Post 7: A Final Reflection
After researching and looking at multiple resources on the benefits of physical activity in childhood, I am even more confident in my choice to be a physical education teacher. As I was reading, I learned that physical activity does much more than prevent childhood obesity. After reading multiple peer reviewed articles, online publications, and watching 2 TED talks, I learned that the benefits of physical education are numerous and even lead to a lower chance for type 2 diabetes, and higher grades in school. 
As a future PE teacher, I really hope that I can teach each of my students the benefits of exercising, and then provide them with a love for being active. I hope that I can leave a long-lasting impact on each child’s life, and help create a generation of young, active individuals.
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Post #6 Presentation of PASSION Inquiry Project
Here is a link to the prezi I created! Enjoy! 
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Post #5 Additional Resources
Here are 5 additional resources that I can use to better understand the benefits of child exercise. 
1. Benefits of farm-to-school projects : healthy eating and physical activity for school children : field hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, May 15, 2009.
- This book looks at the ways that healthy eating and physical activity combined can be beneficial to school aged children. 
2. The Academic and Psychological Benefits of Exercise in Healthy Children and Adolescents
- This peer reviewed article is another source giving the benefits of education.
3. Exploring the Benefits of Using Gamification and Videogames for Physical Exercise: a Review of State of Art.
- This peer reviewed article takes a different point of view, and analyzes how we can use our technology that kids love to include exercise. 
4. The Cognitive Benefits of Exercise in Youth.
- One final peer reviewed article to state the importance of exercise in youth.
5. Want Smarter, Healthier Kids? Try Physical Education! Paul Zientarski 
- This video title is pretty self explanatory!
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Post #4  Visualizing Understanding
Here is a link to a Prezi I made on the benefits of child exercise. 
Making this prezi was beneficial because it allowed me to practice making a fun presentation that will keep students engaged! I selected text and images to keep children engaged. As a future teacher, this skill will come in handy!
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Post #3 Disciplinary Text-Sets
I am going to list a total of 6 resources that I can use to help students understand the benefits of physical activity. 
1. The Decline of Play - Peter Gray Ted Talk 
This TED talk explores the benefits of childhood play. Being physically active is one benefit, but there are several more. This talk discusses how play can lead to better communication skills and happier children. 
2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389
Mayo Clinic created a list of benefits for being physically active. 
3. http://www.pbs.org/parents/food-and-fitness/sport-and-fitness/elements-of-exercise/
This is an amazing article that discusses the benefits of child exercise. This articles recommend that children get at least 1 hour of physical activity per day. This hour can be broken up into smaller chunks. 
4. https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/exercise.html
Another article that explicitly discusses the benefits of exercise for children
5. https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/lifestyle/blog/6441/top-10-reasons-children-should-exercise
10 reasons why children should exercise. 
6. https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/24/health/exercise-kids-teens-parenting-explainer/index.html
One last article explaining the benefits, and even giving ideas on how to make exercise fun. 
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Post #2 - Where I Am & Where I Want to Go
One of the reasons that I decided to teach physical education was due to my passion for exercise. I am a huge believer that every able child should be physically active! Unfortunately, as our technology progresses, our children are exercising less and less. It is not uncommon to see children on phones, tablets, and computers, rather than outside playing. This is a huge problem in America as we are beginning to see more and more obese children. 
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For this project, I would like to dive into the benefits of exercise for children, and present this information in a way that students are able to read and understand the importance of our PE class. I believe that if children understand how important and fun being active can be, they will be more happy to participate. 
What I KNOW: 
- Being physically active is beneficial to children
- Childhood obesity is an increasing problem in the United States 
What I want to LEARN: 
- What specific benefits are there for being active as a child? 
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Inquiry Project Post #1 - My Future
In the future, my major goal is to become a physical education teacher and high school football coach! After student teaching and graduating from UNM next May, I plan on earning my masters degree before entering the classroom. Also, after taking LLSS 321 this semester, one of my biggest goals as a future teacher is to emphasize and embrace student diversity. As a Mexican, I always felt shame at school for speaking Spanish. As a future teacher, I plan on celebrating  differences such as language, and as long as the student is being respectful, I will allow them to talk with their friends in their native language. I hope that my future students know that I value each and every one of them for their differences!
Here is a link explaining student diversity in more depth: https://www.nde-ed.org/TeachingResources/ClassroomTips/Diversity.htm 
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NWP Teachers Bring #whyiwrite into Classrooms
Tiffany Chiao wrote an article discussing how the #whyiwrite hashtag has effected classrooms around the nation. As a future teacher, I was inspired by this article! Chiao talked to different teachers and asked for their input on their students’ responses, and the input was INSPIRING. Teachers everywhere began to learn what made each of their students passionate about writing, and this helped them be more effective teachers. Although I am not studying to be an English teacher, I am still moved by this article, and will definitely integrate things like this into my future classroom.
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What Do Good Readers Do?
According to the article, “What do Good Readers Do?”, there are several strategies to being a proficient reader. Being a good reader means making connections, determining importance, synthesizing/summarizing, visualizing, asking questions, inferring, and monitoring all at the same time. Although it may seem impossible to complete all of these tasks at once, experienced readers will tell you that it begins to come naturally after a while. 
Although I have never been a huge reader, I have learned strategies to become more proficient in this area. I definitely think this article has plenty of amazing tips to help you become a proficient reader, and it is worth your time to read it! As future educators, I hope we all teach our students to read, and to read well. This article is a fine place to start. 
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