bentosandbox · 1 year
Re: Hoshiguma's height, AFAICT you don't need to qualify it as a Chinese thing. Even in Western countries, 184cm makes you taller than the average man (170s range) and taller than over 99% of women (average is low 160s, standard deviation around 7). She's tall! (Though ig it's no comfort to also-tall people who want someone taller than them...)
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cerastes · 2 years
I've seen a couple of your IS2 clips have Reed chilling in the background, and I remember you mentioning her in passing as being useful. While I do love her she's usually pretty unremarkable in gameplay, so if you don't mind, may I ask what makes Reed your pick in IS2? Is it related to the hard-mode enemy stat buffs?
Oh no, she’s bad, I just pick her because I like her a lot lmao
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wyrmmaster · 2 years
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TEA is my favorite fight of the four. It's very tight and cinematic, with everything relevant to a mechanic pretty clear and visible (outside of unlocking the Codex so you can do the last phase properly).
It's got the best soundtrack as well, from Locus to the Primals versions of Brute Justice Mode and Rise having some phenomenal timings mechanics-wise like so:
(Should start at 9:10) The breakdown starts, then as the numbers for Wormhole Formation come out you get the "Sonic boom!" and it gets more intense for the mechanic itself, then as it wraps up and the stack + enumeration goes off into the Megaholy spam you get a super triumphant "Rise with me!" that always felt amazing after handling one of the roughest mechanics in the game (still!).
The transition with the Alxendertron transform going to the orchestral version of Moebius gives the whole last phase a really majestic feeling even as you're dealing with mechanics like Ordained Stillness where you're mashing escape then taking your hands off the keyboard or Ordained Motion where you spam jump as mechanics resolve around you. Watching your "bad future" self die to something to show you what check you have and reacting to it was a super nice touch.
The enrage itself as you sacrifice yourselves one by one and the clocks around you progressively slow down before they and time itself stops entirely if you fail is super cool, as well.
As far as swords I'm actually tempted to say the DSR one, but that might just be "oh god it's finally over" dopamine overriding my taste, lol.
I will say though, DSR clutched it out with the last two phases. Especially the transition into the final phase where he kills Estinien and Alphinaud as Susan Calloway goes off, into Alternative End shattering the screen.
Silence for a few seconds, then the Dragon King appears and the orchestral arrange of Revenge Twofold starts up
At about 2:40 there's a really nice choral bit where things slow down and it's set up to always be on one of the very last mechanics - Third Exaflare's Edge - and the ramp up starts as he does his next set of autos and goes into the final Akh Morn's Edge before enrage which felt super good.
All in all I'd say it's probably
TEA > DSR > UWU >>>>> UCoB
UCoB being a janky mess.
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
Thinking about the deception life, are you familiar with any of those tales of people who (claim to) fake their way into all sorts of glamorous jobs in their life? Become a naval surgeon just by cramming an anatomy book, that sort of thing. I thought you might glean inspiration from how the "you can be wildly successful if you tell lots of lies" stories can be wildly successful even when the story itself is one big lie — none of it ever really happened.
OH DEFINITELY it's my favourite kind of story. "Fake it till you make it" is a real thing.
It's just how Akira lives on the daily-- she has to pretend to be Jobs for her Crime Duties except she puts ALL her strength into being really good at pretending. it's quite scary.
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drmajalis · 1 year
Credence to the theory that Reed doesn't have an Irish accent because they're not trying to sound Taran
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Original post by @raisengen here: https://raisengen.tumblr.com/post/722738175574933504/to-everyone-who-pinned-all-their-hopes-on-reed
There is a lot of evidence for it in What the Firelight Casts itself. Multiple times it is brought up that Reed speaks "fluent Victorian." There is a flashback of Reed as a child wanting a storybook about the Steam Knights apparently to appear more Victorian. They mention speaking "both Taran and Victorian" etc.
I don't think this means Martha's voice direction was deliberate, like, she is basically just voicing Melina again, but that doesn't make this necessarily an invalid reading.
Would I have preferred if Reed had a very strong, noticeable Irish accent? Of course.
But what we got does at least have reason behind it, if not deliberate reason.
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silicacid · 1 year
do you know a good ra guide honestly i'm so lost and i haven't found a good guide yet🥺
post about current RA is tagged #fire within the sand in my blog, oltammefru posted the food spreadsheet , guide by raisengen , guide by shuttershocky , about outpost and sentry nodes by cerastes , no operator no brain guide , RA maps on twitter
reclamation algorithm is hard, its not new players friendly, u cant borrow ops so ur stuck with whoever u built, the tutorial sucks, but u also can do it by just trying it again and again. when u dont vibe anymore with the current run u can just leave it! the construct left in ur base and ur crude gold carried over to next run. u also would get construction points and research projects even if u do the no operator no brain guide to upgrade ur skill tree. u would get stronger over time and also more familiar with the maps. good luck!
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xenodile · 2 years
This might be a bit unprompted but I'd like to say thank you for sharing your WoL's story within the MSQ. I've been interested for a while in how people approach the problem of writing their characters in the communal space when the storyline of the MSQ is shared, and it feels to me like you've got a pretty good angle on it. It's nice to read it, thank you!
Thank you for saying so, I've been having a lot of fun writing these snippets and refreshing on the earlier parts of the game that get buried under the more memorable later sections.
To me, FFXIV is a narrative focused single player RPG, it just has the option to go online for specific gameplay sections, and everyone's version of the MSQ is slightly different. The Warrior of Light is a very malleable character and everyone is going to have different opinion of how they react to any given situation, character, action, etc. Whether you self-insert or just create a character you think would be interesting, the WoL is The Protagonist You Want To See in the story.
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imaencuru · 2 years
Maybe late but 23, 25, 26 for the ask meme?
23. Favourite character artist: Namie and NoriZC, Ryuzakiichi's birb work is great too
25. Homescreen OP: Silence since forever
26. Operator you would trust your life with: Ptilopsis definitely, but branching out from Rhine fam... Nearl. Can't go wrong with a knight in shining armour
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wisteriafield · 4 years
Did you ever play the original Divinity Original Sin? I just finished that one and was wondering if you had an idea for how it compares to the sequel. I enjoyed it for sure, but it felt like there was hopeful room for improvement/polish.
I played it briefly on the PS4 since my brother got that one first, this won’t be particularly organized but
I enjoy that there’s more interaction between the Source Hunters (and that they get more spoken dialogue as player avatars compared to the player’s character as an avatar in the sequel). My sis and I had a really fun time being unrepentant dicks but in DOS2 everything’s so grim and depressing in comparison that screwing people over isn’t as funny
The more whimsical and fantastic tone of DOS1 borders on pachiste is closer to Larian’s original game, Divine Divinity which I played many many years ago and still fondly remember
Debuffs in DOS1 vs DOS2 is a matter of variability vs consistency. While it can be frustrating getting hit by debuffs when you really don’t want it, DOS2′s armor system is probably the single most contentious point on an otherwise perfect game, but there are also a plethora of mods that rigorously balance it, while DOS1′s modding scene isn’t nearly as large
In DOS2 you can’t really run half physical/magical parties due to phys/mag armor being separate... and the HP bar that actually matters since once one of them is down you can stunlock enemies to oblivion (and they can do the same to you)
I found earlygame a lot more confusing in DOS1 because encounters are really tough and its not as apparent where you can go to get non-combat EXP, Cyseal is a lot more open right from the start than Fort Joy is
Melee is overpowered in DOS2, but melee in DOS1′s earlygame feels horrendously ineffectual, one could say this is due to getting access to teleport skills (Phoenix Dive, Cloak and Dagger, Tactical Retreat) as early as level 4 in DOS2, and the way damage increases exponentially per level when you get Warfare levels (not to mention two-handed levels’ bonus crit damage). In DOS2 accuracy is considerably less of an issue as well
Character building in DOS2 is a lot more condensed and straightforward, not having as many stats and skill sections to worry about
Persuasion in DOS1 is lal, in DOS2 its more like fallout/knights of the old republic
Money is a lot harder to come by in DOS1 so having a dedicated thief is more or less mandatory for the early game (and they don’t have a legit way of raising money like DOS2′s herb gardens gift bag add-on, as far as farming drudanae is legit anyways)
DOS1 feels more like a fun romp and DOS2 has a very thematically sound narrative about “power”
I don’t know about DOS1, but enemies in DOS2 tend to have decent elemental resistances which is another reason why melee is overpowered
Lone Wolf in DOS2 will only work with a party of 2 at max, while I like that you could technically run a party of 3 in DOS1 with one person having LW. Duo Lone Wolf is a good way to start to get acclimated to the way they changed AP economy between DOS1 and 2 (default 4AP, all attacks cost 2, get more movement per AP now)
I’m gonna get DOS1 on pc at some point bc its only 10GB compared to DOS2′s 60GB and probably is less cpu intensive, so I can finish it properly at least once, but to me it felt more like a proof of concept that was realized to full through DOS2
if you do get DOS2, lemme know because there’s a few mods I feel are mandatory for the best experience
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raisengen replied to your post: What is the queen of sheba supposed to be, animal...
IIRC it’s explicitly not any specific animal. “I have djinn heritage, so I can have animal ears AND horns just because.”
well, fuck, didn’t she really hit the animal ear genetic lotto
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tainbocuailnge · 6 years
raisengen replied to your post “the ‘anyway i love cu chulainn’ tag started cause i was trying not to...”
What happened to the left one?
she’s not really into anime anymore but @theleftnippleofarcher is still alive and arguably well
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raisengen · 4 years
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Should’ve probably posted this earlier.
Friend list is open, come get your free clues
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cerastes · 2 years
Surprise Paradise Killer stream? Nani the hell, I picked the wrong night to fix my sleep schedule... did the VOD at least survive censorship this time?
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It Is With A Heavy Heart that I must announce that the last VOD for Paradise Killer is in fact muted, so the truth stays with me, Soulkius, and the other 1256 souls that witnessed WHODUNIT.
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wyrmmaster · 2 years
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The Weapon's Refrain took about 300 pulls, Unending Coil of Bahamut about 500. It was the expac after they released, so they were still harder than Savage but significantly easier than the other two Ultimates and that makes the numbers look a little low.
The Epic of Alexander was around 1500.
Dragonsong's Reprise is sitting at 1656 currently and with how close we are to a clear it might be around 1750-1800.
Ultimates are so long and so demanding that after you reach later phases and it starts pushing 12 minutes+ just to get there you have a shitload of wipes that don't contain any meaningful prog, though. For DSR I can tell you I've done the first Thordan phase 1656 times but I've seen Double Dragons 12 minutes later about 20. I've seen Dragon King Thordan like twice and that's 15 minutes in with another 3 to go for final enrage.
It can be. Really draining and they tend to eviscerate raid groups, but god damn is it satisfying when you get the clear.
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
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@ryo-maybe when i first heard of the news i was like hah this must be the académie française, those old schnocks, they're at it again with their new terms that no one will ever use. and then i saw it's from the journal officiel. which means it's from the government. and i stopped laughing.
@raisengen the usage of "stream" too. what could it be?? "diffusion en direct"?? i think it's a good loanword and we shouldn't achieve such a level of language purity. but no. you gotta jouer-animer en direct on your chaîne de jeu-animation en direct as a joueur-animateur en direct, i guess!
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cerastes · 2 years
Thanks for fielding all these Armored Core questions. I know you're happy to do this sort of thing, but I'm also happy you're there to do it too, you know? Also, I'm a PvP veteran of precisely nothing, but I'm down to get clowned on when 6 releases. I want to see what your years of experience look like.
In the idyllic release of Armored Core 6 that exists in my mind, and it seems more likely than not from what the vibe of the trailer, it's gonna be 4/For Answer style rather than 5/Verdict Day style, which is a huge plus, and if that is the case, then it'd be my rabid joy to showcase my experience, though with each new game, comes a period of adjusting to its speed and flow.
I really want it to click nigh-instantly, but I wouldn't mind exploring the child-like wonder of learning a new Armored Core, the way it went from the jump from the 3 games to the 4 games, you know? Lots of changes! I want to see gameplay footage already to start forming opinions. I want them to be spicy and keep the breakneck 4/FA speed instead of the slower 5 speed, personally.
And yeah I'm always very happy to talk about Armored Core. My favorite games throughout a lot of years along Metal Gear, Castlevania, Forbidden Siren and Baroque.
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