#ralph touchett
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byronicherobracket · 1 year ago
The Byronic Hero Bracket: Qualifying Round Batch C #8
Ralph Touchett from The Portrait of a Lady vs. Cable from Marvel
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Reasons under the cut (spoilers for both)
(All sources from TV Tropes)
Ralph Touchett:
Ralph Touchett from The Portrait of a Lady is brooding, but completely devoted to his true love Isabelle Archer.
Cable started out like this, as he was a time traveler from a time in constant strife and harbored a ruthless nature, though he has since gone from this to standard Anti-Hero territory. This tends to be Depending on the Writer. When operating alone Cable has no problem using any means at his disposal to achieve his goals, such as torturing Captain America prior to Avengers vs. X-Men. But he has a habit of teaming up with morality pets to rein himself in, not unlike a certain other time traveler.
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light20sblog · 2 years ago
"You've been like an angel beside my bed. You know they talk about the angel of death. It's the most beautiful of all. You've been like that; as if you were waiting for me."
The Portrait of a lady, Henry James
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ugfriends · 5 months ago
In the Henry James novel “The Portrait of a Lady” a young woman Isabel Archer is sitting alone with a book in a house in Albany and hears footsteps in an adjoining room. This sounds like the beginning of a horror story and after meeting Gilbert Osmond and Madame Merle you may certainly wonder. Isabel greets the visitor and tactlessly says “you must be our crazy Aunt Lydia!” Isabel is taken by this aunt to England. Isabel meets her uncle the elderly Mr. Touchett who is sufficiently charmed to alter his will in her favor although it is her sickly cousin Ralph’s idea for him to do so. She receives but rejects offers of marriage from Lord Warburton who lives nearby and Caspar Goodwood who has pursued her from Boston to try to continue his courtship. Also coming over from the states is Isabel's opinionated friend Henrietta Stackpole whose amusing friendship with Robert Bantling is a delightful aside in the novel. One of the main themes going here is freedom which is important to Isabel as she makes clear to her cousin Ralph. “I’m very fond of my liberty.” And later Ralph can’t believe the change in her. “You were the last person I expected to see caught.’ ‘I don’t know why you call it caught.’ ‘Because you’re going to be put into a cage.’ ‘If I like my cage, that needn’t trouble you,’ she answered.” Of course Isabel doesn’t like the cage to which hubris has delivered her. “It was the house of darkness, the house of dumbness, the house of suffocation." Osmond remarked about his marriage "We're as united, you know, as the candlestick and the snuffers." Late in the novel when Caspar is still pitching woo at Isabel he says: “The world is all before us” which is an allusion to Milton’s Paradise Lost. Isabel much like Milton’s infernal crew pursued freedom and got bondage instead. In England old suitors haunt her as revenants from her past and Isabel decides to go back to Rome. If she were an anachronistic Shaggy she might be saying "Zoinks! Like, let’s get out of here, Scoob!” I will remember best from this novel who Isabel thought of as "a beautiful blameless knight" Mr Bantling who when visiting Henrietta in America delighted in being able to order ice cream in railway cars.
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azacello · 5 months ago
On the last 100 pages of portrait of a lady and Ralph touchett is my Ivan Karamazov. If anyone cares.
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years ago
Assistir Filme Retratos de uma Mulher Online fácil
Assistir Filme Retratos de uma Mulher Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/retratos-de-uma-mulher/
Retratos de uma Mulher - Filmes Online Fácil
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Bela, rica e liberal, a americana Isabel Archer viaja pela Europa em busca de sua própria identidade como pessoa e como mulher. Ao mesmo tempo em que habilmente se desvencilha das investidas de Caspar Goodwood, um insistente americano que a seguiu até a Inglaterra, Isabel estreita a amizade com o próprio primo, Ralph Touchett. Porém, através da misteriosa Madame Merle, Isabel conhece Gilbert Osmond, um colecionador de objetos de arte, que a seduz e acaba casando-se com ela.
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thestrangegirl091200 · 3 years ago
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A moodboard for The Portait of a Lady by Henry James.
Pictures not mine.
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sofoulandfairaday · 5 years ago
Remember that if you have been hated, you have also been loved
Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady
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mxcottonsocks · 3 years ago
finished reading The Portrait of a Lady and feeling a renewed appreciation of the rejected suitors in Dracula
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bunnyinatree · 5 years ago
What if I left a review on my GoodReads updates for The Portrait of a Lady and just wrote “rage”? :P 
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byronicherobracket · 1 year ago
Byronic Hero Bracket Round Of 128 Batch B #4
Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale vs. Cable from Marvel
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Reasons under the cut (spoilers for both)
(All sources from TV Tropes)
Cheryl Blossom:
Cheryl Blossom is an intelligent Ice Queen, intuitive, and a huge narcissist and snobbish Attention Whore prone to violent mood swings and switching sides at the blink of an eye. She has a domineering personality, but she is also extremely emotionally dependent on people, such her her brother, Jason and Toni Topaz. No wonder she is such an emotional mess, she is the heir to an aristocratic family, and both of her parents are abusive and cold and didn't provide Cheryl with much love and support. Her twin brother Jason, who she was extremely close to, ended up being murdered by her own father. After his death, she completely lost it and never recovered emotionally. Cheryl is also a Goth girl wo loves to quip, pull most macabre pranks on people and has a passion for painting.
Previously Beaten: Dark Pit
Cable started out like this, as he was a time traveler from a time in constant strife and harbored a ruthless nature, though he has since gone from this to standard Anti-Hero territory. This tends to be Depending on the Writer. When operating alone Cable has no problem using any means at his disposal to achieve his goals, such as torturing Captain America prior to Avengers vs. X-Men. But he has a habit of teaming up with morality pets to rein himself in, not unlike a certain other time traveler.
Previously Beaten: Ralph Touchett
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light20sblog · 2 years ago
There was an everlasting weight on her heart—there was a livid light on everything. But Ralph's little visit was a lamp in the darkness; for the hour that she sat with him her ache for herself became somehow her ache for him.
The Portrait of a lady, Henry James
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clarasimone · 5 years ago
On the relativity of time, using Iain Glen as a marker
One thing I love about discovering all of IG's past work, is to gage where I was in terms of my own trajectory (as a person in love with art in general, film and performance in particular) when specific works of his came out. In 1996, when IG was in Martin Guerre and being this man:
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I was really engrossed in the following film and thespian (Nicole Kidman in Jane Campion’s Portrait of a Lady):
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So this is them in 1996, Iain Glen and Nicole Kidman, 2 years before The Blue Room, and wouldn't they have made a great pair in Campion's film already ? IG could have easily played NK’s real love interest in this story, Ralph Touchett, played in the film by Martin Donovan (a non-star, just saying - and hey! Touchett dies in the end, see ? perfect for IG ;-). Sigh.... but let’s not go there.
What's funny, and what I meant to say really, is that Martin Guerre seems like a very long time ago for IG, but Portrait doesn't for NK. Not in my mind because I've kept company with this film through the years, as it became a staple of my film classes. The experience of time is indeed relative. 
See, fangirling has its scientific merits ;-)
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inacornerofthepalebluedot · 5 years ago
Retrato de una Dama - Pasajes del libro
· "A veces adoptaba un continente severo para agradecer los cumplidos y trataba de zafarse de ellos lo más pronto posible. Sin embargo, a este aspecto solía juzgársela mal, pues se la consideraba insensible a ellos cuando, en realidad, lo que hacía era ocultar lo muchísimo que le agradaban. El mostrarlo habría sido mostrar demasiado."
(Retrato de una Dama, sobre Isabel Archer, pág. 55)
· "París conduce a todo y a todas partes. Usted no puede ir a ninguna parte sin antes haber pasado por París. Todo el que viene a Europa tiene que pasar por aquí."
(Retrato de una Dama, Edward Rosier a Isabel, pág. 192)
· "Tienes demasiada capacidad para pensar y, sobre todo, demasiada conciencia. Es increíble la cantidad de cosas que te parecen mal. No analices tanto. Purga tu fiebre, abre tus alas, elávate sobre la tierra, que en ello no hay mal."
(Retrato de una Dama, Ralph Touchett a Isabel, pág. 198)
· "La noción que Isabel tenía de la vida aristocrática era sencillamente la unión de una gran cultura con una gran libertad, correspondiendo a la cultura infundir la sensación del deber, y a la libertad la sensación del posible disfrute."
(Retrato de una Dama, pág. 383)
· "(...) el verdadero pecado consistía en tener una inteligencia independiente."
(Retrato de una Dama, pág. 384)
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kshumir · 6 years ago
"Onun yelkenlerini biraz rüzgârla doldurmak isterim."
Bir Kadının Portesi’nden Ralph Touchett
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senselessconjuration · 5 years ago
The Portrait of a Lady (1996) was one of my favorite movies in high school and watching it for the first time in 20 years I'm not sure exactly why (except that it is very very pretty). I think I felt a kinship with Ralph slowly-dying-of-consumption-and-unrequited-love Touchett and his reclining-on-couches-in-velvet-jackets style.
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cncizmirescort-blog · 7 years ago
İzmir Bayan Escort Keyifli olur
İzmir Bayan Escort Keyifli olur
her neyse,imkansız olan bir dünyayı açığa çıkarıyorlar ve Newman ın,dünyamızın görüş İzmir Bayan Escort çükündürük olur ve eleştirilerinin bu alanda çok kıymetsiz olduğunu keşfetmesi güzel,annesinin ve ağabeyinin kardeşinin rezil suçu hakkındaki bilgisi orada patlarsa kendi çevrelerinde ne olursa olsun hiçbir etkisi olmayacaktır.İzmir Bu aslında aristokrasiye benziyor! ve bir tanesi hayran,günümüze sağkalımına neredeyse saygı duyuyor.Fakat Newman ın İzmir Escort keşfinin,onun intikam almak için yapılan ntikamın habercisi gibi göründüğüne hep üzüldüm;Gerçekten hiçbir şey yapmadığı bu etkiyi zayıflattı.Bununla birlikte,Newman,cömert evlilik hırsı,geniş doğası ve tamamen iyi mantığı ve sağ hissi ile Amerikanizm in yeterli ve doyurucu bir temsilcisidir.Onunla memnun kalmazsak mutlu olmak çok zor olmalı.Bizi zaman zaman Avrupa gözünde kullanan ekili Amerikalı değil;fakat tartışmasız bir şekilde daha fazla ulusal ve gözlemlenebilir ki onun İzmir etkilenmemiş vatandaşları ve kadınları daima Bay James in elinde çok iyi davranıyor;Avrupa daki türdeki kritik küçük İzmir Escort Bostonian gibi Newman,Valentin,The Europeanans daki sanatsal kardeş ve Ralph Touchett ve Isabel,Claire Belgarde,Bayan Tristram gibi bazı kadınlar ve bazı diğerleri,canlılıklarının en iyi ifadelerinden biri olan bir titizlikle.
İzmir Bayan Escort Keyifli olur
Bu,kendi nitelikleri ile ortaya çıkar ve imamdan veya doğrudan Dickens da neredeyse her zaman ve Thackeray da çok sıklıkla görülen sevecenlikten etkilenmez.Aslında,kurgu sanatı,günümüzde Dickens ve Thackeray tan daha ince bir sanat haline geldi.Artık Richardson un gizli tutumunu,ne de Richardson ın gösterişliliğine veya İzmir Fielding in kaba lığına katlanamayacak kadar eski düşünce davranışından da acı çekemedik.Bu büyük adamlar geçmişte onlar ve yöntemleri ve çıkarları;Hatta Trollope ve Reade şimdiki zamanlar değildir.Yeni okul Hawthorne ve George Eliot tan türemiştir;ama insanın doğasını daha İzmir Escort hoşgörüsüz yönleriyle inceliyor ve etik ve çarpıcı örneklerini daha hafif ama daha az yaşamsal motiflerin kullanılmasında buluyor.Taşınan kaza kesinlikle ticaret değildir.ve her türlü korkunç felaketten kaçınmayı tercih ediyor.Fransız kurgusunun biçimi büyük oranda etkilenir;ama Daudet in gerçekçiliği,Zola nın gerçekçiliğinden İzmir ziyade hakim olması ve başkası gibi görünen bir erkeğin vahşice bir peşinde koşmanın birincisi olan kendi ruhuna sahip olmasıdır Fransız romancının sonu.Büyük ölçüde geleceğin yanı sıra bugün olan bu okul,kendi şefini James James de buluyor;en azından Amerikan kurgu sanatını İzmir Escort şekillendiren ve yöneten kişi budur.Genç katkıda bulunanların onun gibi yazması hırsıdır;aşağıdaki diğer yazarların romanlarından daha belirgin biçimde tanınabilir.Romanın bizimle olan doğasını kararlaştırmak için şu ana kadar onu kontrol edip İzmir Bayan Escort çükündürük olur etmeyeceği bilinmemektedir.
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