#raiden makoto fanart
huakahz · 3 months
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I really wish Inazuma used traditional clothing more heavily because Makoto in a traditional Kimono and headdress/ornaments worn by the Empress would've been so cool AND make more the different between Ei as a fighter and Makoto who doesn't
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percyscart · 2 years
an impossible reality
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bl00dalchemist · 2 years
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His first betrayal.
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rocksama24 · 2 years
Pick a struggle, either be a bad god or a bad mother. 
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I don't particularly like him, but I can't deny that he's intriguing.
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intjean · 2 months
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a shadow of the past
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pittytyta · 5 months
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⚡️🌸 Plane of Euthymia: Raiden! 🌸⚡️
No matter what form they take, I’ll always love the Raidens!
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skorpionegrass · 8 months
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this is barely finished by my current standards but i still rly like it (raiden shogun from may 2022)
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eulyin · 2 years
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Initially, I gave short sleeves to Ei, so I could show Makoto's hugging gesture. BUT In the end, it STILL obscured Makoto's hands. The most painful part is that I've done a fine sketch of Makoto's hands //CRY
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mushroom-kin · 9 months
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When my friend told me about the "funny lore" Mihoyo decided to write for "Wings of Transient Dreams", the concert wind gliders. I had to draw this. How could Mihoyo do this lol?
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nabitodexart · 5 months
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"The Eyes of the Gods"
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storysprite · 8 months
Resplendor of the Gods - Gloria Matri. Gloria Filio. In Saecula Saeculorum.
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About Resplendor:
(Part 1 of 3)
The anniversary of Raiden Makoto's death was for Ei the most painful time of any year. A reminder of when, as far as Ei is concerned, Inazuma lost its true light. Of which, in her mind, she is only a shadow.
It did not help matters that her son was also first awakened on the anniversary of this tragic day, which to Ei was a foreboding sign.
For this reason, she had at first not released to the public the divine name of her firstborn. As though to shelter it and therefore her son from the fate of the world.
It was not until she realised that on the worst of days, and through any pain her son felt, that Ei's smile was able to restore life and light to his countenance. That to her son, she was not merely a shadow. But the very light of his life.
As such, on one particular anniversary of Makoto's death and the celebration of the boy's life, the Narukami chose to reveal to her son a divine secret.
"Resplendor?" asked the young lad, sitting at the table of Tenshukaku's secluded garden which overlooked the whole of Inazuma City.
"That is correct," said Ei setting down a plate of homemade Tamago Kake Gohan. She smiled seeing that her son no longer recoiled at the sight of her cooking. A sure sign of improvement ever since taking lessons from her familiar Yae Miko.
"You mean light?" asked the boy chomping down his rice, just before correcting himself with a 'sorry' for talking with his mouthful.
Ei reached across the table and gave him a gentle pat on the head in acknowledgement of his ever-growing sense of etiquette.
Then she answered him: "Resplendor is more than light. That's just how most in the mortal world see it before they get to understand what it is. If ever."
The boy finished his third bite and then asked, "So what is it then?"
"Resplendor is the Poetry of Life made manifest," answered Ei.
"The Poetry of Life?"
"The Poetry of Life is the enchantment born of what the world is and how we experience it. A power at the very cusp of reality that rests in between life and lore. Dreaming and waking. Truth and tale," said Ei. "It lives in the love of two infatuated young people who can't help but see the other as perfect. And the love between those who've been together for years, who see each other's flaws as part of the tapestry of their life together and delight in the beauty of a bigger picture.
"It lives in the toy that to others is just one among many. But to a child, it's an irreplaceable gift given by their parent. The Poetry of Life lives in the legends people cling to that are more important than the events they recount. You experience it all the time without realising it.
“Resplendor is the power of Gods to experience this sublime poetry as a real world in and of itself. To see and experience parts of reality in a way mortals can't. But also to bring parts of that bountiful realm into the world to beautify reality and bring about new works on the tapestry of fate. That's why stories of the Gods and their powers sound so mystical. The stories themselves are a part of that Resplendor. And the divine light mortals often see is the most accessible form it can visually take."
(Part 2 of 3)
In awe of his mother's sayings, perhaps captured by the Resplendor of the moment the boy had long forgotten his meal and sat spoon in hand lingering on her every word.
"Woah," he finally managed to say. Ei smiled. Had this been any other child she would have imagined that her words had gone over their head.
But her son was a bright boy who had more 'whys' on his lips than the number of Sakura petals in all of Inazuma. And each answer he got would normally be followed by a question more complex or insightful than the ones before.
"Can every God use Resplendor?" he asked.
"In other words, is this something you can use now. But I'm going to tell you to wait till you're older. But you're going to try anyway and then hurt yourself and I'm going to have to ground you over and over because getting hurt the first time won't be enough to stop you trying again?" asked Ei.
The boy held a serious face for a few seconds. But the mask quickly slipped as he left out a sly smirk.
"Using Resplendor can occur naturally. But most of the time deliberate use takes years of practice," said Ei.
"Do you use it a lot?" asked the boy.
"I use it more now since you've been born. But in the past, that was my Raiden Makoto's area of focus. And we still see it today reflected in the beauty of this land, its people and culture," said Ei. "But using Resplendor saps from the same kind of divine life that Gods pour into the more commonly known manifestations of power. Particularly the kind you see in battle. As a seasoned warrior who has spent much of her life in defence of Inazuma against outside threats, my divine power has turned more towards manifesting this kind of force in the real world than going into and drawing from the realm of Resplendor."
The boy looked confused. "But there are plenty of warrior Gods who have stories filled with Resplendor or mystical powers. You as well," said the boy.
"Yes but these types of Gods tend to have less of them than other Gods," answered his mother. "And their Resplendor tends to manifest in the heat of battle. Which has its unique flavour of glory. But it's the kind that if you indulge in too much without the right heart, will lead to that deity having a Resplendor that tends more towards pure terror than awe. Darkness rather than light.
The dark and tainted glory of monsters, malovent spirits and beasts of the deep. Which is why Gods who don't focus on battle, tend to have a Resplendor that are more... uplifting."
"Like Uncle Venti or Aunt Nahida," said the boy.
"Exactly," answered his mother. "But for Venti often that's just him being jolly after a few drinks, rather than Resplendor. Although... it may be a unique sort of his own making."
(Part 3 of 3)
The two shared a laugh in the garden, warmed by the rising sun which heralded the dawn of day as bright as their smiles.
But soon after, the brightness on Ei's face dimmed down to a more sombre tone.
"So later on..." she started. "When we get our royal portrait done, you'll be able to use it in the future to recapture the Resplendor of our time spent on this day. A lovely Memento should the time come when I'm no longer around."
"Erosion..." said the boy with a heavy heart. He lifted his head towards the sky and narrowed his eyes with disgust at the island floating far above them.
"Yes," said Ei. "It seems that Erosion is a dark Resplendor cast upon the world by The One Who Came."
"Can't you cast it off with your Resplendor?" her son asked, desperate for any sign of hope on her face.
"Perhaps... If I cut myself off as much as I can from the throne of the heavens, forsook the mortal realm entirely and secluded myself for ages to come in deep meditation then there is a chance that this might be achieved," said Ei. "But the chances are slim and should they be altered of this because I made a mistake by not being detached enough, Inazumans are the ones who will face a most terrible curse just like... No.
“My heart is too close to the world for me to achieve it. Were I still grieving Makoto perhaps I'd find the strength to do so. But... Now... I have you."
The boy did not look comforted by these words.
"So it's my fault that you can't get stronger?" he whimpered.
"Fault?" said Ei. Immediately she rushed to his side and took him into her embrace.
"You are no fault," she said. "I have willingly poured into you the best of my Resplendors. That you may grow and nurture it and one day be free from the power of the One Who Came. That is my desire. For you to be happy and free. And to my surprise, I discovered that by giving myself up for you in this way, I have poured a Resplendor that transcends the laws of this world and planted within you the seeds of your redemption. And perhaps of Inazuma and all of Teyvat as well. You are no fault, my dear boy. If anything, you are my strength. And perhaps one day you will find others in like spirit as yourself."
"Don't worry Mother," said the boy, taking his turn to pat her on the head for once. "I'll help save you and all of Teyvat. Then we can be together forever."
Ei smiled at her dear and precious son. "Of that," she said. "I have no doubt.”
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percyscart · 2 years
in her wake
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bonus head pat
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cqtlatte · 2 years
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mewsmagic · 1 year
With immense joy and honor, I’m here today to announce that I was invited by HoYoCREATORS to help spread the word of the HoYoFair Spring 2023!
The event will start on March 25th, at 12pm UTC+8! Don’t forget to take a look at the event page and participate on the event to obtain several rewards!! 💖
All HoYoFairs usually gather some of the funniest fan creations I’ve ever watched and I always have an awesome time watching them, so I guarantee you won’t regret giving it a little bit of your love as well!!
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jujuflakes · 21 days
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ventique-genshin · 1 year
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Time traveler: moves a chair The timeline:
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