt ein bisschen an die vergessen Welt erinnert. Dazwischen klassische Klischees im Balkan,
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Fahrerbier, alle am Handy, zu 6t im Lada, tausende alte Benz und zweier Golf, wozu Helme? StVO ist ganz optional, fliegen ist schneller als fahren, Schwein aufm Rücksitz. Komplettes Programm an Klischees auf die letzten Kilometer 😆
Und nun angekommen in der Stadt Jablanica am Flusse Neretva (link)
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Futter gefunden (4€ Oo) und damit noch ne Straßen Miez beglückt (i know I know...)
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Chicken maslanica
Morgen dann Richtung Montenegro 🤘
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basicsofislam · 11 months
ISLAM 101: Allah (God Almighty): The All-Beautiful Names of God: Part 7
(Al-)Hayy: The All-Living
(Ash-)Shakur: The All-Responsive (to the good and gratitude of His creatures)
(Al-)Qahhar: The All-Overwhelming (with absolute sway over all that exists)
(Al-)Qahir: The All-Overpowering, Who crushes those who deserve crushing
(Al-)Muqtadir: The All-Omnipotent
(Al-)Qawiyy: The All-Strong
(Al-)Murid: The All-Willing
(Al-)Qadir: The All-Powerful
(Ar-)Rahman: The All-Merciful (Who has mercy on the whole of existence and provides for all of them)
(Ar-)Rahim: The All-Compassionate (Who has particular compassion for each of His creatures in their maintenance, and for His believing servants especially in the other world)
(As-)Subhan: The All-Glorified
(As-)Sultan: The Absolute, Eternal Authority
(Al-)Karim: The All-Munificent
(Al-)Ghaffar: The Ever All-Forgiver
(Al-)Ghafur: The All-Forgiving
(Al-)Wadud: The All-Loving and All-Beloved
(Ar-)Rauf: The All-Pitying
(Al-)Halim: The All-Clement (showing no haste to punish the errors of His servants)
(Al-)Barr: The All-Benign
(As-)Sabur: The All-Patient (Whom no haste induces to rush into an action)
(Al-)‘Alim: The All-Knowing
(Al-)Khabir: The All-Aware
(Al-)Muhsi: The All-Counting and Recording
(Al-)Hakim: The One Who does everything properly, the All-Wise
(Ash-)Shahid: The All-Witnessing
(As-)Sami‘: The All-Hearing
(Al-)Basir: The All-Seeing
(Al-)‘Afuww: The All-Pardoning (Who overlooks the faults of His servants and grants remission)
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ahungeringknife · 1 year
Never Been 1
365: April 5-11
Never Been
There were always a lot of dogs in Masyaf. If you’d call a dæmon that looked like a dog a dog at least. That didn’t stop most Assassins from having dog dæmons and Malik was no exception. Nishtar was a cream and white canaan dog and wasn’t even the only one. Canaan dogs were popular choices for Assassins along with their sleek saluki cousins. Ones who didn’t have dogs had other useful dæmons; birds or cats or even rats. Rauf had a mongoose and that made everyone just uneasy around him, especially the handful of men who had snakes as dæmons. But most of them had dogs because, and everyone knew this, they were dogs; loyal, obedient, and if need be, vicious.
Today was one of the last inspections Malik would have as a journeyman. He’d made his first kill years ago and would get to become a proper Assassin soon. Nishtar had settled but that wasn’t enough to be considered an ‘adult’ in Masyaf. You had to finish your training and Malik was so close. Hopefully today would be the last time he had to line up for inspection with the rest of his age mates. No one liked inspection. It was simply the worst part of the training.
The hall monitor came by and you stood outside your door with your dæmon by your side, or in easy view, and they made sure you were dressed properly and then reached out and touched your dæmon. If you flinched you were sent to contact training, if you didn’t you were left to your own devices until whatever normal training or lessons you had. Malik hated it. It always made him want to throw up and had since he was a boy. He wasn’t the only one. He had vivid memories all through his life of the other boys in his hall yelling or puking when their dæmons were touched by their hall monitor. One time a knife had been drawn. No attack had followed up on it but the fight trigger had been so strong. Malik had never puked thankfully but he’d been trained out of reacting when people touched his dæmon.
He stood with his roommate outside their room. Zain’s dæmon Basket (what a fucking stupid name for a dæmon) was also a dog but his looked more like a pharaoh hound mixed with some stringy pariah dog you’d see out in the wastes between civilization and it always trembled during inspection. Malik felt Nishtar look around his legs at Basket and he lightly tapped her side with his leg: don’t look at Basket.
‘He’s going to get himself in trouble,’ Nishtar said into his mind.
‘Not our problem,’ he thought back.
‘He’s so annoying when he fails inspection,’ she complained. ‘He’s going to fail this time I just know it. And then he’s going to climb onto the bed and cry.’
‘Not our problem,’ Malik thought as the hall monitor was drawing closer. Their own dæmon was a canaan dog too but was darker brown with a cream collar and saddle. Bistil stalked up and down the journeymen and novices being inspected today and like Nishtar he noticed how jittery Basket was today. Unlike Nishtar he didn’t care and just glared daggers at the shivering dæmon but moved on ahead of his person.
The hall monitor looked Malik over briefly and noted on his board that his uniform was satisfactory. Then he leaned down and gave Nishtar a rough but agreeable pet on the top of her head. She closed her eyes at the rough attention but didn’t flinch away. Malik didn’t flinch either and just stood there but his stomach was in an absolute knot. He was going to throw up if this went on much longer and he hadn’t had breakfast yet so it would just be bile and stomach acid. Worse was Nishtar was sympathetic to stuff like that so if Malik threw up his dæmon would too and everyone had the same vitriolic reaction listening to a dog throwing up.
It only lasted about five seconds but that was enough. Malik blinked when the hand was removed from Nishtar’s head but he didn’t breathe out yet. That was still a flinch. The hall monitor inspected Zain and Basket next.
Malik lurched away when the hall monitor went to pet Basket and as soon as he touched Basket’s head the dæmon lashed out to bite the hand. Before he could even do so, it happened so fast, Bistil was on top of him, jaws around Basket’s throat and Basket on the ground.
Every dæmon in the hall started barking like crazy and in the confined space it was so loud Malik was momentarily stunned.
The hall monitor pulled Bistil off of Basket who lay on the ground breathing hard, tongue lolling out of his mouth. He bled but not so much he’d bleed out and Malik reached out and put his hand on Nishtar’s head. She’d moved to stand between his legs protectively, barking furiously at Bistil, or maybe Basket. ‘I told you he’d fail! And he’s going to be so annoying,’ she said into his mind.
Bistil started barking back at the other dæmons and quickly everyone quieted. Everyone knew who was in charge and it was Bistil. Malik kept his hand on Nishtar anyway.
The hall monitor didn’t look too ruffled by the whole thing. Zain was knelt by his dæmon who was still just laying on the ground panting hard, eyes wide and wild. “Once you’ve cleaned up this mess make sure you go down to contact conditioning,” he told Zain.
“Yes, sir,” Zain said, not looking at him.
“Everyone back into positions,” the hall monitor snapped. “Your inspection is not over.” But Malik noted he wasn’t the only one who’d moved to have their dæmon stand or sit between their legs. Down the hall from the way the hall monitor had come Malik did see to some amusement Paul trying and failing to pull his completely puffed up cat dæmon off him.
‘Basket and Zain better get their act together,’ Nishtar said.
‘They’ll be fine,’ Malik said back but didn’t pet her despite wanting to. The hall monitor continued the rest of the inspection without incident and Malik was grateful when they were all released. He wanted to go get breakfast and properly settle his stomach after Nishtar had been touched.
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imbxdateverything · 1 year
tag ten ppl you want to get to know better
tagged by @deepwoundsandfadedscars (tysm!)
relationship status: in a relationship
song stuck in my head: я люблю тебя - Rauf & Faik
last song i listened to: Heartbreaker - Autoheart
three favourite foods: yakisoba, (hand-held) chicken pot pie, carrot cake
last thing i googled: best sd card for my phone. I did find one btw
dream trip: anywhere in England. i just think its neat.
anything i want right now: to lie down with a fan on the highest speed pointing straight into my face, but got places to be(:
tagging: (also tagging mutuals from my main account, @tallbisexualwantstobeloved, since I don't have many here:( ) @thestarmirror/@bludgift, @coleide, @rebloggingistheenemy, @do-androids-dream-ao3acc, @anamed, @goshzillas, @not-called-greg, @whumpster-dumpster, @whumpdoyoumean, @it-is-americas-ass
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
feeling emo recently so i wanted to ask if u had any music recommendations?
curr. listening to a lot of cavetown and mitski.
mostly im listening to these songs :
rises the moon - liana Flores
TV - Billie eilish
some songs to help u when ur down eh???
i’d say any music of mitski helps esp the tiny desk concert ver of ‘class of 2013’. that scream into the guitar is just chef kiss. personally i like:
hold on by cord overstreet
overwhelmed by royal and the serpents
little game by benny (it’s a song abt sociaty’s expectations and enforcements of gender and it’s fucking beautiful)
immortal, savages, savages x gasoline (same song but the instrumentals are replaced by gasoline’s and it slaps) by marina and the diamonds
notions by the strange occasions (for some reason it just kicks my melancholic soul)
alien blues by vundabar
судно by молчат дома
детство by rauf faik (generally abt young love and regrets but it’s very pretty)
come a little closer by cage the elephant
heatwaves, toes and the other side of paradise by glass animals
tongue tied by grouplove (it’s more of a recalling past fun times and getting nostalgia type of sad)
we are young by fun (the same vibe as tongue tied)
can’t pretend by tom odell (found it thru violet evergarden amv and it hits)
losing my religion - berserk farnese amv by miskeybeast (that one amv of farnese, the song choice and the way it’s slow paced and edited just had my seinen manga loving heart)
you know where to find me by imogen heap (if u know and read berserk, mickeybeast’s edits and amv’s slap)
tek it by cafune (generally same vibes as we are young)
can i exist by missio
mademoiselle noir: a tragedy (it’s just beautiful in a sad and tragic way as the name suggests)
hope the list of my recs are to ur liking nonnie! come by the cafe again!
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backyardcricketer · 2 years
Haris Rauf on Virat Kohli about India vs Pakistan at the T20 World Cup, Melbourne, Oct 2022
Translation from Urdu to English:
[On Virat]  The way he played in the World Cup, that's his class. Everyone knows how great a player he is, and the kind of shots he plays. And the 2 sixes he hit off my bowling, given the situation of the match, I don't think any other player in the world could've hit them. If it was any other player like Dinesh Karthik or Hardik Pandya hitting against me, I would've felt hurt. But it was Kohli who hit me... he is a completely different class.
[On that six]  The slower ball was proving to be more effective than the faster ones on that pitch. So, that is what I went for on that ball as well. I exerted even more into it as the boundary toward my right and behind was quite big and tough to hit at. I didn't think that he can hit me straight down the ground off that length. So, when he hit that shot, that's his class. My plan and execution were exactly as I'd intended, but him hitting that shot on that ball was purely his class.
Virat had said in the interview right after that match that he considers Haris Pakistan’s best bowler. 
[SIDE NOTE: I saw people say Haris was slandering Karthik and Pandya. He is friends with Pandya, so I don't think he meant to say it in a negative way. I think he was just saying 'any other player' in general instead of 'these two lesser players'.]
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