#ragnar fanfiction
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Fates of Blood
(Ragnar x OFC)
#travis fimmel#ragnar lothbrok#vikings fanfic#vikings fic#vikings fanfiction#ragnar fanfic#ragnar fanfiction
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Ragnar Lothbrok

Just did this today, hope u like it<3
#art#aesthetic#artists on tumblr#small artist#drawing#portrait#fanart#viking#vikings#ragnat lothbrok#vikings fanart#ragnar fanfiction#ragnar x athelstan#ragnar lothbrok#ragnar lothbrok x yn
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In Good Hands (Ragnar Ragnarson x OFC)
Couldn’t help myself, had to do one more for my favorite Ragnar the Younger!
Warnings - 18+ content, mentions of death and violence, childhood sweethearts to lovers, first kiss, flirting, jealousy, naked cuddling, smut
Earl Ragnar watched his son further up the beach talking to Saga, the brown haired, green eyed daughter of one of his men. The younger Ragnar was smiling, which was often the case when he and Saga were together, but the girls smile was softer, sadder than normal. "We should take her with us." His wife appeared beside him. "This again?" Ragnar acknowledged his wife briefly before returning to readying the ship. "They are children." "Who is it that says every day how Ragnar is a man now, ready to be blooded in battle." She emphasizes the last part with a gruffer tone to mimic his own. When she receives nothing more than a disgruntled scoff she continues on, "Saga will be of marrying age soon." "She will." "And Ragnar certainly..." "Ragnar is sailing to fight, not to hump." Ragnar finally turns to face her fully. "Once we are settled, have our lands, her family will come soon enough. Then we will see. " ~~~ "Will you miss me?" She asked, smiling, but trying to hide the tinge of sadness inside. Young Ragnar smiled down at her, "Of course." He pauses and then adds, with mischief in his eyes, "Though not for long." The remark earns him a hard shove to his chest though it doesn't budge him an inch. "You're a pigs ass." Ragnar laughs and catches her hands before she can assault him further, "I only mean... that your family will be soon behind us. Father has said so." She does not respond, face still indignant, but she also does not pull her wrists from his grip. "Ragnar!" His fathers voice booms down the beach, over the sound of the tide. "It is time!" Young Ragnar looked his fathers way and nods before turning back to Saga, his own smile softer now, less teasing. "Would you kiss me before I go?" Saga blinks up at him, considering, before turning her face to the side and presenting her cheek. Again Ragnar laughs, smile wider at her teasing, but all the same he drops a light kiss against the corner of her eye. He rested his lips there for a moment, "I will miss you." When he pulls back he can see that her eyes are misty, but she takes a deep breath and sets her face. Her hands come up to his jaw, his grip still gentle around her wrists, and she tugs him back down to her. "The next time I see you Ragnar Ragnarson, you will be a man." She kisses him, shy and sweet, on the lips and pulls back only enough to look him in the eye, "Now go, earn your reputation." Ragnar beams, moves his right hand to cup her cheek as gently as he could and rests his forehead against hers. Both of them closing their eyes and soaking in the moment, the damp air and the sound of the sea, the touch of eachother and the racing of young hearts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Do you not have your own family to harass Ragnar Ragnarson?" Saga teased as young Ragnar trotted into camp on his big black horse and pulled up to a stop in front of her. "I can do that whenever I want." He tossed back at her with a grin as he swung down from the saddle. Saga shook her head as she patted the horse on his huge, blazed face. The war horse leaning into her gentle and familiar touch. "And my suffering is a special occasion?" Ragnar approached her, one hand resting on the steeds neck. "Very special." They stared at eachother for a moment smiling. Finally she broke the silence, "And what is your excuse this time?" "No excuse," Ragnar shook his head, "More ships are coming, I'm riding down the river to meet them." When Saga said nothing he continued, explaining his reasoning further, "Come with me." "Ragnar..." She looked around the farm, "Father will hang me from the rafters if I sneak away." "I'll ask him myself." His face was earnest, his voice sure. A reminder he was no longer the boy she had grown up with. "Really?" Saga seemed unconvinced, but an exciting little glint of hope lit within her. Ragnar merely winked and handed her the reins to his horse as he stepped past her, poking her in the side as he passed. Still standing by the horse Saga occupied herself by undoing a fairy knot in the beasts mane, while she watched. Ragnar and her father speak for a moment. She noticed, for the first time, that her father now had to look up to speak to the younger man face to face. The little glint inside her grew, warming her from the inside out. When her father looked her way she held her breath and stood up straight, goosebumps rising on her arms upon her fathers nod. Young Ragnar was beaming as he approached, "C'mon then." "You'll have to help me saddle a horse." Saga reminded him but the look in his eyes and the smirk on his face caught her off guard. Not near so much as when he took hold of her waist and hoisted her up into the saddle. "Ragnar Ragnarson, what are you doing!?" She hissed at him. Mortified at what her father would do. Ragnar did not share her concern. He only grabbed the reins and a hand full of mane before swinging onto the horses back behind her. "I told you," Her breath caught in her chest as he settled in close against her back and wrapped his arms around her to take the reins, "Taking you to the river to watch the ships come in." She had thought for certain her father would drag him down from his horse as they walked past, but much to her surprise he only hid a small smile and patted the horse on the rump as they walked by. ~~~ Her cheeks hurt from smiling as they ran across an open clearing on the other side of the woods. The horse had a smooth and comfortable gait, Ragnar was a solid presence behind her. His right arm held her tight around the middle and she could feel as much as hear him laughing behind her. At the top of a rise he pulled the horse to a stop. Even though they had stopped his arm still kept her held tight. Ragnars voice was clear, cheerful, if a little breathless from the laughter. "There they are. See them?" He lifted his right hand to point to the string of ships rowing their way up the river but he immediately curled his arm back around her again. "There's more than a dozen." Saga said, not expecting so many. "And more will come. Always more." He spoke so close to her ear it made her shiver and Ragnar chuckled, holding her tighter and pressing his nose into her hair. "Are you cold girl?" His lips brushed against her ear and she shivered again, "Or ticklish?" He dug his fingers into her side and squeezed, causing her to flinch and shy away from him with a gasp. She flinched so much the horse had to shift his weight, but Ragnar did not cease until she was bent over the horses neck, swatting at his hand, yelling for him to stop between fits of uncontrollable laughter. Taking mercy on her he stopped his attack, his own laughter full and loud as he pulled her back up to sit, leaning her against his chest. Laughter still in his voice he pressed his lips to the crown of her head. Saga shivered again, but this time rather than teasing Ragnar simply held her tighter and looked back to the ships. His voice low, "I remember when you and your family arrived, with the rest of fathers ships." He paused, smiling to himself when he felt her lean further into him, her hand moving to cover his, lacing their fingers together. He smiled wide and pressed another kiss behind her ear, "I came to this spot every day until I caught sight of the ships." "Don't pretend you were waiting only for me." Finally with her wits returned she snarked back at him. The smile in his voice evident he defended himself, "Believe what you want, but I was happy to see you." Her hand squeezed his as she stared at the ships creeping closer and closer, "You'll have ships of your own soon." " I will." Ragnar agreed. "Would you come to the water and see me off? Kiss me goodbye again?" "Would you come back to me again, if I did?" Her voice was solemn now, and quiet. Ragnar did not hesitate. "If that's what the fates have decided," He paused, took a moment to enjoy the feel of her in his arms, "And I believe it is." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Saga!" Saga turned and saw the boy approaching her. She smiled," Jonas, what are you doing here?" She stood up from the work she was doing and smiled. "My sister said she saw you collecting walnuts the other morning, I know you enjoy them so I brought you these." He held up a small sack, "They've already been dried and soaked." With a smile Saga climbed up the creek bank to approach him, "That's very thoughtful Jonas. Will you sit and have some with me?" He beamed, "I would like that." The two of them sat on a rock overlooking the creek snacking on what nuts they could open. Jonas sat on one side of the boulder with a smaller stone in his hand so that he could smash the hard hulls open. "Will your family be there tonight? The feast to celebrate young Ragnar before he and his men leave for Irland?" Saga asked as she picked the meat of a nut out of the crumbled shell. Jonas paused, a particularly hard shell sitting on the boulder between them, "Yes, we will be there. I will get to see you twice in one day." He gave her a shy smile. Saga laughed, "How unfortunate for you, I hope that does not ruin the fun for you." Wiping her skirt off she stood up and closed the sack of walnuts. "I should be getting home, but thank you again for these. I will see you tonight." Jonas watched after her as she headed down the long trail towards her family s farm. Thinking about seeing her at the feast again that night brought a smile to his face. With two more hard hits of the stone in his hand he was finally able to crack open the last shell. Still smiling, thinking of Saga, he popped the nut in his mouth and headed back towards his families own farm. ~~~ The hall was full to bursting and so loud Saga could barely hear herself think. She was glad she had found a spot close to the fire but behind Earl Ragnar and some of the other men where they were retelling stories of their own younger days. Young Ragnar, whom the celebration was for, was sitting across the fire from her and next to his Grandfather. He was watching her where she sat, trying her best to crack more walnuts open with the blunt handle of a knife with little to no luck. She was about to give up on her treat all together when she happened to glance up and see young Ragnar watching her. He smiled, then leaned in close to hear something Ravn had said to him. Ragnar listened and then looked back to her, smiling to see she was still watching and then he turned to speak into his Grandfathers ear. A moment later the older man was smiling and patting his grandson on the arm and then Ragnar stood up and moved through the crowd to join her on the opposite side. "Still eating? Is the feast not enough for you?" He teased as he came close. Patting the young man next to her roughly on the shoulder, a wordless order to move. As a response Saga kicked out with her foot and caught Ragnar in the shin. Hard enough to make him grimace but also laugh as he plopped down next to her. "It would be a shame for me to have to kill you at your own party." Ragnar laughed more as he got comfortable, "Now why would you do that?" He watched with mirth in his eyes as she attempted to bludgeon open one of the nuts. "For calling me fat!" "I did no such thing." He moved to drape his arm around her shoulders, "What is this you're trying to do?" Not waiting for the answer he took the blade from her hands and stuck it in the wall behind them. "Trying to open these stubborn things." She scowled at him as he took her blade. "Here, let me see." Ragnar reached across her lap to grab a handful from the small sack beside her. With a smile, like he was about to tell her secret, he leaned in close and dropped all but two in her lap. Holding the two in his one hand he closed his fist around them and watched her eyes snap open, as the shells crunched. When he opened his fist the two shells were nothing but crumbles and the walnuts within were revealed. Ragnar watched as she plucked the walnuts from his hand, grinning at how careful she was to avoid touching his hand. Tossing the shells into the fire he reached for two more and again, cracked them open in his one bare hand. This time however he popped the walnuts into his own mouth. "Hey!" She swatted at him, "They're mine!" "I'm the one doing all the work." He ignored the smack to his chest and grabbed two more to crack. Unable to stop smiling, watching Saga reach for her cup of ale, Ragnar held his hand out flat, offered it to her and waited for her to reach for them only to snap his fingers closed and refuse her. "Ragnar Ragnarson, I swear! You could teach a donkey a thing or two about being an ass!" She shoved her shoulder into him hard but he took it in stride, only tightening the arm around her shoulders to tug her closer. "Now that's not nice." He chuckled, pressing his forehead into the side of hers, "Here", he lifted his hand, but pulled it away when she reached for it. Shaking his head his whispered in her ear, "Let me." Her eyes shot open wide and a flush crept to her cheeks, only made worse by his next words. "Open your mouth." Suddenly out of her depths and her heart racing Saga wasn't sure how to respond and so, she did the only thing she could think to do. Do as she was told. So, she opened her mouth the tiniest bit and her heart caught in her throat as Ragnar carefully placed the treat in her mouth. As she began to chew she heard him chuckle but this time it wasn't teasing. Based on the look on his face and the low rumble behind the quiet laughter, Ragnar was pleased. With his left hand toying with her hair he pointed to the sack of goodies with the other, "Grab a couple. You try." "Very funny." Saga brushed some shells to the floor, ignoring him. "I'm serious, there's a trick to it, I'll show you." "Oh there's a trick to it..." Saga rolled her eyes, "I thought you were just that strong." A sharp, quick tug to her hair had her giggling, remembering all the times he had done that as a boy. "Stop teasing, do as I say." He grunted out a huff of air as her elbow connected with his ribs but still he laughed, watching as she placed two walnuts in the palm of her hand. "Now, use one to crack the other." Helping her he placed them a certain way and then told her to squeeze her hand tight. She squeezed and squeezed to no avail. Beside her Ragnar was chuckling, egging her on. "Harder! Harder! Don't weaken!" Finally taking pity on her he wrapped his hand around hers, nearly covering it completely, and helped her. Squeezing carefully but with enough force for the shells to shatter. Saga laughed as they both opened their hands, "Victory!" Ragnar laughed into his cup of ale as he watched her pick out the pieces to eat, "They put up a good fight." He watched, arching his brow as her face changed before him. Then very slowly, as if doubting herself, she raised one up to his mouth, "Open." Ragnar felt a bolt of lighting shoot down his spine and his left hand grabbed a firm hold of her shoulder. Only hesitating a moment he opened his mouth and watched as her fingers came closer, only to stop a breath away and quickly retreat to place the walnut on her own tongue, where it lingered long enough to taunt him before disappearing behind her lips. He laughed out loud, "You little shit." his right hand reaching to grab hers and stop her from stealing the last of them. They struggled for a moment, both tugging and pulling, both becoming breathless with laughter. As he finally won the wrestling match. Saga relinquished and placed the last walnut in his waiting mouth, shivering when his lips brushed over the tips of her fingers. Together they settled down, their breath calming but their eyes on fire and staring at each other. Ragnar pulled her closer, but it was Saga that broke the tension. Her voice soft and uncertain, "It's going to be so long before I see you again..." She let her hand move to hold his forearm for comfort, "What if you don't remember me? What if you forget about me and moments like this?" In an instant his face becomes serious, his eyes soften, "Never." He cups her face gently and holds her gaze, "I'll think of you every night when I close my eyes. I know I will." Slowly, his eyes watched hers closely as he leaned forward, brushing his lips over hers once. Then a second time, both of them more sure, and Ragnars eyes fell closed as Saga relaxed deeper into his arms. His hand still held her cheek, he stroked his thumb over her brow. Saga leaned into his touch, eyes fluttering closed as she breathed in deep, "What if I am married while you are gone?" Ragnar’s jaw clenched, his eyes slid closed for a moment as he copied her deep breath. When he opened his eyes and held her gaze his voice was honest and his hold on her firm, "Then I hope he takes care of you, treats you well until I return and can have you for myself." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Earl Ragnar, as he was now known after the death of his father, sat at the head of the hall with the others. A celebration for the arrival of more men for the Dane army. Ragnar sat and drank and joked with the others but could not quite feel lighthearted enough to really join in. A new group entered the hall and one of them caught his attention. "Excuse me boys." He hefted himself out of his seat and worked his way through the hall to the man he recognized. "Ragnar!" The older man welcomed him with open arms and a strong hug. They embraced each other. "Look at you, a man and a warrior to make your father proud." He patted him on both shoulders, "It is a pleasure to see you Lord. You have my sword, and all my men. We are glad to see you returned. Glad to serve the Earl Ragnar." "And you friend. I am happy to see you as I'm happy to have you with me. As you were with my Father." Ragnar truly was happy to see his fathers man, but almost immediately his mind wandered to Saga. Her father must have noticed something cross Ragnar’s face because he smiled, "Saga will be pleased to see you returned as well. " Ragnar blinked, his back straightened, "Saga, she is here?" Her father smiled, and motioned across the hall. "She is there." She was there. On the far side of the hall among a group of men and women laughing and drinking. He could see well enough to know it was her, but one thing stood out to him clearly. "She wears her hair down." "Her husband was lost, last spring." When Ragnar turned to face the elder man, there must of been something in his eyes that belied his questions, "Go to her Ragnar, she will be glad to see you." Ragnar paused a moment looking from Saga to her father. He embraced him tightly once more and began to wade his way through the crowd. Saga did not see him approach until he was nearly in front of her. Immediately her face fell in shock. "Ragnar?" She looked him up and down, "Gods it is you!" She nearly threw herself at him and he caught her easily and with a smile. Wrapping his arms around her tightly and lifting her two feet off the ground. He held her there, her arms around his neck and their temples pressed together. "I have missed that smile." Ragnar told her. Then squeezing her tighter he whispered to her, "I've missed you." She sighed happily as he set her down, keeping her close. "I've missed you, and your hugs." Ragnar squeezed her tightly once more, grinning as she reached up to hold his face in her hands. "Look at you." She gazed up at him smiling, her thumb smoothing over the new ink adorning his brow. "You approve?" He released her, only to hold her chin between his thumb and forefinger, his smirk tilting up in one corner. Saga laughed, "I do." She continue to smile up at him. Ragnar looked her over, taking in the sight of her for the first time in years. "Come, sit with me." He took her hand in his and pulled her towards the front of the hall towards his seat. Not even waiting for her protest though one did not come. At least until they come close to the lords table, taken over by the leaders of the Danes. She tugged at his hand, pulling him to a stop, "Ragnar, wait." He turned to face her, confused, "What's wrong?" "Are you sure this is..." "Have you mourned your man?" He interrupted her, stepping in close to her. When she nodded he continued, "Have you taken another?" She shook her head. "Do you still think of me as you did when we were younger?" Her slight blush gave him his answer but he waited for her nod. "Then let them see. You are my woman, and I am your man." He looked her over intently, "If that is what you still want." He waited patiently and was pleasantly surprised when she tightened her grip on his hand and this time pulling him along. Ragnar smiled and caught up to her pulling her close, his hands on her waist and spoke in her ear, "There she is." His comment earned him an elbow in the ribs and he laughed. At the table Saga turned to look for a chair but before she could find one she found herself instead pulled down into Ragnars lap. His hold on her strong, his body against hers solid, but she was comfortable and happy. When he would kiss her it was somehow both, like they had not seen each other in years and like they had never parted. Each time he would look up at her, pleased she was there, in his arms where she belonged once again. ~~~ Saga released a deep sigh and felt herself sink further into the bed, the furs and into Ragnar’s warmth. Ragnar was resting back against the headboard of the bed and a stack of pillows, Saga laid against him, her back to his chest and her head on his shoulder. His sword hand lay around her shoulders and against her bare chest. Her fingers fiddling with his. "What are you thinking?" Ragnar asked softly. "For a man with so many muscles you are very soft and comfortable." Saga teased In retaliation Ragnar reached to tweak a nipple between the rough pads of his fingers. When Saga squealed and shied away form his touch he laughed and pulled her tighter against him. "Tell me what you're really thinking." When she turned over to face him her smile was soft and so he softened his grip on her. Stroking his hand up and down her naked back. She enjoyed the feel of it for a moment, her eyes closed. When she opened them again Ragnar was looking upon her with a smile and the fire reflecting in his eyes. Saga smiled and crawled up so they were face to face, "I am glad the Gods brought you back to me." Ragnar pulled her in for a kiss, loving the feel of her naked body against his, "I knew they would." With another content sigh she laid her head on his chest and rested her hand over the ink there. "You know what else I was thinking about?" "Hmm?" His hand settled low on her waist and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "It's silly." "Tell me." "Do you remember? The last night we were together? Before you left for Irland." "I do. You let me sit with you by the fire, hold you, kiss you." His hand began to stroke her side and then out of nowhere he chuckled, "I was cracking open walnuts for you. I was worried you were going to cut a finger off trying to break them open with a knife." He laughed again, and it rumbled in his chest. Saga laughed with him, "You want to know something funny?" "Hmm?" "Do you remember Jonas? The boy that lived down the creek from my family?" "Vaguely. The odd, skinny one?" "Yes," She laughed, almost a giggle. "Those walnuts were a gift from him." She felt Ragnar twist his head to look at her. Then he burst out laughing, loudly. "What?" "That little shit." He laughed again, pulling her closer, "He spent that whole night glaring at me and now I finally know why." While Ragnar was still laughing Saga added, "We sat by the creek for awhile and ate some together. He had to crack them open with a rock." Ragnar laughed even harder, "No wonder it looked like he would've like to kill me." He moved, rolling so she was beneath him, while he continued to chuckle. "I thought of that night often," Ragnar paused to reach for Saga's face, tracing a finger over her full bottom lip, "The look on your face when I told you to open your mouth so I could feed you." His eyes darkened and he groaned as if in appreciation. "You looked so sweet and shy." Saga rolled her eyes, reaching one arm up to wrap around his neck and with the other she stroked her own thumb over his bottom lip. He watched her intently, still a soft smile on his face, even as his eyes darkened, "Now look at you." Ragnar slid his rough, worn hand over her throat and breast, down her flat stomach and between her legs. For a long, silent moment they stared at each other, the only sounds the crack of the fire and the occasional breathy hum from one or the other of them as Ragnar played with the wetness of her cunt. The mess they'd already made together remained and made her entrance even slicker than before. Ragnar could not help the throaty growl of satisfaction as he entered again. Hearing her moan as his thick cock slid home and feeling her tugging him down to her by his beard. "You are so much more than I even could dream," He murmured against her lips, growling again as his praise sent her arching up against him, "When the winds were cold and the ground was hard," He began a steady pace, each stroke making sure to reach as deep within her as he could. "I would take my cock in my hand and think of you." Ragnar thrust harder and Saga moaned, hands scrabbling at his back. "I would think of you, soft and warm beneath me," He paused to catch her eye and grinned, "Smirking up at me just like that." When Ragnar nipped at her bottom lip, and they smiled against eachothers kiss. "Now you have me." She whispered between breathy gasps. "I'm yours Ragnar, you have me." At her words Ragnar could not help but groan and crash his lips down on hers, dropping the whole of his weight onto her as he fucked into the mattress, "And I will not let you go," His voice was becoming strained with the effort, both of them panting as she wrapped her legs around him and he clawed at her thigh, "Never again Saga, I'll never let you go again." ~~~
#The Last Kingdom#ragnar the younger#ragnar ragnarson#Ragnar x ofc#ragnar fanfiction#ragnar the younger x ofc#ragnar the last kingdom
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Answered Prayers
ragnar lothbrok x fem reader
Summary: After being captured by the Vikings your prayers to god remain unanswered, as you come to realize they always have. An intriguing Viking man teaches you of their ways, and all your prayers are answered. (No language barrier & Ragnar is unmarried for the sake of the story).
Notes: 18+ ONLY!!! Smuttt, maybe some fluff, loss of virginity, p in v, fingering, oral (f), angst, kidnapping/violence/raiding in opening story, possible spoilers.
I’m very into Norse spirituality so I loved writing this
Word count: 3.7k
Everyone in the city moves in a panic as the bells ring, alarms in response to the Northmen pulling up to your shores. You find a spot in your house to hide and clutch your cross close to your chest as you pray to god to protect you from these heathens.
A bang startles you as a Viking man kicks down your door. Your heart races as you hear him tearing apart the house searching for valuables. You hear screams outside and continue whispering prayers to god begging him to keep you from being found.
The Viking eventually finds you hiding in a corner between your bed and the wall. Your heart stops when his bright blue eyes meet yours. His eyes examine you from head to toe before he smirks.
“Please… please don’t kill me.” You beg through oncoming tears. “Take whatever you want, just please.”
“Come.” He reaches his hand out for you to take.
You look up at him with furrowed brows in confusion.
“You said I can take whatever I want.” The man says. “So come.”
“No, no, please. Please don’t hurt me…” You cry.
“If you come with me, I will have no reason to hurt you.” He steps closer. “Otherwise…” He gestures to the axe in his hand.
You sniffle as you get up onto your feet. The Viking gestures his hand out to you again which you reluctantly take. He rushes out of the house, dragging you along with him. A small shriek escapes you as your eyes take in the dead bodies and blood everywhere. The man pays no mind to any of it as he pulls you through the city and leads you right out the front gates and into their Viking camp.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” A large Viking man with long dark hair approaches you. You pull away as he tries to brush hair from your face.
“Leave her be.” Your captor says as more of the men come over to ogle at you.
“Why? She is a useless Christian. Only good for one thing...” The man smirks at you.
“She is mine, keep your hands to yourself Rollo.” Your captor replies. “That goes for all of you! No one touches her, she belongs to me.”
You take a small breath of relief before your captor grabs your hand again and leads you far from the group and into a tent.
“Sit.” The man gestures to a small cot. “What is your name?”
“(y/n).” You say as you sit.
“(y/n)…” He hums. “Interesting name. I’m Ragnar Lothbrok.”
“Thank you Ragnar.” You say lowly.
“For what?”
“Out there, protecting me from the other men…” You respond. “And I guess… thank you for not killing me.”
“Like I said to the men, you are mine. They will not harm you as long as you are with me, understand?”
You nod your head.
“What are you going to do with me?” You ask.
He smirks in response before looking you up and down, making you nervous.
“I have not decided yet.” He shrugs with a smirk still on his face.
The journey back to their land was long and dreadful. You had never been on a boat before and the ride made you nauseous. Ragnar kept a close eye on you and made sure no one bothered you.
As soon as they dock Ragnar quickly sneaks you away like he is trying to hide you. He leads you to his small farmhouse outside of town.
“Am I your slave now?” You ask once inside.
He laughs at your response and you scowl.
“I have no need for slaves.” He shrugs.
“If you wish to cook or clean for me, or do other things…” He smirks at you suggestively, making you blush. “I would certainly not object, but you will not be forced to do anything.”
“So I am not a slave… but I am not a free woman?” You question.
“Yes.” He simply responds.
“Then why am I here?”
“I do not know. The gods have not revealed your purpose to me yet.”
“There is only one god.” You say sternly.
He laughs again making anger rise in your cheeks.
“Maybe your god will reveal to you your purpose then.” He says teasingly.
The next couple days were surprisingly peaceful. You did not dare to try and leave the house. Although he never asked you to, you cooked and cleaned mostly to have something to occupy your time but Ragnar appreciated you either way. He would disappear for most of the day to god knows where, but when he returned you would have a hot meal waiting for him.
Ragnar would ask many questions, about your life and your god. You asked about him in return and he told you all about his adventures and of his gods.
“Are you a virgin?” Ragnar asks out of nowhere while you are eating supper.
You choke on your drink, the question taking you off guard.
“Well, you are unmarried right?” He continues. “I have heard Christians remain virgins until they are married.”
“Well, um, yes. It would be a sin otherwise.” You respond shyly.
“Why what?”
“Why is it a sin?” He asks with curiosity in his tone.
“I- um, I don’t know. It’s just a sin. You should only make children with your husband or wife.”
“Well, that is a bit silly isn’t it?”
“What is so ‘silly’ about that?” You scowl.
“Because making children is not the only reason to have sex.” He shrugs.
“What do you mean?” You ask, heat rising in your cheeks from annoyance and another feeling you couldn’t quite place.
“Do they teach you nothing?” He raises his brow.
“Not really… especially us women. They keep us sheltered from everything.”
“Well,” He says, taking the food bowl from your hands and placing it down.
He leans towards you until his breath brushes your ear, sending shivers up your spine.
“Sex can provide you with the greatest of pleasures…” He says lowly in your ear, your heart races. “If you know where to touch.” His fingers graze up your knee.
“Your gods… they do not care if you sin?” You ask but it comes out as a whisper.
He chuckles.
“To our gods, it is not wrong. The gods gave us the gift of such pleasure, why would they deny us from taking it?” He shrugs.
“I guess that is true…” You whisper.
“I can show you our ways, if you want.” He says with a devilish grin, moving his hand back to your knee.
“What? No. No I- Um, no… thank you.” You stutter, taken aback by his offer.
“Well, if you change your mind you know where to find me.” He whispers in your ear before standing and cleaning up from supper.
You go to bed early, trying to hide your flushed cheeks since your conversation. Ragnar eventually begins to lightly snore from the next room that was only separated by a thin wall with gaps you could see through. His words replay in your head, “greatest of pleasures if you know where to touch.”. Curiosity gets the better of you as you lightly trace your fingers along your neck and collarbone, the feeling creating goosebumps. Without even realizing, you start imagining Ragnar’s hand as yours travels lower. You grab onto your breast before your hand continues down. Your fingers tease at the hem of your pants before slowly moving down into them. You lightly touch the sensitive skin and it sends a jolt through you making you gasp louder than intended. You hear Ragnar stir in the next room and you quickly pull your hand from your pants as you look to him, still asleep. You sigh and try to get comfortable to sleep. Everything that has happened within the last few days has left you so lost and confused. You have been praying to god every day but nothing changes, nothing reassures you and what you are supposed to do in this place. Your mind continues to race until sleep eventually pulls you under.
“I would like to go into the mountain to pray.” You say to Ragnar.
“Why? So you can run away?” He gives you a teasing scoff.
You can’t hide the small laugh that escapes your lips.
“You know I would not make it very far without you.” You roll your eyes at him. “Besides, I need you to show me the way.”
“Alright then… perhaps tomorrow.” He shrugs.
“No, today.” You push. “Right now… please.”
You were desperate to have a moment of solitude and a private moment speak to god.
“Very well, we should go now while the sun is still high.” Ragnar says as he heads towards the door, you stand and follow after him.
He leads you up the hills of the forest until you reach a clearing facing the water. The stunning view took your breath away.
“I… I need to be alone.” You say to Ragnar.
“Do not try to escape.” He winks at you. “I will be just down this hill when you are done.”
You give him a grateful smile and you watch him walk away until he is out of sight. Turning back to face the edge of the cliff, you close your eyes take a deep breath as you feel the breeze brush across your face. You crouch to the ground onto your knees and bring your hands together in prayer.
“Heavenly father… Please help me to find my path. I feel so lost in this unfamiliar world and do not know what I am to do next or who I am meant to be now… And I feel… as if my prayers to protect and watch over me have gone unanswered, especially when I was taken by these people.” You pray with tears coming to your eyes. “Please god, if you are there, if you are watching over me… if you are real… please send me a sign.”
You open your eyes and watch for any sort of sign that your god is with you. Nothing happens.
“Please, give me any sign so I know you are watching over me as I have always believed.”
You wait again, and wait, and wait. The world was still, not even a stronger gust of wind to show a possible sign from god.
You drop your hands into your lap in defeat. Tears begin to roll down your cheeks until an idea crosses your mind. You breathe out a laugh to yourself feeling a bit silly for what you were about to try. You bring your hands back together but instead have a strange urge to connect to the earth. You bow, reaching your hands forward into the ground, feeling the dirt and grass between your fingers.
“Odin…” You close your eyes and begin, whispering so quietly it’s nearly silent. “Freyja… Thor… Please hear me. Hear my prayers. Help me, guide me, to who I am supposed to be now… what I am supposed to do.”
Suddenly, a raven lets out a loud ‘caw’ startling you. Your head shoots up and you look to the bird watching you from a rock to your side. Your heart races and your eyes go wide as you watch each other. A tickle on your hand makes you look down to see a white butterfly that landed on you. You lift your hand to admire it and it flies around your head before flying away, at the same time the raven flies off with it.
As your brain tries to comprehend the unmistakeable signs that the pagan gods are answering your prayers, you hear a rumble of thunder. The skies turn grey within a matter of seconds before rain suddenly begins to pour down. You stand and let out a laugh of disbelief as you spread your arms wide and look to the sky as you let out a heavy breath of relief. The rain washed over your entire being, cleansing you of your troubles. It felt like a different kind of baptism, a rebirth.
“(y/n)?” You hear Ragnar call from behind you.
You turn to him with a wide smile on your face. He noted how beautiful you were when you smiled like that, he realized he had never seen more than a faint one cross your lips.
“Are you alright?” He smiles back at you. “We should head back. Thor’s wrath may become brutal soon if we remain all the way out here.”
“No, he is speaking to me.” You smile, making Ragnar’s brows furrow in confusion.
“Your gods… the gods…” You continue. “They answered my prayers…”
“So, suddenly you believe in our gods now?” He teases. “And what of your god?”
“The Christian god has never answered my prayers. Never even given a small sign he is with me.” You explain. “I prayed to Odin, and a raven appeared… Freyja, a white butterfly landed on my hand the same moment… and Thor…” You gesture to the skies the rain continues to pour down from.
You walk closer to Ragnar.
“I want to teach me your ways…” You say lowly.
“All of our ways?” He smirks, mischief dancing in his eyes.
“All of your ways…” You say as you move even closer until your noses brush.
He traces his finger up your neck, making you shiver. His finger continues to move along your jaw before he gently lifts your chin, making your eyes meet his piercing blue ones. “Are you sure about that?” He says with his classic devilish smirk.
Instead of responding you bring your lips to his, which was answer enough. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back hungrily, a small growl escaping him. He cups your cheeks as the rain pours down on you both, the kiss is wet and passionate. His tongue demands entrance to your mouth and you let him take the lead, following along a little awkwardly. His hands move from your face down to your hips as he pulls you against him. The hardness pushing against your stomach makes you gasp.
“Do you wish to return to the house…” Ragnar whispers, against your lips before kissing you again.
“No… I want you to take me right here… under the eyes of Thor and all the gods watching over us…” You whisper back, bringing your hand to his cheek.
Your words light a fire in Ragnar as your eyes meet in an intense gaze. He reaches out and begins to slowly pull at the strings of your dress. His eyes watch yours carefully, as if daring you to stop him. You would do no such thing. Once the ties were loose you let him pull the dress off your shoulders, completely exposing your breasts. They instantly perk up in the cold chill of the rain, droplets of water falling down your skin. A moan escapes you as he leans down and takes one in his mouth, flicking his tongue over your sensitive nipple. Your entire body felt aflame. You welcomed every cold raindrop that touches your heated skin.
His sinful tongue continues to explore down your stomach until he’s on his knees in front of you. You look down at him with lust filled eyes as pulls down the skirts of your dress, leaving you completely bare for him. His gaze meets yours as he squeezes your thighs hard and gives you a smirk.
“Ragnar what are you-“
Your words are cut off when his tongue licks your most intimate area. You gasp and whine as he begins to messily eat you. Your legs shake and wobble as you try to hold onto his shoulders.
“Ragnar I can’t…” You breathe.
He could sense you were barely able to hold yourself up. In one swift movement he hooks your legs over his shoulders and you yelp as he lifts you up. His tongue does not stop working at your bundle of nerves as he walks you over to a tree. You lean your back against the rough bark. The feeling of him was so overwhelming that you hardly felt the tree scratching at your skin. He ate you ravenously like a man starved. Your hands quickly find their way into his hair, tugging lightly, he grunts against you in response. You pant as you look up to the grey rainy skies, the entire moment felt like a dream. A knot begins to tighten in your stomach and your vision starts to blur. Ragnar dips his tongue into your entrance and that is your undoing. You scream out as your thighs squeeze tightly around his head. You would be worried about hurting him but you could swear you felt him grinning against you as his tongue works you through your orgasm.
Ragnar carefully lowers you back to the ground, you feel both your body and your mind come back down to earth. You shiver as he lays you down on the cold wet ground. He removes his now soaked shirt before climbing over you and capturing your lips in a fierce kiss, you moan at the taste yourself as your tongues dance together.
He stands again to quickly remove his pants, your eyes widen at his length before he climbs back on top of you.
“Are you certain?” Ragnar asks lowly, noticing your worried expression.
“Yes but… I don’t think it will fit…” You whisper shyly.
He gives a cocky chuckle before he begins kissing on your neck.
“It will.” He mumbles against your skin.
You feel him rub his length against your core making you whine and buck your hips in response.
“So eager.” He smirks.
He slowly begins pushing in making you grimace in pain. You instantly question his reassurance that it will fit.
“Shh,” Ragnar tries to soothe you.
His lips move back to your neck kissing, sucking and biting, trying his best to distract you from the pain. You moan at the feeling before he pushes right through the barrier and you gasp loudly. Ragnar groans loudly as he feels you squeezing tightly around him like a vice. You pant heavily with tears in your eyes as you adjust to his size. He does not move until you’re ready, then he starts pushing in and out slowly. The pain soon fades and you wrap your legs around him, forcing him deeper into you.
“Please…” You breathe out.
“Please what?” Ragnar whispers directly in your ear, making you shudder.
“More what?” He teases you.
“Ragnar, please.” You groan in frustration. “Faster. Harder. Give me more.”
He smirks before finally obliging your wishes and starts pounding into you relentlessly. You quickly begin to see stars as your second orgasm washes over you and you cry out his name. Ragnar slows his pace once you have hit your peak.
“So this is…” You pant. “This is how Vikings… fuck?”
“We fuck however we want to.” He says as he kisses your neck, still hard inside you. “Viking women enjoy riding their men like wild horses.” He mumbles against your skin, like a challenge.
“Then I shall do that…” You say as you sit up and force Ragnar onto his back.
Ragnar’s eyes widen as you move to straddle him.
“I shall ride you like a wild horse.” You look down and meet his eyes, fire in your eyes and a devilish smirk on your lips. “I shall fuck you like a true Viking woman.”
He does not take his eyes off you for one second as you start to sink back down onto his cock, causing your mouth to drop at the feeling. Being new to all of this, you awkwardly try to bounce up and down until Ragnar grips your hips and guides you to move them back and forth.
“Oh…” You moan, eyes rolling back.
You follow his direction and rock your hips back and forth, increasing the speed. The position sends tingles through your entire body. Ragnar watches you in amazement, taking in every inch of your wet naked body as your beautiful moans ring in his ears. His hands move from your hips to grab your breasts and you ride him harder in approval, earning a groan from him.
You still felt like you were dreaming. You had lived such a strict sheltered life and felt so trapped for so long… But as the grey clouds swirl above you and the rain pours down over your shamelessly naked body, as you ride this god of a man who made your entire body vibrate with life, as you cried out loud enough for the gods to hear, as your prayers had finally been answered and your path now clear, as you feel your very souls connect. For the first time in your entire life… you felt free.
Your peak hits you even more intense than any time before, zings of pleasure radiate throughout your entire being. You felt yourself cry out Ragnar’s name but the sudden crack of lightning in the distance completely drowned out the sound. Your eyes shot open and you caught a glimpse of the fast line of lighting across the mountains at the same moment you came. Ragnar digs his fingers hard into your hips as he finds his own release. A loud rumble of thunder booms as he chokes out a moan. In that moment you felt so tremendously powerful, like a you were a god and goddess.
As you come down from your high the rain suddenly becomes much lighter. Panting, you look down at Ragnar who’s grinning smugly up at you. You give him a smirk back before leaning down and capturing his lips in a hungy kiss, your tongue instantly demands entrance and Ragnar happily obliges, moving his hand to your cheek as he eagerly kisses you back.
You roll off of him onto the wet grass, the rain now stopping completely. You felt so wild and free you that had no care about the mud that had gotten all over you.
“So…” Ragnar huffs, still catching his breath. “You really believe in our gods now?”
“They answered my prayers…” You respond, also panting. “It is hard to deny their existence after all of that.”
Ragnar just grins at you.
“We should get cleaned up.” He says as he stands, lending a hand to help you up.
As you stand he pulls you into a quick passionate kiss.
“Welcome to my world, (y/n).” Ragnar smiles.
#ragnar#ragnar lothbrok#ragnar vikings#ragnar x reader#ragnar x you#Vikings#ragnar lothbrok smut#vikings smut#vikings fanfiction#ragnar x reader smut#vikings show#ragnar lothbrok x reader#ivar x reader#bjorn x reader#ubbe x reader#hvitzerk x reader#vikings ragnar#ragnarsson#vikings valhalla#rollo x reader#ragnar lothbrok vikings#ragnar and lagertha#ragnar x lagertha#I do not own the artwork
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first love

summary: you always hated Ragnar until you realized that that hatred was not hatred but love
warnings: age-gap, infidelity, pregnancy
word counter: 9363
author's note: english is not my first language, inspired by something old that I also wrote

You had known Ragnar Lothbrok for as long as you could remember, and you had always known that his place in your life was not that of a stranger. He had been a part of your world even before you came into it.
Your father always spoke of Ragnar as if he were a son. When you were younger, you sat on your father’s knee as he told stories of Ragnar’s bravery and cunning, of how, as a mere boy, he had shown intelligence that few men possessed. You listened, but those words never filled you with pride. It wasn’t admiration you felt for him. It was jealousy. Jealousy of how your parents looked at him, jealousy of how your father laughed with him, a truer sound than the one you managed to coax out of him.
Ragnar wasn’t just bigger than you in age; he was bigger in every other way. He had always been that way. In your family’s eyes, he was more than an older brother. He was the perfect son they had never had before you.
You clearly remember the first time you realized how deep your connection to your father was. You were about six years old, running through the field near your house, chasing butterflies as your bare feet sank into the damp grass. When you came home, sweaty and leafy, you saw him there at the table next to your father. Your heads leaned forward, talking quietly as if they shared a secret that would never include you. Your small hands balled into fists, and you stood in the doorway, feeling like a stranger in your own home.
“What are you doing standing there?” he had asked you, with an easy smile that lit up everyone’s eyes but your own.
“I don’t like the way you talk to my father,” you told him with childlike sincerity that knew no filters.
He laughed, a sound he had always hated because it was loud, as if the entire world could hear how much he enjoyed life. "And why not, little one? Is it yours and not mine?"
Your father laughed too, but you didn't. You looked down and crossed your arms, muttering something that even you didn't quite understand. At that moment, Ragnar had looked at you like someone would look at a child who barely understands the world, and that only increased your childish rage.
Over time, things didn't improve. Ragnar grew into a strong, cunning, and charismatic man. His exploits began to resonate beyond the borders of your small world, and while others celebrated him, you still felt overshadowed by his presence.
Sometimes, you tried to reason with yourself. It wasn't Ragnar's fault that your father adored him so much. It wasn't his fault that others looked at him with admiration. But those thoughts didn't ease the weight in your chest every time his name came up in family conversations, as if everything revolved around him.
There were days when you wished he would go away. That his ship would not return from the sea, that his laughter would stop filling the rooms, that his stories would become a thing of the past. And yet, there was a part of you that couldn’t deny that you were watching him intently. Like a wolf on the prowl, you memorized his every gesture, every word he said.
One day, when you were ten, things reached their breaking point. Ragnar had returned from a long journey, and your father threw a banquet in his honor. The entire village gathered at your house, singing, drinking, and celebrating his return. You were at the back, in the darkest corner of the hall, watching as Ragnar moved through the crowd with the ease of someone who knew he belonged.
When you finally crossed paths with him, he gave you an amused look. “Why are you always so serious when you see me?”
“I’m not serious. I just don’t like you,” you blurted out without thinking.
He laughed, but it wasn’t as loud this time. There was something else in his expression, something you hadn’t seen before: curiosity. “Do you not like me because I’ve always been here, or because you think I don’t pay attention to you?”
The question left you silent, because you didn’t know how to respond. Ragnar always found a way to disarm you, even when you didn’t want to admit it.
“Maybe it’s not you who hates me,” he finally said, leaning in to look you in the eyes. “Maybe it’s you who doesn’t want to share your place in this world with me.”
Those words stuck in your mind, though at the time you didn’t know what to do with them. Because, as much as you hated to admit it, maybe he was right.
Over the years, you left behind the childish games and tantrums, but Ragnar remained a constant in your life. You no longer openly hated him, but you didn't seek him out either. You avoided him, always hiding behind the responsibilities of the house or the social gatherings that you so detested. But even from a distance, you felt his presence like a shadow that stretched over you, a force that you couldn't ignore.
It was around your thirteenth birthday that you began to understand something that you didn't want to accept. Ragnar had returned from another of his trips, this time with the triumphant air of a man who had achieved something great. His face was covered in dust and sun, his eyes shining with that fire that seemed to ignite everyone around him. He entered your home as if he owned the place, with that laugh of his that always managed to put everyone in a good mood. Everyone except you, or at least that's what you forced yourself to believe.
You watched him from the table, hidden behind a curtain of your hair, while he spoke to your father. Ragnar had this ability to capture everyone’s attention, as if words were something created just for him. He was charismatic, strong, and self-assured, and for the first time you noticed something that left you frozen: you didn’t look at him the way you look at a brother.
The thought hit you like a bolt of lightning. All that time, all that anger you’d felt towards him, all the arguments and resentment, it hadn’t been because you wanted him to go away. You hadn’t hated Ragnar because he was your father’s favorite, or because he made you feel small next to him. You’d hated him because you liked him.
The realization stunned you. You’d heard other girls in the village talk about what it was like to be attracted to a man, about how their hearts beat faster and their stomachs filled with nerves when they were around someone they liked. You’d always thought those things were ridiculous, that love was something you didn’t need or want. But now, you felt that same uneasiness in your chest whenever Ragnar was around.
That night, you couldn't sleep. Images of him filled your mind: his laugh, the way his hair fell across his forehead, how his gaze seemed to pierce you every time it met yours. You felt caught between the desire to push him out of your life and the inability to imagine a world without him.
The following days you tried harder than ever to avoid him. If you saw him coming, you would veer off on another path. If your father mentioned his name, you would quickly change the subject. But Ragnar didn't seem willing to ignore you. Every chance he got, he would look for you with his eyes, with that crooked smile that seemed to know more than he was willing to say.
Some time later Ragnar had returned from the north with more than just stories of his travels. He returned with a woman at his side: Lagertha. The first time you saw her, you understood why he had chosen her. She was beautiful, with such a strong and determined presence that she seemed to fill the room without needing to say a word. She was not a simple peasant or any woman. She was a warrior, a shieldmaiden, someone worthy of accompanying a man like him.
And you hated her.
It wasn't because she was evil or cruel, because she wasn't. Lagertha, with her open smile and direct gaze, tried from the beginning to win your sympathy, but you refused point-blank. Every kind word she spoke to you crashed against the wall you had raised between you. You didn't want her friendship. You wanted nothing from her.
But what really tore you apart was Ragnar. He seemed different with Lagertha at his side, as if his world had become complete in a way you had never seen before. When he looked at her, there was something in his eyes that made you grit your teeth: affection. It wasn't the camaraderie she shared with your father or the teasing affection she sometimes gave you. It was something deeper, more real.
At first, you tried to ignore what you felt. You told yourself it didn’t matter, that what Ragnar did with his life wasn’t your problem. But the more time passed, the harder it was to contain the rage that was building up inside you.
You became a walking storm. Your words became sharper, your gestures more abrupt. Everything you did was tinged with an anger that you couldn’t explain to others, not even to yourself. When you crossed paths with Ragnar, you barely looked at him. And if he tried to talk to you, your answers were cold and distant.
“What’s wrong?” he asked you one day, after you completely ignored him during a conversation at the family table.
“What would happen to me?” you replied without looking at him, focusing on breaking off a piece of bread as if it were the most important thing in the world.
Ragnar wasn’t stupid. You knew that. He had always been shrewd, able to read people with an ease that was disturbing. But this time, he didn’t seem to quite understand you. He frowned, leaning towards you a little. “You’ve been in a bad mood since I got back. Is it because of Lagertha?”
The sound of her name on his lips made your stomach twist. You forced yourself to remain calm, though. You looked up, staring at him with a hardness you didn’t know you possessed. “So what if she is? I don’t like her. Is that enough for you?”
Ragnar arched an eyebrow, surprised by your bluntness. “She hasn’t done anything to you. Why does she bother you so much?”
“Because I do,” you snapped, bolting up from the table. “Because I didn’t have to bring her here, or marry her.”
He stared at you, and for a moment you thought he was going to insist. But instead, he leaned back against the back of his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t understand why this matters so much to you.”
“And you don’t need to understand it,” you blurted out before exiting the room, leaving your anger and unfinished words behind you.
After that, you avoided any prolonged interaction with him. If he was in a room, you found an excuse to leave. If he spoke to you, you responded in monosyllables or ignored him completely. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he affected you.
But there were times when you couldn’t help but see him, like when he walked beside Lagertha through the fields, his laughter mingling with hers as if they were the only ones who mattered in the world. On those occasions, you felt something inside you break a little more.
When you turned sixteen, the day was a cold, grey sky, as if even the gods shared the melancholy you felt inside. The village was busier than ever; Ragnar and Lagertha had just had their son, Bjorn, a little boy who had already stolen everyone's hearts with his loud cry and inquisitive look.
You received the news while helping your mother in the kitchen. A neighbor came in excitedly, her beaming smile lighting up the room. “A son has been born to Ragnar! A strong, healthy boy. They have named him Bjorn.”
You stood still for a moment, your hands still covered in flour. The air seemed to grow heavy, as if every word of that woman crushed you. Bjorn. Ragnar had a son.
You knew this moment would come. It was natural for a man like him to build a family, for his life to be filled with new bonds and responsibilities. But that certainty didn’t make it hurt any less.
That night, as the village celebrated the birth of the little boy, you stepped away from the crowd. Chants and laughter filled the air, but you couldn’t bear to be there, watching Ragnar and Lagertha receive everyone’s congratulations. Instead, you sat alone on the riverbank, watching the current carry away the fallen leaves.
It was then, in the pale moonlight, that something inside you changed. For years you had carried an unrequited love, a weight that had filled you with rage, sadness, and frustration. But now, thinking of Bjorn and the future Ragnar was building, you realized it was time to let it go.
It wasn't easy. It was like ripping out a part of yourself, a part that had been with you for as long as you could remember. But you knew you could no longer live trapped in that cycle of emotions. Ragnar wasn't yours, and he never would be. And that was okay.
You decided that if you wanted to find your place in the world, you had to free yourself from that weight. So you let it go, like the leaves falling into the river, allowing the current to carry them away to a place you couldn't follow.
Letting it go didn't mean forgetting it, though. Ragnar was still a part of your life, as he always had been. But now you saw him differently. He was no longer the man you wanted, but someone you had learned to respect from a distance.
He was still there when you needed him, though those occasions were becoming less frequent. You were no longer a child, and the world did not revolve around him as you had once felt it did. You were a woman now, and you were determined to forge your own path.
One afternoon, while you were working in the fields, Ragnar approached you. He was carrying Bjorn in his arms, and the boy looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and adoration that made you smile despite everything.
“Aren’t you coming to see the little one?” he asked you, with that smile of his that still managed to disarm you, although in a different way now.
You wiped the sweat from your forehead and walked towards them. Bjorn stared at you with his big blue eyes, so similar to his father’s. He extended a small hand towards you, and you couldn’t help but gently take it between your fingers.
“He’s strong,” you said, more to yourself than to Ragnar.
“Like his mother,” he replied with a soft laugh.
You looked at him, feeling a calmness you hadn’t known before. “And like his father.”
Ragnar watched you for a moment, as if trying to decipher something in your expression. But he didn’t say anything else. He didn’t need to.
That was the last time you allowed the ghosts of your past love to visit you. From then on, you focused on yourself, on your own goals and dreams. Ragnar was still a part of your life, but no longer the axis of your thoughts.
A year later when you turned seventeen, your world began to expand in ways you had never imagined. Ragnar, always restless, had begun to embark on more frequent trips, exploring new lands and discovering unknown horizons. It was on one of those days, while he was planning his next expedition, that you decided to accompany him. It wasn’t something you thought about much; you simply felt it. You wanted something more, something far from the confines of the village you had called home all your life.
“Are you sure you want to come?” Ragnar asked you when you proposed, with a raised eyebrow and a half-smile. “The sea is not as kind as it seems.”
“As kind as you, I suppose,” you replied with a spark of humor that made him laugh. “I don’t mind. I want to go.”
And so it was that you found yourself on the ship, surrounded by men weathered by wind and water, the smell of salt filling your senses. At first, you didn’t know what to expect. The constant movement of the waves was disconcerting, and the sound of the wood creaking beneath your feet made you feel small and insignificant. But as the days passed, you began to understand why Ragnar loved these voyages so much.
There was a freedom at sea that couldn’t be found anywhere else. There were no village expectations, no inquisitive glances, no questions about your future. On the ship, you were simply you, facing a world that stretched beyond the horizon.
Ragnar taught you to navigate by the stars, pointing out constellations you’d never noticed before. “Look there,” he said one night, as the sky spread out like a black blanket studded with diamonds. “Those take us north.”
“And those others,” you added, pointing to a group of stars that seemed especially bright to you, “where do they take us?”
He looked at you with a calm smile. “Wherever you want to go.”
It was in those moments, amidst the vastness of the ocean, that you began to understand something about yourself. You had spent years feeling trapped, first by your emotions towards Ragnar, then by the weight of your own expectations. But here, far away from everything, you realized that freedom was not something anyone could give you; it was something you had to claim for yourself.
When you reached land, every place you discovered filled you with wonder. The villages you visited, the new faces, the unfamiliar languages… everything was a reminder of how big the world was and how small you were within it. But that smallness did not intimidate you. On the contrary, it inspired you.
Ragnar seemed to notice the change in you. Although he did not say it openly, his gestures made it clear. When she watched you interact with the villagers or explore the markets with eyes full of curiosity, there was something in her expression that almost seemed like… pride.
When you returned from travels, there was always a mix of relief and melancholy. Returning meant safety, the warmth of home, but also the return to routines and inevitable questions.
Lagertha, who you had learned to get along with better, always greeted you with a smile and a question she couldn’t seem to avoid: “Well? When are you going to marry one of the men?”
That question always made you feel uncomfortable. You knew it was common for you to be engaged at your age, but the thought of tying yourself down to someone had never been appealing to you. Not after everything you had felt for Ragnar. Not after having tasted the freedom that travel offered you.
“I haven’t found anyone worth it yet,” you always answered with a noncommittal smile, trying to downplay it.
Lagertha would often laugh at your answer, though she would insist. “You are beautiful and strong. There is no shortage of men in this village who would want you as a wife.”
You would simply shrug and change the subject. Although you could now see that Lagertha was not your enemy, you could not confess the truth to her either. You could not tell her that deep down, there was still a part of you that could not imagine being with anyone but Ragnar, though you knew that dream would never come true.
It was not long before you were once again embarking on another journey with Ragnar. This time, the destination was beyond anything you had ever imagined. There was talk of faraway lands, with riches and wonders that few had ever seen. The preparations were long and meticulous; the journey would be longer and more dangerous, but the excitement in the air was palpable.
“Are you sure you want to come?” Ragnar asked for the umpteenth time, as he adjusted the oars on the boat.
“What kind of question is that?” you replied with a defiant smile. “Of course I’m going.”
Ragnar nodded, though his eyes reflected more than just acceptance. It was a mix of pride and concern, but you didn’t say anything. You didn’t need to.
The first leg of the journey was exciting, as always. The wind filled the sails and the horizon stretched out before you like an endless promise. But as the days passed, the conditions began to change. The waters grew colder, the air heavier, and your strength began to fail.
At first it was a simple malaise that you tried to ignore. A slight fever, some weakness. But soon it became impossible to hide. Your body was exhausted, and every movement cost you more effort than you wanted to admit. Ragnar was the first to notice.
“You look pale,” he commented one night as you stood by the fire, trying to warm up from the cold sea.
“I’m fine,” you lied, your tone firmer than you felt.
But the next day, when you tried to get up to help row, your legs wouldn't respond. Ragnar caught up with you before you could fall to the ground.
"Enough!" he said, his tone so authoritative it brooked no reply. "You're not well. You need to rest."
You were placed on a makeshift bed inside the ship, and though you resisted at first, your body soon gave out. The fever rose, and the weakness became unbearable. You could barely open your eyes, and when you did, everything seemed to spin around you.
Ragnar remained by your side from that moment on, like a constant shadow. He barely ate or slept, always attentive to any change in your condition. His face, normally full of confidence and energy, was now marked with worry.
In the moments when you were conscious, you could hear Ragnar speaking softly. You couldn't always understand what he said, but his words were often directed at you.
“This is my fault,” he muttered one night, as he changed the damp cloth on your forehead. “I shouldn’t have let you come. I was selfish to think you could handle this. I always wanted you around… but I should never have put you in danger.”
You wanted to respond, to tell him that it wasn't his fault, that this trip had been your decision, but the words wouldn't come out. All you could do was weakly squeeze his hand when he took it, a gesture that seemed to give him minimal comfort.
Your illness lasted for weeks in those distant lands, an unknown place where every dawn seemed just as uncertain. No one knew exactly what had caused you such extreme weakness: the change in climate, the different food, or simply the exhaustion of the journey. The days passed in a mix of hope and worry, and although the others continued with their tasks of exploration and looting, Ragnar did not leave your side.
The fever slowly subsided, and your strength began to return. At first, getting out of bed was a triumph, a small step towards normality. But as the weeks turned into a month and a half, you found yourself trapped in a state of endless recovery. Ragnar did not let you do absolutely anything, which at first you were grateful for, but soon began to drive you crazy.
“You’re not ready yet,” Ragnar insisted every time you tried to get up to do more than walk a few steps.
“I’m better,” you protested one day, crossing your arms in frustration. “I can carry something, help around camp, train even.”
“No, you can’t,” he replied, his tone firm enough to shut down the conversation before it even began. “I don’t want to see you lifting anything heavier than that plate of food.”
The concern on his face was evident, and though you understood where he was coming from, you couldn’t help but feel annoyed. You weren’t used to someone limiting you like that, least of all Ragnar.
“You’re worse than any disease,” you murmured, your tone more playful than angry.
Ragnar smiled slightly, but didn’t relent. “You can hate me all you want, but you’re staying here. I’m not going to risk you relapsing.”
With Ragnar acting as a relentless guardian, your world shrank to the walls of the house where you were staying. It was a simple building, with wooden walls and a roof that barely protected you from the icy wind. Although you were grateful to have a place to shelter, the stillness made you feel useless.
You did small tasks: cleaning utensils, mending the clothes of the men traveling with you, and even cooking when you were allowed. But none of that filled the void you felt from not being able to participate in training or scouting. The lack of action weighed on you like an invisible burden, and though you tried to hide it, it was clear that you were not satisfied.
Sometimes, as you worked in silence, you felt Ragnar's eyes on you. When you faced him, he would simply smile and look away, as if he wanted to reassure you that everything was okay. But that only made you more upset.
There were days when you felt like a burden. Seeing the others return to camp with stories of what they had seen and done while you had barely stepped out into the yard was a constant reminder of what you had lost. You didn't want to admit it, but you felt weak, and that was something you had never handled well.
Ragnar seemed to sense your emotions even when you said nothing. “Why are you so quiet?” he asked you one night, as you ate dinner in silence.
“I’m thinking,” you replied, not wanting to go into details.
“Thinking about what?”
You paused, unsure if you wanted to tell him the truth. Finally, you decided to be honest. “About how useless I feel here. Everyone is out there, exploring, fighting… and I’m here, mending clothes.”
Ragnar set his bowl aside and looked you straight in the eyes. “That doesn’t make you useless. You’re alive, aren’t you? That’s all that matters now.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” you replied, your tone bordering on resentment. “You’re out there, being who you are. I’m stuck here, being… nothing.”
Ragnar sighed, as if he understood your frustration more than you cared to admit. “Sometimes, surviving is the hardest thing we can do. But don’t think for a moment that you’re not important. I wouldn’t be here, wasting my time with you, if I thought that.”
His words, though well-intentioned, didn’t completely dispel your unease.
In those days you tried to convince yourself that it was all behind you. The childish love you once felt for Ragnar was a distant memory, a whim buried beneath the years of maturity and the reality of his life with Lagertha. You had spent enough time hating him, loving him, and finally letting him go, or so you told yourself. However, as the days passed in that small village, something began to change.
The way Ragnar looked at you was different. You weren’t entirely sure at first, but there was something in the intensity of his gaze, in how his eyes seemed to search yours for no apparent reason. It was like every time you moved around the house, even in the most mundane moments, he was watching, watching.
That invisible weight, that tension between the two of you that seemed to fill the air. Every time you were near him, you felt a warmth in your chest that you hadn’t experienced in a long time. You tried to ignore it, to convince yourself it was just your imagination, but it wasn’t that simple.
For his part, Ragnar was experiencing something he couldn’t explain. For years, he’d always seen you as the little girl who ran around the camp, the younger sister who looked down on him or argued with him about anything. He’d been by your side like an older brother, like a protector. But now… now he couldn’t help but see you differently.
He didn’t know when it had started exactly. Maybe it was when he realized how strong you’d been during your illness, fighting weakness with silent determination. Or maybe it was simply the fact that, by spending so much time together, he’d started to notice things he hadn’t seen before.
The way the sunlight lit up your hair as you moved near the window. The softness in your gestures as you worked on chores around the house, even if you did it in annoyance. The way your eyes sparkled when you were angry at him for not letting you do more.
Everything about you intrigued him.
One afternoon, as you stood alone in the yard trying to mend an old coat, Ragnar appeared. He didn’t say anything at first, just sat next to you, watching your fingers move with precision.
“Why are you always staring at me?” you finally asked, without looking at him.
Ragnar smiled, but didn’t answer right away. “And why are you always so attentive to what I do?”
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the blush that rose to your cheeks. “Because you’re impossible to ignore. You’re always there, like a shadow.”
“Maybe because I like being where you are,” he replied with a sincerity that took you by surprise.
You stopped, the thread in your hands hanging. His words weren’t brazen, but they weren’t innocent either. You looked at him, trying to read on his face if he was joking or if there was something more behind his words. What you saw in his eyes disarmed you: there was no trace of mockery, only a curiosity that seemed to dig deep inside you.
From that moment on, everything seemed to be charged with a new energy between you. Casual conversations were filled with awkward silences, as if both of you knew something was changing but neither of you wanted to admit it.
Ragnar couldn’t help but find excuses to spend time with you. He always had some reason to come over, whether it was to bring you some water, check on how you were feeling, or just sit quietly beside you. And you, despite your frustration, couldn’t help but feel more aware of his presence than ever.
One night, while the others slept, you stepped out into the courtyard to get some air. Ragnar appeared shortly after, as if he knew exactly where you were.
“You can’t sleep,” he said, more of a statement than a question.
You shook your head. “The air here is different. It’s hard to breathe sometimes.”
He nodded, coming close enough that you could feel the warmth of his body in the cold night. “Do you regret coming?”
“No,” you answered quickly, looking up at the stars. “Despite everything… I don’t regret it.”
Ragnar was silent for a moment, before saying, “Me neither.”
You turned to look at him, searching for some meaning in his words. But before you could ask, he had already looked away, as if he was afraid to say anything more.
The day after the conversation in the courtyard, you decided that you couldn't allow what you felt for Ragnar to take shape. If you allowed those feelings to grow, you would lose control over yourself, over your life, over your ability to decide. And worst of all, you would lose Ragnar in a way you didn't want to even imagine. So, for three whole days, you avoided him.
You didn't look him in the eye more than necessary, you kept yourself busy with tasks that took you away from him, and you always looked for excuses not to be around. Every time Ragnar showed up at camp, you somehow slipped out of his reach, seeking to avoid the tension you knew existed between the two of you.
But despite all your efforts, you couldn't deny that every time Ragnar looked at you, there was something in his eyes that overwhelmed you. The tension grew like a storm about to break. You knew he felt the same way too, and even though you tried not to admit it, the emotions were eating you up from the inside.
On the fourth day, confrontation was inevitable. Ragnar found you in the small tent where you were busy organizing the equipment. He closed the entrance behind him with a soft knock, and stared at you silently, knowing you had been avoiding him.
“You can’t keep doing this,” he said, his voice low and calm, as always, but this time with something more. An urgency.
You stared at him for a long moment before speaking. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes, you do.” His footsteps echoed on the wooden floor as he came closer, closing the distance between you. “Stop running away from what’s happening between us.”
You breathed quickened at the closeness, at the certainty in his voice. You knew he was just as caught up in this game as you were. But you couldn’t let this be real. You shouldn’t.
“You’re right,” you murmured, looking away. “But we can’t…”
“We can’t keep ignoring what we feel, can we?” Ragnar interrupted, leaning slightly towards you, searching your eyes.
The space between you shrank to inches, the electricity in the air palpable. You could hear your own heartbeat quickening, the heat of his body overwhelming you. And before you could stop him, Ragnar raised a hand and gently touched your cheek.
The contact ignited a spark that ran through your entire body. You couldn’t resist it any longer. Without thinking, you launched yourself at him, your lips meeting his in a fiery kiss. It was as if all the time of tension, of repressed desires, exploded in that single moment.
Ragnar responded immediately, his hands moving up your back, pulling you closer to him. Your hands tangled in his hair, as the kiss deepened, moving from something passionate to something more urgent, more desperate.
“I love you… I always have,” you managed to whisper between the kisses, unable to keep quiet what you had held in for so long. The words came out of you with the same intensity you had repressed those feelings with for years.
Ragnar didn't respond. He looked into your eyes, as if he wanted to make sure you had really said it. But he didn't say anything, he just kissed you again, harder, as if the answer was in the act, not the words.
The intensity of that kiss didn't go away. Instead, it intensified as his hands moved with an urgency you had never seen in him. There were no more barriers, only the desire to explore what had been dormant between you.
Ragnar took you firmly, guiding you towards the bed with gentle but determined movements. You didn't say anything, because you knew you didn't need to. Everything that had been left unsaid between the two of you was now expressed in a much more intimate and direct way.
That night, was the first time you spent in his bed. And he was the first man you had ever been with. You felt it in every touch, in every caress, in the way he knew you and wanted you with an intensity you had never experienced before. At that moment, Ragnar was not only the man you had secretly desired, but the only one you wanted to share your body and soul with.
When you finally rested, breathing intertwined, you said nothing. There was no need. There was no turning back, no way to deny what had grown between you and finally unleashed.
The night stretched between you like a blanket of calm after the storm. The two of you lay together, the softness of your breaths intertwined in the stillness of the bed. Despite the intensity of what had happened, something in your chest was still churning.
Ragnar, lying next to you, watched you with an intensity that overwhelmed you. His gaze was deep, as if he were trying to decipher something that had been hidden for a long time. Finally, he broke the silence, his voice low, but with an unmistakable weight.
“You love me… Why didn’t you tell me before?”
The question left you speechless for a moment. You turned to look at him, and although his face was serene, his eyes reflected a mix of surprise and something else, something that seemed to be a request for explanations.
You knew you couldn’t hide it anymore, but how to respond? How to explain all the suffering and anguish you had felt loving someone who seemed unattainable?
“I didn’t say it because I knew you would never love me back,” you replied, your voice cracking, the pain of all those years of silence making a dent in your tone. “And besides… you have a family. Lagertha… your son…”
Ragnar looked at you in silence for a moment, as if he was processing your words. The seconds seemed eternal as his gaze softened, as if he too understood the weight of what you had just said.
“Don’t think about it,” he finally said, his tone filled with a firmness that left no room for doubt. “Let’s not think about what we can’t change.”
Before you could respond, Ragnar kissed you again. A deep kiss. In that kiss there was no room for doubt or fear.
The nights that followed were like a dream from which you didn’t want to wake up. Every night you spent in his bed, every night Ragnar adored you with an intensity that made you feel like you were the only woman in the world. In his eyes, you looked more beautiful than ever, and every word that came out of his mouth, every touch his hands offered, enveloped you in a feeling of ecstasy you had never known.
He treated you with a tenderness and fervor that overflowed from what you had imagined in your most secret dreams. His caresses were soft, but his kisses were ardent, as if he wanted to erase all the distance that had existed between you during all those years. You felt that you were finally seen, that Ragnar saw you, not as the girl who was once part of his life, but as the woman you were now. And, for the first time, you did not care what the future might bring.
However, that peace you had found in his closeness, that security that Ragnar seemed to give you, was shaken when the time of staying in distant lands came to an end. The journey home was long, tense, and for the first time, uncertainty settled over you.
Every day that passed, the question hung in the air, even if neither of you said it out loud: what will happen when we get home? You knew Ragnar had a family, and even though he told you not to think about it, you couldn't help it. Lagertha, his son and the one on the way, his life... it was all there, waiting for them. And what was left for you? What was left for what you had shared? The distance between the realities you faced became more and more evident as the journey progressed.
Despite everything, hope was still alive in your heart. Despite the doubts that haunted you, the constant question about what would happen when you returned home.
Ragnar didn't talk much during the trip, and perhaps, in part, neither did you. You both knew there was something that needed to be resolved, something that couldn't be left hanging in the air.
The wind blew hard, the waves of the sea crashed against the rocks, but as you approached the familiar shores, the weight of the unknown seemed to increase. You didn't know what you would do when you set foot in your home, nor how you would react to seeing Lagertha, nor what Ragnar would think of everything that had happened.
Returning home was a heartbreaking contrast to the intense emotions of the trip. As soon as you arrived, the usual routine seemed to take its place as if time in distant lands had not happened. Lagertha had given birth to a girl while you were away, and Ragnar's joy for his new daughter filled the air.
You stood by, watching from a distance. You went back home to your parents, trying to put a physical and emotional barrier between you and Ragnar. You thought that distance might help you forget, that staying away from him, from his family, might ease the weight of what you shared.
You didn’t visit his home, not even when your parents mentioned his name. You tried to distract yourself with your own tasks, with the life you’d put on hold while you traveled. But, despite all your attempts, you couldn’t get him out of your mind. Every corner of your memory seemed to be permeated with his voice, his touch, the way he looked at you as if you were the only thing that mattered.
And then, as if fate wanted to mock you, he appeared. Ragnar arrived at your house without warning, his laughter echoing from the living room as he spoke to your parents. You heard his voice before you saw him, and something inside you tensed. You knew you couldn't avoid him forever, but that encounter took you by surprise.
You decided to stay in your room, taking refuge in the distance you could still maintain. You figured that if you didn’t see him, it would be easier to ignore the reality of his presence, easier to remind yourself that you couldn’t keep feeding what you felt.
But Ragnar wasn’t one to be ignored easily. As night fell and the house fell silent, you knew something was about to change. You felt his presence before he knocked on your door, before he peeked into the room with that look that always managed to disarm you.
“Are you going to hide from me all night?” he asked quietly, closing the door behind him before you could answer.
“I’m not hiding,” you replied, even though you both knew it was a lie. You didn’t look up from your hands, afraid that if you did, all the control you’d tried to build would crumble in an instant.
Ragnar didn’t say anything. He walked over to where you were sitting and, with a calmness only he could project, knelt in front of you. His eyes searched yours, and when you finally looked at him, you felt all the weight of your will evaporate.
“You shouldn’t be here,” you whispered, though your voice lacked conviction.
“And yet, here I am,” he replied with a smile that only made things more complicated.
You didn’t know how it happened, but before you could stop him, his lips were on yours. It was a slow kiss, filled with an intensity you hadn’t forgotten. Everything you had tried to bury, all the distance you had tried to impose, crumbled in that instant.
“Ragnar…” you tried to speak, but he shook his head, silencing you with another kiss.
That night, you had him in your bed, and the weight of the forbidden made every moment even more intense. You tried to keep quiet, afraid someone might hear, but Ragnar seemed to be in no hurry, taking his time exploring every corner of your skin as if he wanted to memorize you.
Every caress, every whisper in your ear, made the outside world disappear. For a few hours, there were no wives or children, no families or responsibilities, just the two of you in that room, sharing something that couldn't be explained with words.
When the heat of the moment was behind you, your body intertwined with his. The silence in the room was deep, broken only by the sound of your breathing calming down. Ragnar wrapped one arm around you, pulling you towards him, while his other hand gently rested on your bare belly.
He began to trace slow, abstract movements on your stomach with the tips of his fingers, almost absentmindedly, as if his mind was somewhere else. You could feel the weight of his thoughts, though you couldn't guess what was going through his head.
“Once,” he began in a low, contemplative tone, “a witch told me I would have many children. More than I could count.”
His words, spoken with a mix of seriousness and curiosity, struck something deep within you. Even though he didn’t seem aware of the impact they might have, you felt a pang of sadness creep into your chest. You didn’t know exactly why; perhaps because those words were a reminder of the life he led, a life that didn’t include a future with you.
You swallowed, trying to contain the lump that formed in your throat, but it was useless. A silent tear rolled down your cheek, followed by another. You tried to turn your face away, you didn't want him to see you like that, you didn't want him to know how much those words had touched a wound you tried to ignore.
“What's wrong?” Ragnar asked, noticing your silence and the trembling in your breathing. He sat up slightly, turning to you with a worried expression. “Did I say something that hurt you?”
You shook your head, but your lips trembled. “It's not that... I just... I don't know.” The words escaped you; you couldn't explain this whirlwind of emotions that invaded you.
Ragnar took your face with both hands, wiping the tears with his thumb while looking at you with an intensity that disarmed you. “I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Never.”
His eyes, as blue as the clear sky, reflected a sincerity that hurt you even more. You wanted to tell him how you felt, but how to put into words something so complex? How to explain that it wasn’t his fault, but the weight of everything you shared, of everything that couldn’t be?
“I’m fine,” you finally managed to say, though your voice was a broken whisper. “I just… sometimes wonder how I fit into your life. Or if I do.”
Ragnar watched you in silence for a moment, and then pulled you into his chest, enveloping you in a warm, protective embrace. “Don’t think about it now,” he said softly, his voice echoing in his chest against your ear. “What we have here, now… that’s what matters. I don’t want you to cry for me. I don’t want this to hurt you.”
You clung to him, letting his warmth comfort you, though the questions in your mind remained unanswered. His words were a temporary balm, but they couldn’t undo the truth of the situation. Yet, at that moment, you decided to allow yourself to believe him, if only for that night. Because when you were in his arms, the world seemed a little less complicated, and that was enough to keep you going.
The days that followed were a whirlwind of emotions for you. You had tried to get back to the routine, to the normality that you so wanted to get back, but something inside you had changed. It wasn't just the guilt or the love you still felt for Ragnar, it was something deeper, something you hadn't faced until you started to notice the first signs.
At first, you ignored it. The constant tiredness, the nausea that hit you without warning, it could all be attributed to the wear and tear of the trip, or the stress you had accumulated. But you couldn't deny the truth for long. With each passing day, the signs became clearer, until you finally accepted what your body was trying to tell you: you were pregnant.
The revelation was a shock that left you breathless. You sat on the edge of your bed, trembling hands holding your belly as reality sank in. The life you carried inside was too big a secret to share, a secret that could change everything.
You couldn't tell your parents. Their disappointment would be an unbearable weight, and the scandal that could be unleashed if anyone else found out was something you weren't willing to face. You couldn't tell Ragnar either. He had a family. The last thing you wanted was to further complicate their life, or yours.
So you decided to keep it to yourself. He was yours, and yours alone.
Days turned into weeks, and you learned to hide the signs. When you felt sick, you found an excuse to get away. When tiredness got the better of you, you made sure no one noticed. But keeping the secret wasn't easy, especially when Ragnar was around.
There was something in his gaze that seemed to pierce through you, as if he could see past your attempts to hide the truth. Even though he didn't say anything, you knew he suspected something was bothering you. His questions were subtle, but constant, and every time you evaded them you felt the tension between you grow.
At night, when you lay alone, the weight of your decision crushed you. You wondered if you had done the right thing, if keeping the secret was really the best option. But every time you thought about what could happen if the truth came out, you convinced yourself that you had no other choice.
It was madness, a storm you couldn't control, but you had no choice but to face it alone.
The days continued to pass with a tension that seemed to cut off your air. Every glance from your parents, every conversation with Ragnar, was like walking on brittle ice. You knew you couldn't stay much longer. Not because you didn't want to, but because every moment prolonged the risk of your secret being discovered, and that wasn't something you could allow.
You hadn’t made the decision lightly. For days, you’d been turning it over in your mind, searching for options, wondering if there was any way to stay, to keep what you carried inside you safe without destroying everything else. But every path you imagined led to the same place: to chaos, to pain, and to a scandal that would affect not only you, but everyone around you.
You couldn’t allow that. And so, one night, as you sat alone in your room, you decided you had to leave.
The conversation with your parents was one of the hardest things you’d ever faced. You sat with them at the family table, your hands clenched in your lap to hide the shaking.
“I need to go,” you finally said, breaking the silence that seemed to weigh like a slab in the air.
Your parents looked at each other, confused. It was your mother who spoke first. “Leave? Where?”
“Away,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. “I need some time to myself, to find my own way. I’ve been feeling… trapped.”
It wasn’t quite a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. Your parents seemed to hesitate, exchanging glances that clearly argued your request without the need for words.
“Does this have anything to do with Ragnar?” your father finally asked, his tone sterner.
Just hearing his name made your heart stop for a moment. But you shook your head. “No. This is something of mine, something I need to do.”
Your mother tried to convince you to stay. She told you about how dangerous it was to travel alone, how you’d always had a safe home with them. But you had already made up your mind. You listened to her in silence, letting her words flow over you like water over rock. When she was done, you simply repeated, “I have to.”
“If Ragnar knows you’re leaving…” your father began, but you cut him off with a gesture.
“He mustn’t know. I beg you. If he asks, tell him I left because I needed some space, but don’t tell him anything else.”
Your mother looked at you with concern, while your father frowned, clearly uncomfortable with the request. But eventually, they nodded. You gave them no other options.
You had planned everything in secret. You knew where you would go: a small settlement far from Kattegat, isolated enough to avoid questions. You had packed the few things you needed into a sack and prepared a horse to set out at dawn.
The night before your departure was the longest of your life. You were alone in your room, watching the shadows move on the walls as a storm of emotions raged within you. There was pain, sure, pain so deep it seemed to cut your soul in two. But there was also a strange sense of relief, as if you had finally taken control of your destiny.
You didn’t sleep that night. As the sun began to peek over the horizon, you got up, got dressed, and grabbed your things. Your parents bid you farewell in silence, though your mother couldn’t help but hug you tightly before you mounted your horse.
“Be careful,” she told you with tears in her eyes.
“I will be,” you promised, though you weren’t sure it was true.
As you left Kattegat behind you, you felt an emptiness in your chest that threatened to devour you. Each step of the horse seemed to take you further away from everything you knew, from everyone you loved, but also closer to a future that was now yours alone.
You knew this path would be difficult. You knew you would be alone, and that there would be times when you would question whether you had made the right decision. But you also knew you had no other choice. You had to protect your son, even if it meant sacrificing everything else.
As the landscape changed around you, you held on to that thought. Because while the pain of leaving Ragnar and your family was unbearable, it was also a reminder of how strong you were. And that no matter what, you would find a way to move forward.
#fanfic#oneshot#imagine#x reader#ragnar lothbrok#ragnar lothbrok x reader#vikings#ragnar x reader#ragnar x lagertha#vikings fic#vikings fanfiction#lagertha#ragnar x you#bjorn ragnarsson
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Netflix Vikings, random relationship
Ragnar, Bjorn, Floki x g/n reader
Hello! There's not enough fanfiction of the Vikings series so i thought of making these! I hope you like them too! ^^
🪓 He is very protective over you and takes your safety very seriously! You’re important to him and he would gladly take an arrow for you!
🪓 Ragnar is not really the ‘jealous’ type so you can talk and become friends with anyone in Kattegatt. He trusts you, but he is a pretty curious person so he might ask you what you were talking about? He wants to know too! Is it something interesting? :O
🪓 If you are interested and ask him to teach you to defend yourself Ragnar would gladly do it! But of course not without teasing you about it first. Unless you already know how to fight, then you will train with each other to get stronger together.
🪓 His love language would probably be words of affirmation. Ragnar is pretty good with his choice of words and thinking before talking in order to avoid stupid fights. Whenever you do something nice for him, you will know. He’ll tell you how much you mean to him, how glad he is to see you if you two have been a part and how f**king gorgeous you are! 😏
🪓 If you have kids, he will talk about them more than you, praise them more than you and probably love them more than you! 😅 But see it on the bright side! If you're tired he will look after the kids, “No problem love, go and get some rest! I will take care of the kids!”
🐻 Is a touch starved, cuddle bug and loves any kind of physical affection! Bjorn is a big dude and holding you from behind is one of the things he does the most. Warming you up in the cold weather whenever you two stand around and listen to people talking in the crowds, or when you're home and have no work that needs to be done and you two can just lay around and cuddle.
🐻 He also loves to lay his head on your lap and have his hair stroked. It always calms him down from a long day of work. Bjorn also got the best and comfiest bearhugs!
🐻 Bjorn is a worry wart and constantly worries about your safety if you're not together. Sometimes he asks his mother or father (if they are nearby) if you will be alright, just to calm his nerves and mind down when they tell him: “Bjorn they will be fine!”.
🐻 If Bjorn is out in battle he is always thinking about you and that he will survive to see your beautiful face again. If you're in the battlefield with him, holy shit! He knows you're strong of course, but his overthinking ‘what if’ worry will still be there the whole time and he will be keeping an eye on you a little too much, almost putting himself in danger! It wouldn’t surprise me if you saved his ass instead. Probably what many of your fights are going to be about. But he loves you! Can you blame him?
🐻 Totally would give you his food if you're hungry <3 “No I don't mind, your health is important to me! I will manage, please have some!"
🛠️ Will often confuse you because Floki changes his mind easily, he has probably decision anxiety sometimes. He is unpredictable and you will never really know what he is thinking.
🛠️ Gift giving would be Flokis love language. Floki loves to build objects and wood carve details on his hard work afterwards, which will always leave him so proud! So everything he's making for you is made thoughtfully after what he knows that will make you happy and with enough details so that he will catch you staring and touching whatever perfect object ‘he’ made for you! ✨
🛠️ If you are down he will say funny jokes and move around, make weird faces and make himself look silly. If you still aren't laughing then he will tickle you until the room is filled with laughter! “Hihihi Oohoh y/n i sure do love to hear your beautiful voice! Your laughter fills my heart with joy! A song I want to hear for the rest of my life!”
🛠️ Of course if you're very sad Floki will sit down hug you and be sad with you until you're feeling better. Afterward he tells you how important you are to him, if that will make you happy and smile again. Floki isn't a man who will take your love for granted.
🛠️ Floki doesn't understand why you love and want him in the first place, he questions himself quite often, sadly. You have to be stubborn and patient and also tell him how important he is to you as well! But also give him time and space, because that’s what he needs.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are very appreciated <3 Have a good day/night! :3
Post made by: @master-muffinn
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Under the Devil’s Eye
Vikings FanFiction
Selethryth, a young lady with strange eyes and prophetic dreams, is both feared and revered in King Ecbert's court. Though he sees her as a powerful tool for his ambitions, it is Ivar, the brutal and unpredictable son of Ragnar, who is drawn to her. As their fates collide, Selethryth finds herself entangled in a dangerous game where her gifts may lead her into the arms of darkness.
If you like it, please reblog!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
#ivar imagine#ivar the boneless#ivar ragnarsson#ivar x reader#vikings ivar#Ivar the boneless x reader#Ivar the boneless imagine#ivar the boneless fanfiction#Ivar FanFiction#vikings imagine#vikings oc#Ivar the boneless x oc#Ivar x oc#vikings fanfiction#vikings#hvitserk ragnarsson#ubbe ragnarsson#bjorn ironside#sigurd ragnarsson#lagertha#king ecbert#ragnar lothbrok
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Time Knows No Bounds - Part Five
Warnings: Finally, the sexual tension you have been waiting for! Some NSFW parts are present, so please read responsibly and don't get caught. ;)
Info: When the font is like this, it means Ragnar is speaking in his native tongue. When he is speaking English it will just be italicized. The reader's text is just normal and anyone other than Ragnar or the reader will be in bold.
Spoilers: None, because this is completely my creation (apart from the character/legend of Ragnar Lothbrok and other historical names) it has nothing to really do with the tv series.
Plot: Ragnar, in this series, is unattached to anyone romantically. No Lagertha or Aslaug or any other baby momma's out there. No children. He has met and learned with Athelstan, because that contributes to his ability to speak with the reader. Other than that, he's just a simple gorgeous viking that lives on his farm in Kattegat, dreaming of adventure.
Summary: This will be in Ragnar's POV again. -A rude interruption leads to your freedom from the utility closet, but will the opportunity to get this close ever present itself again? Time will only tell.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
It seemed that there was destined to be an interruption at every time that he attempted to get closer to y/n. First the 'phone' that she had in her pocket back in the bedroom she had given him, chiming when the two of them had just started to lean into one another. Now to the door flying open when he had actually began to make contact with her lips. Those lips that had long been on his mind from the moment she first gave him a smirk back at him in return to his. Ragnar had been enthralled with y/n from the moment his eyes landed upon her after arriving to this time period, even more so than the advanced world around him. Y/n was by far the most breathtaking woman he had ever seen and her sassy personality and humor caused him to grow even more attracted to her as the hours flew by. What really drew him to her, was her sense of nobility: she was willing to do what she could to help him even though she had no real reason to. She could have left him there and been on her way and who knew what sort of trouble he would have found himself in. Ragnar was quite good at getting himself into trouble, and being here alone, he had no one to get him out of it. Yet y/n was adamant in helping him to fit in, and learn the way of things in this time, while also doing what she could to figure out just how he got there and how he could get back. Perhaps it was a good thing that they had been interrupted from their kiss? If he was to end up going home one day...would it not be better to avoid the temptation that y/n presented? Ragnar knew that it was silly to believe this, for they had just met, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before he ended up falling madly in love with her.
The small balding man from earlier was standing there with raised eyebrows, though the two of you had pulled apart quickly when the door had opened. The look in the man's eye told them that he had still seen their close proximity and their flushed faces no doubt gave away what had been about to happen. Y/n began to explain the situation and the man just smiled and held up his hand. "No need for explanation, this is honestly the most tame thing I have come across when opening this door." he said, as his eyes cast elsewhere, a vacant and disturbed expression on his face. "I will have maintenance fix it tonight during their shift, mark my words. It's only a matter of time before I end up getting myself locked in here and I can tell you, no one would come looking for the boss." he said with a chuckle. Y/n gave a small smile and then glanced at Ragnar before she grabbed the broom and headed out, to which he followed after her, giving a nod of thanks to the man, even though he was not 100% thankful for the interruption. He followed her back to the exhibit where he watched y/n begin to sweep up the little bits of paper, pottery and other things that were scattered across the floor. He watched her silently for a moment before he began to open his mouth to say something, but she stopped him by handing him the broom. "I need to go and find the dust pan, can you finish up for me?" she asked with a small smile on her lips. How could he say no? He gave a nod of his head and then watched her walk away, his eyes slowly roaming down her body to her backside before he sighed and looked down at the bits that still needed to be swept into a pile.
When she came back they helped one another finish sweeping and dumping the dust pan into the trash before finally they were finished and the exhibit, hopefully, looked good as new. He watched as she went around one final time to each part of the exhibit and adjusted it slightly, before she finally gave a nod and came back over to him. "That's better." she said. Ragnar smirked at her and then set the broom down against the wall. "What is next?" Y/n smirked back at him and then said that they were free to do whatever for the day, since it was still technically her day off. "This is a whole new world for you, what would you like to do?" Ragnar's mind thought back to the moment in the closet, where he had y/n pressed up against the wall with his body, his lips so close to capturing hers as he had been longing for. Yeah, there was no denying that that was what he wanted to explore right now. Yet as he looked at y/n as she stood there smiling at him with a tilted head, the way that the sunlight from the skylights above danced across her hair and lit up her eyes some, he knew that there was something more he wanted. He gestured for them to head out of the museum and as they did, his eyes searching around him at the vast city and all of its massive structures of metal and brick and...noise. So. Much. Noise. Ragnar suddenly felt overwhelmed and he rubbed the back of his neck uneasily before he felt y/n place a gentle hand on his shoulder and he looked down at her. He gave a smile and then slid his hands into the pockets of his pants...er...jeans, he believed she called them? "What is your most favorite place to go in the city?" he asked. "That is what I would like to see." he said, his smile forming into his trademark smirk.
This seemed to take y/n by surprise, her eyebrows lifting to the heaven's ever so slightly before coming back down and a smile played upon her lips. "Oh." she said before she pursed her lips and thought for a moment. "Alright, but we will need to grab some provisions first." she said, which altogether confused him. Provisions for what? She lifted her finger and wagged it in motion for him to follow her, he did not hesitate. They soon found themselves back inside her home, where he watched as she went to the kitchen and began to rummage around in the refrigerator, setting things onto the counter before diving back in again. "What are you doing?" Ragnar asked as he finally began to make his way toward the kitchen. "Do me a favor and go grab that blanket that's on the back of the couch." She said while still halfway within the box. He paused, his eyes scanning the room until they caught sight of the large blanket that was draped over the dark blue three cushioned piece of furniture and he picked it up, folding it a bit. He brought it into the kitchen and stood there as she began to put together some sort of food, that contained meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato and placed between two slices of bread. Huh. Ragnar leaned forward some, looking over her shoulder as she cut them in half and placed the pieces into a container and closed the lid. Then she grabbed a bottle of something yellow and a jar of something white, to which she placed it within a large basket. She then grabbed some bottles of water and put them inside as well, along with plates that appeared to be made out of paper and some cutlery too and then she stood there thinking for a moment before she turned and looked at him. "I think that is all we will need." "For what?" "You'll see." He groaned, letting his head fall back a bit as he did and she chuckled, hoisting the basket to him for him to carry and he lifted his head back up, stared down at her silently before pursing his lips and taking the basket from her. "Fine."
Once again he found himself within one of those so called 'cars' and they were on their way to wherever y/n had planned on taking him. The trip did not take as long as he had thought it would, still, he was just as mesmerized by the surroundings they passed as he was the first time he had been in a 'car'. They came down a path that wound a little way, trees on either side in neat rows, flowers at full bloom within their thick foliage. Ragnar leaned closer to the window in hopes of seeing exactly where they were going until the car then came to a stop and he blinked, turning to look over at y/n as she began to open the door. "We will have to walk from here." she said with a smile, a dimple forming at the corner of her mouth that he had not noticed before but oh how he was enamored by it. He swatted her hand away from the basket when she reached for it as it sat between them, taking it in his own hand and gave her a smirk as he exited the car and walked around to where she stood waiting for him. He followed after her as they continued on to a smaller path that branched off from where the car had left them and he couldn't help but let his gaze wander from his surroundings, to roaming up and down y/n's body slowly as she walked ahead of him. From the way that her hair blew slightly in the breeze causing it to dance around her shoulders, to the way that her hips would sway as she walked. Ragnar's eyes couldn't keep from focusing on her backside longer than what was probably appropriate, but he just simply could not help himself. When she turned to look at him over her shoulder, his eyes quickly averted elsewhere before she could catch on, though when she looked back ahead, his eyes would trail right back and a smirk would form on his face.
They finally stepped off of the pathway that she had been leading them down and began a climb uphill until they reached the very top, where she then took the blanket from on top of the basket and threw it outward, allowing it to settle upon the grass. Then she lowered herself down to smooth it out, then she took the basket from his hand and set it off to the side of the blanket before standing back up. Ragnar had been about to sit down upon the blanket, thinking that was what she was aiming to do as well, but she had stopped him with a hand to his shoulder and gestured for him to look in a direction off ahead of them. He turned his gaze and she smiled at his reaction as his mouth parted ever so slightly at the sight of their view. Vast gardens and mazes lined the way below them, colorful blooms of almost every shade all intricately positioned within the maze and walkways. What truly caused Ragnar's mouth to part was the castle that was at the end of the mazes and gardens, perfectly placed like it had hopped off of the pages of a storybook. "Rosenborg Castle and gardens. One of my most favorite places." she said softly as she stood a little closer to him, tilting her head a bit as she looked up at him and then out toward the scenery. "With my love for history, this place never disappoints to fill my head with wonder." Y/n gave a soft sigh and Ragnar finally turned and looked down at her, a smile upon his face instead of his trademark smirk. "It is...quite amazing. There are not many castles back home." He lowered himself down to the blanket as she did, bringing his knees up and letting his arms drape over them lazily as he watched her begin to fish out the items from within her basket and set them out upon the blanket. "What do you call all of...this?" he said, gesturing before him at all of the food, plates, bottles of water and other things. Y/n smiled and opened the container and pulled out the bread with meat and cheese between it and set it upon a plate, handing it to him. "A picnic. That's a sandwich." she added, when he opened his mouth and pointed at the unfamiliar food item before him. His eyes lifted to hers for a moment, his eyebrow raising ever so slightly in question and he began to open his mouth once more. "No, not that kind of witch." Again, beating him to the punch.
Ragnar eyed the sandwich with suspicion at first, then watched as y/n pulled out the jar of white stuff and the bottle of yellow and pointed them to the sandwich. "Lift the bread up and I will add some of both. Mustard. Mayonnaise." she said, holding up each of the items as she named them and he just stared at them before finally doing as she said. "Something the vikings didn't get to experience. A world of flavorful food." she said, clicking her tongue in sadness. When she was finished applying the mustard and mayonnaise, Ragnar let the bread fall back down and then brought the sandwich up to his mouth and bit into it. The moment everything hit his tongue, he paused and his eyes drifted to the basket that sat behind y/n. "Is...there more in there?" he asked, after having swallowed the bite he had in his mouth. Y/n chuckled and nodded, stating she had packed several sandwiches. She then pulled out a small and rather noisy bag and he watched as she opened it, leaning forward and looking into the back as she then pulled out a flat piece of..something, and then popped it in her mouth and he could hear the sound of her crunching it. He raised an eyebrow as she continued to crunch on that piece, from what he had seen it did not look at all hard, but yet the sound was quite...loud. He smirked and then she allowed him to grab one from the bag as well and when he placed it within his mouth, he was blown away from the flavor and when he bit down on it, it would have startled him with how crunchy it was, had he not already known from overhearing y/n earlier. "What is this thing?" he asked, still crunching which made her laugh out loud. "It's called a potato chip and there are so many flavors out there." This intrigued him greatly, the fact that this delicious and crunchy form of heaven was made out of a potato and he then asked y/n exactly how they were made and what these other flavors would be. The fact that the list of flavors went on, and he literally had no idea what more than half of them were, blew his mind though she did promise to help him form a quest to try every flavor possible.
Eventually all of the food was gone and now the two of them were left with just sitting upon the quilt she had brought and watching the shadows grow longer as the day grew ever onward. Y/n told Ragnar the history of the castle that was before them as they sat upon the hill and watched people come and go across the grounds before them. How they would venture inside of it and y/n explained how it was open to the public, everyone able to tour the palace and all of its wonders. This intrigued Ragnar greatly, especially the fact that people could just waltz into the castle like that and this caused y/n to laugh. "Well, there are not that many monarchies still around anymore and even then, their power is nothing like it once was. The average person has more power these days than royalty, honestly. Governments were created, people can vote and choose how they want things to be. It's a very different world now." she said as she leaned back on her hands, her legs stretched out before her as she looked at the castle while the sun cast down upon it in a way that made it almost look like it was glowing. Ragnar glanced over at her, not being able to help himself from doing so, his own hands holding him upright as he leaned back upon them as well. He took in just how she was looking at the castle and the grounds that lay out before them, how her eyes showed just how much she admired the history that she knew, the architecture that the castle boasted even after the centuries that it had been standing there. His chest swelled a little as he gazed at her, the way the light would dance across her face as sun hit against the surface of the small lake that was in front of the castle. He finally cleared his throat and looked away for a moment. "Why are you helping me?" he asked finally after a few minutes of silence.
Y/n was silent for awhile after that question, but as he watched, he could see her face showing signs of deep thought. "Because there is a reason behind all of this happening: you suddenly coming into the future and us meeting." she paused for a moment and then looked over at him. "I want to know what that reason is." Their eyes locked for a moment, Ragnar's heart suddenly skipping at beat just from that and then y/n smirked at him. "Plus, you seem like a trouble maker. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you." At this point, Ragnar could not help himself. He leaned toward her, his left hand reaching up and placing itself against the back of her neck gently and with it he brought her toward him. The soft gasp she gave in response silencing as his mouth captured it, his lips softly pressing against hers at first before they began to guide hers in a subtly sensual dance. He could feel her hesitation in the beginning, from the way her body went stiff but after a few moments he felt her relax, give in and she began to move her lips against his as well. The sensation of her lips moving against his caused that low burning heat he had within his lower stomach to engulf into a raging inferno, escalating as her hand made its' way to the side of his face and cupped it for a moment before moving behind his head, to the back of his neck, her fingers digging slightly into the base of his hairline. Ragnar continued the kiss, slowly deepening it as he then moved his body closer to hers and began to maneuver her downward toward the blanket they were seated upon, his hand cradling her neck to guide the way. He moved so that way he was somewhat on top of her, his lips dancing against hers until they began to venture along her jawline and behind her ear, his mind and body reeling from the soft sounds of agreement that came from her mouth as he did.
The hand that he had been using to keep himself from putting all of his weight upon her, slid around her waist and then began to travel toward one of her breasts when suddenly he felt her hand catch hold of his wrist, stopping his movement. Ragnar paused and then slowly pulled his face away slightly, looking down at her with a raised eyebrow. "We should stop before someone sees." she said, which caused him to lift his had further and scan the area with his eyes before looking back down at her. "No one is watching." he said with a smirk, starting to lean back down toward her mouth, but she put a hand against his chest, once again stopping him. Y/n gave a soft chuckle and began to sit up, pushing him upward as well with the hand that was upon his chest. "I'm sure where you are from, people just fuck in the middle of the village and no one spares a passing glance, but here it is quite different. We don't need to end up in jail." Now sitting up, she began to pack up the items around her and put them into the basket. "Perhaps it's time to head back home?" she said, her eyes lifting to meet his. Ragnar quickly stood up and began to carefully roll up the blanket as she gave a soft laugh and moved from on top of it so that he could place it into the basket as well. Soon a taxi was hailed and the two of them were riding along in silence that was so thick that the tension could be cut with a knife. Glances were stolen. Lips were chewed upon slightly. Ragnar's knee was bouncing uncontrollably as he let hand rest there, fingers gripping into his flesh, his mind imagining that his hand was kneading one of those impressive mounds she had for breasts. Could this taxi possibly move any slower?
Finally back at y/n's apartment, they worked together to put away any left overs and other items before y/n stated that she was going to take a shower and Ragnar gave a nod, figuring that he would just lie down upon his bed since he still did not really understand how to work the 'TV'. He followed after her down the hallway and as he did, he couldn't help but let his eyes wander over her as she was before him. The way her back curved, down to that luscious backside...the feelings from earlier began to swell back up within him with a vengeance. Ragnar's pace quickened by a few steps and he then took hold of y/n's waist and turned her toward him suddenly. He moved her against the wall, pushing her up against it as he leaned down and claimed her lips with his once again. Any gasps or noise she may have made in reaction to this sudden movement was swallowed down by Ragnar as he pressed himself against her, his hands sliding down her sides and squeezing lightly. Y/n gave a soft moan against his mouth and this caused him to give a bit of a growl as he then moved his lips to her neck, one of his hands sliding down to cup against her bottom and giving it a hardy squeeze. Ragnar felt her fingers curl a bit into his hair and grip hard, which made him suddenly move his hand from her bottom down to that thigh and he lifted her leg up and wrapped it around his hip as he pressed his growing excitement against her. When he felt her grind against him slightly, Ragnar all but lost control and began to bite and suck against the skin of her collarbone as he used his other hand to move up under her shirt and cupped one of her breasts, giving it a firm squeeze after. Y/n's hand took hold of his braid and pulled his head back up to where she began to kiss him fervently, her tongue even darting across his bottom lip. Ragnar groaned, pressing himself more against her as his body pinned her against the wall, giving his hips a roll while holding there and then grinning against her mouth when she let out an involuntary moan. He then removed his hand from under her shirt and slid it behind her to where he cupped her other thigh and brought it up around his hip as well. He held her like that for a moment against the wall, devouring her lips, biting and sucking against that bottom lip of hers until he then moved away from the wall, carrying her down the hallway and through the doorway of his room.
Their lips never parted as he carried her, not even as he came over to the bed and lowered her down onto it, moving to hover over her. Ragnar took the time to lift her shirt up and over her head, letting his eyes roam over her flawless skin, his eyes hesitating on the odd looking bodice that was clasped around her perfect breasts (he made a mental note to ask about this later). He then began to kiss down the side of her neck, letting his lips dance across her collarbone once more before he moved them further down until he came to the tops of her breasts. He placed light kisses there at first...then he began to lick, moving the piece of fabric that kept her sensitive bud hidden from him. Once it was revealed, he took it into his mouth gently and sucked on it lightly, his eyes lifting toward y/n's face as she gasped. Her back arched upward from the bed and he let one of his arms wrap around her waist to keep her in that position as he then let his other hand begin to slide down the front of her pants, now that there was room with the angle she was in. Ragnar moaned against her skin as he swirled his tongue around her nipple, sucking and gently biting down as his fingers descended toward his objective. His index finger had just brushed against her ready clit when the sound of numerous chimes echoed around them. He paused, lifting his eyes toward her as she gave a groan. "Someone's at the door." she said, breathless. He felt her body begin to tense with the movement of trying to sit herself up, but he held her down with his palm against her pelvic bone and his mouth quickly moving to the other breast as his hand moved away the fabric from that nipple as well. She gasped, arching upward again and gave quick and eager attention to this breast for a moment before lifting his face up some and looking at her. "They can come back another day." he said with smirk, before he began to move his fingers back to her clit...when the chiming began again, this time more frequently. Ragnar gave a loud groan and let his forehead rest against her chest for a moment, before he felt her hand gently begin to push against his chest and he reluctantly rolled off of her and onto his back upon the bed, staring at the ceiling with annoyance.
Y/n gave him an apologetic look before she slipped her shirt back on over her head and adjusted her hair before heading out into the hallway and toward the front door. Ragnar waited for a moment, allowing certain body parts to adjust to the unwelcome interruption, before he pushed himself off of the bed and headed to the living room. He stopped in the doorway of the hall when he found y/n standing by the front door, now closed, with a young man standing beside her. The man cast him a look with a raised eyebrow, to which Ragnar did not hesitate to give back until his eyes moved to y/n as she spoke. "Ragnar, this is my older brother, Kyle."
Gif Credit: @captainalicen
Tag List: @cullenswife @hypocritic-trash-baby @blueeclipsepaperstudent @huskyhunnyny @wolfy1712 @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @mssbridgerton @menari @kcd15
(If I have forgotten anyone in the tag list, please let me know and I will fix it! <3 )
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𝐁𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞 | 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆.
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑴𝒆𝒕
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
Warnings: mentions of blood sacrifice.
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
・You see, hear and know things that others do not.
・Some may say they are abilities or powers, but it’s something that you were born with.
・Your ‘powers’ made you an outsider. People were afraid of you. Of your truth. At times your mouth spoke before your mind could think, and what came out wasn’t desired by those who had heard
・For many years you wished it away. You ignored your senses and tried to be like others
・But for the life of you ... you couldn’t.
・Vikings are a spiritual people, and the elders were much more open to your thoughts than the younger people (they thought they knew everything, whereas as you get older, you realise there’s a lot you don’t know.)
・So you had never fit in with others your age. And that made you miss out on a lot of experiences.
・It saddened you and your family tried to make up for it as much as possible.
・Because even though your father was an odd man, your abilities didn't come from him nor his line. It came from your mother's mother and so on. It always skipped a generation. No one knew why.
・But you relied on your family for a lot, and they too relied on you. You took great solace in the fact that you always had a home. People to go to.
・As you aged, you became even more powerful. So much so, that The Seer had asked Bjorn to go out and find you - to ask your family if you would like to be mentored by the old man
・Bjorn was hesitant, since he was now rising in ranks, becoming more of a leader himself.
・However, the Seer had seen something. And Ragnar’s firstborn had to be the one to fetch you.
・The ride took a few hours, yet you knew exactly who was coming.
・When the sound of hooves approached, you opened the cottage door and gave the lone man a warm damp cloth to freshen himself up and when he followed you inside, he saw that there was a feast waiting.
"We thought you would be hungry," your mother called. Her braided hair a tad messy from all the flittering about she'd been doing for hours. Trying to make your home as inviting as possible.
"Oh, thank you," Bjorn said with a genuine smile and wiped the snow from his clothes.
・Your mind made life both amazing, and horrid. You could be five steps ahead of everyone else, but then they all look like you're out of your mind.
・Bjorn ate with you and your family, getting to know them with grace and diplomacy.
・This was to be your last family dinner for a long long while. Your mother, and younger sisters had lit every candle in the house, arranging them specifically to honour the gods.
・There were even offerings that you and your father had brought in this morning. And you had seen two black ravens following you the whole while.
・The blood from the rabbit sat in a bowl on the altar. Each of the family had been blessed, by you. They had given you the honours of blessing the household as well. Leaving your mark on the home.
・Bjorn sat opposite you, a fingerprint of blood on his forehead. He was exactly as you had envisioned.
'Handsome' you thought, and then came the thoughts that were not your own, 'tough, adventurous, wants to explore.'
・It was one of the things that you were gifted with... You had only been around him for less than 30 minutes and you knew what type of man Bjorn was already.
・It's why many of the townsfolk don't like you.
・Even though they come to you for help, they want to be told certain things. But you hate to lie. And if these people wanted the truth - that's exactly what you gave them.
"So, Bjorn, have you received any word from your father?" Your own father asked, one of his large hands clutched around the wooden spoon.
"Ah well, here and there," he replied in his low gruff voice.
"I have always loved the stories about your father. Ragnar will be remembered throughout history!" You cringed at the obvious love your father had for Ragnar...
・After dinner, your parents kissed you, with tears in their eyes and your younger sister squeezed you tight.
"I'll see you again soon," you mumbled into her hair as you leaned down, hugging her back.
"You promise?" She said, looking up at you with wide eyes.
"Yes, I have already seen it." Well, you could stomach to lie to those you care about.
・Bjorn thanked your family and strapped your bag to the horse, while you had one last moment with your family.
・Releasing them, you walked out the front door, from the home that you grew up in, felt safe in. And you stepped into your future.
#witchthewriter#witch the writer's headcanons#bjorn x reader#bjorn ironside#headcanons#bjorn x witch reader#witch reader#witch the writer's moodboards#vikings#the seer#the witch#vikings headcanons#vikings fanfiction#vikings x reader#ragnar lothbrok#valhalla#lagertha#king of norway#queen of norway#witch the writer#witchcraft#witchcraft fanfiction#fanfic
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Rootless Tree (Prequel to Memories)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
#ragnar fanfic#ragnar fanfiction#ragnar lothbrok#ivar ragnarsson#ivar the boneless fic#ivar the boneless fanfic#ivar lothbrok#ivar the boneless
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Eternal bros 🩵 Harald and Leif, the dynamic duo that makes Vikings: Valhalla an epic saga of friendship and showcases the bonds that can be forged even amidst the chaos of war.
#vikings: valhalla#vikings valhalla#vikings fanfiction#vikings ubbe#leo suter#sam corlett#prince harald sigurdsson#vikings harald#leif eriksson#harald fairhair#vikings series#ivar the boneless#ubbe x alfred#ubbe ragnarsson#ragnar lodbrok#bjorn ironside#vikings ivar#ivar x you#ivar ragnarsson#ubbe x reader#ubbe lothbrok#ubbe imagine#ivar x reader#ivar x heahmund#vikings valhalla season 2#vikings valhalla season 1#vikings
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Do You Take This Man? (Ragnar the Younger x OFC - One Shot)
Started watching The Last Kingdom last week and already on season three lol Ragnar was definitly the first Dane that caught my eye
Warnings: 18+ content, they’re Danes so crude talk, marriage negotiations, mentions of violence, first time sex, outdoors sex, slightly au, pregnancy, brief mention of pregnant sex
"Ragnar the Younger, It would be a better match than even our father could have wished." Tovah said as he sat by the fire, staring through the flames at his sister.
"It is. I am not arguing that." She snapped back at him, "I'm not arguing the man."
"You're arguing the marriage itself then." He wiped the grease from his hands and pulled another bite of meat from the bone, "Sister I love you, I do. But, i want a woman and Gods knows I cannot suffer another one until you are gone." He laughed as he dodged a stick flying at his head. "Let me hear your argument then."
"I have no argument." She took a bite of her own food. "I only wish to make the decision myself when the time comes."
"You know the choice is yours Teeva. I only ask that... "Her brother sighed deeply, "Do not deny him just for the sake of being a pain in the ass."
Ragnar Ragnarson, son of Ragnar the Fearless, Sat across from them in the hall that their father had built. Tovah and Teeva sat on either side of the fire, Ragnar between them. A tactic. Teeva wanted to see who he would address more, her or her brother.
He was tall, strong, fearsome and handsome, all things she was pleased to see. But also annoyed, these things would all make it the harder to refuse him if his offer was anything close to respectful.
"So tell me Ragnarson, what would you have my sister for?" The pleasantries, the little that Danes bothered with, aside Tovah got to the heart of the matter. They all knew why Ragnar was here.
Ragnar held her brothers gaze, "I would have her for a wife." He looked to her, calm and steady, "If you speak of price I have brought silver, though I'm sure it is not enough."
"Why do you say that?" Teeva cocked her head to the side.
He spoke to her brother when he said, "I imagine there is not enough silver in all the North, Wessex or Denmark," He then spoke to her, "That could convince Teeva Tovarsdottir to become chained to a man that sought to put her in her place, to claim her and tame her."
"Then why are you here." Her voice was cold as was her gaze but her heart pounded in her chest at the way he held her gaze and quirked the corner of his mouth in a smile.
"Because I am a man who would not do these things." He leaned forward, turned his gaze on her brother. "I was there when our fathers raided Heimsdeep together." Both the siblings flinched, and Ragnar spared them a pause out of respect. "And I was there with you when his man betrayed him there."
Tovah interrupted him, "Our families have always been good and loyal allies."
"And that will not change," His eyes flicked to her and then back, "No matter how this ends."
Tovah nodded deeply, raised his cup of ale in agreement.
Ragnar continued, "I was also there at Moran's, you know this, when the son and daughter of Tovar took their revenge." This time when his eyes landed on Teeva they did not leave, did not waver. Icy green boring into hers, dark and lush like the forest. "I saw you fight with sword and shield and bare hands along side your brother, and along side your father's men. A true shield maiden."
Her cheeks warmed and she hoped it was hidden by the hues of the fire. She had no words so she only nodded her thanks at the compliment.
" Any man that would try to take that fire from her would be doing all Dane's a dishonor. She's afraid I am that kind of man but I am not."
"Then what kind of man are you Ragnar Ragnarson?" Tovah braced his elbows on his knees and leaned towards the other Dane. "What would you give her if you are not these men that would see her... tamed?"
Ragnar smiled and looked away from Tovah, answering his question but clearly speaking to Teeva. "I am a man that would see her with braids in her hair and ink on her skin. I would give her a reputation, lands, a hall, people who would follow her and respect her as they would me. I would give her a good, strong name from a long line of warriors, all of whom would smile down on a woman like this." He was smiling now, tight lipped but a smile nonetheless, creasing his forehead and the corner of his eyes.
Teeva had almost forgotten her brother was in the room, nearly jumped when he asked another question. "And what would you have her give you in return?"
Now he smiled, truly smiled, and it made her nervous. She was certain this is where her silly, fragile fantasy would end.
"I would ask only of her to give me strong sons and clever daughters, a safe hall, respect for my people, and a warm bed at night." He winked with the last, his smile wide and his eyes dancing like the fire before them. "And an extra sword at my side should I need it."
They held each others gaze for a long, silent moment, sizing eachohter up. Teevas heart was pounding in her ears.
Almost as if he had forgotten him too, Ragnar turned back to Tovah. "I know how you care for your sister, and she for you. I wish not to stamp down that fire within her, I would rather stoke it. See her become the woman the gods mean for her to be."
The men shared a long, discerning look of their own before Tovah looked to her over the fire, "Well sister, the man has said his piece, and I am for it. In my eyes this would be a match our ancestors and his would both be proud of."
Teeva studied Ragnar, now slouched back comfortably in his seat, relaxed under her gaze. Dare she say enjoying it.
When she spoke she made sure her voice was clear and strong, "Give me the night to consider."
The small camp against the hillside was quiet, the fires doused and the men asleep in their furs. Canvas strung from tree branches made for a few simple shelters. On bare feet Teeva crept through the trees, her feet cold but light on the soft ground. She had paid attention, knew which canvas she needed.
He lay on his back, on a single, thick fur, with his arms crossed above his head and his feet propped up on his saddle. He did not snore, did not move or even twitch. His chest rose and fell and was bare, the night air comfortable enough to sleep that way, but a second fur was draped over his lower half.
Standing a few feet away she watched for a long moment, steadying her breath, until she was sure her approach had not awoken him. Then on soft, slow feet, with a dagger in her hand she approached. She paused, within arms reach of him. Satisfied she was still undetected, she moved. Reached for his throat with the blade and to cover his mouth with her hand.
In an instant , the mere beat of a heart, she watched in panic as his eyes snapped open, his lips turned in a smile and she was on her back in the blink of those green eyes, head spinning and the wind knocked out of her.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He whispered, crouching above her, keeping her pinned to the ground.
"Shouldn't you?" She whispered back through gritted teeth.
Ragnar continued to smile as he plucked the knife from her fingers and stuck in the ground next to them. "There are only two reasons for you to be here, I cannot wait to hear which it is?"
Her lungs finally full of air again she breathed deep, noticing the way his eyes jumped from her face to her chest with the motion. When his eyes came back to hers she was smiling back at him, a small, cheeky grin. "I have not made my decision yet."
He sat back on his haunches, keeping only one hand on her shoulder to keep her in place. "Decision? On if you will kill me rather than be my woman?"
"I did not come to kill you Ragnar Ragnarson."
Ragnar could not help but notice how relaxed she seemed in her position, he considered whether it was because she truly feared nothing... or only that she did not fear him. His eyes flicked to the knife again, "The knife leads me to believe otherwise, Leeva Tovarsdottir."
Her smile grew and Ragnar felt something spark within him, deep within him.
"It serves only to make a point."
"And what point was that."
"That I am in control."
He laughed, his grip on her shoulder tightening, as he fought to keep himself quiet. Again, he noticed she did not flinch away from him or his hand. "Says the one on her back."
"Is that not how you would prefer me?" Her eyes were dangerous. Daring, goading him into making a misstep and failing this little challenge of hers.
Ragnar chewed the inside of his cheek, tasting his next words before he spoke them. He let her go, plucked the blade from the earth and wiped it over his breeches. Flipping it gracefully over his fingers before offering it back to her, handle first. "I would have you many ways, all of which I would love to show you, but only if you speak plainly. Why are you here?"
Her face changed. Right before his eyes, so subtle he might have missed it in the darkness if not for their closeness. The warrior in her was gone, even for just a moment, and the girl was there. The pretty young girl, on the eve of a marriage. A nervous, beautiful, young girl.
Teeva fortified herself as much as she could, ignoring the heat in her cheeks and the tightness in her chest. "Is it so outside of reason for a girl to know?"
Ragnars face scrunched, brow furrowed in confusion, "Know what?" He still held the blade in one hand, braced against his bent knee.
She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. Noticing with a thrill that this time Ragnars eyes held firmly to her own and did not go wandering. So, there on the ground in his little makeshift tent, surrounded by the furs still warm from his body heat, she told him the truth. "I want to know that I will enjoy it." His face did not change, his brow remained furrowed as he shook his head, still not understanding. "That I will enjoy... being married."
Still, his face remained unchanged, if anything his eyes narrowed more.
"You know... being... with the man I marry." If the earth would open up and swallow her she would have thanked the Gods.
Then, slowly, his face softened, the creases disappeared from his forehead, his eyes widened, and his smirk returned. Holding her eyes captive with his he reached for her right hand and with his own, lifted it to take the handle of the knife he still offered her. He guided her to wrap her fingers around the leather grip and took in the way her breathing had become shallow and rapid. WIthout words he moved, taking her hand that held the knife and guiding it. Until her right arm was stretched to its full length out to the side.
Ragnar, hand still wrapped tightly around hers still holding the knife, leaned in closer. He placed the tip of the blade against the earth and pushed. Slowly, steadily, together they drove the blade into the dirt. His forehead nearly touching hers he finally spoke, "Beautiful girl," His voice was low and rough, his eyes took in her face. He had never been this close to her before and even in the dark of night she was breathtaking. "If you do not enjoy it, you can take that blade and cut my throat."
Teeva gasped, her whole body trembling as Ragnar laid his body over hers and claimed her lips. Their hands fell from the handle of the dagger and found each other instead. Fingers weaving together as Ragnar nipped at her tongue and swallowed down her moans. He moved, steadily, kissing across her face to her ear, taking the lobe of it between his teeth before licking and sucking his way down her neck. "Tell me, is this what you wanted?"
"Yes." She sighed it out, tipping her head back into the furs, fighting for room to breathe. This had been her plan. Truthfully. She had snuck from the hall to lay with Ragnar, but things were not going to plan at all. She was not in control. She had meant to stay in control. Ragnar taking control of her mouth again brought her back to reality.
Her free hand, moving on some sort of baser reflex, moved to dig into his bare, muscled back. It seemed that one small movement spurred him on.
"Tell me beautiful," His voice was raspy, he was sucking in breath like a man emerging from the sea. His eyes drove into hers, "Do you want me to take you? Do you want me to show you what it will be like? To be my woman, to lay with me." His smile came back, his eyes darkened, "Did you come out here tonight to hump me?" Ragnar was near chuckling as he said it. but his one hand still held hers tight and his other was wrapped around her thigh.
She had to fight for the breath and for her voice but she answered him, clearly and truthfully, "Yes."
His smile doubled and for the second time he moved too quickly for her to stop him. Only this time she found Ragnar on his back, smiling up at her where he had her straddling his hips. "Go on then." His hands slid up her thighs to her waist but did not move further.
Again she found herself incredibly bashful, "I have clothes on." She narrowed her eyes at him, motioning to herself, "I'm fully dressed!"
"Does not matter." He chuckled. Carefully he began to move her hips with his hands, pulling her forward, "Ride me."
Her gasp, the expression on her face, as she finally felt the hardness of him beneath her was better in and of itself than half the fucks he'd had as a young man. Her eyes snapped open wide and her hands dropped to his torso to steady herself. He did not wait, continued to move her back and forth over him, Grinding her against his hard cock, watching in awe at the faces she made. Her fingers dug into his torso and he had to grit his teeth to control himself. "Keep going." A groan escaped him as she pressed down against him harder, "Just like that."
Soon she was speeding up, his grip on her no longer controlling her movements. To be honest, Teeva herself, was not even in control of her movements. Her hips moved on their own, chasing whatever that wonderful, tingling sensation was deep between her legs. She was leaned down low over him, her hips rocking back and forth erratically over the press of his cock, the friction of their clothing between them helping her along, "Oh shit, oh... oh gods... what..."
Ragnar snarled through bared teeth, "Yes, you feel it, chase it." He surged up to kiss her, sinking a hand deep into her loose hair and taking a firm grip, moving her how he wanted her. Their mouths clashing together, all teeth and tongues as she moaned and whimpered through her release. Her short nails dug into his sides, hard enough he thought she may truly have drawn blood and a deep, uncontrollable shiver ran the length of his spine. "Gods you are a gift Teeva." He muttered the words against her lips. "So," He kissed her again, "Tell me pretty girl," He kept his hand in her hair, holding her tight, his other hand loose on her hip. "Do you want my cock? " He rolled his hips beneath her and revelled in the way she responded in kind, "Let me show you, hmm," He tugged on her hair, hard enough to tip her head back so that he could mouth greedily at the side of her neck, "Let me show you what I have for you." He rolled his hips again. "Let me show you how I will fuck my wife."
She was still naked and trembling slightly under the fur, though she was not cold and no longer nervous.
Ragnar lay next to her, propped up on one elbow while his free hand, his sword hand, traced unreadable patterns over her bare back. "So, Teeva, daughter of Tovar," He whisper against the back of her neck as he leaned into her, his hand splayed wide over the small of her back. "What have you decided? Hmm?" He kissed her there and then kissed his way to the shell of her ear, "Have I humped you well enough?" He sucked her earlobe between his lips and smiled when she shivered, "Have I swayed you? Would you marry me? Hmm. Can I have you in my bed every night, pretty girl? Make you my own and let you ride my cock whenever you please?" He chuckled as she groaned a little beneath him, half halfheartedly rolling away from him.
"Stop teasing."
He could not help the wide smile then, tugging her to him and rolling her onto her back. "Never." Ragnar reached a hand up to her face and held her, moving his thumb up to smooth the worry from her brow. "You should know, if you deny me now I'll have no choice but to kidnap you."
Teeva snorted out a laugh but leaned into the touch, "Oh really?"
"I swear it." He kissed the corner of her eye, "You are fierce and strong, beautiful beyond my words," He waited for her to relax and then continued, "And even now, spent as I am, you have my cock harder than forged steel."
She shoved him then, glaring but inside celebrating that such a feared and respected man let her handle him this way. Her eyes fell to the knife she had brought still stuck in the dirt at the edge of his furs, where he had left it, well within her reach if she had needed it. "Are all men this insatiable?"
He did not hesitate to respond, "Only when our women are this irresistible." He winked at her and in return she rolled her eyes. "Tell me now woman, will I ride out of here with you as my wife, or as my captive?"
"You will have to wait and see tomorrow won't you Ragnar Ragnarson?" She kissed him and then crawled out from under the furs to dress as quickly as she could. Hard to do with his hands and lips working against her every step of the way.
"Earl Ragnar, i hope you slept well." Tovah greeted him and his men as they entered the hall the next morning.
Ragnars eyes did not waver from her brother, but Teeva saw the corner of his lip pull back. "Very well, considering I have been anxiously awaiting an answer." When he did look her way Teeva revelled in the way it made her want to blush and hide as much as it wanted to make her smirk and stand up tall.
After last night she was certain of it. Ragnar was a man that would not treat like a cow to be bred or a slave to keep his hall. He would keep her as his wife, respect her, honor her, fight for her, father her strong sons and clever daughters. He would put her to bed every night satisfied and love her every day of his life. Here and in Valhalla.
Tavah laughed and stood to take Ragnar by the shoulders, "Then you'll be happy. My sisters first words to me this morning were that she accepts the marriage."
Ragnar embraced the slightly older Dane back and smiled, "The gods have honored me," He looked to her then, catching her eye as he continued, "more than I deserve." Ragnar looked back to her brother, slapping him hard on the back as he stepped away and towards Teeva. With a steady hand he cupped her face gently and stroked his thumb over her brow just as he had done last night, "And I promise to live every day of my life so that I honor you in return."
The look in his eyes took her breath away as much as his words had. It was a struggle to speak as she wrapped her hand around his sturdy forearm and met his gaze, "I look forward to it."
Teeva was laughing so hard that she could hardly breathe, watching as her brothers men and Ragnars men... her husbands men, drank and played games in celebration. Watching as half a dozen men went stumbling through the fire pit and falling on their asses. She laughed as her brother and Ragnar, her husband, laughed and cheered and embraced each other in victory.
Ragnar stepped aside and accepted a mug of ale, still laughing as he raised it to his lips, but he caught her eye as he drank. She was staring at him and married or not he saw the faintest blush at her throat at being found out. She did not look away though and that made his blood sing through him. Leaving others to their games he crossed the yard to where she sat by a fire. Her eyes held his the whole way.
"You certainly look like you're enjoying yourself." She greeted him with a jest and a smile.
Without hesitation he took a knee before her where she sat, placing himself between her legs and leaning into her, his arms braced against the chair on either side of her thighs. From this position he was only a few inches away from her but had to tilt his chin up, just slightly, to look at her. "And you, sitting here with your bright smile and flushed cheeks, hmm? Are you enjoying yourself? Watching?"
"Am I not allowed to enjoy watching? My husband?" She sounded braver than she felt as she spoke, her fingers reaching out to toy with the end of Ragnar, her husbands, beard.
A growl rose low in his throat as he leaned in closer, tugging her to the edge of her seat to meet him, "Say it again."
She lifted the hand not holding her drink to cup his jaw, "My husband."
"Say it louder." Her pulled her flush against him, until she was barely in the seat.
If he had not been looking at her the way he was, she would never have done it. But, his eyes were burning for her and his grip was tight so she raised her voice, "My husband!"
In one easy movement, as if it was nothing, he stood with her, his arms under her ass and hoisting her up until she was at least two heads above the rest of the crowd. "Louder!"
She did not hesitate. With one hand at the back of his head to hold herself steady, eyes still locked with his, she raised her horn of ale in the air and yelled, "My husband!!"
An echoing roar of cheers and laughter rang through the hall and the yard as their people celebrated with them.
Rather than letting her down, Ragnar turned and sat in the seat she had just been sitting in, letting her settle so that she was straddling his lap. Still smiling ear to ear he kept one hand on her ass and stole her drink with the other. He finished the ale in one long gulp and then slammed the horn down next to him, his eyes never leaving hers. "Kiss me wife."
Which she did, her left hand still rested at the back of his head, under the base of his braid, and she used it to pull them together.
The kiss was short and sweet and Ragnar was not having it. When she pulled away he trapped her in his arm. She would say he snarled if it hadn't been so full of adoration, "Like you mean it woman."
The comment earned him a bite on the cheek but the second kiss was well worth it. Teeva pressing herself fully against him as she allowed him to ravage her mouth, giving as good as she got.
When she woke the next morning the fire had burned low, down to glowing embers, and she knew it was only Ragnar behind her that kept her from shivering. Her eyes focused slowly, her head hurt from the ale, but she glanced around the hall. None of the others had stirred yet. So, carefully, she made to move but the strong arm around her flexed and held her tightly.
"Don't move." He whispered in her ear. She froze. "I'm comfortable." He breathed out a nearly silent chuckle as she relaxed against him, dropping a kiss to her shoulder as she settled back into him.
"The fire is going to die." She whispered over her shoulder. When he did not respond she opened her mouth to say it louder only to have his hand cover her mouth.
Now wide awake, eyes blazing as he turned her to face him. She glared daggers at him.
Ragnars eyes were still half lidded when he mouthed the word, "Hush." Then he removed his hand from her mouth, replacing it with his lips for a fleeting moment before closing his eyes and settling back into the furs spread over the hard, wood floor.
Quieted, but still outraged she turned slightly and bit him hard on the shoulder, clamping down on the skin through the fabric on his tunic.
His eyes shot open, his teeth gritted, bared as he let out a silent hiss at the pain. Ragnar dug his hand in her sleep mussed hair and pulled her face blush with his, whispering harshly, one word through still gritted teeth, "Vixen." Then he was shoving his tongue into her mouth and stealing any smart remarks she may have had before she could say them. Once she was thoroughly breathless he whispered to her, lips brushing the apple of her cheek. "My head hurts. Be quiet, lay down, and let me enjoy having you in my arms."
Her anger, fleeting as it was, dissipated and she dropped a feather light kiss to his lips. Letting out a long, content sigh as Ragnar smiled, closed his eyes, and brought her to lay her head on his chest. Soon finding herself dozing off to the solid, steady beat of his heart and the feeling of his rough fingers massaging her scalp where his hand was still buried in her hair.
It was a long journey to Dunholm. Many miles spent in the saddle and many nights sleeping on furs laid on the ground. It was worth it though when she topped the final ridge, and she saw it for the first time.
Ragnar had pulled his horse to a stop beside hers as she took it in.
It was bigger than she had imagined, an imposing fortress high on a hill, visible from miles away but impenetrable. Ragnar had told her the story of how they had taken it, how he had claimed his revenge on Kjartan. Teeva knew this stronghold was a source of pride for her husband, and now for her too.
With his usual, tight lipped but soft smile, Ragnar stepped his horse sideways. Moving until his leg was pressed against hers, the horses shoulders pushing together. He placed his right hand on the top of her horses rump and leaned into her space. Her hair brushing his temple as he spoke, "Well, what do you think? Does it suit you? What does Teeva, wife of Ragnar Ragnarsson say about her new home?"
Teeva smiled, turned her head just enough to press their foreheads together. "I will hold my judgement until I've seen the state of the inside."
Ragnar laughed loudly and stole a quick kiss. "We hurry on then."
As the gates swung open Ragnar once again came up close beside her, hand on her saddle and lips against her ear, "Welcome home."
"Have you night tired of me yet lord?" Teeva laughed, fighting to catch her breath.
Ragnar let out a sound, half groan half laugh. "If you want me to tire of you, you should stop making such pretty sounds while my cock is inside you." To prove his point he thrust into her, hard, moving her further up the bed with the motion, drawing one of those beautiful little gasps from her throat. "See, like that." He began to pick up his pace again, nearly snarling in pleasure as she clawed at the back of his thighs. Urging him forward. Her volume increasing with every snap of his hips.
He still lay on top of her, his cock softening and her fingers massaging the muscles in his back, when they both heard footsteps on the steps outside their rooms. Ragnar growled in annoyance and buried his face in her neck. Choosing to ignore the coming intrusion, instead enjoying the heaving of Teevas chest beneath him and faint aftershocks of her fluttering cunt.
"Ragnar, if you love me, you will kill whoever is about to come to our door." Her fingers moved to the back of his neck and into the loose, disheveled blonde hair he had yet to pull back. As it was far too early to be out of bed.
The Dane chuckled and mouthed at her neck, groaning with the effort of pulling away from her, out of her. He paused, braced above her on solid, swordsman's arms and dropped his forehead to hers, "As my lady wishes."
The knock at the door surprised neither of them, they remained silent. Staring into each others eyes with matching, mischievous smirks. Then from outside, "Earl Ragnar?" was followed by another, louder knock.
Ragnar chuckled, soft puffs of air escaping his nose, and moved to kiss the ink at his wife's temple. A symbol to match his own. Then with more energy and more grace for a man so large, and no longer so young, jumped from the bed grabbed his sword from it's belt striding across the room and opened the door.
The younger Dane was surely shocked to see his chief opening the door sword in hand, naked, cock still half hard and nothing but the scars and ink markings on his chest to cover him.
With a straight and serious face Ragnar spoke, "My wife has instructed me to kill whoever is on the other side of this door. This is your one chance to change my mind. Speak plain and fast." Ragnar heard Teeva behind him laughing quietly but his face remained hard.
"Forgive me sir, but Uhtred Ragnarson is riding to the gate."
With just a nod of his head Ragnar sent the boy away, his face breaking into a smile as he swung the door shut. Approaching his wife and their bed again, leaning is sword against the wall beside it. "This will be a good day."
"And why is that?" Teeva sat up in bed, pulling the furs around her against the winter cold, welcoming Ragnar into them as he came back to the bed.
Pushing her down to her back he kissed her, then kissed her throat, and her breast. "Because," he looked up from where he was pressing kisses over her belly, his large, rough hands cradling the small bump there, "My wife, the love of my soul is growing another strong, fair haired, green eyed, fearsome son in her belly." He crawled the length of her naked body to kiss her. And when he pulled away he was still smiling, "And today is the day my little brother finally comes back to be where he belongs"
~~~ The End ~~~
First time writing for this fandom but I already have a few ideas for other stories! Thank you for reading and let me know what you think!
#the last kingdom#ragnar#ragnar x ofc#Ragnar the younger#ragnar the younger x ofc#Ragnar the last kingdom#Ragnar Ragnarson#ragnar ragnarsson#ragnar ragnarson x ofc#ragnar fanfiction#the last kingdom fanfic
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Sneak Peek: Just Be Gentle pt 2
Gif credit by @javier-pena
I am SO delayed in this, but WIP Weekend it is! Recommended by the lovely @djarins-cyare, thanks friend!
I have not visited my drafts folder in sooo long, but I'm coming out of an unintentional writing hiatus and have fresh motivation to open the ole lappytop back up for a little sample to share. Part 1 of this fic was much beloved by yall apparently, so it continues here!
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x reader
Words: 1.9K (for now)
For my Star Wars | Mandalorian Masterlist, check it out here!
Paz watched the scene before him unfold; the heat of compassion bloomed in the gut like stoking a fire…
Din Djarin swore on the deed of his ship that he wasn’t exaggerating. He placed a flag solidly in her camp, and would go to arms for her as a returned gesture of loyalty. From that first meeting when the Hunter came back through the alcove to Nevarro’s covert, he spoke on his companion’s competence on several fronts. Namely, in all the ways that resonated with his people: creative thinking, handy know-how, and something more: empathy- a gift not to be ignored when it came to caring for others -himself included- in moments of high stress.
He praised her talents ‘all across the board’, citing moments in their brief stint together on the Razor Crest as testimony to his Mandalorian clan for her to remain there in shelter– to be the exception to their rules regarding outsiders. Aruetti.
A surprise to none, Paz Vizsla deemed that it would be up to him to judge such loyalties for himself; as a man more inclined to view actions as proof rather than words.
But then he met her. Every bit of what Djarin said was true. Better yet, she proved every assumption of his wrong: allowed her to take him by the crook of his arm, surrendered her best vote of confidence, and let him lead. Acquiesced to his strength, protected it, and encouraged him at every turn. Saved him the first of her meals, the best of her scavenged findings. Took to tending to his wounds herself, because he wasn’t gentle enough to do so on his own.
A few weeks have passed since that day, but his fondness for her didn’t wane like the moon’s phases did. Paz Vizsla made it his mission from that moment forward to carry an extra ounce of gentleness, just for her.
Then, the refugees came pouring in. Her arrival couldn't have been timed more perfectly, Paz thought; he’d only begun to see the full measure of little Song’s magic the moment he saw her skills at work.
A smaller covert made a quick exit and raced to safety after a raid depleted their stores a few systems over. There had been some rumors of their hunter clans taking the bait of Guild membership in order to make ends meet, as they’d seen in Djarin’s success. The Way instilled a sense of belonging wherever Mandalorians crossed paths, so merging on his covert’s territory for the upcoming season out of necessity was a given.
But now, in light of Nevarro’s storm season, it seems their numbers would be doubling indefinitely. The situation proved to be a strain and test of everyone’s flexibility and resilience, to keep everyone content and organized on such short notice… but with a Vizsla as Alorad, they flourished with the change in plans and watched on as Paz steeled himself against Fear, and made everything suitable. Supplies were rationed and rooms were stuffed to the brim, but they would make do.
While they may not have resources with them in tow, they more than made up for it by pulling their weight in preparation for the underground shelters. And that, would benefit all.
Song made herself indispensable, true to what Djarin had said. Moreover, she did so with caring smiles and solemn assurances to the migrating Mandalorians -young and old- who felt very out of place. To those men who lost their way in the bustle and found themselves turned around in the tunnels, she would give quick pointers about where to go– and thanked them for their service to the clan, each and every one.
Learning fast. Paz was grateful.
Upon nightfall, there was less commotion than normal. As the common spaces gradually funneled down, bedchambers were lit and sealed for the night. For the most part, it was the heads of families -adults- who went to rooms for the night as a chance to let down and get their heads on straight after such a sudden move. Surely not all slept right away, but took to tending to their armor and delving into their meditation practices.
Meanwhile, their children under ten or so were sent off to the creche where they could be watched over. The community room was next to the medstations, and as kids are often ones to complain of very little bout of aches, pains, or simple snotty noses, it was the logical choice.
Two crechemasters stayed in the spacious alcove of the Medbay annex overseeing the creche, as well as one of the resident tribe’s kitchen aides, a few men as guards near the entrance and supply doors… and a certain someone -with a voice like the Coming of Spring- that Paz Viszla could never refuse pausing for a minute to listen….
Clearly tugged by the soft spot within him, Paz volunteered to serve first watch over the children for their first night, which made their parents feel that much more assured of their protection. So with blankets pulled from every corner of spare storage, canvas mats laid this way and that, and with juvenile excitement despite the circumstances, the children all got to sleep and the staff interchanged periods of rest until all was quiet by the early waning hours of morning. Even the covert’s local young ones came to join this slumber party of sorts. For the sake of welcoming and strengthening bonds, the crechemasters allowed it.
Right after the 0300 guards changed out, Paz heard it. Inside the alcoves inset bunks, one of the smallest boys -nearly four years old- was making a steady and increasing amount of noise, until he startled himself awake and clearly didn't know where he was. He was calling for his babuir in their native tongue; but by his aimless flailing about, it’s clear he’s looking for just about anyone bigger than him that might come to his cry for help.
Before Paz could overstep one of the sleeping children nearest him to respond, he caught the woman he'd know to know as the 'Songbird of the Covert' slipping out of the window jumpseat like a sparrow off its perch, flying to the child's stuttering form up on the riser.
"Well hi honey, g'morning to you too~ Pretty early, isn't it?"
Seeing a soothing figure coming to his call, little threadbare arms immediately shot out and spoke brokenly in bits and pieces of a particular Sundari dialect. Basic wasn't his strong suit. Then again, it gave way to crying in minutes anyway, so his distress was clear and the language barrier mattered little.
"Hm?-- ohhh, aw c'mere bub..” the woman set the child on a hip as he clutched to her. She set them in a sway, “Yeah, you can stay up with me– I can always use some snuggles, too."
The toddler nuzzled in but by his whimpers, Song moved towards the open atrium with more room to walk around and hopefully not disturb the sleeping of any others.
Paz met her there. She'd looked his way with a pitiful expression, traipsing about with the little one in her arms and keeping his little shoulders pressed in close.
"Bad dreams, I'd say," she murmured low to Paz, in Basic. "But I can't tell if anything else is wrong. Doesn’t feel too warm, not coughing. Seems trusting though, poor thing. " she shrugged, motioning to how easily the child was settling.
Through his careful watch of her across the room, he’d caught her sneaking the back of her hand to his forehead earlier in a move masked as just fixing his curls, but fortunately, he must not have been found feverish to warrant more worry.
Paz came to bring a big, steady hand on the child's back. The kid turned his head from her neck to find the new Alorad tilting his helmet to match, and made a big sniff to put on a brace face. Shy and no doubt aware of this elder’s importance, he snuck out a little wave back in acknowledgement.
"//Be at peace, young one. You're safe in the Reliable one's arms, that you are.//"
Whatever Paz said to this "adika" -as he seems to have called him- brought relief to the child, as he hugged her neck tighter and made himself comfortable again in her arms.
An amused whisper graced his ears as she looked up at him,
"What'd you say?"
"That he has nothing to worry about," Paz shared kindly. "He seems to like you."
"I wouldn't think these kiddos would trust strangers so easily after what they've been through," she smoothed back the child’s hair gently- thankfully, his breathing evened out into sleepy sighs.
"They've had quite the eventful last few days."
She kept humming away for a minute, trying to subconsciously lull the child the rest of the way. She looked absently over the nursery if other young ones, but Paz was captivated by her alone.
This instinct must have been what Djarin was talking about. She hadn't hesitated to jump right in, even though she must have been on the edge of sleep herself- if her state of dress was any hint. Shed opted for no outer protective layers for this reason perhaps- a source of comfort for the little ones, and though perhaps it was also to signify to them she was not a warrior or someone too formal for them to shy away from.
Finally seeing the child dozing back fully, Paz offered to take the child from her and set him back on his bunk above them.
She let him, adjusting her loose cardigan back onto her shoulder. Shed opted for that over her cropped black body glove that acted as a breastband, and the loose comfy pants that honestly have fit Paz better, but she made do with her current wardrobe and didn't bother worrying about outfits too much.
Here, just over his shoulder, she watched the Big Blue tuck -yes, tuck- the child in. Stepping away only when he saw the child try to settle into his new sleep position did he step away and back towards her retreat to her watch corner.
"Teacher and carer? You're the dual package, Mr. Vizsla."
"I do what I can. It's not often I get to see our children be children- I would preserve that wonder in them if I could."
Childlike innocence: to hear the hardest-working, stoic soldier speak on such tender things was a thing of wonder itself.
“I’ve only ever seen the little ones work their drills here– recitations, history lessons.” She looked about the room. “I haven’t seen kids this young in a year, much less so many crammed into one room.”
“Well, the rooming arrangement is common practice,” Paz explained, his trademark patience a soothing constant- even through the helmet, “You’ll find a nursery like this in every covert across the galaxy.”
Then, a more sobering thought, one that brought pity to the forefront of her mind:
“If– you weren’t all living down here, would they be going to a normal school? Making other friends? At least while they’re young?”
As if she expected any other answer, Paz’s reflex came through the form of his gentle whisper: “This is the Way.”
“That it is,” she firmed up a knowing smile. “There’s so many of them, going through so much newness at their age.”
Paz agrees, though knows no other way than the community that sleeps before them. To watch the woman’s empathy radiate from her being -those angel eyes- was to know the warmest ray of sunshine in the pit of winter. Such a calm presence… that’s what these youth need, after all. She’s exactly where she should be.
#paz vizsla#paz vizsla x reader#paz vizsla x you#paz#the mandalorian#the mandalorian fanfic#the mandalorian fanfiction#big blue mando#paz viszla#give me paz all day every day#have you hugged your heavy infantry mando today?#welcome to the haitus#paz lives#the armorer#ragnar vizsla
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first love part 2

summary: you always hated Ragnar until you realized that that hatred was not hatred but love
warnings: age-gap, infidelity
word counter: 6437
author's note: english is not my first language, inspired by something old that I also wrote, penultimate part
tags: @abelhudaz @gigo-gatinha @ameliahaa @silverwingxox @kcd15 @zoexme

The journey had been long and exhausting. The days spent on horseback had worn down your body and spirit, but you couldn’t allow yourself to stop. You knew that the farther you were from Kattegat, the safer you would be. Now, with the settlement in sight, a mix of relief and fear washed over you.
The place was small, barely a dozen wooden houses with thatched roofs, scattered irregularly around a gently flowing river. The sound of the water, the scent of the pines, and the distant birdsong offered a peace you hadn’t felt in weeks. It was a secluded corner of the world, far from prying eyes and rumors. Here, no one knew you. Here, you could start anew.
As you reached the edge of the settlement, a group of children playing with improvised bows stopped to look at you. Their laughter ceased, and their wide, curious eyes examined you as if you were an apparition. An older woman appeared behind them, drying her hands on an apron. Her gray hair was tied in a messy bun, and her face was marked by deep wrinkles.
“Who are you, and what do you want here?” she asked in a rough but not hostile voice.
“My name is…” You hesitated for a moment. Should you give your real name? You decided to keep things simple. “I’m a traveler. I’m looking for a place to stay.”
The woman scrutinized you, as if assessing whether you were a threat. Finally, she nodded. “We don’t have much here, but we also don’t turn away those who need help. Come, we’ll speak with the settlement’s leader.”
She led you to a cabin larger than the others, situated near the river. There you met Eirik, the leader of the small group living in the settlement. He was a robust man with a thick beard and eyes that seemed to read everything you were trying to hide. However, he didn’t ask unnecessary questions. After hearing you explain that you needed a place to stay, he simply nodded.
“There’s an abandoned cabin on the edge of the settlement,” he said. “It’s not in the best condition, but if you can work to fix it up, it’s yours. In return, we expect you to help out however you can. Everyone here contributes.”
You accepted with gratitude, relieved by the lack of interrogation. That same afternoon, you were taken to the cabin that would be your home.
The cabin was in ruins. The roof had holes that let sunlight through, and the door barely hung on one of its hinges. The interior was filled with dust and cobwebs, but you didn’t care. To you, it was a refuge.
With the help of a woman named Astrid, you began cleaning the place. She was a kind woman with calloused hands and a warm smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll fix it. All of us here have been through hard times. This place is a fresh start for many,” she told you as she energetically swept the floor.
Little by little, the cabin started to take shape. A man named Gunnar, who was a carpenter, helped you repair the roof and door, while other women brought you blankets and some basic utensils. Although you felt uneasy about the kindness of others, you accepted their help. You had no other choice.
The following days were a whirlwind of activity. You joined the women in daily tasks: gathering berries, tending to animals, and maintaining the homes. Though your farming skills were limited, you quickly learned. Astrid became a sort of mentor, teaching you how to identify useful plants in the forest and prepare meals with the few resources they had.
At night, the settlement gathered around a central bonfire. You listened to the elders’ stories of times past, battles fought, and loves lost. Though you tried to keep to yourself, you sometimes felt the curious gazes of others. You knew they were intrigued by you, by your story, but you appreciated that they respected your silence.
Over time, you began to feel like part of the place. Not as someone who belonged there, but as someone who had found a space to breathe.
However, the nights were difficult. When you were alone in the cabin, the silence enveloped you like a heavy cloak. You found yourself instinctively touching your belly, dreaming of the future you had imagined for your child. The solitude was a constant reminder of what you had left behind: your home, your parents, and Ragnar.
You wondered if he was looking for you, if he suspected why you had left. Sometimes, a sharp pain struck you when you remembered his smile, his laughter, and the weight of his gaze that always seemed to see beyond your words. But you shook off those thoughts. Ragnar belonged to another life, one you had left behind to protect what you carried within.
Meanwhile, in Kattegat, Ragnar paced back and forth in the main hall of his house, his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists. Weeks had passed since he returned to Kattegat and discovered you were gone. No one had given him a clear explanation. No one could or would tell him why you had left everything behind.
Your parents had been his first stop, of course. When he asked them directly, your mother avoided his gaze, and your father, rigid as a wall, only gave him vague answers.
“She needed space,” your father had said tensely. “She left to find her own path.”
Ragnar was not a man easily deceived. His blue eyes gleamed with suspicion as he watched them both. “Where did she go? Tell me the truth.”
“We don’t even know,” your mother replied, and for the first time in that conversation, Ragnar saw some truth in her words. She seemed worried, even fearful, as she spoke.
“How is that possible? She’s your daughter,” he retorted, his voice filled with frustration.
“The only thing we know,” your father interjected, “is that she asked us not to tell anyone anything. Not even you.”
That confession hit Ragnar like a hammer. Had you specifically asked to keep him in the dark? Why? The thought that you had deliberately excluded him from your life left him cold. However, he refused to believe that was the whole truth.
As time passed, his obsession only grew. Ragnar spent every spare moment wondering what he had done to make you leave. Images of your last encounters replayed in his mind: your evasive answers, the glances you avoided, your evident exhaustion.
“What are you hiding from me?” he muttered to himself at night, as anger and frustration built in his chest.
He sought answers elsewhere. He questioned merchants and travelers who came to Kattegat, describing you in precise detail: your hair, your smile, even the way you walked. But no one knew anything.
His behavior began to affect everyone around him. Lagertha watched him silently, noticing how his attention drifted further away. One night, she finally confronted him.
“Ragnar, what’s happening to you?” she asked, crossing her arms in front of him. “You seem more concerned about a woman who’s no longer here than about your own family.”
“You don’t understand,” he replied, his tone harsh enough to surprise Lagertha. “She left without saying anything. Something’s not right. I need to know what happened.”
“Why do you care so much? She has her own life. Are you so dissatisfied here that you’re looking for something else elsewhere?”
Lagertha’s words were cutting, and Ragnar knew she was partly right. But he couldn’t explain the depth of what he felt because even he didn’t fully understand it. Something about your departure unsettled him, something he couldn’t ignore.
The days turned into weeks, and Ragnar’s frustration grew. Though he continued to fulfill his duties as a leader, there was a shadow on his face he couldn’t hide. At night, when the rest of Kattegat slept, Ragnar sat by the fire, staring at the flames and remembering every detail of you.
Your laughter. The way you tilted your head when lost in thought. The times your eyes sparkled in a way that seemed to challenge the entire world.
But he also remembered the signs he had ignored: the times you avoided looking at him directly, the moments when it seemed like you wanted to say something but stopped at the last moment. Had you been planning your departure all along?
“It can’t be,” he murmured to himself. “She wouldn’t have left like that.”
One day, after another failed attempt to get answers from your parents, Ragnar made a decision. If he couldn’t find you in Kattegat, he would have to look beyond its borders.
He spoke to some of his trusted men, explaining that he needed to go on a journey. Though he didn’t share all the details, his determination was clear. Lagertha watched from a distance as he prepared to leave, her eyes full of disapproval.
“How long will these useless searches take?” she asked, confronting him before he left. “You have responsibilities here, Ragnar. A family. If you keep acting as if none of this matters, you’ll end up losing everything.”
Ragnar looked at her but didn’t respond. He knew her words carried weight, but he couldn’t stay. Something inside him wouldn’t let him.
And so, with the sound of horse hooves echoing against the ground, Ragnar left Kattegat, determined to find you, no matter how long it took or how far you were.
Months had passed since your arrival, and although you had adapted to the routine of the place, exhaustion weighed on your body. The pregnancy made the days heavier, slower, but you couldn’t allow yourself to rest. You needed to prove you were useful, that you deserved a place in this remote corner of the world.
That morning, as always, you got up early. The air was cold, and a thin layer of frost covered the grass. You felt slightly dizzy but ignored it. You had learned to hide any sign of weakness; after all, no one could suspect what you carried within.
The work in the fields was arduous. The tools were rudimentary, and the soil seemed to resist every effort. But you had grown accustomed to this type of struggle: one not against others but against your own limitations.
You were gathering roots when it happened. As you bent down, you lost your balance. Perhaps it was exhaustion or a lack of attention, but you tripped over a hidden stone and fell to your knees. The impact was brutal, sending sharp pain through your abdomen. You stayed still for a moment, trying to catch your breath as the world spun around you.
“Are you all right?” Astrid’s voice reached you like a distant echo. She helped you to your feet, her eyes filled with concern.
“Yes, I’m fine,” you lied, forcing a smile. But the cold sweat running down your back betrayed the truth.
That night, the pain intensified. A persistent stabbing sensation in your abdomen forced you to double over, but still, you didn’t ask for help. The fear of your secret being discovered was greater than your fear of the pain.
However, when the fever began to take hold of your body, you could no longer hide it. Astrid, who had noticed your pallor during the day, was the first to enter your cabin. Seeing your condition, she ran to fetch Sigrid, the settlement’s healer.
Sigrid was an imposing woman, with steady hands and an expression that left no room for doubt. When she arrived, she found you trembling in your bed, your breathing shallow, and your cheeks burning with fever. Without saying a word, she began examining your body, her fingers searching for signs to confirm what you already feared.
“How long have you been like this?” she asked, her tone stern.
“I don’t know,” you murmured, unable to meet her eyes.
Sigrid frowned and placed a hand on your abdomen. Her gaze darkened. “You’re young, but your body is weak. And this…” Her words trailed off, but her expression said it all.
For two days, you fought the fever, drifting in and out of consciousness. You heard fragments of conversations around you: Astrid’s worried voice, Sigrid’s firm instructions. You felt the weight of cold compresses on your forehead and the bitter taste of the herbs they forced you to drink.
But everything changed on the second night. The pain became unbearable, a fire that seemed to consume you from within. You tried to scream, but your voice came out as a choked whimper. Sigrid stayed by your side the entire time, her steady hands holding you as your body struggled against something it could no longer sustain.
When it was over, the room fell silent. A heavy silence, laden with sorrow. Sigrid wiped her hands with a cloth and looked at you with an expression that was half compassion, half resignation.
“I’m sorry,” she said simply.
You didn’t need further explanations. You had lost it.
The physical pain was intense, but the emotional pain was unbearable. For days, you could barely move. You spent hours lying in your bed, staring at the cabin’s ceiling as a sense of emptiness consumed you.
You had made so many decisions thinking of protecting your child, and now everything seemed pointless. You had lost everything: your home, your family, Ragnar… and now your baby.
Astrid became your only company. She brought you food and water, though you barely ate. “You need to take care of yourself,” she would say, but her words felt hollow. What was the point of taking care of yourself when there was nothing left to fight for?
At night, silence was both your solace and your greatest torment. You closed your eyes and saw your baby’s face, even though you had never met them. You wondered if they would have had Ragnar’s eyes or your smile. But those dreams always shattered under the weight of reality.
As the weeks passed, the settlement returned to its routine, but you felt disconnected. The laughter of children tore at your soul, and every time you saw a mother with her child, a pang of pain shot through your chest.
Astrid, who had proven to be more than a friend, forced you to get up one day. “You can’t stay here forever,” she said, with a harshness you didn’t expect. “The world doesn’t stop for our pain. You have to move forward.”
Although you resisted at first, you knew she was right. You couldn’t stay in the cabin forever, trapped in your grief. So, little by little, you returned to working in the fields, though every step was a reminder of what you had lost.
Still, something inside you had changed. A part of you had died along with your child, and you knew you would never be the same again.
Meanwhile, the sound of Ragnar’s horse hooves echoed across the rocky terrain as he approached another settlement, his face hardened by a mixture of hope and frustration. He had spent months traveling roads, speaking to merchants, explorers, and villagers. Each time he heard a rumor, no matter how vague, he followed it.
This time was no different. A merchant who had passed through a remote settlement mentioned seeing a woman matching the description Ragnar had repeated countless times: dark hair, a sad look, a strange determination in her movements. It wasn’t a certainty, but Ragnar couldn’t afford to ignore it.
The journey to the settlement was long, and Ragnar undertook it alone. His men had grown tired of the fruitless searches, and Lagertha no longer hid her disapproval. Yet he couldn’t give up. There was something about your absence that tormented him, a void no battle or conquest could fill.
When Ragnar arrived at the settlement, his eyes scanned quickly, searching among the passing faces. It was a small place, similar to many others he had visited: humble cabins, cultivated fields, and inhabitants working silently.
He spent hours observing, speaking to locals, and trying to remain calm. At first, no one seemed to know anything. Most of the villagers looked at him cautiously, as if suspicious of his presence. But when he mentioned a woman who had arrived alone, an old woman working near the river lifted her gaze.
“There is a woman,” she said in a hoarse voice. “She arrived a few months ago. She doesn’t talk much and works hard, but she always seems… lost.”
Ragnar felt a spark of hope surge through him. “Where is she?” he asked, trying to control the urgency in his voice.
The old woman shook her head. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her in weeks. They say she got sick. Perhaps she left, or…” Her voice trailed off, as if unwilling to finish the sentence.
Ragnar felt the ground shift beneath his feet. Could it be true? Were you sick? Had you died? The thought struck him harder than he expected.
Not finding you at the settlement was a harsh blow. Ragnar had arrived there hoping to see you, even if only from afar, to confirm you were all right. Instead, all he found were more questions.
The journey back to Kattegat was somber. Ragnar couldn’t help but wonder if he should abandon his search. He had spent months following a trail that seemed to vanish into thin air. Yet the thought of giving up filled him with an unbearable emptiness.
When he returned home, Lagertha was waiting at the entrance, arms crossed. Her expression was serious, but there was a flicker of concern in her eyes.
“Well?” she asked, her voice sharp.
“She wasn’t there,” Ragnar replied, removing his cloak and dropping his bag to the floor.
“How much longer will you keep this up?” Lagertha demanded, stepping closer to him. “People are starting to talk. They see you more obsessed with a woman who isn’t here than with your own family.”
Ragnar looked at her with an intensity that made her pause. “You don’t understand, Lagertha. I can’t ignore this. She… I can’t explain it, but I feel something isn’t right. Something happened.”
“And perhaps you’ll never know,” she replied, her tone softening. “Perhaps it’s time to leave the past behind and look ahead.”
But Ragnar couldn’t. Though he didn’t tell Lagertha, something else haunted him: the sense that you had left to protect something, to hide something important. And until he had answers, he couldn’t let it go.
His search didn’t end, just as your search for peace hadn’t either.
Though the wounds still hurt both physical and emotional you knew you couldn’t let them consume you forever. You had spent months buried in your grief, refusing to look toward the future, but something within you a spark of life still clinging to the present urged you to rise from the bed.
Your body was weaker than before. The fever and the loss had left their mark, but they had also taught you to value what you still had: the chance to move forward.
Astrid was the first to notice the change in you. “I’m glad to see you on your feet,” she said one morning as you shared breakfast. Her warm smile reminded you that, although you had lost so much, there were still people who cared about you.
The settlement was small, but its inhabitants were hardworking and supportive. A family that raised goats and sheep, the Ingvarssons, offered you work in exchange for food and a bit more stability. At first, you hesitated. The pain remained a constant weight, and you worried you wouldn’t meet their expectations. But you accepted, knowing you couldn’t rely on others forever.
The first days were tough. The work with the animals was exhausting, and many nights you came home with your hands full of scratches and your muscles tense. But there was something comforting in the routine: feeding the goats, caring for the newborn lambs, feeling the warmth of the animals as you helped them thrive.
“You’re good with them,” Ingrid, the matriarch of the family, said while watching you clean the stable. Her words surprised you. You had spent so much time feeling useless, as if everything you tried ended in failure, that hearing a compliment left you speechless.
“Thank you,” you finally replied, feeling a strange warmth in your chest.
Over time, you started to integrate more into the settlement. The neighbors stopped seeing you as a stranger and began greeting you as you passed by. They invited you to small gatherings, where they shared stories and songs around the fire. Though at first, you felt out of place, you soon realized that you enjoyed those nights, the laughter, and the company.
Astrid was always by your side, making sure you didn’t feel alone. There was something about her presence that gave you strength, as if she knew exactly when you needed a push or a moment of silence.
However, despite the new beginnings, you couldn’t stop thinking about what you had lost. On quiet nights, when the settlement slept and the only sound was the murmur of the nearby river, you allowed yourself to remember.
You had kept a small baby garment that you had secretly sewn during the first months of your pregnancy. It was a small wool vest, simple but made with love. You kept it hidden in a corner of your cabin, wrapped in a clean cloth.
Every time you took it out, you held it between your hands as if it were the only bridge to the child you never got to know. You couldn’t bring yourself to get rid of it. It was your only tangible connection to the life you had lost, a reminder of what could have been.
There were nights when you found yourself whispering to the air, as if the spirit of your baby could hear you. “I’m sorry,” you said, the words filled with guilt and sadness. “I wanted to protect you, but I failed.”
Despite your efforts to leave the past behind, Ragnar kept appearing in your thoughts. You wondered where he was, if he still thought about you or if he had already forgotten you. You had decided to leave to protect yourself and the baby, but sometimes you wondered if you had made a mistake by not trusting him.
There were moments when you wished he were with you, that he would hug you and tell you that everything would be okay. But you knew those thoughts were pointless. Ragnar had his own life, his own family, and you were no longer a part of it.
The months passed, and with them came a sense of stability. Though the wounds would never completely disappear, you learned to find comfort in the small things: the aroma of freshly baked bread, the laughter of the children in the settlement, the satisfaction of a job well done.
You had become an important part of the community. The Ingvarsson family spoke of you as if you were part of their family, and the other inhabitants of the settlement came to you whenever they needed help with something. You had built a new life, one that, though not perfect, gave you some peace.
However, every time you held the small wool vest between your hands, you felt that a part of you was still waiting. Waiting for something you didn’t even know how to describe.
And though you tried not to think about it, you knew your story with Ragnar was not over. The thread that connected you both was still there, tight and silent, waiting for the right moment to stretch again.
Days later, the day had begun like any other in the settlement. The fresh air filled your lungs as you worked in the fields, your hands accustomed to the weight of the tools and the constant rhythm of the work. The sun was high in the sky, and though sweat beaded on your forehead, you felt at peace. You had learned to find comfort in the routine, in the simplicity of the life you had built.
However, that peace was shattered the moment a figure appeared on the horizon.
At first, you didn’t pay much attention. It was common for solitary travelers to pass through the settlement, looking for provisions or a place to rest. But as the figure drew closer, something in you began to tense. There was something familiar in their walk, in the way they held their head high and their shoulders firm.
When you finally looked up to observe them more closely, your heart seemed to stop.
It was him.
Ragnar walked toward you with a determined step, his face marked by time and an endless search. Though years had passed, you recognized him instantly. His eyes were still the same: intense, filled with a mixture of determination and emotions you couldn’t decipher.
You dropped the tool you had in your hands, unable to move. Everything you had worked to bury the pain, the guilt, the love you still harbored deep in your heart surfaced all at once, hitting you like a furious wave.
Ragnar stopped a few meters away from you, his gaze fixed on yours. For a moment, neither of you spoke. The silence was heavy, laden with unsaid emotions.
“Why?” was the first thing he said, his voice low but filled with reproach.
You didn’t need him to explain what he meant. You knew.
“Ragnar…” you whispered, but you couldn’t say more. The words seemed to stick in your throat.
“No,” he interrupted, taking a step toward you. “Don’t say my name as if that could fix anything. I searched for you. For years, I searched for you.”
His tone was rough, and you could see the mix of pain and anger in his eyes. “Do you know how much time I’ve spent wondering why you left? Why you didn’t say anything? Didn’t I deserve to know?”
His words pierced you, but they also sparked something inside you. All the pain and guilt you had silently carried for so long began to transform into anger.
“And what did you want me to say, Ragnar?” you snapped, your voice trembling with emotion. “That I was pregnant with your child while you had your wife and your perfect life in Kattegat? That I was terrified of what others would say, of what my parents would think? What would have changed if you had known?”
“Everything,” he replied without hesitation.
His words took your breath away for a moment, but you refused to let him disarm you.
“That’s not true,” you said, crossing your arms. “You would have gone on with your life, and I would have been a burden. The only thing I did was protect myself and… and the baby.”
The silence that followed was deafening. Ragnar furrowed his brow, as if processing what you had said. His eyes searched yours, and for a moment, you saw something beyond the anger: pain.
“Where is it?” he asked finally, his voice barely a whisper.
Your heart broke upon hearing that question. You looked down, unable to meet his gaze. “I don’t know,” you murmured. “I lost it.”
Ragnar seemed to stagger, as if your words were a physical blow. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, and he closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, there was something broken in his expression.
“You didn’t tell me anything,” he repeated, his voice barely contained. “You stole the chance for me to know, to be there. You took away the chance for me to be its father.”
His words hit you hard, but you couldn’t let him blame you for everything. “And what would your presence have done, Ragnar? Would it have prevented it from dying? Would it have changed what happened?”
“Maybe not,” he admitted, his voice softer but still full of reproach. “But I would have been with you. You shouldn’t have gone through this alone.”
Ragnar’s words left you speechless. A part of you knew he was right, but another part was too hurt, too tired to admit it. You had done what you thought was necessary to protect yourself, to protect the baby, and though you knew it hadn’t been perfect, it was the best you could do at that moment.
“Ragnar, I… I can’t do this,” you said finally, your voice breaking. “I’ve spent years trying to rebuild my life. I can’t dig all of this up again.”
Ragnar looked at you with an intensity that made you feel naked, exposed. “I’m not here to destroy what you’ve built,” he said finally, his tone softer. “But I can’t ignore what happened, and I can’t ignore you. You… you still mean something to me.”
His words left a lump in your throat. You had waited so long to hear them, but now that you did, you didn’t know how to feel.
The rest of the day was a whirlwind of emotions. Ragnar didn’t leave, and you didn’t know how to deal with his presence. Everything you had worked to forget seemed to return with force, threatening to break down the barriers you had built around your heart.
Despite everything, you knew this encounter was only the beginning. Ragnar wasn’t someone who gave up easily, and now that he had found you, he wouldn’t leave without answers.
As the sun began to set on the horizon, you felt a mix of fear and hope. The past had returned, and though you didn’t know how to face what was to come, a part of you knew this encounter would change your life forever.
The days following the reunion with Ragnar were a whirlwind of emotions and conflicts. His presence in the settlement shook your entire world, disturbing the balance you had worked so hard to build. Although you tried to stay firm in your decision to stay, Ragnar kept insisting that you return with him to Kattegat.
Ragnar was not a man who easily accepted a 'no.' Every conversation between the two of them turned into an intense argument, full of emotions and reproaches.
“You don't understand what you're asking,” you said one night, as the light from the fireplace illuminated the small space of your cabin. “I’ve worked for years to find peace here. I can’t go back and face everything I left behind.”
“And you think I found peace without you?” he replied, his voice low but filled with intensity. “I didn’t ask you to leave, I didn’t ask you to exclude me from your life. I don’t understand why you prefer to live among strangers rather than with the people who love you.”
“The people who love me?,” you repeated, incredulous. “Are you talking about you? About your parents? About Lagertha? How do you think my life would have been there? Always pointed at, always a secret.”
Ragnar clenched his lips, his eyes fixed on yours. “I don’t want you to be a secret,” he said finally, and his words took your breath away.
But you couldn’t let yourself be carried away by them. You couldn’t forget what you had gone through, or all that you had sacrificed.
Despite your constant refusals, Ragnar kept insisting. Not just for you, but because he wanted you to say goodbye to your parents. “You owe them that,” he said in a tone that left no room for argument.
He was right, though it was hard to admit. You had left your parents without clear explanations, forcing them to carry the burden of your disappearance. You had avoided thinking about how they must have felt, but now that Ragnar brought it up, the guilt began to weigh heavily on you.
Finally, after days of arguments, you agreed to go with him to Kattegat. “Just to say goodbye,” you clarified, looking at him firmly. “This doesn’t mean I’m staying.”
Ragnar nodded but said no more. You knew this was just the first step for him.
The journey to Kattegat was long and silent. You traveled together, but barely spoke. Ragnar seemed focused, his thoughts hidden behind a mask of seriousness. As for you, you felt a constant knot in your stomach. Each step toward Kattegat felt like a weight pressing harder and harder on you.
When you finally arrived, the settlement seemed the same as always. The wooden houses, the docks, the bustle of the people; everything was intact, as if time had not passed. But for you, everything felt different. You had changed, and this place no longer felt like home.
The tension became evident as soon as Ragnar took you to his house. Lagertha was there, and her expression upon seeing you was anything but welcoming.
“What is she doing here?,” she asked, giving Ragnar a cold look.
“She’s come to say goodbye to her family,” he replied calmly, as though his tone could placate the evident hostility in the room.
Lagertha studied you closely, her blue eyes analyzing every detail of your face. “And why does she need your company for that?.”
You didn’t want to cause more problems than there already were. “Lagertha,” you began, trying to sound conciliatory, “I’m not here to stay. I just came to close a chapter of my life.”
“A chapter Ragnar seems too eager to dig up,” she retorted, her tone sharp.
Ragnar intervened before the argument could escalate. “This isn’t about you or me. This is about her and what she needs to do.”
Though his words seemed reasonable, they did little to calm things down. Lagertha remained silent, but you could feel the tension in her posture, in the way she avoided looking at you.
Seeing your parents was an emotional blow you hadn’t expected. Your mother hugged you tightly, tears running down her cheeks as she repeated your name as if she couldn’t believe you were there. Your father, more reserved, simply took you by the shoulders and nodded, his eyes shining with restrained emotion.
“We thought we would never see you again,” your mother said through her sobs. “Why did you leave without telling us where you were going?.”
You had no answer for them. All you could do was apologize, promising that it hadn’t been due to a lack of love.
The conversation was long and difficult. Your parents wanted you to stay, but you remained firm in your decision to return to the settlement. “This is no longer my home,” you told them, though the words broke your heart.
While you stayed in Kattegat, even if only for a short time, the tension between you, Ragnar, and Lagertha only grew. Ragnar tried to keep the peace, but his constant efforts to talk to you did not go unnoticed by Lagertha, who became colder with each passing day.
One night, Lagertha confronted Ragnar privately, but the walls weren’t thick enough to silence their words. “Why do you keep insisting on this?,” she asked, her voice full of anger. “What do you hope to achieve by bringing her here?.”
“I don’t hope to achieve anything,” Ragnar replied, though his tone betrayed the truth. “I’m just trying to fix what was broken.”
“You can’t fix everything, Ragnar,”
she shot back. “And if you keep trying, you’ll only break more.”
The time you spent in Kattegat was brief but intense. Although you managed to say goodbye to your parents and some of the people you had left behind, you couldn’t ignore the tension your presence created. Ragnar continued insisting that you stay, but you were determined to return to the settlement.
“This is not my place,” you told him one night, as you both stood in silence near the harbor. “You have your life here, and I have mine there.”
“It’s not that simple,” he replied, but he didn’t try to convince you anymore.
The days you spent in Kattegat after your arrival were filled with tension, and although you had planned to return to the settlement soon, Ragnar had other plans for you. It was on a quiet afternoon, while walking alone near the docks, that he approached you with a proposal that would change the course of everything: he wanted you to accompany him on his next journey.
“What do you say?,” he asked, with that mix of seriousness and enthusiasm that so characterized him. His eyes shone with an intensity that made it hard to look away.
“I don’t know if it’s a good idea,” you replied, crossing your arms. “I’ve only been here a few days. Going with you would complicate things even more.”
“What things?,” he asked, smiling slightly. “Lagertha? Me? Don’t worry about that. She understands that this journey is important.”
You knew that wasn’t entirely true. Lagertha wasn’t someone who accepted things easily, especially when it came to you. Still, there was something in the proposal that attracted you. You missed the feeling of traveling, of exploring new horizons, of losing yourself in unfamiliar landscapes. As much as you had built a peaceful life in the settlement, a part of you still longed for that freedom.
“Why do you want me to go?,” you finally asked, eyeing him warily.
Ragnar remained silent for a moment, as if searching for the right words. “Because I think you need this as much as I do,” he said sincerely. “And because I want you to be with me.”
His words were simple, but they struck something within you. Although you knew accepting it would bring consequences, you couldn’t resist.
“Fine,” you agreed with a sigh. “But if this goes wrong, it’ll be your fault.”
He smiled, satisfied with your answer. “We’ll see about that.”
#fanfic#oneshot#imagine#x reader#ragnar x you#ragnar lothbrok x reader#ragnar x reader#ragnar x lagertha#ragnar lothbrok#vikings fanfiction#vikings fic#vikings#bjorn ragnarsson
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New Friend
leif eriksson x fem reader
Summary: You quickly become good friends with a man you have just met. His crew is set out for battle and in need of your healing skills. As you accompany them on the journey you grow even closer to your new friend.
Notes: 18+ only!!! Mostly fluff, some smut, spoilers kinda, mini chapters.
word count: 3.6k
Chapter 1
“Who is that?” Leif asks Freydis, staring toward the ships docking.
“I do not know. It looks like a returning merchant ship.” Freydis responds. “Why?”
Leif shrugs in response and walks off stealing glances in your direction. He watches you from the other side of the dock and when your bright (e/c) eyes connect with his he doesn’t look away. It surprises him when you hold the eye contact and give him a bashful smile. He smiles back before you turn away continuing on with unloading the boat.
Later that night there is a feast in the main hall. The room bustles with loud conversation and laughter as everyone enjoys their food and drink. Leif occasionally glances around the room in search of you.
“Who are you looking for?” Freydis asks.
“What?” Leif says caught off guard. “No one.” He shrugs and looks down as he eats his food.
The night goes on and the tables become less crowded as the ale puts to sleep those who over indulged. Leif finally notices you on the opposite side of the hall. He frowns when he sees you sitting alone looking tired and sad.
“Excuse me.” Leif says to the table before getting up.
He casually wanders his way over to you. Your eyes meet his as he cautiously approaches the table and sits across from you. You look at him with a confused smile and questioning eyes.
“Hi.” He finally says. “I’m Leif. Eriksson.”
“Hi.” You smile. “(y/n).”
He gently shakes your hand, your soft fingers brushing against his calloused ones.
“You looked so lonely over here.” He says almost as a question. “I felt I needed to come and check on you.”
“Well, thank you sir.” You smile even warmer at him.
Your smile made his heart swell. He nearly missed what you said next because he was so hypnotized by it.
“My supper companions… have found company for the night.” You say jokingly rolling your eyes.
“Are you merchants?” He asks.
“Better healer than a tradesman I’m afraid. But I travel with the merchants usually. It’s a good way to see some of the world, and they are always in need of a healer.” You instantly begin to open up to him, not really understanding why.
“So you are from Kattegat then?”
“Yes, I was born here. My mother died of illness not long ago… I never knew my father. It will always be home but I want to go out and live my life, you know? We only have so much of it…”
You take a sip of your drink to hide your blush when you realize you’re over sharing to this total stranger.
“I am sorry to hear about your mother.” He places a hand on yours.
You simply nod in response as you choke back the incoming tears.
“So, where are you from?” You ask him, desperately wanting to change the topic.
“Greenland.” He simply says.
“What brings you to Kattegat?”
“I am just passing through.” He lightly shrugs.
“Oh? And how long are you staying?”
“We leave in two days.”
You try to hide your slight disappointment but Leif notices the change in your face.
“We… are in need of a healer.” He suggests. “If you would be willing to come.”
“Where are we going?” You phrase the question as if you’ve already decided.
“That is um… complicated. It would be best if you did not know.” He hesitates.
“Ok…” You furrow your brows at him. “Is it far?”
“No. Not far at all. We are traveling by foot but we also have some horses. Myself and a small crew. It should only take us a few days to get there.”
“Ok… and why are we going to this mysterious place that I shall not know of?” You ask, your expression unreadable.
“There is a battle to be had…” He says lowly.
“Ok…” You say once again. “…and what is this battle?”
“It um- would be best if you did not know that either.” He knew how it all sounded so he did not expect your next words.
“Well… in that case I better go and sleep off this ale. If there is to be a battle, I have much to prepare before we depart.” You say as you stand from the table.
“I- uh- ok. Ok great.” Leif says in surprise. “I can walk you to your house?”
You nod with a smile and take his arm before leaving the hall. Leif makes light conversation with you as you walk the short path to your small house. Your arm fits around his so comfortably but the feeling makes your cheeks burn. You let go once you arrive at your door.
“Goodnight then, Greenlander.” You smile. “I shall see you in the morning?”
“Yes. Yes, see you in the morning.” He smiles back. “Goodnight, (y/n).”
Chapter 2
You meet with Leif the next morning and he introduces you to the small crew.
“This is Harald Siguredsson… And my sister, Freydis Eriksdotter.”
You get acquainted with everyone as they welcome you warmly. You discuss medicines and other things you may need for the travels. Leif keeps his eyes firmly on you as you talk with the others but you pretend not to notice.
“I shall see all of you tomorrow then.” You say to the group once you’re finished, eyes lingering on Leif.
They say their goodbyes but Leif catches up to you as you turn away.
“Do you need help with preparing anything?”
You smile warmly at him and nod. “I could certainly use some help, yes.”
You walk back to your house and Leif follows you inside. He looks around your small but cozy space. The small kitchen has a large table in the corner covered in different herbs and flowers and multiple mortars scattered about it. There was curtains hanging in the doorway to a small bedroom. Through the crack he caught a glimpse of your bed and a tub in the corner. You begin to organize the messy table as you make your preparations.
“What can I do?” Leif walks over to you.
You smile up at him. Each time you smiled at him it made his heart skip a beat. You hand him a mortar and pestle along with some plants.
“I need you to grind these up for me. As fine as you can please, the leafs will start to form a paste.”
He simply nods and begins crushing the herbs before him. As you both work with busy hands you ask more about him and his life and he tells you of Greenland and of his family. He then asks you about yours and you tell him how you grew up on a small farm at the edges of Kattegat with your mother. She taught you all about plants and healing mixtures. After she died you moved to a smaller place and began the occasional travel with the merchants, making coin with your healing skills. You enjoyed the escape but you always returned home.
It felt oddly comfortable to open up to Leif. The conversation seemed to flow between you like you had known each other for years.
“When did she die?” Leif asks.
Your hands pause and you frown looking down.
“6 months ago.” You choke out as you hold back tears.
“I am sorry…” He places his hand over yours.
Tears still in your eyes, you give him a soft smile and squeeze his hand in response before resuming your preparations. After that you mostly work in comfortable silence, occasionally giving Leif a new plant to grind and him asking questions about what they do. Then there were the silent glances and smiles that made your heart beat a little faster.
Once everything was finally prepared the sun had begun to set. You say goodnight to each other as Leif gets ready to head back to the inn.
“Thank you so much for your help today.” You say as he stands in the open doorway. “You have helped me more than you know.”
“Anytime.” He simply smiles and heads out the door. “See you tomorrow!” He calls behind him.
“See you.” You say under your breath.
Chapter 3
The next morning you wake and gather up your things for the trip. You walk down to the inn that the majority of the crew were staying at. You see Freydis outside and she waves you over with a smile.
“Good morning!” She smiles as she grabs your bags from you and hands them to another man loading the cart.
“Thank you.” You smile. “And good morning.”
You see the whole crew on the move preparing for the trip. Until someone was sick or wounded there was not much else for you to do.
“Can I do anything to help?” You ask Freydis.
“Hmm, uh, yes actually! Can you go and wake Leif?” She asks. “He is still sleeping and we are leaving soon.”
“Uh, yes sure.” You nod.
“Thank you, he is in room 3.” She gestures her head to the inn. “Down the hall, last door on the left. Please be quick about it we are almost ready.”
You nod again and quickly make your way into the inn and find room 3 down the hall. You fully expected Leif to be asleep in his bed so you open the door knocking lightly. Your eyes nearly pop out of your head when you see him standing there shirtless. Your eyes quickly trace over the tattoos on his muscular back before he turns around and notices you. You catch a glimpse of his bare hips as he pulls his pants up. Your eyes dart back up to his questioning ones. You have to focus to stop your eyes from wandering back down to where his hands were lacing up his pants, also bringing attention to his toned abs.
“I- uh. Sorry. We- uh. Um. We- uh.” The heat rises in your cheeks as you stand there feeling like a stuttering idiot.
You clear your throat and finally get the words out. “We are leaving…”
“Ok, I am ready. I was just getting dressed.” He says nonchalantly as he pulls his shirt over his head, clearly not noticing how flustered you are.
You follow him out of the building and join the rest of the group as you head off for the journey.
Chapter 4
You walk all day with the group, sharing stories and laughs along the way. Considering you did not know where you were going or what battle awaited them you felt safe with your companions.
Once the sun begins to set you find a spot to camp for the night. You eat supper around the campfire chatting away to Freydis sitting beside you. Occasionally you would catch Leif watching you from across the fire.
The temperature drops as the night gets later. Everyone begins to say their goodnights and retreat to their tents. Soon you and Leif are left alone sitting across each other. Your eyes meet in glances causing a soft smile from Leif. You stare back into the fire to hide your blushing. Shivering a little, you pull your cloak tighter around yourself.
“You look cold.” Leif breaks the silence.
“How observant of you.” You playfully tease. “That would be because I am.”
“Why don’t you come over here? We can keep each other warm.” He smiles.
You meet his eyes for a moment before crawling around the fire and cuddling up beside him as he wraps his arm around you. The heat radiating from his body warms you instantly. You both sit in comfortable silence looking into the fire. After a moment he rests his head on top of yours making your heart swell. As soon as you rest your eyes you began to drift off to sleep. Leif could feel your body beginning to go limp and held you tighter.
“Hey…” He whispers to you as you wake again. “Why don’t you go and get some sleep? I’ll help you to your tent.”
“I am fine.” You say shaking off your sleepiness. You did not want to go back to your cold tent alone you just wanted to remain in his warm arms.
“Do you not want to sleep?” He pulls back to raise his eyebrow at you.
“I just want to remain here with you.” You sheepishly admit.
Leif can’t help the wide grin that comes to his face.
“Well, we cannot sleep out here in the cold.” He begins to move to stand.
“Leif-“ You grab his arm, making him sit back down.
His confused eyes meet yours but then soften when he understands the unspoken words behind your eyes while you stare deeply into his.
He leans towards you, eyes briefly glancing to your lips. He moves at a pace that causes the anticipation to ache in your chest. Finally, his lips brush against yours in a soft tender kiss. You could feel the sparks the second your lips touched like fireworks had just gone off inside you both. He pulls away softly and smiles to you before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“We should get some sleep. We could continue to keep each other warm?” He says standing up and holding his hand out to you.
You nod and take his hand as he pulls you up to stand. He continues to hold onto your hand as he leads you to his tent, which was slightly larger than yours.
Once inside you shed your cloak and top layers, placing them in the corner. Leif does the same until you are both left in your thin shirts and bottoms. You crawl under the furs and cuddle up to him for warmth. He pulls you in close, wrapping both his strong arms tightly around you. Your heart races as his embrace feels so unfamiliar yet so comfortable. You close your eyes to sleep. He kisses the top of your head causing a smile to form on your lips. His steady heartbeat thumping against your ear causes you to quickly drift off into a peaceful sleep, more peaceful than either of you have had in a long time.
The next morning you throw the rest of your clothing back on and crawl out of Leif’s tent after your bladder had woken you up. You jump when your eyes are met by a single Viking already starting up the morning fire. Harald gives you a knowing smirk and raises his brow at you, glancing between you and Leif’s tent. You give him an embarrassed smile before you hurry away into the woods.
Chapter 5
You and Leif had not had a moment to speak alone as you traveled with the group for most of the day. You did not think you were acting any different but the others could sense something had shifted. When you finally stop to make camp you suggest that you and Leif should try to find some fish at the nearby river.
“How did you sleep?” Leif asks as you walk together.
“Very well.” You smile at him. “And you?”
“Very well.” He smiles back.
“I believe I can take some credit for your peaceful sleep.” You wink.
“I suppose I could do the same.” He smirks.
“I have never met anyone quite like you Greenlander.” You smile adoringly.
“I have never met anyone quite like you, (y/n). I think I-“ He pauses.
“What?” You turn to him as you both stop walking.
“I think I am in love with you.” He admits.
Before you can respond he boldly grabs your face and captures your lips in a passionate kiss. You freeze for a moment of surprise before relaxing against him and throwing your arms around his neck. The kiss continues and his tongue slips in to gently caress yours. He is gentle and passionate and all you can think is how you love this man too.
“Leif…” You whisper when your lips part.
Your eyes meet and he looks at you with pure adoration.
“We have fish to catch…” You say and he nods removing his hands from your face.
“And…” You move your hand to brush his cheek with your thumb. “I think I am in love with you too.”
He grins widely and places another quick kiss to your lips. You hold his hand as you make your way to the river to catch some fish for supper.
Chapter 6
As soon as the sun began to rise so did the crew. You rush around with them as they pack up camp. They needed to continue traveling as soon as possible, they planned to reach the battle today.
They soon stop again to make one last camp in preparation for the battle. You had a tent set up with a large work table and you begin to prepare everything you may need following the fight.
Leif steps into your tent to say goodbye. He quickly cups your cheeks and gives a firm kiss to your lips. You pull him close as you kiss him back.
“Please do not die.” You whisper as your thumb strokes the hand on your face.
“I will do my best.” He places a final kiss to your forehead and walks out of the tent. He could not bear spending long to say goodbye to you knowing it could be the last time.
You had been pacing for hours now waiting for everyone to return from the battle. Waiting for Leif to return. The more time that passes the more you worry. There was a very real chance he may never return. A very real chance he had been killed. The thoughts swirl around in your mind and cause your chest to tighten.
Finally, you hear the commotion outside of people returning. You run out and desperately search around for Leif. You spot the rest of your crew and your heart sinks. You begin to walk over to Freydis but before she spots you a hand grabs your shoulder. You spin around to see Leif standing behind you shirtless, covered in blood and dirt, with wild messy hair. His face expressionless.
“Oh Leif!” You throw your arms around him not caring about the blood now staining your clothes. “I was so worried I had lost you for good… Are you hurt?” You pull back and examine him frantically for any noticeable wounds.
“I am fine. Can we go inside?” He says flatly.
You raise a brow at his tone but then nod and follow him into the tent. Once the curtains are shut you turn to Leif.
“Are you alright?” You barely get the words out before his lips are on yours, pulling you into a ferocious kiss that takes your breath away.
“No.” He mumbles against your lips. “There were moments… I thought I would never… see you again.” He says between kisses.
He cups your face and kisses you hungrily like a starved animal. The air is filled with a mountain of different emotions as you kiss him back with a burning passion. His tongue demands entrance and you happily oblige. The metallic taste of the blood on his lips makes you pull him closer to you, the fear of nearly losing him today too much to bear.
Suddenly he lifts you up and throws you down onto the table causing a bunch of things to clatter to the ground. You pay no attention to the fallen items as he starts kissing and nipping at your neck. You feel his hardness pushing against your core and it lights a fire within you. Your hands wander all over each other as your lips connect again. You run your fingers over his bloody chest and strong biceps as he moves to grab your breasts through your shirt.
As things become more heated you begin to tear at each other’s clothes. He shoves your skirts up to your hips and grinds harder against you, making you gasp into his mouth. He begins pulling the laces of your top as you frantically fumble with the strings of his pants. Your body felt electric from how desperately you needed him right now. Your mind was completely blurred by the feeling him.
Before you could get any further Freydis bursts into the tent startling you both.
“Oh… I- uh- I am sorry…” She stutters in surprise. “But we uh- need our healer out here.”
“Yes, of course of course. Apologies...” You quickly scramble to your feet and straighten yourself out.
Freydis gives you a nod and a knowing smirk to Leif before leaving the tent. You turn to Leif who’s now holding a damp rag. He gently wipes off the bit of blood from your face and neck. It was a sweet gesture although you knew you would be covered in blood again in a moment once you helped the wounded. His eyes meet yours and he smiles down at you before kissing your forehead.
“Go on.” He gestures his head to outside.
“I am so glad you are alive and safe.” You grab his hands and kiss his lips once more.
He did not need to respond for you to know exactly how he felt. You smile and gaze lovingly at each other before you move to gather your supplies, including those now on the floor, and exit the tent. You tried not to let the overwhelming thoughts of him cloud your mind while you worked. You could not help but count the minutes until you could have privacy with him tonight.
#leif eriksson#kattegat#vikings valhalla#Vikings#vikings leif#leif erikson#leif x reader#leif eriksson smut#leif x reader smut#vikings fanfiction#vikings valhalla fanfiction#fanfic smut#leif vikings#vikings show#harald sigurdsson#freydis eriksdotter#vikings ragnar#freydis#ragnar vikings#vikings ivar#ivar vikings#game of thrones#house of the dragon#shows#hotd#outlander#smut#hotd smut#game of thrones smut#fluff fanfic
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Under the Devil’s Eye
Selethryth, a young lady with strange eyes and prophetic dreams, is both feared and revered in King Ecbert's court. Though he sees her as a powerful tool for his ambitions, it is Ivar, the brutal and unpredictable son of Ragnar, who is drawn to her. As their fates collide, Selethryth finds herself entangled in a dangerous game where her gifts may lead her into the arms of darkness.
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Chapter 2
Selethryth felt utterly exhausted, as if her body had been forged from lead. Ever since the night she dreamt of the raven, sleep had become her enemy. Every time she closed her eyes, the nightmare returned—always the same. The vision of the bird, flying alone in the darkened sky, tired and abandoned. Then the serpent, coiling around the raven and swallowing it whole, its death slow and inevitable. And after, the earth trembling beneath her, decaying and foul, while a dark figure appeared in the shadows, familiar blue eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity. The sea—the sea that devoured men and castles alike. And always, always, she was powerless, a silent witness the doom around her.
Each dream left her heart heavy, suffocated, as if a dark force had wrapped around her chest and was ready to crush her at any moment.
The King had grown restless after hearing about the raven, and since then, he summoned her every morning to ask what she had dreamt the night before. It was the only topic of conversation between them these days.
"Why do you keep pushing her to speak of this curse?" Her mother's voice broke the silence one night, trembling and low, as if she feared being overheard.
"The king has asked," her father replied quietly but tensely. "Who am I to deny him?"
"That man is a sinner. A dangerous, mad man," Lady Oswyth retorted, bitterness heavy in her voice, but also fear.
"Don't speak like that!" Lord Godric's voice was sharp, almost a whisper, but there was an unmistakable fear in it. "If the king hears—"
"If the king hears, it makes no difference," her mother whispered back. "We're already lost." She paused, her tone breaking. "But he doesn't see what I see. He doesn't understand the sign in her eyes... what she is."
"And the king doesn't want us to intervene. There will be no exorcism for her," her father said, trying to end the conversation, though his frustration was clear.
Oswyth sighed, her voice cracking. "You are condemning your daughter's soul for your own ambitions, Godric."
"Her soul has been lost since the day she was born!" Her father's words were harsh, like an old wound reopened. The anger was raw. "We knew it! She nearly killed you when you gave birth to her! And after her, you couldn't give me another child. We've always known, Oswyth!" His voice trembled with bitterness. "I thought we were cursed because of her. But the king... the king sees something else. And we've risen, like my father never could. I won't let anything ruin that."
Selethryth remained silent, hidden behind the ajar wooden door, shrouded in the darkness of her chamber. Her eyes lowered, and her heart ached as the cruel words pierced her. She had always known the truth of her birth—that she was the reason her mother had been unable to bear more children. The moment they had seen her eyes, they had known it was her fault. And now, hearing her father speak of it so openly, the weight of her existence pressed down on her, heavier than ever.
She slid down onto the cold floor, drawing her knees close to her chest, struggling to keep the sobs trapped within her. She could not allow herself to be heard, not even a sigh, as silent tears welled in her eyes. She didn't understand what she had done to deserve this. What had she done wrong? How had she offended the Lord, for Him to bring so much pain and dishonor to her family?
Selethryth had always tried to be a good Christian—going to church, learning everything that a noble lady was supposed to know—but none of it mattered. To them, she would always be a sinner. Always to blame. And there was nothing she could do to change their minds. To everyone, she would forever be a witch.
This pained her heart gravely.
"You're so quiet, child." Judith's voice broke through the silence, making Selethryth look up from her book. The lady was painting with careful hands, recreating a scene from the sacred scriptures. It was something Judith loved to do, though it was considered inappropriate for a lady—an indulgence that, by her position as the King's mistress, she was free to pursue. Women of her standing had the freedom to do things that others could not, like drawing or reading.
"Forgive me for not being good company, my lady," Selethryth apologized, her voice barely above a whisper. But Judith turned to her with softness in her eyes—eyes that no one else ever showed her. She was the only one who ever looked at her like that.
Selethryth still remembered when Judith had first feared her, when she had been labeled a witch—an accusation that had followed her like a shadow. But it didn't take long for Judith to grow fond of her, to see beyond the rumors and the fear. For Selethryth's mother, this was fitting. Judith, after all, was a woman with many flaws, living openly in her sins. To Oswyth, it made sense that she would not have ill thoughts about her daughter.
"Nonsense, Selethryth. You're always good company," Judith said gently, her gaze soft as she observed the young lady, who, after a long pause, found the strength to smile. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" she asked again, her brush never faltering as she continued painting.
Selethryth hesitated. She wanted to confide in Judith; she felt that the woman was the only one who might truly understand her. Judith had been the one to push her to read and study, to learn things she was never supposed to. And whenever someone spoke ill of her, it was Judith who had defended her without hesitation. But Judith was too close to the King for Selethryth to be completely honest with her. She could never speak of what had been said in her family's chamber, nor could she risk the royal family thinking her ungrateful. So, with a quiet breath, she decided to change the subject.
"I was reading about the Vikings," Selethryth said, her gaze dropping to the book in her hands.
"Vikings?" Judith asked with a curious tilt of her head. "What made them so interesting to you?"
"Magnus says he's the son of Ragnar Lothbrok," Selethryth replied, her voice soft.
Magnus, the son of the late Queen Kwenthrith, had been fathered by Ragnar Lothbrok during the war for Mercia. The very fact of his parentage had been the only reason Ecbert had agreed to raise him as his own.
"You've met him, haven't you?" Selethryth asked, her curiosity piqued. She saw Judith's expression shift to one of quiet nostalgia, a faint smile playing on her lips.
"You know I have," Judith replied, her voice tinged with something unreadable, though her smile was warm.
Selethryth, worried she had overstepped, realized the question had likely seemed unnecessary, considering Alfred's father had been one of Ragnar's most trusted companions.
"Was he truly as impressive as the stories say?" Selethryth asked, her voice full of wonder. She had read so much about the Vikings—their fierceness, their legends—and yet it was hard to believe such men existed outside of myth.
Judith nodded slowly, her eyes distant for a moment. "All of it is true," she said, her voice low and reverent. "He was an impressive warrior... with an even more impressive mind."
Then something on the page caught Selethryth's attention. She leaned in closer, her fingers tracing the edge of an illustration—a man, with a raven on his chest. She frowned, the image feeling oddly familiar. She turned the page back, her fingers trembling slightly, and found the same drawing, the same raven.
"Why a raven?" she muttered under her breath, unable to tear her eyes away from the image.
Judith, having noticed Selethryth's intense focus, hummed in curiosity and leaned in to see the drawing.
"You're looking at Ragnar," Judith said softly, almost as if speaking of an old friend. "The raven was his sigil."
Selethryth's breath caught in her throat as her gaze moved from Judith back to the drawing.
A raven...
She kept repeating to herself, It's just a drawing. There was no reason to think of it as anything more than what it was. She had dreamt of a bird dying. Nothing more. But she couldn't shake that strange feeling—like the image made sense. As if she were meant to look at it. But why would that be true?
She had never cared about Ragnar Lothbrok, why did she feel such a strong connection to that figure now?
She had never believed Ecbert's words. She had never believed that she had been blessed with prophetic dreams. They were just dreams, read by others, their meaning always coming later. Like with the first dream she had told him.
She had dreamt of a woman with black hair and a crown on her head, but suddenly the crown turned to ashes and the ground beneath her crawled away, as if it wanted to escape from her. But then, the same earth formed a bridge that led to King Ecbert, wearing an even bigger crown than the one he already wore. Both the people around him and those on the other side of the bridge bowed to him.
It held no meaning to her. There was no way she could have ever truly believed that the King would interpret this dream as a sign of his kingdom growing. But he did. And it happened again, and again. Every dream she shared seemed to follow a chance for Ecbert to expand his lands. And now, he ruled over the largest kingdom in England.
She had never wanted to believe that she had prophetic dreams. And she didn't want to believe it now. If she did, then the Devil really was her lover, and she didn't have a soul.
That thought terrified her. Was her destiny to be a dark creature? An empty one, causing pain and despair? Did she really have no soul? What would become of her when death came? Was she condemned to Hell?
But I have done nothing, she kept repeating to herself. She always did what her family expected of her, what the Lord had taught them to learn. She had done nothing to be hated like this.
And yet, that raven... that raven had scared her. The feeling it left behind terrified her even more.
"Why are you looking so pensive?" Eadgifu's voice made her look up from her needlework. Her sister was having her new dress fixed by the hands of Hilda. It was a gown of pale pink that matched perfectly with her sister's skin. On Eadgifu's face there was an excited smile as she observed herself in the mirror. "Are you worried about the feast of tomorrow night?"
Selethryth found herself smiling bitterly. She really wished that her mind could fix on those things, pretty dresses and feasts to meet suitors, but her mind kept coming back to the raven. The sadness that she felt in her dream, and the fear she had felt during the entire day.
"There's no reason to," Selethryth answered, meeting her sister's gaze through the glass, "You, however, must be excited."
Eadgifu's smile grew larger, "Mother said I'm ready to wed." She said with a dreamy expression. Marriage had always been her sister's greatest dream as they grew up.
"I'm sure you'll find an honorable man," Selethryth's words were enough to make Hilda look at her with unspoken fear. But Eadgifu didn't notice, as she giggled again.
"And handsome as well, I hope," she said before turning to Selethryth. "You could meet someone as well," Eadgifu insisted, but Selethryth looked down at her needlework again, with a little shake of her head.
"Only the Lord knows what plans He has for me," she said, folding the needle between her fingers. "For now, I must wait until He speaks through Father's mouth."
Eadgifu regarded her with a sad look, "Father knows that you'll have to wed, it is a woman's duty." Selethryth would have liked to ask her if it was the Witch of Wessex's duty as well. But she decided against it. Smiling at her sister to keep on with her needlework.
She was in the right age to marry, to be looking for a husband at least. But it was never the time. Lord Godric loved his high position at King Ecbert's court, but his presence was required because Selethryth was there. If she was to marry and leave for her husband's lands, what would become of Lord Godric? He would have to return to his own dark castle, and the king's attentions would be long forgotten. That, of course, if she would ever find a man daring enough to not be scared of superstitions. But Selethryth wasn't sure of it.
That night, her sleep had a form again, vivid as if she were awake.
Selethryth found herself standing at the edge of a vast and frozen lake, its surface smooth as glass, reflecting a stormy sky above. The wind howled through the barren trees at the lake's edge, their branches reaching toward the sky like skeletal hands, clawing at the air. The whole landscape felt dead, as if the world itself were holding its breath. The cold bit deep into her skin, and she shivered, but there was no warmth, no shelter to be found.
In the distance, two figures appeared, walking toward her across the frozen expanse. One was tall, shrouded in shadow, his form hidden beneath a dark cloak, but a raven flew beside him—its wings cutting through the air with a steady, rhythmic beat. The raven's presence felt both ominous and powerful, like a harbinger of change. The figure walked with a slow, deliberate pace, as if burdened by the weight of years, yet still possessing a quiet strength. He was the older figure, the one who had lived through much, but was now nearing the end of his journey.
The second figure was on the ground, but he radiated intensity. He slithered on the floor fast and urgent, almost as though he were driven by an unseen force. He seemed to move with a fury that contrasted sharply with the calmness of the first figure. His eyes, burning like blue fire, glinted with a sharpness that cut through the dim light. There was something in his gaze that was both haunting and intense, as though he had been touched by something beyond this world. His path was not one of peace, but of revenge.
As the figures drew closer, the sky above began to darken. The raven circling the older figure let out a sharp cry, and in an instant, a bolt of lightning struck down from the heavens, splitting the sky in two. The older figure stumbled, his cloak billowing around him, and fell to the ground. A cloud of shadow seemed to rise from the earth, swirling around him, until he was lost within it. The raven disappeared into the night, and the storm that had raged above seemed to swallow him whole.
But then, the second figure—the one with the burning blue eyes—stood tall, his face drawn in a fierce expression of grief and anger. He lifted his arms to the sky, and a great thunderclap followed, shaking the earth beneath her feet. He called out, his voice full of pain and rage, but also a powerful resolve. The sky above him seemed to tremble, as though the very heavens themselves were answering his cry. The storm intensified, lightning flashing with increasing frequency, each strike illuminating his face, now set in a mask of vengeance.
The power of the storm—the grief in his eyes—struck something deep within her, even if she could not quite understand the reason. She wanted to reach out, but the storm raged too fiercely, and the dream began to fade, pulling her back into the dark void. Her eyes shot open, and she realized she had been crying.
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