#raine and eda would probably be a better fit in general
phoeeling · 2 years
everyone seems to be firmly on the dadrius train but imo I just don’t think Darius is exactly… qualified… to adopt. I mean, we didn’t all collectively forget that he spent Hunter’s Entire Life projecting on Hunter, right?
Darius seemed to resent Hunter for… not disobeying Belos? Presumably because he views it as an insult to his Mentor’s memory. That’s all in good fun, but Hunter is a child, and one who will face physical retribution for just saying the wrong thing in front of Belos. And I don’t know if Darius has even realized this at our current moment in canon.
It’s tragic, but the show (and Hunter’s audio recording from the stream) tells us that Hunter was, at best, ignored by Darius. At worst? publicly humiliated with his self-taught sewing insulted and his personal belongings stolen. Darius, like Lilith, projected onto Hunter. (And imo, Darius, like Lilith, should probably work that out in therapy.)
The only coven head that seemed to ever be nice to Hunter was Raine, and they had the shortest run as coven head before they were found out as a traitor. They had little time to form any kind of connection with Hunter, and it was enough that them ignoring him or acting coldly was considering ‘weird’ to him.
point being: yeah, Darius has gotten better and, more or less, started making up for things. but just about a week ago he was still projecting onto a child, so maybe don’t give him full custody just yet. he’d make a great replacement uncle, but I’m not sure he’s ready for parenthood— even if it was with a normal, not-super-traumatized child.
also: how confusing must it have been for Hunter when Darius did that 180 on him? First Darius steals his cloak and insults his sewing and saying he doesn’t deserve to wear the patch, then he’s giving him a scroll, saying he should have friends, keeping flapjack a secret and encouraging him to rebel? and fixing his sewing?? and saying his predecessors would be proud? because he rebelled?? that must’ve been the most confusing thing ever for him.
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inconspicouslurker · 8 months
I love your hagsquad takes and hcs btw, and I was wondering do you have any for darius's friendship with eda and raine?
Thank you :D I mainly write them down here to keep them from cluttering up my mind. I figured to share them in a blog in case it might interest or entrained someone.
The thing about Darius that I love and find hilarious is that refined and posh Darius attracts feral friends.
Eda is well...we know how chaotic she is. Alador has own version of chaos. Eberwolf is legit feral. Perry isn't as bad as the others, but I think that kid has ran headfirst into danger to get first hand of the truth of the story multiple times. Plus, I think he gets very excitable. Odalia is a different type of chaos, petty and spiteful. The previous Golden Guard/ Darius mentor most likely had their own chaoticness with the simple fact of being Belos right hand man. Raine may be the least feral of them all beside Lilith. Which is refreshing for Darius. However Raine had their moments.
I assume, your question pertains their friendship to their younger years. I love Darius, and think about him and Alador often as they are my favorite hagsquad members. Darius and Alador are so intertwined that I never really put much thought of Darius outside of Alador (and therefore Odalia) in his younger years.
My take on Raine is they generally match the vibe, like a giant sponge that soaks in the energy and Raine hidden traits would surface to reflect based of who they are with. Which is usually near mischievous chaos since they usually hang with Eda. With Eda they own mischievous trouble making nature surface but they are a lot more aware of consequences of their actions then Eda. Raine try to be the voice of reason to Eda but get swayed by Eda (Mostly, Eda can talk them into anything with little reservation from Raine)
Now, Raine just one and one with Darius is a lot more dialed back. Raine calming maturity surface. As I mention before about Darius, Alador is his bestie, but I think he went along with Lilith. I love the idea of him being besties with Odalia too because it seems really fitting, but with flashbacks it doesn't seem that way. He just get along with Odalia really well as they have a lot of shared interest beside Alador. I am leaning towards Odalia and Darius were actually friends, but it more recent/the last few school years (not childhood friends) and Odalia was mostly associated with Alador which was extended to Darius as those two boys were nearly glued at the hip. Odalia was probably a pretty decent friend in her younger years but given a choice of something benefiting her friend vs herself she would pick herself 93.97% of the time. The 6.03% being something minor or trivial that she willing to give up when she in a pleased mood. Tho, he and Odalia probably bicker a lot over stupid teenager things for example, what's the better boy band. They are absolutely petty to each other over trivial things.
But teenage Darius and Raine? I assume pretty good friends with the short time frame they were giving during the school years. They may discuss more "adultish interest" such as "cultured" things that didn't interest Eda or Alador. For example, fine art and musicals and such. Both thoroughly enjoying their conversations as they probably don't really have anyone else to discuss to and it was refreshing to finally have someone to do so.
Darius probably gave a lot of advice on fashion to Raine how they can still look great while remaining neutral looking. Like, a minor small adjustment that took an obvious feminine or masculine article clothing they really like but the minor tweek on Darius advice made it neutral.
They both seek each other if they need a serious insight on something (Mostly their crushes on their besties) outside of their besties opinions. Both good at listening and giving advice with an outside perspective. Everyone but Alador knew of Darius crush but Darius was still in denial. Darius went to Raine when he stop denying and came into terms with his feelings for Alador. He discussed them with Lilith at first a few time but stopped. Lilith was great with the outside perspective but she didn't relate. It was much easier to discuss his pining with Raine who had experienced it. They get to bounce of each other their frustrations and woe. This deepen their friendship rapidly as they were confining their deepest selves to each other and neither said anything to break the others trust. Which is funny because their shared secrets they told each other, the student body has already speculated and was treated as common knowledge.
They both had an interest in the drama club. Darius making costumes and Raine with the music. (Alador was a total stagehand/set & prop design) Darius was also interested in acting. I think Raine was too but was really nervous about it, then discovered they had stage fright or something during their musical that scarred impressionable teenage Raine to gain stage fright. They didn't seem too nervous during H.E.C.K/I.F.W.O.T) granted they did a few times before hand so they had experience that may lessen their anxiety. But if someone who cannon been mention they had stage fright, they didn't seem too sheepish or nervous improvising to pretend to fight Eda with the spotlight on them in front of a coven head. All of the squad was involved in the musical. Alador wanted to stay backstage but was force to be on stage a handful of times due to lack of members to perform. He was terrible at it, and fell several times and kept going in the wrong directions.
Darius with Eda, I just have an impression he sort of hung back and let her do her thing. He was just along for the ride. He enjoys hanging out with her. She breaks him out of the cool maturity he hold himself in but she's like the devil on his left shoulder that he would roll his eyes playfully with a mischievous smirk forming on his lips when she whispers her devious pranks ideas and go along with it. She pretty much brings him back down to act his age or little younger.
They are also very competitive with each other. With physical prowess and sports to stupid wagers. Eda often dares him which he usually follows through even reluctantly because he prideful and he cant have Eda gloat about whatever stupid dare she made. Eda takes full advantage of this often daring him on things that she knows he right about but dares him otherwise because he has a need to prove her wrong.
All three together? Well, I think it changes up dramatic over the course of their school time. Raine was only at Hexside for a year or two and during that time Raine befriended everyone, have awkward teenage will they?/wont they? with eda, possibly follow through the will they part during the end of the year, and Darius own falling out with Alador. So with each episode of those would change up the dynamic of the trio.
The will they/won't they would have Darius rolling his eyes alot and teasing them playfully. Give them advice individual to help them along to get together. Eda called him out at one point about him giving advice but hasn't done a thing about Alador who he *OBVIOUSLY* has a crush on. Darius turned red and sputtered at that in denial.
Will they: Darius be happy for them but probably be nauseated of their sickenly sweet affections. Starts to feel like a third wheel. Especially if it was during the time of his fallout with Alador.
Between the two events: Darius would be slightly irritated by the obvious tension and feeling nauseous as they give each other lovey dovey eyes. "WILL YOU TWO KISS ALREADY!"
During the fallout Darius was most likely bitter at a few points, Especially if Eda and Raine are together. Not bitter at them, but bitter about his own love life or lack thereof while his friends flourishes before his eyes. If there was a angsty emo teenage Darius phase, it would be at this time. Him pretending and failing at hiding that hes not bothered by his falling out/ possibly turned down /possibly unrequited love. He spout cringy emo sayings when he feeling particularly low. “Never make someone your everything because when he leaves, there goes your everything.", “Sometimes it’s better to be alone. No one can hurt you that way.”, “What hurts more than losing you is knowing that you’re not fighting to keep me.” 
*Can you tell I'm enjoying imagining for the first time, a teenaged emo phased Darius here?*
Again, I haven't thought too much on it but here are my thoughts in the thirty minutes it took me to write this since it was brought to my attention. Hopefully, its was at least somewhat entertaining.
If anyone use any these headcanons, please give a shot out to me as I am trying to included in my own fic
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crimeronan · 28 days
76. Did you have any ideas that didn't make the final cut of the princess AU in general?
from this ask game!
omg. so many. so so So many. the vast majority of my stories go through a lot of revisions and have a lot of outtakes before i decide on the version that i actually like..... so here are some notable things that Didn't happen in the princess AU, which were originally meant to (or could have happened):
in the original oneshot, luz says that belos taught her to do something she'd really rather not know how to do. at the time, that was ambiguously referring both to creating grimwalkers AND to eating palismen. i ended up not exploring the palisman angle in the long luz fic because i decided that i wanted all of the horror to be tightly centered around Grimwalker Bullshit. the palisman thing would have been an interesting extension of the autonomy themes..... but it also would have meant writing a permanently haunted luz, and it would have been very very very sad. probably better that i didn't!!
2. in my original plan, luz's killing of belos was premeditated. i ended up scrapping that because i couldn't imagine that belos would drop an "i'm gonna kill hunter" bomb & then leave her alone long enough to premeditate a murder, AND i wanted the higher stakes. a luz doing premeditated murder still has some control over her circumstances. i wrote powerlessness instead because it was scarier, more compelling, and it made more sense for luz as a character. (she would not have been NEARLY as traumatized by what happened if she'd been able to simply premeditate belos's death.)
3. there are outtakes of luz meeting the collector. originally, the collector was the one to tell her that the grimwalkers didn't get sick & that belos killed them all for fun. this was a big part of why she planned a premeditated murder. now my working canon is that belos didn't find the collector because luz wasn't there to help him 400 years ago. (poor kid. someone go help them right now)
4. i ended up semi-regretting locking myself into hunter's storyline because i had to maneuver luz's around it. if i HADN'T done that, then hunter definitely would have gotten almost-murdered by belos. luz also would have tried to send him away before things came to a head, and that would have been a WAY more vicious and heartshattering fight than any they've had in the AU canon.
5. i have tons of outtakes of eda and raine having various arguments with each other. these are gonna be edited into something smoother but please know that there are versions of them in my gdocs that are so WILDLY, INSANELY DIVORCED.
6. i have an outtake of darius and hunter fighting about luz but i don't think it fits anywhere in the timeline now. sad :'( the thing about me wanting darius to be hunter's dad is that it's Required that they shout at each other first.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
The Take On The Owl House I Hate the Most
Kind of because I see it WAY too easily. I probably wouldn’t actually make a blog about this because I could see it landing me in hot water but... Well, I keep talking TOH not liking the fact that it’s a kid’s show, that it’s a fantasy show, etc. like that. It doesn’t like comedy of kid’s shows, it doesn’t like the moralizing, Dana explicitly chose Disney because they would give her 22 minute time slots unlike other kid’s shows right now. It does create a show that feels different but also feels like it’s not wearing the skin it wants to be wearing.
That’s not the take though. That’s all stuff I happily agree with and have talked about in the past. No, this take is one I wish I agreed with less but that the show possibly supports and I REALLY wish it didn’t at ALL. The show wants to be a CW-esque, teenage/adult oriented, drama. And if it were... Luz would be wanting to fuck Eda.
Now normally I would hear someone pitch me this and go “Okay, you can go do your edgy AU. Have fun.” I’m not interested but fandom will do as fandom does. It only makes me cringe and recoil into myself because... How else do you explain the complete and total worship and obsession over Eda that Luz has? The first episode explicitly makes it clear that if Luz doesn’t want to do something, she won’t. In fact, the first THREE episodes, all reinforce that. Someone tells her to do something mundane and she goes off to have her own adventure. To have her own fantasy. Meanwhile, Eda is CONSTANTLY shitting on her and belittling that fantasy and that doesn’t really stop until post Once Upon a Swap. EIGHT EPISODES IN. And Luz and Eda have ONE more episode that has them together in a major way, Adventure in the Elements, after that for the entire season. That is the basis for Luz deciding to throw away her mom and not only go save Eda but destroy the portal. That’s not who Luz is, even in S1. She is too self interested in her own fantasy. It’s part of the problem with the Found Family as I’ve discussed before.
So this raises the reasonable question of, if Luz doesn’t find Eda’s normal work interesting, won’t listen to her, isn’t getting properly taught and barely has anything to do around the house, why does she stick around? Well... In episode four, we get this.
And that comment isn’t really new for the show. Eda’s attractiveness is just a blatant fact. She is made out not only to be attractive, but sexually attractive, MULTIPLE TIMES in at least the first season. Her looks get more attention, including by Luz, than AMITY, who is easily the next character who’s looks are even mentioned or glorified. In fact, her being on the market is a topic that crops up more than once in the series. Hell, it’s one of the first things we know about her, that people want to fuck her, as it’s in the fucking pilot. Warden Wrath finds her SO ALLURING as to drop his job to get a DATE with her.
And yes, Raine exists. Does Raine make sense with how Eda is portrayed in the first season, as someone who is happily on the market but also tired of how many assholes she meets on it? No. Admittedly, Eda’s relationship with... Relationships doesn’t make a lot of sense in general but she absolutely doesn’t feel like a character who is mourning the loss of their soulmate, which is absolutely how the show tries to portray it in S2.
She feels a lot more like she fucks around and finds out a lot of guys are assholes. There’s a reason why it was REALLY popular to ship Gruncle Stan and her when S1 was all that was out.
Worse yet, if you want to say Amity proves Luz isn’t into older women or the like, we get this chestnut from fucking First Day.
“And maybe meet a hot, yet vulnerable, upperclassmen.”
There’s... A lot of problems with this line but it also would fit WAY better in, you know... A CW drama and not a kid’s show. Especially from your MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER. She CANONICALLY, because TOH doesn’t think about its jokes WHATSOEVER, has unhealthy, fucked up relationship fantasies. Especially with school. After all, if it was to make them better, she could have said angsty, hurt, troubled, etc. But it’s VULNERABLE. Vulnerabilities are explicitly to be TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF.
*eye twitch*
Now, I do want to say that Eda did take her in and gave her a chance. Luz doesn’t do well with that chance, it’s less than one episode before she tells Eda to shove it for not thinking she’s not special enough, but you can maybe make a case there. She also gets with Amity. So if you wanted to, I dunno, prove that Luz was written in a way that made her seem more interested/cared about Amity more than Eda, especially since S1 does not earn that sort of interest, are there examples of that?
*dead eye stares the camera*
“Don’t you want to go save your girlfriend?” “I do but I’d rather be here and be prepared for if you guys need help.” This is from Clouds on the Horizon. Admittedly, her fear is warranted... But she literally would rather do NOTHING in order to support Eda, because she is explicitly not a part of this plan, than go help unstick her girlfriend. This is also the episode where Luz blatantly ignored Odalia threatening Lumity’s existence so that she can focus on saving the white boy there and get into a position that better, you know, helps. Eda. With the specific motivation that Eda is in trouble, despite the fact that she hasn’t made a plan for how they’re not all about to DIE! Like if Alador didn’t step in, Luz’s plan didn’t mean SHIT. At least Amity was actually dealing with the current problem while Luz was only focused on “Eda is in trouble. I need a way that gets me to Eda.” I personally vouch that the fact that it saved Hunter was tangential as Gus is MORE than powerful enough to make Hunter disappear and replace him with a clone and that’s an even less complex plan than what Luz made up on the fly.
Don’t like that? How about her desperate need for Eda’s approval, to be seen as a peer of hers, STILL, instead of being willing to talk to her, in Titan Where Art Thou? Or that Luz specifically needs to make sure Eda is okay in King’s Tide while her friends, who do not know the human realm or have connections there, are being forced through a portal? Including her girlfriend. How about the simple fact that Luz is WAY more honest with Eda than she literally ever is with Amity?
It’s all just REALLY awkward. But in the context of a CW show, it’s still not good writing, but it’s in line with those absurdities WAY more than with a kid’s shows absurdities. In fact... That’s kind of true in general for TOH. Having the twist that a relative ruined your life because you were better than them and they only became successful because of that choice? That’s in line. The comedy styling leaning more on either pure misery of a couple characters that the writers obviously hate and have there to make mean statements on? Yeah, that sounds right. The refusal to resolve plotlines, especially happily, when it could instead be milked for drama for the next three seasons? The fact that it obviously set itself up to go on for eternity? That sounds about right too. And I will admit I could be wrong. I don’t watch CW shows. Degrassi, Glee, Riverdale? They hold no interest for me because I don’t like mean spirited they often feel. But... with time, TOH absolutely feels more and more mean spirited. And even early on, that ridiculing of other media and fantasy and wanting to have fun all feels in line with that sort of spirit. Including the lack of interest in its fantasy elements.
Eda and Luz aren’t even the only ones that frankly make more sense like this. Lilith’s break with reality almost, and constant need for validation (including from Luz, including as a teacher which is uncomfortable in Escaping Expulsion in general, LET ALONE IN THIS CONTEXT) fits more in line with the sort of ‘insanity’ that those shows might give a character who’s life collapses. To add a chaotic element. Speaking of, that also fits the Bad boy of Hunter, who gets shipped with all the girls who are his age. Not in fandom BUT IN THE SHOW. All three of his introductions to Luz, Amity and Willow work as the start of a relationship arc, INCLUDING WITH THE LESBIAN. And... You know... Luz is Bi... And there are TERRIBLE plot lines you can do with that. *shudders and gags*
Meanwhile, characters like King, Gus, Willow, frankly Belos and his regime, and all the one off villains that other kid’s shows would embrace... Are kind of pushed to the side. Pushed to the side for characters who would feel entirely at home on something far more adult oriented. Something that was trying to be edgy and shocking and constantly have twists that prove how terrible these characters are. It even commonly sets it up. All of the reasons why Lumity WOULDN’T happen were part of why Lumity was so interesting between S1 and 2. But a lot of those plotlines admittedly felt more like this. Tackling racism, classism, Amity’s need to be the best, Luz’s flighty personality, etc. like that. Not helped of course by the fact that Hunter IS older than Luz and so IS a “hot yet vulnerable upper classman’ as he’s really only missing the BIG muscles of the dude Luz thought was “questing in all the right ways” back in episode TWO.
And if you’re wondering why this take has lingered with me... It’s because I keep asking why creative choices were made for The Owl House. Why are characters like this? Why is it a kid’s show when it obviously doesn’t like that it’s a kid’s show? Why is Luz so obsessed with Eda when they spend such little time together? Let alone POSITIVE time together?
And the idea that at one point it was meant to be an adult oriented cartoon, like Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel, but was just jammed into a kid’s show sized hole so it could be on broadcast television does help explain some of it. Do I think it’s actually true? NO! God no! Absolutely fucking not. Not for a second. Or bare minimum, I REALLY hope not. Also, I do want to point out that I don’t think the show would be GOOD like this, just that it leans weirdly on these sorts of tropes and writing styles and that it accidentally gives really awkward ways to interpret these characters, especially when what we’re told doesn’t match what we’re shown.
But ever since the concept was introduced to me, I could never quite get it out of my head. And I guess I just needed others to suffer with me. I’m sorry.
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nie7027 · 2 years
Also there's so much to talk about in this episode!
Luz being crafty and coming with a solution to charge her phone and new glyph combinations
Hunter using penstagram. With his horrible typing and his horrible picture (which probably Darius told him to do) and his profile name
That he was probably talking regularly with Willow/the emerald entrails and trust them enough to send them pictures of Flapjack
That old photo of Alador and how it shows Eda and Raine on a date, Odalia oggling Alador like he's fresh meat and Darius booing him
Aladors seems meek but he's is really powerful and now we know where Amity good her prowess at fighting
aladors abomination book is signed by Darius
Eda still worried about Raine
The Grom tree being important for Luz and Amity
Luz avoidance problems and the revelation that Luz Dad died.
Amity trying glyph magic and sucking at it
Amity refusing to join a coven. Not just the emperor's coven but she said any.
While i knew after everything Belos has done she would let go of her dream of joining the emperor's coven I thought she would at least give it a try for the abomination coven considering it's the only kind of magic she is shown using and seems to like it/doesn't seem interested in other types.
But nop. The girl is refusing to adhere to the system in general which YAY but also that's an incredibly dangerous move which how much Belos hunts those who refuse to join a coven. We know that's instant petrification and there's so much the director can do to protect his system defying students.
She is going straight for the deliquent/rebellion path and i can't wait to see her experimenting with more magic (i guess this is where the speculation of her doubling into bard magic will play into which fits as she likes literature)
The other Blight siblings also turning to Wild Magic with Eric going for Illusions/Beast keeping/Potions (which wow this kid is talented! So far Luz was the only one to try more than 2) and Emira going for Illusions/Healing
I guess the Blight just have to get used to their kids being criminals
Which brings me to another point.
Clearly Odelia is the worst of the Blight parents but while Alador isn't thaaaat much better he seems to be closer to the kids
Both Emiras scream of "what the heck dad” as if she feel betrayed by Alador not letting them take part in dangerous situations(which the twins are keen) and Amity's "You don't talk to us anymore” and he knowing why Amity chose to dye her hair purple imply Alador used to be somewhat aware of his kids lives and the things they liked.
And i say somewhat because he obviously not knowing joining the emperor coven was something Odalia forced on to Amity is very grave.
So like he wasn't a good dad (too absent/focused on his work and letting Odalia do as she pleased instead of standing up for the kids) but salvageable enough for Amity to try to reconnect with him.
Amity still refused his hug.
And i loved that because while yeah they talked and started to work things out that doesn't compensate everything that happened before.
As Amity said it's just a start (and a handshake is all she can manage to do)
Which is way more that she or any of her siblings would try with Odalia.
The three Blight siblings really carry so much baggage.
I talked before how Emira seems to be the most responsible and mom like of the Blight siblings like she is the one who had to take on the role of caretaker for her siblings and shows shows under how much pressure and control Amity is but today the episode went into Eric's deep seated self esteem issues which not doubt developed after not being able to fulfill Odelias expectations.
So so far we have the caretaker, the scapegoat and the golden child all roles kids in abused situations adopt.
i wonder if Odelia also made the twins try for the emperor's coven and how much of a disaster it was. I always found curious they twins went for the illusions covens instead on any of their parents covens (also none of them siblings trying for their moms covens speaks a lot)
And maybe today's episode brought light on that matter with the concealment stones the twins use to hide their true appreances/fake being someone they are not WHICH IS PRETTY FUCKED UP THEY HAVE TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE
and yeah you could argue this is like make up and maybe the twins are lazy and thisnis way easier that actually having to do the work to look as the are presenting BUT they very fact they have to present is the problem in itself and we know how Odalia is all about keeping appearances so no doubt this is related to her.
And the twins chose the illusions coven because they are good/used to keeping appearances.
Thank good this kids are getting adopted into the bad girls coven (Eda snapping at Alador for caring more for his scientific curiosity than trying to resolve his problems with his kids was so good)
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
So considering the Coven Heads were at the forefront of the draining spell, like the literal beacon points for it to even work, and assuming everyone survived once the Collector moved the moon, what if all 9 of them are now magicless or significantly weaker to the point it's noticeable?
(under a read more cuz this gets long and a bit political)
Obviously they were each chosen as Coven Heads because they're all top of the top in their respective magic, so they're way stronger than the average citizen or coven scout, but being the primary draining points must've caused them a lot of damage comparable to how much stronger they are than most everyone else at the scene was. Not to mention all of them but maybe Adrian and Eberwolf either are or appear to be over 40yrs old, meaning it'd be a lot harder to bounce back from a devastating attack like that than for someone younger, even if they're all masters of their craft.
I honestly imagine there will be more physical lasting effects caused from the draining spell than just Eda losing her arm, and as tragic as it would be for Raine, Eber, and Darius to lose their magic (I don't care if the other 6 lose their magic, fuck em lol), I think it'd also be a fitting narrative conclusion for disbanding the coven system without there being a big power struggle.
Let's be real here, I doubt any of the 6 that sided with Belos are going to have any kind of personal reflection over their actions or be willing to lose their positions of power any time soon. Raine said they all expected to "become royalty" after the spell, so they knew the same amount Odalia did (though not as much as Kikimora but they all knew the same general result to expect), which was "this spell is going to kill a lot of people but I'll be safe" -- literally a 'fuck em got mine' mentality.
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Which, considering they were happy to do shit like harm kids, rob people of bodily autonomy, and outright manipulate the masses for decades, these people are gonna have to really stew in it for a bit before coming to terms with their actions if they ever do, and suddenly being powerless or so weak they couldn't hold power even if they wanted to is probably the easiest way to get that to happen. When Terra in a last moment of desperation questioned if they were still going to reach paradise, that wasn't self-reflection over her decades of abusing power, that was her holding hope she wasn't wrong to do all of that. Like King said, no one wants to think they've wasted their lives following the wrong person.
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As sad as it would be (for the 3 we give a shit about), it'd also be a fresh reminder to the citizens, that the strongest witches of their era all became powerless following Belos, cuz as with real life, people tend to forget things if it's been a while or if it gets twisted into propaganda. (like, America for example, 1/6/2021 was a year & a half ago and pretty much no one thinks about it anymore. Members of Congress who were actively involved in the coup never got punished or lost their seats, most people that were there never got arrested, and the committee has only just started to discuss it's findings)
Like, first is dealing with the Collector, but it's obvious that'll have some kind of positive conclusion by the series end (OR SO IT BETTER), so post Belos & Collector Era is going to be unprecedented and scary and people will probably want to cling onto what's familiar, but if the Strongest Witches Around are all powerless/super weak now, it'll keep the system from staying as easily and also be a stark reminder of why they can't go back to that. It'll be hard to twist propaganda to remember Belos fondly if the people who gave their lives to win his highest titles were hurt the most.
Disability definitely shouldn't be a punishment, I'm not trying to say that! I'm just pointing out that I can't imagine the draining spell won't have negative side effects, nor do I imagine the 6 Coven Heads that's sided with Belos will want to reconcile easily even if they did almost die given they all gladly took the bait of letting everyone else die if it meant they'd get rewarded. Plus with the way this show handles disability and depicts a number of characters flourishing in spite of how their world works I wouldn't be surprised to see more characters fall into that category. Like the tragedy of losing your traditional magic with the fall of covens but being given glyphs and palisman as wild magic returns kind of bookend storytelling.
Anyway, if those 9 don't end up magicless or significantly weaker, I kind of hope at least the sigil scars stay cuz again they got it the worst out of everyone by being the spell's focal points. Being covered in scars would also be a good reminder of Belos' lies, but also just realistic in terms of how high the stakes were. Ultimately I just wonder if there will be lasting effects from the spell, and can't really see how it'd be possible there aren't any especially for the Coven Heads, unfortunately including the three that tried to stop it all.
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Period Pains - Raeda fanfic
Summary: Raine gets bad period symptoms, and Eda tries to make them feel a little bit better This a fic that I 100% projected on Raine so please don't hate me if it doesn't fits your personal view of them. I just have bad period cramps and it feels good being conforted so I thought that would make a cute scenario for Raine to be comforted and pampered because of nasty period symptoms. Do not read if period talk makes you dysphoric or grosses you out, that’s a dead dove do not eat situation.
Rating: General public
Tags: Raeda, hurt/comfort
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33433765
 Raine woke up in the morning feeling like trash.
 Cramps started to be registered, as they slowly got aware of the room they’re in, and Eda was cuddling them close, but the hot warm bottle they had put on Raine’s navel had gone cold a while ago, much like the cramp potion they took the night before. Those 4 days per month were the most miserable, they always got cramps and nauseous and felt all swollen and gross overall. They shifted on the bed, cramps slowly getting worse, making their stomach squirm, and their face scrunch up on the most painful expression. Their shift made Eda wake up, pulling them closer to continue the cuddling.
 “Mmmmornirg, Rainstorm.”
 “Morning, Eda.” they answered, looking at her and smiling weakly.
 "You ok?" She touched the bottle, checking the temperature "I am going to heat it again for you." She slowly stood up, yawning and stretching.
 "Don't worry, I can do that myself." They reassured, trying to sit on the bed and immediately getting gently pushed back to laying down.
 "No, you will stay in the nest and rest. Get a pillow and hug it on your navel to ease the pain while I get everything you need."
 "Eda!" They pouted, but they liked being pampered like this by her.
 "Well, you can pout and complain but today is my day to take care of you." she was adamant about being the caretaker for her pained partner.
 "Okay, okay, I surrender to your care, Miss Owl." Raine grinned, loving this new Eda that was at the same time careless and careful, but the grin stopped when a particularly painful twinge made them squirm and whine.
 "Do you need a new pad?" She asked, caressing their cheek "Chocolate? Candy? Painkiller? To kill someone for you?" Eda smirked, getting her hand into their navel and slowly massaging it in circular motions. Her hand was warm and soft.
 "Huh, new pad and breakfast plese. And the painkiller might help." The massaging soothed the pain a bit, Raine closing their eyes and enjoying the moment of intimacy between them. Just them, no kids to yell or dispute for Eda's attention. They liked the kids a lot, but they couldn't deny that they liked moments like this one, where all the attention was catered towards them and towards being a couple with Eda.
 "Okay, wait here. The kids are asleep, so I will quietly get some breakfast for you and avoid waking them up." She got up, getting a painkiller and a cup of water "Normal pad or the big ones?” Raine confirmed for the bigger ones “Here. I hope it helps, Mx. Whispers."
 "Thank you, Miss Clawthorne." They smiled softly. Soon enough Eda was back with a light breakfast and the hot water bottle was now actually warm. The painkiller did some of the promised effect already, making Raine feel a little less trashy than before, sitting on the nest to eat. Eda placed the hot water bottle after a little navel kiss.
 “Don’t kill my partner in pain, please.”
 “I don’t think it can follow orders.” Raine chuckled. “Or else it would have stopped hurting a long time ago because I asked nicely.”
 "Poor Rainstorm. It surprises me it continues bad like this even after you got older. When I was like 30 I stopped getting this much cramps and other nasty stuff.”
 “You’re lucky, the healing coven said they couldn’t do much for me except painkillers.”
 “And kisses and cuddles.” Eda completed, kissing them fondly. ”Did you change your pad already? Everything was okay?"
 "Yeah, just the usual. You know, the painful bleeding that makes me feel like there's a shark eating me from inside out and draining me from all life and energy.” Raine groaned, a bit grumpy about it.
 “Dramatic as always, Rainstorm.” Eda teased, pinching their cheek “Well, if you’re up for some illegal surgery, I probably could remove the whole thing without killing you.”
 “We’re not having a homemade surgery, even if I feel really tempted to accept it while my organ is squeezing all my blood out. I appreciate the gesture, though.”
 “C’mon, I am basically a doctor from that show I watch.”
 “Green’s anatomy isn’t medical school!” Raine giggled, having fun “Half of the stuff isn’t even accurate, have you ever talked with someone from the healing coven? They hate Green’s anatomy      with passion    .”
 “It’s fun to watch! You should give it a tryyyy.” Eda begged playfully.
 “Am I not in enough pain?” Raine teased, smirking.
 “Silly witch.” Eda grinned lovingly “I love you so much.”
 “I love you too. And I think I need chocolate and cuddles now.”
 “Wow, such an unrealistic request! How will I ever fulfill those?” She got something from her drawer, a chocolate candy bar, and cuddled them in, giving kisses on the back of his neck and caressing their hair, feeling the softness and the texture. “I got more if you pay me in kisses.” Eda bargained “I know you gotta lot of those to give.”
 Raine blushed, cuddling closer.
 “Only for you, my little owl.” They were hiding their face on her chest, but they knew she was blushing hard by the change in her way of breathing. They found it funny that the owl lady, who always loved compliments and attention, would get so flustered from a simple touch or a nickname, but they wouldn’t lie, they liked to know that it was basically only for them that this soft, blushy side was revealed.
 They had each other for only two months now, but it felt like they never drifted apart to begin with, and they both were clingy as hell, sharing small touches and cheek pecks all the time they’re in the same room, looking at each other with so much love that would make Hunter and King sick, holding hands like a second nature, something they didn’t even notice until they had to let go of each other. It was so hard to stay apart, like they’re lovesick teenagers  again, wanting to never let go of each other again, feeling the puppy love fill them every time Raine said “My girlfriend” and Eda said “My partner”. They could almost feel the little cartoon hearts around each other just from glances at each other direction.  
 That was fair enough, Raine had to let go of her 20 years ago, but now that they had grown as their own witches, it was the perfect time to be together, and Raine would never let go of Eda again.
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sparklespectres · 3 years
Anyways, this episode was OVERWHELMING IN THE BEST WAY!
I figured I would like Raine a considerable amount just based on the owl house in general having like top tier characters, but now that we’ve actually seen them in action I love them SOOOO MUCH!! They’re definitely the type of person that’s shy until they get to know someone well (it was very relatable for me lol) and they show that really well with their interactions with Eda. I am Very concerned for them now, and I guess we finally know the like more secretive reason for the coven brand thingies, and I’m sad that it seems like we won’t get more of them any time soon due to Belos being horrible (as usual). You can really tell that Raine and Eda both care about each other a LOT; they were able to pick their relationship up (friendship? Relationship? Idk but that was absolutely not platonic lol) right where they left off, and I really appreciated that they were like, supportive and encouraging of Eda not trying to distance herself from Luz and King. (The “do you have kids???” joke was so funny I was laughing for a good 5 minutes straight ksjsksh). It genuinely broke my heart when they got separated and those two getting reunited is going right up there with lumity canon on my list of Things That Need to Happen by the End of the Show
Obviously this was a very big episode for Eda, and I appreciate that we got to see like a big range of emotions from her! She’s often either in her confident cool mode or acting more maternal, and really the only things she’s gotten more emotional about in the past have been related to Luz or parent/sibling things, so to see her get genuinely sad not only about Luz/King but also about Raine getting caught was kind of refreshing, in addition to seeing her a bit more flustered in some moments as well. Overall Eda’s characterization in this episode was just Very Dynamic and I appreciated it a lot! I also really just like that she is going out of her way to go against the emperor when she can, even if it’s just hitting some guards in the street. What Belos is doing is getting more and more concerning, and I want to make another post kind of listing all the weird details about EC stuff we’ve gotten this season, but that’s for later.
It’s also interesting that Eda’s magic might be coming back? It’s definitely strange how corrupted it seems, and she might want to stay away from bard for a bit until they can figure it out, but it was really creepy and effective for how they were using it
Bard magic is also so cool!? Like all of the scenes where Raine and Eda were playing together were sooooo pretty, which is definitely a plus, but also the uses for bard magic are so versatile and like, playing one specific note can do such a range of different things and it’s just so cool. Anyways yeah, Eda looked absolutely stunning in all of her close up shots this episode and it’s really not surprising at all that she has so many admirers/exes lol.
We also kind of got to see king’s dad? But he ended up getting officially adopted by Eda which makes me very happy because it just fits much better with the found family aspect of the show. It’s just so sweet how much the owl house crew cares about each other, and although we know that, it’s nice for them to show it more every once and a while.
We also got a surprising amount of development to the capabilities of abomination magic? I was not expecting that, but I’m not complaining bc abomination magic is one of my favorite types, and this episode definitely moved it up. The coven leader (I believe their name was Darius?) was very well portrayed with a really interesting character design, and oh boy were they powerful! I don’t think I realized abominations could do all of what was happening there, but it was very creative and well executed, especially when they combined themselves with the abomination as sort of a power-up thing? And also when they sent the other three BATS to the conformatorium? Idk I can’t tell if they’re like, one with the abomination (other than their hair) or if that’s just a thing abomination witches can do. Honestly it was so cool to watch even though they were working for the emperor and I was rooting against them, like just seeing the capabilities of the magic is just so interesting. It’s wild to compare to Amity’s skill set too, like I just feel like with a bit more development of her skills she’ll be an absolute beast in combat and I love that for her. Also we got to see the abomitons again, and I love the continuity of them being used by Kikimora (and Belos in hunting palismen). I also thought it was very funny when Darius (?) called Alador a hack because like, at the end of the day they’re all antagonists, but I do dislike some of them slightly less when they insult each other lol
Anyways, overall this episode, much like all the episodes of season 2 so far, was FANTASTIC! I really enjoyed it and I think this’ll definitely be one of my favorites because of how different it feels? The ending is obviously VERY scary and I’ll probably make a separate post later about that, but I’m just in all the different types of shock rn lol
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