#raine gets wet for hawks
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doublerainebow · 1 year ago
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My hubsbandos sharing similar energies
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shivunin · 2 years ago
How boy time to throw questions at my loooove.
For Maria: ✍ ⚡
For Emma: ♬
For Wen: ❤
Well hello love! 💗Thank you for the questions c:
(Headcanon Meme)
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
Maria has very fancy, curly handwriting. She developed it that way so Carver would have a harder time stealing and reading her journal, but she kept writing in her ornate way even after she developed a cipher so he really wouldn't be able to read it. By now, it's a habit, but it comes in handy after she gets a lot of money and has to exchange notes and invitations with the rich folk.
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
Storms keep Maria up, but she enjoys them. If she can, she'll sit outside under an overhang and watch the lightning flash. I wouldn't say they calm her, but she definitely isn't afraid of them.
(One time, a storm started after she and Fenris had already gone to bed for the night. She climbed out of bed and went downstairs in her nightgown and he followed her, of course. They watched the rain for the better part of an hour, holding onto each other, and eventually she convinced him to dance with her to the sound of the falling rain.)
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
Emma has a lovely, husky singing voice. She doesn't sing super often---she prefers to hum, because humming frees up her mind to think of something other than lyrics---but whenever she does, it's beautiful.
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
Okay, so I answered the first part here, but I just realized I got so caught up in answering it accurately that I skipped the second part entirely D: So, for the second part of the question:
Pre-game, I think Wen would have thought the entire idea of a "perfect" someone was both absurd and clearly made up. Why should she need another person? Look what became of her father after her mother died. Why would she ever want to feel or act like that? The only people she really wants to be around at all are both her cousins, and whatever distant attraction she's felt to others in the alienage is surely not strong or interesting enough to pursue (if it can be called attraction at all, and not just idle interest).
Zevran changes her mind on many counts (she understands her father a lot better, for one), but honestly I think her own perception of romantic attraction never changes much. She is romantically attracted to him and him alone; sexual interest in anyone else is very dim unless it also involves Zevran in some capacity (in part because sex, to her, feels vulnerable in a way she's not interested in sharing with anyone else unless the one she trusts best is there).
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veenxys · 1 year ago
「Gentlemanly gestures BNHA Boys would do for you」
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⤷ Bakugou
he always opens the doors for you: sometimes you are walking hand in hand or arms intertwined and it always leaves you a little confused when he leaves he takes his hand from yours only to walk a little faster towards the door and open it for you. you. he also always gets out of the car first just to open your door. it's become such a common habit for him that he only realizes what he's doing when you thank him or tease him about it. he smiles nonchalant, but with a warm heart.
⤷ Deku he always walks outside on the sidewalk: it's a way of protecting you that he does without even thinking. he likes to wrap his arm around your shoulder or waist, always pulling you close. he is also careful with puddles or anything that could get your clothes dirty; he cares about you so much that he would do anything just to protect you.
⤷ Kirishima he always carries the umbrella for you and always takes you home, no matter what; he loves walking with you and loves taking you home, both to ensure your safety and because he wants to spend more time with you. and, whenever it's raining, he takes great care so that you don't get wet or dirty; then he pulls you close and you intertwine your arm with his as he holds the umbrella for you.
⤷ Todoroki he always gives you flowers: it's become a routine for him to go to the flower shop every friday and buy you a bouquet of flowers - and also leaving a cute note that leaves you smiling every time. the flower shop employees have even become familiar with him, finding it strange when he doesn't come at the usual time. they also always leave the most beautiful bouquets reserved for him because they know him and know that he is a loyal customer; and that couldn't make him - and you - happier.
⤷ Denki he always offers you his seat (or invites you to sit on his lap); the moment he sees you standing or without a place to sit, he gets up and offers you to sit in his seat. he gently pulls out the chair for you and, when you sit down, he gives you a kiss on the top of your head and on your temple, making you feel at ease and comfortable there.
⤷ Tamaki he always turns off his cell phone when you two are together; he wants to have complete focus on you, paying attention to everything you have to say, your mannerisms, your jokes, your expressions, etc. he wants to be fully present there with you, enjoying every second by your side, which, for him, is very precious.
⤷ Shinsou he always gives you his jacket: at the slightest sign of cold, he takes off his own jacket and puts it on your shoulders with the intention of keeping you warm - sometimes you don't even want to or you're not feeling cold, but you'll break his heart if you refuse his jacket. he also places the jacket over your legs when you're sitting in a skirt or dress so you're not uncomfortable.
⤷ Hawks he always carries your bag or backpack; you don't even need to say anything, he just gently takes it from you and carries it to you everywhere. sometimes he jokes about you buying a bag that matches his clothes or something because he always carries it for you. he never complains about it though, in fact, he loves doing little things for you.
⤷ Dabi
he always puts you first, regardless of everything; it takes him a while to come up with the mindset of 'you before him' but once he does, there's no going back. he always puts your needs, desires and wishes before his because he loves to see you happy. it’s as if your joy was his joy. he doesn't feel bad doing it, quite the contrary, he loves you and would give you the world if you asked.
⤷ Shigaraki
he always gives you the last bit of what he is eating or drinking; It's an act of kindness and care that he shows towards you that always makes you happy. he wants to share with you what he likes, and he wants you to enjoy it as much as he does. sometimes you don't want to, and he just looks at you seriously for a few seconds before raising his eyebrow as if asking “are you sure? are you absolutely sure?” and when you agree, he sighs and finishes eating - but deep down he wanted you to eat.
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black-aurora-nora · 1 year ago
Give In | Platonic!Yandere!Hawks x Teen!Reader
This had to be the worst day of your life.
You didn't think anything would top being kidnapped, but here you were sunken into the couch of your 'home' weighed down by your own dejection.
Your entire body was cold.
Wet, muddied clothes clung to your body and there was an obvious trail coming from the door to the couch.
Everything was numb.
Your fingertips, your toes, your mind.
The sound of the door opening paused your inner monologue.
"Man, that rain is no joke today! I'm soaked!" Hawks' voice came from the front door, but you didn't bother looking at him.
He strolled over to you after taking his shoes off, but again you paid him no mind. You couldn't bear the sight of him.
He stilled for a moment, looking you over while a frown overtook his features, "(Y/N), my sweet little sister, did you go outside?" His voice was so soft yet unbearably sarcastic. He knew the answer.
He hummed unhappily when he received no reply, "You're gonna get sick if you sit in those wet clothes any longer. I'll go draw you a bat-"
"Yeah, I hope I get so sick that I die." You spat. But even that held no real emotion behind it. You couldn't even bring yourself to be angry at him.
You'd been angry at first.
You'd spent so long trying to figure out an escape plan, only to find the door unlocked when you didn't find a key. Then you anxiously ran out into the rain, screaming for help and looking for any other houses or even streets.
For miles, you ran.
For miles, you hoped and prayed that today was the day you'd be free again.
But as if your prayers were nothing but a joke, you found a tall wall at the end of your journey and it suddenly made sense why the door was left unlocked.
The image of Keigo laughing at you was the first thing that flashed in your mind and you felt something snap in your psyche.
You grabbed at the muddied ground, throwing clumps of mud and grass into the wall as if it were mocking you. Curses of Keigo's name left your mouth with fiery breaths and when the clumps of mud weren't enough, you hit and clawed at the walls.
It hadn't mattered that your fingers were bleeding or that a few nails were gone.
Nothing mattered anymore.
Nothing mattered except for Keigo.
"Okay, grumpy, you still have to take a bath."
You clenched your fists and took a deep breath, "Why didn't you tell me about the wall?"
Keigo stopped, turning back towards you. He had a cocky glint in his eyes, "Did you really think I was gonna let you go that easily? Or that someone wouldn’t find you and return you?”
"Why..." You trailed off, "Why did you let me think that I had a chance? I... I ran for miles... thinking I was free..."
A sound of pity left Keigo and you wished you could slap him, "(Y/N), you're a smart kid. I'm your older, smarter brother." You wanted to scoff at his ego, "Why wouldn't I or the Heroes' Commission plan ahead?"
Why wouldn't they plan ahead?
You felt so stupid.
Of course everything had been planned.
Your prior kidnapping from your home.
Your shipment to Japan.
And your 'rescue' accomplished by Hawks himself.
It was so obvious now that all of that had been an orchestrated to get you into Keigo's possession.
You were a business plan.
Something to keep Keigo occupied from losing his sanity.
"Y-... You're all sick... you're all fucking sick!" Your chest hurt and you clawed at your heart with mangled fingers.
"(Y/N), focus on your breathing for me." Keigo told you, ignoring your spiraling. When you couldn't calm down, he stalked towards you, "(Y/N), I said focus! Slow your breathing."
Violent sobs tore your throat.
Everything had been taken from you just so you could play house with some hero.
Keigo cooed softly and closed the gap between you to hold you close and slide you down to the floor, telling you to slow your breathing.
He uttered praises to you when you finally listened and slowly but surely, your breathing was dissolved into quiet sobs and sniffles.
He stroked the top of your head before grabbing one of your hands to look at your fingers. He gave a small sigh when noticed how bloodied and swollen they were. They were probably riddled with fractures and would surely bruise.
“Maybe,” he spoke, “If you’d let go…this whole thing would be easier.”
“I… I’m gonna go take a bath now…” Your voice was hoarse, grated raw from your sobs and you stood on wobbly legs to make your way to the bathroom.
Keigo only smiled reassuringly and before you closed the door, he spoke one more time, “I love you so much, (Y/N). Please don’t forget that.”
But how could you?
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hawnks · 1 year ago
Word count: ~2,800
warnings: a/b/o typical sexism, abuse of authority (from side character), mention of leg injury
He brings the storm with him.
You learn him in whispers, along with a bevy of myth and rumor. He drifted here from the East. His clothing has been mended at least a dozen times, but his shoes are sturdy, expertly crafted. He makes no noise when he walks — hardly any noise at all. Rōnin, not samurai. And you can’t trust a man with no honor.
He killed his old master, I heard.
No, he was exiled.
Maybe he killed his master because he was exiled.
“He’ll be gone tomorrow once the rain lets up,” the innkeeper says, cutting off all further speculation. “Now, mind your work, not the guests.”
Beside you, someone grouses, “He chose a funny season to wander, if he’s afraid of the weather.”
The rain does not let up.
It puts everyone in a sour mood. The streets turn viscous and tacky, the air brutally cool. You draw the short straw, sent to fetch the days meat in the early morning, a long trek to the fishmonger that leaves you drenched down to your underwear.
It takes twice as long as usual — you lose your sandal a few times in the muck — and when you arrive the stand is vacant. The old man had come down with pneumonia.
Frustrated, you take the long way home. They can wait for the bad news, and you’re so soaked a few extra minutes won’t make any difference. You catch the eye of a few of the daimyō’s men, leering at you from beneath awnings, snickering as you walk by.
“Wanna hear a joke about wet omegas?” one of them calls to you.
You grit your teeth and keep walking.
You deliver the news about the fish to the innkeeper at the door to her room, so you can dart out again before she has a chance to say anything. God forbid she sends you out on another errand.
Soaking, furious, you change into your uniform, and begin your shift at the tavern.
The work is tedious, but decently lucrative. You like to talk to travelers, learn what’s happening beyond the boundaries of your town. It’s hard to put into words what you get out of this, hoarding information like you’re starved for it. Maybe the sheer notion that there is someplace else. That this town and its people are not the only things in the world.
The comfort of knowing away is still possible.
You expect to ask the rōnin the same, starry eyed questions, regardless of how the other server is avoiding him. It might even be enough to salvage this shitty morning.
But you don’t get a chance to ask him where he’s from, what he’s seen. You open your mouth to say something, and choke on air thick with the scent of wisteria.
He meets your gaze.
He won’t look away.
Your wet hair drips on his table.
You can’t feel your fingertips.
Shoving yourself away from the table so hard it rattles against the floor, you excuse yourself in a mumbled tumult. You recruit the other server to take over your tables for the rest of the morning. You must look as awful as you feel, because she doesn’t even question it as you retreat back to your room, throw yourself under the quilt. Close your eyes and pray for your heart to settle.
The one thing the gossip didn’t prepare you for — an alpha.
Another day of storms. Another morning you draw the short straw.
Another day you limp home through the mud, empty handed.
The soldiers don’t leer today. Instead, the daimyō is waiting for you. It feels like he’s always waiting for you, that he could swoop in any moment, as quick and ruthless as a hawk.
He’s said he could follow your scent straight to you, no matter where you’re hiding. Sometimes you believe it.
He’s leaning against a wall under an awning, but you know the casual stance is deceptive. He can be fast when he wants to be.
He calls your name, an inferred order to come.
You pretend you didn’t hear, keep walking.
He’s standing straight now arms at his side. Ready. Your insides feel leaden. It takes all your willpower to keep moving forward. To disregard an alpha is one, painful thing. To disregard the daimyō is simple insanity.
Water blurs your vision. You can’t tell from the corner of your eye what expression he’s making. Sometimes he finds your insolence humorous.
Sometimes not.
Just a dozen feet further and you’ll be at the bend in the road.
“You should greet me,” he says. Quiet, but you’re so hyper-vigilant, there’s no way you could miss it.
“Good morning, My Lord,” you whisper to your feet.
He doesn’t step out into the rain, but his voice follows you around the corner. Teasing, condescending. “That’s a good omega.”
He could kill you for your bad manners. A servant, ignoring their lord. No one would question it, no one would dispute it.
But then — he would be killing the only omega in the whole town.
As much as he resents your disobedience, he would resent the loss of you even more. An alpha must have an omega, he told you. That is his right.
Chin tucked and scurrying, you don’t realize you’re on a collision course until you’ve already run into the man. The impact sends you tumbling to the ground.
Through the buffer of the downpour, it takes you a minute to recognize him. His scent.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he says. “I apologize.”
He bends to offer you a hand up. You just stare at his outstretched palm. Silent. Reeling.
You wait for him to give an order. Demand you take his hand, or that you come to stand on your feeble legs all on your own. It’s simply an alphas nature to wield their power like a cudgel, to bend everything and everyone to their will.
And now you have two of them to deal with.
Another moment of stillness. Your breath steams. Your pulse drowns out all other sounds.
He kneels.
Like this, on the same level, you can see the color of his eyes. So perfectly brown they’re almost black.
“Are you alright?” he says.
His voice is staid and calm. Not demanding. Not cruel. It — confuses you. You don’t understand what he wants from you.
You rise to your knees, shoving him with all your strength. He doesn’t budge. He remains solid and upright beneath your hands. You can feel the muscle, the innate strength. He’s warm, beneath the wet clothes. So incredibly warm.
You wonder if he could soothe your chill. You wonder if the touch of his bare skin would burn.
With a gasp, you tear away, appalled and mystified by your own reaction.
He stays kneeling as you rise and step away. He stays as you rush home, the scent of wisteria heavy in your lungs.
The innkeeper is displeased with your performance, of late. She gives you a stern warning that you shouldn’t let your “licentious nature” interfere with work.
“I don’t know why I agreed to take an omega on,” she sighs. “Not like you’ll be around for much longer, anyway.”
You wince. “Am I fired?”
The old woman laughs. “No, no. Not yet, anyway.” She waves at you, a full body gesture. A reference to the omega in you. “You’ll be wed to His Lordship soon, anyway. You won’t have to worry about the toil of work anymore.”
You excuse yourself shortly after.
The days are a monotony. Even the fear is so commonplace you lose track of it. The daimyō grows impatient with you. He calls to you from the shelter of the awning, each time a little bolder, a little less demure about his intentions.
“You know, I have a bad habit of breaking my things when I get bored of them,” he tells you. “I wonder what other tricks you have to keep me entertained.”
You hang your clothes to dry every evening, and the drip becomes a steady cadence, like the ticking of a clock.
This is your life.
The rain.
The rain.
The rain.
The decree is issued that afternoon. Marriage.
You’re to report to the royal estate before sundown, along with everything you own. You will not be coming back.
You pack your bag; you take the road out of town. With the city at your back, you’ll have to pass through the outskirt woods. Then across the river, a dangerous gambit when the water is this high, but that just means you won’t be followed.
You can’t imagine the consequences if they catch you.
The path grows looser the further you go, the mud deep, silt as slick as ice. Arduous and exhausting. And dangerous, too.
You don’t realize your footing is off until it’s too late. You slip, land badly. You cry out before you can stop yourself.
You struggle to your knees, get one of your legs beneath you. A shock of pain has you tumbling down again.
You can’t stand. You can’t run.
Just moments after you fall, a shadow overtakes you. And a man, looming, familiar, crouches before you.
“I heard your voice,” he says. “Can you walk?”
You shake your head, timid, overwhelmed.
“Pardon me,” he says, before hefting you up into his arms.
The ease he does it with is startling. An alpha’s superior strength.
He brings you to a small hunting cabin. Clearly abandoned, but decent enough. It’s dry, and a small fire is going in the hearth.
There’s no furniture except for a rudimentary pallet, which he sets you down on.
“May I?” he asks, hands hovering above your stockinged leg.
He takes your silence as answer enough, unrolling the material gradually, trying not to disturb your injury. He inspects it briefly, pressing carefully. You wince, he stops.
He reaches for his bag, retrieving a small tin. “Your ankle is sprained,” he tells you. “You should return to town in the morning.”
“I need to leave,” you return absently. “I have to get past the bridge.”
He frowns.
“The bridge has collapsed. The river is impassable.” He had tried to leave that morning, only to face the same dilemma. He considers you leg. “Besides, you won’t make it very far.”
The reality of your situation dawns on you, a slow tide of dread.
You missed your chance. You’ve lost your only opportunity at freedom.
You yank out of his grasp, dragging yourself across the floor, to the corner on the far side of the cabin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you—“
“No. No.” You gnash your teeth at him, feeling wild with fear, unable to see past the dark curtain of it. “I have to go. I can’t be trapped in here with you.”
He raises a hand, a placating gesture, but all you see is motion, canting toward you. An alpha. A threat.
You grab whatever is closest. You throw it at him.
The stick doesn’t even hit him, but that doesn’t stop you. You throw everything within reach.
He just waits for you to give up, but soon enough he realizes how stubborn you can be.
“Enough,” he says. His voice fills the shack, not loud, but indomitable. The undeniable command of an alpha. “I’m not going to hurt you. I would appreciate if you would offer me the same courtesy.”
You drop the stone you were going to hurl at him, suddenly incapable of aggression. You feel — groggy, but less terrified now. Very nearly calm.
His pheromones, you realize.
The notion that he’s using them on you should incense you, but you can’t muster it. You close your eyes, exhausted.
Eventually, after long minutes of tepid silence, he murmurs, “I was here first, you are aware of that, right?” His tone is almost — sullen.
And for some reason, that very human show of petulance is enough to thaw you.
You laugh.
You can’t stop. You laugh so hard it’s hardly laughter anymore. It’s so intense it makes your ribs hurt, brings tears to your eyes.
It feels like the first time you’ve been able to think clearly in weeks.
When you finally calm to a few soft hiccups, you lay down and throw your arms out. Passive.
“Alright, swordsman,” you say, “Fix me.”
He’s slow to approach you, cautious of another rock coming at him. But you remain still.
His touch is gentle, so soft it’s like he’s barely handling you at all. He retrieves the tin of salve you kicked out of his hand, and begins to apply it. It’s cool, slightly astringent. Beneath that, the scent of wisteria.
His fingers are just as warm as the rest of him.
It’s over before you can get used to the sensation of him touching you. He pulls away, returns the tin to his bag. “That will help with the swelling. You should still avoid putting weight on it until it heals.”
“Thank you,” you force yourself to say.
You think you hear him chuckle.
Night blooms, full and dark.
Despite your anxiousness, the waiting has grown tedious. Unbearably so.
“Is there anything in that bag to alleviate boredom?”
He glances at you for a moment. Hesitating.
Finally he reaches inside, pulls out a small binding. He passes it to you.
A book of poems. You recognize the shape of the sentences, some of the words. You wonder what use a swordsman has for literature, but the swordsman is full of surprises evidently.
Th pages are worn, the edges soft from thumbing.
“I can’t read,” you say. You look at him. Expectantly.
You hold the book out. He takes it, slowly, gingerly.
He reads.
He’s not much of a performer, although you didn’t expect him to be. It’s clear he’s not used to reading aloud, but he knows these passages well. He’s tone is even, with little inflection. The words come out perfectly paced.
They’re love poems. Not flowery or decadent, but earnest, gentle.
It seems at odds with what you know of him, what you’ve assumed from his status, both as a rōnin and an alpha. You’re not sure what to make of him anymore, how to reconcile the image you built of him in your head and everything you’ve witnessed here.
His swords are leaned against the wall beside him, sure proof of a history of violence.
The question comes, unbidden. “Have you ever killed someone?”
He pauses, glances at you. He searches your face for something, the fear that should accompany those words. But your expression is blank.
Silence, fraught with the tense memory of how you ended up here. What were you running from? Why? He must understand, to some extent. No one reaches desperation without pretext.
“Yes,” he says, simply.
“If I asked you to kill someone,” you murmur. “If I paid you…”
The implication feels enormous within the tight confines of the cabin.
“I don’t believe that’s what you want.”
“What do I want?”
“To not be put in a position where you have to make that kind of decision.”
That makes something in your chest feel tight, on the verge of snapping. Another thing you can’t wrap your head around. Another emotion you can’t name. Uncomfortable, but not frightening. Not like before.
You feel displaced, unmoored.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
“I’m not being nice,” he says. “You need help. I’m in a position to provide it.”
And that seems wrong to you. Just because someone has the means doesn’t mean they’ll offer them, certainly not freely. Especially not when someone is a such a burden.
“I’ve never met an alpha who’s kind to an omega just for the sake of it,” you say despite his denial.
He mulls that over for a moment, head cocked as he decides how to respond.
“I didn’t know you were an omega until tonight,” he says, quietly. “I had my suspicions, but…”
“Were my bountiful charms not enough to tip you off?” You snort at his blank expression, too polite to disrespect you with an answer. “Why now?”
“Your scent. It’s…subtle. Easy to miss, especially under these circumstances.”
“What do I smell like?”
He smiles, for the first time since you met him. It softens his severe features, makes him look younger. Less world-weary. “You smell like rain.”
He continues reading as the sky continues to churn, until you can hardly keep your eyes open, just barely holding on to the soft thread of words.
“Sleep,” he says gently. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Despite yourself, you believe him.
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year ago
“no, it’s okay, you don’t have to leave - i don’t mind changing in front of you.” With Hawks please!
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Pairing: Hawks x f!Reader
Part of this little prompt game I'm doing for the day (perhaps the week), come join!
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Your ideal date with Keigo fell into pieces the moment rain started falling onto the ground. Your date was going fine until you felt the water droplets on your skin, forcing you to run to shelter. You end up back at Keigo’s apartment, completely drenched. 
“Next time we have to do a better job at checking the weather.” He chuckles as he hands you a towel. You would be laughing along with him if your outfit wasn’t completely ruined. You take the towel from him and dry yourself off.
“Do you have anything I can wear?” You ask, hoping that he does. It’s too early in your relationship for you to have clothes in his place, but you pray that he has something. You absolutely hate the feeling of wet clothes on your skin.
“I’ll check.” He says before walking away, leaving you in the living room. You begin to shiver, the wet clothes making your situation worse. You look out for him, getting impatient. He finally appears, wearing some dry clothes as he brings out some oversized clothes that certainly aren’t your style– But you don’t care. “I’m sure these will work.”
“Thank you.” You take the clothes from his hands, putting them down on the couch before you lift up your shirt. You begin to get dressed without a shame, and the cold that once threatened his body goes away as his cheeks get warm. He doesn’t waste a second before turning around, about to leave to give you some privacy. 
Is he seriously nervous? He’s seen much more before… But not from you. He shouldn’t feel embarrassed at all. In situations like these he’s usually confident. He clears his throat before telling you, “I’ll be in my bedroom, call out my name when you’re finished.”
“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to leave– I don’t mind changing in front of you.” You mutter out, and you realize just how imprudent it sounds. You feel your face get hot as you hurry up and finish getting changed. You hear him chuckle, but he still remains turned around. “I’m finished, you can look now.”
“What do you want to do now?” He asks, feeling a little awkward after what just happened. It’ll go away in an instant though, he’s sure. 
“How about a movie?” You respond, and he nods in response. 
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terrarain · 2 years ago
seasons of love
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characters: todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, takami keigo
summary: four seasons, four guys. different drabbles based on the season.
notes: reader's pronouns unspecified, swearing, it's entirely fluff! mentions of a reader with a pollen allergy in keigo's, some possessiveness in bakugou's for like one line, ticklish reader in shinsou's
word count: 4.5k
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ˏˋ°•*⁀☂️ spring; takami keigo
Keigo didn't see much appeal in the rainy showers that May would bring. The rain had an unpleasant tendency to wash away traces of villain activity; it was a criminal's best friend. Activity in the streets were always lower when it was raining. People weren't as alert.
So he doesn't really get it when you're tugging at his sleeve with a cute pout that. As he stares at your jutted out lip, he has the oddest desire to bite it.
"Please. It'll be fun."
"Alright, consider me convinced, birdie."
All you had to do was say please with wide eyes and pouty lips and he was done for. Keigo's sure that Miruko would laugh her ass off at how easily Keigo acquiesced to all of your requests. Good thing for him, then, that the rabbit hero was nowhere to be seen.
And so that's the explanation behind why Keigo, the number two hero Hawks who was currently on a break, is currently walking next to you. In one hand, he's holding a well-loved umbrella and his other hand...
Golden eyes linger on the free hand at your side, swinging forward and back as you practically skip along the rain-washed sidewalk.
The hand that's not holding the umbrella twitches.
"You really like the rain."
"It's the best part about spring."
The beaming smile that you send his way makes Keigo feel all melty inside with affection. A part of him is glad that his wings have been reduced to just a few feathers at the moment. He has a feeling that, if his wings had been full, they'd be puffing up an embarrassing amount right about now.
He cocks his head to the side slightly. "Not the flowers?"
"The flowers are nice, too. But they make my allergies act up and those aren't much fun."
Keigo recalls memories of you in past springs, nose all runny and red, eyes slightly teary.
"But you're cute when you're sniffling," he teases, trying for a flirty smile. You just roll your eyes playfully.
"You won't be saying that when I'm constantly blowing snot into tissues."
You'd still be cute in his eyes. He's seen you a snotty mess before, when you got sick one time, and Keigo couldn't help but think that you looked stunning.
"You look beautiful all the time."
"Yeah, yeah, you flirt," you laugh, unconvinced.
Shit, he thinks distantly. I'm down real bad.
Keigo hadn't been saying that just to flatter you. He really did think that you were the most beautiful person he's ever laid eyes upon. Anybody who said otherwise was just wrong. They'd have to be blind to not recognize your beauty.
"Seriously," he insists. A flush takes over your cheeks, faint but still there. Keigo smiles to himself.
"Anyways," you fluster, walking a bit faster. He quickens his pace as well, careful to make sure that the umbrella that he was sharing with you was still covering you. He could feel his shoulder getting a little wet, but he didn't really care.
"So," Keigo drawls, one bushy brow raised. "Didja drag me out into the rain just so we could walk? I know I'm irresistible," an eyeroll from you, "...and that you want to spend more time with me, but we could just hang out at your apartment like usual."
"You're such a homebody," you muse. "Who knew that the flashy, number two winged hero Hawks is a shut-in."
"Hey," he says, not all that offended. "Your place s'real comfy."
And nobody expects anything of him when he's in the comfort of your well-lived in home. He's just Takami Keigo in private, cracking jokes and play-wrestling with you. Just another average joe who's hanging out with the love of his life a friend.
" 'sides," Keigo continues, looking over to you quickly. "I'm out here with you, aren't I? Even though I have no clue what you're up to."
"Oh, I never told you, huh?" you muse. The look in your eyes is playful, almost childlike.
"What schemes are you cooking up in that pretty little head of yours?" he questions, eyes slightly narrowed. He moves up a bit more to walk next to you when he sees a car approaching from behind. There's no puddles for the car to splash the two of you with, but better safe than sorry.
"You said that you've never played in the rain," is your non-answer.
Keigo does faintly recall telling you this. It had been a while ago, if he's remembering things correctly. You were working your magic in the kitchen while he was sitting at the counter as he watched when he had let this bit of information slip.
Ah, he realizes. "That's what all this fuss is about?"
"You're missing out," you insist when you hear his perplexed tone. "Right now, it's raining. And you're on break. So... now's a great time to take you out."
Keigo almost makes a joke about you taking him out in a different context — for a date.
The joke doesn't come. Instead, he just says: "Chickadee, I've flown through the rain. You're actin' like this is my first rodeo out in the rain."
You let out a little (cute) frustrated huff, eyes narrowing. Your arms cross as you speak. "Put the umbrella aside. We're going puddle jumping."
Keigo cocks a brow in questioning, "Uh, you sure? You'll get—"
"—wet?" you interrupt him as you bring the hood of your raincoat over your head. "That's what the coats are for."
"If you say so," he says, giving up easily enough as he brings the hood of his own raincoat up before closing the umbrella. Keigo really can't say no to you.
The two of you stand there under the rain. It's not particularly harsh, but it's definitely not a light drizzle, either. A scarlet red feather flies up to carry the umbrella that he sets to the side.
"So, what now, professor?" Keigo says, grinning. "Please do teach me about the joys of rainy weather."
"Gladly," you say as you offer him a hand. It only takes a nanosecond before his hand is in yours, his gaze expectant. The raindrops that fall onto the exposed skin are cool.
You tug at his hand, gentle, and he follows behind you like a lost puppy. Keigo finds himself feeling glad that there's nobody out at the moment — that there's nobody to disturb this moment between the two of you.
"Just gotta find..." you trail off, eyes scanning up ahead for something. Eventually, your aimless wandering becomes directed as you let out a small 'aha!'.
You're leading him towards a recently formed, sizeable puddle on the sidewalk.
"Are we going to—"
"Chickadee, we'll be soaked."
"Didn't take you to be such a party pooper," you tease, stopping right at the edge of the puddle as you look over to him.
Keigo gasps, offended. "Me? A party pooper? Why, I oughta—"
You don't wait for him to finish that sentence, jumping into the puddle in front of him with a lot more force than he thinks is necessary. The water comes up and out of reflex, his arms rise in a futile defense against the liquid.
"You were saying?"
"You are so cheeky," Keigo says fondly before he joins you in the puddle, jumping into the rainwater just as a child would.
He hears you let out a little squeal as water flies up towards you and Keigo grins, kicking some water at you as a form of payback.
"That's cold," you giggle, eyes bright.
"I said it'd be cold earlier while you were trying to drag me out," Keigo replies, letting you tug him out of the puddle as you begin searching for another puddle to jump into.
"Worth it," you declare.
He tilts his head curiously. "You're having that much fun?"
Your reply catches him off guard and he almost stumbles.
"It got you smiling again," you say easily, turning around a corner. Your face lights up when you see another untouched puddle. "Not one of those safe smiles. A smile smile."
"A smile smile," he echoes with vague amusement. His heart is fluttering and his cheeks are warming. Keigo, pointedly, does not acknowledge it. "Your descriptions could use some work."
"Oh, please, you get the point," you grin. "Now, come and help me ruin our jackets and boots more, yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah," Keigo says, joining you in your adventures into the puddle of water while he thinks,
Maybe the rain isn't all bad after all.
ˏˋ°•*⁀☀️ summer; todoroki shouto
"Thank you! Come back again!"
Shouto one perfectly-shaped brow slightly as he glances over to you. You're waving to the person leaving with a sunny smile. In the sky, the sun had already started lowering.
"Are you doing this again tomorrow?" he questions. The hand that's waving stills momentarily before dropping back down to the table of the stand he sat at with you.
You lick your lips. On the table, you're twisting your fingers - Shouto recognizes it as one of your nervous habits.
"Um... well, you don't have to, if you don't want to."
Shouto shifts, gaze briefly flickering over to the bucket of icecream surrounded in his ice. He repeats his question, slightly reworded this time.
"Do you want to do this again tomorrow?"
Your eyes, Shouto thinks as he returns your stare, are something that he could gaze at for hours upon hours on end.
"I do," you admit, lips upturned in a shy smile. "Are you... free tomorrow?"
Shouto's hums as he leans forward a little towards you, chin in the palm of his hand. The darkening of your cheeks makes the smile on his face grow a touch wider. "I am, indeed, free tomorrow. I presume you will be enlisting my assistance as a personal cooler again?"
The little laugh that slips through your lips is light and breathless as you nod. "Mmhm. Really, thanks again for this, Todoroki."
"It's no problem," he says, and it really isn't. Although the request had been an odd one, he didn't particularly mind.
The request in question had been related to ice cream carts - which, to his understanding, are portable stands that sell ice cream. You had told him that you'd wanted to run one - but didn't have the money to rent one out. Shouto had been on the verge of offering to rent one for you when you had eagerly tugged him over to a makeshift stand.
"So, I decided to make my own!" you had told him a few hours ago. Your previously eager smile had turned sheepish when you made a request. "But I don't really have anything to keep the ice cream cool in the heat, so I.. I was wondering if you would be willing to be a cooler? You'll get half of the money the stand makes!"
Shouto would've provided his assistance regardless of whether or not you were paying him. He had said as much, but you insisted on paying him anyways.
"You're really sure you don't have anything else to do?" you question, frowning in concern. "It can't be that fun for you, sitting around at a table in the heat for most of the day."
"The heat doesn't really affect me," he says smoothly, smiling warmly as he looks at you. "And I think it's quite enjoyable. You're very good company."
"Oh-" you clear your throat, all flushed cheeks and giddy smiles. "You're good company, too, Todoroki."
His lips downturn. "Shouto."
The look you send him can only be described as bewildered.
"Call me Shouto," he clarifies. "We are close enough for you to refer to me as such, no?"
He tilts his head when you stare at him with wide eyes.
"Then - you can call me by my given name, too," you say shyly. When he says your name out loud, you nod slightly. "That's me!"
You then shuffle a little, turning to reach for the bag of ice cream cones. He watches with rapt attention as you scrape out the last remaining bits of ice cream in the bucket and drop it onto the cone. He retracts the ice he had around the bucket, seeing as there was no ice cream left to keep cool.
"You should have it." you say after watching him. When he looks at you, you're holding the cone out for him.
Shouto shakes his head. "It's alright. You can have it."
"Shouto," you huff. "Really, you should have it instead. You've been entertaining my whims 'n whatnot the entire day, so.."
The usage of his name has him hesitating; he wonders if you'll say his name again if he keeps refusing. The small pout on your face discourages him from that, though, and he decides to opt for a compromise.
He leans in to take a bite of the ice cream in front of you. Vanilla melts a little on his tongue before he swallows the bite, the coolness of the treat lingering. When Shouto pulls back, he observes your flustered expression with some amusement.
"There," he says simply. "I've had my fill. You can have the rest."
You open your mouth to protest and he just raises a brow in a silent question. He seems to conveyed his message well, because you bring the cone to your lips and take a small bite as you look away from him. Shouto gently pokes at your flushed cheeks, eliciting a giggle.
The smile on his face is fond. Shouto doesn't really have a favourite season - he didn't see a reason to have a favourite.
But, as the sun sets in the distance, last few rays of sunlight framing you in a picturesque scene as you finish off the ice cream cone in your hand - Shouto thinks that if he had to pick one season as his favourite, it would be summer.
ˏˋ°•*⁀🍁 autumn; bakugou katsuki
Katsuki doesn't indulge people. He doesn't entertain their whims. He gives absolutely zero fucks about the desires of other people.
(A lie, sort of. Katsuki is just a little soft towards his closest friends and he lets himself get dragged into their antics sometimes. But he would never openly admit that.)
That's what he says. That's what he told you, more or less, when you had thrown his coat at him and pushed him out the door of the dormitory. Which he let you do because he's particularly soft towards you.
"Don't be such a stick in the mud," you tease him with a playful grin. His expressions sours even further, which earns him the action of you poking him in the forehead with one finger. "You'll get wrinkles early if you keep frowning so hard."
"Stuff it," he says heatedly as he swats your hand away. It's an action that he immediately regrets, but his body doesn't relax in the slightest.
You don't seem to mind, laughing good-naturedly, which pisses him the fuck off because you should mind. He treats you so roughly and it's unwarranted, he thinks. Katsuki knows that he's an asshole and he knows he's far from being a nice person.
You should be treated kindly. Should be hanging out with someone just as bright and sunny as you.
But at the same time, he doesn't want you to do that. It's an unreasonable possessiveness, he thinks, because you're not even his. You don't belong to anyone.
Katsuki has no idea why you still hang out with him.
You're all soft touches, kind smiles, playful quips — and he's rough around the edges. He's a horrible person and he's done fucked up shit in the past that he regrets so, so deeply and he doesn't get you. Or any of the things he feels for you.
You're more resilient than he would've ever thought — because while you were all soft and shit, you knew when to stand up for yourself and you never let yourself be pushed around. You're firm with him and handle yourself well around him. Something about you, terrifyingly enough, disarms him.
His classmates — friends, they call themselves — are also weirdly eager to be around him, just like you. They actively insert themselves into his life and include him in their playful banter.
But you hang out with him the most. Some people have commented on it, in the past. He had just replied to them with a dark glare.
"Alright, this is a good spot!"
Katsuki cocks his head to the side, brows still furrowed. "Hah? Whaddya mean?"
The two of you are standing in a fairly open space, a few ways away from the dormitories. It's a clear part of campus with several trees hanging overhead.
"Pretty, isn't it?" you say, not answering his question at all. Your gaze is directed upwards, so he follows. Golden yellows, crimson reds, vibrant oranges act as a natural ceiling. Bits of the blue sky are peeking through.
"The fuck we standing here for?" he asks, all gruff as he looks back at you.
In one smooth motion, you pull out two rakes and what the fuck.
"Where the hell were you hiding those?"
"Trade secret," is your playful response as you press a rake to his chest. He grabs it out of reflex more than anything. "Less questioning, more raking."
"Hah? What's this shit even for?"
There's a glint in your eyes as you reply.
"Raking leaves," you state the obvious and he rolls his eyes. "We're making leaf piles to jump in."
"That shit's for kids," he grumbles, unmoving as he watches you fly around the leaf-covered ground, starting up a small pile of multi-coloured leaves.
"You're basically just a big baby," you coo and his glare sharpen. You don't seem to react because you're somehow never affected. "So I don't see the problem."
"That's—" he flounders, eventually deciding on a snarl. "Listen up. I'm not fucking making fucking dumb piles of fucking leaves just so you can fucking jump into them."
"Is fuck the only swear you know?" you question. You're teasing him.
He glowers.
"This is unfortunate," you sigh dramatically. He watches you carefully as you pause, looking down at the pile of leaves at your feet with a forlorn expression. "I didn't think that the Bakugou Katsuki would be so terrified of a few leaves. Guess I need to go get someone stronger to help me out."
Katsuki knows that you're trying to get him to rake leaves. He knows that you're poking at his ego and it's ridiculous because there's absolutely no reason for him to get competitive over a few fuc- shitty leaves. It's dumb, really—
"Fuck you," he spits as he starts raking up a pile of his own at record pace. Katsuki misses the painfully soft smile on your face, more focused on making his pile bigger than yours.
For a few minutes, it's just the sound of two students romping around and the scraping of the steel rakes against the ground that fills the air. Eventually, Katsuki comes to a halt when there's no more leaves in the immediate vicinity. He considers going out further to get more leaves for his pile.
"Damn," you whistle and his chest swells a little in pride at your impressed voice. "That is a big pile of leaves. I surrender."
"Ha. Did you think you could beat me to begin with?"
You snort, hand wrapping around his wrist. He can feel the sweat forming on the palms of his hands and he thinks that, if the lightning dumbass was around, he'd be making so much fun of Katsuki for the sweaty hands.
Katsuki has a few swears lined up, but none of them manage to leave his mouth because you're tugging him along.
Straight towards his pile of leaves.
(He could probably plant his feet firmly in the ground, making all of your attempts at moving him around futile.)
(He doesn't.)
Katsuki is stumbling into the mountain of leaves along with you as you destroy all of his hard work with a jump.
He's a little worried that you'll hit your head against something and before he knows it, one of his hands are resting against the back of your head as the two of you lay down on the ground.
The smile on your face makes him feel all soft and gooey and shit inside.
"Look," you say, and he glances up at the sky briefly as per your request. "Isn't it beautiful?"
Leaves are fluttering down gently around the two of you, warm tones unique only to autumn painting the air. It really is a sight to behold, he thinks, as he looks at your content expression.
The leaves eventually settle and you take it as your cue to stand back up. Katsuki looks at the hand that had been previously cradling the back of your head before he stands up roughly a second after you.
There's a golden leaf in your hair.
Without thinking, he reaches out slowly to pluck the leaf from your hair in one, easy motion.
"You had a leaf in your hair," he grumbles, flicking it off to the side. "Dumbass."
"That's mean," you say, but the smile resting upon your face with darkened cheeks makes him feel like you aren't so offended. Katsuki thinks he likes the way you look when blushing. "Round two?"
"Your pile is still there," he huffs. "Whaddya mean by round two?"
"But it's small," you lament, gazing upon your small pile of leaves. It definitely pales in comparison to the tower of leaves that Katsuki had cooked up earlier. "It'll be a lot more fun if it's bigger. Let's collect all of the leaves up into one big pile."
"This is dumb," he says, lips turning upwards in a slight smile.
"But it's fun!" you beam.
"...Whatever," he breathes out, turning away brusquely to hide his growing smile.
Katsuki's chest feels warm as he shoves a small bunch of leaves into the growing leaf pile.
ˏˋ°•*⁀❄️ winter; shinsou hitoshi
"Fuck, don't go in there. Are you a dumbass?"
Hitoshi shifts slightly. "Probably."
In all honesty, Hitoshi has no idea what's going on in the horror movie that you had put on.
There's some screaming, probably some ghosts or something - was the movie a ghost movie? He couldn't remember - which was all very cool. Probably. But he's more interested in you.
His best friend. That he's fallen irrevocably in love with.
You take a sip from your mug of hot cocoa, eyes watching the laptop screen with rapt attention. There's some sort of noise that comes from the screen that draws his own attention over. A rather ghastly, pale creature shows up behind the movie's protagonist.
"I told you so," you mutter, like the protagonist could hear you.
"Damn, someone doesn't leave the house," Hitoshi comments off-handedly, referring to the unnaturally pale, spindly creature currently chasing after the main character.
That draws a snort from you. A sound that has him wanting to poke at you so he can hear it again.
"Like you're one to talk, 'Toshi."
Now that has him actually poking at your sides. He takes the hot cocoa out of your hand and sets it down on his desk before he starts jabbing his fingers into your sides.
You break down into a mess of airy giggles as you try to pry his hands off of you and he grins.
"Hey. My complexion is way better than that thing."
"I don't know," comes your drawl once he stops tickling you, gazing up at him with an impish grin. "When was the last time you left the house and touched some grass?"
"There's no grass to touch," Hitoshi says, getting off of you to gesture at his window. Outside, a flurry of white storms on. "There's a fucking snowstorm. Its been snowing like crazy the last few weeks. Any grass out there is long-gone."
"Sounds like excuses to me," you chirp, settling back into your sitting position on his bed. He can't help but note that you're a lot closer this time. If he moves as much as an inch, his legs would bump into yours.
Hitoshi counts to three to calm himself down.
His heart beats thunderously against his chest anyways.
"Oh, she's definitely dead," you say, interrupting his thoughts. He raises a brow and turns his attention to the screen of your laptop.
Sure enough, there's a gory mess of fake blood and organs and a lot of screaming from the girl.
"You don't say," he drawls as the screams die down. You smack his arm playfully.
"Technically, you're the one who keeps initiating conversation," he snarks.
The smile on your face grows and he allows himself to think that you're smiling at him fondly. "Smartass."
"You know it and you love it."
Hitoshi panics. What did he say, again? He definitely said the l-word. He hadn't been thinking. What did you think? You had suddenly gone silent and-
"That, I do," is your whispered response.
His body locks up and he just stares at you, but you aren't looking at him. Your gaze is resolutely fixed on the screen, acting all nonchalant - but he catches the darkened hue of your cheeks.
He smiles softly and turns his attention over to the screen, half-watching.
The scene had moved on from the girl's death. There was some arguing amongst people in a dingy little room. The only safe room in the house, if he recalled correctly.
Something to his side shifts and then he feels a warmth pressed up against him. His reaction is immediate, head snapping over to you.
"It's cold," is all you offer for an explanation, drawing the shared blanket closer to you.
The heating system had broken down a while ago, so the two of you had opted to share a blanket. It was a large blanket — big enough for two people to share without ever having to touch the other. He figures it could probably fit three.
Hitoshi continues to stare.
"You're always warm," you clear your throat, pulling your end of the blanket up around you to hide your flushed cheeks.
"What am I, your personal heater?" he manages to joke, trying to ignore the heat creeping up the back of his neck.
"Yes," you declare simply.
He rolls his eyes fondly. Boldly, he slowly snakes an arm around your waist to pull you closer against him.
For the body heat, he clarifies to himself.
There's no protest from your end, so he assumes he's in the clear. If anything, you're snuggling up against him and fuck if it isn't the cutest thing ever. It's getting harder to resist the urge to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"We should do this more."
Your voice comes out quiet, tentative. Hitoshi licks his lips as he hums nervously.
"What, cuddling?" he says, half-joking.
"Yes," you say, completely serious.
Oh, fuck me.
"It's not annoying, is it?" you question, a bit of hesitation flickering about in your gaze.
"No," Hitoshi replies immediately, arm around your waist tightening a little. "Nah, 's fine."
The hum he hears from you is happy as you turn your attention back to the movie. The horror movie you had put on was just background noise to Hitoshi as he relaxes into you.
And if the two of you don't move from your positions long after the movie ends, well — that's only for you and him to know.
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a/n: still not super comfy with how i write bakugou gAH i want to do the boy some justice bc he's got a lot going on,,, hopefully i'll get it with time
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barbex · 7 months ago
For DADWC: “I swear, it’s not always like this” for whichever DA2 companion you think has the messiest bedroom. my money's on Anders.
Oh it's so Anders! Thank you for this prompt for tonight's @dadrunkwriting. A little fenders modern AU
"Hey man! I know you won't li...ke it but you got...ta do me a favor." Hawke's voice sounds distorted over the phone, microshort pauses cutting the words in half. "You got...ta pick up Fenris, he got kicked out."
"Me?" Anders wipes his face, getting his fingers tangled in his hair. The rain is relentless. "Why me? He hates me."
"... doesn't ...ate you. He just doesn't li... y... magic."
"Big difference." Anders thinks of complaining more, but what is the point? He will do this anyway. That's what friends to, even if one friend is a prickly bastard who doesn't trust you at his back. "You're breaking up, where is he?"
"Gaslight Cafe. He's..."
"Hawke?" His phone beeps at him, the connection is lost. "Where the fuck are you this time?" It's rhetorical question. Hawke could be anywhere, and judging by the bad connection he is either in Antarctica or on a german Autobahn. Anything is possible with Hawke. Definitely a more glamorous life than Anders'.
He takes the metro to the other side of the city. The Gaslight Cafe is close to the train station but the rain has gotten even worse and when enters the cafe, he is soaked head to toe. Before he drips all over the floor, he stops on the big doormat, letting himself drip. It's not difficult to find Fenris, his white hair unmistakable. And he is, objectively, the most attractive person at this place. If it weren't for his angry scowl, he probably would have several admirers around him.
Anders raises his hand to catch Fenris' attention. Fenris sees him, his eyes widening, and then he lowers his head again. After finishing his glass of wine, he picks up his bag and pays at the bar, before finally looking at Anders again. "Did Hawke send you?"
"Yeah, he called me a few minutes ago, I haven't even been home yet." 
"Sorry for the inconvenience." The bitterness in Fenris' voice is unmistakable.
Anders can't think of anything to say but something mean and vicious, the usual kind of conversation between them. But he's tired, wet, and just wants to go home and cuddle the cats and really, would should he say? That it's not an inconvenience? That he doesn't mind having Fenris around? As if he would believe that. 
"Come, the metro should be there in three minutes."
Fenris follows silently, steps into the metro, and sits down next to Anders just as silently. It's honestly unnerving. 
"Have you eaten?"
"That is not of your concern, mage."
Anders rolls his eyes. "Chill, it was just a question. I'm going to pick up a some kebab on the way and wondered if you want something too."
Fenris is silent again. He stares at the bag on his lap, a rather small thing for something that is supposed to contain his whole life. The Metro approaches the station and Fenris flinches when Anders gets up. Anders waits for him to stand up, watching his body language. He is too careful, too tense, looking like he's expecting an attack any moment. Something is very wrong.
On the way to Anders' apartment, they stop at the kebab place. Fenris stands back, holding his bag to his chest. Anders debates several things he could say and finally settles on, "I don't know what happened, but you're safe now. You're safe with me, I promise."
Fenris looks up, his shoulders marginally relaxing but his mouth still a hard line. "A promise by a mage."
Rolling his eyes once again, Anders turns away. "I may be a mage but I can't magic food into my fridge, so if you want to eat..."
"I would like kebab too." Fenris stares at his bag again. "I will pay you back."
"Two kebab boxes with everything, Muhamad, and extra fries, thanks," he orders, and fishes a few crumbled bills from his pocket. "Don't worry about it," he says to Fenris. "You can pay next time." 
"Next time?"
"You don't have to stay if you don't want to, I just thought —" he just thought how nice it would be to have some company, to get to know Fenris better, to talk, to — where had that come from? 
He's still chewing on these strange thoughts as he carries the bag with their food to his apartment. Fenris and him have hardly ever spend more than two minutes alone with each other but somehow this doesn't feel too strange now. Fumbling one handed with the keys, he kicks the door open and ushers Fenris inside.
"I don't want the cats to get out." He closes the door, just as a demanding meow announces a hungry cat. "Yes, Pounce, I know."
Pounce meows again, producing an impressive scream for his size. 
"Are you sure that is not a demon cat?" Fenris eyes the cat with suspicion. 
"He's just hungry." Anders opens a can of wet food and fills half of it into a bowl. He puts the other half into a second bowl and carries it to the other side of the living room/kitchen area.
Fenris gestures at the bag with their kebab. "Are we not going to eat?"
"First I have to take care of Mamma cat."
"Another cat?"
Anders carefully opens the door to his bedroom and gestures for Fenris to follow him. "It's only been three days. I found her behind the dumpsters, with one baby. I looked everywhere, but if she had more kittens, they're probably dead." He places the bowl on the floor close to the pile of blankets and cushions on the floor, where mamma cat hides with her kitten. "She's still shy." He looks at Fenris, noting how he looks around the mess on the floor.
Apart from the blanket nest, dirty clothes lie on the floor, next to sticky plates and books. "It's not always this bad, I swear. I had like zero time to clean up for the last week and then with Mamma cat —"
A smile plays on Fenris' lips. "And here I thought you would be excessively clean and orderly."
"How did I ever make that impression?" Anders shakes his head.
"At the clinic, when you work. You are..." For the first time, Fenris looks into his eyes. "You are careful, attentive, and precise. I feared I would have to follow many rules at your place."
"Pfff." Anders laughs out. "The only rule is not to feed weird shit to the cats and maybe help with the dishes, sometimes." He picks up some of the books to put them on the desk at the window. "I'm just gonna clean this up, don't want you to break your ankle if you have to get up at night."
Fenris looks from him to the bed and back. "You plan for me to sleep here? In your bed?"
"I don't have another." Anders looks up at him. "The couch is not big enough for sleeping." A sharp frown forms on Fenris' forehead. "You don't like it, I understand. I'm... I'm gonna think of something. Let's eat now."
They eat in silence, again. Always so silent. Anders is almost getting used to it. Shoving the last bite in his mouth, he gulps it down with water and stretches his arms over his head. "I'm beat, I'm gonna go to sleep. I should have a yoga mat somewhere, if I —"
"No," Fenris says, startling him. "I will not kick you from your bed, mage. I can take the floor."
"Not gonna happen, you're not sleeping on the floor."
"Why not? It would not be the first —" His eyes widen as he snaps his mouth shut. 
Anders blinks, his brain spinning with guesses as to what has happened to Fenris. "No one sleeps on the floor, that's why."
"Only the cats," Fenris says quietly.
"That's right." A grin spreads on his face. "Only the cats sleep on the floor. Do you have a toothbrush?"
When Anders comes out of the bathroom, Fenris already lies on the bed, under the cover. He is stiff like a plank, all the way on the side, nearly falling off when Anders lets himself fall on the mattress. "There's enough room, you don't have to make yourself small." Anders curls up on the side, exhaustion taking over. He is nearly asleep when Fenris moves, scooting closer to him. Just as he dips into the darkness of sleep, he feels Fenris sliding his fingers under Anders hand. He hesitates for a moment, and then closes his finger around Fenris' hand.
"Good night, Fenris."
"Good night." There is a breath. "Good night, Anders."
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fluff-n-cookies · 2 years ago
Thunder Storms and Cuddles.
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^that animation is amazing
Keigo seems like the type of guy to babysit for a close friend because he owes them a favor from like really long ago
what he didn't expect was that that 'friend' now has a child and has been happily married for over 7 years.
what he didn't expect was that that 'friend' desperately needed someone to babysit said child for about 2 days
what he didn't expect was that he would be comforting a 3 year old at 4 in the morning on the couch to help them get through a particularly bad thunder storm.
the once soft pitter patter of rain had now turned into a raging storm. the rain droplets pounded at the glass of the windows, and the deafening clash of thunder could be heard all throughout the house, before simmering down to a light rumble.
whimpering, you cuddled further into keigo's pajamas, tightened your grip on his arm, and let out a little 'eep!' when you saw the lightning knowing what was to come next.
"now, now, (y/n), it's okay, it's only a sound, it can't hurt you." Keigo's voice seemed as smooth as butter as he gently petted your hair, patting it down and smoothing it out.
"how do you know Mr.Hawks!" you exclaimed a little pout slowly forming on your face.
"I'm Mr.Hawks, I know-" he was cut off by a loud clap of thunder that could only be described as boisterous, causing you to pull up one of his wings in defense,
if you listen closely, (which Hawks always does) you can hear the muffled sniffles from under Hawk's wing and if you concentrate, you can feel tears staining both his feathers and your cheek.
with a sigh, Hawks cupped your now slightly wet cheek making you face toward him.
"listen. I know it's scary, and I know you must be terrified, so please let me protect you. I want to help you, but first you need to calm down and tell me how I can help instead of crying okay? okay."
he picked you up and put you on his hip, "first let's get your little cheeks dry again and then you can have some cookies and we can talk about this."
that night was a good night.
that night, Hawks realized maybe your parents weren't the best people when it comes to raising a child. I mean, you're scared of thunder storms to the point you were crying when it thundered.
that night, Hawks realized murder isn't THAT bad.
that night, Hawks realized he wanted to be a father.
but only to you <3
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isabeauwolf · 2 months ago
Hawks x reader - Dance in the Rain
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Hawks didn't believe in Cupid's arrow until he was hit with it.
It made his heart thud harder in his chest.
The classic Hero x Civilian romance story.
Hawks couldn't help but feel drawn to you.
He watched you dance in the rain, laughing and smiling while raising your hands into the air, spinning round and round on bare feet. Your clothes are soaked, the red dress you wore clinging to you, molding and fitting your body like a glove.
Hawks flies towards you, grinning and holding an umbrella over your head. "What's a songbird like you dancing in the rain all by your lonesome?"
You meet his curious golden hues. "Just felt like it." You smile, pulling wet strands away from your face and tilting your head cutely, fluttering your lashes at him. "What can I do for the famous Winged Hero Hawks?" You step back, giving him room.
Hawks felt his face grow heated as he landed on the rooftop. "I... I'm just dropping by is all."
You hum in thought, eyes trailing up and down his body. Lean to the side to glance at his crimson wings, on reflex he spread them wide, giving you a full view of his long feathers. Raising a hand, "May I touch them?" You asked, bright gaze leaving his wings to refocus on his eyes.
Hawks felt pride swell and puffed out his chest. "Sure, go right ahead." His smile widened; it was more genuine than his picture-perfect, practiced smiles.
You reach over and gently caress the back of your fingers against his feathers, eyes widening. "They are so soft, " you muttered, trailing them closer towards the base of his wings. He shivered, and his wings ruffled as a cooing chirp left the Hero's lips.
Both of yours and Hawks eyes widened as you stopped.
Hawks grew flustered, slapping a gloved hand over his mouth. "Apologies... don't know where that came from." His voice was slightly muffled, but you heard him as he chuckled awkwardly and cleared his throat. His heart jumped fast in his chest, he heard his heartbeat drumming in his ears, and a tiny part of him felt sad that you had stopped your ministrations.
It felt nice. Sure, he's had people touch his wings before, but yours was surprisingly tender.
He knew if that had become a habit, it would quickly become addictive, feeling you stroke his feathers, perhaps while he's preening them?
Wait? Where'd that thought come from?
"It's quite cute." You giggle and smile, lowering your hand.
"Cute?" He repeated, blinking at you.
You turn and head towards your apartment, waving over your shoulder without looking at him. "Guess, I'll see you around, red." You walk out from underneath the umbrella, causing you to get wet again.
Dazed he lowered his hand and his other hand tightened around the umbrella handle. "Wait, miss-" he followed you with the umbrella to help shield you from the rain, trying to keep his eyes from lowering down to the rest of your curves and how the soaking wet dress looked around your ass. Don't look down, don't look down, dammit, don't- He froze when you glanced at him over your shoulder, forcing him to stop and not run you over.
He expected you to protest. Ask him to leave, which made him inwardly pray and plead that you didn't. He thought when you met his gaze again you would be mad, but no.
"If you are gonna stay and peep on my dance practice, you might as well join me." You curl your index finger, kissable lips quirk into a playful smirk. "What about it, red? Care to dance after I freshen' up and get you some clothes."
Swallowing, he nodded his head.
You opened the screen door, stepped in, and grabbed towels. One for yourself and handing the other yellow fluffy towel to Hawks. "Here red, go ahead and get undressed." You laugh, drying your hair and peeking at him. "I think I've still got some of my brother's old clothes around that might fit." You pat yourself dry, wipe your feet on the fuzzy green mat, and make your way toward your room, pointing your finger. "Go ahead and leave everything in the bathroom, I'll dry'em for ya and help yourself to the shower. Wouldn't want Japan's number three Hero to catch a cold."
He was once again stunned by your words. Watching as you disappear down into your bedroom.
He had to force himself not to shake his soaking wet feathers as he copied your actions, patting himself dry, taking off his boots and socks, wiping his feet on the soft n' fuzzy rug, and strolling towards the bathroom.
His gaze observed everything. The living was decent, the kitchen was spacious and everything was modern and clean, neat and tidy. When he opened the bathroom door, he noticed the bath had already been filled and heated. The water appeared to have a light lilac tint. Had you used a bath bomb of some kind? Tilting his head as he felt his wings flutter along with his heart. You had planned to bathe after your rain dance but, instead decided to let him go first.
Hawks found a blue plastic laundry basket, slowly getting undressed and placing everything into it, reopening the bathroom door and gently sliding the basket outside to make it easier for you.
He felt a chill go up his spine. Quickly, getting into the tub as the scent of lavender hit his nose and lemons? Hawks shrugged his shoulder and lowered himself deeper into the water, a pleasure groan soothing his chilled and aching bones. Leaning back, closing his eyes. He had been taking quick showers most of the week that he hadn't had time for a much needed soak in the bath.
It was soothing.
He could see himself accidentally falling asleep, if he wasn't careful. Reopening his eyes and sighing, Hawks found your shampoo, body wash, and soaps. You said he could use the bath and help himself. He might as well respect your wishes. Grabbing the milk and honey body wash, then the green apple shampoo, quickly washing and rinsing himself squeaky clean. He rose to his feet, getting out as he shook out his feathers, and patting himself dry once more.
After stepping on the blue bathmat, he paused. Realizing that he didn't have a change of clothes. Uh oh. He didn't even know your name.
"Should asked for them before you came in," he muttered to himself. He noticed the blue laundry basket he had placed outside the bathroom was back in its original spot.
His eyes widened, Hawks was so spaced out that he didn't hear you come in. His face grew hot as he wrapped the towel around his waist and peeked into the basket. Sitting inside was a neat pile of men's clothes: Grey sweatpants with a matching crew neck, boxers, and socks. What made the winged hero's brows raise was the familiar logo and brand of his that had just launched last week.
His lips twitched into a smirk.
Well, now. Who was The Hawks fan? You, your brother, or both? Maybe the latter.
He hoped it was you.
He had to inwardly chuckle to himself at the irony that he would be sporting his brand of clothing in front of you like a narcissist during your first meeting, no less. Oh well.
And that's how your relationship with The Winged Hero started during that rainy summer night.
Hawks found out that you were a dance teacher and your quick was telekinesis, which you had inherited from your mother. You could have easily kept yourself dry, but you liked to feel free, letting your walls down and dancing your heart out, emotions carrying you and your mind going blank. Just you and the elements. Raw and passionate.
It made him love you even more.
That had been a few months ago.
Hawks gave you his personal phone number in case of emergencies, but if he were being honest, he wanted to see you again. He felt himself grow anxious whenever he waited for your call or text. His assistant and Endeavor noticed the slight change in the lazy and carefree Hero, the hard-to-catch red-winged speedster and Japan's number one current heartthrob and prized winning bachelor. He was a winged smitten kitten. Oh yes, you had stolen his heart and he was perfectly content with that.
You two would text back and forth every day. Talking about each other's day, sharing stupid and hilarious memes, and jokes. His goal would be to make you smile and laugh once per day, even more, if you two were talking on the phone after you got home from work. He'd ham it up, didn't care, if he was making a fool of himself and talking out of his ass, your laughter and him picturing your pure perfect smile was worth it at his expense.
He could seriously listen to you talk for hours.
Your tone was so relaxing, soothing, and gentle with a hint of teasing and sass. Oh, how he loved it when you fought back without any filter and gave very blunt answers. It was a breath of fresh air compared to other women he dated in the past, so shy, so reserved, and always made him make the first move.
It shouldn't have, but it did. Whenever you asked him out on a date, your first date. Hawks felt himself grow scarlet like a flustered and blushing schoolboy.
You two agreed to meet up on his next day off at the end of the week that coming Friday night.
He should have guessed that it would be dinner and dancing, but what surprised him more was instead of going out. You wanted to cook for him and dance in your living room just as you two had done the first night you two met.
That night, he decided to be Keigo. Show you the man he was underneath his title and his giant red feathered persona.
When he flew back to your apartment, the easiest route he mapped out and knew by heart, carrying your favorite bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates as he landed on your balcony. Where you waited with the window open, smiling and wear that stunning red dress again. It gave him a sense of deja vu as he drank in your appearance and curves, the dress still hugged your figure, your kissable red painted lips and matching red nail polish on your fingers and toes stood out against your skin.
If your stunning natural beauty didn't turn heads, then they would be a foolish not to shamelessly steal a second or third glances. Then again, perhaps he was lucky that you hadn't gone out with you looking so breathtaking and seductive. Who was he kidding, he'd love to show you off to the world, his songbird and tap dancing cutey.
"What's a civilian as cute as you lookin' all pretty n' alone this evening, miss?" Keigo flashed you a cheeky grin as he offered you his gifts. Watching closely as your smile brightened and you gladly accepted them, smelling the flowers and sighing in content.
You fluttered your long, pretty lashes at him and hummed. "I'm waiting for my date to arrive, Hero." You tilted your head and pouted for dramatics, "Have you heard of him? He goes by the name of Hawks."
Keigo's amber iris' brightened, "Oh? Are you one of his adoring fans, pretty lady?" He felt his heartbeat soar and thunder in his chest, his stance straightening, crimson wings expanding behind him as he bit back a smug smirk.
Playing along with your game.
"Who isn't?" You giggle, smile returning. "Such a silly schoolgirl crush, yet… there's something alluring about him." Your gaze lowered to check out his attire: White shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, and sneakers. Classic street wear, but it suits him. Even his classic yellow-colored visor covering his pretty liquid amber eyes. "You clean up good, handsome." you purred, meeting his gaze, turned, and walked into your apartment without glancing back as he followed without a word. "Just in time for dinner too." You chirped, listing off what was on tonight's menu, "I made salad, stuffed shells, spaghetti and meatballs."
You stopped and hesitantly glanced over your shoulder, cheeks pink. "I might have accidentally made too much." You placed the flowers in a vase and stored the chocolates in the fridge. "I.. uh, hope that you are hungry, Keigo." You turned to face him again as you walked towards the table, waiting for his answer.
Keigo's gaze left yours to eye the spread before him. It all looked delicious. The smell alone made his mouth water. It had been a long time since he'd had a home-cooked meal. He returned his gaze to your own, his smile widening. "It all looks so good," he admitted, "Don't know where to start first." He rounded the table to push out your chair, which you smiled and thanked him as he pushed you in, then sat across from you.
"Help yourself," You laughed, pouring each of you a glass of wine with a side of water. "Save room for dessert," you noticed his curiosity peaked as his wings ruffled behind him. "I made cinnamon roll cake." You had just said the magic words.
Keigo had come to love the overly sugary and sweet, tooth-rotten goodness that was your cinnamon roll cake, which became his new favorite after you shared a slice with him. He even took some with him to the office, which he wouldn't share with his colleagues, oh no, it was his sweet treat. "Tell your brother that I'm not sharing." He was serious. Your brother could make his own.
"I swear you two would start a brawl over my cake." You shook your head and snickered as you used the salad tongs to distribute portions of the fully loaded salad on his plate and yours: lettuce, spinach, baby tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, shredded cheese, and boiled eggs with the choice of ranch, thousand island, or Italian dressing.
Then repeated the same motions with the stuffed shells and spaghetti and meat sauce.
Keigo nodded his head and admitted with no shame and cockiness, "Oh, I'd win hands down." Picking up the wine glass and raising it, "Thank you for the food, Y/n."
"Oh, I'd believe it." You replied, sitting down and raising our own to lightly clink the glasses together before slipping generously. The red wine was smooth with a hint of bitterness that complemented the acidity of the sauces from the pasta dishes which you loved. You hummed and licked your lips, meeting Keigo's own starstruck stare as his eyes grew heavy-lidded, then shook himself.
"Let's eat." Keigo chuckled, grabbed his fork, and dug in.
You two ate and made small talk. Little by little the food was disappearing as Keigo helped himself to seconds before stopping himself, growing embarrassed to have eaten so much, and then asked about dessert. He couldn't help it. Your cooking was too damn good. It would be rude not to overstuff himself.
After eating a big slice of your cinnamon roll cake while you made yourself some coffee to go with your own slice of cinnamony goodness. Keigo insisted on helping you put up the leftovers and stubbornly offering to wash all of the dishes you two finally walked into the living room.
Keigo took your hand in his, leaned down and kissed the back of it, all while peaking into your curious gaze. "Care to dance, my songbird?"
"I'd love to, Keigo." You smile warmly, watching as he straightens, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, flush against his chest, and linking your fingers together. You slid your free hand up his arm, across his toned chest underneath his shirt, then slowly and teasing, wrapping your delicate hand around his neck. You couldn't help it. The tempting thoughts as you caressed the hair on the nape. "Show me whatcha got." You whispered in his ear, red-painted lips curving as the man against you shuddered and bit back a groan.
"You aren't playin' fair." Keigo's voice dropped an octave, growing husky. His honey-colored swirls of amber gems grew heavy-lidded and darkened. "How villainous of you, my pretty temptress."
You allowed him to lead, twirling and spinning you around the room, dipping and lifting you as if you were weightless, light as a feather. Dancing to the speed-up rhythm of your hearts, allowing your internal passion and chemistry to speak louder than words.
His expression softening, his gaze never left your own, nor you his.
You were even more tempted to see what would happen if you wrapped your leg around his waist and pulled him into a kiss. What's stopping you? Here you are on a date with Japan's number Three Hero and you were getting cold feet?
Why wouldn't you be nervous? He could have anyone he wanted and here he was: eating your cooking which he'd loved, stuffing his face with the cake he had eaten hundreds of times; dancing with you, watching you so intently, reacting in genuine earnest to your touch, hanging on every word and breath.
Keigo couldn't seem to get enough of you.
It still felt dreamlike.
Too good to be true.
Somehow this nosy, feathered, and persistent feathered angel had stolen your heart and wasn't planning on giving it back anytime soon.
With one final dip, you two clung to each other, lightly panting as his wings, wrapped around you, hiding you and shielding you from the outside world in a blanket of red feathers before unfurrowing them.
"You were saying, sweetness?" Keigo purred, rubbing his nose against your own. The bird was downplaying his cockiness and smugness as best as he could, except his huge grin widened.
"Hot damn, red." You hummed, trying to catch your breath as your cheeks felt flustered. "You are no Don Juan, but it's a start. Congratulations." You couldn't stop the giggle from falling from your lips as you pulled away, which he let you to go pour the two of you some water.
Keigo leaned against the island, looking into the kitchen, pouring his glass of the cool and refreshing liquid first, then your own glass before nearly downing it. His golden orbs focusing on the droplets falling down you chin, neck and down between the valley of your breasts and disappeared. He swallowed, feeling his adam's apple bob in his throat. Damn, you were even more seductive tonight. Or was it the wine talking? Both?
It was getting harder and harder to hold himself back from strutting over and kissing you with every fiber of his being, and yet, he stayed. He told himself that he wouldn't make a move until he had your permission first. Something about you made him crazy, needy and awaken some sort of territorial instincts, could it be a hidden part of his quirk?
If so, he was doomed.
Keigo came back to his senses when he heard you call his name, he blinked and then jumped, he hadn't realized you came back with a glass of water for him and slid to across the island towards him. He felt his face redden, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and laughing it off. "Whoops."
You furrowed your brows in concern. "Keigo... are you alright? You zoned out on me."
"Yeah, I'm okay... just..." Dammit, he couldn't lie to you. Never you. His shoulders sagged, wings dropping as he shyly admitted, "You are beautiful, songbird and I couldn't stop staring." He reached for the glass and drank, missing your shocked reaction.
You knew he was always blunt, confidant and easy going, but this was the first time you had seen him so shy. Dare you call it cute? Of course, it was.
"Thank you." you shook yourself and smiled, taking his free hand and leading him back outside onto the balcony as he left his glass behind. "C'mon. It's getting too stuffy in here. Some fresh air will do us some good."
Keigo nodded, following.
His heartbeat was still thudding hard and a mile a minute. You appeared so calm and composed, a true professional.
Hawks had years of perfecting his image and hero persona, his perfect smile and knew what to do in most situations, drilled into his head by the commission. And yet, here, right now with you... he was genuinely lost.
This was all new to him.
The fresh breeze hit him in the face, lightly ruffling your hair and his, wafting your familiar scent of milk and honey body wash he loved, and secretly used to smell like you at home. The splash on vanilla perfume coming from your throat, chest and wrists. It wasn't overpowering or overwhelming, instead, it made him want you more.
The need to kiss you as his hunger for you grew.
You stopped and turned around to face him, stopping him from opening his mouth.
Closing the distance between you two.
"If life was like a movie, our date wouldn't end without a kiss." You linked your arms around his neck, waiting for permission as you pressed your chest against his, red-painted lips hovering and ghosting over his. "Well? Aren't you gonna sweep me off my feet and kiss me like you mean it, red?"
Keigo felt his mouth quirk into a grin, bright and beaming. "Yes, ma'am." He laughs, picks you up, and swirls you around, resulting in you laughing along with him, then finally presses his mouth to yours in a heart-stopping and passionate kiss.
Keigo swears your kisses are addictive, making him feel intoxicated and light-headed, yet free.
He cups your face with his palm and tilts his head to deepen the kiss, licking your bottom lip with silent permission. You gave him access and he quickly intertwined his tongue with your own, groaning as you moaned.
He pulled away, panting and chuckling. "Did I pass the test, Y/n?" He murmurs, wiggling his brows. "Or does my little songbird need another sample?" Keigo couldn't help but slowly lick his body lip as he still tasted of cinnamon and coffee, he liked it.
He knew he'd now think of you anytime he saw cinnamon rolls and coffee.
You were dazed and trying to catch your breath, greedily sucking in air.
You shake yourself and give him a coy smile and tilt your head in though. "Hmmm, if you are offering," you shrug, "Then I'm game, Mister Hero."
"Don't mind, if I do, songbird." Keigo whispered, capturing your mouth again.
He didn't care if it rained, snowed, or if he got called into work.
He wasn't going to let you get away from him now.
Taglist: @fanofflames @angelblueflame @moonchild701 @cherry-queens-blog @number-2-hero-hawks @fairymama624 @everypanelofkeigo
Fanfic inspired by "Waiting for Superman" by Daughtry
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gayassbish · 1 year ago
Genshin Girls When They’re Late to a Date! Modern AU
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Genre: Angst, Eventual fluff
Reader: Gender Neutral
Characters: Beidou, Yelan, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Ei
It’s raining. Your girlfriend is late. You wonder if she even forgot your anniversary. You’re sitting at the, now wet, picnic spot that you picked hoping to watch the sunset while eating the delicious home-made sandwiches you made for her. You hoped you guys would reminisce about past time while watching the warm sky finally turn blue. This was supposed to be a romantic outing, but instead you’re by your lonesome with no Beidou in sight.
You guys have been together for a while now, and Beidou has been so attentive of your every need, making sure you’re always comfortable, safe, and warm with her around. And what’s worse? The fact that she’s sent all your calls to voicemail and hasn’t answered your texts, or that she’s smiling… climbing the hill you’re sat on and bringing a hugeee umbrella to cover you, her, and the food.
“Hey love,” she calls out quietly. You remain silent as she places the umbrella down to protect you and the already soggy food from the rain. She doesn’t sit down yet, waiting for your permission.
“Won’t even look at me, huh?” She sighs, kneeling and looking in your direction. The soft rain outlining her figure.
You sigh, “Please make yourself at home, don’t want you to get a cold.” You say with an eye roll as you’re basically an ice cube away from turning into a snowman.
She chuckles a bit as you scoot over to make space for her. She grabs your hand and gives it a rub, trying to warm you up. You let her. This is her apologizing for her being late. You can tell she feels too bad to even mention an excuse as to why she’s late right now, but you ask anyway. “Why did you come so late? The suns already gone and the sandwiches are pretty much ruined…” You speak barley even audible, but Beidou catches it. She catches everything you say.
“Well… did you eat all the sandwiches or are they all actually soggy?” She reaches for the picnic basket, imagining the wooden protective cover would keep the sandwich’s dry, plus you put them in a zip log.
You slap her hand quickly before she can uncover the basket. “Well maybe I wouldn’t have eaten all of them if you came on time!” You huff angrily, finally looking her in the eyes to see her already looking at you, with her signature hearty smile. She watches your face soften at the sight of her.
“Oh there’s those sweet eyes,” she rubs a hand over your cheek. Practically holding you captive. You can’t refuse. “Why don’t we just make this a stargazing night instead, hmm? Would you like that?” Once you nod, she pushes you down the wet blanket you laid out, cupping your face as she starts to kiss you softly.
If only you weren’t so weak in the knees for her…
P.S. You eventually found out she was late cause she saw the weather forecast ahead of time (unlike you) and left half way in the drive to the picnic spot so she could grab a huge umbrella to keep you warm. She was actually really angry at herself she couldn’t beat the rain.
You’re scared. It’s dark out. The restaurant is closing and your ride, your girlfriend may I add, is no where to be seen. The dangers of waiting in the street in this city is just a fiasco already in motion.
And your girlfriend knows this, hence why she’s practically never late to anything. Yelan is always looking out for any possible danger like a hawk (she can be a little over protective sometimes). But it’s been maybe about two hours since your original meeting time? You wouldn’t know because your phone is dead… You have no idea where she is, and the restaurant staff is waiting on you so they can leave.
You sheepishly apologize to the waitress closing up as you exit the fancy restaurant that Yelan reserved. ‘Where the hell is she??’ You ponder. But just as you exit out the restaurant, you see the familiar expensive black car pull up.
Yelan doesn’t roll down the window, no, she jumps out the car and runs toward you. She frantically grabs your shoulders and starts shaking you. “Are you okay?? Why weren’t you home? Did something happen? I had to track you through your phone, gosh I was worried sick.” She starts to speak really fast while she gives you a quick look around to confirm to herself that you are alive.
Once she reassured herself that you’re okay, she noticed how fancy you’re dressed and looks up to the name of the restaurant, finally remembering this was the day she invited you out to eat. “Oh… oh baby I’m so sorry.” A look a guilt fills her face as she frowns.
“Did you forget?” You chime. The disappointment still lingers, but whatever anger you felt, dissipated from the look of panic on her face. She nods, resting her head on your shoulder as you rub her back. “It’s okay, it happens to the best of us.” She stiffens at your words. She looks back to make eye contact with you and your soft sympathizing smile melts her heart. How could she ever keep someone as sweet as you waiting?
Yelan takes another look at you. Letting the sight in front of her really sink in. “You dressed this nice for me?” She smirks and you heat up.
You always shy away when she gives you that look. “I just wanted today to be special and then to look special… for you.” Yelan’s heart probably skipped a beat at that.
“Then let me make it up to you.” She opens the passenger seat and holds a hand out for you. Nothing but determination set on her face as you accept the familiar warmth of her hand and climb in.
P.S. I bet she ended up taking you to Mcdonalds cause basically nothing is open late anymore (Thanks a lot COVID)
You’re worried. The crowd of the movie theatre starts to disperse and there’s still no sign of Kokomi anywhere. It’s maybe about an hour after your meeting time and the movie is already halfway done probably. You decide to venture out the cinema to the busy street, sun hitting your eyes as it’s still bright out.
But this sunny atmosphere doesn’t help the fact that you’re worried sick, not for yourself but Kokomi. She actually planned this date and she isn’t picking up her phone. ‘God what if something happened to her.’ You’d never forgive yourself if something did. You made a promise to yourself to always protect her.
You knew Kokomi had a habit of over exhausting herself; that she tends to sorta just crash afterwards and needs time to recharge. This weekend was supposed to be a celebration for completing finals week, but maybe the cramming got to her.
After wandering around the city for a bit, occasionally calling out your lover’s name, you decide to head to her dorm. Luckily it’s not far away. It’s a 10 minute walk, but you make it five as you’re in a hurry to make sure she’s okay.
While rushing a flash of pink strides past you as it takes you a second to look back at the familiar backside of your girlfriend.
“Kokomi! Wait up!” You immediately dash as she turns around at the sound of her name. She pauses. The look of panic of her face turns into a scrunched up one as she starts to cry at the sight of you. There’s eye bags under her eyes, her hairs a mess, and she’s still in pajamas. She still looks like the princess she is though, but you can tell she was rushing to meet you.
She runs over to you and frantically exclaims, “I’m so sorry, I slept through my alarm and set so many to make it on time cause I really wanted to watch this with you but I didn’t hear the ring. You’ve been looking forward to movie weekend for so long cause of finals and so have I cause I needed to see you. But I’ve been so tired from all these all nighters and-“
“Kokomi calm down, it’s okay. You’re okay and that’s all that matters.” You grab her and give her a hug, trying to sooth her down as she bawls in your arms. “It’s okay, everything is okay now.” You rub her back as she eventually pulls herself together.
“Ugh sorry you had to see me like that. I look like a mess right now.” She looks at her feet and tugs at the shirt she’s wearing that has different toothpaste stains.
“Oh my god, don’t be ridiculous Koko.” She flushes at the sound of her nickname as you comfort her. “Even if you were covered in mud or fell into a trash can, you’d still be the prettiest girl in the world.” She blushes even more at your words and gives you another hug.
“I really missed you this week.” She says, hugging you even tighter.
“I know, so did I. Why don’t we just do movie night at your place?” You pat her head as she nods. You guys hold hands on the way back as Kokomi eventually returns to her passionate self in your presence.
P.S. She forgot her phone as she rushed out to get you.
Your girlfriend doesn’t leave the house often. She’s really busy and tends to be a homebody anyway, so this weekend you wanted to take a road trip to the nearby beach and finally enjoy some sunlight with her. Don’t get me wrong, staying home with Ei makes for a passionate and cozy atmosphere, but you wanted more of a romantic environment sometimes.
Hence why you’re here, voice mailing Ei wondering if she’s still at the beach hotel. You guys would’ve walked to the beach together if it weren’t for the fact that Ei still has some work to finish up and told you that’d she’d meet you there soon.
At first you were having fun, playing in the water and sand, but it’s been a good hour since Ei said she’d be coming. Now, an hour might not seem too long on the beach given there’s a lot to do, but Ei said she’d be coming out soon. And while Ei isn’t very good with time management (she’s a perfectionist who takes the lasting seconds to perfect her work) she promised you that this weekend was just going to be you, her, and the big blue sea.
You sit on the sand, wet from the sea but not cold with the sun’s glare. You watch the waves go back and forth. The wishy-washy sea oddly reminds you of your relationship. There’s those times where it feels like the perfect relationship in the world, but then its goes back to times like these. You don’t like being mad at Ei, she has her reasons of course, but you just want to be the priority sometimes.
You get lulled out of your thoughts at the sound of your name. “Y/N! There you are, I’ve been looking for you. Are you ready for the beach?” You turn around to see her huffing and puffing from running. But once she sees a gloomy look on your face she asks, “What’s wrong?” She sits down next to you and looks to you for an answer.
“I…,” you sigh. You can’t say it. Ei works hard; not to play hard, but she works hard to provide. She’s paying for this trip and you just can’t bring yourself to complain. “No, sorry it’s nothing-“
“Y/N tell me. I know when something is troubling you.” She cuts you off and gives your hand a squeeze. She looks so attentively at you, searching your eyes for an answer.
“I just wish you’d spend more time with me… you promised it’d be just you and me, but you’ve spent more time with your laptop than me and I just… I just don’t get how I can miss my girlfriend when she’s right next to me.” You poor everything out in the open as a silence lingers in the air. You don’t meet Ei’s eyes, slightly worried she might be angry.
But you’re met with a hug instead. “I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t feel nice to be put second. Work has been hectic lately, but I promise- no enough promises. I am going to be the best for you. You deserve nothing but the best. I’m sorry I kept you waiting, I didn’t realize the time passed by.” She doesn’t let go of the hug. “Please say something.” She burrows her head in your neck.
You wrap your arms around her back and feel her soften up in your arms. “I know you’re trying. You try every day to be your best not just for me, but for yourself too and that’s what I love about you. So it’s okay, I understand. Just can we put work aside this once and focus on each other?” She looks back at you with sparkles in her eyes and holds your hands.
“Really? You don’t want to scrap the whole thing?” She asks, cautious she fucked things up this time.
“No, of course not!” You get up as the look of shock still lingers on her face. “Common the waves are going to get cold soon!” You pull her hand as you get up and run to the waters. Laughter trailing behind you as you meet the waves again with your feet. The waves make you now realize that every relationship has its highs and lows, but the beauty of a relationship is working through those lows.
A/N: writing about women instead of doing my home work >>
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butterflewaway · 2 years ago
Hi! I'm the one who sent the ask about the boys being jealous of Leander being the only one who can touch you! If you don't mind can you make a part 2? Since Leander, Kuras and Mhin kinda have business some times I imagine this happing at the clinic after hours or at the street. Really liked the part 1 Thanks! ♥️
Here's your part two Anon! Hope you like it~
Warnings: minor blood (nothing crazy), jealousy, LEANDER, mhin's resting bitch face
Kuras's clinic truly was a safe haven in desperate times. As you watched rain pour outside, a sense of ease flooded your system knowing you were in a safe place, protected from the cold unrelenting torrents. Behind you, the good doctor was quietly working on Mhin's arm. A deep gash oozed hot red blood.
Mhin did their best to keep quiet, candlelight flickering off their pale eyes. But every time Kuras moved his still hand to sew the skin, the albino flinched. You and Mhin had been exploring new places, searching for information about the Senobium, when a thief had snatched your bag and ran. Not one to be robbed, you had chased the guy and tackled him down. Just as you thought you had evaded the danger and were in the clear, leaning down to grab your satchel, Mhin had taken a hit for you from behind.
Apparently the thief wasn't fully unconscious and had pulled out a knife to try to get a stab or two in your back. Thankfully, the albino had reached you in time, but suffered from a cut in their arm before disarming the thief and knocking them out effectively. Mhin had tried to tell you that they were fine, but you had panicked and insisted and dragged them all the way to Kuras's clinic.
Good thing too, because immediately after, it started raining waterfalls. A sudden knock alerted you and your companions to a visiter. You opened the door cautiously and were surprised to find none other than Leander standing on the other side, soaking wet. He peered down at you and his lips lifted into an easy grin.
Even when looking like a drowned cat, this man was not swayed from his temptation to flirt. "I apologize for the delay Leander, but I must finish Mhin's arm before tending to you." Leander trudged to an empty chair to plop down while pushing back his wet hair. "It's fine, doc. Take your time." You stood confused for a few seconds before noticing what Kuras had already seen.
A shallow cut was dripping rivulets of red down his shoulder. You hadn't even noticed the darkness compared to his drenched clothes. "If you don't mind, I believe I can fix that." Leander's green eyes gazed into yours with his same easygoing smile. "Sure thing. But um.." He looked down at your bandaged hands. "Oh, I can take them off for this if you don't mind."
His eyes crinkled with his most charming smile. "Not at all, peach." And so, unbeknownst to the stares cast your way, you unwrapped your hands just enough so they wouldn't get wet with blood, and set to work. Leander shrugged off his coat, and you quickly cleaned up the remaining blood before acquiring some of Kuras's tools.
"It looks shallow, so you won't need stitches. I'll apply a salve and bandage it for you. Try not to use this arm for a few weeks for any heavy lifting." You had helped Kuras with patients before when he was dealing with multiple at a time, so seeing this amount of blood and ripped skin wasn't anything new to you.
While you worked on bandaging Leander's shoulder, the man himself was smiling at a scowling Mhin. Kuras had finished by now and was watching you work like a hawk, golden eyes zoning in on your uncovered hands. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife.
Once you had finished, Leander pulled his coat back on and smiled at you. "Thank you. You should be wary Kuras. Seems like this one here is gonna give you a run for your money soon enough." This seemed to snap Kuras out of his thoughtful gaze, as he turned away to discard of the bloody towel's he'd used on Mhin. "I doubt that to be true. If anything, I would hire any competition worthy of gaining any of my customers."
You blushed at the subtle compliment, settling to pat Leander's unwounded shoulder. "Thank you. Are you going to be heading back now?" The brunette stood to his full height and nodded. "I'll be off now. Care to accompany me?" He offered you his elbow and you blinked in surprise. "I suppose so. Let's meet up again tomorrow at the same time, Mhin?"
The albino was still scowling but acquiesced to your question. You waved to your companions before setting out into the now calmed rain with Leander. He held open the door for you and as you had your back turned to step you, glanced over at the doctor and hunter. His soft smile replaced with something sharp and playful as he maintained eye contact with the smaller of the three.
Mhin fumed as the two of you had left. "What an asshole." Although Kuras didn't agree with the phrasing, he shared the sentiment. "I had no idea they could touch each other. It seems the curse has limits perhaps?" Mhin huffed and stood up. "Who cares," they mumbled bitterly, "Idiots suit each other."
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gatoru · 2 years ago
la santa || hawks x reader
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summary: hawks has complicated feelings when it comes to you. the fact you're just like him, and nothing like him at all, doesn't seem to help. (cw: afab!reader, reader has wings, small age gap, reader is in college, hawks in his late 20s, smut, 18+. p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, wing play, squirting, hawks calls reader kid like twice.)
wc: 2K
tags: @jctaro @kicamiju
a/n: i had latina reader in mind when writing this. hawks loves us sorry i don't make the rules.
Keigo knows the way to your apartment like the back of his hand. 
For some unknown reason, you always end up finding each other – or, he finds himself knocking on your window far too often.
It’s raining outside. Not the soft kind of pouring, the one that collides gently against your windows. No, this feels like a storm – as if it’s a warning, as if God himself is mad at you. The power might run out at any moment, so you prepare yourself by placing a few candles throughout your apartment. It paints your tiny home in an orange light, contrasting with the current chill weather.  
Walking towards the kitchen, you come across a pair of crimson wings outside your balcony. Instantly, you open the glass doors – as if it’s rehearsed, like you’ve done many times before. 
See, you and Hawks have this routine, this dance that only you know the rhythm of. You can’t exactly recall when it started  – it’s funny how you can’t remember what your life used to look like before a certain winged hero accidentally came crashing through one of your windows during a fight. 
This time, there’s a bruise on his left eyebrow, although it doesn’t look fresh. He’s not looking for your help, that much you figure. 
Hawks silently thanks you for not making a comment about how his wings will get your floor wet, or how they might ruin your sofa’s cushion. Your home feels like his sanctuary – perhaps that’s why he always ends up here. 
You notice his hair looks shorter now, with a few strands falling just above his piercing hazel eyes. He’s changed since the last time you saw each other, and you fail to ignore the ache in your heart – it’s been, what, a couple of months?
“You could always use the door, you know?” You suggest, breaking the silence. He notices your hair is wet too, you might have just come out of the shower.
He smirks, lips curling upwards. He eyes you for a moment, watching your wings glow under the warm orange light that illuminates your apartment. 
Truth be told, your wings were the first thing Hawks noticed about you. Yours are so different from his: soft, delicate – the glowy bluish green makes it look like you’re some sort of faire. Later, he’d learn about your quirk, some sort of butterfly mutation. He notices how you cut holes in the oversized shirt you’re wearing, so your wings could comfortably go through them. 
“Now, that wouldn’t be as fun, would it?” His dry laugh holds no humor at all. 
You simply smile in return, the need to know why he’s standing in your living room dying behind your teeth. His eyes haven’t left your form since he entered your space. 
“Are you hurt?” You ask instead, hopefully subtly enough. 
He thinks for a moment, considering where he wants this night to go. It doesn’t matter, however, it always ends up in the same way. 
“Nah.” He answers, surprisingly telling the truth. 
Despite the kind words and gestures, the both of you have a dynamic that seems like a sword fight. Blades out, quietly waiting for the other to make the first attack. The violence never seems to come, however. 
“I’m on sabbatical.” He confesses, avoiding eye contact. Instead, he looks at your coffee table, with textbooks splattered on top of it – your laptop is closed, but you haven't turned it off yet. Perhaps he interrupted your study session. “Forced sabbatical.”
“Yeah.” He continues, wings trembling a bit – probably from the cold water drops. “Still trying to figure out what to do with my free time.”
You let out a chuckle. It’s almost comical, really, this game of cat and mouse. 
“And you end up here?” You ask, not expecting an answer. “Hawks, I’m honored you’re looking for entertainment and found me, but it’s a weeknight. I have class tomorrow.”
You move towards the balcony’s glass door, and he notices how your bare legs look in the moonlight. A strong arm finds its way wrapped around your stomach, pulling your wings flush against his toned chest.
“I know.” He whispers, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. It sends a shiver down your spine, which makes Hawks smile to himself, at the effect he has on you. “Are you willing to skip class and let me spend the night here?”
You don’t answer, but it’s not like you have to. As soon as you turn around, your lips collide against his. 
The power has run out, but it doesn’t stop the winged number two hero from bending you over the couch. 
He’s already left a handful of love bites against your chest and stomach, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses towards your pantyline. His sharp pearly whites graze against your soft skin, gently. It makes you gasp in anticipation, panties getting wetter by the minute. 
Hawks knows your body – knows it better than he knows himself, which might not be saying much. Strong, calloused hands remove the delicate material of your underwear, freeing your body, finally. He discards it near where your shirt lays on the ground. 
The fact you’re completely bare and at his mercy doesn’t go unnoticed. He’s still dressed, fully covered. His fingers explore the tip of your wings, which makes you moan – they’re sensitive, and he knows it too well. Perhaps that’s what makes this weird dynamic work so well: he understands you deeply, because you’re equals. 
You’re the same thing, in different shapes. 
“Y’like it when I play with your wings, huh?” He whispers, voice husky and dripping with lust. You simply moan, hips grinding against his crotch. A whine escapes your lips when his digits find their way towards the base of your wings. “I know baby, I know.”
It’s blissful, all of it. The lust dripping from his voice, his hazy eyes and needy touch. It feels like you’re the only people in the world right now: the city lights aren’t shining anymore, the storm is numbing and the bubble of warmth you’ve created for yourselves only grows bigger.
His lips don’t leave yours, his kiss is all teeth and tongue, all bite and no bark. Your hands grip on his honeyed locks, hard enough to earn a reaction from him – “ah, fuck” – but not hard enough to hurt him. 
He shifts, taking his shirt off. Your fingernails scratch his chest, leaving red marks on his soft skin. There’s a new scar near his collarbone, but you don’t ask – can’t bring yourself to do it. The light hair against his skin makes him look more real, more human than ever. 
Truth be told, Hawks is scared he might look so average you’ll end up losing interest in him. It still hasn’t happened, though. 
“Keigo…” You mewled against his lips, as his hips rut against yours. The friction of his soft sweatpants against your bare cunt makes you only want him more. The sound of his name sends a shiver down his wings. “Stop teasing.”
He laughs. An open mouthed, heartful laugh.
“Teasing? Sweetheart, I’ve barely even started.”
His fingers slowly – awfully slowly – explore your pussy, gently stroking your needy clit. Your hips move against his hand as if you’re some kind of bitch in heat. Well, perhaps you’re becoming one. 
Your hands move to his wings, fingertips traveling through red feathers. He chokes, letting out a strangled sound – it doesn’t distract him from fingering your pussy, though. Hawks’ fingers are rapid, experienced – he’s well aware boys your age wouldn’t dream of pleasuring you like this. 
He’s well aware he’s ruined other people for you. 
“Fuck, kid, straight for the wings huh?” 
The ridiculous nickname feels funny on his tongue, heavy with the need to call you something more than that. He wants to call you baby, his lover, his bitch–
“Two can play this game.” You tease, kissing his neck. You leave a mark, one that can be easily hidden but still a reminder of your sinful acts with him. 
At this point, you’re not quite sure where his body starts and yours ends. It’s too intimate, too passionate – it almost suffocates you. It feels like you’re drowning in him, losing yourself in his presence. It’s intoxicating, and you need more. 
Your hands slowly push his sweatpants down, along with his underwear, and he gets the message. Hawks frees his cock, letting it slap against his toned stomach. The tip is an angry red color, and his balls look heavy. 
Unconsciously, you wet your lips, salivating at the sight. You sit up, but he pushes you down, pinning you against the couch. 
“Not today, ‘kay?” He asks, and he smiles at the pout forming on your lips. “Just wanna feel your cunt, sweetheart.”
His tip bullies its way through your velvety walls, and you both sigh in relief. Despite his size and girth, the stretch doesn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Hawks, while playing and edging your pussy, got you ready to take him.
He hooks one of your legs on his shoulder, and your ankle brushes against his wings. The crimson feathers look bigger now, more intimidating. they almost reach the ceiling, creating a perfect barrier between you and the world. 
Hawks inches into you fully, balls softly slapping against your ass. You whine as he sets a steady pace, eyes rolling into your skull at the pleasure. His body almost goes numb from the feeling of your tight, warm walls gripping on him like your life depended on it. It almost sends him into sensory overload. 
“Who d’you belong to?” He asks, hips snapping against yours. His fingers are pressing harshly against your hips, dipping into the flesh. Hawks’ pupils look sharper and bigger, making his eyes look even more predatory. 
“You, fuck, y-you Keigo.” You breathe, soft doe eyes looking up at him like he’s the only thing you know. “Belong t’you.”
Despite the pretty tone in your voice, he doesn’t believe you for a second. He wants that to be a reality so bad, but he can’t bring himself to do it. There’s no way in hell an angel like you could belong to someone like him. 
You feel so full, so relaxed. There’s something unique about his touch, something so good about the way you become one. His cock reaches all the right places, the ones you can’t quite reach with your finger – or toys. 
Hawks’ body is warm, feverish. His palm finds your neck, slightly gripping it. He sighs, feeling your heartbeat on his fingertips, feeling your breath become slower. Your head feels dizzy, as you get lost in the warm haze of his touch. 
“M-more” You manage to mumble, rolling your hips against his, meeting his thrusts halfway. “Please.”
He continues moving against you, only this time it’s harder – faster, sloppier. Hawks brushes his lips against yours, eyes boring into yours. You hook your legs around his tiny waist, bringing him closer. 
“F-fuck, Jesus fucking Christ.” You’re both babbling nonsense, begging for each other's touch. “You still on birth control?”
You nod, unable to form a full sentence – or a simple yes. 
The Earth stutters on its axis as you cum, lightning traveling through your every vein, setting your nerves on fire. Your cunt grips harder on his cock, releasing your juices against his body.
“Ah, Keigo, please. Cum in me, cum f’me.” Your pleas feel like heaven on his ears, making Hawks shut his eyes and let himself release in you.
Everything becomes white noise as Hawks paints your insides white, strips of cum mixing with your juices. It’s messy, and so intimate. He lets his breathing come back to normal before leaving you empty, with a dirty slurp noise. 
Your eyes are closer, hair gluing against your sweaty forehead. He thinks you look like a painting, and he hopes he never forgets such an image. 
“Did so good f’me.” He mumbles, placing kisses on your cheek. You grin, hands cupping his cheeks. “Missed ya when I was away.”
“Did you now?”
“Yeah. ‘M not just saying that either.”
You smile, looking up at him with fucked out eyes.
“Good. Missed you too.”
He starts to get up, in order to clean the mess you made and take you to your bedroom. You stop him, delicate hands pulling on his strong arms. 
“Let’s stay like this for a while, please?”
Hawks considers for a few seconds, realizing there’s nothing on earth he could deny you.
“Sure, kid.”
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mrsstarkey1 · 2 years ago
approval - jj maybank
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REQUEST: "could u write a lil fic where reader is dating JJ secretly and she's toppers sister??? and he finds out and gets all mad - it can end however u want! thanks" requested by @sofiatheseconf
WARNINGS: curse words
a/n: check out my most recent jj fic
“Shh, will you be quiet?” you whisper-yelled to JJ as he practically stomped up the stairs in your house. “My mom and Topper are here,” you said sternly as you closed your bedroom door quietly. 
He rolled his eyes, letting himself fall down on your bed. “Maybe we should just tell Topper,” he said with a shrug and your eyes snapped to him, giving him a look that just screamed, 'absolutely not.'
You laid down next to him with a sigh, “as much as I hate sneaking around all the time, I think I would hate having my boyfriend murdered by my brother more.”
“You have a decent point,” he said, followed by a dramatic sigh. “I just want the world to know about us.” 
You turned toward him, eyebrow raised, “the world?” 
JJ rolled his eyes, “you know what I mean.” 
“I know,” you said softly, turning yourself over to look at him. “I don’t love it either, but you gotta admit, the risk of getting caught is a little thrilling, isn’t it?” You said slowly, tracing the skin under his t-shirt. 
He let a smirk play at his lips, nodding slowly. He re-positioned his body so he was hovering over you. You propped yourself up on your elbows, kissing him hungrily. He moved down to your neck, planting wet kisses down to your collarbone.
“Hey y/n, Mom wants to know if-” you instinctively pushed JJ off of you at the sound of Topper's voice, and JJ landed on the floor with a thud. “What the fuck?” Toppers familiar angry voice echoed through the your now dead-silent room.
Your eyes stayed widened in a state of shock, eyes flickering between the two boys in front of you. “I was wrong, this is not thrilling,” you mumbled to yourself.
JJ shot up off the floor, and Topper snapped out of his shock and started toward him. You pushed yourself off the bed quickly, hurriedly blocking Topper from your JJ. “Wait, wait.”
“What the fuck is going on in here y/n?” you opened your mouth to speak, “actually no, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. But whatever it was, it’s over.”
“You can’t be serious,” you said with a scoff. 
“I’m more than serious, I don’t want to see that pogue around you ever again. Understand? I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
He was not kidding. Over the next couple weeks, where ever you went, he went. Where ever you ate, he ate. Where ever you shopped, he sat on the bench outside the store. He even watched your tennis practices. He would practically hiss at every pogue who even came within 10 feet of you. Even when he wasn’t with you, he had one of his dumbass friends watching your every move as if you were a child that needed babysat.
You’d been annoyed by your brother before, obviously, but this took it to a whole new level. You were furious.
Though he watched you like a hawk when you were out and about, he somehow never thought to watch you when you were home. Once you realized he hadn’t checked on you in your room once, JJ started to sneak into your room almost every night. It was baffling that Topper hadn’t figured it out yet.
He would sneak in through your window around 9:00 every night, so it was dark enough so he wouldn’t be seen but light enough so he could see what he was doing.
One night that planned to come over, he had fallen asleep unwillingly. He didn’t wake up until midnight with about a million missed texts and calls from you. He threw on a shirt quickly sent a short text before heading to your place.
He climbed up to the roof, paying more attention to his feet on the slick roof from the rain, rather than to where he was going. He held his hand out until he found glass, knocking on it softly.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” JJ heard a loud, muffled voice from the other side of the window that definitely wasn’t yours.
The window opened abruptly and JJ was pulled into the room, landing on the wood floor. “Didn’t learn your lesson, pogue?” Topper yelled, standing over JJ fully ready to beat the hell out of him.
JJ held up his hands in surrender, “just let me explain, alright?”
“Explain what? That you’ve been sneaking into my little sisters room to-” he scrunched his nose in disgust, shaking his head. “To do God knows what.”
JJ pushed himself off the floor and onto his feet, “listen, we’re not just having-” he stopped when he saw Toppers glare. “Sorry,” he mumbled, mentally cursing himself. “We've been dating for three months, Topper. It’s not just a meaningless fling, it’s serious.”
Topper stayed silent, eyebrows furrowing in deep thought. JJ continued to plead his case, “I know we don’t have a great history, okay? But I don’t even care about any of that anymore. I love her man,” JJ admitted quietly, saying the words out loud for the first time.
Toppers head snapped up, meeting JJ’s eyes and searching for sincerity. He took a step closer, taking in a breath. JJ didn’t move a muscle, doing his best to appear confident.
“Just so you know, I don’t like what I’m about to say. But I love my sister, and I want her to be happy,” Topper started, jaw clenched. “One chance; you get one chance. You break her heart, and you’re gonna have a lot more broken.”
JJ nodded, holding out his hand for Topper to shake, “I’d never hurt her,” he said simply, obvious genuineness laced in his voice.
Topper firmly shook his hand with a short nod.
You peaked your head around Toppers opened door with a smile, deciding it was okay to reveal yourself now. You had heard the entire conversation, including a certain phrase that you couldn’t wait to say back to JJ.
taglist(lmk if u want added): @rafes-bae @willowpains @housekeeperjjswife @addisbooks @rafecameronsofine @sofiatheseconf @rosie-anne
check out my obx masterlist
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beejbsbswiwisnsnwwk · 1 year ago
Belos head cannons
Sometimes he will sit in his shower (sometimes fully clothed, other times not), and he will close his eyes and pretend that the water is rain from the human realm. He’ll pretend that Caleb never left, that he’s still in Gravesfield hunting witches, and that not a single thing changed.
End result: Belos sitting in his shower, sopping wet, fully clothed, either having fallen asleep from pure exhaustion, or he’s just crying, like the pathetic cat he is.
Belos always asks the grimwalkers to call him Phillip or Pip before he kills them. Belos also commonly has panic attacks after he sees the corpse of a grimwalker, because they look all too similar to Caleb.
He despises children with a passion.
Belos is terrified of vacuums. He will literally jump ten feet in the air, and stand behind a couch, a counter, in a doorway, anywhere he can to get away from the vacuum. He watches it like a hawk until it’s turned off and put away, but won’t admit he’s scared.
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sinnamonpork · 2 years ago
The first time pro hero Hawks experiences jealousy is within the base of the infamous league of villains, a one room apartment falling down on itself. He ignores the tiny room that barely fits all eight of them, the caved in ceiling that would be dripping wet whenever it rains, or even the paper thin walls. Instead he focuses on how Mr. Compress is forcing a grumbling Dabi to finish his food. He sees Shigaraki lying down on Twice's thigh - ignoring everyone around him, contoller in hand, yet making a noise whenever Twice moves away - as said man is chatting with Toga as he fixes her hair. He hears Kurogiri and Spinner whispering somewhere behind him about pretty red eyes and how to get noticed by villainous leaders.
Hawks stands in the middle of this shitty apartment, thinking about his clean and fully furnished penthouse, not an object out of place(because no one stays long enough to make a mess). He thinks about his late night dinners with more food he could ever hope to finish(yet no one to share it with). He remembers all the love and adoration he gets from all his fans around the world, but the neverending emptiness is still there.
Keigo has never felt more alone even with the endless chatter of the people he is supposed to betray near. But when Dabi walks his way while complaining about all the vegetables he was made to eat and a Toga tugging at his hero uniform - showing off the glittering nails Twice painted on her - Keigo thinks that maybe, just maybe he could have a home here too.
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