#i dont equate your love of fiction with reality
neopuppy · 5 days
sooo question for you, I'm the anon who rants back and forth w you about THAT ssng and your responses are so satisfying I feel so seen by another normal(are we normal?) stan who understands boundaries and has a life. When I see artists irl I completely separate them from any of the contents I've seen, fics I've read or even their own group dynamics. No idea why this happens, I just suddenly see them as performers only and forget anything I know about them and if I think about it too deeply while watching a concert I start to panic a bit lmao so in my head your characters are literally your characters with their own personalities, imaginary settings, hair, outfits, etc etc. the actual person you pick as the character is just a visual reference in my head. But since YOU are the one who writes them how do you feel when you see these people irl? Are they sort of just visual muses or do you connect them to your characters more deeply? (srry for the mini rant im curious about the creative process)
as for us being normal, I mean who is? I’m definitely not but I believe in like treat people the way you want to be treated.
personally I do not enjoying being stalked as I have been a victim of that more than a couple of times and I would not stalk someone in return. I think there are just certain instances that we need to respect basic human boundaries. I equate these ssngs to like….rude customers. when I used to work retail there would be people who would come in and say shit like ‘well I spend $$$$ this much here! and I demand to be treated like a queen!!’(exaggeration but basically). ‘I will be taking my business elsewhere!!’ girl, fucking do that then😂 these are basically ssngs, they’re Karens if you think about it…..just look at this riize situation, most Karen ass organized riot I have ever seen.
for me, I would never go to anyones place of work acting like that😭 why would I do that with kpop? its crazy bc I have kept my distance from most fans online and idk I gave a few here and there a chance to be friends after I started posting on here bc they seemed chill but man was I wrong. all for these mfs are weird as fuck. most of it boils down to jealousy too, like girl I will not be jealous of fans. these idols have real S/O’s theyre in love with in reality, my last concern is a fan that gets cute ‘y/n moments’ or stalks my bias😂 people have their priorities alllll wrong.
anyway, that being said I think I resonate with what you said, I dont attach these fics and characters I create to the real idols. like I do fully believe a lot of people do do this, which is….concerning, but this is FICTION, I do not know these people😭
oomf told me before she cant believe the way I write Jeno given how nice he has been to me irl and I’m like girl????? my irl experiences with idols has nothing to do with my fics????😂
I think this is a good example of this bc I have read Jungkook do the most deranged shit in fanfics…like I cannot even get into it. the fics I have read are SO incredibly fucking good too and its just just pure insanity but ofc he gets written VERY alpha/daddy a lot(he isn’t the reigning number 1 ao3 alpha for nothing), so you know….I think this image gets painted onto him quite easily. I watched Are You Sure?(jikook reality show, aka BL) and like….I think people forget he is 26(during show, 27 now). he is the bts baby, maknae, little guy. like yes that IS daddy, but also thats an immature little baby😭😭 HE CAN BE BOTH!!! VERSATILE!!!!! and in reality I am usually screaming abt how he’s so baby star candy, my big giant tattooed vaping baby :/ bfnensnsmxn he’s lived a LIFE but he’s nowhere near that guy in fics🤣🤣🤣 HE’S NO DOM CEO DADDY IN ACTUALITY IM SORRY HE’S NOT……Jungkook is actually baby girl, unlike Jeno. and yet I would never write him that way either, and there is no fic out of the 1000s I have read that I can say ‘oh that is Jungkook.’ BC I MAY HAVE SEEN THAT MANS NUCLEUS BY NOW BUT *I* DO *NOT* *KNOW!!!!!* HIM!!!!!!! and neither do any of these other fic writers, period!!!! NO ONE KNOWS THESE MEN, DOESNT MATTER HOW MANY FANCALLS UR LOSER ASS SPENDS $1000s ON!!!!😂
when I see these idols inperson and have my interactions with them fic is the furthest thing from my mind. these fics are just for fun, bc despite what chronically online stans want you to believe- we do not need to be streaming 24/7!!!!
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quirkfics · 5 years
Annnnd the winner is:
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300 word ficlet length, with a cap of 25 ficlets!
Due to the limited number of ficlets, I won’t be putting up the word prompt list until my morning has slowed down on the 23rd (roughly 8:30 AM PST). 
If you missed the last post, the theme for this ficlet fest will be: Polyamory aka: 2 characters + reader! Any more characters when it comes to ficlet length would make things a bit of a jumble, and my goal is still to get things out at a steady pace.
Parameters, seeing as I had a day to think about them: ⭐ Please do not spam requests for the same two characters! There are So Many of you, but I would still like it to be on the fairer end. ⭐ Keep the two characters of your choice within the same age range! In other words, no All Might x Reader x Deku, or Aizawa x Shinsou x Reader. I will always write of age, or aged up characters, but between the teacher and student dynamics, and the age gap, I am simply not comfortable writing those. (If you have questions please feel free to ask! The worst I will do is apologize and say no!) ⭐ You can mix it up with hero x villain x reader ships! Much the same as the last rule though, they have to be of an age! Granted, I know we don’t have the ages of all the villains, but a rough estimate of close in age pairs would be Hawks x Dabi x Reader, or Fatgum x Reader x Rappa for example. ⭐ As always, these will feature a gender and body neutral reader! 
Other than that? I’m looking forward to writing some polyships! And seriously, if you have questions about it, or want to check that a ship is a-ok to request, feel free! I am a very easy going person, lol.
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hyperfixationspam · 2 years
ok im just gonna give a summary of my opinion on the situation re ofmd and historical stede bonnet. not bc i think my opinion matters but just so ppl know and if anybody wants to unfollow they can
basically i think it was a shitty ignorant decision but it was likely made in good faith. im pretty sure what happened was that david jenkins thought "haha wouldnt it be cool if i named some characters after real pirates like a cute little reference" and just... didnt analyze that any further. like this is the guy who said he doesnt care about pirates and refused to look up when pinocchio was written. the producer read one sentence on wikipedia and closed it forever. knowing the shows approach to historical accuracy as a whole, he probably just went with his standard "who cares im not doing research" approach which. sometimes works! and in this case it very much doesnt! like im all for 1700s leather jackets but like maybe when it comes to fucking SLAVERY just think about it a little more before you decide its not relevant to the story so it doesnt matter?
my main concern is HOW DID NO ONE POINT THIS OUT TO HIM. the writers room is like. half poc if im not mistaken. and within the show itself racial issues are handled decently. so why did no one say "hey can we change the characters names?" bc thats literally it thats all it wouldve taken. best case scenario no one else thought to look it up. worst case scenario someone did point it out and got shut down. if something comes out that thats the case, then thats a whole different situation. but for now im leaning towards thinking that this was a snowball of laziness
and listen im very hesitant to declare ANY media "irredeemable" so i find it impossible to put a show where the main issue that the characters have insensitive names due to creator idiocy in that category. and as warranted as the criticism is... some of yall have no idea how to process gray areas. the show can be both progressive and problematic at the same time. bad things can be done with innocent intentions. and that goes for you too "we stan david jenkins he did nothing wrong shut up" crowd!!
but like its not really a fixable mistake bc like. its the characters names. how the fuck do you retcon that. you dont. i mainly think the best course of action is this. to the fandom: STOP FUCKING EQUATING THE CHARACTERS WITH THE HISTORICAL FIGURES. thats it!!! its very easy!!! just fucking separate reality from fiction as much as possible. dont even bring up the historical figures unless its to point out how awful they were. your blorbo isnt a slaveowner? cool stop fucking comparing him to one then
and for the show going forward? really the main thing is that david jenkins needs to apologize. if youre pissed about this, @ him on twitter. preferably politely bc no matter how justified it is pointed insults make ppls brains shut down from criticism. he really needs to understand that he fucked up on this one. i dont think hes a bad dude i think hes just an idiot with good intentions. ofc if he defends his decision or makes some passive aggressive apology this is all out the window. i dont know the dude, i cant say for sure whats up with him. but im leaning towards hanlons razor on this
there are also some little steps for the show to make. mainly straying even more from biography (which considering the way hes talking about it im 100% sure is going to happen to some extent, but the more the better). honestly just dont introduce any more characters with historical names unless theyre completely ~unproblematic~ which. idk if an unproblematic famous pirate actually existed but they can try. idk what was up with anne bonny
so tldr love the show bully david jenkins
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jejesart · 3 years
I'm trying to say your Valentine's comic is abit sus, cause if you're shipping a child with an adult i hope you notice what's wrong in that equation.
well.......... i guess you just have to live with the fact that i do know and still ship those two fictional people
now, if this questionable person may say something else
im not gonna lie, when i remember that akari was stated to be 15 years old i did think mmmm yeah thats uncomfortable. but i fell in love with volokari dynamic so i just rewrite this 'equation' you said to suit my taste. i age akari up in my head. i imagine them get together when they are older (they need time anyway, volo needs some serious fixing first lol). i headcanon volo to be in his late teens or early twenties so they don't have huge age gap (i dont mind age gap but its more to my taste if my ships are only 3-4 years apart). i imagine akari being 15 is only cyllene and everyone assuming because short people and people who look younger than they actually are exist, and so on. heck i can make akari actually an immortal or had transmuted her soul into a 15 year old body and got transported to hisui as punishment from arceus. and the best thing is i totally can do that because they are fictional people from a game, so i figure i can do whatever i want with them. i focus on their dynamic more, a deranged bastard that has lost his faith in the goodness of the world and then enter this one stranger into his world and somehow fill that void with love.
i am aware there are people who don't share my preference or don't bend the traits like i do. i am more than aware of the arts/fics that involve tropes that make me uncomfortable, and it definitely cannot be bent because it's the very essence of the arts/fics, like non-con or degradation (volokari has huge potential in that area, i sadly admit). since i know i won't feel good if i look at them i turn my eyes away from those things. i think people who create those contents fully aware that not everyone agrees with their creations but they still do it willingly, so i figure arguing with them will be just a huge waste of time. i work full-time and i have my life and family to take care. i'd rather tend to those things because they are what actually have effects to my life as a real human being.
if you actually read all of that then well. thank you lmao. i hope you consider my words a little. and i hope you get that (1) you just simply cannot control other people to suit your comfort, you're in control of what you immerse in but not what other people do. if you already see a bit and you don't like it then just stop (2) what people enjoy in fiction more often than not doesn't reflect what they agree to in reality (3) you literally nitpick over fictional things. if you have time to take issue with fictional things then realise this, there are real things outside your screen that need more of your attention. there is a world outside your window that you need to live in, like it or not. you better tend to those things rather than taking care of strangers on the internet that absolutely have no impact to your life and don't have place for you in their lives.
if you still want to argue some more (maybe you do enjoy arguing online), let's just agree to disagree for my mental health lmao
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cheylouwho · 4 years
irt what one anon just said, and like i kinda hold a diff opinion than you on some of this but not in such an extreme way i’d like fight u on it lmao just Would Like To Discuss/throw in my two cents for consideration, but i feel like framing matters a lot in these arguments about content. most (can’t say all as there are definitely exceptions) people aren’t saying its a direct like ‘see someone in movie kill people -> im gonna kill people now hehe’ influence when people talk about how media effects reality. its more about like why propoganda has been effective, where when you frame things as good/desirable/okay in subtle ways and that normalizes them as ideas. if a narrative is framing something as bad (ie how south park is satire and often shows lots of bad stuff but usually makes an attempt to point at how the bad stuff is Still Bad And Stupid) and just exploring the topic (such as with like. abusive/toxic/problematic ships, i dont think its fair to be like ‘none of that at all!’ bc there are interesting dynamics to explore and analyze that don’t romanticize it, and like thats totally cool!) like i have never had a problem with that. that doesn’t fall under the ‘media effects reality’ the same way because the point of that media isn’t to encourage that behaviour.
But a problem comes in when people romanticize that type of content and perpetuate bad stuff as being okay, and i’m not even saying censorship is the best answer, but if theres gonna be no censorship then there need to be a lot more safeguards to keep content like that away from kids on sites like ao3 which do also host pg content. if it was like an exclusively explicit/adult site then sure go buckwild my dudes, but when they have all ages content it really should be stricter about tagging requirements. because man i have seen so much untagged incest porn come up when looking for pg stuff not related to that AT ALL even with tags filtered (and not even for sp, ive been involved with other fandoms more recently and the one im talking about here is not even an adult-oriented series like sp is), and like I’m an adult who can deal with it but that shit is damaging for kids to be exposed to. like i still support ao3 as a website in general but i absolutely don’t think they’re beyond criticism, ya know?
Ok anon I really do respect and appreciate you come in here very calmly and opening a discussion and I will absolutely love to open a dialogue.
I will agree with you on the first part, yes it’s not black and white in any sense. I’m really fired up so I’m going to the other extreme but I do recognize that it’s not that simple. There absolutely is areas where it does become gray and it’s not as easy to say “all or nothing”. I wouldn’t say fiction Doesnt affect reality because there are aspects that do, but you are right that a lot of the time that statement is taken to the extreme and people completely equate it 1:1. Honestly I believe that as long as no real life person is being hurt and those safeguards are in place (proper tagging and warnings) like go wild. “Romanticizing” is a very opinion based statement too so it really does depend on the person on their interpretation of a work.
Ao3 does have policy about tagging works and using the proper rating system, so that is not a problem with Ao3 themselves but with the people misusing the platform. I agree, works need to be tagged properly or at least using the “chose not to use archive warnings” tag so people know things inside the fic are freegame. Ao3 *does* have the way to keep kids out, in the same way a porn site would- there is the warning about explicit content right before you click into a fic. If you click that button you are either Lying about your age or agreeing that you are okay to seeing the content. (also again my library argument, published books dont have that luxury). I don’t think it’s beyond criticism either and there are improvements being made all the time (again, it’s run by a team of dedicated volunteers) but ultimately calling for something to end that can be really truly avoided by not even looking at the website is the ultimate beef I have. I am all for improving the site and making that content easier to hide, or harder for minors to get into, but ultimately again a kid could go to the library, grab a book and read just about anything. I think in some ways ao3 is *better* in that sense. Not perfect, but something worth protecting.
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lillupon · 4 years
So, I've got a very long rant/opinion here and Idk really know how to say this without coming off kinda bad but I'm gonna say it anyways. I agree with the fact that the seventeen tag has been kinda dry lately on most fanfic places, but it's really only in the smut area. It's the sane way with other groups too I feel like. All of the nice little innocent tags are boomin to this day and thats completely fine. I think the smut tag is dry tho bc lately I feel like a few social issues (like sexualizing people and disrespecting them and their identity) have crossed over into kpop and have been ?blown out of proportion? Lately there's been a rampage of people who like to say that writing smut about someone is disgusting and is dehumanizing because people want to assume that it would make the idols uncomfortable which could equate to some morality issues on how you are reducing someone only to their body without their consent and a bunch of stuff like that. It kind of pisses me off bc this is fiction. About grown adults. Clamping down on horny people who simp over hot asian men isn't going to solve the issues we face in real life. I think a shit ton is wrong with the world we currently live in, and deciding to come after something that isn't even real bothers me. Like what does that actually accomplish. But yeah, I think thats a reason why smut has been dying down. I mean, on youtube almost every video about unpopular opinions, or things they dont like about kpop will include something about shipping idols in fanfics. And then everyone in the comment section will talk about how its all fine and dandy in moderation, but once people start writing smut it's crossing the idols personal boundaries. It's something I've been seeing a lot more often and I think people who are interested in writing smut are being turned away from it bc we've gotten to a point where people are being called disgusting for having fantasies.
Hi Anon, thank you for sending in this Ask. 
I want to preface this by saying: when I write or talk about Mingyu and Wonwoo fucking on my blog, it is a fantasy. I am not speculating about what the real Mingyu and Wonwoo might be like in bed. I am imagining the versions of Mingyu and Wonwoo that I have created in my head, that exist only in my stories. None of it is real. I understand that this can be a blurry boundary for some people. But for me, the separation between fantasy and reality is well-defined. Now, on to your Ask!
You’ve hit the nail on the head with this one. You’ve also touched on many of the issues I have been struggling with myself as of late. It’s difficult to argue about morals since everyone has a different set of values, as well as different comfort levels. Some people think real person fiction (RPF) is a gross invasion of privacy. Others are fine with it. And others don’t care one way or another. There is no single answer; I can only offer my answer. Which means, of course, people are welcome to disagree with it, or parts of it. 
In this essay (LOL But forreal: this is an essay), I will be sharing my experience in the k-pop fanfic community from 2014 to present, the etiquette I personally abide by as a reader and writer of RPF, as well as my stance on RPF in general.
I started reading and posting fanfics back in 2014/2015 on a website called AsianFanfics (AFF). Obviously, no one on that site had a problem with RPF, since AFF is a platform made specifically for sharing stories about Asian celebrities. For many years, I read and enjoyed RPF with zero guilt. I scribbled away by myself in my own corner of fandom and curated my own content. I didn’t interact much with other fans, readers, or writers. I didn’t have a Twitter, and I only used tumblr to reblog memes. As a result, I’ve been able to avoid a lot of anti-shipping discourse, as well as purity and cancel culture. I had no idea there were so many negative opinions about RPF. It wasn’t until I became active on the subreddit r/Fanfiction last year that I learned about all the discourse surrounding RPF. 
This newfound ‘awareness’ does make me feel guilty at times—but only because after mulling this over, I still don’t think this is something to feel guilty about.
Here’s what I remember, first and foremost, when I create and consume RPF: fanfics and my favourite ships are fictional, and fiction is fantasy. This is basic etiquette when it comes to RPF, and most people in the k-pop fandom understand this. Delusional fans exist, of course, but they are not representative of the entire k-pop community. 
Another point of etiquette is to keep fanfics within fandom spaces. I would never push my fics into celebrities’ faces, or go around claiming that my fanfics are accurate representations of a k-idol’s life or personality, in any way, shape, or form. I would also discourage directing ship-related questions to official accounts, or bringing them up during fansigns or other face-to-face interactions; I believe that in these instances, shipping does have the potential to strain real-life relationships.
So with basic etiquette out of the way, let me share my approach to RPF in general.
As much as we like to think we know our favourite celebrities, we really don’t. All we see is their public persona. And this public persona is intentionally controlled, managed, and curated by a team of people: directors, tabloids, editors, makeup artists, publicists, etc. How “real” are these celebrities? We are so distanced from them that they may as well be fictional.
I draw from the public persona that idols project, and I work them into my own writing. But at the end of the day, these personalities are my own interpretation. My interpretation is probably nothing like an idol’s actual personality. I just use the “public persona/character” that idols portray as inspiration for my own stories, which are set in wildly different universes.
More than anything, I think of k-pop idols as “actors” in my fic. You know how when you write an original novel, you scroll through Google images, looking for the perfect person to portray your original character? RPF is literally that, except you might build upon pre-existing dynamics and personalities.
When it comes to explicit fanfiction, two main concerns are prevalent: one of consent, and one of sexualisation.
If we argue against explicit RPF due to lack of consent, we should be willing to apply the same lens to all explicit works. How do we know that the creator of a movie, book, series, etc., is okay with us using their characters in our stories, explicit or not? We don’t. Perhaps some creators encourage fanfiction, but don’t want their lovingly crafted characters engaging in sexual acts or experiencing trauma. We just don’t know. I feel this line is even more blurred when we talk about characters from movies or TV series.
Let’s take Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, as portrayed by Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, from the Captain America movies as an example. I am willing to bet that when people consume and create explicit fanfiction about Steve and Bucky, they are imagining Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan in their heads. I doubt many people are imagining the 2D cartoon versions of Steve and Bucky, even though they’re technically the exact same characters. Why? Well, it could be because movies are more readily and easily consumed than comics, and so people are unfamiliar with comic book Steve and Bucky. But it might also be because fans find Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan attractive. Is this really any different from RPF, where fic authors make up everything about a celebrity’s life?  
When readers and writers of fanfic talk about how hot Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes is, those comments are about Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan’s bodies. When reading explicit stories, fans are going to picture Chris and Sebastian’s bodies in their head, doing sexual things. Can we say, “Well, it’s not really you, Chris/Sebastian”, when in a way, it is?
The reality is, people are going to thirst over celebrities, regardless of whether or not explicit fanfiction exists. They’re going to post thirst tweets on Twitter. They’re going to talk to friends and strangers online about how hot [insert celebrity name here] is. They’re going to fantasize about dating and having sex with their favourite celebrity. Or, as it is in my case, they’re going to make up stories in their heads about their favourite idols dating and banging each other. People are going to do all of this without ‘getting consent’ from the celebrity. Cracking down upon and shaming writers of RPF isn’t going to change any of that.
To be honest, I’m not sure why people think it is disgusting to imagine sexual scenarios about real people. It is okay and normal to have these kinds of fantasies. I suppose the alternative is to fantasise about having sex with cartoon characters instead? It’s a very binary way of thinking to say that if you imagine/write real people in explicit scenarios, you are immediately sexualising, dehumanising, or objectifying them. There is more to dehumanisation than writing smut about our favourite celebrities. For one thing, you can love someone and appreciate all parts of them, and still want to fuck their brains out. And generally, fanfics come from a place of love—love that is not only sexual in nature.
Is it the sharing aspect inherent to fanfiction? The possibility that a celebrity might stumble upon explicit works about them? The chances are very low, I think, of the k-pop idols I enjoy writing about coming across my English fics. But I also believe in curating your own content, and that applies to celebrities too. Perhaps a celebrity should not go searching for fanfics about themselves. And of course, people should not show celebrities their fanfics, unless invited.
Another argument I hear against (explicit) RPF is, “How would you feel if someone wrote fanfiction about you?” First off, I don’t like this argument because there’s a difference between someone who decides to be a public figure versus someone who decides to remain a regular private citizen. Celebrities should and do know what they’re getting into when they choose their occupation. (This is not to say, “They are celebrities; sexualise them all you want because that’s what they signed up for.” Here, I am only acknowledging that people might have sexual fantasies about celebrities they are attracted to. Presumably, celebrities are cognizant of this.)  
If someone (whose existence I am not even aware of, mind you) decides they want to write explicit fanfiction of me in some tiny corner of the Internet, I wouldn’t care so long as: (1) they don’t shove it into my face, and (2) they don’t harass me and ask invasive questions about my personal life and relationships. It’s not hurting me or negatively affecting my life, so it wouldn’t even register as a blip on my radar. When fanfiction remains within its appropriate spaces, it is largely harmless. 
Now, if a k-pop idol were to ask their fans to stop writing fanfiction about them, would I? Yes, I would. However, I can’t imagine that happening. Judging by the number of ‘sexy’ concepts, fanservice moments, and variety shows such as ‘We Got Married’, I am certain that k-pop idols realise they are the stars of many fantasies—some of which are explicit in nature. Considering the prevalence of shipping in the k-pop industry, I would argue that shipping is subtly encouraged.
It’s sad that so many talented writers are shamed out of fandom, or feel that k-pop cannot be the medium through which they tell their stories, or explore their sexuality, or cope with trauma, or simply have fun. Professional works and Hollywood love their RPF—readers and writers of fanfics should be able to, as well. 
As you said Anon, “clamping down on horny people who simp over hot asian men isn't going to solve the issues we face in real life” (this is a lovely sentence, by the way). The kind of person who dehumanises another and reduces them to a sexual object will do so some other way, if not via fanfiction. I don’t think the issue of fetishisation can be fixed simply by telling people not to write explicit RPF. In my experience, people who read and write RPF are more respectful and thoughtful about these things than the general public. We’ve all seen the general public say highly sexual things about celebrities in the media and to their faces, or tag celebrities in their thirst tweets. Are these things less invasive than fanfiction? Personally, I don’t think so. And in my opinion, there are more pressing and damaging issues in stan culture than fanfic.
In conclusion, I don’t think there is anything wrong with creating and consuming RPF, both explicit and non-explicit so long as we:
Remember we are writing fiction
Keep RPF within its appropriate space, and
Do not harass celebrities about their personal lives and relationships
RPF is not for everyone. There may be people who enjoy RPF, but draw the line at explicit stories. This is fine. Everyone has their own personal preferences. What is not fine, however, is attacking people for creating things you don’t like. I’m not sure what kind of moral crusade people are on and what they hope to achieve by shaming writers of RPF, explicit or otherwise. Ultimately, fic authors are writing a fantasy. It’s not real; no one is being hurt. I think it’s important for people to curate their own content, and AO3 makes it very easy to filter out explicit works and unwanted tags. 
Maybe this is me trying to justify my own participation in explicit RPF—I don’t know. What I do know is that I love k-pop, and fandom is an important part of my media and entertainment experience. I adore the k-pop idols I write about, and I just want to imagine them being happy and getting lots of love and orgasms. Let a bitch be horny, goddamn… 
Some bonus fun facts!
At the time I am writing this, on AO3:
26.2% of Stray Kids fanfics are rated M or E
26.3% of Seventeen fanfics are rated M or E
29.0% of Merlin fanfics are rated M or E
34.9% of Captain America (Movies) fanfics are rated M or E
40.1% of BTS fanfics are rated M or E ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Coincidentally, I saw this post on Reddit this morning: Can we have a RPF positivity post?
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tartagilicious · 4 years
Tagged 🥥)) In that case id like a mlqc + hq matchups if possible 🥺 im 5’5 w an athletic build, i have very straight natural blonde hair, it’s currently dark brown, cut to about my cheekbones but its like choppy and a bit longer in the back. I dont have a style tbh i just wear comfortable clothes like hoodies and shorts. My personality types are 4w5 INTJ Aquarius; I get worn out after hanging out with large groups of people nonetheless i love hanging out with them,
Tagged 🥥)) tho I’ll mostly be glued to one person to whole time. Im friendly with everyone even if i dont like them, tho it takes a while for me to consider someone an actual friend. I need time for most everything i do; I hate rushing things- and deadlines, it stresses me. I’ll end this by saying thank you so much, I really appreciate you reading through this and taking the time to write matches for me!! 🧡🧡
me: yeah making matchups is just so draining for some reason idk
also me: writes an entire essay on why an anon is made for this fictional character
for mlqc, I’d match you with Shaw!
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- I headcanon shaw to be an ENTP, and while INTJs and ENTPs generally aren’t each other’s natural matches, they’re still a good pair nonetheless!
- being more of a half and half kind of pair, there are both notable and small differences in the way you either handle yourselves or just express things in general. but! in my opinion, the most important part of this pairing is the way that you’re able to fill in each other’s blanks —
- you mentioned that you get worn out in large groups but still love hanging out with them, which when being compared to an ENTP, is the opposite. that personality type enjoys being the leader, and for other outside reasons, I have absolutely no doubt that Shaw would love having you glued to his side for an entire night
- he’d pretend not to like it, when we all know he’d actually love it. a constant familiar presence is extremely comforting, especially in a crowded setting. imagine him silently holding your hand the entire night, and while he might talk to other people in the beginning, he ends up roped in a deep conversation with you for hours. 
- I feel like he would be so nice to talk to 🥺 he has a traumatic past, so he’s a bit more understanding of a lot of issues than a normal person probably would be, and. plus, in a relationship setting, he’d just be so appalled at the idea of his s/o having any type of past regret. you deserve to be happy and he’ll try his damn best to make sure that with him, you are. 
- we love silent pining!! that is actually not very silent at all!! shaw!!
- shaw, having adopted the tactic of being an asshole to push people away, doesn’t know whether to be jealous of your ability to be nice to everyone, or to resent it completely. I could see his teeth just grinding whenever you’re nice to someone you don’t really like, especially when you both know that if the roles were reversed, shaw would be on the run from the cops in 5 minutes or less
- but in actuality, I could see your personalities mixing really nicely. shaw, the more shameless and outgoing one, and you, someone who is probably on the more reserved side that doesn’t know how the hell someone like him roped you in. it’s like a magnetic force. 
- taking the example of you being stressed about deadlines, I can just imagine shaw’s silent affection when trying to help you out, because he isn’t really sure how to express affection, but he’ll try his best for you 🥺💞
- he’ll actively make sure you keep yourself on track if he knows you won’t. that one fic I wrote where he drops in through the window at like 10pm? it becomes a reality babey. shaw hates seeing you stressed, because it changes people. he doesn’t want the feeling of obligation to mould you like it did him.
- but onto the actual relationship quirks — when I say I want this- 😫
- his love language to you might look something like this: letting you take a break (or keep working!) while sitting in his arms on the couch while he naps silently over your shoulder. bringing you random drinks from a nearby cafe just because he saw you stressing. getting into the little habit of squeezing your hand three times for “I love you”  
- 🤲😳✨
(alternate match, lucien)
for haikyuu, I’d match you with Oikawa!
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- I was SO caught up in this you DO NOT understand — this was a life or death decision for me it had to make perfect sense and there was no going back. though, I’m not gonna get into mbti matches much this time, because there’s just so much raw material to get through
- now that my English teacher has possessed me, Oikawa ✨
- Oikawa’s mbti, I think, is ENFJ! you guys naturally compliment each other, and from the brief accounts I read from people in relationships of this match, you’re set for success. you both share the basic characteristics of being loyal, respectful (generally of privacy, boundaries, etc) and both being more of a leader type, are open to listening to the people around you.
- anyways, onto the more personal aspects of this relationship-
- I headcanon the Oikawa just craves a domestic type of relationship with someone where you can just be each other’s rocks. he wants someone that will always be there and notice if he’s in a bad mood, which, judging from your personality I think would be a great equation 🥺 you can be honest with each other, and that’s one of your greatest strengths. 
- he craves a storybook romance, so, his love language might be a bit different than yours, but I’m willing to bet that his cheesiness might be something that grows on you, if you don’t already like it. 
- he’ll go all-out for holidays like white day! but would you be able to tell the difference between a white day gift and a normal gift? maybe not. he’s extra for the people around him that are genuine 🥺
- taking what you said about not liking large groups of people but still finding yourself happy to be around them, Oikawa is the perfect subject for this. He enjoys being the centre of attention, and can often be found in a crowded place like this whether he means to or not. but, Oikawa is also the type of person to never forget about who’s beside him. even if people gravitate towards him, he’ll always keep you closest, and make it a point that he’ll never ignore you despite his popularity
- and UgHhH I CAN JUST IMAGINE HIS SURPRISE WHEN HE FINDS OUT HOW SIMILAR YOU ARE TO HIM IN THE WAY YOU MAKE FRIENDS. it may not be for the same reasons, but it just makes him feel justified that he’s not alone in taking a while to accept someone’s friendship
- I don’t know how old you are, anon, but when you mention deadlines I think of schoolwork, so let me tell you — Oikawa. You. The library. Him making a thoughtful schedule for the both of you during exam season, all for the sole purpose of making sure that you don’t get more stressed out than you need to be— 
- for the most part, Oikawa would literally be the perfect boyfriend. If he learned to integrate someone into his volleyball life, that is 😔 but don’t lose hope anon! your Oikawa is out there~
(alternate matches, osamu or kuroo)
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Wow did you see all that drama with those Rey and Ben shippers and John Boyega who plays Finn? Now I have nothing against them all but some of them took it too far. So what John doesn't like a ship, there is no need to abuse him with vicious racist slurs on social media and he snapped back posting a video of their terrible tweets with everyone to see than they started playing the victim card even though they are the ones who tagged him in their racism publicly, no one to blame but themselves.
Oh rlly? I didn’t see the latest saga, but I saw the part about how they called him sexist for shipping rey and finn, and being vaguely smutty, which I think is hypocritical for a fandom that shipped r/ylo and made a mc heroine’s journey all about a man. And they were not nonsexual either. I saw those conversations. They were mocking him for portraying what they saw as the losing side in a love triangle (but it wasn’t really a love triangle and they didn’t win it if it was.)
I didn’t see his video but I SO believe it. And I believe they attacked him with racist slurs and then played the victim.  I had a very similar experience in fandom on a much smaller level. I’m not famous, and I had nothing to do with the content created, but I also was attacked by a fandom of a “winning” ship in a shipwar whose fave then died. I have been called a lesbophobe... which is a very tricky thing because homophobia is wrong and the claim turns me into the bad guy, whether it’s true or not, the evil person, right? I’m the one who’s the bigot, according to that claim, and anything I do to defend myself is seen as evidence of of it being true, no matter my past history or present actions, and it was, in fact supported by straight up lies and misrepresentations. They did this by erasing my lived experience as a domestic abuse victim which I flat out told them from the very beginning of my critique. I was speaking as a abuse survivor on what I saw. They said no I was lying, that wasn’t real, i hated lesbians. And if it was real, I should be silent because lesbians were more important than abuse victims. And I also deserved my abuse and should die and couldn’t possibly understand the TRAUMA of seeing your fictional representation in fear for her life and having love be equated with pain (while being a DOMESTIC ABUSE VICTIM WHO HAD LITERALLY BEEN IN FEAR FOR HER LIFE WHERE LOVE=PAIN.) 
1. not true. 
2. invalidating the trauma and experience of domestic abuse. 
3. Silencing and re-victimizing the victim, not just denying the abuse happened but then adding to the abuse. 
So like they attacked JB for being sexist, and then go after him for what they perceive as his weakness/character flaw. being black. They try to silence him (to which he’s like, no i don’t think so) and destroy his character by making him the villain. Using his race as the weapon. 
I mean. I mean. What could they be thinking? 
Why would they say shit like that? 
So, I don’t have a very good opinion of fandom. Some of fandom is fantastic. There’s no where else I can talk about my super geeky love of literary analysis and symbolism in freaking science fiction and fantasy (my literary nerds don’t get genre stuff and my sff nerds are not really interested in the literary analysis obsession.) It has been a delight and a privilege to be able to con y’all into doing academic literary analysis for fun, like I enjoy. I mean. It’s not a con. I tell you what I’m doing, let’s call it a “seduction.” lol. It’s also great to find people like you especially if you’re in a place where you dont’ have a supportive community. It’s amazing for creativity and fanworks. 
BUT fandom can be like a pack of hyenas. People who want power flock to this world, the internet anonymity, the power to gatekeep, the lack of self freaking reflection, this misapprehension that they can create canon to fit their preferences and fancies and whatever they say is real, and the fandom that shouts the others down the loudest is the one who gets to say what canon means.
To that I say POPPYCOCK!
Canon is canon, bitch. You dont’ get to control it because you have the biggest girl gang with the fastest hot rod. This is not Grease. 
Those people attacking JB, being racist? They may think their ad hominem attacks give them control over him (like they thought calling me demon gave them control over me [hint: it didn’t]) but what it really does is reveal their OWN lack of character. 
First it makes it obvious that they can’t separate fantasy from reality. 
Second it shows their obsessions are out of control. (take a break kids) 
Third it shows that they cannot discuss canon or argue their point with logic or evidence so they resort to non-relevant personal attacks, which means that either their position HAS no evidence to support it or they are not good enough at debating to defend their argument. 
Fourth it shows THAT THEY ARE RACIST!!!! You don’t use a person’s race to drag them unless you think that race is inferior. A person’s race is not a character trait, y’all. This attitude is RACIST. and if you didn’t mean to be racist but went along with the loudest voices who are racist... YOU ARE STILL RACIST. Maybe not in the lynching way. Maybe just in the Nice White Lady (NWL) way, which is STILL RACIST. Those are the kind of people who think black people should stay in their place and sit on the back of the bus and say please and thank you when people are being racist to them, and always consider their NWL feelings when criticizing them because no one should ever make them feel sad for being racist. Not that they want to STOP being racist, just that they don’t want to feel sad about it so please don’t mention their racism, and while we’re at it, don’t disagree with them. Please and thank you, oh aren’t you a nice POC. You’re one of the nice ones.* 
Listen. Fandom may be fun and we may feel like we’ve found a home here, but do not EVER be uncritical of fandom. It IS NOT a safe place. Not only can you be the target of racism and harassment and abuse and targeting, but you can also be the victim of people who are intentionally trying to manipulate you into following them and their agenda. Maybe their agenda is just to have more followers who love them, but maybe their agenda is to spread their toxic ideas and destabilize the very communities that are supportive to people who are marginalized. 
To be truthful, watching the Star Wars fandom become this toxic clusterfuck ever since TFA came out was what made me realized my experience in fandom wasn’t personal or isolated, but was in fact a FEATURE of fandom, not a bug. 
Y’all life does not have to be like that. And neither does fandom.
*this is sarcasm. NWLs expecting niceness when people are racially oppressed IS STILL RACIST.
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herecomesnaya · 6 years
I tried defending myself about liking underage fics to someone, they said my argument is too black and white and dont make sense like, "i really do not care if it’s fictional bc someone enjoying that kinda content must be based off smth, u must get that idea from somewhere, and i think that’s really sick. that’s normalizing sexualizing children man, it’s so wrong. 1/2
"that’s normalizing sexualizing children man, it’s so wrong. u can’t say fiction and real life are two completely separate entities bc fictional elements are based off of reality!!!!!! and u really thought u said sumn with the horror movie example huh? who or what are u rooting for when u watch horror movies? bc i personally want the ppl to survive. are u reading underage fics bc u want the minors to escape the abusive relationship?" 2/3 rather
"also, not to get to close to u but what do u think ur boss or co-workers or whomever would think if they found out about u enjoying this kinda content? bc that answer should tell u enough about how problematic it is. hope u understand better !" it's bc i had made an example bc i work at an ngo to stop pedophiles from harming children but i read underage fics she rlly said this wow im
undefeatable logic here: the person’s irl career invalidated by their fictional preferences, the same way doctors aren’t allowed to watch horror movies because then they’re promoting grievous injuries
someone’s being too black-and-white here, but it’s not you, anon. enjoying fictional content isn’t, and has never been, a 1:1 “we consume the content we wish we were personally engaged in.” there are a million reasons a person might watch horror movies, just like there are a million reasons a person might want to write underage fics. it’s not “I want to see people escape a murderer” vs. “I want to watch people die,” and it’s not “I want to read about a fictional child being victimized” vs. “I want to see victimized fictional children escape their circumstances.”
I’ve told this story before, but I’ll say it again now. when I was younger, I was terrified of horror movies, to the point of not being able to be in the room if one was playing. I spent more than one Halloween locked in my bathroom, crying my eyes out because there were too many people outside wearing Ghostface masks. I was a far cry from the horror fanatic, Halloween-loving gore writer I am today!
I made a decision at a certain point to consume the media I was most afraid of, like a vaccine against that terror that made it so hard for me to function when I was a kid. horror lets me safely explore the worst-case scenario. it lets me think more about a character’s personality when I can see them at their lowest, what they might do if they’re running from a murderer or trying to escape a torture dungeon. I can dip my toes into that world and rest assured that the safety of real life is waiting for me when I get back.
I hear that person saying “they’re not the same,” so let me address the elephant in the room: sex.
so, yeah, I like horror for all the reasons I listed above. I also like guro, and noncon, and all those other ugly things when it comes to fic and smut. sexualizing horror was another way for me to own that fear, to mold it into something positive instead of negative (you hear a similar thing with rape victims who start to enjoy noncon, etc.). of course I’m still disgusted by the idea of any of that stuff in real life, but in a purely fictional context, it’s a welcome release from day-to-day anxieties.
there are people out there who like things that we can’t even dream of, for reasons we will never understand, reasons that make perfect sense for the person behind them. so much goes into human sexuality, from our formative years all the way through our lives. it’s impossible to break it down into a right-or-wrong, “this is how it works” sort of equation.
so how does this translate to fiction? take Mirror Mask. for me, that series is an exploration into the different outcomes of CSA and rape, with Dick representing hypersexuality and Jason representing sexual aversion. it’s not the Entire Point of the fic, but it’s one of many examples I could give of why I write those things for reasons that aren’t “I like the idea of kids being raped hurrrdurdurdur.” (which I don’t, at all. it disgusts me. but this? ain’t it, chief)
what matters is that you know the difference between your personal preferences and how things should be in the real world. hell, you actively make a difference to real victims, which is more than most antis on this site can say. bullying does nothing but make the person doing it feel powerful. I’d ask that person to examine why they feel the need to “make a difference” by targeting small fandom creators (who are mostly queer/female/people who are mistaken for female) instead of the adult cishet men who made the world this way.
feel free to share this with them, or anyone else you might get into these debates with. sorry I went on for so long, and I hope it helped!
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aba-ridemerenji · 6 years
people always want to know these fictional characters' kinks, but what are YOURS 👀
ANON THIS IS SO SWEET????? Nobody ever asks me what I like (and i don’t expect them to, this is a Bleach imagines blog). Thank u for asking, baby angel! This is going to be VERY NSFW and TMI.
There are... a lot. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but like… I can only be so vulnerable at any one time ok
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CREAMPIES – it’s not the idea of getting pregnant, so much as the, er, substance and the feeling of being stuffed like a double stuffed oreo
since we’re on the topic of being stuffed, big dicks. thick dicks. Just the THOUGHT of being stretched out by a fat one is 👌 (I’m not trying to be a size queen, dont get me wrong, too big with too little prep is a nightmare but when its good, ITS GOOD)
Also one with a very pronounced head ridge? Does that make sense? For me, I can definitely feel a defined corona inside
Say it with me kids: arms and shoulders, arms and shoulders, put my legs on your shoulders
Also juicy tiddies. Give me a pair of hairy bara tiddies and I will want to immediately squeeeeze / sink my teeth into them. This is like half sexual, half asmr/stim(is that the right word??)? You know how people like squishing stress balls? Or slime? This is me with pecs.
Also I’m a lot rougher with pecs, like i feel like they can really take a good kneading/smushing, but boobies, soft and squishy as they are, feel more delicate? I mean I wouldn’t want anyone to touch mine the way I manhandle guy tiddies.
I like to think that I’m some strong independent woman, and I am! But I (mistakenly, I know) equate that with being a dom, and on principle, i don’t want to be a submissive, I want to be that bitch with a whip in one hand and the cock of a drooly, begging mess of a man in the other
but idk who i’m kidding because one time i SHOOK HANDS with a person who was the very definition of a big titty bara daddy IRL, and felt lightheaded for like a good 10 mins afterwards
Thick boys are just so… so solid. And I don’t mean just muscular – if they have a good amount of CHUNK to them on top of the muscle oh my god
And when the person i’m with can command my respect ahhhh it does things to me. Not the insistent, “do what i say” tantrum brand of bossy. I’m talking clear instructions. Fire behind a calm, even tone. Sure of himself. No waffling.
If he’s like this AND he thick?
Im weak yall
Ya anyway idk if that bit about chonky muscular boys qualifies as a kink but I just really needed yall to know how I feel about them.
Super bonus if they tall
Ok i know the tall thing is basic but tall + chonky = love. I just love feeling tiny ok
And yes this also goes hand in hand with liking big dicks
Big buff guys who look really MEAN are also so my type?? If you look jacked af and pissed as hell about it, I will literally do whatever you want (as long as you’re actually a good person and not an asshole)
Also romantic sex ahhhhhhhh its the best my kink is love
I’m also not mad at period sex. It’s usually a good time
Idk if its a breast kink if it’s MY breasts involved, but when a guy plays with my nipples i go from 0-100 real quick
In conclusion, a lot of this is mental, as sex usually is. Even if my experiences with my kinks have not all been positive in reality, the fantasy of it definitely does it for me.
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skychaser787 · 6 years
180608 - Thoughts that came to my mind after reading John Green’s Turtle All the Way Down
[I actually finished the novel a few days back on my flight back from Stockholm to Paris. Here’s what i wrote in my phone’s note after finishing the series.]
"I felt a sliver of what must have driven Davis to astronomy. There was a kind of relief in having your own smallness laid bare before you". Doreen said during astronite 2015 how she liked astronomy because when being faced with the grand scheme of things, all her troubles, all her worries and all herself just feels insignificant. And how it felt calming for her. I thought that i didn't feel the same way. I always thought that i was attracted to astronomy because i marvel the grand scheme of things and don't think of myself as being insignificant. But then i realized how i never put myself in the equation, that i don't even think that i exist. That thought and moral burden of actually being able to claim yourself as someone, or even as a thing in this grandiosity seems too much for me. Thinking back, would i even have the rights to say that it would make me feel insignificant and that all these bad things in life doesn't matter? Because you are obviously insignificant at the first place, you are nonexistent in the grand scheme of things, and you don't even have the right to feel, the good and the bad.
Hugo told me how he found John Green's novel are sensible - that his sensibility made him rediscover the joy of reading. Ah Hugo’s always the poetic and artistic kind. For me i just think that his novels are very honest and relatable. I like how everytime i read a new novel or a new series, i would keep trying to convince myself that the character is me, or forcing that imagination that a character is an accurate depiction of myself and my life. Well of course the resemblance can only reach as high as 80& in some series.. (be it personality, interests or how we share the same thought process.) Tho it occurs to me... if many teenagers do relate to such novels, and there is such universality in his theme that everyone can relate to, and if these work of fiction are based on real story... why was it so hard for me to find someone who thinks the same way, who feels the same way as i do? Of course fiction is not real life and my own eccentricity won't make reality easier. But i do wonder how many people out there think & feel the same way as i do... how many people out there that i could have been friends with in a parallel universe?
Frankly speaking it feels weird reading these novels aimed for 13-17 years old as a 20 years old and find it still largely relatable. I mean research did show that adolescence only ends at 24, but on the other hand have i not grown up? Have i not become more mature? Even though maturity is overrated but am i still trapped in the mind of the naïve, adolescent self? Granted i skipped 2 years of my adolescent life... i somehow managed to convince myself, mentally that i was not growing up at the age of 13. Thus tbh it felt that my 14 and 15 was nonexistent. (It wasn't until i was 16 that i thought it's better for me to just grow up but anw) it's weird how i can mentally manipulate myself that it alters my perception of time and past self... (am i insane yet?). When novels mentioned that a character is 14 or 15 of age i could not really relate because i have erased that life period in my life. And i guess emotionally that made me mature 2 years later than everyone... everyone was being their childish self at sec 1 and 2 but i was still being depressed and suicidal. Everyone was starting to be more mature and had a sense of identity at sec 3 and 4 but i was still in my rebelious phase, being an immature prick. Everyone settled down, being leaders, charismatic people and proper young adults in jc, but there i was, still trying to figure out my sense of identity and had no confidence in my life. Now in uni everyone has clear, specific, one life goal but here i am, as if i were still in my explorative stage. Not that i dont have any concrete life goals but it's just that i have too many interests and i am not willing to sacrifice one for another (i'm pretty sure we are called a multipotentialite or sth...). And now here i am, still writing tumblr posts, ranting about myself at the age of 20 where most people would have done this when they're still 16 and are done and over with it by the time they're 18. As much as "age is a number", how "youth is overrated" and "we are all still kids at heart' goes, you can't help but to succumb to societal pressures and expectations at times. Even though you have come to the realization that life is your own race and that you should only compare against yourself and not for other people, and thought that you have figured out the healthy balance of comparing yourself against others and yourself, i guess i was too focused in doing it in academic setting and not other domains in life. Even though i might just be talking about emotional maturity, specifically.
One thing that i wish people mentioned if there was some sort of guidebook on how to grow up for young people who came from difficult background.. was that transition phase. Sure you will find friends that care about you nonetheless, sure you will eventually create your own support circle. But then that part of your brain just decided that your life gets too comfortable and you need to restart and rechallenge yourself and you found yourself eventually feeling loss and lonely. In that novel davis said that he felt really lonely most of the time. I understand loneliness. I'm living it. Yet when i was 16, and even though i was supposed to feel alone and lonely, i didnt feel it as i've never had anything to begin with. It wasn't until i had people who cared about me, until i had friends, and after some other turbulent life events that changed some people, and had it all taken away from me that i've discovered the real loneliness. And yet bizzarely when we were going through puberty somehow these hormones just wreck a havoc on your brain and made you be able to feel, think and do the unimaginable. Not now that i'm 20. Have i lost that spark? That adventurous feel that i used to had? Like how i was lonely and depressed but my mind managed to find other things to care about more instead and occupy me with "deep life questions" and i can just pass off my loneliness as me being an introvert?
Reminds me also how i used to really hate confident people. I hated them, i loathed them. How could one be so comfortable with themselves and project their self to other people while there i was, hating every single bit of myself and unable to love myself. I hated how people can think that they deserve to be loved or can be loved. How can one be so self centred and arrogant to think that they can be loved by others... Though frankly, after 2 years in jc and meeting my first ex i became less cynnical to that. Thus i hated you, (that cute prc senior scholar in green) but i respected jiaqi, doreen, jiaen, freda and minghui
Some people reacts to domestic violence, turbulent childhood and early adolescence, as well as abusive parents differently. Some are angered, became strong and will do anything for vengeance. Some crumbled down and cry and became depressive and suicidal. I hate that i was the latter. Add to that the toxic masculinity, conservative gender role expectations and how boys are always expected to be strong and rough, i hated myself even more then...
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