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rainy-wc · 2 months ago
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my childhood warrior cats oc, irisdapple, dusted off and brought back nearly 20 years later 💜 everyone say thank you clangen. she's my babygirl + i can't wait to start obsessively posting about her again like it's the early 2000s.
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cats-of-rainclan · 1 year ago
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skyscratch-wc · 2 months ago
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My ClanGen:LifeGen kids! Since I didn’t write it out on here, here’s what their roles were, etc:
1. Sablefur was a born outside the clan and brought to it as a kit with her father and siblings. She was a queen and had 3 litters of kits with her mate, Mudpelt.
2. Mistpaw was a warrior apprentice who was murdered before she could finish her training. Also there is an error in the art- she is not related to Sablefur. She’s the adopted daughter of one of Sable’s friends and her brother becomes Sable’s daughter’s mate (Bluefire’s parents!). Her murderr is unknown.
3. Bluefire was the daughter of Sparkblaze (Sable’s daughter) and Springfoot (Mist’s adopted brother). She was a warrior and had two mates: Shinespeck and then Smokebee. She had one litter of kits with each mate. She died of claw wounds before Smokebee could return to the clan. Bluefire was mtf.
4. Whistlewind was an outsider kit that was adopted into RainClan by Wheattail and Sleepysong (Bluefire’s sister). He was a medicine cat. He was taken by humans along with many of his clanmates and then died a few moons later.
5. Quartzkit was the adopted kit of Cressclaw (later Cressstar) and Howlheart (Whistlewind’s adopted older brother). She was killed in a badger attack.
6. Thistleblaze is the daughter of Tulipstem and Frostbreeze, neither of whom are related to the cats above. She is a mediator. Thistleblaze had 3 litters with her first mate, Cloudspots, before he was killed by rogues. One of their daughters, Briarcurl, is currently deputy of RainClan. Thistleblaze is now mates with Nakeena, a former housecat who joined the clan.
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thefoxysnake · 3 months ago
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moonclansbalance · 8 days ago
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Small but deadly, graceful but calculated — known for their wits and grace, but above all, their pride. This bold clan occupies the southeastern marshland and are blessed with the extraordinary ability to breathe underwater with their gills.
With their cunning and clever nature, they have built up a reputation as one to be feared despite their smaller, more frail forms. Those who have faced a RainClan cat in combat can vividly recount the ruthlessness of their adversary, the dirty tactics they may have used, the cold look in their eyes. They are, after all, begrudgingly acknowledged as the most technically skilled of all fighters in the territories.
Life within RainClan
Strength is the most important thing for a RainClan cat; with their lithe, frail physicality and passive abilities that do not aid in combat, they make a conscious effort to stay on par with the rest of the clans. This sense of pride has perpetuated the clan dynamics, fuelling a culture of training and discipline. To be a member of RainClan is to embrace a lifestyle of constant improvement, where weakness is not tolerated and each cat strives to push their limits to new heights.
This culture has worked well for most members of the clan, who learn to excel and thrive under pressure, and build headstrong personalities that stand strong against outsider threats — it is said that RainClan is a clan without cowards. However, those who are unable to keep up often harbour feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. The prideful, judgemental attitudes of their clanmates are not at all helpful in supporting those who are less capable.
Due to having been attacked numerous times in history by their LucentClan neighbours, as well as being particularly vulnerable during leafbare when the marshes freeze over, they are meticulous about the security of their clan and are unforgiving to intruders. RainClan will take almost anything as a threat and train their apprentices to be prepared for anything.
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rain-clangen · 1 year ago
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The leader is gone. The deputy and healer are dead. Some of your clanmates' bodies have been found after their disappearance.
For all the fear that causes in the remainder of the clan, they soldier on with this mantra:
“Don’t worry. All will be washed away by rain.”
STARTING CATS (left to right in the picture)
Copperchest (27 moons) - a cream and white spotted tabby molly
Rosepaw (6 moons) - a cream classic tabby tom
Heathbloom (45 moons) - a white and golden brown speckled tabby tom
Emberpaw (11 moons) - a ginger tabby molly
Finchspeckle (37 moons) - a black speckled tabby molly
1. Pre-set family ties for extra impact. 2. Exile and/or kill the leader, deputy, and healer. 3. Leave only 4-5 cats. 4. Not mandatory, but have at least one cat skills related to dreams, omens/prophecies, or ghosts. 5. mass extinction is off FOR NOW.
Welcome to RainClan, a clangen artlocke! Mostly inspired by @fog-and-the-frost, @gray-thistleclan and @brightclan.
I will be playing the game up to 100 moons and write a story based on it - hope you all can come along for the ride!
updates WILL be irregular due to my time, motivation, and energy, so please be patient!
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liliumandclans · 2 months ago
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Clan territories
will explain more later on
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orcatnip · 9 months ago
Warrior Cat OCs 🐱
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And the boys:
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They're the three main characters of their respective clans for a little fanclan thing I've been writing for fun.
The artstyle is different than how I've drawn cats in the past, but I really admire the 'Warrior Cats Animated' style, plus I needed a simpler, quicker way to depict my numerous characters.
The clan names are based on the weather. RainClan are fishercats, ClearClanners run the moors, and FogClanners live in the forest/mountainside.
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ghostyghost202 · 1 year ago
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I should post my random art lol, why not
Meet Rabbitpaw, a medicine cat apprentice of Rainclan. He's a nervous little baby who avoids confrontation. He was my first propper warrior cats oc with a fledged out story and I love him.
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windflight · 2 years ago
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Warriors and warrior apprentices of Rainclan
Separate under the cut
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liliumtheraven · 2 years ago
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the founders (of my clangens)
also i’ll add little backstories for them
Everything started with Sunstar (sunscar), him and his mate ran away from their clans after everyone figured out they were from different clans, him from thunderclan and hers was windclan, they set off to live peacefully together elsewhere far away without rules or codes (his mate was also a med cat)
Nightstar was the first kit of sunstar and his mate (forestfall), her and her brother were raised by their uncle in hopes their parents wouldn’t be discovered, they were lol, in result she had to leave with her parents as her birth clan (windclan) rejected her (they weren’t having non of it atm)
Cloudstar was one of Sun’s and Forest’s kits on their journey to the new lands, she just wanted to live in the marshes honestly and was a bit fed up with all her brothers, so she made cloudclan and spent her days chasing frogs
Rainstar was a loner from the area of the clans before they formed, she was extremely head strong and didn’t take orders so she made her own clan on the beach, taking Cloudstar’s brother, Appletail as a mate
Old Frost lived in the mountains, long story short, not many other cats wanted to live there so they just let him be, he was already living up in the snow cave at the beginning of the clans, eventually more cats joined and became a clan, Cloudstar’s second brother, Leafnose became leader after Froststar
in conclusion the Sun and Forest family spilt into the five clans, though those weren’t their only kits (they had eight in total and most stayed in sunclan)
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rainy-wc · 2 months ago
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back at it with another waca oc, this is Sunshimmer, one of RainClan's medicine cats and Irisdapple's/Irispaw's mentor. she became the clan's primary medicine cat at a very young age due to her own mentor's mental decline. she has a very strong connection with StarClan and is often plagued by bits and pieces of visions, prophecies, and omens.
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cats-of-rainclan · 1 year ago
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dracorbit · 1 year ago
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Waspsting is the jolly jokester of RainClan. He sometimes gets into trouble for his antics, but he is still considered one of the most loyal cats of the clan.
Enjoy the bonus ref!!
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rainclan-and-clangen · 1 year ago
This is Blueface! She might be the best ref i've ever made-
Blueface is an elder, mother to Mothdapple and Saffronfeather's mentor. She sees them both as her kits, even though they barely interact with each other. Despite trying to be a good parent, her common criticisms and perfectionist attitude toward Mothdapple as an kit and apprentice ended up causing a deep rift in their relationship. She learned to act better and became a reliable mentor for Saffron.
Although she doesn't get to see either of her 'kits' much anymore, her stern influence still remains in Mothdapple, and her nest always remains full of flowers. Getting so many of them does annoy her, but she doesn't care. She knows who puts them there.
Design inspired by blue jays and a Wolfquest appearance i made
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falling-mellow · 2 years ago
Anddd we are back on our bellshut
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Um 🤔
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Yes! A catfish!
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Um 2
Ma’am.. your name is already.. nvm you wanna change your name? I’ll come up with a new name for you. (Even tho I like her now name Nisha tho.. but I’ll respect her wishes!)
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Um 3 sir you can't do that 😬
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