mayflowers515 · 6 months
Random Scenario #1: The Living Traffic Light
Just thought of this because these three literally are the colors of a traffic light. I hope you enjoy!
Crafty: Thank you for deciding to model for me guys!
Bobby: Of course, Crafty!
Kickin: It's no problem really. I'd like to think I make a pretty rad model, so hit me up anytime you want a good-looking fella as your model again, K?
Hoppy: *rolls eyes* Oh, don't get too over your head, Kicks. It's ONE time. And we're just getting started.
Kickin: Aight, whatever. Was just sayin'. Sooo, what's the prompt, princess?
Crafty: I was thinking you guys could tower on top of each other to look like this! *shows them a painting of a traffic light*
Bobby: A traffic light?
Crafty: Mhm! Seeing you guys side by side made me think of that. Do you like it?
Hoppy: I mean... I guess, but did you only decide on that just because of our colors?
Crafty: *looks down shyly* Maybe a little bit- *looks back up quickly* But that's not the only reason! Your traits made me think of each color on a traffic light, too!
Bobby: Ooh, you really think that? How so?
Crafty: Bobby, you remind me of a red light because you always encourage us to stop and think through our feelings.
Bobby: Oh yeah. I see what you mean, Crafty!
Crafty: Kickin, you remind me of a yellow light because you like to take things slow when it comes to finishing things. Okay, maybe that isn't TOO good of a reason, but...
Kickin: Hmm? I can sorta see that. Clever thinking, princess.
Crafty: And Hoppy, you're the definition of a green light! You're always going into life head first and whenever you see a chance to keep going, you take it!
Hoppy: Hey you're right! I am like that aren't I?
Crafty: Mhm! I can't wait to make you guys look like a traffic light. It'll be so cool!
Hoppy: Hold up, are you going to paint us as an actual traffic light?
Crafty: No no... I'm not sure how I would go about that... Maybe I'll at least add something extra to the background though. You know, to make it more thematic...
Kickin: Alright, do what you need. *points at self* This dude's ready to strike a pose!
Hoppy: Okay, I'm green light, so I'm carryin' you guys!
Bobby: Will you be okay trying to lift up both of us, Hoppy?
Hoppy: Don't worry. I can hold you two just fine! Watch!
*Hoppy is gesturing Kickin to put his feet on her hands*
Kickin: U-uh... Y-you sure you got this?
Hoppy: What? Afraid I'm gonna drop you or something?
Kickin: Um, n-no! I DID say I was looking forward to this, wasn't I?
Hoppy: Alright... I believe you. *adds quickly* For now. *lifts Kickin up by his feet*
Kickin: *is a little startled* Woah!
Hoppy: Feeling steady?
Kickin: *processing his position and sighs with relief* Yep. Feelin' steady! Thanks, Hops!
Bobby: Oh, but how am I supposed to get up? I don't think I'll be able to climb up to you guys like this...
Hoppy: Oh, shoot- Didn't think about that. Sorry.
Crafty: I can help you get up there, Bobby. I'll just use my horn!
Bobby: Oh, really?
Crafty: Mhm, at least I can try to... Kickin, get ready to catch her by the feet once she lands!
Kickin: At your service!
Crafty: *slowly levitates Bobby*
Bobby: Ooh, I'm flying!
Crafty: Alright, steady... steady... Almost there...
*levitation starts to wear off, but just in time for Kickin to catch Bobby by her feet*
Bobby: Oof!
Kickin: Gotcha!
Crafty: Phew... That could've ended badly. Are you doing okay up there, Bobby?
Bobby: Mhm! That was a nice ride, Crafty! Thank you!
Crafty: *giggles* It's nothing. ...Okay, now that you guys are in position, time to paint!
Hoppy: Alright, I just need to make sure... How long will I be holding these guys for?
Crafty: Oh, it hopefully shouldn't take too long. Though I do like making the details stand out... so... Well... *blushes a bit* A-actually, it might take a little while... *says quickly* Sorry...
Hoppy: A bit of a challenge then, huh? Okay, I can handle it! Just don't take a SUPER long time and we'll be good.
Crafty: O-okay...
*after some time has passed*
Bobby: Are you guys doing okay down there? It's been a little bit now...
Kickin: Never been better, BB. *looks down at ground and shudders* Never been better... W-what about you, Hops?
Hoppy: S-still holding up! No worries about me!
Kickin: You sure about that? Looks like you're struggling a bit there.
Bobby: Are you sure you're okay?
Hoppy: Yep, I'm sure! You guys aren't THAT heavy, so I'll be fine~.
Kickin: Hmm, should I REALLY trust that? I mean, your grip does seem a bit shakier than it was earlier. It would be such a shame if you dropped us right about now. *says quietly with a hint of fear* A real shame...
Hoppy: Oh please. You're only saying this because you're worried I might drop you. You'll be just fine, Chicken.
Kickin: *in a playful tone, offended* Heyyy, I'm no chicken! You take that back right now!
Hoppy: But you ARE a chicken aren't you? How am I supposed to take it back when you're right there, huh?
Bobby: *in a playful tone* You guys... Don't try to argue with each other down there or you might just make me fall over! *giggles*
Kickin: Oh no need to worry your little head, BB. That's not happenin' any time soon. Riight, Hopsotch? Right?
Hoppy: Oh, won't you two quit it? Nothing will make me drop you guys! Not now! Not ever! We're all in this together after all!
Crafty: *sighs and speaks to self* You guys really are like a living traffic light, aren't you?
Got inspired to make this after I saw posts about this trio, and I agree. As a group, they're underrated af
(The two goofballs who share a brain cell meanwhile the friend trying to keep hold of them both; literally these three)
This is the first written scenario I made for the Critters. Please let me know what you guys think!
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hehe471 · 11 months
Do you want to die?
… I’d like to.
Would you let me?
You wouldn’t even manage
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Love and Death/Love in Death
I imagine I scene where I'm sitting with a girl at an outside patio. We're just friends spending time with one another, catching up on old times and talking about nonsense. We get up and start to leave when a stray bullet hits me. Either that or a car slams into my body as we cross the street. After whatever death-inducing freak accident happens, I manage to drag myself to the sidewalk. I take out my phone to snap a final photograph of myself while she watches helplessly as I sit up against a lamp post sucking in my final breaths of life, struggling to stay alive. I want her to have a normal photo of me; I don't want her to see me lay there dying. 
Bullet impacted the liver/car crash has left me with severe internal bleeding. Whichever scenario suits best. I realize I won't make it so I take her hand into my own bloodstained one, look into her eyes, and smile. 
"I'm sorry we were never more than friends. I've always loved you. Don't ever pass up a good thing."
All sound slowly starts to become overwhelmed by a piercing ringing. Muffled ambulance sirens can be heard in the distance. Her shrieking is drowned out by the approach of death. 
-End scene
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