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gloomaparty · 2 years
Happy B-Day Raph
Had to do a little something for my fave turtle, cant get enough of this guy (guys?)
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tmntjester · 1 year
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All of my OC's+partners 🥰🥰🥰🥰 In order:
Raphma (Raphael+Noma) ❤️🐺 Janetello (Jane+Donatello) 🦌💜 Leanni (Leonardo+Xanni) 💙꒰(˶• ᴗ •˶)꒱ Charkey (Charlie(aka: Rat-Bastard)+Mikey) 🕶️🧡
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merry Raphmas
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allysia · 5 years
Raph: Draxum can make fun of me all he wants. At the end of the day, only one of us is dating someone beautiful.
Emma: Yeah? Who's this beauty that Draxum is dating?
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tmntjester · 10 months
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They have two wolves inside of her; Wolf Teeth
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tmntjester · 1 year
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tmntjester · 1 year
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LINE-ART!!! Of the Power-Couple™
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tmntjester · 6 months
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Noma, the white wolves, she's so cute 🥰💕💕 but they're so tired after a night of clubbing 🥺Gods, she's so fucking pretty 💖
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allysia · 5 years
Raphma Headcanons #2
- Splinter lets them have the TV once a month for date night.
- The grab snacks and stream movies for the night, and the others try not to interrupt their time. 
- Every other time, they stream a Lou Jitsu movie, since they’re Raph’s favorite and she hasn’t seen most of them 
- Emma watches the others casually with the whole group, but the more romantic ones (when Lou has to work with a love interest) they save for date night
- Emma like to watch the newer movies on Netflix (Dumplin’, Bird Box, etc.) with Raph, but when none of them sound interesting, they just throw on a classic (i.e. The Notebook or half of Titanic).
- They both end up crying half the time, then falling asleep.
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allysia · 5 years
Sleep (Rise Raphma Fic)
Note: I’m living for this ship right now? I want to write more non-romancey Raph and Emma (like in that RP ya’ll have been seeing) but oops. Under the cut bc it’s long as heck.
Synopsis: Emma is staying over, but she can never sleep at the lair. Raph has a solution. 
“Why are you still awake?”
   It was one of the few situations were Raph had ever sounded annoyed with her. He’d strolled into the kitchen, mask removed, an empty glass in hand, and given her look of pure annoyance before he’d groaned and spoken.
   Emma had been scrolling through her phone, eating whatever was left of the Stuffies cookies she’d brought over (half a sleeve is still something) and sipping flat soda out of a plastic cup. It made more sense to finish off whoever’s this was (she didn’t care who, since it definitely wasn’t Splinter’s) than to open a new bottle.
Emma barely looked up at Raph when she replied, “I can’t sleep,” and they both knew it was true because she looked exhausted.
Raph let out a breath, and set his cup on the counter, just a foot or so away from her, at the end. He went to the fridge and pulled out a new bottle of rootbeer, then proceeded to pour himself a cup as he further questioned, “Do you need more blankets? Pillows?”
“No, I just . . .” She shrugged, “I just feel strange just laying there.” Her phone finally switched off, and they were in a bit more of real light. Nothing blinding them from each other, which meant that Raph could see her blue eyes a bit better. They looked up at him when she turned in her seat to face him, “I don’t understand why, but I’m just not good at sleeping down here.” She said.
“This didn’t happen last time you were over,” Raph reminded her, confused by her reasoning, “You were sleepin’ like a baby when I came out.”
Emma looked down at the floor, “I was faking it . . .” She was quieter, “I didn’t fall asleep until 5 a.m. that time.”   
Raph didn’t say anything. Neither did Emma. They both just looked at each other. There wasn’t much else to do while she waited for a response, and he waited for his mind to work out what to say. So far, no luck.
Finally, Emma turned back to her snack and her drink, “I know, it’s stupid,” She held her cup, looking at the contents, but never drinking, “You can go to bed, and I’m sure I’ll get used to it eventually. I don’t want to keep you up and - -”
“Nah, nah, it’s fine, Ems.” Raph raised his cup to take a sip, then pulled the chair next to her a bit farther out so that they’d have room to talk when he sat down. When he did, Emma looked up at him again, and he found himself saying the only thing he’d been thinking since the night began - since they’d met, even - with a small grin gracing his lips, “I want you to be happy,” and then added with a chuckle, “Much more than I want to sleep.”
At that, Emma finally grinned, and let out a soft hum of a laugh. She rested a hand on her open palm, leaning against the counter top, and kept her eyes locked on him, “So, what do we do? Stay up until I pass out from exhaustion?”
Raph smiled a bit wider, “Nah, I’ve got a better idea.”
Before Emma knew it, she was being led past her makeshift bed in the living area, and into Raphael’s room. He shared it with Michelangelo, who was already fast asleep on the lower bed. Raph’s was higher off the ground, suspended by long poles from the ceiling, and piled with long blankets so that he could actually cover himself with them.
Tiptoeing around their messy floor, Emma had a small smile as she approached the bed, and ran a hand over the wooden baseboard, “Is it safe?” She whispered, trying not to wake her other friend.
Raph nodded, weaving through the mess of pizza boxes and odd bits of clothing on the floor. His size made it much harder, but he made it without much sound and stood next to Emma, “Holds me fine, doesn't it?”
His hands found their way to her waist, and she let out a giggle as she was lifted up to the board and sat at the edge. There was a thin mattress above the base, and it was well worn due to (probably) fifteen years of sleep. Still, it was comfy to sit on, and assumedly comfy to sleep on.
The bed wasn’t next to a wall on any side, which made space a bit less of a problem when Raph finally joined her from the opposite side and lay down. He lay on his side, giving her a good amount of space to get comfy. He scooted his pillow to her, and nodded, telling her, without words, not to argue. She smiled thankfully and got comfortable. She faced him, feeling that the natural warmth he emitted would be better felt that way, and figuring that it would be easier to talk should the need arise - which it did.
“You good, Pumpkin?”
There it was. Pumpkin.
It was a nickname that Emma didn’t like at first. In fact, he’d only started using it recently. It was a name reserved for pep-talks, or comfort, which she needed now that she was actually getting hurt on their missions. It wasn’t strange (not anymore, anyway), and it made her feel. . .
“Better.” She whispered, looking up to him again as he pulled the blankets he had over them both, “Can we talk until I fall asleep?”
Raph breathed a laugh, “I have a feeling that won’t be very long, so sure,” He answered, “So, was tonight fun?”
Emma closed her eyes, “Yeah, it was fun,” She whispered, “The movie was good, and I really liked the pizza combinations. And that game. What was it called?”
“Board Ball.” Raph closed his own eyes and wrapped his arms around her, his lower one going under her pillow, pulling her closer. She smiled a bit wider, he could feel it when she snuggled into his body, her head as high as it could be on his arm. “You really liked it?”
“It was fun. It was weird. It was energizing.” She yawned.
Raph could feel her warm breath on his neck, and couldn’t help but smile. He was helping her feel secure. Helping her sleep. What more could the big lug ask for? She was his world. Just like April, and his brothers, and his father, Emma made Raph feel like he was making a difference. Complete, even.
“Hey, Raph?” Her voice was weak, maybe just on the verge of drifting.
He didn’t open his eyes, hoping that maybe he could catch the wave of sleep just as she did, “Hmm?” He hummed just as she took a deep breath.
She let it out as she spoke, “I love you, ya know.”
Raph laughed lightly again, “I love you, too, Pumpkin.” He moved so that his chin was almost resting atop her head, and as luck would have it, they both fit onto the pillow. “Are you still okay?”
No reply. Just the soft sound of her breathing.
Raph smiled a bit softer, finding himself drifting just as she had. Before he could slip into unconsciousness, he gripped her a bit tighter. Not too hard, since he knew that he was much stronger than Emma was, but enough to give a hug on top of this hold he had on her. As his grip loosened, he relaxed.
And, suddenly, the world was calm, and sleep was present.
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allysia · 5 years
Raphma Headcanons Nobody Asked For (RHNAF)
- The first gift he gave got her was a teddy bear from TeddyBear Town
- It was a pink bear that smelled like cherries, and it was dressed like a chef.
- The bear even had a little cake accessory
- She loves it.
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