#the portrait of a lady moodboard
butchkaramazov · 1 year
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winterrlunarhalo · 1 year
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honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do - part 1/2
Pink in the Night, Mitski / The Lovers II, 1928, Rene Magritte / two queens in a king sized bed, girl in red / The Kiss , 1907, Gustav Klimt / Wish, W. S Merwin / “To kiss a forehead is to erase a worry”, Marina Tsvetaeva / Portrait of a Lady on Fire dir. Celine Sciamma / We’ll Never Have Sex, Leith Ross / In Bed, The Kiss, 1892, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec / Pink in the Night, Mitski
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burning-daylight · 10 months
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Portrait of a Lady on Fire Rhaenicent AU
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ngaatee · 2 years
"Do all lovers feel like they are inventing something?"
Can't get oranges and reds and yellows off my mind right now so here's a moodboard of oranges and reds and yellows.
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barbieaemond · 10 months
A snake in the bosom
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Moodboard by the queen herself @zae5
PAIRING: Prince Regent Aemond x Lady!reader
WARNINGS: dark Aemond, angst, public humiliation, semi public sex, p in v, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), religious kink, knife kink if you squint, overstimulation, light choking.
Author’s note: House Peake were green loyalists during the Dance. Shout out to @zae5 who helped me brain storming this filth 🫶
taglist: @zae5 @multyfangirl @chompchompluke
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The skies rumble as they always do when preluding a storm. But it’s different this time. The thunder echoes in your chest, sliding through your ribs and then rattling them to break free.
A warning, the Gods’ way to seal what cannot be undone. They greet this new day, this new order, with blinding lightning. The Wood seems bathed by the early morning light, and yet the owls will soon resume their sentry task on the branches of these ancient trees.
A new flash forces you to look up and you think you can see them, the Seven, leaning out from their perches, pointing a finger at a woman like any other, with her bowed head devoted to obedience and her tight corset to choke to death any desire inside her heart.
And you did.
You stopped going to the library, you kept your eyes faithfully down, weeding out the need to caress the silver through your gaze, to feel the cold alabaster carved into angles so precise and sharp as to be exhausting.
You stopped lingering on the delicacy of long white fingers turning pages, on white knuckles around the sword, rippling with veins, blue and green as snakes crawling underneath. 
Not looking didn't do much good.
It's all burned into your eyelids, and the more you don't look the more your mind betrays you like a stab in the back, evoking slender hands and an arched mouth that lazily pulls itself up into an omniscient smirk.
It happens so often that you've come to terms with it. Desire is a shadow that follows you step by step, crawls into your bed as you lie with your husband, makes you close your eyes as you peak and in the darkness that shadow is finally flesh, pulsing and weighing on you, but it is not.
It shouldn’t and it will never.
The lightning tells you can no longer hide, there is no way to stall now, no way to trick the King about the allegiance of your family. It is easy to fool a fool, more so when he’s willing to make himself one in front of a woman. But the King is burned. His cries of pain can be heard outside Maegor’s Holdfast, until the Maesters are merciful enough to give him milk of the poppy.
The throne is empty, the Kingdom has no ruler. But the Gods are snickering with thrill and dread.
Not for long.
“My lady, there’s a storm coming.”
You turn and see your maid clutching a cloak to her chest to shelter from the wind. "Please, you should go back inside.”
You nod tiredly, walking on the thick grass, dragging yourself back within these walls in which days seem to pass following two different times.
There’s the real, urgent one, a military up and down of whispers and promises, pawns moving and ravens coming and going, breaking or forging alliances as easy and quick as their wings flapping. And then there’s your time, dilated, obscenely slow, like molasses. It sticks to your fingers, prevents you from picking up ink and parchment and write, cheat, whisper what you have easily spilled from the worn out lungs of your husband.
“Men sing like parrots in their final throes, remember that. They’d tell you anything when they think with their cock.”
Samantha had been right. But your sister is playing her game in Oldtown and Old Town is not the Red Keep. There are no eyes on the walls there, or ears behind the portraits. There’s no shadow trailing on her path, clouding her mind enough to look away from the game. A game of life and death, your father reminded you in his last letter, the scolding clear in the way the feather had pierced the parchment in some points. The answer was nowhere but in your head, and you were too ashamed to even confess it to a Septa, let alone put it on paper. There’s a snake crawling in your garden of lies and instead of chasing it away, you’re nursing it in your bosom.
You slow your steps upon glimpsing your husband. He’s striding towards you along the corridor. There’s a slight furrow between his brows, one that you have been able to recognize on the faces of many within this fortress. But it's more severe now, or maybe it's just that shadow that makes you see a new man, a stranger.
Has his hair always been that dull and mousy? Has his posture always been so unassuming?
They have since that night in the library, the sin whispers.
“I’ve been looking for you. We have been summoned to the throne room.”
“Is something the matter? Is the King—"
"The King lives. But the Maesters believe it is best to confine him to bed. Come, Prince Aemond is waiting for us." he grabs your arm and you walk with him, glad that he can’t see the shadow falling on your face at the mention of the King’s brother.
The throne room is so dark that servants are hurrying themselves to light more candles. Every now and then a new lightning flashes from the large windows, making the Iron Throne an eerie sight at the center of the Hall.
There are a few Lords of the court with their ladies, and they seem just as lost as you as they see you and your husband halting before the ancient seat.
Whereas not more than a moon ago, Lords and Ladies would have had to wait hours to be received by Aegon, the new ruler is not long in coming.
The huge doors open and Aemond Targaryen stalks the room carrying the same storm breaking outside. He makes a striking figure, ominous; the lighting pours on his long silver hair making them look like moon rays.
A dreamy picture, were it not for the conqueror's crown on his head and the sapphire in plain sight.
It is the first time you see him without the eyepatch, the first time anyone has seen him without it. They said he wore it so as not to frighten the ladies, but the one-eyed Prince is done hiding. And if fear is all he can muster, so be it. It serves him well for what will come.
He halts before the Iron Throne and takes a good look at the little gathering. You can’t help but trail your eyes on his lean and tall figure, wearing a dark green doublet made of velvet. But it’s the sapphire that catches your eye, and the long scar marring his marbled face.
You remember that one. You remember it shamefully clear while disappearing along with his head beneath your gown.
“My lords” he starts lacing his hands behind his back “As you may know, my brother is in no condition to rule. Thus, according to the law, in case of physical or mental incapacity of the sovereign, the younger brother must bear the weight of the crown.”
There is a shy, almost uneasy passing of glances between those present, but Aemond ignores them altogether. “I will not style myself as King. You will address me as Prince Regent and Protector of the Realm."
Silence falls upon the huge Hall until a loud thunder seem to awaken one of the lords who hurriedly bends his knee before the Prince. "My Prince, I renew my absolute loyalty to you and your—“
"Get up, my Lord, I did not summon you to hear you pledge your loyalty.” He says in a bored tone, darting his eye at the man “Rest assured, if I had any doubt about it, Vhagar would be feasting on your corpse as we speak.”
Silence falls once more and Aemond revels in it. He can smell fear, just like the creature he rides. “But you did raise an interesting subject.” he tilts his head and looks at Lord Peake, your husband, with a benevolent expression stretching on his face. “Lord Peake, if I asked you to pledge your loyalty to me and my family, would you do it?”
You dare not to raise your head, keeping your eyes glued to the ground, but you can sense your husband’s uneasiness, the sound close to one being insulted as he addresses the Prince. “Prince Aemond, my loyalty to your Grandsire and the Dowager Queen has never wavered and it never shall.”
The Prince nods slowly, seemingly pleased by the answer, and keeps his gaze down for a few moments before casting a sharp glance at you. You can’t see it but you can feel it.
“That is very noble of you, Lord Peake. But I can’t help but wonder, is your lady wife of the same mind as you?”
Lord Peake looks puzzled, shifting the weight on his feet “My Prince, my wife is—”
“No.” Aemond cuts him off, darting a single look at the Lord before returning on you “Let her speak.”
With a deep breath, you look up, shrinking under his violet eye and the sapphire ominously glinting of his own light. “My prince, I am saddened that your Grace would think I’m nothing but loyal to your brother, the one and only heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Every day, I pray the Gods to heal him from his burns and give him strength to—”
“Hush.” He says, raising a hand to stop you. “That’s enough.”
You shut your mouth nervously, tensing all the more as he looks at you, unblinking, for a long moment before his lips stretch into a slow, cunning smirk.
“You know, I spoke to your distant cousin once, Lord…something Tyrell. He said something very interesting to me.”
You keep a blank face even when dread starts to run down your spine. Despite the distant kinship, there’s always been bad blood between Tarlys and Tyrells. 
“He said to be very careful with Tarly women. Pretty vapid things, he said, hiding a viper’s bite.”
“I am neither my prince.” you state calmly “I’m just a woman like any other, serving my husband, my house, my King.”
“Hmm.” He ponders, the smile lingering still. Then, he picks something form his pocket and asks “What is this then?”
Despite the darkness, you could recognize that seal with eyes closed. And that seal, now, in this room, clutched by Prince Aemond’s fingers, is a death sentence.
“This is not the seal of House Peake.” he rightly says.
You look down, mustering your courage, and say “No, your Grace. That is just a silly token of love between two sisters. I use it to send ravens to my sister in Oldtown.”
“I see. And why do you hide it?”
“I do not, your Grace.”
“Lying to the King may cost your head, my Lady. You’d do well to remember that.”
“Wife…” your husband takes your arm, searches your face with an anxious stare “What is going on?”
“The White cloaks found it.” The Prince informs him “when I made them search your rooms.” He looks back at you and raises an eyebrow “For a token you’re supposed to be so fond of, I may suggest placing it somewhere else than the bottom of an old trunk.”
“Am I on trial for sending letters to my sister?”
“Yes. Considering the circumstances under which these ravens were sent. Ladies give letters to their maids, they do not go personally to the rookery, more so in the hour of the bat.”
Courage leaves you like a gust of wind. You thought you had been clever, careful. Why would anyone take notice of a court lady simply taking a walk in the early hours? And even if they had, they would have dismissed the thought at the first distraction. But not him.
“You think I would not notice? I may be half blind but I can assure you, my lady, I see everything.”  He throws the seal on the ground and resumes his soldier-like posture, standing tall and domineering with his arms laced back. “What did you tell your sister? Knowledge about our war plans? Are you secretly siding with the Blacks? I’d advise you to choose your words carefully. From them depends whether you’ll see the next dawn or not.”
Your shoulders slump a little, like a doomed creature sticking its head in the noose.
“My father asked me to spy on my husband to gather knowledge about the green army at Rook’s Rest. But I did not send any raven. I stopped since—"
“Since what? Do continue, my lady, I think your Lord husband is keen to know why his wife stopped playing him like a fool.” He leans his head forward, like someone desperately willing to hear a big secret, but your tongue is a dead thing in your mouth.
“No?” he inquires as silence stretches “Fine, I’ll tell you. You see, Lord Peake, recently your Lady wife seemed to have developed a sudden interest in the library.” the prince says with a little grin “I’m aware of this because I am myself an avid reader. In fact, your lady wife and I have been keeping each other company lately. A rather…intimate company.”
Some of the ladies start to whisper at your back, and you know what kind of words they’re labeling you.
“Wife.” Your husband calls, and this time his voice is steel “What is the meaning of this?”
You open and close your mouth, unsure whether it is worse to tell your husband how you’ve played him or to confess your sin.
“Come, don't deny it now.” the Prince goads you “All the hours you've spent, all those late nights did bear fruit, did they not? You've betrayed your house and the Crown, yet what sweetness it was to have gotten a taste, I'm sure your husband would agree.”
Lord Peaks looks utterly bewildered, shifting his gaze between you and the Prince like a dead fish.
“Oh, so he hasn't after all.” Aemond laughs “A pity, for your treacherous essence reeks of the most bittersweet nectar. Tart, but delicious.”
Your husband’s face is whiter than a sheet for a moment, followed by a red veil of anger and shame. The latter is in plain sight in the way you keep your head down; the Gods have stopped pointing their finger at you and left you in the claws of a much crueler creature. Namely, your own desire.
 “Search her.” Aemond orders returning to a stern face “And search her thoroughly.”
“My prince?” asks one of the guards.
“Women can be sneaky with all those veils and layers. Lose the corset.”
The cloaks look at him puzzled, just as you and your husband and anyone else in the room, but the guards know better than to disobey the King. 
One of them goes to stand behind you and starts pulling the laces of your dress, another is busying himself with lowering your sleeves.
Your eyes bore to the ground with the purest humiliation as your chest gradually grows exposed. You could raise your hands to hide your breast, but you have nothing to hide, not anymore.
You know it and Aemond knows too. He’s not doing this because he thinks you’re hiding something. He’s doing so for his own pleasure—to see you bare, to finally make you come out of your den and stop hiding from him. 
You dare not look at him but you can feel his eye lingering on you, on your body; you can sense the ghost of a delighted smirk on that wicked mouth. 
He takes an unreasonably long time before he gives a short nod to the guards, at last satisfied with your public humiliation. What drives your husband to move is not regard for you, but for his own dignity. What are women if not property of men? And however ruined you are now, Lord Peake will not have talk of his wife standing with her breasts out in the Throne Room.
But just as he leans down to you, the Prince speaks “You may go, Lord Peake. All of you.”
The Lord stalls, looking lost at his Prince.
“You can wait outside. She stays.” Aemond commands.
His eye is boring into you as he walks down the few steps with leisure, lingering on the sole of his boot before resting it on the ground. “She needs to learn the price of her disobedience.”
Your husband hesitates, looks at you with lingering disdain and a veil of fear that keeps his eyes wide open, but he can only bow his head.
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When you’re left alone the Prince, save for the guards on the four sides of the hall, you dare to look up and see his eye blazing, a cunning edge to it.
He starts circling around you, and what’s left of your dignity makes your hands fly up to cover your chest.
“You said you stopped writing to your sister. And you stopped coming to the library.” he starts with a collected and calm voice. “Why?”
“You know why.” you mutter.
“You better drop this condescending tone if you want to leave this room with your head on your shoulders.”
“Apologies, my Prince. I did not mean to offend you. But I dim you wise enough to understand why I thought it was best to keep my distance from you.”
He stops his circling for a moment “Enlighten me.” and then he’s pacing again.
You swallow, smelling ashes and smoke on his trail. “It was a sin.”
“Hmm. Which one?” He asks somewhere behind you. Out the corner of your eye, you see him slightly leaning towards you, silver rolling past his shoulder as he cocks his head to one side “Your betrayal or the fact that you let me feast on your cunt like a common whore?”
You swallow again. Shame is still coiling in your belly, but there’s also something else on hearing those words coming from his mouth, recalling that night. This man has just humiliated you in front of the court and yet you crave for him to get closer.
“I did not want to.” You say and it’s true. And this, this is the last chance you might have to avoid the pike, or worse, Vhagar’s fangs. “My father forced me.” You say turning your head left and right as he resumes his pacing behind you “I don’t know which kind of deal he has struck with Prince Daemon but I swear it, my Prince, I said nothing about Rook’s Rest, I—“
The word dies on your tongue along with your breath as you feel the coldness of a sharp blade against your throat.
“I should slit your throat here and now.” He whispers dangerously, you can hear his teeth gritting. His arm is pressing on your chest, keeping you locked against him. “What else Lord Tarly ordered you in all his great wisdom? Mh? To seduce me? To play me like a fool, like you played my brother and your husband to gather knowledge about our armies and report it to my uncle and his whore?”
“No, I—" you try to say, but he presses the blade firmer and you choke a gasp, unconsciously grabbing his arm.
“You will speak when I say so.” He seethes, pulling your arm back with his other hand, painfully twisting your bone until a moan of pain escapes your mouth.
It awakens something inside him, something savage that makes him collide his body against yours “Hmm.” He coos darkly in your ear “This brings me back to that night.”
He swiftly twirls the dagger, sheathing the Valyrian steel, but his hand is quick to resume his caging, sliding on your half-covered breast, looking down your shoulders at your bare chest.
His fingers are cold as they slowly travel up, but they lick flames on your skin, making your nipples harden. “Do you remember, little snake? I do.” he runs the tip of his finger on the hard sensitive skin and you whimper softly “It was hard to forget the sounds you made.” He speaks to your neck, his breath scorching “I could hear them when I fucked my hand at night. You made me sin so many times. Was that part of the plan too? Did your father force you to moan my name while you peaked on my tongue?”
“Please…” you sob quietly, feeling fire nestling in your belly at the sound of his voice and the feeling of his bulge against your lower back.
“Do you moan like that when your husband fucks you? Mh?”
He wants an answer, and he pinches one of your nipples when you don’t please him.
“No? I thought so.”
Your body reacts on his own, clenching for how his voice in your ear pools like liquid fire below your stomach. You can see his delighted smirk out of the corner of your eye. “You better speak now, little one. Not even the Gods can save you from the spike. Why would they? They turn their backs on traitors and sinners. And you dared to sin with a Kinslayer. You have only me to beg for mercy.”
“You don’t want to kill me.” You choke when his hand laces around your throat.
He would’ve done it already. He might still do it, but his pressing hardness on your back tells you otherwise.
“No. I have a better use for you.” he says squeezing your neck “I will make an example out of your treacherous mouth. They will look at you and be reminded of the mercy of my crown.”
He steps back and you have little time to catch your breath as he sits on the Iron Throne with the confidence of a God on his perch. The candles mix with lightnings, making the blue of the sapphire and the obsidian of the crown shimmer in a disturbing way.
He rests his arms along the forged swords, his long legs almost sprawled out on the ground. “Come and pledge your loyalty, my lady.”
Your heart hammers in your throat as you swallow. This is a game of life or death, but not now. Your two times have merged into a perpetual dizziness and you’re sinking into the claws of your desire like quicksand.
“No.” he admonishes with a voice like honey when you dare a step closer “On your knees. Like the sinner you are.”
You sink to the ground and his eye goes down with you, smirking with something savage flashing on his face. “Go ahead.” He says spreading his legs around you. “Take your blessing.”
You raise your hands slowly, close to his belt but when you start unbuckling it you find there’s no tremor in your fingers. And he’s too quick to notice. “You wanted this, do you?” he asks “Did you close your eyes and pretend to suck my cock instead of your husband’s?”
The buckles clink together as you finish the unbuckling but he suddenly leans over you, gripping your cheeks with a hold of iron.
“Answer me.”
“Yes.” You quickly, shamefully say.
The left edge of his mouth pulls up tiredly, omnisciently. “How? Like this?” In a blink his long fingers breach your mouth, hitting the back of your throat until you choke on them. He pulls them back just slightly, grazing your tongue, and he looks at you with a lustful blaze in his eye.
“Suck.” he orders, and you oblige, keeping your eyes on him as your mouth close around his two fingers, sucking gently and twirling your tongue around the skin.
“Hmm.” He croons with pleasure, leaving your mouth abruptly to lean back against the throne, sliding a little on the ancient seat to push his crotch before you. He makes haste of pulling his cock out, giving it a few tugs while he keeps looking at you, at the longing darkening your eyes and wetting your gowns.
You take hold of his hard hot length, all veiny and leaking from the tip and it’s only natural for you to close your lips around it. You have obscenely dreamed of this.
He lets out a loud gasp, gripping the throne with his hands as your head goes down, taking him all in. It hits the back of your throat with a lewd choking sound; you breathe through your nose, resuming your holy punishment once you have adjusted to length and girth, sucking hard and fast.
"Greedy little thing.” He praises with his eye growing heavy with pleasure “Easy. Easy, now.” he goads you to slow down, and you do, looking up to see him watching you closely, his lips parted, his breath slow and puffed.
“Fuck—” he curses, titling his head back but keeping his eye fixed on you. “See? This is the only good use for your cheating mouth. And you look so pretty.”
The ache between your legs is unbearable, you’re swollen and wet, you can feel your undergown dampening.
“Are you soaked for me, hmm? I bet you’re dripping all over the Conqueror’s swords.”
You have no way to answer as you keep bobbing your head up and down, a sinner worshipping her own sin.
“Open your mouth—wide” he orders and you do, drooling all over him as he starts to thrust harshly in your mouth.
“Yes. Like this, yes—fuck” He pumps in and out, bucking his hips, hitting your throat on and on while he moans helplessly and loudly, as only a King on his throne can.
“Hollow your cheeks.” And when you do it, something snaps inside him. He grabs your hair, pulling at the roots painfully while he keeps fucking your mouth frantically, choking your breath. But you don’t mind. This could be your last day, your last hour breathing. The snake is sucking at your bones and you welcome the poison.
“Enough.” he croaks when he was starting to breathe too fast, too close to the end. “Get up.”
Your knees ache as you pull yourself up but he’s so quick in lifting up your skirts and grabbing your waist to make you turn and sit on his lap, facing the Throne Room. The Guards are exactly where they’re supposed to be, blind and deaf to what they can perfectly see and hear.
“Let me give you my blessing, now.” Aemond says spreading your legs on the throne, making you wince as you feel his hot fingertips on your wet aching folds. “You’re soaked.” he states proudly, smiling with victory next to your ear.
He draws lazy circles on your bundle, sliding down your dripping lips, slowly, too slowly. You buck your hips against his hand and his chuckle travels up and down inside you, rattling your bones like thunder.
“Please…” you cry when his fingers brush your swollen lips once more.
“I should summon back your husband. So he’d see how his pretty wife begs to be fucked by her Prince like a whore. Shall I?”
You grab his hand, pressing it to your core and he dips a finger inside, spilling a loud moan from you that makes him bite your ear as he feels your hot walls clenching around him.
“Fine. We shall let him hear it.”
He brings his soaked fingers to your mouth, sticking them inside to make you taste yourself, and then he takes your wrist, trapping it on your stomach with his hand. He easily slides his cock inside you, moaning along with you into the haunting silence of the hall. His thrusts are deep and quick, desire has consumed him too, for too long. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh are only barely muffled by your frantic gasps. Your eyes are closed in a painful bliss, his hot labored breath dampens your neck as he fills you to the hilt.
Your throat is sore with lack of air as you turn your head and he slams his mouth against yours, filling your mouth with his scorching tongue, biting your lip and sucking until it’s swollen. All of this while relentlessly rutting into you, giving you violent bursts of pleasure that make your moans high-pitched and loud, so loud that everyone outside these walls can hear them. Your husband will hear them, the guards are definitely doing so.
“Fucking Gods, you feel so good” He pants in your mouth “You really wanted this. Your cunt is squeezing my cock like a vice. That husband of yours never fucked you this good, did he?”
“Gods—” you whine, squeezing your eyes shut but he grabs your chin with his free hand, forcing you to turn your head. “The Gods cannot hear you now. They’re deaf to the pleas of sinners.” with his free hand he clutches your bundle and he starts to torture you, drawing fast circles, while his length keeps rutting harshly. “Lucky for you I’m more merciful than the Gods.”
The tension in your belly is unbearable, it makes you cry obscenely and the sound only pushes him to go harder, faster.
“Please—I—I can’t—Gods—”
“You can’t what? Mh?” he nothing but growls, thrusting once more and then again. “This is your retribution.” He says baring his teeth “You failed your family for this. You lied and cheated. Now fucking—take—it” his last words punctuated with three deeper thrusts that make you whimper and roll your eyes back.
It doesn’t take much longer for you to reach your peak, letting out a long moan matched with sloppy shakes of your body against his. But he doesn’t stop, chasing his own pleasure as you whimper and sob with overstimulation. His hand keeps moving on your apex, all sticky with your pleasure and you grip his arm, trying to stop him. “Please—I can’t take it anymore—please my Prince—"
“You can and you will.” He promises “Give me one more. Come on, little traitor, just one more.”  
You’re not late in granting his wish, trembling all over him and curling your toes with spasms in your muscles.
He groans loudly beneath you, teeth clamping down your shoulder and he stills completely, coming inside you with a choked sound of relief vibrating from his throat.
You whimper softly, feeling him pulsing inside you, but he grabs your waist and forces you to stand up. You waver on your weak feet, his hand is around your arm but only to firmly push you away from him. Falling on the ground, you look up to see him fixing his breeches, hair all disheveled and a sheen of sweat on his forehead.
“Guards.” He says hoarsely, catching his breath, and two white cloaks stand at attention, their faces blank, pretending to be oblivious to what they have just witnessed. “Take her to my chambers and have the maid give her moon tea.”
Then he looks down at you, his face is wild and yet viciously focused. “We’re going to find a way to send your husband back to Starpike.” He says grazing your lips with his long fingers. “You’re not leaving my chambers anytime soon. In the time being,” his hand grips your mouth harshly, his voice eerily calm “You will write to Oldtown in your own hand, and ask my uncle to send me the head of Samantha Tarly.”
You widen your eyes with terror and he smiles, sweet and poisonous. “And remember, little snake. If I find you near the rookery at odd hours again, I will cut your throat in your sleep. Such a waste it would be. I’d rather have you choking on my cock than your own blood.”
He leaves without another word and you’re left on the ground. You can’t beg mercy to the Gods now, you will have to beg for his and his alone.
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thank you so much for reading!! 💕
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annabelle--cane · 4 months
[walks out of the museum catalogue search covered in blood] hey guys I'm a podcast fan and an art history student and I love to take stuff too seriously. episode fifteen of the magnus protocol introduced us to the character of lady mowbray and described her as "this big, imposing, like--some roman statue brought to life and given a gun," so here are some lady mowbray moodboard images.
starting off with two busts of imperial statesmen that I think hit the right vibe but wrong gender:
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(pompey magnus (lol) and marcus licinius crassus, first century CE, currently in the glyptothek museum)
some depictions of the goddess cybele, who I think hits the right vibe and gender but is a bit too young:
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(first century CE and currently at the getty museum; late second century CE and currently at the met)
and finally, the true treasure of my quick research dive, this roman copy of an originally greek female portrait head with whom I am now passionately in love:
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(original dated to early fourth century BCE, currently at the british museum)
happy mowbray imagining
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elucienweekofficial · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who participated in Day 1 of Elucien Week!
We did our best to keep track of all of the tumblr contributions below, but if we missed anyone or made any mistakes please assume best intentions and kindly reach out to one of our mods! 🌸🦊
📝Fics, drabbles, and poetry:
In Rememberance of Regret by @aldbooks
Glimpses of Maybe Tomorrow by @avabrynne
A Warrior of the Mind by @starfall-spirit
Elucien Hunger Games AU by @bee-the-bell
what lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why by @foundress0fnothing
Fated (Day 1 Mini) by @onlyinmymiiiind
ACOWAR (Elucien's Version) by @crazy-ache
Just A Tug by @yaralulu
Perennial by @zenkindoflove
Dreams of a Seer by @ennawrite
The Cauldron by @shadowqueenjude
What Do You Know About Love? by @the-lonelybarricade
A Heart of Gold by @jules-writes-stories
Long Live by @separatist-apologist
Watch It Glow by @cauldronblssd
Karma Is My Boyfriend by @rosanna-writer
maybe these lights'll take you home by @writtenonreceipts
Sight Beyond Fate by @sonics-atelier
Day one: Fated Poem by @stargirlie25
Something About April by @starsreminisce
Fated by @clockwork-ashes
Fates Intertwined by @xtaketwox
Sun On A String by @booksnwriting
Fated- Elucien Week Day 1 by @shadowisles-writes
Chance Encounters by @lady-sunbeam
Secret Letters by @xaliceatlasx
In The Hands of Fate by @queercontrarian
meet me in the afterglow comissioned by @lucienarcheron from artist @toastyrobos
Elucien stained glass mural by @works-of-heart
“𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔. 𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆.” comissioned by @cauldronblssd and @moonpatroclus from artist @/jaoies
Fated Art by @artedeabs
Mirrored Suffering comissioned by @separatist-apologist and @the-lonelybarricade from artist @sassyhobbits
“Don’t just leave her on the damned floor!” by @velidewrites
Forever Happily Married comissioned by @foxylady13 from artist @/pinkishmalina
Day 1 "Fated" by @brielyasmin
Elucien Wedding by @lamija-v
Elucien Portrait comissioned by @gwynrieldefenseatty from artist @carol-pisarro
Once Upon a Time by @laxibbeb
a single thread of gold tied me to you by @jadedbugart
Elain & Lucien’s fated future in the Day Court comissioned by @honeybeegarden from artist @majuandrad
a vision of Elain's future comissioned by @lulufoxlainfawn from artist @/cedakotes
Lucien and Elain by @eburnsillustrations
Fated Elucien Art comissioned by @foreverinelysian, @amandapearls. and @acourtdelaluna from artist @/Adamszkiart
Elucien week Day 1: Fated by @nesta-apologist
Day One — Fated by @oristian
Fated/Orbit by @scrawlandspirits
ELAIN & ELUCIEN: FATED Moodboard by @octobers-veryown
Elucien Week Day 1: Fated Moodboard by @climbthemountain2020
Destin Enchanté Moodboard by @fieldofdaisiies
Elucien Fate Analysis by @acourtofthought
Elucien 🌻 Moodboard by @lomlloll
Worth The Wait: An Elucien Week Playlist by @areyoudreaminof
fox and fawn playlist by @oristian
"Mine. You are mine and i am yours. MATE " Moodboard by @zoya-nikolai
Elucien Week Day 1: Fated Moodboard by @iheartfjords
Elucienweek2024 Mix Vol.1 by @sadiegirl2021
the tortured mates department elucien playlist by @vanserrass
“Are we together in every life?” by @oristian
They are inevitable, by the Fates by @bookishwithathought
Intertwined Hearts | An Elucien Playlist by @lainalit
Thank you as well to everyone who coloured today's Coloring Page!
Fated coloring page by @sadiegirl2021
Fated coloring page by @cauldronblssd
Fated coloring page by @shadowqueenjude
Fated coloring page by @yaralulu
Fated coloring page by @olenvasynyt
Fated coloring page by @the-lonelybarricade
If we missed one of your contributions, kindly reach out to one of our event runners!
Header art by @laxibbeb
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nestaarcheronweek · 5 months
♕ Day Seven: Free Day ♕
Killing Amren by @wishcamper
Semper Eadem Part V by @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk
Amidst the Madness Chapter 4 by @unhealthyfanobsession
Wrong Delivery Part 2 by @moodymelanist
Top Shelf Love: Prologue by @c-e-d-dreamer
In Between the Lines by @asnowfern
Birthday Girl Part 2 by @voidcommascreamintothe
sirens in the beat of your heart by @popjunkie42
Glasses by @talkfantasytome
Letting Go While Holding On Part II by @freakingata
Snippet by @venus-celestial
Melodies of Resistance: Nesta’s Healing Journey by @sonics-atelier
And Now She Becomes Death by @kale-theteaqueen
Sympathy for the Devil fanart commissioned by @melphss, drawn by talitasami
Nesta fanart by @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid
Nesta fanart by @climbthemountain2020
Nesta/Cassian fanart by @positivewitch
Nesta fanart commissioned by @melphss, drawn by paolapieretti.art
Nesta Portrait by @artinelysian
Nesta fanart by @laxibbeb
Nesta & Nyx fanart by @dawneternal
Nesta as High Lady of Dusk fanart by @vivictory-draws
Nesta & Bryce fanart commissioned by @podemechamardek, drawn by @lib-arts
Nesta & Ember fanart by @copypastus
Nesta fanart by @westrangecollectionkoalaposts
Nesta as High Lady of Dusk fanart by @dustjacketdraws
Nesta fanart by channybythesea
Nesta fanart by @lilynox
Moodboard by @lorcandidlucienwill
Who should Nesta’s new partner be? by @theladyofbloodshed
Nesta’s Instagram by @vanserrass
Moodboard by @spore-loser
Moodboard by @princessyuwa
Moodboard by @tamlinfairchild
Moodboard by @bookishwithathought
Swan’s Dance: Nesta Archeron’s Ode to the Divine [Moodboard + Poem] by @sonics-atelier
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twisting-echo · 6 months
Crossover Crackships I ship based solely on obscure merch!
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Anna x Mayor Lionheart
So, I reblogged this serendipitous gift of a crackship a while ago and promised myself to make a moodboard or a collage out of it, but I totally forgot. I recently rediscovered this when I was going through the “Anna” tag on my blog and decided to actually go retweet this hilarious post on my Twitter.
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When I retweeted the post, I saw that someone actually drew fan art of it in the comments and called it their OTP. And in that moment, I knew that I was prepared to ship them harder than ever before. lol
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A tale as old as time~
LINK TO TWEET - I got a Beauty and the Beast gift from my mom that she put together herself!
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Tinker Bell x Stitch
So, I found this random Tumblr post of someone sharing their Phantom Manor pins, and I found something particularly interesting about them. The pins have cast Tinker Bell as Melanie Ravenswood, the bride of Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris, and Stitch as Jake the Foreman, Melanie's ill-fated fiancé. And yes, the pins also have Stitch cast as the Phantom, aka Henry Ravenswood Melanie's cruel father (but we're going to ignore that part).
The thing that got me hooked was the pin where Tinker Bell and Stitch are sitting together, arms linked, on a picnic date. I know, call me “weird” or whatever you'd like, but I thought it was really cute and wholesome for some reason, despite knowing what actually happens to Melanie and Jake on that picnic date.
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Here are the best photos I could find of the Phantom Manor stretching portraits for more clarity and context.
I would like to end this by saying that Stitch seems to have a thing for Disney ladies, so could you blame me? Don't believe me? Check out this video in the link above, clearly showing Stitch wolf-whistling at Belle and flirting with Jasmine.
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storyofmychoices · 6 months
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Thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday special. I seriously needed all of your love and kindness this week.
My real life was beyond challenging, I wondered if I was going to get to the end of the week. I didn't even get to celebrate my birthday because things were so bad with my dad, so to see all of your love and support here, it meant EVERYTHING to me. I wish I had the proper words to tell you how much you all mean to me. I know I say it, but please know that I mean it, from the bottom of my heart, I can't say thank you enough for making me feel special, appreciated, and loved. I am so so eternally grateful to you for the time, effort, and thoughtfulness you put into your gifts or even just your kindness in sending a sweet message. I appreciate you all so much!
Thank you 💖
Thank you for all of these amazing gifts and messages! I hope I don't miss anyone, if I do, please let me know. It's not my intention to overlook anyone!
Blades of Light & Shadow
Bumbling Adversaries by @dutifullynuttywitch Mal and Daenarya run from a fearsome adversary
Daenarya's Birthday Drabble by @lilyoffandoms Mal, Tyril, and Maiele plan a surprise party for Daenarya
Insomnia by @thosehallowedhalls On the night after defeating the Dreadlord, Mal watches Daenarya sleep and reflects on his place in her life.
Mal x Daenarya kiss art by @lilyoffandoms
Crimes of Passion
Drabble by @lilyoffandoms Lilah and Ruby discuss a certain someone and Lilah's interest in him.
The Morning After (Lilah art—mature) by @lilyoffandoms
Mother of the Year
Levi and Lily post it note fun art by @lilyoffandoms
Open Heart
Can I have this Dance Quote Edit by @aallotarenunelma
Something Sweet (fic + art of Olivia) by @jerzwriter Casey, Merida, Bryce, Ethan, and Tobias help Olivia celebrate her birthday even from afar.
Red Carpet Diaries
Alex Hunt Moodboard by @lorircreates
The Hollywood Theatre by @princess-geek In a Regency AU, The Duke of Holly (Thomas Hunt) is looking for a singer for his new opera when he finds Lady Alexandra Spencer.
Thomas Hunt Classic Hollywood Portrait by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Thomas x Alex edit by @choiceswithmika
The Unexpected Heiress
Christine Jane Hayes (MC) Portrait by @lilyoffandoms
Some Lovely Asks:
From Nonny
From ao719
From Nonny
From angelasscribbles
From Nonny
From the-soot-sprite
From trappedinfanfiction
From ladylamrian
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pradablossom · 10 months
☆⁺ ‧₊˚⋆ ✩⁺ ‧₊˚⋆ ✩ ⁺ ‧₊˚⋆ ✩⁺ ‧₊˚⋆ ✩⁺ ‧₊˚⋆ ✩⁺ ‧₊˚⋆ ✩
welcome to my blog <3
♡︎ › updated ver
♡︎ ›  my name is liz, I'm 18 yo!
♡︎ › ☼ ♓︎ ☾ ♊︎ ↑ ♓︎
♡︎ ›  my fav artists are taylor swift, phoebe bridgers, radiohead, & mitski
♡︎ ›  love the coquette/hyper feminine aesthetic & the 2014 tumblr vibe
♡︎ › my fav movies are pride and prejudice, emma, girl interrupted, portrait of a lady on fire and heathers
♡︎ › mostly post moodboards & whatever is going on in my head atm
♡︎ ›  I stand with Palestine, zionists fuck off
♡︎ ›  DO NOT interact with 3dblr and nsfw
♡︎ › like/repost if you'd like to be mutuals 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆ ✩
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queercontrarian · 10 months
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welcome to my blog. if you don't like it here, leave :)
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AO3: MaladaptiveDaywriting
Azris Week 2023 Day 3: Put it all on me
Azris Week 2023 Day 6: A Soft Place to Land (18+)
Rhys Week 2023 Day 4: Court of Dreams
SJM Romance Week 2024 Day 4: The Little Things (Tamsand)
Agegap Azris
Chapter 1
Secret Santa 2023: To Dust Or To Gold (Neris)
The Bargain
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Azriel (Femme)
Gianna of Montesere for secret-third-thing
Gwyn Berdara
Lucien I
Lucien II
Lucien III (but in lingerie this time)
Rhys in a skirt
Rhysand's Unnamed Sister
Rhysand's Unnamed Sister II
The Lady of Autumn
The Lady of Autumn II
Tsering of Lausan, Captain of the Royal Guard (Thesan's husband)
Multi + Ships
Army Dreamers (balthazar, emerie, zhila)
Cresseida x Emerie
Elucien + Daughter for fieldofdaisiies
Family Portrait: Feyre - Rhys - Nyx
Viviane and Kallias
Female High Lords Series
Rhys + Sapphic Feysand
Event Weeks
Cassian Week 2024 Day 5: Scars
SJM Romance Week 2024 Day 7: Elucien
Elucien Week 2024 Day 1: Fated - In the Hands of Fate
Eris Week 2024 OC Art Project
Rhys Week 2024: Armand!Rhys
Tamlin Week 2023: Tamsand Sketch
Tamlin Week 2024 Day 2: Poet/Warrior Tamlin
Alis Sketch
Azris Sketch
Summer Court Trio Sketch
The Vanserras
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Tarquin by mossytrashcan
Cresseida by mossytrashcan
Varian by mossytrashcan
Azriel in Summer by krem-does-stuff
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A Tamsand Playlist
Briar x Catrin Berdara Moodboard
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usamamoweek · 1 year
UsaMamo Week 2021 Works
To give some inspiration and give readers some additional stories to check out before official entries for UsaMamoWeek 2023 start to get posted, we thought we would do a few posts highlighting some stories and works from prior years.
Crisis - @moonchildoh8
"Mamoru is desperate to remember his past. Just when he felt that he could almost grasp a fleeting memory, it would dissipate like a snowflake melting at the first touch of warm skin. And then there were tainted moments that threaten to pull him under. He is particularly haunted by his memories of Wicked Lady. Can Usagi and Mamoru face this crisis together?"
Do you remember the first time? - @sailormoonandme
"Perhaps against their better judgement, Serenity and Endymion spy on Helios and their daughter at the end of a date. The experience stirs up some nostalgia in both of them and prompts Serenity to ask her husband an important question… Written for UsaMamo Week 2021 Day 4: Children and/or Pets AND to celebrate the Miracle Romance in general."
All I Ever Think About Is You - @daikon1
"A series of bite-sized UsaMamo stories written for UsaMamo Week 2021. Read on for reveals, confessions, sexual tension, and plenty of mutual pining! Rated for Day 5 (Free Day)."
"Oh, Is He Your Brother?" - @riverlethe
"This tall high school girl with sleek brown hair and fancy school uniform was gearing up to confess to Mamoru, and Usagi found herself awkwardly caught up in the middle of it."
UsaxMamo Writing Diet - @billyjbradshaw
"These are bite sized stories, basically a diet form of my writing"
Eclipsed - @floraone
"Endymion sat with the portrait in his great-grandfather's chambers so often that he felt he knew her. A silmil AU short written for Usamamo Week 2021, inspired by a doujinshi by Nari20."
Miraculous Musings: Vignettes of a Miracle Romance - @goddessalthena
“Do you ever wish I was more like her?”
UsaMamo Week 2021 - @idesofnovember
Collection of stories based on prompts. (Including personal favorite of @random-mailbox - To have and to hold)
@flourishfox - Day 7 Hugs, Day 2 Home , Day 6 The End
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cadybear420 · 7 months
Masterlist of Gifts, Inspired Works, etc. made by others (NOTE: List is subject to updates)
This means stuff like:
Any works that have been gifted to me– including commissions, requests, or suggestions that I place, as well as works that were part of a Secret Pal Exchange Event.
Additions to/Edits of any of my own works.
Any works that are inspired by discussions.
Any works that are inspired by any of my edits, stories, headcanons, art, etc.
Any works that feature any of my MCs.
I will not and never will accept any works that include the use of Generative AI, and they will not be included on this list. Please let me know if a work is AI-generated or possibly AI-generated and I don't notice.
OG HSS: Aiden Zhou mini moodboard, made by @lovealexhunt
A simple and sweet moodboard! The Promposal CG is easily one of my favorite Aiden moments in the game, as is the scene where they're on Hearst's rooftop together and Aiden tells MC that they're his muse.
OG HSS: "Moving", written by @tveitertotwrites (for December 2023 Secret Pal event)
A sweet short story about an older Aiden and Evie moving out of their long-time family home, after their kids (OCs still pending) have grown up and moved out. I love imagining Aiden and Evie in their more elder years; in my headcanons, they're certainly a "high school sweethearts" couple that stays together pretty much the rest of their lives and happily grows old together. Seeing the two of them being so affectionate with each other as an older couple is just precious.
And it also fits so well with my headcanon of Evie being a very sentimental and nostalgic person! She values memories a lot and has a tendency for visual/physical associations with memories, so her holding back to look around the empty house and go through the years of memories is spot on.
OG HSS: Angy Aiden, drawn by @hydn-jpg
Angy Aiden is precious, like who hurt you babygirl I will eat their souls for you
OG HSS: Aiden x Evie cuddling with Aiden in Evie's lap, drawn by @hydn-jpg and commissioned by @lilyoffandoms
I'm a total whore for seeing guys sitting on their ladies' laps, and Aiden and Evie were captured perfectly here! Aiden grinning and blushing with his arms wrapped around Evie's neck/shoulders is just super adorable, like you know that man is *proud* to be her boyfriend. And likewise, Evie is proud to be his girlfriend, and holding him him close to her by his waist which is such an Evie thing for her to do haha.
OG HSS: Aiden x Evie sharing a dance ft. Aiden in a dress, drawn by @lilyoffandoms
This is based on an edit I did of Aiden in the premium prom dress option for f!MC. Evie is of course wearing the premium suit option from the game, and seeing them share a dance in those outfits– especially with Evie dipping Aiden– is a dream come true.
The mood is just perfect with the two of them grinning and looking into each other's eyes lovingly! And the background that's mostly dark except for the lighting behind them really captures the feeling of "the world around you seems to fade away as you focus only on your partner" that is so very *them*.
ILITW: Jo x Lucas after a party ft. Jo bridal carrying a drunk Lucas, drawn by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd (for February 2024 Secret Pal event)
This one is based on a Q&A headcanon I had about Lucas being the bigger lightweight at parties and how he likes to be bridal carried home by Jo. The artstyle is so perfect for the ILA characters, and I love seeing Lucas drunk with his hair and glasses and sweater all messy! Jo gently teasing him is definitely something she'd do.
Both of their outfits are spot on for them. I especially love the open flannel shirt and the carabiner, they're definitely things Jo would wear. Lucas having a lil earring isn't something I'd thought about before but I am very here for it. And of course, their rings!
OG HSS: Aiden Zhou Portrait, drawn by @lilyoffandoms
That bright smile! My boi is happy, just as he deserves UuU
OG HSS: Evie x Aiden Drabble, written by @inlocusmads
I am in love with the Evie x Aiden banter here. They're captured so perfectly, especially Aiden! I love seeing the description of Evie's "tell" to Aiden and all the little details in his behavior. And you know I'm obsessed with Evie calling Aiden "Pretty Boy"! Evie loves her beautiful nerd bf.
I also love the mention of Aiden getting into video games with Nishan and Sakura. I don't know if I ever shared it, but one of my oldest HSS headcanons is actually that Evie and Aiden like to do gaming double-dates with Nishan and Sakura fairly often (and that Aiden is initially kind of crap at most computer games haha). So this part is very on-point.
OG HSS: Evie Picrew, made by @inlocusmads
To celebrate Evie being MC of the Month for March! The hairstyle and clothes suit her so perfectly! Rainbows and blazer jackets ftw.
OG HSS: Gyaru!Aiden, edited by @pulpitude
An edit of one of my own edits! I am very here for this alternate take on Aiden. The color scheme, the new hair, the nails, all of it. And it all looks so polished!
The flower in the hair is probably my favorite, simply because Aiden is precious and deserves to wear flowers uwu
OG HSS: An actual HSS Book 3 scene where Evie lifts up Aiden, drawn by @callmebeem and commissioned by @jerzwriter (a March 2024 giveaway gift)
A drawn version of a scene from the story, and frankly it delivered! Evie getting to lift Aiden!!! They both look so beautiful!!! The way they look at each other!!!! The way she holds him!!!!! The way he holds onto her!!!! It's so *them*. Everything about them is just perfect.
And the mood lighting with the city in the background makes it all the better. I always had a thing for cityscape views, especially when it's lit up at night– and I like to think that that sort of aesthetic goes well with Evie and Aiden. And it looks amazing in this piece for sure.
OG HSS: Aiden x Evie mini moodboard, made by @lovealexhunt
Another sweet moodboard! Like the first one, it captures Aiden and Evie so well. I don't remember which part of the story the quote came from (even after 7 playthroughs and counting of Aiden's route) but regardless, it will never not make my heart flutter.
OG HSS: Trans Girl Aiden (Giselle) meets Genderfucking Cis Guy Aiden, made by @pulpitude
What started out as a discussion about favorite foods has led to this blessed meeting. And this picrew shows it perfectly. They both just look so adorable! Everything chosen for them is just perfect. I'm especially obsessed with Aiden's skirt and the purple flowers in his hair. I just love black-and-purple color schemes for Aiden. It suits him so well to me and I don't know why.
ILB: Harper Addison giving Tom a Kissie, drawn by @lilyoffandoms (for April 2024 Secret Pal event)
Everything about this is so precious! Harper and Tom look so good in this artstyle, especially Tom's smile. He's an absolute ball of sunshine and it shows. He deserves all the love. And Addison is happy to give him all the love and kissies.
And I love that you included the detail of why Harper would wear the pink-and-grey casual outfit option! While I'd say red and black is her preferred color scheme and favorite colors, she definitely loves to wear pink-and-grey every now and then too. I just love that for them and I love that you included it.
OG HSS: Solrin's 2 Truths and a Lie, written by @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor
This was inspired by some of the character conversations I've made on here! This was such an enjoyable read and I loved getting to know Solrin for the first time!
OG HSS: Evie and Solrin working on English homework, drawn and written by @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor
Our MCs get to meet! And Evie just looks amazing here! Both of them do of course, but I just especially love how good you drew my MC. The hair texturing is gorgeous! And Sol's abs! They 100% would be buff besties.
And the dialogue bit is great too! Evie with the writer's block is so real. I imagine she also would often tune out of the books she has to read for English, but when Sol's asking for help she's just like "well what am I supposed to do, IDK how to stay invested in a book I don't care for" haha
OpH: "It's Bugging Me", written by @jerzwriter
This was such a cute and funny text fic! I just love their dynamic, and Tobias is such a tease! Such a good blend of sugar and spice, how quickly they can go from sweet talk to banter and then back to sweet talk. Also Casey going "Yey" is just the best thing ever, like same.
OG HSS: Alan in some f!MC outfits + Makeup, edited by @pulpitude
All of these came out so amazingly, and all of these are on-point for Alan's style!!! They look so much better on him frfr... and I love that we've both edited him into the cheerleader and floral top outfits.
Extra props to you for doing the lacy top outfit because I was very unsure about editing it onto him myself lol. The sleeves looked so difficult and it always intimidated me. But I definitely like your take on it because it still looks stylish with only one sleeve (and also as more midriff bearing hehe).
HSS: Julian Castillo yearbook photo, made by @rosesnink
CUNT JULIAN! CUNT JULIAN!! CUNT JULIAN!!! And I love highlighting that he's grown so much from how he was in Prime.
OG HSS: Solrin's story in HSS, written by @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor
I love love love reading about Solrin's experience of Berry High. She's such an interesting character! I also just adore seeing people's different takes on their own MCs. There's just something special about people building their own versions of Choices MCs.
I 100% wanna do something similar for Evie. But I'm very undecided if I should keep it concise like this or go super in-depth...
Nightbound: Funko Pop Love, written by @ladylamrian
This fic was so cute and sweet!!! Alex is precious, and I am in love with her and Nik's protectiveness of each other. Her playing with the Funkos is everything to me too. She's the epitome of "sunshine and protector" and I love it.
OG HSS: Aiden and Giselle (transfem!Aiden) Sleepover, edited by @pulpitude
They are sooooo CUTE together!!!!!! I am just so here for this crossover, they would be such a power duo. 100% giving me twins vibes. Also, Aiden stealing Gi's makeup? So fucking real
HSS: Julian x Quartz, edited by @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor
Quartz is so pretty!!! I especially love her makeup and lipstick. And I'm weirdly in love with the ring you gave to Julian, it suits him so well.
LOA: Fiona and Gigi at the beach, edited by @choicesmc
They look so good together! Fiona especially slays but both of them together are so good. And I love how their swimwear matches too!!!
ROD: Adelaide and Maya, edited by @pulpitude
Their outfits are amazing!! They look so good together!!! Their outfits look so good together!!!! An amazing duo.
Also how did I miss "addi and maya aka the girls that pumped and dumped colt kaneko" in the tags the first time because it is PERFECTTTTTT
OG HSS: Aiden Portraits, drawn by @rjschoicesstuff
Aiden looks so amazing in your artstyle! It suits him so well! My beautiful baby boy
I am also so feral over him in glasses. I've tried editing him in glasses before but for some reason it looked off? But after seeing this I have been awakened to the truth. Aiden looks so freaking good in glasses.
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agentmarcuspike · 10 months
HMMMMM okay limiting myself to three!!! 2 & 19 & 20?
no limits !!! EVER !!!
2. What was your favorite film as a child?
ok i had a million different ones, but one that sticks out (and honestly holds up) is "Ulvesommer" (Wolf Summer) (2003). so many details and lines from this film are still with me. the yellow cellphone, the mom's boyfriends, my crush on the pathetic evil guy, the climbing, the helicopter... her asthmatic best friend's summer house. and the wolves, i guess!! it scared me, excited me, and entertained me in equal parts
english language film favorites include Spy Kids and The Incredibles <3
19. What part of filmmaking do you find most interesting (ie. sound design, costuming, set design, etc)?
if i say anything other than writing and directing i feel like i'm dooming my own narrative. i love, as you can see through my moodboards, pulling everything together visually, finding a rhythm and a pulse in a project, and inspire a group to see the same vision. but if i were to do anything else, i've found scenography to be something i enjoy. picking out colors and furniture and creating a set. leaving in little details that only the keenest eyes will spot, and pay tribute to my favorite films through that!
20. What movies do you have on your current to-watch list?
too many... i'm a terrible film watcher, i only rewatch stuff i know i like. but some i really do wanna get to soon, that aren't part of the PPCU lol, are Aftersun (2022), Moonlight (2016) (i know...), Parasite (2019) (i said i know!!), Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), and Boyhood (2014)
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Nuisance: Masterlist
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Merridy is living on the streets, trying to survive in a city that has no place for her. When her luck runs out, she is caught stealing and thrown into the dungeons. Between the cruelty of the guards and the trial awaiting her, her life might as well be over. 
The last thing she expects is to be freed by the man who rules the city’s underground with an iron fist. Cedric is known for his calculating ruthlessness, and now she owes him her life, wondering what he saved her for. There is no way she’d ever be of use to someone like him—or is there?
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It’s gonna be a few pieces, so she might as well get her own masterlist.
Approx. Length: 48k words
Major warnings: Lady whump (I mean, obviously), manhandling and general violence, dehydration and starvation, misunderstandings, painful wound cleaning, fear of death, lacerations and blood loss, crude (misogynistic/homophobic) language and mention of attempted sexual assault, homelessness, broken bones (bad guys), reluctant, incompetent and morally gray caretaker
Individual/additional warnings will be tagged on each chapter. Let me know if I’m missing anything, or if you need any clarification. Might add more as it’s written.
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Ebook version!
The End
The Dungeon
The Escape
The Killer
The Girl
The Room
The Guest
The Drop
The Traitor
The Coin
The Friend
The Plan
The Heist
The Return
The Healer
The Offer
Some more of Cedric:
Two pieces from his teenage years: Cold & Warm
Kind of a Bad End AU - (almost) everyone dies :)
Game Over (Cedric) Part 1
Game Over (Cedric) Part 2
Game Over (Cedric) Part 3
What if it was a real book
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Bio (age from Glass Shards)
Cedric by @peasant-notsopleasant​ 💜🥺
And a commission of both of them, by antisocialxconstruct 💜 And this wonderful comic by @little-peril-stories​ who is a big fan of barbed wire :)
My children got tags! They’re here:
Merridy steals jewels and hearts
Cedric doesn’t wanna deal with this shit
Laurent is a guy to count on
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[ID: The banner shows a broken window, outside which the sun sets behind an iron fence. The sky is bright yellow and orange. The title nuisance is written across it in scribbled looking letters with a orange to yellow to orange gradient. All other images are purely ornamental lines. End ID.]
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