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st-fanfic-bookclub · 5 days ago
Fic Rec ✨
Road To Nowhere (Leads To Me) by ahopper84 on Archive of Our Own.
This is a Mungrove (Billy/Eddie) fic, featuring Billy Hargrove and Eddie Munson. It's currently 25,041 words long and so we will be reading this for three weeks.
This fic may or may not contain explicit/NSFW content.
' 'Eddie Munson left Hawkins behind, and life moved on. But when he moves back to town, he's confronted with a past he thought he'd buried, and he wonders if maybe he should've stuck around a little longer.
Billy wanted nothing more than to leave Hawkins from the day he got there. But after everything, he was the one that stayed behind. A familiar face shakes up the monotony, and makes him confront everything he thought he'd locked away.' '
References to drug use, ptsd/trauma, depression
Have fun reading!!!
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siffrin-rater · 8 days ago
Hello! I'm a hobbiest siffrin rater that hopes to bring a little bit more about siffrin care, heath, behavior, and natural behavior! I'm by far not a professional and my word should not be taken as siffrin husbandry law, but I'm happy to give a brief description of my thoughts if pinged for them! Outside that, I just go around the internet and say my thoughts on the cute little guys!
Note! A bad rating does not mean a bad siffrin! All siffrins are wonderful and unique in their own ways!
#sif rating : A usual post. A siffrin with a rating scripted
#sif unrated : Sharing a siffrin without a rating! I just really liked that one and I was probably too tired to scribe a rating that day.
#not a sif : Anything that is not a siffrin.
#other isatling rating : Ratings for other Isatlings outside siffrins. I don't know much about them but theyre cute!!!
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pokemonxhyperfixation · 1 year ago
I did that thing, wasted a good 3ish hours writing it in one sitting (because that's how I best write)
This is my first fan fic, and I also haven't done proper character writing in a while, so yeah.
Also, it's just the start to a longer fic, so stay tuned!
(If anyone can recognize what song the title lyric is from, you get one Silly Point, which you can cash in to do nothing.)
Oh yeah, also:
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There WILL be trainer cards in these post! I'm not gonna break them down, but I sure will post them!
(If only I both had trainer sprites for these two and knew how to import custom trainer sprites into Pokecharms if possible)
Have a good read!
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huntingrays · 4 months ago
i find it kinda funny and silly when i see fics rated g or t with the “no smut” tag
like yeah? i guessed that from the rating? i would HOPE there’s no smut
like i’m not wandering into a bakery and wondering why they aren’t serving me steak
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jilyarchive · 2 years ago
Do you have any smut fics with james coming back from quidditch
Here you go!
Title: Untitled Author: fanfic-tastic Rating: Unrated Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: ~ Summary: AU Where James comes home after a long Quidditch practice and heads to the head boy/girl dorms immediately to shower and barges in on Lily showering accidentally.
Title: Here, Let Me Help You With That Author: thisismeafterdark Rating: M Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1,290 Summary: James comes back from Quidditch practise only to find that Lily is in need of assistance in… certain areas. M for a reason, etc. etc.
Title:Coercion and Competition Author:B.C Daily Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humour, Smut Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,791 Summary: Lily finds James after a particularly grueling Quidditch practice. 
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stellernorth · 1 year ago
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Barnados! My favourite flag
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oo i likey
the colors and symbol is really pretty but idk anything about it so ima look on wikipedia
apparently the ultramarine represents the sea and the sky and the gold represents the sand and the trident represents the trident of Poseidon which is in Barbados’s colonial coat of arms and it being broken is representing the breaking of colonial rule and independence
ok thats cool
i am very unsure of what to rate this so i will leave this unrated UNTIL i have rated more flags so i know how good the other flags are so i can compare
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moviehealthcommunity · 2 years ago
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Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story has strobe lights used in sudden moments throughout the latter half of the film, in scenes taking place in an active arena.
All of the camera work in this film is either stationary or very smooth.
Flashing Lights: 8/10. Motion Sickness: 1/10.
TRIGGER WARNING: The villain aggressively promotes self-hate for people with body image issues. There are gross-out lines about sexual harassment, bestiality, and bodily fluids, including vomit, with an incident of the latter almost happening. One homophobic slur is used. Cultural insensitivity is frequent.
NOTE: This is an evaluation of the Unrated version of the film. Some aspects may differ from the theatrical cut.
NOTE: Our evaluation of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is now available on our Patreon page at Patreon.com/MovieHealth, and will be available on this page on Tuesday, June 13.
Image ID: A promotional poster for Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
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aquynh · 10 months ago
i finished the governor is ill and i enjoyed it but also i didn’t. the miscommunication tropes were so constantly irritating
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luulapants · 2 years ago
Rating the birds in my backyard by tendency toward violence
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Northern Cardinal, 4/10
I'm sometimes worried the male is sexually harassing the female but I'm pretty sure they're just doing some elaborate public pickup roleplay. The rest of us didn't agree to participate in your kink, guys.
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American Robin, 1/10
Literally just some dude hanging out. Never bothered anyone but worms. Big fan of the way you just stand there in the middle of the grass like you forgot what you were supposed to be doing.
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House Sparrow, 10/10
You're a gang. You're participating in gang violence. There's ten billion of you living in a single wood pile and it's been civil war for three years now. When will the bloodshed end?
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Tufted Titmouse, 1/10
A shy baby. A pretty little guy. I saw you on the neighbor's garage roof and time stopped. There were anime sparkles around you. Come back.
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European Starling, 9/10
Why is it always you? Listen, I know, I KNOW the sparrows are the problem, and YET. When the fighting starts, it's always you in the middle of it, provoking them and then screaming like you're an innocent bystander defending yourself. I'm onto you.
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Carolina Wren, 3/10
This rating is not for physical violence, which you don't engage in, but for your role as an incurable narc. A tattle tale. I know they're fighting again, okay? I see it. Our yard has been a warzone for years, you don't have to make a big announcement every time someone misbehaves.
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Eastern Wood-Peewee, 0/10
If this were "birds who think they're better than everyone else," you'd get 10/10.
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Red-bellied Woodpecker, 6/10
It's a utility pole. It's not a tree. You're surrounded by trees that are full of bugs. But there you are, on the utility pole. Committing vandalism.
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American Crow, unrated
For who am I to cast judgment on the actions of La Famiglia? I assume you are doing what is best for the neighborhood. If I could, though, without criticism, make a single observation. That when large numbers of you gather in the ominous dead cottonwood - no? No, you're right. None of my business.
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Great Crested Flycatcher, 5/10
Frankly, I think you could be doing more. I think your name implies a great potential. I think you should massacre the insects. I think your beak should drip with viscera.
Stay tuned for more criminal activity!
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starconchs · 1 year ago
time for saw 4
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imagining-in-the-margins · 5 months ago
CM Friends with Benefits
Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who joined us. I am so happy to share everyone’s hard work. If you have a oneshot or masterlist you’d like me to add, please send me a message - new additions are always welcome.
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SFW S.R./Reader
Cuddle Buddies by @foxy-eva: (Fem) Spencer misinterprets the meaning of friends with benefits (having a friend to cuddle is, in fact, highly beneficial).
Play Dates by me: (GN) Reader learns Spencer hasn’t had many dates and offers to share several Play Dates.
Astraphobia by me: (Fem) Reader and Spencer share their embarrassing fears.
The Only Exception by me: (GN) Reader is beginning to believe in love again.
NSFW S.R./Fem!Reader (18+)
It’s Too Cliché by me: Reader and Spencer are the worst at being friends with benefits.
Damaged Goods by @foxy-eva: The belief that they were both undeserving of love led Spencer and Reader into each other's arms.
Yours by @aliteralsemicolon: Spencer never thought he’d be lucky enough to find Reader.
Heavenly by @dudeitiskarev: Reader confesses that she's a virgin, and she asks Spencer to be her first.
Wildest Dreams by @ghsface: It was a one night thing.
Crawling Back to You by @incognit0slut: Reader never planned on having a fling with her brother's friend.
A Kindness You Can't Afford by @mercy-burning: It started as 'stress relief between co-workers,' but now Reader can't help herself.
Relax, I've Got You by @reidmotif: Reader isn't great at handling stress. Luckily, Spencer knows how to make her feel better.
I'm Your Fluffer by @reiderwriter: Spencer is Reader's boyfriend without the benefits.
Second Chances & Something More by @reidsrambles: Reader is stunned when her former FWB shows up at her job nearly a decade after ghosting him.
Even more fics and pairs below!
I Won't Let You Forget by @reiderwriter: Reader wakes up with no memory of begging her long-time work crush to sleep with her.
Down Bad by @samuel-de-champagne-problems: After seeing that her ex boyfriend is engaged to his “rebound girl”, Reader finds herself missing the sex.
Safe Place by @sinfulspencer: After a hard case, Spencer takes comfort in Reader's body. 
Casual by @waywardxrhea: Reader thought that her sexcapades with Spencer had meant more to him.
Goddess, Soft by @none-of-your-bullshit: Spencer gets jealous.
Lost Time by me: Reader and Spencer spend their mandatory leave on vacation. As "friends."
NSFW Other xReaders (18+)
Passionate Reunion by @badathumanemotions: (Emily/Fem) Reader's in town on business and takes the opportunity to reconnect.
Stepping into Desire by @badathumanemotions: (Emily/Fem) Emily decides to wear heels and a tight skirt to catch the attention of a certain co-worker.
Medicine at Midnight by @pkg4mumtown: (Hotch/GN) A night out with the team leads to either the best or worst mistake Reader could have made.
Sneaky Touch by @tjwritesfanfics: (Hotch/Fem) Hotch is only a man and maybe Reader should wait until they get home to tempt him.
After Hours by @badathumanemotions: (Emily/Fem/Spencer) The trio has an arrangement.
Down by the River by @tjwritesfanfics: (Joe Joe - RV) Reader knew they couldn't stay with him forever, but at least for one night they could pretend.
Character Pairings
Time for Talk by @vaguelyclevermatters: (Rated T, Demily) Emily was hungover after a night in Vegas but the team seems fine. She must've gotten up to something (or someone) the others didn't.
Now or Never [Ao3] by @masterwords: (unrated, Hotchgan) An exploration of Hotch's agreement with Derek during his divorce.
Untitled by @siyvaruli: (Hotchgan) Derek discusses his situation with his sisters.
Just a Booty Call by @the-queen-and-the-king: (NSFW, Hotchniss) What was Emily supposed to do when she and her boss suddenly break every rule during an investigation?
Harder to Hide [Ao3] by @vampireids: (NSFW, Spencelle) After dying in Georgia, Spencer visits Elle to tell her he finally understands.
Gold in the Summertime [Ao3] by @justjasper: (NSFW, Derek/Elle/Spencer) Instead of the Fisher King, the BAU gets their two weeks vacation, and Reid goes to Jamaica with Elle and Morgan.
Until I See You Again [Ao3] by @leahseclipse: (Moreid) Spencer and Morgan had an arrangement, but it all changes when Spencer's feelings start to grow.
What's Wrong with Being Confident? by @baubeautyandthegeek: (Blake/Strauss) JJ wonders. Spencer answers.
Only Bought this Dress So You Can Take it Off by @baubeautyandthegeek: (Elle/Ilsa) The two share a night together.
Happy reading!
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P.S. If I missed your fic or you have a new one to add, feel free to send me a message. I would love to add it!
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months ago
Fic Recs!
Hi friends! Here's some fic recs for you!
As always, remember that these aren't in any sort of order, I don't recommend fics that are unrated or rated E (which is most of what I read), and what I like might not be what you like and vice versa, so please read tags!
Don't Delete the Kisses - rated M - wolfstar - 53k - muggle AU - by @madefortherain
Baking Tapes - rated T - wolfstar - 9k- Remus answers advice letters!
no unreturned love - rated T - Jegulus - 2k- jegulus flirting - by @w1tch3-writes
A Very Muggle Christmas - rated M - wolfstar - 7k - meetcute!
bright hopes and pure delights - rated T - jegulus - 7k - just...such cute fluff - by @w1tch3-writes
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travelingtwentysomething · 5 months ago
@ryanreynolds @kevinfeige @hughjackman @shawnlevy
Hear me out. Remember the Christmas version of Deadpool y'all did, like to make a PG version for kids, blatant money grab, but it worked?
Same. But opposite.
you're welcome.
Make another Billion and then slip me a cut under my door. I'm v poor. Got a lot of big brain ideas, but not a lot of money.
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princelabia · 1 year ago
best advice i can give you is to watch gregg araki movies. watch the teen apocalypse trilogy first. second best advice i can give you is to not watch them around friends or family members you could possibly offend with graphic sex and violence and general weirdness
u can watch them all for free on the internet archive
totally fucked up (1993)
"Gay, alienated Los Angeles teens have a hard time as their parents kick them out of their homes, they don’t have money, their lovers cheat, and they are harassed by gay-bashers."
the most normal out of all of them and still strange
the doom generation (1995)
"Jordan White and Amy Blue, two troubled teens, pick up an adolescent drifter, Xavier Red. Together, the threesome embarks on a sex and violence-filled journey through an United States of psychos and quickie marts."
can't even tell you how excellent this movie is without spoiling it. make sure to watch this version (the unrated version) and not the one that was butchered for the R rating
nowhere (1997)
"Described as “90210 on acid”, the film tells the story of a day in the lives of a group of high school kids in Los Angeles and the strange lives they lead."
insane bisexual alien themed rapture movie full of beautiful people
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leothil · 9 months ago
so i kind of took a hiatus for the first month the season was airing from episode 1 all the way to episode 6, so any chance you can link me to some fic recs that i missed during that time span by any chance. i think that was march to late april?
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Hi, thanks for asking and sorry for the wait, but I was busy all day yesterday. Here's some I found in my log:
the going water and the gone by @try-set-me-on-fire, where Eddie goes missing in the cruise disaster and is presumed dead. 31.5k words, rated T
illicit affairs by @burnthatbridge where Buck realizes he's bi and starts dating men, but isn't sure how well he'll do at sex with them, so Eddie offers to help him out. It's not cheating when he's just helping out his best friend, right? Note that as of now it's unfinished, but I'd argue it's still worth seeing their stupidity at work. 42.6k words, rated E
hearts will hold by farfromthstars (@doeeyeseddie) where Eddie keeps canceling plans with Marisol to hang out with Buck instead. 3.1k words, rated G
don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by fleetinghearts (@shitouttabuck) where Buck and Eddie pretend-date each other during Chimney's bachelor party to be able to give Christopher advice about dating. 14.7k words, rated T
put my heart inside your palms by @markofalover where Buck accidentally calls Eddie baby and Eddie is overcome with love. 3k words rated T
every evening, every time by hrudayam (@eddiegettingshot) where Marisol points out that Eddie doesn't really talk about Buck, and Eddie is baffled but then the puzzle pieces start moving in his head. 2.4k words, rated T
rebirth by @renecdote, a Buck introspection fic where he lies and ponders his bisexual realization. 752 words, rated G
lest i go unsheltered by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) where Buck comes out to Maddie. 1.5k words, rated T
my heart is working overtime by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck) where Buck sits with his feelings after 7x04. 1.1k words, rated T
my heart aches with love for you by farfromthstars (@doeeyeseddie) where Marisol slightly chides Eddie for interrupting Buck and Tommy's date, and Eddie kinda bluescreens. 1.8k words, rated G
got that, oh, I mean by @bekkachaos where Hen comes over to talk to Buck after 7x04. 2.7k words, rated T
some things fall when they're meant to fall by @sibylsleaves where Eddie realizes he'll never prioritize Marisol the way he does Buck, but his realization comes just a bit too late. 25.7k words, rated T
as lucky as us by hammersmiths (@henswilsons) where Ravi overhears and observes Buck and Eddie interact, and Suffers. 3.6k words, rated G
every little thing the sun shows, well it’s worth it by wafflesofdoom (@capseycartwright) where Buck drives to Hen to talk to her about his new realization and Tommy. 1.7k words, unrated but like G/T
so much to say that's subject-sore by @hattalove where Buck thinks calling Tommy his boyfriend feels wrong, even though he wants to continue dating him. 3.1k words, rated T
the gift you gave him by @thatbuddie where Tommy asks Eddie for tips on what Buck likes, and Eddie wonders why he feels weird about it. 5.1k words, rated T
I won't tell no lie by @lamardeuse where Hen shows up at Tommy's place to ask him about his behaviour while they worked together at the 118. 1.3k words, rated T
Ah hell this is so long already so I'll stop here, but feel free to come back and ask again after you've gotten through these, because I have many more! Actually, one last one I have to recommend immediately too:
good luck, babe by @hattalove, a twitter fic where an outsider observes Buck, Eddie, Marisol, and Tommy during Buck and Tommy's first date and tweets about it all. I cackled the whole way through! 2.1k words, rated T
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