#rare Bona-Petite
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wublins-daily · 6 months ago
Day 13: yum
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schmekodeko · 1 year ago
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Now that the official was revealed, I might as well share my very own concept
I drew this with Festival of Yay in mind (no not really) which is why Bona appears much more furry, and why Petite has a gift bow on its head.
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minkx3 · 1 year ago
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realized that rare bona petite reminds me of the tropical drawception palette
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misty-zzz · 11 months ago
*jump scares you*
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rare bona-petite stim! i love their design <33
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ritzrawt · 9 days ago
About: the Wublins and their creator, Zerkett! This list will have less general info, and more stuff about some individuals.
-Zerkett’s lab is really messy, with various materials and sketches scattered everywhere.
-They view the Wublins less as their children, and more as playmates, but this mindset slowly faded away with the introduction of the rare Wublins.
-They have 50 years of college education under their belt, including 27 years at Count Nebulob’s Mad Scientist University and 23 years at art school.
-Because of their endless ideas and inventing, Zerkett is often very exhausted. Their favorite thing to consume is a jug of coffee with a full cup of sugar.
-They are often busy, and don’t get to spend a lot of time with the Wublins, but they try their best to bond with them when they can.
-Sometimes, they feel very overwhelmed by all of the Wublins, and doubt their skills as a “parent”. They don’t want the Wublins to feel sad and left behind like they did when Galvana turned to stone. Some monsters accuse Zerkett of being a horrible parent for not exactly knowing what their children are doing off the island due to being so busy. Many of the Wublins get involved in things Zerkett wouldn’t approve of if they were there.
-Very tech savvy, considering their work with machinery, and the fact that their island would literally be called Electricity Island if they weren’t an etymology fanatic. This is a stark contrast to the 1920s themed Rare Wubbox living rent-free on the island.
-Due to being one of the oldest of the Wublins, they are very responsible and intelligent.
-At age 7, they already graduated college and later got into business and politics, along with occasional food reviewing and playing in bands. Wublins look the same no matter how old they are, as they’re artificial, so no one questions it. They are rarely ever seen on Wublin Island bc they’re always busy.
-Before going to college, Thwok went through a short emo phase. IMO their outfits slayed.
-Their voice is like the English dub Kyoya Otori. They sort of act that way too.
-Thwok’s tongue can stretch up to 10 feet. They don’t produce saliva despite being able to taste.
-The pegs on their head can be controlled to produce electriciy.
-Thwok can sprint in heels.
-Thwok is SICK and TIRED of everyone shipping them with one of the other Wublins (80% of the time it’s Whajje.) I personally believe that the Wublins share a sibling-like bond, so there isn’t any romance, but if you ship them I won’t judge.
-Like Blipsqueak, Thwok has many connections with people in the Human world along with ones in the Monster world. This makes up a good portion of why the Wublin family is super rich.
Rattle-Guts (Rare Bona-Petite)
-Rare Bona and rare Petite changed their name to Rattle and Guts respectively.
-Both enjoy eating, but Guts is somehow able to eat way more than Rattle. Where any of that food goes is a mystery.
-They are influencers who post blogs about their daily life and current events. They work under their manager, an epic Whisp named Phara Mona.
-Sometimes they act in movies, such as Maw IV.
-Rattle acts supercilious and cold, but is actually insecure.
- They don’t like their lack of fur, and wear fake fur to hide it.
- Their horns and claws aren’t naturally orange. They paint it that way.
-They have a deep, husky, masculine voice.
-They appear to not have eyes, but they do. Their small, yellow dot pupils are only visible when they feel strong emotion.
-Rattle doesn’t usually talk, as Guts often talks for them. Some monster on the internet thought that Rattle could only ever communicate in scoffs and grumbles. The internet made fun of that guy for the next three weeks.
-Guts is the more sociable of the two, and does most of the conversations at social gatherings. This causes some remarking on how Rattle is more of an accessory to Guts. Guts doesn’t like these comments at all.
-They have a high pitched, boyish and kinda scratchy voice.
-Unlike the common Petite, who often stays in Bona’s ribcage or walks on the ground, Guts almost always resides on Rattle’s head. The only times they get off is when sitting at a table, playing the Wublin island song, sleeping, when they feel scared, and that one time when they had a huge fight.
-Guts is physically weak, but they make up for it in their skill in using weapons. They are also a bit more intelligent than Rattle in academics.
-Despite being more sociable, Guts can sometimes be jealous of Rattle. They were bigger and more noticeable, so they often got more attention than Guts. Many monsters also thought that Rattle looked prettier than Guts, which made both of them uncomfortable.
-Phara Mona wants their relationship to be a sibling rivalry, but their actual relationship doesn’t have anything more than some bickering, so they make them act like they don’t really like each other. One time, Phara Mona manipulated them into actually hating each other for a period of time. It was an awful time.
-They are the lead of a pop dance group called Dream Beam (name may change), which consisted of Whajje, Blipsqueak, and Gettlemear, the rare Pixolotl. They tour all around the monster world, and Pompom is a HUGE fan of them.
-Their feathers can be used to pick up different shows and movies from other dimensions. Whajje was the one who introduced foreign films to Astropod from the Pocket Dimension and the Human World.
-They and Screemu are the OG fashionistas of Wublin Island. Screemu dyes and makes the clothing and Whajje styles it. They offer fashion tips on their YouTube channel.
-If the author were to pick a song that fits their narrative of Whajje the most, they would pick Idol by Yoasobi.
-Out of all the well-known Wublins in the Monster world, Thwok and Whajje are the most popular. This is probably why they get shipped a lot.
-Whajje can also sprint in heels.
-They are very athletic and can run as fast as someone trying to get their homework does as the teacher is collecting it. They can also jump 10 feet into the air.
-Whajje sounds like Michael Kovach with a New York accent.
-Whajje is like that Mom Friend that gives you the best life advice you’ve ever heard. They are very sweet, talkative, confident, and empathetic. However, sometimes they doubt if all the attention they receive is genuine and not just because they are popular. In truth, they really can’t tell the difference.
-Lots of care is put into making sure their feathers look presentable. Every night, Whajje uses needlessly expensive products on JUST the feathers, and before they start the day, they spray a buttload of hairspray into their feathers.
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pokemonbattletournament · 2 months ago
We have Pokémon at Home!
Round 1 matchup 97
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Propaganda for Guan:
"Secretly one of the best vivosaurs in the game, Guan has the highest attack boost of any vivosaur and transforms into one of the strongest attackers."
Propaganda for Bona-Petite:
"The sound it makes is an absolute banger. It's one of those monsters that sounds like a full song on its own imo"
More info under the cut
More information about Guan:
More information about Bona-Petite:
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rottingrouser · 1 year ago
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comp + mouse drawing of the rare bona-petite teaser ! ! ^ ^
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toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 2 years ago
I have like several thing I’m working on but for an idea I have-
which Wublin is most like Galvana? (mainly traits like accessories or preferably song)
Do tell your reason for your choice, since that’ll be relevant
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First set of options
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ahrikima · 4 months ago
Memories of Light - The Ramen
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|| Memories of ligth (cover) || The mirrors || The bubble || The Cards || The Hug || The Walk || The Pancakes || The Concert || The Ramen || The Labyrinth || The Stars ||
" I wanted to celebrate the time we have been together, 2 years it was and invited you on one of the food that like both, Ramen!
For me when someone it means a lot for me i want to make something special, and have passed many years since i did with someone, and this time i wanted it was for you, beacuase the time i was with you been friends was so good for me..i really miss it this times with you… and i would always celebrated if you was still here.. "
Memories de llum - El Ramen
Durant mes de 1 mes vaigs estar planejant i organitzan aquesta quedada, on podia portarte a menjar entre altres, per que per mi aquesta data era molt important...
Per mi cuan algu mimporta bastant sempre e tingut la petita mania de fer alguna cosa en el dia en que ens vam coneixa i el nostre sabia la data per el registre del la nostre guild... se que es una estupidesa pero per mi significa molt... i feia anys que no o feia amb ningu.. per totes les decepciosn que me portat en el temps... i vaigs pensari que podia fero amb tu... per que m'importaves molt... i volia fero de alguna manera especial... aunque se perfectament que absolutament ningu o faria per mi...
Vagis mira un gran nombre de restaurant per internet, literalment vaigs esta mes de 2 semanas mirant cada dia restuarants, mirant com eran d'anbinet , preus, menjar, etc.. no buscava culasevol cosa... volia algo " diferent" per aixi diro.. vaigs troba alguns super pijos que dius, aixo relament esta aqui? no se sortia coses molt extranyes amb preus desorbitats.. Tenia el concepte de... agafar un lloc on poguesim mejar algo que ens agrades abitualment ( com sushi o ramen) amb una habientacio de algo que ens agardes ( muscia, friki, tecnolgia, whatever) fins que vaigs truva els dos candidats..
Prime vaigs mira el nua.. un lloc amb menjar bariat pero amb sushi amb un una ambientacio tecnologica, tenia taules interatives, etc.. inclus pudias reservar sales per fer festes de lo que fosi la tematica.. pero era masa car per mi, vaigs fer numeros uns cuants cops i el meu presupost no donava per molt per anari.. i amb sembala que els preus era per la gracie de les taules mes que un altre coses, aunque... sinceramnet.. maguesi agradat portarte...
El segon candidat va ser el Ramen Sifu, era una espesie de bar per aixi diur de ramen, amb el toc friki que jo buscaba... ambientacio de cosas de anime i videojocs, no mesperaba trobari una cosa axi en la nostra ciutat... pero ja habia vist coses molt rares altres vegades buscant per internet aixi que no era d'extranyar i els preus era asequiples per mi, per poderta invitar lliuramnet...
Un cop decidit tenia que dirtu i mira si podias el dia abans de la data ja que el dia que tocava era laboraple i tu i treballabes i no volia liartela amb aixo apart que volia pasar el dia amb tu... i sempre te respectat els teus temps i les teves coses... i no volia serta un storb
Al cap duns dias et vaigs enviar un petit text fenta la invitacio per fer la petita celebracio auque tu no sabias segur que estaba tramant pero et vaigs deixa la advertesia de que lo que et puguesi anviar aquell dia podia ser un arma de dople fil per mi... pero vam fixar el dia i als dies despres vaigs donarte el punt de quedade i l'hora ja que no tabia dit on et portave pero estavas ja musquejat
I finalment el dia va arrivat, jo habia reservat dias avans una taula en el restaurant... i sinserament estava super nerviosa d'aquet dia.. que no vaigs dormi gaire
De bona matinada et vaigs enviar per discord un text molt llarg que habia preparat amb semanes de antelacio... dienta com amb sentia amb la nostra amistat... sensasion i inquietus que tenia i lo important que erats per mi... esperant que no fosin paraules vuiddes tot allo que et vaigs dir... i deixante un dibuix de una artista de gats amb un misatge dient " thanks for begin friend" i despres dienta que tabia preparat una petita cosa que habia treballat durat un temps... Va ser relament paraules vuides tot allo que et vaigs dir per tu? realment e sigut sempre un segont plat per tu? algu que no val la pena i una aburrida..? o la amiga del guild..? o una simple cumpanya de un joc?
No amb vas donar la resposta per text ... pero actualment peso que ralment tenia rao a tot allo.... i es molt trist... algu que a fet molt per mi... i ten vas anar de la meva vida com si fosi un ninot per tira a la brosa...?
Va arrivar l'hora de reunirnos... per fi.. els nervis mestavem menjan cada cop mes... i com sempre cuan ens reuniem amb una abrasada amb un sonriura teu... i un cop junts tu amb vas preguntar on anem i et vaigs revelar el nom del restaurant i per lo que semblava tu ja el coneixias.. i axi dons ens vam dirixir cap alla tranquilament, parlan de les nostres coses.. com si aquell llarg misatge no haguesi existi.. pero a mi amb matenia molt inquieta i omplime de pensaments i pors, pero tu semblaves molt tranquil i normal...
Un comp vam arrivar al local, vam pasar dintre a demanar la taula que vaigs reserva amb antelacio i sentarnos on ens diguesis. Era com en les fotos es veia, tot amb coses frikis, i amb ilumisacio de neons blaus per una vanda i vermells per un altra, i estava tranquil de persi el local, ja que no hi habia ningu aunque fos un cap de semana per lo vist
Vam sentarson en la taula que ens van dir, una taula dople , que per un vandol era un sofa i per el altre cadires, jo amb vaigs sentar al sofar per comoditat auque no maguesi importat que et sentesis tu alla. Finalment un cop acomodats ens vam porta els papes on tenien tot els plats enllistats.
i jo vaisg demanar un ramen amb tempura de gambes i per veure un te de fruist vermells, que cuan vaigs veura aixo a la llista va ser un si o si vuy aixo.. i tu vas demanar un ramen una mica picant de anec i vas agafar el mateix te que jo de fruits vermells.
Mentres esperavem lo que habiam demanat vam esta cherrant de les nostres coses com sempre pero sense tocar el tema del escrit meu, axi que vaigs pensa que ja sortiria de manera natural en algun moment i intentar no donarli voltes i tracta de disfrutar del moment / dia ...
Finalment vam porta els nostres menjars despres de la petita estona de espera. Eran un parell de bols consideraple ment grans i abundats de menjars, i les meves gambes separades en un plat apart, pero lo mes ens va sorpredra als dos es la gran jerra de te de fruist vermells que ens van porta als dos i la bona pinta que i tenia.. i la veritat estava molt bo aquell te, sincerament no mo esperava
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Vellent to lo gran que era el mejar i les jerras amb feia duptar que puguesi amb tot apart que amb els nervis meus.. amb tallava el poder menjar normal...
Al cap de una estona de estar menjant aquells grans bols de ramen i de charla les nostres coses.. finalment va sorti el tema... Ens vas dir perdo de no di res fins ara i que to bas esta llegin en el metro , pero que no volia respondrem per escrit a una cosa aixi.. el cual es normal no?... Pero per alguna rao amb vas dir que et va semblar algo bonic... el cual de serta menera amb va alegra per que mavia fet una montanya de ideas te que alomillor podia semblar desagradaple per tu.. ja que no es abitual que expresi els meus pensaments i inquietuts pero amb tu volia.. per que sempre te sigut sinsera amb tu... i tu as sigut igual amb mi...i una de les por mes profundas que tenia era que et distaciesis...
Vas esta parlame de les coses que tavia dit i sobre les teves amistat en general de com es reflexaven i diferenciaven de lo teu amb els teus amics i amb mi.. que per tu obiament ells era molt mes que jo i que pasas motl mes temps amb ells es logic... pero que no pasava res en expresar com amb sentia.. mentres tu amb deiallas tot allo no se per que pero volia plora per dintre... no se si de emosiosn sense mes o per que en el fons alomillor senti que no era res per tu com amiga... pero no tendira sentit despres de tot el temps que hem apsat junts... aixi de alguna manera amb costava comprendo tot... pero si amb vas dir una cosa, que sempre mavias dit... " les cose san de parla tan de amista com de parella " i sempre as tingut rao amb aixo... pero per que tu ara... no vas voler respondrem mai..? aunque seguixo esperant la teva resposat ...
Despres d'auqella charla al finalizar et vaigs dir que amb donava cosa donarte aqui el petit detall que tenia per tu... i que to donaria mes tart.. ja que teniam gent al costat i no magra tindre mes ulls que observin coses....
Tu ja vas acavar el ramen pero en cuant jo apenas podia mes, era obi.. la sutiasio mera superior per mi per que poguesi menjar mes, pero els del localc amb van doanr un taper per guardar el ramen aixi que va estar be aix.. pero cal dir que no era de lo millor que agues menjar.. seguixo pensan que el Yahiro es molt millor , i magues garadat portarte pero amb les cuas kilometricas no tenia ganes de perdre aquell dia...
Ens van pregunar si voliam postre... Tu amb vas dir, m'ivitaves veritat? estas segura que vols? i jo et vas dir que si, que no m'importava ja que jo volia invitarte a menjar i amb feia ilusio, aixi que demanesis lo que vulguesis.. i axi dons vas demanar un mochi de cheescake que tenia una pinta guay! i o vam comparti.. estava molt bo la veritat
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Un cop acavat aquell posetre tan bo i pagat, vam martxa del local a patejar com sempre habiam fet amb una ruta un petit diferenta de las de sempre per ferla mes llarga i ana parlan de les notres coses i cuan ens apropesim a une de les zones que frecuentavem a visitar les tendes de sempre de figures i jocs de taula
Durant aquell recurregut vam descobrir un local de bubble tea i mochis mes ambient asiatic aprop de l'arc del trionf... Recordu que el interior era tot molt blanc.. i que vam deixaro per despres de visitar les tendes de la zona
Finalment de visitar tot ens vams dirigi al bubbel tea aquell i mirar que tenian generalment, ja que a primera vista tenia expsos uns mochis de un tamany consideraple i tenien bona pinta, que magues agradat probari pero no tenia ganes de prendre gelat i mes per que tenia una mica de fret i els peus els tenia congelats , ja ni mels sentia... pero aixo es molt avitual en mi per que no regulo be la temperatura meva, sempre tinc alguna part del cos freda, si no son las mans son els peus
Aixi dons un cop mirat que tenia de tes, vam demanaros, no recordu be que vas demanar tu pero jo vaigs demanar un te de cocu amb llet ( el cual no tindria que habero agafat per que amb ba fotre patada al estomac a les hores despres) i vam agafar lloc dintre del local per sentarnos. Per sort no i habia molta gent, aixi que hiabia cualsevol lloc per escollir i per poderta entrega lo que tenia tranquilament
Vam parla de molstes coses abans del tema principal, de temes en concret o algunes tonteries, lo de sempre, pero algunes cosas si les recordu be i habegades les penso o les recordu...
Una de les coses que vam parla va se dels anells d'acer que portavem cada escun, ja que els dos coicidam en portari ... Jo feia temps que mavia fixat en el teu, i amb preguntava avegades si tenia algun significat, fins i tot en el retrat que et vaigs fer per el teu aniversari no el vaigs descuidar, o tenia totalment grabat al meu cap... I encara aixi apesar de la meva curiositat mai amb vaigs atrevir a preguntarte fins aquet dia, que tu amb vas explicar sobre el teu anell i amb vas dir el seu pasat que tenia doname a entendre que era algo important per tu apesar de que o conectava, pero era bonic que encara o conservesis encontes de desferte d'ell...
Poc despres de que tu m'espliquesis sobre el teu anell vas preguntarme sobre els meus dos anells que portava cada escun en una ma i obiament et vaigs explicar... He porta aquets anells per lo menys entre 13 / 15 anys amb mi i mai me separat de ells, aixi que an viscut moltes histories dintre, pero simplement era per que magradavem i per que mels va regala mamare... mels vaisg treure i et vaisg deixaro agafaro els dos per que volies veurels... un dells ten grabat uns dracs i amb vas dir que sembalva el logo de gw2, que curiosament mai mabia donat conta fins ara que tu mo vas dir i et vaigs dir, ja estava destina al guild no haha... i el altre tenia grabat unes plantes i estava como si fos dues pesas, sempre vaisg pesar que era normal que fos aixi fins que tu amb vas dir que era un anell antiestres i jo amb vaigs quedar en plan what? com que un anell anti estres?..i amb vas explicar que ni habia anells anti stress i que era aixi, i justament aquet era un... Tos seguit amb vas dir... " li as donat canya no?" .. i jo no crec la veritat??? ... pues etsa ven desgastat, es podria sorti del laltre pesa si no vas en conte... mai vabia fixta fins ara de que estava en aquet estat, i desde que mo vas dir vaigs en contra de no ferlo gira molt... i et vaigs dir, alomillor a sigut duran la epoca de la eso i tal dels examens i tot lo que aguantat... i o fet de manera incoscient..
Almenys va se curios que tinguesis tu cuirositat per ells i volguesis que tespliques.. mai ningu sabia interesat per ells, pero encara que no tinguin un gran significat com el teu... per mi son molt importants amb tot lo que an viscut i amb donaria algo si els perdesi...
Despres de parlari dels anells jo et vaigs explicar que significaba el meu nom artistic " Ahrikima" que mai to habia explicat... i semblava que tenias algo de curiositat... el seu significat era la bareja del meu nom real " Ariadna" (ahri) ficanly la H com donaly el styl japones que magrada+ Okami ( kima) que es llop en japones i invertin la posicio de la I i la A . Despres de explicarto tu amb vas dir que tambe podia haber sigut Ahrikami ja que kami es deu en japones, i si amb va fe gracia la idea i puguesi haberi sigut aixi la veritat , el cual me gaurdat per si algun dia amb fa falta, mai u habia pensat...
I finalmen va arrivari el moment... vam fer prime una petita charla semblan amb la que vam fer al restaurant de les coses que et vaigs dir en aquell text... i poc despres... finalment et vaigs entregar lo que tabia preparat.. i estava molt nerviosa per aixo.. tenia por de lo que podies pensar...
Era una petita capsa que vaigs imporvisar de color negre amb unes marques de color plata, forrada amb tela vermella per dintre .. pero a linterior estava lo que importava...
To vaigs donar i o vas obrir... i alla dintre lo prime que vas troba va ser dues pulseres iguals... i et va fe certa gracia i o vas entendre rapit... Eren igual per que les cumpertisim entre els dos, un cada es cun.. a mi magradan aquestas tonteries en si... i amb feia serta ilusio fe algo axi amb tu... i obiament u amb vas entrega la meva i me le vagis posar, que recordu que amb vas oferi ajuda pero no la vaigs agafar per que soc algu dificil de agafar la ajuda dels demes.. i tu la vas guarda dintre de la capse... amb pregunto si algun dia te las posat.. o si la conserves encara...
Jo encara la portu posada desde aquell dia i faigs lo imposiple per que no sespatgi... i avegades amb quedo miranle.. i amb pregunto sertes coses... com com et va tot? etc...
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lo altre que contenia que estava ocult per un paper molt fi per protegiro era un polaroid de un dibujix que vaigs treballar un petit temps... dels nostres personatges... volia fer algua aixi que fosi maco... i vaigs fer axi... els notres personatges junts i sonrients en una posta de sol... com els supost amics que eram...
No se si amb feia mes por si la reacion de les pulseres o aixo... pero a tu et va agradar i amb vas donar el teu sonriura com aquell dia i amb vas dir que era cuki... i amb va omplir que tagrades...
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I finalment derrera de aquesta poraloid i habia una targeta fente una pregunta amb dues respostes.... que deia " voles ser el meu millor amic" - " Si" "No" i en vas dir.. ja mi imaginava que seria alguna cosa aixi... que obiament era lo que mesperava jo... que rebutjesis sero... pero era logic... no era ningu important per sero...encara aixi.. avento rebutjat vas gaurda la targeta i no la vas tira per si algo cambiava... pero encara aixi almenis et va agardar el detall que et vaigs fer...
Almenys tu tindras un petit record meu almenys.. tan devo jo tinguesi alguna cosa teva tambe... almenys.. tenim les fotos... es el unic record que tinc...
Desitjo de tot cor que en cara conservis la capseta amb la polsera el poraloid i la targeta... i no la agist tirat...per que mo pregunto motles vegadas si encara u tens... o si amb recordes...
Aunque tu rebutgesis la meva solisitud de ser al meu millor amic o amb consideresis com a tal... per mi sempre seras le meu millor amic... i aixo res no o cambiara... per tot lo que as fet per mi...
A lestona de fer tot tallo , de entregarte el detall i seguir charlan i acavarnos els tees, vam decidir ja sorti cap a fora i ana tornat traquilament cap a la zona general de els estacions de metro... I per alguna rao jo vaisg decidir gaurdarme el pot del te i si... encara guardo el pot de aquell bubble tea .. com si fos un record d'aquel dia...
Durant el cami vam parla de divereses coses i una va ser una pregunta que amb vas fer....Tu sabies que amb feia molstes imagets de les coes i mavia fet moltes imatges de com podria sorti les coses aquell dia... de punts de que podia sorti absolutament malamnet or mes be de lo que podia ser... Tu eras el unic capas de trecar les meves imatges mentals de les situasions... pero aquell dia no va ser aixi... pero era una situasio que era la mes probaple que fos i axi va ser...pero va ser extrany que no u fesis aquesta vegada... De fet poc abans de de finalizar el dia ambvas pregunat... "a sortit com o habias planetjat.." i et vaigs dir que si.. i si realment va ser mes o menys aixi... encara aix... maguesi agradat que la meva por a perdrat sagues calmat aquell dia... pero per desgracia no.. suposu que el meu instint mestava alertat de lo que pasaria en poc temps... per que cada vegada era mes intesa aquesta sensasion... i mestava menjan molt... i no volia... no volia que pases...
Tambe amb vas dir.. que despres de tot lo que habiam parlat entre altres coes amb vas demanar que confies en tu... que res no anava a cambiar... segurament et donava la sensasio de que no u feia, pero si.. confiava plenament en tu... en encara segueixo feno, per que tinc la esperansa de que tot tornia ser com era abans... i que el fet que amb demanesis que confies en tu era per alguna rao... Sempre e cregut en tu... i mai mavias desepsionat... ia s complit amb les teves promeses.. mas ajudat en coses... me es impusiple no creure en tu...i seguire feno...
Sempre testare esperant.. a que un dia tornis... per que crec en tu... i tinc moltes esperanses... aunque pasi molt de temps... no mimporta... Confio i crec que en tu profundament... apesar de tindre aquesta ferida...
Tambe et vaisg deixar una pulla de un futur regal planejat que tenia en ment, i amb vas demanra que siuplaun no amb gastes res en tu... i no nou vaigs fer, per que tot va ser materials reciclats... i magures agradat motl averi pugut entregato... i espero que algun dia pugui... Per que se eprfectament que tagues agradat molt.. i la dedicasio que li e dunat durant casi tot un any... sense enjegaro a la merda despres de que deixesis de pararlarma o gostesharme... vaigs tindre molta ilusio de fero... i el zaspian o va veura... aix que tan devo.. algun pugui donarto...
Despres de tot aquella patejada fins ala meva estacio charlan de els notres coses, ens vam quedar una estona parat parlan avans de despedirnos... pero con sempre.. amb una abrasda i un sonriura... que sempre e agrait... per perditnre.. no sabia com sentirme d'aquell dia... estava contenta si... de com habiam pasat el dia junts.. sempre o estava amb tal de pasar temps amb tu... pero en el fons amb sentia trista... no sabia molt be per que... si era una mica dolors el rebutjs .. epro encara eram amics.. no podia demanar mes... no sabia bem be per que... vaigs estar donali voltes a lestacio cuna amb vaigs quedar finalment sola entre la gent... buscan una respota per mi...
Despres de tot aixo... Encare pesar que tot allo que et vaigs dir no var ser relament paraules vuides per tu... apesar de tu haberma dit que no u eran... alfinal... de alguna forma als mesos es va fe sentir aixi...pero intento pensar que relament no u van ser...
Almenys.. vaigs podete invitarte com fea molt que volia a ramen... Per que es algo que ens agrada els dos i sento que es una forma de concetar entre amics... i e sun dels meus plats favorits...
Sempre me fet ramen el cap de semana per que era un dels meus plat favorits, pero cuan no estava amb anims no tenia la forsa per fermo moltes vegades... i amb el temps despres de aquet dia al comesar a sentir que tot se estava desequilibran d'alguna manera que no comprenia vaisg prohibirme a mi mateixa no menjar ramen fins que pugues arrecla les coses amb tu .. com a castic.. aixi dons auque va ser el ultim bol de ramen que vaigs menjar... i tic la esperansa de que algun dia s'arreclin les coses... i qui sap... torna a menjar un bol de ramen amb tu per retrobarnos un altre cop... i habero areclat...tot... o com a one pieces... amb un petit platet de sake i brindari...
Tan devo algun dia tornema parlari de nou... com els vells temps... amic meu...
Gracies per aquell dia de sinseritat i la llarga bona estona amb tu... tan devo poderi celebraro de nou... un altre cop... en un futur....Gracies.. de tot cor...
you like my work? so feel free to support me on Ko-fi
also you can check my card fo other things!
or you can always join my discord server
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rijallaw · 1 year ago
U Visa Bona Fide Determination: Answering Your Questions
Did you suffer physical or mental abuse due to being the victim of a crime?  Have you agreed to assist law enforcement in the investigation of that crime? Depending on the crime you were a victim of, you may very well be eligible for a “U Visa.” With that, you may be able to live and work in the United States for years. Here at the Rijal Law Firm, we stand with victims. Over the years, we have been able to help many to navigate the U Visa Bona Fide Determination process. Below are some of the questions that we have been asked. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Can My Family Members Qualify? Possibly. Depending on their relationship with the petitioner (their relationship with you), particular family members may be eligible to apply for U Visa status. You may have to include evidence of your relationship to your family members, they may have to pass a criminal background check, and so forth.
Who Determines The Certification? First, you contact the police department where the crime occurred. Request an authorized party complete and sign Form I-918, Supplement B, U Nonimmigrant Status Certification. Many agencies commonly certify U Visa petitions. They include state and local police departments, prosecutors, District Attorneys, federal law environment, and, in rare cases, judges.
Unfortunately, in the wake of recently updated law enforcement guidelines, some agencies may be reluctant to issue a U Visa certification. Worse, some prosecutors and even police officers have tried to use a victim’s need for certification for leverage, trying to coerce them to cooperate beyond what’s necessary for the U Visa.
If you believe there’s even a chance that this happened to you, we encourage you to reach out to us. We have experience in negotiating with law enforcement and, if necessary, coordinating with victims’ advocates as well. We see it as one more way that we can help victims.
What Are Some Ways The Rijal Law Firm Can Help? Beyond what’s listed above, we can pursue your case with not just experience, but with care and discretion as well. We know how challenging this time can be.
To successfully receive a U Visa, you have to submit a lengthy list of forms and documentation. We have a proven track record of obtaining certifications of assistance to law enforcement as well as successfully preparing the caliber of affidavits that can establish your case and more. We can support you through every step of the process.
How Can I Know What’s The Right Immigration Path For Me? If you were a victim of a crime, applying for a U Visa very well may be the right course of action. However, that’s just one of the ways that we can help you and yours to be able to come to America. We are more than happy to sit down with you for a free case evaluation to see how we can help. Schedule this through our site or by calling.
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monstersbesinging · 2 years ago
some doodles
i was going through a pretty tough time so i didnt get to draw celestials the past few days but ill get to it soon! take some doodles i did with my friend on whiteboard 
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jazzystories · 2 years ago
Okay random but like a saw this post where there were furcorns crowded around Bona-petite and this randomly came to mind-
So like yk how theres a pomily?? (pompom hoola etc) what abt a furcorn family gdjagsyv like it’s all the furcorns rare epic etc and petite is technically a corn bc i said so. and Bona is like their guardian or parent and like travels them around in its rib cage and yah
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uscismycase · 4 years ago
How to Get Citizenship After Marriage to a U.S. Citizen
If you marry a U.S, citizen, you won’t be eligible for U.S. citizenship right away. But you might become eligible for a U.S. green card, which can lead to U.S. citizenship.
However, there are certain requirements that must be met before you can apply for a green card and ultimately for U.S.Citizenship through marriage to a U.S. citizen.
The Green Card Application Process
As the spouse of a U.S. citizen, you are what’s called an immediate relative in immigration law lingo. That’s good news, because there are no annual numerical limits on the green cards issued under this category, and therefore no waiting lists before you can apply.
The U.S. citizen spouse must start the process for you, by submitting a visa petition on Form I-130 to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The form must be accompanied by evidence of the marriage being legally valid, namely a marriage certificate, as well as proof that the marriage is bona fide, not merely a sham to get you a green card.
How the rest of the application process will be handled is more complicated.
If you, the immigrant, are living in the U.S. after a legal entry (i.e. on a visa or under the Visa Waiver Program), and you didn’t arrive for the purpose of getting married (which would be visa fraud), then you should be able to adjust status. Adjustment of status (AOS) is the process of applying for a green card without leaving the U.S.; you submit all your paperwork too, and attend your interview at, offices of USCIS. In fact, you don’t have to wait for approval of the I-130 before submitting your AOS application. It can all be mailed in as one package.
If you are living overseas, then you must wait for the I-130 to be approved and for further communication from the National Visa Center (NVC) and your local U.S. consulate. The consulate will call you in for an interview, at which your immigrant visa will hopefully be approved. You’ll use that visa to enter the U.S. and become a permanent resident (or a conditional resident, if your marriage is less than two years old when you enter the U.S.).
If you are living in the U.S. after an illegal entry, however, see an immigration lawyer. You cannot adjust status unless you are among a rare few who fall under some old laws (Section 245(i)). But if you leave the U.S. for processing through a U.S. consulate, you risk being found inadmissible due to your past unlawful stay and being unable to return to the U.S. for either three or ten years. (Three years if your unlawful stay was at least 120 days; ten years if your unlawful stay was at least 365 days.) There is a waiver you can apply for before you leave, however (the "provisional waiver"), which an attorney can help you determine your eligibility for and prepare the application and supporting documents.
Will Being Inadmissible Prevent You From Getting a Green Card?
It’s important to understand that, even though you’ve married a U.S. citizen, you have to meet certain criteria on your own before you can be granted a green card. This includes that you not be found “inadmissible.” Intending immigrants can be found inadmissible for any of the reasons described in Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.).
Some of the grounds of inadmissibility that most often cause trouble are those barring entry to people who have committed certain types of crimes, developed certain physical or mental illnesses, broken U.S. immigration laws, or appear likely to become a public charge (receive public assistance due to financial need).
When You Can Apply for Citizenship
As the spouse of a U.S. citizen, you’re lucky. You don’t have to wait until you’ve had a green card for five years to apply for citizenship through the process known as naturalization. Assuming you stay married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse the whole time, you can apply for citizenship three years after obtaining a green card.
You’ll also need to meet other requirements, such as having good moral character, having spent the majority of those three years living in the United States, being able to speak, read, and write English, and being able to pass a U.S. civics test.
The application for naturalization must be made by submitting Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, to USCIS.
You’ll need to attend an interview at a USCIS office. There, your application will be reviewed and you’ll be tested on your knowledge of English and civics.
Marriage to a U.S. citizen does not guarantee a green card or U.S. citizenship. Applications for U.S. green cards through marriage are scrutinized carefully because the government takes fraudulent marriage very seriously. An experienced immigration attorney can guide you through the complex maze of U.S. immigration laws and procedural requirements.
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antoine-roquentin · 5 years ago
President Mary Kay Henry’s deputy Scott Courtney departed in 2017 in the wake of a BuzzFeed expose of sexual abuse.
Henry appointed an external advisory board to address sexual harassment. Thinking it was bona fide, a former SEIU staffer sent a memo that had already gone to the Guardian (in a big mistake to Henry and a “ombudsman,” not the new board) about the misconduct of Martin Manteca, Organizing Director of SEIU Local 721, the Southern California Public Service Workers Union, with 95,000 members. In 2016, a staffer complained of having been demoted after complaining about Manteca; she was not the first to allege he’d been abusive. More than 60 staffers in Manteca’s local filed a petition decrying his retaliation.
That led to an investigation…by the SEIU ethics office. Readers who know this terrain will recognize that for a probe to have the veneer of independence, it need to be led by an outside party.
As Elk reported in early December:
In depositions, obtained by the Payday Report, 16 SEIU staffers provided testimony against Manteca. The staffers painted a picture of a boss who not only sexually harassed women in the workplace but one who would become physically confrontational and harass those who tried to stand up to him in solidarity with his accusers.
“He was an absolute sociopath,” said one staffer who wished to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation. “If he was on the floor of your office, you hid at your desk. You didn’t want to see him. He was such a terror.”
Elk posted most of the affidavits in a case filed by Mindy Surge against SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West. They cover sexual misconduct, including assault, by SEIU officers and mangers such as Dave Regan, Stan Lykes, Marcus Hatcher (who was eventually fired), Chokri Bensaid, and Pedro Malave (fired after a PayDay report expose). We’ve embedded them at the end of the post. They make for vivid reading.
As Elk describes, SEIU took no action against Manteca in the 2016 investigation. Elk describes another allegation, in 2018, of Manteca earlier making advances against her, which again failed to generate any sanction. Things continued to snowball:
However, despite numerous accusations of sexual misconduct and two investigations by SEIU, Manteca was allowed to continue in his post as deputy trustee of SEIU Nevada in addition to his duties as Organizing Director of the SEIU’s chapter of the SEIU Local 721, the Southern California Public Service Workers Union.
While serving as deputy trustee of SEIU Nevada, Manteca was once again accused of harassment. In a lawsuit filed in March of 2019 and obtained by Payday Report, Manteca is accused of harassing a female staffer Debbie Miller for seeking a disability accommodation for her struggle with diabetes.
Today, Manteca still serves in his position as the Director of Organizing of the Southern California Public Services Workers’ Union, where he makes $130,000-a-year…
SEIU #MeToo activists say that staffers like Manteca and Regan, who participate in hostile takeovers known as “trusteeships” of other SEIU locals, rarely face punishment. They are known within the union as part of the “wrecking crew,” a crew of bureaucratic union staffers that are intensely loyal to DC union leadership, often at the expense of local administration.
Ironically, while SEIU has used federal trusteeship powers to take over dissident unions, it has failed to use trusteeship to punish those like Regan, who stands accused by multiple women of sexual misconduct. Indeed, SEIU has even permitted Regan to use his union, SEIU-UHW funds to defend the union leaderships against sexual misconduct allegations.
Notice that the only #MeToo supporters who are trying to combat these apparent serial abusers are SEIU members; there’s no evidence of interest, much the less help, from the rest of the movement.
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mroigrevista · 3 years ago
PREMIS LITERARIS SANT JORDI 2022: bases generals i anglès.
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Bases generals del Concurs de Sant Jordi
Es poden presentar textos en narrativa i poesia a partir de les indicacions donades pel professor de llengua a classe. Els textos es poden presentar en català, castellà, anglès o alemany. També s’hi poden presentar textos en altres llengües familiars de l’alumnat sempre que estiguin acompanyats de la versió en català.
CATEGORIES (català, castellà, anglès i alemany):
1. Hi haurà un primer i un segon premi, tant a poesia com narrativa a 1r i 2on cicle d’ESO; i a batxillerat.
2. Les obres han de ser inèdites i individuals, i cada concursant pot presentar només un text (poètic o narratiu) de cada categoria i llengua.
3. Termini de lliurament:
1 d'abril
4. Cal lliurar els treballs al professor de llengua. Cada departament indicarà la manera de presentar els treballs.
5. Els premis s’atorgaran el dia 22 d’abril, durant la festa de Sant Jordi.
6. Cada llengua té bases específiques. Pregunteu als/les profes de cada una d' elles o mireu aquesta página els propers dies.
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1er i 2on d'ESO
En un sobre tancat, on a han de constar les següents dades: PSEUDÒNIM, TÍTOL del treball, CATEGORIA(s) i CURS.
Dins del sobre incloure-hi un full més petit i dobleglat amb el pseudònim i el nom real de l’alumne/a i el curs (només s’obrirà en el cas de resultar guanyador). De no adjuntar aquest full, el premi passarà a un altre participant.
Els textos a concurs s’han de lliurar a les professores de llengües estrangeres o bé dipositar en el seminari de Llengües Estrangeres abans de divendres 1 d’abril a les 12:00 h.
Màxim 1 pàgina
Imprès (excepte els poemes)
Format: interlineat a 1.5. Mida Arial o Calibrí 12 punts
Tots els textos poden anar acompanyats d’alguna il.lustració
Les obres hauran de ser inèdites i individuals
No es retornaran els originals
Jurat: el professorat de l’àmbit de llengües estrangeres
La narració ha d’incloure una cita extreta d’una pel.lícula i l’haureu de subratllar en negreta. La cita dependrà del teu cognom:
De la A a la E:
“To infinity and beyond”- Toy Story I, 1996
De la F a la L:
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all” – Mulan, 1998
De la M a la R:
“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!” – Braveheart, 1995
De la S a la Z:
“The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it”- The Lion King, 1994.
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3r i 4rt ESO I BAT
En un sobre tancat, on a han de constar les següents dades: PSEUDÒNIM, TÍTOL del treball, CATEGORIA(s) i CURS.
Dins del sobre incloure-hi un full més petit i dobleglat amb el pseudònim i el nom real de l’alumne/a i el curs (només s’obrirà en el cas de resultar guanyador). De no adjuntar aquest full, el premi passarà a un altre participant.
Els textos a concurs s’han de lliurar a les professores de llengües estrangeres o bé dipositar en el seminari de Llengües Estrangeres abans de divendres 1 d’abril a les 12:00 h.
Màxim 1 pàgina
Imprès (excepte els poemes)
Format: interlineat a 1.5. Mida Arial o Calibrí 12 punts
Tots els textos poden anar acompanyats d’alguna il.lustració
Les obres hauran de ser inèdites i individuals
No es retornaran els originals
Jurat: el professorat de l’àmbit de llengües estrangeres
La narració ha d’incloure una cita extreta d’una pel.lícula i l’haureu de subratllar en negreta. La cita dependrà del teu cognom:
De la A a la E:
“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” The Godfather, 1974
De la F a la L:
"As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again." - Gone With the Wind, 1939
De la M a la R:
«May the Force be with you» Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars 1977
De la S a la Z:
"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary." - Dead Poets Society, 1989.
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monstersbesinging · 3 years ago
the coolest dudes around
hi i made a separate blog for my msm content because its overtaking my mind rn
my main is thymepole.tumblr.com
ill only post my singing monsters related content, so if thats not your thing sorry!!
I have lotss of favorite monsters, but some notable faves are Bona-Petite, Thwok, Stoowarb, Tiawa, Vhamp, Rare Floot Fly, Incisaur,,, honestly too many to name… (Bona-Petite and Thwok are #1 & 2 respectively, all the other ones change depending on how I feel)
I am the #1 (self-proclaimed) Bona-Petite enthusiast
I’m really bad at drawing animal/animalistic things so I mostly draw the monsters as humans (whoops)
umm i think thats all for now! heres a doodle of my two favoritest fellas
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Small disclaimer about my human designs; my intention is in no way to force everyone to agree with my designs. I’m not trying to say “this is THE definitive way that these monsters would look if they were humans!!” I just simply enjoy drawing and designing humans more than monsters. Think of them more like ocs in a sense!
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