#rambling away like always xD
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andariyadoesart · 1 year ago
I applied as a page artist for a fanzine about a month ago. I've never done something like that and also did not expect to be accepted, tbf.
BUT somehow I did!
I'm so happy. I'm going to contribute to a zine as a page artist waaaah ❤️🥺
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razzek · 10 months ago
Finally finished Ori and the Will of the Whisps after four years (it came out in like 2020 or something). It took me 22 hours but I like to wander and collect all the things. The end made me cry. I really like the themes of sacrifice and life going in cycles. But also fuck that conclusion for Shriek, poor thing got done dirty her whole life, she didn't choose shit. Still a very good game and a nice conclusion to the duology. If you like Metroidvanias definitely play these two. :)
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years ago
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okay okay i am technically studying for my upcoming exams, so i can't say i'll draw them immediately, but requests are now open!!!
yeah it's been ages since i've last opened those >:'Dc to be fair i never had the time (and i still don't honestly but shhh) and was already busy enough with ideas of my own to finish-
now tho? i'm dry on inspiration hhh so you're welcome to drop by and send me whatever comes to mind!! (utmv/undertale fandom stuff only tho) <333
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faynke · 5 months ago
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Kaitos and Shinichis teams for the PKMN AU!!
ramblings below:
Shinichi, as Conan, is gathering a band of misfits and trouble makers. He originally only had Absol, uninterested in catching other Pokémon. But after getting Scorbunny from Agase a bunch of other Pokémon have been adopting him as their trainer.
⁃ Absol: he’s very protective and always on the watch for disaster, something that follows his trainer everywhere. He’s in charge of keeping the rowdy newbies in check and is stressed about it. Can mega evolve, but it’s something they rarely do since Shinichi is technically supposed to not be around. I imagine he's kept in his Pokeball most of the time so as to not give Shinichi away. ⁃ Scorbunny: she’s given to him so he has a Pokémon to call on as Conan. She’s high energy and childish, always getting herself into trouble and poking her nose where it doesn’t belong. ⁃ Joltik: she doesn’t have much interest in battle, but she can put people to sleep with a bite and has very strong string. She can also sneak tracking devices onto people/things, as well as act as hidden eye during cases. She doesn’t get into much trouble herself, but will gladly encourage Scorbunny to do something dumb in her stead. ⁃ Charcadet: He saw Absol absolutely wreck a dangerous criminal and simply had to join Conan’s team. Idolizes Absol and does his best not to cause him more stress. ⁃ Zorua: she’s connected to a BO case and was saved by Shinichi. She’s incredibly nervous and only seems comfortable around Shinichi. Ends up getting pretty close to Kaitos Zorua who helps her get out of her shell. Trouble magnet, if something can go wrong for her it probably will.
Kaito has very talented Pokémon, all trained to be just as good as he is with his tricks. He originally only had Meowscarada and his Pidoves, but his team had gotten larger since becoming KID.
⁃ Meowscarada: Kaitos reliable partner! He loves magic tricks just as much as his trainer and has a scheming personality to match. ⁃ Gardevoir: She was originally Toichis Pokemon and was left to Kaito with the KID outfit. Doesn’t trust Kaito to begin with, but eventually bonds with him enough that they can mega evolve. She’s talented, but somewhat standoffish. ⁃ Pidove: Kaito has a lot of Pidoves, but his shiny one is the leader of the flock. She’s friendly and happens to be the one Pidove that Shinichi saves, leading to her adoring him. She plays favorites and Kaito is low key offended. ⁃ Zorua: he was caught during a heist. Zoruas main job is to transform into the partner Pokemon of anyone that Kaito is disguising himself as. He’s mischievous and will often wander off. Likes Shinichis Zorua and tries to get her to work on her confidence.
I think both of them would still be so good at their jobs they wouldn’t really rely on Pokemon to get them done. So while they could both totally fill out their teams with helpful ‘mons they don’t need to.
I do think that Kaito would have a Klefki following him around and causing problems by stealing keys and such, but would also be helpful at times as well. He really attracts the mischievous types lmao
It would be funny if no one has seen his Zorua and they just assume KID is some crazy trainer with all sorts of Pokémon to help with his heists. His Zorua would be a master at getaways and not being seen when he doesn’t want to be.
I also played around with giving Kaito a Togekiss! I think it would fit the rumor that no murders happen when KID is doing a heist XD Maybe he eventually can get one, it would be cute to see him raise it from an egg. Kaishin finds the egg together and co-parents it
For Shinichi I don’t have another Pokémon in mind to fill out his team :0 I’d definitely love to hear what you guys think! Maybe a Luxray? Though I also feel that could be better used for a different character. Also definitely considering a Rotom. Could stick it in his voice changer or phone or smth.
Shinichi would be a little new to the whole trainer thing as before he only ever had Absol. Because he’s only ever trained Absol, a super smart and loyal Pokémon that doesn’t cause problems, he’d definitely struggle a bit with his new high energy Scorbunny. They’d bond through playing soccer :]
As for inter-team dynamics, I think their Zoruas would get along. Kaitos Pidove loves Shinichi and would likely get along with his Pokémon as well. Gardevoir and Meowscarada are the two with personality issues and probably are either hesitant to befriend a Detectives Pokemon or actively consider them a rival.
I can see Meowscarada and Absol having a crazy rivalry.
I have a few team ideas for other characters, if you guys wanna hear my take on anyone specific please feel free to send me an ask and I may draw them!! Heiji and Hakuba are two I wanna draw for sure. As well as Sera. I think I’d like to give them all Megas since they’re the main high school detectives and they deserve it lol.
If you have any thoughts on the PKMN AU please also send an ask, I could talk about Pokémon for ages!!
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sizzlingchaosprince · 1 year ago
The Toy's favorite Child
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Notes: This is the first time I'm doing such thing so I'm really nervous XD I didn't know what to put into the background of the drawing so I didn't put any. Maybe I'll edit it soon. Do forgive me for my shading, I'm still learning(trying to)
Synopsis: After starting to live in PlayCare, one creature you became friends with grew a liking to you...
Warning: PLATONIC, headcanon + little story, reader is 12-14 years old, reader is a chill teenager
It's been a year since you got into the PlayCare, passing through the security with laid-back face and leaving the staff confused. They kept you because you seemed useful for them...
You were quite chilly and relaxed, reserved and smart. Also, because of your personality you were almost the same with Cat Nap from cartoons. Maybe that's why you became quick friends with Smiling Critters. With most of them, at least...
The big purple cat was almost never appearing like others from his party. And this interested you.
After a week or so you finally met him face-to-face. You were as calm as always, but your heart was pounding from excitement. You said 'hi' for politeness and introduced yourself, waiting for him to do the same.
Guess what? His face didn't even shift. He continued staring at you with his dead eyes.
After understanding that you won't get an answer from him, you tried to talk about something else.
But he disappeared in blink of an eye.
You were quite disappointed, but you still had the same urge to get to know the living toy better. You knew it'll be a long while...
It was worth 3 months to make him sit and listen to your rambling for 10 minutes. It was worth more months to make him spend at least an hour with you. It took even longer for him to let you stay near him and sleep, leaning onto the puppet. But it was worth the pleasure you get from his warmth and company.
Even though you never heard him talk, it's enough for you to be near him. It's good to talk about any nonsense which randomly comes to your mind and have a listener who won't judge you. It's also good to take a great nap in his fur or stay in complete silence, thinking of your own thing.
The staff, of course, sooner found out the relationship between you and the purple cat puppet.
They tried to use you to their own benefits and new information, but instead you composed some lies which sounded like truth to tell them(Cat Nap helped you a little sometimes, nodding or shaking his head if the lie sounds truthful or not).
When the scientists were starting thinking about taking you for the test next, Cat Nap started to monitor you to make sure you won't end up in the Game Station.
It definitely wasn't him who knocked out the staff members right behind your back. It definitely wasn't him who let out some scratching noises in Home-Sweet-Home. Also, of course, it definitely wasn't his sharp gaze you felt on your gut 24/7.
You liked to use the hair brush on the purple furball. It doesn't move away so you can say that he's at least neutral to your activity(we don't talk about his really quiet purring).
[Now. The small story]
It was a normal day like any other one. More specifically, night. However, this week was quiet strange: the staff members of Playtime Co. except the workers from the PlayCare appeared more often in front of you. When they started talking about 'test', they randomly passed out because of the red smoke. You knew it was one of the Smiling Critters you were hanging out with for a while, but you didn't know why was he doing it.
You were currently sitting with your back leaning against the living cat plush, brushing your companion's tail you gently patted with your free second hand. The only thing that bothered you in that peaceful time was the fact that the purple cat wasn't purring at all. It was staring at you with its dark eyes. Sooner after, you finally asked him about this:
— Is something wrong, Cat Nap?
It didn't answer. Instead, the living toy just stared at you with expressionless eyes, not moving an inch. You weren't intimidated by the stare at all, so you just continued brushing the long tail. You weren't hoping for an answer anyway, but still a small, almost impossible dream was remaining in your heart.
The silence was broken by the raspy, low voice coming out from Cat Nap's voice box.
— The Prototype... Will Save Us.
You flinched.
This is the first time he ever said something to you. It was surely a progress for your friendship.
You stared at him with wide eyes for a moment before shifting your attention back to the tail. You shrugged with your shoulders, your face had a relaxed smile.
— I don't know who the Prototype is, but if they helped you somehow, I think they're my saviour too. You're like a home to me.. I can't even imagine what would it be like living without you here!
You chuckled, patting the fluffy tail while Cat Nap looked at you with the same stare. However, something in his eyes changed... Maybe his gaze gained a little more... softness?
He stared at you until you fell asleep on him again. A few minutes of him sinking into his thoughts have passed, the toy putted his head on his paws, wrapping his tail around you like a blanket and soon enough closing his eyes. You would call it the same night-time scenario with Cat Nap in the next morning, because you didn't know that he was comfortably purring, nuzzling himself into your warmth last night...
Notes: OH MY GOD I DID IT :D I'll maybe do part 2, but without promises
Anyways, thank you for wasting your time reading my first-ever-made English fanfic. Do write me some comments about my errors if you find any, I will appreciate it since it'll improve my writing skills.
Have a nice day/evening/night!��
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alastor-x-reader-stories · 7 months ago
How about headcanons for luci x reader and alastor x reader where they neglect reader and they have to fix it? I just need some fluffy diabetical sweet hurt-comfort xD if you could please 🙏 ☺️
WAP-BAP-BOOM ALAKAZAM here's a thing. I hope you don't mind I make it pre-relationship because I love me some pining
Lucifer x Reader, Alastor x Reader
Summary: Your friend has been avoiding you lately. You spiral and wonder what you did wrong.
Warnings: Anxiety go brrrrrr. Alastor is a low-key stalker, but not in a creepy way? more like a.... 'i adore you from afar' way. Luci disassociates hardcore. Reader does too.
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Alastor started drifting away when he realized he enjoyed having you around
He couldn't find a twisted justification for it and he just couldn't handle it
He didn't want your soul, he had no real use for you, and yet he wanted you with him
So he pushed you away without much thought.
With no explanation to you, btw
Deer boy mcgee wouldn't be (intentionally) rude or hostile towards you, but certainly more aloof.
Conversations turned into curt greetings and goodbyes
Times spent lounging around in the same room turned into a little wave here and there
Attentive listening to your venting shifted to a 'Well that's not good. Tootaloo!' before he left
The guy didn't even ramble about HIS stuff with you anymore
It hurt.
You didn't know why he was suddenly so distant with you. But surely you did something WRONG, right?
You always do something wrong
So you just had to fix it. But you needed to find out what 'it' was
When you passed by him in the hallway one day, he gave his increasingly-common wave before waltzing right by you-
"Wait, Alastor?"
He glanced at you, tilting his head at an unnatural angle. His smile was too tight.
"Did I....Did I do something wrong?"
His eye twitched.
Absolutely not, he'd think. You could do no wrong in his eyes (though his ethics were slightly askew so that might not mean much)
But you looked absolutely distraught
You were trying to cover it up - you always do - but he could tell.
He watches you a lot
"Of course not, my dear!"
"...why are you avoiding me, then?"
He didn't have a lie ready and his usual quick wit appears to have failed him
Looking at your eyes. Your lovely, currently tearing up eyes-
No no no no no
He turned his attention to you fully, gently cupping the side of your face in one hand.
"Oh, my dear, no need for the waterworks. You did nothing wrong, I assure you."
"Don't lie to me, please. just- just what did I do? I'll fix it..."
He'd typically murder someone for making you feel like this. However, he was the one making you feel like this so that complicated things.
He leaned down, gently kissing away the forming tears at the corner of your eye.
"Simply...sorting some things out, dearest. You did nothing wrong. I just... Need some space."
Why were you staring at him like that?
Did he say something cruel?
Why was your face such a bright red-
"Well, i best be off! Let's meet for tea later, yes?"
You numbly agreed and he quickly said another farewell before shadow-travelling to who-knows-where
You gently touched the cheek had had been so gently holding earlier, a small, giddy smile on your lips
"Something to sort out, huh?"
Well. You couldn't wait until he finished that up.
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Lucifer had no intentions of being distant
Unfortunately...that just...kind of happens
Maybe that's why Lillith got sick of him
When you're older than all of humanity, time doesn't quite flow the same for him as it does for you.
Add his tendency to detach himself from everything and that gets even more complicated.
But he was doing so well for a while!
He'd leave his room often, he'd talk to Charlie and the other hotel-people, he'd like. Leave the building sometimes.
Maybe it was because he was doing so well that it seemed to you like he suddenly stopped caring.
Or maybe he was sick of you?
You could be pretty annoying sometimes...
You ramble and hyper-fixate and suck at emoting...
OH SHIT yeah he was...probably sick of you
Several days of being mopey later and Charlie ended up talking with you. When you told her what gives, she pretty much confirmed what you feared.
"AGH! He ALWAYS does this!"
"Hun, take a deep breath. Maybe something happened?" Vaggie said, putting a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.
Charlie's words already had you spiraling.
He ALWAYS did this?
Was...Lucifer just like that?
Your Luci was like that?
Luckily Nifty happened by at that moment, sweeping up the floor with manic glee.
Her big ol' eye watched the scene and she casually stated
"His majesty hasn't moved for like, four days. I know, I dusted him. He's just staring at the wall like this."
Nifty made her eye go comically larger, mouth pressed into a firm frown. Then her usual expression popped back up and she went back to scrubbing everything.
"....oh." You murmured as Charlie was panicking and screaming how her father was dead.
Vaggie managed to calm her down enough for you to explain what disassociating was.
You had a good amount of experience with it
Charlie proceeded to put her face in her hands and feel horrible.
You went to comfort her, but Vaggie stopped you and motioned to the stairs with a tilt of her head.
Oh....Okay, she got the Charlie and you got the Luci
You scuttled away to Lucifer's room
Lo' and behold, the Nifty was correct.
Kind of.
He wasn't exactly sitting there staring at a wall, but he was hunched over his workdesk with his head in his arms.
You put a hand on his back, between his shoulder blades.
"You okay, Luci?"
It took him a moment to respond, but he did. Looking up at you with rather dull eyes.
Which suddenly turned comically large as he sprang up and flailed about, squishing your face between his hands.
His expression went from numb to panic to absolute rage in a span of a couple seconds and it was giving you whiplash.
"Who made you cry?" He growled..
Oh yeah you were crying earlier
It was so horribly ironic you laughed, tears spilling down your cheeks. Luci blinked one eye at a time.
You explained why you cried- that you thought he was sick of you.
He offered to punch himself in the face.
That made you laugh again and you hugged him without thinking, clinging onto the silly gnome-looking man like you'd be erased if you let go
He returned the gesture in kind.
Lucifer clung onto you, pressing his forehead between your neck and shoulder, laughing in shakey, watery breaths
"What are we even laughing about!?" You cackled, tears still rolling
"No idea but I needed it." Lucifer chuckled. He nuzzled your neck, his breath steadying.
"Thank you, starling." he really needed it.
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gomzdrawfr · 5 months ago
Bear with me here I am going to word vomit of an AU I thought of (and I literally just woke up) Idk if I have the time to write, draw or even animate this bUT
A ghostprice au where Price goes blind
Here’s a scene I had in my head, imagine a blackout panel, with a typewriting sound effect in the back that reads:
Patient Information: Johnathan Price, birth date, weight, height, number, address (something along those lines which are meant to hint this is a beginning of a medical record)
and then white blurry speech bubbles appearing from left and right
You voiced out, or rather, Price voiced out (you are in Price’s POV)
All the speech bubbles seized, and for a moment it’s just darkness and much quieter whispers
“John, you’re up, easy now”
He hears her from his left, but still there’s total darkness, and he furrows his brows, hands slowly reaching up to pat his face, or scratch it— there’s nothing on his skin, so he’s not being blindfolded, and there’s no sac or bag covering his head— but there is layers of something covering his eyes that he tries to pull off, managing to peek through a bit, he thinks he’s opening his eyes but—
Still black
And then we cut to a shot of Ghost’s face, eyes wide with realization that Price can’t see anymore.
The last panel reads:
“Diagnosis: Traumatic Optic Neuropathy” (aka vision loss”
- end of scene
More rambles:
Thinking about maybe from a mission an IED went off before anyone could react— well technically Price reacted first by pulling Ghost away, which resulted in direct exposure to the blast, followed by a concussion
Ghost immediately got on his feet and dragged Price away while also making sure all units were still available, he looks down and he sees laceration and red
Well okay I haven’t figure out the clinical part but Im thinking maybe some blood pools around the corner of Price’s eyes (if, say, the laceration cut across his eyelids), it wouldn’t be as dramatic to the point where there’s blood trickling down his eyes per see cuz Idk if I plan to make the shrapnel penetrate into the cornea (in this case it would be extremely severe cause of trauma, I shall have some mercy on him)
Maybe amongst the panic he saw how Price’s left eye slowly turned red (internal bleeding) and all his alarms went off and quickly get medical on it
Of course he was praying that it wasn’t as serious, maybe it was superficial and maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him cuz it was dark and the hallway had red lamp all over
Also i just realized this is prob quite inaccurately portrayed bcuz the bandages that covers the eyes are usually tightly sealed, and that his action of ripping them off is prrrobbaaably not good since infections and increasing the pressure around his eyes are just going to make this worse (like reopening sutures or whatnot) but i think it could work (shhh ✨fiction science✨)
But nope, Price is blind, and that automatically puts him unfit for service and Ghost knows that this isn’t going to go well for the man
We always joked around saying Price is old but imagine if he’s mid 30s, prime in his years and definitely still had a lot of kick in him— only to be forcefully ripped away from it
The devastation, the angst, the anger, the unfairness of it all, the never ending cycle of guilt from both Ghost and Price
Anyways *ah hem* if you’ve read this far and would be interested to develop this yourself whether with fic or art go ahead! I sure as hell won’t be able to bring out the sheer desperation and agony from this sort of au or story so yeah XD
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sxprot · 26 days ago
can you write about glisten x reader angst or fluff headcanons please and thank yow
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Note: Fuck those images, I'm suck at finding these. Although, I laugh a bit cause I really like Glisten. I hope I make this accurate as possible, dear user.
Glisten x gn!reader (romantic and fluff)
Ever imagine the way he'd be overjoyed when you accepted his confession? The way he'd smile at you, thanking you for accepting his feelings, his adoration for you
The way he would gloat about you, your eyes, your words, your smile, each detail that made you...You.
Oh, Glisten, never let anyone talk bad about you! How dare they mutter up that courage to say such horrible words toward his beloved? For you deserve only luxurious treatment, he would never let those comments get to you.
For you're the sunlight, the one that knows the real him! He will defend you with his life!
I like to think of him as the type that likes to be a big spoon, likes to pull you toward him to cuddle. He likes to jest, saying that his hands are simply cold as seeking you out was a better solution to this problem.
If you dare to call out of his behaviour...GASP. HOW COULD YOU?? You're supposed to help him! Oh, the audacity of you...Glisten only sighs incredulously as he falls dramatically on your hands, accusing you that you don't love him anymore!
Heh, he really likes to apply makeup on you as he rambles about the gossip and any complaints about the other Toons.
"And that man suddenly take out all of his anger on me as if I was at fault!"
"Rude." You hum, giggling at how it tickle when he brushes your cheeks with tons of glitter.
"Oh yes, he is!"
Fond of nicknames, it feels nice on your tongue when you said it.
Leave lipstick on your cheeks. PLEASE PLEASE LET ME IMAGINE, but like what if he feels in the mood to tease you? Would use it to his advantages.
Would leave a reminder that he loves you. In every morning that you woke up in his bed, you always see a note that's full of love for only you. He would spend some times just to lighten your mood, for all the troubles should go away, he willing to make that frown turn into a lovely smile.
This is sooo short xd
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trashy-tries-writing · 3 months ago
Hiii its me again 🍄 anon! And i got more ideas for Ravine writing!
Ok so what if like we have a scenario where maybe Ravine gets caught off guard, like someone unexpectedly came up from behind him(I honestly doubt that would actually happen but just for the sake if the post lets just say it happens) and Ravine's first instinct/reaction is to grab whoever's behind him and throw them over his shoulder (WWE style-) then proceeds to almost blow there head off with whatever firearm on him at the time.
If it wasn't for whoever got bodied to snap Ravine out of it there would have been a blood soak floor. When said person gets up they ask him what that was about and as per usual, Ravine says nothing but just stares at them before walking away.
I just think it would be funny seeing people like Ghost and Price get bodied/thrown around like it was nothing. And honestly seeing König get decommissioned in seconds would be hilarious! He's probably so used to being feared by everyone/being build like a fuckin truck that having someone casually just flip him would probably throw him for a loop.
Anyways thanks for listening to my dumb rambling again! Ravine always makes me feel better! This is 🍄 anon and ill see you next time!
Also Ravine could do that to me and i would fuckin thank him-
Watching Young Justice League- (or the crash course bc I can’t find full ep.) and realizing they skipped so much stuff. Maybe I should’ve started with comics instead of a TV series. Anyone have recommendations for someone who’s just getting into DC? (I already have like- a character that turns from a normal boy into a meta-human into the moon- I meAN WHAT- Too much fun with angst. I swear I try to write fluff, I swear I am. XD)
Also Spiderman??? So much angst on top of angst on top of angst- Like "Spider-man: No Way Home- WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? PETER MY CHILD OMG 😭 Fuck that I'm gonna make a character where the magic didn't work on him. Fuck u Marvel for making every Spider-man sad 😭 (Anyone wanna read that? 👀👀)
Hi hi 🍄 Anon👋, thank you so much for sharing this because I had so much fun! XD And it's not dumb I love your rambles! Let's just say that it was on a day where Ravine was thinking of the past. Problem solved😌 I hope you enjoy this and see you around 🍄 Anon👋💕 Omg same– WHAT WHO SAID THAT! Also merry christmas everybody! Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday! 💕
He didn’t mean to, he really didn’t. But that didn’t stop his reflexes from working faster than his brain. Ravine should’ve known to stay inside if he was going to be taken over with his thoughts.
Simon Ghost Riley
Ghost had been walking around the base for too long, just trying to find the giant of a man. How is it possible to not know where someone that big was? It’s not like he can hide with his size.
Or can he?
He has a feeling that Ravine can do so much more than he has already shown TF 141, and Ghost was eager to know when that would be.
Ghost blinks when he sees Ravine’s slouched body leaving the weapon room, a box under his arm with mechanical parts sticking out if and his attention stuck to the papers in his other hand.
Of course he would be working on something.
When was he not?
But Ravine was so deeply rooted inside his head, he wasn’t reading the documents or even looking at it correctly when he felt it.
Someone was behind him.
Ravine feels his skin crawl, his mind playing tricks on him and-
Ghost feels gravity leaving him as Ravine yanks him over his shoulder. With his vision upside down, a silent gasp leaves his mouth. The air gets knocked out of his lungs as he lays on the cold ground with his hand in Ravine’s tight grip, his eyes swimming.
“Argh! Ravine, it's me!”
Ravine drops everything as he falls to his knee, hands now softly brushing over Ghost as he sits up. He groans as he leans back on Ravine’s bent knee. Ravine twitches at the contact before lightly placing his hand on his hurt shoulder.
Ghost tilts his head towards Ravine’s chest, he can almost hear his heart beating out of his ribcage from guilt as he tries to catch his breath from being thrown around.
Despite the situation and the physical ache, Ghost finds Ravine’s reactions hilarious. (Don’t tell anyone that.)
Ravine doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know where to put his other hand as it lingers around Ghost who’s clenching and unclenching his fist, testing if it’s sprained or not by the firm grip Ravine had it a few seconds ago.
Ravine wants to leave, walk away as if he didn’t just hurt his teammate because of his wild instincts.
"What was that-"
Ghost’s shoulder aches and he blinks at the hand mark slowly forming on his wrist.
“-Bloody hell…”
Ravine tenses.
Ravine lifts Ghost up with ease, a little too much ease to the latter's taste as he hurries through the mess of fallen mechanical parts and loose documents.
He calmly walks through the base, getting Gaz and Soap’s attention as they pass the lounge. Gaz’s eyes widen while the water leaks out from Soap’s gaping mouth onto his shirt.
“What- Was that- Did…???”
“Ravine carrying Ghost? Yep definitely was them.”
Price could only stare as Ravine barges into his office with Ghost looking a little too comfortable in his arms as if he could take a nap right there and then.
The captain pulls his lips into a thin line, slowly slurping from his coffee mug as he squints his eyes at them.
“Let me guess…”
“Oh boy.”
Ravine looks down at Ghost who’s leaning his head further into his chest, secretly enjoying the situation and then at Price who stares as if it’s a normal Tuesday.
Later they get told by the doctor that Ghost’s shoulder is injured due to being almost pulled out of his sockets and his wrist was now branded with Ravine’s hand for who knows how many days- weeks even.
Ravine couldn’t face Ghost for weeks- months if it wasn’t for Ghost and Price cornering him like they did the day Ghost met Ravine for the first time.
Ghost has a sense of déjà-vu.
(Sometimes brushes his hand over the purple-bluish bruise and compares his hand size with Ravines.)
John Price
It happened while they were still getting to know each other in the early days when Price found him inside that… room.
He knew he had to tread carefully with the burning man. He was like a wounded animal, cornered with nowhere to escape with his fangs bared at anything that breathed too loudly or at all.
But Price believed they had crossed over that line as Ravine didn’t react when he had to sit down in a room full of people or inside the tiny car he had to fit in to go on missions. (Price voiced out how too soon it was to send Ravine anywhere. But orders were orders.)
Ravine didn’t react to anything at all anymore. A perfect weap- soldier as Shepard liked to call him.
And so when they arrived back to base after another successful mission with Ravine making it so much easier with his fast killing and stealth, Price had only wanted to praise him for his good work.
But maybe, just maybe it wasn’t a smart idea to suddenly come up from behind him right after a tense operation-
Since Price found himself on the ground, his body having been flipped into the air like he weighed nothing as he landed with a loud ‘BANG’ echoing off the walls and on the ground.
Laswell gasped in surprise, jumping from her seat as Ravine took a step back as if realizing now what he had just done.
The gun that he had pulled out from his holster was now lowered instantly. Ravine’s body was tense, freezing still in his spot.
Price gets back on his feet, leaning slightly onto Laswell as he groans, trying to downplay the situation for Ravine.
“Shiiiiiit… You sure know how to use that strength of yours., don't you?"
Silence takes over the room before Ravine vanishes from his sight, quickly marching away from them with nothing to say. It makes Price sigh loudly.
Laswell chuckles underneath her breath. “Well that was a sight.”
“Will not happen again, so enjoy it while it lasts.” Price breathes out, hands on his hips as he bends his back forward with pain. “Damn it, I need to see the medic…I think I broke something.”
He ends up with bruised skin on his back, even fractured bones that puts him out of commission.
Price eyes the doctor, “...Well I’ll be damned.”
Price never thought that he would end up getting slammed into the ground like the enemies Ravine sometimes threw over his shoulder. Luckily for him Ravine didn’t use as much force as he did with them as they were directly knocked out of their consciousness...and then shot to death.
‘Now where is…’
It took a few months for him to finally get a real conversation with Ravine.
He shouldn’t be feeling like this, he really shouldn’t. But König continues to scream into his head, cheeks flared up with his thoughts stuck from the earlier occurrences.
König leaves the training facility, a towel draped over his shoulders as he makes his way to the showers to relax his muscles from the workout. Soon enough his stomach rumbles and he changes his mind of going back to his room to relax.
Rounding the corner, he sees Ravine staring through the window, his arms crossed over his chest, making his back muscle tense.
Feeling a little confident to try talking to the soldier who was just as tall as him, sticking out like a sore thumb in the team with… shorter people, König approaches the quiet man with a small smile.
“Hey Ravine.”
Surprised that the man didn’t react like he usually would when called, König tilts his head as he reaches a hand out.
A startled yelp escapes his lips, the world tilts and he finds himself staring at the swinging lights hanging from the ceiling. His body twitches uncomfortable and aches in pain as confusion swims in his eyes.
With his breath knocked out of him, shock taking over mentally and physically as Ravine slowly releases his steel grip, König tries to choke out something but he could only gasp. 
“…W-Was..?” -…W-What..?
Pain radiates through his left side but as König sees Ravine’s body loom over him, pressure withdrawn from his stomach and arms, and the realization that he had been so easily decommissioned in seconds, has left a new kind of warmth rushing through him.
König slowly rises to his feet, hand shooting up to rub his shoulder. The man stares confused when Ravine is now checking him over with what he guesses is worry, since there isn’t much to find out with his face covered and the silence in his throat.
“I-I’m fine, you just took me by surprise.”
Ravine brushes his fingers over the bruise forming on König’s wrist and König doesn’t know why he suddenly felt he should leave.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. I er- I’m going to eat now. Yeah…now.”
However, with his food sitting in front of him, fork in hand, König stares silently in front of him, confusing his teammates in the dining hall and creeping others with his unblinking eyes. And just as quietly as he came he robotically goes back to his room.
That’s when he flops down on his bed, face pushed into his pillow, his face reddening when the situation with Ravine finally hits him.
Ravine had swung him over his shoulder like nothing and had pressed his knee down on his stomach, keeping him in place with his arms over his head with a grip that left handprints on him that were bruising.
König was used to being feared and manhandling others- others as in targets to eliminate- but being tossed around like a toy by someone else is-
Both were evading the other’s presence without the other’s knowledge until they were put back together for a mission.
@livinglifebesticanlol @jackiebluh @cumbermovels @agspgrwasb
I hope you enjoyed this! If anyone has any other imagine, scenarios, headcanon, etc. Feel free to send it to me, I love reading what you guys have in mind ❤️
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liloinkoink · 1 month ago
Same anon before about Scsr.
I wonder how people are going to react to knowing Grian is also… not a great person.
The sheer amount of wars, revolutions (same thing different name), competing with Scar and Cub more than once with Mumbo, Eco T-word….
There is a reason we shop Scar and Grian. These two are plucked from the same berry bush, and will make each other worse. XD
eco t word… eco terrorist? you can say the word terrorist. it’s tumblr. no need to talk to me like a tiktoker
anyway. Grian is more of an annoying, mischievous little shit than people give him credit for, but honestly? people usually make him out as worse than he is i think. i said before, half the reason i stopped reading scarian was bc of woobifying Scar, but the other half was just way too cruel Grian characterization
full disclosure, i used to read fic in the Last/Double Life era, so it was all “wow Grian is so mean for leaving Scar lonely and cheating on him and Scar is so sad and helpless :(” in the fics i used to read Grian was often so serious and brooding and guilty and mean and like… so many fics i’d read had him as like. evil and cold to poor helpless Scar. which is not a great look! Scar is plenty competent and also his own brand of the worst. he’s not suffering away under Grian’s tyranny. they’re both annoying!
and like yeah sure Grian starts wars. but he does this on servers where deaths are not finite and hold very little weight. people die all the time on hermitcraft and a lot of minigames and silly bits are done about killing each other. it’s just not the same. and yeah, he likes blowing things up and causing problems. but as much as he never considers the consequences of his actions, he also very much will help deal with them to the best of his ability when they’re worse than he expected
there’s a quote from…. oh, i don’t even remember where, bc i heard it when i was binging his evo and seasons seven and eight. but in it Grian says something to the effect of you have to prank hard and clean up harder. which i think summarizes him really well, and which so many people miss w him
genuinely sometimes i feel like people almost forget Grian is like. fun. like he’s really fun! he’s silly and likes mischief and quotes stupid memes and will help fix things when they’re taken too far so that they stay fun. he makes games and challenges and starts competitions and wars because it’s fun to play in them! people forget this to the point where sometimes i’d read too many fics in a row and then watch a Grian ep and be like holy shit. i forgot how much fun he is
and yeah. he definitely is one of the driving antagonistic forces of Third Life. but the whole conflict is Scar picking fights and Grian attempting to finish them. generally enemies the desert made were Scar’s enemies from either threatening them (Dogwarts) or scamming them (Crastle) which Grian generally escalated on Scar’s behalf (albeit without Scar really asking him to escalate, and pushing them significantly farther than Scar intended to escalate them). they bounce off each other and rile each other up because they think it’s fun to cause problems and they’re right
anyway. this is so not focused on DDVAU it’s nearly 2am and i’m just rambling about Grian characterization in fandom in general like two years ago when i used to read scarian fic. ummm. Grian is evil but i think people make him out as more malicious/callous than he actually is sometimes? i don’t think we’ve really seen proof DDVAU Grian is like. a bad person. at least not yet
CG has mostly just antagonized HG and refused to speak to cops (which is the correct thing to do always). while Grian has mostly just bantered with and teased his friends and cousin. hes closed off from Jimmy and not talking to him as much as he should, but being blunt doesn’t make him a bad person
we’ll just have to see how he’s handled. i know he won’t be flawless, bc that’s not how maruu and doody roll, but i don’t think im currently worried about him hitting the same level as HG right now (or at least not showing his flaws in the same way HG has). HG’s manipulativeness comes from his ability and willingness to leverage a systemic power over Grian that Grian simply does not have, and thus which Grian simply cannot do
i do expect them to make each other worse tho somehow. that’s a given
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imbree64 · 10 months ago
TADC Headcanons (Updated)
So, I thought it would be fun to do parental headcanons for the amazing digital circus. (Also one question: Why does google misspell Gangle as Jungle?) Edit: I updated this so check out the new headcanons! :D
Let's start with you.
You were a naive child who was highly curious. Out of curiosity, you put on a headset. The next thing you knew, you couldn't remember anything. You kept having a constant feeling that something was wrong. You felt scared as you stood somewhat trembling on some sort of stage. But then, you see that someone has noticed you. Maybe they can help.
Let's move on to the characters
Pomni looks flabbergasted upon seeing you. She definitely wasn't expecting to see a child in the circus.
Pomni starts to panic. But she calms down a bit and reaches out for you. It wasn't long before you followed her around feeling comforted by her presence. She starts to question your behavior.
She is obviously caught off guard by some 5 year old. But she begins to start acting like a worried mom.
If you wander off, Pomni will start to panic. She will grab anyone near her by the chest and yell "WHERE IS MY KID??!!!" She finally calms down when you show up or if she finds you. "OH THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE OK!" is her reaction to finally seeing you.
Pomni is now extra careful during adventures because she wouldn't want to lose you.
Jax acts uninterested in you at first, and shrugs it off as some joke by Caine. That is, until you start to follow him around. This annoys him a lot.
He will repeatedly try and get rid of you, but Caine will just teleport you back to him. It may take weeks to make him get used to you.
He first notices your imprinting on him when you not only follow him, but laugh when he pranks someone.
Eventually, Jax will become protective and loving towards you. If there is danger near by, he will sprint away with you either flailing behind him as he carries you, or with you held tightly to his chest. Either way there is a very high chance that you will throw up the moment he puts you down.
He gives you an Ipad with educational games, and it keeps you occupied. Jax uses this as an excuse to get a break from you.
There is no doubt that he will teach you how to be a menace like him.
Jax also likes to tease you with scary stories. But if he makes you cry, you're being carried for the rest of the day.
Jax will eventually just hold you like a plushie when he sleeps. He also made a separate bed for you incase you need space.
He can tell if your having a nightmare. If he sees that, he will grab you and you will secretly sleep with him for the rest of the night.
Ragatha is worried about you. After comforting you for a bit, she begins to show her motherly figure towards you.
She plays lullabies on the piano to help you sleep. She will always be there to comfort you.
If someone throws a weapon at you, Ragatha will track down who did it, and kick their shins. XD
Ragatha makes knitted plush toys for you. She also scolds Jax way more often so that he won't prank you at all.
Gangle is shocked upon seeing you. She panics a little breaking her own comedy mask. After that she will start rambling while sobbing that she's too young to be a mother.
Once she calms down, she takes you in. She absolutely loves cuddling you.
Gangle will let you draw with her. Your first drawing was this:
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Upon seeing your drawing she starts having a mental breakdown of happiness.
4. She makes you a comedy mask of your own. Now you can be twinsies! :D
Kinger is oblivious to you, until you say hi and he screams
He lets you follow him into his impenetrable fortress, but then he forgets you're there and screams again. "AAAÆÆÆ- Oh! Little guy! You startled me!"
He lets you sleep with him in his fortress and shows you his insect collection.
He is overjoyed to be a dad. He loves teaching you about insects and stuff. You sometimes hide in his robe, and when someone asks where you are, you peek out like a kitty.
He will give you piggyback rides.
Despite their sarcastic personality, Zooble is concerned for you. They take you in and start telling you about an absolute jerk known as the easter bunny. Well you fell for it. And when you call Jax the easter bunny, Zooble starts laughing
They get beyond pissed when someone makes you cry. They will track down the person who bullied you and strangle them.
Zooble will instead of saying they refuse to go on the adventure, they will say "Sorry, guys. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room with the little squirt."
"My my! It's seems like a new human has entered this realm! ... A small one!"
Caine has to get parenting information into his data since he is an Ai. He entertains you with magic tricks.
He let's you sit on his lap while the two of you watch the adventures progress.
"No no no my dear! We can't have any of that rude language around here!" is his reaction to you insulting someone.
You sometimes steal his hat, but you are so cute, that Caine won't get mad at you. But he will still take his hat back from you.
That's all!
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razzek · 9 months ago
So the first time I took the RAADS-R autism screening test I got 64. I did not realize that "I dislike thing x but do not outwardly react to it" is the same as "I dislike x". Retaking the screener with that misconception removed I got 190. That... that is a lot of autism. XD
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zeherili-ankhein · 4 months ago
Ok guy I was feeling really bad that I didn't write out something to you guys in that moots giving chain so here's my separate moot appreciation post
@foreignink yeah I don't know when you will come online again OR if you'll come online again but honestly speaking, you are one of my most beloved person both online and irl. You were the first one ever who listened to my endless ramblings and stupid stories I made up no matter how questionable or out of pocket they were. I loved sitting next to you and chatting away the entire break. I miss you I miss you since the day we last saw eachother after crying like idiots infront of the school. You will always be my baby mwah I love you <3 ✨💚🧡 everything orange always reminds me of you.
@randomx123 you are so cool :D You were one of the first even people I actually talked to on Tumblr and the one of the first ever Bangali too. I loved listening to your story that's really really a great story. You are like that one cousin dada I never had. I like all the random (pun included) conversations we have and basically everything else. You are one of the few people whom I send random (pun) asks with basically anything and everything. Then I loved your moodboards during Pujo and you swearing always makes me roll with laughter XD You are in my favourite person catagory
@krishna-priyatama you are literally my favourite person I met on Tumblr. Thank god to the day we started chatting, you are a literal blessing to my life if I'm being honest. The only person who ever understood my crazyness and the intensity of my love for Chhota Bheem and other cartoons and matched my weirdass freak. Chatting with you is the highlight of my day which no matter how bad the day goes it always brings a smile to my face. I have no proper words to say tbh just love ya tons tons 🫂💖
@igotadigbickandureadthatwrong yeah I remember finding your main blog on a random day in boshonto (yes pun) and that introduced me to the Vasant cult and every other funny mytho shits. We hadn't interacted at all before untill I dropped those Cult rituals into your ask box, and from then on I literally had a blast sending and receiving asks filled with theories headcanons memes metas and basically everything else. I still wait for when you'll drop your next crazy ask and it will make me take a round around my house. And then cursedblr made it more unhinged lmao :3 ✨💚 if I am being honest I wanna violently throw paint balls at you
@jeahreading NOW you, I remember our first fight over baked roshogolla and you being my roshogolla anon for some hours. I was so fun... One of the best things ever because I got to discuss sweets with someone online so frankly for the first time. You are one of my favourite person on Tumblr literally and maybe one of the very few whom I have given a nickname. I loved loved loved sharing and received pujo details with you and the love for food we share is so dear to me. I hope we can meet irl one day 🥲 I wanna squish you in a hug so bad you have no idea. We'd me unstoppable. Love you a tons 💚✨💖 the Batasha to my Chini <3
@mi-stress-of-chaos mummyyyyy I don't remember when we started interacting or when we became such crazy buddies but it was definitely related to the cursedblr which is a blessing curse in my life. Then you became chaos mummy one of my favourite internet parents. I loved every single of our cursed and normal interactions and all the other shits we did and your blog is one of the best blogs on Tumblr. You are too cool and chaotic to even be friends with a lame loner like me but I am thankful we are because you are lovely 💜💖✨
@shinchansbitch if I remember correctly ig our first interaction was when you rebligged one of my shinchan incorrect quotes... Honestly speaking I didn't knew what to say at firat and it took a lot of time for us to become proper interacting moots but I'm glad we did because you are one of the coolest moat amazing person I met here and ilysm for that. You are one of the best ever internet parent I ever had. Your shitposting is one of the best things ever, I love love love reblogging from you they are the best. 🩷💝✨
@tum-naam-sochlo-merese-ni-hora favourite person ever to overexaggerated and complicate things with. Best didi ever. The coolest person to ever walk on this planet, you are one of the funniest people on this entire universe. We also started interacting because of Vasant and it was the best thing ever. I love your art you are one of the best artist I ever know. You inspired me so much to make my own art and you were one of the first people who encouraged me to post my paper flowers. If I could I would make a tons of paper flowers, you are too good to me. Ilysm you are amazing. 💜💚💖✨
@schrodinger-ka-billa you are the best ever otter god ever and one of the best oersons with whom I interacted. And the only one whom I gave the tag of didi openly (but I'm your didi too lol) I love chatting with you here you the too funny and sweet. Even if our views on the marauders are somewhat different I love that I have found another marauders fan, that's one of the best thing ever in mankind's history. Also I loved hiw caring you are and your asks with buggies were one if the best things ever that happened to me. Ily a tins you are one of my favourite 💚🦦✨
@wulfricnavy we also started interacting during the daddymon thing I think, but anyways you are one of my favourites. I love your fanfic and I'm always waiting for when you will drop your next chapter (do it quick man). You are the best ever dadaji on the internet, a literal legend. I don't know what to say except I like the way you are interested in so many series and you are really really cool :D you are like a neighborhood bhaiya who got backpain ✨💚
@no-idea-where-i-am-lost you are a cutie :D the bestest thakuma everrrrr. Honestly I'm so glad Wulfric introduced you to us you are so sweet and one of the best people here. And one of the Bangalis with whom I enjoyed sharing Pujo moments. You should interact more it would be nice to talk and do more shenanigans together. Also cursedblr awaits you (even tho you've joined) and I really really really really like you so much you are a pookie person 🧡✨💖
@desigurlie you are so so so cool I can't even explain :D you're blog is one of my most favourite blogs, I love your metas and fic and moodboards and the way you do dhobi pachhad to shit anons and other people. You are one of the raddest most amazing didi person I even know. Our first interaction was also because of Vasant if I remember and then it was because of Mahabharat. You are one of my favourite persons online and if I could I'd give you a big fluffy hug and those paper tulips I made for you ilysm 🫂✨💖💚
@intellectual6666 cool cool person I love your fics and your vibe and in general you are kne of the coolest persons here. I don't remember how exactly we became moots and started interacting but your blog is one of the best things on this app and you yourself are one of the sweetest here. You are also like that parar bondhu jar sathe khub bhalo vibe kora jaye. I honestly want to share narkel er naru with you as we both sit quietly and enjoy the peace or gossip who knows. You are a big cutie and I would make you flower crowns if I knew you irl 💐✨💖
@hellincarnation FINALLY the bestest war criminal ever you are so cool and honestly one of the best fucking people I recently talked to. You don't even know how much your shenanigans makes me laugh or how much I enjoy talking to you. We should seriously take over the planet and then have a party. You match my crazy so much its iconic. We really are a duo for chaos. I would do cool and cringe poses with you in public if I knew you irl lol ✨💖🩵 and never hesitate to ask me any question related to thing you wanna know. And ofcourse you are one of the very few who got a nickname. Aro the car guy Satan.
@im-on-crack-send-help YOU ARE SUCH A CUTIE and you're so sweet and caring and nice and cute and basically everything nice and shiny reminds me of you. Ilysm you are one of my favourites and its sad we don't gwt to interact much we should do that honestly but anyways I'd make you all the flower bouquets with paper flowers If I can and I want to sit and eat cookies with you as we watch movies and cry ✨🧡♥️💖
@sumiyxx another cutie! You are one of the best people here and one of the pooliest too. Even if we interact less you are one of my favourite peoples here and I hope we can vibe more and do crazy. Lysm you silly darling you deserve the world and beyond and I'd give you as much as I can once I take over this planet ✨💖💚♥️
@lyrebirb you are one of my favourites easily. Your shitposting era was my favourite and you are so amazing and cool and awesome. You are my favourite birby (I say as a bird hater) and ilysm and I'm so hlad you are back. I loved the time we had a discourse over mermaid meat and eggs it was so funny and K enjoyed it so much you are so cool ✨💐💖🫂
@stxrrynxghts you are such a amazing person and I love love love taking to you :D your fics are amazing and I'm always looking forward to read them (but don't overwork yourself please) you are one of the few people with whom I shared soucha nd you are so amazing and cool and admiration amd everything all together I don't even deserve to be your friend. You are one of my favourite people here and talking to you is so great I love it 🫂💖💙
There are so many more people I'm forgetting to tag but I live y'all so much you precious pookies you all are like those fruits and nuts in my chocolate.
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ratsonastick · 1 year ago
Can you do more ex!clarisse la rue x ex!reader but instead they are a bit more aggressive. They broke up because they were always fighting and getting jealous. After a really explosive fight they break up. They are so bitter towards each other during training they would spar together since no one else would challenge them and when they attacked it was like they were actually fighting. The words they spoke to each other are mostly about how they are the superior one or the stronger on or the right one. During a bonfire the reader decided to get under clarisse’s skin and flirt with her best friend . She see this and it sets sadness and a fire inside of her. She was going to win you back, after that day she would be nicer to you she would compliment you and you take notice of this. You ask her after sparring with each other while she was saying how amazing you were and how you were improving and the reader gets annoyed and said “Why are you acting like?!?” the reader is mad because she was the one who said to break up. Clarrise tells the reader that she still loves her and wants to get back together but the reader is still so upset and tells clarrise to stay out of her life breaking clarrise’s heart. The reader storms away so frustrated and confused. The reader and another camper and hit it off and goes on a eats dinner with them clarrise sees you with her about and gets so angry but doesn’t do anything because of what you said. Clarrise then notices that she doesn’t see you at training that often she barely see you at all even. One day she’s going to training and sees you with the camper. When she sees this it make her heart feel like it’s shattering, she always thought that you guys would get over this that you guys would get back together and spend the rest of your life together. She then realized that she couldn’t just stand there and watch fall in love with someone else. She went to talk to you while you were going to your cabin but you are also with the camper and she kind of shoos her away. The reader is upset that she just sent her away and tries to walk away but clarrise calls the reader but the reader just ignores her after a while clarrise just picks the reader up and bring them to her cabin with them kicking and screaming on her shoulder. Clarrise then apologizes to the reader and she has a whole speech on why they should get back together one of them being is because she hasn’t felt that way with anyone before and she never wants to she only wants to feel that way for you and telling the reader not to continue dating the camper. You just sit there shocked and confused because the camper that you were talking to you weren’t interested in at all they were your cabin sibling you were just helping her get more comfortable with the camp. You tell her that this was one of the main reasons why they broke up that they were so overprotective. Clarrise a little embarrassed says that she’s sorry for overreacting but she felt like she was losing you and just kind of rambles. And you stop her with a kiss and tell her that they can get back together but they have to start at square one and reintroduce each other.
The end
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LEGEND YOU GAVE SO MUCH DETAIL!!! I had to pause at breakfast and show my friends sorry XD I'm pretty sure you wrote more than I did
But anyways ... Clarisse La Rue x Ex!Reader (Happy ending) Warnings - Blood, fighting, make out ...
AND requests are still open!
You and Clarisse broke up a week ago, due to always fighting and getting jealous. And the way the two of you broke it off was, well, messy. 
For the first time, you truly believed you hated her, and she thought the same thing about you. 
You try to ignore her, going separate ways, avoiding the Ares cabin. You thought that once you guys broke up you wouldn't be bothered anymore. That you could finally escape her claws, but no. 
Of course, you had to be partners with her in sparring, and you hated it. She once was so gentle with you, trying her best to not hurt you like she did with the other campers. But now it was almost like sudden death like you were fighting an actual monster. 
When she pushed you down and you rolled away to avoid her sword that came crashing down she let out a laugh “Where are you going stupid ass.” 
You'd quickly got up and threw a punch into her stomach so you could throw her off guard and be able to take a breather. When you looked at her it truly was like seeing someone else. It was like looking at the man in a horror show who was about to kill you, someone you once trusted. 
“You little-” She yelled, taking her sword and clashing it down onto yours, she met your eyes and for a second you thought you saw something change. But she kicked your knee causing you to fall and her sword cut into your skin. 
You fell to the floor, your hand reaching up to feel the blood pooling down your chin. You looked up at her as she took a step back, her arms falling to her side, her movements slow and breathing heavy. 
“I can't believe – I can't believe you.” You stuttered, out of breath and hurt you stood up. Cover the wound with your hand as the blood starts to cover your fingers and slide down your arm. 
You walked off to find Will in the Apollo cabin, tears mixing with the wound which made everything sting more.   
A few days later you walked to the bonfire and sat down with some friends. You saw Clarisse standing by a tree with a drink in her hands and her siblings, you noticed how her gaze flickered to the stitching on your face. 
You ignored her, turning your gaze to look at your friends. 
It is strange to think though, how you once would run up to her during these fires, and ask her to help you roast your marshmallow and she'd roll her eyes but you could she loved it. 
Now you two were just trying to be strangers. 
You saw her friend Selena sitting across from you, on the other side of the fire and you decided to be friendly. 
You walked over and said hello and she smiled at you, you never realized how pretty she was even though you've seen her so many times. 
“How you holding up?” she asked and you shrugged your shoulders “I've been getting through it … But Clarisse she takes her anger out on me.” you pointed to your face and looked back towards the fire. 
“Yikes” Selena mumbled bringing her fingers up to touch the skin around the stitching “Makes you look tough though.” She mumbled which made you turn to look at her “Yeah?” and she hummed in response. 
You smiled, feeling a small burning sensation in your stomach, or maybe it was coming from the back of your head where Clarisse had been burning lasers into. 
Clarisse couldn't help herself but be annoyed by you, especially with you trying to be smitten with her friend. You were trying to get under her skin, maybe to get back at her for cutting you.
But either way, she didn't like it. 
She knew it wasn't right for her to want to win you back, that the reason why you guys broke up was because of her jealousy in the first place, and now it was what fueled her to get you back. 
She started slowly, sneaking in extra portions of food for you, leaving anonymous notes and flowers. 
She hoped you knew it was her, but unfortunately, you only believed it was Selena. She caught you talking to her friend thanking her for the things, leaving Selena a bit confused before noticing Clarisse in the corner with her arms crossed and a scowl. 
“Wait, who is it then?” you asked confused, Selena shrugged her shoulders and walked off leaving you standing there. You looked around and noticed Clarisse, but she just shook her head and walked off. 
A few days later you were back on the field with her. 
Clarisse wouldn't admit this out loud, but seeing you in front of her waiting for the timer to start was just like seeing you for the first time again. She liked how you stood there with your hands on your hips, looking around out into the distance at the forest admiring the colors, and trying to ignore the awkward tension. 
Maybe this is all the two of you needed, was to fall in love again, to realize you needed each other. 
And she wanted you to notice this is all you needed. 
When the timer started she took a stance and allowed you to hit her first. She wanted you to impress her just like the first time you did. She wanted you to see how good she is, and forget Selena. 
She wanted so much. 
When you both finished, out of breath and unfocused Clarisse spoke up “You did good, I liked that thin-” But she was cut off by you, “What is this?” 
“What?” Clarisse asked, getting defensive, “This new positive attitude … remember when you sliced my face open the last time, and now you're trying to be all buddy!” You spoke, waving your hands around in frustration. 
“I'm sorry, would you prefer me to cut your leg this time?” She spoke with furrowed brows. “No! But I want you to stop acting like things between us are normal.” 
You wanted the conversation to end so you walked away, wiping some of the sweat off your forehead. Clarisse turned to look at you but then sighed and chased after you “Argh come on Y/n just … I want you back in my life please!” you never heard Clarisse beg, even when you guys broke up. So for a moment you almost faltered, but then kept walking “Just stay out of my life!” you yelled, and finally she stopped following you. 
Later that night Clarisse sat on her cabin steps, tossing a ball back and forth between her hands. She wanted to wait for you to get back to your cabin so maybe she could try again. 
But then she heard your laughs and noticed you standing with some girl. 
Oh. The reason why she said no was because you moved on. 
She stayed still, trying to blend into the shadows so she wouldn't be seen. She felt like she was about to throw up, watching as you clung onto the girl's hand and swung it back and forth like you once did with hers. 
The next few days it was almost like you were nonexistent, like you never went to camp because no one questioned it. You didn't go to the training field, you didn't go to dinner, you were gone. 
Or maybe just just disappeared from Clarisse. 
After a few more days she saw you on the field with that girl and she scoffed. Before she could think she found her legs moving towards you “Look who finally showed up” Clarisse spoke bitterly as she kept her gaze on you. Then she finally looked at the girl “Get lost … she's my partner.” 
The girl wanted to protest, but Clarisse didn't look away from her until she started to walk away. You watched Clarisse and took notice of how she seemed so angry. “Where have you been” 
“Why does it matter?” you spoke up and Clarisse scoffed “Because I care.” you shook your head turning around to walk away and letting out a sigh.
Clarisse pretty much growled at your behavior and picked you up, throwing you over her shoulder. Her hand found their placement right under your butt which caused you to gasp at the sudden baldness. 
“Clarisse! Put me down!” you yelled trying to kick your way out, But Clarisse was stronger, she kept walking until she reached her cabin, placing you down on her bunk and yelling at the few campers to Scram. 
“Will you stop being stubborn and listen to me!” She shouted which got you to stop talking, as you crossed your arms and looked away like a toddler. 
“I still love you! And I always will! And I'm sorry I am always so jealous and protective I just can't help it! You are so beautiful and when I see you trying to be friendly with other people I just can't help myself but get angry.” 
She huffed out bringing her hand up to brush your cheek softly “I love you.” she almost chuckled as she looked at your cheeks turn slightly warm. 
Clarisse felt hers get warm as well, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I'm so sorry for hurting you … I just couldn't control myself. You know I'll never do it again.” She spoke softly, brushing your scar, but at the same time, she was also talking about your feelings. 
“I don't think I can handle seeing you and that girl together anymore,” she spoke and she took notice of how you smiled slightly, tilting your head down to ignore her gaze but Clarisse tilted your head back up to look at her. 
She was squatting in front of your knees and a feeling of butterflies entered your stomach. “Will you plea-” 
But she was cut off by you kissing her harshly, your legs separating so she would kneel between your legs as you both kissed. 
Your fingers tangled into her hair, and you both let out soft gasps into each other's mouths. Clarisse’s hands found your hips and pulled you forward so her chest was hitting your stomach. 
She pulled away and smiled as she noticed how red your face was “So do you forgive me” 
You nodded your head and kissed her once more.
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wombywoo · 5 months ago
It occurred to me the other day that during Quinn's super turbo trauma story, his neck probably wasn't slashed but choked. And now I have more questions, because somehow I can't stop thinking about your characters. So:
Did Quinn end up having a vision during that event? (Does he get them during every near-death event, or is it more rare than that?)
How the hell did he cope being with Marc? 'Cause I'm about 90% sure that guy would have got off on choking him.
When the taskforce was created, was Quinn still in his relapse where he thought he needed his visions? Did Liz find out? How does he feel about her trying to get him to have more visions? D=
Does Vincent find out Liz is using Quinn like that, and how does he feel about it? (Does Danny find out??)
In fact, how does Vincent feel about the fact an evil vampire caused a mass dragon killing spree and this was Quinn's first vision? I get the feeling that, while Quinn tries to shrug off these coincidences, Vincent is a little more concerned. XD
Also, in your art of Quinn with Marc, the wall says 196 people will die in an ungodly tragedy. Was that the dragon killing spree or another event we have yet to hear of?
Oops. 🙈 Sorry for so many questions! I just want to know all the things. And I can't help but love all your lore drops. <3
Ok!! OK!!!!! You are feeding me so well with these tasty questions auughhh thank you for finding interest in my dumb ramblings !!!!!
There are answers under the cut (warning for some heavy topics, discussion of injuries, domestic abuse, self harm, spoilers for a story that doesn't even exist, etc)
Quinn's throat was slashed. It was cut with a knife, kind of a shaky first slice, but it got deeper and went all the way across; enough force to puncture his trachea, though it didn't sever the vocal cords; he was lying on his back and couldn't move, and honestly..he didn't really feel it at the time. It was all just a very numb, surreal feeling. I won't go into suuuper specifics, but thankfully some pressure was applied to the wound right away, he was resuscitated with cpr, and he was still able to breathe despite some complications to his airway, long enough for him to receive medical treatment.
But he did black out. And he might have seen things.
It's the only vision he's had that he can't remember...
~*waves hands all vague and mysterious like~*oohooohoo
Ok! Visions! So, for the most part, Quinn needs to be medically dead, albeit temporarily, for him to have a vision. Usually, his heart has to stop for one to happen, and he's just lying there, unmoving. Like..dead, dead. This should be a rare event, but uh...he's had more than a dozen visions, I'd say....
The thing is--he always comes back. Even in the worst scenarios (ie. not breathing for more than 5 minutes) he somehow always miraculously revives with minimal repercussions (sure, there's probable brain/heart damage, but it should be way waaay worse) So, he's kind of chalked up this vague 'immortality' thing as a byproduct of the visions...more mystery...
With Marc--yeah. That was just a bad situation all around. A lot of Marc and Quinn's physical relationship revolved around their dangerous power dynamic, so um. yeah. choking was one of the things they messed around with. Quinn actually requested it at the time, out of this twisted self-harm kink he'd developed. (he's, regrettably, the worst at coping with his trauma, so uhhh he feels like he needs to push himself to that same sensation of near death just feel anything at all and uhhh it's not good, you should not do this at home kids, but he feels like strangulation is the closest he can come to feeling alive just for a brief second and yeah he's fucked up he's not good I know..)
It was consensual stuff at first, but after one of their..sessions...Marc pushed it too far, he wouldn't let go and uh. Quinn suffocated and passed out. Marc did manage to revive him, but he...died for a second there. And he had a vision--one of the first dragon attacks in France that would later lead to its occupation by [insert evil vampire terrorist group]. Marc was actually comforting him after, he was just...rubbing him and telling him he was sorry and it was ok, so in the midst of a mental and physical breakdown, Quinn divulged what he saw. And Marc took him seriously, which was also rare. And they talked about it, and...it seemed ok for once.
It was only after that he realized how Marc wanted specific details, stuff he could use to harvest information and push numbers and invest in whatever type of bullshit could make a profit out of tragedy. They carried on with their relationship, but when it came to testing their limits in the bedroom....Marc took it too far again. And Quinn had another vision--a vampire massacre in [specific french location] and 196 people died, and he was crying as he told him how he saw it all from the perspective of a child. Marc seemed eager. He asked him even more questions. But...it was fine. He was still rubbing him, being calm. And Quinn had agreed to the choking. He wanted this. It was actually helping other people if he was able to use this information somehow.
But it happened again. And again. More times... Until eventually Quinn realized he had no say in the matter anymore.
The sad thing was that he convinced himself it was out of love; Marc was very passionate, this was just his way of showing him he loved him....
It became too much...after a while....
So, now we're in the present when Quinn joins the task force with Vincent~
At this point in time, he's gotten help with his mental state so he no longer feels the desperate urge to harm himself and induce his visions (for the most part), and is relatively stable (sure!)
Miss Major Liz is aware of his visions, to a degree. She had mistakenly thought Quinn developed a narcotic problem when she was his CO at some point (yes, he used drugs a few times to induce visions (it was about 50/50 successful)) Most of her awareness had come from Danny, who divulged his part in Quinn's #BFF-bonding-moment4lyfe (ie, forcing his friend to assist in drowning himself. twice) So she does have knowledge of some of the...wackiness.
At this point in our tale, she hasn't done anything about it. Yet. It's a testament to how off the books she works that she hasn't forced Quinn into a psych eval that will surely bench him for the next foreseeable uuhh forever. So she's keeping that on lock.
I do think that [at some point in this potential story of mine] she will consider using Quinn's 'talents' to their benefit. She's a hard lady, not afraid to trade dirty hands for even dirtier handshakes, so there will probably be a time when she wants to take advantage of potential knowledge that can influence her agenda....
Vincent...will not take this lightly.
Honestly, this whole scenario is rife with delicious drama, so I will simmer it on low and ponder it for future conflict in the [insert novel series teehee] to come
Vincent has a lot of feelings about Quinn !!!! and his visions !!! and the evil vampire agenda !!!! Too many feelings!! But all he wants is for his boy to understand that his safety and wellbeing and life are the most important things to him, and none of that is worth trading for a small glimpse at a future that will happen anyway. Quinn...disagrees. This is also teeming with potential drama, you see...
I have a LOT more of this type of speculation, but for now, I will leave you with this dump of lore and trauma for you to sink your teeth into~
Thanks for the saucy and delicious questions <3
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dp-marvel94 · 6 months ago
Graveyard of Identities- Chapter 1
Danny should feel lucky to be alive. After a month held captive by Vlad, barely remembering his life before, and nearly dying in his escape, he is finally safe, with friends in the Far Frozen. And yet, dread gnaws at him- a massive revelation at the edge of his consciousness, forgotten until the dead of night. It was a lie. All a lie. His past, his memories: all false. Amity Park, his friends and family: all real but… not his. The secret locks in his throat, unthinkable. He stays silent while the yetis welcome him as one of their own. But they do not know. And he can not tell them. He is not the Danny they think he is. He is not Danny at all.
Word Count: 3346
Next Chapter->
Also on A03
Hello lovely readers! Welcome to my story for Invisobang 2024! It has been a long time coming and I am so excited to finally share it with you all!
As you can see, this story is the second in a series. For those who read "Hope Can Be Heavy Thing to Hold," this is its much anticipated (by me at least) sequel! Part of me doubted this day would ever come. It's been almost 5 years since I wrote Hope and while I always planned that there would be more to the story, life (and other phic ideas XD) kept side-tracking me. My writing has changed and improved at lot since the end of 2019. And I really hope those lessons produced a better story than otherwise.
For those joining from Invisobang, welcome! Please do not feel intimidated by the fact that this is a sequel. My hope is that this will be a enjoyable story, even without that background. (Though if anyone gets curious and checks out the previous work, I will not complain of course XD)
Since this work was written as part of Invisobang, I was lucky enough to work with two wonderful artists. @suzukiblu made this lovely artwork and posted it here . @mysterious-ink-slime made her own piece, link to be added once it's posted. A huge thanks to both of them! Go give their art all the love!
Also, a special note on the title! For years, I had my heart set on naming this sequel after this particular GFM song and now I have! Graveyard of Identities by Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh; you can watch the music video here . This song is about the transforming power of pain, letting the old die, and rising as someone new. To me, it compliments the theme of this story perfectly. Special thanks to CJ and Maggie for inspiring me with their art and listening to me talk about my own.
And the specialist thanks to my sister, @nervousdragonrebelpie , for listening to me ramble about this story for months. This story is much better thanks to her listening ear and thoughtful suggestions.
Finally, thank to all you readers. I love and appreciate all your support and encouragement. And I eagerly await all your thoughts and feelings and screaming at me in the comments. XD Happy reading!
Was this… death? 
Floating sightless, soundless. Almost without thought. Too far away and hazy for fear. Just the numb warmth of darkness. 
Drifting without form, the fragile center lay exposed. Something gently brushed. Cradling mist; Soft pin-pricks of cloud. Smell-sight-taste of green, old pennies and lime. The feelings arose, more shapes of ideas than anything real.
The world shifted, brightening into bleary focus. Something inside stirred, the sensation like blinking without eyes. Awareness flickered sharper and then dim. Sharper, then dim. 
A vibration caught on his consciousness. Many and small and gently plopping like… rain. Rain, streaming down, around, through. Understanding slowly dawned and then… awe.
Green, crisp and bright as a spring day, overcame him. It flowed in, warm and safe and all encompassing. It filled his mind, every part of himself. 
And… Mind. He had a mind, a self. He existed. He was a person. He was still here. Maybe he wasn’t-
Darkness rushed back, like a wave crashing on the shore. A gentle death-like sleep took him.
Suddenly he was falling. Air rushed passed and bonelessly, he impacted. 
The shock of cold stole his breath more than the crash. Something light and airy cushioned his fall, his face half buried in the chill.
Heavily, his eyes dragged open. White filled his dim vision. In the distance…. The sound tickled his ear, an electric roar. Struggling, his gaze drifted up. Blurry silver and blue shapes quickly approached. 
His mind crawled, thought unreachable. Unable to process, unable to move, mind and body weighed down by crushing exhaustion. 
But confusion chipped at the edge, clawing for purchase. Fear, familiar and ever present, lingered under the surface, though neither rose to awareness, the fatigue too great.
Darkness pulled him down again.
Beeping near his head crashed through the darkness. He was lying down, soft plushness underneath him. Familiar… too familiar…. 
A slimy voice echoed in his head. ‘Son, you're awake.’ 
The boy’s heart rate spiked, a jolt of panic. Burning red eyes flashed in his mind, a clawed hand squeezing his wrist. 
He gasped, whole body flinching. Blurry eyes flickered open to all consuming white. Dread surged. No. This couldn’t-
The beeping grew louder, followed by the cacophony of pounding feet.
The boy flailed weakly, heavy body struggling to move. In his elbow… something hard and cold. His arm jerked violently, other hand scrambling. A stab of pain, a release of pressure. Cold wetness welled up, a flash of green on pale skin. 
‘Now Daniel. Stop being difficult.’
No, not Daniel. Never Daniel. Danny. His name was Danny.
“Great One, calm down. You are safe.” A calm voice cut through A furry, horned face… wearing a surgical mask?
Panic swelled. Who? Where? What? This wasn’t-
A different, higher voice. “You are safe, Great One.” 
Great One? No, that wasn’t… His mind scrambled for purchase, words and thoughts slipping. 
“His ecto-pressure is dangerously elevated.” “He’s going into shock.” “Sedate him.” 
He didn’t... Where was he? Where was Vla-
The pinch of a needle, jabbed into his neck. No! He would be good. He didn’t need to be punished again-
Consciousness ripped away.
An unknowable time later, Danny drifted up through the darkness. Soft and gentle. His heart beat slowly, a calm, even timbre. And he was, at last, aware.
Soft fabric under him, wrapped around his body. The quiet, ambient sounds of lights buzzed in his ears.  Far away water dripped. His own soft breathing. Soft white light ghosted over his eye lids. 
Said eyes blinked slowly, half-lidded. They felt so heavy. An experimental wiggle of his fingers… the boy groaned, sudden sensation hitting him. Everything ached, from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. Every inch of his skin felt raw and fresh, like it had been removed in pieces and now was newly reassembled. Like a weird gross puzzle.
Danny laughed at the idea and a second later, his lungs spasmed painfully. He let out another, louder groan.
“Great one?” A loud, worried voice cut through the air. 
His heart skipped a beat, the surge of fear returning. He’d woken up earlier, hadn’t he? Laying on his back, beeping by his head, all consuming white. And now… He finally registered the towering figure at his bedside. 
“Who…?” His voice shook, weak and unused. “Where…?”
The figure leaned closer, the face becoming visible. A furry muzzle, sharp teeth, icy horns. 
Danny tensed, a flash of panic. But… the wide, concerned blue eyes. A memory bloomed in his head.
Tightly hugging a white, furry yeti in an icy place.
Instantly, the boy relaxed. “Frostbite?” The names came out with hardly a thought, the knowledge just there in his head.
The yeti’s expression softened, visibly relieved. “Yes, it is me.” A gentle paw gripped his shoulder. “Relax. You are safe.”
Safe…. The word ran in his mind. It felt like an impossible improbability. But… Frostbite was a friend, right? The yeti’s kind eyes and jovial laugh rose in his mind, the image strangely distant. 
Danny let out a breath, a surge of relief coursing through him. But the action made him grimace, nose wrinkling.
“Are you in pain?” Frostbite asked eagerly. “Here, allow me.” He fiddled with one of the tubes attached to Danny at his elbow, just passed the sleeve of what was maybe a hospital gown. A plunger depressed. “That should dull the ache.”
The boy gasped as something cold entered his vein. He blinked rapidly, surprised as the pain dulled to a small pin prick in the back of his mind.
“Wow…. That’s… that’s so much better.” He smacked his dry lips.
“Water?” The yeti offered. A glass with a straw appeared and with a flip of a switch, the bed shifted under him, allowing him to recline.
The cup lifted to his lips, Danny drank shakingly. The cool water soothed his sand-papery throat, a blessed respite after… after….
He couldn’t remember. That sent a stab of worry. But he was here with Frostbite, one of his friends. Allies? The shape of that felt right. He’d gotten here, somehow. Wherever here was.
Finally the boy swallowed. “Where am I?”
“In our medical facility.” Frostbite answered. “You have been in and out of consciousness for quite a while. This is your first time being coherent on awakening.”
Quite a while…. It was coming back to him now. He only remembered waking up that last time, panicked at the sound of the beeping by his head. His eyes flitted to the device… a heart monitor. 
That was… strangely familiar. His stomach twisted with dread, echoes of previous panic. The heart monitor reminded him of before. He had been… somewhere, somewhere bad. His mouth felt dry, the memory just out of reach… 
Danny swallowed. “How did I get here?”
“You triggered a perimeter beacon.” The yeti said, voice taking on a grave tone. “A patrol found you in the snow, unconscious and dangerously unstable. The guards rushed you here and we attended you. It was… We were worried for a long while, that your injury was too great.” His voice wavered with emotion, an air of heavy grief. “That you would… leave us. But…” A watery smile bloomed. “The most dangerous part has passed. You are recovering wonderfully. And you are finally awake.”
“Yeah….” That was… a lot. Danny’s brow furrowed. His mind swam, relief, sadness, and… a mounting unease clashing. 
Frostbite seemed to pick up on the feeling. “What is it, Great One?”
“I don’t…” He bit his lip. “That’s… a lot. Thank you for finding me and saving me. I’m grateful, really grateful. I…I know I’m safe. But…” His insides twisted, a queasy feeling. “I…I apparently almost died and I don’t… don’t remember what happened.”
The yeti’s eyes rounded, the concern turning worried. “What is the last thing you remember?”
Before… the heart monitor beeping near his head, a room with white sheet and fancy wooden furniture. A man with white hair, a smug smile, and red eyes.
“Vlad.” The knowledge hit him like a truck. “I was at Vlad’s mansion!” Danny jolted, trying to sit up more fully with a wince.
“The other half ghost?” Frostbite put a paw on his arm, gently lowering him back to the bed. “You are enemies, are you not?”
“He… he kidnapped me.” More images flashed. The plain, impersonal bedroom. The metal panels of the training room. The trap door in the greenhouse. “Vlad kidnapped me. He was…keeping me captive.” His face wrinkled in a grimace. “He made me call him Dad and train with him and watch football…” 
“Plasmius keeping you captive.” Frostbite looked just as stricken. “That is worrying….”
Danny’s stomach turned, sickened. “He… he hurt me.” Vlad’s hand across his face, electricity searing his limbs, locked in a small dark space. “He did something to my mind.” The jar of Lethean water, the tree with red and blue berries. “I didn’t remember anything. He was trying to brainwash me into being his… his perfect son but…”
He was missing something, something big. The gap loomed, dark and constricting. His voice quickened, from something uneasy and wary to panic. “I can’t… I can’t remember.”
“It is alright.” The yeti tried to soothe. 
The calm voice failed to ease the distress. “I can’t remember.” But… the dark, earthen passage. The lab, bathed in green portal light. Jars and beakers, tables and weapons. The foreboding door. “I was… I was in the lab. I was trying to escape but…” Broken glass and metal, spilled ectoplasm. Vlad’s mocking voice. “He… he interrupted me.”
Danny’s blood chilled, dread dropping in his stomach like a stone. He saw it as clearly as Frostbite across from him.
Vlad’s face set in a sneer, as hellish as the vampire he played at. The taser in Danny’s hand. He jabbed with it but… too late. The man caught his wrist, fingers squeezing. ‘You oppose me at every turn.’
“Vlad… he broke my wrist.” Numbly, the boy stared down at his right hand. The wrist was unwrapped, no sign of the fracture. He felt sick. 
“I tried to fight him.” Electricity pouring from his hands, Vlad twitching on the floor. “But I wasn’t… wasn’t strong enough.”
Harsh, hateful words echoed in his mind, too far away to remember. Tears had been on his face, back there in the lab and…. Now, here in the medical wing. 
Frostbite said something, paws moving toward his face but all Danny could see…
On the floor, Vlad looming over him, his eyes insane, full of dark possessiveness. Agony gnawed at Danny’s heart, the feeling of his world crashing down around him.
“He held me down, electrocuted me.” Danny trembled, the tears falling. “I couldn’t move, couldn’t fight back. It… it hurt, my core hurt so much.”
A look of understanding, of revelation flashed on Frostbite’s face. But the boy barely registered. Just the comforting furry arms moving to embrace him.
Hands and feet, cold and tingly… then wet. Ectoplasm welling, sickly neon green. “I…I started melting.” Danny froze in Frostbite’s hold, eyes wide and devastated. “Vlad shocked me and I started mel.. melting.” 
His hands and feet dissolving away, staring at the ceiling through his tears. “Vlad… he tried to… to kill me. He tried to kill me.”
That was it. That must have been it, the earth-shattering thing he was forgetting. The green spreading to his shoulders, his hips. His core locking up, shaking with agonizing shocks. 
In his mind, Vlad hovered over him, shouting. A boom, metal crumpling, sudden icy chill. He couldn’t move. Helpless. He was going to die…
In Frostbite’s arms, Danny shook. “I… I thought I was going to die.” Sudden silence. A figure kneeling over him, unseen through his tears. “I was melting… I… I couldn’t move.”
His heart ached with longing. Familiar faces flashed in his mind. His parents, Sam and Tucker, Jazz. “I…I just wanted to go home. I barely remembered them, barely remembered who I was.” The memory flickered, finding his parents’ picture in the book in Vlad’s office, his real name printed in the pages, and the sheer joy that had overtaken him. “I just wanted to go home.” He was trying to go home to his friends and family but… 
In the lab, a mouth hung above him, lips making the words ‘I’m sorry.’
Danny recoiled at the memory, burying his face into Frostbite’s fur. It… it didn’t make sense. Vlad would never say he was sorry. He couldn’t remember… but he was dying, his mind swimming, far away and terrified and- 
“I didn’t want to die!” The boy practically screamed. The force of the words, the sudden realization had him violently pushing himself from the yeti’s arms. “Am I dead?!”
“No. No. No.” Danny pulled at his hair. He’d barely gotten to live and now he was dead. “I can’t… I can’t be dead.”
“No, great one.” Frostbite’s paws appeared on his arms, gently pulling his tugging fingers from his hair. “You are not dead.”
Danny blinked, the panic rushing out of him. His heart, or the illusion of one, still pounded, yet shaking arms gently lowered “But…. but I melted.” He flinched at his own words, the next coming out quiet, pained. “How?”
The yeti chief’s brow furrowed. “You said you were in your enemy's lab when this happened. Perchance, do you remember a portal there?”
The boy’s brow furrowed, surprised by the question. “Yes?”
Frostbite nodded gravely. “I suspect you teleported into the Realms.” Danny’s lack of understanding must have been obvious on his face, because the yeti’s expression softened, voice soft and slow like he was talking to a hurt child. “Teleporting is one of your abilities, even if it has not developed fully yet. When your body… dissipated, you would have been reduced down to your core.”
“My core?” Danny looked down at his chest, raising a shaky hand to it.
“Yes.” The yeti nodded. “Grievous injuries will condense a ghost into their core. As long as the central part of their being remains intact, a ghost can survive. But,” Worried eyes fixed on the half ghost. “Cores will crack and fade if there is a deficiency of ectoplasm.”
The boy’s mouth felt dry. “Like in the human world.”
“As in the material realm, yes.” Frostbite agreed. “In a last ditch effort to save you, your core mostly likely used the last of its energy to teleport into an ectoplasm rich environment.“
“So I went through the portal.” Danny bit his lip, voice shaky. “But…I don’t remember that. Why don’t I remember that?”
The yeti gently reached forward, pulling the ghost boy once again into his arms. “Most ghosts do not remember the time spent as just their core. It is like… your human sleep, I believe. Or unconsciousness.”
“Yeah…” That made a type of sense. Distantly, Danny remembered darkness, the feeling of drifting, disconnection from his senses. He swallowed. “So I ended up in the Zone. What then?”
“You presumably drifted for a while.” Frostbite motioned to the boy’s core. “The scans of your core we took while you were unresponsive suggested you had recently re-formed. This is consistent with your lack of external injuries. You most likely came back together in the ectoplasmic nebula near our island.”
Danny’s brow furrowed for a long moment, mind processing. Finally… “I… re-formed? What… what does that mean?”
“Your core rebuilt your body using the surrounding ectoplasm.” A large paw patted the boy’s back. “You are fortunate you drifted into a nebula. The plentiful, active ectoplasm creates a rich, bountiful area for injured ghosts to re-form, and for the new creation of many others. And you found yourself so close to friends…” Frostbite smiled encouragingly. “The Divine must smile on you, indeed.”
The half ghost did not feel very encouraged. He stared at his hands, insides twisting. “So this is a new body…” He shakily removed his gloves, eyes trailing over the familiar fingers. The short, round fingernails, the light green skin, every crinkled line in his palm… everything looked the same as he remembered but… “Are you sure I’m not a full ghost?”
Frostbite squeezed one shoulder comfortingly. “Yes, I am sure. I myself saw your internal anatomy continues to reflect that of your human body. And on your core, the ability to transform between your two forms remains visible as well.”
Danny let out a sigh of relief. He looked at his hands again. Suddenly… he needed to be human again, needed to see that he was still alive. His aura flickered, mind searching for the trigger.
“Do not try to change yet.” The yeti gently reprimanded. 
Disappointment rushed through the boy, guilty unease flickering. Had he done something wrong?
But Frostbite continued before he could ask why. “The potential for your human form still exists, but without real world matter to reassemble it, it is inaccessible. We have been providing material world water and nutrients to you intravenously but your body still requires more time to recover.”
“Oh.” Danny nodded in understanding. “That makes sense. Wait..” His eyes widened, his nose wrinkling in distaste. “What do you mean you saw my internal anatomy yourself?” He side-eyed the yeti.
With that, Frostbite’s face turned apologetic. “My apologies, Great One. I mean, we had to perform surgery.” His expression turned serious, crinkled with worry. “Our scans found a foreign object embedded in your core. It was periodically electrocuting you, causing… dissolution in your extremities.”
The boy’s eyes widened, stomach twisting. Frostbite had said at the beginning that it had been touch and go for a long while there but…
“It was worsening so…” The yeti paused for a moment there, arms gently squeezing the shaken boy. “The other doctors and I performed surgery and extracted it.” 
Well, that was a relief. After a moment, Danny swallowed. “Can I see it?”
Frostbite paused, giving him a searching look. “Are you certain?”
Decisively, the boy nodded. “Yes.”
“Very well.” With that, the chief opened his arms, gently placing Danny back on the bed.
The boy had a long moment to blush, just realizing. He’d been sitting in the ghost’s lap for most of that conversation, like he was a little kid. He wiped his face with his hands, trying to shrug off the embarrassment.
Meanwhile, the yeti stood, rifling through drawers. After about several seconds, he returned. Frostbite gravely presented the jar. 
Wordlessly, Danny took the container between his hands. He studied the contents. A tiny metal strip laid there innocently, y shaped and as long as the end of his pinky. “This is it.” A lump formed in his throat. “This is what Vlad used to… to try and kill me.”
The full ghost’s face scrunched up, eyes alight with anger. “I had suspected this device was the cause of your injury. To violate one's core like this…” His nostrils flared, expression positively murderous. 
Danny swallowed, eyes just starting to widen.
Then Frostbite sighed. Again, compassionate eyes turned to the half ghost. “I vow Plasmius will never touch you again, not with the might of the Far Frozen standing beside you.” He shook his head. “Still, I am relieved you escaped.” A paw squeezed his shoulder. “The Divine delivered you to our paws and found you safety. I am much joyed to see you recovering.”
Danny’s heart squeezed, warmed by the words. The boy slumped, heaving a sigh. “I… thanks for taking care of me.” Still… his insides twisted, overwhelmed by it all. 
“It is my pleasure, Great One.” Frostbite beamed.
The boy grimaced. “Can you call me Danny? Please?”
“Danny, then.” The yeti nodded seriously.
The half ghost forced a smile. He really was grateful to Frostbite. He appreciated the comfort, but… 
The boy yawned, a sudden tiredness coming over him.
“Ah, I should leave you to rest.” The chief stood. “Press this button if you are in need of any assistance. Sleep well, Danny.”
“Thanks.” The half ghost nodded. 
With that, the yeti left. The door closed and Danny was alone. Soon, despite his anxiously twisting insides, sleep took him again.
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