#rambling no rockman
drawloverlala · 1 year
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Thinking about the first reploid, this version is inspired on the one from the Rockman X novels, written by Yoshihiro Iwamoto.
Some headnanony stuff down the read more:
I was thinking on an idea of him actually not being destroyed by X, like in the end he couldn't bring himself to hurt him, but Alpha realizes what he almost tries to do, then stops himself and manages to escape and then just went missing for a while, then after some time X (this would be still before being a Maverick Hunter) finds him, and wants to help him.
The novel depicts Alpha as being affected by the Maverick Virus, as he was one of the reploids that was hurt by Zero when he was found (in the novel I mean).
But I really like more the idea that he had always had complicated feelings towards Dr. Cain and also Sigma, he just never talked about it before and his reaction could be a mix of the virus + his previous feelings + him surviving "the red maverick".
Just feel like there could have been more to him 😆, specially considering this character did exist in canon at some point but is never talked about it much.
X would still want to join MH afterwards but I feel like it would be interesting that besides of his desire to protect and him feeling some responsibility with reploids, also to investigate more closely why they turn maverick and how to genuinely help reploids like his brother. (in the novel he's like a brother to him, I really like that idea too)
dunno, just a bunch of ideas I've had for a while, I thought I'd let this one out, just because I've been thinking about it recently.
these drawings are also from a while back that I hadn't posted before.
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taranza-sgs · 5 months
you ever think about how dr wily just makes or reprograms his robots to just make them hate him for really no reason
like what reason would you build a robot master to be bald and program that he hates the fact that he’s bald and mad that he can never grow hair literally what was the point of that he just fucking hates you now
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sodepope · 6 months
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lego-ninja-bilbo · 9 months
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If anyone has more examples feel free to add them! I love makeup/markings like this a lot <3
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willows-arts · 1 year
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Something of a continuation of this design style, the “Red Wolf” is this Metal’s nickname. He’s vicious and intentionally cruel, serving as both an attack dog for Wily and an aggressive pack leader to the DWNs, often snapping at them and frequently harming them to keep them in line. He’s more involved in Wilybot affairs than my interpretation for his Megamix counterpart, much to the detriment of his unfortunate associates.
Rather than being a long ranged fighter with a sawblade theme like his canon counterparts, this Metal (verse name pending) has more of a switchblade appearance, and prefers close combat to long distance. He moves fast and runs hot, leading to the many vents that appear all over his body. The crack in his gem is from an old fight against his Blues, though Blues did not get away unscathed either. He still seeks to repay the damage.
A terrifyingly efficient hunter with a sadistic streak, Metal is known for stretching out pursuits and toying with his prey. To say that having his gaze turned upon you is a death sentence is an understatement.
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zxaxel · 5 months
thinking about how the four guardian's major colour themes all reflect their own character personalities well.
his primary colour is green. green is often associated with peace, nature, new beginnings, life, gentleness, renewal, and growth. this suits his character extensively; he is one of the biggest examples of growth in the series, by going from being intensely loyal to copy x to rebelling for proper justice. he even showed mercy to zero in the beginning of z2 instead of taking the opportunity to quickly and easily kill him, setting down the basis for his more peaceful ideals. not to mention his first name being sage, a shade of green.
his primary colour is red. red is often associated with harshness, danger, passion, intensity, and courage. fefnir has repeatedly displayed a passion for fighting (zero specifically). he's not afraid to do the hard work, even if he doesn't want to (such as dropping the bomb at the resistance base). it shows he has strong courage and harshness.
her primary colour is blue. blue is associated with wisdom, sincerity, imagination, loyalty, enthusiasm, and sadness. much like the others, she is extremely loyal to copy x. she's also very sincere, with her blatant honestly with her desire to kill zero and how fighting him feels better than fighting others (specifically omega). i find her personality slightly contrasts her colour themes, but they fit with her preference to be aquatic.
his primary colour is black. this is often associated with death, power, restraint, grief, and elegance. phantom was very extreme when it came to his goals, with him even being the first to die for the sake of neo arcadia. he was merciless and powerful and fought zero with the quickest approach of the four. he initially held proper restraint as well, taking precaution before fighting zero, unlike fefnir and levithan.
they all wear white under their main armour, the colour often associated with purity. it's a reminder that they were created for the aid of settling humans initially, despite where things evolved.
the four of their personalities as well as their elements mesh very well with the colour of their armours. it's a good example of the attention to detail that makes me love mmz so much.
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deadlygoldfish22 · 10 days
Crashman in a muzzle angry panting so hard steam comes out the sides send post
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sneakyswag · 3 months
Working on a reploid oc whom I love very much. I offer you all some lore if you want 👉👈
Also this is kind of in an au so
This all makes probably zero sense whatsoever but I’m gonna try to put my thoughts into words.
His name is Beta. A robot created in the OVER-1 era. (I know the timeline is non existent apparently. I’ve changed a few things. Instead of rescuing all of these MMX, MMZ, MMBN characters, you rescue the classics instead with OVER-1 ofc).
Beta has incredible combat skills. Not on par with Zero’s or X’s, but incredible for his mental age. Beta was found in a capsule in the jungle. Found by X and Axl who were on a mission. (Perhaps the jungle aka opening stage in X8).
X and Axl, upon finding him, are wary of him. Keep in mind, Beta was supposed to wake up in late 20XX (I guess)
Beta was created with the blueprints of OVER-1. And hc that OVER-1 was based off of the blueprints for X. Beta was created by Forte, Rock and Roll with the help of Kalinka and Dr Lalinde (holy crossovers, I know 😭).
Beta was created without the knowledge of Dr Light, Wily or Cossack. They never knew of his existence. Rock had wiped his memories of creating Beta completely in fear of Dr Light finding out. Roll sealed the memories away. Bass didn’t. Bass kept the memories because at this point, it’s his son.
Beta was sealed away and Dr Lalinde or Kalinka never spoke of Beta again. Bass would check on him from time to time. Talk to the capsule with Treble by his side. He was proud of his creation. Although Rock, Roll, Lalinde and Kalinka helped, it felt like his. This was his son. Whom will help save the world.
Beta resembles Bass in a huge way. He has white hair (or light blonde I’d have to see), yellow eyes edit: they look better as light blue so, black face marks, same shape as Bass’, although he could always remove them or cover them up. His armor is black with yellow, blue and a hint of white I’d have to work on it. Beta is roughly 5’4 almost 5’5. His primary weapon is actually his hands.
See, his hands can generate an energy orb somehow and he can throw it at people. It’s dangerous, sure, but very powerful. Said orbs can be charged up but will leave Beta with little energy afterwards, making him vulnerable. His secondary weapon is a butterfly knife. He acquired it from the Maverick Hunters when X and Axl found him and took him in. It’s similar to saber technology except obviously, it does what a butterfly knife does.
Beta was supposed to wake up in late 20XX to help OVER-1 with anything that was happening. Sort of like what Protoman did. Watched from the sidelines and became support for Mega Man. Except, he wasn’t working for Wily or anything you know. But the capsule had sealed him for way longer WAY longer than he needed to.
Beta’s personality is nervous, anxious, kind, caring, intelligent, analytical. Beta isn’t all anxious, though. He knows when it’s okay to be scared and when it’s not, he tries his best to control it. He tries to analyze situations as best as he can. Thinking of many possible scenarios.
One thing. Just because he’s my original character doesn’t make him perfect. He has his flaws. My gosh, quite a few of them, actually.
Since he likes analyzing situations and practically every possible scenario, he’s slow. He’s slow in realizing something might be charging at him or trying to strike him. He lacks confidence. So much that he fails to strike his enemies when he finally gets confident enough to hit them. His design was also very outdated so he got modified with the X8 era armors.
Beta tends to panic easy. When he figured out that there has been multiple wars going on and seeing that he was in 21XX obviously scared the life out of him. What’s worse is that OVER-1 wasn’t there. He wasn’t anywhere to be found. It was his purpose. To help OVER-1, I mean. And now that he’s not there, it struck something in him.
X and Axl helped calm him down but man. This dude was a mess.
On a more positive note, aside from incredible combat skills and powers I suppose, he’s easy to talk to and get along with. He tries to see the good in everyone. Similar to how a child would. Because, well, mentally, he’s still developing. Yeah, he’s been in a capsule for years, but he needs to develop outside of it. Cuz the world isn’t perfect like the simulation in his capsule he did to make good choices. Beta has an interest in music. He likes any instrument and knows how to play, but he absolutely loves the piano. It’s his go to. It helps him relax.
Beta likes comics and cheesy romance movies. All he wants is to help people out. So what better way than to be a hunter? He’s not a pacifist per se but he’ll try to negotiate with the enemy first rather than just attacking. It’s what [who?] would’ve wanted.
The boy has many issues. Figuring out his past, who he is, all he has is a name. OVER-1. That’s it. It’s who he was supposed to help. But couldn’t. He was too late. He slept in the capsule for far too long. Beta has many dreams. He always sees four people. Three women and two men. They’re working on him. He can never see their faces clearly. He wakes up before he can. He’s frustrated. He manages to befriend Axl and realize that they have so much in common.
This is just a rough little thing. If you read it all ily <333
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cherryflavored · 5 months
Genuinely I think SpiderAxl has the potential to be a fun ship. Like you've got this jaded mercenary paired with this hyperactive assassin thats a hunter because he was so driven by his morality.
At first Spider doesn't have the greatest impression of Axl, mostly seeing him as most people do: some weird, overexcited Hunter fanboy. Axl's enthusiastic, but not super thrilled with having to work with an uncaring mercenary that openly admits that he'd have their heads if someone paid enough.
But then they work together! Spider finds that Axl isn't so naive and is just as much of a smartass as Spider himself is! Axl sees that Spider treats him as more than a loose cannon or a rookie. They even bond over their past mercenary work.
Axl reinvigorates Spiders justice, and Spider reasserts Axls sense of self and competence.
Then the angst...
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pyrobuyo · 1 year
another megan dooble
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how i draw him as “Rock” and how i draw him as “Mega Man”
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bassdaily · 2 years
There is no Official Capcom Game Canon™ hair for Bass. No unused design sketches or character art that has been released. Nothing even from canon-adjacent licensed games.
But I wonder if it might exist? Because we’ve seen his hair across various comics, and while ‘Manga / Comic & Cartoons Canon’ is not ‘Official Game Canon™’ ...weirdly enough it’s been consistent, especially compared to, y’know, Blues. (Blues, who 100% had a game canon hairstyle from his debut in MM3.)
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Classic Rock’s hairstyle is drawn really uniformly. Sometimes it’s black, sometimes it’s brown, sometimes it’s desaturated navy blue, but it’s always a dark color and even with radically different art styles his hair still has the same basic, well, shape.
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The same goes for Bass! Ariga’s sketch isn’t even canon for Gigamix, and we only see some hair poking out of his broken helmet in Archie comics. But like Rock, the style is consistent, and both times it’s colored in, his hair is dark. (The sketch is just not colored in. It could be light, it could be dark. There’s also a sketch of Blues on the same page... his hair isn’t colored in either.)
The Rockman & Forte manga ran from April 1998 to January 1999. From what I can gather, the “Burning Shot” short is from 1998.
Rockman Gigamix was published in 2009. The sketch Hitoshi Ariga drew of helmetless Forte was at FanExpo Canada, August 2010.
Archie's Worlds Collide crossover ran from April to August 2013.
It’s entirely possible that Kouji Izuki came up with something for the game’s manga adaption, and when asked about it on the spot Ariga drew from that, and then Archie comics kept what was previously done by the manga artists. Especially given how Archie loved to pack in references to other Mega Man ‘verses.
Conversely, any one of them could’ve gone with whatever unique design they wanted, and they didn’t. I think it’s possible that the artists and writers producing licensed franchise spin-offs might have had access to unreleased “series bible” material that we the public will never get to see because Capcom has totally forgotten this character exists in the first place. So the real question is: after Novas Aventuras, did Capcom have the wherewithal to go “hey maybe we should lay down some guidelines on how these characters are depicted”?
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(Quick comparison of how helmet failure is shown for both characters in Archie comics. Rock’s hair is disheveled from the fight, yet still the right style and color.)
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taranza-sgs · 6 months
thinking more about megaman x lore because the addiction is still kicking my ass, i started to wonder about how zero after sigma punched his block off and was recovered by the hunters going back to hunter hq. with that whole situation i started thinking “hey wait a minute, does this mean the only social interaction zero has had before X and others arrived was just training or being a hunter?” like, there’s no lore or anything from what i’ve seen of zero before the first X game that isn’t the whole MMX4 cutscene in his story. so did zero change from a life of killing and destroying everything with no purpose, to living in a group that sometimes borderline supports that style just against specific targets? i feel like that part of Zero’s lore is so interesting, how Zero’s first interaction with anyone was being in a group focused on fighting and destroying other mavericks, before meeting X and all of them
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sodepope · 1 year
So AU where Megaman and Astro boy both live in the same universe and Megaman was inspired by Astro boy IN UNIVERSE.
And so when Mega man and Astro boy find out about this Megaman starts having an identity crisis because he doesn’t feel like his own person anymore and he starts seeing himself as just a cheap copy of Astro boy and nothing else
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starry-space-galaxy · 6 months
I just had a dream where Pat beat up Solo and stole his Hunter-VG in a shopping mall for some reason.
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willows-arts · 1 year
This is a bit of a stretch, but do any MM fans out here (preferably of Native American descent 🙏) have more appropriate and respectful designs of Tomahawk Man? This goes for Flame Man too! Hello my friends of Indian ethnicities!
I'm open to hearing ideas or concepts you'd like to see in a redesign too, if you don't have one on hand or are not an artist 🙏
I've never been happy with the caricatures of these two Robot Masters in particular, and I am not confident in my ability to do research on the many, many Native American communities or India's complex history entirely on my own, so I would really love and appreciate feedback from you all so I can be pointed in the right direction. I want to do right by you all.
Willing to take answers in the tags, replies, or my inbox. Thank you!!!
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tinyreploid · 1 year
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My af piece for friend @willows-rambles of Cosmic Moonfall, i tried to make her armor like those color shifting cars :3 Put in a lil glitter to add a lil smth to it
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