renaultmograine · 3 months
Xal'atath is actually masquerading as the girl Arator likes and has been catfishing him for years now and they're going to get married and at the wedding Xal'atath is going to throw off her Light-loving blood elf disguise and point at Alleria and go, "I'VE TAKEN WHAT YOU LOVE MOST, NOW YOU'LL ONLY SEE YOUR SON EVERY OTHER HOLIDAY" and Alleria will get up nocking an arrow (she brought her weapons to her only son's wedding) and Xal'atath will go "AH AH AH, IF YOU ATTACK ME, IT WILL FOREVER DAMAGE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR SON, AS YOU WILL HAVE ATTACKED THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE, RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM" and Alleria will go "damn, she has a point," and sit back down and Turalyon next to her (six inches apart to leave space for the Void Lord) will go "what? No she doesn't." and Alleria will go "you're right Turalyon, I must think of the greater good, for the safety of Azeroth" and Turalyon will go "that's not what I sa—" and Alleria will start blasting
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triunviratum · 3 months
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A 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒐𝒇 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔....
Since I read the short story "A Whisper of Warning" i only want than Turalyon, Allerian and Arator can be a happy family at the end.
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sebritz · 10 months
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alleria come get your son he's doing yaoi things
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"Where is our daughter? Where is my baby?" The female voice asked immediately upon arriving aboard the Vindicaar.
Arator's heart sank. He knew this would happen. He knew he should have atleast bothered to wear something feminine to make the change easier on his long lost parents.
He saw Vereesa frown and look at him, nodding slowly to let him know she's there for him.
"Where is she? Has she not arrived yet?" Turalyon was looking around and noone dared to say.
Arator looked down on his shoes. He couldn't even lift his gaze up to see his parents.
"Did something happen to her? For Light's sake, why are all of you so quiet? What happened to her?"
"Nothing-" Khadgar started but his sentence was cut short by Turalyon.
"Something happened and HE has something to do with it! Look at how pale he looks!"
Arator looked up at his father, who was enraged, obviously not recognizing him.
"That's very far from the truth actually..." Vereesa said. "This is Arator... Arator the redeemer."
Arator instinctually bowed a little although he felt as if he could throw up if he actually bowed properly.
"And why should that interest us?"
"Because he is your son, Turalyon..."
Alleria's eyes lit up after a second and she immediately walked over to hug Arator. He was completely frozen in place, not knowing how to respond to her embrace. "Arator..." She said, a smile on her lips, tears in her eyes. "What a beautiful name you've chosen..."
Turalyon was just standing there, mouth agape, confused by the whole situation.
"You are a handsome young gentleman, Arator... I'm delighted to finally meet you..." Alleria said, slowly pulling back. "Can I, please, hear your voice?"
A few moments of silence and then... "Mother..." As he essentially fell back into her embrace.
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losteventide · 2 years
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Arator is going through some stuff in our Warcrat AU ;-;
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blue-eyed-banshee · 1 year
As per usual, Daily angst will be posted later today. It features Lireesa and Verath finally meeting Sylvanas' wife, who is pregnant with their daughter. As well as them meeting Arator and Turaylon.
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daily-spooky · 3 months
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galacticsabc · 4 months
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This game has me by a choke hold. here's my Lavellan.
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ex0skeletal-undead · 10 months
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Light by Ivan Palma
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smalltowngunshow · 4 months
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images I made using instagram dot com!!!!!!!!!!
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moon-daisie · 26 days
i have started to realize that i am either somehow telekineticaly linked to the writing staff at blizzard or the writing staff at blizzard follows very predictable conventions so here are some things i think are going to happen in the worldsoul saga:
- anduin is going to get better and have something majorly set him back. given his new connection to faerin and the emphasis on her being very at peace with herself and her disabilities (blind in one eye and an amputee) i think he will also become an amputee.
- dagran has had a taste of the real world and he’s going to be tested even further by having something majorly traumatic happen to him. he’s starting off the same way anduin did, idealistic and bookish and believed to be “soft” as an heir to a throne.
- alleria’s likely going to be either unable to resist xal’atath at some point or she’s going to go full john wick over arator dying. i genuinely don’t see him surviving for long after reading the short story with him and alleria and turalyon
- they’re going to find a way to include the horde given player feedback on what an alliance-centric story this is but it’s going to be at the very last minute and be otherwise ineffectual
things i have a sneaking suspicion are going to happen but i don’t want to at all because they’re stupid choices:
- faerin goes from being her own character to just being anduin’s wife and nothing else
- moira is going to die and be the traumatic event for dagran
things that i want to have happen because they would be rad:
- arator dies and it causes turalyon for the first time in ten thousand plus years to falter in his commitment to the light. suddenly he goes from wishing alleria would have died instead of giving into the darkness to wondering if maybe arator died because the light wasn’t enough to protect him, and what the darkness had to offer
- taelia comes back into the story and meets faerin. they quickly hit it off and fall in love and spend the rest of the xpac lezzing out together and kicking ass
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muxas-world · 2 months
If some of my motts or follows are from Mexico can you confirm if you all wachtinf la casa de los famosos and if agustin nos caga la puta mierda
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renaultmograine · 23 days
windrunner be normal about anduin wrynn challenge
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Pietro da Cortona (Italian, 1596-1669) Le Triomphe de la Divine Providence, 1633-1639 Galerie nationale d'Art ancien Palais Barberini, Rome
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punctuation-bracket · 2 months
Round 1 - Side A - Set 1 - Match 2
Information on the contestants:
Parentheses ()
'Arat Nettib  ።
Vote on Match 1 here!
Vote on Match 3 here!
Vote on Match 4 here!
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sunshiline-writes · 1 month
27!!! With!!! Xavier!!!
27. "Breathe.. Breathe.. look at the stars kid." ___ Xavier never wanted to be a parent or anything close to it. But he held the bundle of skin and bones close to his chest, gently carding a hand through red curls as the boy sobbed. It had rained earlier, they got caught in it. Jesse couldn't handle rain anymore. Not since his mother died. The boy curled over, taking heaving breathes that rattled his ribcage. Xavier could feel it. He sat down, taking Jesse with him and held him tight. "Shhh.." he whispered into red curls. "Shh,, breathe.. breathe.. can you look at the stars kid?" Slowly he relaxed his hold enough for the kid to crane his neck back to look at the sky. The clouds had cleared and there was a breeze. The sobs quieted slightly. "There we go kid. There we go. You're good. You're okay." Jesse sniffled, leaning his head back into Xaviers chest. The twelve year old was getting ridiculous with the whole not being wet thing. But still, Xavier held him. One day.. Jesse would have to learn to deal with this on his own. __ Thanks for the ask!!
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