#he was not discord anymore he was just Guy Who Hangs Out With Fluttershy
cowboycatss · 5 months
i love when mlp redesigns make applejack a draft horse with the white markings. they get it
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shadowcipher17 · 6 years
Best Redemptions Of Friendship is Magic (Major Villains)
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So today, in light of Season 9 approaching I’m going to give my ranking of reformed or redeemed major villains in Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls because Friendship is Magic! However, this is going to be divided into four different categories:
Major Villians (Friendship Is Magic)
Secondary Antagonists
Equestria Girls Villains
So this can give insight on how many villains have been reformed/redeemed (because there’s too damn many) and who’s still left in play for Season 9 and the rest of Equestria Girls. So with that let’s start with major villains which are:
Luna/Nightmare Moon (Season 1 Premire)
Discord (Season 2 Premire) (technically Season 4 Premire because he spread the plundervines in the first place)
Chrysalis is still at large (Season 2 Finale) (Season 6 Finale)
Sombra is currently shattered into pieces (I’m not counting the comics show only) (Season 3 Premire)
Tirek is imprisoned at Tartarus (Season 4 Finale)
Starlight Glimmer (Season 5 Premire and Season 5 Finale)
Stygian/Pony Of Shadows (Season 7 Finale)
The Storm King is shattered into pieces (My Little Pony Movie)
Tempest Shadow (My Little Pony The Movie)
Chancellor Neighsay (Season 8 Premire)
Cozy Glow is imprisoned at Tartarus (Season 8 Finale)
So out of eight seasons and a movie we’ve had a total of 11 villains and 6/11 got redeemed or reformed, or take out those who are imprisoned or shattered and you still get 6/11 so Friendship Is Magic for the win! Ok onto the rankings!
6. Starlight Glimmer
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Reformation: Her. Reformation. Sucked. Easily at the bottom and this is not because I don’t like Starlight as a character but even if I did like her, he reformation was rushed. SHE even has constant doubts about herself and what a suitable punishment for herself is. But let’s remember she has what she did from The Cutie Map also. But her reformation consisted of a song montage, hanging out with each of the Mane 6 for like a second, moving to Ponyville, and getting easily forgiven by the members of Our Town.
Redemption: Now Season 6, was obviously Starlight’s Arc of Redemption and...sure she learned how to not steal ponies cutie marks anymore...but that’s it. Other than that she still does the same mistakes and hasn’t really learned from them and it goes on past Season 6 too. In fact the thing that’s funny is that Celestial Advice showcased Starlight graduating and one of Twilight’s characteristics that she mentioned of Starlight is honest...then in the very next episode she decides not to tell Twilight about what happened with the map table. Graduating student, everyone. But she makes the same mistakes after she learns from them as everyone else in the show does but at least they tend to break out of it, Starlight so far hasn’t and I honestly don’t think she will.
5. Chancellor Neighsay
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Reformation: Once again, it was quick and in a dire situation but it was alright. Neighsay learned not do judge different creatures...I guess. The Student 6 helped him escape the chains of Cozy Glow while he thought that The Student 6 were behind the stolen magic. Pretty solid lesson.
Redemption: He resigned the EEA medallion and that’s it. Nothing else is known.
4. Stygian
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Reformation: The thing is...Stygian didn’t really get to do anything as the Pony Of Shadows...and that it wasn’t entirely his fault for being the Pony Of Shadows. However to be fair, if Stygian would’ve talked to the Pillars before hand about his having his own weight to the team then things would’ve possibly gone differently. But he only appeared in the second half as The Pony Of Shadow’s and the only thing he really did was destroy Ponehenge. *coughs* WASTEDPOTENTIAL *coughs*
Redemption: He wrote three books about his past that are hits. Currently in the comics helping Luna out.
3. Tempest Shadow
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Reformation: She sees the meaning behind friendship and why it’s important as opposed to being alone and how she does that is by going off to the places where the Storm King liberated and tries to help out and correct her mistakes by thinking of others as opposed to thinking about herself and regaining something she lost.
Redemption: She shows it more in the comics where she meets her old friend Glitter Drops and the two make up with some time and an Ursa Minor cub. Currently helping Luna with a mission comic wise.
2. Princess Luna
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Reformation: Her reformation lacks a bit only for the simple fact that she got blasted by The Elements and was turned back to normal.
Redemption: I’m not gonna lie, Luna is personally in my Top 5 Favorite characters in the series overall and the ways she’s trying to redeem herself are good. The best portrayal of this would have to be Luna Eclipsed where Luna was re-introduced and redesigned (still misses short mane Luna). Here the episode presents herself on how everybody feared her back as Nightmare Moon and she wants to redeem herself but she needs to adjust after being gone for a thousand years. (Season 8 tried and rushed it with the Pillars but I’m not really complaining). So Twilight helps her do just that and she wins back the hearts of Ponyville and...she has a few episodes about helping the CMC with their problems but the thing is that she’’s trusting again and not seen as Nightmare Moon but Princess Luna to everyone...except herself which is where Do Princesses Dream Of Magic Sleep comes in. Reformed villains tend to guilt trip about their actions and here’s why it works well for Luna in that episode, she doesn’t show up too often. She learned to overcome the guilt of her actions as Nightmare Moon to create the Tantabus in the first place and since then....has been pushed to the sidelines. And there was that one episode where her and Celestia were fighting over who has the worse duties and they both wanted attention form each other but...not getting into that.
1. Discord
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Redemption: Admittedly, we still don’t know too much about Discord even after 8 seasons but I’ll say this. Discord has the best redemption arc in the whole series (not overall). Originally, Discord was faking the reform game just so that he could win Fluttershy’s trust so that she couldn’t use her Element Of Harmony against him so that he wouldn’t go back to stone and was playing her but he slowly began to see that she was genuinely being hospitable and kind when no one else would and he realized “after he was free” that in doing so would make him lose the one friend who genuinely cared about him and he didn’t want that and since then he’ll do anything for Fluttershy. He even nearly faded out of existence just so that he could make Fluttershy have a tea party that was suited to her liking.
Reformation: He still causes mischief pranks but it’s not like what he did in his debut episode. And he learned his lesson from Twilight’s Kingdom majorly to not trust bad guys and again your individual freedom isn’t worth losing a friend over...in Friendship is Magic’s case. Oh and...the Twilight and Discord dynamic is great honestly, if Fluttershy’s his favorite pony to be around, his second favorite pony to be around has to be Twilight, then Celestia. (I demand an episode with just those four)
But that’s my list on the best ranked reformations and redemptions in Friendship is Magic.
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marvelandponder · 7 years
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The We’re All Really Proud of Fluttershy Episode
So, Fluttershy Leans In is an episode focused on character development. Not developing the character further quite yet, just finishing the arc already in place. A bookend, if you will.
On the one hand this episode is supremely satisfying in that it treats old episodes like they matter and have had a lasting impact on Fluttershy’s growth. It lets us appreciate her arc as a whole. On the other, there’s no internal conflict. Like, actually literally none---which isn’t the worst thing, but it does hold the episode itself back.
As fans, we always want to see the consequences of previous stories. It rewards us for spending so much time invested in these characters and their lives.
And let’s not underplay just how awesome Fluttershy is. Kindness has always been in her nature, but now being able to show that being kind and being assertive (as well as comfortable and confident in oneself) aren’t mutually exclusive concepts. 
It’s the kind of thing I was talking about when I went over how amazing Fluttershy’s development has been in the past two seasons! Link to that here, because it’s relevant dammit.
But, showing that a character has come a long way can sometimes get in the way of developing them further.
Which, by the way, is something MLP has gotten around before. They have the mane 6 show off how much they’ve developed by teaching those around them. I can even take Fluttershy as an example. In Viva Las Pegasus, Fluttershy herself doesn’t necessarily learn anything, but she’s able to stand her ground on what she thinks needs to be done even in the face of AJ’s stubbornness. 
Although, in the case of Fluttershy Leans In, the characters in the wrong don’t go through much of an arc, really. As soon as Fluttershy tells them what they did wrong, they have to be fired (which, I mean, I agree with), so we don’t really see them come to a new understanding about how they should treat quiet clients. Or, I don’t some lesson about assumptions.
In the end, I don’t think anyone really learns anything, and Fluttershy herself was always confident in her ability to stand up for herself and see her dream through to the end and... she did.
Again, for Fluttershy this is wonderful to see, especially because she really is using the lessons she’s learned before (I think in particular her own brand of assertiveness from the end of Putting Your Hoof Down). So, there is still enjoyment to be had in this episode.
It’s just that the episode on it’s own isn’t an impactful story. Without an internal conflict, there’s no emotional arc to follow, no personal stakes. Fluttershy’s dream isn’t really in danger of not coming true because she knows she can handle any obstacle in her path and does.
The external conflict gives the episode its structure, and it can work well enough on that front, but it’s not one that’s going to stand out. Not in a show like this.
That said, since it’s such a simple episode, that’s the bulk of my criticism with it, and I’d like to just spend the rest of this review talking about minor details. I feel like other episodes have been more jam-packed with blink-and-you’ll-miss-it gags and references, but there’s still some things worth mentioning for sure!
Can we just give the show staff props for bringing such a minor character back?
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Dr. Fauna showed up once, in season 2′s The Secret of My Excess, and this is her first appearance since. Same voice-actress (Cathy Wesluck) and everything! They get points for consistency.
Also, okay, legitimate world-building question right here:
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What ARE you? Yes, wisenheimer, I know that’s a giraffe, but people in the fandom suggested a good rule on sentience that generally held water: all hooved animals are at least more likely to be sentient.
Ponies, donkeys, cows, zebras, deer (in the comics, at least), yaks, etc.
And, sure, that’s not always the case. Goats seem to be pretty much your standard barnyard fare, but dude. You’re going to give giraffes those big expressive PONY-LIKE eyes, and yet one of them would still rather go to the vet than a doctor?
I know the cows seem to be chill hanging out on the farm, and I promised myself I wouldn’t accuse anyone of subjugation today, but you can’t make something look that much like a pony and not expect me to get all analysisy on you.
I can live with this, I just kept expecting it to have a voice. You know what? Maybe it does. Maybe it’s just free-loading off of Dr. Fauna and hoping she won’t notice. You sly giraffe you.
Also, can we talk about this moment for a second?
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Out of all the ponies in the room, Rainbow Dash is the one who cries when Fluttershy explains her dream to them. You can argue it’s just a gag because she thinks she’s the tough one (or perhaps a bit of character growth from Tanks for the Memories because she’s not afraid to cry anymore?), but it’s also super adorable!
They grew up together. Fluttershy has always supported Dash in her dream---cheering super loud when she performed her second Sonic Rainboom, for example. The fact is, Rainbow Dash is just really proud of her here, and coming from the pony whose grown up alongside her the longest, that’s saying something.
Wow, that’s cute.
Oh, and speaking of Flutters’ dream board thing, it struck me that she never told any of them (even, say, Rainbow who she’s known for years and years of her life). Not to beat a dead horse, but that’s where this episode could’ve had an internal conflict. She’s never shared her dream before, with anyone. Yet, now she’s able to, thanks to her friends and the personal growth she’s had while being their friends.
You wouldn’t actually need Fluttershy told be afraid of sharing her dream, by the way. You’d just need her to realize she isn’t anymore. That in and of itself is an emotional beat. The relief of knowing you’re stronger than you used to be.
But I digress, because it’s BIG DADDY MCCOLT TIME.
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I might be in the minority of people who liked The Hooffields and Mccolts (maybe because I always have the comparison to Avatar’s worst episode, The Great Divide, in the back of my mind and there’s so much more to like in this than in that), but can we at least agree that this guy a fun character to have pop up again?
He made for a great, fitting callback and showed in yet another way that this episode loves it some continuity. Good call on that, G.M. Barrow.
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Discord could’ve helped, too, but I guess he wanted to let the others feel useful.
Oh, and Starlight appeared, just in the background helping out. Nice to see her naturally included even in episodes she’s not at all the focus of. The CMC helped their sisters out, too, which is just a cute detail to have in any episode.
And then there’s Fluttershy’s new animal sanctuary: Sweet Feather Sanctuary.
It’s fricking gorgeous and so fitting for Flutters, but never could’ve happened if she wasn’t confident enough to see it through. It’s really just the perfect accomplishment for Fluttershy to make. 
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It really is fucking awesome! The episode surrounding it might not be as memorable as it could have been, but the fact that Fluttershy even acknowledges that she developed slower, and had to go at her own pace, but was happier in the end when she finally got where she was going... (look out for the sloth on the rewatch. It’s curled around her leg or somewhere around throughout the episode)
Yeah, okay, that’s a great end to an arc. Question now becomes, what’s next for Fluttershy? Guess I have an editorial to write, huh?
More Talking Horses? Sure, I’ve got some of those! You can see all the episodes I’ve reviewed here, and heck, here’s my editorial series in which questions are asked and answered about the pastel ponies! Here’s the last three things I’ve done for ya:
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Royal Sisters Editorial, A Flurry of Emotions, and Rock Solid Friendship
Year of the Pony
Special Thanks to Millennial Dan on Deviantart, who made the Microphone vector for the logo!
I Went This Whole Review Without Making an Innuendo with the Title. I Deserve a Cookie
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marvelandponder · 8 years
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My Reason for Doing Anything: Because Cute
Happy Family Day, everybody! In order to celebrate today and the season seven spoilers we just go over the weekend, I thought we could just do something fun.
No real analytical insight here (she says, as if there normally is), I just want to acknowledge how cute the families are in this dang show. I could argue we’re doing this because the characters and their relationships are so central in what makes the show as wonderful as it is but... let’s be honest. It’s just because they’re cute.
Okay, so, before we start with that cuteness, let’s set some ground rules. Honourary/found families are in the running, and a family only has to be two or more characters. Small families are still families. Also, if it’s debatable that the characters themselves see that relationship as family, I’ll use my own judgement on whether they count or not.
Oh, and I should specify since we’re not taking this seriously in the slightest, the order is more a suggestion than anything. I would in fact really love to hear what you think the cutest family really is, but hey, I’ll keep blabbing whether you want to join in or not!
Special Spoiler Warning: Season 7 spoilers will be mentioned or referenced. Once specific episodes air in season 7, this list will be updated.
Honourable Mentions
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Here’s the families that didn’t quite make the cut:
The Dash Family
The Sparkle Family
The Flim-Flam Bros
The Filthy Family
Cranky & Miltilda
Scorpan and Tirek
Sunburst’s Family
Discord and Fluttershy (an upcoming book entitled We Are Family suggests they might be considered familiy in some fashion, as well as a brief implication in the Luna and Discord Friends Forever comic; however, it has yet to be implied in the show proper)
Background/Side-Character Families
If I missed anyone significant, feel free to tell me so I can add it to the list!
#10. The Flutter/Breeze Family
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Let’s start out with something not everyone can agree on: Zephyr Breeze is a fun character, if nothing else.
Like every family in MLP, Fluttershy’s family reveals a lot about her upbringing just by being who they are in the present. There’s no need for a flashback when you can plainly see Fluttershy’s coddling parents, and Zephyr Breeze’s bombastic, thoughtless personality and how he walks all over his family.
To some, this understandably makes Zephyr unlikable, but for others still, the comedy of his character lies in loving to... maybe not hate him, but certainly recognize just how unlikable he is. His silly self-absorption puts him clearly in the wrong in the episode, but to be fair to the guy, even when he’s extremely inconsiderate he’s never really malicious. You can tell he does love his family, he’s just a little focused on himself to show it well.
Between Zephyr’s fear of failure and Fluttershy’s fears of... well, a lot of things, it’s quite endearing to see Fluttershy’s character development pay off, and allow her to take the competent big sister role when coming home for a visit.
#9. The Armour-Amore Family
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Really quick thought: it doesn’t seem like ponies always change their last names when they get married, but if they use Cadance’s name (and they did carry on that name scheme in a way with Flurry Heart), they would be the Amore or “Love” family. Just throwing that out there.
Ah, Shining Armor, Cadance, and Flurry Heart. One of the only families we’ve seen built from the ground up---and in real-time, nonetheless!
Even though the world’s cutest plot device there has garnered a fair bit of controversy, I’d still personally say this new family is pretty dang sweet. They’re currently living out a happily ever after of sorts, although still proving that comes with its fair share of struggles and quirks.
This is definitely a family founded on love. In fact that’s probably why Flurry Heart is so special to begin with. Together, her parents wield the power of love, so who knows what they can achieve working together, as a sweet, loving family.
#8. Rarity’s Family/The Belle Family
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Another Note: Their mom has some kind of cookie-related cutie mark---is that their family theme? Sweets? Because I’ve been struggling to figure out how family names work in Equestria and that’s the best I’ve managed to find for these four
Who says there can’t be any fun in “dysfunctional?”
Now he’s a family with a lot of character, even if we don’t technically really know half of them. Rarity’s parents have only had a speaking role once, in Sisterhooves Social, but wow, did that one appearance pack a punch!
With their unfashionable mid-western designs and hokey Minnesotan accents, you can instantly tell what Rarity’s relationship with them must’ve been like, just because of the contrast between them.
Even better, of course, is one of the three primary sister relationships in the show: Rarity and Sweetie Belle.
I really struggle with not putting this higher because of them. They so expertly capture the subtleties of an argumentative but loving sibling relationship. How Sweetie looks up to Rarity, but that also puts her in her shadow. How Rarity’s responsibilities can even make Sweetie’s well-meaning failures frustrating. They’ve certainly had to grow quite a bit to be as close as they are now, and that relatable struggle is what makes this family all the sweeter.
#7. Celestia and Her Students
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This one was the hardest to justify. Because it would be one thing if the only reason I wanted to include it was based on my own silly headcanons (which I could do but I don’t want this list to just be personal choices), but I feel like there’s been enough evidence to back me up here.
Celestia’s a motherly character by nature, so it doesn’t come as a surprise when that comes through in her role as a mentor. But I think what clinches it is how to some extent, she really did help raise Twilight and Sunset. If nothing else, it’s sort of comparable to a nanny, I guess, but even then that doesn’t seem to cut it. In the comics, Twilight’s been shown to have had other teachers throughout her schooling, but Celestia’s been a constant part of her life ever since she got her cutie mark---and even now that she’s graduated as a full-grown adult.
And don’t get me started on the mother-daughter parallels in Sunset and Celestia’s relationship, or what little we’ve seen of it. The added depth that comes with knowing how meaningful that relationship is to them both only makes the fracture between them more filled with The Feels. I swear, the fandom’s all but made a petition to DHX to show us their reunion.
They both look up to her and want her approval in their own ways, and that... kills me. Slowly.
My gut tells me there will be those who argue that even if it’s a meaningful relationship, it’s not necessarily classified as family, which is true. Outside of fan-works, neither Twilight, Sunset, nor Celestia have explicitly referred to each other family in any real way. But, hey, I did say honorary family counts, and if the subtext is arguably there, that’s close enough for me!
#6. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo
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Pure cute factor winning out!
I was having a hard time with the order of the 8-6. They’re three extremely different types of relationships, so it’s hard to set them next to each other and compare, but I think I made the right call.
Because this one was a relationship that was theorized about/anticipated by fans for the first two and a half seasons---spawning countless “Scootalove” stories and art to combat the “Scootabuse” going on at the time (our fandom has weird phases). So when it finally actually happened?
For even more context, I used to think that if Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo actually were sisters, Rainbow actually wouldn’t be all that kind to her. Lauren Faust originally thought Rainbow would make a bad sister, too (I think because there’s a difference between choosing a sister and having to grow up with one).
But, I think by that point in the series, Rainbow had matured enough to be that role model and big sister Scoots needed, which made it all the more satisfying to see! And ever since, Rainbow’s still managed to surprise us with how tender and genuinely open she’s willing to be with this little squirt of hers.
On the down side, I feel like Scoots has picked up a tiny bit of Dash’s ego since they started hanging out more, but it’s all worth it for the moments they now get to share.
#5. The Cakes and The Pies
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This is such a cheat it’s not even funny. But, the reason I grouped them together is the main reason they’re both so adorable: their relationships with Pinkie Pie.
On the one hand, you’ve got the Cakes, a young couple who adopted this wandering party-planner into their home. Later, they were blessed with two, adorable, trouble-making twins who absolutely love Pinkie.
Technically, you could question whether or not they see Pinkie as family, but come on. Come on.
And on the other hand, there’s the Pies. Wow, they’re delightful! For a family as dull as dishwater, they’re really anything but with their unique personalities and unquestionable love for one and other. I’d love to see more of them! Special shoutout goes to Maud and Pinkie’s relationship, of course, because I don’t know if there’s anything cuter than how much they clearly love each other.
That’s some real cute stuff right there.
#4. Twilight and Spike
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Are they mother and son? Sister and brother?
I don’t know if we’ll ever have their relationship defined beyond “number one assistant,” but dammit if they aren’t an adorable pair. Spike was Twilight’s first friend. Twilight raised Spike ever since he hatched.
Even now that Spike finally has a dragon friend in his homeland, there’s nothing that can erase the meaningful bond these two share. Heck, Spike’s worst fear is Twilight sending him away, not needing him anymore, but as she tells him in season 3 opener, there’s absolutely no chance of that fear coming to pass.
What could be cuter?
#3. The Apple Family
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You knew they’d be pretty far up here, didn’t you? After all, what could be more adorable than a family who (for whatever reason) lost two central members and had to reform even stronger?
Check out Days Gone By for some proper Apple family feels, BECAUSE WOW. I don’t know about you, but finally getting to meet their parents in the upcoming season has me hyped! It’s currently unclear whether the deaths the staff have confirmed and hinted at in the show will be retconned or not, but I can’t help it after waiting for this for so long!
It’s especially cute because we know how important family has always been to the Apple clan, even before the parents left the picture. The Apple family spans all the way across Equestria, from sea to shining sea, and all of them love each other dearly.
Tight-knit is definitely the right word, and the more times we’ve explored the relationships in this family, the more we’ve seen why they value family so much. They’re all apples to the core.
#2. The Royal Sisters/ The Royal Family
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This one’s sort of a catch-all, isn’t it? In fact three of the other families on this nonsensical list can qualify as different offshoots of the royal family. Shout-out to Twilight’s B.B.B.F.F!
If it bothers you, that’s fair, but even if we’re strictly talking about Luna and Celestia, they still easily steal this spot. Their story was the original backbone behind this series, the first redemption arc, and an on-going source of guilt and pain. After a thousand years, their reunion must’ve been so special for them, and I think we’ve found that out more and more in hindsight, getting to know how deeply they love each other and the complex emotions involved in their tragedy (turned comedy, I suppose).
I think that’s part of what makes these characters so enduring. But more on that soon... (in another editorial, and hopefully in season 7 with a Celestia episode!)
For our purposes here, it’s more than enough to see these two ruling together, with their subjects, their friends, and their family around them.
#1. The Mane Family
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Seriously, how could I not?
Yes, yes, you may think this is the biggest cheat of them all, but hey, way back in season 2, Applejack referred to them as honorary family. I don’t see why it shouldn’t count.
The best part of all this is that everyone can define this family differently. Want to keep it just the mane 6 and Spike? Go for it! Think characters like Discord, Starlight, Sci-Twi and/or Sunset should be included? Sure! Who’s gonna stop you?
Sometimes the most important family in your life are the people you’re related to, but as the old saying goes “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”---meaning, sometimes it’s the family you choose that matters most.
And I think that’s what’s so special about this show, you know? The friendships in it can be as deep and meaningful as traditional family. That’s definitely something worth celebrating.
Editorials here, just for you! Here’s the latest three, so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your dash:
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Rainbow Dash’s, Cadance’s, and Pinkie Pie’s Editorials
Year of the Pony
Only official art used, so no awesome vector artists to credit here! 
Family Appreciation Day x10
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