#rappa x gender neutral reader
la2yn0va · 4 days
Girlfriend Rappa Headcanons
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(I’m on 60 pity, I’m pulling for her, trust)
Whenever she’d visit you, EVERYONE would know, as she spray paint on a large building ‘I LOVE YOU!!’ or ‘IM BACK BABYGIRL!!’
She definitely walks into your home/presence rapping as a way to great you. Once she’s done you always respond with the most monotone ‘Hello babe’
Rappa would teach you ninjutsu, and how to graffiti as a date. Which is the most laxed date with her.
The high energy date is taking you off planet and making you watch as she takes out bad guys while rapping, doing every dance move to impress you.
Normal dates are going out to a nightclub where she’d somehow be the DJ and get everyone pumped up while keeping you close. Or teaching you how to skateboard.
Rappa definitely puts some of her clothes on you or in your wardrobe, just to see how adorable you’d look.
She gives you multiple Ninja weapons for you to defend yourself with. She won’t allow any other weapon that isn’t given to you by her.
Rappa also gives you a gun or holographic phone to signal for her help if you’re in danger. Along with her hat and her jacket thats your size.
Rappa’s the type to get offended for you.
Rappa leaves at least 26 kisses on you before she leaves.
Rappa makes a whole rap album for you, and just for you.
If you want to stay on your planet, She’d beg you to come travel with her permanently.
She always leaves your planet after graffitiing a picture of her and you making out, which makes you stay inside for a week or two out of embarrassment.
Rappa’s holographic glasses MIIIIGHT have a feature where she sees you shirtless.
You’d try to set up a casual date, but she would always SOMEHOW make it chaotic. Along with coming back a week later with her OWN casual date.
She’d proudly talk Boothill’s head off about how amazing you are, and he’d just listen happy at rappa’s lovesick yet cute childish rambling. He’d also get a little sad because of his own love life situation.
Boothill does come hang out with you and rappa. Boothill would also threaten you. ‘If you break her heart, I’ll break yer fudgin body!’ Before laughing it off.
Rappa ALWAYS carries you, but whenever she’s tired or feeling sad, you’d give her a piggyback ride.
Rappa would be the type to take off her head and put it on your, low enough to block your eyesight when she’s pissed at someone and is about to brutalize them.
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Flufftober 2023
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Day 30: "I'm not the villain..." [Reader x Rappa] {My Hero Academia}
Things had not been going the way you were hoping, so many things were just... going wrong. You couldn't even talk to your boyfriend without being heavily supervised the entire time. It was maddening.
You were well aware that Rappa did things that others would heavily disapprove of, but he wasn't evil. Just headstrong and fight happy. He was easy to wrap into the category 'villain' simply because he preferred a good fight without thinking about morals or rules.
But you wished he'd stayed as an underground hero, or maybe found an underground fight club he could blow his steam off at.
Instead, you were being searched for weapons at the gate check. Another visiting day, another time your efforts to keep your... actually healthiest relationship alive were being questioned by everyone and their dog.
"Alright, step forward." A face-less guard commanded over the intercom, "[Full Name] here to see prisoner 482."
If you knew where to throw your shady side-eye, you would have. His name was Rappa, not a number. But you weren't the only person here to see him... a pro hero was in the room as well.
It barely clicked in your mind that this was the pro-hero Fatgum when the opposite door swung inward. Rappa was let into the little sideyard as his cuffs were removed. It was more than telling when Rappa wasn't even sure who to approach first...
"I wasn't aware Rappa would have other visitors." Fatgum turned to you, "Though... If you need me to step out..."
"It's fine." Your tone of voice did not convey that at all, "They only allow Rappa an hour and a half once a week so..."
You could have sworn Fatgum was about ready to riot. But as you stepped forward to the tiny table in the area, Rappa mirrored your movements.
"Eh, c'mon sweetie. It's not that bad." Seeing him without his hood was something you used to love... it was something only you got to see, "Besides, I've been keepin' my nose down. Guard said I might get a little more time if I keep it up."
Fatgum stood off to the side, "Wait, 'sweetie'? You mean...!"
"What!? Why does everyone have to judge!" You shot over your shoulder.
"Hey, easy [Name]." Rappa grabbed your hands, "After the romp I had with him and the red guy, I kinda see why I'm here. Bet on the wrong thing ya know?"
You sighed, "Doesn't mean I have to be okay with how people are about this."
"I... I'm just shocked he has someone like you." Fatgum admitted, "I mean, you look relatively nice and shy. Especially next to him. And the 'red guy's name is Red Riot. At least try to remember it."
"Yeah, yeah. Got it." Rappa waved the hero down, "And what'd ya mean 'how people are with this'?"
"Everyone acts like I'm a villain just because you got caught up in something bigger than yourself!" You threw your arms up in agitation, "And if they aren't thinking that then they feel sorry for me because I'm dating a 'villain'. Thinking I'm wasting my time cause you'll never change but you haven't! You were never a bad guy, you just made a stupid mistake and wound up here because of it."
"They have a point Rappa." You didn't think the pro hero would side with you on this but... "If you hadn't started following Overhaul you would never have ended up in jail in the first place."
"He kept beating me! And I needed to know how!" Rappa pouted, "But I mean... I kinda am the villain right now."
"No you're not!"
"Look sweetie, I beat up a kid and was siding with a guy who was using a kid to make some super drug or other." He sighed, "I'm not the villain in your story. In theirs yeah, but not in yours."
When he said it like that...
"Well, yes and no." Fatgum interjected, "Overhaul never told you what he was doing. Meaning you weren't able to react to how he was treating Eri. But, he was also paying you to fight intruders. By all means you were responsible for your actions against me and Red Riot, but not for what Overhaul was doing. That's just retrospect."
While this wasn't exactly a comfortable situation, you sat in Rappa's lap. Listening to his conversation with Fatgum, chiming in when you had something to add. Though you tried to just keep to yourself. And oddly enough, after the first outburst and explanation... Fatgum didn't seem to judge you one bit for being with Rappa. Not even a little...
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kavikaslana · 3 years
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❀ I update my bio and my masterlist whenever I’m not accepting requests as well as when I am
❀ My inbox is open, however, I will not accept requests when they’re closed. Thirsts are fine, but anything else will have to wait or will be deleted
❀ I have a job, an extensive family, and a handful of pets. I don’t have time to write all day. As far as I’m concerned, this is a hobby I picked up, not a job
❀ I try to avoid x readers with a certain body types. It’s just not very comfortable for me to write something I’m not too familiar with, and I don’t want to write about my own since not everyone has my body type
❀ I won’t get everything out. I will try to, but it could take a long time for it to be filled out. If you really want something, then be patient
❀ I will only write any genre (or try to), but angst is not something I usually write
❀ Minors… please just don’t request smut. I’m already uncomfortable when I see minors on TikTok thirst over Shigaraki
❀ I don’t write any culture x character stuff, like Hispanic reader x Shigaraki
❀ I can do male readers as well, but again, I will always try to keep it gender-neutral
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❀ I prefer to write for one character for fics. Headcanons, I don’t mind taking asks with more than one character, but my limit for fics is two
❀ I can write dark content, though it’s not my style and I’m not sure how good it would turn out
❀ If you want a certain genre, then you need to specify it. Once you submit your request, that’s on you if you don’t like the genre I turned it into
❀ Specify what kind of writing you want. I can’t read minds, especially if you’re on anon. Don’t complain when I make headcanons when you wanted a fic just because you didn’t specify
❀ Please don’t pick more than 6 characters for headcanons. Please pick two main characters max for everything else
❀ Im fine with you giving me a prompt and I will try to write it, though I can’t guarantee it will turn out well
❀ I’m willing to write for Naruto, Cells at Work, My Hero Academia, and Jujutsu Kaisen for now
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What I won’t write for
❀ Underage & Age play
❀ Incest/Stepcest
❀ Piss kink
❀ x OC
❀ Ships unless it is ___ x reader x ___
❀ Cuckholding
❀ Voyeurism
❀ Specific cultures/religions
❀ Agalmatophilia (think I spelt that right)
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Who I won’t write for
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My hero academia
❀ Endeavor / Enji Todoroki
❀ Hawks / Keigo Takami
❀ All might / Yagi Toshinori
❀ Mimic / Joi Irinaka (romantically)
❀ Kendo Rappa (romantically)
❀ Rikiya Katsukame
❀ Deidoro Sakaki (romantically)
❀ AFO / All for one
❀ Fat Gum / Taishiro Toyomitsu
❀ Mirio / Rumi Usagiyama
❀ Class 1B
Jujutsu Kaisen
(these are all who I won’t write romantically for)
❀ Jogo bc he gives me extremely bad vibes
❀ Hanami because I don’t know if it’s a he or a she or if it’s neither
❀ Anyone in the anime is fair game besides them. The only manga character rn that I will write for it Toji but only bc my friend talks about him, so I know generally how he acts
Genshin Impact
❀ Everyone is fair game but I prefer it’s a guy since I tend to lean towards guys more than girls, or more masculine types
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quirkfics · 5 years
self indulgence
commission for the absolute gem @danteowesme !
wordcount: 2.5k
warnings: UST, kissing, mild pining, under a read more purely for length!
pairing: Hekiji Tengai x Reader (gender neutral)
Hekiji gave up his selfish desires long ago.
He knows better than to give in to them. He followed that path once, and rarely cares to revisit those memories. They’ve done nothing for him, and as they don’t even leave him with the drive to do better, to be better? No, Hekiji only finds himself doing well when he remains devoted, steadfast in his every thought and action. And with Master Overhaul? There is no time for listless living. There is always work to be done, and harder work is coming, if what is said of Rappa is the truth. 
Hekiji tells himself that he looks forward to it. Not the work aspect, but that he will be contributing something worthwhile with the partnership. To Master Overhaul’s plans. 
With that ahead of him though, he doesn’t have time to be distracted. 
And yet-
Hekiji wants you. 
He’s been lying to himself about it, shunting his feelings to the side before he can even comprehend them. Hekiji thought such desires were firmly locked away in his past, that nothing could ever sway him from his devotion. If it had been anyone else, he’s absolutely sure that they couldn’t have, but you? You aren’t even trying. He wonders if that is what made you so appealing to his subconscious. You’ve shown him nothing but kindness and respect for his wishes, for how he treats others…
Hekiji is utterly thankful that the mask he was given hides his mouth, if only so you won’t realize how often his jaw drops as he watches you. How often he licks his lips, trying to explain away the rush of heat that follows your every touch. 
In all honesty, he knows he shouldn’t feel this way. Shouldn’t want you like this. He knows it’s selfish, the way he’s begun to search every room for you when he enters, the way yearning has begun to fill him like a poison. Even when you’re gone, even when his head turns and he finds you absent, yearning for you still lingers within his marrow, still leaves his heart clenching with the lack of you. 
He desperately wants to think he could have stopped this. A month ago, perhaps. A week ago. But it took so long for him to realize exactly what he was feeling. It took much too long for him to listen to himself, to stop ignoring his own thoughts. Enjoying another’s company is hardly a crime, and the two of you work well together, he keeps trying to rationalize. The two of you understand one another. It’s only natural that he seeks you out, that the two of you have fallen into such a seamless rhythm. That mirroring, Hekiji finally decides, is what kept him from seeing the truth of his desires for so long. 
Still, he could have ignored it. Could have buried the thoughts in the back of his mind and took silent comfort in your presence as he worked through this selfishness on his own. It might not have been easy, but he would have done it, rather than risk bothering you with potential nonsense. 
“I can’t stay away from you,” you tell him with a smile one evening, pausing in the doorway of your room. Hekiji suddenly feels as if he’s underwater. Surely he must have misheard? “Not that I want to,” you add, nervousness swiftly filling your eyes. “I-” You reach for him, eyes lowering, and it’s all Hekiji can do not to step into your space right then. “I like you,” you confess, laughing softly at your own awkwardness. “Which seems like a juvenile thing to say.”
“Truths are hardly juvenile,” Hekiji finds himself responding, heart thrilling to your fingers lacing through his own. It all feels decidedly less selfish, knowing that you feel much the same. If his presence brings you that same feeling of happiness, that same measure of incomprehensible joy, surely he need not ignore it? The look on your face makes him want to do more than just hold your hand, but he can still hear people walking through the halls. Hekiji leaves you at your doorway that night, but thinks much too often about what might have happened if he hadn’t.
Every casual touch, every errant thought of you suddenly holds more weight, and that desperate wanting increases tenfold. The residual warmth of your hand on his shoulder, the sight of himself reflected in your irises as you smile- Never before has Hekiji thought so seriously of pushing off his duties, of stealing just a moment more of your time for himself alone. Though that thought stops him from acting more than once. 
He’s circled back to such selfishness, wanting you for himself alone, and his excuses to himself are beginning to wear thin. Why should he ignore his feelings, his wants, when he is still doing everything he should? Hekiji begins to let what little boundaries the two of you have fall to the wayside. He follows you into your quarters at your urging, calls for you to come in when you come knocking at his- the air seems to press against him now, whenever he’s in your presence, like it’s waiting for something to happen, convincing him that he needs to close that distance.
“Something wrong?” You ask one afternoon, tugging idly on a mussed lock of his hair, breaking through his introspective thoughts. Your eyebrows raise when he looks at you with surprise, smile gentle as you wait for his response. 
Everything, he should say, though he’s distracted by the way you’re standing, almost close enough to his bed for him to lean his forehead against your middle. You make me forget my devotion, he wants to whisper, gaze tracing the seam of your lips. “A headache,” his lying tongue says, and his spirits sink for the lie. They skyrocket when you laugh though, your fingers reaching for his temples. 
“Maybe I can help with that?” You ask him, pausing with your fingertips hovering over his skin. Hekiji should send you away, should explain that the both of you are risking Master Overhaul’s trust by distracting yourselves this way. He should explain-
“Please,” he says instead, and prays that you can’t hear the racing of his heart. Your fingers stroke small circles against his temples, sometimes dipping into his hairline, nails scratching gently against his scalp. He shouldn’t feel so unbearably warm, shouldn’t want to curl his hands around your hips and draw you down into his lap, but it’s all he can think about. His breath grows too hot, too frequent and heavy in the confines of his mask.
“Hekiji?” You ask, noting his rapid breathing. Your hands drop, fingers just barely brushing his neck before you’re placing them on his shoulders. You take a step closer, and Hekiji gives in. He leans his forehead against you, wanting to shiver when you immediately stroke a hand through his hair. “Are you alright?” 
He wants you to say his name again, for you to keep your hands on him, for you to unbuckle the straps of the mask on his head and demand he kiss you.
“Yes,” he chokes out instead, clutching too hard at his knees to keep from yanking you down. “I’m alright,” he adds, breath slowly evening out. You don’t pull, but your hands adjust, one on the crown of his head, the other slipping beneath his chin until you can tilt back his head. His eyes, always so heavy lidded, always downcast to show respect, focus fully on your concerned face.
After a moment though, your concern melts away. The temperature in the room seems to raise, though Hekiji knows it must be his blood pressure, because all he can hear now is the thunder of his heart as your thumb strokes over the bare skin of his neck.
“Do you.. Need something?” You ask, and Hekiji’s fingers spasm in their grip on his knees. “Want something?” 
I need you, he thinks about saying. I need you to stay with me, to keep touching me. And want? I want more than I should. More than I will ever allow myself to ask for. Unthinking, he starts to loosen his hold on himself. “Not… need,” he says, leaning into the way your hands are cradling his head, just to enjoy the feeling of your skin against his. Stubbornly, he keeps his eyes open, keeps them on your face. “I should be fine,” he adds, not even considering answering the question about his wants. Hekiji doesn’t know what all would come spilling out of his mouth. But his hands- they’re curling around your hips now, gentle, careful, even though he wants to hold tight, to squeeze. 
“Should be?” You ask, and your lips part and Hekiji desperately wants to know what you feel like, taste like. Perhaps he should tell you how he feels. Perhaps he should ask about your feelings, just to be absolutely sur-
His door slams open, bouncing off the wall hard enough to leave a dent in the plaster, and it’s only sheer willpower that keeps Hekiji from pushing you away or yanking you closer. His grip tightens, but the two of you stay exactly where you are. A tall, tall figure fills the doorway, and then raucous laughter grates on Hekiji’s ears, finally bringing you to turn your head and look at the intruder. Hekiji leans to the side to peer around you, barely breathing.
“Came to meet my partner,” the man- Rappa, Hekiji realizes- says. “Should have put up a sock or something if you didn’t want to be bothered. Unless you like this kind of-”
“Thank you,” Hekiji interrupts, wishing he didn’t have to let go. He breathes out, knowing he shouldn’t hold onto his anger, as this is hardly the way he wants to begin things with his new partner. This is the entire reason Master Overhaul brought him here, he can’t start things out with vitriol. 
He spares you a sorry glance as he gets to his feet, but the air seems to flow more smoothly now, without the heat of you against him. “I fear your hard work has been undone,” he murmurs, quiet enough that he hopes only you can hear. 
“Perhaps we should try again later?” You ask, and the way you look at him, the warmth in your gaze, your tone- Hekiji watches you go with his heart in his throat, and even Rappa’s absolutely crude comments can’t bring down his mood. 
Despite his promise to Master Overhaul, and the commands he’s been given about Rappa, chief among Hekiji’s thoughts now are the way you’d looked that day. The parting of your lips, the way your pupils had expanded- just the thought has Hekiji’s blood racing through his veins, hands clenching tightly to his elbows, hidden by his voluminous sleeves. He’s less time with you now, and little space from Rappa in which to spend it.
He starts considering shirking his duties, leaving Rappa to his own devices, if only to spend an hour with you alone. Guilt weighs so heavily on him for the thought that he can barely look you in the eye. That would be the epitome of self indulgence, and you’ve done nothing of the sort. You keep to your duties, even amidst the smiles you send him when others aren’t looking. ...Would you think less of him for it?
A knock on his door in the early morning has Hekiji freezing. He’s barely dressed, and his mask is still sitting on his side table. He doesn’t have to wear it, not in the confines of his room, but it feels like he’s breaking a rule, opening his door without it. His face feels naked now, too bare, and when the door swings open to reveal your nervous face, Hekiji thinks he might choke. Truth be told, he’d assumed it would be Rappa on the other side, never mind that he rarely woke before Hekiji. But faced with you? All he can do is step back to let you in, murmuring your name like a prayer.
“I’ll get right to it,” you say quickly, trying not to fidget when Hekiji quietly closes the door. “You’re avoiding me,” you say, eyes lifting to meet his. Hekiji doesn’t even attempt to deny it. Despite his proclivity for lying to himself recently, he’s never had reason to lie to you, and he intends to keep it that way. “And I wanted to make sure that I hadn’t- That it wasn’t something I’ve done, or maybe sai-”
Hekiji ignores the quietly sharp voice in the back of his head that says he’s being selfish again. That he’s fallen prey to his own greed for you. He doesn’t care. There’s nothing that matters more to him in this moment than you. He reaches for your hands, relieved when you let him. 
“You’ve done nothing wrong,” he insists, heat filling his chest when he realizes how close you are. Cautiously, he releases his grip on one hand so he can stroke a knuckle along the line of your jaw. “I think of little else but you,” Hekiji finally confesses. “I promised myself that I wouldn’t forget what’s been asked of me. Master Overhaul-” Hekiji stops and takes a slow, deep breath. “Guilt has kept me away.”
You watch him closely, but the tension finally leaves the corners of your mouth. 
“...You can have both, I hope you know. I’ve never asked you to give up this,” you murmur, gesturing vaguely back towards the doorway. “Is guilt going to continue keeping you away?” You ask, leaning your cheek into his palm when he uncurls his fingers. Your eyes dart downward and for a moment he’s no idea what you’re looking at, not until he feels the smile growing on his face. You’re right, of course. Hekiji has no desire to give up his feelings for you, and you haven’t truly compromised his loyalties. You’ve placed no demands on him.
“No longer,” Hekiji reassures you, leaning forward until his forehead is pressed to yours. He shudders, still holding your hand, still cradling your face with gentle fingers. All he has to do is tilt his chin to kiss you, to close that distance that has felt like a yawning chasm for every moment he’s spent with you. “I promise,” he finally murmurs and presses a chaste, barely-there kiss against your lips before anyone can slam open his door or call either of your names. When the door stays closed, Hekiji leans in for another, relishing the sound of your laughter and your fingers in his hair. He doubts you’ve much time left before one or both of you are called out of the room - the morning is fast slipping away, but he kisses you while he can, heart soaring with the thought that he doesn’t have to stop yet, doesn’t have to bury the thought every time it crosses his mind.
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reading-hub · 5 years
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‼️ RULES ‼️
I’m mainly good at writing female/gender neutral pro noun reader.
❌ = requests are off/hiatus
pairings I can write:
M/M, M/F, F/F, M/F/M, F/F/F
NO SHIPS, CHARACTER X READER ONLY. I’ll accept polyships between the reader.
I accept fluff, smut, and angst. I’m also a pretty open blog so I don’t mind some dark/tabboo genre too, just ask first tho.
gun kink
piss play
blood play
any body fetishizes like feet for example
No loli shit. Period.
Scenario & Oneshots - character limit : 1
Headcannons - character limit : 3-4
Smut/Not Safe For Work - ex; missionary, blowjob, cunnilingus, fingering, wet dream, threesome, dry humping,
Angst - ex; injury, near death experience, hospital visit, abuse
Some Dark/Tabboo stuff - ex; MILF, voyerism, teacher/student, age difference, somnophilia, abuse, stockholm syndrome, dub-con
MY HERO ACADEMIA | Class 1-A (❌)
Deku 🥦 Midoriya Izuku
Shouto 🧊🔥 Shouto Todoroki
Dynamight 💥 Katsuki Bakugo
Jet Black Hero 🐦‍⬛ Fumikage Tokoyami
Red Riott 🧱 Eijirou Kirishima
Chargebolt ⚡️ Denki Kaminari
Ingenium ⚙️ Tenya Iida
Tentacle Hero 🐙 Menzo Shoji
Creati 🪆 Momo Yoyourozu
Earphone Jack 🎧 Kyouka Jirou
Uravity 🪐 Ochako Uraraka
Pinky 🩷 Mina Ashido
Froppy 🐸 Tsuyu Asui
MY HERO ACADEMIA | Class 1-B (❌)
Battle Fist ✊ Itsuka Kendou
Real Steel 🪨 Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Vine 🍇 Ibara Shiozaki
??? 🔩 Awase Yousetsu
Vantablack 🖤 Shihai Kororio
Shemage 🍄 Kinoko Komori
Spiral 🌪️ Sen Kaibara
All Might 💪 Yagi Toshinori
Eraserhead 🐈‍⬛ Shouta Aizawa
Present Mic 🔊 Hisashi Yamanda
Gang Orca 🐋 Kugo Sakamata
Lady Midnight 💋 Nemuri Kayama
Hawks 🪽 Keigo Tamaki
Ingenium ⚙️ Tensei Iida
Sea Hero 🦭 Selkie
Crimson Riot 🧨 ???
Dabi 🔥 Touya Todoroki
Tomura Shigaraki 🖐️ Tenko
Himiko Toga 🩸
Spinner 🦎 Shuichi Iguchi
Twice 📐 Jin Bubaigawara
Mr. Compress 🎭 Atsuhiro Sako
Kurogiri ☁️ ???
Giran 🥃 Kagero Okuta
Overhaul 😷 Kai Chisaki
Kendo Rappa 💪
Shin Nemoto 🐦 🔫
Toya Setsuno 🐦 🔪
Yu Hojo 🐦 💎
Deidoro Sakaki 🐦 🍾
Hekiji Tengai 🐦 🔮
Mustard 💣
Trumpet 💞 Koku Hanabata
MY HERO ACADEMIA | Other Characters
??? 🧶 Hitoshi Shinsou
Gale Force 🌪️ Inasa Yoarashi
Lemillion ☀️ Togata Mirio
Suneater 🐙 Tamaki Amajiki
Grand 💚 Yo Shindo
David Shield 💡
Taneo Tokuda 📸
Rody Soul 🐥
Just Dandy 🚀 He’s a Dandy Guy.. in space
Lord Momonga 💀 Ainz Ool Gown
Pandora’s Actor 🎭
Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix 👑
DRAGON BALL Z & SUPER | Z Fighterz (❌)
Son Goku 🥕
Vegeta 🥬
Piccolo 💚
Trunks Briefs 🗡️
Android 17 🤖
Yamcha 🍠 (he’s a Z fighter in my heart <3)
Raditz 🐒
Frieza 🧊
Perfect Cell 🦎
Cooler 🧊
King Cold ❄️
Zamasu 💚🖤 Goku Black
DRAGON BALL Z & SUPER | Gods of Destruction
Lord Vermound 🤡 Universe 11
Lord Beerus 🐈‍⬛ Universe 7
Lord Champa 🐈‍⬛ Universe 6
Lady Jerez 🫶 Universe 2
DRAGON BALL Z & SUPER | Kais’ & Angels
Marcarita 🪽 Cae 🍇 Universe 11
Mojito 🪽 Universe 9
Whis 🪽 Shin Kai 🍓 Universe 7
Vados 🪽 Universe 6
Cukatail 🪽 Universe 5
Conic 🪽 Kuru 🍊 Universe 4
Ea 🫐 Universe 3
Sawar 🪽 Universe 2
🪽 Grand Priest 🪽
DRAGON BALL Z & SUPER | Other Characters
Jaco 👽
Cabba 🥬
Hit 💜
Jiren 👽
King Vegeta 👑
Bane 💪 Eduardo Dorrace
Poison Ivy 🥀 Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley
Mad Hatter 🎩 Jervis Tech
Two Face 🎭 Harvey Dent
Killer Croc 🐊 Waylon Jones
Harley Quinn ♠️ Harleen Quinzel
Black Mask 👺 Roman Sioinis
Penguin 🐧 Oswald Cobblepot
The Riddler ❔ Edward Nigma
Catwoman 🐈‍⬛ Selena Kyle
Red Hood 🐦‍⬛ Jason Todd
Electronicutior ⚡️ Lester Buchinsky
Scarecrow 💀 Johnathan Crane
Joker 🃏
Starlord 💫 Peter Quill
Gamora 🪐
Rocket Raccoon 💥
Drax The Destroyer 🌪️
Mantis ✨
Nebula 🌙
Starhawk ☄️
Martinex 💎
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Whumptober 2023
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Day 21: "I love you so much, more than you know." [Reader x Rappa] {My Hero Academia}
Seeing you so abruptly while he was working worried Rappa. Yes, he knew you were a Pro Hero... that he would eventually hit a wall. The risk of running into ypu or getting outright arrested would raise so many eyebrows.
But you were the one person he desperately didn't want to fight.
It wasn't like he couldn't not fight you...
Well, he could. By all means, simply refusing to fight you would work. Not like the weirdo next to him would be able to force him to do anything. But he was also playing a dangerous game doing that, either looking like a traitor himself or making you look bad.
Or putting a target on you.
Other than that, it wasn't the worst idea Rappa had. Except... you were smarter than that. You'd see right through it and probably leave him. Not like he could blame you, but it wasn't fair either.
Rappa could just focus on the Fatty and the kid, but you weren't gonna be so kind. Managing to separate him and the weirdo barrier-making guy, this wasn't good. Normally you'd say something, but it was all fighting.
Pushing Rappa away from the area of effect was simple enough, without the barriers in the way and no physical quirk Rappa could easily say he didn't see you as a threat... at first.
After a little stunt like that, neither of you had a choice but to fight. Leaving the kid to knock out the guy Rappa couldn't care less about. With all... meaningful witnesses out of the way...
"[Name], wait!" Rappa held both hands up in surrender, "The kid could probably use some bandages, yeah?"
You stopped, glancing behind you. Fatgum was just plain confused, doing his best to ensure Red wpuld be alright. Rappa wouldn't hurt you and you knew that. But trusting him this quickly...
Relaxing, you got out of your own head. This was Rappa, he wouldn't fight beyond this. Fatgum would just... hopefully he would understand.
"Hey, [Name]. I gotta say something, alone."
Rappa pointed back into the room you'd just left. Despite Fatgum's side-eye, you nodded. Following Rappa out of earshot.
"I know this isn't the best situation... I shouldn't be here and all that." He said, "But I gotta tell ya. I love ya, so damn much. More than I probably should, definitely more than ya know."
"Rappa, after all this..." You sighed, "You should know that we can't be... we anymore. Helping someone keep a little girl for experimental drug-making isn't something anyone can overlook. And I... I can't wait for you. It won't look right, my whole career would be called into question--"
"Yeah, I know... and I'm sorry. But that doesn't change that I love ya."
"I know."
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quirkfics · 5 years
almost!october ficlet fest!
It’s September 23rd, and as I will be busy through October, I’m holding an early ficlet fest! Our character theme for this time around is:
What does this mean for you?  2 characters + reader! Any more characters when it comes to ficlet length would make things a bit of a jumble, and my goal is still to get things out at a steady pace. ⭐ Please do not spam requests for the same two characters! There are So Many of you, but I would still like it to be on the fairer end.  ⭐ Keep the two characters of your choice within the same age range! In other words, no All Might x Reader x Deku, or Aizawa x Shinsou x Reader. I will always write of age, or aged up characters, but between the teacher and student dynamics, and the age gap, I am simply not comfortable writing those. (If you have questions please feel free to ask! The worst I will do is apologize and say no!) ⭐ You can mix it up with hero x villain x reader ships! Much the same as the last rule though, they have to be of an age! Granted, I know we don’t have the ages of all the villains, but a rough estimate of close in age pairs would be Hawks x Dabi x Reader, or Fatgum x Reader x Rappa for example. ⭐ As always, these will feature a gender and body neutral reader! 
What kind of prompts, besides character-choice, am I talking? I have a list! Below you will find a list of 20 words! Choose a number or word from the list, your characters of choice, and send them on in! I will be accepting 25 requests only, because I am lengthening the ficlets to 300 words!
I’ll let you know as soon as there are 25 requests that qualify! If any are sent in after I hit 25, sadly I won’t be responding to them. If I haven’t responded or let you know that something doesn’t qualify, it’s likely I needed a break or food, or I have some other life thing in the way. (I’ll get to it, I promise.) 
There we go! If you have other questions, please send them on in and I will answer them promptly, remember my rules, and have fun! I’m looking forward to writing for you! 💖 And now, the list!
1. hold 2. slow 3. warmth 4. strain 5. clothes  6. mess 7. alone 8. shock 9. bed 10. new 11. linger 12. hear 13. attached 14. late 15. catch 16. sharp 17. hope 18. risk 19. remember 20. compromise
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quirkfics · 5 years
Annnnd the winner is:
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300 word ficlet length, with a cap of 25 ficlets!
Due to the limited number of ficlets, I won’t be putting up the word prompt list until my morning has slowed down on the 23rd (roughly 8:30 AM PST). 
If you missed the last post, the theme for this ficlet fest will be: Polyamory aka: 2 characters + reader! Any more characters when it comes to ficlet length would make things a bit of a jumble, and my goal is still to get things out at a steady pace.
Parameters, seeing as I had a day to think about them: ⭐ Please do not spam requests for the same two characters! There are So Many of you, but I would still like it to be on the fairer end. ⭐ Keep the two characters of your choice within the same age range! In other words, no All Might x Reader x Deku, or Aizawa x Shinsou x Reader. I will always write of age, or aged up characters, but between the teacher and student dynamics, and the age gap, I am simply not comfortable writing those. (If you have questions please feel free to ask! The worst I will do is apologize and say no!) ⭐ You can mix it up with hero x villain x reader ships! Much the same as the last rule though, they have to be of an age! Granted, I know we don’t have the ages of all the villains, but a rough estimate of close in age pairs would be Hawks x Dabi x Reader, or Fatgum x Reader x Rappa for example. ⭐ As always, these will feature a gender and body neutral reader! 
Other than that? I’m looking forward to writing some polyships! And seriously, if you have questions about it, or want to check that a ship is a-ok to request, feel free! I am a very easy going person, lol.
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