peachmimosaart · 2 years
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A bigggg project I did last year was to make a tarot deck featuring characters from our Warcraft Redux campaign. It was a challenge, but I managed it, and I'm still proud of this project to this day- despite my art improving since then.
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javatrait · 19 days
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Life suddenly looks very different...
A few months have passed since Nadine and Keegans divorce. She is now living in San Myshuno with the kids and Rakesh preparing for the baby and a future restaurant. The kids stay with their Dad every couple of days in Newcrest and then return to San Myshuno for school. Nadine wanted a fresh start so Keegan kept the house and she took the rental while they split the simoleons down the middle. Keegan is working on being amicable with Nadine for the kids since he blows a lid every time he sees her.
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nakeddeparture · 3 months
Kemo Avery Grant, 29, died in police custody - His recidivist father Jeffrey Odle - His mother Anne Grant - His brother Rakeesh Grant - Barbados.
Born to be wild. He followed his designed path to perfection. Have your say. Naked!!
Like/share/comment/subscribe on YouTube (it costs you nothing). Press the notification bell 🔔. NEW WhatsApp #2527225512
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scourge-lover · 3 months
The real reason we killed Rakeesh in Legion is that Velen didn't want to pay Kil'Jaeden 10k years worth of child support.
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gingintigtig · 2 years
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The big, strong, fat, gay AF roadie-trucker rat. I originally doodled him as a way to tease my big-belly loving friends (most notably Striped Menace, Rakeesh and Murster), but he's quickly become his own thing.
In a defiance of expectations, he's not a horn dog (first image not withstanding). In fact, he's kind of freaked out at everyone drooling over him~
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( For Rakeesh )
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( For Murster )
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theadventurerslog · 6 days
Quest For Glory II: Trial by Fire | Part 3
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The Adventurer's Log
Day 3 in Shapeir here we come! It was a bright new day full of possibility. Except I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do next as I loaded up.
After eating breakfast I set out only to be paused by Shameen to let me know the Poet Omar will be performing this evening. Always a reason to return at night.
I decided to set out into the desert and find the Dervish to get the beard bit for Keapon. So I also got to ride my saurus.
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Keapon's directions were to keep going south and a bit east. I'm glad I had a compass because the perspective flips part way.
I continued south until finding a stone dragon head pointing east and started going east.
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I also got attacked by a bandit and my saurus ran away. I won the fight and had to leave the screen and come back to him having returned shamelessly. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. Weirdo.
But shortly after I found the oasis and the Dervish.
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I asked him about the saurus and hmm...
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"Seem" to be real, huh?
I tried to be polite and ask him for a piece of whirling beard, but nothing came of it, so I just took a bit. I tried asking him about some other stuff too, but not much came of it.
It was time to head back and I forgot I could have just told my saurus to go home and saved a trip. However, it was a slightly eventful one.
I forgot to mention the silly clowns function. Turn it on and get silly things. I encountered one of those silly things.
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Persian golf session!
And then my peaceful Persian Golfer watching got interrupted by another brigand. I fought him off, but of course my saurus ran away again... I tried leaving and coming back and he was still nowhere to be seen. Turns out I was close to the city gate though so I returned and was told they find their back to the stable. I was still a bit worried though, so I left and came back, and sure enough, he had returned. Silly thing.
In that muddling I think I also saw a plane go by in the sky. Those silly clowns.
I sold my whirl of Dervish beard for 15 dinars. I also tried casting magic to see what would happen.
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It was only a Detect Magic spell, but I suppose trying to cast one in a magic shop might be considered rude...
And in quite a contrast from QFG I have lots of money I don't know what to do with. But, I realized I should probably buy some healing pills. So, apothecary next. Pills come in sets of 3 which is nice. I got healing, magic and poison cure.
...I forgot to bargain for them :/
By this point it was midday. I decided to go back out into the desert to explore more and get in some magic practice.
I found a tree.
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A tree woman.
I couldn't do anything and detect magic didn't detect anything. You'd think it would. But, no, nothing strange here at all. Nothing.
So I practiced some magic, went back to town, and did a practice round against Uhura with my remaining stamina. Rakeesh and Uhura's baby, Simba, were outside hanging out. It was cute. Nice of Rakeesh to give Uhura a break. Then I took an hour nap.
I still had some day left and I realized I'd never checked out the palace plaza on the map. There was a blanket seller and a jewelry seller but nothing I could buy, although the jewelry seller tried to sell me a 500 dinar pin. That did not go anywhere.
Then evening fell and it was Poet time back at the inn.
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Prophecy time of all to come? He continued:
Comes a hero from the North, riding on the very air, And this is sign the first to then beware, For Darkness soon shall fall and shadow cover all, The city and the ones now living there. The first Doom shall be Fire, which shall burn the very stone, The next is Air, and rocks are overthrown, Earth shall be the third, then the final Doom is heard, The Water is gone, the city parched like bone. Unless the one called Hero is a Hero true indeed, Who comes to help the city in its need, Then will face the depths of Doom in the darkness of the Tomb, From the Elemental's Master, we are freed.
Trouble comes!
But in the meantime, I chatted with Omar and his translator Ja'Afar, who puts all of Omar's poetry into plain speak such as:
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I tried asking about a bunch of different stuff but didn't really learn anything I haven't already though it was fun to see how Omar would respond and Ja'Afar translate. Waxing poetical - one liner.
It was bedtime and onto day 4. I was greeted by Shameen informing me there was a strange fire outside. So Omar spoke, so trouble has come.
But a hero's gotta eat, so I ordered breakfast before going out to investigate and was further informed by Shema that the Katta merchants couldn't set up due to the fire.
And yep... Only Alichica remained and his stand got burnt, but his spirit still smoulders!
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No sign of the fire elemental itself though. I asked Keapon about it. It has a weakness for water. I'd have to get him 'restrained if you want to make him remain, so that you can get him contained.' But how, ask another. Not terribly helpful, but that's okay, because there was always my next stop: Aziza. Aziza help!
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Basically her advice amounted to: drive or lure it away from the plazas where there's lots to burn to a more confined area where water could be used to capture it and then it can be contained with an appropriate container where it will behave as a magical flame. She also gave an example of a waterskin for a water elemental. Brass lamp for fire elemental?
I had one last stop for help: the apothecary. He was quite taken with the fire elemental, imagining the pills he could make if he could harness its power. Not for you, my dude, but the conversation gave me the information that incense would lure it as fire is attracted to things it burns because it is very vain.
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I bargained for the incense (70 centimes) which he then just gave to me for free because it was for the good of the city. More merchants in games could stand to learn from that...
Time to go elemental hunting.
Well, that was the plan... It didn't seem to be around. Caused some trouble and swooshed off.
I then remembered I wanted to ask Aziza about the tree that looked like a woman. So I did that instead.
Aziza help!
Aziza, of course, had information about the tree too.
Long ago there was a woman who wanted to be a healer and continually asked her father to be allowed to do so.
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It wasn't easy. Many men distrusted her or would only try to take advantage of her. Then one day a man came to ask for help for his brother dying in the desert. She didn't trust him, but couldn't refuse to give her aid and so followed. It was a trap, and he'd led to her a brigand camp where Aziza refused to elaborate further which says more than enough on its own... She managed to escape but they chased after her. When they almost caught she called for help and a Djinni heard her and transformed her into a tree.
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There are three things to give her to save her soul: a gift of Kindness, a gift of Magic, and a gift of Love.
Kindness: What you would give to someone who has been in the desert far too long. Tell her about yourself. Remind her of what it is to be human.
Magic: a gift of sacrifice. It has to be something gained through hardship and from aiding others. It also has to be something from which a plant can gain strength. She straight up told me I don't have a suitable gift for this yet.
She didn't tell me about the gift of love.
I tried to go to the tree and tell her about myself, but it didn't work, so I'm not sure what I'm missing. Maybe I need more deeds to discuss. Maybe I've missed a step. Aziza seemed to think I could do it now though...
But I went back to town after some magic practice and slept to day 5.
And theeere's my fire elemental.
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But first. Of course. Breakfast. As I said, a Hero's gotta eat. Shema seemed think to so too; she was worried for me. Aw.
Oh, yes, there it is. One roasty toasty fire elemental.
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But pretty easy to handle. I lured it with the incense into the alley.
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Then doused it with water from my waterskin.
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Then put down my brass lamp for it to flee into.
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And I got myself a magic lamp. Rub it to make a small flame appear. Rub it again to make the flame go away.
Everything returned to normal. Except, sadly, our dear pal Alichica is gone.
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No more getting advertised at every time I walk out the door.
All in an early morning's work. What I'll do with the rest of the day I do not know. Perhaps try the wizard exam at WIT again. And maybe attempt the tree one more time.
Next time...
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takesu · 2 years
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[July 2020] Commission for Rakeesh
Commission Info | Twitter | Ko-fi
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wyrmguardsecrets · 1 year
"Velen just feels bad about his son" You know a thought just accured to me. It's been some years since Rakeesh died, and it makes sense that during Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands he tapped out. The thing everyone has to understand with grief is that it's not a five step program. It's a cycle. Something it goes quicker for some, for others it takes a long time. And even if it's been some years, sometimes you find yourself still in the grieving process especially if you have regrets.
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keeshplay · 3 years
It begins again...
A clean start with a fresh account!
Got so tired of having to constantly change to a secondary account to post to my un-nuked blog.
Now to start following everyone again!
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isei-silva · 5 years
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“There are many souls in Argus. Lost. Find them, and return them to me so that they may finally rest.”
Combining an old concept sketch of an uncorrupted Rakeesh with the fun idea of returning to Argus in a possible future expansion (fingers crossed) got me thinking about the kind of quests that we may encounter.
After Rakeesh’s death maybe his soul has returned home, to Argus. And while his father, Velen, leads the draenei people, Rakeesh is trying to guide and rest the many wayward, troubled draenei souls left wandering in Argus. 
You, the hero, would help Rakeesh find these souls. As you quested along the areas they may appear randomly and you have a narrow window of time to engage and defeat them, perhaps gathering in a crystal you carry that Rakeesh gave you at the start. The souls would be randomly created NPCs so that no character would run into the same NPC souls twice (or would be rare to). As you level the souls would “calm” and speak to you, perhaps telling you a bit about their lives in selected areas that trigger their flavor script. At level cap Rakeesh beckons you to return them to him, as they are ready to rest and be with the Light.
Fun to imagine!
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purpledragongifs · 6 years
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Prophet Velen & Rakeesh - Legion World of Warcraft - Blizzard Entertainment®
Gifs made by purpledragongifs.  All gifs are 540px wide.  Please do not delete credits.
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peachmimosaart · 2 years
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Demonic NPCs of Warcraft Redux
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javatrait · 18 days
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Chef Rakeesh Jatt appreciation post<3
I suddenly understand why Nadine fell for this man lmao he is always cooking her delicious dishes and sweet treats bare footed. Rakeesh loves that Nadine is the better cook. They are always joining each other in the kitchen to prepare meals even though they work together everyday.
I think they will own the cutest restaurant in the heart of the city!
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the-exobar · 7 years
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Too soon? Definitely too soon.
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katieskarlette · 7 years
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Just when you think you can’t possibly have any more draenei/eredar feels, there are Velen’s wife and son--or their echoes, anyway.  (It doesn’t say that’s who she is, but it’s pretty obvious from the context.)
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gingintigtig · 1 year
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Sketches of "dough-dough" for Rakeesh and Quantum Velvet!
He was flightless before, now he's extra flightless.
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