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captainwolf · 5 months ago
Second star to the right
|| Captain Hook x g/n reader
Trigger warnings: n/a
Theme: Angst/fluff/nonsense/
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The moonlit waters were calm as the vast ship nestled on the surface. Mermaids danced and splashed nearby the shore, for every time the water was lit by the moon they would stir. Your hand caressed the smooth wooden railing of the jolly roger as you looked up at the night sky. The dark sky was peppered with bright twinkling stars. Your gaze was entranced by the second bright star to the right in the night sky.
You let out a sigh as all the tension in your body seemed to vanish with it. It had been a stressful adventure as of late. What with pan with the lost boys teasing Hook and the redskins chasing off the pirates went plundering. The seas quietness this night seemed to bring a tranquil wave over the crew. You hadn’t been in Neverland long but it was much needed.
“Say, what does me hearty think?” Came a familiar voice from behind. It was the captain himself. Hook.
You shivered as cold metal lightly brushed up the side of your neck and trailed across your jaw. It was his signature claw. Turning your head slightly, the sharp point of the hook lightly dug into your skin. Your gaze slowly lifted up to meet the captains bright blue forget-me-nots.
“Aye, I seem to have forgotten.” You answered honestly. “Remind me once more.”
Looking down at you, the captain tilted his head slightly in confusion as he lowered his hook. His mouth opened slightly as if to speak only to close again with no words being spoken. Instead, the pirate captain swiftly leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your mouth. It was quick yet the feeling of his soft lips on yours seemed to linger for what seemed like forever.
You stood, frozen from shock, before blinking and snapping back to reality. In a blur, a swift hand was raised and struck the captain across the face. It took a moment for you to realize that it was your hand.
Hook just stared down at you as tears brimmed your eyes. You asked him to make you remember. And he did.
A wave of mixed feeling came over you as you turned away from him. Hands grasping the railing of the ship to steading yourself, you leaned over it and sobbed. You were looking up at the stars, the second one to the right to be precise, thinking about your lost loved one before Hook showed up and how you wished they were beside you to see the beauty of Neverland.
“Oh my darling..,” the pirate whispered, reaching over to gently pull you into an embrace. His sudden sympathetic tone caught you off guard for a split second.
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This was Hook! The scary man all lost boys told stories about! The fearsome Captain that barked orders at the scurvy crew and cut down anyone who disobeyed them with his hook. But the thought quickly passed as you turned without hesitation towards him, burying your head into his chest and wrapped your arms around him. Muffled sobs could be faintly heard as you tightened your grip around the man’s waist.
He just stood, quietly shushing you. The pirate’s hook carefully pointed down as his other arm held you close to him. His hand gently petting your head while whispering soothing words.
Finally when you had calmed down enough, you broke the embrace. You looked up at him and noticed a few tears in the captain’s shimmering blue eyes.
“A-are you alright?” You asked, slightly pulling away to get a better look at the man. He nodded with a reassuring smile before letting you go.
Hook walked over to the stairs and went up to the helm. He stood with his back to you as he gazed out at the calm sea. You stood watching him as thoughts ran through your head as you why the captain suddenly seemed to let his guard down.
The breeze in the air was chill and seemed to awaken the ship whenever it would pass by. The wooden boards creaked as the lines and canvases of the masses danced.
Curiously, you followed to where he was and sat at the top of the stair. You just felt the need to be near him at this point. After a long moments silence, you heard the sound of his heavy boots growing closer. You glanced up to see him standing next you.
“May I?” He asked.
You nodded and he sat down next to you on the stairs.
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randomwriting-misc · 5 months ago
See How It Shines
Astarion has a plan, a practical, life-saving scheme. He doesn't need the realization that the druid traveling with him is unlike anyone he has met before. In which Astarion has feelings for the first time Inspired by Hozier's Abstract (Psychopomp) Astarion x Drow Druid!Tav 935 words I headcanon her as a circle of stars even though that is not available in BG3
TW: Animal Death, slight, tiny tiny Act I spoilers
“What are you doing?” Gale shouts as they watch their party Druid gasp and run towards the sound of an animal yipping. She doesn’t answer as she moves with a speed Astarion has only seen in the heat of battle. They all pick up the pace to follow behind but are stopped in their tracks by the troubling image in front of them.
Astarion watches her lean down over the creature, the scent of blood and gore thick in the heated air. It’s overwhelming to his senses as he holds back a gag at the putrid scene, but it doesn’t seem to even register to the Drow. The hyena was panting, eyes wide and frantic looking at her in confusion. She shushes the animal, and with a calming voice, begins to speak.
What is she doing? Is she crazy? He knew teaming up with a Druid would come back to bite him, no matter how easy it was to work his charms on nature lovers with their heads in the cloud.
“It’s okay darling, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay,” she coos, slowly petting its head. The tell-tale tingle of magic surrounds him as he sees a soft glow emitting from her palm, and the tension in the animal's body releases as it leans its snout into her hand. It finally hits Astarion, the realization of what is occurring here, the smell, the blood, and the carnage. Gnolls had savaged their way through what looked to be a caravan of merchants.
“We need to leave! Gnolls could be around any corner,” he hisses, his fellow companions sucking in a sharp breath of air, but the little Druid makes no move to leave. Instead, she holds her hand up, as if to signal them all to stop. He doesn’t know when she became such a force within the group, but her presence was commanding, and everyone froze.
Never in a thousand lifetimes could Astarion predict the actions of the odd elf next. She sat on the blood-soaked ground, unfazed, as she rests the creatures head in her lap. It’s gentle, so gentle that Astarion can’t remember a time he’s seen something cared for so delicately. Then, the Druid starts to hum. It’s an unfamiliar tune, probably something from the Underdark. It’s whimsical and a little haunting in its cadence.
Astarion realizes he has been holding his breath, a lump forming in his throat. He would have killed the creature. A gnoll ripping out from its body would have been a gruesome nuisance. It would have been a mercy. He’s never seen mercy like this, comforting, safe, and so incredibly sad. Why is he suddenly so overwhelmed with his own sadness? Why is she treating such a disturbing creature with such… compassion?
She continues to pet the wounded animal, its fate sealed long before the party stumbled upon the scene. Its eyes are closed, breathing soft and even as she continues to hum. He notices her eyes are closed now too, with a furrowed brow and slightly scrunched nose as she sways back and forth, rocking the animal to its final sleep.
All the companions are still, watching something so intimate feels like an intrusion. It’s as if the Druid is saying goodbye to her familiar, not a random hyena found on the side of the road moments before.
Astarion notices things about her he’s only noticed in passing before, but it’s as if he is really seeing her for the first time. Her hair, he thought it was black, but he can see where the sun hits her that it’s a deep blue. It’s falls down her back in loose waves, swaying back and forth with her movement. She has freckles forming on her shoulders and across her nose and cheekbones, unusual for a Drow, but emphasizing the time she has spent in the sun, potentially hurting herself in her goal of helping others. Her skin, pale and scarred, looks soft and smooth under his gaze. He thought it was strange a Drow could be as white as him, but she’s not. Her skin is a pale purple.
She is graceful. She’s beautiful.
Astarion hasn’t found anything beautiful in quite a long time. He doesn’t know what to do with these emotions, how to keep playing this flirtatious game of manipulation. Was it even working? Were the soft smiles he read as bashful really just her placating his advances? Druids are wise, despite their carefree lifestyle, he had forgotten that it seems.
A tear falls down her face as the hyena takes its final breath, slow and soft, before going limp in her arms.
“May Eilistraee guide you to peace,” she whispers, a tear falling off her cheek to the animal. Taking a moment, she lays its head down, and flowers appear around the body. Standing, she sniffs, before rolling her shoulders back and standing straight. Her gaze hardens as she reaches for the weapon her side.
“Let’s go deal with these creatures before they take any more lives.”
Her demeanor has shifted completely, her once kind eyes now set on vengeance. Revenge. Standing up to fix the unbalance created here, to bring justice to these animals who cannot do it themselves.
Astarion thinks he would follow her anywhere.
The thought is quickly shaken away with a feeling of dread in his gut, no. He has too much going on, avoid Cazador, avoid growing tentacles, and gain unprecedented power. There’s no room for a kindhearted druid with stars in her shining purple eyes to distract him.
When did he notice the color of her eyes?
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readersmagnet · 4 months ago
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Catherine Shelby Hale's "Stories by Grammygirl", "The Dinosaur Throat", "Remember Me", and "Random Writings" offer heartwarming moral stories for children that teach important life lessons. From imaginative tales of dinosaurs to touching reflections on memory and kindness, Hale’s stories captivate young readers while encouraging empathy and good values.
Explore her inspiring collection at https://www.storiesbygrammygirl.com/book/.
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rnacreative · 1 year ago
The rain pelts swiftly against the window. She remembers where she was a year ago. As if the sky has opened up to mourn the past with her.
The end of a relationship. The end of a different time.
She knows it was for the best, but she can always recognize how much work it was to get to where she is.
She turned 30 only to have it ruined after the most relaxing vacation and time away. Sinking into herself, her 30s were already off to a great start. The rain knows those tears shed.
Work and being harassed by an ex, what else to add?
A new diagnosis and struggle with mental health.
There is always something about this time of year that leads to such introspection.
Breakups, moves, drama, car issues, her thrice removed ex for being suicidal and staying on suicide watch, or stuck living in a fake family who thrived on secrets. The list grows with each passing year, but as the list grows, so does she.
No matter the journey or drama, she somehow pulls herself from the rubble, finding a path forward. It's a feat of wonder that leaves her to believe she can do anything she sets her mind to.
The path forward is one of dreams she hopes to give herself. As life hasn't been easy, and while she's empathetic, she's consciously aware.
Just what awaits her past the rainy gray skies? Will it get better or continue to be a rollercoaster?
The rain knows.
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ao3feed-johnlock · 2 years ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/zkDg4NE
by Randomwriter_hi
Sherlock loves John but does he know that? Does he even know what love is? Does John love him back? Are they gay for each other? They should be...
Words: 3210, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: John Watson, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), (martin freeman), Sherlock Holmes, (benedict cumberbatch), Greg Lestrade, Mycroft Holmes
Relationships: Johnlock, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
Additional Tags: its gay, Fluff, smut?, Johnlock is canon, John and Sherlock - Freeform, Sherlock is mentally unstable, Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings, John is bi, John Watson is a Good Friend, haha - Freeform, im dead, i think, this, Author Is Sleep Deprived, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, i think you might cry, I will, Im emotionally andmentally unstable
April 09, 2023 at 06:30PM
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auraspoetry · 4 months ago
Friday, 8. November 2024
It was the day that I saw the world from your eyes, that's when I stopped loving myself. I got a taste of your world, I scrunch my nose by the third sip and I choked by the fifth. I was starving for my world that went missing in the fog of yours. I lost the hunger to get my world back. Who am I at this point. You painted me so well with your brush, you took all credit for my being. All that I was, I only started being once you began existing in my mind. I wish I could say it was a beautiful beginning, all blooming flowers and sunshine to begin with, and then it took a bad turn. Although, I walked into a withered garden from the start of it all, and I tried to convince myself of its stagnant beauty, of its lifeless state. I found one blooming flower, every now and then it would open up just a bit more. I believed that with the right care and with enough time, the garden would blossom to fit my imagination. Flashing images. I imagine. I imagine. Seasons passed, one by one. I could say the garden got worse, though I am not sure it changed. At least I've got my flower — I look into my hand.   Too late, I realise I had been holding onto it for too long, I had suffocated it. Too late, I realise what I had always known — the soil was dead and nothing could grow. Too slow, I am still learning to accept my reality, things happened — destined? or not.. they happened. I can only walk for today. Yesterday is framed in time, and I am moving, for now I am still walking. Paths will change and so can my pace. No matter, keep walking.
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nathangardner-thealterego · 8 months ago
A pianist, alone, scared, afraid, and with no meaning, no purpose.
So he sits down and starts to write until he finds it. His final piece. Final cry out to humanity.
He has forgotten how to be happy. How to enjoy life.
And now he has nothing, but music.
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theinterventionstudios · 8 months ago
I honestly don’t remember writing this
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This entire book was just a dream as far as I’m aware.
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estrellita-wrights · 8 months ago
"Not for money, not for views, not for anyone but myself."
Hello, I'm Twistedtalkings!! Well, not anymore... I realized I was obsessed with views, and writing became a chore, so I started a new channel to write for myself! Call me Estrell (or Aster, if we're close).
This channel is mostly made so I could write about my OCs!! I'll make a profile for them later (maybe). Tags are #tbttu, #tssc, and #twst. OHH I also take twst asks! If what you send is interesting, I'll do it!!
Table of Contents
-Twisted wonderland Fanfics (Asks open, but I can reject)
-My Stories (The Bonds That Tie Us, Two Sides of the Same Coin, A Regular Fantasy Harem, etc.)
-Random writing (writing prompts or otherwise)
Asking Rules
There are three different flavors you could ask for in writing twst fics! Canon-compliant, Romantic, and Yandere. Please specify which type you want in the fic. (Very much twst, but feel free to request my OCs too!!)
I have simple boundaries, which are, please respect my religion (Christianity/Born Again) while on my blog, and that's all right now whoops.
Also, no suicide jokes. It's a very sensitive topic for me.
No flirting with me please!! Especially in DMs! I AM A MINOR!!! However, platonic flirting/nicknames are fine (as long as I start it).
Please don't talk about war with me!! I get very philosophical/obsessed with it, and I'm currently working on not doing that.
Minors welcome here. I've seen lots of yandere fic blogs that say minor dni, and as a teenager who hasn't yet reached her debut, I feel super sad about it. So yeah, minors welcome!
○Those with church/religious trauma, specifically Christianity. More for you than me, since I add bible verses to each of my posts. Feel free to block!
○ Those who are rude about Christ in my blog. My God is very important to me, so if you got something to say, don't say it here. Or I'll block you.
Edit: Also, those who disregard my boundaries in any way.
You now know everything you need to know to ask/request! Now, personal stuff! About me, the one running this thing!
My alias is Mayo! I am a binibini (maiden) from the Philippines! I am currently a not-yet 18 year old. I am quite excited about my debut ngl.
Other than Twst, I am very fond of manga! I've read tbhk and wotakoi! I'm also excited for "The flower that blooms with dignity" anime adaptation! I also love musicals, like Six and Hamilton. Very excited for Epic the Musical's release too! (I also code)
Outside of tumblr, I am a high-school student (middle school, by Japan's standards), who wants to spread the word of God! That's why I add bible verses on each of my posts! My dream is to one day be a Voice Actor in America, while also doing accountant work. I also one day want to live in Japan!
My main account on tumblr is called @/everydaytwstsimp. Its mainly for reblogs though. I also have @/twistedtalking, which is my twst roleplaying account, where I roleplay as most of the students. (More info on that account's pinned post).
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randomartistlmao · 10 months ago
"That's why I got my motto." Vivian just stared blankly at the clouds.
"Nothin' good really lasts."
Pepper sighed. She never was good at comforting people. But that doesn't mean she shouldn't at least try.
"Well, I think it comes in cycles."
Vivian looked back at her. "How so?"
"I mean. We met, right? You leaving must've been shitty, but we couldn't have met unless you did. Means sometimes it gets better, right?"
Vivian snickered a little. Pepper didn't understand what was so funny.
"Yeah. Thats true." Vivian gently put her arm over Pepper's shoulder. She leaned in without resistance.
They just watched the sun fade.
*Oh. She's never done this before. Maybe I should say something,* Pepper thought.
*I usually don't let people touch me. But for some reason...
I don't mind when its her.*
Pepper's tears fell onto the photograph. "Pepper! Pepper? You good?" Nateyo began yelling from downstairs. She realized she's been in bed for a lot longer than she thought.
Maybe she was right.
0 notes
yoonsea-yoon · 2 months ago
From Lovers to Enemies: A Story of Passion, Obsession, and Betrayal
Have you ever imagined a love so deep that it consumes every fiber of your being? A connection so unbreakable that even the world’s chaos feels insignificant? That’s the kind of love they had—possessive, passionate, and unconditional.
They were inseparable, two souls bound by fire, willing to face any storm for each other.
In a tragic twist of fate, they went from holding each other close to standing on opposite sides of the battlefield. Lovers turned enemies. Their love, once a sanctuary, became a haunting reminder of betrayal and heartbreak.
And yet, deep down, in the quiet moments between their battles, they still see glimpses of the love they once had.
This is the story I want to tell. A journey of love and loss, passion and pain, where every word bleeds raw emotion. Would anyone dare to follow their journey?
#writer #wattpad #random thoughts #randomwriting #fanfiction #malexmale #author #author thoughts
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cosmique-sorciere · 4 years ago
the inner thoughts, the ones inside your head, sometimes the ones that never even go out and see the world; probably this doesn’t make sense, probably it does,we will never know...I just know that time to time , you just need to take some things/thoughts or whatsoever out of your system. do it, it works, whoever is reading, you can do it.
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rnacreative · 2 years ago
She sat on the balcony railing, looking off into the distance in the pale moonlight. The moon was illuminating the trees and city lights in the distance. Quietness.
There was something missing, or someone rather. A missing warmth, a touch.
"Why are you out here alone?" A voice asks, one she dreamed up.
"I'm always alone. But it's not such a bad thing. The night is beautiful like this," she muses quietly, aloud to herself, looking up toward the stars above.
"Indeed, she is," the voice, getting closer now.
"Why are you here?" She asks, humoring herself.
"To keep you company, of course."
She smiles before frowning. She couldn't do this again.
"You're not even real," she sighs, the heartache settling in deep, an ache she'll always cling to. It somehow reminds her that she's still alive. Still experiencing enough to create something from nothing.
"I can be as real as you want me to be," the voice claims.
"You're another story in my head..."
The voice is right behind her now.
"It doesn't have to be," it whispers.
A small smile begins to form, and she says nothing else. Basking in the moonlight, it's minutes later when she turns around.
Reality sets in at the darkness behind her and no one is there.
"See," she whispers to herself, turning around, "In my head... It's only me here. You'll always be another story to write."
The daydreaming part of her begged to differ, that inner romantic.
Does it have to be another story?
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pansyelisep · 3 years ago
a letter to Elise
"Oh Elise, it doesn't matter what you do, I know I'll never get inside of you to make your eyes catch fire the way they should"
So little is known of Pansy Parkinson, he dreams, her vision, her philosophies, her passions; born into a so-called "pureblood" family, her loyalty to the Slytherin Prince Draco Malfoy and so on, of course, she was aware of how much she was disliked by the other students, was she proud of the reasons? Well into a retrospective into her teenage years, of course, she was, looking forward to fitting in with the stereotypes her family and society had on her...and of course to get Draco's attention.
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Now into adulthood, into maturity, into the selfless idea to fit, to mend things, she wasn't proud of what she had done. The reproducing thoughts of the so-well-called purity of blood, just made her ill "How could I still follow that Mama?" Pansy asked her mother holding her tears and looking at her green eyes "Elise... it is the way it should be, look at yourself dearest" Mrs Parkinson reached her daughter holding her face with her hands whipping away the tears that fell off her face "You are the daughter and heiress of a great wizard, who as many others fought to give his family recognition and a place among the greatest wizarding families; my darling one, you shouldn't be ashamed of what you are or what you have become, let's put it this way, it is in your blood" Pansy could only feel her body shaking as her mother spoke, she knew deep down it wasn't right, the trauma of seeing bodies all over Hogwarts just stalked her at nights. The emotions were too hard to explain, was it anger? fear? anxiety? sadness? "I know, what Papa did...but I was ruthless mamma, lied, hurt but whatever for? I am hated, taken for granted as the bully, as the typical Slytherin, elitist and the list goes on" Pansy cried "I am not asking for you to change, but to understand what I did was not right!" the youngest Parkinson screamed and put away her mother's hands "I can't live with it, everything that /they/ fought for made me see the reality, it is ludicrous to still hold on into that state of mind Mama" Mrs Parkinson just sat back into her chaise and sighed "What happened to my little girl? All that non-sense war had changed you, I have lost my only daughter." The senior Parkinson said as she looked away from her daughter's eyes.
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"I'm sorry mother, I am getting a divorce and leaving as soon as possible to Scotland, I have nothing to do here if your decision is final " Pansy replied "Draco nor I want this absurd marriage, I am taking over my life and moving on from this" she sighed standing up and closing the door behind her putting all her hopes, memories and dreams into her suitcase and close to her heart, in the end, she knew it was right, to leave all behind and forgive herself. High hopes for her future relationship with her mother, for her to understand the greatness of her only daughter without a marriage, a bright witch that could move forward into her career.
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0 notes
randomwriting-misc · 3 years ago
Endangered | Chapter Five
Paul Lahote x OFC
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Summary: Vampires and wolves are not the only supernatural creatures to walk the earth, and they are certainly not the only ones in Forks, Washington when Charlotte Annabeth Swan, "Anna", moves in with her uncle after the unfortunate demise of her parents.
Some may misidentify her as a witch, but that’s fine, she would rather them think that anyway. But the Volturi know the truth, and they are closing in on her.
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The bonfire is already going strong when we make our way over. Logs and tree stumps and rocks have all been moved around the pit in a circle, as well as chairs brought by some. There is a table set up with food everyone brought. I really appreciated Paul bringing me to these community events. It made me feel less like the outsider Sam once told me I was, and closer to the whole pack. Some of the Elders give us knowing nods. Word of Paul's imprinting traveled fast in the small group who knew the truth, which includes Billy Black, who was staring at me from where he sat around the bonfire. When he catches my eye, he waves me over.  
“Hi Billy,” I say with a smile sitting on the tree next to him.
“Anna,” he says and then gives Paul a nod, “Paul, could you go grab us something to drink?”
Paul hesitates but agrees after I nod at him. As he’s walking away, I look up at Billy.
“So, am I right to assume you’re the reason Charlie is asking about Paul?” I question with a smile. Billy throws his hands up in surrender.  
“Me? I would never?” He smiles.
I laugh and roll my eyes.  
“Is Jacob here?” I ask looking around.
Billy frowns, “Yes, but only because I made him, I believe he is helping Sue Clearwater with carrying some food.” He pauses, “Is everything okay with him?” I sigh deeply.
“He doesn’t like Paul, or Sam really. He thinks they are in a gang. I told him today that I was hanging out with him.”
It’s Billy’s turn to roll his eyes.  
“He’ll get over it one day, I’m sorry he’s making things difficult for you.”
I shrug, “There’s not much I can do. I love Jake, I really do, but it’s physically painful to be away from Paul. Both of us would be weaker if we stayed away.”  
He nods knowingly, “I understand Anna, I do not and would not blame you for anything between you and Jake. It’ll take time, but things will resolve themselves.”
I smile at Billy, and we make small talk until Paul comes back carrying two drinks in hand. He hands them each to us as Jacob appears in view.  
Jacob scowls at me and turns to walk away from us again and my heart breaks a little. Paul sits next to me and wraps an arm around my waist.  
“It’ll be okay,” he whispers in my ear, “I can talk to him? His misconceptions about me doesn't mean he can be rude to you.”
I shake my head, “No, I think that would make it worse, but I appreciate it, love.”
The pet name falls off my tongue with ease, and it’s not until after that that I realize what I’ve said. I straighten and look away from him so he can’t see me freak out, but of course, he knows. Paul laughs and kisses my temple again.  
“Very cute,” he whispers. I slink off the log onto the sand to avoid him looking at how flushed I am, but Paul just moves so I am in between his legs and moves down to the ground, picking me up slightly to move me forward. My back is leaning against his chest and his arms are around my waist.  
“You know it’s really not fair that you can just pick me up and move me wherever.”
“It’s very fair,” He smirks, “how else would I get to hold on to you like this.” I roll my eyes at him and settle into his arms. This is the first Reservation wide event Paul and I have been to together, usually just attending council meetings between the Elders and the Pack. I can see that all eyes are on us. Paul had told me about his reputation and his temper. Jared made sure to let me know that Paul became a lovesick puppy around me, pun intended, and it was weird to see him be so calm and caring.  
It seems a lot of people shared that opinion. While many of the younger girls glared openly, most stared on with a surprising curiosity. The Council Members smiled at us tenderly.
Paul is playing with my hair, pulling the curls gently and watching them spring back when Emily sits down next to me. I gasp in excitement and hug her, yelling her name. She laughs and hugs me back. Paul whines as Emily pulls me away from him  
“I missed you,” I say pouting.  
“I missed you too,” she says leaning in, “You know, we could just ditch the boys and run off together.” She says quietly with a wink. I throw my head back in a laugh. Emily Young was not so secretly, my favorite member of our little pack, and we often joked about us being the ones truly in love.  
Paul wraps his arms around my waist, “You both would miss us too much.”  
I scoff and push him away lightly, “As if.”
Emily laughs and we begin to catch up.
The night is lovely. Sam and Jared join us shortly after Emily, and I feel like things are finally okay. Times like this make me feel like I could be happy, that I can be a part of a family, even if I will always miss my parents. Time flies with them because, after two hours and some food, I barely register the stares, except for one.
Sadness twinges at my heart as I catch sight of Jacob again, he’s been staring at us for a while now, and Paul nudges my shoulder with his chin.
“Do you want to try to talk to him?” He whispers. I give him a doubtful look.
“I don’t know. I don’t want you to get mad.” He raises his eyebrows.
“I can handle myself, Anna, He’s your friend,” he says, “I’ll be here.”
I push myself off the ground, Paul helping me. I give him a small smile and tell the others I’ll be right back. Sam, who had warmed up to me after a week or two, gives a questioning look to Paul. As I walk away, I hear Paul give a short explanation, and Sam's eyes flash towards Jacob.
Jacob is sitting by himself away from the fire. He doesn’t walk away when he sees me.
I pull my sweater tight around me.
“Hey,” I say gently. He doesn’t answer.
“Can I sit?”
No reply again, but he does move over a bit. Sitting down, I exhale in defeat, unsure of what to say.
“So,” he begins, venom in his voice, “What are you, like their groupie now?” I flinch at his words, and across the way, I see the boy’s tense. Damn their hearing.
“Jake don't talk to me like that. Let me explain.” I say, voice still quiet. I continue before he makes another snarky comment.
“Paul and I… we’re together, kind of. He’s not the person you claim to hate so much.”
“How would you know Anna? You’ve been here for a few months, and suddenly you know everyone better than I do? I’ve known him since childhood. He’s aggressive.”
“Honestly, I’ve never really seen this famous temper everyone keeps mentioning.”
“That doesn’t mean you won’t, he’ll just blow up on you one day, and you’ll get hurt.”
“I really doubt that Jake.”
“Don’t be stupid Anna,” Jake says getting up and walking away. Paul watches him, ready to get up.
Don’t, I voice to his mind, I got it, please.
He’s unhappy about it but settles back down, whispering to Sam.
I follow Jake to the parking lot.
“Jacob!” I shout.
“Forget it, Anna, go run back to your little cult!” he yells.
“Why are you doing this? It’s not like this has to be an ultimatum. What, because I like hanging out with someone other than you, I can’t be your friend?”
“I don’t really want to be friends with someone like you right now.”
“What does that even mean?”
“It means I told you how they acted, and you didn’t care.”
“I really don’t understand this reaction, Jake, you’re acting like I’ve committed some kind of Shakespearean betrayal,” I’m struggling to catch up with him at this point.
“Jake, don’t act like this is some choice I have to make.” I plead.
Jake turns around, and I almost walk right into him.
“It’s not a choice, you’ve already chosen. I just never expected you fall at their feet like a whore.”
His words slice through me, and I step back. In that instant, Paul appears behind me. I can sense his anger, and how hard he is trying to hold back. His hands are on my shoulders, and I press my back against him, trying to ground him and calm him down.
“Walk away Black,” he sees through barred teeth.
“Yeah, of course, come to save the day again Lahote? Pretend you’re some kind of hero?” Jacob is yelling louder now, gaining the attention of onlookers.
Sam steps in front of Paul and me, hands up.
“Jacob, take a step back.”
Jacob is shaking with anger, a sign that his change is closer than we think.
“Paul, take Anna home, please,” Sam says. I shoot him an apology via a mind link, but he dismisses it telling me it’s not my fault.
I grab Paul’s hand and coax him away, heading back to his truck, Emily is there with my truck.
“Sorry to kill the mood,” I mumble but Emily shushes me.
“Don’t worry about it, hun. I’m sorry about your friend. I’ll see you soon, yeah?” She kisses me on the cheek and walks back to the bonfire.
Paul is still silent beside me, taking deep breaths. I wrap my arms around him, but he doesn’t hug me back. Frowning, I look up at him.
“Are you all right?” I say in a hushed tone. He finally looks down and sighs, arms finally moving around me.
“I should be asking you that.”
“I’m fine, more angry than sad, but I’m sure I will be later. He sucks.” Paul nods and lets me go to open the passenger door.
“He crossed a line,” Paul adds tensely. I nod my head and climb into the seat. He shuts the door gently and walks around.
Paul’s emotions are more decipherable now. Anger, frustration, worry, and guilt. He starts to drive; the silence is deafening.
“I hope you know he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. About you,” I assert. Paul’s grip on the steering wheel tightens.
“He isn’t wrong about me.”
“Yes, he is.” I stand firm.
“Anna, I am constantly afraid of hurting you, the fact that other people also think that? I can’t even…” he trails off.
“Any type of strong emotion can set off the change Paul, just because you happened to be angry at the time and can feel intensely, doesn’t make you a monster. I literally have a connection to your emotions. If I had any worry about you, don’t you think I would voice that? I have never been concerned about you hurting me or getting angry with me.”
Paul doesn’t answer, but I don’t press on, letting him digest my words.
It’s almost 9:30 when we pull into the driveway and Paul is hopping out to open my door. Before getting out, I turn to face him and pull him close, placing my hands on either side of his face.
“Promise me you won’t beat yourself up over what Jacob said.”
His face softens as he looks into my eyes, making me melt all over again. He nods and rests his forehead against mine.
“Jacob will get over himself. Hopefully, before he changes, but even then, he’ll understand,” His voice is quiet, “I’m sorry he said those things to you.”
I shrug noncommittedly.
“He’s right though, it’s not a choice. It’s you.”
A surge of bliss hits me from him, and I smile.
“Of course it’s you, Paul.”
His hand finds its way to the base of my neck, the other slightly caressing my cheek.
“Tell me to stop if you want me to,” he says breathily.
“Not a chance,” I whisper back.
Yearning flashes in his eyes as he leans in to kiss me, gently at first, just barely brushing his lips against mine. His lips are soft and warm, contrasting with how cold mine are from the weather, and I feel like electricity is coursing through my body. I sigh into him and pull him closer, his chest pressing against me. Warmth pooled in my stomach as he deepens the kiss, tilting my head back slightly. My hands slide up into his hair, desperate for more, but he breaks away. I whimper from the loss of him.
He kisses my cheeks, and nose before pulling away completely.
“Charlie’s about to walk outside,” he murmurs, “I still want to be on his good side for now.”
Right on cue, Charlie exits the front door, feigning casualty as he walks to his car. I wave at him.
“Be inside in a second!” I shout, “Stop being nosy! Love you!”
With a hrmph, he walks back inside and Paul chuckles beside me.
I give him an amused look, before finally climbing down from my seat.
“Thank you.”
Paul winks at me and walks me up to the door.
“Thank you for coming with me tonight. I liked having you by my side.”
“I did too, despite Jacob’s tantrum. We should do stuff like that more.” I hint.
“Hm, what a thought.” He says, portraying innocence. I playfully drop his hand in response, but he catches my waist and kisses me lightly one more time.
“Goodnight, Anna.” He hums.
My head is spinning and my cheeks are flushed.
“Goodnight Paul,” I squeak back.
Read Chapter Six Here
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nathangardner-thealterego · 10 months ago
DreamWeaver (An Example of Literary Nonsense at the Circus)
We wear the mask that grins and lies
And live in a world of our dreams
We have been here for a while now
Dreams slowly fading away
These smiles are plastered on to greet travelers
In a place that was once home
People don’t come as much
As they lose the magic of youth
Red and rusty rides wait for revival
As guest gather around a tearing striped tent
A faded red and white covering
Held together by desperation and a pinch of magic
Like a puppet we stand on the stage
Let's put on a show tonight
Following the orders of a ring master
That was never really there
A paradise of our imagination
Has become this decaying world of our dreams
The cracked brick roads sprout pale green weeds
And sharp vines coat the buildings walls
Living here in a dream
No longer brings you interest
For you have become blinded by reality
At the words that seemed to dance in the air
When I am here alone
I laugh crazily with no answers
Watch the buildings collapse and fall apart
Will you leave me here too?
Perhaps if we peel back our skin
We will reveal our dying souls
Pale, cold, and discarded
Our lifeless eyes hidden behind a mask
Beyond this world of dreams is a reality
Like a captain to his ship
There must be retribution
This place an escape from reality
Look at me through the slits of these eyes
At the humanity I have tossed away
I peel back the flesh and behold!
The truth I hid behind a grin
Carried by music we start to dance
Let's tear each other apart
Flames fall down from the sky
And this world begins to burn
We are at war again
Actors on a burning stage 
Controlled by the man in the back
Who was never really there 
We shall dance these sleepless nights away
And decay along with this place
A dream falling apart in our palms
With tears we hide behind a mask
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