#rath’s games
rathayibacter · 1 year
pretty late on doing this, but hey whatcha gonna do. wips!
TTRPG Projects in some form of active development:
KATABASIS, my folkpunk afterlife dungeon crawl heartbreaker. ive got a pretty outdated edition of this out on itch, and ive been working on a pretty thorough revamp of it. im not too far out from having the whole first chunk of the game done, just gotta figure out how i wanna write out the mechanics chapter and then pretty it up a lot.
Unskilled Labor, a game about getting supernatural powers from your minimum-wage job and then fighting authoritarianism before your shift. i put out a google form asking folks for their job experience and got some *incredible* responses, ive read through nearly all of them and have definitely taken some serious inspiration already. unlike KATABASIS i dont really have the full shape of the game in my head just yet, so i cant say exactly how much ive got left, but it’s still pretty early on.
TTRPG Projects on some sort of hiatus or back-burner status:
Disparateum Act II, the second third of my weird arthouse reality-hopping adventure game. ive got the whole thing outlined and a couple chunks completely finished, but there’s still a ways to go. Disparateum’s tricky cuz it’s such an eclectic montage of weird ideas that it kinda needs to be my sole focus for anything to get done on it, but ill probably be coming back to it soon.
TTRPGS I've let go of but might return to some day:
oh god too many
like you dont even know
for every game i release i write up notes for maybe thirty
and ive released a lot of games
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polychromaic · 1 year
I wrote a game!
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WE REGRET TO INFORM YOU is a handwritten solo simulator for the average animal to educate themselves on the perils of the modern job-hunt! With fully articulated folding-zine technology, a fully customizable paper-doll character creator, and a rich & intricate system meant to realistically simulate the application process many employers require! There's even an experimental achievement system, so players can unlock new color palettes, art, and even sim mechanics through play!
It's only $10! What're you waiting for? The time will pass regardless <3
[ link & additional info below cut ]
[ WE REGRET TO INFORM YOU itch.io page ]
i got a lot of follows recently cuz of my winny art, but primarily ive made my money as an artist in the indie ttrpg community, as an illustrator and game designer. Money's been real tight all summer long, and struggling with (obvious) unemployment hasn't been easy. If you've enjoyed my art and wanna see me make more, buying this game would go a really long way.
And if you need more incentive, fellow game designer and world's hottest boyfriend rath but together a mutual aid bundle for me n our girlfriend! It's just $20 and you get like 30 games from some really incredible designers, and you also get my new game
[ Sasha and Poly Mutual Aid Bundle - itch.io page ]
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bg3smash-or-pass · 20 days
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gunpowdercarousel · 11 months
Anybody else have a character you just sort of irrationally dislike? Like the character hasn't even wronged you in any real way, but every time you think about them you're just like "uuuuuuck that bitch".
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boardgametoday · 11 months
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: The Cities of Sigmar arrive along with Dawnbringers Book III and more!
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: The Cities of Sigmar arrive along with Dawnbringers Book III and more! #AgeofSigmar #warhammer
After the initial box set release, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar‘s Cities of Sigmar is getting a full, proper release. It’s a big week for Age of Sigmar with a lot of releases. Check out everything you’ll be able to order soon! Battletome: Cities of Sigmar provides all the rules, background, and more you need to muster your force. It covers the history of Cities of Sigmar, features a detailed…
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lordoftermites · 2 years
I think, out of all the Roiben content I've done (cosplay-wise at least), this one I'm most proud of: it just feels so. . . Unseelie, y'know? The damp dark of the brugh, the scent of burning cloves and earth; tendrils from the trees above ground hanging like decorative cobwebs; ancient candles guttering along the rough walls—if you wanted to know what my happy place looks like, that's it. Also, the whole time I was filming I had the scene in Ironside, between Roiben and Ethine in the Kinnelon Ruins playing on loop in my head:
"You don't belong in a place like this." "And why is that, dear sister? Why don't I belong here?" Ethine groaned and slapped one open hand against the wall. "Because you are not a fiend!" She reminded Roiben so much of his old, innocent self that for a moment he hated her, for a moment he only wanted to shake her and scream at her and hurt her before someone else did. "No? Is it not enough, what I have done? Is it not enough to have cut the throat of a nix that dared laugh too loud or too long before my mistress? Is it not enough to have hunted down a hob that stole a single cake from her table? Is it not enough to have been deaf to their entreaties, their begging?" "Nicnevin commanded you." "Of course she did!" he shouted. "Again and again and again she commanded me. And now I am changed, Ethine. This is where I belong if I belong anywhere at all."
If you liked this, you can find more Roiben & other cosplays over here.
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minnesotamedic186 · 11 months
If you're gonna try(<- big emphasis) to get someone to look at your porn
Don't tag a game that has
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shining-gem34 · 6 months
the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
Current Muse:
Honkai Star Rail: Dan Heng/Dan Feng
Genshin Impact: Wanderer
Multiverse OC: Rook
Want to write:
Honkai Star Rail: Arlan and Sushang.
Genshin Impact: Chiori and Noelle
Tales of Berseria: Velvet Crowe
Pokemon: Riley and Pokemon OC
Have written:
Tales of the Abyss: Luke Fon Fabre
Genshin Impact: Diluc
Saiyuki: Son Goku
Food Fantasy: Peking Duck, Cheese, Cassata, Steak, & Martini.
Monochrome Factor: Akira Nikaido
Would write again:
I'm somewhat still in Food Fantasy fandom (small group of friends on discord). Other than that, I definitely would be open to writing Luke Fon Fabre again especially attempt his bratty self before his character development! I never got a chance to roleplay that side of him. I think there is something appealing about a sheltered boy learning the world outside of his home. He's a spoiled brat, but he's a genuinely good kid at heart. It's something akin to Luke protecting his vulnerable self...
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rathayibacter · 8 months
Draconic Reproduction
The first dragons were born from man's fear of the unknown: a dragon would be born slumbering in the heart of a terrible storm whenever it tore apart a village, or would come crashing from the mountaintop when a volcano erupted. As science and magic have progressed, the unknown has been beaten back, and these forms of spontaneous generation have become rarer. As a result, dragons have found new ways to reproduce.
Some dragons practice Budding, where they grow multiple heads from the same shoulders. These heads are new consciousnesses just as brilliant as the original's, and upon being severed will become great winding serpents. Oftentimes, a dragon with more than five or so heads will begin actively seeking out foes to decapitate them, as the bickering and politicking between heads becomes too much to bear.
Dragonblood, when it falls to earth, mixes with the dirt and stone to form kobolds. A single splatter of blood might just make one or two, but a ferocious battle can sometimes give rise to a whole community of kobolds, who very quickly set about getting themselves into trouble. Kobolds don't tend to live longer than a few years, but in the rare case when one manages to molt a hundred or so times they'll become a whole new dragon.
Some dragons collect great glittering hoards of gold, which they use to transmit the Glimmering Curse. Dragonslayers and thieves alike find themselves tempted by such impossible riches, and will attempt to flee with whatever they can carry. The obsession grows roots in their soul, leading them to greater and greater acts of avarice, until eventually they cut the last ties holding them to humanity and instantly erupt with wing and claw and fang.
A rare few dragons still maintain the ancient art of Dreamsong, most closely related to the births of the primordial dragons. With Dreamsong, the dragon appears in a mortal's dreams in a strange and wonderful form, and spends many tender hours with them there. The mortal wakes up remembering little but a warm feeling, but weeks later will stumble upon an egg, half-buried in the earth, from which will hatch a beautiful child with golden slitted eyes.
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redhairedgryffindor · 6 months
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(Y/N), did you put Tonks up to impersonating me?
Take responsibility
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Deny responsibility
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Blame Tonks
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miraiq · 7 months
Once You're Stripped Clean, What's At Your Core?
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animal intuition
loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? body guard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
Tagged By: @dupliciti (shakes fist at you lovingly)
Tagging: @heartwilled (ruya!) , @crimsonbesotted (stelle!) , @weepingmoonlight (morgan!) , @pcrdiseseekers (dimitri or danheng!) , @spadilled
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thegreatyin · 1 year
good news lads.
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i have finally won the final fantasy fourteen.
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totally-gogo-salt · 1 year
Absolutely amazing being able to tune in to Rath Games FFXIV Solo Only challenge just in time to see him finish base game ARR.
I'll post my chaotic screenshots tomorrow.
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boardgametoday · 10 months
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Necrons, Adeptus Mechanicus, and Necromunda, are just a bit of a packed week
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Necrons, Adeptus Mechanicus, and #Necromunda, are just a bit of a packed week #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warhammer40000 #killteam
It’s a packed week of releases with a heavy 40K focus as two armies launch for Warhammer 40K, Kill Team gets a release, and Necromunda also gets some anticipated releases. Then there are books from Black Library too! Check out below to see what’s coming from Games Workshop and Forge World. Codex: Necrons brings updated rules for the ancient robotic force. It contains 47 datasheets, 5 individual…
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 hours
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Season 2
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Rath Vogart - Visual Novel: Black Wolves Saga Bloody Nightmare
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