#railway refraction
sleepyminty · 2 months
Limbus company is a gacha game not because u have to roll to get an ID or EGO, u can get it just by farming crates (unless it’s walpurgis night)
No no no…its a gacha game because u have to got the suitable slot skill, the highest speed rolls, the odds of getting head or tails, the amount of dmg u can get the enemies staggered otherwise ur whole team is 1 turn away from being staggered or splattered like meatpaste
THAT’S the gacha part, THAT’S the GAMBLE part.
Because no matter how good your team is
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Project Moon difficulty verticality my beloved
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venuvenom · 3 months
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i fucked up big time i hate it here
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lu-is-not-ok · 3 months
Hello Limbus Gamers
Why did I title this post that.
Anyway, yeah, it's that time again. I'm gonna analyze the RR4 trailer. Some of you may be asking why, but. You'll see.
Oh boy you'll see.
Starting off, we get a very brief animation of the nodes of the new Railway. And by brief, I do mean, this shit speeds past you like instantly.
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They even make sure to not show the whole thing all at once to make it harder to count. I did count though. There are thirteen of these nodes in this animation. This might be subject to change, but we shall see.
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Then we get the title card. We're back to single word Railway names from before RR3, and in the background we get to see some silhouettes. We're gonna learn what they are during the trailer itself, but you can already tell they're the abnos from the Battle Pass E.G.O - Dreaming Electric Sheep, The King in Binds, and Portrait of a Certain Day.
We also see silhouettes of some Sinners, and while it's hard to make out with the text in the way, I'm pretty sure there's N Corp Don, N Corp Faust, and BL Yi Sang in there.
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Now THIS is interesting - a new Railway gimmick! Not just one gimmick though, but after throwing the screenshot into Google Translate, it turns out we might be dealing with two!
First, the one that doesn't need translating to figure out - the Backup gimmick. I believe it's shown a bit clearer in the next scene, so I won't be speculating on it too much yet, but from my guess it's a replacement for a similar mechanic in RR3, where you could throw another team of Sinners at an Abnormality after your initial team of 6 died to finish the Abno off from where you left it at.
That's not the most interesting part though, this is.
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Our Sinners are also going to be recieving individual buffs in this Railway, potentially based on selection order, considering PM has been pushing more and more for the selection order to matter with the recent addition to the E.G.O Gifts.
If I'm correct and the buffs are based on selection order instead of being completely random, we can see the buffs are as follows:
Selection 1 - Identity Level +2
Selection 2 - SP Gain Efficiency +3
Selection 3 - too blurry for google to translate
Selection 4 - Defense Level +2
Selection 5 - Max Speed +2 (the 5 came from the semi-transparent level 45 number lmao)
Selection 6 - too blurry for google to translate
Selection 7 - Final Power +1
Selection 8 - Damage taken -10%
Selection 9 - this one i'm not too sure on but it might be Aggro +5 (the 45 came from the semi-transparent level 45 number lmao)
Selection 10 - scene cuts away too quickly to read it
In addition to that, some IDs (primarily the Backup selections but also for some reason Faust) get a head start of +10 SP when they join the fight, which is a very nice way to help off-set the issue of having to gain sanity in harder fights to even attempt winning clashes.
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Next scene shows us what seems to be the Backup mechanic. It's an admittedly very brief shot that barely shows us anything of how it works, but considering everyone's low sanity and Ishmael's stagger, I'm guessing what happened is two units died and the backup units were put in there in their stead.
An interesting gimmick that honestly feels more lore-accurate than the current system LMAO.
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Next up, we get our excerpts from the new Abno Logs. This one, based on the background, is for Portrait of a Certain Day. It's a bit hard to tell who wrote this Log based on the English translation, but it does give an interesting insight onto the Abnormality and by extention its E.G.O, Bygone Days.
Something about taking advantage of deaths through parading mementos of the dead in connection to Yi Sang and Gregor, huh... Gregor is the one who gave Aya's mask to Yuri as a memento, and then proceeded to keep that mask as a memento of Yuri. On the other hand, while Yi Sang personally didn't keep mementos of the League around, both Dongbaek and Dongrang had a strong emotional attachment to the last remaining picture of the League all together. There's something there I think.
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Then we get to see the excerpt from Dreaming Electric Sheep's Abno Log. Again, not very clear who's writing this from the English translation. And this is a very interesting excerpt too! This is the clearest connection we get between the Abno and the 'Dreaming' part of its name! I feel like I'd need to see the whole Log to get a better idea of what is being conveyed here, but it is good to see we're getting to see some new angles on the Abno.
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BIG SHEEP! It's notable that it's attacking Faust.
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And there's Portrait, in all its low bitrate glory! Note that it's attacking Yi Sang.
What follows is two more shots, one of each of the Abnos, and then...
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It might hard to see in that glorious 240p low bitrate, but yes. That is, in fact, N Corp Don and N Corp Faust, covered in a purple glow, attacking the Sinners.
And then, the bombshell.
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These are Envy Peccatula.
Envy Peccatula are doppelgangers.
DO YOU REALIZE HOW HUGE THIS IS FOR SIN ANALYSIS??? Envy is one of those sins we got barely anything on due to its lack of Peccatula, and yet here we are, RR4 gave us a fucking blessing.
Anyway, back to talking about the actual fights themselves, I believe we're going to be dealing with faction-themed Envy Peccatula stages. The one we see in the trailer is N Corp, complete with a relevant background, and in the in the title card we can see Blade Lineage Yi Sang, implying we could get a BL-themed node as well. Notably, these are both factions that have enough IDs to form a full team.
The only other full team ID factions we have are W Corp and Liu Association, so these are also contenders for Envy Peccatula nodes. Seven Association is also possible, as they are only missing one ID from being a full six ID team. We could also potentially get a fraud Pequod Trio that's made up of the Pequod IDs, which would be really funny, but I'm not sure how likely that is.
Back to the trailer itself.
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We finally get the Abno Log excerpt for The King in Binds, and it's very evocative in my opinion. The poetic language makes me think that Yi Sang is the one writing this Log.
This seems like an excerpt that's being used to describe a game mechanic - The King in Binds might have a mechanic where he tears himself free from his throne if certain conditions are met. Very interesting considering what we know about the abno.
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What follows is some extremely quick and hard to see snippits of The King in Binds attacking Yi Sang. Yes, this is the best frame I could get from it.
Aaaand that's about it!
All in all, extremely excited about the potential Envy lore and fighting against out own units, and I guess the abnos are there too.
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archiebirdd · 20 days
Outis Loves RR4 [Art by: @v0ge11 on twitter] Outis voiced by: @faux-angelica-va Please check her out, she pretty cool :D
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thearsonistofarland · 3 months
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She’s just standing there… menacingly
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ridergoggles · 6 months
The Refraction Railway: Mirrorclock Orangeroad experience
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deflatedcat · 1 day
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I drew all egos who fucked me over railway
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cosmonova · 1 year
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can i get a rip space. can i PLEASE get a rip space
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josieblueart · 2 months
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Number three will surprise you
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literallys-illiteracy · 2 months
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As he watches you ready Blind Obsession, Sunshower and Ebony Stem round one
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slothpower-central · 2 months
I was was streaming Refraction Railway 4 for my friend @andromedako and they managed to capture this perfect image
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sleepyminty · 7 months
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Respect to those who tanked
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firestorm09890 · 2 months
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refraction railway 4 section 4 gave me as much (if not more) brainrot as a main story boss would
supplementary text:
the combat event
Yi Sang's observation logs
the phase 1 battle theme
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lu-is-not-ok · 3 months
The moment we find out why exactly Outis is so scared of the head will break me. Can't wait.
Sidenote but could one make the argument that she bootlicks Dante so much for a similar reason? Of my little Odessey knowledge I do know that Odesseus at some point pisses off a god, at which all else goes tits up. Personally, I think the head fits that description of a god, and her canto is the second last...
It's not unlikely! We know she had some involvement with the Smoke War, likely a much deeper one due to how different her attitude is compared to Gregor's.
Also, now that I think about it, this isn't the first time Outis got concerned over what the Head thinks about something. In Canto 4, we had a brief moment of her mulling over what the Head might do if technology capable of complete revival existed.
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It definitely is an interesting thread for her character plot, that's for sure!
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luriluth · 1 year
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roseate desire meursault because im coping
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frozentoastsmile · 3 months
Railway 4 is just an envy peccatula going "get binds heathcliffed idiot" at 7 speed and your entire team taking 700 damage
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