#rarity too i love u rarity i love u applejack
cowboycatss · 5 months
i love when mlp redesigns make applejack a draft horse with the white markings. they get it
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squilko · 2 years
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messy doodle of my mlp au redesigns again... with slight alterations...
some ideas under cut..
rarity… crystal pony (ties into why spike is obsessed with her but not in a weird way he just thinsk shes cool… shes moved several times… her parents fled the crystal empire with her when she was a babby… then she lived in canterlot.. wanted to open a boutique there but the competition was too intense so she moved to ponyville.. she had encountered twilight once or twice before so she recognizes her when they meet in ponyville
twilight… not much changed tbh but she has a stunted horn so she actually has a difficult time doing magic so she studies it really hard to compensate… treats spike NICELY. more like a little sibling than a SERVANT. spike is very clingy and hides under her legs a lot cause he gets a little shy… gets more social once they move to ponyville cause ponies r a ltitle friendlier… he befriends the cmc and is like. one of them basically they are his friends… he also walks on all 4s cause he was raised by ponies… spike has hijacked my twilight message… she wears a little bag..yeah..
APPLEJACK!!!!!!!!! i love her. ok. shes basiclly the same. she more so takes care of her family tho… shes actually older than big mac and hes still way bigger than her but she still calls him bitty mac cause its her baby brother. ok * bursts into tears * i dont think i changed anything else..
raaaaaainbow deash… originally named lightning dash before she did the rainboom… her hair was originally blonde… the rainboom permanently dyed it tho… she still reaaally wants to become a wonderbolt but she hasnt yet because she has poor eyesight and they disqualified her from joining cause of it… her goggles are perscription HAHAHA… scootaloo still looks up to her… rainbow and her have a heart to heart cause rainbow is like well even tho ur different u can still do things !!!! and she shows off her goggles and pts them on scoots and scoots is like woah it looks all funny… and then rainbow is like YA i cant see well lol… the rainbow crash nickname reaaally gets to her cause before she had ehr glasses she would bump into things and the otherkids would tease her :(
fluttershy is batpony from BEGINNING. um. other than that shes like exactly the same AHHAHA. she wears a little cloak thing to cover her wings… she got it from rarity.. pinkie also ahs the saddle cloak thing from rarity.
pinkie is just pinkie except she puts on clown makeup... she wears rollerskates a lot
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0saippua · 2 months
saw kewl post doing this and wanted to do it too because im one huge baby watching cartoons while sucking my thumb and calling mommy:
the main 6 ponies from my fav to least fav!
i suck asshole explaining shit so excusemua for the quality
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idk do i like her because i am one protestant working class kid from gigantic family/generally small town or what lmao
Srs god honestly im not sure why I like her so much, the design, attitude and all are just 👌👌 if my uncreative and stiff ass got to decide there would be just god damn applejack show instead of pony show
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2. Rarity
THE GLAMOUR also love the looks and all, just imagine what kind of character she could be if she wasnt from kid's show trying to teach kids good lessons (yuck!)
but nice fitting character with nice design to tldr
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3. Fluttershy
Only thing i need to complain abt is why the hell they didnt put her live in some small cottage middle of forest like horror movie character, god damn, but in general i like her fine
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4. Rainbow dash
God honestly one character I'm all neutral. Not my instant fav pick but nothing i especially hate abt her. I feel she is on same category with Rarity having potential for more interesting character if u kicked the pant pissing wailing kids out of the audience, god damn!
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5. Twilight Sparkle
I'm not sure why but I never liked her that much. I liked her (imho too short lived) struggle to fit in the lil piss town and all but man she is kind of stereotypical and boring main character (that she is probl supposed to be to please the actual audience instead of howling pissant adults (me) watching cartoon pönies).
But not my fav really.
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6. Pinkiepie
Im not inherently hater BUT am I only one who at times wished other ponies accidentally dropped big cement block on her, only to never see her again? like i get why ppl like her but man she is annoying at times lmao
there u go, hope u learnt thing or two (or three)
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mlp x chb crossover
no u don't need an explanation. pinkie pie is cabin 12, dionysus cabin. dionysus is the god of parties and being craaaazy (ok it's actually madness but close enough). she's a party planner through and through
rainbow dash. you'd think something like ares or hermes but no. it's actually cabin 17 - nike. my mans is obsessed with winning and yeah she's fast, but she cares about winning more ithink <3 (i do think making her a child of iris could be funny as well)
applejack is cabin 4 - demeter. next question
fluttershy you'd think is demeter but what the fuck bro. no. the best estimation i'd have to say is a satyr. and yes i know satyrs are technically biologically exclusively males, and that their biologically female equivalent would be nymphs. but 1. nymphs are still about fucking flowers and 2. more power to transfem!fluttershy innit
rarity is. if we're not calling her a roman and child of minerva (which we can't, because minerva doesn't have children in rick's canon), the best i can do is really putting her in aphrodite's cabin 10 edit: oh fuck she could be a child of pluto and summon gems im so sorry miss please don't step on me
okay okay i know what you're thinking, twilight could be a child of hecate, but then again, she's giving major athena kid vibes. well, i think this is so fucked up because i truly can't decide if i prefer her being a cabin 20 kid who yes, learns magic, but generally just learns friendliness and all the other shit too, and then later down the line when starlight joins, she'd be wayy more powerful than twily, despite her being an athena kid (whos probably a hecate legacy imo), OR yeah just leave them as athena!twilight and hecate!starlight bc she is such a powerful sorceress naturally. there'd also be like interesting potential in making twi and star hecate siblings, because we get to see the duality of cabin 20
fuck you i'm still going bc i love these bitches octavia is definitely a child of apollo and vinyl is a child of one of the muses. *checks notes* calliope.
i think trixie could plausibly be a child of hermes, as her magic is mostly.. heh.. tricks
sunburst is a child of athena. trust me bro
obvsly mfs like carrot top, strawberry sunrise or bonbon would be demeter kids
i think it would be really funny to genuinely have maud as pinkie's cabin 12 sibling
do i shallowly think sunset shimmer would be a child of apollo? yes im sorry apollo just fucks a lot
zephyr breeze? definite satyr.
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dapper-lil-arts · 5 days
Hi! I came back to say that I finished "The Return of Midnight Sparkle" and I liked it. I did have some nitpicks, like how Sunset felt like and edgelord sometimes and that I kinda knew that Sunset and Twi were going to get together because of the sequel (which is apperently in hiatus). My fav chapter was "Do over" because of how cute Twilight's love confession was. When I make my fimfiction acount and make that G4/G5 crossover fic, I will shoutout that story and The End Of All Things, as inspirations/influences.
Also, Flurry Heart doesn't exist since Cadence and Shinning Armor had a divource (what even is your opinion on Flurry Heart anyways?)
Lmao yeah, thats the funny thing, return of midnight was my FIRST fic, so i'm already looking back at it and cringing a little bit. don't get me wrong, its a passion project and i'm fond of what I did, but compared to what I do now? DAYUM, its inferior. ...And yeah I am guilty of writing Sunset to be a bit too edgy. I call this the dapperlilarts ocfication process, in which most characters have some degree of imposter syndrome, and the more they have it, the edgier they become lmao. Sunset Shimmer wearing masquera and laying on the floor listening to cold play now lmao. And yeah, the classic sequel issue, if you see that there's more, you know that they're gonna be fine, mostly. Shimmerverse is my biggest project ever and I DO recommend it, but I think I recommend you checking out my other one shots first, smth more casual and fun. (Also the Princess and the Peasant is much more chill and neither applejack nor rarity are edgelords, its my favorite fic I've written <3) I erased flurryheart because if Cadance was together with Shining, itd be easier for sunset to be emotionally okay with being 'some guy' with twilight lmao. I did it to increase the emotional turmoil. My ACTUAL stance on Flurryheart is this: Babies don't have 'character' or 'personality' in media, they're usually just babies, just magguffins. Even on mlp, if you try to make the argument that flurryheart is throwing tantrums and wanting attention, that's just what babies do, man. BUT, what babies represent, is the love of the parents. if you want your audience to care for a baby, you need to make them care about the parents first, and boom, it'll be an easy way for the audience to be REALLY stressed at the prospect of the characters they love to lose their child, or even see her hurt. Here's the thing tho... Flurryheart is none of this. Shining and Cadance both made their first appearance when they were getting MARRIED. their relationship had zero buildup and no real audience investment. Lets face it, no one watches the wedding episode because of those two, they watch it because of Chrysalis. (love u bug babe)
I guarantee you that 9 times out of 10 in stories where the protagonist is like "I HAVE TO RESCUE MY BABY!" The plot doesnt work, because the baby is as empty as a magguffin. If you want to make that narrative work, you need the parental love to be real. Make the audience care about the parents and their love, and their love to their baby, and boom. Easy win.
So when cadance and shining announce theyre having a baby, its like... Oh okay that checks out I guess? they've been in like 5 episodes MAYBE. We care more about flurryheart as Twilight being an aunt then shining and cadance being parents-- And it doesnt help that the show makes endless jokes about them both being incredibly stressed and overworked because flurryheart is being a handful. It makes it feel like they either regret it or having a child was a bad idea, which is sad. and on top of all of that, Flurryheart is the first ever born alicorn, that is meant to be HUGE!! ...But it doesnt amount to anything. there's a real story that could be told relating to how earning power is really diffrent from being born with it, and how that priviledge changes you and could make you irresponsible. (LOOK AT DISCORD) The idea of a story where Flurry has to learn to be humble and responsible because she was literally born into godhood is potentially interesting! its like if superman wasn't raised by farmers, but by the monarchy. But there's no narrative at all with flurryheart! And by the time g5 rolls around, shes completely discarded as if opaline murdered her off screen.
So in the end we have so much potential wrapped on a nothing burger that amounts to nothing, the entire cadance family is just wasted, really. Messed up. G5 could have been about flurryheart and luster dawn finding their place in the world. there's a billion things you could do.
Also thank you @captainzigo for shipping cozy glow and flurryheart, its cute AND funny, definitely one of the funnest "post g4" ships lmao. Your alicorn daughter is making the worst decisions possible lololo
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starfac3 · 1 year
hii so in a post you wanted someone to talk abt their mlp headcannons, i’m getting into mlp rn so id absolutely love 2 hear them! (also just a question from a new tumblr user, can you see my asks on my page?) feel free to message them or whatever tumblr response mechanism there is! ^ω^
-not forcing, Moss ^^
first off , yes i can see your ask button !!! and welcome to tumblr :)
i tried to respond to this 4 times and i lost all my text and almost cried so im gonna make this much shorter than it was supposed to be (8 paragraphs) 😞 PROBABLY A RELIEF FOR MOST OF U THO LOL i have too many headcanons but here are some of my headcanons and /or “perfect world” scenarios for mlp g4 :)
i cant put all of my hcs here but im gonna put the ones i tell most ppl !!! ALSO NOT ALL OF THESE ARE IN THE SAME UNIVERSE!!! (if anybody wants more, ask me something specific .. >:3 nyeheh)
💜 - the mane six minus twilight have all been friends their whole lives, but not as a friend group until twilight came along!!
🩵 - branching off of the last one, rarity has made outfits for ALL of the ponies before !! but pinkie pie has been by far her most loyal customer because yk she throws parties like triweekly !! rarity mostly specializes in dressmaking but can also make other types of stuff . :) pinkie pie and fluttershy both seperately have taken some sewing classes from rarity cuz they alwayss loved her stuff :)
💛 - fluttershy runs/works a petshop/veterinarian clinic
💖 - at some point , pinkie pie moves out of sugarcube corner and runs her own nightclub !! (but like its not a naughty club, this is ponyville we are talking about here !! just lots of candy and soda and DANCING AND GAMES :3) and pinkie pie would be the funnest momma evr >w<
💙 - rainbow dash becomes a coach for the wonderbolts / some sort of coach :)
🧡 - applejack would grow up and continue to just run her family business and have a family of her own !! applejack would be a very caring mother but also she wouldnt take shit from anypony!! if anybody bullied her kid she’d have to try so hard not to kick anypony that bothers her and her kids
🩵 - rarity never expands her business or gets big, but she’s happy with it! her store is independent and a gem that many talk about all around the nation. :) she would be a fun mom but she would spoil the kid a lot lolz
💜 - twilight works at a school as a science/math/magic teacher, book author or a librarian! she would be a pretty average mom IN THE NICEST WAY POSSIBLE just saying she’s just your average girl!! but she has lots of knowledge to share :3 !!
🩷 - either:
-mane six all are alicornized. you cant just give the order keepers of the nation some fancy crystals and tell them to go on with their day while one friend who happened to be a rich unicorn who went to a unicorn school and got hit with a rainbow beam turns into a goddess and you have to watch her outlive you, you make them all goddesses or none of them. especially if the gifted unicorn never asked to be alicornized.
- twilight and cadenza rule together. cadence was done so dirty :( she was given goddess powers just to be sent to a Far Off Land and the Twilight was favored to just RULE A WHOLE NATION ALONE. insanity. also they have been friends / chosen sisters for the longest time. this scenario would not only give cadence a better storyline, but also spit in the faces of “theres already 5 alicorns” ❗️
there was nothing about vamp rarity because i havent expanded on her yet <//3 and also you guys have yet to see my whole cross-race breeding chart.. >:P
but thats all for now TwT sorry it still got long , i hope you or somepony enjoyed !! if anypony draw/write something off of these PLEASE tag me just cuz i NEED content with these !!!!!!! :33 plzplzplzplz and tag me in any pony art/writing/ etc :3 anybody feel free to ask for more !!! bye bye <33
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flutteringfable · 10 months
my favorite characters and who i think their favorite mlp pony would be. because it will be a cold day in hell before i stop implementing mlp into my other interests.
multifandom :3. no warnings besides me being cringe on main (<- then again when am i not)
rainbow dash
i was gonna say fluttershy but he seems like he would like rainbow more, specifically g4 rainbow.
i think he would also like starcatcher a lot (from the g3 movie dancing in the clouds)
i should. i should draw him as starcatcher. and maybe give him a sky wishes to match too…
applejack, but she says rarity and g3 rainbow dash
she relates to the overworking a lot.
she rly saw aj and went “this horse just like me fr!!”
i think she still likes rd and rarity, but they’re more of a front since she doesn’t wanna admit she relates to aj
twilight sparkle
honorable mention to trouble shoes but that one was too obvious
bookworm boy likes bookworm horse. thats it.
he finds out abt her becoming the princess of friendship and is like “woa!!!! so hopeful!!!” and honestly i love that for him
“none of them. mlp is stupid”
it’s g4 rainbow dash.
kinda unrelated but i think it’s fun to headcanon him as a brony but he stopped watching mlpfim after like. the first couple of seasons
idk i know realistically he would probably think the show is stupid but i like silly little hcs like that
maybe also g4 rainbow dash but i think he would also like g3 scootaloo
definitely a brony but like. honorarily. he found out abt the brohoof thing and was like “thats??? so cool???”
like it’s literally just a fistbump but kiri thinks its cool regardless
twilight sparkle and also maybe fluttershy
he likes twilight, specifically when she becomes a princess, because he relates to the pressure of having so many expectations put on u (see: literally the entirety of mha after he got his powers)
same story with flutters. insert parallels here (bullied, were seen as failures, found happiness and friendship later in life, etc)
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Bloods past part 4 the training
"Twilight applejack spike and rarity were training blood to prepare himself and defend himself. applejack was a tough mare to beat blood got close one time, but i won't get ahead. Enjoy boats and hoes"
Blood: *gets blasted by a magic burst* ugh...... *tries getting up*
Rarity: blood stay down
"Pinkie had already fainted from seeing her son hurt"
Blood: i.......i-im not......done *passes out cold*
Rarity: i about broke a sweat, darling, but oh well bye twi honey *teleports home*
Twilight: Ugh.....whore......alright blood get up my turn
Blood: *gets up all healed* She doesn't play fair aunty twi
Applejack: *lassos blood hogtieing him* say wat nephew?
Blood: Aunt AJ! Oh damn u i wanted a hug too
Applejack: Awww, shush that will have to wait, nephew twi. i need to talk to u. *looks at blood* privately
Twilight: ? Huh? Uh ok?
"Applejack and Twilight left the room, but they also kept an eye out for blood they started talking about a mission but then blood appeared in the room"
Twilight: ur getting good at that nephew. It's really good to harness ur magic
Blood: i learn from the best aunty twilight, so this mission?
Twilight: Uh, nothing blood don’t worry about
Applejack: no twilight blood needs to know
Twilight: Can we at least wake up his mom first? She should know too right?
Applejack: ........damnit right when we calmed her down enough........
Blood: ? Aunties?
Twilight: Pinkie wakes up!!!!!
Pinkie: he's back, is he?
Applejack: Yes......
Pinkie: Blood, come here, sweetie *whispers to blood*
Blood: ....... *looks back at twilight and applejack* ok momma *hugs pinkie*
Pinkie: *hugs blood back* i love blood u and ur little brother saved, thanks my sons now hurry blood
Blood: pinkie promise u'll come back for us, mom?
Pinkie: Cross my heart. I hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye i Pinkie promise son
Blood: *starts crying bitting pinkie disappearing*
"Applejack and Twilight knew this was a suicide mission, so did Pinkie"
Pinkie: All right, girls *cracks neck* ready?
Rarity: about time, huh girls?
Fluttershy: let's finish this
Rainbow dash: it been fun girls' time to end it now
Discord: *busts down the wall* hello bitches
Pinkie: *charges summoning her party mallet smacking discord dazing him* now
Twilight: *fires multiple magic bursts*
Fluttershy: *stabs discord with her hooves multiple times*
"Discord grabbed fluttershy, kneeing her in the guts, throwing her at rarity"
Applejack: *lassos discord with chains weaking him* now
"They all piled on discord beating the living shit out of him, but discord threw them off, but discord senced something chaos magic is close real close he stared at pinkie"
Discord: *snaps his finger, bringing pinkie to him* Now, Pinkie dearly where r they? Hmm?
Pinkie: ........i killed them......i buried their bodies...... *starts fake crying* .......all i could always hear them telling me why, momma....... It's too bad for u, ahahahahah *flips kicks discord low blowing him*
"Discord dropped"
Discord: u-u'll.....pay for their deaths
Pinkie: Oh, really now, sugar? Come on, girls, let's finish this
"They started beating on discord again till blood came in surprisingly"
Blood: Momma, i brought ur friends some snacks.........
"They all looked at blood shocked pinkie started running for blood grabbing him running away"
Discord: *threw the rest of the mane 6 of* smart girl *snaps his fingers*
Pinkie: son magic now
Blood: ok, mom *teleports away*
Discord: Hmmm, im impressed *disappears*
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enbypool · 2 years
ok so basicy it atarts with pinkie walking jnto rhe caroseul bourique looking sad mane deflated qnd she plops flat onto the fooor on her stomach qnd sighs. and rarity is like oh pinkie my dear! is something the matter? and pinkie is like oh.. well.. and starts talkinf abt how she feels like nopony takes her seriously and that shes annoying etc and rarity is like oh pinkie and comforts her and talks abt her own issues with rsd like that qnd rari nuzzles her cheek and pinkies mane pops back and she leaps into rhe air and js like i jist realized sonething. I have to go and rarity is like oh pinkie wont you- oh. xe's gone. and then pinkie rushes to the castle of frienship banging on the door screaming for twilight before just going in and she SLAMS right into twi in the hallway who was carrying some papers qnd the collosion made her magic lose focus so she dropped all of them and shes like pinkie! and shes like oh oh sorry twi as twi starts picking it up and shes like sigh its fine what do u need and pinkies like I. UH. WELL. JUSY GATHER THE GIRLS HERE OK MINUS RARITY THERE IS NO TIMENTONDXPLAIN GET RAJNBOW AND FLUTTERSGY QND APPLEJACK QUICK qnd pinkie jist disappears again and twilight is like what and the next panel is them all in the cutie map room and twilight js like Ok. were here can u explain why and most importantly why rarity cant be here and pinkie takes a deeeeep breath qnd is like BCEYASE i love HERand everyones like o_o and pinkie exhales qnd goes back to normal volume qnd is like qnd i need your helpto plan a party where i xan tell her that and applejacks is like thags mighty sweet pinkie but why do we need a party for that cant ya just tell er that yourself and pinkies like well... im never good qt just saying those things but maybe ill be confident in a party setting we can tell rarity irs an qppreaction larty for her which i guess it sort of will be but itll also be a COVER too so i have the coursge to tell her my feelings and rd flies over and is like thisis cool pinkie but what if you do all this qnd she doesnt feel the same way qnd pinkies like HUH? I HADNT EVEN CONSID3RED THAT. and she starts hypervenitaling and then just starts running in circles so fast she becomes a blur and ajs like well now look what you went qnd did rwinbow now shes a pinkienado! and rds like whoops and aj asks twi for some rope and lassos pinkie and goes over to her qnd j forgot the speech she gave her. uhm she xalms pinkie down and they get to planning then it cuts to twi and pinkie in the town sqaure with the rest of rhe girls with the oarty being nesrly finished setting up and rd flies in and twis like rainbow! hows it going with raroty and shes like fine i guess r u guys qlmost done cause i cant handle any more girly fun! ive had two spa treatments and i think my coats so shiny it might blind someone and twi giggles qnd is like yeah we're done bring her down and rd flies off and everyone gets into position and then rd comes q a blindfolded rarity they surprise her they start partying etc then jt cuts to later in the party and twi walls over to pinkie n is like its almost time pinkie u ok and sbes like NO IM SO NERVOUS TWILIFHT WHAT DO I DO *SHAKES HER* and twi gices her a speech mthen pinkie goes on the stage and starts talking abt rarity then calls her up and bulls a bouqet of roses out of her mane and hands them to her and then confesses her feelimgs and asks if shed let her take her on a date and shell make sure irs thebgreatest most wondefful super duperest romantic romance date ever and raritys like oh my.. of xourse i will pinkie qnd then it cuts to twi for q second whise horn glows then goes back to twi and pinkie, pinkie js now wearing a suit and rarity a pretty dress and pi kies like well then may i have this dwnce and eztends her hoove and rarity takes it then pinkie takes one of the roses and tucks it behind raritys ear. Ok. Do u inderstabdm
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bubaluv · 4 years
those role swap mane 6 drawings are SO cute. do u have hcs or thoughts abt them as an au? I'm really curious i want to know more about them
Thank you so much! And hmm, I have a few thoughts!
Applejack/Rue Moon - element of magic
Rue is a skilled potion maker and magic historian! That's her main focus, but she's really good at all non-unicorn magic, ie spoken spells, glyphs, summons, magic artifacts, etc. She has incredibly powerful earth pony magic, if channeled correctly she can grow things on the spot and shake/crack the ground with her magic. Because of her uncommon power level, she's one of the few earth ponies in history by taken in by the...monarch (no idea who the princesses are swapping with). She's kinda cocky ngl, very young applejack a la Where The Apple Lies, she has trouble working in groups and accepting help (that's what the rest teach her)
Twilight/Twilight Harvest - element of honesty
Twily is an absolute dope. She's sweet as pie but admittedly a little too in her own world most of the time. She loves making inventions and using spells to help her family's crops! She's A LOT like Entrapta from Shera. Btw Spike and Shining Armor switch with Apple Bloom and Big Mac in this! I think spike is still a dragon, just an adopted little brother of Twily's family. Tentative though, I might change that!
Pinkie Pie/Rosaline Goldine Fondant - element of generosity
(I changed her name but I think this one suits her better) Rose Gold Fondant (Or just Rose, she insists!) is the most upscale baker in town. She has big dreams of becoming a high class patissier, and she makes all of her treats with style and glamour. But of course, she loves to share! She's definitely not a stranger to catering weddings for no charge, or bringing some cupcakes to a sick pony in need of a pick me up.
Rarity/Promenade - element of laughter
Promenade is all about the celebrations! She knows everything about everyone, and loves to get all her friends together whenever she can. She's in charge of all the festivals and celebrations in ponyville and is a one pony welcome committee. She's basically the mayor, ngl.
Fluttershy/Flitterfly - element of loyalty
Flitter is always abuzz. She CANNOT sit still, she's always active! She loves adventure and of course animals, but especially the dangerous kind. Flitter wants to be an animal wrangler (and rehabilitator!) saving ponies and critters alike. Any beast big or small, Flitterfly is the pony to call!... At least that's what it says on her fliers.
Rainbow Dash/Rainbow Shine - element of kindness
Rainbow is a quiet little weather pony who's head is always in the clouds. She's definitely an artsy type, she wants to be an aerial dancer, but she has massive stage fright. She loves hanging (and hiding) in the clouds, making rainbows to make everyone's day a little brighter.
Wow that turned out longer than I expected, I'm mostly making up this au up on the fly honestly. Either way I'm glad you like it!
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peaceandlove26 · 3 years
i’m curious about your mane 6 species thoughts.... i was just thinking about that stuff last week!! heres a screenshot of what i said about twilight, i also had some thought about rainbow dash being a batpony
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OKAY OH MY GOD im finally answering this it took FOREVER because i kept writing essays for every single pony so now illjust briefly say the species hcs i like and dislike for each one and u guys can ask for elaboration on them if u want
twilight: OH. MY GOD. ZEBRA TWILIGHT IS TOO PERFECT U R A GENIUS. SO THATS THE TOP OF MY HCS FOR HER NOW… i also love earth pony twi and classic unicorn twi. as for nonponies i think kirin would be rlly cool for her
rainbow: i just love classic pegasus rainbow, but unicorn rainbow is fun to think about too! earth pony is just ehh and UNPOPULAR OPINION im not a huge fan of dragon or dragon hybrid rainbow
fluttershy: pegasus is great, batpony is PERFECT! i also like changeling/flutterpony but especially if she looks buggy and “creepy” or whatever. i dont love earth pony or unicorn fluttershy
applejack: earth pony is perfect of course! pegasus is also fun
pinkie: earth pony is good! i also love cow/pony hybrid pinkie and unicorn pinkie can be fun to think abt! not a fan of pegasus pinkie though
rarity: unicorn is good, pegasus and earth pony are fun, dragon hybrid is my FAVORITE! i also think seapony rarity would be cool
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somuch-4-stardust · 3 years
can i hear about all three!!!!
(also u dont have to read these they r very long but thank u for asking :DDD i really really liked ranting abt em :D! i love youuu)
okaokaokyoakyokay we r starting w frogs!!! frog fun fact (sorta)!!! dyeing poison dart frog range in many different colors/patterns!! they r black n yellow and blue mainly, but the amount of each color changes n there r poison dart frogs that r dyeing frogs that r just black n white!! i think the black n white ones r very neat bc they look like ghost frogs to me :D n i like ghosts (there r actual ghost frogs tho! idk much abt them but theres one thats like. a glass frog [which r clear/white frogs! u can see their internal organs n stuff!! don look em up if ur squimish tho)] but green??? so kinda a green translucent boi??? n their eyes r cool i think? idk! but theres another type of ghost frog thats like. Camouflage Colors TM [dark green n brown n stuff] but they have a see-through belly i think??)
AND THEN MLP WE R ACTUALLY TALKING ABT MLP:EG!! equestria girls :DDDDAND U MY DEAREST DEMON WILL BE GETTING A SUMMARY OF ALL FOUR MOVIES!! no okay that would be too long we r doing only the first one (i am so sorry aasdfnas;df)
i think first we have Just Equestria Girls (it might have an actual name but it might not idk i dont remember) iz the first one!! honestly i dont remember why but twilight sparkle (the pony) and spike (her dragon sidekick/best friend/pet???) make a portal that takes them into the human world! twilight becomes human and spike becomes a puppy! they go to a school called canterlot high (for the life of me i cannot remember why they go to the Human World or why they feel the need to attend high school but THEY DO!!!) n they meet the rest of the mane six!! (fluttershy, rainbow dash, rarity, applejack, and pinkie pie) who r not to be confused with the Pony Mane Six who r still ponys and did not come w Pony But Now Human Twilight thru the portal! these mane six (or??? mane six minus twilight ig alskdfnsd) are humans n have always been humans. they r unaware of the pony world. (alternatively, the ponies did not know about the human world until now) n e ways! twilight befriends the Human Mane Six (which now thinking about it??? is a little weird??? considering she has her own Pony Mane Six. idk lkansdfasdf) n they. what do they do. OH OHOHOHOHO THEYRE TRYING TO HELP TWILIGHT WIN spring fling queen??? homecoming queen??? Queen Of A School Dance/Event!! BECAUSE THE LIKE. Event Queen CROWN IS TWILIGHTS CROWN WHICH CONTAINS HER MAGICAL JEWEL THING!!! i do not remember how it got into the human world but thats why she came bc iz a really important magic jewel n stuff so she needs it back :D n to do that she needs to win Event Queen to get it!! (i dont remember why she doesn't just steal it ig that would be a bad example to kids) the problem is she has to win against Sunset Shimmer (and the crowd goes wild! sunset is a fan favorite :D shes pretty cool! but evil rn so u cant like her yet >:[ ) who's won Event Queen for the past few years! shes really mean n popular n stuff and everyone in the school is divided by groups (jocks preps nerds etc etc) bc everyone's afraid of each other (which was sunsets fault somehow i dont remember how she did it tho) ACTUALLY! i think the mane six hate each other until twilight shows up too (they all have very different personalities alsdknfsdf)? sunset told them some nasty rumours abt each other n twilight helps clear things up and show them that even tho ppl r different they can still be friends :] ( that her whole thing, shes the princess of friendship n stuff ye) OKAYOKAOKY IM GETTING OFF TRACK! she gives all the other kids the same 'we r different but we can be friends iz okay!!' speech (iz a song actually :D) n all the other kids r like 'omg so true bestie we r gonna vote for you for Event Queen bc ur so nice and sunset is so mean' and twilight is like 'fuck yeah :D' but then sunset shimmer tries to sabotage twilight a few times but it doesnt n so twilight wins but uhoh! sunset steals the crown form twilight n tries to use the magic from the jewel thingy but it turns her into a demon n stuff n she fights w twilight who uses the power of friendship w the mane six to defeat sunset shimmer whoz like 'wait fuck oopsie i am sorry pls be my friend :(' and the mane six is like 'okay :D' n twilight is like 'okay love u guys gtg now!' n she goes back to the pony world where she becomes a pony again :D n thats the end of the first movie :D i think twilight also has a love interest. also sunset shimmer was originally a pony but came to the human world years ago alskdn;flaksndf; thatz kinda important and i forgot to mention it adslkfnadfs cuz sunset shimmer is also trying to get the crown bc she wants the magic n she knows abt the magic bc she was a pony once n humans dont have magic n no one else knew the crown was magic n okay I SKIPPED A FEW MAJOR PLOT POINTS BUT THATS OKAY!!!!
N DSMP!! :DDDD idk what to do for this one but tiktok keeps giving me cosplays from a sbi fic that i kinda wanna read but iz bad dad phil n theres lots of angst n would probably make me really very upset n also i cannot read sbi fics bc it makes me maladaptive daydream too much :[ i miss fics tho a lot! i also dont like feeling like I'm missing out on smth u know? i cant usually watch stream vods for that reason too bc i feel left out when the streamer talks to chat and asks them questions n stuff! also i heard theres new tales from the smp which sounds cool but i dont really like tales from the smp alknfasdf;aslkdf n fun fact its only a 2 months to one year since i first watched a dsmp video!! which is exciting! also u n i got into dsmp around the same time which i think is really cool also we met almost a year ago too!!! I've been waiting for the anniversary of when we first met for a while now n i cant wait :D also my favorite dsmp character is Steve the polar bear! bc i like polar bearsand i desperately want to give steve a hug bc he looks fluffy n i think it would be a really good pressure stim to just lay on him n put my face in his fur :D yes i am aware I'm talking abt a Minecraft bear leave me alone! he is a cuddly friend!!!
i think those r the three things i mentioned asd;lkfnas;dlfknasdf :D idk BUT!!! :D thank u for asking hehehehe happy stim happy stim happy stim happy stim happy stim!!!
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prismy-sprout · 4 years
*Applejack and Rainbow Dash are opening their wedding gifts after the ceremony* Applejack: Alright, so far we have... Our wedding cake from Pinkie, made with all the types of apples in Equestria, and even fresh Zap Apples. Now we can see why she asked us to postpone the event until the harvest season. Our wedding dresses from Rarity, we´re not the kind of mares to wear too fancy clothing, but Ah can asure you, we´ll be usin´ these ones for the next gala, she hitted the nail when we said we liked comfy clothing. Rainbow Dash: And Fluttershy´s gift, that´s possibly the best one yet. *Rainbow Dash points towards Tank who´s wearing a tuxedo and a small top hat, and Winona who´s wearing a gown and a flower crown* Twilight Sparkle: Which means that there´s only one gift left. This one is both from Cadence and I. *Twilight handles them a small wrapped package, it´s obviously a book* Applejack: You got us that farming book we saw ages ago on Canterlot´s library? Twilight Sparkle: Nope Rainbow Dash: Or a signed Daring Do book from A.K Yearling? Twilight Sparkle: Not even close Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *starts unwrapping the book, until it finally reveals the cover*
"The Art of Love and Other Couple´s Stuff"
By Princess Cadence Twilight Sparkle: It´s a book she´ll be releasing next year, but since you two just got married, she decided to give you girls the first copy. Fluttershy: That´s a very thoughtful gift from Cadence. Pinkie Pie: Yeah, who´s better to teach them about marriage than the princess of love herself. Rarity: It must be delightful, a whole book about love and romance, I can´t wait to get a copy for myself... Ummm, darlings, are you two ok? Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *their faces are bright red, after flipping a couple of pages, they realize the book is not only about how to handle a happy and healthy marriage. BUT ALSO is a book about the "other" kind of love* Applejack, nervous: Oh, it´s nothin´ were only... ummm... Rainbow Dash: Really flattered for such and awesome gift... YEAH, that´s it. *nervous laughter* Twilight Sparkle, knowing exactly why they got like that: I knew you girls would love it... Oh, I almost forgot, Cadence also sent this note with the book. *handles them a pink letter* Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *reading outloud* Be sure to tell me about EVERYTHING you´ve learn with this book, don´t skip any detail enjoy the book 💗 - Cadence Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *internally screaming*
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ponydoodles · 4 years
Mod Masterpost 3
Here’s the further-continued mod list, due to the 10 image tumblr limit!
If they don’t have any social media listed, DO NOT ask for them, they’re not there for a reason!
Click on “Keep Reading!” This post will be updated accordingly!
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🎉🎊Hey Hey! I’m Mod Fiesta and I’m here to party!🎊🎉
🎊 I go by any pronouns! My default is often They/Them! 🎉 Mixed 50/50 (Puerto Rican/Norwegian), but I was born and raised in the U.S.! 🎊 I’ve been fixated on the MLP series for about half a year now but I’ve been drawing them since I was 11 or 12! I’m in love with older gen designs these days! 🎉 My favorite ships are RariTwi and MoonTrix (Moondancer x Trixie)! My favorite character is Spike and my close runners are Pinkie Pie, Bubbles, Trixie, Rarity, and MoonDancer. I do have a figurine of an older gen pony though! Her name is Twinkle Bloom <3 🎊 Consistent style?? Who’s That?? 🎉 If you thought I was an once of Neurotypical you’re out of your mind/lh 🎊 My other interests include SCP, TF2, Dead By Daylight, Danganronpa, MineCraft, Spelunky, and even more if you wanted me to read through my entire steam library- 🎉The cat’s name is JuJu :]
🎉🎊I’m so excited to see what lies ahead!🎊🎉
Art Tumblr 🎉 Instagram 🎊 ToyHou.se 🎉 <3
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💕 Hey what’s up gamers!
My name is Furbie or Mod Murmurs! I’m so excited to be here! I’m 20 years old and I just got into mlp one year ago! Ever since, my friends on Ponydoodles have made me feel so loved and welcome. I’m excited to see what being a Ponydoodles artist will have in store for me!
Things about me…
🌸 I LOVE STARCATCHER she is my #1 forever. 💕💞💘💞💕 Starcatcher and Skywishes are my favourite ponies. As for G4, I would have to say Zecora. My biggest ship (after me and starcatcher haha jk… unless?) is FlutterTwiCora! I also like Flutterjack and RariTwi.
🌸 I’d love to start an asmr channel someday!
🌸 I collect furbies! I have 10 at the moment, the loves of my life!
🌸 I love dating sims and hope to one day make my own
🌸 Other interests include : camping, writing music, anime, video games, collecting fairy stuff and Star Wars!
Thank you! I’m happy to be one of your new mods 💖
Art blog 🌸 Regular Blog 🌸 Twitter 🌸 Ponydoodles Tag
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💜 hello!! my name’s lily and i am so so so stoked to be on this blog and draw for you guys!!!!! Q_Q
💜 twilight & rainbow are my favorite characters and i ship them a whole lot<3
💜 i have adhd !! i like infodumping :]
💜 aside from loving mlp, i am a big ol philip j. fry kinnie and i love ninjago & tmnt!!
💜 i hope you’re doing okay!! get some sleep if you need it and remember that You Are Valid!!!!
pony blog | main | pdoods tag!
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Helloo!! I’m mod warm!! And I hope you’re having a good day! 🌞 My favorite mlp characters are pinkie pie, skystar, and vinyl scratch! (tho i have so many i hold dear..) 🌞 ive been drawin for a heck of a long time but have mainly been drawing ponies since last summer hehe 🌞 my pronouns are they / them or warm / warms : ] i love all good warm vibes in can get in case u couldn’t tell 💜 🌞 my art can be found at @ transgirlvelma c : I’m so excited to be a part of this!! cant wait to fill out y’alls requests!
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🦇 Ciao ciao! I’m Mod KO! I use He/They and up above is my sona Toonz (also known as Disaster Squish) and uses He/It!
💕 I’m the biggest cartoon nerd ever! Cartoons just in general are my biggest special interest along side maybe bats! Currently I’m extremely hyperfixated on Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes! but honestly I don’t think there’s a cartoon out there that I don’t love!!
🌸 I love love LOVE gen 3 of MLP, it’s prob my favorite gen. Maybe cause I grew up with it haha! My favorite characters are Wisteria, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Chrysalis, Sunset Shimmer, Minty, and gosh just a ton more! I can’t help it there’s just so many good characters!! Though ship wise my faves are def Sunset & SciTwi and Wisteria & Kimono haha but gosh I love a ton of ships too!
You can find my main tumblr @hext00ns !!
Before you leave, let’s play a game! Pick a cup:
   🥤    🥤    🥤    🥤    🥤    
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YO how is it GOING gamers, I’m Mod Razz!! I go by Mech or Flick, I am ✨ Very Queer ✨ and ✨ ADHD ✨
🐞 I’ve been into MLP since my single digit years, and I’ve been drawing for about 6 years! I’m only thoroughly familiar with G4, but I intend to watch older gens eventually >:]
🐞 My favorite character overall is Chrysalis! My favorite minor character is Vapor Trail, my favorite mane 6 is tied between Applejack and Fluttershy, and my favorite ship is Frazzle Rock x Sapphire Shores! (If you make content of said ship I will sell you my soul)
🐞 I draw in multiple styles, some more complex than others. You may see some inconsistency between my posts, but I hope they make y'all happy regardless!!
🐞 me opossum. me chameleon. me bug. me creature >:]]
* The image above has a white filter over it to reduce saturation, since the original is bright. You can find the unfiltered version here!
* You can also find my sona’s clearer (slightly dated) ref here!
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Click for page one! ⬅️
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sstwins · 5 years
Femslash Feb Day 11 - Blush - Rarity/Applejack
u all did an excellent job sending in mlp ships that i LOVE
This was an anon request!
Brief Summary: Rarity muses on how she’s started blushing when seeing a certain mare.
Word Count: 289
Rarity found it very, very hard to hide when she blushed. One of the downsides of being a pure white unicorn. Someone like Pinkie Pie wouldn’t have this problem, and when she was younger she’d wished to have bright pink fur for that very reason. She was terribly easy to read when she was flustered, angry, or interested in someone. And lately she’d started blushing whenever Applejack was around.
It was terribly inconvenient, of course. Applejack, being the dear, considerate friend that she was, always never remarked on it, but the simple fact was that Rarity was blushing and Applejack was not. As much as she would like to proclaim that she was frustrated with Applejack, that couldn’t be the case because Applejack had actually been rather understanding as of late. So Rarity had come to the conclusion that she was (unfortunately) having what was hopefully a short fling for Applejack.
It wasn’t like she’d never had a fling before. But this was the first time she’d had one for a mare. Rarity loved spending time with girls, she needed to for work as well as socially, and she didn’t want it to get out that she was interested in mares potentially. What if they refused to give her treatments at the spa because they thought she might like the touch a bit too much? Or if her clients became uncomfortable with her measuring them? It would be disastrous.
Thankfully Applejack was a good sport who would never tell. But Rarity knew she had to get this thing under wraps, and soon. No matter how charming and tom-stallionish Applejack was, it would never work out. So she just needed to stop crushing on her? Easily said and done, right?
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purfectmlpblog · 5 years
favorite thing about themshe’s just SO funny, cute and honestly REALLY relatable in alot of ways than I expected... a dramatic lil artist stuck in her own world and trying her best to please everyone whilst also trying to stay true to her own creative drive 💜 plus her love for ice cream is so cute lol
least favorite thing about themshe can be a little TOO full of herself to certain extents... and not always in the most pleasing lights given-some rather... “iffy” episodes... ^^; 
favorite line“buT i ThoUGHT u wANTed wHINiiiiing”
brOTPhmmm, most of rarity’s friendships with the mane 6 are so pure but I’m gonna give this one to her and her sister sweetie belle ‘cause... awww their episodes together always give me the biggest feels ;w;
OTPrarity x fluttershy! 💕 imo one of the most underrated mane 6/mane 6 pairs with honestly the sweetest type of “subtle” bond compared to others (rarity helping fluttershy gently coaxed into being more social & open about herself, fluttershy calming down rarity’s “feistier” snobby side to appreciate the calmer, simpler things in life... dawww~)
nOTPehhhh... the fandom might hate me for this but rarity x applejack, sorry xP it’s just too overblown imo and seems to carry one-too-many cliches about “opposites attract/bickering lovers” tropes that it kinda got boring to me after awhile 🤷 no thanks
random headcanonher love of class and sophistication comes from her watching a bunch of her mom’s old pageant queen videos as a little one (before that, she was actually quite a messy lil lady with scruffy-hair for days... times of which she’s grown to be pretty embarrassed about now when asked)
unpopular opinioni LOVE how she’s so girly and proud of being fashionable... even if other cartoons try to portray that as a negative/”villainous” trait, I feel like it’s actually pretty cool and important to show to little girls that being proud of your looks and such doesn’t automatically make you a bad person 👍
song i associate with them“life is a runway”, her solo from the eqg short~ ^w^
favorite picture of them
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