#rational equations
minhosimthings · 8 months
Jake and Changbin would definetly put a rose quartz in their s/o's room even if they are together
Someone please come and scream at me to study JAKE IS DISTRACTING ME
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saw a post yesterday that gad a zionist (? didn't see if there was an org associated with it or not, there was a magen david in the background) sticker over a red palm print for missing and murdered indigenous women with an -understandably- disgruntled remark
and i was thinking about it on the bus today. and i would gently like to remind everyone. that while these things are possible and even probable, we know the extent to which zionism has poisoned people's minds and morality, that there is also a long history of white supremacists faking extremism in order to delegitimize civil rights movements (proud boys and/or cops breaking windows, white supremacists throwing paint on statues of "decent" historical figures, to name a few examples from just a few years ago) and that it's incredibly easy to allow this sort of thing to wash over us uncritically because it confirms our bias and our (rightful!) anger. but that is when we are most vulnerable to propoganda and indoctrination so we need to be most vigilant.
nd i'm not saying the particular circumstance i saw was fake -- i have no proof either way. we've seen time and time again that reality can be this absurd, that zionists can be that cruel and tone deaf. however there is a difference between it coming straight from netanyahu's mouth vs seeing a sticker out of context that just as easily could have been placed by a nazi
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levaagrace · 9 months
I still need to write up why Tim’s emotions towards Jon, at least in regards to thinking of Jon as an untouchable monster, were completely wrong after Jon’s month of being non-consensually moisturized by the same entity that killed Tim’s brother.
Or at least the idea that Tim was so hurt by Jon’s actions because Tim thought of Jon as a brother.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
oh yes ladies I was asked out (on a DATE) last week and I'm still cry-laughing over it because WOW that went down SO badly
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sleepy-aletheas · 5 months
Tipsy rambling about Ratio
For someone who tried to catch Nous’ gaze, he really thinks less about the Genius Society. He seems like the person who thinks their smarts are wasted by being so selfish and self-absorbed about their ambitions that cost other people their well-being when they could achieve so much and help so many more people.
It’s interesting that his character stories are told through outsider perspectives. We don’t know what he truly thinks in those moments, in those moments in his life that seem to be so important that we are told about them. Sometimes I think about the story how he created the anti-planetary-weapon-thingy and how it’s told through the perspective of his assistant. He got a letter and let out a weary sigh. I wonder if that is where everyone got the idea that he wants to get into the genius society so badly, even till this day. Cause it could have been a sigh of someone disappointed in another’s disinterest. He is a doctor and someone who tries to help people (in his own ways, but ultimately not to seriously harm), so him building such a weapon could have been him testing the morality of others and be disappointed that even geniuses can be so fucking stupid like any other person. (Disillusionment of grandeur of someone you idolize can leave you questioning yourself for a long time)
I love his delivery of sentiments. It’s so harsh and sarcastic and demeaning, he sounds exactly like me when I try to get on others’ nerves to rise a reaction that they would usually avoid, so I could map them out better, except he does it earnestly. Which is so much funnier to me. Like yes, step over other’s feelings like a tipsy elephant, Veritas. This is a great character flaw to learn to navigate (not necessary fix, because there is a certain charm to it, and also I think, if monitored properly, it can be handled in a delicate manner; maybe I’m just projecting my own lack of societal takt, I don’t really care)
Him being caring with the sandpaper treatment is the funniest thing to me. Like, yes. Insult everyone and yet (im)patiently wait until they use their brains to think about something deeper than the surface. There is something about rough intelligent characters with a genuine hope for the better that make me go feral. Maybe it’s the juxtaposition, or maybe a projection on my part (again, I don’t care which one it is)
His love for rubber duckies is something I feel on a spiritual level. All hardass characters need to have a cute quirk. And a weird eating habit. And a “are you serious” type of sleeping position. And a silly side that makes them do ridiculous poses of statues with their own selves. (But that is once again a purely me thing)
I love how he insults Aventurine and yet it’s a thinly veiled compliment at moments. Best example is when you brute force the nightingale puzzle and along the lines he says Aventurine should join the Intelligentsia Guild. Which can be read as a joke (which probably was meant to be portrayed in-game for Sunday), but it’s not an insult all things considered. Veritas is in the Intelligentsia Guild. They would work for the same part of the IPC. If it was meant as an insult, then it would insult Veritas too, cause the sarcasm on the Genius Society was that if Veritas can’t get into the ranks, Aventurine absolutely couldn’t. And there was no specification on it being sarcasm either like the Genius Society bit.
Also I love him texting the Trailblazer, it’s so fun. Him asking if they want to pursue any schooling and in what major. Recommending them getting to learn more about debate. Wanting to unwind, so asking the Trailblazer to give him anything to think about and then be fascinated in the cutest way. He can be soft, but in the roughest way possible, and I respect that.
Even the whole playing-chess-with-himself bit is so goofy, why is he like this?? And him basically testing everyone to see what they would do, mainly the geniuses. He probably wanted to feel out the Trailblazer and in a sense also Asta (who is more of the keeper of the space station that Herta, imo), but it was a bigger test to see what Screwllum and Herta would do, and his disappointment just made me think maybe he doesn’t wanna even be in the Genius Society anymore, cause if being callous and selfish and self-absorbent is the genius quality that Nous is seeking, then he will rather be in the Intelligentsia Guild and call himself a Mundanite, cause he wants the whole universe to step up and move forward, not just a select few that leave others in the dust to die.
Simply put, he is the most infuriating character I wanna toss into the ocean whenever he opens his mouth, and I love him so dearly, my teeth itch to chew on him. The cute aggression is real with him around, and hoyo knows what they're doing. And I thank them for it.
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I don't know what group should I be more weary of, right wing (evangelical) christians or right wing atheists...
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uh oh! if i want to continue being really precious about these deadstock vintage christmas cards i need to go find some more cards!
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dersitesans · 2 years
imagining a Murderbot scenario where it has to interact with someone who treats it like an Asimov spacer treats robots, and then effectively showing them it doesn't have "three laws" dictating what it can or can't do
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gayday · 2 years
#chronically lonely and not havingn a good time#time to rant#long whiny probably triggering tags below youve been warned#im so fucking alone and its never gonna get better#nothing has ever been okay and nothing will ever be okay and tumblr post by people with so much privilege they have no idea#cant convince me life is ever gonna be okay because its not its just not thats a lie by people who already had money and friends and#stable lives at my age#‟youre too young to know‟ too bad i know how data analysis works and based on almost 18 years of data Nothing ever gets better and it rly#only ever gets worse#im not good at anything and no one likes me and no one ever will. or i will get abandoned by anyone i think i can trust because thats just#the way it always goes#the only escape and the only rational solution at this point is to put a bullet in my head#‟suicide doesnt solve anything‟ what is it not solving. I am the only reason i have problems#if i was not there to experience the problems I have. the problems would not exist#and theyre never gonna get better#if i remove myself from the equation ill never experience a negative emotion or a problem ever again therefore making there no problem#no one would miss me if i was gone and i serve no purpose besides being an annoying burden and a waste of resources#everything would be better without me#oh also i experience no positive emotions that last long enough to matter or that dont get tainted by 10x more negative ones#so staying around to experience positive things doesnt work bc i literally only feel numb or angry or hopeless#btw im in therapy and on 3 psych meds i think im just a lost cause#no point!#this is not a suicide note i have no means of doing so I'm just really frustrated and nothing is okay at all so i needed to rant ok byeeee
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you know what. i was gonna get into an argument. but then i decided i need to keep my sanity so i deleted it. peace and love on planet earth.
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math-journal2 · 16 days
<— Unit 11: Part 2 — Unit 12 —>
Solving 1/x = 1/x
Review: Exponent Rules
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math-journal · 6 months
Cheat Sheet
Shortcut to basic concepts that I might need to review in future.
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lenbryant · 1 year
Authority vs curiosity
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charmingcritter · 1 year
This is a call for help
If any one knows about college algebra please hit me up. My first unit test is coming up and I live in fear now
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glitchdollmemoria · 1 year
please can we stop describing bigots as delusional. please. im so fucking tired. someone being sucked into a hate group surrounded by others who believe minorities should be oppressed and encouraging them to believe in conspiracy theories that the rest of the group believes, is fundamentally different from someone having a mental illness that causes delusions.
delusions, by definition, cannot be explained by things like cultural background - such as having a belief constantly reinforced by intentional attempts to rationalize it for the sake of maintaining power over minorities. yes, someone can be both delusional and a bigot, and yes conspiracy theories can feed into delusions, but the two are not fucking synonymous.
i did not spend my teen years convinced that i was being stalked by demons just to hear so many of you people equate my disability with incel behavior and genocidal propaganda. stop reinforcing harmful connotations about mental health struggles.
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thepromptswhisperer · 4 months
"I'm weak for you." Prompts
“I’d do anything for you.”
“Ha. Don’t think too highly of yourself. Just because I crave your company every now and then, doesn’t mean you’re my weakness. You’re not.”
“I can’t control myself around you. Don’t even want to.”
“Fiiiiine. I’ll do it. For you. Just for you.”
“Why do you have to make keeping a distance from you so damn difficult? I’m trying my hardest and you just…”
“That was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it.”
“Having a weak spot for someone doesn’t equate to wanting to be with them. Those are two completely different things.”
“Why can’t I say ‘no’ to you?”
“It scares me to see how far I’m willing to go for you.”
“No, wait. Stay- Stay back. I need to think rationally.” “...What’s that got to do with me?”
“You just can’t stay away from me for too long, huh?”
“My knees have gone a bit weak. Do you mind holding me?”
“It’s like… You have this power over me, and I- I guess I’m wary of where it might lead.”
“I don’t care about anything but you.”
“No other person makes me feel both weak and strong.”
“Stop it. Can’t you see that staying away from you is torture for me too?”
“I’m weak for you.” 
“You have me all wrapped around your finger.”
“I don’t want to scare you away with my… infatuation.”
“Right now I think you could probably talk me into anything.”
“You’ll be the death of me, [name].”
“You’re the only one I have opened up to like this.”
“Aren’t you at least a little ashamed of how blatantly you’re exploiting my feelings for you?”
“For you, I’ll take on any challenge.”
“(Fuck.) I need you to say that/make that sound again.”
“Just when I think you couldn’t make me go even weaker in the knees, you go and say stuff like that. Do you want me to collapse? Maybe melt into a puddle too while I’m at it?”
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