#raffles week
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Swapping tips on how to be a bestie in the bath.
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wayfayrr · 4 months
"Wait no you're not supposed to get hurt."
First of the 400 follower raffle winners!!! took a little longer to write than planned but it's here! This is for @the-moon-files and it's masc!human!reader with the chain, it doesn't touch on all of the hcs I have for humans/hylians but it's made very clear that there is a difference :3c
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“Um, [name]? Are you sure you don’t need a potion, that gash you got on your leg seems like it’ll get infected if you don’t use a potion or anything other than bandages.”
“Thanks for the concern sky but-”
“Yes, I know most potions don’t work for us. It’s why luv and bertie spent so long perfecting recipes that have any positive effect.”
Us? US? After months of traveling with the chain, having to explain new differences between me and them sky decides to drop a bomb like this???? Is he messing with me or something? My face must have said exactly what I’m thinking considering he pulled back with a nervous giggle. 
“I forgot to mention it, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, yeah you did. It would have been very nice to know I’m not the only human here earlier.”
“Sorry, I was so happy not being the only one anymore that I forgot… to actually tell you. But really can’t this whole thing wait until we’ve dealt with your injury?”
That’s fair, I’m still a tad bitter over it but I can understand. He’s got a look of guilt and concern on his own face now, his hands twitching and half reaching for the gash on my leg before pulling back reluctantly. Begging for my permission to help with puppy dog eyes glancing back and forth simply begging for approval. Hopefully he hasn't noticed that it's a bit worse than just a gash.
“If you’re sure that it won’t just be a waste of supplies then go ahead I guess.”
“I’m certain it’ll help you, not as much as it would the traveller or the champion but it’ll help.”
The potion feels strange in the wound as he goes about applying it, it’s almost similar to antiseptic but with less of a sting. Not anything like what I thought with how the other links down them like it’s honey or something, maybe they just taste a lot better than they feel. Maybe they’re just different for humans. No way to really tell. Before long he’s finished with that though, moving on to simply bandaging it. 
“Skyyyyyyyy you’ve been over here hogging his attention for ages when are y- oh I…”
It seems wind didn’t notice the reason sky’s been ‘hogging’ me then, does that mean that sky was just watching me in the battle. Probably just cause he’s enamored by not being the only human now, nothing to look into beyond that. I’m overthinking it. 
“[name]? When did - Twi said humans are invincible, how did you - how did they - You’re alright right?”
“I’m alright kiddo, sky’s just been helping me with some of his own potions.”
“Wait twi’s been saying what?”
Seems Sky’s just as shocked as I am, he wouldn’t have said anything otherwise, so this isn’t commonly known. Or true but that’s another thing. Was it his attempt at getting wind to not be so wound up that most potions and magic is about as effective on me as carrying water in a sieve. But that just means that if something were to happen, like maybe y’know - right now, he’s going to get more messed up than otherwise. Twilight wouldn’t do that, he’s a bit dense sometimes but he loves the sailor like a brother. Does that mean this is just something he believes himself? He grew up in ordon it’s not impossible.
“Wind please when did Twilight say that?”
“He said it when we found out [name] is a human, why are you so bothered by what twi is saying about him?” 
“I think sky is just worried about any rumours going around, no need to snap at him for it.”
“Yeah, just worried about rumours, yeah.”
“Well if anyone should be worried about those ‘rumours’ it should be ME - what if… what if you got hurt worse… we wouldn’t be able to - we wouldn’t know… even if we were to use a potion it'd just blend in with your blood and we could miss places...”
The exact reason why twilight shouldn’t have told wind this is happening right now, and I don’t know how to comfort him. He’s crying and stressed over me getting hurt despite sky-treating it, despite me being fine. It’s not like it’s just wind upset either, I don’t think I’ve seen sky so stressed in all the time I’ve known him. It’s almost like he’s been caught in a lie, wait now that I think about it his ears look hylian, has he not told the chain either? Too many questions and not enough time or words to get all the answers. And he knows I want them.
“I- I’m going to tell wild that he’ll need to make some more potions. I’ll send twi over as well if he’s not busy with anything else. Your leg should be fine now, just don’t move too quick or take the bandages off unless it’s to replace them with clean ones.”
And now sky’s gone, leaving me with an overwhelmed wind. Who looks honestly more confused over Sky leaving the way he did than upset over me being hurt, which is somewhat of an improvement I guess? It’s better than having him stressed out over a little gash. 
“Was it just me or was sky-”
“Really nervous? I’m sure he’s got a reason to be kiddo, who knows maybe he’s just anxious over me getting infected.”
Oh, I should not have said that, it’s like wind didn’t even consider that that could possibly happen. And now I’ve sparked his worry all over again. 
“hey I didn't mean to -”
“If you can get infected we've gotta be extra careful and and - [name] we've gotta tell time before he pushes you way too hard and something else happens.”
“Nothing else is gonna happen, I'm fine I promise you that.”
How long is he going to be pouting over me getting injured, it’s not a big deal, I’m not going to die or anything. 
"What're you two doin' that's causin' Sky to act up like some cuccos durin’ a lightnin' storm?"
His ears drooped faster than wolfies tail would start to wag if you offered him some pets. Which proves the fact that twilight wasn’t telling wind a lie to make him concerned for no reason, he genuinely thought that humans couldn’t be hurt. I - don’t really know what to think now, I mean it is good that it wasn’t him lying intentionally but how long has he lived with humans, how long has he had to learn that this isn’t true??? He’s what 24? Has Rusl or no one else gotten hurt in any of those twenty-four years? 
“Ya - ya got hurt ‘nd didn’t tell?”
“Well sky was helping me and then-”
“Neither of ya thought ta tell? Y’ain’t think I shoulda known?”
Is - is he going to start crying? I knew twi was pretty soft-hearted but to start crying over me not thinking to tell him about just a small little cut into my leg? Why’s he so personally offended that he wasn’t told any sooner, does he really care so much about someone he’s only met recently? 
“I mean, I thought that’s what sky was going over to you for?”
“I well yeah, yer right, that’s part of why he did.”
“Hey are we missing the point!? [Name] got HURT when you said humans were near invincible!”
“That really isn’t the important thing right now wind, I think twi only said that so you wouldn’t worry about me. Right?”
Go along with it, see on my face that I’m trying to get you to go along with this so that wind doesn’t get more stressed and just go along with it. Please. If he doesn’t then I will never be able to move on from this, and I don’t think that anyone would appreciate being lectured for something that you genuinely have no control over. 
“Ah righ’, wind you know I were only sayin’ that so you wouldn’t worry, yeah?”
“Oh sure you say that now, but before it was all ‘Humans were blessed to be invincible by the spirit ordona because of the goddess hylia’s hatred of them.”
“Aigh’, and I was tellin ya that so you won’t worry.” 
Well wind clearly doesn’t believe him, he doesn’t sound certain of himself either to be honest. But the sailor seems to be done stressing over it now, ran himself out of energy it seems. Nuzzling into my side with a pout. 
“Come on kiddo, it’s not worth a grudge with one of your big bros.”
No response, But a very disappointed twi now. Offended from me not apparently telling him fast enough or whatever, which just feels like a weird reason more than anything. Besides even that it’s not like he’s known me long, he really shouldn’t be as bothered as he is. 
“Wind please, I don’t think it’ll do me any good staying on the floor like this either.”
Hinting at something worse happening did just the trick as I hoped and got him up onto his feet, while giving me the silent treatment as twi helps me to my feet. Just gotta hope that the break won’t get any worse now that I'm standing. Or noticed. I’m already lucky enough that sky didn’t pick up on it, because I know that the second anyone learns it’s going to pull us all to a halt. Hell for all I know he’s hiding that he saw it to go tattle on me to time, never would have known that he could lie so well so I can only hope he won't use it like this. But what do I know, he could do anything just to get some extra sleep in.
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gotchibam · 11 months
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My pokemon ko-fi doodles are open once again! ✨
Price has been updated to $15 since I really do spend a bit of time on each request even tho I call them "doodles" (it's a bit misleading I knooow but I don't feel like changing what they're called now >_<). I'll keep the slots open until I reach my ko-fi goal for the month!
Requests can be made here! → https://ko-fi.com/gotchibam/commissions
You can view the queue / backlog of requests here: → https://trello.com/b/ty1kyZec/gotchibam-pokemon-ko-fi-doodles
Thank you so much!!! 💕
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hyolks · 11 months
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as a thank you for 10k, i am holding an art raffle!! ✨✨
the rules are simple: you must be following me (hyolks) and please tell me a strange dream you've had!! thats it!!!
i await to hear your weird dreams o7 you have until december 1st!!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/29/2024 - 06/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Guz Khan; Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; How To Fuck Off With Con O'Neill: CW; AdoptOurCrew Charity Raffle Update; Gold Derby Voting; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Quick sighting of Rhys with Kirk Thatcher and another commercial for FFXIV!
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Source: kirkrthatcher's Instagram
Source: FFXIV's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Quick shot of Taika and Rita with Andy Hernden!
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Source: Andyhernden's Instagram
= Guz Khan =
A shot of Guz with Mark Silcox-- apparently this is a hint at Season 5 of Guz' show Man Like Mobeen!
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Source: Guz Khan Official Twitter
== Vico Ortiz ==
Lots more sightings of Vico out and about!
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Source: Vico Ortiz Instagram
== Rachel House ==
Yet another chat show with Rachel house!
Source: The Last Video Store instagram
CW: Con O'Neill in Underwear under the cut.
== How to Fuck Off w/ Con O'Neill ==
Many of our crewmates attended the Momentus class with Con O'Neill on Saturday! When Samba did his cooking class, the video was released to youtube a week or so later so hopefully this one will be too. I did try to transcribe some of the information, if it is quoted it should be word for word minus uhms. Non quoted is paraphrased. This was 3 hours long if you did the meet and greet so I've only added what I was able to get through. If I have time I'll transcribe more.
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Con showed up on camera with no pants on
Re Izzy: When David approached him, Izzy was just a thought, a husk yet to be formed
David saw Izzy as a Salieri from Amadeus, or Iago (from Othello)
Con "Agreed with David" but also "saw [Izzy] as a man desperately, painfully in love. So his passion, and his anger, and his fear and his love, all erupted in his expletives, i loved him from the off, I loved his directness, I loved his fearlessness, pain, and of course his fabulous use of profanities"
Con then taught the class how to do various types of "fucks" "shits", "twats" etc.
Some fun quotes:
"A happy shit is one with a smile"
"A sad shit is one you say with a frown"
"Everyone give me an orgasmic twat"
Some Transcribed BTS Info:
"In Season 1 I was terrified of ad-libbing, improv, which I've said many times. We had great writers and everything we needed was on the page-- Except for the day 'Daddy' came to visit."
"I have no idea where that line came from, no idea which part of my dark perverted psyche it erupted from but as soon as it was out, it was out."
"In Season 2, again, everything I needed was on the page, our writers are/were will always be spectacular, they gave Izzy such beautiful stuff, and I will be forever grateful to them, to David Jenkins, to the whole cast and crew, and to you all for your continued support."
"But towards the end of the shoot, we were filming the tavern scene with me and Erroll, aka Ricky and it was the 'belonging to something' which was so beautifully written it took my breath away."
"And we shot many many takes, and I was tired, and emotional, and I knew we had it nearly. There was something missing. There was a beat, a moment to end what was really Izzy's epitaph. And then-- our brilliant director Fernando came up to me and he whispered in my ear 'we'll do one more take, let him go' and we started the take and I could feel myself getting emotional."
"This was Izzy's big moment, it had to be right, it had to be right, and then as we reached this final line, instead of what was written, I heard Izzy say: 'and you are a rancid syphilitic cunt' and to my dying day, I will never ever understand how we got that on the telly, but we did because sometimes in life only a rancid syphillitic cunt will suffice."
== Adopt Our Crew Pride Month Charity Raffle Update ==
Well done everyone! $7041.72 was raised for 148 LGBTQ+ charities around the world! Thank you so much to @adoptourcrew for all the wonderful work they did and all our crewmates for all the donated art, writing, crafts, etc to make this happen!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Gold Derby Voting ==
Rhys, Taika, and Our Flag Means Death are up for some more nominations-- this time the Gold Derby for best Comedy Series / Comedy Actors! It does require you to sign up, but if you'd like to add to the nominations you can follow this handy guide:
Thank you to @adoptourcrew for sharing the goldderby information!
Source: AdoptOurCrew's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More cast cards from our dear @melvisik!
Simone Grace: "Tonight's is another Emmy submission "for Outstanding Period Costumes in a Series for Impossible Birds" - @adoptourcrew"
Francesco Toby: "Credited as Jean Luc, the beret-wearing French sailor in Pete's story."
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
= OFMD Colouring Pages! =
Once again our kind and wonderful friend @PatchworkPirateBear has more colouring pages for Pride month! Hosted by @adoptourcrew! Wanna following PatchworkPirateBear for more colouring pages? Visit their socials!:  Instagram / Twitter / Tumblr 
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Tumblr
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
There's a new episode by our lovely friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This time a ranking of the top 10 Rhys Darby moments by members of the Rhys Darby Faction! Visit https://linktr.ee/ofmff to pick out your favourite listening platform!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Big Gay Energy Pod ==
Another episode of Big Gay Energy Pod! This time covering Season 2 Episodes 5/6! Check them out on Youtube, or their https://linktr.ee/biggayenergypod!
Source: Big Gay Energy Pod Instagram
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
As you may remember, our crewmates over at @garlicsoupweek have been hosting a wonderful prompt week for our favorite Polycule! I would love to do a much bigger fan spotlight, but I was only able to get permission from some of the artists to share-- so I'll do more if I can get more permissions from folks! You can also scroll through all the awesome art/writing/edits on @garlicsoupweek!
= OhTangerine=
First up is the absolute stunning work done by @ohtangerines on Instagram and here on tumblr! The faces, and background detail is just so amazing-- please visit them on instagram or here on tumblr to check out more of their awesome work! Check them out on the various socials on their carrd! https://ohtangerines.carrd.co/
Source: @ohtangerines's Instagram
= Sonorawent =
Next up for Teal Oranges is our dear crewmate @sonorawent! Check out their incredibly gorgeous water colour of our Jim and Oluwande! I adore the colour blending! You can follow them on Twitter / Tumblr!
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Source: sonorawent's Twitter
= Blackbeardskneebrace =
Our next artist spotlight is none other than the magnificent @blackbeardskneebrace! You may recognise them from their wide variety of artwork styles (medieval, peanuts, tradition, etc) whatever style they decide to create in -- they've gifted this fandom with such beautiful work! Please visit their tumblr, or their Ko-fi, or their twitter for more brilliant work!
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Source: BlackbeardsKneeBrace's Tumblr
= _SilverSheep =
Next up on our fan spotlight for the evening is @_silversheep on twitter! This adorable rendition of Cambell's Soup has such cute details hidden in the label, I'm so glad she was kind enough to allow me to share it with you! You can check them out here on their twitter, or her https://linktr.ee/asisherright !
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Source: _Silversheep's Twitter
= LibroseITM =
Back again is our absolutely lovely @libroseitm! They were kind enough to let me share this steamy scene with our Polycule for @garlicsoupweek based off of Sense8! Want to check out more of their work? Visit @libroseitm on Tumblr, or Twitter for more beautiful work from LIb!
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Source: LibRoseITM's Twitter
= ipomoea-batatas =
Next in our fan spotlight is the briliiant @ipomoea-batatas! I cannot tell you how much I adore the detail on their work! Look at those faces, it's like looking at our dear Archie, Jim, and Olu in person! Capturing Olu's smile and excitement is no small feat too! Wanna check out more of their awesome OFMD art? Please visit their tumblr here on tumblr!
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Source: ipomoea-batatas's Tumblr
= TheseAreTheKids =
Another incredibly talented crewmate - thesearethekids on twitter put together this very sweet cross-stitch pattern for our polycule! She was kind enough to make a downloadable PDF chart and put it up on her Ko-Fi as well so you can work on it yourself. Want to follow them for more cross stitch/embroidery fun? Visit their Twitter!
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Source: TheseAreTheKids Twitter
= ErosTheArtist =
Back again with more artwork from the lovely @erostheartist! This time with our Polycule in the Teal Orange outfits! I love it! Love their work? Follow them here on tumblr, or on instagram/check out their https://linktr.ee/eros_the_artist!
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Source: Eros The Artist Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I hope you had a wonderful weekend-- and an even better pride month! There has been so much queer joy this month-- and everyone's been celebrating being themselves and celebrating all the wonderful people around them-- and I'm so very happy so many of you have gotten to experience that. If you aren't out yet, or pride isn't your thing, or maybe this month is always tough on you, that's okay too. Your safety, and comfort is more important than anything, so please don't feel bad if you aren't experiencing that joy like others are. Just know that no matter what stage of your journey you are in-- your crew loves and cares for you. I wanted to send a gentle reminder, I know that after so much excitement, sometimes our brains can rebound a bit and go the same distance in the other direction. This is perfectly normal lovelies, so if you feel a bit sad tomorrow or the upcoming month, just remember to take it in stride. If you are feeling heavy feelings, remember to embrace them and acknowledge them, and let them go in your own time. No matter what gender, sexuality, or various degree of queer you are, or not queer at all, please know that you are so very loved crew. Truly truly loved. You are beautiful, and unique, and brilliant, and wonderful, and no one gets to say otherwise, okay?
Rest well lovelies, tomorrow is another day.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's gif just exudes Last Day of Pride Month for me -- as well as running straight into July's Queer Wrath! Tonight's gif courtesy of the wonderful @edsrosetattoo!
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Bunny for the Ides of March!
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mmmairon · 2 years
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rotclaw · 4 months
for the first time on FR i've dropped 2 mil T on roundsey in the hopes of getting a light sprite
it's not much compared to what regular winners spend, i'm sure. i'm expecting to get the arcane halo. or nothing at all
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atissi · 2 years
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i’ll be real i did kinda forget how to draw him but im back in business now
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northern-passage · 4 months
The contributor submission form is now closed!
Thank you everyone, we got over 50 responses!! We will be sending out the final invites today. If you have not done so already, PLEASE check your DMs or friend requests over on discord so we can get you into the server. If our DM was swallowed by tumblr/we missed you then please message me on this blog or just add me directly on discord @/butchcowboy. We want to get started as soon as possible.
We'll give at least a week for the remaining people to trickle in (and for everyone to fill out the new form), but if you haven't joined the server or haven't filled out the form before we launch the drive, you will not be included. The earliest start we're aiming for is June 5th.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Old Men(tor) Big Naturals
(for @3luecactuz)
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gargoyle-steven-au · 1 month
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First prize art raffle drawing for @midnightstevenau
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kitausuret · 1 month
hate when I resist using something out of spite but then I decide to give it a try and I really like it and it's as much fun as people said and I have to admit that maybe my opinion. was wrong.
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owleics-fr · 8 months
apologies for the silly question, but is the account investigation for any roundsey winners or just anyone who wins kickstarter prizes?
Hey anon, no such thing as a silly question! As my name isnt undel I unfortunately can't answer this for certain (and if it was i would give myself a boolean for free) but I'm fairly sure theyre just going to be investigating the "big prize" winners. So yeah kickstarter items and such. I doubt if you're one of the 60 paunchy red percher winners theyre gonna bother giving your account a look over. Again! I could be wrong about this but I'd like to hope devs have better things to be getting on with
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dian-mian · 1 year
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Thank you guys for 500+ followers ‼️
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As promised, I will host an Art raffle to celebrate this milestone! I am grateful to all of you who followed me and showed me support, even with my self indulgent art. I hope you'll stick around longer!
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I will announce the winners at 23 August or later, and I'll DM the winners for their request
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
07/01-02/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Gizmo Darby; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Kristian Nairn; Samba Schutte; Adopt Our Crew Charity Raffle Results; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Gizmo Darby ==
Rhys has been active posting about Gizmo on Facebook!
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Source: Rhys Darby's Facebook Stories
== Rhys Darby ==
MORE TURAL commercials! Please don't stop Rhys, these are so much fun.
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika out cooking with Andy Hearnden!
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Source: FloodyWastaken's Instagram
== David Jenkins ==
Okay so this isn't exactly a Chaos Dad Sighting, but it IS a sighting of David and Kinga's new pup SimoneLeBone.
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Source: David Jenkins Instagram
== Kristian Nairn ==
Some more shots of Kristian from his trip to Yorkshire Comic Con
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Source: stuwhittaker_photography Instagram
== Jes Tom ==
Some shots of Jes at their show Corporate Pride!
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Source: Jes Tom's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Guess who's coming to Florida Supercon 2024? You guessed it! Vico! It'll happen in Miami Beach, FL, July 12-14, 2024. To buy tickets, visit: floridasupercon.com
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Guess who else is going to be at Florida SuperCon? Samba! Once again, it'll be at Miami Beach, FL, July 12-14, 2024. To buy tickets, visit: floridasupercon.com
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Adopt Our Crew Raffle Winners ==
Adopt Our Crew's Charity Raffle Winners have been pulled! Wanna see if you've won? Visit any of @adoptourcrew's socials! Tumblr / Instagram / Twitter
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Tumblr
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
I ran out of image space last issue but I wanted to highlight some more fabulous work-- this time check out @watercolourcritters and their fun and adorable submissions for @garlicsoupweek! I absolutely adore the sweet tenderness in each drawing. I also can't get over the awkward family photo, it made my day <3 Feel free to check them out over on their tumblr or Instagram | Etsy | Tip Jar!
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Source: @watercolourcritters Tumblr
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
The darling @melvisik gave us yet another fantastic crew member tonight, Nancy Hennah! She's also an "Emmy submission (Outstanding Period or Fantasy/Sci-Fi Make Up for Calypso's Birthday) P.S. Did not know she and Ra were married!" Also, thank you to @xray-vex for mentioning, she's the fantastic crew member that brought Ed's Tattoos to life!
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Source: Melvisik's Twitter
= Never Left Podcast =
Episode 24 is out! This week they're talking about Ed and Physical Touch! Check them out on Spotify or at on their https://linktr.ee/neverleftpodcast!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
New mini episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction - this time Murders at the Inn by ahopelessnecromantic! Read by Carly Heath. You can find it on your favorite listening platform on their https://linktr.ee/ofmff!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Loves Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. It's been a rough couple days for everyone, everyone I talk to is either not sleeping or having a bit of a rough time of it. Please remember to get some rest. Take a break, drink some water, step away from the computer, and go outside for a while. If you can, sit in the sun for a few minutes, take your shoes off and run them through some grass. Remember that the world is still turning, and it is lovely, and it is beautiful, and so are you.
Take care of yourselves lovelies <3
Some love notes from thelatestkate:
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Just a reminder one of the reasons we love this show. Those smiles <3 Today's gif courtesy of @livelovecaliforniadreams!
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