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How to Deal with a Rebellious Teenager: Building Trust and Setting Boundaries
#TeenParenting#RebelliousTeen#parenting advice#family bonding#positiveparenting#parentingchallenges#RaisingTeens#parentingjourney
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NEW AUTHOR ALERT! 📖We just helped another writer cross the #published finish line! 🥳 https://amzn.to/3Mx7EPX
@parenting @parentsmagazine @parentingtoolbox
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Livia/Rafe and Minako relationship summed up
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @yukii0nna
#disney twst#twst oc#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland#twst disney#twisted wonderland disney#twst#twst ocs#twisted oc#twisted wonderland oc#twistedwonderland#twst wonderland
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Good morning, familia especially my parents and caregivers with teens at home. Phew, I thought parenting 4 young kids was hard work. That had absolutely nothing on guiding, parenting and leading 2 teenagers. Mi gente, we have two teens in our home. We've survived a pandemic with two teens and let me share a word of encouragement. Don't give up! Keep talking. Keep taking them places with you. Trust me, I'm tempted to leave their hormonal, moody and temperamental behinds at home sometimes and head out with our 8 and 9 year olds who are still excited and thankful about everything. My 13 year old told me this week that he wishes that we were still in a pandemic so that he didn't have to leave the house so much (insert watch tv and play video games bc he's too busy working and is not allowed to use them during the week). Lord, we needed an intervention, but instead I scheduled an outing to show his little ungrateful heart who pays the bills. The point of this post is to encourage all caregivers of teens to keep on going. Don't give up. Don't let them bring you to the place of just leaving them behind. Trust me, you will look back and regret it and so will they when their brains are not mush. I look back at these pics of our little adventures and am inspired to continue to leave the house with them. We've had a busy summer and we've enjoyed most of our time together, because even if they complain about going to the lake, once they are there they have a blast. I do take away their phones and limit the amount of time on screens because I DID NOT spend years exploring different food, art, culture and languages together, for them to be couch potatoes. How are you all doing with teens this summer? We need a support group. #raisingteens #borrowedtime #parenting #blackteens (at Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRJk6TbMiJ3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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What is more important for you, as a parent? “I’d better never catch my child lying” Or “I hope my child is never too scared to tell me anything.” “My child knows if they ever try to sneak out of the house, they’ll be grounded for life.” Or “I hope if my child ever needs my help, they aren’t so scared of getting in trouble that they don’t call me.” “A parents job is to push their child to succeed.” Or “I hope my child knows I love them, regardless of their accomplishments and success.” Let’s think about this for a minute…. Your child sneaks out of the house one night. You catch them…. You are furious…. You ground them for a long time, expecting that will motivate them not to do it again. Because your child has now been socially excluded from friends for a while. They decide to risk it again (they’re already grounded for life so what do they have to lose?). A friend picks them up and they go to a party. The friend gets drunk and A. Passes out B. Drives your child home drunk. Continued in comments…. J. Milburn @responsive_parenting #responsiveparenting #jmilburn #raisingteens #parentingteens #trustyourchild #trustyourteen #securebase https://www.instagram.com/p/CRE8XJynDyR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Proudly presenting Teen Check Assistants newest "Teen Chaperone Assistant" service. Check it out under our 'services' section.
#mallofcolumbia #wbalbreakingnews #mallcurfewpolicy #teensupervision #publicsafety #marylandteens #brookfieldproperties #towsonmall #mondawminmall
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Parenting Reminder
Parenting is hard. Whoever says its easy is either lying or not doing it to their full capacity. Parenting alone is another story altogether. My teenager knows how to push a boundary and she also knows how to push my buttons. I love raising her, I love watching her grow, but it pushes me to breaking points at times and I don’t know what the other side looks like. What I hold onto is my faith in…

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Don't abandon your children to clean up the messes you made by themselves. So often when we realize we've made a mistake we shut down that memory and cannot permit mention of it. We don't want to talk about it with our kids even though we're the ones who made the mess.
So, you just leave them with the task of understanding why you made the mistake, how you made it, and how all of that affected them. They have to guess your reasons based on context clues, often arriving at the conclusion it was somehow all their fault. They have no choice but to resent you. Afterall, you left them to do the task alone.
Don't abandon them to this work. Take the bulk of it on. Apologize. Apologize again. Listen more than you talk. Give more than you receive. When they push you away respect their space but keep your arms open. When they hurt you in retaliation, feel your feelings in private but reflect only your love back onto them. Take it in stride. Take it on the chin. Turn the other cheek.
Heal your children with them. Help them till the garden of your broken relationship so you can plant something new. Break a sweat. Show up.
And watch what grows.
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Why does my teenager need to argue EVERYTHING??!!
Welcome to Day 7 of my 10 Day Listening Challenge! Arguing is a sign of respect because your teen trusts your beliefs and experiences to help them solidify their own beliefs and values. Arguing helps your teenager develop intellectual functions like critical analysis, risk assessment, independent decision making and more. The conflict happens when you take it personally or think you always need to take the opposing position. What if there’s another option? Rather than playing right and wrong, ask your teen open ended questions to encourage them to spar with their own thoughts, being less attached to whatever position they take. This supports better listening, lower conflict and more connection with your teen.
Pop a like in the comments if you’d like. And for more info visit at https://www.alypain.com/
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When your child questions whether they are forgiven... remind them that when they ask God to forgive them it is wiped clean. Today is a fresh new start. God doesn’t keep a record of wrongs. He offers Grace, Redemption and Unconditional Love. Allow them to marinate in that acceptance. • • #shereadstruth #truth #quotes #scripture #encouragingquotes #encouragement #teenagers #raisingteens #raisingawildchild #parentingblog #healingquotes #forgivness #graceupongrace #forgiven #christianfamily #christiankids
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This. 🙌🏼 #teenmom #parenting #formiadesign #respectyourkids #yourjobasaparent #lovethis @raisingteenstoday #raisingteens #raisingteenstoday #thehandsfreerevolution @handsfreerevolution (at Formia Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5-c55Ft0w/?igshid=4zqni9xvwjsq
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Don’t Put Off Traveling with Your Kids – Living in the Now in the Midst of the Daily Grind
My oldest is less than one month away from her 8th grade commencement and a very short summer until starting high school. What? How is that even possible? I thought that we had so much time with her and am now realizing that we’re just three short months from our lives and opportunities to just go when we please, diminishing rapidly. I’m feeling all types of ways about this fact, but am most grateful - thankful for every single moment that we took as a family unit to just go. I often hear feedback from readers that while they love reading about our family travel, the prospect of traveling with children is overwhelming, scary and they find themselves frozen in inaction while waiting for the right time to get started. Take it from me, don’t wait! Time waits for no one. I was in disbelief this week, when we received the invitation to our daughter’s 8th grade commencement and soon after her boarding school roommate assignment questionnaire. What? She’s ready, but I’m not. I’ve taken a trip down memory lane of almost 14 years of travel, fieldtrips, road trips and adventures with our first born and am so glad that I took her along.

Our lives will be changing next year. Her schedule and commitments will increase and she will not be a part of our daily adventures during the academic year. I’m forever grateful for the pictures and memories that we’ve established with her. While many believe that traveling with children is too much work or a complete waste of resources, let me challenge you to rethink that philosophy. Our family values are centered around loving God and loving others. We aim to raise children who know how to live and love well. As I watch my first born get ready to transition to a much more independent stage of life, I’m inspired by the young lady that she’s becoming. She’s willing to take risks and live in the moment and a lot of that can be attributed to years of adventure. She will be traveling to South Korea this summer to train and compete with her Taekwondo team and will not have us with her. At the tender age of 14, she’s ready and you know what, so am I. I know that she’s culturally sensitive, aware and respectful of others. I’m confident in her street smarts and safety awareness when traveling and that she’ll come back to the United States more cultured and in the best shape of her life. While we will miss her, this is also the type of adventure that our family upbringing has been preparing her for.
Dear readers, if you’ve been lurking and dreaming but are hesitant to get started; don’t. Time waits for no one. Parenting honestly doesn’t get easier, it gets different. As I reflect back on the many years of trips with our kids, I must admit that the easiest and simplest years to travel are between birth and 1st or 2nd grade. Those were the days when we picked up and followed the deals whenever our hearts desired, because no one was dependent on nor expecting our children to be anywhere consistently. Don’t get me wrong, I know that traveling with babies and toddlers requires planning and patience, yet I still encourage you to just do it. I once thought that having four kids under the age of six was hard, but I had no idea how much more work it would be to have an almost high schooler, an almost middle schooler, a second grader and a kindergartner. My kid’s schedules and commitments have pretty much taken over my life. I must look at our color coordinated calendar before planning anything, even a day trip. Our kids have commitments that require us to be home a lot more than my wandering heart and mind enjoys, but it’s the reality of parenting older children and it makes me truly treasure every trip that we do take.
Recently I’ve seen the same blog posts over and over again, about “forget marriage and children, I’m collecting stamps” and others that paint marriage, family and commitment in an incredibly negative and stifling light. Folks, don’t believe that lie! I’m here to tell you that you can in fact have both. It doesn’t have to be a one or the other. We’re all gifted with a certain amount of time here on Earth and it’s up to us to make the most out of it. Life is all about choices. I would hate for you to be persuaded by the lies and distorted realities that folks present on social media and miss your season in life. Marriage and parenting are the hardest, yet most fulfilling jobs that I have. Yet it’s also the most rewarding. I’m naturally a restless person. I tend to move from one task to the other in almost robotic fashion at times. Traveling with my kids has helped me to see and experience places from the innocent and in an “in the moment perspective” that children are blessed with. There are so many sights, sounds, smells, and moments that I could have breezed through, but I didn’t because I was experiencing them through the lenses of my little people. Don’t believe the hype. Take chances, live large and I promise you that you’ll look back like I am and not regret a single moment. It will be wild, it will be an adventure, but it will be one that will sustain and define generations of your descendants for years to come. Traveling with children is hard work and requires sacrifices. As we move into planning summer, let me encourage you to not leave the kids at home with the grandparents, if you’re blessed enough not to have a grandparent deficit. There will come a time when your children will be young adults with lives of their own, and you’ll be back to adult only travel. Rather than fight the realities of travel with children, embrace the chaos and cherish the moments. They are fleeting indeed!
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A post shared by Ruth - Have Kiddos Will Travel (@havekiddoswilltravel) on Jul 24, 2019 at 12:49am PDT
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In a world where media seems to thrive on sexuality, our teens are bound to end up reading a book that's a bit too mature, even bordering erotica. The question is, how do we handle it when our teen wants to read such a book, especially when we've been battling their hatred of reading?https://motherlovinchaos.com/2020/12/06/should-i-allow-my-teen-to-read-erotic-novels/
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Hope you all had an enjoyable Easter Sunday! The kids and I celebrated Resurrection Sunday yesterday but will be having Easter dinner and the EB visit next weekend when my hubby is home. This is the first time I haven’t bought anything before Easter for baskets. I knew hubby wasn’t going to be home so I thought for once I’d take advantage of what’s on clearance instead! Hope there’s still stuff left by the time I can get in. Luckily my kids are old enough they don’t need much. Well their ‘needs’ are more expensive as they entered teens years. *sigh* How was YOUR Easter? _____________________________________ ⠀ Search ➡️ #WhyNotMomMeme for more fun parenting memes! ⠀ Visit us today at https://whynotmom.com 🛍 ⠀ #motherhoodthroughinstagram #motherhoodthroughig #raisingtweens #raisingteens #mompreneur #love #uniteinmotherhood #letthembelittle #momswithcameras #parenting #easter #happyeaster #easterbunny #happyeaster🐰 #fashionableeaster #happyeastereveryone #happyeastersunday #happyeaster🐣 #happyeasterday #easternshorewedding #happyeasterweekend #happyeasteryall #quarantinememes #easterbunnycame #easterbunnypicture #easterfunday #eastermemes (at Lafayette, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7m9L0HwI3/?igshid=1c3j74xv61usq
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Official college tours continued @yale #Parenting #RaisingTeens #CollegeTours #NewHaven #CT #YaleUniversity (at Yale University) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdo8xTAMJB7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#6 Post of 2021 TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ Sexual assault ⚠️ What is more important for you, as a parent? “I’d better never catch my child lying” Or “I hope my child is never too scared to tell me anything.” “My child knows if they ever try to sneak out of the house, they’ll be grounded for life.” Or “I hope if my child ever needs my help, they aren’t so scared of getting in trouble that they don’t call me.” “A parents job is to push their child to succeed.” Or “I hope my child knows I love them, regardless of their accomplishments and success.” Let’s think about this for a minute…. Your child sneaks out of the house one night. You catch them…. You are furious…. You ground them for a long time, expecting that will motivate them not to do it again. Because your child has now been socially excluded from friends for a while. They decide to risk it again (they’re already grounded for life so what do they have to lose?). A friend picks them up and they go to a party. The friend gets drunk and A. Passes out B. Drives your child home drunk. Continued in blog…… J. Milburn @responsive_parenting #responsiveparenting #jmilburn #raisingteens #consentculture #consentisnecessary #parentingteens #loveyourteen #drinkanddrive#honesty #buildingtrust #metoo #daterape #parenthood #grounded #sneakout #advice #parentlife #dadlife #trust https://www.instagram.com/responsive_parenting/p/CYZFhG9rLkW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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