#raptor migration
devilbirder · 1 year
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Back from a Sweden birding bash for my friend Magnus's 50th birthday. We jammed in on the best Honey Buzzard day for Falsterbo this millennium. Nice to see the full spectrum of variation: dark and pale morphs, males and females, adults and juveniles. Such good birds.
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brooklynbridgebirds · 2 years
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Red-tailed Hawk perched low over a walking path on Pier 3, Brooklyn Bridge Park!
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An osprey at the Little Red River. Those talons are impressive!
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thederpiverse · 10 months
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Omni is my favourite
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muirneach · 1 year
r u guys ready for GAY BOY BRUNCH. in the WOODS. cause thats where i am rn
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mountainmaven · 2 years
This morning at 1:00 AM I was awakened by 4 of the wild horses in our backyard trying to eat the birdseed out of the feeders. And with the autumn migration, the red naped sapsuckers, and cedar waxwings are back and enjoying the crabapple trees. Also saw a young Cooper's Hawk chase and catch an American Goldfinch this evening. Poor goldfinch cried so much, but man was it really amazing to see.
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kiwisoap · 2 years
How did you get your bird?
When you said legally trapped, do you mean you like... caught him and then trained him to catch stuff? Do you just repeat with a new bird every hunting season? This whole premise is incredibly funny
Yeah LMAO basically! In the USA, falconers are legally allowed to trap a juvenile, aka "passage" bird to use for falconry. Actually for a long time, the law REQUIRED apprentices to trap their first bird from the wild (as opposed to purchasing one from a captive breeding program). The government really said "you WILL get a fucking bird from the side of the road".
Most falconers will keep a passage hawk for a season or two before releasing it back into the wild and starting the process over again with a new bird. For me personally, that's a big part of the appeal! You get to develop a relationship with a new bird and get to know their personality and quirks etc, and also the more birds you train, the better you get at training.
It really is a pretty fucking hilarious premise, but it's also really faithful to the way falconry was originally practiced in the middle east/central asia for centuries, where people would trap a migrating juvenile bird to help feed themselves during the lean months, then release it when food was plentiful again.
Falconry in the USA is incredibly tightly regulated which is why wild trapping is allowed - it's also allowed because the vast majority of juvenile raptors (75-80%) die before they reach breeding age, usually during their first winter, so taking them doesn't impact the breeding population whatsoever. In fact, it can actually BENEFIT the raptor population, because taking one from the wild and giving it food and medical care and a safe place to live gives it a much higher chance of surviving to breeding age.
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bonefall · 8 months
i can’t help that feel like 350 calories per cat per day across 5 clans (150 some odd cats!!!) is more prey than there is! even with really generous cooking estimates you’d need to catch a rabbit or two or a large fish or something per clan every single day of the year. i feel like that would really mess up prey populations, wouldn’t it? i know animals have a lot of babies, but 3,650 rabbits’ worth of calories every year (not to mention what other predators like foxes, snakes, and hawks are eating) feels like too much for one territory. are we assuming that there’s more prey than there is or do i just not know how much offspring animals produce?
WELL, there's a lot of factors here, but you are actually organically figuring out something true and horrifying. BB!Cats are sapient, able to understand their impact on the environment and ergo manage it, but feral domestic cats are devastating to local ecosystems.
Not even because of caloric need btw just because of how much they hunt, and their odd behaviors.
The Bad
There is a reason why predator populations are so massively outnumbered by prey species. One rabbit would feed a single cat for days, but one colony is typically 3 - 15 cats. Most predators are solitary, or have "loose" social structures spread out over many partially overlapping territories covering miles (like alligators)! but something changed when cats were domesticated, and they now seek out dense social units unlike their wild ancestors.
That's why the only social wild cats are lions. Lion prides are extremely flexible, ranging from 3 to upwards of 30 members, and their populations are going to depend completely on how much prey they have access to. Even the shocking "infanticide" thing that male lions are notorious for serves an ecological purpose; less lions means more meat, so every cub that isn't yours is a future rival.
(tangent: the largest lion prides actually set up in major migration "hubs," where there is a constant influx of traveling animals. Not really an "ecosystem" where the pride can damage the population.)
But now domestic cats are doing this, in ecosystems that can't support them and never had predators that behave like them. They compete with the local mesopredators ("middle" hunters that hunt small game but are killed by larger predators. Ex: raptors, snakes, caniforms like foxes or raccoons, etc) and put extra pressure on prey populations.
But that's not the worst part.
In nature, there are Predator-Prey cycles. When there's too many predators, they decrease the prey population. When there's not enough prey, the predators starve and their population lowers. Here is a graph of this phenomenon;
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In this way, starvation is required for an ecosystem to stay healthy. It's how nature regulates.
But human beings feed cat colonies.
So colonies end up hitting DOZENS of cats. Upwards of 30 in a tiny area. The sizes you see in canon WC and in BB are TWICE the size of what a feral cat colony typically reaches. In the real world, this is because humans feed them. They HAVE to starve to lower the population, and make no mistake, these are slow, painful deaths.
"But, if we feed the colony, then they're not hunting the local prey, right? Because they're not hungry?" INCORRECT. THEY ARE ANIMALS. Cats are not humans with our sense of morality and long-term consequences. Hunting is only partially driven by hunger, it's also driven by prey drive. Even an outdoor cat, who gets all their meals at home, is killing an average of 90 animals a year.
(note: you may hear the number "they kill 3.5 animals a day." That is a misreading of this study which says 3.5 animals a month based on owner reports; but better study shows they only bring about 18% of their kills home.)
I could get into why I'm actually not a big fan of TNR as a conservation strategy because of this, but in a nutshell, the best solution to feral cat population management overall is (expensive) high-intensity TNR (70% or more) PAIRED with (inexpensive) removal/euthanasia and other methods (like banning colony feeding). PURE high-intensity TNR takes up to 30 years to remove a cat colony in computer simulations. And they keep killing wild animals that whole time.
(tangent: you may come across articles that say that killing feral cats doesn't work. This is often based on this Tasmanian case study by Lazenby et all, where they trapped and removed cats, only to find an influx of subordinate "satellite" individuals that filled the vacuum that the previously established individuals left and increased the overall population. This is a well-documented phenomenon of predator control. They don't tell you that this is short-term and also happens with TNR, just over a longer timeline, as discussed in the above studies, and the solution is to mix methods and make sure that these programs are carried out systemically, NOT ONLY in one limited range.)
So... feral cat colonies with totally realistic needs are very harmful to local ecosystems. They are animals, and they are an invasive species. Keep your cats indoors please
The Good
But BB!Cats and Canon!Cats aren't just animals. These are cats with governments and religion. They do understand long-term consequences.
Even on the page in-canon, they show an understanding that prey comes from breeding (unlike, say, a medieval human who believed in spontaneous generation), WindClan doesn't disturb lapwings during their nesting season showing a basic understanding of ecology, and they even have a law against food waste. Like it or not, these aren't realistic cats. They are small humans with a fuzzy little kitty coat tossed over them.
So we can actually reasonably assume that Clan cats are modifying their behavior so they aren't the ecosystem-shredders that their real-world counterparts are, like;
Hunting over a wider area and having a large territory (so to address you directly anon, their territories are not as small as you might think they are)
Taking the pressure off specific areas by sending their hunting patrols to various parts of their territory
Avoiding hunting animals during their breeding and nesting seasons.
Not killing animals that are pregnant or nursing
Leaving baby animals alone so they grow into bigger food items
Not killing what they don't plan to eat
Intentionally varying their diet so they take a little from many populations.
Hunting animals that real cats don't usually target, like fawns, seagulls, and young boars.
Breeding their own prey, if you're willing to do a little domestication innovation
If you're VERY cool, give them fire. go on. do it. 20% to 50% caloric increase is prettyyy cooool~
But also, you may be underestimating just how many babies prey species produce. Let's use rabbits because these things are insane. They weren't lying, rabbits can breed like rabbits.
European rabbits (and all the domestic breeds they are descended from) have a double womb. That means that when they've given birth to their litter of 4 - 12 babies (usually 6), they can already be pregnant with the next. Gestation is a month. These babies are able to leave their mothers at 2 months and can breed by 4 months. They can have 10 litters a year.
So a SINGLE rabbit COULD have well over 100 bunnies a year... but rabbit warrens are usually 10 - 50, mostly females, plus a bunch of bucks who are more solitary and more likely to travel around. And you're gonna have multiple warrens on a territory.
Low litter estimate, small warren; 10 x 4 x 10 = 400 bunnies. Big litter estimate, big warren; 50 x 12 x 10 = 6,000 bunnies.
That said, most estimates say they functionally end up with 20 adult children a year, which then go on to breed at four months. That's still 200 rabbits a year coming out of that small warren ALONE, and isn't counting the fact that those children are also going to have children of their own.
(though, rabbits in particular are facing a massive crisis in england and even across europe because of two diseases that hit them one after another OTL but it's not related to predation.)
Don't forget that a territory also has more than just rabbits. This is also happening with mice, rats, ducks, sparrows, voles, etc. Like I said, if your cats just diversify the prey they hunt in response to population changes, they'll be golden. In BB I even have a role dedicated to this now; the Head of Hunting, who is tasked with assessing this sort of thing.
SO, to answer you directly;
Feral Cats Bad
WC characters have more in common with a small human than a cat
Pure carnivores are pretty demanding on their ecosystems
There is plenty an intelligent creature can do to reduce their impact on the ecosystem
Their territories could still support them along with the other predators
You did underestimate just how many babies prey animals have, though
Overall, they would be fine. You COULD overhunt a territory, but not with basic prey management practices.
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breannasfluff · 9 months
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Meet Flora, the Long-tailed Jaeger!
Facts about Flora:
She's a non-flocking bird. Jaeger's roam and migrate, but are social enough to come back to a "home base".
They are dainty looking bird, but actually very feisty.
There was a lot of pressure on Flora growing up to fit the mold of princess. She wasn't free to follow her instincts to explore and ditch her duties.
The king would use flock commands on her and Wild. They both have trauma from it.
Now, she travels a lot! Her clothes are geared for exploration and a more rough-and-tumble lifestyle.
She cares for Wild as a friend, but her instincts push her not to stay in one spot. Flora keeps an eye on him when he's home in Hateno, especially after Dusk left and Wild was depressed.
The urge to explore is a boon now for connected with the other races across Hyrule.
She'll steal seafood from other avians (read, Sky and Wind). This was VERY frowned upon growing up so Flora worked really hard to repress the habit.
Flora will steal eggs from nests and hunt down game with the ferocity of a raptor. She's probably more ruthless hunting now than Wild. He's the one who taught her how to hunt.
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keywestwildlifecenter · 7 months
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Very busy period of rescue calls for migrating Raptors! This Broad-winged Hawk was rescued down in a backyard on Josephine Street early this morning. A Cooper's Hawk was rescued yesterday down on Stock Island. Both Raptors are being treated in our clinic.
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crow-aeris · 5 months
So i’ve been thinking (shocking, really) about the world building for my reverse robins wingfic.
ike, sure, it’s a little fic and ppl prolly won’t notice, but i just cant help but speculate.
in this au, everyone is born with wings unless afflicted with a certain illness, disease, or genetic defect that leaves you with no avian traits (which is the excuse the kents use).
but how would having wings influence the infrastructure? well, i’m glad you asked! cities are more compact because there isn’t really as big a need for transportation unless you’re an aves that’s just not built for long-distance travels like various passeriformes birds.
planes still exist, but they’re utilized by the avians who aren’t able to fly long distances. avians who have wings like albatrosses or terns or other soaring birds would probably require licenses to do their annual migrations and travels- same applies to regualr migritory species like ducks and geese- where the instinct remains despite not needing to migrate.
of course, with the constant migration through countries, i think there would be more mixing of races and ethnicities especially within the migratory bird communities, so there would probably be less overall hostilities.
now, there will still be discriminatory and hateful ideals, and some are shown in my fics. For example, Gotham’s elites are mostly made up of raptors and birds of prey like eagles, kites, kestrels, hawks, falcons, ospreys, owls, etc- birds who actively hunt down mammalian or lizards for prey (in the real world i mean), that is because of displays of powers. Scavengers like condors, vultures, buzzards, are regarded lower on the social ladder but not as low as perching birds and song birds simply because of their ability to have sustained flight.
like i mentioned briefly, songbirds and perching birds (passerines) are regarded lowly in general due to their “weak demeanor” and overall flashiness, which gives them the reputation of being only suitable to work in brothels and such regardless of gender (but especially dudes where the aves species exhibits sexual dimorphism, eg. cardinals, peacocks, golden pheasants, etc.)
there are definitely some exceptions, being corvids. some cultures have corvids as villans, whereas others may portray corvids as intelligent and charming.
now, we arrive to genetics. im still not 100% sure how i want the phenotype of an avian to be passed down. so far, it’s mainly just sons are the same aves as their fathers (like thomas wayne, bruce, and damian are all harpy eagles, but martha wayne was a kingfisher and talia is an imperial eagle), but im not sure abt daughters. genetics is messy, but i think i’ve managed to sertle on a 50/50 chance of being born either the same aves as their mother, or their paternal grandmother. like if damian had been born with xx instead of xy chromosomes, then he’d either have been an imperial eagle like talia, or a kingfisher like martha wayne. intersex people exist too, and i think their wings would be a blend between both their mother and father’s.
now for the the supers and the other metas:
as mentioned previously, the kents claim that their adopted son had a genetic disorder that basically prevented him from growing wings (or just left him in a state similar to humans before they were all “cursed” by a diety to have wings, or whatever. in the dcu, that probably woulnd’t even be too far fetched), so clark lacked a major social component to his childhood. without wings and a tail, others would have a harder time reading his emotions, seeing as these appendages are crucial in nonverbal communication between avians, and that gives clark a leg up in reading other people, but having them not understanding what he’s thinking.
now with jon and kon, they have two VERY different situations. for jon, since his paternal side is wings-free, i just gave him lois’s ave- western kingbird- instead of making him no-winged. kon, on the other hand was a test-tube baby, so it was a toss-up on whether he’d get lex luthor’s purple martin wings, or clark’s no-wings since they’re both guys. I think kon would’ve enjoyed wings, so i gave him the purple martin wings. Plus, they’re pretty much invulnerable, and their wings are no different.
diana and the other ppl from themyscira wouldn’t have wings since they aren’t human, and same applies to the other jl members who aren’t humans.
on a wholly separate note: the lazarus pits. here, not only does it give you white streaks in your hair, it’ll bleach out your feathers. so liek if a peacock was thrown into the pit, not only would they die and come back manic, their feathers would make them look like piebald, or have different markings or white ticking.
anyways, that’s the end of my long post, and i hope yall enjoyed listening to me speculate and talk about birds and my silly little guys!!
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aplpaca · 5 months
tell me another bird fact please,,
White-throated Sparrows have 2 color morphs: one with white stripes on their head, and one with tan stripes on their head. Both males and females can be either white-striped or tan-striped. White-striped individuals are more aggressive, outgoing, and territorial, while tan-striped individuals are less outgoing, and have been found to be more "attentive" parents. Pretty much all mating pairs are composed of a white-striped individual and a tan-striped individual. However, its been found that all females prefer tan-striped males and all males prefer white-striped females. But because the white-striped females are more aggressive, they end up getting the tan males first, and then the white males and tan females end up pairing up.
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Vultures in the Americas evolved separately from vultures in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The have similar traits from evolving into similar niches, but theyre not actually closely related
Personal anecdote rather than a Fact, but when I interned at a hawkwatch, we would set up a big fake owl on a pole solely for the purpose of seeing if we could get the migrating raptors to fly in closer to try to scare it off. The larger birds like Red-tailed Hawks and Red-shouldered Hawks and the larger falcons like Peregrines would usually only dive in on the fake owl when they had already been flying directly overhead of it. The American Kestrels however, which are about the size of a Mourning Dove (or like a twelfth the size of a Great Horned Owl, which is what the fake was representing), would make 90 degree turns from 2+ miles out of the way to come in and divebomb the fake owl before continuing on their migration path. And I just always found that really funny. Heres a female and male American Kestrel (male has the grey on his wings)
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Green Herons often use bait to catch fish. They'll toss a bug or a smaller (dead) fish or something into the water and wait till the fish gather around it, then grab ones that are the right size for them. Here's one doing it with bread
Theres a population of about 2000 Rosy-faced Lovebirds in Phoenix, AZ (theyre native to Africa) that have learned to use air conditioning vents to stay cool. They only use them when temperatures are over 90F/32C
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Mourning Doves can fly up to 55mph/88kph
Woodpeckers dont just peck stuff to find bugs. They also do it to attract mates and mark territory. And the louder the noise is, the more impressive it sounds to other woodpeckers. So when they peck metal pipes and utility poles and stuff, they're not looking for bugs in the wrong place, they're being loud on purpose
Theres a family of birds in Central and South America called Antbirds. Not bc they eat ants, but bc they, to varying degrees, follow ant colonies and eat the bugs and small animals that are running away from the ants. Some, like the Bicolored Antbird, are obligate ant-followers, and get the vast majority of their food this way. Heres a Bicolored Antbird
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male Temminck's Tragopans (a type of pheasant) have this bright blue bib thing they can unfurl/inflate in their mating display. Also this pheasant species nests in trees, which is uncommon for pheasants (they usually nest on the ground). but seriously look at this shit
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Dino squad request take your time getting to it ^.^
I know that reader is the same species as Logan and victor but what if some big miscommunication happens (where victor and Logan think they’re the same species but oops!) and reader is one of those giant dinosaurs like spinosaurus or something like that
Oh, fun! Would you like to be called Spino Anon? Let's try some headcanona for this one:
• Logan would feel excited to have another teen under his wing, especially one who was thought to be a raptor like him. When he discovers that the Reader isn't a raptor, at first he's a bit upset... But then he gets over it. Reader is still a dinosaur like him, like his other (adopted) hatchlings, why wouod he be upset? Just look at them! They're a Spinosaurus! Large, powerful, and can swim!
• He is careful when getting them involved with the other teens, letting them bring Reader in and letting himself and them build their own separate trusts and friendship with Reader, allowing allowing to feel comfortable enough to show them their dinosaur form. And what a cute hatchling they are: long snout like a crocodile, a baby sail rising from their back, a long tail built for swimming, even sharp little teeth built for catching fish.
• He's glad to add them to his flock, his pack, his family. He shows them, and Oxalaia!Remy and Quetzylcoatlus!Pietro how to fish, and teaching them when different fish migrate and where they live. Mandatory fishing trips are a must after the first one. Showing Reader how to playfight with Allosaurus!Scott and Diplodocus!Rogue, being careful to show them how to not hurt them with their teeth or claws. And spending time in a large nest he spent an entire week building, just to be able to fit all of his hatchlings inside it with him, so they can have pack bonding (and nap!) time
• Victor had heard rumors as well, about a raptor running around along with the other juvenile dinosaurs. He's thrilled at the thought of having another one of his species to teach, as well as to help bring in the other young ones. When finding out they're a Spinosaurus, he's mad with his henchmen, for getting two completely separate and anatomically different creatures mixed up. He finds he isn't mad with Reader for being a Spinosaurus, he's just relieved they're a dinosaur at all. And what a Dino! A proper Spinosaurus, large and adept for swimming, perfect for wet and watery climates. The perfect hatchling...
• He's able to catch the teens (not that he knows they're human teens) in their Dino forms from time to time, happily talking to them while the sedatives he used wears off of them. He takes the proper time to pet them, to check their vitals, whispering to himself and them over how impressive they are, how wonderful, how he can't wait to give them the world... He sets them up in the habitats he specifically made with them in mind, carefuk to keep it safe and clean, not allowing anyone to bother them once they're sleeping inside
• Victor makes sure Spinosaurus!Reader has fresh sources of water, from wetlands and rivers to even lagoon and lake, all full of fish and creatures fit for that environment. Victor has careful plans to let the young dinos interact with each other, as well as lessons on not to eat each other and how to leave their dinosaur brethren out of their fights and meals (they wouldn't eat each other, but he doesn't know they were humans, again). All the time in the world, to change it and make it perfect for his new hatchlings, a new age of dinosaurs... Now if they wouod just stop escaping. Why are they such stubborn babies?
• The moment these two realize the other is involved, they are doing everything in their power to keep Spinosaurus!Reader with them. While Logan knows they're a teen and shouldn't be on their own, let alone with his evil/crazy older brother, he is also aware he can't take them away from every human. He has to share (and they could always leave him, so it's best to share them). His other harchlings agree with that sentiment, even if they sometimes try to keep Reader away from the rest of the class. Victor doesn't know the teens and Reader are human, but he knows they're juvenile dinosaurs, so he doesn't care about human interaction with them, seeing it as bad and detrimental to them. He's annoyed that Reader can leave, and hopes to convince then then stay one day, perhaps see if they understand him or the others. But even if he found out the teens were humans, he'd never let them near ones who weren't loyal to him. He wouldn't want to risk them getting hurt or choosing to leave. And if his runt is with them... well, if he has the hatchlings, his packmate is sure to follow them... After all, his brother never could resist a chick in need of a parent...
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shadowphoenixrider · 4 months
Over a Bowl of Gumbo
(Direct sequel to Sins of the Past, where Gambit makes good on his promise to Shadow, and they Talk. More fluffy than the other one, but about the same amount of talking! At least we know where all the X'Men's 'talk about your feelings' budget went.)
Gambit made his way down the dormitory hall, following the voices that floated up from the dorm with its door ajar, keeping careful hold of the bowl in his hands.
Almost as soon as he'd crossed the mansion's threshold Shadow had been taken from him, bundled away into hot towels and towards the medbay, Beast rattling off orders in Medical-Speak that Gambit had no hope in understanding.
He'd not seen her since, and though he knew full well Beast would take care of the mutant, Gambit had found his mind loud with chattering worries. He couldn't silence them, but he could busy himself the only reliable way he knew how - something that made an even grumpy Scott forgive him. A bit.
As he approached the room, the voices became clearer; a warm southern drawl and the quieter accent no-one could place, talking casually. Gambit smiled warmly, gently drumming his knuckles on the door before pushing his way in.
Shadow was sat up in bed, propped up by pillows and in soft long-sleeved pyjamas, whilst Rogue sat at her feet.
"Hope Gambit not interruptin', mes amies?" He asked, glancing between them.
"No, we're fine here, sugah." Rogue smiled, eying the bowl in his hands and standing up. "There any more of that gumbo of yours?"
"Some, if ya quick. Hopefully Wolverine ain't ate it all." Gambit replied. He noticed the two women share a glance and smile, before Rogue began to take her leave. "She ok?" He asked lowly as she passed him.
"Doin' better now." Rogue nodded. "You did good, Remy."
They shared a smile before she left, and Gambit made his way into the room.
"What've you got?" Shadow asked, shifting to sit more upright.
"Gambit do believe he promised you a bowl of his gumbo when we got back. Careful, it still hot." He smiled, gently passing it to her. Their fingers brushed, and both had to resist the instinct to recoil. "No shrimp, only de chicken."
"And enough spice to kill?" Shadow raised an eyebrow, setting the bowl in the dip of her crossed legs. Gambit chuckled richly - he hadn't realized how much he'd missed her ripostes.
"Need a little spice to warm ya up!" He grinned, sitting where Rogue once had. "Beast would agree!"
"Uh huh." Shadow stirred the stew, taking a conservative taste. Gambit found himself watching her face carefully, gauging her reaction.
To his relief, she smiled, uttering a pleased hum. "Mmm! I can see why Rogue wants to get more."
Gambit beamed at her praise, not quite sure why.
"Glad ya like it, petite." And with that, Shadow dug in - her hunger clear.
Gambit turned his attention to her room, letting her eat in peace. Despite her still being at the X-Mansion as a guest, Shadow was already making her dorm her own. Large posters clung to the wall, one of a sci-fi show Gambit was fairly sure Beast also liked, another that listed all of the raptor birds that could be seen in their area, and yet another with all of the constellations in the night's sky. Books and textbooks were propped up haphazardly together, ranging from the expected subjects of cell biology and biochemistry to a variety of sci-fi and fantasy reference books, one about cat behaviour and another with a title Gambit was sure was there to embarrass people snooping in her room.
Another pile of books sat on the desk by the window, conspicuously kept separate from the others - one Star Wars novel, another about dragons and the last about bird migration. A model of one of the ships from the sci-fi show sat in pride of place in the window, along with a small black resin Egyptian cat, painted with colourful jewellery. Gambit smiled to see it.
"I told Rogue." Shadow's voice broke the Cajun from his thoughts, and he looked back to the young woman. She was stirring the gumbo thoughtfully, having devoured a good half of it already.
"'Bout what happened with your powers?" He asked. She nodded.
"Yeah. I figured that of everyone here, including you, she'd know what it's like..." Gambit nodded.
"That she does, petite. What'd she say?"
Shadow smiled.
"Oh, sugah." Rogue reached forward, gently taking Shadow's hand in her gloved one. "Ah'm so sorry."
"Yeah. When I saw it happening to Wolverine, even on purpose..." Shadow shook her head. "I panicked. It brought everything back, and I just...bolted."
Rogue squeezed her hand reassuringly.
"Ah know that feelin', sugah. Did it myself when mine came in too." She smiled sadly. "Folks 'round here have similar stories, though. You're not alone."
A small smile pulled at Shadow's lips.
"I...yeah. I guess you're right. I just...I didn't know how you'd react. I was scared-"
"That we'd treat you differently." Rogue finished for her. "Oh hun..." Another gentle squeeze. "We all have our demons in our past. If we turned you away for yours, all the X-Men'd have to disband!" She smiled softly, kindly. "You're safe here, Shadow. They'd understand."
Shadow's smile trembled, eyes stinging.
"I, I hope so."
"Gambit brought you in like a bedraggled kitty cat he found in a storm drain." Rogue chuckled. "You're not gonna get left out in the cold like that here."
Shadow took a shuddery breath, trying to regain her composure.
"Thank you. I...I'm still not looking forward to telling the others about it."
"Don't worry about that. You can tell them today, tomorrow, or never at all, if ya like." Rogue said. "No-one needs to tell their stories if they're not ready or don't want to." She smirked. "And if they start buggin' you? They'll have to go through me!"
That made Shadow giggle.
"Thank you, Rogue." She squeezed the other woman's hand. "I really appreciate it."
"No problem, sugah."
Gambit smiled fondly.
"Rogue always better than me at sayin' the right things," he said.
"I dunno." Shadow said, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I think you did alright."
"You're very kind, petite."
A comfortable silence settled between them, the young woman finishing off the last of her meal. Gambit noticed that the teal-clothed pyjamas she was wearing were patterned with sleeping cats, one curled into a ball prominently stitched over the shallow swell of her right breast.
Lifting his eyes to her face - least he be caught staring at that area - he noted that whilst her eyes were still a little red, that was the only evidence of her previous sorrow and distress. The colour was back in her face (perhaps a little intensely thanks to the spices), brightening her nose and cheeks. Her hair had mostly dried, curling tightly in on itself - she seemed to have lost an inch of height, but her brunette curls were now defined, almost like ringlets. He could just glimpse her pale ear lobes hiding behind the thick curtain of her hair.
"You're staring." Her voice snapped him back to reality, and to Gambit's surprise, he felt heat rise into his face.
"Ah! Jus' admirin' the scenery, petite!" He said, scratching the back of his neck. She raised an eyebrow at him, that same unconvinced look as she'd had when they first met. "I...Ya look much better, Shadow."
"I am." She nodded. "I should be better tomorrow, but Beast wants me to take it easy until then. Says it's better not to tempt fate after a shock to the system like I had." She paused for a moment, spinning the spoon in her fingers. "I don't know if he told you, but...I was entering a bad stage of hypothermia."
"Yeah." Gambit looked away, out of the window, where the rain still hadn't let up. His gaze drifted to where they had been. "Said that it were lucky I found you when I did. That..."
"Shadow's hypothermia symptoms were progressing fast." Beast said gravely. "She was displaying one of its most insidious symptoms; confusion. If she had been left alone for much longer, Shadow might not have been able to rescue herself, either under her own power, or to have enough wherewithal to call for assistance."
"You mean..." Gambit's heart felt like it stopped in his chest. The doctor dipped his head.
"Yes. We could have lost her, if not for your intervention."
"Yeah." Was Shadow's soft assent. A long pause, before she made a little 'hah!' "I guess that's two I owe you, now."
"Two?" Gambit raised an eyebrow, looking back to her.
"When you saved me in that alley, remember? When we first met." Shadow smiled. "Now you can add this to the list."
"Hah! You don't owe Gambit anythin', petite." He chuckled. "Gambit just happy you're safe. Besides, ya did pay me back for de first save. Healed me, remember?"
"Oh, yeah." She chuckled. "Well...I guess this gumbo makes two, then. It was fantastic." True to her word - aside for the last remnants of brown liquid at the bottom, the bowl was cleaned.
"Ah, only too glad ya liked it, mon amie." Gambit smiled proudly. "It be a Gambit special."
"It certainly was special. Thank you." Shadow's smile was warm and reached her eyes, making his heart trip over one of its beats. She reached to put the bowl on the bedside table, and Gambit leant over to help. Disappointedly, there was no accidental contact between them this time.
"How mad was Scott?" Shadow asked.
"Very." Gambit chuckled ruefully. "Guess most of it were out of worry for you, be fair. Did kinda disappear without tellin' them and didn't have my comm on. After what happened wit you, makes sense."
"Not mention you have that ability to magically disappear and appear without anyone hearing you." Shadow smirked, folding her arms.
"Hah! So ya keep tellin' me." He chuckled. "Didn't even me a chance to get outta my gear 'fore he be givin' me de lecture 'bout always keepin' my comm on, not disappearin' when he talkin' to me, all de usual." He leant back, stretching his long legs out. "Heard it all before."
Shadow raised an eyebrow at him.
"I dunno Gambit, if he has to keep saying it..."
"Don't! Ya as bad as Rogue!" He laughed. "Least he be keepin' it shorter dis time. Worried 'bout ya. Though, Gambit did manage to sweeten him up by promisin' to do his gumbo for dinner."
"Aw, and here I thought I was special!"
"Hey now, Gambit did promise ya first!" He turned his head, and noticed Shadow's eyes were roving down his body, specially down his legs. He gave no indication he'd seen her. "Gumbo take a while to cook anyway, so might as well do a big batch for de team too, non?"
"That's fair, I guess." A thoughtful pause. "Hey, Gambit?"
"...Why did you turn your comm off?"
"Well..." Gambit rubbed the back of his neck, feeling traitorous heat start to crawl up his face. "If I knew you were in the state you were, woulda kept it on. But..." Why was finding the words so difficult all of a sudden?
"Gambit thought ya needed time. Scott can be pushy, even when he mean well, and...Gambit didn't think dat was what ya needed right den. So, he figured if he find ya first, you would have the time ya needed...and not be alone."
Shadow fiddled with the bedsheet, winding it around her finger.
"How did you know I didn't want to be alone?" She asked quietly. Gambit tried to ignore the sting in his chest at the insinuation.
"Let's jus' say Gambit have some experience wit this," he said. "De types of alone ya wanna be that nearly kills you...That's when ya need someone more den anythin'."
Shadow opened her mouth. Closed it. Just stared at him for a long couple of seconds, before she glanced shyly at her crossed feet.
"Thank you, then," she said softly, raising her head to look him in the eyes. "For...not just rescuing me, but being there for me." A smile grew across her lips. "For being my friend."
Gambit smiled back, feeling warmth blossom in his chest.
"De rien, petite." He replied. "Any time. You make it easy."
He was pleasantly surprised to see her blush slightly, and more so when she reached over, taking his hand. Though her hand was much smaller than his, her fingers were long and delicate-looking - surprisingly elegant for a woman who presented herself more as scrappy and laissez faire.
"I mean it, Gambit." Shadow said, her gentle voice full of deep-hearted conviction. "Thank you."
The Cajun found himself lost for words for a good few moments, before he clasped her hand in both of his, encompassing her with warmth.
"I feel de same, Shadow. Merci."
Her smile was like a sunrise, and Gambit found himself lingering, staring into blue eyes that reminded him of aquamarines, enjoying this quiet, peaceful moment.
That was until Shadow yawned widely.
"Urgh. Mmm, sorry Gambit." She rubbed her eyes with her spare hand. "Guess I'm more tired than I thought."
"It ok, mon amie." He smiled, squeezing her hand with his. "Ya been through a lot. An' de gumbo probably makin' ya sleepy too."
"Yeah." She looked at him from under regretful hooded eyes. "Sorry to chase you away."
"Non, don't be. Gambit happy to stay an' watch over you, but ya probably get better sleep without him." He smiled sadly, reluctantly getting to his feet.
"Depends on how loud your card shuffling is." She smiled, settling back onto the pillows. "But yeah. I think I need a kip. Thank you again, Gambit. For the save and the food."
"No problem." Gambit replied, taking the bowl. "Get some rest now, ok? Don't go sneakin' out again."
"Hah, rich coming from you." She chuckled, her tone light. "Alright. I'll see you when I see you."
"Sleep well, mon amie." Gambit said, stepping away. Shadow's light went off behind him.
Just before he left the room however, he stopped, glancing over his shoulder. Shadow had her back to him, only her wild messy hair visible above the sheets bundled around her.
"Fais de beaux rêves...chère." Gambit whispered softly, before he closed the door behind him.
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ghostoffuturespast · 10 days
6,10,28 for the nature asks?
Nature Meme Asks Here
6. What’s your favorite bird you’ve ever seen?
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Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)! 
This bird is still fairly common but it’s not one that you see in urban areas often. There was one that was hanging out at one of the sites I work at a couple years ago during fall migration season and I could not get over how big they were! It was really funny too because they’d just be chilling with the Mourning Doves and the Crows on the roof in the mornings. Haven’t seen one since.
10. What’s your favorite invertebrate?
My all time favorite invertebrate is octopus. But if we’re talking about local critters, I gotta give it to the Roly-Poly. These terrestrial crustaceans are just too cute, they make me smile and I always enjoy finding them when I’m out on the trail. (Plus, the kids in my programs love them too.)
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28. What’s your favorite local animal you see all the time but still love?
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Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus)!
Prairie Dogs get a bad rap from most people and they’re often considered pests by farmers and ranchers. But these adorable little boogers are keystone species in the Great Plains and many other prairie species rely on them! Because Prairie Dogs are such excellent diggers lots of other animals call their burrows home. Not to mention their constant landscaping efforts provide disturbance for plant succession. As a prey species Prairie Dogs are also an important food source for predators such as coyotes, snakes, and raptors.
(None of these photos are mine. Except the Prairie Dog one which was pulled off a game camera I set up at work right in front of a burrow 😆)
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anonsally · 1 month
Day 2 in Chile: Birding along the central coast
After a decent night's sleep, we got up early this morning for our birding tour. The guide and a driver picked us up at 8am and we had an epic day of birding! It was cold but mostly sunny, so not as cold as yesterday except when it was very windy. The guide told us that this is one of the best times of year to visit Chile, bird-wise, because a lot of birds that breed further south migrate here in the winter... as do a lot of birds who breed further north!
We did spend a lot of the day in the car in between birding, but that was fine actually as it gave Wife (who is an introvert) a break from interacting and it also meant less time in the sun and wind. And we saw lots of birds, nearly all of which were new for me.
The guide hasn't shared the eBird list with me yet so I'm sure I won't remember everything, but here's what I remember (not chronologically, and I've tried to put my favorites near the top, but not really in order and they were all exciting in one way or another):
Humboldt penguins! We were pretty lucky; I think there were about 30 of them hanging out on a small island preserve very close to the beach.
Inca terns. These were very beautiful and unusual-looking terns, dark grey with long white whiskers and red beaks, with a yellow spot at the base, and red feet.
Grey gulls starting to get their breeding plumage. I thought these were very cute, elegant gulls.
A giant hummingbird. Which... is not an exaggeration. It was enormous. Too big to hover. But clearly hummingbird shaped. Totally incongruous!
Tufted tit-tyrant. (The Tufted Tit-Tyrants is my new band.) Probably one of the cutest birds I've ever seen.
Peruvian boobies
Peruvian pelicans--not too different from the brown pelicans we see at home, but larger.
Three kinds of cormorant: Most were neotropic cormorants, but we also saw a couple of guanay cormorants, and several of the very beautiful red-legged cormorant.
Southern lapwings. Kind of a patchwork pattern of coloration.
Two rufous-chested dotterels, one of which was getting its breeding plumage.
Three kinds of cinclodes: gray-flanked (which breed in the Andes but winter on rocky beaches), seaside (larger), and (I think?) buff-winged.
Two kinds of oystercatchers: blackish and American (I don't think I'd seen the American kind before; the ones in California are black oystercatchers).
Yellow-billed pintails
Yellow-billed teals
Diuca finches
Lake duck (similar to a ruddy duck)
Rufous-collared sparrows (apparently more common than house sparrows in Chile, and infinitely cuter!)
Coscoroba swans, which looked less mean and more friendly than our usual swans
red-gartered coots
Great shrike-tyrants
Long-tailed meadowlark. Startlingly red face and front.
Chimango caracaras, which were the raptors I'd seen on the way from the airport. Apparently there are no corvids here, but these fill that ecological niche. We saw two of them eating a dead meadowlark.
Dusky tapaculo. The guide made limited use of playback in the one foresty stop. This bird is very shy but we did manage to get a decent view of it.
Variable hawk.
Harris's hawk
Great grebes
White-tufted grebes
Brown-hooded gulls
Chilean mockingbirds
Two kinds of swallows: blue-and-white and Chilean
Chiloe wigeons
black vultures
a rufous-tailed plantcutter
Austral thrushes
Austral blackbirds
We also saw sea lions and a couple of otters!
We had them drop us off at a restaurant in Viña Del Mar, which saved them some driving and meant we could try a restaurant we were interested in. We drank Pisco sours (a great cocktail!) and--as usual--ordered too much food. Then we managed to get a bus back to Valparaíso and had a steep walk back up to the hotel, as the funiculars don't run late.
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