#random classmates and teachers and roommates
miss-m-winks · 2 years
Love is an Art
part 2
master post, part 1, part 3
Note: the school year schedule is not the same as irl. Their calendar year begins in early spring, the school year goes from the start of the year to the beginning of winter, so they’ll all be here on campus over the spring and summer, into the fall. The figure sculpting class Kouto is currently modeling for just got started around the end of spring/beginning of summer.
i have yet to make any names for months, days of the week, or even any locations, so pardon the vagueness anytime i have to avoid mentioning those specific details lol. For all intents and purposes, this is simply a very rough draft for a side story i'm working on.
After the school day was done, Talib walked back to his dorm and into his room. His roommate, a gnorc named Lian, waved a brief hello from his desk, working on some essay.
"Long day for you too?" Talib asked, hanging his jacket up by the door and dropping his bag by his own desk. Lian shrugged.
"Days all start to blend together, this time of year," he said. Talib nodded in response and sat down, leaning over to his little round mirror and gently pulling his left eyelid away from the glass in his socket. With his thumb and forefinger, he popped the glass out and placed it in the jar of salt water nearby. Lian made an uncomfortable noise from the other side of the room.
"You'd think, after all these weeks, I would be used to seeing you do that," he remarked. "Or at least I ought to have learned not to look at you when you do it."
"Give it another few decades, that'll really get you used to it," Talib replied flatly, tying a soft eye patch over his head. "I'm starting to regret bringing only my artistic eyes. Having people stare at it didn't feel so awkward back home." He sighed, turning his mirror aside and pulling out the notebook where he was writing a research essay for his art history class. A study on the way glass art techniques had developed in different countries. He and Lian sat in silence for the rest of the evening, busy with essays and reading assignments until they were too tired to keep working.
In the dark as Lian rolled over to sleep, Talib silently removed his finger prosthetics and ear piece, setting them on his side table. Reaching down to his feet, he finally removed his socks, revealing the metallic shine of his prosthetic left foot. He shoved it under his bed as he took it off, hiding it behind his shoes. Laying back and pulling his blankets up, he rolled to his side, keeping his good ear exposed while his deaf and blind side rested in the protection of his pillow.
Kouto rolled out of bed before their roommate, a dwarf named Halie, woke up. They hummed softly as they stretched and swept their hair out of their face. The dull ache of the old scars on their chest was hardly noticeable, for once. sitting down at their desk, they took a jar of ointment from one of the drawers to rub it into their scarred skin, massaging their chest, smearing any residual ointment over other scars that felt achy. The lightning patterns all over their skin never looked the same. Some were fading, others were new. Only the cluster over their heart remained the same from day to day.
“That stuff smells so weird,” Halie mumbled, yawning as she sat up.
“Better than the ointment I used to use,” Kouto replied with a smirk. “That one smelled terrible. Made it real hard to get a date.” Halie laughed.
“You, having a hard time getting a date? So, what, you only had a hookup once a month instead of once a week?” She got up and went to her dresser, digging through the drawers.
“Most of my hookups are just the same handful of people you know.” Kouto brushed their hair and pulled it up into a tight bun. “They just can’t resist coming back for more.” They grinned into their mirror, then walked away to shuffle through their closet. A high necked red tunic stood out to them today, gold trim on the hem and sleeves with a subtle damask pattern in the deep red fabric. They paired it with deep blue leggings and a gold floral hairpiece, then packed their bag for the day.
“See you later,” Halie said, leaning over her mirror to braid her beard. Kouto waved a hand as they left the room.
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hamartia-grander · 11 months
Everyone hates me and wants me dead except for my friends and my coworkers and my best friend and my mom and my online friends and my little siblings and my little siblings' partners and my grandparents and my boss and my classmates and my aunts and uncles and cousins and my professors and my psychiatrist and my doctor and my old youth pastor and my middle school bully and my childhood friends and my past teachers and my therapist and my dog and my partner and my high school friends I haven't seen in years and my old roommate and my old soccer coach and the exhausted retail employee whose tattoo I complimented and the people I've held the door for and the random kid whose bike I fixed after they fell and every stranger I've ever smiled at and
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I love ur account omg <3
If you’re up for writing it, could I get a Father figure! Professor!Remus Lupin x student!gn!reader
Reader is struggling with being a lycanthrope and making friends they can trust, so Remus is there to comfort them.
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  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FANDOM: harry potter
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FORMAT: long/short fic
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: angst, werewolf reader, mentions of no sleep, scars, bullying, slight hermione and ron x reader if you squint, poor reader, random non-canon character named oscar, swearing, father figure remus, mentions of a raw wrist, scratching, reader goes into a mindless state
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ SUMMARY: remus comforts his favourite student
masterlist || harry potter masterlist || navigation
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You did not want to go to class today.
With the full moon last night and nothing to stop you from turning into a werewolf, you had gotten no sleep whatsoever.
It didn’t help that you had the worst roommates to ever walk the planet.
“Wake up!” One of them, who will remain nameless, yelled at you, hitting you repeatedly with their pillow.
Another laughed. “You don’t have to be so lazy.”
The third, who also shall be nameless, pulled your blankets off of you, leaving you in the cold. Oh, and also showing off your brand new scars.
“Ew!” One exclaimed, stumbling away from you. “That’s disgusting!”
“How does something like that even happen?” Another queried.
“It’s sickening.”
With a long sigh, you stood up and glared at them.
“For once, can you just leave me alone?” You begged, brushing strands of hair out of your face. “It’s 7AM, don’t you have any better to do then torment me?”
“Honestly?” The tallest one said, “Yes. Are we going to leave you alone?”
“No!” They all screamed together.
“For once, can you try to look decent?” One of them mocked you, earning laughter from everyone in the room.
You sighed, and grabbed your clothes.
“Where are you going? Back to your garbage can of a house?”
You shoved your fingers in your ears as you ran down the stairs, trying your very best not to fall flat on your face.
You were, in a word, disappointed when you saw your classmates in the common room, all staring at you.
“Y/N?” A boy, Oscar, asked, “Is everything alright?”
You glanced up at him, slowly pulling your fingers away from your head.
Oscar was a bit taller than you, somewhere around 5 inches taller. His brown eyes stared into yours, concern written all over his face.
“Yeah,” you lied, “everything’s fine.”
Oscar was nice. But he wasn’t very good at keeping secrets, not his fault though! He was constantly being forced to drink Veritaserum. You couldn’t trust him, even though you wanted too.
“Are you sure?” His eyes flicked to your clothes. “You’re still in your pyjamas. Are they pissing you off again? If I have to-”
”It’s fine, don’t worry! I just find the bathroom a better place to change.”
The worried look on Oscars face was still there.
You began to hear your roommates laughter, combined with them coming down the stairs after you.
“Y/N, do-” He began, before you quickly cut him off.
“I have to go! I’m sorry, i’ll see you later.” Your voice was trembling, and the sentence came out more forced than you had thought it would.
All you saw was a flash of his confused face before you ran into the hall.
As you were walking, you had your head down, so you couldn’t really see if someone was coming towards you or not.
To your dismay, you bumped into someone. Not only someone, but your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin.
“Mx. L/N?” He asked. Confusion was laced in his voice, but he had a smile anyway. “I never thought I would see you walking around this early. What’s the occasion?”
You awkwardly smiled back at him, “Just uh… just heading to the bathroom!”
You tapped your shoes together, praying he didn’t ask any more questions.
But, he did.
“Heading to the bathroom with your uniform?”
You looked up, finally, and met his eye. He looked a little concerned, analyzing your face and expression for any sign that something was wrong.
“Yes, because, uh-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, Y/N.” He reassured, raising his hand like he was going to place it on your shoulder, then deciding not to and resting it in his pocket instead. “However, if someone is bothering you, or if anything is wrong, whether it be mental health or family issues or even trouble with your classes, you can come to me. Understood?”
You nodded, and he stepped out of your way.
You didn’t realize it with your eyes facing the ground, but his gaze followed you as you toddled down the hallway, a worried crease between his brows.
He made a mental note to check up on you atleast once a week.
You had Professor Lupins class with the Gryffindors for your last period of the day.
You would never admit this to anyone, especially him, but he was honestly the closest thing you had to a dad. He was nice to you, caring, made sure you weren’t struggling in his class, and he did seem to keep a close eye on you.
For whatever reason, you had chosen not to walk with your classmates, and decided to walk a different route to your class.
But, you weren’t the only person walking this way.
“Professor!” You exclaimed, panic filling you as your teacher began walking on the same route.
Professor Lupin only smiled. “Good afternoon, Mx. L/N. Taking a different route, are we? Do you mind if I join you?”
“Not at all.”
The walk was mainly silent, Lupin occasionally asking you something or making small talk.
For example, he had started a lovely conversation with you about 1 minute into your walk.
“You have eyebags.” He noted, “Rough night, I'm assuming?”
Your cheeks flushed at his observation.
“Yeah, a bit.”
Without thinking, you pulled up your sleeve and began scratching your red-raw wrist.
Lupin, of course, noticed this.
He felt insanely worried when he saw how red your wrist was, and how close it looked to bleeding. But, something else caught his attention.
On your hands and up to your elbow, you had scars. Not just normal scars from some class, the same scars he had. This created a new level of concern for him.
“Y/N.” He spoke, turning towards you as you reached your destination.
“Yes, Professor?”
“Go around the other way. You can sneak in unnoticed if we enter at the same time. You never seem to like being the centre of attention.”
You have a shaky breath. “Thank you so much.”
You turned on your heel, but he caught your attention once more.
“One more thing. See me after class, will you?”
He didn’t let you respond or argue with him. Instead, he entered the room. You did as he suggested and went through the other door. And, just like he said, nobody batted an eye towards you.
You took your spot beside a boy with flaming red hair and a long nose.
When you caught his eye, he gave you a small smile, which also earned the attention of the girl beside him, who’s hair was very poofy.
You recognized them as friends of Harry Potter, and as people who helped save the school a couple of times. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
When you smiled back at them softly, their cheeks became slightly pink.
You all turned your attention back to the lesson.
“A few months ago,” Professor Lupin began, “we worked on Boggarts. The end of that lesson did not go as planned.”
He glanced at Harry.
“So,” He smiled and clapped his hands. “we’re going to try again. Line up!”
Everyone immediately obliged.
You were listening to the shouts of kids’ “Ridikkulous!”, but it all faded away as Ron Weasley turned around and looked you dead in the eyes.
It took everything in you not to jump.
“Do you know what time it is?” He asked, looking you up and down unsubtly.
You looked at your pocket watch.
“It’s… 3:30.” You replied, glancing up at him.
He smiled at you, and held out his hand. “Thanks. Ron Weasley.”
You were, in a word, surprised by this.
“Y/N L/N!” You said, happily shaking his hand. Also mentally yelling at yourself for the way it came out.
Rons smile turned into a grin, and he turned back around.
Soon, it was your turn to face your boggart.
As the thing began shifting its shape, that same worried crease appeared between Lupins eyes. He was about to stop you from facing it, but it was too late now.
Your face was filled with terror as your boggart turned into a full moon, immediately proving his theory.
“Look! They’re afraid of the moon!” Someone shouted, causing everyone in the room to laugh.
Why are they laughing? You thought, raising your wand as tears fought to be free.
It was overwhelming. The only laughter you ever heard was when they were laughing at you.
Why would they laugh at something like this? You mentally queried. Why is it affecting me so harshly right now?
“Y/N! Say ‘Riddikulous!’” You heard somebody yell from far away.
You weren’t sure what it was, but your brian couldn’t focus. You felt mindless as you stared at the crater covered ball in front of you, wand still raised.
The laughter stopped.
The laughter stopped?
The laughter stopped!
You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders, and came back to reality at the sound of Professor Lupin shouting “Ridikkulous!”
It was a good thing it was the end of class, because everyone was walking out once the bell rang.
“Y/N,” Lupin said softly, sitting down and patting the chair next to him.
You gulped and sat down beside him.
He rolled up your sleeve with such care and gentleness it surprised you.
“I know your a Lycanthorpe.” He admitted, gesturing to your scars.
When you looked scared and panicked, he began to reassure you.
“Don’t worry! I’m not going to tell anybody. The information doesn’t leave this room. However, I need to ask you something, and don’t lie, be honest, it’ll make this easier. What’s going on? I know somethings wrong, and you can tell me.” He softly said, taking your hand in his.
You felt as if you could trust him.
You decided to tell him everything.
“Everything’s wrong! I can’t make a friend I can trust. Everyone only laughs at me, the only time i hear laughter is when my classmates or the people who are supposed to be my friends are laughing at me! My family is poor ever since my father left, and I won’t be able to afford the books and stuff for next year which means I can’t come back. If I can’t come back I’m not sure I can survive. This place is the only building where I can get free food and eat and drink as much as I want. Even though I’m not close with them, I have friends here! And, being a Lycanthorpe, whenever there’s a full moon, I don’t get any sleep at all! I can’t leave here, I can’t!”
You spilled your heart out to him.
The tears finally dropped, no matter how badly you tried to hold them back.
Lupin seemed a little surprised, like he hadn’t expected it to be as bad as that.
He opened his mouth to speak, but no words would come out. He was speechless.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, getting up and running to the door, “i’ve said too much. I’ll leave.”
“Y/N,” he called, “you can’t just leave after telling all that to me.”
You knew there was no point in arguing, he had a point.
With a sigh, you turned around and sat back in the seat.
He smiled at you softly, which gave you a little comfort.
“I’m glad you trust me with this. I know how difficult it can be to find the courage to speak about these things. I’m not sure if there’s much I can do to help you with your family, but I’m sure I can help with the making friends part. I saw you talking to Mr. Weasley, he’s someone I think is trustworthy, so try to get closer with him. Or maybe Neville Longbottom, I think you and him would get along wonderfully.” He said, placing his hand on your shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.
“And,” he began, “I want you to know that you can always talk to me about anything at all. Just say the word, and we can have a talk. Now, tell me, who were the ones giving you a hard time?”
“Pretty much everyone. I can’t place any specific names.” You muttered.
“Do you have your notes from yesterday?” He asked, grinning as he got a great idea.
“Yes?” You said confusedly.
“Look over them, and maybe try to memorize them. I wouldn’t want you to fail the pop quiz tomorrow.”
You began to grin with him as you realized his plan was to have everyone else fail the quiz and have you be the only one passing.
“That’s genius!” You complimented, even laughing a bit.
“In all seriousness, I’ll see what can be done about them. Thank you for telling me this. Now, i’m sure you want to have your free time, yes?”
You nodded, and he smiled.
“Run along, then. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mx. L/N.”
“Thank you!” You shouted to him on your way out, happily trotting down the hallway.
and i’m gonna leave it there because i don’t know how to end this
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kingofthewebxxx · 1 year
My muse(s): Jim Moriarty (with many different verses)
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
Note: For some random reason I had a thought of perhaps they could have known each other or been ‘friends’ at school for a certain verse, let me know what you think 
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independentzaun · 2 years
college painting
((Open starter set in Jinx’s modern college student verse. Information about it can be found here Other muse could be anything from teacher, to roommate, to random classmate or friend, or whatever else you think makes sense.))
Currently in the middle of spray painting the side wall of one of the college buildings at the edge of the campus that most people only went to when they absolutely had to for class Jinx hadn’t expected anyone to show up. Hearing the voice she’d almost dropped a can of spray paint as she’d had headphones laying across her shoulders playing music, and had completely missed their approach. Glancing back she offered a cheerful smile as her long blue braids swung from side to side, and her equally blue eyes studied the person who’d arrived.
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“Hey didn’t expect to see you here! Ahhh permission? Oh for the painting?” Looking back at the wall she shrugged, and let out a soft little giggle. “Well really if artists always waited for permission what would the world be like anyways? Much more boring I think.” Jinx, of course, did not have permission. Shaking her spray cans she spotted an area that wasn’t quite right and raising the cans quickly fixed it with a couple sprays before turning back to the person who’d found her.
“So what are you doing here anyways?”
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confuchan · 2 years
The Boyz Recs
(updated: aug. 30, 2024)
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Warnings usually left by authors at beginning of each
My warnings just in case (I hope these make sense): ⤵
♨ - contains nsfw in story         🔞 - just nsfw
💖 - my faves   ()
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Series (Multi-part fics)
12 months i loved you Collab Masterlist ~ OT12 [unfinished(?)]
12 Days Of Christmas ~ OT12 [some broken links]
Under The Spotlight - Masterlist (Some are also linked separately below)
Summer Sessions - Masterlist♨️💖 ~ college au, country club au, OT11
Sweet Angel - Masterlist💖 ~ strangers to lovers, slice of life au, singer!jacob
Curtain Call - Masterlist ~ exes to lovers, actors/actresses au, smau
To All The Boys I've Loved Before - Masterlist ~ college au, TATBILB au
Break Your Rules - Masterlist💖 ~ brother's best friend au, e2L, college au (has sequel: Make or Break)
Run With Hell (♨️?)💖 ~ 4.1k, lovers to exes, summer fling au, bad boy!sunwoo (Prequel to Ride Along)
Ride Along - Masterlist💖 ~ exes to lovers, bad boy/streetracer!sunwoo
PLUCK MY HEARTSTRINGS - Masterlist ~ rivals to lovers, band au, college au, smau (Discontinued)
Make or Break - Masterlist💖 ~ exes to lovers, college au (sequel to Break Your Rules)
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Fics (5k+ words)
picture perfect💖 ~ 8.5k, s2L, art student!kevin, secret admirer au
Dreams, Sofas, and Whines🔞💖 ~ 6.9k
So much for self-control♨️ ~ 7.2k
The Girl I Haven’t Met💖 ~ 5.1k
Wolfie💖 ~ 8.7k, s2L, fairytale au, red riding hood!reader, wolf!sunwoo
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Oneshots (1k-5k words)
tattooed heart💖 ~ 3.1k, acquaintances to lovers, college au, soulmate au
Not So Innocent🔞 ~ 3.2k
A spark between pages💖 ~ 1.1k, childhood friends to ?
Lessons Part 1🔞 ~ 2.5k (+ Kevin)
Lessons Part 2🔞 ~ 2.1k (+ Kevin)
in malibu💖 ~ 1.8k, est. relationship au, idol au (?), long distance relationship
take you down🔞 ~ 1.6k
Something Like That💖 ~ 3.3k, f2L
[3:17am]💖 ~ 1.2k, f2L
teach me about love💖 ~ 2.1k, preschool teacher!kevin
Moon & Star ~ 1.1k, soulmate au, part-timer!kevin
what's your secret?💖 ~ 4.3k, secret agent au, fake marriage au (Part of '12 months i loved you' collab)
Trust Me Bro, Let’s Have Sex🔞💖 ~ 1k, best friend!kevin
traitor ~ 1.1k
iced americano ~ 2.1k, exes to lovers(?)
Feux De Joies: Bonfire. ~ 2.7k
Us, Till The End ~ 2.1k
salted caramel💖 ~ 1.1k, barista!kevin, college student!reader
Let Me Take the Pressure Off🔞 ~ 1.8k
paint me naked🔞💖 ~ 2.3k
sex is overrated🔞💖 ~ 5k, best friends to lovers
st. fratty's day ~ 1.7k, college au, frat boy au
a little TMI between friends🔞💖 ~ 3.9k, f2L
tongue burn💖 ~ 1.1k
lovesick ~ 1.9k, high school au
berry ~ 1.9k, f2L, college au
[ 11:47 a.m.] (♨️?)💖 ~ 1k, classmate!eric
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Drabbles (under 1k words)
(dad!sangyeon) ~ 389
savior💖 ~ 332, dad au
first day💖 ~ 446, dad au
dad!jacob💖 ~ 378
Fairy Roommate💖 ~ 786
Perfect Person ~ 617
(ex!jacob double date drabble)💖 ~ 453
[23:39] ~ 138
dad!younghoon ~ 285
dad!hyunjae💖 ~ 389
dad!juyeon ~ 410
Friends to Lovers with Kevin Moon🔞💖 ~ 664
[2:13PM]💖 ~ 245
i'll wait ~ 373, non-idol au
dad!kevin💖 ~ 363
Ways To Love: Kevin💖 ~ 845
summer time! ~ 240
dad!chanhee💖 ~ 436
[𝟗:𝟑𝟎 𝐩𝐦] ~ 188
dad!changmin💖 ~ 441
(SoftDom + Yandere!Changmin)🔞 ~ 925
dad!haknyeon ~ 409
dad!sunwoo💖 ~ 527
ghosting ~ 671, f2L, non-idol au
dad!eric💖 ~ 406
not a baby💖 ~ 392, almost dad au
Ways To Love: Sunwoo💖 ~ 939
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Reactions / Misc.
Kev (soulmate/bff to lovers), Sunwoo (soulmate/older bro’s bff to lovers), Q (rivals to lovers) drabbles💖 ~ (all one post)
The Boyz as types of drinks
Incorrect quote ~ (JC & KV)
he’s a 10 but……💖 ~ hyung line (SY-JY)
he’s a 10 but……💖 ~ maknae line (KV-E)
TBZ - how much game the members have
TBZ as doms🔞
TBZ - %! random things tbz reminds (@/svhnflwr) of💖
TBZ as brat tamers🔞
TBZ - reaction to period cramps with s/o
Incorrect Quote (Q, SW, HN, HJ)
Incorrect Quote (HJ, YH)
Incorrect Quote (Q, N, SW)
TBZ - who is an ass or boobs guy (🔞?)💖
TBZ - How “down bad” are they for you?💖
TBZ - How you ended up fucking your roommate🔞💖
TBZ - is/looks like: a cinnamon roll or could kill you💖
(random Jacob facts)
TBZ - reaction to finding out you’ve faked it before💖
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dany-is-bored · 2 years
Dynamics/tropes I'd kill to see in byler fanfiction:
(aka your free list of ideas in case you're having a writer's block cuz I'm bad at writing)
- Jock x Nerd
- Virtual friends meeting for the first time
- Gang leader x police officer
- Childhood best friends to strangers to enemies to lovers
- Coffee shop!AU
- Past life lovers
- Red string!AU
- Royalty!AU
- Sun x Moon
- Flirty one x unfazed one
- Messages through sticky notes
- Strangers in a bus sharing earphones
- Secret admirer
- HoH new classmate x kind classmate who wants to befriend them
- Age-gap (both adults)
- Meeting in a pride parade
- Tattoo artist x Florist
- Hogwarts/Magic!AU
- Street artist x rich kid
- Divorced/Widowed parent x babysitter/kindergarten teacher
- Arts teacher x Science teacher
- College roommates
- Premonitory dreams
- Runaway boy x random guy who offers them a ride
- Omegaverse!AU (bonus points if it's not the classic Alfa/Omega pairing)
- Mermaid!AU
- Unfazed librarian x flirtatious regular customer
- City boy x country boy
- Bodyswap/Your Name!AU
- Getting lost during a school trip (+they don't know each other)
- Solitary writer x new assistant
- Celebrity x bodyguard
- Quiet x Jester
- Cellphone swap by accident
- Wrong number
- Museum guide x tourist
- Hibrid!AU
- Troublemaker x straight A's student
- Wedding planner x client
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sail-not-drift · 3 years
Stucky Fic Recs
I’m waiting for my hair dye to develop and have also lost my mind to these two, so here, have some recs. All are amazing. The ones that make me FERAL are bolded, the ones that made my soul ascend have stars.
Dedicated to @neversleepingever and @mygutsforgarters, you heathens.
Dishonor On Your Cow - Shrunkyclunks (but not really, sort of) where Steve and Bucky have a hate at first sight meeting during the Battle of Manhattan and Bucky eventually joins the Avengers for feelings and hilarity.
****He's All That - College AU where frat boy Bucky takes a bet to turn disaster Steve Rogers into the class president but catches feelings instead. 
dance with a ghost - Shrunkyclunks where Bucky moves into an apartment and finds himself haunted by the ghost of Captain America.
Introduction to Fake Dating Your Best Friend 101 - Professors AU, Steve and Bucky are a pair of professors who have to fake date for academic purposes and are real dumb along the way.
Five times Steve kissed Bucky - Pre-serum “fight me” Steve Rogers to post TWS.
To Believe in Tomorrow - Shrunkyclunks AU; Bucky's mornings at the community garden get a little more interesting when the new guy shows up.
Blush Pink - Dirty talking, dom!Bucky PWP.
if all my mistakes (led me to you) - No powers AU, Steve has to scramble to find a plus one for Peggy’s big day after being spontaneously dumped. Bucky is his slutty neighbor.
**Unusual Weather - Tony gives Bucky Asgardian drugs to chill him out while Tony fixes his arm. Steve is there to hold Bucky down. Then Bucky starts dirty talking.
a long way from the playground - Fake dating, no powers AU, Bucky needs to pretend he has a date to Becca’s wedding and blurts out his best friend’s name.
Something Borrowed - In-universe Sam POV AU where Sam, Steve, and Bucky go to Sam’s sister’s wedding.
Bucky Barnes: Sunscreen Assassin - In-universe AU; Steve refuses to wear sunscreen, Bucky takes that as a challenge.
winter wheat, sunflower peat - Powered AU where instead of re-meeting in TWS, Steve meets Bucky as a hitchhiker. ANGST AND FEELS.
**The Daily Rogers - College AU, exchange student Bucky meets Steve “fight me” Rogers, who classmates run a nasty blog about.
No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Pine - Secret Agent adversaries-to-lovers AU where the Winter Soldier keeps tying Captain America to walls and sticking around to chat.
Drive It Like You Stole It: A Bodyswap - Steve and Bucky get bodyswapped then go on a magical road trip with Peter Parker; extreme antics and harmless emotional torture for Peter ensue.
Your Lack Of An Answer Is Kind Of An Answer: Four Questions Natasha Asked Steve Rogers, And One Time Bucky Barnes Answered - Beautiful and painful Natasha POV, so many Steve feelings, SO MANY.
Achilles Come Down - You jump, I jump, pre-serum and after.
eros and psyche - Post-TWS, Steve and the Winter Soldier start an affair where the Soldier never lets Steve see his face.
Sparked Up Like a Book of Matches - Beautiful Steve-centric, post-TWS. Sometimes Tony gives him super alcohol in a sippy cup. Sometimes he sees Bucky out of the corner of his eye and wonders if it's real or if he's starting to lose his mind.
Itinerant - Nomad Steve goes wandering the world without the rest of the team to try and find himself while Bucky recovers in Wakanda.
Sweet Relieving - Pre-serum PWP, Steve cross-dresses, Bucky talks DIRTY.
4 Minute Window - Post-TWS, Bucky “kidnaps” Steve and they build a life together.
time on my hands (could be time spent with you) - Nomad Steve runs missions while Bucky recovers in Wakanda and everyone thinks they’re married.
My Working Week and My Sunday Rest - Steve's life after he throws down the shield and hides with Bucky in Wakanda.
Cat Nap - AU where Winter Soldier Bucky and Steve didn’t know each other; Bucky deprograms himself and Steve accidentally steals his cat.
The Size of Perfection - WWII, Steve is shy about how big the serum made his dick. But then there is extreme bittersweet beauty.
Ain't No Grave - Post-TWS (with a pre-TWS prologue) where Bucky accidentally adopts two homeless kids and tries to recover before finding Steve again.
So, You've Adopted a Fruit - Retired Steve and Bucky; Bucky rescues a stray kitten.
Bucky Barnes: on top of the Polls - Steve gets extremely unbalanced during American elections and Bucky both hates and lusts for it.
Together Forever and Ever - PWP, Bucky’s birthday.
Meet-Cute AU's - A gazillion different AUs, heaven on earth.
Lessons in Normality - Shrunkyclunks AU where Steve doesn’t know his normal boyfriend Bucky is a secret agent gathering information on him, Shield, and Hydra.
Pedantic Affectations - Shrunkyclunks AU, Steve is a vigilante badly undercover as a teacher, Bucky is the detective trying to bring him in. Steve in his brilliance decides to throw Bucky off his scent by dating him.
*That Ass (Property of James Barnes) - Bucky is loudly obsessed with Steve’s ass.
Strange Visitor (From Another Time) - Lois and Clark-esque Shrunkyclunks AU; Bucky is a reporter pissed at the new kid in the newsroom who ends up being Captain America.
Snapshots - Post TWS: Steve is trying to find Bucky. Instead, he finds the sexy Navy "propaganda" Bucky somehow never mentioned he modeled for before the war. Painful and profound.
The Roommate - Shrunkyclunks AU, Steve decides not to live in Avengers Tower and instead gets an apartment and finds a one-armed veteran for a roommate.
Side bitch out of your league - Shrunkyclunks AU, Steve misdials Bucky while on a mission. Then misdials him again. Then dials him on purpose.
(760): I literally cut myself out of my pants. Waste. Of. Money. - No powers AU, Bucky texts a random number on Sam’s phone for outfit advice.
Slide To Answer - No powers wrong number AU; Steve misdials Bucky for dating advice, then keeps doing it.
a line that goes all the way. - Recovery in Wakanda pining.
**********they're gonna send us to prison for jerks - Post-TWS, Steve and Sam are undercover and move in next door to a math teacher who looks just like Bucky, but Steve can’t be sure... MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT FIC.
***Siege - Post-TWS AU where Bucky sticks around after pulling Steve from the Potomac and there are some painful and beautiful plot twists and some goddamn PROSE.
a blade with no handle - AU, the Winter Soldier joins the Avengers; identity porn.
Let's Fall in Love - Tony sends Steve and Bucky to a ridiculous fake speakeasy bar, feelings happen.
***Circling Back - Steve looks for Bucky, Bucky finds Steve, Steve tries desperately to put Bucky back together. Bucky tries desperately to let him. ULTIMATE POST-TWS RECOVERY FIC. Avenger family feels.
#TweetMeDaddy - Shrunkyclunks AU; Bucky works for Shield and tweets something that gets flagged as a death threat. It isn’t.
Good Boy - PWP, dom!Steve petplay; Bucky is still adjusting to life with the Avengers, and Steve is willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable.
108 notes · View notes
simkhira · 5 years
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I Have 300+ Gameplay Mods?! & Yes, They All Work Together...
Yes, you read that correctly. I have over 300 gameplay mods / overrides in my game. 340 to be exact. & Yes, they all work just fine together. By that I mean hardly any last exceptions / errors. So if you are looking for ways to spice up your game - here you go, sis:
⭐ = my ultimate faves
PLEASE SEE ALL 300+ LINKS ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE! desktop tumblr won’t let us be great.
BIG DISCLAIMER: Use these mods at your own risk! Just because all 300+ of these mods work for me, does not mean they will work for you. ALSO - when patch day comes, do not refer to this list for the most up-to-date versions of mods… I will only be updating this list when I feel like I need to.
let’s start with... the basics:
MC Command Center ⭐
UI Cheats Extension ⭐
More Columns in CAS ⭐
No Mosaic ⭐
CAS Background
CAS Blob Remover
CAS Immersive Lighting
CAS Tidy Accessories + Details
New Loading Screens
Cube Map Remover ⭐
Into the Light (Lighting Mod)
Out of the Dark (Lighting Mod)
Twinkle Toes (Lighting Mod)
No Fade on Sims and Objects
Build/Buy Camera (Tab Mode) ⭐
Lot Trait Effects Hider
Smaller Plumbob ⭐
& then you need... realistic socialization:
Chat Pack ⭐
Whim Overhaul ⭐
Meaningful Stories ⭐
Personality Please
Better Elders
More Face to Face Conversation
Call Over Sims (Higher Distance)
Call Anytime + Chat Longer on the Phone
Unlisted Phone Numbers ⭐
Low Fun is Boring
Family Matters (Share Big News with Family Members)
Share More News ⭐
Congratulate More
Ask What Happened More
Conversation Tweaks
Chat Standing Still
No Stand Up to Greet
No Rude Intro Animation
No Flirty Animation
Apology Fix (Don’t Apologize if Your’re the Victim)
Angry Walk-style Only When VERY Angry
Less Intrusive Conversations
NPC’s Get Out of My Convo
Autonomous Parenthood Social Interactions
Autonomous Social Interactions
Reduced Idle Chatting
Know Your Coworkers / Classmates ⭐
More Away Actions
More Social Activities
Spend Weekend With
Teach Me the Rumbaism
now let’s talk about... realistic romance:
Chemistry System ⭐
Pillow Talk After Woohoo ⭐
No Shy First Kiss
No Woohoo Dance
Shower Woohoo Tweaks
No Romance for Family
Restricted Romance Interactions
Less Jealousy
Simda Dating App
Can I Come Over?
Date Night Event
Movie Night Event
Set Family Relationships ⭐
Set Extended Family Relationships ⭐
Bathroom Privacy Tweak
Bridal Shower Event
Bachelor(ette) Party Event
Auto Engagement / Wedding Ring ⭐
Vacation Weddings
Sit at Weddings
Better Wedding Presents ⭐
Honeymoon Event
Buy More Gifts from Phone
Ask for Romantic Massage
Realistic Divorce ⭐
Traumatic Divorce for Children
Improved Relationships
No Restaurant Bill When Invited ⭐
Faster Cooking at Restaurants ⭐
Better Food Quality at Restaurants
Finish Eating in Restaurants
Restaurant Guests Overhaul
Restaurant Sit Tweak
(can y’all tell that restaurants annoy me? lmao)
first comes love, then comes... pregnancy / toddler / kids / fur babies:
Ages Behavior Tweaks
Toddlers Spawn at Parks (with Parents)
More Children at Beaches
Pregnancy Overhaul
Rub Your Baby Bump (Small Pregnancy Overhaul)
Determine Baby’s Gender for All ⭐
Ultrasound Scans ⭐
Baby Shower Event
Amazing Birth (Rave About Your Delivery)
Advanced Birth Certificate ⭐
Sibling Care Tweaks
Make Less / Clean Less Mess
Auto Brush Teeth After Puking
Auto Put Activity Crafts into Inventory
Allow Toddlers to go to Services
No Call Out of High Chair
Toddler Power Nap
Better Toddler Milk
Better + Younger Nanny
Call a Babysitter ⭐
Call a Dog Walker
Shorter Dog Walks
Dog Walkers in Other Worlds
Scold All Pets
Sell Grown Up Pets
Pet Food Serving Overhaul
More Efficient Pet Brushing
Kids Can Walk Dogs
Kids Can Order Espresso
Kids Can Ride Bikes
Kids Have More Phone Interactions
Kids Can Cook
Kids Can Do Retail
Kids Can Garden
Kids Can Make Flower Arrangements
Kids Can Make Robots
Kids Can Workout
Kids Can Do Spa Activities
Kids Can Play Guitars
Kids Can Play Ping Pong
Birthday Anytime
Let Friends Age Up ⭐
No Auto Put Away Toys
No Auto Put Away Pet Toys
No Puddles Under Tubs (Toddler Bath)
Has to Pee Walk-style for Kids Only
Better Homework ⭐
Better Grade School ⭐
Better High School ⭐
Preschool for Toddlers ⭐
School Projects are Fun
More School Holidays
25 School Vacation Days
Prom Night Event ⭐
Sleepover Event
Pizza Party Event
Field Trip Event
Family Reunion Event
Pool Party Event
speaking of school... university:
Less Credits for Degree ⭐
University Costs More ⭐
University Holidays Fixed
Higher Scholarships ⭐
Rejection Letter
Harder Distinguished Degree Acceptance ⭐
Degree Required for Promotions
Faster Run to University Class
Teens Jump to University
Choose Your Helmet
Choose Your Roommates ⭐
Roommate Age-Checks
Roommate Significant Other Fix
Roommates No Random Outfit Changing
Roommates No Random Item Spawning in Dorms
Roommates No Spawning Meals
Roommates No Trash
Roommates Sleep All Night
Roommates Less Music
College Org Members Are Uni Students
Faster University Homework ⭐
Faster Tutoring Class
Copy Graduation Photos and Diploma
No Bad Microwave Buffs
No Ghosts on Campus
Sports Fixes
Game Day Event
Graduation Party Event
once you graduate... careers & aspirations:
Plan Career Outfit
Better Work Actions
Enlist in War ⭐
Live in Business
Faster Retail Actions
Faster Record / Edit Videos on Video Station⭐
Higher Acting Gig Payouts & Royalties ⭐
More Realistic Overmax Pay ⭐
Higher Payments for Paintings ⭐
Higher Royalties for Apps/Games ⭐
Higher Royalties for DJ Mixing ⭐
Higher Royalties for Lifestyle Brands ⭐
Higher Royalties for Song Lyrics ⭐
Higher Royalties for Music ⭐
Freelancer Edits are More Successful
Sketchpad No Fees
Campaign Rally Event
Visible Political Position
Watch Political Speeches at Podium
Retirement Party Event
The University Aspiration Pack ⭐
Accomplished Lady Aspiration
Family Aspiration
Grow Up Aspiration
Teacher’s Pet Aspiration
Knowledge Aspiration
Retirement Aspiration
Romance Aspiration
Famous Pastry Chef Aspiration
Twilight Years Aspiration
All-Rounder Aspiration
Programming Genius Aspiration
Travel and Culture Aspiration
Wellness Aspiration
9 to 5 Career Pack ⭐
Night Shift Career Pack ⭐
Part Time Career Pack ⭐
Fitness Career
Health and Beauty Career
Modeling Career
Journalism Career (Adult + Teen)
Trust Fund Career (Adult + Teen)
Welfare Recipient (Adult + Teen)
Saturday Jobs (Teens)
Oceanography Career (Teens)
Private Tutoring Career (Teens)
All Freelancer Careers (Teens)
Tutor (Odd Job)
Woohoo (Odd Job) - lmao
Art Show Event
hahaha... adulting sucks:
Basemental Alcohol ⭐
Happy Hour Event
SNB Realistic Bills ⭐
SNB Banking
Invest in Stocks
Lowered Thermostat Bills
Instant Thermostat ⭐
Auto Wrinkles for Adults
Life Decider 
House Warming Party (No More Fruitcake)
Door Knock Notification ⭐
Island Events Notifications ⭐
No Strangers Knocking at Your Door
Quick Showers / Baths ⭐
Shower + Bladder Reliever (don’t judge me)
Power Nap ⭐
Sleep All Night
Smarter Robot Vacuum
Functional Tide Pods
Clean Your Bedsheets
Auto Put Away Clothes
Auto Start/Dry Clothes
Laundry on Community Lots Costs
No Idle Laundry Animations / Sparkles
Don’t Prep Food Where You Angry Poop ⭐
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop ⭐
Eco Dishwasher
Faster Cooking ⭐
No Auto Set the Table
Ask to Cook, Bake, Grill
BBQ Event
Custom Food + Recipe’s ⭐
Custom Drinks + Recipe’s ⭐
Grannie’s Old Cookbook + Recipe’s ⭐
Bake Cupcakes in Oven
Coolers are Cooling
Advanced Fishing ⭐
Fishing Trip Event
Fish for Crabs, Lobster, & Shrimp
More Seafood Servings
More Snacks in Fridge
More Food at the Bar
More Food in the Cafe
Flea Market Every Sunday
Get to Church
just in case you... get famous:
No Fame Decay ⭐
Celebrities Never Reject Fans
Celebrities are Quarantined in Del Sol Valley ⭐
Get Famous Award Overhaul
Less Celebrity Reactions
Famous Sims Gain Followers Automatically
More Follower’s Resolution for Everyone
Free Staff (Chef, Barista, Bartender, etc.) ⭐
Gardeners and Maids on Weekends
Red Carpet Event
whatever you are... just be happy and healthy:
Fitness Controls ⭐
Balanced Calories ⭐
Go for a Walk
Hiking Increases Herbalism Skill
Power Workouts
Athletic Outfit in Winter ⭐
Healthy Drinks
Improved Meditation Stool
Improved Spa Day Tablet
Improved Yoga Mat ⭐
Craftable Pottery
Less Elder Exhaustion
Less Sickness
Longer Basketball Games
More Fun Stuff
Online Gaming with Headsets
and I can’t forget these... more gameplay mods:
NPC Controller ⭐
Improved Autonomy
Simulation Lag Fix
Simulation Timeline Unclogger
Improved Autonomy During Loading Screens ⭐
No Empty Venues When Arriving ⭐
No Temperature Deaths ⭐
No Death from Murphy Bed
No React to Stranger’s Death
Realistic Death (Mortem) ⭐
Memorial Event
Freezing Sims Don’t Turn Blue ⭐
More Club / Holiday Icons
Make Hidden Holiday Traditions Selectable
Random Holiday Traditions
Wellness Traditions
More Holiday Icons
Less Rain More Sun
Less Snow More Sun
Summer Blow-Out Event
Christmas Eve Event
New Year’s Eve Bash Event
No Ugly Rain Outfits
More Umbrella Variations in World
Open Umbrella on Rainy Days Only
No More Broken Umbrellas
Destroy Leaf Piles ⭐
Dress Code Lot Trait
Gender and More Lot Trait
Preferences Lot Trait
Add Sims to Groups During Events
No Auto Club Gathering ⭐
Flower Arrangements Slower Decay
Take Photo Overhaul (Moschino Stuff) ⭐
Snorkel Everywhere
Don’t Turn NPC’s into Spellcasters
No Role Outfits for Sages
ROM Portal Only for Spellcasters
& you also need these... much-needed overrides:
More Sponge Colors
More Sippy Cup Colors
More Dog Leash Colors
White Ice Skates
Better Food Textures (All of Them) ⭐
Hidden Bassinet ⭐
iPhone X Phone Replacement
Playing Cards Replacement
Military Salute Overhaul
Small Saucer Light ⭐
Working Medicine Cabinet ⭐
Working Alarm Clocks ⭐
Realistic Fighting Animation 
Oasis Springs + Island Living Palm Trees ⭐
special thank you to all of the wonderful mod creators! seriously, I could not play this game without you guys... (no, really.) There are way too many of you guys to name without missing someone... so if you reblog this, all I ask is that you please tag your favorite modders! (& maybe even add your favorite mods?)
7K notes · View notes
spideyspeaches · 4 years
Gold Rush ↬ t.h
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Gif by @parkeraul :)
A/N: I'm in love with that song 🙈 also here's my super late contribution of professor!tom 😋 cause I've been procrastinating on the wandavision au (in my defence though, it's taking a lot of brainstorming 😂) anyway here you go-
Wc: 2.6k+
Warnings: lemme know if you find one :)
Summary: He taught British History and you chastise yourself for not auditing for that subject earlier.
Pairing: Professor!Tom x Student!Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
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Waking up with a start, you groan at the shrill sound of your alarm. With a sigh that was more of a grunt of annoyance, you tried to reach for your phone at the side table, hissing when you felt the corner of your elbow hit the table, pain shooting up to your shoulder. 
Great, you weren't even up yet and your day was already going shitty. You just hoped that your professor won't be grumpy about you being late for the millionth time this semester. 
You hated cultural architecture. You had nothing against the course, but You hated your professor with a passion and wished that you could burn your textbooks for all you cared, right in front of your teacher's eyes, watch him writhe in fear as you banished the very existence of your material. 
You were being dramatic, but in your defence, your professor was an old bastard who never left an opportunity to reprimand you, going as far as letting you know how uneven your margins were on your latest project. 
He wore birkenstocks with a three piece. You wouldn't trust him with your assignments. 
Getting out of your dorm room was work, hard work. But you got out, brushed your teeth and wore what you hoped were presentable clothing. 
"You look hungover." Your roommate, Stacy, commented, spitting in the sink as you scowled at her. 
She was straightforward, outspoken and somehow managed to look like one of those Victoria secrets models that you loathed, even at seven in the morning. You hated her. 
(You didn't.)
"Thanks, I hope I smell too. Want that son of a bitch- what's his name, Wilson, to suffer for giving me that C minus on my thesis." You grumbled, rubbing your hands through your hair to flat them out. 
"You really hate him, don't you." She snickered, popping off her shirt. You tried not to look, not wanting to come off as a pervert, but damn, she was fit. You contemplated her words, frowning at your own reflection. 
You looked disheveled, the dark eye bags under your eyes very apparent as you tried to mask them with foundation, setting your hair for the millionth time. Oh well, you were presentable enough. Sweatpants would have to do for your only class today, you could binge Netflix after this wretched class. 
"I do. I hope his third wife divorces him and he loses his thermos of coffee in the subway." You said, adding your look finally before wearing your shoes. 
"That's cruel, didn't know you had it in you." She snickered, patting your back and following you as you closed the door, "Well I have to go to my boring science lectures now so, see you later hun." 
"Yeah, enjoy your chemistry period with your boyfriend!" You cheered sarcastically, rolling your eyes and hugging her to tell her that you were only joking. Your relationship was this, of jokes and hugs and kisses. You considered her your best friend. 
Rushing towards the gates of your university, you hastily tightened your loosening hair tie, adjusting the straps of your bags. You were pretty sure you had broken your record of being late to your class. You may hate the professor, but you actually enjoyed the subject. 
Wheezing as you ran past the late comers, you nodded at the receptionist, hastily signing yourself in. You would blame your clumsiness for what happened next, because one second you were fixing your sande on the foot of the fountain, and next thing you knew you were crashing into a firm body, your nose hitting the random stranger’s chest.
"I’m so sorry! I’m kinda late to class and I wasn’t looking and- whoa, ow.” You rushed your words, groaning when you felt blood rush from your head to toe, nose throbbing with double vision, a reminder of your clumsiness. 
“Whoa, hey calm down, it’s okay, I wasn’t looking either.” The stranger said, his thick South Western accent snapping you out of your self pity. 
You felt blood rush to your cheeks instead, not anticipating your face in a flush this early in the morning, when you got a good look at the stranger. He was good looking, in his black high turtleneck and brown checkered pants. He had a small leather satchel clutched in his hands, face looking as flushed as you felt when you realised that you had been gawking at him.
He was probably no older than his mid twenties, making you wonder what he was doing in your university. He was too old to be a student, and too young to be a professor. But then again, you wouldn't judge him for joining college late.
"S-sorry, you um, you must be really late, you should go." He stuttered, your heart fluttering at his dimpled chin and thick accent. His eyes were gleaming in the morning sun, captivating in a way that left you in awe. 
"Um yeah, I am." You nodded, composing yourself, hoping that you didn't look too sleep deprived or disheveled, "where are you going, if you don't mind me asking."  
"Um, the architecture wing?" He said, unconsciously stepping besides you.
"Oh, I'm going that way. Is it your first time coming here? Haven't seen you around." You asked, trying not to stare at his sharp jawline and the way the morning sun hit him just right, illuminating and accentuating his curly brown hair. 
"Yeah, it's my first lecture, so um, looks like I'm late too." He smiled. It was infectious, you noticed as you mirrored his expression. 
"Oh, you're a student?" 
"Actually, I'm a professor. Just transferred from UCL." 
So you were right, he was a professor. He looks so young though. You thought, nodding at him, your thoughts interrupted by his laugh. Looking at him with confusion, you raised an eyebrow. 
"Yeah, everyone says that. I started right after finishing graduation so, I guess I'm not much older than you." He smiled, kicking the small pebbles littered around the set grassy ground. It had just rained, the smell of wet ground still fresh. 
"I said that out loud didn't I?" You smirked, ducking your head to hide. 
"You did." 
Entering the building, you realised that you hadn't asked which subject he taught, crossing your fingers and hoping that he would replace the old bastard that taught you cultural architecture. 
"I forgot to ask, which lecture do you teach?" You asked, looking for your class in the end. The hallways were empty, it was way past your first lecture and all the students were already in the auditorium. 
"Oh, uh, British History." He answered. You didn't let disappointment show too much on your face, smiling shyly before gesturing towards the class, "that's you." 
"Oh, um thank you." He smiled, pursing his thin lips together as he walked towards the class. You could hear screaming of the students as you both neared the classroom, you still standing by the door, "I didn't get your name." 
His question snapped you out of your disappointed gaze, 
"Oh, it's Y/n. Y/n L/n." You said with a smile. 
"Pleasure to meet you Y/n, I'm Thomas Holland, but you can call me Tom." He said awkwardly, before turning back to his class, who had yet to notice him.
"The pleasure's all mine Professor." 
For the first time in your college life, you didn't feel like tearing your hair off during your lecture, your thoughts wandering around. You wanted to berate yourself for not paying attention, but your thoughts kept going there. 
It was funny, how you met him not long ago and he was already taking up residence in your brain. You could not control your feelings after all. Something akin to nausea or excitement eased into your stomach when you pictured his smile, his black turtleneck that accentuated his biceps and pectorals. The little rebellious eyebrow and the tiny scar above it. 
It made your heart flutter, everything seemingly seemed to stop around you. It scared you a bit, how You had managed to envision the little details of his face in your brain after such a short duration. 
You didn't realise that you were smiling until you felt a nudge on your side, making you nearly jump on your seat. 
"What?!" You hissed, scowling at your classmate. 
"Who're you thinking about?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows as she leaned towards you. You had known her long enough to know her name but never bothered learning, and you were too scared to ask now. 
"It's none of your business." You muttered, glancing up to see your professor scowling at a student as they stood up. 
"Well okay, but did you hear about the hot new professor? Apparently he's teaching British History, I regret not taking that as a subject now." She said, her cheeks flushed with excitement. You furrowed your brows, feeling a pang in your chest at the realisation that you were probably just another girl with a stupid crush on the hot professor, that there were already girls who would die to feel his touch. 
"How do you know about him?" You asked, raising an eyebrow as you try to act nonchalant. You weren't being subtle, apparently, because you could see her snapping her bubblegum with a smirk, leaning forward as if trading secrets. 
"You kidding right? Everyone knows about him, you got a crush on him or something?" She suggested, scooting close enough to make you squirm. 
"I literally just met him, and ew, he's a professor, why would I see him that way?" You whisper, willing your heart to stop palpitating at the thought of said professor, your gut twisting in anticipation. 
"I don't know girl, he's hot and young and so much better than this bastard." She sighed, leaning on her palm with a fake dreamy expression. 
You went back to ignoring her after that, noticing how her notebook said 'Eloise'. At least you didn't have to ask her her name now. 
Your class went surprisingly well, or maybe it was because you weren't paying attention and thinking about him again. You really needed to get a grip on yourself. 
Walking out of your class, you decided to go to the cafeteria, your stomach begging for your attention.
Setting your things on a table, you took out your phone to scroll through Instagram, before switching it off and looking around the cafeteria. You didn't know what you were expecting to see, but your stomach was gurgling with hunger and nothing made sense when you were hungry. 
Walking to grab something to eat, you pick up your bag, hanging it over one of your shoulders before getting in the line. 
Just as you were about to turn with your bun and cup of coffee, you crashed into someone for the second time that day. Cursing your clumsiness, you heard a familiar British accent curse not very colourful words, making you stumble over as you tried to wipe off the hot coffee off his shirt.
"Hey, it's okay." He said, stopping your frantic gestures by holding your wrist with his to cease any movements.
"Professor Holland! I'm so sorry, it's like, I'm just clumsy. I have no excuse." You sighed in resignation, mentally facepalming at spilling your coffee at the hot professor. 
"It's okay darling, I've had much worse spilled on me." He smirked, his hand still holding on to yours. You had started walking away from the location, and yet his hand didn't let go, "You know, I used to babysit during my college days." 
"Oh, babysitting, right of course." You chuckled awkwardly, chest heaving with the sudden close proximity with the professor, dissipating the not quite PG thought that just occurred in your mind at his words.. 
"Sorry for-" You said in unison with him, chuckling. 
"You go first." He said.
"I'm sorry for spilling coffee on You, it must have hurt and I ruined your shirt and now there's a big splotch of coffee right in the middle!" You said, circling your fingers around your palm as you walked with your back to the exit as you walked out of the cafeteria, food forgotten and him following your pace. 
Before you could continue your awkward blabber, you were standing in the garden outside, leaning against a pillar with the garden in your view looking golden in the setting sun. He was standing in your view, the shadows around his jaw making it look sharp enough to cut glass. 
Taking a breath, you looked up at his smiling form with confusion when he didn't answer, instead leant onto the pillar next to you.
"You were... gonna say something?" You reminded, smiling awkwardly as you fiddled with your fingers.
"Oh? Oh! Oh yes yes, You know, I was kind of disappointed that you weren't in my class, Mister Wilson talks very highly of you." He said, folding his arms on his chest, it made his biceps bulge. 
"He does?" You looked at him with surprise, guilt panging in your chest when you remembered yourself bad mouthing the professor not long ago. 
"Yes, says you're a bright student with a bright future." He answered, leaning his head back so that his neck was exposed, Adam's Apple bobbing as he gulped, his hair falling into place perfectly against his forehead. The arch of his neck was beautiful, tracing it with your eyeballs as you imagined which other curves of his were as beautiful, immediately dismissing those thoughts, chastising yourself for thinking such a way of a professor. 
"That's… sweet of him. I've never heard him compliment me once in the two and half years I've been in his class." You chuckle, leaning your elbow on the pillar to get a better look at his side profile. 
"Hmm, he says he's hard on you because he wants you to do your best..." 
You stopped listening past that, your breath growing more erratic the more he talked, his smooth voice washing over you like warm honey with a squeeze of lemon. Swallowing a sudden lump in your throat, your heart leaping, leaving you nauseous and in a dream like trance. 
Tom noticed immediately, noticing your slouched posture as you stared at him with a small smile, the upturn of your lips so inviting that he almost dived in, wanting to know the feeling of them what they felt like against his. 
He wasn't the kind to date his students, in fact, he rarely dated after joining uni and becoming a professor. 
He strictly believed that student/teacher relationships should end in only a professional non romantic set up. That was all up until he crashed into you that morning. 
You had been in his mind all day, stirring him crazy as he imagined your smile, the way your eyes lit up when you talked about your subject of interest, the say your fingers fiddled with the ring you wore on your index finger. 
He wondered if this feeling would last forever or become a vague memory, an attraction of hearts that didn't last but felt good till it did. If he was rushing, or if you even felt the same way. 
He was smart, of course that's how he became a teacher, but he still couldn't place your feelings. 
So when he saw you staring at him, his heart leaping in his throat at your adorable smile, the only logical answer his brain gave was that you liked him too. Temporary attraction or not, he wasn't one to look a gift horse in it's mouth. 
Next thing he knew your lips were crashing onto his, your chest pressed against his firmly as your hands reached up to the base of his neck. 
Your fingers were soft, tongue swishing against his as he opened his mouth to let you enter. His hands automatically reach for your waist, holding onto firmly as he slammed you against the pillar. 
The sun was nearly down, the last of the rays hitting the garden, lighting you both up in a golden glow that left you breathless with a fire raging in your souls. 
"What do you say that I audit for British history? I'd like to learn more lessons from you, Professor Holland." You said, breathless against his chest, hiding your nose against his sternum, blood rushing to your ears as his warm hand burned against the bare skin underneath your shirt. 
"That would be great darling, anything to see your pretty smile every morning." 
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A/N: let me know what you think! :)
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dynyamight · 3 years
some bkdk au’s that i’ve collectively thought of, but haven’t had the time to write !! hope you enjoy ^^
1. Bakugou is a grumpy, tired delivery guy that has to give fanboy Midoriya his online purchases and other random merchandise. The packages are always oddly large, that he needs to wait for Midoriya to sign them off as delivered. And sometimes, while waiting, the damn nerd asks questions.
2. Midoriya is a pro gamer who has only been seen drinking energy drinks and eating cheap, TV dinners, in order to stay awake for long sessions. And, Bakugou is his fuming, concerned roommate who’s a nutritionist and watches his streams, only to demand him to eat healthier. And yes, he makes Midoriya’s meals.
3. Bakugou picks up a quick, stupid job as a mall Christmas elf, and Midoriya is the delightful barista at the same mall. They fortunately/unfortunately [depending on who you ask] take their lunch breaks at the same time. Midoriya thinks the whole costume is cute, and Bakugou wants to burn.
4. Midoriya’s a reluctant quidditch captain, having to put up with recent Triwizard Champion Bakugou and his outrageous ego. Midoriya telling him what to do is worse than an animagus drinking the Wolfbane potion. But, he needs to bring the team together, so that Gryffindor can win this year.
5. Bakugou needs a new, fitted suit for his best friend’s wedding, and his usual, favorite tailor has retired. He goes into a new store, meeting Midoriya as their trustee tailor in men’s wear. And, fucking hell, he can’t stop blushing, with Midoriya’s hands measuring his inseam. Meanwhile, Midoriya simply wonders how a man can have such a small waist.
6. Midoriya keeps vocally telling Bakugou a bunch of pickup lines, and insistingly asking him which ones sound better to say. Little does Bakugou know that Midoriya’s trying to find the best one to ask him out on a date, seriously. The moment Bakugou finds the one he likes, Midoriya plans to use it on him, when he gets the courage.
7. Bakugou and Midoriya are divorcees, coparenting their shared child, together [omegaverse/adoption; either or]. And, this beloved child of theirs is trying to get them back together, while all three go on an international trip for “vacation”. In reality, Bakugou and Midoriya need to work together for important hero work, but they both refuse to leave their child in the hands of the government.
8. Midoriya’s friends are all getting married, and he consistently needs to invite a plus one. Bakugou likes the free food and drinks weddings offer, but he’s only ever been to family weddings, with none of his friends settling down. Hence, they team up and pretend date for their own benefits.
9. Bakugou’s failing his courses, and so he’s set up with Midoriya by a teacher, the highest grade student in their year, and biggest potential to becoming the valedictorian. To Midoriya’s shock, Bakugou’s extremely smart; he just hates school THAT much. And, their tutoring sessions become more vent, open moments together.
10. Midoriya’s band lost their drummer, after he was furious with their same old sound. They had an upcoming gig at a small venue, but now they are in danger of having to pull back and cancel. That is, until Midoriya notices his college classmate Bakugou drumming his pencil in a 6/8 groove, during exams.
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
I love it when me and my roommate start comparing highschool experiences. Oh, your students were divided in 2 groups and one had to go to an old unkept building up a hill in a forrest to study cuz there was no more space in the prestigious city building and in your time there some students gave a teacher a fatal heart attack in class and poisoned another pregnant teacher? And you had a full on functional church in the basement you used to hide in as a secret base? Well i went to an lgbt friendly school where one of the teachers went on national television to claim we were all drug addict, another math teacher most likely lived in the school (couldve been a rumor but i used to stay til 10:30 pm for choir and he'd still be chilling in the hallways by then) and when he retired he disappeared and no one has been able to reach him since, i had a classmate from north korea that never came back after christmas break, and at some point we got transfered to a random university in the neighbourhood while still in 12th grade, while some 8th graders ended up studying in containers for a semester. Actually you know what, i think my roommate wins this round, she had the whole plot of assassination classroom going on and i just have random missings persons cases.
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lavenderbexlatte · 4 years
play you on repeat
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stray kids  11.8k words female reader insert FemDom!Reader x Sub!3RACHA EXPLICIT/NSFW
🖤 warnings: unprotected sex, degradation 🖤
Series Masterlist (Parts 1-7)
connect with me! / masterlist
The three of them follow you all the way to the front door in a line like little ducklings, eager-eyed and silent as you part the crowds of students and friends on your way outside.
You only see those eager eyes when you turn around on the front porch of the random house that's throwing this party. Changbin stands just behind you, Jisung after him and Chan bringing up the rear.
They really want more, then. Their instant agreement kind of surprises you; it's one thing to flirt or make out with someone at a party, but it's another thing entirely to invite random classmates home for an orgy. But you're not crazy or stupid enough to let the chance pass you by. You're all in.
"Okay, boys," you say, "Where are we doing this?"
"Me and 'Bin live together," says Chan quickly.
You regard him coolly. "Just you two?"
"Just us," he nods.
That's promising. You live independently but you have roommates, and while you're sure you could sneak one hookup into your room, three of them might turn some heads. Your roommates are patient, but not that patient.
So you smile at them. "Okay. I trust you three aren’t gonna try any dirty tricks on me?"
"Dirty tricks?" Changbin repeats.
You shrug. "Stealing my wallet. Selling me into indentured servitude. Harvesting my organs. The usual nightmare date stuff."
"Why would we do that?" Jisung asks, looking amused but also concerned.
Is he worried that you don't trust them? That's kind of cute.
You just smile wider. "We don't know each other very well, I’m a woman and you’re three men. You guys might be dangerous."
It’s obvious that you’re teasing them. You can't help but laugh a little, saying it, since you’ve actually been alone with the three of them before, for your school project some weeks ago. Besides, the most unpredictable and potentially dangerous person here is you. That's already been proven. The three of them seem just as amused as you, though, so you've succeeded in breaking any tension that was gathering.
"Did you guys drive here?" you ask.
"No," says Jisung.
"Neither did I," you say, “I was planning on getting drunk.”
"No worries. Called a cab already," says Chan.
His cocky attitude is back as he waves his phone in your direction, the screen showing a little animated car tracing its way to your location. When did he order a ride? More importantly, at what point did he assume you were gonna wanna go back to his place? He's right, of course, and you do want to, but come on.
"Presumptuous," you tease.
He shrugs. "Well, 'Sung has roommates, and I figured you wouldn't want three near strangers at your place."
The flash of his eyes lets you know that he’s feeling quite high and mighty for having made up your mind for you. Oh, you're going to have to break this attitude ASAP.
You set about thinking of exactly how to do that as you meander toward the road to wait for the car, trusting that someone will tell you when it arrives. You stand on the sidewalk in the dim circle of light cast by a streetlamp. Chan wants more, right?
So do you. Three boys...three boys who are all partners, it seems. There's gonna be some finagling tonight, some organization needed. You ponder exactly what you want from them. The options are endless, truly. This is going to be very, very good.
When the car pulls up, Changbin comes over and slings his arm around your waist, like he's the one taking you home and not the other way around (figuratively, at least). You look at him, amused, relishing how you can almost meet his eye with the small difference between his height and yours.
"What's this?" you ask, gesturing at his arm around you.
"I'm being gentlemanly," he pouts, bottom lip pushed out exaggeratedly, "Don't kill the vibe."
He's being silly, you realize. That firm confidence from before is gone, replaced by what seems to be an eager desire for you to like him. He's in luck, then. You already like him.
You climb into the back seat of the small black sedan, scooting all the way over to the far window seat. Chan follows right behind you, settling in the middle with Jisung after him. Changbin is up front with the driver. You can tell that the boys would rather have you in the middle seat by the way that Chan and Jisung are playfully glaring at each other, but you much prefer to have your own space by the window. Nobody likes the middle seat.
The boys busy themselves with their phones on the ride, but you just watch the boys instead. You can tell that they know you're watching. Jisung meets your eye once and looks away quickly, grinning, and Changbin is just barely resisting turning all the way around to look at you head-on. You think you know what you want to do with those two, since they're pretty communicative and easy to read, so you study the real predicament.
He's got pretty hands, you notice, as he taps away at his phone. He also has one of those dorky leather phone cases with wallet pockets. You just can't get into those; young people use them a lot, now, but you always associate them with dads and teachers and stuff. Old people. Chan's is full of cards, his student ID and a credit card and others. You peer closer at his driver's license with its tiny picture of him. His curly hair is blonde in the photo, which is cute.
You notice something else, too - his birthdate. Chan is in your year in school, but you never knew...
"Are you...are you younger than me?" you ask him, delighted.
He blinks at you. "How old are you?"
You tell him - a year or so older than him. It's not much, but definitely something in a society that puts so much emphasis on age. It also puts you at the oldest in this group by a bit of a margin, considering Changbin is a couple years younger than Chan and Jisung is younger still.
"That makes me the noona tonight," you tease.
Chan gives you an alarmed side-eye, his pale cheeks blushing furiously and his pupils blown big. He's into the noona thing, too? You wonder exactly how many little one-ups you're going to have on him tonight.
So you're the oldest. Hm. You grin to yourself. So they thought they were bagging a shy, quiet submissive, and instead they got you.
The ride to their place is short, and you're surprised when the cab pulls up in front of a small one-story house instead of an apartment building. Not many students around here have homes, since housing prices in the city are predictably sky-high and out of the average student budget. The boys get out of the car right away, thanking the driver, but you take your time. You study the house, the cars in the driveway (two of them, one silver sedan, one black mid-size SUV) and the neat front garden.
"A house," you say mildly.
Changbin looks embarrassed for the first time that night, as he stutters, "My family - I'm - we have-"
"Fucking PILES of money," Chan finishes for him, grinning, "I pay him rent, can you believe it?"
"I didn't want him to pay anything but he insisted," Changbin says.
"I'm not a freeloader," Chan insists.
"You think I'm gonna make my own boyfriend pay rent when I could buy him his own house?" Changbin grumbles, heading up the front walk.
Jisung has already let himself into the house uninterested in the conversation. He doesn't live there, you remember, but obviously he's no stranger. You follow Changbin inside, vaguely aware of Chan coming after you. It's a cute house, you admit to yourself, as you step in the door and kick off your shoes.
It does look like a house where a bunch of boys live, though. An artists' den. There's music equipment strewn all over the small living room; Bluetooth speakers, a midi board, a full-size electric keyboard, a drum pad. Propped on a small table in the corner is a silver slab that you realize is a YouTube subscriber award plaque, and there’s a Soundcloud affiliate certificate next to it.
"The rumors about you guys are true, then," you say, mostly to yourself, not even thinking.
Changbin looks at you, confused. So does Jisung. Chan just smiles lopsidedly.
"What rumors?" Jisung asks.
"Oh." You can feel your face heating up. "Just that you guys are...musicians."
You were actually thinking about their minor celebrity status, their Soundcloud rapper status, but you don't know if that will come across as...like...offensive? Is it rude to call people Soundcloud rappers, since that’s kind of become an insult? They're obviously even more well-known than you thought, if the 100k subs plaque is anything to go off. Not just campus royalty, but actually somewhat famous. It’s bizarre.
"Musicians," Chan repeats, amused.
You kind of hate the expression on his face. He's still holding onto that weird confident charm from the party, the face that you assume he puts on in these situations to pretend he's not one good hair-pull away from whining and begging.
"You can't pretend that you don't know," you say, more aggressively than you mean to, "On campus, with everyone from school…you guys are super...popular."
It sounds so stupid to say, like you're the ugly duckling in a bad teen movie. 'You can’t like meeeee, you're soooo cool and popular!'
"Are we?" Jisung asks, looking genuinely surprised.
Oh my God. You want to facepalm. You want to grab one of them and shake them.
"You literally tried to seduce me in there," you point out, "Would that have worked if you weren't popular? That's something popular people do. Use their, like, social standing to get people to sleep with them."
"That would make us pretty shitty people," Chan says delicately. "Imbalance of power and all that."
Oh. You didn't mean to accuse them of anything. You open your mouth to apologize, feeling incredibly out of place, but Jisung interrupts you, completely unbothered.
"It's only worked once before, anyway," he says.
"...Picking someone up?" you ask.
Changbin nods, "And that only worked because Felix already had a crush on me and Chan. We just had to sell him on Jisung."
"Hey!" Jisung pouts.
Chan pets his hair placatingly, and Jisung shrugs him off in favor of heading for the kitchen, mumbling about being a fucking catch. But you’re focusing on a different bit of what Changbin told you.
"You guys fucked Felix Lee?" you ask, incredulous.
“Maybe a month ago, yeah,” Changbin says.
The cute, freckled face of dance team captain Felix Lee swims in your mind for a moment, followed by the memory of his chiseled abs from a performance earlier in the year. He’s a rising sophomore, but solidly half of campus has a crush on him. Damn, THOSE are their standards, and they wanna fuck YOU? You gotta start giving yourself more credit.
"So, we're popular," Chan muses.
"You had to have known that," you shake your head, "Literally everyone knows you. First years are so thirsty for you. That's why I was so-"
You cut yourself off. They don't need to know that you were flustered when they approached you, back there. They don't need the ego trip.
So you just affix your best innocent smile to you face, looking the three of them over. Chan, leaning against the back of the couch. Changbin, lining up all four pairs of shoes (theirs and yours) by the front door. And Jisung, returned from the kitchen with a bottle of water that he's chugging like a dying man.
"You didn't invite me over to talk about your social status," you say instead.
"We sure didn't," Chan agrees.
"First things first, then," you say, "Boundaries. You guys have any hard limits? Safewords? Musts and don'ts?"
"Nope," says Jisung, taking another sip of the water to punctuate it.
"No musts or no don'ts?" you ask.
"Yes," he quips.
You can't help the way your smile grows. "Alright. Anyone else?"
"No serious degrading," Changbin says, very very quietly.
“Praise motivated, huh?” you coo, “Cute.”
Changbin looks slightly embarrassed, but his eyes are sharp and engaged as he adds, “And no digs at my size.”
You grin. "Size or size?"
"Either!" he pouts.
"Sounds fair to me," you say.
You fix your eyes on the last one: Chan, still looking only mildly interested and very calm. But you can see the very tips of his ears going red, and then it spreads down his cheeks, and then down his neck as you watch him.
And finally, he says, "I'm not good with praise."
Jisung laughs, loud and ridiculous. "That's an understatement."
You smile warmly at Chan, not wanting him to back down if this is a legit thing for him, "So does that mean no praise?"
"No," he says immediately, "Just that...if you - I get all-"
"Flustered," you finish for him. "Good to know."
You pause for a second, wondering what kind of hard limits you'll need to bring up to them tonight. They don't seem like the kind of partners to push you into anything, if they way they're already tiptoeing around is any indication.
"I don't like hitting in the face," you say, after a moment. "Or blood."
Changbin gives you a look. "Is that the kind of stuff you do on your first night with someone?"
You laugh, "No, not usually. But some people have really specific fetishes, and I live to please. Gotta lay everything out before we start."
Chan nods sincerely, like he knows exactly what you're saying, and Jisung follows suit. You're satisfied that you've covered your bases now. And besides, you really want to get started. You have three beautiful men here to play with.
So you say, "Okay. Who's first?"
You're still smiling, but you let some of your pent-up excitement leak into it, wondering if any of them will take the bait. You wonder if they're starting to think that you're some kind of super strict domme. Very serious, or very demanding, or something. You've had that problem before, with people crumbling before you even get started since you're so blunt about boundaries. Some people take that to mean that you like rigid roles and rules and set scenes.
But that's not really true. After the communication is solidified and you trust your partner, you like to just...let go.
Much to your amusement, the first one to crack is Jisung.
He practically bounces up to you, his face so perfectly cute that you wonder if he practices the look in the mirror. It's equal parts funny and ironic, since he's the youngest and also, from what you've seen at school, the one who wants to be taken most seriously.
"I'm first," he informs you.
You smile. You can't help it. His expression is so open and happy, even though his eyes are a little nervous. It's just so much. You gently nudge Chan away from the couch, and pat the back of it gently, invitingly. Jisung seems to understand you immediately and hops right up, balancing himself on the frame and the tops of the cushions, his legs dangling down the back of the couch. You settle yourself between his legs, standing purposefully, spreading your hands across his back to support him gently.
He leans back a little as if to test you, and you hold him up easily. It's not so much that you're strong, but that Jisung's so lean and slim. And even if he did fall, it would just be the short drop onto the seat of the couch. His eyes go wider as he realizes what kind of game you're playing with him. It's a signal, and you figured he'd be smart enough to pick up on it.
"I've got you," you say, very softly, into his ear.
Even if you look unassuming, even if they're taller and louder and bolder than you. Even if you're a gentle dom who puts up with some antics.
You're in control.
When you pull back and look at him, you swear you can see the little cartoon stars blooming in his eyes. He definitely got the message loud and clear.
He nods, almost imperceptibly, and says, "I know."
And you kiss him. He deserves it. A proper kiss, not like the teasing you'd done to him at the party. You let him lick into your mouth, scrape your teeth gently over his soft bottom lip. He's a good boy, you decide. Certified good boy.
Jisung leans back a bit more as he pulls away from you, and he lurches, loses his balance. He doesn’t go anywhere, since you're still holding him up securely, but he looks spooked. It fascinates you, how quickly he's fallen into the game of it. There's no risk if he falls, and yet...
"Can I-" he asks, " - can I touch-"
"Yeah," you say, cutting him off.
And then he's gently holding your face with one hand, the other arm draped over your shoulder, fingers playing with your hair. His body is much more relaxed as he kisses you, and you relish in it.
Oh, he's a sweetheart, you realize. Not a pushover or anything; he's still cupping your face and smiling into the kiss, confident and comfortable. But a good boy.
"You're so pretty," you say.
Jisung honest to God whines against your lips at the praise.
"It's true," you say, amused.
"He likes that a lot," comes Chan's voice.
You jump, having nearly forgotten your audience again. The other two are standing just beside you, watching intently as you work over their boyfriend.
"Being called pretty?" you ask him, as if Jisung isn't even there.
Chan nods.
"Well, he is," you affirm, leaning in to kiss Jisung's nose, trying to get your groove back.
Honestly, it’s a struggle to keep up with the fact that you’re trying to dom three people at once. You know you’ll do fine. It’s group sex, not a goddamn triathlon. But it’s useful here that you prefer domming psychologically, rather than with lots of physical force. You don’t know exactly what these three are used to, what they’re comfortable doing. A first-time with three people at once probably isn't the best time to fly in with a strap-on and demand people obey you.
So doing this the old-fashioned way, with simple baiting, praising, awarding, withholding…that’s gonna be the way forward.
“Who’s got the best bed for a foursome?” you ask, still holding up Jisung but looking expectantly back at Chan and Changbin.
Changbin nudges Chan with his elbow, "D'you think you could handle moving your pillow fort? For sexy purposes."
"Pillow fort?" you repeat.
"I have a lot of pillows, it's fine," Chan defends. "No big deal."
"He makes a nest with them," pipes up Jisung, "Like a crib."
Chan glares at him, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was Put Chan On Blast Night."
"Okay, whose bed is biggest?" you ask instead, deigning not to comment on the pillow thing any further.
"Changbin's," says Jisung.
"Then we can go there."
"Yes, ma'am," Changbin says easily, and he turns on his heel to head for the bedroom door on the right side of the house.
It's a small house, so he's quickly out of sight. Chan follows after him. You unwind your arms from around Jisung's little waist, and he lets himself drop dramatically backwards onto the couch cushions. You follow Chan, and Jisung chases after you.
Changbin's room is painted an off-white, the bedding rich dark blue against neutral wood furniture. It's extremely well-done for a college boy's room. You're impressed. It might even be more cohesive than your room. Now, at night, with just the soft light coming in from outside in the gap of his slightly-open blackout curtains, it looks impossibly atmospheric.
"Hold on," Changbin mutters, as you take in the space.
There's a soft click, and a set of fairy lights come on, strung around the perimeter of the room. They're an interesting color array, purple and blue and cool white. It's bright enough to see what you're doing, to see each other, but dark enough to set the tone. Yeah. They have a lot of sex in here. You're kind of excited to be part of it.
"Is there anyone-" you start, before your mind can filter the thought, and you stop.
But all three of them are just looking at you, standing there in a little line. You walk deeper into the room. You can do this. And so you swallow that last trace of lingering shame and ask them outright.
"Is there anyone who doesn't wanna fuck me?"
Jisung and Changbin break out in raucous laughter, and Chan just regards you.
"Why would we not want to?" Chan asks.
"I mean," you huff feeling petulant despite yourself, "Some people have no interest in the P in V stuff and would prefer something else, shut up!"
"You ask a lot of questions," Chan shoots back.
"I'm being considerate," you reply.
"No, I think we're all on board," interrupts Changbin, as if to head off a real argument.
You have no intention of fighting, though. You wonder what kind of people these three have hooked up with in the past. They obviously have no communication difficulties with each other, and yet they're (well...Chan is) being so difficult with you.
"Perfect," you say, "'Bin, c'mere."
Changbin shuffles nearer to you, leaving the others behind, and you look him over carefully. He's broad and strong, much bigger than Jisung. Your approach to him has to be a little different, you think. You make a quick decision: he's gonna be your ally tonight.
You lean into his ear and whisper the plan you've been making up on the fly. He listens. And when you've finished, Changbin grins conniving and bright.
"Does that sound good?" you ask him.
He nods. "I think they'll like it."
"Like what?" Jisung asks eagerly.
"Don't worry about it," you reply.
"I'm gonna worry about it," says Chan.
That dude. So neurotic. You really need to figure out what his buttons are, so you can know which ones to press and which to avoid. It's gonna take more than a little hair-pulling to figure out, you wager.
"'Bin, give me a hand?" you say, gesturing at your top.
Changbin gives you a winning smile and looks gloatingly back at Jisung, then at Chan, and then he reaches down to leisurely unbutton your shirt. You never wear button-downs, but you're glad you did tonight. They make undressing so much more...cinematic.
You shrug off the shirt when Changbin's done, the final button falling open, and you move next to strip off his t-shirt, too. He wears those things tight. He always has; you can't even count how many days in class you've spent staring at the muscular span of his shoulders. This one is the same, clinging to his form ridiculously, like he's trying out to be Captain America's body double.
When the t-shirt is gone, you're greeted with a thick, toned upper body that dips into solid, narrower hips. Not quite cut, no chocolate abs or anything, but he's got some impressive working muscle under his deep-toned skin. Beef. He's beefy.
"Wow," you say appreciatively, running your hand from his collarbone all the way down to his belt.
"What about us?" Jisung asks.
"Patience," you murmur, "Don't you want Changbinnie to feel good?"
Jisung pouts, but says, "Yes..."
"Then you can wait your turn," you say plaintively.
"Can I kiss you, noona?" Changbin asks.
You look at him, amused. "So you heard that conversation."
Changbin shakes his head. "I knew before. Chan-hyung always calls you-"
Chan squeaks, mortified, cutting him off, but you've heard plenty.
"Oh, he always calls me noona," you purr, "Before he knew how old I was?"
"Yes," Changbin says.
That's interesting, to say the least. It means that their approach to you from the start was to defer familiar respect and treat you like an elder, rather than a peer. Hm.
You get a little closer, bringing your face up to his. "Do you talk about me a lot?"
"No," Changbin breathes, "But when we do-"
"Dude!" Chan hisses.
"Don't listen to him," you soothe Changbin, giving Chan a little wink over your shoulder, "Thank you for telling me."
You kiss Changbin, since he did ask so nicely and gave you a wonderful tidbit about Chan. He's a good kisser. Needy; he's pressing you backwards with his enthusiasm. You reach to put your arms around his neck, but then you reconsider. Instead, you fold yourself against his chest, palms flat on his pecs. It gives the illusion that you're much smaller than him, even though admittedly he's not a very tall person.
The change in his body language is instantaneous. Your hunch was right - he likes feeling big. He did say not to make digs about his size. Well, you certainly won't about his height. But his size...
You move down and begin unbuckling his belt.
"How come only he gets to get naked?" Jisung complains.
You glance at him, hands busy unbuttoning and zipping down Changbin.
"I'm not stopping you," you reply, "You could undress without permission. But you'll miss out on all the fun if you just go off on your own."
Jisung blinks doe eyes at you, and Chan huffs out a laugh.
"Some dom you are, yeah?" Chan scoffs.
You shrug. "I can't make you do anything. I'm not gonna force you."
"No?" Chan says.
"That's the fun of this stuff, isn't it?" you say.
You ruffle Changbin's hair playfully, and motion for him to continue undressing himself. Willing all the grace you know you possess, you walk over to Chan, keeping your motions fluid and careless. You want him to see exactly what kind of dom you are.
"The fact that you don't have to listen to me. That's the fun," you say, "You don't have to. But you will. You wanna be good."
Chan swallows hard. "I..."
"I'm sure you like being good," you continue, cupping Chan's face in both of your hands, forcing him to meet your eyes. "You're gonna be good for me, aren't you, peach?"
"Yeah," he says, so quietly that you think you've imagined it, his cheeks burning red.
"I'm sorry," you hum, "I didn't hear that. Yes...?"
"Yes, noona," Chan says.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, noona, I'll be good for you."
"I thought you would be," you say, satisfied. "Go sit on the bed. Against the headboard."
He looks like he wants to complain about that, but you shrug again, punctuating that you're truly not here to force anyone. Domming is about control, not force. If Chan wants to turn over control to you, he will.
And he does.
He scrambles up the bed and sits with his back against the headboard. You can feel his eyes on you, and Jisung's wide, wide eyes, as you return to Changbin.
Changbin is down to his boxer-briefs, and God, he's good-looking. Solid and masculine. You kind of just want to have your way with him and be done with it. But that's not the plan.
“Jisung,” you say.
He jumps, not expecting to be addressed. “Yeah?”
“Are you okay bottoming tonight?”
“’Course,” he affirms, “Always. For who?”
You glance at Changbin, who nods, and Jisung smiles his biggest, most genuine smile, crooked front tooth and all.
“I like this plan,” he says.
That assent is all you need to hear.
“Is there lube?” you ask Changbin.
He turns away, presumably to grab it, and you snag Jisung by the wrist and tug him toward you. Jisung's wide smile is distracting, as you have him lie down on the bed. Changbin's bed is a king, you think, a really really big mattress with plenty of room to use. But when Jisung sprawls out easily, the top of his head is close to Chan.
"You have one rule, up there," you say to Chan, "No touching."
"No touching...him?" Chan asked, pointing at Jisung.
You smile. "No touching. Him, me, 'Bin, yourself. No touching."
Chan looks wide-eyed, almost hurt at your words. You can't tell exactly how he's feeling, so you move around the bed until you're right in front of him, and take one of his hands in yours.
"Is that okay?" you ask, "Are you okay with that?"
"I'm okay," he says.
You look at Changbin, waiting by Jisung's knees at the edge of the bed, and at Jisung himself, watching you upside-down.
"Can I implement the traffic light system?" you ask them, "It's the easiest safeword system for me, I think, with so many of you."
"You mean the color thing," Changbin clarifies.
"Yeah," you nod.
"We've used that one before," says Jisung agreeably, "We don't usually use any safewords but we can do that.
You turn back to Chan. "Does that work for you?"
He smiles, and it warms up his face all the way to his eyes, so you relax.
"Yeah, that works well," he says.
"Good," you say, "So. Color?"
"Green," says Chan.
You lean in and kiss him for his trouble, realizing with a thrill that you've really only kissed him one other time. He's damn good at it, too, eager but gentle with just enough pressure. You pull back right as he starts to really melt against you, and drop his hand back onto his lap, in favor of returning to Jisung where you've left him.
Jisung, for his part, is lounging back on his elbows, just watching you, and you nudge his knees farther apart as you settle in between them. You can feel Changbin's warmth behind you again as he hovers, not quite touching you.
"Noona," he whines.
You glance back at him, his chin at your shoulder.
"I know," you tut, "You're already doing a good job for me, gorgeous."
He beams at the praise, and repeats, "Noonaaaa."
You smile to yourself at the lilt in his voice. "You can touch, baby."
There are suddenly lips against the side of your throat, Changbin trailing kisses across your skin, and hands on your waist pulling you back gingerly, as if he's afraid you'll tell him off for being too greedy (which is a good and valid worry). You lean away, down toward Jisung, and coax him upright to peel the baggy t-shirt off him. As you get the garment over his head, you're surprised to see firm abs and pecs. Jisung is small and thin, but apparently very, very muscular. Huh.
"You've been holding out on me," you chide him.
"Don't think about it that way, noona," Jisung says, "Think of it as a nice surprise."
You huff out a laugh. He's being kind of mouthy, but it's cute, so you're gonna let it slide. Mostly.
"Are you in any position to be telling me what to do?" you tease.
Jisung shrugs, lips pursed. You tickle your fingers down the hard line of his abs, grinning when he jumps and squeaks under your touch.
"'Bin?" you ask.
"Who here is overdressed?"
Changbin hums against your skin, mouthing at the soft juncture of your neck and your shoulder, and says, "Jisungie, noona. And you."
"Not Chan?" you ask lightly.
Changbin grins. You can feel the flats of his teeth against your skin.
"Not unless you say so, noona," Changbin says.
"Good call, gorgeous," you say, leaning back into his touch.
He's hard against your ass, you note. Perfect. You go for Jisung's skintight jeans next, unbuttoning and peeling the black denim down his slim thighs. He's so dainty, all thin graceful limbs, his frame small but masculine and defined. You can see his cock twitch with interest as you get the jeans all the way off, his boxers beginning to tent.
"Excited?" you ask, letting your hand trail over him, gently feeling the outline of him through the thin fabric.
"Yeah," he says, shameless.
"Who should get undressed first?" you ask Jisung,
Jisung must register something in your tone, as his big eyes look from you, to Changbin, back to you.
And then he says, "Me, noona."
"Oh," you purr, "Good boy."
You free him from his boxers, and it's not a surprise when you're met with a pretty, proportional cock, flushed and lovely. You're hit with the urge to feel the weight of him in your mouth. And fuck, this is YOUR game, isn't it? So you lean down and do just that, taking his head between your lips.
Jisung gasps, high and pretty, and you can see Chan's face above you darken. He looks...jealous?
"Peach, you okay?" you say, coming off Jisung to speak.
Chan looks at you, puppy-eyed.
"I want..." he trails plaintively.
"I know you do," you agree. “Don’t be greedy.”
He's still sitting obediently, hands balled into fists atop his thighs and not touching anything. He's the only one fully dressed, and you can tell that it's driving him crazy. He can wait. You know he can.
So you nuzzle against Jisung's stomach indulgently and ask him, "Who next?"
Jisung pauses, comprehending what you've asked, and then he says, "Changbin-hyung."
You place your hand over Changbin's where it still rests in its spot on your waist.
"You heard him, Binnie," you say, "Go 'head."
His warmth vanishes from behind you for only a few seconds before he's back, his now unencumbered cock brushing against your shorts. You grip Jisung's length again, pumping him for a moment, looking down at him with a glint in your eye.
"Here's what's going to happen," you say, standing up properly, "I'm going to prep you for Changbin, baby. And Changbin is gonna have some fun of his own while I do it."
Jisung nods his understanding at your words, his expression delighted, and Chan is all but panting as he sits pretty for you. There's a lovely flush creeping from his ears toward the neckline of his button-down shirt.
You shuck off your own shorts, left now in just your bra and panties. As you look down at yourself, you realize that while they are not a matching set, your underwear ARE about the same color, which you count as a personal victory. It's the little things.
"Hand me a pillow, peach?" you ask Chan.
He nearly topples over in his eagerness to give you a pillow from the head of the bed. You have Jisung raise his hips, and settle the pillow under him, angling him up for better access. He doesn't seem the slightest bit self-conscious, on display to you like that. You almost hate how attractive that is.
"Everyone, color?" you ask.
"Green," chirps Jisung, almost before you're done speaking.
"Green," Chan agrees.
"So green," Changbin groans from behind you, where he's still grinding against your ass.
"Wonderful," you murmur.
You turn your attention fully to the boy beneath you. Jisung is impeccably groomed, maybe even better than you, you think. There's a neat thatch of hair around the base, and he's all but hairless everywhere else. It's impressive.
You trail your hand over his balls, his perineum, to his hole, and he chokes out a moan as you just graze the thin skin there.
"Are you sure you're ready to go, Jisungie?" you ask, and he nods eagerly.
"I wanted to bottom tonight anyway," he informs you cheekily.
Chan laughs, which melts any of your lingering worries that you've overwhelming or neglecting him.
"That's true," Chan says softly. "He told us before the party."
"You guys are so much fun," you say.
The lube is laying on the comforter next to you, so you pick it up, pop the top, and coat two of your fingers in the stuff. You lean down over Jisung again, knowing how obscene you must look together, him all spread out for you and you draped over his lithe little body. You're sure both Chan, in front, and Changbin, behind, are getting an eyeful of the two of you.
"I'm gonna start," you warn Jisung.
"Finally," Jisung teases, "I was beginning to think - shit-"
He's cut off as you ease your index finger past that ring of muscle. The slide is much easier than you expected, but he still whines out in a pitch higher than you would have thought.
"You do this a lot?" you ask him, only half-teasing, slowly pumping your finger and relishing in the easy way he takes you, "You're so open."
"I do, yeah," Jisung agrees, breathless.
"And here I thought you were the bottom of the group," you say to Chan, letting a little bit of bite into your voice, wondering if they're at all into that.
Chan's flush picks back up, and he stammers, "I - mean-"
"He can be a great little hole, too," Jisung says, casually, "I wrecked him a couple days ago, didn't I, hyung?"
Still blushing furiously, Chan nods.
"Interesting," you say simply, turning your attention back to Jisung, "Hey, what happened to those pretty sounds?"
You curl your finger slightly, and Jisung lets out another gasp.
"That's more like it," you praise.
You almost wish you had a strap here, so you could do the next part yourself, too. But your actual plan is gonna be just as much fun, so you can easily be content with this.
"Noona," comes Changbin's voice.
"Yes?" you answer.
"Can I...I mean..." Changbin trails off, seeming embarrassed.
"Can you?" you prompt, amused at his sudden shyness.
"Can I make you feel good, too?" he asks.
"Oh, baby," you simper, "Of course. So good, asking for permission."
Changbin laughs breathlessly, and so does Jisung.
"Isn't he good?" you ask Jisung.
"Good," Jisung agrees, though he nearly chokes on the word.
He seems to be ready for another finger, so you draw out and press back in with two, this time. At the same time, you lean down to take his length back into your mouth. Jisung whimpers again, starting to press his hips down against your hand.
As you're bent over at the waist, pleasuring Jisung, you feel tentative fingers pulling your panties to the side. You wonder if you're going to get the warm press of a cockhead, or-
"Oh," you breathe, pulling off Jisung's cock again to collect yourself as the unmistakable trace of a tongue wanders up your core.
Changbin pulls away just as quickly as he began, and you all but groan in frustration.
"Come on, gorgeous, don't be shy," you urge.
And the tongue returns, more eager this time, as Changbin settles himself fully between your legs. You steel yourself to enjoy while also focusing on the task at hand, prepping Jisung, and keeping your wits about you. Changbin definitely doesn't seem like he's only a sub, and neither do the other two, honestly. They seem like switches, if you had to hazard a guess. It would be in poor taste to let any of them turn the tables on you, now, wouldn't it?
Your mind wanders a little as you scissor and work your two fingers, Jisung trembling and whimpering praise under you, Changbin's plush lips against your clit. How the fuck did you get here?
You're kind of floored to think that maybe an hour ago, you were at that party, bored, barely buzzed, and anonymous, or so you thought. Plain old you. And now you're here, sandwiched between two of the hot, popular guys from Physics class with the third one watching you and white-knuckling the sheets.
A surge of power sweeps through you at the thought. You're here. You have this. You deserve this. And you're gonna have a good fucking time.
"I'm ready!" Jisung is sputtering, "I'm - I'm-"
"Ready," you finish for him, bringing your focus back to the moment.
There's arousal building low in your stomach. Changbin is good with his mouth. You kind of wish you could see him while he's doing this.
"Ready for what?" you ask Jisung.
"More!" he whines, “More, Jesus, two fingers is basic!”
You pull your fingers out, which just makes him whine louder, to reapply lube. This time, you push in with three, and Jisung keens long and low.
"You know, Changbinnie," you say, making sure to keep your voice measured and casual, "You're gonna need to get wet to fit inside Jisungie's pretty hole."
Changbin pulls himself up at your words, leaving your core wet and exposed and distinctly throbbing, and he leans forward to take the lube from you. You stop him before he can take the bottle.
"That's not what I meant," you say sweetly.
There's a fraction of a second while he catches up, and then Changbin groans openly against your shoulder blade, as you continue to work your fingers steadily in and out of Jisung.
"Noona, we have condoms in Chan-hyung's room," Changbin says, "I can go-"
"No," you say, "No need."
And that's all the permission Changbin seems to need, before he's lining himself up.
"Can I?" he asks.
You coo. He hasn't missed a single beat, sweet and obedient and so ready to be good for you.
"You're so good, gorgeous," you say, "Yes, please."
He sinks into you quickly, no preamble, and you can't blame him for being eager because you're secretly just as ready for it. He's thicker than you expected, but you should have expected it, considering the rest of his body. You find yourself panting against Jisung’s hipbone, your fingers pausing inside Jisung as you enjoy the delicious stretch.
“Can I move, noona?” Changbin asks, sounding punched-out already.
“Take it slow,” you instruct him, “This is just a warmup for you, you know.”
Changbin whines under his breath but obeys you, pulling out agonizingly slowly. As you try to keep your head clear, you notice Chan shifting on the bed ahead of you, and you have an idea.
“Okay, peach,” you say, keeping your voice level, “Why don’t you come over here and have a good look?”
“A look?” Chan repeats, “At…”
You smile to yourself. “At whatever you want. Jisung is a pretty picture, I’m sure you know that.”
“And you, noona,” Changbin cuts in.
“And me?” you say, amused.
“Pretty,” says Changbin, by way of explanation, as he keeps up his slow, slow pace.
“Thanks,” you say, arching back against him, figuring he deserves a little reward.
You nod at Chan, encouraging, and he crawls off the bed and comes around behind you. You’re sure he can see everything from where he is - your fingers disappearing into Jisung’s heat, Changbin’s cock disappearing into you. The combined power of Changbin’s steady pace and Chan watching it all is a little overwhelming. You need to narrow your focus or else someone is gonna come before you intend it to happen, and that someone might just be you.
You gently pull your fingers out of Jisung’s hole, leaving him complaining behind you.
“It was just starting to get good, come on!” Jisung whines
“Patience, baby,” you say, giving Jisung a playing smack on the meat of his thigh.
You turn your head fully to look at Chan. He’s staring, transfixed, down on the place where Changbin’s cock is slowly working in and out of you. And now that your brain isn’t focusing on being careful with Jisung, the arousal is really catching up with you. You’re getting close.
Really, you reason, what’s the harm in having a little more fun for yourself?
“Jisungie,” you say, “You wanna give me a hand here?”
He looks rightfully confused, until you reach up and snap your own bra strap against your skin. Then Jisung winks at you, and reaches around to push-pull-snap open the hooks in the back in one fluid movement.
“How’d you get so good at that?” you ask him, amused. “None of your partners wear bras.”
Jisung looks offended. “Who says I don’t wear ‘em?”
“Good point.”
You shrug off the garment, now only in your panties, which aren’t doing much of anything anymore since Changbin’s fucking you around them. Jisung’s eyes are following your breasts as you readjust yourself, sitting up more and shifting your weight onto your knees. Man, your core is gonna be killing you tomorrow…
“Lock it up, baby, shit,” you tease Jisung, “How long has it been since you’ve seen tiddies?”
“That weren’t on a man? I don’t even know.”
You reach down and start drawing lazy circles on your clit, and you can feel yourself clench down on Changbin at the stimulation. He gasps, and you tut at him.
“I know you can wait for me, gorgeous,” you say.
He whines, “But-”
“Changbinnie. You’re gonna let me feel good, aren’t you?” you ask him. “Don’t I deserve to cum first?”
“Yes,” he grinds out.
“Noona, can I do it?” Jisung asks suddenly.
You’re still hovering over him, all but laying on top of him, and you look down at his face. His eyes are fixed on your fingers, rubbing yourself through your underwear.
“Do what?” you ask, just to be difficult.
“Make you cum,” Jisung answers.
You take your hand off your clit and reach out to thread your fingers through Jisung’s, leading him back to the front of your panties.
“You and Binnie need to work together for this, huh?” you say, “One of you isn’t good enough? It has to be two?”
“I’m good enough,” Changbin argues.
“Shush,” you admonish, “Then prove it.”
You let your hand fall away again, as Jisung takes up the task. He slips his fingers down your waistband, circling hard and tight over your clit. Changbin, obedient to the end, is still somehow keeping up those slow, deep strokes that you demanded. And you have to admit: they’re determined to prove it.
“Jesus, noona,” Changbin whines.
“You’re not gonna cum yet,” you instruct.
“I know.”
Jisung meets Changbin’s eye over your shoulder; you can tell that’s what he’s doing from the smirk on Jisung’s face and the muttered shut up that Changbin stifles into your neck. He gets up on his knees, and you find yourself pressed between them, your forehead against Jisung’s breastbone as his fingers work under you. You glance up, intending to tell Jisung off for making his next move on his own, but the vision you see knocks that idea right out of your head.
They’re making out over you.
It’s so beautifully desperate, Changbin biting and panting into Jisung’s mouth and whining under it all as he fucks into you, Jisung with one hand fisted in Changbin’s hair and the other still dutifully circling your clit, wet and dirty. As you feel your peak coming on, you remember the last member of your party, poor Chan, still relegated to his spectator’s spot behind you all, still under orders not to touch. You look up at him, and God, you wish you had looked sooner.
Chan is standing there, hands cemented at his sides. He’s flushed from the tips of his ears all the way down his neck, to his chest, creeping under his shirt, and his eyes are hungry. But he’s being good, no matter how much he wants to move.
He’s still being good, and that’s what sends you over the edge. You drop your head back down against Jisung’s chest, and gasp and shake your way through your own orgasm. Changbin lets out a moan that borders on a shout, as you surprise him with your clenching walls, and he slows down even more, just grinding into you. There’s something so bone-deep satisfying about it, all three of the boys with their eyes on you and unable to do anything without your permission. They just have to watch and hold back.
You wait until you can speak properly before you say anything to them.
“You didn’t cum, did you, gorgeous?” you ask, swiveling your oversensitive pussy back on Changbin, spots swimming in your vision from how hard you came.
“No, noona,” Changbin says, and his voice is thin with strain but confident.
You know he didn’t, but it’s satisfying to make him say it. He’s holding still now, just standing there stuffing you full. That orgasm cleared your head a bit; you feel more centered than ever. And you feel a little bit bad for Chan, honestly. He’s gotten the least attention from you so far.
“I think Channie really wishes he was you two right now. What d’you think, peach?” you ask, directing the last part at Chan.
Chan doesn’t answer right away, which is just as well, because you can see his erection straining against his dark jeans. His eyes are fixed between your legs, where you can feel your own wetness inching obscenely out around Changbin’s cock.
“I asked you a question,” you say, louder, and Chan looks at your face instead of your pussy.
“I think I’ve been good, noona,” Chan says quietly.
“Let’s get a second opinion, hm?” you say.
You peel Changbin’s hands off your waist and scoot away from him, pulling yourself off his dick, and push Jisung away to give yourself some room. You settle beside Jisung, who sits back down against the mattress and leans on his elbows to look at the rest of you.
“But noonaaaa,” Changbin whines.
“You got some already,” you admonish. “Don’t be greedy.”
Changbin pouts at you, and you reach out and squish his cheeks in your hand. He just lets you do it, and you lean in and kiss his lips. He deserves it, and more.
“So. Consensus,” you say, “Has Channie been good?”
“Not as good as me,” Changbin mutters.
You laugh, and turn to Jisung expectantly for his answer.
“I think so,” Jisung says, “He listens to you much better than he listens to me.”
“How honest,” you say.
You turn and swing one leg over Jisung’s torso, only hesitating for a second as you factor in your body weight on top of his dainty little body and then deciding it doesn’t matter. You sit up straight, facing Jisung so that you can see his expression, trapping his bare cock between your folds, still kind of covered in your stretched and soaked panties, and his stomach.
“Oh, Jesus,” Jisung wheezes, throwing his head back.
“They’re really roasting you,” you say to Chan conversationally, as if you’re not torturing Jisung in the same moment.
“I’m used to it,” he replies, giving you a sheepish smile that shows his deep dimples.
His casual admission is strangely charming, and it makes you smile back. You grind down on Jisung just for a second, just to hear the noise that he makes. He doesn't disappoint, a whine coming up from his chest as his hands scrabble at the sheets. He doesn't touch you, even though you haven't said that he can't. The faultless obedience is thrilling.
"Are you ready for a little more?" you ask Jisung, nodding toward Changbin.
"A little?" Changbin protests.
You send him a wink, realizing the stupid joke. "Oh, come on, that wasn't a dig."
"Thin ice, noona," he mutters.
You raise an eyebrow at that. "Excuse me?"
"Biting the hand that feeds you, hyung," Jisung sing-songs, tilting his head up.
"Jisungie, you talk too much," you tease.
You shift over Jisung so that the head of his cock prods at your entrance. You're still wet and messy from all of their handiwork, and Jisung keens.
"We don't need him, do we?" you nod over your shoulder at Changbin.
"I mean, I was looking forward to the dicking, but - oh shit" Jisung moans, as you reach down and pull your panties aside properly, and let the very tip of him slip inside you.
"This isn't the plan," Changbin complains.
You smile at him sweetly. "I just don't want anyone to forget who's in charge here."
You climb off Jisung, leaving him whining in your wake, and move up to the spot at the head of the bed where you'd sat Chan earlier. The three boys watch as you settle cross-legged, casual as anything.
"I think," you say, resting your chin in your hand and your elbow on your knee, "I think that I just want to watch for a while."
All three of them, Changbin and Chan standing side by side and Jisung sitting half-upright, look at you with matching wide eyes. You tut, looking right back at them and silently making up your mind.
"Come here, peach," you say, making grabby hands at Chan.
He complies easily, coming back up the bed toward you, and you uncross your legs to make some room, patting the mattress in front of you. Chan pauses, kneeling between your open legs, and you turn him around gently by the shoulders. You sit him down with his back pressed to your chest. He's still fully dressed, even after everything that’s gone on, and his silky black shirt is cool and soft against your bare skin. His broad shoulders cover you entirely, but he melts against you, sliding down a little so that his head rests at the crook of your neck, curly black hair against your cheek.
"Jisungie, Binnie?" you say, "I want you to put on a good show for me while I give this poor baby boy some attention."
You let your hands wander to the top button on Chan's shirt. It's not the top button, really, because he's got the first three undone already to show a span of pale toned chest. So you unbutton the next one, and crawl your fingers down to the next, too.
"So I can," Changbin starts, "I can-"
"Yes," you nod, "But neither of you can cum until I say so. Okay?"
"Okay," says Jisung eagerly.
"You have to earn it," you warn, "A good show."
Jisung and Changbin look at each other, significantly, like they're silently concocting their own plan. You decide you can get a hand on that ball, too.
"Channie, wouldn't they be pretty if they kissed for us?" you ask, murmuring right into Chan's ear.
He nods eagerly, and you pop another shirt button. You glance down at Chan's torso, completely bare to you now, all pale smooth skin and chiseled abs. So you ease the silky shirt off his shoulders, down his arms, and discard it off the side of the bed.
By the time you look back up, Jisung has Changbin pinned to the bed, straddling his waist and kissing him right into the mattress.
"Oh," you say mildly, "Promising start, hm?"
You stroke up and down Chan's abs with your fingertips, and he laughs gently.
"They're always like this," he says.
"Out of control," he corrects.
Jisung breaks away from Changbin's mouth, frowning at Chan. "You love it, you asshole. You're just as bad."
Chan nestles back into you more and doesn't say anything, but you can see an answering half-smile creeping over his face. Changbin takes advantage of the distraction to flip Jisung over onto his back, finally flexing the strength you know he has, and bends Jisung nearly in half. His knees are up by his shoulders, and his face is more than a little alarmed.
"Hey, I'm not that bendy!" Jisung protests.
"Yeah, you are," Changbin shushes, "Do you wanna cum or not?"
You grin. "Come on, then."
With a big upside-down sigh, Jisung looks at you, while Changbin digs around in the sheets for the lube.
"You see what I have to deal with?" Jisung asks you, "They're so good and nice for you, and for me? This disrespect. I don't even know - OH-"
Jisung cuts off, and it's obvious what's happening from the way Changbin's hands fly down to Jisung's hips and Jisung's back arches up to meet him. You hum your satisfaction, taking in the blissful expression on Changbin's face, and the sweat already beading at Jisung's hairline.
But you quickly realize that you can't see nearly well enough. They're laying up the bed properly, feet at the foot and Jisung's head against the mattress near yours and Chan's intertwined legs. But if they were perpendicular to you...
"Okay, gorgeous," you coo, and Changbin's head snaps up at the sound of the pet name, "Turn around on the bed so that I can see exactly how nice Jisungie fits around you."
It takes a second, but Changbin processes your words with a slow blink, and grabs Jisung's hips to unceremoniously turn them ninety degrees. Now they're laying across the bed widthwise, and you have a delightful view of Changbin's thick cock sinking into Jisung smoothly. He's set a brutal pace, snapping against Jisung's narrow hips with a force that makes you clench around nothing. He’s obviously making up for the painfully slow pace you made him take on you. It's quiet enough that all you can hear is the perverse squelch of lube and the tiny breathy sighs Jisung makes every time Changbin bottoms out.
"Jesus," Chan breathes, and you nearly jump out of your skin; despite the weight of him on you, you've all but forgotten about him while you're taking in the view in front of you.
"How do they look?" you ask him, reaching up to card your fingers through his hair.
"So good," Chan answers, "So - ah-"
You tug his curls gently, and Chan arches his neck back so that his head rests fully on your shoulder.
"Noona," Changbin says with an edge of desperation in his voice, pulling your attention back to him, "Noona, I'm not, I can't-"
"You gotta hold on for me, gorgeous," you coax.
Changbin nods, digging his fingers into Jisung's hips and making his poor boyfriend squeak at the added pressure. He sits back on his heels, pulling Jisung with him, so that he’s almost upright, giving you a delightful view of their bodies meeting. It makes you groan to yourself, waves of arousal peeling through your gut.
You reach down to undo Chan’s belt and jeans, and it only takes a moment to rid him of those, too. He’s ridiculously hard in his black boxers, and as you palm him through the fabric, you have to admit that he’s the biggest of the three of them.
“Who’s gonna cum first?” you ask Chan.
He drags his eyes away from the sight of Jisung’s arched back, the faint bruises forming under Changbin’s hands, and looks up at you.
“I don’t know,” he murmurs.
“I think Jisung’s earned it,” you decide, “Peach, you wanna give him a hand?”
“Not him,” Jisung gasps.
Chan looks affronted. “Hey!”
“Noona please,” Jisung begs. “Please!”
“Oh, you want me?” you ask, smirking.
Jisung nods, gasping and screwing his eyes shut as Changbin keeps up that punishing pace. You can have mercy on him, can’t you?
Chan leans forward so you can wiggle out from behind him, and you sit back on your heels beside Changbin and Jisung. The view is even better up close: Changbin’s muscles bunching and expanding, Jisung rocking up the bed with every thrust. Changbin’s gorgeous face furrowed in concentration. Jisung’s rim contracting obscenely around the cock still working in and out of him.
You feel delightfully gross, wonderfully perverse and voyeuristic, and you lean down to kiss Jisung. He kisses back like he’s starving, panting into your mouth.
“Pretty boy,” you say, right against his lips, “Do you want to cum?”
Jisung nods, his eyes barely focusing on you, the attention going right to his head. “Yes, noona!”
“What do you need to cum?” you ask him.
“Your…hand, noona, or your mouth, please,” Jisung whines.
You smile at him, leaning in for one more kiss. “You can cum when you’re ready, baby.”
“Yes, noona.”
One down, one to go. You shuffle so that you’re sitting face to face with Changbin and he all but falls forward to kiss you, his hips not even stuttering as they drive forward. His singular focus is impressive. You let Changbin press messy open-mouth kisses against your lips, your cheeks, as you finally wrap a hand around Jisung’s cock.
His whole body jumps when you start jerking him quickly. It only takes two, three, four pumps before Jisung is babbling, begging for your permission even though you’ve already given it.
“Noona, I’m going to – please let me cum, I need it, I need-”
“Go ahead, pretty baby, cum for me,” you say.
That’s all it takes for Jisung to come into your hand with a shout, loud and high-pitched and cracking in the middle. His voice is a rush of power, like adrenaline in your veins, and you keep up your pace, stroking him through his orgasm. You look to Changbin next, watching him as he throws his head back and moans openly at the feeling of Jisung coming around him. His eyes are wide open, still, and he finds your gaze as he finally begins to lose his pace. This is the second person’s orgasm he’s had to ride out, poor thing. It almost makes you want to keep going, see how long he can last…
“I-” he stutters, “I want…”
“Ask nicely,” you instruct.
“I want to cum, noona,” Changbin pleads.
“That doesn’t sound like asking nicely.”
Changbin makes a tiny sound of despair, and tries again, “Please, may I cum, noona? I’ve – God – I’ve been good, haven’t I? Please?”
He’s beautiful, begging so nicely for you. You bring up your hand that’s covered in Jisung’s cum and nudge the dirty fingers against his lips. Without hesitating, Changbin sucks two fingers into his mouth, his tongue working between the digits.
“Filthy,” you coo.
Changbin just whines around your fingers.
“Who are you cumming for, Binnie?” you ask, taking your hand back.
“Hm?” you feign ignorance.
“You, noona,” he moans.
“Okay, gorgeous, you can cum.”
“Thank you.”
With a final moan that sounds an awful lot like your name, Changbin cums, making Jisung whine out in his high, cracked little voice at the feeling of it. You lean back, just watching and enjoying, as they both come down.
Two down, one to go.
Chan is still waiting for you, though you wouldn’t doubt that he’s a little less patient than he was at the beginning of the session. He’s sitting back against the headboard again when you turn around, just watching you. You notice that he’s actually sitting on top of his hands, and you smile disdainfully at him.
“Oh, peach,” you say, “Are you so fucking desperate that you have to sit on your pretty little hands, to keep from disobeying me?”
“I’ve listened to you, noona,” Chan says.
“Is it so hard for you to be good?” you chide.
“It’s not!” he insists weakly.
“Shit, I think we could go again,” Jisung comments offhandedly, breaking your train of thought.
You look at him, suppressing your smile in favor of a cool stare. “Can you not let me deal with our sweet peach for two fucking minutes?”
“I’m just sayin’,” Jisung defends, holding up his hands in surrender. “Refractory period? Great.”
You decide to ignore Jisung and his big mouth. Chan deserves some undivided attention, and you planned right from the start that you’d have him like this.
Rolling your eyes in Jisung’s direction, you crawl over and take hold of Chan’s boxers, and pull them down his pale pretty legs and off. He looks distinctly shy when he’s finally fully naked for you, so you return the favor by slipping off your ruined panties. You can feel two sets of eyes on your ass as you maneuver yourself onto Chan’s lap.
You’re delighted to find that if you sit up perfectly straight, you’re taller than him. Tall enough that he has to tilt his head back to look at you. He’s all wide brown eyes and handsome flushed skin, and you stare down at him fondly.
“What do you want, peach?” you ask.
“You…” Chan trails.
You walk your hand up his shoulder, up into his hair, and tug at the back of his head. He tilts his chin up, leaning into the action, exposing his long beautiful neck to you. You can’t help it – you lean in and indulgently bite into the skin on the side of his throat.
“What about me?” you ask against his flesh.
You can feel Chan swallow. “I want…to fuck you, noona.”
“I know you can ask nicely.”
As you trail down and add another bite under the first, leaving your mark behind on his porcelain skin, Chan shows you just how well he can ask.
“Please, noona,” he breathes, “I can make you feel good, like Changbinnie, better than Changbinnie, wanna fuck you so good and fill-”
He cuts off with an embarrassed whimper, as if he’d almost let something slip. Unluckily for him, you have a pretty good idea what he was about to say.
“Oh, peach, you’re dirty,” you purr.
“I’m sorry, I-” Chan sputters, but you cut him off.
“No, no, no, no,” you shush him, “I like it.”
You lift yourself up slightly so that you can reach down and line him up with your pussy, and without preamble, you sink down on him. You know you’re still wet and sloppy from before, and Chan groans shamelessly as you settle your hips firmly against his.
“You can have me, but you’re doing all the work,” you inform him.
Apparently, that’s no problem for Chan, because he plants his feet on the mattress for leverage and begins pistoning upwards into you. You rise onto your knees slightly to meet him, making him work harder, rise higher to chase what he wants.
His pace is brutal, his hips moving precise and intense against yours, and you’re shocked to feel a second, penetrative orgasm rising on its own. You’re still so sensitive from cumming the first time, you know you’re not going to last very long. But Chan is having a similar problem.
“I’m not…I’m not going to last, noona, I’m-” Chan moans, sounding embarrassed by it.
You coo at him. His self-consciousness, even this far into a scene, is so endearing.
“Did you get all worked up watching Jisung and Changbin have their fun?” you ask, patronizing.
Chan nods, throwing his head all the way back as he chases his high, driving into you hard. “So good, noona, it was so good…”
You glance over your shoulder at the other two, the mention of them making you wonder what they’re up to, unattended over there, and you’re met with quite the scene.
“It seems like they’re enjoying us, too,” you say.
Chan brings his head forward again with what seems like a tremendous amount of effort, and peels his eyes open. When he sees his boyfriends behind you, his breakneck pace finally stutters.
“Fuck,” he groans, “Oh, Jesus Christ-”
Jisung is standing beside the bed, bracing himself against the wall like he’ll collapse if left only to his own strength. Which is valid, because Changbin is knelt between his legs, Jisung’s cock down his throat and Jisung’s hand on the back of his head, guiding him.
“They weren’t kidding about being ready another round,” you joke, and to your utter delight, Chan laughs.
“And I wasn’t kidding about – noona, fuck,” Chan whimpers, “I’m not – can I cum, noona?”
You hum. “You wanna fill me up, peach?”
Chan’s breath hitches at your words, and if it’s even possible, he begins fucking into you harder. He’s hitting you just right inside, cockhead brushing against that delicious spot and making stars dance in your vision. You can count on one hand how many times you’ve cum just from a partner like this, and you’re salivating at the idea of it. You’re so damn close.
“Yes,” he whines, “Noona please let me, I’ll make you feel so good, I promise, fill you up with my cum and – and-”
“You’ve waited long enough for me, peach,” you say, reaching up to cup his face in both of your hands, forcing him to meet your eyes. “Cum.”
On command, like the good boy he is, Chan cries out, high pitched and absolutely beautiful, and cums. And then, surprise of surprises, he snakes one hand down between the two of you and finds your clit, rubbing into the poor sore nerves like he might die if he doesn’t make you cum.
And you do. You can’t even choke down the squeak of “Chan, oh, fuck!” as you clamp down on him, pleasure bursting behind your eyelids like fireworks and warming you all the way down to your toes.
As your orgasm fades and the world comes back into focus around you, the first thing you see is Chan’s self-satisfied little smile. That smug bastard…
You grin back at him, pushing him away by the chest, “Shut up.”
Gingerly, you climb off his softening cock and off his lap entirely, to throw yourself down haphazardly on the bed. Chan collapses across you, landing heavy over your legs and making you protest for your poor ankles.
“I can confidently say, that was fantastic,” comes Chan’s muffled voice, facedown in the mattress as he is.
“Seconded,” says Jisung.
You tilt your head back to see Jisung and Changbin peering down at you, both looking heavy-eyed and swollen-lipped. They look as drained as you feel, and just as satisfied.
“That was a hell of a show, (Y/N)-noona,” Changbin says.
“Glad you liked it, I worked really hard,” you tease. “Does anyone need water? Food?”
“Cuddles,” mumbles Chan.
“Yeah, you have to stay the night, noona, aftercare and cuddling is non-negotiable,” Jisung agrees.
Changbin nods. “We’re even better at that than the sex.”
It shouldn’t be as touching as it is that they want you to stay. But fondness wells up in your chest, soft delight that they seem to enjoy your platonic company just as much as your sexual company. But this bed is disgusting. Changbin needs to wash his sheets, there’s no way you can sleep here in the miasma of lube and bodily fluids.
And besides, the four of you need to talk about all of this at some point. You’re still their classmate, after all, at least until the end of the semester, and an impromptu hookup like this can lead to some real awkward class meetings. Some pillow talk, some cuddles, and some Gatorade are all in order here.
So you smile, wide and honest and mischievous, and stand up on shaky legs to head for the bedroom door. The boys look confused at your seemingly sudden departure, and you cock a thumb at the other bedroom, across the hall.
“Now, Channie, where’s that pillow fort I heard so much about?”
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
Okay more ML Sailor Moon things cause brain rot- I'm trying not to make these mostly Chlolix but y'all know me it's my weakness
So there's two schools the "classmates" are split between, right? Regular "high school" equivalent François Dupont and idk maybe Notre Dame?? The Private "boarding" school that has students staying in dorms and wearing uniforms
Students at regular Dupont include our main Inner Sailor Scout gang -Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Luka, Nino- plus Juleka, Rose, Nathaniel, Marc, Mylene, Ivan, and Ondine
And our Private School (Notre Dame Academy?? Mayhaps??) Include the Outer Scouts -Alix, Chloe, Sabrina, Lila- plus Kim, Max, Aurore, and Kagami
There's a lot fewer of them at the Private school cause there's only two ways to get in- paying a large tuition fee, or getting one of the four scholarships offered to each grade that give them a full ride- two academic, two athletic
Only in their grade, there are only three scholarship students. The reason being Alix applied to both the academic and athletic scholarships to raise her chances and won both. The school didn't know what to do cause that's never happened before and just- marked her as a "double scholarship" rather than have to fix their mistake
The other scholarship kids are Kim and Max, and the three bonded as the "didn't buy in" kids, even if Alix is rich. It takes Kim many months to realize Alix was not in fact a guy
The dorms are supposed to be randomized with two different classes of dorms depending on how much you pay- with a few single rooms spotted around for any students who wish for one -but Chloe and Alix play the system to room together. By chance Kim and Max are also roommates
Regular Dupont is pretty much like canon Dupont, but with smaller class sizes, so the classmates remaining are a homeroom class with Bustier as their homeroom teacher. Out of the class, only Juleka and Rose know who the scouts are cause of Sapphic Wisdom. That's it
Luka is in the grade ahead of them all, so he's only in same classes if he's behind on one or they're ahead. Their school doesn't have uniforms so they all just wear variations of their canon outfits?? Kinda,, if I could draw I'd show what I mean but oh well
And for the Private uniform,,
It's based on the French Private school in my city! Which was inspired by British uniforms pfft- anyways, stupid gendered uniforms. Both wear a white collared shirt, with the option of a navy/forest green plaid tie or bow thing, with the girls uniform having a maroon vest and the guys a maroon blazer, the school crest over the heart. The skirt is the same plaid as the bows and ties, and worn with either tall black socks or black tights. The pants for guys is the same plaid but it's a khaki material?? And both wear oxford style shoes
Kim and Alix mess it up of course. Ties undone or gone, shirts untucked or the sleeves rolled up, stuff like that. Chloe sometimes wears Alix's blazer, Kim wears his wrist sweatbands, Lila rolls down her socks as soon as no teacher is looking- they a customize it a bit. Alix somehow gets away with getting the guys uniform, which leads to the mass confusion over her gender
I think that's all I have to say about the schools and stuff right now but yeah-
If you have any asks about this or the au in general or about anything really my inbox is always open, and I try to answer as quick as I can :)
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bungeenomin · 4 years
the second jaemin hears the knock on his door he runs to open it, he knows who it is by the knock. jeno and jaemin had established their special knock on their first ever day in boarding school, so the other would know it’s them and not some random teacher or student. 
jeno’s heart breaks a little when he see’s his best friend standing in front of him, tear stained cheeks, breathing erratically. he looks so vulnerable, so small. it’s been a long time since jeno has seen jaemin like this. “nana” jeno sighs, opening his arms to engulf the other boy in his warmth and comfort. that’s all it takes for jaemin’s sobs to fall loudly from his lips, gripping onto his best friend tightly. “it hurts so fucking bad jeno”
 “shh you’re okay nana, i’m here now. let’s get you inside”
jeno carefully carries jaemin over to his bed, placing him down softly on the masses of blankets. jeno sadly is very used to dealing with vulnerable jaemin, it’s something he’s had to see more often than he’d like to. no matter how many times jeno see’s jaemin likes this, his heart still breaks a little for his best friend every time. “c’mere nana” jeno says so delicately, opening his arms to his best friend. without hesitation, jaemin sits in jeno’s lap, snuggling into jeno’s neck. jaemin finds such a special type of comfort with jeno, and that’s something he’ll forever be grateful for. 
“it’s okay nana, we’re gonna calm you down first, yeah? we can talk then” jeno replies empathetically at jaemin’s flustered attempt to talk. 
jeno is great at calming jaemin down. he knows all the little details about jaemin. he knows he loves his hair being played with, loves being as close to jeno as he can, loves being against jeno’s chest as it rises and falls, helping regulate his own breathing. jeno knows his best friend. 
“he’s inviting dad jen, he’s coming to the wedding” jaemin chokes out, burying his head further into jeno’s neck. 
“oh nana” jeno sighs, “i’m so fucking sorry. i really wasn’t expecting him to invite your dad?”
“neither was i” jaemin mumbles, wiping the stray tears that stream down his face with his sweater. “he’s always been up his ass. it hurts jen, after everything, he still has even an ounce of respect for that man”
“i know nana, but you know what? fuck your dad. you’re not going to let him get the best of you. you’re so fucking strong na jaemin, and a man like that doesn’t deserve your time or attention. as for tae, i know you both have dealt with things differently. taeyong is clearly more of a forgive and forget type person. but nana, don’t let his decision come between you two. you love him and he loves you even more. you know he’s always been here for you and always will be” jeno comfortingly whispers, rocking jaemin’s shaking body back and forth. 
“jen can you stay here tonight, please? i just want to lay down and cuddle” jaemin sniffles. 
“anything for you” jeno smiles softly, lying down, bringing jaemin with him. the two lay there silently, jeno cuddling the fragile boy with tears mutely streaming down his cheeks. 
“i love you jeno” 
“i love you more nana”
little does the broken boy know, there’s a girl on the other side of the wall curious as to why she can hear her neighbour with a hard exterior crying so intensely
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let me know what you think!
social media!au jaemin!au nct!au
pairing: jaemin x reader
genre: boarding school!au badboy!au fluff smut angst
warnings: drinking, smoking
summary: when your boarding school is forced to close, you and your friends move to the next nearest boarding school, neo high. you’re full of nerves as you enter the school. will your roommate be nice? your classmates? the teachers? but what happens when the only other person with a single room, situated beside yours, is the boy you can only describe as a delinquent that knocked all your books on the floor after running into you in the hallway?
tag list:
@neocluefor @obligatoryidolblog @thatonekpopsweater @bubudays @ajhdr @yoongsicles @taeilsith @queen-of-himbos @uhyikesbro @your-favourite-skittles @whoe-dis @vitaminhyunjin @moonylvi @yancupidxhyunjin @ygiirl @markistheloveofmylife @nctxtrash @sweetbulletproof @simplicitysbabe @staysstrays @fabshua @key201303 @ksoolive @angelbyg @junglewoos @bby-kji9 @helo-xx @wassup-haeyadwae @wanlore @cloudykeiji @daisyxiao @skittlez-area512 @moseleyleyhey @hen-marks99 @xiaojunsmintchocci @dingzerenistall @notbeforelong @mindofthescattered @stayzenniesstuff @ily23hrj @lovelymultiwrites @yvesplz @bxbyeve @laylee79  @yangyangsberet @imsusx @neozcult @born5sos @dreamnbn
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b000mbayah · 3 years
Who needs a soulmate?
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: I wrote this years ago, it's borderline awful 😖
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Soulmates, something we all apparently have. That special someone, the other half of our soul. 
I've always found the whole soulmate thing weird since day one. The fact that we know their emotions due to a small line on our arm. 
My line is coloured a deep black, the emotion of being hopeless, I'm sure theirs is some weird combination of greys and orange, boredom.
My teacher is blabbering on about some weird biology terms on how drugs are tested, something to do with a placebo? I don't know, I'm not really listening.
I'm sure we went through this in highschool, why would they need to bring it back up in college?
My eyes skim over the slit in my wrist, the slit emits a bright pink. I furrow my eyes in confusion, it was black a second ago, I'm not going crazy, right?
Pink, pink, pink, pink. Who could my soulmate be in love with? 
"Lim" the professor speaks, slapping his three foot ruler against the board.
"H-huh, yes Mr. Kim?" He glares at me for a few seconds before I get the hint. At the end of the ruler is a question I'm assuming I should probably answer.
"The placebo effect is defined as a phenomenon in which some people experience a benefit after the administration of an inactive "look-alike" substance or treatment. This substance, or placebo, has no known medical effect"
"Very good,but pay attention next time" Mr. Kim shoots me a warning look but eventually goes back to explaining some weird and random information.
That was close, I guess. My eyes drift back down to my wrist. I sigh and pull down my sleeve, not wanting to see it anymore.
They always say your soulmate isn't too far away from you, that they're always close by. If that's the case, then I better keep an eye out.
I grab my pen and continue to write down notes in my notebook. Every now and then I peek but other than that, I'm listening to the male teaching.
It doesn't take long for the bell to ring, causing students around me to grab their bags and close whatever book they had out, me following alongside them.
"Hey y/n" My timid classmate stands up next to me, offering me a hand. I sweetly smile at the girl and accept her hand, allowing her to help me stand up.
"I was wondering if you would like to, uh…" I stare at her, an eyebrow raised as her eyes droop to the floor "if we could go to a coffee shop, together"
"Of course Dahyun, I'll come with you" her signature smile is on display now, a smile no one really sees due to her shyness.
"Would you like to go now?" I ask, looking at her expectantly. 
"I'm sorry I have to do my homework right now. Can we go at five?"
Dahyun bows before speeding off, not saying another word with her face red. I give her a small wave before heading out myself.
Dahyun, the shy girl in class had just talked to me? Took me a second to realise what just took place, wasn't expecting that to happen, let alone being asked to get coffee with her.
I bow my head and look down to my wrist, still pink. I can't help but check on it every few minutes or so.
With a defeated sigh, I walk on, heading towards my dorm.
"You have a date, come on y/n" My roommate and best friend rushes me along.
"Nayeon, I've told you it's not a date" she rolls her eyes at my words.
"It's obvious. I catch her staring at you, she gets shy when I bring you up and worst of all, oh damn, she practices her love confessions. Y/n, she is so in love with you that she writes her feelings down on paper, trying to figure out the perfect way to ask you out. Now if that isn't love then God knows what is"
"No, I still refuse to believe it. We sit next to each other in class and that's it, we're seat buddies and that's final" I wave my hands around, looking like some drugged up homeless dude.
"Y/n~ listen to me. I'm older and i have the knowledge"
"Yeah, older by age. Not brains you grandma"
"Fine, I give up! Believe what you want to believe. Just don't lead the poor girl along" 
"I would never do such a thing" I gasp, taking a step back.
"Mhm, you better not do such a thing or I will hunt you down"
"Why are you so protective over some girl you don't talk to?"
At that, Nayeon raises an eyebrow, staring into my soul "who said I don't talk to her? Me and Dahyun were best friends when we were four"
"What happened?"
"Well I got popular and made the mistake of leaving her for the fame. Also leaving her friendless until the other school nerd, Tzuyu, came along"
"I sense jealousy… so I'm going to back up and get ready. In my room. Alone" I state before sprinting to my bedroom, unaware of the sharp glare being directed at me.
"Fine, leave me. Leave your amazing friend for your room" 
"Will do"
The last thing I hear is her huffing before I shut my door, a light sigh breezing out of my lips as the thought of her complaining comes to mind.
I shake the thought out of my head as a new one enters.
"What do i wear?" I mumble as I make my way over to my closet.
I carelessly reach out, grabbing a white plain hoodie with some black jeans, something basic. 
"You better wear something nice y/n" Nayeon's voice comes from the other side of the door.
"I am" I respond, waiting for her to walk away.
Once the clothes are on my body, I exit the room, sitting down on one of our couches with my phone in my hand.
I still have some time before I leave, I don't see a point in being early.
"What. The. Heck. Are. You. Wearing." I turn to see Nayeon, her eyebrows are slanted downwards making her look furious "I said nice y/n, not comfortable"
"It's all I own"
"Oh, so that's why I never see you wearing anything but hoodies, oversized shirts, joggers and jeans?"
"You are one massive disappointment, miss Lim" Oh wow, thanks miss perfect…. "I need to take you shopping for more clothes at some point" it's just turning spring, I'm not about to go and buy shorts and dresses.
"Oh, oh well. I'll be bidding my goodbye now" I hurriedly stand up, bowing to my elder as I scurry around to find my keys.
"Your lucky I'm busy today, I would have loved to spy on you"
"How sad" I half yell before slipping out of the door and into the dormitory's hallway.
On my way, one simple question buzzes around inside my head. Who is Nayeon's soulmate? She keeps talking about someone named Jeongyeon but I honestly haven't seen her on campus once, let alone heard them speak on the phone.
Only a seven minute walk, that's my daily exercise done for today.
I look at the sign, a wooden sign with the bright neon word coffee lit up with a warm lavender colour
Not many people are out here but there are those occasional few. Through the glass windows I can clearly see Dahyun inside, she has removed her glasses and is wearing a shirt with a denim jacket, playing with her thumbs in a cute manner to pass time.
She looks totally different with her hair down and no glasses resting the bridge of her nose. If she wasn't the only person currently here, I would have mistaken the girl..
My hand rests against the door handle, gently pushing against the piece of metal so the door would open. The smell of warm coffee and baked cakes welcomes me, engulfing me in a warm hug.
"Y/n!" Dahyun calls me over, effortlessly dragging her hand through the air in a waving motion to gain my attention.
I drag my feet over to the delightful wooden table, taking my place in the chair opposite her.
"Thank you for coming" Dahyun reaches out and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, a small smile playing peek-a-boo on her face
"No need to thank me, this is a way we can get closer, right? Soon enough we'll be close friends" I smile at her as hers falls slightly
"What would you like? My treat" she pushes a small menu my way, choosing not to comment on what I previously said.
"I'll just get what you're getting"
"An iced coffee?" She tilts her head, looking at me with shiny eyes.
"Yeah, sure" I nod, pulling out my vibrating phone as she goes to order for us.
Darn you Nayeon, messaging me about this so called 'date', I've only just arrived. I type a quick response, sending some weird gif of her that I had made to shut her up.
"Ordered it" her dorky smile is back up and running.
"Dahyun" she hums at my words, making eye contact for a split second. "I need to ask you something important"
I look down to my wrist that's just about visible, the colour pink still displayed
"Why I'd you invite me out?"
She tenses, a rush of pigment hits her once pale cheeks. Her eyes dive down, looking at something beyond my sight, but based off of my knowledge I'd say she's looking at her wrist. 
She's biting her lip when she looks back up, a nervous look is displayed on her face. "I-I like you and so I thought this would be a good way to bond"
I sigh, dropping my head as I look down at my wrist again, still the bright pink I've been seeing all day long. 
She's not my soulmate, if she was, the slit would have glowed a deep orange due to her nervousness. Not to mention, I don't have feelings for her. How do I break it to her?
"Dahyun… we can't be together, we're not soulmates. That would be going against so many regulations" I show her my wrist, the colour still the same…
"Y/n, I don't care about the regulations. Who are the regulations to tell us who we should and wouldn't be with? Y/n?" Dahyun looks like she's on the verge of tears as she stares at my wrist, noticing how it hasn't changed to a royal blue due to her outburst of an upset feeling.
"I felt that pang in my heart, like everyone says when they meet the one they're destined to be with" another pause follows, her eyes still glued to my coloured line.
"Ma'am, your food" A waitress walks up to us, her pink hair tied back and everything. She places the order down before bowing, making eye contact with me as her mouth is hung slightly open.
A sudden pang hits my heart, the one Dahyun was just talking about. That feeling just happened to me with the waitress.
"Y/n…" Dahyun sounds defeated as she stands, grabbing her drink and her bag "I'll just uh, see you tomorrow I guess"
"A-alright" I say, still staring at the girl I just met a few seconds ago. Dahyun leaves without a sound, clearly understanding what's going on.
"H-hi" I begin.
"YOU WHAT?" nayeon yells at me, her expression is unreadable as she proceeds to process the words I just laid upon the table like a stack of cards.
"Geez, calm down Nayeon"
"NO I BLOODY WILL NOT. You went out single and came back as a taken child. You left to see dahyun and came back after seeing some chicken called sana"
"Yes, a chicken"
"She actually looked more like a squirrel, but sure, whatever"
"I'm disappointed in you y/n. I said don't hurt Dahyun's fragile heart. She cries easily and it was clear she was pretty emotional when I saw her in the hallways earlier"
"I'm sorry nayeon, but how am I supposed to love someone who I'm not set for, Sana has been chosen for me, not Dahyun"
"I don't like this," Nayeon sighs, rubbing her hand along her forearm. "At least apologise to Dahyun"
"Will do" I nod my head, happily skipping over to my bedroom with my phone in hand.
It's been three months now, dating Sana wasn't as good as I thought it would be, she's always busy with work and whenever I visit her she's rushing around, sweating whilst maintaining her sweet smile for the hungry customers.
I admire her for that, always upkeeping her sweet side when things get hectic. I can tell she's stressed due to the lava red light that emits every now and then before changing back to a blue, almost a black since she feels that drained of energy.
Me and Dahyun haven't been on the best of terms, when we got assigned to do some project together she did her part and I did mine without speaking. She would send me that occasional text telling me what part I should do but other than that, nothing.
"Photosynthesis, very important to the plant-" biology, again. I genuinely can't right now. I feel like death has just ran me over, thrown me off a cliff and incinerated me twice only to throw my ashes in lava.
My pen glides across my notepad, scribbling amongst the pages. I can't be bothered to listen to another thing I learnt then I was eleven.
I'm mostly doodling small sketches of things I obviously see and things I can picture in my head. All of them end up looking like some deranged donkey on steroids so I have no clue why I'm even doing this.
"Miss Lim, someone is here for you" my professor suddenly informs me, indicating to the door, hinting someone is outside the room.
I nod my hand and hurriedly make my way to the front of the class and out the door.
"Sana?" I look at her mysteriously as she giggles, grabbing onto my hand.
"I came to talk to you" her smile warms my heart.
"And what is it you'd like to talk about?"
"Nothing in particular" she leads me along the corridors "Maybe we can go out later?"
"Ooo~ where?"
"I'm thinking, maybe, the beach?" I show her a smile full of gratitude as I nod my head excitedly. "Just before sunset?" She adds, waiting for my response once again.
The bell suddenly rings, catching us both off guard and causing sana to jump due to shock.
I laugh as she stumbles around, eventually grabbing onto one of the walls for support. "Yes, I'll come before the sun sets if you can survive till then" she rolls her eyes, laughing along with me.
"I'll see you soon then" Sana gives me a tight hug goodbye before walking off, her shift starts soon.
A thump makes me look down, my bag resting on the floor a few centimetres away from my feet. I look up to see Dahyun walking away, flinging her bag over her shoulder as she fixes her glasses.
When will she forgive me? It's been months now. Nayeon said you can't fix a broken heart but you can bandage it up. I'm still fighting to figure out what that means, still struggling to understand what she wants me to do.
Once the brown haired girl leaves my sight, I grab my bag with a frown. "I told you so" Nayeon slides up beside me.
"Oh you're annoying" I turn my head to look at the rabbit, my lips pursed.
"I'm just reminding you of your mess ups my young, young child"
"And I'm just reminding you that you're annoying my ancient, ancient grandma"
"You better not talk to everyone the way you talk to me"
"Don't worry, I do" I smile as she glares at me.
"Anyways, are you going to the beach with Sana later?" I furrow my eyebrows at her question.
"H-how did you know?"
"I-I urm.. let's get you home, shall we?" Nayeon boasts, dragging me away from the area I was just standing in.
Standing here, at the beach alone as I wait for Sana is perfect. It's peaceful and most certainly relaxing.
Nayeon… again, forced me to wear one of her dresses. It somehow fits me, considering she's like a size zero, I'm shocked. Her white dress isn't something I like but look at me… I'm wearing it, unfortunately.
The chilly breeze is brushing up against me as the skirt to the dress flows in the calm wind.
"Hello darling" she Shiba's head suddenly rests upon my shoulder, giving me a miniature heart attack. "You look beautiful wearing that" 
"I beg to differ, I would actually kill to get out of this outfit" she giggles in my ear,"it's so darn itch and urgh" I mentally frown at Nayeon's idiotic idea. 
"Well you look beautiful and nothing can change my mind" I give her a thank you smile before holding onto her arm
"Shall we?" She nods as we proceed to walk along the seashore.
"How was your day at college?"
"As boring and as confusing as ever, so I just doodled the entire lecture" I sigh as she lightly punches my shoulder. "What was that for?"
"It was for your future, you should be learning not 'doodling' on whatever surface you were doing it on"
"A notepad?"
"A notepad" she clicks her tongue, shaking her head and allowing her pink hair to smack her in the face whilst doing the action. "At least do it on the table"
"You're a horrible example for me"
"Oh how sad"
"You're just cruel"
"And you're stuck with me.. unless.."
"Unless what sana?" She pauses, giving me the widest grin I've ever seen.
"Just wait, you'll see soon, sooner than expected" she whispers the last part, her mouth only a few inches away from ear "but other than that, look at the ocean"
Sana points to the beautiful sight.
The sun still has a few minutes until it begins to emit the hues we're all used to seeing around this time. However, it is still an amazing sight to look at.
The once white clouds begin to shift into a light grey before turning into a lighter black. The sand sparkles like glitter and the ocean waves wave calmly at me, even from a distance.
Sanas hand guides itself to my own, resting on top of time as she begins to lean forwards. "Y/n, do you like Dahyun?" Sana asks abruptly, catching me off guard
"What do you mean?"
"I always see you writing when I visit, and seeing as Nayeon keeps talking about how much you two are friends it gives me a feeling you like each other"
"First off, me and Dahyun don't even talk so God knows how we're friends. Secondly, I was doing my homework and thirdly… I need to talk to Nayeon about keeping her big mouth shut"
"Mhm, sorry. It was just a hunch" Sana gives me a sad smile "I just thought that…" she drifts off, her eyes attaching something behind me. 
I follow her lached eyes, turning around until I see that familiar bunny with roses in her hand.
"N-Nayeon.. what the heck are you doing here?" Nayeon's rabbit smile shows as she hands me the red roses.
"Y/n, I want you to listen to us" sana nods, stepping beside Nayeon with a serious expression… odd?
"Right now, we're going to leave. Once we're out of sight I want you to turn around and read this note" Sana hands me a small slip of paper. "Follow the instructions"
And with that they are quick to scurry away, leaving in a matter of seconds. That happened way too fast.
With a puzzled mind, I turn around and open the folded paper to reveal some bullet points, great… reminding me of school straight up.
•look up
Is all it reads. That was worth my time.
When my head lifts itself, the first thing I can clearly see is a girl, she's standing on the smooth sanded beach.
"GO TO HER YOU FLIPPIN' DUMBY" Nayeon yells from across the road. I could have sworn I watched them leave…. Why would they come back?
"GO!" she yells again in a more aggressive tone.
Not wanting to die today, I follow the given algorithm and head down the concreted steps onto the silky sand.
As I approach the silhouette, I'm able to make out feature by feature. Her long brown hair was the main one. Her long brown hair that goes just a few inches over her shoulder blades.
She's wearing a black baggy shirt with denim shorts, her hair blows carefree in the wind, revealing her ears and parts of her neck.
Her hearing senses seem to catch me since she turns around and gives me a smile. "W-what are you doing here?" 
A small rock hits my back
"I-I ment, what a pleasant surprise seeing you here, Dahyun" I give her a wide smile as she bites her lip, like she did in the restaurant a few months ago.
"Hi y/n" her voice is meak.
"Met your soulmate yet?" She shakes her head, a heartbroken expression left on her face. "You'll meet them one day, Dahyun, I know it. And they'll be very lucky to have you since you're one of a kind"
"Why couldn't that person be you though" her hushed voice reaches my ears, saddening my heart.
"Because the universe has set it up this way, it's what's best for us" she shakes her head again, looking down as a single tear drops to the surface we're standing on.
"But we don't need the universe, I don't need the universe to tell me who I should and shouldn't be with. I can be with someone else, someone I want, not some that's been set up for me"
"But they weren't set up for you, they're set up for your soul, so you may pass the gates to heaven, so you can be complete" 
"No y/n, I don't care about my soulmate. I just want you but it's clear you don't like me back so I have no clue on as to why I am even trying with you"
My heart feels heavy, I can't, if she breaks down I can only just about imagine I'll be joining her until we pass out.
"I'm sorry I wasn't the person you were hoping for, I'm sorry that I'm not the 'one' for you but that doesn't mean you won't fall for anyone else out there"
"I-I just don't want anyone else" she looks up at me, rain in her eyes and waterfalls running down her cheeks "I just want you, I don't know now how many times I need to say it but I will say it as many times as needed because my heart wants you" her lower lip is trembling.
I don't know what effect that had on me but something from within just isn't feeling right.
"D-Dahyun… I-I…"
Maybe I do love her. Seeing her in such a state has made me feel responsible for her, it's made me feel protective and so far that's all I've ever heard from people around me.
It's what my parents felt when they met, it's what my uncles and aunties told me they felt.
Surely my feelings have just revealed themselves, surely they were there before because there's no way they've only just formed, in this moment where my classmate is crying infront of me, because of me.
I drop the roses, not knowing what to do. I look down at her wrist, an instinct of mine whenever I feel sad, however her wrist shows a gold colour.
My mind malfunctions at the newly found information.
"I'm sorry" my head drops, I can't look at her twisted face any longer. The pain and melancholy twisted on her face doesn't sit right with me.
"I'm sorry I'm not the other half to you, to your soul" I hear footsteps approach me, only one or two steps but it's enough to know that the girl I've just discovered I do indeed love, is standing right in front of me.
"But I can try and make it up to you" I mumble as her hand reaches out and touches mine in a poking motion.
Due to her strange action of poking me, I raise my head to look into her chocolatey eyes that are normally so full of determination.
"Make it up to me?" She whispers, maintaining eye contact with me "please tell me how, I'm curious now" 
I hold her hand and yank her closer, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Our lips glide against one another, agreeing with the motions and moving in synchronisation.
Once we pull away I notice her dorky smile as it fights past all of the gloomy emotions. "I-I" her cheeks are red again as she bows her head, finally realising what just happened.
The thing is, the other instruction on the paper had said to kiss the person I see,no matter what, and it was in Sana's handwriting.
"Dahyun, look at me, please" she listens and follows my words.
I gently grab ahold of her wrist and look down upon the limb. Her line is illuminated in a rich gold.
I rub my wrist up against hers, moving it to the side of hers to form an extra large line. A small smile appears on my lips as the colour in both of ours faded into a dull gray
"Who needs a soulmate if I have you?" I giggle, finally realising that my heart longs to be with the dork I've been sitting next to for the past three years.
"Wooo~ guys,  that's it, end the cut" Nayeon screams, earning that same punch from Sana.
"Congratulations guys" Sana claps for us, glaring at the grandma to her left
"Wait, but aren't you and Sana… dating?" Nayeon bursts the mood, gaining a harder punch from sana.
"No, not anymore. They're a way better match. Better than me and y/n could ever be. Besides, there's always my next life" Sana winks at me.
"As one couple breaks up, another one gets together" Nayeon joyfully boats, throwing her arms in the air like some crazed kid.
"I'm going to take this lunatic away before she kills someone" Sana laughs awkwardly as she drags the pouting rabbit away.
"Y/n" Dahyun tugs on my arm, her face immediately closing in once I turn to her, forcing me to kiss her again
Once we pull away, I take full focus to the scene in front of me.
If I had to describe this in one word, I would say it's a masterpiece
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Even though I was taught that soulmates are our everything, I taught myself that a soulmate isn't what I need to be happy
There's no such thing as a soulmate if you can live life with someone who isn't your other souls half 
Especially if they're slit is gold, meaning their soulmate is deceased...
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